This document contains a learning competency directory for the disciplines of counseling, social work, and communication. It outlines various topics, competencies, and learning activities for each discipline. The directory includes 5 sections for each discipline: 1) definitions and principles, 2) professionals and practitioners, 3) clientele and audiences, 4) settings, processes and tools, and 5) services, processes and methods. Learning activities such as discussion, recitation, written tests, and interviews are paired with each competency to be delivered between June and September 2017.
This document contains a learning competency directory for the disciplines of counseling, social work, and communication. It outlines various topics, competencies, and learning activities for each discipline. The directory includes 5 sections for each discipline: 1) definitions and principles, 2) professionals and practitioners, 3) clientele and audiences, 4) settings, processes and tools, and 5) services, processes and methods. Learning activities such as discussion, recitation, written tests, and interviews are paired with each competency to be delivered between June and September 2017.
This document contains a learning competency directory for the disciplines of counseling, social work, and communication. It outlines various topics, competencies, and learning activities for each discipline. The directory includes 5 sections for each discipline: 1) definitions and principles, 2) professionals and practitioners, 3) clientele and audiences, 4) settings, processes and tools, and 5) services, processes and methods. Learning activities such as discussion, recitation, written tests, and interviews are paired with each competency to be delivered between June and September 2017.
This document contains a learning competency directory for the disciplines of counseling, social work, and communication. It outlines various topics, competencies, and learning activities for each discipline. The directory includes 5 sections for each discipline: 1) definitions and principles, 2) professionals and practitioners, 3) clientele and audiences, 4) settings, processes and tools, and 5) services, processes and methods. Learning activities such as discussion, recitation, written tests, and interviews are paired with each competency to be delivered between June and September 2017.
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DISCIPLINE AND IDEAS BOOK DATE OF ACTIVITIES/EXERCISE TITLE & TOPIC/CONTENT COMPETENCIES/CODE DELIVERY S TO BE USED PAGE NUMBER 1.1 Definition of Clarify the relationships between June 14, 2017 Discussion, Recitation and Pages 1-4 Social Sciences social sciences and applied social Written test sciences/HUMMS_DIASS 12- 1.2 Definition of Ia-1 June 16, 2017 Applied Social Discussion, Recitation and Sciences Cite differences among the Written test applied social sciences/HUMMS_DIASS 12- Ia-2 1. Counseling Identify the goals and scope of June 19-22, Discussion, Recitation, Pages 5-12 1.1 Definitions counseling/HUMMS_DIASS 12- 2017 Written test and 1.1.1 Goals Ib-3 Reporting 1.1.2 Scope 1.1.3 Core Values Demonstrate comprehension of 1.1.4 Principles the principles of counseling/HUMMS_DIASS 12- Ib-4 Discuss the core value of counseling/HUMMS_DIASS 12- Ib-5 2. Professionals and Show understanding of the roles June 23, Discussion, Recitation, Pages 13-18 Practitioners in and functions of 2017 Written test and counseling counselors/HUMMS_DIASS 12- Interview 2.1 Roles, Ic-6 functions and competencies of Identify specific work areas in counselors which counselors 2.2 Areas of work/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ic-7 specialization where counselors work Identify career opportunities 2.3 Career for counselor/HUMSS_DIASS opportunities of 12-Ic-8 counselors 2.4 Rights, Value rights, responsibilities, and responsibilities, and accountabilities/HUMSS_DIASS code of ethics 12-Ic-9
Distinguish between ethical and
unethical behaviors among counselors/HUMMS_DIASS 12- Ic-10 3. Clientele and Describe the clientele and June 26, Discussion, Recitation, Pages 19-25 Audiences in audience of 2017 Written test and Counseling counseling/HUMSS_DIASS 12- Interview 3.1 Characteristics Id-11 and needs of various types of clientele and audiences 3.1.1 Individuals 3.1.2 Groups and Organizations 3.1.3 Communities 4. Settings, Identify the settings in which June 28, Discussion, Recitation and Pages 26-31 Processes, counselors are 2017 Written test Methods, and Tools found/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Id- in Counseling 12/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Id-13 4.1 Settings 3.1.1 Government 3.1.2 Private Sector 3.1.3 Civil Society 3.1.4 Schools 3.1.5 Community 5. Counseling Illustrate the different June 30, Discussion, Recitation and Pages 32-34 services, processes, processes and method involved in 2017 Written test and methods undertaking counseling/HUMSS_DIASS 12- Id-14 Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations and communities/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Id-15 SOCIAL WORK 1. The Discipline of Identify the goals and scope of July 4-11, Discussion, Reporting, Pages 35-42 Social Work social work/HUMSS_DIASS 12- 2017 Written test and 1.1 Social Work Ie-16 Recitation 1.1.1 Definitions 1.1.2 Goals Demonstrate comprehension of 1.1.3 Scope the principles of social 1.1.4 Core Values work/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-17 1.1.5 Principles Discuss the core values of social work/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ie-18 2. Professionals and Show an understanding of the July 12-25, Discussion, Reporting, Pages 43-55 Practitioners in roles and functions of social 2017 Written test and social work workers/HUMSS_DIASS 12-If- Recitation 2.1 Roles, functions 19 and competencies in social workers Identify specific work areas in 2.2 Areas of which social workers specialization in work/HUMSS_DIASS 12-If-20 which social workers work Identify career opportunities for 2.3 Career social workers/HUMSS_DIASS opportunities of 12-If-21 social workers 2.4 Rights, Value rights, responsibilities and responsibilities, accountabilities/HUMSS_DIASS accountabilities and 12-If-23 code of ethics Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among practitioners/HUMSS/DIASS 12-If-23 3. Clientele and Describe the clientele and July 26- Pages 56-68 Audiences in Social audience of social August 9, Work work/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ig-24 2017 3.1 Characteristics and needs of Distinguish the needs of various types of individuals, groups, organizations clientele and and audiences communities/HUMSS_DIASS 3.1.1 Individuals 12-Ig-25 3.1.2 Groups and Organizations 3.1.3 Communities 4. Settings, Identify the settings in which August 10, Discussion, Recitation, Pages 69-75 Processes, Methods social workers are 2017 Written test and and tools in Social found/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ig-26 Reporting Work 4.1 Settings 3.1.1 Government 3.1.2 Private Sector 3.1.3 Civil Society 3.1.4 Schools 3.1.5 Community 5. Social work Illustrate the different August 14, Discussion, Recitation and Pages 76-77 services, processes and methods involved 2017 Written test processes, and in undertaking social methods work/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ig-27 COMMUNICATION 1. The Discipline of Identify the goals and scope of August 15-24, Discussion, Recitation, and Pages 77-83 Communication communication/HUMSS_DIASS 2017 Written test 1.1 Communication 12-Ih-28 1.1.1 Definitions 1.1.2 Goals Demonstrate comprehension of 1.1.3 Basic elements the principles of of communication communication/HUMSS_DIASS process 12-Ih-29 1.1.4 Levels of communication Discuss the core values of Communication/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ih-30
Describe the elements and levels
of the communication processes/HUMSS_DIASS 12- Ih-31 2. Professionals and Show understanding of the roles August 25- Discussion, Recitation, and Pages 84-90 Practitioners in and functions of communicators September 7, Written test communication and journalists/HUMSS_DIASS 2017 2.1 Roles, functions 12-Ij-32 and competencies of communicators Identify specific work areas in and journalists which communicators and 2.2 Areas of journalist work/HUMSS_DIASS specialization in 12-Ij-33 which communicators and Identify career opportunities for journalists work communicators and 2.3 Career journalists/HUMSS_DIASS 12- opportunities of Ij-34 communicators and journalists Value rights, responsibilities, and 2.4 Rights, accountabilities/HUMSS_DIASS Responsibilities, 12-Ij-35 Accountabilities, and Code of Ethics Distinguish between ethical and unethical behaviors among practitioners/HUMSS_DIASS 12-Ij-36 3. Clientele and Describe the clientele and September 8- Discussion, Recitation, Pages 91-95 Audiences in audience of 13,2017 Written test and Communication communication/HUMSS_DIASS Observation 3.1 Characteristics 12-IIa-37 and needs of various types of Distinguish the needs of clientele and individuals, groups, organizations, audiences and 3.1.1 Individuals communities/HUMSS_DIASS 3.1.2 Groups and 12-Iia-38 Organizations 3.1.3 Communities 4. Settings, Identify the settings in which September Discussion, Recitation, Pages 96- Processes, communicators and journalists 14-19, 2017 Written test, Observation 105 Methods, and Tools can be found/HUMSS_DIASS and Research in communication 12-IIa-39 4.1 Settings 4.1.1 Government Illustrate the different 4.1.2 Private processes and methods involved Sector in undertaking 4.1.3 Civil Society communication/HUMSS_DIASS 4.1.4 Schools 12-Iia-40 4.1.5 Community
5. Communication Distinguish the appropriate September Discussion, Recitation, Pages 106-
media channels communication media channel to 20, 2017 Written test and 109 5.1 Mass media use in different settings and Observation 5.2 New media and situations/HUMSS_DIASS 12- Social media IIa-41 5.3 Telecommunications IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL SIENCES 6. Functions of Explain each of the function of September Discussion, Research, Pages 110- Social Sciences applied Social 21, 2017 Recitation and Written 123 6.1 Self- Sciences/HUMSS_DIASS 12- test development IIa-42 6.2 Persuasion 6.3 Art and Identify situations that would Entertainment require or necessitate the 6.4 News and performance of the various Information functions in local/Philippine 6.5 Organizing settings/HUMSS_DIASS 12- advocacy and Iib-d-43 mobilization 6.6 Education 6.7 Socialization 7. Effects of Analyze the effect of applied October 2, Pages 124- Applied Social social sciences processes on 2017 139 Sciences processes individuals, groups, and 7.1 Awareness and society/HUMMS_DIASS 12-IIe- knowledge, i.e, i-45 social media, self- understanding 7.2 Attitude and value change, i.e., disaster risk reduction, and climate change, the bahala na habit 7.3 Behavioral change, i.e., power and corruption, conflict management and peace building process, risk assessment behavior 7.4 Structural change, i.e., personal and family relations, gender, overseas migration of OFW, domestic violence, single parenting, community life, criminality, substance abuse