United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,774,911 B2: Sun Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 2010
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,774,911 B2: Sun Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 2010
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,774,911 B2: Sun Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 17, 2010
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U.S. Patent Aug. 17, 2010 Sheet 2 of 6 US 7,774,911 B2
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U.S. Patent Aug. 17, 2010 Sheet 3 of 6 US 7,774,911 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 17, 2010 Sheet 4 of 6 US 7,774,911 B2
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U.S. Patent Aug. 17, 2010 Sheet 6 of 6 US 7,774,911 B2
US 7,774,911 B2
1. 2
METHOD FORATTENUATING DRIVELINE (e.g., wall thickness) and/or can change the critical speed of
VIBRATIONS the propshaft. Moreover, as the plugs tend to be relatively
short, they typically would not effectively attenuate shell
The present invention generally relates to shaft assemblies mode vibration or torsion mode vibration.
for transmitting rotary power in a driveline and more particu U.S. Pat. No. 3,075,406 to Butler Jr., et al. appears to
larly to a method for attenuating driveline vibrations trans disclose a single damper that is inserted to a hollow shaft. The
mitted through a shaft assembly. damper includes a pair of resilient members, which friction
The consumers of modern automotive vehicles are increas ally engage the interior Surface of the hollow shaft, and a
ingly influenced in their purchasing decisions and in their metal bar that is suspended within the interior of the hollow
opinions of the quality of a vehicle by their satisfaction with 10 shaft by the resilient members. The 406 patent explains that
the vehicle's Sound quality. In this regard, consumers increas at the resonant vibration frequency of the propeller shaft, “the
ingly expect the interior of the vehicle to be quiet and free of motion of the mass is out of phase with the radial motion of
noise from the power train and driveline. Consequently, the tubular propeller shaft”. Accordingly, the damper of the
vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers are under constant 406 patent appears to be a reactive damper for attenuating
pressure to reduce noise to meet the increasingly stringent 15 bending mode vibration. As used herein, reactive attenuation
expectations of consumers. of vibration refers to a mechanism that can oscillate in oppo
Driveline components and their integration into a vehicle sition to the vibration energy to thereby “cancel out a portion
typically play a significant role in Sound quality of a vehicle as of the vibration energy. The damper of the 406 patent appears
they can provide the forcing function that excites specific to be ineffective at attenuating torsion mode vibration and
driveline, Suspension and body resonances to produce noise. shell mode vibration due to its relatively short length and its
Since this noise can be tonal in nature, it is usually readily contact with a relatively small portion of the interior surface
detected by the occupants of a vehicle regardless of other of the propshaft.
noise levels. Common driveline excitation Sources can U.S. Pat. No. 2,751,765 to Rowland et al., U.S. Pat. No.
include driveline imbalance and/or run-out, fluctuations in 4,014,184 to Stark and U.S. Pat. Nos. 4909,361 and 5,976,
engine torque, engine idle shake, and motion variation in the 25 021 to Starket al. disclose hollow liners for a propshaft. The
meshing gear teeth of the hypoid gear set (i.e., the pinion gear 765 and 184 patents appear to disclose hollow multi-ply
and the ring gear of a differential assembly). cardboard liners that are press-fit to the propshaft; the card
Motion variation is the slight variation in angular displace board liners are relatively long and appear to extend Substan
ment between the input and output gears of a gear set. This tially coextensively with the hollow shaft. The 361 and 021
variation is typically very Small and can be on the order oftens 30 patents appear to disclose liners having a hollow cardboard
of millionths of an inch (measured tangentially at the pitch core and a helical retaining Strip that extends a relatively short
line of the gear) for a modern automotive differential assem distance (e.g., 0.03 inch) from the outside diameter of the
bly. Motion variation is typically not constant (e.g., it will core. The retaining strip has high frictional properties to fric
typically vary as a function of load, temperature, gearset build tionally engage the propshaft. Accordingly, the liners of the
position, and break-in wear) and moreover, it cannot be 35 765, 184, 361 and 021 patents appear to disclose a resis
reduced beyond certain levels without severe economic pen tive means for attenuating shell mode vibration. These liners,
alties. however, do not appear to be suitable for attenuating bending
Propeller (prop) shafts are typically employed to transmit mode vibration or torsion mode vibration.
rotary power in a driveline. Modern automotive propshafts In view of the foregoing, there remains a need in the art for
are commonly formed of relatively thin-walled steel or alu 40 an improved method for damping various types of vibrations
minum tubing and as such, can be receptive to various driv in a hollow shaft. This method facilitates the damping of shell
eline excitation sources. The various excitation sources can mode vibration as well as the damping of bending mode
typically cause the propshaft to vibrate in a bending (lateral) vibration and/or torsion mode vibration.
mode, a torsion mode and a shell mode. Bending mode vibra
tion is a phenomenon wherein energy is transmitted longitu 45 SUMMARY
dinally along the shaft and causes the shaft to bend at one or
more locations. Torsion mode vibration is a phenomenon In one form, the present teachings provide a method for
wherein energy is transmitted tangentially through the shaft manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline system. The
and causes the shaft to twist. Shell mode vibration is a phe driveline system can include a first driveline component and
nomenon wherein a standing wave is transmitted circumfer 50 a second driveline component and the shaft assembly can be
entially about the shaft and causes the cross-section of the configured to transmit torque between the first driveline com
shaft to deflect or bend along one or more axes. ponent and the second driveline component. The method can
Several techniques have been employed to attenuate vibra include: providing a hollow shaft member, and inserting at
tions in propshafts including the use of weights and liners. least one liner into the shaft member, the at least one liner
U.S. Pat. No. 2,001,166 to Swennes, for example, discloses 55 being configured for damping shell mode vibrations in the
the use of a pair of discrete plugs or weights to attenuate shaft member by an amount that is greater than or equal to
vibrations. The weights of the 166 patent are frictionally about 2%, the at least one liner also being configured for
engaged to the propshaft at experimentally-derived locations damping bending mode vibrations in the shaft member, the at
and as such, it appears that the weights are employed as a least one liner being tuned to within about +20% of a bending
resistive means to attenuate bending mode vibration. As used 60 mode natural frequency of the shaft assembly as installed in
herein, resistive attenuation of vibration refers to a vibration the driveline system.
attenuation means that deforms as vibration energy is trans In anotherform, the present teachings provide a method for
mitted through it (i.e., the vibration attenuation means) so that manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline system. The
the vibration attenuation means absorbs (and thereby attenu driveline system can include a first driveline component and
ates) the vibration energy. While this technique can be effec 65 a second driveline component and the shaft assembly can be
tive, the additional mass of the weights can require changes in configured to transmit torque between the first driveline com
the propshaft mounting hardware and/or propshaft geometry ponent and the second driveline component. The method can
US 7,774,911 B2
3 4
include: providing a hollow shaft member, and inserting at FIG. 10 is a perspective view of a second liner for damping
least one liner into the shaft member, the at least one liner a propshaft in accordance with the teachings of the present
being configured for damping shell mode vibrations in the disclosure;
shaft member by an amount that is greater than or equal to FIG. 11 is a perspective view of a third liner for damping a
about 2%, the at least one liner also being tuned to within propshaft in accordance with the teachings of the present
about +20% of a natural frequency of the driveline system in disclosure;
a torsion mode. FIG. 12 is a section view of a fourth liner for damping a
In anotherform, the present teachings provide a method for propshaft in accordance with the teachings of the present
manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline system. The disclosure;
driveline system can include a first driveline component and 10 FIG. 13 is a perspective view of a fifth liner for damping a
a second driveline component and the shaft assembly can be propshaft in accordance with the teachings of the present
configured to transmit torque between the first driveline com disclosure; and
ponent and the second driveline component. The method can FIG. 14 is a perspective view of a sixth liner for damping a
include: providing a hollow shaft member, tuning a mass and propshaft in accordance with the teachings of the present
a stiffness of at least one liner; and inserting the at least one 15 disclosure.
liner into the shaft member. The at least one liner is a tuned
resistive absorber for attenuating shell mode vibrations and is DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIOUS
a tuned reactive absorber for attenuating bending mode vibra EMBODIMENTS
In still another form, the present teachings provide a With reference to FIG. 1 of the drawings, an exemplary
method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driveline vehicle constructed in accordance with the teachings of the
system. The driveline system can include a first driveline present disclosure is generally indicated by reference
component and a second driveline component and the shaft numeral 10. The vehicle 10 can include an engine 14 and a
assembly can be configured to transmit torque between the driveline 16. The driveline 16 can include a transmission 18,
first driveline component and the second driveline compo 25 a propshaft assembly 20, a rear axle 22 and a plurality of
nent. The method can include: providing a hollow shaft mem wheels 24. The engine 14 can produce rotary power that can
ber, tuning a mass and a stiffness of at least one liner; and be transmitted to the transmission 18 in a conventional and
inserting the at least one liner into the shaft member. The at well known manner. The transmission 18 can be convention
least one liner is a tuned resistive absorber for attenuating ally configured and can include a transmission output shaft
shell mode vibrations and is a tuned reactive absorber for 30 18a and a gear reduction unit (not specifically shown). AS is
attenuating torsion mode vibrations. well known in the art, the gear reduction unit can change the
Further areas of applicability will become apparent from speed and torque of the rotary power provided by the engine
the description provided herein. It should be understood that such that a rotary output of the transmission 18 (which can be
the description and specific examples are intended for pur transmitted through the transmission output shaft 18a) can
poses of illustration only and are not intended to limit the 35 have a relatively lower speed and higher torque than that
Scope of the present disclosure. which was input to the transmission 18. The propshaft assem
bly 20 can be coupled for rotation with the transmission
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS output member 18a to permit drive torque to be transmitted
from the transmission 18 to the rear axle 22 where it can be
The drawings described herein are for illustration purposes 40 selectively apportioned in a predetermined manner to the left
only and are not intended to limit the scope of the present and right rear wheels 24a and 24b, respectively.
disclosure in any way. It will be appreciated that while the vehicle in the particular
FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of an exemplary vehicle example provided employs a driveline with a rear-wheel drive
constructed in accordance with the teachings of the present arrangement, the teachings of the present disclosure have
disclosure; 45 broader applicability. In this regard, a shaft assembly con
FIG. 2 is a top partially cut-away view of a portion of the structed in accordance with the teachings of the present dis
vehicle of FIG. 1 illustrating the rear axle and the propshaft closure may interconnect a first driveline component with a
assembly in greater detail; second driveline component to transmit torque therebetween.
FIG. 3 is a sectional view of a portion of the rear axle and In the context of an automotive vehicle, the driveline compo
the propshaft assembly: 50 nents could be a transmission, a transfer case, a viscous cou
FIG. 4 is a top, partially cut away view of the propshaft pling, an axle assembly, or a differential, for example.
assembly; With reference to FIG. 2, the rear axle 22 can include a
FIG. 5 is a schematic illustration of a portion of a driveline differential assembly 30, a left axle shaft assembly 32 and a
illustrating an undamped propshaft vibrating in a second right axle shaft assembly 34. The differential assembly 30 can
bending mode; 55 include a housing 40, a differential unit 42 and an input shaft
FIG. 6 is a sectional view of a portion of the undamped assembly 44. The housing 40 can support the differential unit
propshaft taken perpendicular to the longitudinal (rotational) 42 for rotation about a first axis 46 and can further support the
axis of the propshaft illustrating the propshaft vibrating in a input shaft assembly 44 for rotation about a second axis 48
first shell mode; that is perpendicular to the first axis 46.
FIG. 7 is a schematic illustration of a portion of a driveline 60 With additional reference to FIG. 3, the housing 40 can be
illustrating an undamped propshaft vibrating in a torsion formed in a Suitable casting process and thereafter machined
mode; as required. The housing 40 can includes a wall member 50
FIG. 8 is a side view of a liner for damping a propshaft in that can define a central cavity 52 that can have a left axle
accordance with the teachings of the present disclosure; aperture 54, a right axle aperture 56, and an input shaft aper
FIG. 9 is a section view of a portion of the liner illustrating 65 ture 58. The differential unit 42 can be disposed within the
the coupling of the resilient member to the structural portion central cavity 52 of the housing 40 and can include a case 70,
in more detail; a ring gear 72, which can be fixed for rotation with the case 70,
US 7,774,911 B2
5 6
and a gearset 74 that can be disposed within the case 70. The The shaft structure 200 can be generally cylindrical, having
gearset 74 can include first and second side gears 82 and 86 a hollow central cavity 220 and a longitudinal axis 222. The
and a plurality of differential pinions 88, which can be rotat shaft structure 200 can be formed of any suitable material. In
ably supported on pinion shafts 90 that can be mounted to the the particular example provided, the shaft structure 200 is
case 70. The case 70 can include a pair of trunnions 92 and 96 formed of welded seamless 6061-T6 aluminum tubing con
and a gear cavity 98. A pair of bearing assemblies 102 and 106 forming to ASTM B-210. Also in the particular embodiment
can support the trunnions 92 and 96, respectively, for rotation illustrated, the shaft structure 200 is uniform in diameter and
about the first axis 46. The left and right axle assemblies 32 cross-section between the ends 224, but it will be appreciated
and 34 can extend through the left and right axle apertures 54 that the shaft structure could be otherwise formed. For
and 56, respectively, where they can be coupled for rotation 10 example, the ends 224 of the shaft structure 200 could be
about the first axis 46 with the first and second side gears 82 necked-down (e.g., via rotary Swaging) relative to the central
and 86, respectively. The case 70 can be operable for support portion 226 of the shaft structure 200.
ing the plurality of differential pinions 88 for rotation within With reference to FIGS. 5 through 7, it will be appreciated
the gear cavity 98 about one or more axes that can be perpen that an undamped propshaft assembly 20' (e.g., the propshaft
dicular to the first axis 46. The first and second side gears 82 15 assembly 20 without the at least one liner 204) could be
and 86 each include a plurality of teeth 108 which meshingly susceptible to several types of vibration. In FIG. 5, for
engage teeth 110 that are formed on the differential pinions example, the undamped propshaft assembly 20' is illustrated
88. as vibrating at a bending mode natural frequency (i.e., a
The input shaft assembly 44 can extend through the input second bending mode (n2) natural frequency) of the prop
shaft aperture 58 where it can be supported in the housing 40 shaft assembly 20' as installed in the driveline 16'. In this
for rotation about the second axis 48. The input shaft assem regard, those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the
bly 44 can include an input shaft 120, a pinion gear 122 bending mode natural frequency is a function of not only the
having a plurality of pinion teeth 124 that meshingly engage propshaft assembly 20', but also of the “boundary conditions'
the teeth 126 that are formed on the ring gear 72, and a pair of (i.e., the manner in which the propshaft assembly 20' is
bearing assemblies 128 and 130 that can cooperate with the 25 coupled to the driveline 16"). Consequently, the term “prop
housing 40 to rotatably support the input shaft 120. The input shaft assembly as installed in the driveline' will be under
shaft assembly 44 can be coupled for rotation with the prop stood to include not only the shaft assembly but also the
shaft assembly 20 and can be operable for transmitting drive boundary conditions under which the shaft assembly is
torque to the differential unit 42. More specifically, drive installed to the two driveline components.
torque received by the input shaft 120 can be transmitted by 30 In FIG. 6, the propshaft assembly 20' is illustrated as
the pinion teeth 124 to the teeth 126 of the ring gear 72 such vibrating at a shell mode natural frequency (i.e., a first (n=1)
that drive torque is distributed through the differential pinions shell mode natural frequency) of the shaft structure 200.
88 to the first and second side gears 82 and 86. In FIG. 7, the propshaft assembly 20' is illustrated as
The left and right axle shaft assemblies 32 and 34 can vibrating at a natural torsion frequency of the driveline 16' in
include an axle tube 150 that can be received into the associ 35 a torsion mode (i.e., a first (n=1) torsion mode). In this regard,
ated axle aperture 54 and 56, respectively, and an axle half those of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate that the natural
shaft 152 that can be supported for rotation in the axle tube torsion frequency is a function of not only the propshaft
150 about the first axis 46. Each of the axle half-shafts 152 can assembly 20', but also of the first and second driveline com
include an externally splined portion 154 that can meshingly ponents (e.g., the transmission 18 and the rear axle 22) to
engage a mating internally splined portion (not specifically 40 which the propshaft assembly is coupled.
shown) that can be formed into the first and second side gears Returning to FIG. 4, the propshaft assembly 20 of the
82 and 86, respectively. particular example provided includes two liners 204 that are
With reference to FIG. 4, the propshaft assembly 20 can identically configured. It will be appreciated in view of this
include a shaft structure 200, first and second trunnion caps disclosure, however, that other quantities of liners 204 may be
202a and 202b, at least one liner 204, first and second spiders 45 utilized and that the liners 204 need not be identically con
206a and 206b, a yoke assembly 208 and a yoke flange 210. figured (i.e., each insert 204 can have different damping char
The first and second trunnion caps 202a and 202b, the first acteristics and a first one of the liners 204 can be different
and second spider 206a and 206b, the yoke assembly 208 and from a second one of the liners 204).
the yoke flange 210 can be conventional in their construction With additional reference to FIGS. 8 and 9, the liner 204
and operation and as such, need not be discussed in detail. 50 can be constructed in a manner that is similar to that which is
Briefly, the first and second trunnion caps 202a and 202b can described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,909,361, the disclosure of which
be fixedly coupled to the opposite ends of the shaft structure is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth in its
200, typically via a weld. Each of the first and second spiders entirety herein. Briefly, the liner 204 can include a structural
206a and 206b can be coupled to an associated one of the first portion 300 and one or more resilient members 302 that are
and second trunnion caps 202a and 202b and to an associated 55 coupled to the structural portion 300. The liners 204 are sized
one of the yoke assembly 208 and the yoke flange 210. The such that the structural portion 300 is smaller than the inner
yoke assembly 208, first spider 206a, and first trunnion cap diameter of the shaft member 200 but the resilient member(s)
202a can collectively form a first universal joint 212, while 302 is/are sized to frictionally engage the inner diameter of
the yoke flange 210, second spider 206b and second trunnion the shaft member 200.
cap 202b can collectively form a second universal joint 214. 60 In the example provided, the structural portion 300
A splined portion of the yoke assembly 208 can be rotat includes a hollow core 310, one or more intermediate mem
ably coupled with the transmission output shaft 18a and the bers 312 and a cover member 314. The core 310 can be
yoke flange 210 can be rotatably coupled with the input shaft formed of a fibrous material, such as cardboard. In the par
120. The first and second universal joints 212 and 214 can ticular example provided, the core 310 is formed of a suitable
facilitate a predetermined degree of vertical and horizontal 65 number of plies of helically wound paperboard. The interme
offset between the transmission output shaft 18a and the input diate members 312 can also be formed of a paperboard and
shaft 120. can be helically wound onto and adhered (via a suitable
US 7,774,911 B2
7 8
adhesive) to the core 310 in a manner that forms one or more 322 of the resilient member 302, and the location of the liners
helical gaps 316. In the particular example provided, one 204 within the shaft member 200. In the particular example
helical gap 316 is formed. It will be appreciated that the provided:
structural portion 300 could be formed of any appropriate the shaft member 200 can have an outside diameter of
material, including cardboard, plastic resins, carbon fiber, 5 about 4.0 inches, a wall thickness of about 0.08 inch, a
fiberglass, metal and combinations thereof. It will also be length of about 64 inches, and can have a mass of about
appreciated that the structural portion 300 need not include an 3.2 kg;
intermediate member 312 or a cover member 314 and need the liners 204 can have an outer diameter (over the resilient
not define one or more gaps 316. It will further be appreciated member(s)302) of about 4.0 inches, a length of about 14
that the gaps 316, if used, need not be helical in shape but 10 inches, a mass of about 270 grams, the structural portion
rather could be formed in other manners, such as circumfer 300 of the liner 204 can beformed of paperboard and can
have a wall thickness of about 0.07 inch and an inner
entially or longitudinally. diameter of about 3.56 inch, one resilient member 302
The resilient members 302 can beformed of an appropriate can be coupled to the structural portion 300 at a helix
elastomer and can include a base 320 and one or more lip 15 angle 330 of about 22.5° and a pitch 332 of about 4.5
members 322 that can be coupled to the base 320. The base inches, the resilient member 302 can have a single lip
320 can be fixedly coupled to the structural portion 300 via a member 322 and can beformed of a silicon material that
suitable adhesive such that the lip members 322 extend radi conforms to ASTM D2000 M2GE505 having a durom
ally outwardly therefrom. The cover member 314 can be eter of about 45 Shore A to about 55 Shore A; and
wrapped over the intermediate member(s) 312 and the base each of the liners 204 can be inserted into an associated end
320 and can be employed to further secure the resilient mem of the shaft member 200 such that they are disposed
bers 302 to the structural portion 300. generally symmetrically about an associated one of the
It will be appreciated from this disclosure that where two or second (n=2) bending nodes 230 (FIG. 4).
more resilient members 302 are employed, the resilient mem It will be appreciated that in certain situations it may not be
bers 302 can be formed of the same material and are coupled 25 possible to exactly tune the liner 204 to the two or more
to the structural portion 300 such that their bases 320 are relevant frequencies associated with a given propshaftassem
received in an associated gap 316. It will also be appreciated bly 20, as when a particular liner 204 is used across a family
from this disclosure that in the alternative, the resilient mem of propshaft assemblies. As such, it will be understood that a
liner 204 will be considered to be tuned to a relevant fre
bers 302 may be formed differently (e.g., with different mate 30 quency if it is effective in attenuating vibration at the relevant
rials, different sizes and/or different cross-sections). frequency. For example, the liner 204 can be considered to be
With reference to FIGS. 1, 4 and 8, it will be further tuned to a relevant frequency if a frequency at which it
appreciated from this disclosure that the mass and the stiff achieves maximum attenuation is within +20% of that rel
ness of the liner(s) 204 are tuned to the driveline 16 such that evant frequency. Preferably, the liner 204 is considered to be
the liner(s) 204 acts or act as (a) a tuned resistive absorber for 35 tuned to the relevant frequency if the frequency at which it
attenuating shell mode vibrations; and (b) as one or more of achieves maximum attenuation is within +1.5% of the relevant
(i) a tuned reactive absorber for attenuating bending mode frequency. More preferably, the liner 204 is considered to be
vibrations, and (ii) a tuned reactive absorber for attenuating tuned to the relevant frequency if the frequency at which it
torsion mode vibrations. The liner(s) 204 may be tuned such achieves maximum attenuation is within +10% of the relevant
that a ratio of the mass of the liner(s) 204 to a mass of the shaft 40 frequency. Still more preferably, the liner 204 is considered to
member 200 is about 5% to about 30%. In the particular be tuned to the relevant frequency if the frequency at which it
example provided, the ratio of the mass of the liners 204 to the achieves maximum attenuation is within +5% of the relevant
mass of the shaft member 200 is about 16.9%. frequency.
Preferably, the liner(s) 204 is/are tuned to a natural fre As another example, the liner 204 can be considered to be
quency corresponding to at least one of a first shell mode, a 45 tuned to a relevant shell mode frequency if it damps shell
second shell mode and a third shell mode. Where the liner(s) mode vibrations by an amount that is greater than or equal to
204 is/are employed to attenuate bending mode vibrations, about 2%.
they are preferably tuned to a natural frequency correspond While the propshaft assembly 20 has been described thus
ing to at least one of a first bending mode, a second bending far as including a liner 204 having a resilient member 302 that
mode and a third bending mode of the propshaft assembly 20 50 is disposed helically about and along a structural portion 300,
as installed to the driveline 16. Where the liner(s) 204 is/are it will be appreciated that the methodology of the present
employed to attenuate torsion mode vibrations, they are pref disclosure, in its broader aspects, may be performed some
erably tuned to a natural frequency of the driveline 16 in a what differently. In this regard, the liner can be constructed as
torsion mode, such as to a frequency that is less than or equal shown in FIGS. 10 through 14.
to about 600 HZ. 55 In FIG. 10, for example, the liner 204a includes a plurality
It will also be appreciated from this disclosure that various of circumferentially-extending resilient members 302a that
characteristics of the liner 204 can be controlled to tune its are coupled to the structural portion 300a. The resilient mem
damping properties in the shell mode and in one or both of the bers 302a are spaced apart from one another along the longi
bending mode and the torsion mode. In the particular example tudinal axis of the structural portion 300a. It will be appreci
provided, the following variables were controlled: mass, 60 ated that while the resilient members 302a are illustrated as
length and outer diameter of the liner 204, diameter and wall having a generally flat outer Surface, they could be formed to
thickness of the structural portion 300, material of which the include one or more lip members (similar to the lip member
structural portion 300 was fabricated, the quantity of the 322 of FIG.9). In such case, the lip member(s) may be extend
resilient members 302, the material of which the resilient in a desired manner, such as circumferentially.
members 302 was fabricated, the helix angle 330 and pitch 65 In FIG. 11, the liner 204b includes a plurality of longitu
332 with which the resilient members 302 are fixed to the dinally-extending resilient members 302b that are coupled to
structural portion 300, the configuration of the lip member(s) the structural portion 300b. The resilient members 302b are
US 7,774,911 B2
spaced circumferentially apart from one another about the material to the teachings of the present disclosure without
circumference of the structural portion 300b. It will be appre departing from the essential scope thereof. Therefore, it is
ciated that while the resilient members 302b are illustrated as intended that the present disclosure not be limited to the
having an arcuate outer Surface, they could be formed to particular examples illustrated by the drawings and described
include one or more lip members (similar to the lip member 5 in the specification as the best mode presently contemplated
322 of FIG.9). In such case, the lip member(s) may be extend for carrying out this invention, but that the scope of the
in a desired manner, such as longitudinally. present disclosure will include any embodiments falling
In FIG. 12, the liner 204c includes a resilient member 302c within the foregoing description and the appended claims.
that covers substantially the entire outer surface of the struc What is claimed is:
tural portion 300c. The resilient member 302c can be a dis 10 1. A method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a driv
crete component that is separately formed and thereafter eline system, the driveline system further including a first
assembled to the structural portion 300c. In this regard, the driveline component and a second driveline component, the
resilient member 302c can be formed as a sheet and then shaft assembly being adapted to transmit torque between the
bonded to outer surface of the structural portion 300c via a first driveline component and the second driveline compo
suitable adhesive. Alternatively, the resilient member 302c 15 nent, the method comprising:
could be overmolded onto the structural portion 300c. providing a hollow shaft member;
The liner 204d of FIG. 13 is similar to the liner 204c of FIG. tuning at least one liner to attenuate at least two types of
12 except that a plurality of void spaces 400 may be formed vibration transmitted through the shaft member; and
into the resilient member 302d to control the stiffness of the positioning the at least one liner within the shaft member
liner 204d in a desired direction. While the void spaces 400 Such that the at least one liner is configured to damp shell
are illustrated to be diamond-shaped holes that extend com mode vibrations in the shaft member by an amount that
pletely through the resilient member 302d, it will be appre is greater than or equal to about 2%, and the at least one
ciated that the void spaces 400 need not extend completely liner is also configured to damp bending mode vibra
through the resilient member 302d and thus could form blind tions in the shaft member, the at least one liner being
holes, channels and/or grooves. Moreover, it will be appreci 25 tuned to within about +20% of a bending mode natural
ated that the void spaces 400 may be shaped and arranged in frequency of the shaft assembly as installed in the driv
any desired manner. eline system.
The liner 204e of FIG. 14 can be similar to the liner 204d of 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the at least one liner is
FIG. 13, except that the resilient member 302e includes a tuned within +15% of the bending mode natural frequency of
plurality of fingers 450. Each finger 450 can be shaped in a 30 the shaft assembly as installed in the driveline system.
desired manner, such as a prism, a pyramid, a cylinder, a cone, 3. The method of claim 2, wherein the at least one liner is
a plinth, or as a portion of a doubled-curved surface, such as tuned to within +10% of the bending mode natural frequency
a sphere, torus or ellipsoid. It may be beneficial to shape the of the shaft assembly as installed in the driveline system.
fingers 450 in the shape of a prism, especially a rectangular 4. The method of claim 3, wherein the at least one liner is
parallelepiped, so as to more easily tailor the stiffness of the 35 tuned to within +5% of the bending mode natural frequency
fingers 450 in two or more directions. In this regard, the width of the shaft assembly as installed in the driveline system.
and depth of the cross section of the fingers 450 and the height 5. The method of claim3, wherein the shell mode is at least
of the fingers 450 may be controlled independently of one one of a first shell mode, a second shell mode and a third shell
another. mode.
In some situations it may be beneficial to chill the liners 40 6. The method of claim 5, wherein the bending mode is at
prior to their installation to a shaft member to reduce the least one of a first bending mode, a second bending mode and
overall diameter of the liner and/or to provide sufficient rigid a third bending mode.
ity to the resilient member(s). 7. The method of claim3, wherein the liner is further tuned
It may also be beneficial in Some situations to provide a within +20% to a natural frequency of the driveline system in
secondary means for retaining the liner to the shaft member. 45 a torsion mode.
The secondary means can be employed to resist or inhibit 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the liner is tuned to
axial movement of the liner within the shaft member and can within +15% to the natural frequency of the driveline system
comprise a structure that is axially offset from the liner and in the torsion mode.
coupled to the shaft member. The structure can be configured 9. The method of claim 8, wherein the liner is tuned to
to effectively reduce the inside diameter of the shaft member 50 within +10% to the natural frequency of the driveline system
at a desired location to an extent that resists or inhibits axial in the torsion mode.
movement of the liner. The structure can be formed via an 10. The method of claim 9, wherein the liner is tuned within
adhesive, a weld, a dimple, or a necked-down (e.g., rotary +5% to the natural frequency of the driveline system in the
Swaged) section, for example. torsion mode.
While specific examples have been described in the speci 55 11. The method of claim 9, wherein the natural frequency
fication and illustrated in the drawings, it will be understood of the driveline system is below about 600 Hz.
by those of ordinary skill in the art that various changes may 12. The method of claim 3, wherein the at least one liner
be made and equivalents may be substituted for elements includes a structural portion and at least one resilient member
thereof without departing from the scope of the present dis that is coupled to the structural portion, the liner being
closure as defined in the claims. Furthermore, the mixing and 60 inserted to the shaft member such that a wall of the shaft
matching of features, elements and/or functions between member contacts the at least one resilient member.
various examples is expressly contemplated herein so that 13. The method of claim 12, wherein the at least one
one of ordinary skill in the art would appreciate from this resilient member extends helically about and along the struc
disclosure that features, elements and/or functions of one tural portion.
example may be incorporated into another example as appro 65 14. The method of claim 12, wherein the at least one
priate, unless described otherwise, above. Moreover, many resilient member extends longitudinally along the structural
modifications may be made to adapt a particular situation or portion.
US 7,774,911 B2
11 12
15. The method of claim 12, wherein the at least one being inserted to the shaft member such that a wall of the shaft
resilient member extends circumferentially about the struc member contacts the at least one resilient member.
tural portion. 27. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one
16. The method of claim 12, wherein a first one of the resilient member extends helically about and along the struc
resilient members is formed of a first material and a second 5 tural portion.
one of the resilient members is formed of a second material 28. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one
that is different from the first material. resilient member extends longitudinally along the structural
17. The method of claim 12, wherein the at least one portion.
resilient member is overmolded to the structural portion. 29. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one
18. The method of claim 12, wherein the at least one 10 resilient member extends circumferentially about the struc
resilient member includes a plurality of fingers, each of the tural portion.
fingers being disposed between the shaft member and the 30. The method of claim 26, wherein a first one of the
structural portion. resilient members is formed of a first material and a second
19. The method of claim 12, wherein the structural portion one of the resilient members is formed of a second material
is formed of a material selected from a group consisting of 15 that is different from the first material.
cardboard, plastic resin, carbon fiber, fiberglass, metal and 31. The method of claim 26, wherein the structural portion
combinations thereof. is formed of a material selected from a group consisting of
20. The method of claim3, wherein a first one of the liners cardboard, plastic resin, carbon fiber, fiberglass, metal and
is positioned along the shaft member symmetrically about a combinations thereof.
bending anti-node. 32. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one
21. The method of claim 20, wherein a second one of the resilient member is overmolded to the structural portion.
liners is positioned along the shaft member symmetrically 33. The method of claim 26, wherein the at least one
about another bending anti-node. resilient member includes a plurality of fingers, the fingers
22. A method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a being disposed between the structural portion and the shaft
driveline system, the driveline system further including a first 25 member.
driveline component and a second driveline component, the 34. The method of claim 22, whereina first one of the liners
shaft assembly being adapted to transmit torque between the is positioned along the shaft member symmetrically about a
first driveline component and the second driveline compo bending anti-node.
nent, the method comprising: 35. The method of claim 34, wherein a second one of the
providing a hollow shaft member; 30 liners is positioned along the shaft member symmetrically
tuning a mass and a stiffness of at least one liner, and about another bending anti-node.
inserting the at least one liner into the shaft member; 36. A method for manufacturing a shaft assembly of a
wherein the at least one liner is a tuned resistive absorber driveline system, the driveline system further including a first
for attenuating shell mode vibrations and wherein the at driveline component and a second driveline component, the
least one liner is a tuned reactive absorber for attenuating 35 shaft assembly being adapted to transmit torque between the
bending mode vibrations. first driveline component and the second driveline compo
23. The method of claim 22, wherein the at least one liner nent, the method comprising:
is tuned to at least one of a first shell mode, a second shell providing a hollow shaft member;
mode and a third shell mode. tuning a mass and a stiffness of at least one liner, and
24. The method of claim 23, wherein the at least one liner 40 inserting the at least one liner into the shaft member;
wherein a ratio of a mass of the at least one liner to a mass
is tuned to at least one of a first bending mode, a second of the shaft member is about 5% to about 30%;
bending mode and a third bending mode. wherein the at least one liner is a tuned resistive absorber
25. The method of claim 24, wherein the at least one liner for attenuating shell mode vibrations; and
further acts as a tuned reactive absorber for attenuating tor 45 wherein the at least one liner is a tuned reactive absorber for
sion mode vibrations.
26. The method of claim 24, wherein the at least one liner attenuating at least one of bending mode vibrations and tor
sion mode vibrations.
includes a structural portion and at least one resilient member
that is coupled to the structural portion, the at least one liner