IBM Endpoint Manager For Remote Control Target User's Guide
IBM Endpoint Manager For Remote Control Target User's Guide
IBM Endpoint Manager For Remote Control Target User's Guide
This edition applies to version 9, release 1, modification level 0 of IBM Endpoint Manager and to all subsequent
releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2013, 2014.
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with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Overview of the IBM Endpoint Restoring hidden applications to view during a
Manager for Remote Control system . . 1 remote control session . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Note: Peer to peer and managed are not exclusive modes. The IBM
Endpoint Manager for Remote Control target can be configured in the
following ways.
v Configured to be strictly managed.
v Configured to fail back to peer to peer mode when the server is not
v Configured to accept both peer to peer and managed remote control
When the target software is installed and the IBM Endpoint Manager for Remote
Control Target service is running, the target icon is visible in the taskbar of the
target machine. You can use this icon to open the target interface to communicate
with the controller user during a remote control session and also to obtain
connection and system information.
Check the remote control session status by clicking the connection icon .
This icon is visible and connected when a session has been established and is
disabled when there is no session in progress.
You can click the Show/Hide Chat Area icon to open a chat window for
real-time communication with the controller. Click the icon again to hide the chat
When the chat window opens you can type into the window and press enter. The
text is displayed in the chat window and the controller user can respond. The chat
history can be removed from the window by selecting Clear chat history from the
Actions menu.
You can click the Show/Hide Transfer area icon to open a window with
fields showing files that have been or are being transferred between the controller
and target. The icon on the left shows the direction of the transfer. The color of the
progress bar denotes which type of transfer took place.
When the transfer is from the target to the controller, a left arrow is displayed. The
status bar turns green when the transfer is complete.
When the transfer is from the controller to the target, a right arrow is displayed.
The status bar turns blue when the transfer is complete.
You can use the Actions menu for the following actions :
Connection info
This action displays the computer name, IP address list, and FIPS status of
the target machine. Click OK to continue.
Report status to server
This action causes the target to contact the server to report its status. This
action is not available when the Managed target property is set to No.
Who is connected?
Displays the user ID of the controller user and the IP address and MAC
address of the controller machine that has established the remote control
session. Click OK to continue.
To view the target debug log click the View Application Log icon . This action
opens the trc_base.txt target debug file which contains information about the
target configuration and its activity, for example, when starting and ending a
remote control session. The file is displayed in in a text file and can be sent to the
controller via email to assist in troubleshooting target and session issues.
To view a targets system information click the Get system info icon . This
action generates a file called sysinfo.txt, which contains information about the
target such as computer name, vendor, model, IP address and running processes.
The file is displayed in a text file and can be sent to the controller via email to
assist in troubleshooting.
Getting help
To get help click the Help menu and select one of the following options.
About Use this option to display the version number of the currently installed
target software.
If both are set to proceed, the requested action will be performed without user
acceptance. If they are set to Abort, the requested action is not performed and a
message is displayed on the controller system. For more information on how
policies are derived for a remote control session, see the IBM Endpoint Manager
for Remote Control Administrator's Guide.
When the session is established, the selected applications are no longer visible in
the target and controller windows.
v The procedure can only be performed by the target user in the session.
v If you click Cancel in the Show / Hide window, the selected applications are not
hidden when the session is established.
The previously hidden applications, are now visible in the controller window.
When a controller user needs to start a remote control session through the internet
to reach your machine, they start the session from theIBM Endpoint Manager for
Remote Control server GUI and a broker is used to make the required connection.
To connect to this remote control session, you require a connection code which is
obtained from the controller user. To connect to a remote control session using the
connection code provided, complete the following procedure.
Enter the connection code on the target computer by following the steps relevant
to the target operating system.
Note: If the target is newly installed, the Enter Connection Code option is
unavailable until the target contacts the server for the first time.
Windows target
Choose the appropriate method to enter the connection code:
v Right-click the target notification icon and select Enter Connection Code.
v Open the target UI and select Actions menu > Enter Connection Code.
Type the connection code and click Connect.
Linux target
v Open the target UI and select Actions menu > Enter Connection Code.
v Type the connection code and click OK.
If the broker connection cannot be made, the connection code cannot be verified or
the target is not authenticated by the server, you are given the option to try the
connection option again. When you click Try Again, the Connection Code window
is displayed and you can re-enter a connection code. If you click Cancel, the
connection attempt to the broker is terminated and the remote control session is
not established.
On a Linux target computer, you can use the messages log file and the Application
Event Log on a Windows target.
To access the Application Event Viewer in Windows, click Start > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Application. A list is displayed. Select
IBM® Endpoint Manager for Remote Control - Target. Right-click and select
Properties. The Information Properties window opens.
If you are using the on-demand target, the audit log is written to a text file on the
target. A trcaudit_date_time.log file is created, where date_time is the date and
time that the session took place. For example, trcaudit_20130805_132527.log. The
file is created in the currently logged on user's home directory.
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file transfer area
hide 8
show 8
hidden applications
restoring 13
hiding applications 13
Overview 1
remote control session
accepting 11
disconnecting 17
refusing 11
through a broker 15
selecting a session type 7
system information
viewing 9
functions 5
overview 3
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