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FOR SUNDAYS. ... «' >

825 Arch Street.

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fkfTOK. < FNO^ *^

Archiep. Baltimorensis,
Baltimore, July ab t 1887.

Archbishop op Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Dec. 8, 1900.

Copyright by Peter F. Cunningham & Son, 1900.

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Iam tertio in lucem An authorized Raccolta
prodit authentica Sylloge, or Collection of Prayers
seu Collectio Precum and Good Works to the
piorumque Operum, qui- recital or performance of
bus recitandis seu pera- which the Roman Pontiffs
gendis Romani Pontifices have attached indulgences
Indulgentias adnexuerunt. is now issued for the
Novis haec est locupletata third time.
Precibus et pi is Operibus, This edition is enlarged
quae ab anno 1886 hucus- by adding new prayers
que Summus Pontifex Leo and good works which the
XIII. Indulgentiis ditavit Sovereign Pontiff, Leo
a cunctis Christifidelibus XIII., from the year 1886
lucrandis; paucis additis to the present time, has
quae in antecedentibus enriched with indulgences
editionibus, ob non exhi- to be gained by all the
bita opportuno tempore faithful.
documenta, relata non A few have now been
erant. added which did not ap-
Porro hujusmodi Col- pear in previous editions
lectionem typis S.Congre- because they were not
gationis de Propaganda presented at the proper
Fide cusam, idem SS. D
N. Leo Papa XIII. sua Moreover, Our Holy
apostoiica auctoritate ap- Father, Leo XIII., by vir-
probavit ; eaque proinde tue of his apostolic au-
uti genuina et authentica thority, has approved this
Sylloge Indulgentiarum Collection issued from the

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hactenus pro universis press of the Sacred Con-
Christifidelibus et pro gregation of the Propa-
quibusdam eorum coetibus ganda, and, therefore, it
ibidem designatis concess- must be regarded by all
arum ab omnibus est as the correct and author-
retinenda. Quare, si ized collection of indul-
dubium aliquod, quod vel gences hitherto granted
sensum concessionum vel for all the faithful and
acquirendarum Indulgen- such as are in commu-
tiarum conditiones attin- nities specially designated.
gat, forte oboriatur, Wherefore, if by chance
n on nisi ex hac Sylloge, any doubt should arise
quam normae instar either as to sense of the
eadem Sanctitas Sua ha- grant or the conditions
beri mandavit, erit diri- requisite for gaining the
meridum. indulgences, it must be
Quapropter praesens determined solely by this
Decretum exarari, illud- Raccolta which His Holi-
que huic Editioni praefigi ness has directed to be
jussit. considered the complete
Datum Romae ex Sec- guide. On this account
retaria S. Congregationis he has ordered the present
Indulgentiis Sacrisque decree to be prepared and
Reliquiis praepositae, die prefixed to the present
23 Julii, 1898. edition.
Fr. H. M. Card. Gotti, Given at Rome, at the
office of the Secretary of
the Sacred Congregation
[L. * S.J of Indulgences and Holy
f A. Sabatucci, Relics, on the 23d day of
Archiep. Antinoen, July, 1898.
Fr. H. M. Card. Gotti,
L. * S. Prefect.
f A Sabatucci,

Archiep, Antinoen>

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Sacra Congregatio, In- The Sacred Congrega-
dulgentiis Sacrisque tion of Indulgences and
Reliquiis praeposita, cum Holy Relics has approved
versionem ex italica in of, as authentic, and per-
linguam anglicam Syl- mitted to be printed and
ioges, quae preces piaque published, this English
opera complectitur, qui- translation of the Italian
bns Romani Pontifices Raccolta, a book contain
indulgentias adnexue- ing various prayers and
runt, duobus S. Theologiae pious exercises, to which
in Universitate Wood- the Roman Pontiffs have
stochiana lectoribus et in attached indulgences.
anglica lingua peritis ex- This approbation was
aminandam commiserit given after the work had
iique testati fuerint, ver- been duly examined by
sionem omnino fidelem et two professors of theol-
piene cum original ogy of Woodstock Col-
italico, typis cuso S. Con- lege, who testified that
gregations de Propaganda they found this translation
Fide, anno 1886, confor- to be entirely faithful and
niem reperiri ; eamdem in full accord with the
uti authenticam recogno- Italian original, published
vit, et typis imprimi ac in the year 1886 by the
publican posse permisit. Sacred Congregation for
the Propagation of the

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6 —

Datum Rofnae ex Secre- Given at Rome, at the

taria ejusdem S.Congre- Office of the Secretary of
gationis, die 28 Aprilis this same Sacred Congre-
1887. gation, April 28, 1887.
Fr. Thomas Ma. Card. Fr. Thomas Maria
Zigliara, Prcefectus. Card. Zigliara, Prefect
[L. * S.] [L. * S.]
Alexander, Episcopus Alexander, Bishop
Oensis, Sccretarius. Oensis, Secretary.

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Post editum Romae an- After the work entitled
no 1877 opus, cui titu- Collection ofPrayers and
lus Raccolta di orazioni e Good Works to which the
pie opere, per le quali sono Sovereign Pontiffs have at-
state concesse dai Sommt tached Holy Indulgences,
Pontefici le SS. fndulgenze, appeared in Rome in
nonnulla Sacrae Congre- 1877, other documents
gationi, Indulgentiis Sa- containing indulgences
crisque Reliquiis praeposi- already granted to ail the
tae, exhibita fuerunt doc- faithful who recite certain
umenta, quae concessas appointed prayers, or per-
jamdiu omnibus Christifi- form certain designated
delibus, designatas preces good works, were present-
recitantibus aut designata ed to the Sacred Congre-
pia opera exercentibus, gation of Indulgences and
Indulgentias referebant. Holy Relics. Our Holy Fa-
Insuper Sutnmus Pontifex ther, Leo XI 1 1., moreover,
Leo XIII plures pias pre- has enriched many prayers
ces piaque opera Indul- and pious works with in-
gentiis ditavit, quae ab dulgences which may, in
omnibus pariter Christifi- like manner, be gained by
delibus acquiri possunt. all the faithful. Where-
Quapropter Sacra eadem fore this same Sacred Con-
Congregatio, lit haec gregation, to the end that
omnia latius innotescant all these indulgences may
et ut communi utilita- be more widely known,
ti consulat, opportunum and that it might consult

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duxit, praefatum opus the common welfare,
iterum typis imprimi et thought it opportune to
in vulgus edi, additis piis publish a new edition of
precibus piisque operibus, the Raccolta and spread
quae in editione anni it among the people;
1877, ob non exhibita adding meanwhile those
tempore documenta, aut pious prayers and works
non relata, aut postea which, either because not
Indulgentiis ditata fu- presented in time, or not
erunt. shown at all, or because
Hanc autem Collectio- more recently enriched
nem, quae typis S. Con- with indulgences, were
gregation is de Propaganda omitted in the edition of
Fide nunc in lucem et 1877. This Collection,
usum prodit, SS. D. N. therefore, which the Sa-
Leo Papa XIII apostolica cred Congregation of the
sua auctoritate appro- Propaganda now pub-
bavit, quae ut genuina et lishes, Our Holy Father,
authentica Indulgentia- Leo XIII., in virtue of
rum hactenus concessarum his apostolic authority, has
Sylloge ab omnibus ha- approved and ordered
benda sit. Hinc etiam ad to be held by all persons
decidenda dubia, quae as the genuine and au-
forte de sensu concessions thentic collection of all
aut de conditionibus lu- the indulgences hitherto
crandarum Indulgentia- granted. Hence, also,
rum oriantur, eamdem His Holiness has decreed
hanc Syllogen normae in- that this same Collection
debere Sanctitas
star esse is to be taken as a rule in

Sua mandavit ; ipsumque the settling of doubts

Decretum novae huic which may arise as to the
editioni praeflgi praecepit. sense of the concession,
Datum Romae ex Se- or the conditions requisite
cretaria S. Congregationis for the gaining of the in-
Indulgentiis et SS. Re- dulgences: and he has

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decree. 9

liquiis praepositae, die 24 commanded that this same

Maii 1886. decree should be prefixed
J. B. Card. Franzelin, to this new edition.
Praefeeius. Given at Rome
from the
[L. + S.] Office of the Secretary of
the Sacred Congregation
F. Deu,a Volpe, of Indulgences and Holy
Secretarius. Relics, on the 24th day
of May, 1886.
J. B. Card. Franzemm,
[L. *S ]

F. Della Volpe,

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Iamdiu necessitas, nedum utilitas persentiri coe^^e-

rat, ut in lucem prodiret authentica atque absoluta
Sylloge seu Collection quae omnes et singulas preces
piaque opera, quibus peragendis ex provida salutari-
que Roman orum Pontificum liberalitate Indulgen-
tiae concessae fuere, rite accurateque complecteretur.
Postrema enim Collection neque omnis imperfection is
expers videbatur, nec, quod potissimum est, omnes
et singulas Indulgentias hucusque impertitas recen-
sebat. Iamvero magni interest, ut Christifideles
probe noverint quae et quales Indulgentiae quibusve
operibus, una cum adiectis ad eas lucrandas con-
ditionibus, applicitae coniunctaeque fuerint. Quan-
doquicfcm coelestis Indulgentiarum thesauri ideo a
Christo Domino concredita fuit Ecclesiae suae dis-
pensatio identidem facienda, ut fideles iisdem Indul-
gent i is, sive ad temporalem suorum peccatorum hac
poenae reatum exsolvendum, sive ad derunc-
in vita
torum an mas piacularibus poenis detentas suble-

vandas, uti iuvarique possent.

His rationum momentis merito perpensis,
factaque per infrascriptum, S. Congregation is In-
dulgentiis et SS. Reliquiis tuendis praepositae Cardi-
nalem Praefectum, SS. Domino Nostro Pio Papae IX
relatione, Summus idem Pontifex benigniter annuit
ut authentica omnium et singularum precum piorum-
que operum, quae usque ad praesentem diem Indul-
gentiis ditata vel aucta fuere, Sylloge seu Collectio
per Secretariam eiusdem S. Congregationis quam
diligentissime conficeretur, ac dein in lucem prodiret.
- v (10)
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It has long been felt that the publication of a

complete and authentic collection of the prayers and
good works to which the watchful and beneficent
generosity of the Roman Pontiffs has attached in-
dulgences, would be very useful, not to say necessary,
since the last collection, or Raccolta, neither ap-
peared to be free from imperfection, nor, what is of
more consequence, contained all the indulgences
granted up to the present time. Now, it is very
important that the faithful should know what indul-
gences have been granted, to what practices they
have been attached, and on what conditions they
can be gained ; since our Lord Jesus Christ mtrusted
to his Church the dispensation of the heavenly treas-
ure of indulgences, in order that the faithful might
profit by them to pay, in this life, the debt of tem-
poral punishment due to their own sins, or to relieve
the suffering souls in purgatory.
These considerations having been duly laid before
our Holy Father, Pope Pius IX., by the undersigned
Cardinal Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of In-
dulgences and Holy Relics, his Holiness kindly gave
his consent and approval that an authentic collection
of all the prayers and good works which have been
enriched with indulgences up to the present time,
should be made with the greatest care by the Secre-
tary of the said Congregation, and published for the
use of the faithful.
This collection, compiled with all care and ac-
curacy, according to the orders of his Holiness, and

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Hanc ergo Collectionem, iuxta Sanctitatis Suae

mandatum, riteaccurateque absolutam, typisque S.
Congregation is de Propaganda Fide editam, SS. D.
N. Pius Papa IX apostolica sua auctoritate appro-
bavit ; praecepitque a cunctis Christifidelibus, in
genuinam et authenticam Indulgentiarum hactenus
concessarum Syllogen prorsus habendam esse. Sin
vero aliquod dubium vel disceptatio de cuiuslibet
Indulgentiae concessione, vel de ratione lucrandi forte
suboriri contingat Sanctitas Sua expresse declarari

voluit, ut praesens Sylloge, cuius originale exemplar

in Archivo huiusmet S. Congregationis ad perpetuam
facti normam adservari debeat, pro dubiis et contro-
versiis dirimendis unice consulatur. Ideoque iussit
hoc Decretum exarari atque Editioni eiusdem Syl-
loges praefixum imprimi.
Datum Romae ex Secretaria eiusdem S. Congre-
gationis Indulgentiis et SS. Reliquiis praepositae, die
3 Junii 1877.
A. Card. Oreglia a S. Stephano,


[Loco * Signi.]
A. Panici,

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published by the Sacred Congregation of the Prop-

aganda, has been approved by the Sovereign Pontiff,
in virtue of his apostolic authority, and, by his order,
is to be received by all the faithful as the genuine
and authentic collection of the indulgences which
have been hitherto granted.
His Holiness has also wished it to be expressly de-
clared that, in all cases of doubt or discussion about
the existence of any indulgence whatever, or about
the manner of gaining it, this present collection
alone shall be consulted as having authority ; and
that the original copy shall be preserved in the
Archives of the said Sacred Congregation as a per-
petual standard and memorial of his decision.
Hence, it is ordered by the same Sovereign Pon-
tiff that this decree shall be prefixed to every copy
of this collection.
Given at Rome, from the Office of the Secretary
of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences and
Holy Relics, on the 3d day of June, 1877.
A. Card. Oregua a S. Stephano,


A. Panici,

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I. After the guilt of mortal sin and its eternal

punishment have been forgiven the repentant sinner,

the obligation of satisfying Divine Justice by some
temporal punishment, to be undergone in this life or
in the next, generally remains. A temporal punish-
ment is, likewise, the sad heritage of every venial sin,
and must, in like manner, be borne either here or here-
after. Our Divine Lord, however, has so disposed
in his infinite mercy that the faithful can be freed,
either wholly or partially, from these temporal punish-
ments. And this can be done either in the present
life, or in the life to come: in the present life, as well
by meritorious works which they themselves do, as by
sacred indulgences which the Church, the depositary
of the superabundant satisfactory merits of Christ
and of his Saints, grants, by way of absolution, to
her children and which they gain for themselves in :

the life to come, by the application made by way of

suffrage, of these same sacred indulgences to the
holy souls in Purgatory. For a sacred indulgence
is nothing else but the remission of the temporal pun-
ishment due to God for sins already forgiven as to
guilt ; a remission granted by ecclesiastical authority
to the faithful, from the treasury of the superabundant
satisfactory merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, of Mary
most Holy, and of the Saints. —

II. Among sacred indulgences some are called

Partial; such, namely, as are granted for a certain
number of days, or periods of forty days, called
"quarantines," or for a year, or for several years,
etc: others are called Plenary ; and among these lat-
ter, some are in the form ofJubilee.
By Partial indulgences of days, or quarantines, or
years, so much of the temporal punishment which
had to be undergone either in this life or in the next,
is remitted in favor of him who gains them, as would
have been remitted by the performance of the
penances of so many days, quarantines (penances of
forty days' duration), years, etc., prescribed in the
ancient penitential canons of the Church. Plenary
indulgences^ whether in the form ofJubilee or not, are,
in their effect, one and the same thing ; the only
difference being that when the indulgences are
granted in the form of Jubilee, confessors have power
of jurisdiction conferred on them to absolve from
reserved cases, to dispense from or commute certain
simple vows, etc. By these indulgences, all of the
temporal punishment is remitted which we owe to
God for our sins even after they have been pardoned ;
so that if we were to die immediately after gaining a
plenary indulgence we should go straight to heaven.
The same may be said of the holy souls in purgatory,
whenever we gain for them a plenary indulgence
which is applicable to them ; provided only that the
Divine Justice deign to accept it in their behajf.
III. From this we may. easily gather, how highly
we ought to prize indulgences, how great \$ their
value and efficacy, and how great a benefit they are
to Christian souls. The Council of Trent says " The

use of indulgences is in the highest degree whole-

some to Christian people." Every Christian, there?

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fore, should strive with holy eagerness, to gain a*

many indulgences as possible, both for his own spirit-
ual good and for the relief of the faithful departed.
IV. However, to gain an indulgence many things
are required.
In the first place, it is neccessary to be in the grace
of God ; in other words, the soul must be free from
grievous sin ; because the soul that in the sight of
God is loaded with the guilt of sin and with the debt
of eternal punishment, neither is nor can be capable
of receiving the remission of temporal punishment.
It is proper, therefore, to go to confession every time
that one begins the good works enjoined for the gain-
ing of an indulgence. But if this be not done, it is
necessary that at least the last of the good works en-
joined should be performed in the state of grace.
It should be observed here that in granting partial
indulgences, sacramental confession is not usually
prescribed, but the clause, " with at least a contrite
heart," is generally employed the meaning is, that

if any one who is in the state of mortal sin wishes to

gain the indulgence in question, he must at least
make an act of true contrition with a firm purpose of
going to confession. So the Sacred Congregation
of Indulgences decided, Dec. 17, 1870.
In the second place, it is necessary to have at least
a general intention of gaining the indulgences.
Hence it would be most advisable to renew every
morning the intention of gaining each and every one
of the indulgences that can be gained during the day.
And since very many indulgences can be applied to
the souls in purgatory, it would be well to make a
second intention of applying to the relief of these
souls the indulgences gained. This application may
be made in favor of one or more souls specially

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mentioned, or generally, in favor of all the souls in

In the third place, since the Church, in opening the
treasure of holy indulgences, has always obliged the
faithful to do some good work in specified circum-
stances of time, place, etc., it is necessary for the
gaining of indulgences to perform in person and
with devotion all the good works enjoined as to time,
manner, «nd, etc., according to the terms in which
the indulgence is granted. If any of the works en-
joined be omitted, either wholly, or in some notable
part, whether through ignorance, or negligence, or in-
ability ; or if any of the conditions of time, place,
etc., prescribed, be not observed for any reason what-
soever, then — except in the case of a lawful commu-
tation— the indulgence in question is not gained.
It will be useful to mention here some general de-
cisions of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences
and Pious Relics, in reference to the time in which
indulgences may be gained, and the manner in which
prayers having indulgences attached may be recited.
First of all, if the time in which an indulgence
may be gained be not otherwise determined by the
indult of concession, we are to understand the whole
course of the natural day, namely, from midnight to
midnight (Sacred Congregation of Indulgences,
Jan. 12, 1878).
Concerning the manner oi reciting the prayers, the
Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII. by a decree of the same

Sacred Congregation, Feb. 29, 1820, declared that he

who recites alternately with others a prayer to which
indulgences are attached, e. g. the Rosary, the Angelus,

can gain the indulgences attached to that prayer.

Moreover, by a declaration of the Sovereign Pontiff,
Puis IX, a declaration made by means of the Sacred

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Congregation of Indulgences, Dec. 29, 1864, "the

indulgences attached to the recital of prayers can be
gained by saying the prayers in any language what-
ever, provided that they be faithfully translated. To
be sure of the fidelity of these translations, it is
enough to have a declaration to this effect from the
Sacred Congregation of Indulgences through its
Cardinal Prefect, or from one of the Ordinaries of
the place into the language of which the prayer has
been translated."
The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Sept. 18,
1862, declared "that it is not necessary that the
prayers prescribed for the gaining of indulgences,
whether plenary or partial, should be said kneeling ;
unless otherwise prescribed in the act of concession."
Although to one and the same thing, e. g., a prayer,
a rosary, a cross, etc., different indulgences may be
attached, all of these cannot be gained at one and
the same time ; but for each indulgence the works
enjoined must be repeated, excepting the case in which
such works cannot or are not wont to be repeated
(Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Feb. 29, i82o,
and Jan. 12, 1878).
Thus, e. g., if one who has a rosary which has
/ been blessed and enriched with the indulgences of
/ the rosary as well as with those of St. Bridget,

/ wishes to gain both indulgences, he would have to

I recite over and above the ordinary rosary, that of
i St. Bridget also.
^ Lastly, deaf-mutes, being unable to recite vocal
prayers, " (1) must, if a visit to some church be pre-
/ scribed for the gaining of an indulgence, visit the
; church devoutly, merely raising to the Lord their
\ minds and pious affections; (2) if among the works
I enjoined there should be public prayers, it is sufficient

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for deaf-mutes to be united in body in the same

place with the rest of the faithful, and that in like
manner they raise their minds and their hearts to )
God ; (3) if, however, there be question of the pri- I
vate recital of prayers, the confessors of such persons

have the power of substituting for these some external I

work of piety," according to a decision of the same /

Sacred Congregation, Feb. 16, 1852, confirmed by
the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius. IX., in an audience on the \
15th of March, in the same year.
V. The conditions mentioned above are required
for the gaining of any indulgence whatever. To
gain plenary indulgences, confession, communion, a
visit to some church or public oratory, and pious
prayers are usually prescribed.
1. Concerning the confession, it has been decreed ;

by the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, May 19, /

1759, that "sacramental confession, when required by I

the brief as a condition for gaining a plenary indul-j

gence, must be made by all, even by those who are \
not conscious of mortal sin."
Moreover, a decree of the Sacred Congregation of
Indulgences, Dec. 9, 1763, grants that the faithful
" who have the pious custom of approaching at least
once a week {seme I saltern in hebdomada) the Tribu-
nal of Penance (if not legitimately hindered), and
who are not conscious of any grievous fault commit-
ted since their last confession, can gain all the indul-
gences without making another confession, which,
otherwise, according to the tenor of a decree dated
May 19, 1759, would be necessary for gaining them :

introducing, however, no innovation in what regards

the indulgences of the Jubilee, etc." From an
answer given by the same Sacred Congregation of
Indulgences, Mar. 12, 1855, it appears that tb«

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decision applies to all the indulgences that can be

gained in the course of the week, comprising even
that which is called of the Portiuncula. The words
semel saltern in hebdomada (at least once a week) are to
be taken in such wise that the confession is to be
made at the end of every seven days {quolibet decur-
rente septem dierum spatid). Hence one who is ac-
customed to confess, e. g., every Saturday, fulfils, with-
out the least doubt, the obligation of the prescribed
confession (Sacred Congregation of Indulgences,
Nov. 23, 1878 1 Feb. 25, 1886).
By a decree of June 12, 1822, the Sacred Congre-
gation of Indulgences has established, that in those
places in which, owing to a scarcity of confessors, the
faithful are unable to approach frequently the tribunal
of penance, the confession made within the week
{intra hebdomadam) preceding the feast to which some
plenary indulgence is attached, is sufficient for the
gaining of such indulgence. We must, however, re-
mark here, that this privilege is wont to be granted to
those dioceses, only, whose Ordinaries ask for it ; that
the words intra hebdomadam mean the eight days im-
mediately preceding the feast ; and that the confession
made eight days before the feast is, in virtue of the
indult, sufficient also for the gaining of all the in-
dulgences which fall within this space of time
(Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Sept; 28, 1838 ;
Dec. 15, 1841).
For the same reason, the scarcity, namely, of con-
fessors, the Holy See is wont to permit in those dio-
ceses whose Ordinaries ask for it, that the confession
made habitually by the faithful every two weeks
{infra duas hebdomadas) should suffice for the gain-
ing of the indulgences which may be gained in that
space of time. By these words, infra duas hebdomadas,

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we are to understand that the confession has to be

made after the lapse of fourteen days (quolibet dceur-
unte quatuordecem dierum spatid), so that he who has
the pious custom of confessing, e. g., on every second
Saturday, satisfies the condition of the desired con-
fession (Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Nov.
23, 1878 ; Feb. 25, 1886).
2. About the communion, it should be noted that
one and the same communion will serve for many
plenary indulgences that may be gained on the same
day, even though communion be prescribed for each
one of them ; provided, however, that all the other
conditions assigned for each indulgence be complied
with ; as appears from an answer given by the Con-
gregation, May 29, 1 841. The same Sacred Congre-
gation further declared, May 10, 1844, that " by the
Paschal communion one may both gain the plenary
indulgence occurring on the day on which the com-
munion is received and satisfy the precept of the
In the case of a local indulgence, or of one attached
to a particular church, it is not required that com-
munion should be received in such church, unless
this condition be expressed in the brief or rescript of
concession (Sacred Congregation of Indulgences,
May 19, 1759).
Finally, by a decree of Sept. 18, 1862, the Sover-
eign Pontiff, Pius IX., granted " to all the faithful
who are habitually prevented by chronic illness or
permanent physical inability of any kind, from leav-
ing their dwellings —excepting those who live in
religious —
communities the privilege of gaining each
and all of the plenary indulgences already granted, or
which may be hereafter granted by the Sovereign
Pontiffs; provided that, being truly penitent and

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having confessed their sins and fulfilled the other

conditions prescribed, they perform faithfully, in
place of receiving holy communion, some pious work
enjoined by their confessors."
3. On March 19, 1841, the Sovereign Pontiff,
Gregory XVI., through the Sacred Congregation of
Indulgences, declared that " the confession and com-
munion made on Easter-day avails to gain the plenary
indulgence attached to the Papal benediction, even
when given by a Bishop, and to satisfy the obligation
of the Paschal communion."
For gaining the indulgence of the Jubilee, as well
ordinary as extraordinary, a special confession and
communion are generally required (Sacred Congre-
gation of Indulgences, May 10, 1844).
The same Sacred Congregation on Oct. 6, 1870,
decreed that either " the confession alone, or both the
confession and communion may be made on the day
which immediately precedes that for which the indul-
gence is granted." This privilege, however, does not
apply to the other works enjoined ; and the indul-
gence cannot be gained on the vigil of that day for
which it was granted (Sacred Congregation of In-
dulgences, Jan. 12, 1878).
4. By a visit to a church or public oratory, is meant
a visit made to some sacred place, through motives
of faith and religion, with the intention of honoring
God, either in himself or in some one of his saints.
Hence, in order to gain a~plenary "indulgence, it is
not necessary to visit a church, unless it be so stated
in the indult granting the indulgence. If the indult
determines some particular church as, e.g., the parish
church ; then the visit must be made to that particular
church, except in the case of a lawful commutation.
Otherwise this condition may be satisfied by a visit

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to any church or public oratory. On the other hand

the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Aug. 22,
1842, declared that ''those oratories which are canon-
ically dedicated in monasteries, seminaries, and other
conventual establishments, to which the faithful have
not habitually public access, cannot be called public."
In a decree dated May 19, 1759, it is stated that
" the visit may be made either before or after having
fulfilled the other conditions,' provided that it be
made within the time prescribed for gaining the in-
dulgences. It is important, therefore, to note care-
fully the terms in which each indulgence is granted.
Hence, if we find the words from the first Vespers, we
are to understand that the visit can be made even on
the vigil of the feast, but not before the hour at which
vespers are usually recited in public. The words,
moreover, until sunset, mean the evening twilight of
the day for which the indulgence has been granted
as we learn from an answer of the Sacred Congrega-
tion of Rites, Nov. 3, 1831. If, however, in the in-

dult of concession there are no such expressions, and

a determined time is not otherwise fixed, the whole
course of the natural day, or from midnight to mid-
night is to be understood as the time in which the
prescribed visit may be made (sacred Congregation
of Indulgences, Jan. 12, 1878).
When one intends to gain_on the same day sevgjal
plenary indulgences by means of a single confession
and communion, and for each indulgence a visit is
required, he must, in virtue of. a decree dated Feb.
29, 1864, " make as many visits as there are indul-
gences which he intends to gain. Hence it is neces-
sary for each successive visit to leave the church and
enter it again."
Lastly, according to the decree of Sept. 18, 1862,

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already quoted, the prescribed visit may, by the

ordinary confessor, be changed into some other pious
work, in the case of those who, on account of chronic
diseases, or of any physical impediment, are unable
to leave their homes; exception, however, being
made in the case of such as live in religious com-
munities. This exception, however, was removed by
Our Holy Father, Leo XIII., in the audience of Dec.
19, 1885, by approving the resolution made to this
effect by the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences.
5. Some pious prayers are generally required
among the conditions for gaining plenary indul-
gences, and sometimes even for gaining partial indul-
When the indult enjoins prayers " for the usual
intentions,' it is understood that some prayers are

to be said for the increase of the Catholic faith, for

the triumph of holy Church, for the conversion of
sinners, for peace and union among Christian princes
and rulers, and for the extirpation of heresies. The
explicit intention of these ends is not, however,
necessary (Sacred Congregation of Indulgences,
July 12, 1847) i suffices that we pray according to
the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff. "The prayers,
moreover, which are to be said for the intention
of the Sovereign Pontiff, in order to gain an indul-
gence, are, unless specially mentioned, left to the
piety of individuals (Sacred Congregation of Indul-
gences, May 29, 1 841). But the Sacred Congregation
declared at the same time, that prayers which are
of obligation on other grounds, as, for instance, "the
Canonical Hours, cannot satisfy for the prayers pre-
scribed by the Sovereign Pontiff for the gaining of
6. Concerning the prayers annexed to the visit,

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thesame is to be said as was said of the visit itself.

Hence if the condition limits the visit to some par-
ticular church and to the recital in said church of
certain determined prayers, then besides making the
visit, the said prayers must be recited in that church.
If, moreover, any one desires to gain several plenary

indulgences on the same day, and a visit with cer-

tain designated prayers is prescribed for each one of
the indulgences, the prayers must be said and the
visits repeated as many times as there are separate in-
dulgences which one desires to gain.
7. Lastly, any person who, on the day appointed
for gaining an indulgence, receives communion in the
church which is to be visited, and there offers up
pious prayers to God, is to be considered as having
satisfied the obligation of communion, of the visit,
and of the pious prayers enjoined for the gaining of
the plenary indulgence.
8. But the most important condition for gain-
ing a plenary indulgence is to have a true hatred for
all sins, even though venial, and to be wholly free
from any attachment to them. This condition is
absolutely necessary for gaining a plenary indulgence
in all its fulness; for, in common with other theo-
logians, St. Alphonsus teaches (Moral Theol., Bk. VI.,
Vol. IV., Ch. I., Art. II.), "it is certain that, so long
as the guilt of venial sin is not remitted, the punish-
ment due to it cannot be remitted." So that whilst
the soul bears the guilt of a single little venial sin,
or even any actual attachment to such sin, it can-
not obtain fully a plenary indulgence ; for a
plenary indulgence in all its extension is nothing
more nor less than the complete remission of the
temporal punishment due to sin, the guilt of which
has been °lready remitted. Hence the great 'mpor-

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tance for those who desire to gain a plenary indulgence

of stirring up in their hearts a sincere sorrow for each
and every venial sin.
VI. Before bringing this short introduction to a
close, it will be useful to draw attention to the follow-
ing points
i. The Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, March

7, 1678, expressly declared that "a plenary indul-

gence granted for visiting a church on any given day,
as also for the performance of some particular good
work, can be gained but once on any one day."
From this general rule are excepted the indulgence
granted on the ad day of August and generally known
as the indulgence of the Portiuncula, and any
other which can be gained many times on the same
day. But we must remark that the decree cited
speaks of the same plenary indulgence which one
would wish to gain several times on the same day, by
repeating the works which can be, or are wont to be
repeated ; for there is no doubt that several plenary
indulgences can be gained on one and the same day,
if they be granted for several distinct practices of piety.
This holds good both for indulgences granted on the
occasion of great feasts in the Church, and for those
which any pious person may, on any given day, wish
to gain by certain practices of piety to which indul-
gences are attached.
Moreover, the same Sacred Congregation by ?
decree, Feb. 16, 1852, decided that "when aplenary
indulgence is granted for any day in the year, on
condition of visiting some church or public oratory,
we are to understand that such indulgence cannot
'be gained more than once a year by any one person,
unless the terms in which the indulgence is granted,
state clearly that it may be gained every day by any
one of the faithful."

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2. Whenever a plenary indulgence is granted "for

the feasts,or for all the feasts, or for each and all of
the feasts of our Lord, we are to take the words as
meaning the principal feasts, viz.; Christmas, the
Circumcision, the Epiphany, Easter-day, the Ascen-
sion, and Corpus Christi."
In like manner, when a plenary indulgence is
granted "for the feasts, or for all the feasts, or for
all and each of the feasts of our Blessed Lady, we are

to understand the principal feasts, viz. the Immac-


ulate Conception, the Nativity, the Annunciation,

the Purification, and the Assumption of our Lady."
"And whenever a partial indulgence is granted for
all the other feasts of our Lord, it can be gained on

those feast-days only which are celebrated by the

whole Church. The same is to be said of partial
indulgences granted for all the other feasts of the
Blessed Virgin Mary."
Indulgences, whether plenary or partial, granted
for all and each of the feasts of the holy apostles,
must be understood as granted for the birthday (/. e.,
the birthday in the kingdom of heaven) of each of
the apostles. This is declared in a decree of the
Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Sept. 18, 1862.
3. All and each of the holy indulgences attached
to the pious prayers and works contained in the
Raccolla are, by way of suffrage, applicable to the
souls of the faithful departed (Sacred Congregation
of Indulgences, Sept. 30, 1852).
4. Wehave omitted from our collection those holy t
indulgences to gain which it would be necessary to 1

belong to some Confraternity, Pious Union, etc., for

it has been our desire to form a Raccolta containing

those sacred indulgences only which are, in all re-

spects, general. And if we have admitted any that
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peculiar to certain churches, certain rosaries, etc.,

we have done so merely because all the faithful can
easily procure such blessed beads, etc., as also because
they are indulgences whose fame is world-wide, and
which all the faithful can gain by visiting those
churches and others enriched with these same indul-
5. Although many prayers and pious works with
indulgences attached and said to be gainable by all
the faithful, and to have been granted by different
Sovereign Pontiffs, circulate in flying-sheets and small
pamphlets, they are excluded from the Raccolta,
because as their respective documents have not been
presented to the Secretary of the Sacred Congrega-
tion of Indulgences, they are utterly worthless.
The faithful are, therefore, warned against trusting
too readily in these flying-sheets, pamphlets, etc.
containing prayers, etc., enriched, as is said, with
indulgences sheets and pamphlets printed with the

greatest ease and spread with still greater activity.

Let them examine whether these prints bear the
approbation of the Sacred Congregation of Indul-
gences according to the rule laid down in Art. 12,
§ III. of the decrees immediately following the Rules
of the Index : " All books, diaries, summaries, pam-
phlets, flying-sheets, etc., containing grants of indul-
gences, are not to be published without the approval
of the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences."
6. It is well for all who may in future obtain
some general grant of indulgences, to know that, in
accordance with what has been prescribed by the
Sacred Congregation of Indulgences, Jan. 19, 1756,
and approved by the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict
XIV. on the 28th day of the same month and year,

they are obliged, under penalty of the nullity of the

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grace obtained, to present to the Secretary of the

same Sacred Congregation the original of the con-
*' By a
cession. decree he established that hereafter
petitioners of such general concessions (of Indul-
gences) must, under penalty of the nullity of the
favor obtained, present to the Secretary of the same
Sacred Congregation (of Indulgences) the original
of these same con cessions.' ' The strict observance
of this decree was again prescribed by the Supreme
Pontiff, Pius IX., in an audience given April 14,
VII. It has seemed to us proper to premise these
things for the guidance of the faithful, in the act of
presenting to them this " Collection of prayers and
good works to which the Sovereign Pontiffs have
attached indulgences/ ' This collection having been
made under the direction of the Cardinal Prefect of
the Sacred Congregation of Indulgences and Sacred
Relics, after having been duly revised by two of the
Most Rev. Consultors of the same Congregation and
published in 1877 by order of the Sovereign Pontiff,
Pius IX., of holy memory, is now with the approba-
tion of our Holy Father, Leo XIII., reprinted with the
addition of not a few prayers and of some pious prac-
tices, which were either enriched with indulgences by
his Holiness, or were omitted in preceding Raccoltas
because their respective documents of concession
were not presented to the Secretary of the Congrega-
tion of Indulgences and Sacred Relics.

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Sanctus, Sanctus, Holy, holy, holy, Lord
Sanctus,Dominus Deus God of hosts: the earth
exercituum : Plena est is full of thy glory.
terra gloria tua: Gloria Glory be to the Father,
Patri, gloria Filio, gloria glory be to the Son.
Spiritui Sancto. glory be to the Holy
The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XIV., by a decree of the
S. Congr. of Indulgences, June 6, 1769, granted to the faithful
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this
Angelic Trisagion :
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

An indulgence of one hundred days, three times every

Sunday, as ^ell as on the feast of the most holy Trinity, and
during its octave*

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The same Clement "XIV., by another decree of the Sacred

Congregation, June 26, 1770, granted to the faithful who shall
have said this Angelic Trisagion, every day, for a month
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall
pray for some time for the intention of his Holiness.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, May 15, 1784, granted to all the faithful who,
guided by the spirit of truth and charity, and moved to honor

the mystery of the most holy Trinity either alone or with
others, at three different times : in the mflrning, afternoon, and

evening shall say, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
the Glory be to the Father, seven times, and the Hail Mary,
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines,
on Sundays.
A plenary indulgence, twice a month, on any two Sun-
days, to* all those who observe the pious practice of saying
tj^ese prayers three times a day, provided that, being truly peni-
tent, after confession and communion, they shall pray for some
time for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
But, in order to gain these indulgences, three persons must
agree to say, either together or by themselves, the above-men-
tioned prayers, viz. : the Glory be to the Father, seven times,
and Mary, once and, should any one of the three
the Hail ;

die, or in some other way fail to say these prayers, then the
other two must find some one to take his place, so that this
pious agreement between three persons may be always main-

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius' VII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, April 28, 181 5, granted to all the faith-
ful who shall be present every day at the mass, and at the
prayers said after the mass, which is celebrated daily in the
church of our Lady of Xoretto, near the Trajan Column, in
thanksgiving for the singular gifts and privileges conferred upon
the most blessed Virgin Mary
A plenary indulgence, twice a month, on any two days,
when, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
they shall pray for some time for the intention of his Holiness.
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day,
to all those who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall
be present at this exercise.
The same Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of
Rites, June 13, 1815, extended the same favor to all the dio-
ceses of the Catholic world, by conferring on the bishops the
power of choosing for this purpose any one church. in every
city or village, etc.

As regards the said mass, only one votive mass of the most
holy Trinity is permitted to be celebrated each day, and this in
only one church in each city or village, which church shall

be designated by the Ordinary ; and this mass may be said even

on a day when the rite is duplex minus. On days when the
rite is duplex majus, or duplex secundce classis, the mass of the
day must be said, with a commemoration of the most holy
Trinity : this permission, however, does not extend to Sundays
of the first class, or other days whose rite is duplex prima
classis. This is clear from two decrees of the S. Congr. of

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Rites, April 15 and July 13, 18 15, which contain also the ap-
proval of the following prayers to be recited after mass. To
render this devotion easier, the mass may be said for the inten-
tion of benefactors, or for any other pious object whatever ; it

may likewise be said for the faithful departed, even on those

days when, according to the rubrics, the mass of Requiem ought
to be said. This is clear from the Papal rescript, Jan. 10, 1817,
given through the Office of the Secretary of Memorials.



I. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, three persons and one God, we profoundly
adore thee, and with all our heart we thank thee for
the high gifts and privileges granted to Mary most
holy in her glorious and immaculate Conception.
Glory be to the Father, three times, Hail Mary, once.

II. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, we profoundly adore thee, and with all our
heart we thank thee for the high gifts and privileges
granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Nativity.
Glory be to the Father, three times, Hail Mary, once.

III. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, we profoundly adore thee, and with all our
heart we thank thee for the high gifts and privileges
granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Presenta-
tion in the temple. Glory be to the Father, three
times, Hail Mary, once.

IV. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, we profoundly adore thee, and with all our
heart we thank thee for the high gifts and privileges
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granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Annuncia-

tion. Glory be to the Father, three times, Hail
Mary, once.

V. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, we profoundly adore thee , and with all our
heart we thank thee for the high gifts and privileges
granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Visitation.
>ZyGlory be to the Father, three times, Hail Mary, once.

S VI. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy

Ghost, we profoundly adore thee, and with all our
heart we thank thee for the high gifts and privileges
granted to Mary most holy in her glorious Purifica-
tion. Glory be to the Father, three times, Hail
Mary, once.
^ VII. Most holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost, we profoundly adore thee, and with all our
heart we thank thee for the high gifts and privileges
granted to Mary most holy in her most glorious As-
sumption into heaven. Glory be to the Father, three
times, Hail Mary, once.

^ Lastly, we give thee most heartfelt and lively

thanks, because thou hast exalted and glorified the
most holy and most sweet name of Mary throughout
the whole world.
Mary, dear mother !mother most lovely mother

most merciful mother full of love and sweetness for


thy devoted children we pray thee, by this loving


act of thanksgiving to_thejoaqst _holy Txinity, obtain

for us all the grace ever to employ the powers of our
soul, the senses of our body, in all our words and
works, to the honor and glory of God, one in three
ions, that we ma^ever_love_hiin with pure and

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tender hearts, even as thou didst love him here on I

earth ; and thus, with thee, attain to the enjoyment \

of him in the bliss of heaven for ever and ever. Bless I

us, mother Mary, in the name of the Father, and of /

the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

All say the Salve Regina, and then :

V. Benedicamus Pa-
V. Let us bless the
ttern et Filium cum Sancto
Father, and the Son, with
Spiritu, the Holy Ghost.
R. Laudemus, etsuper- R. Let us bless and
exaltemus eum in ssecula. exalt him for ever and
Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty, everlasting
Deus, qui dedisti famulis God, who
hast given thy
tuis in confessione verse servants grace in the con-
fidei geternae Trinitatis fession of the true faith
gloriam agnoscere, et in to acknowledge the glory
potentia majestatis adorare of the eternal Trinity, and
unitatem ; quaesumus, ut in the power of thy majesty
ejusdem fidei firmitate ab to adore thy Unity, grant,
omnibus semper muniamur we beseech thee, that,
adversis. Per Christum being grounded in this
Dominum nostrum. R. faith, we may by it be
Amen. ever defended from all ad-
versities. Through Christ
our Lord. R. Amen.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S.

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Congr. of Indulgences, July u, 1815, granted to all the faithful

who shall say, morning, noon, and night, the Glory be to the
Father, three times, in thanksgiving to the Holy Trinity for the
privileges granted to the most holy Virgin, especially in her
glorious Assumption into- heaven:
An indulgence of one hundred days, every time that
this prayer is said, at the three aforesaid times of the day.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who,

having practised this devotion every day for a month, at the
three appointed times, shall, after confessionand communion,
on the day of their choice, pray devoutly to God for the needs
of the Church and for the intention of his Holiness.



Let us adore the eternal Father, saying the Our Father, the
Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, once, and then :
I adore thee, everlasting Father, in union with ail
the heavenly host, as my Lord and my God, render-
ing thee never-ending thanks for all the graces and
favors which thou hast bestowed on the most holy-
Virgin, thy well beloved daughter ; and, especially,
for the great power to which thou didst exalt her in
her Assumption into heaven.
Let us adore the eternal Son, saying Our Father, the Hail
Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, once, and then :

I adore thee, eternal Son, in union with all the

heavenly host, as my Lord, my God, and my Re-
deemer ; rendering thee never-ending thanks for ail
the favors and graces which thou has^ bestowed on
the most holy Virgin, thy well beloved mother; and,

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especially for the gift of deepest wisdom with which

thou didst glorify her in her Assumption into heaven.
Let us adore the Holy Ghost, saying the Our Father, the Hail
Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, once, and then ;

I adore thee, O Holy Ghost the Comforter as my !

Lord and God, and, in union with all the heavenly

host, I render thee never-ending thanks for all the
graces and favors thou hast bestowed on the most
holy Virgin, thy most loving spouse ; and, especially,
for that most perfect and divine charity with which
thou didst inflame her most holy and pure heart
in the act of her most glorious Assumption into
heaven. In the name of thy most chaste spouse, I
humbly beg of thee to grant me the remission of my
most grievous sins, committed from the first moment
when I was able to sin until this very day, for all of
which I grieve exceedingly, firmly purposing rather
to die than ever again to offend thy divine majesty.
Relying on the high merits and most powerful pro-
tection of thy loving spouse, I beg thee to grant me
the precious gift of thy grace and holy love, vouch-
safing me those lights and special helps, by means of
which thy eternal providence has decreed to save me
and bring me to thyself.

Then say three times:

Sancta Maria, et omnes Holy Mary, and all

sancti et sanctse Dei, in- holy men and women,
tercedite pro nobis ad saints of God, intercede
Dominum, ut nos mere- for us with the Lord,
amur ab eo adjuvari et that we may be made
salvari. Amen. worthy to receive from
him help and salvation.

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I acknowledge and venerate the most holy Virgin
as the queen of heaven, the lady and mistress of the
universe, the daughter of the eternal Father, the
mother of his well beloved Son, and the most loving
spouse of the Holy Ghost. Prostrate at the feet of
thy great majesty with all humility, I pray thee, by
that heavenly charity with which thou wert so boun-
teously enriched on thy Assumption into heaven,
vouchsafe me the merciful grace of taking me under
thy most safe and faithful protection, and of receiv-
ing me into the number of thy happy and blessed
servants. Deign, most tender-hearted mother and
lady, to accept this wretched heart of mine, my
memory, my and all my other powers and
senses ; govern them all in conformity with the good
pleasure of thy Son ; for, in every thought and ac-
tion, I desire to give thee honor and glory. And
by that wisdom with which thy well beloved Son
illumines thee, I pray thee, obtain for me light clearly
to know myself, my own nothingness, and especially
my sins, that I may hate and loathe them ; to detect
the snares of the infernal foe, and to repel his attacks,
be they open or hidden. Above all, most gentle
mother, I beg of thee the grace. . . .

Say three times:

Virgo singularis, Virgin of all virgins

Inter omnes mitis, To thy shelter take us
Nos culpis solutos, Gentlest of the gentle !

Mites fac et castos. Chaste and gentle make

Famulorum tuorum, Pardon, O Lord we !

qugesumus, Domine, de- beseech thee, the sins of

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lictisignosce ; ut qui tibi thy servants ; that we, who

placere de actibus nostris are unable to please thee
non valemus, genitricis of ourselves, may, by the
Filii tui Domini nostri intercession of the Mother
intercessione salvemur. of thy Son, our Lord,
Per eumdem Christum mercifully be preserved.
Dominum nostrum. Through the same Jesus
Christ our Lord.
Benedicat et custodiat May the almighty and
nos omnipotens et mise- merciful Lord, Father,
ricors Dominus, Pater, et and Son and Holy Ghost,
Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. bless and preserve us.
Amen. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript from the
Office of the Secretary of Memorials, July 19, 1822, granted to
all the faithful who shall say these prayers
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to those who shall
have said them every day for a month, provided that, after con-
fession and communion, they shall pray to God for the welfare
of the Church, and for the intention of his Holiness.



I. We
offer to the most holy Trinity the merits of
Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for the precious blood
which Jesus shed in the Garden for us ; and by his
merits we beseech the divine majesty to grant us the
pardon of all our sins.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

II. We offer to the most holy Trinity the merits

of Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for his most precious
death endured on the cross for us ; and by his merits

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we beseech the divine majesty to free us from the

punishment due to our sins.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
III. We offer to the most holy Trinity the merits
of Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for his unspeakable
charity, by which he descended from heaven to earth
to take upon himself our flesh, and to suffer and die
for us on the cross ; and by his merits we beseech the
divine majesty to bring our souls to the glory of
heaven after our death.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by an autograph rescript,

Oct. 21, 1823, granted to all the faithful, every time that, with
and devotion, they shall say these three
at least contrite heart
good death
offerings to obtain a
An indulgence of one hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to those who shall
have said them every day for a month, to be gained at the end
of the month, on any day, when, being truly penitent, and hav-
ing confessed their sins and received holy communion, they
shall pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
These same indulgences, plenary and partial, his Holiness,
Pius IX., granted anew, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indul-
gences, June 18, 1876.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Aug. 8, 1847, granted to all the faithful, who,
either in public or in private, shall make with devotion a.triduum
or novena in honor of the most holy Trinity, either before
Trinity Sunday, or at any other time of the year
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines,
on every day of the triduum or novena.

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A plenary indulgence to those who, at the close of the

triduum or novena, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, shall visit a church, and pray there devoutly, for
some time, for the intention of his Holiness.



His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, July 28, 1863,
granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite
heart, they shall make the sign of the cross, invoking at the same
time the blessed Trinity with the words: In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost :
An indulgence of fifty days.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, March 23, 1876,
granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite
heart, they shall make the sign of the cross with holy water,
pronouncing at the same time the above-mentioned words : In
thename of the Father, etc.
An indulgence of one hundred days.



His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Dec. 5, 1876,
granted to all the faithful, who, with at least contrite heart, dur-
ing the last half hour of the year and the first half hour of the
following year, shall pray to the most holy Trinity in thanks-
giving for benefits received ;
beseeching the same holy Trinity
for peace among Christian nations, for concord among Christian
princes, for the conversion of sinners, and for the triumph of
holy Mother Church and its visible head, the Roman Pontiff

An indulgence of seven years.

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1 6.


Omnipotence of the Father, help my weakness,
and deliver me from the depth of misery.
Wisdom of the Son, direct all my thoughts, words
and actions.
Love of the Holy Ghost, be thou the source and
beginning of all the operations of my soul, whereby
they may be always conformable to the divine will.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the Sacred Con-

gregation of Indulgences, March 15, 1890, abrogating all the
indulgences hitherto annexed to the foregoing prayer by Ordi-
naries in various places, granted to the faithful who shall recite
the said prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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I most firmly believe, because God, who is the in-
fallible truth, hath so revealed to the holy Catholic
Church, and through the Church to us, that there is
one only God in three divine persons, equal and dis-
tinct, Fajther, Son, and Holy Ghost; that the Son
became man by taking to himself flesh and a human
soul through the operation of the Holy Ghost in the
womb of the most pure Virgin Mary ; that he died
for us upon the cross, rose again, ascended into
heaven, and from thence shall come again, at the end
of the world, to judge all the living and the dead, to
give paradise forever to the good, and hell to the
wicked ; moreover, for the same motive, I believe all
that the same holy Church believes and teaches.

Mv God, because thou art almighty, infinitely
good and merciful, I hope that, by the merits of the
passion and death of Jesus Christ, our Saviour, thou
wilt grant me eternal life, which thou, most faithful,
hast promised to all those who shall do the works of
a good Christian, as I purpose to do by thy holy help.

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My God, because thou art the highest and most
perfect good, I love thee with my whole heart, and
above all things ; and, rather than offend thee, I am
ready to lose all things else ; and for thy love I love
and desire to love my neighbor as myself.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., considering that it is

not only useful, but also truly necessary, for eternal salvation to
make frequent acts of the theological virtues of faith, hope
and charity, in order to excite the faithful to make these acts,
granted, by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 28,
1756, confirming the grant already made by Benedict XIII.,
Jan. 15, 1728:
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall, daily, devoutly say, and, at the same time, make with
their heart these acts. This indulgence may be gained on any
day, when, being truly penitent, after confession and commun-
ion, they shall pray for peace and union among Christian princes,
for the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Church.
He granted in like manner
A plenary indulgence at the hour of death. Finally, to
excite the faithful to a very frequent use of these acts, he ex-
tended the
Indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
(which, by the grant of his predecessor, could be gained only
once a day) to every time that these acts are said with heartfelt
The same Sovereign Pontiff further declared that, to gain
these indulgences, it is make use of any set
not necessary to
form of words, but that any one may use any form of words
which he pleases, provided it expresses the particular motive o{
each of the three theological virtues.

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Fiat, laudetur atque May the most just,
in aeternum superex- most high, and most
altetur justissima, altis- amiable will of God be
sima et amabilissima done in all things, be
voluntas Dei in omni- praised and magnified
bus. forever.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S.

Cong, of Indulgences, May 19, 1818, granted to all the
faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say
this ejaculation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to all who shall have
said it daily, on any day, when, being truly penitent, after con-

fession and communion, they shall pray for some time for the

intention of his Holiness.

A plenary indulgence, hour of death, to those who,

at the
having said it often during and being properly disposed,

shall accept death with resignation from the hands of God.


1. My my sovereign good, would that I
had always loved thee !

2. My
God, I abhor the time when I loved thee
3. How could I live so long without thy holy
4. And thou, my God, how could'st thou suffer
me so long ?

5. My God, I give thee thanks for thy great

6. But now I will always love thee.
7. I had sooner die than love thee not.
8. Take from me my life, my God, if I am not to
love thee.
9. This grace I beg of thee, my God, ever to love
10. With thy holy love I shall be blessed.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

1. My God,, fain would I see thee loved by all.

2. Happy me, could I but shed my blood that all
might love thee.
3. Truly blind is he who loves thee not.
4. My God, give me thy holy light.
5. There is no woe but not to love thee, sovereign
6. My God, let me never be one of those wretched
blind ones who love thee not.
7. My God, be thou my joy, my good, my all.
8.* Fain would I be wholly thine forever.
9. Who shall ever separate me from thy holy
10. Come, all ye creatures, to love my God.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

1. My God, I desire to have a thousand hearts to

love thee.
2. Would that I had the hearts of all men to love
thee !

3. Glad might I be that there were more worlds,

that all might love thee.
4. Blessed would he be who could love thee with all
the hearts of all possible creatures.

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5. To be so loved, my God, is thy just meed.

6. Too poor a heart have I, too cold, to love thee.
7. O ye cold hearts of men why love ye not!

your sovereign good ?

8. O
the deplorable blindness of worldlings, who
know not the true love !

9. Thrice blest, ye heavenly host, who know and

love your God
10. O blessed necessity of loving God !

Glory be to the Father, etc.

1. My God, when shall I burn with love for thee?

2. O how happy and dear a lot shall this be for
me !

3. Not knowing how to love thee myself, I rejoice,

at least, that there are so many others who love thee
with their whole heart.
I rejoice, in particular, that thou art loved by
all the angels and saints in heaven.
5. I unite my poor heart with all their hearts.
6. Especially do I desire to love thee with that
love with which the saints who were most enamored
of thee loved thee.
7. Wherefore I intend to love thee with the love
of S. Mary Magdalen, of S. Catharine, and of S.
8. With the love of S. Augustine, S. Dominic, S.
Francis Xavier, S. Philip Neri, and S. Louis Gon«
9. With the very love with which thy holy apostles
loved thee, especially S. Peter, S. Paul, and the be-
loved disciple.
10. With the same love with which the great
patriarch, S. Joseph, loved thee.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

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1. Fain would I love thee, besides, with a love

like unto that of Mary most holy, while here on
2. Fain would I love thee with a love like unto that
with which she loved thee, when she conceived in
her virgin womb thy divine Son, when she brought
him forth, when she suckled him, and when she saw
him die.
I would also love thee with the love with which
she loved thee, and will always love thee in heaven.
4. But not even this love is enough to love thee
with, O God of infinite goodness !

5. Wherefore, I would love thee as thy Son, the

divine Word made man, did love thee.
6. As he loved thee when he was born.
7. As he loved thee when he died upon the cross.
8. As he loves thee ever in those sacred tabernacles
where he lies hid.
9. And with that very love with which he loves
thee, and will love thee ever, in heaven, for all
10. Lastly, I would love thee with that love with
which thou lovest thyself ; but since that is impos-
sible, grant me, O my God ! through thy tender pity,
that I may much as I know how, as much
love thee as
as I ought, and as much as I can love thee, and it is
pleasing to thee. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


Deus, qui diligentibus God, who hast pre- O
te bona invisibilia prae- pared all good things for
parasti, infunde cordi- them that love thee pour !

bus nostris tui amoris into our hearts such a de-

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affectum; ut te in omni-? sire of thy love, that we,

bus et super omnia dili- loving thee in all and
gentes, promissiones tuas, above all, may attain thy
quae omne desiderium heavenly promises, which
superant, consequamur. exceed all that we can de-
Per Christum Dominum sire. Through Christ our
nostrum. Amen. Lord. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Aug. n, 1818, granted to all the faithful, who,
wi(h at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this Chaplet
of five decades, with the Glory be to the Father, five times, and
the prayer :
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to all who have fre-

quently, or at least ten times a month, made this pious exercise,

if,being truly penitent, they shall, after confession and com-
munion, pray devoutly for some time for the intention of hb


Pietate tua, qusesumus Loosen, O Lord we !

Domine, nostrorum pray thee, in thy pity, the

solve vincula peccato- bonds of our sins, and by
rum, et intercedente the intercession of the
beata semperque yir- blessed and ever Virgin
gine Dei genitrice Maria, Mary, mother of God, St.
cum beato Joseph, ac Joseph, the blessed apos-
beatis Apostolis tuis tles Peter and Paul, and
Petro, et Paulo, et all the saints, keep us,
omnibus Sanctis, nos thy servants, and our
famulos tuos et loca abodes in all holiness;
nostra in omni sancti- cleanse us, our rela-

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tate custodi : omnes tions, kinsfolk, and

consanguinitate, affini- from all
tate, ac familiaritate stain of sin; adorn us
nobis conjunctos a vitiis with all virtue; grant
purga, virtutibus illus- us peace and health;
tra; pacem et salutem drive far off all our
nobis tribue ; hostes enemies visible and in-
visibiles et bridle our car-
invisibiles visible;
remove ; carnalia nal appetites ;
desi- give us
deria repelle ; aerem healthful seasons ; be-
salubrem indulge ; ami- stow thy love upon our
cis et inimicis nostris friends and our ene-
charitatem largire mies; guard thy holy
urbem tuam custodi city; preserve our Sov-
Pontificem nostrum N. ereign Pontiff, N., and
conserva ; omnes prae- defend all our prelates,
latos, principes, cunc- princes, and ail thy
tumque populum chris- Christian people, from
tianum ab omni adver- all adversity. Let thy
sitate defende. Bene- blessing be ever upon
dictio tua sit super nos us, and grant to all
semper; et omnibus the faithful departed
fidelibus defunctis re- eternal rest. Through
quiem aeternam concede. Christ our Lord. Amen.
Per Christum Dominum
nostrum. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by an autograph rescript,.

July 9, 1828, granted to all with

the faithful, every time that,
and devotion, they shall say this prayer
at least contrite heart :

An indulgence of forty days.

An indulgence of one hundred years and one hundret>
quarantines to those who shall say it every Saturday, for a

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iEterne rerum omnium Eternal God, Creatoi
effector Deus, memento of all things, remember
abs te animas infidelium that thou alone didst
procreatas, easqtie ad create the souls of infi-
imaginem et similitu- dels, framing them to thy
dinem tuam conditas. own image and likeness
Ecce, Domine, in oppro- behold, O Lord how, to !

brium tuum his ipsis thy dishonor, hell is daily

infernus impletur. replenished with them.
Memento Jesum Filium Remember, O Lord thy !

tuum pro illorum salute only Son, Jesus Christ,

atrocissimam subiisse who suffered for them,
necem. Noli, quaeso, most bountifully shedding
Domine, ultra permit- his precious blood suffer :

tere ut Filius tuus ab not, O Lord thy Son and !

infidelibus contemna- our Lord to be any longer

tur; sed precibus sanc- despised by infidels; but
torum virorum et rather, being appeased by
Ecclesiae, the entreaties and prayers
Filii tui sponsae placatus,of the elect, the saints,
recordare misericordiae and of the Church, the
tuae, et oblitus idolola- most blessed spouse of thy
triae et infidelitatis Son, vouchsafe to be mind-
eorum, efiice ut ipsi ful of thy mercy, and for-
quoque agnoscant getting their idolatry and
aliquando quern misisti infidelity, cause them also
Dominum Jesum Chris- to know him whom thou
tum, qui est salus, vita didst send, Jesus Christ
et resurrectio nostra, per thy Son, our Lord, who is
quern salvati et liberati our health, life and resur-
sumus, cui sit gloria per rection, through whom we

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inflnita saecula saeculo- are made free and saved,

rum. to whom be all glory for-
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, May
24, 1847,granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say this prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


Ant. Da pacem, Domi- Ant. Give peace, O
ne, in diebus nostris Lord in our days
! for ;

quia non est alius qui there is none other that

pugnet pro nobis, nisi tu, fighteth for us, but only
Deus noster. thou, our God.
V. Fiat pax in virtute V. Peace be in thy
tua. strength, O Lord
R. Et abundantia in R. And plenty in thy
turribus tuis. strong places.


Deus, a quo sancta O God, from whom

desideria, recta consilia, come all holy desires, all
et justa sunt opera: da right counsels and just
servis tuis illam, quam works grant unto us, thy

mundus dare non potest, servants, that peace which

pacem : ut et corda nos- the world cannot give,
tra mandatis tuis dedita, that our hearts may be
et hostium sublata for- devoted to thy service,
midine, tempora sint tua and that, delivered from
protectione tranquilla. the terror of our enemies,
Per Christum Dominum we may pass our time in
nostrum. Amen. peace under thy protec-
tion. Through Christ our
Lord. Amen.
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His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, May 18, 1848, granted to all the faithful every
time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall
say these prayers
An indulgence of one hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to those who shall
have said them, at least once a day, for a whole month, on
any day when, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, they shall visit a church, and pray there, for some
time, for the intention of his Holiness.




Lord,God Almighty, behold me prostrate before

thee, in order to appease and honor thy divine
majesty, in the name of all creatures. But how can
I do it —
I a wretched sinner ? Yes, I can, and I will
do it because I know that thou dost glory in being

called the Father of mercy, and that, for love of us,

thou hast given even thy only-begotten Son, who
offered himself for us on the cross, and who con-
tinually renews for us the same sacrifice on our altars.
And therefore, though a sinner, yet truly penitent,
wretched, and yet rich in Jesus Christ, I present my-
self before thee, and with the fervor of all the saints

and angels, and with the ardent love of the im-

maculate heart of Mary, I offer thee, in the name of
all creatures, the masses which are now being said,

with allthose which have been said, and which will

be said to theend of the world. I also desire to re-
new this offering, at every instant of this day, and
of my whole life, in order to give thy infinite majesty
; ;


honor and glory worthy of thee; to appease thy

wrath, and to satisfy thy justice for our many sins
to render thee thanks in keeping with thy benefits,
and to implore thy mercy for myself and for all
sinners, for all the faithful, living and dead, for the
whole Church, and chiefly for its visible head, the
Roman Pontiff; and lastly, for all poor schismatics,
heretics, and infidels, that they may also be converted
and saved.

An Offering to be made during the time of Mass.

Eternal Father, I offer thee the sacrifice which thy

beloved Son, Jesus, made of himself on the cross,
and now renews on this altar. I offer it in the name
of all creatures, together with the masses which have
been said and which will be said throughout the
whole world, to adore thee and to give thee honor
which thou deservest to render to thee the thanks

which are due thee for thy numberless benefits, to

appease thy anger, and to satisfy for our many sins ;
to supplicate thee for myself, for the Church, for the
whole world, and for the blessed souls in purgatory.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescripl from the Office

of the Secretary of Briefs, April n, i860, granted to all the
faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall
say this prayer at the beginning of the day, and this offering

in the time of mass,

An indulgence of three years, once a day for each
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, after
saying at the times appointed, eveiy day, for a month, the two
prayers given above, shall, on any day, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, visit their parish church, or
: ;


some other public church, and pray there for the intention oi
theSovereign Pontiff.
The S. Congr. of Indulgences, May 5, 1890, declared that
priestscan gain the indulgence granted for the above offering
by saying it before celebrating mass.


Eternal Father, we offer thee the blood, the pas-
sion, and the death of Jesus Christ, the sorrows of
Mary most holy, and of St. Joseph, in satisfaction
for our sins, in aid of the holy souls in purgatory, for
the needs of holy Mother Church, and for the conver-
sion of sinners.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript

April 30, i860, granted to all the faithful who, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



Eternal God, behold me prostrate before the im-

mensity of thy majesty. I humbly adore thee, and
offer thee all my
thoughts, words, and works of this
day. I intend to do everything for love of thee, for
thy glory, and for the fulfilment of thy divine will
in order to serve, praise, and bless thee, to be en-
lightened in the mysteries of our holy faith, to secure
my salvation, and to hope in thy mercy to satisfy ;

the divine justice for my many grievous sins, to assist

the holy souls in purgatory, and to obtain the grace

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of a true conversion for all sinners. I desire, in fine*

to do everything in union with that most pure inters
tion which Jesus and Mary had during life, and the
saints in heaven, and the just now on earth. Would
that I could write this intention with my own
blood, and repeat as often as there be moments in

eternity Accept, my God, my good-will grant


me thy holy blessing and efficacious grace never to

commit a mortal sin throughout the course of my life,
but particularly on this day, on which I desire and
purpose to gain all the indulgences which it is possi-
ble for me to gain, and to be present in spirit at all
the masses which will be celebrated to-day in the
whole world, that I may apply them to the souls in
purgatory, and free them from all pain. Amen.

Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Sept. 6, 1867, granted to all the

faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall
say this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence to all who shall recite the same
prayer daily, for a month, and who, on any day of the said
month, being truly penitent, after confession and communion
shall visit some public church, and pray there devoutly for
peace and union among Christian princes, for the expiration
of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Mother Church.



O mi Deus, credo in te O my God I believe

; !

credo omnia quae tu re- in thee I believe all ;

velasti et quae sancta that thou hast revealed,

Ecclesia catholica ere- and that the holy Catholic
denda proposes to my

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in primis beatissimam belief. I believe, first,

virginem Mariam vere that the most blessed Vir-
esse Dei genitricem gin is truly the mother of
credo firm iter et indubi- God; I believe firmly,
tanter earnesse simul and with all certainty, that
matrem etvirginem et she is same time
at the
liberam ab omni etiam mother and virgin, and
minimo peccato actuali ;
that she is free from even
item firmiter et indubi- the least actual sin. I also
tanter credo Mariam in believe most firmly, and
primo instanti suae con- with all certainty, that,
ception is fuisse singu- by a singular grace and
lari omnipotentis Dei privilege of almighty God,
gratia et privilegio, in- in view of the merits of
tuitu meritorum Christi Jesus Christ, the Saviour
Jesu salvatoris humani of the human race, Mary
generis, ab omni origi- was, in the first instant of
nalis culpae labe praeser- her conception, preserved
vatam immunem. Item free from all stain of origi->
firmiter et indubitanter nal sin. I believe most
credo romanum Pontifi- firmly, and with all cer-
cem cum ex cathedra lo- tainty, that when the
quitur, id est, cum omni- Roman Pontiff speaks ex-
um christianorum pas- cathedra that is, when, —
toris et doctoris munei;e in quality of the chief
fungens, pro sua suprema pastor and teacher of all
et apostolica auctoritate Christians, he, in virtue of
doctrinam de fide et his supreme and apostolic
moribus ab universa authority, defines the doc-
Ecclesia tenendam den- trine to be held by the
nit, per assistentiam universal Church concern-
divinam ipsi in beato ing faith or morals by —
Petro promissam, ea in- the divine assistance,
fallibilitate pollere, qua promised him in the per-
divinus Redemptor Ec- son of S. Peter, he enjoys
clesiam suam in definien- that infallibility with

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do de fide vel moribus which the divine Re-

instructam esse voluit deemer wished his Church
ideoque ejusmodi ro- to be endowed when de-
mani Pontificis defini- fining matters of faith or
tiones ex sese, non morals and, therefore,

autem ex consensu Ec- that such definitions of

clesiae, irref ormabiles esse. the Roman Pontiff are,
Haec omnia credo quia of themselves, and not
sancta tua Ecclesia, quae from the consent of the
est columna et fundamen- Church, irreformable. I
tum veritatis, quae nun- believe all this, because
quam erravit nec unquam thy holy Church, which
errare potest, haec creden- is the pillar and ground
da proponit. of truth, which has never
erred and can never err,
proposes it to be believed.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by the rescript of the S.

Gongr. of extraordinary ecclesiastical affairs, Jan. 10, 1871,
granted to all the faithful, who, with at least contrite heart,
shall say this act of faith with devotion :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



Domine sancte, Pater O holy Lord, almighty


omnipotens, aeterne De- Father, eternal God !

us, propter tuam largi- through thy liberality and

tatem et Filii tui qui pro that of thy Son, who for
me sustinuit passionem me endured suffering and
et mortem,
et matris ejus' death, through the sur-
excellentissimam sane- j-passing holiness of his

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titatem, atque beati Fran- I

mother, and through the
cisci, et omnium sanc- merits of blessed Francis
torum merita, concede and of all the saints,
mihi peccatori, et omni grant me, a sinner, unde-
tuo beneficio indigno, serving of all thy benefits,
ut et solum diligam, that I may love thee alone
tuo amore semper sitiam, and always thirst for thy
beneficium p a s s o n i s
i love ; that I may con-
continuo in corde habeam, stantly feel in my heart
mean miseriam recog- the benefit of thy passion ;

noscam, et ab omnibus that I may acknowledge

conculcari et contemni my misery, and desire to
cupiam : nihil me con- be trampled upon and de-
tristet nisi culpa. Amen. spised by all* men that ;

nothing but sin may sad-

den my heart. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript,

April n, 1874, granted to all the faithful who, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



Omnipotent Lord ! who dost permit evil that good

may spring from it, humble prayers, by
listen to the
which we ask of thee the grace of remaining faithful
to thee, even unto death. Grant us also, through the
intercession of Mary ever blessed, that we may al-
ways conform ourselves to thy most holy will.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, dated July 19, 1879, confirmed the
Indulgence of one hundred days, to be gained once a

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day, already granted June 15, 1862, by the Sovereign Pontiff,

Pope Pius IX., to all the faithful who, with contrite hearts,
devoutly recite the above prayer.




Suscipe, Doraine, uni- Take, O Lord, and

versam meam libertatem. receive all my liberty,
Accipe memoriam, intel- my memory, my under-
lectual atque voluntatem standing and my whole
omnem. Quidquid habeo will. Thou hast given me
vel possideo, mini lar- all that I am and all that
gitus es id tibi totum I possess
; I surrender it

restituo ac tuae prorsus all to thee that thou may-

voluntati trado guber- est dispose of it according
nandum. Amorem tui to thy will. Give me only
solum cum gratia tua mihi thy love and thy grace
dones et dives sum satis, with these I will be rich
nec aliud quidquam ultra enough, and will have no
posco. more to desire.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, May 26, 1883, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite the above
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


Thou seest, O
Lord, how on all sides storms are
raging and the angry sea is raising its tumultuous
billows. Do thou, we beseech thee, for thou alone

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canst, command the winds and the sea, give back to

the human family the true peace which the world
cannot give, the tranquillity of order. Grant,
namely, that men may, by the impulse of thy grace,
return to due order, by a renewal in their hearts of
piety towards God, of justice and charity towards one
another, of temperance in themselves, with due sub-
jection of the lower appetites to reason. Thy King-
dom come and may those who are seeking with

fruitless labor, far from thee, to find truth and sal-

vation, come to understand that their only hope lies
in subjection and' service to thee. In thy laws are
justiceand fatherly kindness ; and thou dost freely
bestow upon us, through thy grace, the strength to
observe them. The life of man on earth is a warfare,
but thou "art witness of the combat, and helpest
man to conquer, and givest strength to the faltering
and crownest him when he overcomes.'

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, Jan. 19, 1889, granted to the faithful who recite

the above prayer

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


O Lord, who in the mystery of the glorious Trans-

Son didst vouchsafe to show
figuration of thy divine
splendor the truth of the holy Catholic
forth in all its
Faith, and to give miraculous confirmation, by thy
voice coming forth from the cloud, of our perfect
adoption as thy sons, we humbly beseech thee to
grant us that we may be made co-heirs of this same

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King of Glory and partakers of thy eternal happiness.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 14, 1889, granted to the faithful who recite
this prayer

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



O Lord, behold us, millions of believers, who,
prostrate at thy feet, entreat thee to save, protect
and preserve unto length of years the vicar of Jesus
Christ, the father of the great Society of souls and
our father also. To-day, as likewise every day, he
too prays for us, offering up to thee, with holy fervor,
the host of love and peace.
Deign, then, O Lord, to turn, with an eye of pity,
to us who, forgetful, as it were, of ourselves, are now
praying especially for him. Unite our prayers with
his and receive them in the bosom of thy infinite
mercy as a most sweet perfume of the living and ef-
ficacious charity by which, in the Church, the chil-
dren are united to the father. All that he asks of thee
to-day we likewise ask of thee with him.
If he weeps or rejoices or hopes or offers himself
as a victim of charity for his people, we wish to do
the same with him, or rather we desire that the voice
of our souls may be one with his. Grant, then, O
Lord, we beseech thee, that not even one of us may
be absent from his mind or from his heart in the
hour in which he prays or offers to thee the sacrifice
of thy blessed Son. And at the moment when our
most venerated Pontiff, holding in his hands the very

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body of Jesus Christ, shall say to the people, over

the chalice of benediction, " May the peace of the
Lord be always with you," grant, O Lord, that thy
most sweet and gracious peace may come down, with
a new and visible efficacy, into our hearts and upon
all the nations. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., in an audience of his Majordomo,
May 8, 1896, granted to the faithful who recite the above
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

J 7-

Deus meus et omnia ! j My God and my all

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, May 4, 1888, granted to the faithful as often as
they recite the said ejaculation
An indulgence of fifty days.


My God, grant that I may love thee, and be the
only reward of my love to love thee always more
and more.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, March 15, 1890, granted to the faithful who recite

the above invocation

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Veni creator Spiritus, Come, Holy Ghost,
Creator, come,
Mentes tuorum visita, From
thy bright, heav-
enly throne
Imple superna gratia Come, take possession of
our souls,
Quae tu creasti pectora. And make them all thy

Qui diceris Paraclitus, Thou who

art called the
Altissimi donum Dei, Best gift of God above
Fons vivus, ignis, charitas, The living spring, the liv-
ing fire,
Et spiritalis unctio. Sweet unction and true

Tu septiformis munere, Thou who art sevenfold

in thy grace,
Digitus paternae dexterae, Finger of God's right
hand ;

Tu rite promissum Patris, His promise, teaching

little ones
Sermone ditans guttura. To speak and under-
(64) stand.

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ghost. 65

Accende lumen O
guide our minds with
sensi- !

bus, thy blest light,

Infunde amorem cordi- With love our hearts in-
bus, flame ;

Infirma nostri corporis And with thy strength,

which ne'er decays,
Virtute firmans perpeti. Confirm our mortal

Hostem repellas Ion- Far from us drive our

gius, hellish foe,
Pacemque dones proti- Truepeace unto us
nus ;
bring ;

Ductore sic te praevio, And through all perils

lead us safe,
Vitemus omne noxium. Beneath thy sacred

Per te sciamus da Pa- Through thee may we the

ttern, Father know
Noscamus atque Filium, Through thee th' eternal
Teque utriusque Spiritum And thee, the Spirit of
them both :

Credamus omni tempore. Thrice blessed three in


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Deo Patri sit gloria, All glory to the Father

Et Filio, qui a mortuis And to his risen Son,

Surrexit, ac Paraclito, The like to thee, great
In saeculorum saecula. While endless ages run.
Amen. Amen.
Veni Sancte Spiritus, Holy Spirit! Lord of
JEt emitte ccelitus From thy clear celestial
Lucis tuae radium. Thy pure, beaming
radiance give :

Veni pater pauperum, Come, thou father of the

poor !

"Veni dator munerum, Come, with treasures

which endure
Veni lumen cordium. Come, thou light of all
that live

Consolator optime, Thou,of all consolers best,

Dulcis hospes animae, Visiting the troubled
Dulce refrigerium. Dost refreshing peace
bestow :

In labore requies, Thou in toil art comfort

In aestu temperies, Pleasant coolness in the
In fletu solatium. Solace in the midst of

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O lux beatissima, Light immortal ! light

divine !

Reple cordis intima Visit thou these hearts of

Tuorum fidelium. And our inmost being
fill :

Sine tuo numine If thou take thy grace

Nihil est in homine, Nothing pure in man will
Nihil est innoxium. All his good is turn'd
to ill.

Lava quod est sordidum, Heal our wounds —our

strength renew
Riga quod est aridum, On our dryness pour thy
Sana quod est saucium. Wash the stains of
guilt away :

Flecte quod est rigidum, Bend the stubborn heart

and will
Fove quod est frigidum, Melt the frozen, warm the
Rege quod est devium. Guide the steps that go

Da tuis fidelibus Thou, on those who ever-

In te conritentibus Thee confess and thee
Sacrum septenarium. In thy sevenfold gifts



Da virtutis meritum, Give them comfort when

they die
Da salutis exitum, Give them life with thee
on high ;

Da perenne gaudium. Give them joys which

Amen. never end. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a brief, May 26, 1796,

granted to all the faithful who, once or oftener in the day,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say the hymn,
Vent Creator Spiritus, or the sequence, Vent Sancte Spiritus :
A plenary indulgence, once a month on any day, on which
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they
shall pray for peace and union among Christian princes, for the
extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Mother
An indulgence of three hundred days to all those
who, on Whitsunday and during its octave, with at least con-
trite heart and devotion, shall say this hymn or the sequence,

praying as above directed.

An indulgence of one hundred days on all other days
of the year, every time that, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, they shall say this hymn or the sequence, praying as
above directed.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript given at
Gaeta, Jan. 5, 1849, and by another rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, dated Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faith*
ful who, devoutly and with contrite heart, shall, at any time
during the year, make a novena to the Holy Ghost, with any
formula of prayer, provided it be approved by competent
ecclesiastical authority.

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An indulgence of three hundred days, on each

A plenary indulgence, either during the course of the
novena or upon one of the eight days immediately fol-
lowing it, if, being truly contrite, they go to confession and
communion, and pray for the intention of the Sovereign


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of the Propaganda Fide, March 12, 1857, granted to all
the faithful who, devoutly and wi h contrite hearts, recite seven
times the Glory be to the Father with the intention of asking

for the Seven Gifts, for the diffusion of the faith, and of praying
according to the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff
An indulgence of seven days.



His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a brief of May 5, 1895, and by
the Encyclical of May 9, 1897, granted to the faithful who, in

public or in private, make the novena of preparation for the

solemnity of Pentecost with special prayers to the Holy Ghost
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
on each day
A plenary indulgence, on one of the days of the Novena,
or on feast of Pentecost itself, or on any other day of the Oc-
tave, on the usual conditions: Confession, Communion and
prayer for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
He also granted the same indulgences to be gained by any
one who offers special prayers during the Octave of the same

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O Holy Spirit, Creator,propitiously help the Catho-
lic Church, and by thy supernal power strengthen
and confirm it against the assaults of the enemy, by
thy charity and grace renew the spirit of thy servants
whom thou hast anointed, that in thee they may
glorify the Father and his only begotten Son Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, August 26, 1889, granted
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to
the faithful who recite the above prayer.

Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, come into our hearts ;
give to all peoples the brightness of thy light, that
they may be well-pleasing to thee in unity of faith.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, July 31, 1897, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Begin with an act of contrition.


The Archangel Gabriel makes known to the

blessed Virgin Mary the Incarnation of the divine
Word in her pure womb.
Hail Mary,
1 . The Son of God made man is born of Mary
the Virgin in a stable.

Our Father.
2. The angels exult and sing, Gloria in excelsis
Our Father.
3. The Shepherds hear the angel's tidings, and
come and adore him,
Our Father.
4. He is circumcised on the eighth day, and
called by the most holy name of Jesus.

Our Father.
5. He is adored by the Magi with offerings of
gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Our Father.

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72 jesus.

6. He is presented in the temple, and is foretold

to be the Saviour of the world.

Our Father,
7. He flies from the wrath of Herod, and is car-
ried into Egypt.
Our Father.
8. Herod, not finding him, murders the Inno-
Our Father.
9. He
carried back by Joseph
is and his mother
into Nazareth, his country.

Our Father.
10. At the age of twelve, he disputes in the temple
with the doctors.
Our Father.
Add the Requiem aeternam {if the chaplet is said for the

Jesus is most obedient to the blessed Virgin, his
mother, and to S. Joseph.
Hail Mary.
1. At the age of thirty, he is baptized by S. John
in the Jordan.
Ou.r Father.
2. He fasts forty days in the desert, and over-
comes the tempter.
Our Father.
3. He practises and preaches his holy law, where*
by is life eternal.

Our Father.

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4. He calls his disciples, who forthwith leave all

and follow him.
Our Father.
5. He works his first miracle, by changing water
into wine.
Our Father.
6. Heheals the sick, makes the lame to walk,
gives hearing to the deaf, sight to the blind, life to
the dead.
Our Father.
7. He converts sinful men and sinful women and
pardons their sins.
Our Father.
8. When the Jews persecute him even unto death
he chastises them not, but sweetly chides them.

Our Father.
9. He transfigured on Mount Thabor, in the
presence of Peter, James, and John.
Our Father.
10. Seated on the colt of an
ass, he enters in
triumph into Jerusalem, and drives the profaners .

from the temple.

Our Father.
Add the Requiem aeternam {if saidfor the departed).

Jesus takes leave of his mother before he goes to
die for our salvation.
Hail Mary.
1. He celebrates the last supper, and washes the
apostles' feet.
Our Father.

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74 jesus.

2. He institutes the most holy sacrament of the

Our Father,
3. He
prays in the garden, sweats blood, and is
comforted by an angel.
Our Father.
4. He is betrayed by Judas with a kiss, is taken,
and, like a great malefactor, is bound by the officers
of justice.
Our Father.

5. He is falsely accused, he is buffeted and spit

upon, and shamefully abused before four tribunals.
Our Father.

6. He
looks tenderly on Peter, who had thrice de-
nied him whilst Judas, in despair, hangs himself,

and is lost.
Our Father.

7. He is cruelly scourged at the pillar, and re-

ceives innumerable blows.

Our Father.
8. He is crowned with thorns, and shown to the
people, who cry : Crucify him, crucify him.
Our Father.

9. He
is condemned to death, carries the heavy
cross, with grievous pain, on his shoulders, to Mount
Our Father.
10. He is crucified between two thieves, dies after
three hours' agony, is wounded in the side with a
lance, and is buried.
Add the Requiem aeternam {if saidfor the departed).

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Our Father.
Jesus rises the third day, and visits, first of all, his
most holy mother.
Hail Mary.
1. He appears to the three Marys, and bids them
tell the disciples they have seen him risen from the
Our Father.
2. He
appears to the disciples, shows them his
most holy wounds, and bids Thomas touch them.
Our Father.
3. The day after his resurrection, he
blesses most holy Mary, his mother, and all his dis-
ciples, and ascends into heaven.

Our Father.
Let us pray the most holy Virgin to obtain for us
also the blessing of her Son, Jesus Christ, now and
at the hour of our death. *

Hail Mary.
Add the Requiem aeternam {if saidfor the departed).
honor of the holy apostles say the Creed.
This chaplet, called the Chaplet of our Lord, because it is
said in honor of Jesus Christ, is composed of the Our Father

repeated thirty-three times, in remembrance and veneration of

the thirty-three years which he lived on earth. The Hail Mary,
repeated five times, in honor of his five most sacred wounds,
is added in the order indicated above. The chaplet finishes
with the Creed in honor of the holy apostles.
Pope Clement X., by a brfef, De Salute G regis Dominici,
July 20, 1674, granted
An indulgence of two hundred years, every time, to
all those who shall say it, provided that, being truly penitent
they shall have gone to confession, or at least shall have the
firm purpose of doing so.


An indulgence of one hundred and fifty years to

any one who, after confession and communion, shall carry
about him one of these chaplets, and say it every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, and also on feasts of obligation.
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to any one who shall
have said it at least four times a week, provided he go to
confession and communion.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to any one who
shall |iave said it every day in the course of the same month,
and shall then, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, pray to God for peace and union among Christian
princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of
holy Mother Church.
A plenary indulgence, at the hour of death, to any one
who, deing penitent and having confessed his sins, shall in-
voke, at least from his heart, if he cannot do so with his lips,
the most holy name of Jesus provided he has said the above-

named chaplet during his illness, with the intention of gaining

this indulgence ; and if he recover
An indulgence of two hundred years.
An indulgence of twenty days to any one who shall
carry about him one of these chaplets and invoke the adorable
name of Jesus, after he has made an examination of conscience
with contrition for his sins, and said the Our Father and the
Hail Mary, each three times, for the welfare of holy Church.
An indulgence of twenty years to any one who, having
examined his conscience and gone to confession, shall, after
confession, pray to God for the spread of the Catholic faith, for
the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Church.
An indulgence of ten years to any one who having about
him the said chaplet, shall say the Our Father and the Hail
Mary, each three times, as often as he does any spiritual or
temporal good work in honor of Jesus Christ, of the blessed
Virgin Mary, or of some saint, or to assist his neighbor.

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An indulgence of two hundred years to any one who,

having about him the same chaplet, and being out of Rome,
shall, on the days of the Stations, after confession and com-
munion, visit any church or, being prevented from doing so,

shall recite the chaplet and the seven Penitential Psalms, with
the litanies and prayers subjoined. The same indulgence may
be gained in Rome by any one who, being legitimately hindered
from visiting the church of the Stations, shall say the chaplet
and the Penitential Psalms as directed above.
Pope Benedict XIII., afterward, by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, April 6, 1727, confirming all the above indul-
gences, add another plenary indulgence for any one who
after confession and communion, shall say this chaplet on
Fridr.y. This plenary indulgence can be gained on each of the
Fridays in March only, after the works enjoined above have
been fulfilled as was declared by Pope Leo XII., in a decree
of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. 1 r, 1824.
In order to gain the above mentioned indulgences, it is
necessary that
1. The chaplet be blessed by the reverend fathers of the

Camaldolese Order, either hermits or monks, or else by those

who have apostolic authority to bless them. Once blessed, they
cannot be sold or lent to others for the purpose of communicat-
ing to them the indulgences according to the said brief of
Clement X.
2. Every one while saying the chaplet must, according to
his capacity, meditate on the mysteries of the life, etc., of our
Lord Jesus Christ. It is not, however, necessary either to
read or recite the short reflections given above, as they are
added only for the greater devotion of any one who may wish
to make use of them.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XIII., by a decree of the S

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78 jesus.

Congr. of Indulgences, Sept. 5, 1759, confirmed anew the

following indulgences, already granted by Sixtus V. and
Benedict XIII., for all those who, when they meet one another,
shall. say: Laudetur Jesus Christus (Praise to be to Jesus
Christ), and answer In scecula or Amen, (Forever, or Amen) :

An indulgence of fifty days, every time.

An indulgence of twenty-fivv days to all those who
shall devoutly invoke the most holy name of Jesus.
A plenary indulgence, at the hour of death, to all those
who, during life, shall have had the pious practice of saluting
one another and answering as above directed or of fre- :

quently invoking the above mentioned most holy name, pro-

vided th.ey invoke them then, at least with the heart, if they
are unable to do it with their lips.
The same indulgences arc granted to preachers, and to all
thosewho shall exhort the faithful to salute each other in the
manner prescribed, and to invoke frequently the most holy
names of Jesus and Mary.



Jesu dulcis memoria, Jesus ! the very thought
of thee
Dans vera cordi gaudia With sweetness fills my
Sed super mel et omnia, But sweeter far thy face
to see,
Ejus dulcis praesentia. And in thy presence
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Nil canitur suavius, Nor voice can sing, nor

heart can frame,
Nil auditur jucundius, Nor can the memory
Nil cogitatur dulcius, A sweeter sound than thy
blest name,
Quam Jesu Dei Filius. O Saviour of mankind !

Jesu spes poenitentibus, O hope of every contrite

Quam pius es petenti- O joy of all the meek !

bus !

Quam bonus te quaeren- To those who fall, how

tibus ! kind thou art
Sed quid invenientibus How good to those who

Nec lingua valet dicere But what to those who

find? Ah ! this
Nec littera exprimere : Nor tongue nor pen can
show :

Expertus potest credere, The love of Jesus what —

it is,

Quid sit Jesum diligere. None but his lov'd ones


Sis, Jesu,nostrum gau- Jesus our only joy be !

dium, thou,
Qui es futurum prae- As thou our prize wilt
mium be ;

Sit nostra in te gloria, Jesus be thou our glory !

Per cuncta semper And through eternity.
Amen. Amen.
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Ant. In nomine Jesu. Ant. In the name of Jesus.

Ps. 99. Ps. 99.

Jubilate Deo omnis Sing joyfully to God, all

terra ; servite Domino in the earth : serve ye the
laetitia. Lord with gladness.
Introite in conspectu Come in before his
ejus : in exultatione. presence with exceeding
great joy.
Scitote,quoniam Domi- Know ye that the Lord,
nus ipse est Deus ipse he is God he made us,
: :

fecit nos, et non ipsi nos. and not we ourselves.

Popuius ejus, et oves We are his people, and
pascuae ejus introite por-
: the sheep of his pasture :
tas ejus in confessione, go ye into
his gates with
atria ejus in hymnis; praise, into his courts with
confitemini illi. hymns, and give glory to
Laudate nomen ejus, Praise ye his name, for
quoniam suavis est Domi- the Lord is sweet ; his
nus, in aeternum miseri- mercy endureth for ever,
cordia ejus : et usque in and his truth to genera-
generationem et genera- tion and generation.
tionem Veritas ejus.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, Glory be to the Father,
etc. etc.
Ant. In nomine Jesu Ant. At the name of Je-
omnegenuflectatur-cceles- sus let every knee bend in
tium, terrestrium, et infer- heaven, on earth and in
norum. hell.


Ant. Ego autem. I

Ant. But I.

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JPs. 19. Fs. 19.

Exaudiat te Dominus May the Lord hear thee

in die tribulationis : pro- in the day of tribulation :

tegat te nomen Dei Jacob. may the name of the God

of Jacob protect thee.
Mittat tibi auxilium de May he send thee help
sancto et de Sion tueatur from the sanctuary
: and :

te. defend thee out of Sion.

Memor sit omnis sacri- May he be mindful of
ficii tui : et holocaustum all thy sacrifices : and
tuum pingue fiat. may thy whole burnt-offer-
ing be made fat.
Tribuat tibisecundum May he give thee ac-
cor tuum et omne con- cording to thy own heart

silium tuum confirmet. and confirm all thy coun-

Laetabimur in salutari We will rejoice in thy
tuo: et in nomine Dei salvation : and in the
nostri magnificabimur. name of our God we shall
be exalted.
Impleat Dominus omnes The Lord fulfil all thy
petitiones tuas nunc petitions : now have I :

cognovi, quoniam, salvum known that the Lord hath

fecit Dominus Christum saved his anointed.
suum. He will hear him from
Exaudiet ilium de ccelo his holy heaven the sal- :

sancto suo : in potestati- vation of his right hand

bus salus dexterae ejus. is in powers.
Hi in curribus, et hi in Some trust in chariots,
equis: nos autem in and some in horses: but
nomine Domini Dei nos- we will call upon the name
tri invocabimus. of the Lord our God.
Ipsi obligati sunt, et They are bound, and
ceciderunt nos autem sur- have fallen
but we are :

reximus, et erecti sumus. risen, and are set upright.

: :


Domine, salvum fac O Lord, save the king

regem et exaudi nos in and hear us in the day that

die, qua invocaverimus te. we shall call upon thee.

Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant Ego autem in Ant But I will rejoice
Domino gaudebo, et exul- in the Lord, and I will
tabo in Deo Jesu meo. exult in Jesus my God.

Ant. Sanctum et ter- Ant Holy and terrible.

Ps. II. Ps. II.

Salvum me fac, Do- Save me, O Lord, for

mine, quoniam defect- there is now no saint
,sanctus quoniam dimit truths are decayed from

nutae sunt veritates a filiis among the children of

hominum. men.
Vana locuti sunt unus- They have spoken vain
quisque ad proximumevery one to his things
suum : labia neighbor: with deceitful
dolosa in
corde, et corde locuti sunt. lips, and with a double
heart, have they spoken.
Disperdat Dominus uni- May the Lord destroy
versa labia dolosa et lin- all deceitful lips, and the

guam magniloquam. tongue that speaketh

proud things.
Qui dixerunt linguam Who have said we will

nostram magnificabimus, magnify our tongue our :

labia nostra a nobis sunt our own who is lips are ;

quis noster Dominus est

? Lord over us ?

Propter miseriam in- By reason of the misery

opum, et gemitum pau- of the needy, and the
perum, nunc exsurgam, groans of the poor, now
dicit Dominus* will I arise, saith the Lord.

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Ponam in salutari I will set him in safety :

fiducialiter agam in eo. I will deal confidently in

his regard.
Eloquia Domini eloquia The words of the Lord
casta, argentum igne ex- are pure words as silver :

aminatum, probatum tried by the fire, purged

terrae, purgatum septu- from the earth, refined
plum. seven times.
Tu, Domine, servabis Thou, O Lord, wilt
nos, et custodies nos a preserve us and keep us
generatione hac in aeter- from this generation for
num. ever.
In circuitu impii am- The wicked walk round
bulant : secundum alti- about: according to thy
tudinem tuam multipli- highness, thou hast multi-
casti filios hominum. plied the children of men.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant Sanctum et terri- Ant Holy and terrible
bile nomen ejus initium is his name
: the fear of :

sapientiae timor Domini. the Lord is the beginning

of wisdom.


Ant. Vocabis nomen Ant Thou shalt call his

ejus Jesum. name Jesus.

Ps. 12. Ps. 12.

Usquequo, Domine, ob- How long, O Lord, wilt

livisceris me in finem ? thou forget me unto the
Usquequo avertis faciem end ? How long dost thou
tuam a me ? turn away thy face from
me ?
Quamdiu ponam consi- How long shall I take

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lia in anima mea, dolorem counsels in my soul, sorrow

in corde meo per diem ? in my heart all the day ?
Usquequo exaltabitur How long shall my
inimicus meus super me ? enemy be exalted over
Respice, et me ? Consider, and hear
exaudi me,
Domine Deus meus. me, O Lord, my God.
Illumina oculos meos, Enlighten my eyes, that
ne unquam obdormiam in I never sleep in death :

morte ne quando dicat lest at any time my enemy


inimicus meus prevalui say : I have prevailed :

abversus eum. against him.

Qui t r i b u 1 a n t me, They that trouble me
exultabunt, si motus will rejoice when I am
fuero ;
ego autem in mi- moved but : I have trusted
sericordia tua speravi. in thy mercy.
Exultabit cor meum in My heart shall rejoice in
sa.lutari tuo cantabo : thy salvation I will sing :

Domino, qui bona tri- to the Lord, who giveth

buit mihi, et psallam me good things yea, I :

nomini Domini altis- will sing to the name of

simi. the Lord the most high.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. Vocabis nomen Ant Thou shalt call
ejus Jesum : Ipse enim his name Jesus for he :

salvum faciet populum shall save his people from

suum a peccatis eorum. their sins.

Ant, Sitivit anima mea. Ant My soul hath

Ps. 128.
Ps. 128.
Saepe expugnaverunt Often have they fought
me a juventute mea : di- against me from my
cat nunc Israel. youth let Israel now say. :

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Saepe expugnaverunt me Often have they fought

a juventute mea etenim against me from my youth
: :

non potuerunt mini. but they could not prevail

over me.
Supra dorsum meum The wicked have
fabricaverunt peccatores : wrought upon my back :

prolongaverunt iniquita- they have lengthened their

tem suam. iniquity.
Dominus justusconcidit The Lord who is just,
cervices peccatorum con- will cut the necks of sin-

f undantur, et convertantur ners let them all be con- :

retrorsum omnes, qui ode- founded and turn back

runt Sion. who hate Sion.
Fiant sicut foenum tec- Let them be as grass
torum, quod priusquam upon the tops of houses,
evellatur, exaruit. which withereth before it
De quo non implevit be plucked up where- :

manum suam, qui metit with the mower filleth not

et sinum suum, qui mani- his hand nor he that ;

pulos colligit. gathereth sheaves, his

Et non dixerunt, And they that passed by
praeteribant Benedictio have not said
: The bless- :

Domini super vos bene- ing of the Lord be upon


diximus vobis in nomine you we have blessed you :

Domini. in the name of the Lord.

Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. anima mea
Sitivit Ant. My soul hath
ad nomen sanctum tuum, thirsted for thy holy
Domine. name, O Lord.


Jesu rex admirabilis, ( O Jesus ! king most won-

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86 jesus,

Et triumphator nobilis, I Thou conqueror re-

nowned !

Dulcedo ineffabilis Thou sweetness most in-

effable !

Totus desiderabilis. In whom all joys are

found !

Quando cor nostrum When once thou visitest

visitas, the heart,
Tunc lucet ei Veritas Thentruth begins to
Mundi vilescit vanitas, Then earthly vanities
Et intus fervet charitas. Then kindles love

Jesu dulcedo cordium, O Jesus ! light of all

below !

Fons vivus, lumen men- Thou fount of life and

tium, fire!
Excedens orane gaudium, Surpassing all the joys
we know,
Et omne desiderium. All that we can desire.

Jesum omnes agnoscite, May every heart confess

thy name,
Amorem ejus poscite ;
And ever thee adore
Jesum ardenter quaerite, And seeking thee, itself
Quaerendo inardescite. To seek thee more and

Te nostra, Jesu, vox sonet, Thee may our tongues

forever bless ;

Nostrite mores exprimant Thee may we love alone;

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Te corda nostra diligant And ever in our lives ex-

Et nunc, et in perpetuum. The image of thine
Amen. own.

V. Sit nomen Domini V. Blessed be the name

benedictum. of the Lord.
R. Ex hoc nunc, et It. From henceforth
usque in saeculum. and for evermore.


Deus, God, who didst appoint

qui unigenitum
Filium tuum only-begotten Son
constituisti thine
humani generis salva- Saviour of mankind, and
torem, et Jesum vocari didst command that he
jussisti concede propi- should be called Jesus;

tius; ut cujus sanctum mercifully grant that we

nomen veneramur in may enjoy the vision of
terris, ejus quoque aspeo him in heaven, whose holy

tu perfruamur in ccelis. name we venerate on

Per eumdem Christum earth. Through the
Dominum nostrum. same Christ our Lord.
Amen. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, June 13, 181 5, granted to all the faith-
ful, every time that they shall recite, with at least contrite heart
and devotion, these psalms, hymns, antiphons and prayers
1. An indulgence of seven years and seven quaran-
2. A plenary indulgence, once a month, to any one who
shall them every day for a month, on any day, when,
after confession and communion, he shall pray for the inten-

tion of the Sovereign Pontiff.

3. A plenary indulgence, on the feast of the most holy

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name of Jesus (the second Sunday after Epiphany), to all those

who, having recited them frequently in the course of the year,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, shall
pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
The same Pope Pius VII., by another rescript of the same
S. Congr, Nov. 13, 182 1, added :

A plenary indulgence on the feast of the Circumcision

of our Lord Jesus Christ, Jan. and on that of Jesus of Naza-

reth, Oct. 23, for those who, being truly penitent, after confes-
sion and communion, shall pray devoutly, for some time, for
i\\c intention of his Holiness, provided that they have the
pious practice of reciting these psalms, hymns, antiphons and
prayers, every day, for a month.


My Jesus, mercy.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Sept. 24, 1846, granted anew to all the faithful
every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they
shall say this ejaculation, so much used by S. Leonard of Port
Maurice, especially for the benefit of the dying who are not
able without difficulty to say longer prayers:
An indulgence of one hundred days.


Dulcissime Jesu, non My sweetest Jesus, be

sis mihi judex, sed salva- not my judge, but my
tor. saviour.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Aug. 11, 1851, granted to all the faithful, as

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often as, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall
say this ejaculation :

An indulgence of fifty days.

The same Sovereign Pontiff, by another decree of the same
S. Congr. Nov. 29, 1853, granted to all the faithful who, for a
year, shall have said, at least once a day, with contrite heart
and devotion, this ejaculation
plenary indulgence, once a year, on the feast of S.
Jerome Emiliani (July 20), beginning from the first vespers,
and during the whole octave, on the day when, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit any
church or public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for
the intention of his Holiness.


Jesu, Deus meus, super Jesus, my God, I love

omnia amo te. |thee above all things.

His Holiness, Pope Plus IX., by an autograph rescript, May

7, 1854, granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at
least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say this ejacula-
tion, or induce others to say it

An indulgence of fifty days.


Divine Jesu, Fili Dei Divine Jesus, incarnate

incarnate, qui pro nostra Son of God, who for our
salute in stabulo nasci, salvation didst vouchsafe
vitam in paupertate, to be born in a stable, to
serumnis et miseria de- pass thy life in poverty,
gere, et in crucis dolori- trials and misery, and to

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bus mori dignatus es, di- die amid the sufferings of

vino tuo Patri die. quaeso, the cross, I entreat thee,
in momento mortis meae : say to thy divine Father
Pater ignosceei ; die matri at the hour of my death
tuae dilectaa Ecce Jilius
: Father, forgive him ; say
tnus ; die animae meae : to thy beloved mother :

Hodie mecum in Behold thy Son

eris say to ;

Paradiso. Deus meus, my soul This day thou :

Deus meus,nederelinquas shalt be with me in para-

me in iliahora. Sitio dise. My God, my God,

utique, Deus meus, anima forsake me not in that

mea sitit ad te, qui es fons hour. / thirst : yes, my
aquarum viventium. Vita God, my soul thirsts after
mea praeterit velut umbra thee, who art the fountain
adhuc modicum et con- of living waters. My life
summata erunt omnia. passes like a shadow yet ;

Quapropter, O Salvator a little while, and all will

mi adorabilis, ex hoc mo- be consummated. Where-
mento in omnem aeterni- fore, O my adorable Sa-
tatem, in manus iuas com- viour from this moment, !

tnendo spiritum meum. for all eternity, into thy

Domine Jesu, accipe ani- hands Icommend my spirit.
mam meam. Amen. Lord Jesus, receive my
soul. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, June 10, 1856, confirmed
An indulgence of three hundred days, to be gained
by all the faithful every time that they shall say this prayer
with at least contrite heart and devotion.



O Jesu,vivens in Maria, O Jesus,livingin Mary

veni et vive in famulis come and live in thy serv-

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tuis, in spiritu sanctitatis ants, in the spirit of thy


tuae, in plenitudine virtutis holiness, in the fulness of

tuae,, in veritate virtutum thy might, in the truth
tuarum, in perfectione of thy virtues, in the
viarnm tuarnm, in com- perfection of thy ways,
munione mysteriorum tuo- in the communion of thy
rum, dominare omni ad mysteries subdue every ;

versae potestati, in spiritu hostile power, in thy

tuo ad gloriam Patris. spirit, for the glory of the
Amen. Father. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript

Oct. 14, 1859, granted to all the faithful who, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.



Clementissime Jesu, O most compassionate

salus, resurrectio
vita, Jesus ! thou alone art our
nostra tu solus es. Te salvation, our life, and our
ergo quaesumus ne dere- resurrection. We
linquas nos in angustiis thee, therefore, do not for-
et perturbationibus nos- sake us in our needs and
tris, sed per agoniam afflictions, but, by the
cordis tui sanctissimi et agony of thy most sacred
per dolores matris tuae heart, and by the sorrows
immaculatae tuis famulis of thy immaculate mother,
subveni, quos pretioso succor thy servants whom
sanguine redemisti. thou hast redeemed by thy
most precious blood.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Oct. 6, 1870, granted
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all

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the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion,

shall say this prayer


O bone Jesu O piis- O good Jesus O most
: !

sime Jesu : O
dulcissime sweet Jesus! O Jesus, Son
Jesu O Jesu, Fili Mariae of the virgin Mary, full

virginis, plene misericor- of mercy and tenderness

dia et pietate. O dulcis O sweet Jesus according !

Jesu, secundum magnam to thy great mercy have

misericordiam tuain mi- mercy on me. O most
serere mei. O clementis- merciful Jesus I implore !

sime Jesu te deprecor thee by thy precious blood


per ilium sanguinem preti- which thou didst deign to

osum, quern pro peccatori- shed for sinners, to wash
bus effundere voluisti, ut away my iniquities, and
abluas omnes iniquitates look upon me in my
meas et in me respicias misery and unworthiness,
miserum indignum et humbly begging pardon,
humiliter veniam peten- and calling upon this holy
tem, et hoc nomen sanc- name, Jesus. O name of
tum Jesu invocantem. O Jesus, name of sweetness !

nomen Jesu, nomen dulce Name of Jesus, name of


nomen Jesu, nomen de- delights. Name of Jesus,

lectabile nomen Jesu, name of comfort. For,

nomen confortans. Quid what is Jesus but Saviour ?

est enim Jesus nisi salva- Therefore, Jesus, on ac-
tor ? Ergo, Jesu, propter count of thy holy name,
nomen sanctum tuum, be to me a Jesus, and save
esto mihi Jesus et salva me. Suffer me not to
me. Ne permittas me perish, whom thou hast
damnari, quern tu de created out of nothing. O
nihilo creasti. O
bone good Jesus let not my !

Jesu, ne perdat me iniqui- iniquity overwhelm me,

tas mea, quem fecit omni- whom thy omnipotent

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potens bonitas tua O bounty hast made.

: O
dulcis Jesu, recognosce sweet Jesus! acknowledge
quod tuum est, et absterge what is thine, and efface
quod aHermm est. O what is not thine. O
benignissime Jesu, mi- most gentle Jesus have !

serere mei,dum tempus est mercy on me, while yet

miserendi, ne damnes the time for mercy lasts,
me in tempore judicandi. lest thou condemn me in
Xon mortui laudabunt the day of thy judgment.
te Domine Jesu, neque The dead will not praise
omnes qui descendunt in thee, Lord Jesus, nor they
infernum. O amantissime who descend into hell.
Jesu : O desideratissime O most loving Jesus O !

Jesu : O mitissime Jesu most amiable Jesus O

: !

0 Jesu, Jesu, Jesu,admitte meekest Jesus O Jesus, !

me intrare in numerum Jesus, Jesus take me into !

electorum tuorum,0 Jesu, the number of thy elect.

salus in te credentium O O Jesus,salvation of those

Jesu, solatium ad te con- who believe in thee com- !

fugientium O Jesu, Fili fort of those who fly to


Maria? virginis, infunde thee O Jesus, Son of the !

in me gratiam,sapientiam, virgin Mary infuse into !

charitatem, castitatem et me grace, wisdom, chanty,

humilitatem, ut possim te chastity, and humility,
perfecte diligere, te lau- that I may love thee per-
dare, te perfrui, tibi ser- fectly, praise thee, enjoy
vire, et in te gloriari, cum thee, serve thee and be
omnibus qui invocant glorified in thee, with all
nomen tuum, quod est those who call upon thy
Jesus. Amen. name, Jesus. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayers

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Concede mihi, miseri- Grant me grace, O
cors Deus, quae tibi merciful God, to desire
placita sunt ardenter con- ardently all that is pleas-
cupiscere, prudenter in- ing to thee, to examine
vestigare, veraciter agnos- it prudently, to acknowl-

cere et perfecte adimplere, edge it truthfully, and to

ad laudem et gloriam accomplish it perfectly,
nominis tui. Amen. for the praise and glory
of thy name. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, June 21, 1879, granted
An indulgence of three hundred days to all the faith-
ful who, before studying or reading, shall, with at least con-
trite heart and devotion, recite this prayer.




Creator ineffabilis, qui O ineffable Creator,

de thesauris sapientiae who out of the depths of
tuae tres Angelorum hier- thy wisdom didst appoint
archias designasti et eas three hierarchies of An-
super coelum empyreum gels and place them in
miro ordine collocasti, wonderful harmony above
atque universi partes ele- the empyrean heaven, and
gantissimc disposuisti ; didst order most perfectly
Tu, inquam, qui verus thy whole creation ; thou
fons luminis et sapientiae who art the true fountain

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diceris, ac supereminens and highest source of light

principium ;. infundere and wisdom, deign to
digneris super intellectus shed a ray of thy bright-
raei tenebras tuae radium ness upon the darkness of
claritatis, duplices, in qui- my intellect, taking from
bus natus sum, a me re- me that twofold darkness
movens tenebras, pecca- in which I was born,
tum scilicet et ignoran- namely, sin and igno-
tiam. Tu qui linguas rance. O thou who mak-!

infantium facis disertas, est eloquent the tongues

linguam meam erudias, of little ones, instruct my
atque in labiis meis gra- tongue, and pour upon
tiam tuae benedictionis in- my lips the grace of thy
funde. Da mihi intelli- blessing. Grantme a
gendi acumen, retinendi keen intellect, a strong
capacitatem, addiscendi memory, method and
modum et facultatem, in- facility in learning, sub-
terpretandi subtilitatem, tlety in interpreting and
loquendi gratiam copio- elegance of speech en- ;

sam ingressum instruas,

lighten the beginning,
progressum dirigas, egres- direct the progress, per-
sum compleas. Tu qui fect the issue, thou who
es verus Deus et homo. art true God and man,
Qui vivis et regnas in who livest and reignest
ssecula saeculorum. Amen. forever. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr
of Indulgences, Feb. 21, 1880, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


Domine Jesu, noverim me, noverim te,

Nec aliquid cupiam nisi te.

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Oderim me et amem te ;

Omnia agam propter te.

Humiliem me, exaltem te ;

Nihil cogitem nisi te.

Mortificem me et vivam in te :

Quaecumque eveniant accipiam ate.

Persequar me, sequar te,
Semperque optem sequi te.
Fugiam me, confugiam ad te,
, Ut merear defendi a te.
Timeam mihi, timeam te,
Et sim inter electos a te.
Diffidam mihi, fidam in te,
Obedire velim propter te.
Ad nihil afficiar nisi ad te,
Et pauper sim propter te.
Aspice me, ut diligam te.
Voca me, ut videam te
Et in aeternum fruar te. Amen.


O Lord Jesus, let me know myself, let me know thee

And desire nothing else but only thee.
Let me hate myself and love thee ;

And do all things for the sake of thee.

Let me humble myself, and exalt thee,
And think of nothing but only of thee.
Let me die to myself, and live in thee,
And take whatever happens as coming from thee.
Let me forsake myself and walk after thee ;

And ever desire to follow thee.

Let me flee from myself, and turn to thee ;

That so I may
merit to be defended by thee.
Let me fear for myself, let me fear thee
And be amongst those who are chosen by thee.
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Let me distrust myself, and trust in thee,

And ever obey for the love of thee.
Let me cleave to nothing but only to thee,
And ever be poor for the sake of thee.
Look upon me, that I may love thee ;
Call me, that I may see thee
And forever possess thee. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a brief, Sept. 25, 1883,
granted toall the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and

devotion, shall recite this petition :

An indulgence of fifty days, once a day.



0 good Jesus !prostrate at thy feet, we humbly

supplicate thee, by thy most sacred wounds, and by
the most precious blood which thou hast shed for the
salvation of the whole world, that thou wouldst deign
to cast a look of mercy upon the people of Scan-
dinavia. For so many centuries they have been led
astray and have been sfiajgd in the darkness of error,
separated from thy Church, and deprived of the
participation of the adorable sacrament of thy body
and blood, as well as of the other sacraments insti-
tuted by thee for the succor of souls in life and in
death. Remember, O
Redeemer of the world, that,
forthese souls also thou didst undergo a most bitter
death with the shedding of all thy blood. Bring back,
0 good Shepherd these wandering sheep to thy one

fold and to the wholesome pastures of thy Church.

Let them form with us one flock under thy guidance
and that of thy Vicar upon earth, the Sovereign Pon-
tiff, to whom, in the person of the Apostle Peter, thou

didst confide the feeding of thy lambs and of thy sheep.

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Hear, O good Jesus ! th,e prayers which we pour

forth to thee with the most lively confidence in the
charity of thy heart, and to thy most holy name be
praise, glory and honor, for ever and ever. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, April 18, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
devoutly and with contrite heart, recite the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.



Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christe eleison. Christ, have mercy on us.
Kyrie eleison. Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesu, audi nos. Jesus, hear us.
Jesu, exaudi nos. Jesus, graciously hear us.

Pater de ccelis Deus, God the Father of

Fili Redemptor mun- God the Son, Re-
di Deus, deemer of the
Spiritus Sancte Deus, God the Holy Ghost,
Sancta Trinitas, unus Holy Trinity, one a>

Deus, God, 3
Jesu, Fili Dei vivi, Jesus, Son of the ~i
living God,
Jesu, splendor Patris, Jesus, splendor of o
the Father, C
Jesu, candor lucis Jesus, brightness of
aeternae, eternal light,
Jesu, rex gloria?, Jesus, king of glory,
Jesu, sol justitiae, Jesus, the sun of

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Jesu Fili Mariae Jesus, Son of the'

Virginis, Virgin Mary,
Jesu amabilis, Jesus amiable,
Jesu admirabilis, Jesus admirable,
Jesu, Deus fortis, Jesus, the powerful
Jesu, Pater futuri sae- Jesus, Father of the
culi, world to come,
Jesu, magni consilii Jesus, Angel of the
Angele, great council,
Jesu potentissime, Jesus most powerful,
Jesu patientissime, Jesus most patient,
Jesu obedientissime, Jesus most obedi-
Jesu mitiset humilis SJ Jesus meek and
corde, humble of heart,
Jesu, amator cas- 3 Jesus, lover of chas-
titatis, } 3 tity,
Jesu, amator noster, g Jesus, lover of us,
Jesu, Deus pacis, 2! Jesus, God
of peace.
Jesu, auctor vitae, ? Jesus, author of life,
Jesu, exemplar virtu- Jesus, model of all
tum, virtues,
Jesu, zelator anima- Jesus, zealous for
rum, souls,
Jesu, Deus noster, Jesus, our God,
Jesu, refugium nos- Jesus, our refuge,
Jesu, Pater pauper- Jesus, Father of the
um, poor,
Jesu, thesaure fi- Jesus, treasure of
delium, the faithful,
Jesu, bone pastor, Jesus, good shep-
Jesu, lux vera, Jesus, true light,
.00 JESUS.

Jesu, sapientia aeter- Jesus, eternal wis-

na, dom,
Jesu, bonitas infinita, Jesus, infinite good-
Jesu, via et vita Jesus, our way and
nostra, our life,

Jesu, gaudium ange- Jesus, joy of angels,

Jesu, rex patriarcha- S
Jesus, king of the
runi, patriarchs, a
Jesu, magister apos- 3 Jesus, master of the 3
tolorum, y S apostles, •~t
Jesu, doctor evange- 3 Jesus, teacher of the
listarum, g- Evangelists, o
Jesu, fortitudo mar- SS* Jesus, strength of C
tyrum, martyrs,
Jesu, lumen coufes- Jesus, light of con-
sorum, fessors,
Jesu, puritas vir- Jesus, purity of vir-
ginum, gins,
Jesu, corona sancto- Jesus, crown of all
rum omnium, saints,

Propitius esto, parce fee merciful, spare us,

nobis, Jesu. O Jesus.
Propitius esto, exaudi Be merciful, graciously
nos, Jesu. hear us, O Jesus.
Ab omni malo, t-iFrom all evil, 2*
Ab omni peccato, cr From all sin, <
Ab ira tua, ? From thy wrath,
Ab insidiis diaboli, 3 From the snares of
g the devil,
A spiritu fornica- C_ From the spirit of
tion is, 2 fornication,
A morte perpetua, -c From eternal death,

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JESUS. 101

A neglectu inspira- From the neglect of

tionum tuarum, thy inspirations
Per mysterium sanc- By the mystery of
tae incarnationis thy holy incarna-
tuae, tion.
Per nativitatem tuam, By thy nativity,
Per infantiam tuam, By thy infancy,
Per divinissimam By thy most divine
vitam tuam, . life,
Per labores tuos, By thy labors,
Per agoniam et pas- By thy agony and
sionem tuam, passion,
Per crucem et dere- By thy cross and o
lictionem tuam, dereliction,
Per languores tuos, By thy languors,
Per mortem et sepul- By thy death and
turam tuam, burial,
Per resurrectionem By thy resurrec-
tuam, tion,
Per ascensionem By thy ascension,
Per gaudia tua, By thy joys,
Per gloriam tuam, By thy glory,

Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who

cata mundi, parce no- takest away the sins of
bis, Jesu. the world, spare us, O
Agnus Dei, etc., exaudi Lamb of God, etc., gra-
nos, Jesu. ciously hear us, O
Agnus Dei, etc., miserere Lamb of God, etc., have
nobrs, Jesu. mercy on us, Jesus. O
Jesu, audi nos. Jesus, hear us.
Jesu, exaudi nos. Jesus, graciously hear us.

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102 JESUS.


Domine Jesu Christe, O

Lord Jesus Christ,
qui dixisti :Petite et ac- who hast said: Ask, and ^
cipietis ; quaerite et in- ye shall receive ; seek, and
venietis; pulsate et aperie- ye shall find knock, and ;

tur vobis, quaesumus ; da it shall be opened unto

nobis petentibus divinis- you mercifully attend to

simi tui amoris affectum, our supplications, and

ut te toto corde, ore et grant us the gift of thy
opere diligamus et a tua divine charity, that we
nunquam laude cessemus. may ever love thee with
our whole hearts, and
never desist from thy
Sancti nominis tui, Give us, O
Lord, a per-
Domine, timorem pariter petual fear and love of thy
et amorem fac nos habere holy name, for thou never
perpetuum, quia nunquam ceasest to direct and
tua gubernatione desti- govern by thy grace those
tuis, quos in soliditate whom thou instructest in
tuae dilectionis instituis. the solidity of thy love
Qui vivis et regnas in who livest and reignest
saecula saeculorum. Amen. world without end. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Jan. 1 6, 1886, extended to all the faithful who,

with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this

litany and the prayers, the

Indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, which

the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., June 8, 1862, had granted to
the faithful of only those dioceses whose Ordinaries had asked
this favor of the S. Congr. of Rites.

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JESUS. 103




{Imitation of Christ, B. III., C. 15, V. 3.)

Concede mihi, benig- Grant me thy grace,

nissime Jesu, gratiam most merciful Jesus, that
tuam, ut mecum sit ct it may be with me, and
mecum laboret, mecum- labor with me, and con-
que in finem usque per- tinue with me to the
severet. end.
Da mihi hoc semper Grant me always to
desiderare et velle, quod desire and will that which
tibi magis acceptum est et is most acceptable to thee
carius placet. and which pleaseth thee
Tua voluntas mea sit, Let thy will be mine,
et mea voluntas tuam sem- and let my will always fol-
per sequatur et optime ei low thine, and agree per-
concordet. fectly with it.
Sit mihi unum velle et Let me always will and
nolle tecum, nec aliud not will the same with
posse velle aut nolle, nisi thee; and let me not be
quod tu vis et nolis. able to will or not will
Amen. anything except what
thou wiliest or wiliest
not. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Feb. 27, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.
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104 JESUS.



Jesu fili David, miserere Jesus, son of David,

mei. have mercy on me.
{Luc. XVIII. 38.) (S. Luke XVIII. 38.)

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Feb. 27, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,

with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this ejacu-
lation :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

O my Redeemer, can
it be that the dreadful hour

has come when there are to be left but few Chris-

tians animated by the spirit of faith? that awful —
hour when thy wrath shall be stirred up to cast us out
from thy protection ? Have the vices and irregular-
ities of thy children irrevocably constrained thy jus-
tice to inflict vengeance? O
thou who art the
author and finisher of our faith, we entreat thee, in
the bitterness of our contrite and humble heart, not
to allow the bright light of faith to be extinguished
in us. Remember thy mercies of old ; cast a look of
compassion on the vineyard planted by thy right
hand, watered by the sweat of the apostles, fertilized
by the precious blood of thousands and thousands of
martyrs and by the tears of so many generous peni-
tents, and made fruitful by the prayers of so many
confessors and innocent virgins. O
divine Media-
tor, have regard to those zealous souls that are lifting
up to thee hands of prayer, entreating thee unceas-

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JESUS. 105

ingly to preserve that most precious treasure the true

faith,withhold, O
most just God, the decree of our
reprobation, turn away thy eyes from our sins and fix
them upon the adorable blood which was shed upon
the cross to purchase our salvation, and which daily
claims it for us upon our altars. keep us in the O
true Catholic and Roman faith. Let us be wasted
by disease, harrassed by and disappointments,
weighed down by misfortunes, but only keep alive in
us thy holy faith for if we are enriched by the pos-

session of this priceless gift, we shall be able to bear

every pain, and nothing will be able to mar our hap-
piness ;
on the other hand, without the supreme
treasure of faith, our miserywould be immense and
unspeakable. O good Jesus, author of our faith,
preserve it unalloyed in our hearts ;
keep us strong
and unmoved in the bark of Peter, faithful and obe-
dient to his successor and thy vicar here on earth, in
order that the unity of thy holy church may be pre-
served, that holiness may be increased, that the
Apostolic See may be protected in its freedom and
the universal church may be spread abroad for the
good of souls. O
Jesus, author of our faith, humble
and convert the enemies of thy church, grant to all
Christian rulers and to all thy faithful people peace
and true union ; comfort us and keep us all in thy
holy service, that for thee we may live and in thee
we may die. Ah Jesus, author of our faith, grant

that for thee I may live and for thee I may die.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, April II, 1888, granted to Jthe faithful who recite

the above prayer

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

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106 JESUS.

I 9.

O my Jesus,thou knowest well that I love thee
but I do not love thee enough ; O grant that I may
love thee more. O love that burnest ever and never
failest, my God, thou who art charity itself, enkindle
in my heart that divine fire which consumes the
saints and transforms them into thee. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. ot
Indulgences, February 6, 1893, granted to the faithful who re-
cite the .above prayer
An indulgence of fifty days, twice a day.

Grant us, Lord Jesus, always to follow the exam-
ple of thy holy family, that at the hour of our death
thy glorious Virgin Mother with blessed Joseph may
come to meet us, and so we may deserve to be re-
ceived by thee into thy everlasting dwelling-place.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, March 25, 1897, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


Saviour of the world, have mercy on us.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, February 21, 1891, granted to the faithful who
recite the above ejaculation
An indulgence of fifty days, once a day.

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JESUS. 107


Sweetest Jesus, grant me an increase of faith, hope
and charity, a contrite and humble heart.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, September 13, 1893, granted to the faithful who
shall recite the above ejaculation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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To excite the faithful to a greater devotion for the solemnity
of the nativity of our divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and in
order that they may celebrate it with fruit for their souls, the
Sovereign Pontiff, Sixtus V., by the brief, Ut Fidelium devotio,
Oct. 22, 1586, granted the following indulgences to all those
who, being truly penitent, after confession and communion on
this day, shall say the divine office, or be present at it in any
church :

An indulgence of one hundred years for Matins and

for Lauds.
An indulgence of one hundred years, as well for the
mass, as for the and for the second vespers.

An indulgence of forty years for each of the hours of

Prime, Tierce, Sext, None, and Compline.



In order to prepare ourselves devoutly for the celebration of
the glorious nativity of our most loving Redeemer, Jesus Christ,
which holy Church recalls to our memory every year, on the
25th of December, and, at the same time, to render him thanks
for this great benefit, the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a
rescript from the Office of the Secretary of Memorials, Aug. 12,
1 81 5, granted:

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An indulgence of three hundred days, every day, to all

those who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall pre-
pare themselves for this solemnity by a novena, with pious ex-
ercises, prayers, acts of virtue, etc.

A plenary indulgence on Christmas-day, or on any day in

its octave, to those who shall have made this novena, provided
that, being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they
shall pray devoutly for the welfare of holy Mother Church, and
for the intention of his Holiness.
He further granted that these indulgences may be gained
once more within the year, by making the novena in honor
of the child Jesus, as directed above.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VIII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 9, 1830, granted that this plenary
indulgence may be gained on any day of the novena, provided
the novena be completed, and the works enjoined above be


V. Deus in adjutorium V. Incline unto my aid,
meum intende. O God.
R. Domine ad adju- R. O Lord, make haste
vandum me festina. to help me.
V. Gloria Patri, et V. Glory be to the
Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Father, and to the Son,
R. Sicut erat in prin- and to the Holy Ghost.
cipio, et nunc et semper, R. As it was in the be-
et in saecula saeculorum. ginning, is now, and ever
Amen. shall be, world without
end. Amen.
Our Father.
I. Jesus, sweetest child, who, coming down from
the bosom of the Father for our salvation, didst not

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disdain the womb of the Virgin, where, conceived

by the Holy Ghost, thou, the Word incarnate, didst
take upon thee the Form of a servant : have mercy .on
R. Have mercy on us, child Jesus, have mercy on
Hail Mary.
II. sweetest child, who, in thy virgin
mother's womb, didst visit S. Elizabeth, and fill thy
Precursor, John the Baptist, with the Holy Ghost,
sanctifying him from his mother's womb : have mercy
on us.
R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
III. who, for nine months
Jesus, sweetest child,
hidden in thy mother's womb,
and awaited with eager
expectation by the Virgin Mary and by S. Joseph,
wast by them offered to God the Father* for the sal-
vation of the world have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
IV. Jesus, sweetest child, born in Bethlehem of
the Virgin Mary, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laid
in the manger, heralded by angels, visited by shep-
herds have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
O Jesus, born of virgin bright,
Infinite glory be to thee
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally.
V. Christ is athand.
R. Come, let us adore him.

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Our Father,

V. Jesus, sweetest child, wounded in the circum-

glorious name
cision on the eighth day, called by the
of Jesus, and, by thy name and by thy blood, fore-
shown as the Saviour of the world :have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy, etc.
Hail Mary.
VI. Jesus, sweetest child, made known
to the
three Magi by a star, adored on Mary's
honored with the mystical gifts of gold, frankincense,
and myrrh have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
VII. Jesus, sweetest child, presented in the
by thy virgin mother Jesus, whom
Simeon took into

his arms and embraced, and Anna the prophetess

made known to Israel : have mercy on us.

R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
VIII. Jesus, sweetest child, whom Herod
sought to

slay, whom S. Joseph carried with Mary into Egypt,

who wast saved by flight from a cruel death, have
the holy Innocents:
glorified by the praises of
mercy on us.
R. Have mercy etc.

Hail Mary.
O Jesus, born, etc.

V. Christ, etc.
R. Come, etc.
Our Father.
with Mary most
IX. Jesus, sweetest child, who,

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holy,and the patriarch S. Joseph, didst dwell in

Egypt until the death of Herod have mercy on us. :

R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.

X. Jesus, sweetest child, who didst return with thy

parents from Egypt into the land of Israel, who
didst suffer many toils by the way, and enter the city
of Nazareth : have mercy on us.
R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
XLJesus, sweetest child, who didst live most holily
in the blessed house of Nazareth, subject to thy
parents, spending thy life in poverty and toil, and
growing in wisdom, in age, and in grace have mercy :

on us.
R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
XII. Jesus, sweetest child, brought to Jerusalem
when twelve years old, sought by thy parents with
much sorrow, and, after three days, found, to their
great joy, among the doctors have mercy on us. :

R. Have mercy, etc.

Hail Mary.
O Jesus, born, etc.

For the Nativity and its octave.

Vo Verbum caro factum •

V. The Word was made
est. Alleluia. flesh. Alleluia.
R. Et habitavit in R. And dwelt amongst
nobis. Alleluia. I us. Alleluia.

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: :


For the Epiphany and its octave.

V. Christus manifestavit V. Christ manifested

se nobis. Alleluia. himself to us. Alleluia.'
R. Venite adoremus. R. Come, let us adore
Alleluia. him. Alleluia.

During the year.

V. Verbum caro factum V. The Word was made

est. flesh.
R. Et habitavit in R. And dwelt amongst
nobis. us.
Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty and everlast-
Deus, Domine cceli et ing God, Lord of heaven
terrae, qui te revelas par- and earth, who dost reveal
vulis, concede, quaesumus thyself to little ones;
ut nos sacrosancta Filii tui grant us, we beseech thee,
infantis mysteria to honor meetly the holy
J esu
digno honore recolentes, mysteries of thy Son, the
ac digna imitatione sec- child Jesus, and to follow
taries, ad regnum cce- him humbly in our lives,
lorum promissum parvulis so that we may come to
pervenire valeamus. the eternal kingdom prom-
Per eumdem, etc. R. ised by thee to little ones.
Amen. Through the same Jesus
Christ, etc. R. Amen.
In order that Christians may meditate frequently on the in-
carnation, the birth, and all the other mysteries relating to the
holy childhood of our divine Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and may
renderhim meet and worthy thanks, and imitate those virtues
which he, in his childhood, has taught us by his example, the
Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, Nov. 23, 1819, granted

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A plenary indulgence to all those who, on the twenty-fifth

day of any month, shall be present in any church or public
oratory where this pious exercise is performed, and the prayers
here prescribed are said ;
provided that, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, they shall pray, for some
time, for the intention of his Holiness.
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to
any one who, with contrite heart and devotion, shall perform it

on any other day of the year.



i. Offering, —
Eternal Father, I offer to thy honoi
and glory, and for my own salvation, and for the sal-
vation of the whole world, the mystery of the birth
of our divine Saviour.
Glory be to the Father, etc*

II. Offering. —
Eternal Father, I offer to thy honor
and glory, and for my
eternal salvation, the suffer-
ings of the most holy Virgin and of S. Joseph in
that long and weary journey from Nazareth to Beth-
lehem. I offer thee the sorrows of their hearts when
they found no place wherein to shelter themselves,
when the' Saviour of the world was to be born.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

III.Offering. —
Eternal Father, I offer to thy honor
and glory, and for my
eternal salvation, the sufferings
of Jesus in the stable where he was born, the cold he
suffered, the swaddling-clothes which bound him,
the tears he shed, and his tender infant cries.
Glory be to the Father, etc*

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IV. Offering. —
Eternal Father, I offer to thy honor
and glory, and for my eternal salvation, the pain
which the holy child Jesus felt in his tender body
when he submitted to circumcision. I offer thee
that precious blood which then, for the first time, he
shed for the salvation of the whole human race.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

V. Offering. —Eternal Father, I offer to thy honor

and glory, and for my eternal salvation, the humility,
mortification, patience, charity, all the virtues of the
child Jesus ; and I thank thee, and I love thee, and
I bless thee without end, for the ineffable mystery of
the Incarnation of the divine Word.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

V. Verbum caro factum V. The Word was made

est. flesh.
R. Et habitant in R. And dwelt amongst
nobis. us.
Deus, cujus unigenitus O God, whose only-be-
in substantia nostras car- gotten Son was made
nis apparuit ; praesta, quge- manifest to us in the sub-
sumus, ut per eum, quern stance of our flesh grant, !

similem nobis foris agno- we beseech thee, that

vimus, intus reformari through him, whom we
mereamur. Qui tecum acknowledge to be like
vivit et regnat in saecula unto ourselves, our souls
saeculorum. Amen. may be inwardly renewed.
Who liveth and reigneth
with thee for ever and
ever. Amen.
In order to call to mind more frequently the august mystery
of the Incarnation and Birth of the divine Word made man,

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his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, Sept. 23, 1846, granted
An indulgence of one year to all the faithful who, with
and devotion, in public or in private, on
at least contrite heart

any of the nine days preceding the twenty-fifth day of any

month, shall recite these five offerings, with the versicles and
I adore thee, Incarnate Word, true Son of God
from all eternity, and true son of the Virgin Mary
in the fulness of time Adoring thy divine person,

and the humanity which is united to it, I feel moved,

moreover, to venerate the poor crib which welcomed
thee, an infant, and was truly the first throne of thy
love. Would that I could prostrate myself before it
with the simplicity of the shepherds, with the faith
of Joseph, with the love of Mary Would that I !

could bend in adoration of so precious a memorial

of our salvation, with the spirit of mortification, of
poverty, of humility, with which thou, the Lord of
heaven and of earth, didst choose a manger to re-
ceive and shelter thy trembling limbs Do thou, ! O
Lord who, while yet a babe, didst deign to rest in

this crib, vouchsafe also to pour into my heart a little

of the joy excited in those who beheld thy lovely
childhood, and the wonders which accompanied thy
birth ; through which I beseech thee to give to the
whole world peace and good will, and, in the name
of all mankind, to render all thanksgiving and glory
to the Father, and to the Holy Ghost, who, with
thee, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without
end. Amen.
To increase, in the hearts of the faithful, reverence and devo-

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tion for the crib of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is kept with
the utmost veneration in the patriarchal basilica of S. Mary
Major, his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Oct. I, 1861,
granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, shall say this prayer in the basilica of S. Mary Major :

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

To those who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall
say it anywhere, he granted, in like manner :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


O our most lovable Lord Jesus Christ, who, be-
coming an infant for us, didst vouchsafe to be born
in a stable to free us from the darkness of sin, to
draw us more closely to thee, and to inflame us with
thy holy love, we adore thee as our Creator and Re-
deemer, we acknowledge and choose thee for our
King and Lord, and we offer to thee the tribute of
all the affections of our poor heart. Dear Jesus, our
Lord and God, deign to accept this offering, and, in
order that it may be worthy of thy gracious accept-
ance, forgive us our sins, enlighten us, inflame us
with that holy fire which thou didst come to bring
into the world to enkindle in our hearts. May our
soul thus become a perpetual sacrifice in thy honor
grant that it may always seek thy greater glory here
on earth, in order that it may one day come to enjoy
the beauty of thy infinite perfections in heaven.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, January 18, 1894, granted to the faithful who re-

cite the above prayer

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Urban IV., in his constitution, Tran-
siturus, Aug. 1 1, 1264, established the feast of Corpus Christi,
with an octave, to be celebrated throughout the whole Catholic
world, in remembrance of the institution of the adorable sacra-
ment of the most holy Eucharist by our blessed Saviour, before
his passion. .This holy Pontiff, being desirous that all the faith-
ful should give God due thanks for this inestimable benefit, and
be excited to meet their Lord's love in this most holy sacrament
with grateful hearts, granted, in the said constitution, several
indulgences, which were again augmented by Pope Martin V.,
in the constitution, Ineffabile, May 26, 1429, and, afterward, by
Pope Eugenius IV., in the constitution, Excellentissimum, May
26, 1433. They are as follows :

I. An indulgence of two hundred days, on the vigil of

the feast of Corpus Christi, to those who, being truly contrite,
and having confessed their sins, shall fast, or do some other
good work enjoined them by their confessor.
II. An indulgence of four hundred days, on the feast

itself, to those who, being truly contrite, and having confessed

their sins, shall be present with devotion at first or second ves-

pers, matins or mass. This indulgence can be gained for each
of these offices.

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An indulgence of one hundred and sixty days for each
of the little hours, Prime, Tierce, Sext, None, and Compline.
III. An indulgence of two hundred days, every day
during the octave, for each vespers, matins, and mass.
An indulgence of eighty days for each of the Little
Hours and for Compline.
IV. An indulgence of two hundred days to those who
shall accompany the procession of the blessed sacrament, which
takes place on the feast, or during the octave/and pray for the
intention of the Sovereign Pontiff; provided that they, if

priests, have said mass, if not priests, have received the holy
communion with devotion.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XIII., in his constitution,
Ad excitandutn, April 10, 1580, granted, to all the faithful
An indulgence of one year, each time that, upon hearing
the signal of the elevation given, at the conventual or paro-
chial mass, they should pray upon their knees whether in their
homes, or in the streets, or in the country, or in any other place.
An indulgence of two years, each time that, going to the
church for this purpose, there they adore the most holy sacra-
ment in the time stated above.


FREQUENT communion.
Gregory XIII., in his constitution, Ad excitandum, April 10,
1580, granted:
An indulgence of five years to the faithful, every time
that on feast days they shall, after confession, receive holy com-
munion, and pray for the Sovereign Pontiff. To those who
have the pious habit of receiving holy communion, at least once

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a month, and on the feasts of our Lord, of the blessed Virgin,

of the holy apostles, and the birthday of S. John the Baptist
An indulgence of ten years, every time.
A plenary indulgence, once a on the day when the
principal feast of the city or countrywhere they may happen to
be is celebrated ; provided that, on that day, they shall go to
confession, receive holy communion, and pray as directed above.


The prayer for forty hours together before the blessed sacra-
ment, in memory of the forty hours during which the sacred
body of Jesus was in the sepulchre, began in Milan, about the
year 1534. Thence it spread into other cities of Italy, and was
introduced into Rome, for the first Sunday in every month, by
the Archconfraternity of the Most Holy Trinity of the Pilgrims
(founded by S. Philip Neri, in the year 1548), and, for the
third Sunday in the month, by the Archconfraternity of Our
Lady of Prayer, called La Morte, in the year 1551.
This prayer of the Forty Hours was established forever by
Pope Clement VIII., for the whole course of the year, in regu-
lar continuous succession, from one church to another, com-
mencing on the first Sunday in Advent with the chapel in the
apostolical palace, as appears from the constitution, Graves et
diuturna, Nov. 25, 1592. This Pope was moved to establish
this devotion by the public troubles of holy Church, in order

that, day and night, the faithful might appease their Lord by
prayer, before the blessed sacrament in solemn exposition, im-
ploring there his divine mercy. He further granted holy in-
dulgences to those who shall assist at prayer during this solemn
exposition. All this was afterward confirmed by Pope Paul V.,
in the brief, Cum felicis recordations, May IO, 1 606. The
indulgences are

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A plenary indulgence to all who, after confession and

communion, shall devoutly visit the blessed sacrament exposed
to public veneration and pray for the intention of the Sovereign

An indulgence of ten years and as many quarantines,

made with true contrition and a firm purpose of
for every visit
going to confession. This indulgence was confirmed by his
Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, Nov. 26, 1876. By a rescript, May 10, 1807, Pius
VII. declared that henceforth and forever, in the churches
where the blessed sacrament is exposed, all the altars are
privileged during the time of exposition, and Leo XIII., by a
rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Dec. 8, 1897, ex-
tended the same indulgences to all churches throughout the
•world where this devotion is practiced as in Rome.

In order to induce the faithful to accompany Jesus in the
blessed sacrament, when he is borne as viaticum to the sick, the
Sovereign Pontiffs, Paul V., Nov. 5, 1606, and the Venerable
Innocent XI., Oct. 1, 1678, granted certain indulgences, which
were confirmed and extended by Pope Innocent XII., in the
constitution, Debitjim pastoralis officii, Jan. 5, 1695.
These indulgences are
1. An indulgence of seven years and seven quaran-

tines to all those who shall, with devotion, accompany the

blessed sacrament, with a lighted taper or any other light, when
it is borne as viaticum to the sick ; and shall pray for peace and
union among Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and
for the triumph of holy Mother Church.
2. An indulgence of five years and five quarantines
to those whoshall accompany it without a light.

3. An indulgence of three years and three quaran-

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tines to those who, being unable to go, shall send some one in
their stead to carry a light in attendance upon the most blessed
4. An indulgence of one hundred days to those who
cannot go themselves, with the blessed sacrament, when it is
borne to the sick, provided they shall say one Our Father and
one Hail Mary for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.



The devotion has been long introduced, not only in Rome,
but also in other places, of exposing the blessed sacrament, as
is done during the adoration of the Forty Hours, from the week
following Septuagesinia Sunday to Ash Wednesday, in order, in
some manner, to make reparation, by prayer, for the offences
that are committed against the divine majesty during the Carni-
val, as also to implore the help and mercy of God. To animate
the faithful to the practice of this holy exercise, so pleasing to
almighty God, the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., by a brief,
June 14, 1749, granted, for seven years, to all the faithful, who,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, shall visit

with devotion, on Quinquagesima Sunday, or on either of the

two following days, the blessed sacrament exposed to public
adoration on those days, in the church of the Jesuit Fathers,
and shall for some time pray there for peace and union among
Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the
triumph of holy Mother Church :

A plenary indulgence, once during the above-mentioned

This indulgence other Sovereign Pontiffs, through the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, extended forever to all the churches of

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the Catholic world in which the above-mentioned exposition

takes place for three days. This holds good for the weeks fol-

lowing Septuagesima, Sexagesima, or Quinquagesima Sundays,

and for each of these three weeks, as well as for the Thursday
after Sexagesima Sunday (called, in Italy, Giovedi Grasso), on
condition of good works mentioned above, as
fulfilling the pre-
scribed by Pope Benedict XIV., in a brief, June 14, 1749.



O sacrament most holy O sacrament divine ! !

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript from the Office

of the Secretary of Memorials, May 24, 1776, granted to all the
faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say
this ejaculation in praise of the most blessed sacrament
An indulgence of One hundred days, once a day.
An indulgence of one hundred days, three times a day,
every Thursday in the year, and during the octave of Corpus
A plenary indulgence to those who, having said it every
day, for a month, shall, after confession and communion, on any
day, pray for holy Church, etc.

These indulgences Pius VII. confirmed, by a decree of the

S. Congr. of Indulgences, June 30, 181 8, granting, besides :

An indulgence of one hundred days to all the faithful,

every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they
shall say this ejaculation at the sound of the bell which indicates
that benediction is being given in the church with the most
blessed sacrament ; or when the sign is given for the hours by
the bell of the church, where there is exposition of the most

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blessed sacrament, either when prayers are to be said during the

Fdrty Hours' devotion, or for any other reason.
The same Sovereign Pontiff, by another decree of the said S.
Congr., Dec. 7, 1819, granted:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once during each
mass, to all the faithful who, at the elevation of both species,
shall say, with at least contrite heart and devotion, the same


V. .Ado ramus te, V. We adore thee,
Christe, et benedicimus Christ, and we bless thee.
R. Quia per sanctam F. Because by thy holy
crucem tuam redemisti cross thou hast redeemed
mundum. the world.

I adore thee, eternal Father, and I give thee thanks

for the infinite love with which thou didst deign to
send thy only-begotten Son to redeem me, and to be-
come the food of my soul. I offer thee all the acts
of adoration and thanksgiving that are offered to
thee by the angels and saints in heaven, and by the
just on earth. I praise, love, and thank thee with
all the praise, love, and thanksgiving that are offered
to thee by thine own Son in the blessed sacrament
and I beg thee to grant that he may be known, loved,
honored, praised and worthily received by all, in this
most divine sacrament.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
adore thee, eternal Son, and I thank thee for the
which caused thee to become man for
infinite love
me, to be born in a stable, to live in poverty, to

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suffer hunger, thirst, heat, cold, fatigue, hardships,

contempt, persecutions, the scourging, the crowning
with thorns, and a cruel death upon the hard wood
of the cross. I thank thee, with the Church militant
and triumphant, for the infinite love with which thou
didst institute the most blessed sacrament to be the
food of my soul.
I adore thee in all the consecrated hosts through-
out the whole world, and I return thanks for those
who know thee not, and who do not thank thee.
Would that I were able to give my life to make thee
known, loved, and honored by all, in this sacrament
of love, and to prevent the irreverences and sacrileges
that are committed against thee I love thee, divine

Jesus, and I desire to receive thee with all the purity,

love, and affection of thy blessed mother, and with
the love and affection of thy own most pure heart.
Grant, O most amiable spouse of my soul in coming !

to me in this most holy sacrament, that I may receive

all the graces and blessings which thou dost come to
bestow on us, and let me rather die than receive thee
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

I adore thee, eternal Holy Ghost, and I give thee

thanks for the infinite love with which thou didst
work the ineffable mystery of the Incarnation, and
for the infinite love with which thou didst form the
sacred body of our Lord Jesus Christ out of the most
pure blood of the blessed Virgin Mary, become in
this sacrament the food of my soul. I beg thee to
enlighten my mind, and to purify my heart and the
hearts of all men, that all may know the benefit of
thy love, and receive worthily this most blessed
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

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Tantum ergo, etc., with the V., Panem de coelo,

and the prayer, Deus qui nobis, etc., as on pages
133 and 134.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript from the Office

of the Secretary of Memorials, Oct. 17, 1796, granted
A plenary indulgence to all the faithful who, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion on the first Thursday
of every month, shall visit with devotion the most blessed sacra-

ment, exposed for public adoration or enclosed in the tabernacle,

and say there these prayers, praying, moreover, for the welfare
of the Catholic Church, for the extirpation of heresy, and for
the intention of his Holiness.
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines,
on all the other Thursdays of the year, to those who shall say
them, in the way and on the conditions just mentioned.
An indulgence of one hundred days, on any other day
of the year, to those who shall say them, with at least contrite
heart before the blessed sacrament.



I. Profoundly I adore thee, Jesus, hid beneath the

mystic emblems ; I acknowledge thee very God and

very man. Accept this act of adoration, by which I
fain would make thee reparation for the cold hearts
of so many of thy people, who pass before thy holy
temples, nay, before thy very tabernacle, where, hour
after hour, thou dost deign to dwell with loving im-
patience to give thyself to be thy people's food, who
yet do not even bend the knee before thee, their
God ; but, like the Israelites in the wilderness, seem,
by their indifference, to loathe this bread of heaven.

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I offer thee, then, thine own most precious blood,

which thou didst shed from the wound in thy left

foot, in reparation for this hateful coldness ; and
entering, in spirit, within this same wound, I cry
aloud, in never-ending praise :

0 sacrament most holy O

sacrament divine
! !

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.

Our Father; Hail Mary y Glory be to the Father.

Profoundly I adore thee, my Jesus ; I acknowl-


edge thy presence in this most holy sacrament. By

this act of adoration, fain would I make amends for
thy people, so many of whom seem as though they
knew thee not ; but, while they see thee go to the
poor sick, to be their strength in their great journey
to eternity, leave thee unescorted, and hardly give
thee even one outward sign of homage.
I offer thee,
in reparation for coldness, thine own most
precious blood, which thou didst shed from the
wound in thy right foot, and entering therein, in
spirit, again I cry ten thousand thousand times

O sacrament most holy 6 sacrament divine

! !

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

III. I adore thee, my Jesus, true bread

of eternal ; and by this act of adoration I fain
would make thee compensation for all the wounds
with which thy sacred heart doth daily bleed to see
the profanation of the churches wherein thou dost
vouchsafe to abide beneath the sacramental emblems,
to receive the love and adoration of thy people. I
offer thee, in reparation for such great irreverence,
thine own most precious blood, which thou didst

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shed from the wound in thy left hand, and entering

therein, in spirit, I say at every moment
O sacrament most holy ! O
sacrament divine !

All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be lo the Father.

IV. Profoundly I adore thee, my Jesus, living bread

come down from heaven and by this act of adoration

I fain would make amends for all the acts of irrever-

ence which thy people, day by day, commit in assist-
ing at holy mass, wherein thou dost renew, though
bloodlessly, that self-same sacrifice which once thou
didst consummate on Calvary for our salvation. I
offer thee, reparation for all this ingratitude,
thine own most precious blood, which thou didst
shed from the wound in thy right hand ; and entering
therein, in spirit, I uplift my voice, and together with
thy holy angels, who stand around thy throne, I say :
O sacrament most holy ! O sacrament divine
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

V. Profoundly I adore thee, my Jesus, true victim

of atonement for our sins; and I offer this act of
adoration in compensation for the sacrilegious out-
rages which thou dost receive from so many of thy
ungrateful people, who dare to draw nigh to thee
and to receive thee in communion, with mortal sin
upon their souls. In reparation for these hateful
sacrileges, I offer thee those last drops of thy most
precious blood which thou didst shed from the wound
in thy most sacred side ; and entering therein, in
spirit, I adore thee, I bless thee, I love thee, and,
with all the holy souls who love thee in the most
holy sacrament, I exclaim

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O sacrament most holy ! O

sacrament divine !
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Tantum ergo, etc., with the Panem de ccelo,

etc. and the prayer, Deus qui nobis, etc., as on pages

133 and 134.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Rites, Aug. 26, 1814, granted to all the faithful, every time
that they shall say with devotion these acts of adoration and
An indulgence of three hundred days.



Act of reparation.
Jesus, my God, my Saviour, with that lowly homage
with which faith inspires me, I worship thee, true
God and true man ; with my whole heart I love thee,
enclosed in the most august sacrament of the altar,
in reparation for all the acts of irreverence, profana-
tion, and sacrilege, which, to my shame, I may ever
have committed, as well as for all those which have
ever been committed, or ever may be committed in
ages yet to come.
I adore thee, my God, not indeed as much as thou
deservest, or as much as I ought, but according to the
little strength I have ; and fain would I adore thee
with all the perfection of every rational creature.
Meantime, I purpose, now and forever, to adore thee,
not only for those Catholics who adore thee not and
love thee not, but also for the conversion of all here-
tics, schismatics, Mahometans, Jews, idolaters, and
wicked Christians. Ah my ! Jesus, may all men ever
know, adore, love and praise thee, every moment, in
the most holy and most divine sacrament ! Amen.
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I adore thee at every moment, O living bread of

heaven, great sacrament
Jesus, heart of Mary, I pray you, bless my soul.
Holiest Jesus, my Saviour, I give thee my heart.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Jan. 21, 1815,

granted to all the faithful, every time that, with contrite heart
and devotion, they shall say this act of reparation and the ejacu-
Jatory prayers
An indulgence of two hundred days.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by rescripts from the Office
of the Secretary of Memorials, Feb. 14, 181 5, and April 6, l8*6t
granted :

A plenary indulgence to all thosewho shall perform for

one hour, in public or in private, on Holy Thursday, any de-
vout exercise in honor of the institution of the blessed sacra-
ment, provided that they be truly penitent, and approach the
sacraments of confession and communion on that day, or on any
day during the following week.
A plenary indulgence, on the same conditions, on the feast
of Corpus Christi.
An indulgence of three hundred days for each of the
other Thursdays of the year, on performing the said exercise
with at least contrite heart and devotion.
All these indulgences were confirmed by the Sovereign Pon-
tiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
June 18, 1876.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, March 7, 18 15, granted to all the faith-
ful who shall visit the blessed sacrament exposed in the so-
called sepulchre, on Holy Thursday and Good Friday, and re-
main there for some time praying for the intention of the Sov-
ereign Pontiff, the same indulgences as for visiting the Dlessed
sacrament during the exposition of the Forty Hours, viz.
A plenary indulgence to those who, being truly penitent,
and having gone to confession, shall receive holy communion on
Holy Thursday or Easter Sunday.
every time the visit ismade, as directed above, with a firm pur-
pose of going to confession.

See where thy boundless love has reached, my lov-
ing Jesus Thou, of thy flesh and precious blood,

hast made ready for me a banquet whereby to give

me all thyself. Who drove thee to this excess of love
for me ? Thy heart, thy loving heart. O adorable
heart of Jesus, burning furnace of divine love with- !

in thy sacred wound take thou my soul ; in order

that, in that school of charity, I may learn to love that
God who has given me such wondrous proofs of his
great love. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript from the
Office of the Secretary of Memorials, Feb. 9, 1818, confirmed
orever the

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Indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all the

faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say
this prayer.

This indulgence had been granted for seven years by Pope

Pius VI.
Pange lingua gloriosi Sing, my tongue, the
Saviour's glory,
Corporis mysterium, Of his flesh the mystery
Sanguinisque pretiosi, Of the blood, all price
Quem in mundi pre- Shed by our immortal
tium, king,
Fructus ventris generosi Destin'd, for the world's
Rex effudit gentium. From a noble womb to

Nobis datus, nobis natus Of a pure and spotless

Ex iritacta virgine, Born for us on earth
Et in mundo conversatus He, as man with man
Sparso verbi semine, Stay'd, the seeds of
truth to sow
Sui moras incolatus Then he clos'd in solemn
Miro clausit ordine. Wondrously his life of

In supremse nocte ccenae On the night of that last


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Recumbens cum fra« Seated with his chosen

tribus, band,
Observata lege plene He, the paschal victim
Cibis in legalibus, First fulfils the law's
Cibum turbae duodenae Then as food to all his
Se dat suis manibus. Gives himself with his
own hand.

Verbum caro, panem Word made flesh, the

verum bread of nature
Verbo carnem efficit By his word to flesh he
Fitque sanguis Christi me- Wine into his blood he
rum. changes
Et si sensus deficit What though sense no
change discerns ?
Ad firmandum cor sin- Only be the heart in earn-
cerum est,
Sola fides sufficit. Faith her lesson quickly

Tan turn ergo sacramentum Down in adoration falling,

Veneremur cernui Lo ! the sacred host we
Et antiquum documentum Lo ! o'er ancient forms
Novo cedat ritui Newer rites of grace
Praestet fides supplemen- Faith for all defects sup-
tutn plying,
Sensuum defectui. Where the feeble senses

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Genitori Genitoque To the everlasting Father,

Laus et jubilatio, And the Son who reigns
on high,
Salus, honor, virtus quo- With the Holy Ghost pro-
que ceeding
Sit et benedictio, Forth from each eter-
Procedenti ab utroque Be salvation, honor, bless-
Compar sit laudatio. Might and endless maj-
Amen. esty. Amen.
V. Pan em de coelo V. Thou gavest them
praestitisti eis. bread from heaven.
R. Omne delectamen- R. And therein was
tum in se habentem. sweetness of every kind.
Deus, qui nobis sub sa- God, who, beneath this
cramento mirabili, pas- marvellous sacrament,
sionis tuae memoriam us a memorial of
re- hast left
liquisti tribue,
: quae- thy passion grant us, we :

sumus, ita nos corporis et beseech thee, so to vener-

sanguinis tui sacra mys- ate the sacred mysteries of
teria venerari, ut redemp- thy body and blood, that
tionis tuaefructum in nobis we may ever feel within
jugiter sentiamus. Qui us the fruit of thy redemp-
vivis et regnas, etc. tion, who livest and
reignest, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. 24, 18 18, granted:
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to
all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
shall say this hymn, with the versicles and prayer.
An indulgence of one hundred days to those who shall

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say, as directed above, the Tantum ergo only, with the versicles
and prayer. Besides, he granted to all those who frequently,
or at least ten times a month, shall say, as directed above,
either the Pange lingua or the Tantum ergo, with the versicles
and prayer
A plenary indulgence, on Holy Thursday, on the Feast of
Corpus Christi, or on one day in its octave, and on any one
other day of the year, provided that, being truly penitent, after
confession and communion, they shall visit a church or public
oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the intention of his

Anima Christi, sanctifica Soul of Christ, sanctify
me. me :

Corpus Christi, salva me. Body of Christ, save me

Sanguis Christi, inebria Blood of Christ, inebriate
me. me
Aqua lateris Christi, lava Water from the side of
me. Christ, wash me.
Passio conforta Passion
Christi, of Christ,
me. strengthen me :

O boneJesu, exaudi me. good Jesus, hear me O :

Intra tuavulnera absconde Within thy wounds hide

me. me :

Ne permittas me separari Permit me not to be sep-

a te. arated from thee.
Ab hoste maligno defende From the malignant ene-
me. my defend me :

In hora mortis meae voca In the hour of my death

me, call me,
Et jube me venire ad te, And bid me come to thee,
Ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem That, with thy saints, I
te may praise thee

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In saecula saeculorum. I For ever and ever.

Amen. 1 Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 9, 1854, revoking all other grants of indul-
gences which may have been made for saying this invocation,

granted to all the faithful

An indulgence of three hundred days every time that,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say it.

An indulgence of seven years, once a day, to priests who

it after saying mass, and to the faithful, after receiving
shall say
holy communion.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all the faithful
who have the pious custom of saying it, as above directed, at
least once a day, for a month, on any day when, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit a
church or public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the
intention of his Holiness.



Lord Jesus Christ, who, through the love which
thou bearest to men, dost remain with them, day and
night, in this sacrament, full of mercy and of love,
expecting, inviting, and receiving all who come to
visit thee ; I believe that thou art present in the sac-
rament of the altar. From the abyss of my nothing-
ness I adore thee, and I thank thee for all the favors
which thou hast bestowed upon me, particularly for
having given me thyself in this sacrament, for having
given me for my advocate thy most holy mother,
Mary, and for having called me to visit thee in this

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I, this day, salute thy most loving heart, and I

wish to salute it for three ends : first, in thanksgiving
for this great gift ; secondly, in compensation for all
the injuries thou hast received from thy enemies, in
this sacrament ; thirdly, I wish, by this visit, to adore
thee in all places in which thou art least honored and
most abandoned in the holy sacrament. My Jesus,
I love thee with my whole heart. I am sorry for
having hitherto offended thy infinite goodness. I
purpose, with the assistance of thy grace, never more
to offend thee ; and, at this moment, miserable as I
am, I consecrate my whole being to thee. I give
thee my entire will, all my affections and desires,
and all that I have. From this day forward, do what
thou wilt with me, and with whatever belongs to me.
I ask and desire only thy holy love, the gift of final
perseverance, and the perfect accomplishment of thy
will. I recommend to thee the souls in purgatory,
particularly those who were most devoted to the
blessed sacrament and to most holy Mary and I also ;

recommend to thee all poor sinners. Finally, my

dear Saviour, I unite all my .affections
with the affec-
tions of thy most loving heart and, thus united, I

offer them to thy eternal Father, and I entreat him,

in thy name, and for thy sake, to accept them.
His Holiness, Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Sept. 7,
1854, granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, they shall say this prayer before the
most blessed sacrament
An indulgence of three hundred day$.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who,

every day, for a month, on any day on

shall say this prayer,
-which, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
they shall pray for the needs of holy Church and for the inten-
tion of the Sovereign Pontiff.

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J 7-

DearJesus, in the sacrament of the altar, be for-
ever thanked and praised. Love, worthy of all
celestial and terrestrial love who, out of infinite !

love for me, ungrateful sinner, didst assume our

human nature, didst shed thy most precious blood in
the cruel scourging, and didst expire on a shameful
cross for our eternal welfare Now, illumined with !

lively faith, with the outpouring of my whole soul

and the fervor of my heart, I humbly beseech thee,
through the infinite merits of thy painful sufferings,
give me strength and courage to destroy every evil
passion which sways my heart, to bless thee in my
greatest afflictions, to glorify thee by the exact fulfil-
ment of all my duties, supremely to hate all sin, and
thus to become a saint.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Jan.
I, 1866, granted :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all

the faithful who, with at least contrite heart
and devotion, shall
say this prayer.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Sept. 15, 1876,
granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, shall visit the most blessed sacrament, and say before
it the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the
Father, each five times, and another Our Father, Hail Mary,
and Glory be to the Father, for peace and union among Christian
princes, for the extirpation of heresy, for the conversion of
sinners, and for the triumph of holy Mother Church
An indulgence of three hundred days, every time.

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9 .


Respice Domine, sancte Look down, O Lord,
Pater, de sanctuario tuo, from thy sanctuary, and
et de excelso coelorum from heaven, thy dwell-
habitaculo, et vide hanc ing-place, and behold
sacrosanctam hostiam, this holy Victim which
quam tibi offert magnus our
great high-priest, thy
Pontifex sanctus holy child, the Lord Je-
puer tuus, Dominus Jesus, sus, offers up to thee for
pro peccatis fratrum the sins of his brethren ;
suorum ; et esto placabilis and let not thy wrath be
super multitudinem mali- kindled because of the
tiae nostra?. Ecce vox multitude of our trans-
sanguinis fratris nostri gressions. Behold the
Jesu clamat ad te de voice of the blood of Je-
cruce. Exaudi, Domine sus, our brother, calls to
placare, Domine ; at- thee from the cross. Give
tende, et fac rie moreris ear, O Lord! be appeased,
propter temetipsum, Deus O Lord hearken, and !

raeus,quia nomen tuum tarry not, for thine own

invocatum est super civi- sake, my God because O !

tatem istam, et super thy name is called upon

populum tuum ; et fac in behalf of this city
nobiscum secundum mi- and of thy people; but
sericordiam tuam. Amen. deal with us according to
thy great mercy. Amen.

V. Ut civitatem istam V.That thou vouchsafe

defendere, pacificare, cus- to defend, pacify, keep,
todire, conservare et preserve, and bless this
benedicere digneris. city.
R. Te rogamus, audi R. We beseech thee to
TIOS. hear us.


His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr,

of Indulgences, Feb. 6, 1877, granted, for the recital of this
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 18, 1877, approved
The indulgence of two hundred days granted by the
Sovereign Pontiffs, Martin V., in the constitution Ineffabile,
May 26, 1429, and Eugene IV., in the constitution Excellentis-
simum, May 26, 1433, to a ^ tne faithful, each time that, preced-
ing or following with lighted candles, they adore the blessed
sacrament as it is carried to the sick for their communion*
This indulgence may be gained by those who shall devoutly
accompany the blessed sacrament when it is carried in solemn
procession to the sick.
Also, the same Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by the above-
named rescript, approved that
The indulgence of one hundred days, granted by the
Sovereign Pontiffs already mentioned, in the constitutions above-
quoted, to those who devoutly accompany the blessed sacra-
ment when carried to the sick, may be gained every time that
any one shall devoutly accompany the blessed sacrament.



Hail, saving Victim, of-
Salve, salutaris Victima,
pro me et omni humano fered on the gibbet of the
genere in patibulo Crucis Cross for me and for the
oblata. whole human race. Hail,
Salve, pretiose Sanguis, precious blood, flowing
de vulneribus Crucifixi from the wounds of our
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Domini nostri Jesu crucified Lord Jesus Christ

Christi profluens, et pec- and washing away the
cata totius mundi abluens. sins of the whole world.
Recordare, Domine, Remember, O Lord, thy
creaturae tuae, quam tuo creature that thou hast re-
pretioso Sanguine rede- deemed by thy precious
misti. blood.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, June 30, 1893, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer at the elevation during Holy Mass
an indulgence of sixty days, once a day.




My Jesus, I believe that thou art in the Most Holy

Sacrament. I love thee above all things, and in my
soul I desire thee. Since I cannot receive thee now
sacramentally, come at least spiritually to my heart.
I embrace thee as already there and unite myself
wholly to thee; do not permit that I may ever be
separated from thee.
Jesus, all my good and all my love,
Wound, inflame this heart of mine
That it may all and always burn for thee.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, June 30, 1893, granted to the faithful who shall
make the above pious act
AN indulgence of sixty DAYS, once a day.

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Our Saviour and Redeemer,
Jesus Christ, worthy of
all who, in the impenetrable designs of thy
infinite wisdom, hast borne with the boldness of the
impious and the invasion of iniquity, reserving to
thyself the sovereign right to judge the impious and
his perverse works, mercifully turn thy looks toward
thy children who in the blindness of their heart
have rebelled against thee. With the eye of a
Father and with the power of Supreme King of the
universe, stretch forth thy beneficent and regenerat-
ing hand towards modern society, which rebelliously
turns its back upon thee, King of kings, Lord of
lords. Stir up thy pity in favor of thy people
which thou hast ransomed with thy blood, regenerated
by thy grace, exalted through thy love. Thou didst
bestow upon it true liberty, thou hast called it to the
heritage of thy Father and to brotherhood with thy-
self; but in the madness of its rebellion it has preferred
the bondage of Satan, and now lives in abject slavery,
unhappy in its hopelessness.
Jesus Christ, our Lord, King of eternal glory,
restorer of all things in heaven and on earth,
almighty ruler, who with infinite wisdom hast brought
together at thy feet what was scattered abroad, en-
lighten the kings of the earth, the rulers of the
nations, cause thy spirit to permeate all civil institu-
tions, all governments of every kind, the laws, the ar-
mies ; grant that all authorities on earth may acknowl-
edge in thee the majesty of the enternal God, the prin-
ciple from which all authority is derived ; enlighten all
peoples in order that they may know that thou art

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the source of all right and all duty, that by thee the
kings of earth command and to thee kings and
peoples owe obedience.
O most lovable Jesus, who didst vouchsafe to
come down into this vale of tears and to dwell with
us, to suffer and to die to save us sinners, and who
through an excess of charity hast fixed thy dwelling-
place among men, hidden under the sacramental
species, and with the fulness of the godhead bodily
present in our tabernacles, makest thyself the food
and life of our souls,O deign to accept the humble
but sincere and deep homage of our hearts as an
atonement for the disloyalty of the rebellious. We
believe thee firmly, as thou hast been revealed to us
through the faith which the Holy Ghost has infused
into our hearts, we acknowledge thee as the begin-
ning and the end of all things that exist, we adore
thee as the true and only God, we have no will to live
but for thee and to serve thee only. But do thou,
O Lord, save our brethren, bring together again the.
scattered members of human society which in these
latter days have gone astray, so that we all, as broth-
ers, may be one with thee, as thou art one with thy
Father who is in heaven. May thy will be done by
all and in all things, may thy majesty shine forth in
splendor on the throne on which thou reignest over
human society, and may the world acknowledge thee
to be the true Son of God, by whom all things were
O Jesus, God of love, break the fetters that bind
thy vicar, the successor of Peter, restore him to the
possession of that liberty which thou thyself didst
give to him together with the keys of supreme juris-
diction, in order that he may carry on efficaciously
thy work of regenerating human society, and that the

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coming of that day may be hastened, the day we

long to behold, when thou shalt be glorified by the
return of human society to its Father's house; do
thou, King of all peoples, gather together the sheep
and the lambs under the care of the one Shepherd.
Forsake us not, O Lord we are thy children, we ;

love thee ; acknowledge us still as thy children, un-

worthy indeed, but yet always thy children save us, ;

and along with us save all kings, governments and

nations. Amen.
Our Holy Father, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 15, 1895, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above act of homage together with the priest before

the Blessed Sacrament exposed

A plenary indulgence on the feast of Corpus Christi, or on
any one day within the octave of the feast, or at any one time
during the exposition of the Forty Hours, and on any two
Thursdays during the year, to be designated by the Ordinary on
the usual conditions Confession, Communion and praying for

the intention of the Pope,

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
on all the other Thursdays of the year.
He also granted An indulgence of three hundred days,
once a day, to those who recite the said act of homage pri-
vately before the Blessed Sacrament.
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to any
one who recites it anywhere else than before the Blessed

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: ;: : :




Adoro Te devote, latens Deitas,
Quae sub his figuris vere latitas
Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit,
Quia Te contemplans, totum deficit.
Visus, {actus, gustus in Te fallitur
Sed auditu solo tuto creditur;
Credo quidquid dixit Dei Filius,
Nil hoc verbo veritatis verius.
In Cruce latebat sola Deitas,
At hie latet simul et humanitas
Ambo tamen credens, atque confitens,
Peto quod petivit latro poenitens.
Plagas, sicut Thomas, non intueor,
Deum tamen meum Te confiteor
Fac me tibi semper magis credere,
In Te spem habere, Te diligere.
O memoriale mortis Domini,
Panis vivus vitam praestans homini
Praesta meae menti de Te vivere,
Et Te illi semper dulce sapere.
Pie pelicane Jesu Domine,
Me immundum munda tuo Sanguine
Cujus una stilla salvum facere
Totum mundum quit abomni scelere.
Jesu, quern velatum nunc aspicio,
Oro, fiat illud, quod tarn sitio,
Ut Te revelata cernens facie,
Visu sim beatus tuae gloriae. Amen.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, June 15, 1895, granted to all the faithful who
shall recite the above hymn after Holy Communion
An indulgence of one hundred days.
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How is the sweetness of your heavenly
Bread ! Howadmirable the peace and perfect the
tranquillity of a soul that receives you, after having
deplored and sincerely confessed her offenses Be !

blessed a thousand times, O my Jesus When I !

was a sinner I was miserable but now not only do ;

I feel the quietude of my soul, but it seems to me

that I experience a foretaste of the peace of Paradise
It is, indeed, most certain that our heart has been
made for you, my beloved Lord, and finds no joy
but when it reposes in you. I therefore give you
thanks; I firmly resolve to avoid sin and the occa-
sions of sin, and will dwell permanently in your
Divine Heart, whence I expect the grace of loving
you unto death. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., in a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 3, 1 896, has granted to the faithful who
above prayer after Holy Communion
shall say the
An indulgence of three hundred days.

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Among the devotional exercises which have for their object

meditation on the passion, cross, and death of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, one of the chief has ever been the exer-
cise of the Way of Calvary, commonly called the Way of the
Cross. This devotion, continued in an unbroken tradition from
the time Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, arose, first in Jeru-
salem, amongst the Christians who dwelt there, out of venera-
tion for those sacred spots which were sanctified by the suffer-
ings of our divine Redeemer. From that time, as we learn
from S. Jerome, Christians were wont to visit the holy places in
crowds ; and the gathering of the faithful, he says, even from
the farthest corners of the earth, to visit the holy places, con«
tinued to his own times.
From Jerusalem this devout exercise began to be introduced
into Europe by various pious and holy persons, who had
travelled to the Holy Land to satisfy their devotion. Amongst
others, we read of the Blessed Alvarez, of the Order of Friars
Preachers, who, after he returned to his own convent of S.
Dominic, in Cordova, built several little chapels, inwhich he
represented, station by station, the principal events which took
place on our Lord's way to Mount Calvary, Afterward, more

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formally, the Fathers Minorite Observants of the Order of S.

Francis, as soon as ever, on the foundation of their order, they

were introduced into the Holy Land, and more especially from
the time when, in the year 1342, they had their house in Jeru-
salem, and the custody of the sacred places, began, both in Italy
and elsewhere, in short throughout the whole Catholic world,
to spread the devotion of the Way of the Cross, This they
effected by erecting, in all their own churches, fourteen separate
stations, in visiting which the faithful, like the devout pilgrims
who go in person to visit the holy places in Jerusalem, do them-
selves also make this journey in spirit, whilst they meditate on
all that our Lord Jesus Christ vouchsafed to suffer, for our
eternal salvation, at those Holy places, in the last hours of his

This excellent devotion has met with the repeated approvals

of holy Church : in the constitutions, for instance, of the vener-
able Pontiff, Innocent XL; of Innocent XII.; of the two
Benedicts, XIII. and XIV.; and of Clement XII. By this last
Pope it was extended to the whole Catholic world; and it is

now in constant use with persons of every condition, being,

moreover, enriched with numerous indulgences. For instance,
those who perform devoutly the Way of the Cross, may gain
all the indulgences which have been granted by the Popes to

the faithful who visit in person the sacred places in Jerusalem.

All, however, who wish to gain these indulgences by means of
this devotion, must bear in mind that the stations must be
erected by those that have the faculty to do so ; that it is indis-
pensably required of them to meditate, according to their ability,
on the passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to go
from one station to the other, so far as the number of persons
engaged in the devotion, and the confined space where the
fourteen stations are erected, will admit. This is evident from
the Apostolical Constitutions above-named. And from this it

follows that the recitation at each of the stations of the words:

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•«We adore thee, Christ," etc., the Our Father, the Hail Mary,
and " Have mercy on us, O Lord," is nothing more than a pious
and praiseworthy custom, introduced by devout persons into
the devotion of the Way of the Cross. This the S. Congr. of
Indulgences declared, in the instructions for performing the
exercise of the Way of the Cross, published by the order of
Clement XII., April 3, 1731, and Benedict XIV., May 10, 1742.
These instructions further prohibit all catechists, preachers,
and others, from specifying the indulgences which may be
gained by the devotion of the Way of the Cross, and bid them
conform themselves in this respect to whatever the above-named
Sovereign Pontiffs have declared and confirmed on this subject.
All, however, who are sick, all who are in prison, or at sea,
or in partibus infidelium, or are prevented in any other way from
visiting the stations of the Way of the Cross where they are
erected, may gain these indulgences by saying, with at least

contrite heart and devotion, the Our Father, the Hail Mary,
and the Glory be to the Father, each fourteen times, the number
of the stations, and, at the end of these, the Our Father, the
Jiail Alary, and the Glory be to the Father, each five times, in
honor of the five Wounds of our Lord, and, again, one Our
Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory be to the Father, for the
Sovereign Pontiff, holding in their hands the while a crucifix
of brass, or of any other solid substance, which has been blessed
by the Father-General of the Order of the Friars Minor Observ-
ants, or else by a Father-Provincial, or by any Father-Guardian,
President, or Vicar, subject to the same Father-General, or by any
priest, Minorite or not, to whom the faculty has been given by the
General. If the twenty Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Glory, etc. ,be
said by several together, though but one hold the crucifix, and the
others, not engaged in any other work, recollect themselves for
the prayers, all gain the indulgences of the Way of the Cross.
This favor was granted or confirmed by Pope Clement XIV.,
Jan. 26, 1773, at prayer of the Reformed Minorites of the

Retreat of S. Bonaventure in Rome ; by Pius IX., with a brief,

August and by Leo XIII., by rescripts of the S. Congr.
II, 1863,
of Indulgences, Jan. 19 and March 15, 1884.
It is also to be observed that these crucifixes, thus indul-
genced, after they have been blessed, cannot be sold, or given
away, or lent to any one for the purpose of enabling them to
gain the indulgences of the Way of the Cross, as appears from the
decrees to this effect of the S. Congr. of Indulgences.


[A B.7
— The pious reader may use any other method ac-cording
to his devotion.]

Begin with an act of contrition.


Jesus is condemned to death.

V. Adoramus We adore thee,

te, Chris- V.
benedicimus tibi.
te, et Christ, and bless thee.
R. Quia per sanctam R. Because by thy holy
crucem tuam redemisti cross thou hast redeemed
mundum. the world.

My Jesus, often hav^ I signed thy death-warrant

by my sins: save me by thy death from that eternal
death which I have so often deserved.
Our Father, Hail Mary.
V. Miserere nostri, Do- V. Have mercy on us,
mine. O Lord.
R. Miserere nostri. R. Have mercy on us.
Passing on from one station to another, say .

Holy Mother, pierce me through,

In my heart each wound renew
Of my Saviour crucified.

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Jesus bears his cross,

V.Adoramus, etc. V. We adore thee, etc.


My Jesus, who by thine own will didst take on thee the

most heavy cross I made for thee by my sins, oh,
make me feel their heavy weight, and weep for them
ever while I live.
Our Father, etc.
V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc.


Jesus falls the first time beneath the cross.

V. Adoramus, etc. "I V. We adore thee, etc.

My Jesus, the heavy burden of my sins is on thee,

and bears thee down beneath the cross. I loathe
them, I detest them, I call on thee to pardon them
may thy grace aid me never more to commit them.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I F. Have mercy, etc.


Jesus meets his mother.

V. Adoramus, etc. I V, We adore thee, etc.

Jesus most suffering ! Mary, mother most sorrow-

ful! if, for the past, by my sins I have caused you

pain and anguish, yet, by God's assisting grace, it

shall be so no more : rather be ye my love henceforth
till death.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc

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Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry the cross.

V. Adoramus, etc. V. We adore thee, etc.

My Jesus, blest, thrice blest was he who aided thee

to bear the cross. Blest shall I be, if I, too, aid thee
to bear the cross, by patiently bowing neck to the my
crosses thou shalt send me during life. Jesus, My
give me grace to do so.
Our Father , etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc.


Jesus and Veronica,

V. Adoramus, etc. I V, We adore thee, etc.
My tender Jesus, who
didst deign to print thy
sacred face upon the cloth with which Veronica
dried the sweat from off thy brows print in my soul !

deep, I pray thee, the lasting memory of thy bitter

Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc- I V. Have mercy, etc.


Jesus falls again.

V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore thee, etc.
My often have I sinned, and often by
sin beat thee to the ground beneath the cross.
Help me to use the efficacious means of grace,
that I may never fall again.
Our Father,
V. Miserere, etc. | V. Have mercy, etc

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Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem.

V. Adoramus, etc. We adore thee,
I K etc.
My Jesus, who didst comfort the pious women of
Jerusalem, who wept to see thee bruised and torn,
comfort my soul with thy tender pity, for in thy pity
lies my trust. May my heart ever answer thine.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I
V. Have mercy, etc.

Again a third time Jesus falls.
V. Adoramus, etc. V. We adore thee, etc.

My Jesus, by all the bitter woes thou didst endure,

when for the third time the heavy cross bowed thee
to the earth, oh never, I beseech thee, let me fall

again into sin. Ah my ! Jesus, rather let me die than

ever sin again.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc.

Jesus is stripped of his garments, and is given gall to
V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore thee, etc.

My Jesus, stripped of thy garments and drenched

with gall, strip me of love for things of earth, and
make me loathe all that savors of the world and sin.

Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc.

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Jesus nailed to the cross.

V. Adoramus, etc. V. We adore thee, etc.


My Jesus, by thine agony when the cruel nails

pierced thy tender hands and feet, and fixed them
to the cross, oh make me crucify my flesh with

Christian penance.
Our Father; etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc.


Jesus dies.

V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore thee, etc.

My Jesus, three hours didst thou hang in agony,
and then die for me : then let me die before I sin,
and, if I live, live for thy love and faithful service.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. ! V. Have mercy, etc.


Jesus is taken from the cross and laid in Mary's

V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore thee, etc.
Mary, mother most sorrowful, the sword of grief
went through thy soul when thou didst see Jesus
lying lifeless in thy bosom ask for me hatred of sin,

because sin slew thy Son, and wounded thine own

heart, and then grace to live a Christian life, and
save my soul.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. I V. Have mercy, etc

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Jesus is laid in the tomb.
V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore the^e, etc.

My Jesus, beside thy body in the tomb I, too,

would lie dead ; and, if I live, live but for thee, so
as one day to enjoy with thee in heaven the fruit of
thy passion and thy bitter death. Amen.
Our Father, etc.

V. Miserere, etc. V. Have mercy, etc.


Deus, qui unigeniti God, who by the
Filii tui pretioso sanguine precious blood of thy
vivificae crucis vexillum only-begotten Son, didst
sanctiflcare voluisti con- : sanctify the standard of
cede, quaesumus, eos, qui the cross grant,
! we
ejusdem sanctae crucisbeseech thee, that we who
rejoice in the glory of
gaudent honore, tua quo-
que ubique protectionethe same holy cross, may
gaudere. Per eumdem feel everywhere the glad-
Christum Dominum nos- ness of thy sovereign pro-
trum. Amen. tection. Through the
same Christ our Lord.
At the end, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be
to the Father, may be said for the intention of the Sovereign


The Scala Santa is one of the most sacred memorials of the
passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is well worthy of our

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reverence and devotiou ;

for, more than once upon its steps our
blessed Saviour trod, and consecrated it by his precious blood,
in the last hours of his life on earth.
This hallowed was brought from Jerusalem to Rome by

the enlpress S. Helena, about the year 326, and deposited near
the patriarchal basilica of S. John Lateran and Sixtus V.,

afterward, in the year 1589, set it up with great magnificence in

front of the famous chapel called the Sancta Sanctorum. It

has always been, and still is, a devout practice of the faithful,
of every rank and condition., to mount it devoutly on their
knees. In order to give greater impulse to this devout and use-
ful spiritual exercise, the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a

decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Sept. 2, 181 7, Quatenus

opus sit, confirming the concessions already made by Popes Leo
IV. and Pascal II., granted forever to all those who, with at
least contrite heart, shall ascend the Scala Santa, on their knees,
praying meanwhile and meditating on the passion of our Lord
An indulgence of nine years for each step.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Dec. 19, 1856,
granted to all the faithful, every time that, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, they shall, any time between

the feast of All-Saints and the octave of All-Souls, and from

the feast of the Nativity of our Lord to the octave of the Epiph-
any, and during Lent, ascend on their knees the steps placed,
on either side, near the Scala Santa, praying meanwhile and
meditating on the passion of our Lord, each and all the indul-
gences that could be gained by ascending the Scala Santa.



This appropriate and pious devotion, in memory of the day
and hour on which our divine Lord suffered for us, having
already been introduced into some places, Benedict XIV. was
desirous of extending the usage uniformly and forever to the

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whole Catholic world. Accordingly, on Dec. 13, 1740, in the

brief, Ad Passionis, he commanded all superiors of churches,

in virtue of holy obedience, to have the hells of their churches

rung every Friday at three o'clock in the afternoon, and he
granted to all the faithful who should then kneel down and say
devoutly the Our Father and the Hail Mary, each five times,

and pray for peace and union among Christian princes, for the
extirpation of heresy, for the triumph of the Church, and for the
conversion of sinners
An indulgence of one hundred days.
There having afterwards grown up in Rome the custom of ring-
ing forthe agony of the divine Redeemer on Fridays, at the Ital-
ian hour of 21, or three hours before sunset, the question arose
whether was necessary to adhere to the prescription of Bene-

dict XIV., or whether this custom might be followed. The S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Sept. 24, 1838, decreed that the Roman
custom should be followed.
Notwithstanding this decree, however, his Holiness, Pope
Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, May
15, 1886, declared that in those places where in good faith the
custom prevails of ringing bells on Friday, in commemoration
of the agony of our Lord Jesus Christ at another hour, the
above indulgences may still be gained by the faithful who at
that signal recite five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys,
provided they fulfil the other conditions imposed.



Begin by an act of contrition.

Whilst I lie prostrate before thee crucified, most

loving Saviour of my soul, my conscience tells me it
was I that nailed thee to the cross with these hands
of mine, as often as I fell into mortal sin, wearying

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thee with my monstrous ingratitude. My God, my

chief and perfect good, worthy of all my love, because
thou hast ever loaded me with blessings my wretched :

deeds I cannot now undo, as fain I would ; but I

loathe and hate them, grieving from the bottom of

my heart that I have offended thee, goodness infinite!
Now, kneeling at thy feet, I try at least to compas-
sionate thee, to give thee thanks, to ask thee for par-
don and for the grace of repentance : wherefore, with
heart and lips, I say


Holy wound in the left foot of my Jesus I adore !

thee. Icompassionate thee, my Jesus, for the bitter

pain that thou didst suffer. I thank thee for the love
with which thou didst labor to overtake me on the
way to ruin ; for me thou didst bleed, in seeking me
amid the thorns and brambles of my sins I offer to :

the eternal Father the pain and love of thy most holy
humanity, in atonement for my sins, all of which,
with deep and bitter sorrow, I detest.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Holy mother, pierce me through,
In my heart each wound renew
Of my Saviour crucified.
Holy wound in the right foot of my Jesus 1 !

adore thee. My Jesus, I compassionate thee for the

bitter pain which thou didst endure. I thank thee
for the love which pierced thee with such cruel
anguish, which made thee shed thy blood in punish-
ment for xy wanderings, and for the guilty pleasure
I have granted to my unbridled passions. I offer to
the eternal Father all the pain and love of thy most

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holy humanity, and I pray thee, give me grace

to weep over my wanderings with hot tears, and to
abide in the good I have begun, never more swerving
from my obedience to the divine commands.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Holy mother, etc.
Holy wound in the left hand of my Jesus ! I adore
thee. My Jesus, I compassionate thee for the bitter
pain thou didst endure. I thank thee for having
spared me the uplifted rod and the eternal dam-
nation which for my sins I merited. I offer to the
eternal Father all the pain and love of thy most holy
humanity, and, I pray thee, teach me to profit by my
little span of life, and bring forth in it fruits of
penance, and so disarm thy divine and just anger.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Holy mother, etc.


Holy wound in the right hand of my Jesus! I
adore thee. My Jesus, I compassionate thee for the
bitter pains thou didst endure. I thank thee for thy
graces lavished on me with such love, in spite of my
wretched waywardness. I offer to the eternal Father
all the pain and love of thy most holy humanity, and,
I pray thee, change my heart and its affections, and
make me do all my works in accordance with thy di-
vine good pleasure.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father,
Holy mother, etc.


Holy wound in the side of my Jesus ! I adore

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thee. My Jesus, I compassionate thee in the cruel

insultswhich thou didst suffer. I thank thee for the
love whereby thou didst let them cleave thy breast
and heart, that so the last drops of blood and water
might issue forth, and my redemption overflow. I
offer to the eternal Father this outrage, and the love
of thy most holy humanity, that into that most loving
heart, eager and ready to receive the greatest sinners,
my poor soul may enter once for all, and never more
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Holy mother, etc.


Virgin Mary, mother of God, martyr of love and
sorrow, because of Jesus' pains and woes which thou
didst witness truly didst thou concur in the great

work of my redemption, first by thy countless woes,

and then by the offering thou didst make to the
eternal Father of his and thy only-begotten Son, for
a holocaust and victim to appease his wrath for my
great sins. I thank thee for that boundless love, im-
pelled by which thou didst bereave thyself of the
fruit of thy womb, very God and very man, to save
me a sinner let thy intercession, which* is never in

vain, be ever with the Father and the Son, that I may
steadily amend my evil ways, and never, by fresh
faults, crucify anew my loving Saviour; but that,
abiding in his grace till death, I may, through the
merits of his sad passion and death upon the cross,
obtain eternal life.
Hail Mary, three times.
Domine Jesu Christe, | O Lord Jesus Christ,

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qui hora sexta pro re- who, at the sixth hour of

demptione mundi crucis the day, didst, for the re-
patibulum ascend isti, et demption of the world,
sanguinem tuum pretio- mount the gibbet of the
sum in remission em pec- cross, and shed thy pre-
catorum eflfudisti : te cious blood for the remis-
humiliter deprecamur, sion of our sins ! we
*ut post obi turn nos- humbly beseech thee to
trum paradisi januas nos grant us that, after our
gaudenter introire con- death, we may joyfully
cedas. enter the gates of eternal
Interveniat pro nobis, Grant, we beseech thee,
qusesumus Domine Jesu O Lord Jesus Christ
Christe, nunc et in hora that, now and at the hour
mortis. nostrae, apud of our death, the blessed
tuam clementiam beata Virgin Mary, thy mother,
virgo Maria, mater tua, may intercede with thy
cujus sacratissimam ani- mercy for us, through
mam in hora tuae pas- whose most holy soul the
sion is doloris gladius per- sword did pass in the hour
transivit. Per te, Jesu of thy passion. Through
Christe, Salvator mundi, thee, Jesus Christ, Sav-
qui cum Patre et Spiritu iour of the world, who,
Sancto vivis et regnas in with the Father and the
saecula saeculorum. Holy Ghost, livest and
jR. Amen. reignest, for ever and ever.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Sept. 29, 1807, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say these
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, besides the above-mentioned partial
indulgence, on the two feasts of the holy cross. May 3 an«i

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September 14, to all who shall have said these prayers at least

ten times every month, if, being truly penitent, they shall go to
confession and receive holy communion on these two feasts.
An indulgence of seven tears and seven quarantines,
once a day, to those who, with at least contrite heart and devo-
tion, shall say these prayers from Passion Sunday to Holy

Saturday, inclusively.
A plenary indulgence, on Easter Sunday, to all those who
shall have said these prayers daily, for the time just mentioned,
provided that, being truly penitent, they shall go to confession
and receive holy communion.



V. Deus, in adjutorium V. Incline unto my aid,
meum intende. O God !

R. Domine, ad adju R. O Lord ! make

vandum me festina. haste to help me.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,



Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

V. Ad or am us te, V. We adore thee, O

Christe, et benedicimus Christ, and bless thee.
R. Quia per sanctam R. Because by thy holy
crucem tuam redemisti cross thou hast redeemed
mundum. the world.

Jesus, my love ! who, for love of me, aost hang in

agony on the cross, there by thy pains to pay the

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penalty of my sins, and dost open thy divine mouth

to obtain me pardon for them from eternal justice
0 Jesus pity all those faithful souls who now are in

their last sad agony, and pity me when I, too, shall

be in mine. By the merit of thy most precious blood
shed for our salvation, vouchsafe us all such lively
sorrow for our sins, as shall make us breathe forth our
souls into the bosom of thy boundless mercy.
Glory be to the Father, three times.
Miserere nostri, Do- 1 Have mercy on us, O
mine, miserere nostri. | Lord ! have mercy on us.

'My God, in thee I believe, in thee I hope; thou

art my love. I repent of my sins, because by them
1 have offended thee.


This day shalt thou be with me in paradise,

V. Adoramus te, etc. | V. We adore thee, etc.

my love who, for love of me, dost hang

Jesus, !

in agony on the cross, and with such readiness and

bounty dost meet the good thiefs cry of faith, when
in thy humiliations he acknowledges thee to be the
Son of God, and dost then assure him of paradise
prepared for him oh pity all faithful souls now in
: !

their last agony, and pity me when I, too, shall be in

mine. By the merit of thy most precious blood,
renew in our souls such firm and steadfast faith as
shall never waver at any suggestions of the evil one ;
that so we also may obtain the blessed prize of para-
Glory be to the Father, three times.

Miserere, etc. I
Have mercy, etc.

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My God, in thee I believe, in thee I hope; thou

art my love. I repent of my sins, because by thern I
have offended thee.

Behold thy mother / Behold thy son /

V. Adoramus, etc. | V. We adore thee, etc.

Jesus, my love ! who, me, dost hang in
for love of
agony on the unmindful of thine own
cross, and,
sorrows, dost leave us thy own most holy mother as
a pledge of thy love, that we, through her, may, in
our greatest straits, seek thee with confidence have :

pity on all faithful souls now in their last agony, and

pity me when I, too, shall be in mine. By the in-
ward martyrdom of thy dear mother, quicken in
our hearts a firm hope in the infinite merits of thy
most precious blood, that so we may escape the
sentence of eternal death, which we know we well
deserve for our sins.
Glory be to the Father, three times.
Miserere, etc. ! Have mercy, etc.

My God, in thee I believe, in thee I hope ; thou

art my love. I repent of my sins, because by them I
have offended thee.
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?
V. Adoramus, etc, | V. We adore thee, etc.
Jesus, my love ! who, me, dost hang in
for love of
agony on the heaping woe on woe, be-
cross, and,
sides thy sacred body's pain, dost bear with infinite
patience the most afflicting desolation of spirit, be-
cause thou wast forsaken by thine eternal Father;

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pity all faithful souls now in their last agony, and

pity me when I, too, shall be in mine. By the merit
of thy most precious blood, grant us all thy grace to
suffer with truemeekness all the pain and anguish of
our agony, that joining our pains with thine, we, too,
may in paradise be made partakers of thy glory.

Glory be to the Father, three times.

Miserere, etc. I Have mercy, etc.

My God, in thee I believe, in thee I hope ; thou

art my love. I repent of my sins, because by them
1 have offended thee.


/ thirst

V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore thee, etc.

Jesus, my
love who, for love of me, dost hang in

agony on the cross, and who, ever thirsting for in-

sults and for sufferings, dost will yet more and more
to suffer, that all men may be saved, thus showing
that all the torrent of thy passion is not enough to
quench the thirst of thy most loving heart pity all :

faithful souls now in their last agony, and pity me

when I, too, shall be in mine. By the merit of thy
most precious blood, kindle such a fire of charity
within us that, with burning longing, we may thirst
ever to be one with thee for all eternity.
Glory be to the Father, three times.
Miserere, etc. I Have mercy, etc.

My God, in thee I believe, in thee I hope; thoc

art rny love. I repent of my sins, because by them
I have offended thee.
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It is finished.

V. Ad oram us, etc. I K We adore thee, etc.

Jesus, my
love who, for love of me, dost hang in

agony on the cross, and from this pulpit of the

truth dost declare the work of our redemption fin-
ished —
that work by which, from children of wrath
and of eternal woe, we were made sons of God and
heirs of heaven pity all faithful souls now in their

last agony, and pity me when I, too, shall be in mine.

By the merit of thy most precious blood, detach us
wholly from the world and from ourselves, and, at
the moment of our agony, grant us grace to offer
thee, with all our hearts, the sacrifice of our life in
atonement for our sins.

Glory be to the Father, three times.

Miserere, etc. I Have mercy, etc.
My God, I believe in thee, in thee I hope thou ;

art my love. I repent of my si^s, because by them I

have offended thee.
Father\ into thy hands I commend my spirit.

V. Adoramus, etc. I V. We adore thee, etc.

Jesus, my
love who, for love of me, dost hang in

agony on the cross, and who, to accomplish the

great sacrifice, dost submit to the will of thy eternal
Father, commending thy spirit into his hands, and
then dost bow thy head and die pity all faithful :

souls now in their agony, and pity me when I, too, shall

be in mine. By the merit of thy most precious
blood, give us in our agony an entire conformity to
thy divine will, that, ready to live or die as it shall
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please th^e, we may desire nothing but that thy

adorable w:l« may ever find its full accomplishment
in us.
Glory be to the Father, three times.

Miserere, etc. I Have mercy, etc.

My God, I believe in thee, in thee I hope ; thou

art my love. I repent of my sins, because by them
I have offended thee.


Mary most holy, mother of sorrows, by that in-
tense martyrdom which thou didst suffer at the foot
of the cross, during the three hours of Jesus' agony
deign to aid us all, children of thy sorrows, in our
lastagony, that, by our prayers, we from our bed of
death may pass to heaven's holy joys, there to adorn
thy crown.
Hail Mary, three times.
Maria mater gratiae, Mother of mercy,
mother of grace,
Mater misericordise, Mary, help a fallen race.
Tu nos ab hoste pro- Shield us when the foe
tege. is nigh,

Et mortis hora suscipe. And receive us when

we die.
V. A subitanea et im- V. From sudden and
provisa morte. unprepared death.
R. Libera nos, Domine, R. Deliver us, O Lord
V. Ab insidiis diaboli. V, From the snares of
the devil.
R. Libera nos, Domine. R. Deliver us, LordO
V. A morte perpetua. V, From everlasting
R. Libera nos, Domine. R. Deliver us, Lord O
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Deus, qui ad humani God, who for our sal-
generis salutem in dolo- vation hast, in the most
rosissima Filii tui morte bitter death of thy Son,
exemplum et subsidium made for us both an exam-
constituisti concede, ple and a refuge grant,
: :

quaesumus, ut in extremo we beseech thee, that, in

mortis nostne periculo the last peril, at the hour
tantae charitatis effectum of our death, we may be
consequi, et ipsius Re- made worthy to experience
demptoris gloriae conso- the effect of his great char-
ciari mereamur. Per eum- ity, and to be made par-
dem Christum Dominum takers of the Redeemer's
nostrum. I?. Amen. glory. Through the same
Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
End with the ejaculations

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ! I give you my heart and

my soul.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ! assist me in my last

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ! may I breathe out my
soul in peace with you.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Dec. 8, 1897, abrogating any other
indulgences hitherto accorded, granted to all the faithful, every
time they shall, with at least contrite heart and devotion, per-

form this devout exercise,

AN INDULGENCE OF SEVF/N years and seven quarantines.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. \\, 181 5, granted the following indui
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gences to all the faithful who shall practise the devotion of the

Three Hours' Agony, on Good Friday, beginning it after mid-

day, and continuing it for the three hours following, up to that
moment in which the memory of our divine Redeemer's death
is annually recalled. This pious practice may be performed
either in public or in private, alone or with others, under the
direction of a priest or other sacred minister, or using any pious
book that is approved, and meditating, according to each one's

ability, on the great which our Saviour endured dur-

ing those three hours, and on the seven words he uttered on the
cross, or, instead of this, by reciting psalms, hymns or prayers:

A plenary indulgence to all the faithful who, being truly

penitent, after confession and communion, on Holy Thursday,

or during Easter-week, shall devoutly pray, for some time, for

the intention of his Holiness.

An indulgence of two hundred days to all who, on
every Friday of the year, shall, with devotion, recall the mem-
ory of our Saviour's agony, and pray devoutly, for some time,
in the manner aforesaid.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to be gained on the
last Friday of every month by all those who, having meditated
and prayed, as directed above, on the previous Fridays of the
month, and, being truly penitent, after confession and commun-
ion, shall pray devoutly, for some time, for the intention of his


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript from the Office
of the Secretary of Memorials, April 6, 1816, granted to all the
faithfulwho, on the seven Fridays in Lent, shall use certain
devotional exercises collected in a book published, in Rome, in
the year 1816:
An indulgence of three hundred days, for each Friday.

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A plenary indulgence, once on any one of those Fridays,

provided that, after confession and communion, they shall pray

for holy Mother Church.

An indulgence of three hundred days to every one who
on any other Friday in the year.
shall practise this devotion,
A plenary indulgence to those who shall have practised it
on seven consecutive Fridays, at any time in the year ; to be
gained on any one of those Fridays, provided that, after con-
fession and communion, they shall pray for holy Mother Church.
The aforesaid book being out of print, and, therefore, not
easily procured, the Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a
rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. 4, 1837, con-
firmed anew and forever these indulgences, and declared that

those of the faithfulwho cannot read, or who have not the

above-mentioned lx)ok, may gain these indulgences by going to
confession and receiving holy communion on the Fridays pre-
scribed, and visiting a church or public oratory, praying for the

intention of the Sovereign Pontiff, and saying devoutly the Our

Father, the Nail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, each
seven times, before an image or picture of Jesus crucified, in

memory of what he suffered for our redemption, from the agony

in the garden up to his death.


Deus, qui pro redemp- O my Lord Jesus Christ
tione mundi voluisti nasci, who, to redeem the world,
circumcidi, a Judaeis re- didst vouchsafe to be born
probari, a Juda traditore amongst men, to be cir-
osculo tradi, v i n c u 1 i s cumcised, to be rejected,
alligari, sicut agnus in- and persecuted by the
nocens ad victiman duci, Jews, to be betrayed by
atque conspectibus Annae, the traitor, Judas, with a
Caiphse, Pilati, et Herodis, kiss, and as a lamb, gentle

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indecenter offerri, a falsis and innocent, to be bound

testibus accusari, flagellis with cords, and dragged,
et opprobriis vexari, sputis in scorn, before the tri-
conspui, spinis coronari, bunals of Annas, Caiphas,
colaphis caedi, arundine Pilate, and Herod; who
percuti, facie velari, didst suffer thyself to be
vestibus exui, cruci clavi- accused by false witnesses,
bus affigi, in cruce levari, to be torn by the scourge
inter latrones deputari, and overwhelmed with
felle et aceto potari, et opprobrium ; to be spit
lancea vulnerari ; tu Do- upon, to be crowned with
mine, per has sanctissimas thorns, buffeted, struck
poenas tuas, quas ego with a reed, blind-folded,
dignus recolo, et per stripped of thy garments;
sanctam crucem et mortem to be nailed to the cross
tuam, libera me (et hunc and raised on it between
famulum tuum, N. agoni- two thieves ; to be given
zantem) a poenis inferni, gall and vinegar to drink,
et perdqcere digneris, quo and to be pierced with a
perduxisti latronem tecum lance ; do thou, Lord, O
cruci fixum ; qui cum Patre by these thy most sacred
et Spiritu Sancto vivis et pains, which I, all un-
regnas Deus per omnia worthy, call to mind, and
saecula saeculorum. Amen. by thy holy cross and
death, save me (and thy
servant N. in his agony*)
from the pains of hell,
and vouchsafe to bring
me whither thou didst
bring the good thief who
was crucified with thee.
Who, with the Father and
the Holy Ghost, livest and
reignest, God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
* If the prayer is said for a person in his last agonv.

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Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc., five times.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. 25, 1820, granted to all the faith-

ful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this

prayer, and the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be

to the Father, each five times

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day,
A plenary indulgence, on any one of the last three days
of the month, to all those who, having said these prayers, every
day for a month, and, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, shall pray devoutly, for some time, for the intention
of his Holiness.



This chaplet consists of five sets of beads, each set containing
five beads. On each one of these beads the Glory be to tkt
Father is to be said, in memory of the fivewounds of our Lord
Jesus Christ. At the end of each set one Hail Mary is to
be added, in honor of our Lady of Sorrows.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec. 20, 1823, granted to all the faithful who
and devotion
shall say this chaplet, with at least contrite heart
An indulgence of one year, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on one of the Fridays of March, and
on the feasts of the finding and of the exaltation of the holy
cross, or on one day during the octaves of these feasts, to all
those who shall say this chaplet as directed above, at least ten
times in each month, if, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, they shall pray devoutly for some time for the
intention of his Holiness.
A plenary indulgence to all those who shall say this chap-
let from Passion Sunday to Holy Saturday inclusively, on the

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day on which, being truly penitent and having gone to confes-

sion, they shall fulfil their Easter duty.
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines,
every day that they shall say it, with at least contrite heart and

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Aug. n, 1851, not only confirmed these indul-
gences, but granted, in addition :

A plenary indulgence, on the feasts of the Nativity, Cir-

cumcision, Epiphany, Holy Name of Jesus, Easter Sunday, As-

cension, Corpus Christi, Transfiguration of our Lord, or on any
one day within their octaves, to all the faithful who shall say

devoutly this chaplet, at least ten times a month, provided that,

being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall

visit a church or public oratory, and pray there for the intention
of his Holiness.

To gain these indulgences, the chaplets must be blessed by

the Father-General of the Passionists, or by some priest of the
same Congregation, appointed for that purpose.



En ego, O bone et dul- Look down upon me,
cissime ante con- good and gentle Jesus,
spectum tuum genibus me while before thy face 1
provol vo ac maximo animi humbly kneel, and with
ardore te oro atque obtes- burning soul pray and be-
tor ut meum in cor vividos seech thee to fix deep in
fidei, spei, et charitatis my heart lively sentiments
sensus, atque veram pec- of faith, hope, and charity,
catorum meorum pceniten- true contrition for my
tiam, eaque emendandi sins, and a firm purpose
firmissimam voluntatem of amendment; the while
velis imprimere : dum
I contemplate with great

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roagno animi affectu et love and tender pity thy

dolore tua quinque vulnera five wounds, pondering
niecum ipse considero, ac over them within me,
mente contemplor, illud whilst I call to mind what
prae oculis habens quod the Prophet David put in
jam in ore ponebat tuo Thy mouth concerning
David propheta de te, O
Thee, O, good Jesus:
bone Jesu " Foderunt
: They have dug my hands
' 1

manus meas et pedes meos and my feet; they have

dinumeraverunt omnia numbered all my bones."
ossa mea." (Ps. xxi. 17, 18.)
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, July 31, 1858, following the decrees already
issued by his predecessors, confirmed anew the
Plenary indulgence granted by Clement VIII.. and Bene-
dict XIV., and confirmed by Pius VII. and Leo XII., to those
who shall say this prayer. He declared, moreover, that those who
wish to gain this plenary indulgence, must say this prayer with
devotion before an image or picture of our crucified Redeemer;
and, being truly penitent, after confession and communion, spend
some time in prayer for the intention of his Holiness.




Lord Jesus Christ, my

crucified Saviour, Son of
the most blessed Virgin Mary open thine ear and !

listen to me, as thou didst listen to thy eternal Father

on Mount Thabor.
/ believe in God, etc.


Lord Jesus Christ, my crucified Saviour, Son of

the most blessed Virgin Mary open thine eyes and !

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look down upon me, as thou didst look down, from

the tree of the cross, upon thy sorrowing and afflicted
/ believe, etc.
Lord Jesus Christ, my crucified Saviour/ Son of
the most blessed Virgin Mary open thy sacred lips

and speak to me, as thou didst speak to S. John,

when thou gavest him as a son to thy beloved mother.
/ believe y etc.

Lord Jesus Christ, my crucified Saviour, Son of

the most blessed Virgin Mary open thine arms and !

embrace me, as thou didst open them, on the tree of

the cross, to embrace the whole human race.

I believe, etc.
Lord Jesus Christ, my crucified Saviour, Son of
the most blessed Virgin Mary open thy heart and !

accept mine, and graciously hear my prayer, \i such

be the pleasure of thy most holy will.
I believe, etc.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, May

24, 1859, granted to all the faithful, every time thav, with ai
least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say these prayers,
with the Apostles' Creed, five times, for the intention of the
Sovereign Pontiff
An indulgence of sixty days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day, to all
those who, having said these prayers every day for a month,
and, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
shall visit some church or public oratory, and pray there, for
some time, for the wants of the Church.

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Crux mi hi certa salus. The cross is my sure
Crux est quam semper The cross I ever adore.
Crux Domini mecum. The cross of my Lord
is with me.
Crux mihi refugium. The cross is my refuge.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, June

21, 1874, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite

heart and devotion, shall say these prayers, drawn up in the

form of a cross by the Angelic Doctor, S. Thomas Aquinas
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

Adoramus te, sanctissi- We adore thee, O most
me Domine Jesu Christe, blessed Lord, Jesus Christ,
benedicimus tibi ; quia we bless thee ; because by
per sanctam crucem tuam thy holy cross thou hast
redemisti mundum. redeemed the world.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of indulgences, March 4, 1882, granted to all the faithful who,
rvith at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this ejacu-
lation :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


To the Wound in the Right Hand,

Praise be to thee, O my Lord Jesus Christ, for the

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most sacred wound in thy right hand. By this ador-

able wound, and by thy most sacred passion pardon
me all the sins I have committed against thee in
thought, word, and deed, with my negligence in thy
service and the sensuality of which I have been
guilty, whether in sleeping or watching. Grant me
a devout remembrance of thy most merciful death,
and of thy divine wounds ; grant me the grace to
mortify my body and thus offer thee a token of my
gratitude, who livest and reignest for ever and ever.
Our Father, Hail Mary.


7o the Wound in the Left Hand.

Praise and glory to thee, O sweet Jesus Christ, for
the most sacred wound in thy left hand. By this
adorable wound have mercy on me and deign to root
out of my heart every thing displeasing to thee.
Give me victory over thy perverse enemies, that with
thy grace I may be able to overcome them. By the
merits of thy most merciful death save me from all
dangers in the present and the future life, and grant
that in heaven I may live gloriously with thee, who
livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.

To the Wound in the Right Foot.

Praise and glory to thee, O

sweet Jesus Christ, for
trie most sacred wound in thy right foot. By this
adorable wound grant that I may be able to do pen-
ance for my sins. By thy most merciful death I de-
voutly supplicate thee to keep thy poor servant,
- o

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night and day, united to thy holy will, averting all

disasters from body and soul. When the day of
wrath shall come, receive me in thy mercy, and con-
duct me to eternal blessedness ; thou who livest and
reignest for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.

To the Wound in the Left Foot.

Praise and glory to thee, O most merciful Jesus

Christ, for the most sacred wound
in thy left foot.
By adorable wound, grant me the grace of a full
indulgence that, with thy help, I may deserve to
avoid the sentence of eternal reprobation. I pray
thee also, by thy most holy death, O my merciful
Redeemer, that I may before death receive the sacra-
ment of thy body and blood, with the confession of
my sins and perfect penitence, and purity of body
and mind. Grant that I may also receive the sacred
unction for my eternal salvation, O Lord, who livest
and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary.

To the Wound in the Sacred Side.

Praise and glory to thee, O

most benign Jesus
Christ, for the most sacred wound in thy side. By
this adorable wound, and by thy infinite mercy
shown in the opening of thy side, first to the soldier,
Longimus, and now to us all, I beseech thee that,
having freed me by baptism from original sin, so
now, by thy precious blood, which is offered and re-
ceived in all parts of the world, thou wilt deliver me
from all evils, past, present, and future. By thy most

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bitter death, grant me a lively faith, a firm hope, a

perfect chanty, that I may love thee with all my
heart, with all my soul, and with all my strength.
Confirm me in doing good ; grant me perseverance
in thy service, by which I may ever please thee.
Our Father; Hail Mary.
V. Adoramus te, V. We adore thee, O
Christe, et benedicimus Christ, and bless thee.
JR. Quia per mortem et R. Because by thy death
sanguinem tuum redemisti and thy blood thou hast
mundum. redeemed the world.


Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty, everlasting
Deus, qui humanum genus God, who hast redeemed
per Filii tui Domini nos- the world by the five
tri Jesu Christi quinque wounds of thy Son, our
vulnera redemisti, praesta Lord Jesus Christ, grant
supplicibus tuis, ut qui us, thy suppliants, that,
ejusdem vulnera quotidie daily venerating his holy
veneramur, per pretiosum wounds, we may by his
ejus sanguinem a morte precious blood be deliv-
subitanea et aeterna li- ered from a sudden and
berari valeamus. Per eternal death. Through
eumdem Christum Domi- the same Christ, our Lord.
num nostrum. Amen. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 21, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite these
prayers, with the versicle and prayer :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

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Vexilla regis prodeunt, Behold the royal ensigns
Fulget crucis mysterium, Bearing the cross mystery;
Qua vita mortem pertulk, Where life itself did death
Et morte vitam.protulit. And by that death did life

Quae vulnerata lanceae A cruel spear let out a flood

Mucrone dird, criminum Of water, mixed with
saving blood,
Ut nos lavaret sordibus, Which, gushing from the
Saviour's side,
Manavit unda et sanguine. Drowned our offences in
the tide.

Impleta sunt, quae con- The mystery we now un-

cinit fold,
David fideli carmine, Which David's faithful
verse foretold,
Dicendo nationibus: Of our Lord's kingdom,
whilst we see
Regnavit ?. ligno Deus. God ruling nations from
a tree.

Arbor decora et fulgida, O lovely tree, whose

branches wore
Ornata regis purpura, The royal purple of his
Electa digno stipite How glorious does thy
body shine,
Tarn sancta membra Supporting members so
tangere. divine.

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Beata cujus brachiis The world's blest balance

thou art made
Pretium pependit saeculi, On thee our ransom,
Christ, is weighed.
Statera facta corporis, Our sins, though great,
his pains outweigh,
Tulitque praedam tartar i. And rescue hell's expected

O crux, ave, spes unica, Hail, Cross, our hope ! to

thee we call
Gentis redemptae gloria * !
To thee be glory given
by all ;*
Piis adauge gratiam Grant to the just increase
of grace,
Reisque dele crimina. And every sinner's crimes

Te, fons salutis, Trinitas, Blest Trinity ! we praises

Collaudet omnis spiritus : To thee, from whom all
graces spring

* Instead of this Gentis redemptae gloria, during the

Passion Season is said

• Hoc passionis tempore,

Who keep this mournful
I festival.

*And during Paschal Time ;

Paschale quae fers gau- 1 On this glad Paschal
dium. I festival.

*And on the Exaltation of the Cross [Sept. 14)

In hac triumphi gloria. » On this triumphant

I festival.

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Quibus crucis victoriam crowns on those

Largiris, adde prsemium. Who conquer by the cross
Amen. below. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 16, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this hymn
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



My divine Saviour what didst thou become when,

through love for souls, thou didst allow thyself to be

bound to the column Ah how to the
! ! letter were
then fulfilled the words of the prophet, that from
head to foot thou wert all wounds, so much so as to
be no longer recognizable. What confusion, when
they stripped the garments from thy back what a !

tearing of the limbs under the tempest of blows,

multiplied beyond measure How like a torrent the

blood streamed from the opened veins

But it was not so much the injustice of the Roman
president, nor the cruelty of the soldiers, as my sins
that scourged thee. O
sad voluptuousness which !

cost thee so much suffering. Oh my hard hearted- !

ness when, knowing thee to have been so tormented

for my sake, I have continued to offend thee.
But henceforth it be so no longer. United with
thee by eternal bonds, and embracing thy column with
thee, so long as life remains to me, I will make satis-
faction to thy offended justice.
By the column to which thou wert bound, by the
blows which furrowed thy innocent flesh, by the

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blood so copiously shed, merciful Lord, hav^ pity

on me, miserable creature; from the snares of the
tempter deliver me to-day, and preserve me forever,
until,having reached the end of my exile, thou wilt
receive me into heaven. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of his Eminence

the Cardinal Vicar, dated May 15, 1886, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above prayer:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Behold the cross of the Lord (f); fly ye hostile
ranks, the lion of the tribe of Juda, the root of
David has conquered. Alleluia.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, May 21, 1892, granted to the faithful who shall

recite the above invocation

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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V, Deus, in adjutorium V, Incline unto my aid,
meum intende. O God !

R. Domine, ad adju- R. O Lord ! make haste

vandum me festina. to help me.
V. Gloria Patri, etc. V. Glory be to the
Father, etc.
R. Sicut erat, etc. R. As it was in the be-
ginning, etc.

Our most loving Saviour shed his precious blood
for us, for the first time, on the eighth day after his
birth, when, to fulfil the law of Moses, he was cir-
cumcised. While, then, we think on all that Jesus
did to satisfy God's justice for our wanderings, let us
excite ourselves to true sorrow for them, and promise,
with the help of his powerful grace, to be henceforth
truly chaste in body and in soul.
Our Father, five times, Glory be to the Father, once.

V. Te ergo quaesumus V, beseech thee, We

famulis tuis subveni quos therefore, help thy servants
pretioso sanguine rede- whom thou hast redeemed
misti. with thy precious blood.
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Jesus, in the garden of olives, shed his blood for
us in such streams that it bathed the earth around.
This he did at the vision he then had of the ingrati-
tude with which men would meet his love. Oh let !

us, then, repent sincerely for the past, considering

how poorly we have met the countless benefits of our
Lord, and resolve henceforth to make good use of
his graces and holy inspirations.
Our Father, five times, Glory be to the Father, once.
V. Te ergo quaesumus, 1 V. We beseech thee,
etc. I
therefore, etc.

Jesus, in his cruel scourging, shed his blood when,
from his lacerated skin and wounded flesh, on every
side, that precious blood flowed in streams, while our
gentle Lord kept offering it to his eternal Father in
payment of our impatience and our wantonness.
How is it, then, that we do not curb our wrath and
self-love ? Oh let us henceforth try to be more pa-

tient in our trials, to despise ourselves, and to bear

in peace the injuries men do us.
Our Father, five times, Glory be to the Father, once.

V. Te ergo quaesumus, V. We beseech thee,

etc. therefore, etc.

The sacred head of Jesus poured forth blood when
it was crowned with thorns, all for our pride and evil
thoughts. And shall we continue to nourish haughti-
ness and to foster foul imaginations, and the evil
thoughts of our mind ? Henceforth let there be ever
before our eyes our utter nothingness, our misery,

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and our weakness, and with generous hearts let us

resist the evil suggestions of the devil.
Our Father, five times, Glory be to the Father, once.
V. Te ergo quaesumus, V. We beseech thee,
etc. therefore, etc.

Oh what
!streams of blood our loving Jesus, laden
with the heavy wood of the cross, on the mournful
way to Calvary, poured forth from his veins Then !

were the very streets and ways of Jerusalem, through

which he passed, bathed with his precious blood.
And all this was done in satisfaction for the scandals
and bad examples by which his own creatures had
led others astray on the way to ruin. Ah who can !

tell whether we, too, are not of this unhappy number?

Who knows how many our bad example has thrust
down to hell ? And have we done nothing to remedy
this evil ? Alas ! let us henceforth endeavor to do
all we can to save souls by word and example, making
ourselves to all a pattern of a good and holy life.
Our Father, five times, Glory be to the Father, once.
V. Te ergo quaesumus, V. We beseech thee,
etc. therefore, etc.

More and yet more blood flowed from the Re-
deemer of mankind, in his most barbarous crucifixion
when his veins and arteries were rent and broken,
and the saving balm of life eternal, which blotted out
all the crimes and enormities of a whole world, flowed
in torrents from out his hands and feet. What man
is he that still will choose to continue in his sin, re-
newing thus the cruel crucifixion of the Son of God ?

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Bitterly, bitterly will we weep then for our bad deeds

done, and at the feet of God's minister detest them ;
now will we mend our evil ways, and henceforth
begin a truly Christian life, with the thought ever in
our hearts of all the blood which our eternal salva-
tion cost the Saviour of men.

Our Father, five times, Glory be to the Father, once.

V. Te ergo qusesumus, |
V. We beseech thee,
etc. I
therefore, etc.

Last of Jesus shed his blood, when he was
dead, when the lance opened his sacred side anc
cleft his loving heart ; and with the blood gushed
forth water, to show us how his blood was all poured
out, even to the last drop, for our salvation. in- O
finite goodness of our Redeemer who will not love !

thee ? What heart will not melt away for very love
of thee who hast done all this for our redemption ?
Our tongues want words to praise thee wherefore, :

we invite all creatures upon earth, all the angels and

all the saints in paradise, and, most of all, our dearest
mother Mary, to bless, to praise, and to hymn thy
most precious blood. Yes, glory to the blood of
Jesus, now and forever, throughout all ages Amen. !

At this last mystery, say the Our Father, three times, to make up
the number of thirty-three, and the Glory be to the Father, once.

V. Te ergo quaesumus, I V, We beseech thee,

etc. I
therefore, etc.

Then say the following prayer.

Most precious blood of life eternal, price and ran-
som of the world, whose saving streams nourish and

cleanse our souls, ever pleading man's cause before the

throne of heavenly mercy!. from the depths of my
soul I ^adore thee fain would I, were I able, make

thee some compensation for the outrages and wrongs

thou dost ever suffer from men, thy creatures, and,
most of all, from those who, in their rashness, cease
not to blaspheme thee. Who will not bless this
blood of infinite value ? who not burn for love of
Jesus, who shed it all for us ? What were I but for
this blood which hath redeemed me ? Love, as-
suredly love. O boundless love, which gave to us
this saving balm beyond all price, welling from the
fount of immeasurable love Give to all hearts, to

all tongues, power to praise, hymn, and thank thee,

now and forever, and throughout all eternity ! Amen.

V. Redemisti nos, Do- V. Thou hast redeemed

mine, in sanguine tuo. us, O Lord ! in thy blood.
R. Et fecisti nos Deo R. And made us a king-
nostro regnum. dom to our God.


Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty and everlast-
Deus, q u i unigenitum ing God, who hast ap-
Filium tuum mundi Re- pointed thine only-be-
demptorem constituisti ac gotten Son the Saviour of
ejus sanguine placari vo- the world, and hast willed
luisti ; concede nobis, to be appeased with his
quaesumus, salutis nostrae blood: grant us, we be-
pretium ita venerari, atque seech thee, so to venerate
a praesentis v i t ae malis this price of our salvation,
ejus virtute defendi in and by its might so to be
terris, ut fructu perpetuo defended upon earth from
laetemur in coelis. Qui the evils of this present

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tecum vivit et regnat in life, that in heaven we

imitate, etc. may rejoice in its ever-
lasting fruit. liveth Who
and reigneth with thee in
the unity of the Holy
Ghost, world without end.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Oct. 18, 1815,

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines,
who shall say, with at least contrite heart and
once a day, to all
devotion, this chaplet.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, having
said it every day, for a month, after confession and communion,
shall pray for holy Church, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, July 5, 1843, granted these indulgences
to all who shall say only the Our Father thirty-three times,
reflecting at the same time on the mysteries proposed for con-
sideration in the chaplet.

It is, moreover, stated, in the same rescript, that persons in-

capable of meditating may gain the indulgences by merely say.
ing the Our Father thirty-three times.


Most precious blood of life eternal, price and
ransom of the world, whose saving streams nourish
and cleanse our souls, ever pleading man's cause be-
fore the throne of heavenly mercy from the depths !

of my soul I adore thee fain would I, were I able,


make thee some compensation for the outrages and

wrongs thou dost ever suffer from men, thy creatures,
and, most of all, from those who, in their rashness,

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cease not to blaspheme thee. Who will not bless

this blood of infinite value ? who not burn for love
of Jesus, who shed it all for us ? What were I but
for this blood which hath redeemed me ? Love, as-
suredly love. O
boundless love, which gave to us
this saving balm beyond all price, welling from the
fount of immeasurable love Give to all hearts, to all

tongues, power to praise, hymn, and thank thee,

now and forever, and throughout all eternity ! Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Oct. i8,

1815, granted
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to
all the faithful who shall say this prayer with at least contrite
heart and devotion.
Glory be to Jesus !

Who in bitter pains

Poured for me the life-blood
From his sacred veins.

Grace and life eternal

In that blood I find
Blessed be his compassion,
Infinitely kind !

Blessed through endless ages

Be the precious stream,
Which from endless torment
Doth the world redeem.
There the fainting spirit
Drinks of life her fill
There, as in a fountain,
Laves herself at will.

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O the blood of Christ

soothes the Father's
It ire,

Opes the gate of heaven,

Quells eternal fire.
Abel's blood for vengeance
Pleaded to the skies
But the blood of Jesus
For our pardon cries.
Oft as it is sprinkled

On our guilty hearts,

Satan in confusion,
Terror-struck, departs.

Oft as earth exulting

Wafts its praise on high,
Hell with terror trembles,
Heaven is filled with joy.
Lift ye, then, your voices,
Swell the mighty flood
Louder still and louder,
Praise the precious blood !

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Oct. 18, 1815,

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to
all those who say these aspirations with at least contrite heart
and devotion.
Eternal Father ! I offer thee the precious blood of
Jesus, in satisfaction for my sins, and for the wants
of holy Church.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Sept. 22,

1817, granted

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An indulgence of one hundred days to all the faithful,

every time they shall say this ejaculation with at least contrite
heart and devotion.



L Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the


precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and my God, for my dear mother, the holy
Church, that she may enlarge her borders and be mag-
nified in all the nations of the earth ; for the safety
and # well-being of her visible head, the Sovereign
Roman Pontiff ; for the cardinals, bishops and pastors
of souls, and for all the ministers of thy sanctuary.
Then say the Glory be to the Father, and this
ejaculation. Blessing and thanksgiving be to Jesus,
who with his blood hath saved us.
II. Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the

precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and ray God, for peace and union among all
Catholic kings and princes, for the humiliation of
the enemies of our holy faith, and for the welfare of
all Christian people.
Glory be to the Father, ana Blessing and thanks- ,

giving, etc.

III. Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the


precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and my God, for the repentance of unbe-
lievers, for the uprooting of heresy, and for the con-
version of sinners.
Glory be to the Father, and, Blessing and thanks-
giving, etc.

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IV. Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the


precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and my God, for all my kindred, friends, and
enemies ; for the poor, the sick, and wretched, and
for all for whom thou, my God, knowest that I
ought to pray, or wouldst have me pray.
Glory be to the Father, and, Blessing and thanks-
giving, etc.

V. Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the


precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and my God, for all who, this day, are pass-
ing to the other life that thou wouldst save them

from the pains of hell, and admit them quickly to

the possession of thy glory.
Glory be to the Father, and, Blessing and thanks-
giving, etc.

VI. Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the


precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and my God, for all those who love this
great treasure, for those who join with me in adoring
it and honoring it, and who strive to spread devotion

to it.

Glory be to the Father, and, Blessing and thanks-

giving, etc.

VII. Eternal Father I offer thee the merit of the


precious blood of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, my

Saviour and my God, for all my wants, spiritual and
temporal, in aid of the holy souls in purgatory, and
chiefly for those who most loved this blood, the price
of our redemption, and who were most devout to the
sorrows and pains of most holy Mary, our dear
Glory be to the Father, and, Blessing and thanks-
giving, etc.

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Glory be* to the blood of Jesus, now and forever,
and throughout all ages. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Sept. 22,
1817, granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, they shall make these offerings, and
say the Glory be to the Father seven times, and the ejaculation
seven times, as also the ejaculation, " Glory be to the blood," etc.

once at the end, with the intention of making thereby cpmpen-

sation for all the outrages which are done to the precious blood
-of Jesus:
An indulgence of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall say
^them every day for a month, on any day, when, after confession
and communion, they shall pray for the intention of the Sov-
ereign Pontiff.

Eternal Father! we offer theethe most precious
blood of Jesus, shed for us with such great love and
bitter pain from the wound in his right hand ; and,
through its merits and its might, we entreat thy di-*
vine majesty to grant us thy holy benediction, that,
by its power, we may be defended against all our
enemies and freed from every ill ; whilst we say,
Benedictio Dei omni- May the blessing of
potentis, Patris et Filii et God almighty, Father, and
Spiritus Sancti, descendatSon, and Holy Ghost, de-
super nos, et maneat sem- scend upon us, and remain
per. Amen. forever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a rescript, Oct. 25, 1823
granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite

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heart and devotion, they shall say this offering, with the Our
Father* the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, to the
most holy Trinity, in thanksgiving for blessings received
An indulgence op one hundred days.
A plenary INDULGENCE to those who shall have said it

daily, for a month, on any day, when, after confession and com-
munion, they shall pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.



His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, June 4, 1850, granted to all the faithful
every day they shall be present at the exercises of the month
consecrated to the divine blood, no matter upon what day the
month be commenced, in any public church or oratory with due
authorization, provided they be present with at least contrite
heart and devotion .•
A plenary indulgence, once during the month, or on one
of the next seven days, to all who shall be present at these exer-
cises ten times, if, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, they shall visit a church or public oratory, and
pray there, for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.
To those who shall practise this pious devotion in private, at
any time of the year, with special practices, devout prayers, or
any acts of virtue, and with at least contrite heart and devotion,
he grants
An indulgence of three hundred days, every day.
A PLENARY indulgence to those who, having practised it
for a month, shall, on the last day of the month, or on one of
the next seven days, being truly penitent, after confession and

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communion, visit a church or public oratory, and pray there, for

some time, for the intention of his Holiness.



Behold me at thy feet, Jesus of Nazareth here I ;

am, the most miserable of creatures that comes into

thy presence, humbled and penitent. Have mercy
on me, O Lord, according to thy great mercy. I
have sinned, and my sins have been against thee.
O God of infinite goodness, O
Jesus, hear my
prayers; grant, loving Father, the petitions I. lay at
thy feet ; cast a benign glance upon my soul, thou
who art the loving Father of men, the supreme Judge,
the King of heaven and earth, the true Benefactor of
the wretched. Come to my help, then, Jesus of O
Nazareth; grant the grace which I ask as I kneel at
thy feet. My soul belongs to thee,""for thou hast
created and redeemed it with thy Precious Blood
let not thy work be lost ; loving Father, look down
upon me and bless me. O
God" of mercy, have
compassion on me; forgive me who am thy son ; be
not stern towards me; grant me tears of penance;
forgive me as thou didst forgive the penitent thief;
look down upon me from high heaven and bless me.

The Apostles' Creed once.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 26, 1894, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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To increase devotion to the sacred heart of Jesus, ever more
and more, the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript of the
Nuncio Apostolic in Florence, Jan. 2, 1799, granted:
to all the faithful, as often as, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, they shall visit a picture ofjhe sacred hearty of Jesus
exposed for public veneration at any church, oratory or^ altar,
and pray there, lor some time, for the intention of his Holiness.


My loving Jesus! I (N. N.) give thee my heart,
and I consecratemyself wholly to thee, out of the
grateful love I bear thee, and as a reparation for all
my unfaithfulness; and with thy aid I purpose never
to sin again.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, June 9, 1807,
from the Office of the Secretary of Memorials, granted to all the
faithful who, for a month, with at least contrite heart and devo-
tion, shall say this offering before a picture of the sacred heart
of Jesus*
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day, pro-
vided that, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, they shall pray devoutly for the welfare of holy
Mother Church, and for the intention of his Holiness.
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An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all

who shall, with at least contrite heart and devotion, make this

offering before a picture of the sacred heart.

Devout Acts.,


Verbum caro factum est, 1 The Word was made

et habitavit in nobis. I and dwelt amongst

Eternal Word, made man for love of us humbly !

prostrate at thy feet, we adore thee with our soul's

deepest veneration ; and to repair our ingratitude for
the great boon of thy incarnation, we join our hearts
with the hearts of all who love thee, and we offer to
thee with them our most humble and loving thanks-
giving. Filled with the thought of the exceeding
great humility, goodness, and tenderness which we
behold. in thy divine heart, we pray thee to give us
thy grace, that we may imitate these virtues, so dear
to thee.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


Cruciflxus etiam pro He was crucified also

nobis sub Pontio Pilato, for us, suffered under
passus et sepultus est. Pontius Pilate, and was
Jesus, loving Saviour ! humbly prostrate at thy feet,
we adore thee with our soul's deepest veneration;
and to give thee proof of our real sorrow for our
want of feeling for all those outrages and woes which
thy loving heart made thee suffer for our salvation,

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in thy sorrowful passion and most bitter death, we

join our hearts with the hearts of all who love thee,
to thank thee with our whole soul. We marvel at
the boundless patience and the generosity of thy
sacred heart ; and we pray thee to fill our hearts with
the spirit of Christian penance, that thereby we may
courageously embrace suffering, and make thy cross
our greatest comfort and our glory.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


Panem de ccelo prae- Thou didst give them

stitisti eis. bread from heaven to eat.
Omne delectamentum In whose taste was every
in se habentem. heavenly sweetness.
Jesus, full of love for us ! humbly prostrate at thy
feet, we adore
thee with our soul's deepest veneration;
and in reparation for the outrages which thy sacred
heart daily receives in the most holy sacrament of
the altar, we unite ourselves with the hearts of all
who love thee, and give thee tenderest thanks. We
love, too, in that sacred heart of thine, the incom-
prehensible fire of thy love for thy eternal Father
and we pray thee to inflame our hearts with burning
charity toward thee and toward our neighbors.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Lastly, O
most loving Jesus we pray thee by the

sweetness of thy sacred heart, convert sinners, con-

sole the suffering, help the dying, succor the souls in
purgatory. Make our hearts one with thine in the
bonds of true peace and charity, save us from a sud-
den and unprovided death, and grant us a death holy
and "peaceful. Amen.


K Cor Jesu V. Heart of Jesus, burn-

amore nostri. ing with love for us.
It. Inflamma cor nos- Set our hearts on
trum amore tui. fire with love of thee.


Concede, quaesumus, Grant, we beseech thee,
omnipotens Deus, ut qui almighty God, that we
in sanctlssimo dilecti Fill who glory in the most
tui corde gloriantes, sacred heart of thy well-
prsecipua in nos charitatis beloved Son, and renew
ejus beneficia in our hearts the remem-
eorum brance of the great bene-
pariter et actu de-
lectemur et fructu. Per fits of his heavenly charity
eumdem Christum, etc. toward us, may rejoice in
their operation and fruit
within our souls. Through
the same Christ our Lord,

Divine heart of my Jesus I adore thee with all

the powers of my soul ; I consecrate them to thee

forever, with my thoughts, my words, my works, and
my whole self. I purpose to offer to thee, as far as
I can, acts of adoration, love and glory, like unto
those which thou offerest to thy eternal Father. Be
thou, I beseech thee, the repairer of my transgressions,
the protector of my life, my refuge and asylum in
the hour of my death. By thy sighs, and by that sea
of bitterness in which thou wast plunged for me
throughout thy whole mortal life, grant me true con-
trition for my sins, contempt of earthly things, a
burning desire of eternal glory, trust in thy bound-
less merits, and final perseverance in thy grace.
Heart of Jesus, all love I offer thee these humbk

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prayers for myself and for all who unite with me in

spirit to adore thee ; vouchsafe out of thy great
goodness to hear and answer them, chiefly for that
one among us who first shall end his mortal life.
Sweet heart of Jesus pour into his heart in his death

agony thine inward consolations; take him within thy

sacred wounds ; cleanse him from all stains in that
furnace of love, that so thou mayest soon open to him
the gates of thy eternal glory, there to intercede with
thee for all those who tarry yet in this land of exile.
Holiest heart of my most loving Jesus for myself, !

a wretched sinner, and for all who unite with me in

adoring thee, I purpose to renew and offer to thee
these acts of adoration and these prayers, at every
moment, and to the last instant of my life. I rec-
ommend to thee, my Jesus, the Church, thy well-
beloved spouse, and our true mother ; the souls who
are following the path of justice, poor sinners, the
afflicted, the dying, all men on the whole face of the
earth. Let not thy blood be shed in vain for them
and vouchsafe, lastly, to apply it to the relief of the
souls in purgatory, and, above all, to those who in
life were wont to adore thee devoutly.
Most loying heart of Mary, which, amongst the
hearts of all God's creatures, art at once the purest
and the most inflamed with love for Jesus, and the
most compassionate toward us, poor sinners obtain
, !

for us from the heart of Jesus, our Redeemer, all the

graces which we ask of thee. Mother of mercies,
one throb, a single beat of thy burning heart, offered
by thee to the heart of Jesus, has power to console us
to the full. Grant us then this favor ; and then the
heart of Jesus, through the filial love he had for thee,
and will ever have, will not fail to hear and answer
our request. Amen.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, Feb. 12, 1808.

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to all

the faithful who shall say these prayers, with the Our Father
the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, each three
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall
have said them daily, as directed above, for a month, on any
day, when, being truly penitent, after confession and commun-
ion, they shall pray for the intention of Sovereign Pontiff.
These indulgences, plenary and partial, were confirmed for-
ever by his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S
Congr. of Indulgences, June 18, 1876.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript given at

Gaeta, Jan. 5, 1849, an<* by another rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, enlarging the concession made
by Pius VII., Jan. 13, I818, granted, on the feast of the
Sacred Heart, or at one other time during the year, to all the
faithful who shall, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
make a novena in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with any
formula of prayer, provided it be approved by competent eccle-
siastical authority,

An indulgence of three hundred days, every day;

A plenary indulgence, during the novena, or on one of

the eight days immediately following, provided that, being truly

penitent, after confession and communion, they shall pray de-
voutly for peace and union among Christian princes, for the ex-
tirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Mother Church.

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Deus in adjutorium, etc. Incline unto mine
I aid,

I. Most loving Jesus ! my heart leaps for joy in

thinking on thy loving sacred heart, all tenderness
and sweetness for sinful man ; and, with trust un-
bounded, it never doubts thy ready welcome. Ah
me ! my sins ! how many and how great ! With
Peter and Magdalen, in tears, I bewail and abhor
them, because they are an offence to thee, my sole and
chief good. Grant me, O grant me pardon for them
all ! Omay I die, I beseech thee, by thy loving
heart, may I die rather than offend thee, and may I
live only to correspond to thy love
Say the Our Father once, the Glory be to the
Father five times ; and then :

O sweetest heart of Jesus ! 1 implore

That I may ever love thee more and more.
II. My
Jesus I bless thy most humble heart

and give thanks to thee, who, in making it my

model, not only dost urge me, with much pressing,
to imitate it, but, at the cost of so many humiliations,
dost thyself stoop to point me out the path, and
smooth for me the way to follow thee. Foolish and
ungrateful that I am, how have I wandered far away
from thee Mercy, my Jesus, mercy
1 Away, hate- !

ful pride and love of worldly honor With lowly !

heart I wish to follow thee, my Jesus, through humil-

iations and the cross, and thus to gain peace and sal-
vation. Only be thou at hand to strengthen me, and
I will ever bless thy sacred heart.
Our Father, once, Glory be to the Father; five times.
O sweetest heart ts, etc.


III. My Jesus I marvel at thy most patient heart,


and thank thee for all those wondrous examples of

unwearied patience which thou didst leave me to
guide me on my way. It grieves me that I have still
to reproach myself with my extravagant delicacy,
shrinking from the slightest pain. O pour, then, into
my heart, dear Jesus, eager and enduring love of suf-
fering and of the cross, of mortification and of pen-
ance, that, following thee to Calvary, I may with
thee attain the joys of paradise
Our Father, once, Glory be to the Father, five times.

O sweetest heart of Jesus, etc.

IV. Dear Jesus at the sight of thy most gentle


heart, I shudder to see how unlike mine is to thine,

since at a shadow, at a look, at a word of opposition,
I fret and grieve. O, then, pardon my excesses, and
give megrace that, in every contradiction, I may fol-
low the example of thy unchangeable meekness, and
so enjoy an everlasting holy peace.
Our Father, once, Glory be to the Father, five times.
O sweetest heart of Jesus, etc.

V. Sing praise to Jesus for his most generous heart,

the conqueror of death and hell ; yet never wilt thou
reach its due with all thy praise. More than ever
am I confounded, looking upon my coward heart,
which, through human respect, dreads even a passing
word. Courage, my soul it shall be so with thee !

no more. My Jesus, I pray thee for such strength

that, fighting and. conquering on earth, I may one
day rejoice triumphantly with thee in heaven.
Our Father, once, Gloiy be to the Father, five times.
O sweetest heart of Jesus, etc.

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Let us turn to Mary, consecrating ourselves to her

more and more, and, trusting in her maternal heart,
let us say to her
Bythe precious gifts of thy sweetest heart, obtain
for me, great mother of my God, and my mother
Mary, a true and lasting devotion to the sacred heart
of Jesus, thy well-beloved Son, that, united in every
thought and affection with that heart, I may fulfil all
the duties of my state of life with ready heart, serving
my Jesus ever more, but especially on this day.
V. Cor Jesu flagrans V. Heart of Jesus, burn-
amore nostri. ing with love for us.
R. Inflamma cor nos- JZ. Inflame our hearts
trum amore tui. with love of thee.
Illo nos
igne, qusesu- Lord, we beseech thee,
mus, Domine, Spiritus let thy Holy Spirit kindle
Sanctus inflammet, quem in our hearts that fire of
Dominus noster Jesus charity which our Lord
Christus e penetralibus Jesus Christ, thy Son,
cordis sui misit in terram sent -forth from his in-
et voluit vehementer ac- most heart upon this earth,
cendi. Qui tecum vivit and willed that it should
et regnat in unitate ejus- burn with vehemence.
dem Spiritus Sancti Deus Who liveth and reigneth
per omnia saecula saeculo- with thee, in the unity of
rura. Amen. the same Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, March 20, 18 15, granted to all the faith-

ful, every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
they shall say this chaplet

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An indulgence of three hundred days.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who,
having said it, at least once a day, for a month, shall, on any-
day, being truly penitent, after confession and communion, pray
devoutly, for some time, for the intention of His Holiness.



O clementissime Jesu, Most merciful Jesus,
amator animarum: obse- lover of souls! I pray thee,
cro te per agoniam cordis by the agony of thy most
tui sanctissimi, et per do- sacred heart, and by the
lores matris tuse immacu- sorrows of thy immaculate
late, lava in sanguine tuo mother, wash in thy blood
peccatores totius mundi, the sinners of the whole
nunc positos in agonia et world who are now in
hodie morituros. Amen. their agony, and are to
die this day. Amen.
V. Cor Jesu in agonia fac- V. Heart of Jesus, once
tum, miserere morientium. in agony, pity the dying.

In order to animate the faithful to pray often in the day for

those who are in their agony, the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX.,
by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, dated from Porti-
ci, Feb. 2, 1850, granted, every time that this prayer and ver-
sicle are said, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
An indulgence of one hundred days.
To those who it at least three times a day for a
shall say
month, hours of the day,
at different
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they
shall visit a church or public oratory, and pray there for the in-
tention of His Holiness.

May the sacred heart of Jesus be loved everywhere !

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Sept.

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23, i860, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say this ejaculation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Jesu mitis et humilis Jesus, meek and hum-
corde, fac cor meum sicut ble of heart, make my
cor tuum. heart like unto thine.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Jan.

25, 1868, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say this ejaculation
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

May the heart of Jesus in the most blessed sacra-
ment be praised, adored and loved with grateful affec-
tion, at every moment, -in all the tabernacles of the
world, even to the end of time. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Feb.
29, 1868, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite

heart and devotion, shall say this ejaculation

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, May 8, 1873, granted to all the faithful who,
during the month of June, either in public or in private, shall,
with at least contrite heart, say some special prayers, or perform
some pious acts in honor of the most sacred heart of Jesus
An indulgence of seven years, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on any one day of the month, pro-

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vided that, being truly penitent, after confession and commun-

ion, they shall visit some church or public oratory, and pray
there devoutly, for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.


O sweetest heart of Jesus I implore !

That I may .ever love thee more and more.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faithful, every
time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they say this
An indulgence of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who have the
pious custom of saying it on any day, when, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit a
church or public oratory, and pray there devoutly, for some time,
for the intention of his Holiness.




Heart of Jesus in the eucharist, sweet companion
of our adore thee.
exile, I
Eucharistic heart of Jesus
Solitary heart, humiliated heart;
Abandoned heart, forgotten heart
Despised heart, outraged heart
Heart unknown by men ;
Heart loving our hearts;
Heart desiring to be loved

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;; ;
;; ; ;; ;; — ;


Heart patient in waiting for us

Heart eager to grant our requests
Heart desirous of being besought
Heart source of new graces
Silent heart, wishing to speak to our souls;
Heart, sweet refuge of the hidden life
Heart teaching the secrets of divine union
Heart of him who sleeps yet ever watches
Eucharistic heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Jesus, victim I wish to console thee

To unite myself with thee ;

To immolate myself with thee
To annihilate myself before thee
To forget myself to think of thee
To be forgotten and despised for love of thee
Not to be loved or understood save only by thee
I will be silent to listen to thee
I will leave myself, to lose myself in thee.
Grant that I may thus quench thy thirst, the thirst
for my salvation and sanctification, and that, purified,
I may offer thee a pure and true love.
I will no longer weary thy patience take me, ; I give
myself to thee.
I offer thee all my actions ;
my mind, that thou
mayest illuminate it; my heart,
that thou mayest direct
it ; my
will, that thou mayest render it firm ; my
misery, that thou mayest succor it ; soul and my my
body, that thou mayest nourish them.
Eucharistic heart of my Jesus, whose blood is the

lifeof my soul, I will no longer live, but live thou

alone in me. Amen.


Jesus ! adbfable Saviour, hidden in the sacrament

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of thy love, dwelling amongst us to sweeten our exile,

shall I not exert myself to console thee ? Shall I not
offer thee my heart, since thou hast given me thine?
It is true, that to give myself to thee is for my own
advantage ; it is to find the inestimable treasure of a
loving, disinterested, faithful heart, such as I would
wish my own to be. Thus I, who can give nothing,
am always receiving. Lord, I cannot rival thee in
generosity, but I love thee; deign to accept my poor
heart, and although it is worth nothing, still it may
bec'ome something by thy grace. Since it loves thee,
do thou make it good for something and keep it.
Eucharistic heart of Jesus I consecrate to thee all

the faculties of my soul \ all the powers of my body.

I wish to endeavor to know and love thee ever more
and more, and to make thee better known and loved
by others. I wish to labor only for thy glory ; and
to do only that which thy Father wills. I consecrate
to thee all the moments of my life in a spirit of
adoration before thy royal presence ; of thanksgiving
for this incomparable gift ; in reparation for our cruel
indifference ; and in incessant supplication, that our
prayers offered to thee, with thee and in thee, may
ascend purified and fruitful to the throne of God s !

mercy and for his eternal glory. Amen.

Eucharistic heart of Jesus, burning with love for us,
inflame our hearts with love for thee.


Act of Atonement.
Eucharistic heart of my God, breathing and palpi-
tating beneath the veils of the most sacred species., J

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adore thee. Moved by a new love in the presence

of the immense benefit of the divine eucharist, pene-
trated with regret at my own ingratitude, I humbly
annihilate myself in the still greater abyss of thy
mercies. Thou hast chosen me from my youth thou ;

hast not disdained my infirmity; descending into

my poor heart, thou didst come to invite it to a
mutual love, giving happiness and peace. And I lost
all because I was unfaithful to thee, O my Jesus. I
allowed my mind to become distracted and my heart
to become cold ; I listened to myself and I forgot
thee. Thou didst wish to be my guide, my counsellor,
the protector of my life, and I, allowing my passions
to smother this sweet attraction, lost sight of thee and
forgot thee. In the salutary pains of trial, in the joys
of consolation, in my difficulties and my necessities,
instead of having recourse to thee, I sought creatures
and forgot thee. I forgot thee in the beloved taber-
nacles wherein thy love languishes ; in the churches
of the city wherein thou art insulted ; in sacrilegious
and indifferent hearts, and in my own guilty one, O
Jesus, even before and after having received thee.
Eucharistic heart of my Saviour, the delight of my
first communion and during the days of my fidelity,
I surrender myself to thee. Come back, come back,
and draw me anew to thyself. Pardon me once more,
and I will expiate all by the strength of my love.
Glorious archangel s. Michael, and you beloved S.
John, offer my reparation to Jesus and be propitious
to me. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, July 18, 1885, granted to all the faithful, who
with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above acts of homage :

AN INDULGENCE OF two hundred days, once a day.

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Domine Jesu Christe, in O
Lord Jesus Christ, in
unione divinae inten- union with that divine in-
tionis, qua ipse in terris tention with which thou,
per sanctissimum cor tuum whilst on earth, didst
laudes Deo persolvisti et give praise to God through
nunc continenter in eu- thy most sacred heart, and
charistiae sacramento ubi- which thou dost still every-
que terrarum persolvis us- where offer to him in the
que ad consummationem holy eucharist, even to
saeculi; ego per hanc diem the consummation of the
integram, nulla nec mini- world ; I, in imitation of
ma quidem parte excepta, the most sacred heart of
ad imitationem sacratissi- the ever immaculate Vir-
mi cordis B. Mariae sem- gin Mary, do most cheer-
per virginis immaculatae, fully offer to thee, during
tibi libentissime offero this entire day, all my
omnes meas intentiones et: thoughts and intentions,
cogitationes, omnes meos all my affections and de-
affectusetdesideria, omnia sires, my words and all
mea opera et verba. my works.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Dec. 19, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this offer-
ing :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., in order to remove all doubts

concerning Indulgences previously granted for the reciting of
the above ejaculation, declared, through the S. Congr. of In-
May 21, 1892, ^tthgp^j^ne now in force is
^ An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


Heart of jesus, burning with love of us, inflame
our hearts with love of thee.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, June 16, 1893, granted to the faithful who shall

recite devoutly the said ejaculation

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



I, N. N., give and consecrate to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus Christ my person and my life, all my actions,
pains and sufferings, resolved of not using any por-
tion of my own self but for his honor, love and glory.
My irrevocable determination is to be entirely his,
and to do everything for his love, renouncing with
all my heart any act that may displease him.
I do choose you, O
most Sacred Heart, for the
only object of my love, the protector of my life, the
security of my salvation, the safeguard against my
frailty and fickleness, the reparation for my delin-
quencies in life, and my most secure refuge in the
hour of death.
Be yourself, O bountiful Heart, my justification
before your Divine Father, and defend me from the
dread of his just wrath. O most loving Heart, I
place all my trust in you, for I am afraid of my own
malice and weakness, but all my hope rests with your
Destroy, then, in me whatever may displease you
or resist you ; would that the pure love of you be so

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deeply imprinted in my heart that I could never

forsake you or be separated from you.
I beseech you, by all your mercies towards me,
that my name may be written in you ; since I crave but
one thing, that all my happiness and glory may be to
live and to die as your most humble servant. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, January 13, 1898, granted to all the faithful who
above consecration
shall recite the
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript from the Office
of the Secretary of Memorials, July 7, 1815, granted
A plenary indulgence to all the faithful who, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, shall visit any church
or public oratory in which the feast of the Sacred Heart is cele-
brated, and pray there for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
He granted also permission to transfer the feast, with leave
of the Ordinaries of the respective places, to any other day in
the year.
Moreover, His Holiness, Lep XIII., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Rites, June 28, 1889, granted to all the faithful who
shall assist at the devout offices celebrated before the Blessed
Sacrament exposed to public veneration on the feast of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, either on the feast itself, or on the trans-
ferred feast, the same indulgences granted by the Sovereign
Pontiffs for assisting at the divine office during the octave of
Corpus Christi (page 118).

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Sept. 7, 1897, has granted to the faithful who,
on Friday, after confession and communion, shall meditate for
some time upon the infinite goodness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
and pray according to the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff,
A plenary indulgence, on the first Friday of every month
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
TP all the other Fridays of ^eje^^




This chaplet, so called because S. Bridget, of Sweden, origi-

nated and first propagated it, is recited in honor of Mary most
holy and in memory of the sixty-three years which it is said she
passed upon this earth. It consists of six divisions, each con-
taining one Our Father %
ten Hail Marys and a Creed. After
these six divisions another Our Father is added to complete the
number seven, in honor of Mary's joys and sorrows: also, three
Hail Marys are finally added to make up the above-named num-
ber, sixty-three.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo X., by a bull of July io, 15 15,
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
to all the faithful who, either alone or in
company with others,
shall recite this chaplet devoutly ; also
An indulgence of one hundred days, for each Our
Father Hail Mary and Creed.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., by a brief, Jan. 15,

1743, confirming the above indulgences, granted moreover:
A plenary indulgence, at the hour of death, to those, who
having been accustomed to recite this chaplet at least once a
week, shall recommend their own souls devoutly to God, after

confession and communion, and shall invoke the most holy


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name of jesus, at least with their hearts, if unable to do so with

the lips.

A plenary indulgence to those who have been accustomed

to recite this chaplet every day for an entire month, on any one
day of the same month, of their own selection, if, after confession
and communion, they visit a church, and there pray for concord
among Christian princes, the extirpation of heresy, and the exalta-
tion of the holy Church.
An indulgence of forty days to all those who carry this
chaplet about with them, if, at the tolling of the bell, they kneel
down and pray for the soul in its agony.
An indulgence of twenty days to those who carry this
chaplet about with them, and, being sorry for their sins, shall
make an examination of conscience and say the Our Father
and the Hail Mary, three times each.
An indulgence of one hundred days to those who, carry-
ing this chaplet about with them, shall on any day, whether
feast or feria, hear mass, or a sermon, or accompany the holy

viaticum, or bring back any sinner to the way of salvation ; or

do any other good work in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, or
of the blessed Virgin Mary, or of S. Bridget, and shall recite
the Our Father and the Hail Mary, each three times.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XL, by the bull, De salute
gregis, Sept. 22. 1 7 14, granted :

A plenary indulgence to those who shall recite consecu-

tively at least five decades of the Chaplet of S. Bridget, com-
posed of one Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Creed each,
every day for an entire year, on any day of their own selection,
when, truly penitent, they go to confession and communion, and
pray as directed above.
Moreover, the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., in the brief
already cited, granted
A plenary indulgence to those accustomed to recite five
consecutive decades of the Chaplet of S. Bridget, at least once

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a week, if, after confession and communion on the day of her

feast (Oct. 8), they visit their parish or other church, and there
pray as above directed.
In order to gain these indulgences it is requisite that the
chaplets, whether of the six decades or the ordinary ones, should
be blessed by the superiors of the monastic houses or other
priests of the Order of S. Saviour, sometimes called of S.
Bridget, deputed by them, or by others having the faculty from
them. After they have been blessed, they cannot be sold, or
lent, for the purpose of communicating the annexed indulgence
to others, according to the express command of the said Pope,
Clement XI., in the bull above-named, and according to the
general decrees of the S. Congr. of Indulgences.



By the brief, Regularem vitam, dated Aug. 20, 15 16, the
Sovereign Pontiff, Leo X., granted to who should
all the faithful

devoutly recite the Our Father and the Hail Mary upon a
rosary of the blessed Virgin Mary, blessed by the Master-Gen-
Regular Canons of S. Augustine of the Order of
eral of the
theHoly Cross, commonly called Crosier Canons :
An indulgence of five hundred days, each time.
By rescripts of the S. Congr. of the Propaganda Fide of July
13, 1845, and Jan. 9, 1848, the Sovereign Pontiffs, Gregory
XVI. and Pius IX., permitted the Master-General of the Order
of the Holy Cross to delegate to other Canons of the same
order the faculty of blessing and imparting the above-mentioned
indulgence to rosaries of the blessed Virgin. Some doubts
having lately arisen concerning this faculty and been proposed
to the S. Congr. of Indulgences, the latter, by a decree issued
March 14, 1884, and approved by his Holiness, Pope Leo
XIII., has definitely recognized it as pertaining to the Crosier
Canons only.

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His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, November 17, 1887, granted to the faithful who
shall recite the whole office of the Blessed Virgin, even to
those who are bound to recite it,
once a day
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day, to those
who have recited it on every day of the month on the usual
conditions Confession and communion
: ;

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day,

to those who shall have recited only Matins and Lauds.
Moreover, His Holiness, by a rescript of the same S. Congr.,
December 8, 1897, revoked the indulgences of fifty and of
fifteen days granted by St. Pius V. in the Bull Supemi omni-
potentis Dei, April 5, 1 57 1, and granted
An indulgence of fifty days for the reciting of each
hour of said office, as also for the reciting of the Vespers and
Compline apart from the rest of the office.

Angelus Domini.
V. AngelusDomini V. The angel of the
nuntiavit Mariae, et con- Lord declared unto Mary,
cepit de Spiritu Sancto. and she conceived of the
Holy Ghost.
Ave Maria, etc. Hail Mary, etc.

V. Ecce Do- V. Behold the hand-

mini fiat mihi secundum maid of the Lord: be it

verbum tuum. done unto me according

to thy word.
Ave Maria\ etc. Hail Mary, etc.
V. Et verbum caro fac- V. And the Word was
tum est, et habitavit in made flesh, and dwelt
nobis. among us.

Ave Maria, etc. 1

Hail Mary, etc.

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The following may be added.

V. Ora pro nobis, V. Pray for us, holy
sancta Dei genitrix. mother of God.
It. Ut digni efficiamur 7?. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.


Gratiam tuam, quae- Pour forth, we beseech
sumus Domine, mentibus thee, O Lord ! thy grace
nostris infunde : ut qui, into our hearts, that we
angelo nuntiante, Christi unto whom the incarna-
Filii tui incarnationem tion of Christ thy Son was
cognovimus, per passio- made known by the mes-
nem ejus et crucem ad sage of an angel, may, by
resurrection is gloriam per- his passion and cross, be
ducamur. Per eumdem brought to the glory of the
Christum Dominum nos- resurrection. Through the
trum. same Christ our Lord.
J?. Amen. It. Amen.

Regina Cceli.

Regina cceli laetare. Queen of heaven, re-

Alleluia. joice. Alleluia.
Quia quern meruisti For he whom thou wast
portare. Alleluia. made worthy to bear.
Resurrexit sicut dixit. Hath risen as he saiu.
Alleluia. Alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum. Pray for us to our God.
Alleluia. Alleluia.
V. Gaude et laetare, V. Rejoice and be
virgo Maria. Alleluia. glad, O Virgin Mary.

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V, Quia surrexit Domi- K For the Lord hath

nus vere. Alleluia. risen indeed. Alleluia.


Deus, qui per resurrec- God, who through the
tionem Filii tui Domini resurrection of thy Son,
nostri Jesu Christi mun- our Lord Jesus Christ,
dum laetificare dignatus hast vouchsafed to make
es : praesta, quaesumus, glad the whole world,
ut per ejus genitricem vir- grant us, we beseech thee,
ginem Mariam perpetuae that, through the inter-
capiamus gaudia vitae. cession of the Virgin
Per eumdem Christum Mary, his mother, we may
Dominum nostrum. attain the joys of eternal
Amen. life. Through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIII., by a brief, InjuncUz
nobis, Sept. 14, 1724, granted:
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all the faithful
who, every day, at the sound of the bell, in the morning, or at
noon, or in the evening at sunset, shall say devoutly, on their
knees, the Angelus Domini, with the Hail Mary three times, y

on any day when, being truly penitent, after confession and

communion, they shall pray for peace and union among Chris-
tian princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph
of holy Mother Church.
An indulgence of one hundred days, on all the other
days in the year, every time that, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, they shall say these prayers ; and he, moreover, de-
clared that these indulgences, both plenary and partial, are not
suspended in the Holy Year.
The same Sovereign Pontiff, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 5, 1727, granted that religious of both sexes,
or others who live in community, if they cannot say the Angelus

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at the sound of the bell, as prescribed above, by reason of their

being engaged in some exercise, according to their respective
rules or constitutions, may gam these indulgences, provided
that, on the conclusion of such exercise, they immediately say
the above-mentioned prayers.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., through his Eminence,
the Cardinal Vicar, confirmed these indulgences, April 20, 1742,
declaring, at the same time, that these prayers should be said
standing on Saturday evening and on Sunday.
He, moreover, ordered that, during the paschal season, which
begins with the chant of Alleluia in the mass of Holy Saturday,
and expires at ttfe first vespers of Trinity Sunday, instead of the
above prayers, the Regina Cceli, with its versicle and prayer,
Deus, qui per resurrectionem, should be said standing for its ;

recital, he granted the same indulgence as for the Angelus.

Those, however, who do not know by heart this anthem (the

Regina Cceli), may gain the same indulgences by saying the
Angelus, as directed above.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pitts VI., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of the Propaganda, March 18, 1781, granted that, in
those places where no bell is rung at the times stated above,
the faithful may gain the indulgences if, about the hours speci-
fied, they say, with at least contrite heart and devotion, the
Angelus, or the Regina Cceli in the paschal season.
Finally, his Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, April 3, 1884, benignly permitted that
the above-named indulgences maybe gained by the faithful who,
reasonably prevented from kneeling or from waiting for the
sound of the bell, shall attentively and devoutly recite, either in
the morning, towards midday, or in the evening, the versicle,
Angelus Domini, with the three Hail Marys, and the other
versicle, Pray for us, etc., with the prayer, Pour forth, we
beseech thee, (X Lord ; or, during Easter lime, the antiphon,
Triumph, O Queen of Heaven, with its appropriate versicle and

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prayer; or, if they do not know how to read, or to recite from

memory these verses, antiphons, and prayers, shall say, at the
times prescribed, five Hail Marys,



Act of Contrition.

O Saviour, my sole and only love see me before !

thy divine presence, all confusion by reason of the

many grievous injuries I have done thee. With my
whole heart I ask thy pardon for them ; repenting of
them out of pure love for thee, and, at the thought
of thy great goodness, hating and loathing them
above every other evil of this life. Would that I had
died a thousand times ere ever I had offended thee !

but now I am most firmly resolved to lose my life a

thousand times rather than to offend thee again. My
Jesus crucified, I firmly purpose to cleanse my soul
forthwith by thy most preci&us blood, in the sacra-
ment of penance. And thou, most tender Virgin,
mother of mercy, and refuge of the sinner, do thou,
by thy bitter pains, obtain for me the pardon of my
sins. Meanwhile, graying, in accordance with the
wishes of so many holy Pontiffs, for the indulgences
attached to this chaplet, I hope thereby to obtain
remission of all the punishment due to my sins.
I. With this heartfelt confidence, I meditate on

the first dolor, when Mary, virgin mother of my

God, presented Jesus, her only-begotten Son, in the
temple, laid him in the arms of holy old Simeon, and
heard his word of prophecy, "A sword shall pierce
thy own soul," which foretold the passion and death
of her Son Jesus.
Our Father, once, JIail Mary, seven times.

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II. The second dolor of the blessed Virgin was

when she had to fly into Egypt on account of the
persecution of cruel Herod, who impiously sought to
slay her well-beloved Son.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.
III. The third dolor of the blessed Virgin was
when, alter having gone up to Jerusalem, at the Pass-
over, with Joseph, her spouse, and Jesus, her beloved
Son, she missed him while returning to her humble
dwelling, and for three days bewailed the loss of her
sole-beloved one.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.
IV. The fourth dolor of the blessed Virgin was
when she met her most loving Son, Jesus, carrying
on his tender shoulders the heavy cross, whereon he
was to be crucified for our salvation.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.
V. The fifth dolor of the blessed Virgin was when
she saw her Son, Jesus raised upon the tree of the
cross, and all his sacred body pour forth blood ; and
then, after three long hours of agony, beheld him die.

Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.

VI. The sixth dolor of the blessed Virgin was
when she saw the lance pierce the sacred side of
Jesus, her beloved Son, and then received his holy
body taken down from the cross and laid in her stain-
less bosom.

Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.

VII. The seventh and last dolor of the blessed
Virgin, queen and advocate of us, her servants, mis-
erable sinners, was when she saw the holy body of
her Son laid in the sepulchre.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.

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Then say the Hail Mary three times, in veneration for the
tearswhich Mary shed in her sorrows, to obtain thereby true
sorrow for our sins, and the holy indulgences attached to this
pious exercise.

V. Ora pro nobis, virgo V. Pray for us, Virgin

dolorosissima. most sorrowful. .
jR. Ut digni efficiamur jR. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the
promises of Christ.
Interveniat pro nobis, Grant, we beseech thee,
qusesumus, Domine Jesu O Lord Jesus Christ, that
Christe, nunc et hora the most blessed Virgin
mortis nostras, apud tuam Mary, thy mother, may
clementiam, beata virgo intercede for us before the
Maria mater tua, cujus throne of thy mercy, now,
sacratissimam animam in and at the hour of our
hora tuae passion is doloris death, through whose most
gladius pertransivit. Per holy soul, in the hour of
te, Jesu Christe, salvator thine own passion, the
mundi, qui cum Patre et sword of sorrow passed.
Spiritu Sancto vivis et Through thee, Jesus
regnas, etc. Amen. Christ, Saviour of the
world, who livest and
reignest, with the
and the Holy Ghost, for
ever and ever. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiffs, Benedict XIII., by the brief, Re-
demptoris Domini, Sept. 26, 1724; Clement XII., by the brief,
Unigeniti Filii Dei, Dec. 12, 1734, and Pius IX., by a rescript
of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, July 18, 1877, granted or
confirmed the following indulgences:
An indulgence of two hundred days, for every Our

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Father, and the same for every Hail Mary, to all the faithful
who, being truly penitent, after confession, or at least with a
firm purpose of going to confession, shall say this chaplet in a
church of the Order of the Servants of Mary, or who shall
practise this devotion anywhere on Fridays, during Lent, and
on ihe feast and during the octave of the Seven Dolors of the
blessed Virgin Mary.
An indulgence of one hundred days for each Our Father
and each Hail Mary to those who shall perform this pious ex-
ercise anywhere, on any day of the year.
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
to any one who shall say this chaplet, alone or in company with
An indulgence of one hundred years to those who have
received the chaplet directly from a religious of the Order of
the Servants of Mary, every time that, being truly penitent, after
confession, or at least with a firm purpose of going to confession,
they shall say it with devotion.
An indulgence of one hundred and fifty years to
those who shall say it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
and feasts of obligation, provided that, being truly penitent, after
confession, they shall have received it directly from a religious
of the same order, and carry it about them.
An indulgence of two hundred years to all the faithful
who, having made an exact examination of conscience, being
truly penitent, after confession, shall say this chaplet with de-
votion and pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff
An indulgence of ten years to those who keep one of
these chaplets about them, and say it frequently, every time that,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall
assist at mass or hear a sermon with due attention, or accom-

pany the blessed sacrament when carried to the sick, or recon-

cile enemies, or bring sinners to repentance, or say the Our
Father and the Hail Mary seven times, or do any spiritual or

corporalwork of mercy, in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ, the

messed Virgin, or their patron saint.
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to all those who have
the pious custom of saying it four times a week, on any day
when, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
they shall say it with devotion.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who shall

say it every day for a month, if, being truly penitent, after con-
i ssion and communion, they shall pray for the intention of the
Sovereign Pontiff.
As for the gaining of the indulgences, besides reciting the
prescribed Our Fathers and Hail Marys, the mention and con-
sideration of the principal sorrows which the blessed Virgin
Mary suffered in the life and death of her divine Son is nec-
essary, and as not only idiots, but many others among the faith-
ful, have not always the capacity for meditating, his Holiness,

Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,

May 15, 1886, has permitted that the indulgences spoken of in

Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and may be gained by those of the faith-

ful who, for whatever reason, in reciting the Crown of the Seven
Dolors, do not apply themselves either to reading or meditating
upon the same Dolors, provided however, that they comply with
the other conditions imposed.
Tq obtain the above indulgences it is necessary that the
rosary should be blessed by the Superiors of the Order of the
Servants of Mary, or by others of the same order deputed by
these Superiors, and held in the hand whilst reciting it. By a
grant of His Holiness, Leo XIII. (rescript of the S. C. of Indul-
gences, June 8, 1898), where two or more persons recite it
together one may hold the rosary and the others, putting aside
anything that would interfere with interior recollection, may
thus unite in prayer with the one holding the rosary.
These rosaries may also be blessed by other priests holding
special faculties, but in that case the faithful cannot gain the
indulgences Nos. 4 and 5.




S. Dominic, the founder of the Order of Friars Preachers,
in order to stem the flood of the Albigensian heresy, which was
spreading far and wide, but especially in France, in obedience
to a revelation received from the blessed Virgin, to whom he
had recourse for this purpose, instituted, about the year *i 206,
and spread with great success the devotion of the holy rosary,
which, for many centuries, has produced the most marvelous
results in the Christian world.
This devotion, also called the Marian Psalter, consists in recit-
ing uninterruptedly, one hundred and fifty Hail Marys (which
is the number of the Psalms) separated into fifteen decades or
divisions, each one of which begins with an Our Father, and
simultaneously meditating upon the principal mysteries of the
life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In order to animate all the faithful to have recourse often to
the blessed Virgin by making use of this devotion, Benedict
XIII., by the Sanctissimus, April 13, 1726, granted to all

the faithful who, with devotion and at least contrite heart, shall
say either the whole rosary of fifteen decades, or a third part of
it,that is, five decades
An indulgence of one hundred days for every Our Fa-
tter and every. Hail Mary.
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to those who, having
said the fifteen decades, or, at least, five decades, every day for
a year, on any day when, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, they shall pray for peace and union among
Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the
triumph of holy Mother Church.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Sixtus IV. , by a bull, Ea quae ex
fidelium, May 12, 1479, granted to all the faithful who shall

say a third part of the Rosary

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An indulgence of five years and five quarantines

each time. To gain this indulgence it is not necessary to use a
Rosary that has been blessed.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, May 12, 185 1, confirmed these indulgences, and
granted, besides, to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say a third part of the rosary in com-
pany with others, either at home or in the church, in public or
in private oratories :

An indulgence of ten years and ten quarantines, once

a day.
A plenary indulgence, on the last Sunday in every month,
to all who are in the habit of saying with others, at least three
times a week, the third part of the rosary, provided that, being
truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit
a church or public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for
the intention of his Holiness.
For the obtaining of these indulgences several things are re-
quired 1st, that the rosaries should be blessed by some priest of

the Order of Friars Preachers, or other duly authorized priest

2d, that one of these rosaries should be held in the hand and used
in the customary way during the recitation when, of the prayers —
however, the rosary two or more persons together, by
is said by
benign concession of the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX. (decree of
the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 22, 1858), it suffices if one
of them holds the rosary to regulate its recital, and the others,
laying aside any other occupation, shall comport themselves re-
spectfully while praying with the one who holds the beads ; 3d,
that while saying the rosary, meditation should be made upon
the mysteries of the birth, passion, death, resurrection, etc.,
of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences of Aug. 12, 1726, approved by Benedict XIII.
This Pontiff also declared, in his constitution, Pre/tosus, May 26,
*7 2 7> § 4> that, for idiots, who were incapable of reflecting upon
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these mysteries, the devout recital of the rosary will be sufficient

to gain the indulgences. At the lame time, it was his express

will, that such persons should accustom themselves, according
to the scope of the rosary, to meditate upon the most holy mys-
teries of our redemption.


The joyful mysteries.
In the first joyful mystery we consider how the
archangel Gabriel announced to most holy Mary that
she was to conceive and bring forth our Lord Jesus
In the second joyful mystery we consider how,
when Mary heard that Elizabeth was pregnant, she
went to her house, and stayed with her for three
In the third joyful mystery we consider how, when
the time of Mary's delivery was come, she brought
forth, in the city of Bethlehem, our Saviour Jesus
Christ at midnight, and laid him in a manger between
two brute beasts.
In the fourth joyful mystery we consider how most
holy Mary, on the day of her purification, presented
Christ our Lord in the temple, and placed him in
the arms of the holy old man, Simeon.
In the fifth joyful mystery we consider how the
Virgin Mary lost her Son, sought for him for three
days, and at the end of the third day found him in
the temple amid the doctors, disputing with them,
being twelve years old.

The sorrowful mysteries.

In the first sorrowful mystery we consider how our
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Lord Jesus Christ prayed in the garden of Olivet, and

sweated blood.
In the second sorrowful mystery we consider how
our Lord Jesus Christ was cruelly scourged in Pilate's
house, and had countless blows laid upon him.
In the third sorrowful mystery we consider how
our Lord Jesus Christ was crowned with sharp thorns.
In the fourth sorrowful mystery we consider how
Jesus was condemned to die, and, for his greater
ignominy and pain, had laid upon his shoulders the
heavy tree of the cross.
In the fifth sorrowful mystery we consider how,
when Jesus came to Calvary, he was stripped of his
garments and nailed with sharp nails to the cross,
whereon he died before his sorrowing mother's eyes.

The glorious mysteries.

In the glorious mystery we consider how Jesus


Christ, our Lord, rose glorious the third day after

his death and passion, triumphant over death, and
never more to die.
In the second glorious mystery we consider how
Jesus Christ, the fortieth day from his resurrection,
ascended into heaven with great pomp and triumph,
in the presence of his most holy mother and of his
In the third glorious mystery we consider how
Jesus Christ sat on the right hand of the Father, and
thence did send the Holy Ghost into the chamber
where were assembled the apostles with the most
holy Virgin.
In the fourth glorious mystery we consider how,
twelve years after our Lord Jesus rose from the dead,
his mother herself passed from this mortal life, and
was carried into heaven by the angels.
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In the fifth glorious mystery we consider how, in

heaven, Mary was crowned by her Son in this :

mystery we also meditate on the glory of all the saints,



The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XII., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 4, 1736, granted:
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to all those who, be-
ing truly penitent, after confession and communion, shall make
one hour's prayer in honor of the blessed Virgin Mary, mother
of sorrows, considering her sorrows, and saying other prayers
suitable to this devotion.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XIII., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Sept. 5, 1759, confirmed anew the fol-
lowing indulgence, already granted by Sixtus V. and Benedict
XIII., to all those who devoutly invoke the name of Mary.
An indulgence of twenty-five days, each time.



In the morning.
Salve regina, mater Hail, holy queen,
misericordiae, vita mother of mercy, our life,
cedo, et spes nostra salve. our sweetness, and our
Ad te clamamus exules hope to thee do we cry, ;

fili i Hevae; ad te suspira- poor banished sons of Eve,

mus, gementes et flentes to thee do we send up our
in hac lacrymarum yalle. sighs, mourning and

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Eja ergo, advocata nostra, weeping in this valley of

illos misericordes tears.
tuos Turn then, most
oculos ad nos converte gracious advocate, thine
et Jesum benedictum fruc- eyes of mercy toward us,
tum ventris tui nobis post and after this, our exile,
hoc exilium cstende, O
show unto us the blessed
clemens, O pia, O dulcis fruit of thy womb, Jesus >
virgo Maria. clement, O loving,O O
sweet Virgin Mary
V. Dignare me laudare V. Make me worthy to
te, virgo sacrata. praise thee, holy Virgin.
R. Da mihi virtutem R. Give me strength
contra hostes tuos. against thine enemies.
V. Benedictus Deus in V. Blessed be God in
Sanctis suis. his saints.
R .
Amen. R. Amen.
In the evening.
Sub tuum
presidium We fly to thy patron-
confugimus, sancta Dei age, O holy mother of
genitrix; nostras depre- God despise not our !

cationes ne despicias in petitions in our neces-

necessitatibus nostris sed sities, and deliver us from

a periculis cunctis libera all dangers, O ever glor-

nos, semper virgo gloriosa ious and blessed Virgin.
et benedicta.
Dignare, etc., as above. Make me worthy, efc 9
as above.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, April 5, 1786, granted:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all
the faithful who, moved by the true spirit of religion to atone in
some manner for the insults offered to the most blessed Virgin
Mary, mother of God, and to the saints, and to defend and pro-

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mote the worship and veneration of their holy images, shall say,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, the Salve Regina,
with the versicles, Dignare me and Benedidus Deus, in the
morning, and Sub tuum prasidium> with the same versicles, in
the evening.
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
on all the Sundays of the year.
PLENARY indulgence, twice a month, on any two Sun-
days, to all those who shall recite these prayers, as above
directed, provided that, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, they shall pray, for some time, for the intention
of his Holiness.
A plenary indulgence on all the feasts of the blessed Vir-
gin Mary, as well as on the on fulfilment of
feast of All-Saints,

the conditions prescribed above.

PLENARY INDULGENCE, at the hour of death, to all those
who, having said these prayers during life, shall then go to con-
fession and communio or at least be heartily sorry for their

In conceptione tua, vir- In thy conception, O
go Maria, immaculata Virgin Mary thou wast !

fuisti ora pro nobis immaculate.

; Pray for us
Patrem cujus Filium Jesum to the Father, whose Son
de Spiritu Sancto concep- Jesus, conceived in thy
tual peperisti. womb by the Holy Ghost,
thou didst bring forth.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 21, 1793, granted to all the faithful, every
time they shall say, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
this ejaculatory prayer

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Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Mary,
Heart of Mary, mother of God, our mother ; heart
most amiable, delight of the ever-adorable Trinity,
and worthy of all the veneration and tenderness of
angels and of men ; heart most like the heart of
Jesus, whose most perfect image thou art ; heart full
of goodness, ever compassionate toward our miseries
vouchsafe to thaw our icy hearts, and change them to
the likeness of the heart of Jesus. Infuse into them
the love of thy virtues, inflame them with that blessed
fire with which thou dost ever burn. In thee let the
holy Church find safe shelter ; be thou its guardian
and its ever-sweet asylum, its tower of strength, im-
pregnable against the assaults of its enemies. Be thou
the road leading to Jesus; be thou the channel where-
by we receive all graces needful for our salvation.
Be thou our help in need, our comfort in trouble, our
strength in temptation, our refuge in persecution, our
aid in danger ; but especially in the last struggle of
our life, at the moment of our death, when all hell
shall be unchained against us to snatch away our
souls, in that dread moment, that hour so terrible, on
which depends our eternity ah —
then, most tender

Virgin, do thou make us feel how great is the sweet-

ness of thy mother's heart, how great thy power with
the heart of Jesus, opening to us, in the very fount
of mercy itself, a safe refuge, that so one day we too
may join with thee in paradise in praising the heart
of Jesus forever and forever. Amen.
Act of praise to the SS. Hearts ofJesus and Mary.
May the divine heart of Jesus and the immaculate
heart of Mary be known, praised, blessed, loved*

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worshipped, and glorified always and in all places.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S Congr.
of Indulgences, Aug. 18, 1807, a° d Feb *> l8l6 granted:
- »

An indulgence of sixty days, once a day, to those who,

with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer,

together with the acts of praise to the SS. Hearts of Jesus and
A plenary indulgence, on the feasts of the Nativity, of

the Assumption and of the S. Heart of Mary, to all those who

shall have said them, every day, during the year; provided
that, on these feasts, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, they shall visit a church, or an altar in any church,
dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary, and pray for the inten-

tion of the Sovereign Pontiff.

A plenary indulgence, at the hour of death, to those who,

during life, shall have practised this pious exercise every day.


Prayer for Sunday.

See, my God at thy feet a wretched
mother of !

sinner, has recourse to thee, and puts his trust

in thee. I am not worthy that thou shouldst even
cast thine eyes upon me ; yet well I know that thou,
beholding Jesus, thy Son, dying for sinners, dost
thyself yearn to save them. mother of mercy, look O
on my miseries, and have pity on me. Men say
thou art the refuge of the sinner, the hope of the
despairing, the aid of the abandoned be thou, then, :

my refuge, my hope, and my aid. It is thy prayers

which must save me. For the love of Jesus Christ

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be thou my help, reach forth thy hand to the poor

fallen wretch who cries to thee for succor. I know
that thy heart delights to aid the sinner when thou
canst help me, then, now whilst thou canst.
: My
sins have forfeited the grace of God and my own soul.
Behold me in thy hands O tell me what to do that

I may regain my Saviour's grace, and lo I do it. !

He bids me go to thee for help ; he wills that I

should seek thy tender pity's refuge, that so, not thy
dear Son's merits only, but thine own prayers too,
may help to save vine. To thee, then, I have re-
course ; pray thou to Jesus for me, and make me
know and feel what thou canst do for one who trusts
in thee. Be it done unto me according to my hope.
Then say the Hail Mary, three times, to the blessed
Virgin Mary, in reparation for the blasphemies
uttered against her.

Prayer for Monday.
Most holy Mary, queen of heaven I, who was !

once the slave of Satan, now dedicate myself to thy

service forever. I offer myself to honor and to serve
thee while I live. Accept me as thy willing servant,
and cast me not from thee as I deserve. Mother, in
thee have I placed all my hope. All blessing and
thanksgiving be to God, who in his mercy giveth me
this trust in thee. True it is that in the past I was
miserably fallen in sin. But, through the merits of
Jesus Christ, and by thy prayers,I hope God has
pardoned me my sins. Yet it is not enough, my
mother, to be forgiven, whilst the thought appals me
that I may still lose the grace of God. Danger is

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ever nigh, the devil sleeps not, fresh temptations

assail me. Protect me, then, my sovereign mistress!
help me against the assaults of hell. O never, never
let me sin again, and offend Jesus, thy Son No, !

never, never more suffer me to risk my soul, heaven,

and my God, by sin. For this one grace I ask thee,
Mary ; this I desire ; this may thy prayers obtain me.
Such is my hope. Amen.
Hail Mary, three times as above.


Prayer for Tuesday.

Holiest Mary, mother of goodness, mother of
mercy ! I reflect on my sins and on the moment
of my death, I tremble and am filled with confusion.
My sweetest mother, in the blood of Jesus and in
thy intercession are my hopes. Comfort of the
afflicted abandon me not at my death-agony
! fail ;

not to console me in that great affliction. If, even

now, I am so tormented by remorse for sin com-
mitted, by the uncertainty of forgiveness, by the
danger of a relapse, and the rigor of divine justice,
how will it be with me then? Mother, before death
overtake me, obtain for me a great sorrow for my
sins, a true amendment, and a constant fidelity to
God, in all that yet remains to me of life. And
when, indeed, my hour is come, then do thou, Mary,
be my hope, be thou mine aid in the anguish in
which my soul will be overwhelmed when the enemy ;

sets before my face my sins, oh comfort me then,


that I may not despair. Obtain for me at that

moment to invoke thee often, that, with thine own
sweet name and that of thy most holy Son upon my
lips, I may breathe forth my spirit. This grace thou

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hast granted to many of thy servants : I, too, desire

it, and hope to obtain it.

Hail Mary, three times, as above,


Prayer for Wednesday.

Mother of God, most holy Mary, how often by my
sins have I merited hell Ere now the judgment

had gone forth against my first mortal sin, hadst not

thou, in thy tender pity, stayed awhile God's justice,
and then, softening my hard heart, drawn me on to
take confidence in thee. And oh how often, in !

dangers which beset my steps, had I fallen, hadst not

thou, loving mother that thou art, preserved me by
the graces which thou didst obtain for me. My
queen, what will thy pity and thy favor have availed
me, if I perish in the flames of hell? If ever I have
not loved thee, now, after God, I love thee above all
things. Ah suffer not that I turn away from thee

and from God, who through thee hath granted me so

many mercies. Lady most worthy of all love, suffer
not that I be doomed to hate and curse thee forever
in hell. Couldst thou bear to see a servant whom
thou lovest lost forever ? O Mary say not so. Say !

not that I shall be among the lost ! yet lost am I as-

suredly, if I abandon thee. But who can have the
heart to leave thee ? How can I ever forget the love
which thou hast borne me ? No, it is impossible for
him to perish who hath recourse to thee, and who,
with loyal heart, confides in thee. Leave me not to
myself, my mother, or I am lost Let me ever have

recourse to thee Save me, my hope save rrie from

! !

hell, and first from sin, which alone can cause my

eternal ruin.
Hail Mary, three times, as above.

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Prayer for Thursday,

Queen of heaven, sitting enthroned above the nine
choirs of angels nighest to God, from this vale of
tears I, a wretched sinner, hail thee, praying thee, in
thy love, to turn on me those gracious eyes of thine.
See, Mary, see the danger in which I am and ever
shall be, whilst I live upon this earth, of losing my
soul, paradise, and God. In thee, Lady, is my hope.
I love thee ; and I sigh after the time when I shall
see thee and praise thee in heaven's courts. O
Mary ! when will that blessed day come that I shall
see myself safe at thy feet ? When shall I kiss that
hand so often outstretched to minister graces to me?
Alas too true it is, my mother, that in my life I have

often been ungrateful ; but if I reach heaven, there I

will love thee for all eternity, and make reparation
for my ingratitude by ever blessing and praising thee.
Thanks be to God for having given me such trust in
the precious blood of Jesus and in thy powerful in-'
tercession. In these, thy true servants have ever
hoped, and none of them have been disappointed.
No, neither shall I be deceived in mine. O Mary
pray to thy son Jesus, and I will pray him too, by all
the merits of his passion, to strengthen and increase
this hope.
Hail Mary, three times, as above.


Prayer for Friday.

Mary, of all creation the noblest, highest, purest,
fairest, holiest work of God ! O that all men knew
thee and loved thee, my queen, as thou deservest to
be loved Yet great is my consolation, Mary, that

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so many blessed souls in heaven, and so many just

souls still on earth, are filled with love for thy beauty
and goodness. But above all I rejoice in this, that
God himself loves thee alone more than all men and
angels. I too, loveliest queen, I, a miserable sinner,
dare to love thee, mean though my love be. I would
I had a greater love, a more tender love this thou :

must gain for me, since to love thee is the surest

mark of predestination, and a grace which God
vouchsafes to the elect. Then, too, my mother,
when I reflect upon the debt I owe thy Son, I see
that his love for me demands in return an im-
measurable love. Do thou, who desirest nothing else
than to see him loved, pray that I may obtain this

grace a great love of Jesus Christ. Obtain it, thou
who obtainest from God what thou wilt. Not goods
of earth, nor honors, nor riches do I covet, but that
which thine own heart desires most to love my God —
alone. Oh can it be that thou wilt not aid me in a

desire so acceptable to thee ? Impossible even now !

I feel thy help, even now thou prayest for me. Pray,
Mary, pray ; and never cease to pray, till thou dost
see me safe in paradise, sure of possessing and of lov-
ing my God and thee, my dearest mother, for ever
and ever. Amen.
Hail Mary, three times, as above,


Prayer for Saturday.

O my most holy mother on the one hand, I see

the graces thou hast obtained for me ; and on the

other, the ingratitude I have shown thee. The un-
grateful are unworthy of all favors yet not for this ;

will I distrust thy mercy. Great advocate, have pity

on me. Thou, Mary, dost bestow every grace which

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God vouchsafes to us sinners, and therefore did he

make thee mighty, rich, and kind, that so thou
mightest succor us. I wish to save my soul. In thy
hands I place my eternal welfare to thee I intrust ;

my soul. I wish to be of those who are thy special*

servants: cast me not, then, away. Thou art ever
seeking the wretched, to console them. Do not
abandon a wretched sinner who has recourse to thee.
Speak for me, Mary thy Son grants what thou ask-

est. Take me under thy protection, and it is

enough ; because, with thee to guard me, I fear no ill.
No, not my sins, because thou wilt obtain God's
pardon for them nor the devils, because thou art far

mightier than hell nor my judge, Jesus Christ, for,


at thy prayer, he will lay aside his wrath. Protect

me, then, my mother ; obtain for me pardon of my
sins, love for Jesus, holy perseverance, a good death,
and paradise. It is true, I merit not these graces
yet do thou only ask them of our God, and lo they !

shall be mine. Pray, then, to Jesus for me. Mary,

my queen, in thee I trust ; in this trust I rest, I live
in this trust I hope to die. Amen.
Hail Mary, three times, as above.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, June 21, 1808, granted:
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to all
the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall
say, on the days assigned, together with the Hail Mary, three
times, these prayers, to make some reparation for the many blas-
phemies uttered against her, not only by unbelievers, but also by
l>ad Christians.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, having
said these prayers every day, for a month, as directed above, if,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall
pray to God for holy Church.

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These indulgences, both plenary and partial, were confirmed

forever by his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the
S. Congr. of Indulgences, June 18, 1876.

I3 '


To all the faithful who, by themselves or with others, i t

church, or in their own houses, with at least contrite heart and

devotion, shall make any of the following novenas, in prepara-
tion for the principal feasts of Mary most holy, the Sovereign
Pontiff, PiusVII. , by rescripts, Aug. 4 and Nov. 24, 1808, and
Jan. 11, 1S09, granted:
An indulgence of three hundred days, every day.
A plenary indulgence to all who shall make these novenas,
and afterward, on the fe«*st itself, to which each novena
has reference, or on some day in its octave, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, shall pray to our Lord and to

the blessed Virgin, for the intention of his Holiness.

In preparation for the feast of the Immaculate Conception ,
beginning on November 29.

Veni Sancte Spiritus, Come, Holy Ghost, fill

reple tuorum corda fide- the hearts of thy faithful
lium, et tui amoris in eis people, and kindle in them
ignem accende. the fire of thy love.
V. Emitte spiritum V, Send forth thy spirit,
tuum, et creabuntur. and they shall be created.
R. Et renovabis faciem R. And thou shalt renew
terrae. the face of the earth.


Deus, qui corda fide- God, who hast taught
lium Sancti Spiritus illus- the hearts of thy faithful
tratione docuisti da nobis people by the light of

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in eodem Spiritu recta thy Holy Spirit ; grant us,

sapere, etde ejus semper in the same spirit, to relish
consolationegaudere. Per what is right, and ever-
Christum Dominum nos- more to rejoice in his holy
trum. comfort. Through Christ
our Lord.
R. Amen. It. Amen.

Virgin most pure, conceived without sin, from the
first moment of thy conception fair and stainless;
glorious Mary, full of grace, mother of my God
queen of angels and of men I humbly venerate thee

as the mother of my Saviour, who, though he was

God, taught me, by his own veneration, reverence
and obedience to thee, the honor and homage that I
owe thee. Vouchsafe, I pray thee, to accept the no-
vena which I dedicate to thee. Thou art the safe
refuge of the penitent sinner fit, then, it is that I

should have recourse to thee. Thou art the mother

of mercy will not, then, my miseries, so manifold,

move thee to compassion ? Mary, my sole hope after

Jesus, thou canst not but accept the loving trust
which I have in thee make me worthy to be called

thy son, that with confidence I may cry to thee,

Monstra te esse matrem. | Show thyself a mother.

Say the Hail Mary nine times, and the Glory be to the Father
once % then the following :


Lo, at thy sacred feet I bow, Virgin immaculate,

the while my heart overflows with joy in union with
thine own, because from eternity thou wast the
mother elect of the eternal Word, and wast preserved
stainless from the taint of Adam's sin. Forever

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! ! !


praised, forever blessed be the most holy Trinity

who conception poured out upon thy soul the
in thy
riches of that matchless privilege. I humbly pray
thee, gracious mother, obtain for me the grace to
overcome the bitter results of original sin ; ah yes
make me victorious over them, that I may never cease
to love my God.
Then say the Litanies of the blessed Virgin, or else :

V. Tota pulchra es, V. All fair art thou, O

Maria. Mary
R. Tota pulchra es, R. All fair art thou, O
Maria. Mary
V. Et macula original is V. The original stain
non est in te. is not in thee.
R. Et macula originalis R. The original stain
non est in te. is not in thee.
V. Tu gloria Jerusa- V. Thou art the glory
lem. of Jerusalem.
R. Tu laetitia Israel. R. Thou art the joy
of Israel.
V. Tu honorificentia V. Thou art the honor
populi nostri. of our people.
R. Tu advocata pec- R. Thou the advocate
catorum. of sinners.
K O Maria. V. Mary O
R. O Maria. R. Mary ! O
V. Virgo prudentis- K
Virgin most pru-
sima. dent.
R. Mater clementis- R. Mother most ten-
sima. der.
V. Ora pro nobis. V. Pray for us.
R, Intercede pro no- R. Intercede for us
bis ad Dominum Jesum with our Lord Jesus
Christum. Christ.

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After the Litanies or Hymn as above , say as follows:

V. In conceptione tua, ' V. In thy conception,

virgo, immaculata fuisti. Virgin, thou wast immac-
R. Ora pro nobis Pa- R. Pray for us to the
trem, cujus Filium pepe- Father, whose Son was
risti. born of thee.
Deus, qui per immacu- God, who through the
latam virgin is concep- immaculate conception
tionem dignum Filio tuo of the Virgin didst pre-
habitaculum praeparasti pare a worthy dwelling-
quaesumus, ut qui ex morte place for thy divine Son :

ejusdem Filii tui praevisa grant that, as in view of

earn ab omni labe prae- the death of that Son, thou
servasti ; nos quoque mun- didst preserve her from
dos ejus intercessione ad all taint, so thou wouldst
te pervenire concedas. vouchsafe unto us that,
cleansed from all sin by
her intercession, we too
may arrive at thine eter-
nal glory.
Deus omnium fidelium O God, the pastor and
pastor et rector famulum ruler of all the faithful !

tuum N., quern pastorem graciously look upon thy

Ecclesiae tuae praeesse servant, N., whom thou
voluisti, propitius respice hast set over thy holy
da ei quaesumus, verbo et Church ;
grant him, we
exemplo, quibus praeest beseech thee, by word and
proficere, ut ad vitam, example, so to direct those
una cum grege sibi cre- over whom thou hast
dito, perveniat sempi- placed him, that, together

ternam. j
with the flock thou hast

intrusted to his care, he
may attain eternal iife.

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Deus, refugium nostrum O God, our refuge and

et virtus, adesto pi is Ec- strength, who art the
clesiae tuae precibus, auc- source of all piety! hearken
tor ipse pietatis, et praesta; to the pious prayers of
ut quod fideliter petimus, thy Church, and grant
efficaciter consequamur. that what we ask in faith,
Per Christum Dominum we may in deed obtain.
nostrum. I?. Amen. Through Christ our Lord.
The same order is to be observed on all the other days of the no-
vena, the prayers for the day alone being changed.


Mary, unsullied lily of heavenly purity, I rejoice
with thee, because from thy conception's eariiest
dawn thou wast full of grace, and endowed with the
perfect use of reason. I thank and I adore the ever
blessed Trinity, who gave thee those high gifts. I
am overwhelmed with shame in thy presence, to see
myself so poor in grace. O thou, who wast filled
with heavenly grace impart some portion of it to

my soul, and make me share the treasures of thy im-

maculate conception.
Mary, thou mystical rose of purity, my heart re-
joices with thine at the glorious triumph which thou
didst gain over the infernal serpent by thy immacu-
late conception, and because thou wast conceived
without stain of original sin. I thank and praise
with my whole heart the ever-blessed Trinity, who
granted thee this glorious privilege ; and I pray thee
to obtain for me strength to overcome all the wiles
of the infernal foe, and never to stain my soul with
sin. Be thou mine aid make me, by thy protection,

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victorious over the common foe of our eternal wel-



Mirror of holy purity, Mary, Virgin immaculate,
great is my joy while I consider that, from thy im-
maculate conception, the most sublime and perfect
virtues were infused into thy soul, and with them all
the gifts of the Holy Ghost. I thank and praise the
most holy Trinity who bestowed on thee these high
privileges. I pray thee, gentle mother, obtain for
me grace to practise virtue, and so make me worthy
to become partaker of the gifts and graces of the
Holy Ghost.
Mary, bright moon of purity, I rejoice with thee,
because the mystery of thy immaculate conception
was the beginning of salvation for the race of man,
and the joy of the whole world. I thank and bless
the ever-blessed Trinity, who thus did magnify and
glorify thee ; and I beg of thee to obtain for me the
grace so to profit by thy dear Son's death and passion,
that his precious blood may not have been shed in
vain for me upon the cross, but that, after a holy life,
I may reach heaven in safety.


Mary immaculate, most brilliant of purity, I star
rejoice with thee, because thy immaculate conception
has bestowed upon the angels in paradise the greatest
joy. thank and bless the ever-blessed Trinity,
who enriched thee with this high privilege. O let
me, too, one day enter into this heavenly joy, in the
company of angels, that I may praise and bless thee,
world without end.

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Mary immaculate, rising morn of purity, I rejoice
with thee, gazing in wonder upon thy soul confirmed
in grace from the very first moment of thy concep-
tion, and rendered inaccessible to sin. I thank and
magnify the ever-blessed Trinity, who chose thee
from all our race for this special privilege. Holy
Virgin, obtain for me utter and constant hatred of
all sin above every other evil, and let me rather die
than ever again fall into sin.
O spotless sun ! O
Virgin Mary I congratulate !

thee. I rejoice with thee, because in thy conception

God gave thee grace greater and more boundless than
he ever shed on all his angels and all the saints,
together with all their merits. I thank and marvel
at the surpassing beneficence of the ever^biessed
Trinity who conferred on thee this privilege. O
make me to correspond with the grace of God and
never abuse it ! Change this heart of mine ; make
me now begin to amend my life.
O living light of holiness, model of purity, Mary
immaculate, virgin and mother as soon as thou wast

conceived, thou didst profoundly adore thy God,

giving him thanks that in thee the ancient curse was
revoked, and blessing came again upon the sinful
sons of Adam. O
make this blessing kindle in my
heart love for God ; and do thou fan this flame of
love within me, that I may love him constantly, and
one day in heaven eternally enjoy him, there to
thank him more and more fervently for all the won-
drous privileges conferred on thee, and to rejoice
with thee for thy high crown of glory.

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In preparation for the feast of Our Lady's Nativity,
commencing August 30.
Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
Most holy Mary, chosen and predestined from all
eternity by the most holy Trinity to be the mother
of the only-begotten Son of the eternal Father, fore-
told by the prophets, longed for by the patriarchs,
desired by all nations, sanctuary and living temple
of the Holy Ghost, sun without blemish, because
conceived free from original sin, mistress of heaven
and of earth, queen of angels humbly prostrate at

thy feet, we give thee our homage, rejoicing that the

year has brought round again the memory of thy
sweet nativity. With all our hearts we pray thee to
vouchsafe in thy goodness to come down again and
be born in spirit in our souls, that, led captive by thy
loveliness and sweetness, they may ever live united to
thy most sweet and loving heart.
Now, with nine distinct greetings, we shall go
back in thought to the nine months thou didst pass
within the cloister of thy mother's womb, and say
I. We hail thee, Mary, who, sprung from the royal

line of David, didst come forth to the light of heaven,

with high honor, from the womb of holy Anna, thy
most happy mother.
Hail Mary, etc.

II. We hail thee, heavenly babe, white dove of

purity,who, despite the infernal serpent, was con-
ceived free from the taint of Adam's sin.

Hail Mary, etc.

III. We hail thee, brightest morn, forerunner of

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the heavenly sun of justice, who didst first bring

light to earth.
Hail Mary, etc.

IV. We hail thee, O chosen one who, like the !

untarnished sun, didst burst forth into being in the

dark night of sin.
Hail Mary, etc.

V. We hail thee, beauteous moon, who didst shed

light upon a world wrapped darkness
in the thickest
of idolatry.
Hail Mary, etc.

VI. We hail thee, strong infant, who, in thyself a

host, alone didst put to flight all hell.
Hail Mary, etc.

VII. We hail thee, fair soul of Mary, who from

all eternity wast God's, and God's alone.
Hail Mary, etc.

VIII. We hail thee, dear child, and we humbly

worship thy most holy infant body ; we venerate the
sacred swaddling-clothes wherewith they bound thee,
the sacred cradle wherein they laid thee, and we
bless the hour and the moment when thou wast born.
Hail Mary, etc.

IX. We hail thee, beloved child, adorned with

every virtue, immeasurably above all the saints, and,
therefore, worthy mother of the Saviour of the world ;
who, made fruitful by the Holy Ghost, didst bring
forth the incarnate Word.
Hail Mary, etc.

Most lovely child, who by thy birth hast comforted

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the world, made glad the heavens, struck terror into

hell, brought help to the fallen, consolation to the
sad, health to the sick, joy to all we pray thee,:

with all fervent love, be thou born again in spirit in

our souls, through thy most holy love; renew our
fervor in thy service, rekindle in our hearts the fire
of thy love, and bid all virtues blossom there, which
may cause us to find more and more favor in thy
gracious eyes. Mary be thou Mary to us, and may

we feel the saving power of thy sweetest name ; let it

ever be our comfort to call on that great name in all
our troubles; let it be our hope in dangers, our
shield in temptation, and in death our last murmur.
Sit nobis nomen Mariae May the name of Mary
mel in ore, in be honey in our mouths,
aure, et jubilus in corde. melody in our ears, ec-
Amen. stasy in our hearts. Amen.
Then say the Litany, and afterward
V. Nativitas tua, Dei V. Thy nativity, O
genitrix virgo. Virgin mother of God !

It. Gaudium annun- J?. Hath brought joy

tiavit universo mundo. to a whole world.
Famulis tuis, quaesu- Grant to us, thy ser-
mus Domine, ccelestis vants, we beseech thee,
gratiae munus impertire Lord, the gift of heavenly
ut quibus beatse virginis grace that to those, for

partus extitit salutis ex- whom the delivery of the

ordium, nativitatis ejus blessed Virgin was the
votiva solemn itas pacis commencement of salva-
tribuat incrementum. tion, the votive festival of
her nativity may give in-
creasing peace.
Deus omnium fidelium pastor, etc. Deus refugium nostrum etc. ,

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In preparation for the feast of the Annunciation,
commencing March 1 6.
Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
I. With wonder I revere thee, holiest Virgin Mary

for, of all God's creatures, thou wast humblest on

the very day of thy Annunciation, when God him-
self exalted thee to the sublime dignity of his own
mother. O
mightiest Virgin, make me, wretched
sinner that I am, know the depths of my own noth-
ingness, and make me humble myself at last, with
all my heart, beneath the feet of all men.

Hail Mary, etc.

II. O Mary, holiest Virgin, who, when the arch-

angel Gabriel hailed thee in thy Annunciation, and
thou wast raised by God above all choirs of the an-
gels, didst confess thyself the handmaid of the
Lord : Ecce ancilla Domini (" Behold the handmaid
of the Lord do thou obtain for me true humility
and a truly angelic purity, and so to live on earth as
ever to be worthy of the blessings of God.
Hail Mary, etc.

III. With thee I rejoice, O Virgin ever blest be- !

cause, by a simple Fiat uttered by thee so humbly,

thou didst draw down from the bosom of the eternal
Father the divine Word into thine own pure bosom.
O draw, then, ever my heart to God and with God ;

bring grace into my heart, that I may ever sincerely

bless thy Fiat? and with devotion cry, mighty O
Fiat! O Fiat efficacious! O Fiat to be venerated
above all Fiats / (S. Thorn, de Villan.)
Hail Mary, etc.

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IV. Mary, mighty Virgin, thou who on the day

of thy Annunciation wast found by the archangel
Gabriel so prompt and ready to do God's will, and
to correspond with the desires of the august Trinity
who wished for thy consent in order to redeem the
world obtain for me that, whatever happens, good

or ill, I may turn to my God, and with resignation

say: Fiat, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum ("Be it

done unto me according to thy word

Hail Mary, etc.

V. I see that thy obedience, Mary most holy,

united thee so closely to God, that all creation never
shall know again union so fair and perfect. "Magis
JDeo conjungi, nisi fieret Deus, non potuit : "She
could not have been more united to God, except by
being God herself.' * (B. Albert Magnus.) I am
overwhelmed with confusion in seeing how my sins
have separated me from God. Help me, then, gentle
mother, to repent sincerely of my sins, that I may be
reunited to thy loving Jesus.
Hail Mary, etc.

VI. Holiest Mary, if, through thy modesty, thou

wert troubled at the appearance of the archangel
Gabriel in thy dwelling, I am terrified at the sight
of my monstrous pride. By thy incomparable hu-
mility, which brought forth God for men, reopened
paradise, and let the captive souls go free from hell
beneath {Qua Deum hominibus peperit, paradisum
aperuit et animas ab inferno liberavit. S. Augus.,
Serm. de Sanct.), draw me, I pray thee, out of the
deep pit wherein my sins have cast me, and make me
save my soul.
Hail Mary, etc.
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VII. Though my tongue is unhallowed, yet, purest

Virgin, I presume to hail thee every hour of the day
Ave, ave, gratia plena ("Hail, hail, Mary, full of
grace ). From my heart I pray thee pour into my
soul a little of that mighty grace wherewith the Holy
Spirit, overshadowing thee, filled thee to the full.

Hail Mary, etc.

VIII. I believe, holiest Mary, that almighty God,

who was ever with thee from thy conception (Domi-

nus tecum " The Lord is with thee "), is, by his in-
carnation in thy purest womb, still more closely
united to thee make it thy care, I pray thee, that I

may be with that same dear Lord Jesus ever one

heart and soul by means of sanctifying grace.

Hail Mary, etc.

IX. O holiest Mary ! bless me, my heart and soul,

as thou thyself wast ever blessed of God among all
women {benedicta tu in mulieribus) ; for I have this
sure hope, that if, dear mother, thou bless me while
I live, then, when I die, I shall be blessed of God in
the everlasting glory of heaven.

Then say the Litany, and afterward:

V. Angelus Domini V. The angel of the

nuntiavit Mariae. Lord declared unto
R. Et concepit de R. And she conceived
Spiritu Sancto. of the Holy Ghost.


Deus, qui de beatae O God, who, by the
virginis utero Verbum message of an angel, didst
tuum, angelo nuntiante, will that thy divine Word
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carnem suscipere voluisti should take flesh from the

prsesta supplicibus tuis, ut womb of the blessed Vir-
qui vere earn genitricem gin Mary grant unto us !

Dei credimus, ejus apud thy suppliants, that we,

te intercessionibus ad- who believe her to be
juvemur. truly the mother of God,
may be helped by her in-
tercession with thee.

Deus omnium fidelium pastor, etc. Deus refugium nostrum,


In preparation for the feast of the Purification,
commencing January 24.

Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).

I.Bright mirror of ail virtues, holiest Mary, forty
days had scarcely elapsed from thy delivery when
thou, though the purest of all virgins, didst will, ac-
cording to the law, to be presented in the temple to
be purified grant that we, like thee, may keep our

hearts unstained by sin, that so we, too, may be

made worthy to be presented to our God in the tem-
ple of his glory.
Hail Mary, etc.

II. Virgin most obedient, at thy presentation in

the temple thou didst will, like other women, to offer
the wonted sacrifice obtain for us that we, too, fol-

lowing thy example, may learn how to offer ourselves

a living sacrifice to God, by practising every virtue.
Hail Mary, etc.
III. Virgin most pure, in observing the precept of
the law, thou didst care little that men should account

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thee unclean : ask for us grace to keep our hearts for-

ever pure, however blamable the world may think us.
Hail Mary, etc.

IV. Virgin most holy, in offering thy divine Son

to his eternal Father, thou didst gladden all the
court of heaven :present our poor hearts to God,
that he, by his grace, may keep them ever free from
mortal sin.
Hail Mary, etc.

V. Virgin most humble, in placing Jesus in holy

old Simeon's arms, thou didst fill his soul with heaven-
ly joy: give our hearts into God's holy keeping, that
he may fill them with his holy Spirit.
Hail Mary, etc.

VI. Virgin most zealous, by redeeming thy Son,

Jesus, according to the law, thou didst co-operate in
the salvation of the world : ransom now our poor
hearts from the slavery of sin, that so they may be
ever pure before the face of God.
Hail Mary, etc.

VII. Virgin most meek, on hearing the prophecy

of Simeon foretelling thy woes, thou didst promptly
bow to the good pleasure of God enable us also to :

bear all troubles with patience and resignation to his

divine will.
Hail Mary, etc.

VIII. Virgin most compassionate, when through

thy divine Son thou didst 'fill the soul of Anna
the prophetess with light, thou didst make her mag-
nify the mercies of God by recognizing Jesus as the
Redeemer of the world enrich our souls with heaven-

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ly grace, that we may largely share the fruit of the

divine redemption.
Hail Mary, etc.

IX. Virgin most resigned, who didst feel thy soul

transfixed with sorrow when in spirit thou didst fore-
see all the bitter passion of thy Son, and, knowing
the griefof Joseph, thy spouse, for all thy sufferings,
didst with holy words console him pierce through :

and through our souls with true sorrow for our sins,
that we may one day have the consolation to be made
partakers of thy glory in heaven.
Hail Mary, etc.

Then say the Litany and afterward

K Responsum accepit V. Simeon received an
Simeon a Spiritu Sancto. answer from the Holy
JZ. Non visurum se R. That he should not
mortem nisi videret Chris- see death until he had
tum Domini. seen the Christ of the
Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty, everlasting
Deus, majestatem tuam God, we pray thy majes-
supplices exoramus, ut ty, that as thine only-
sicut unigenitus Filius begotten was pre-Son
tuus cum nostra cam is sented in the temple in
substantia in templo est the substance of our flesh,
praesentatus, ita nos facias so thou wouldst enable
purificatis tibi mentibus us to present ourselves
praesentari. before thee with clean
Deus omnium fidelium pastor, etc., Deus refugium nostrum,

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In preparation for the feast of the Assumption,

commencing August 6.


Veni Sancte Spiritus, eU., {page 221).

O gloriosa virginum O queen of all the virgin
-"Sublimis inter sidera, Enthroned above the
starry sky
Qui te creavit, parvulum Who with pure milk from
own breast
Lactente nutris ubere. Thy own Creator didst

*Quod Heva tristis abstulit, What man had lost in

hapless Eve,
Tu reddis almo genuine Thy sacred womb to man
Intrent ut astra flebiles, Thou to the wretched
here beneath
Cceli recludis cardines. Hast open'd heaven's
eternal doors.

Tu regis alti janua, Hail, O refulgent hall of

Et aula lucis fulgida Hail, gate sublime of
heaven's high king !
Vitam datam per virgi- Through thee redeemed
nem, to endless life,
Gentes redemptae plau- Thy praise let all the na-
dite. tions sing.

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Jesu, tibi sit gloria, O Jesu, born of Virgin

Qui natus es de virgine, Immortal
glory be to
Cum Patre, et almo Spiritu Praise to the Father in-
In sempiterna saecula. And Holy Ghost, eter-
Amen. nally.


She was well prepared to die.

Consider how glorious Mary was at the hour of

her death, because in life she was so well prepared
to die, by her most ardent longing to see her God,
and be forever united to her Son ; and by the un-
approachable merit of her consummate perfection.
Then, considering how different we are from Mary
in our preparation for death, we shall thus address
her :

Holiest Virgin, who, to prepare thyself for a holy

death, didst live in ceaseless longing for the vision
of thy God O do thou, virgin mother take from
: !

us the vain desire of the frail things of earth.

Hail Mary, three times.

Holiest Virgin, who, to prepare thyself to dift

holily, didst in life sigh to be united forever to thy
Son, Jesus: O obtain for us fidelity to Jesus, even
unto death
Hail Mary, three times.
Holiest Virgin, who, to die holily, didst make it
thy care to acquire a degree of merit and virtue un-
approachable by any other than thyself O intercede :

for us, that we may know that virtue and the grace
of God alone are the road that leads to salvation !

Hail Mary, three times.

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Now will we raise our voices in praise of Mary,

who was so careful in preparing for death and whilst ;

we magnify her glory, in union with the nine choirs

of angels, who made her escort on her assumption
into heaven, we shall say with the first choir:
Then say the Litany and afterward :

V. Exaltata est sancta V. The holy Mother of

Dei genitrix, God is exalted,
R. Super choros an- R. High above the
gelorum ad coelestia angel choirs to the heav-
regna. enly kingdom.
Famulorum tuorum, We beseech thee, Lord,
quaesumus Domine, de- pardon the short-comings
lictis ignosce ut qui tibi of thy servants: that we

placere de actibus nostris who, by our own works,

non valemus, genitricis are not able to please thee,
Filii tui Domini nostri in- may be saved by the in-
tercessione salvemur. tercession of the mother
of thy Son, our Lord Je-
sus Christ.

Deus omnium fidelium pastor, etc, Deus refugium nostrum,


SECOND DAY. {Aug. 7.)

Veni Sancte {page 221).

Spiritus, etc.,
O gloriosa virginum, etc> {page 237).


She died in the midst of the apostles, and in the presence of her
Son, Jesus.
Consider how glorious Mary was at the hour of her
death, comforted, according to the holy doctors of
the Church, not only by the apostles and saints, but

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also by her Son, Jesus and, while we contemplate


the unspeakable joy which she experienced in that

hour, through so extraordinary a favor, let us have;
recourse to her, saying
Glorious Virgin, who for thy consolation didst de-
serve to die in the company of the apostles and
saints: O may we feel thee nigh when we breathe
forth our souls, and may our holy patrons, too, be
there to lend their aid !

Hail Mary, three times.

Glorious Virgin, who, at the moment of thy death,

wast comforted by the sight of thy dear Son, Jesus:
O pray for us that, at that awful moment, we, too,
may be comforted by receiving Jesus in the most
holy viaticum.
Hail Mary, three times.
Glorious Virgin, who in the arms of Jesus didst
give up thy spirit aid us that we also may give up

our souls in the arms of the same dear Lord, with this
one desire, that his most holy will may be forever
done in us.
Hail Mary, three times.

Let us magnify our Lady's glory, assisted at her

death by her Son, Jesus, and his apostles; joining in
jubilee at her triumph, with the second choir of the
heavenly host, saying
The Litany, etc.

THIRD DAY. (Aug. 8.)

Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
O gloriosa virginum, etc., {page 237).
She died in an ecstasy of love.

Consider how glorious Mary was in her death, for

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she breathed forth her soul in an ecstasy of divine

love: wherefore, with eager longing to gather strength
from that all-holy fire of love, let us have recourse to
her, saying
Mary, happiest virgin, who didst give up thy
mortal life through the vehemence of thy love for
God make it thy care that in our hearts, as God

doth will, there be lit up this living fire of his love.

Hail Mary, three times.

Mary, happiest virgin, who, dying of pure love for

God, didst show what our love for God should be
O pray for us that we may never leave our God, in
life or death ?
Hail Mary, three times.

Mary, happiest virgin, in leaving this mortal life

through an ecstasy of love, thou didst make known
the fire which ever burnt within thy breast O pray :

for us that at least one spark of that same fire may

burn in us, giving us true sorrow for our sins
Hail Mary, three times.
With the third choir of the angels let us exalt the
ineffable glory of Mary, inflamed with burning love
of God
The Litany, etc.

FOURTH DAY. (Aug. 9.)

Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
O gloriosa virginum, etc., {page 237).


In her dead body.

Consider how glorious Mary was after death, in

her dead body ; for from her body, clothed with

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majesty, most wondrous lustre shone, whilst it dif-

fused around odors of sanctity, breathing the fra-
grance of paradise, and by its mere presence working
innumerable miracles. Then, conscious of our many
miseries, let us thus entreat her :

Lady unsullied, who by thy virginal purity didst

merit the glory of being so bright and so majestic in
thy body, after death O obtain for us the strength

to detach ourselves from every foul spirit of impurity.

Hail Mary, three times.

Lady who, through thy rare virtue, didst

exhale from thy dead body the sweet fragrance of
paradise make it thy care that, by our life, we may

both edify our neighbor, and never more by our bad

example become a stumbling block to others.
Hail Maty, three times.
Lady unsullied, at the sight of whose sacred body
were healed innumerable maladies, may thy prayers
heal all our spiritual ills.

Hail Mary, three times.

Let us rejoice at the glory given to the dead body

of Mary, while, with the fourth choir of the angels,
we exalt her majesty, saying
The Litany, etc.


Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
O gloriosa virginum, etc., {page 237).


In the resurrection of her body.
Consider how glorious Mary was after death, since,
t>y the power of the Most High, her sacred body,

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raised to life, acquired in an instant the gifts of

brightness, subtlety, agility, and impassibility; and
filled with consolation at the excellence of her sur-
passing glory, let us thus invoke her :

Lady exalted, who, by thy God, wast so gloriously

raised to life: help us so to live on earth, that we,
too, like thee, may rise again on the last judgment
Hail Mary, three times.
Lady exalted, whose risen body was endowed with
the gifts of brightness and of subtlety by the bright :

example and the humility of thy life on earth, O

take from us all movements of disdain and scorn,
that, freed from the trammels of self-love, our souls
may be adorned with holy humility !

Hail Mary, three times.

Lady God made thy risen body glorious

with the of agility and impassibility, because'
great was thy spiritual zeal and patience while on
earth :O obtain for us courage to mortify, with
vigor, our bodies, and to curb, with patience, our
headstrong passions.
Hail Mary, three times.

Let us give to Mary the praise which is due to

her,and magnify the glory which adorns her risen
body ; while, with the fifth choir of the angels, we
honor her, saying
The Litany, etc.
sixth day. {Aug. II.)
Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
O gloriosa virginum, etc., {page 237).

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In her assumption into heaven.

Consider how Mary was gloriously taken up to

heaven for
: she was escorted by legions of the heav-
enly hosts, and by blessed souls delivered by her
merits from purgatory ; and joining in the majesty of
her triumph, let us, with all humility, offer to her
our supplications
Great queen, assumed so royally into the kingdom
of eternal peace : O
take from us all sordid earthly
thoughts, and give us grace to fix our hearts firmly on
the contemplation of the changeless bliss of heaven.
Hail Mary, three times.

Great queen, who, in thy assumption into heaven,

wast surrounded by the heavenly hosts, obtain for us
strength to master Satan's wiles, and to lend a docile
ear to the good counsels of that blessed Spirit who
directs our path, and aids our tottering steps.
Hail Mary, three times.

Great queen, by the glory which thou didst enjoy,

in thy assumption into heaven, from the company of
the souls drawn by thy merits out of purgatory : ob-
tain from us that, freed from the slavery of sin, we
may deserve to praise thee for all eternity.
Hail Mary, three times.

Let us not cease to applaud Mary's royal triumph,

and the extraordinary glory which she obtained in
her solemn assumption into heaven ; but, with the
sixth choir of the angels, let us honor her, saying

The Litany, etc.

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SEVENTH DAY. {Aug. 12.)

Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., (page 221).

O gloriosa virginum, <f/tr., {page 237).


In the exalted station which she holds in heaven.
Consider how glorious Mary is in heaven, where,
as queen of the universe, she is enthroned,- and from
countless hosts of angels and of saints is ever receiv-
ing homage and veneration : wherefore, bending be-
fore her royal throne, we, too, implore her aid :
Sovereign queen of the universe, who, through thy
incomparable merit, art raised to such high glory in
heaven O, in thy pity, look down on us, and on

our miseries, and with the gentle sway of thy pro-

tection rule over us
Hail Mary, three times.

Sovereign queen of the universe, who on thy

throne art ever receiving worship and homage from
all the heavenly hosts suffer us, we beseech thee, to

address 'hee and grant that our invocations may be

made with such reverence as befits thy dignity and
Hail Mary, three times.

Sovereign queen of the universe, by that glory

which accrues to thee from thy pre-eminent dignity
in heaven, vouchsafe to take us for thy servants, and
obtain for us that we may be quick and ready in the
faithful observance of the commands of our God and
Hail Mary, three times.

Let us enter, in some way, into the joy. which

angelsfeel while they praise Mary, and be exceedingly

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glad with the seventh choir of the angels, because we

know that she is raised to the dignity of queen of
the universe, and let us say :

The Litany, etc.

EIGHTH DAY. (Aug. 1 3.)

Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).

0 gloriosa virginum, etc., {page 237).


From the crown which adorns her brow.
Consider how glorious Mary is in heaven from the
royal diadem wherewith her divine Son hath crowned
her, and from the vast knowledge which she has of
the deep mysteries of God, past, present and to
come; and full of reverence for the incomparable
honors bestowed upon our great queen, let us have
recourse to her
Peerless queen, who inheaven on high wast crowned
with a priceless royal diadem by thy divine Son,
make us share thy matchless virtues, that, purified in
heart and mind, we may be worthy to wear a crown
with thee in paradise.

Hail Mary, three times.

Peerless queen, by that wide knowledge of all

things in heaven and on earth granted thee for thy :

glory's sake, win pardon for our past offences, and

never let us anger thee again by forward tongue or
wanton thought.
Hail Mary, three times.

Peerless queen, who wouldst seeus pure and stain-

less, that we may be fit to standbefore thy God :
obtain for us forgiveness of our sins, and help us ever

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in look, and word, and deed, to please his heavenly

Hail Mary, three times.
Let us purify our hearts to give meet praise to
Mary; and to the glory she possesses in that bright
crown which decks her royal brow, let us add these
humble tokens of our love, while, with the joy of the
eighth choir of the angels, saying
The Litany, etc.

NINTH DAY. {Aug. 1 4.)

Veni Sancte Spiritus, etc., {page 221).
O gloriosa virginum, etc., {page 237).
In her patronage of men.
Consider how glorious Mary is in heaven, by her
patronage of men, and because she is able and most
anxious to aid them in their deeds ; with most lively
confidence, because for our patroness we have the
very mother of our God, let us with all our heart be-
seech her
Mary, our most powerful patroness, who in heaven
dost glory in being the advocate of men preserve us :

from our infernal foe, and place us in the arms of

him who is our God and our Creator.
Hail Mary, three times.

Mary, our most powerful patroness, who in heaven

art the advocate of men, and dost wish that all men
should be saved grant that none of us despair when

we behold our past relapses into sin.

Hail Mary, three times.

Mary, our most powerful patroness, whose delight

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it ever is, of thine office, to be in-

in the fulfilment
voked by men obtain for us true devotion, and

make it thy care that we never fail to call thee to our

aid in life, and, above all, at the awful moment of
our death.
Hail Mary, three times.

Let us celebrate with all our heart the glory of

Mary, and full of consolation at the thought that we
have in heaven an advocate, let us unite with the
ninth choir of the angels in praising her, while we
The Litany, etc.




V. Deus in adjutorium V. Incline unto my aid,

meum intende. O God !

R. Domine ad adju- R. O Lord ! make haste

vandum me festina. to help me.
Gloria Patri et Filio, .

Glory be to the Father,
etc. I etc.

I. I compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, in the

grief thy tender heart underwent when the holy old
man Simeon prophesied to thee. Dear mother, by thy
heart then so afflicted, obtain for me the virtue of
humility and the gift of the holy fear of God.
Hail Mary, etc.

II.compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, for the

anxiety which thy most tender heart underwent dur-
ing thy flight into Egypt and thy sojourn there.
Dear mother, by thy heart then so sorrowful, obtain

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for me the virtue of liberality, especially toward the

poor, and the gift of piety.
Hail Mary, etc.

III. compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, for the

terrors feltby thy anxious heart when thou didst lose
thy dear Son, Jesus. Dear mother, by thy heart
then so agitated, obtain for me the virtue of chastity,
and with it the gift of knowledge.
Hail Mary, etc.

IV. I compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, for the

shock thy mother's heart experienced when Jesus
met thee as he carried his cross. Dear mother, by
that heart of thine, then so afflicted, obtain for me
the virtue of patience and the gift of fortitude.
Hail Mary, etc

V. compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, for the

martyrdom thy generous heart bore so nobly whilst
thou didst stand by Jesus agonizing. Dear mother,
by thy heart then so cruelly martyred, obtain for me
the virtue of temperance and the gift of counsel.
Hail Mary, etc.

VI. compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, for the

wound with which thy tender heart was riven when
Jesus' sacred side was pierced with the lance. Dear
mother, by thy heart then pierced through, obtain for
me the virtue of fraternal charity and the gift of un-
Hail Mary, etc.

VII. I compassionate thee, sorrowing Mary, for

the anguish felt by thy loving heart when Jesus' body
was laid in the sepulchre. Dear mother, by all the

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bitterness of desolation thou didst then know, obtain

for me the virtue of diligence and the gift of wisdom.

V. Ora pro nobis, virgo V. Pray for us, most

dolorosissima. sorrowful Virgin.
It. Ut digni efficiamur, J?. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.

oremus. let us pray.

Interveniat pro nobis, Grant, we beseech thee,
quaesumus Domine Jesu O Lord Jesus Christ ! that
Christe, nunc hora the most blessed Virgin
et in
mortis nostrge apud tuam Mary, thy mother, may
clemen tiam beata virgo intercede for us before the
Maria mater tua, cujus throne of thy mercy, now,
sacratissimam an imam in and at the hour of our
hora tuse passion is doloris death ; through whose
gladius pertransivit. Per most holy soul, in the
te Jesu Christe, salvator hour of thine own passion,
mundi, qui cum Patre et the sword of sorrow passed.
Spiritu Sancto vivis et Through thee, Jesus Christ,
regnas, etc. Amen. Saviour of the world, who
livest and reigilest with
the Father and the Holy
Ghost, for ever and ever.
His Holiness, Pius VII., by a rescript of Monsignore, the
Rome, Jan. 14, 1815, granted
Vicegerent of
An indulgence of three hundred days to all the faithful,
every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they
shall say these prayers.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by rescripts from the Office

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of the Secretary of Memorials, Feb. 25 and Mar. 21, 1815,

granted for ten years
A plenary indulgence to all the faithful who, from three
o'clock onGood Friday, to twelve o'clock on Holy Saturday,
when the Church is wont to celebrate the resurrection of our
Lord, in public or in private, for an hour, or at least for half an
hour, shall unite with the blessed Virgin in sorrow, after the
death of her divine Son, by meditation, pious prayers, or other
exercises. This indulgence may be gained when, after confes-
sion, they shall fulfil their Easter duty.
An indulgence of three hundred days to all the faithful
who, any week, from three o'clock on Friday until Sunday
morning, shall, for an hour, or at least for half an hour, unite
with the blessed Virgin in sorrow, by meditation, or pious prayers.
A plenary indulgence, on one of the last days of the month,
to those who shall have practised this devotion every week,
provided they shall go to confession and communion.
These indulgences were confirmed forever by the same Pontiff,
by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, June 18 1822.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript from the Office
of the Secretary of Memorials, Mar. 21, 181 5, granted for teu
years toall the faithful who, either in public or in private, shall

honor the blessed Virgin with some special homage and devout
prayers, or the practice of other virtuous acts
An indulgence of three hundred days, every day.
A plenary indulgence, once in this month, or according
to the rule already established on one of the first eight days
of June, on the day when, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, they shall pray for the intention of His

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By a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, June 18, 1822,

the same Sovereign Pontiff confirmed forever these indulgences.


B. V. M. Luc. i.
Ant. Mariae nomen. Ant. Thenameof Mary.
Magnificat anima mea My soul doth magnify
Dorainum. the Lord.
Et exultavit spiritus And my spirit hath re-
metis in Deo salutari meo. joiced in God my Saviour.
Quia respexit humilita- Because he hath re-
tem ancillae suae ecce garded the humility of his

enim ex hoc beatam me handmaid for behold


dicent omnes genera- from henceforth all gener-

tiones. ations shall call me blessed.
Quia mihi magna,
fecit Because he that is
qui potens est, et sanctum mighty hath done great
nomen ejus. things to me and holy:

is his name.
Et misericordia ejus a And his mercy is from
progenie in progenies ti- generation unto genera-
mentibus eum. tion, to them that fear
Fecit potentiam in He hath showed might
brachio suo :dispersit su- in his arm ; he hath
perbbs mente cordis sui. scattered the proud in the
conceit of their heart.
*;I)eposiiit potentes de He hath put down the
setfe, et exaltavit humiles. mighty from their seat,
and hath exalted the hum-

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Esurientes i m
p1e vi t He hath filled the hun-
bonis, et divites dimisit gry with good things:
inanes. and the rich he hath sent
empty away.
Suscepit Israel puerum He hath received Israel
suum, recordatus miseri- his servant, being mindful
cordiae suae. of his mercy.
Sicut locutus est ad As he spoke to our
patres nostros, Abraham fathers, to Abraham and
et semini ejus in saecula. his seed forever.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. Marias no men Ant. The name of Mary
cunctas illustrat ecclesias, illumines all churches : he
cui fecit magna, qui potens that is mighty hath done
est, et sanctum nomen great things to her, and
ejus. holy is his name.

JPs. 119.

Ant. A solis ortu. Ant. From the rising

of the sun.

Ad Dominum cum tri- In my trouble I cried

bularer, clamavi : et ex- to the Lord and he heard

audivit me. me.

Domine, libera animam O Lord deliver
! my
meam a labiis iniquis, et soul from wicked lips,
a lingua dolosa. and a deceitful tongue.
Quid detur tibi, aut What shall be given to
quid apponatur tibi ad thee, or what shall be
linguam dolosam ? added to thee, to a de-
ceitful tongue?
Sagittae potentis acutae, The sharp arrows of the

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cum carbonibus desola- mighty, with coals that

toriis. lay waste.
Heu mihi,
quia inco- Woe is me, that my so-
latus meus prolongatus journing is prolonged I !

est ! habitavi cum habi- have dwelt with the in-

tantibus Cedar: muitum habitants of Cedar: my
incola fuit anima mea. soul hath been long a so-
Cum his, qui oderurit With them that hated
pacem eram •
pacificus peace I was peaceable
cum loquebar illis, im- when I spoke to them
pugnabant me gratis. they fought against me
without cause.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. A solis ortu usque Ant. From the rising
ad occasum laudabile no- of the sun to the setting
men Domini, et Marias thereof, the name of the
matris ejus. Lord and of Mary his
mother is praiseworthy.


Ps. 118.

Ant. Refugium est. Ant. It is a refuge.

Retribue servo
tuo, Give bountifully to thy
vivifica me custodiam servant, enliven me and
; et :

sermones tuos. I shall keep thy words.

Revela oculos meos, et Open thou my eyes:
considerabo mirabilia de and I will consider the
lege tua. wondrous things of thy
Incola ego sum in terra I am a sojourner on the

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non abscondas a me man- earth hide not thy com- :

data tua. mandments from me.

Concupivit anima mea My soul hath coveted
desiderare justificationes to long for thy justifica-
tuas in omni tempore. tions, at all times.
Increpasti superbos Thou hast rebuked the
maledicti qui declinant a proud : they are cursed
mandatis tuis. who decline from thy
Aufer a me opprobrium, Remove • from me re-
et contemptum, quia tes- proach and contempt, be-
timonia tua exquisivi. cause I have sought after
thy testimonies.
Etenim sederunt prin- For princes sat, and
cipes, et adversus me spoke against me but thy :

loquebantur servus autem servant was employed

: in
tuus exercebatur in justi- thy justifications.
ficationibus tuis.
Nam et testimonia tua For thy testimonies are
meditatio mea est : et my meditation and : thy
consilium meum justifica- justifications my counsel.
tiones tuas.
Ad haesitpavimento ani- My soul hath cleaved ot
ma mea: vivifica me the pavement : quicken
secundum verbum tuum. thou me according to thy
Vias meas enuntiavi, et I have declared my ways,
exaudisti me : doce me and thou hast heard me
justificationes tuas. teach me thy justifications.
Viam Make me to understand
tuarum instrue the way of thy justifica-
me, et
exercebor in mirabilibus tion : and I shall be exer-
tuis. cised in thy wondrous
Dormitavit anima mea My
soul hath slumbered

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prse tgedio: confirma through meheaviness:

in verbis tuis. strengthen thou me in thy
Viam iniquitatis amove Remove from me the
a me, et de lege tua way of iniquity: and out
miserere mei. of thy law have mercy on
Viam veritatis elegi have chosen the way
judicia tua non sum of thy judgments I
truth :

oblitus. have not forgotten.

Adhaesi testimoniis tuis, I have stuck to thy tes-
Domine : con- timonies, O Lord put me
noli me !

fundere. not to shame.

Viam mandatorum tuo- I have run the way of
rum cucurri, cum dila- thy commandments, when
tasti cor meum. thou didst enlarge my
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. Refugium est in Ant. The name of Mary
tribulationibus Mariae isa refuge in tribulation!
nomen omnibus illud in- to all those that invoke
vocantibus. it. /

Ps. 125.
Ant. In uni versa terra. Ant. In the whole
In convertendo Domi- When the Lord brought
nus captivitatem Sion, back the captivity of Sion,
facti sumus sicut conso- we became like men com-
lati. forted.
Tunc repletum est Then was our mouth
gatidio os nostrum, et filledwith gladness : and
lingua nostra exultatione. our tongue with joy.

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Tunc dicent inter gen- Then shall they say

tes : magnificavit Dominus among the Gentiles The :

facere cum eis. Lord hath done great

things for them.
Magnificavit Dominus The Lord hath done
facere nobiscum : facti great things for us: we
sumus laetantes. are become joyful.
Converte, Domine, Turn again our cap-
captivitatem nostram, tivity, O Lord as
! a
sicut torrens in austro. stream in the south.
Qui seminant in lacry- They that sow in tears
mis in exultatione me- shall reap in joy.
Euntes ibant et flebant, Going they went, and
mittentes semina sua. wept, casting their seeds.
Venientes autem veni- But coming they shall
ent cum exultatione, por- come with joyfulness,
tantes manipulos suos. carrying their sheaves.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. In uni versa terra Ant. In the whole
Admirable est nomen earth, O Mary thy name !

luum, O Maria. is admirable.

Ps. 122.

Ant. Annuntiaverunt. Ant. They have an-

Ad te levavi oculos To thee have I lifted
meos, qui habitas in ccelis. up my eyes, who dwellest
in heaven.
Ecce sicut oculi servo- Behold as the eyes of
rum in manibus domi- servants are on the hands
norum suorum. of their masters
Sicut oculi ancillae in As the eyes of the hand-

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manibus dominae suae ; maid are on the hands of

oculi nostri ad Dominum her mistress, so are our
Deum nostrum, donee eyes unto the Lord our
misereatur nostri. God, until he have mercy
on us.
Miserere nostri Domine, Have mercy on us, O
miserere -nostri, quia mul- Lord have mercy on us,

tum repleti sumus despec- for we are greatly filled

tione. with contempt.
Quia multum repleta For our soul is greatly
est anima nostra :oppro- filled we are a reproach

brium abundantibus, et to the rich, and contempt

despectio superbis. to the proud.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,

Ant. Annuntiaverunt Ant. The heavens have

cceli nomen Marias, et announced the name of
viderunt omnes populi Mary, and all people have
gloriam ejus. seen her glory.
V. Sit nomen virgin is V. Blessed be the name
Mariae benedictum. of the Virgin Mary.
R. Ex hoc nunc et R. From henceforth
usque in sasculum. and for evermore.
Concede, quaesumus, Grant, we beseech thee,
omnipotens Deus, ut fide- almighty God, that we thy
lestui, qui subsanctissimae faithful people, who rejoice
virginis Mariae nomine et in the name and protection
protectione laetantur, ejus of the most holy Virgin
pia intercessione a cunc- Mary, may by her laying
tis malis liberentur in intercession_be delivejsd
terris, et ad gaudia aeterna from all evils Jiere on '

pervenire mereantur in earth, and be made worthy

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coelis. Per Christum Do- to reach eternal glory in

minum, etc. the life to come. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, June 13, 1815, granted to all the faith-

ful, every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
they shall say these psalms, with the versicles and prayer
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to those who shall,
on any day, being truly penitent, after confession and commun
ion, pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
A plenary indulgence, on the feast of the Name of Mary,
or on the Sunday within the octave of the Nativity of the
blessed Virgin Mary, to all those who, having often said these
psalms during the year, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, shall pray for the intention of the Sovereign



To be said every day.

With lowly reverence we kneel at thy feet, 0

powerful queen of heaven We humbly beseech

thee, advocate of sinners, through the precious blood

of thy divine Son, poured out for us, wretched sin-
ners, and through the intercession of thy beloved
servant, S. Catharine, that thou wouldst obtain for
us the true spirit of devotion in this holy exercise
that thou wouldst enable us to imitate thy virtues
and those of this saint, to the honor and glory of

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thine only Son, Jesus. Deign to forget our offences,

think not of our monstrous ingratitude, but bury us
in the depths of thy pity. For the sake of the love
which thou bearest thy dear S. Catharine, procure for
us the remission of our sins ; so that we may hope to
obtain what our spiritual good requires. Amen.
On the first day.

In imitation of S. Catharine, we will begin by

praising the holy mother of God, saying the Hail
Mary forty times, and as often, " Blessed be the hour,"
etc., in honor of her holy delivery, that, enjoying
her protection at the hour of death, and being truly
sorry for our sins, we may pass from this earthly
pilgrimage to the eternal delights of heaven.
On the other days.

In imitation of S. Catharine, we will continue to

praise the great mother of God, saying the Hail Mary
forty. times, and as often, "Blessed be the hour''
etc., in honor of her holy delivery, that, enjoying

her protection at the hour of death, and being truly

sorry for our sins, we may pass from this earthly
pilgrimage to the eternal delights of heaven.
On the last day.
In imitation of S. Catharine, we will finish this
devotion by praising the great mother of God, say-
ing the Hail Mary forty times, and as often, "Blessed
be the hour" etc., in honor of her holy delivery,
that,,enjoying her protection at the hour of death,
and being truly sorry for our sins, we may pass from
this earthly pilgrimage to the eternal delights of
Whilst saying the Hail Mary and "Blessea be thi

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hour" etc., ten times, we will consider the unspeak-

able mysteries of the Incarnation of the Word, and
the great dignity of the blessed Virgin in having been
chosen mother of the Most High.
Hail Mary, ten times.

Say at the end of each Hail Mary : Blessed be the

hour, O Mary ! in which thou didst become the
mother of Jesus, Son of God.
Whilst saying the Hail Mary and
"Blessed be the
hour" etc;, ten times, we on the hu-
will meditate
mility of the King of heaven, who chose to be born
in a wretched hovel, and the joy Mary had in seeing
the only-begotten of the Father born of her.
Hail Mary, ten times.

Say end of each Hail Mary : Blessed be the

at the
hour, O Mary in which thou didst become the

mother of Jesus, Son of God.

Whilst saying the Hail Mary and "Blessed be the
hour" etc., ten times, we
contemplate the exact
diligence of the blessed Virgin, when she fulfilled so
perfectly the duties of Mary and Martha, meditating
upon her Son and Redeemer, and caring for him in
his childhood.
Hail Mary, ten times.

Say end of each Hail Mary : Blessed be the

at the
hour, O Mary in which thou didst become the

mother of Jesus, Son of God.

Whilst saying the Hail Mary and " Blessed be the

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hour,** etc., ten times,we will reflect upon the great

reverence with which Mary pressed him to her heart
rather than to her bosom, embraced and kissed him,
adoring him as her God and ours, become man for
love of us ; wherefore, with devout respect and affec-
tion, we will say

Hail Mary, ten times.

Say at the end of each Hail Mary : Blessed be

the hour, O Mary !which thou didst become the
mother of Jesus, Son of God.

Then is said:

Praise be to God, that, in imitation of S. Catharine,

we have begun (on the first day) we have continued —
(on the other days) —
we have ended (on the last day}
this pious exercise.
remains for us only to beg the queen of angels,

that, in return for the Hail Mary and " Blessed be

the hour, etc., which we have said so often, she
would deign, as mother of the child Jesus, to obtain
for us these two graces first, that we may be truly

penitent for our sins ; secondly, that at our death we

may be surely saved. Hence, let every one, in imi-
tation of S. Catharine, invoke her, saying

Eia ergo, advocata nos- Turn, then, our advo-

tuos misericordes cate, thine eyes of mercy
tra, illos

oculos ad nos converte. upon us. And, after this-

Et Jesum benedictum our exile is over, show
fructum ventris tui nobis unto us the blessed fruit
post hoc exilium ostende, of thy womb, Jesus, O
0 clemens, O pia, O dul- clement, O pious, O sweet
cis virgo Maria. Virgin Mary 1

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Then say the Litany , and afterward:
V. Dignare me laudare V. Deign that I may
te, virgo sacrata. praise thee, O sacred
Virgin !

R. Da mihi virtutem R. Give me strength

contra hostes tuos. against thine enemies.


Deus, qui de beatse O God, who wast
Mariae virginis utero Ver- pleased that thy Word, at
bum tuum angelo nun- the message of an angel,
tiante, earn em suscipere should take flesh in the
voluisti praesta suppli- womb of the blessed Vir-

cibus tuis, ut qui vere earn gin Mary grant to us, thy !

genitricem Dei credimus, suppliants, that we, who

ejus apud te intercessioni- believe her to be truly the
bus adjuvemur. mother of God, may be
assisted by her intercession
with thee.
Conscientias nostras, Purify, Lord ! our O
quaesumus Domine, visi- consciences by thy holy
tando purifica, ut veniens visitations, that thy Son
Jesus Christus Filius tuus Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Dominus noster, cum om- coming with all the saints,
nibus Sanctis, paratam sibi may find in us a dwelling
in nobis inveniat man-
spared for him. Who
sionem. Qui tecum vivit eth and reigneth with
et regnat in saecula saecu- thee, for ever and ever.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 14, 1 81 5, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall perform
this pious devotion, in preparation for the feast of Christmas:
An indulgence of one hundred days, every time.

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A plenary indulgence to all those who shall perform it foi

at least twenty days, if, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, they shall visit a church and pray there, for some
time, for the intention of his Holiness


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a brief, Dec. 1, 1815, in
order to increase, in all the faithful, devotion toward the sor-
rows of the most holy Virgin Mary, and to excite in them grate-
ful recollection of the passion of her Son Jesus, granted to
those who, with contrite heart, shall say the Hail Mary, seven
times-, and after each Hail Mary, the stanza,
Sancta mater istud agas, Bid me bear, O mother
Crucifixi fige plagas On my heart the wounds
Cordi meo valide. Suffered by the
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on any one day, in each month,
to those who shall have practised this devotion for a month, if,

being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they

shall pray for holy Church, etc.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, June 18, 1876, confirmed these indulgences.
In order to increase the devotion of the faithful toward the
sacred sorrowing heart of most holy Mary, and, at the same
time, make some compensation for the many offences which

are committed against God on the days of the Carnival, the

Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., first by a rescript for ten years

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(Dec. 9, 1815), then by a rescript forever (June 18, 1822), o(

the S. Congr. of Indulgences, granted

An indulgence of three hundred days to all the faith-
ful, every time that they shall assist at any devout exercise in

honor of the sorrows of the most holy Virgin Mary, on the last ten
days of the Carnival, in any church, or public or private oratory.
A plenary indulgence to those who shall assist at this de-
votion at least five times, on the day when, being truly peni-
tent, after confession and communion, they shall pray for the
wants of the Church and for the intention of his Holiness,
/ Commonly called the Litany of Loretto.
Ryrie eleison. Lord have mercy.
Christe eleison. Christ have mercy.
Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy.
Christe audi nos. Christ, hear us.
Christe exaudi nos. Christ, graciously hear
Pater de ccelis Deus, God the Father of heav-
miserere nobis. en, have mercy on us.
Fili Redemptor mundi God the Son, Redeemer
Deus, miserere nobis. of the world, have
mercy on us.
Spiritus Sancte Deus, God the Holy Ghost,
miserere nobis, have mercy on us.
Sancta Trinitas, unus Holy one God,
Deus, miserere nobis. have mercy on us.
Sancta Maria, O Holy Mary,
Sancta Dei genitrix, 3 Holy mother of
"1 God,
Sancta virgo virgi- 3 Holy virgin of vir-
num, O gins,
cr s
Mater Christi, Mother of Christ,

by Google
> *
Mater divinae gratiae, Mother of divine
Mater purissima, Mother most pure,
Mater castissima, Mother most
Mater inviolata, Mother inviolate,
Mater intemerata, Mother undefiled,
Mater amabilis, Mother most amia-
Mater admirabilis, Mother most ad-
Mater Creatoris, Mother of our
Mater Salvatoris, Mother of our
O Saviour,
Virgo prudentissima, 3 Virgin most pru-
Virgo veneranda, Virgin most ven-
Virgo praedicanda, Virgin most re-
Virgo potens, Virgin most
Virgo clemens, Virgin most
Virgo fidelis, Virgin most
Speculum justitiae, Mirror df justice,
Sedes sapientiae, Seat of wisdom,
Causa nostras laetitiae, Cause of our joy,

Vas spirituale, Spiritual vessel,

Vas honorabile, Vessel of honor,
Vas insigne devo- Singular vessel of
tionis, devotion,

by Google

Rosa mystica, Mystical rose,

Turn's Davidica, Tower of David,
Turris eburnea, Tower of ivory,
Domus aurea, House of gold,
Foederis area, Ark of the cove-
Janua cceli, Gate of heaven,
Stella matutina, Morning star,
Salus infirmorum, Health of the sick,
Refugium peccato- Refuge of sinners,
Consolatrix afflicto- Comforter of the
rum. afflicted,
Auxilium christia- Help of Chris-
norum, tians,
Regina angelorum, p Queen of angels,
Regina patriarcha- *g Queen of patri-
rum, 3 archs,
Regina prophetarum, g- Queen of proph-
et ets,
Regina apostolorum, Queen of apos-
Regina martyrum, Queen of mar-
Regina confessorum, Queen of con-
Regina virginum, Queen of virgins,
Regina sanctorum Queen of all saints,
Regina sine labe Queen conceived
originali concepta, without original
Regina sacratissimi Queen of the most
Rosarii, holy Rosary,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis Lamb of God, who tafc

by Google


peccata mundi, parce est away the sins of

nobis, Domine. the world, spare us, O
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who tak-
cata mundi, exaudi nos, est away the sins of
Domine. the world, graciously
hear us, O Lord.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis Lamb of God, who tak-
peccata mundi, mise- est away the sins of
rere nobis. < the world, have mercy
on us.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Sept. 30, 18 17, not only confirmed the indul-
gence of two hundred days granted by Sixtus V. and Benedict
XIII., but extended it to :

Three hundred days, every time that, with at least con-

trite heart and devotion, the litany of the blessed Virgin is said.
He granted/moreover, to all who shall say it daily, as directed
A plenary indulgence on the five feasts of obligation of
our blessed Lady, viz., the Immaculate Conception, the Na-
tivity, the Annunciation, the Purification, and the Assumption,
on condition that, on each of these five days, being truly peni-
tent, after confession and communion, they shall visit a public
church and pray there devoutly for the intention of his Holi-


Mother of God, most holy Mary, how often by my
sins have I merited hell ! Ere now the judgment
had gone forth against my first mortal sin, hadst_not /

thqjk in thy tender pity, stayed awhile God's justice, iT^'

and then, softening my hard heart, drawn me on to

^ dbyUoogle
^^gi^Jedby (

take confidence in thee ! And oh how often, in !

dangers which beset my steps, had I fallen, hadst not

thou, loving mother that thou art, preserved me by
thy graces which thou didst obtain for me. My
queen, what will thy pity and thy favor have availed
me, if I perish in the flame of hell ? If ever I have
not loved thee, now, after God, I love thee above all
things. Ah suffer not that I turn away from thee

and from God, who through thee had granted me so

many mercies. Lady most worthy of all love, suffer
not that I be doomed to hate and curse thee forever
in hell. Couidest thou bear to see a servant whom
thou lovest lost forever ? O
Mary say not so. Say !

not that I shall be among the lost yet lost am I as- !

suredly, if I abandon thee. But who can have the

heart to leave thee ? How
can 1 ever forget the love
which thou hast borne me ? No, it is impossible for
him to perish who hath recourse to thee, and who
with loyal heart confides in thee. Leave me not to
myself, my mother, or I am lost. Let me ever have
recourse to thee Save me, my hope save me from
! !

hell, and first from sin, which alone can cause my

eternal ruin.

Three Hail, Holy Queen, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, May 15, 1821, granted :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to

those who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say
this prayer, together with the Salve Regina, three times.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall

practise this devotion, every day for a month, on any day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall

pray, for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.

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I. Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship thee
above all the angels and saints in paradise as the
daughter of the eternal Father, and to thee I conse-
crate my soul and all its powers.
Hail Mary, etc.

II. Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship

thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the
mother of the only-begotten Son, and to thee I con-
secrate my body with all its senses.
Hail Mary, etc.

III.Holiest Virgin, with all my heart I worship

thee above all the angels and saints in paradise as the
spouse of the Holy Ghost, and to thee I consecrate
my heart and all its affections, praying thee to obtain
for me from the ever-blessed Trinity all the graces
which I need for my salvation.
Hail Mary, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a rescript, Oct. 21, 1823,

granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite

heart and devotion, they shall say these three prayers, with her
Hail Mary> three times, to the blessed Virgin, to obtain her
protection in the practice of all holy virtues, and especially of
An indulgence of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence to those who, having said them as
directed above, for a month, shall, at the end df the month, on
any day, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
These indulgences, both plenary and partial, were confirmed
anew and forever by his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript
of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, June 18, 1876.

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Most holy Virgin, mother of the incarnate Word,
treasure-house of grace, and refuge of us, wretched
sinners, with lively faith we have recourse to thy
motherly love, and ask of thee the grace of ever do-
ing God's will and thine. In thy most holy hands
we place our hearts, and of thee we ask health of
body and soul ; and, as we have the sure hope that
thou, our most loving mother, wilt hear us, we say to
thee with lively faith :

Hail Mary, three times.


Defende, quaesumus Defend, we beseech
Domine, ab omni infirmi- thee, O Lord through !

tate, beata Maria semper the intercession of the

Virgine intercedente, fa- blessed Mary, ever virgin,
mulos tuos ; et toto corde thy servants from all in-
tibi prostratos ab hostium firmity ; and mercifully
propitius tuere clementer deign to guard them, pros-
insidiis. Per Christum trate in the sincerity of
Dominum nostrum. R. their hearts before thee,
Amen. against the snares of the
enemy. Through Christ
our Lord. JR. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Aug. 11, 1824, confirmed forever:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all
and devotion, shall say
those who, with at least contrite heart
these prayers.
This indulgence had been granted before, viva vocis oracuio,
by the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII.

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O excellentissima, glo- O
most excellent, most
riosissima atque sanctis- glorious, most holy and
sima semper intemerata ever inviolate blessed Vir-
virgo Maria, mater Domi- gin Mary, mother of our
ni nostri Jesu Christi, Lord Jesus Christ, queen
regina mundi et totius of the world and mistress
creaturae domina, quae of all creatures Thou !

nullum derelinquis, nullum who forsakest no one,


despicis, nullum qui ad te despisest no one, who

puro et humili corde re- leavest in sadness none
currit desolatum dimittis, who seek help at thy
noli me despicere propter hands with pure and lowly
innumerabilia et gravis- hearts, do not abandon
sima peccata mea, noli me because of the number
me derelinquere propter and hatefulness of my sins,
duritiam et immunditiam nor on account of the
cordis mei; ne abjicias hardness and uncleanness
me famulum tuum a gratia of my heart; do not re-
tua et amore .tuo. Ex- fuse me, thy servant, a
audi me miserum pecca- share in thy favor and thy
torem in tua misericordia love. Hear me, a wretched
et pietate confidentem, sinner, who trusts in thy
succurre mihi, piissima mercy and pity. Help
virgo Maria, in omnibus me, O
most loving Virgin
tribulationibus, angustiis, Mary ! in all my perils
et necessitatibus meis, et and needs, and obtain for
impetra mihi a dilecto me from thy beloved Son,
Filio tuo, omnipotente our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Deo et Domino nostro Jesu forgiveness of ail my sins,
Christo, indulgentiam et the grace of the fear and
remissionem omnium love of thee, chastity in
peccatorum meorum et body, and deliverance

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gratiam timoris et amoris from all the dangers which

tui, sanitatem quoque et beset both soul and body.
castitatem corporis, et
liberationem ab omnibus
malis et periculis animae
et corporis.
In extremis rr.eis esto In the last moments of
mini pia auxiliatrix be thou my kind
et my life
animam meam ac animas helper, and save from
omnium parentum meo- eternal darkness, and from
rum, fratrum, sororum, et evil of every kind my poor
amicorum, consanguineo- soul, and the souls of my
rum et benefactorum meo- parents, brothers, sisters,
rum, omniumque fidelium friends, relatives, and
vivorum et defunctorum benefactors, together with
ab seterna caligine et ab the souls of all the faith-
omni malo libera, illo ful, both living and dead,
auxiliante, quern in tuo through the grace of him
sanctissimo utero novem whom
for nine months
mensibus portasti thou didst bear in thy
et in
prsesepe tuis Sanctis mani- most holy womb, and
bus reclinasti, Dominum whom thou didst place
nostrum Jesum Christum with thy holy hands in
Filium tuum, qui est the manger, Jesus Christ
benedictus in saecula our Lord, to whom be all
saeculorum. Amen. honor given for endless
ages. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Jan. 30, 1828, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who*
having said it every day for a month, shall, on the last day of
^the month, or on one of the eight days immediately following,

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being truly penitent, after confession and communion, visit a

church or public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the
intention of his Holiness.


Virgin mother of God, most holy Mary, secure
refuge of sinners to thee, who art, after God, our

hope and consolation in this place of exile, to

thee I have recourse with sincere confidence, though
most undeserving of thy patronage. I know, on the
one hand, how much I stand in need of being con-
verted from my heart out, yet, on the other the
heinousness of my crimes strikes me with terror. To
thee, then, I betake myself, to thee who art our
sovereign mediator with thy dear son Jesus, as he
is with his eternal Father. To thee, after Jesus,
must I look for my amendment. Vouchsafe then, O
mother of mercy to obtain for me the grace of a

true and lasting conversion. I wish to change my

life entirely. In this I am sincere; but my evil
habits and the ill use I have made of so many saving
inspirations, the multitude and heinousness of my
sins, and the bonds by which the world holds me,
while they render amendment difficult, call for thy
special assistance. Grant it to me in spite of my un-
worthiness. In thee I trust do thou not reject me.

Although deserving of eternal punishment, I throw

myself at thy feet, sorrowful and repentant. My sins,
1 own, have taken from me the strength which grace
imparts, have cast me out from among the adopted
sons of God, have deprived me of the right to ever-
lasting happiness, and drawn on me, instead, the wrath
of heaven. Tell me what I must do to regain the
friendship of thy Son Jesus. Beg of him, by his

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precious blood, his bitter passion, and cruel death on

the cross, to pardon my offences, and he will pardon
them. Tell him thy desire for my salvation, and he
will save me. But, as I can still fall into sin and lose
the life of grace amid the dangers which encompass
me, ever watch thou over me, and I shall surely
triumph over the enemies who incessantly work for
my ruin. Instil into my heart a lively faith, a firm
hope, an ardent charity, and all the virtues suitable
to my state of life, and obtain for me constancy in
good, and final perseverance. In fine, be thou my
loving mother here below, and my advocate at the
hour of death, that I may be of the number of those
to whom thy divine Son will say: "Come, ye blessed
of my Father, possess the kingdom prepared for
you." Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 30, 1828, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall say
it, every day for a month, on the last day of the month, or one
of the eight days immediately following, if being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, they shall visit a church or
public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the intention
of his Holiness.
Some churches having introduced the praiseworthy and salu-
tary custom of remembering the sorrows of the mother of God,
by visiting on certain fixed days and with certain determined
prayers the so-called Stations of the Way of the Sorrowful
Mother, the Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., to animate more
and more the piety of the faithful for this pious exercise, by
brief of July 13, 1837, granted^and Leo XIII., by a rescript of

the S. Congr. of Indulgences, July 23, 1898, modifying some-

what the conditions, confirmed,
A plenary indulgence to those who, truly penitent, after
confession and communion, shall visit devoutly, once a day on
seven different days, some church where these stations exist,
and pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
An indulgence of seven years and as many quaran-
tines to those who fulfil the above conditions once a day.
According to a brief of May 8, 1884, of his Holiness, Pope
Leo XIII., in order to gain the indulgences above referred to,
Tt is necessary that the Stations of the Way of the Sorrowful
Mother should have been duly erected and blessed, either by
the Prior-General,pro tempore, of the order of the Servants of
Mary; or by his Vicar, pro tempore; or, by some ecclesiastic to
whom the above-named Prior-General, or his Vicar, had dele-
gated the faculty.




All praise and thanksgiving be to the ever-blessed

Trinity, who hath manifested to us Mary, ever vir-
gin, clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her
feet, and on her head a mystic crown of twelve stars.
R. For ever and ever. Amen.
Let us praise and give thanks to God the Father,
who chose her for his daughter.
R, Amen,
Our Father.
Praisebe to God the Father, who predestined her
to be the mother of his Son.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.

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Praise be to God the Father, who saved her from

all stain in her conception.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary,
Praise be to God the Father, who, on her birth-
day, adorned her with his choicest gifts.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.
Pi-aise be to God
the Father, who gave her S.

Joseph for her pure spouse and companion.

R. Amen.
Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

Let us praise and give thanks to God the Son, who

chose her for his mother.
R. Amen.
Our Father.
Praise be to Son, who became incarnate
God the
womb, and dwelt there for nine months.
in her
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.
Praise be to God the Son, who was born of her,
and nourished with her milk.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.
Praise be to God the Son, who, in his. childhood,
willed that Mary should teach him.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.
Praise be to God the Son, who revealed to her the
mysteries of the redemption of the world.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

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Let us praise and give thanks to God the Hoi

Ghost, who made her his spouse.
R. Amen.
Our Father.

Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, who first re-

vealed to her his name of Holy Ghost.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.

Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, through whose

operation she was at once virgin and mother.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.

Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, through whom

she became the living temple of the most holy Trinity.
R. Amen.
Hail Mary.

Praise be to God the Holy Ghost, by whom she

was exalted in heaven high above all creatures.
R. Amen.

Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

For the holy Catholic Church, for the propagation

of the faith, for peace among Christian" princes, and
for the uprooting of all heresy.

Hail, holy Queen, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a decree of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 8, 1838, granted to all the faithful
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say thia

An indulgence of a hundred days.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by rescript, March 17,

1856, and Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indul-
gences, July 23, 1898, confirming it, granted
A plenary INDULGENCE once a month on any day of the
month to all those who shall have recited the above chaplet
svery day of the nonth, with the usual conditions confession, —
communion and prayer for the intention ol the Sovereign

Memorare, O piissima Remember, O most
virgo Maria, non esse au- gracious Virgin Mary 1

ditum a sseculo quemquam that never was it known

ad tua currentem praesidia, that any one who fled to
tua implorantem auxilia, thy protection, implored
tua petentem suffragia, thy help, and sought thy
esse derelictum. Ego tali intercession, was left un-
animatus confidentia, ad aided. Inspired with this
te, virgo virginum, Mater, confidence, I fly unto
curro, ad te venio, coram thee, O Virgin of virgins,
te gemens peccator as- my mother To thee I !

sisto; noli, mater Verbi, come ; before thee I stand,

verba mea despicere, sed sinful and sorrowful. O
audi propitia, et exaudi. mother of the Word in-
Amen. carnate ! despise not my
petitions, but, in thy
mercy, hear and answer
me. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Dec. 11, 1846, granted to all the faithful every
time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall
say this prayer
An indulgence df three hundred days;
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who,
having said it at least once a day for a month, on any day,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, shall visit
a church or public orntory, and pray there, for some time, for
the tuition of Hi^ Hu'iness.

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: ;


Ave, augustissima re- Hail, august queen of
gina sanctissima peace hail, holiest mother
pacis, !

raater Dei, per sacratissi- of God by the sacred


mum cor Jesu Filii tui heart of Jesus, thy Son,

principis pacis, fac ut the Prince of peace, grant
quiescat ira ipsius, et re- that his anger may end,
gnet super nos in pace. and that in peace he may
Memorare, O
piissima reign over us. Remem-
virgo Maria, non esse ber, O
most loving Virgin
auditum a sseculo quern- Mary that no one ever

quam tua petentem suf- sought thy mediation

fragia esse derelictum. without obtaining relief.
Ego tali animatus confi- Animated with this confi-
dentia ad te venio. Noli, dence, I come to thee.
mater Verbi, verba mea Do not, O
mother of the
despicere ; sed audi pro- Word despise my words !

pria, et exaudi, O but hear and grant my

clemens, O dulcis virgo prayer, O clement, O
Maria. sweet Virgin Mary
l !

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Sept. 23, 1846, granted to all the faithful, as
often as, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say
this prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence to all who shall have said it, at least
once a day, for a month, on any day, when, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, they shall visit a church or
public oratory, and pray there for the intention of his Holiness.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript given nt Gaeta,


Jun. 5, 1849, and by another of the S. Congr. of Bishops and

Regulars, Jan. 28, 1850, and finally by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faith-

ful who, devoutly and with contrite heart, shall make at any

time during the year any of the following novenas in honor of

the Blessed Virgin Mary %

with any formula of prayer, pro-
vided it be approved by competent ecclesiastical authority,
An indulgence of three hundred days, each day
A plenary indulgence, either during the course of each

novena, or upon one of the eight days immediately following,

if, truly penitent, the^ go to confession and communion, and
pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

List of these Novenas.

1. In honor of the Immaculate Concepion of the Blessed

Virgin Mary.

2. In honor of the Birth of Mary most holy.

3. In honor of the Presentation of Mary in the temple.

4. In honor of the Annunciation.

5. In honor of the Visitation.

6. In honor of Mary's holy Delivery and of the Birth of the
child Jesus.

7. In honor of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

8. In honor of the Dolors of Mary.

9. In honor of the Assumption of Mary.

10. In honor of the Sacred Heart of Mary and of her

11. In honor of the feast of the most holy Rosary of the

Blessed Virgin.

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: !


O domina mea! O My queen! my mother!
mater mea ! tibime totum
give myself entirely to
offero; atque thee ; and to show my de-
ut me tibi
probem devotum,consecro votion to thee, I consecrate
tibi hodie oculos meos, to thee this day my eyes,
aures meas, os meum, cor my ears, my mouth, my
meum, plane me totum. heart, my whole being,
Quoniam itaque tuus sum, without reserve. Where-
O bona mater, serva me, fore, good mother, as I
defende me, ut rem ac am thine own, keep me,
possessionem tuam. guard me, as thy property
and possession.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Aug. 5, 185 1, granted to all the faithful who,
with fervor and at least contrite heart, shall say, morning and
evening, one Hail Mary, together with this prayer, to implore
of the blessed Virgin victory over temptations, especially over
those against chastity
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall have said them every day for a month, on the day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they
shall visit a church or public oratory, and pray there, for some
time, for the intention of his Holiness.

O Domina mea! O My queen my mother !

mater mea memento me remember I am thine own.


tuum. Keep me, guard me, as

Serva me, defende me, thy property and posses-
ut rem et possessionem sion.
: :


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a ctecree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Aug. 85 1, granted to all the faithful
5, 1

An indulgence of forty days, every time that, when

tempted, they shall say, with at least contrite heart and devo-
tion, this ejaculation.

Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation !

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Sept. 30, 1852, granted to all the faithful, every
time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall
say this ejaculation
An indulgence of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall have said it every day for a month, on any day, when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall

visit a church or public oratory, and pray there devoutly, for

some time, for the intention of his Holiness.

O beata virgo Maria! blessed Virgin Mary!O
quis tibi digne valeat jura who can duly thank thee,
gratiarum, ac laudum or herald forth thy praises,
praeconia rependere, quae who, by the assent of thy
singulari tuo assensu mun- single will, didst rescue
do succurristi perdito? a fallen world? What
Quas tibi laudes fragilitas honor can be paid to thee
humani generis persolvat, by our weak human na-
quae solo tuo commercio ture, which, by thy in-
recuperandi aditum in- tervention alone, hath
venit ? Accipe itaque found the way to return
quascumque exiles, quas- to grace and life? Ac-

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cumque mentis tuis im- cept, then, such poor

pares gratiarum actiones, thanks as we have here to
et cum susceperis vota, offer, unequal to thy
culpas nostras orando ex- merits though they be
cusa. Admitte nostras and, accepting our good
preces intra sacrarium desires, obtain by thy
exauditionis, et reporta prayers the remission of
nobis antidotum recon- our offences. Graciously
ciliation is. Sit per te ex- hear our prayers, and
cusabile, quod per te in- obtain for us the remedy
gerimus; fiat impetrabile of reconciliation. May
quod fidamente poscimus. the offering we make to
Accipe qtfod offerimus, God through thee, through
redona quod rogamus, thee be acceptable in his
excusa quod timemus, sight ; and may that be
quia tu es spes unica pec- granted which we ask
catorum. Per te spera- with trustful heart. Ac-
mus veniam delictorum,. cept our offerings, grant
et in te, beatissima, nos- us our petitions, banish
trorum est expectatio our fears ; for thou art the
praemiorum. Sancta sole hope of sinners.
Maria succurre miseris, Through thee we hope for
juva pusillanimes, refove forgiveness of our sins;
fiebiles, ora pro populo, and in thee, most blessed
interveni pro clero, in- Lady, is the hope of our
tercede pro devoto femi- reward. Holy Mary,
neo sexu sentiant omnes
: succor the wretched, help
tuum juvamen, quicumque the fainthearted, comfort
celebrant tuam sanctam the sorrowful, pray for the
commemorationem. As- people, shield the clergy,
siste parata votis poscen- intercede for holy women ;

tium, etreporta nobis let all who celebrate thy

optatum effectum. Sint holy commemoration feel
tibi studia assidua, orare thy protection. Be thou
pro populo Dei, quae at hand, ready to aid our

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meruisti, benedicta, Re- prayers, and obtain for us

demptorem ferre mundi, what we desire. Make it
qui vivit et regnat in thy care, blessed Lady,
saecula sseculorum. Amen. to intercede ever for the
people of God — thou who
didst deserve to bear the
Redeemer of the world,
who liveth and reigneth,
for ever and ever. Amen.
His Holiness, Pius IX., by a rescript from the Office of the

Secretary of Memorials, May 19, 1854, granted :

An indulgence of fifty days to all the faithful, as often

as, with at least contrite heart and devotion they shall say this

Most holy and immaculate Virgin O my mother !

thou who art the mother of my Lord, the queen of

the world, the advocate, hope, and refuge of sinners
I, the most wretched among them, now come to
thee. I worship thee, great queen, and give thee
thanks for the many favors thou hast bestowed on me
in the past ; most of all, do I thank thee for having
saved me from hell, which I had so often deserved. I
love thee, lady most worthy of all love, and, by the
love which I bear thee, I promise ever in the future to
serve thee, and to do what in me lies to win others to
thy love. In thee I put all my trust, all my hope of sal-
vation. Receive me as thy servant, and cover me with
the mantle of thy protection, thou who art the mother
of mercy And since thou hast so much power with

God, deliver me from all temptations, or at least ob-

tain for me the grace ever to overcome them. From
thee I ask a true love of Jesus Christ, and the grace

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of a happy death. O my mother by thy love for !

God, I beseech thee to be at all times my helper, but,

above all, at the last moment of my life. Leave me
not until you see me safe in heaven, there for endless
ages to bless thee, and sing thy praises. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Sept.

7, 1854, granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, they shall say this prayer before an
image or picture of the blessed Virgin
An indulgence of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who,
having said it every day for a month, being truly penitent, after
confession and communion, shall pray for the needs of the
Church, and for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

To thee, O Virgin mother, never touched by stain
of sin, actual or venial, I recommend and confide
the purity of my heart.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of the Propaganda Fide, Nov. 26, 1854, granted:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all
the faithful who, devoutly and with contrite heart, recite this


V. Deus in adjutorium V. Incline unto my aid,
meum intende. O God !

R. Domine ad adju- R, O Lord 1 make haste

vandum me festina. to help me.

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V. Gloria Patri, etc. V. Glory be to the

Father, etc.
F. Sicut erat, etc. F. As it was, etc.

I. Immaculate virgin, who, conceived without sin,

didst direct every movement of thy most pure heart
to that God who was ever the object of thy love, and
who wast ever most submissive to his will: obtain
for me the grace to hate sin with my whole heart, and
to learn of thee to live in perfect resignation to the
will of God.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, seven times.

Heart transpierced with pain and woe

Set my heart with love aglow.

II. I marvel, Mary, at thy deep humility, through

which thy blessed heart was troubled at the gracious
message brought thee by Gabriel, the archangel, that
thou wast chosen mother of the Son of the Most
High, and through which thou didst proclaim thyself
his humble handmaid wherefore, in great confusion

at the sight of my
pride, I ask thee for the grace of
a contrite and humble heart, that, knowing own my
misery, I may obtain that crown of glory promised
to the truly humble of heart.
Our Father; etc., Heart, etc.

III. Blessed virgin, who in thy sweetest heart didst

keep, as a precious treasure, the words of Jesus, thy
Son, and, pondering on the lofty mysteries they con-
tained, didst learn to live for God alone : how doth
my cold heart confound me O
dearest mother get
! !

me grace so to meditate within my heart upon God's

holy law, that I may strive to follow thee in the fer-
vent practice of every Christian virtue.
Our Father, etc., Heart, etc.

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IV. Glorious queen of martyrs, whose sacred heart

was pierced in thy Son's bitter passion by the sword,
whereof the holy old man Simeon had prophesied
gain for my heart true courage and a holy patience
to bear the troubles and misfortunes of this miserable
life, that so, by crucifying my flesh with its desires,
while following the mortification of the cross, I may,
indeed, show myself to be a true son of thine.
Our Father, etc., Heart, etc.

V. O Mary, mystical rose, whose loving heart,

burning with the living fire of charity, did accept us
for thy sons at the cross's foot, becoming thus our
tender mother make me feel the sweetness of thy

maternal heart and thy power with Jesus, that, when

menaced by the perils of this mortal life, and most
of all in the dread hour of death, my heart, united
with thine, may love my Jesus then and through all
ages. Amen.
Our Father, etc., Heart, etc.

Let us now turn to the most sacred heart of Jesus,

that he mayinflame us with his holy love.
O divine heart of Jesus to thee I consecrate my-

self, full of deep gratitude for the many blessings I

have received and daily do receive from thy boundless
charity. With my whole heart I thank thee for hav-
ing, in addition to them all, vouchsafed to give me thy
own most holy mother, giving me to her as a son, in
the person of the beloved disciple. Let my heart
ever burn with love for thee, finding in thy sweetest
heart its peace, its refuge, and its happiness.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec. 1 1, 1854, granted to all the faithful who,
1 with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this little
I chaplet:

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An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
have the pious custom of saying it every day for a month, on
any day, when, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, they shall visit a church or public oratory, and pray
there devoutly, for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
the Holy Ghost. Amen.
First set. —
Blessed be the holy and immaculate
conception of the most blessed Virgin Mary.
Then say the Our Father once the Hail Mary four times, and

the Glory be to the Father once.

Second —
set. Blessed be the holy, etc. : one Our
Father, etc., as before.
Third sst, —Blessed be the holy, etc. , etc. , as before.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, June 22, 1855, granted
to all the faithful who shall say this chaplet, with at least con-

trite heart and devotion, every day, for a month :

A plenary indulgence, on when, being truly peni-

the day
tent, they shall go to confession and communion.
An indulgence of three hundred days, every time they
shall say tfye chaplet, with at least contrite heart and devotion.



O Maria sine labe con- O Mary, conceived
cepta, *bra pro nobis, qui without sin, pray for us
confug.imus ad te. O who have recourse to thee.

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refugium peccatorum, O refuge of sinners,

mater agonizantium, noli mother of the agonizing,
nos derelinquere in hora do not abandon us in the
exitus nostri, sed impetra hour of our death, but
nobis dolorem perfectum, obtain for us perfect sor-
sinceram contritionem, row, sincere contrition,
remissionem peccatorum remission of our sins, a
iiostrorum, sanctissimi vi- worthy reception of the
atici dignam receptionem, most holy viaticum, the
extremae unction is sacra- strengthening effect of
menti corroborationem, the sacrament of extreme
quatenus securi praesentari unction, that we may pre-
valeamus ante thronum sent ourselves with secu-
justi, sed et misericordis rity before the throne of
judicis, Dei et Redemp- the just, but likewise
toris nostri. Amen. merciful judge, our God
and Redeemer. Amen.
Our Holy Father, Pius IX., by a rescript from the Office of
the Secretary of Briefs, March n, 1856, granted to all the
faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say
this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Dec. 9, 1856, granted
to all those who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall
practise the exercise known as The daily offering of loving
prayer andpraise, for every day in the week, to the immaculate
mother of God, etc.
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines,
once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on the feasts of the Immaculate
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Conception, of S. Joseph, S. Bonaventure (July 14), on any

day they choose during the month of May, and on another
within the octave of the feast of the Immaculate Conception, to
all those who, having, during the month preceding these feasts
and days, said these prayers every day, shall, being truly peni-
tent, after confession and communion, visit a church or public

oratory, and pray there for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, April 3, 1857, and by
a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876,
and Leo XIII., by a rescript of the same S. Congr., Jan. 27,
1888, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall practice this devout exercise in honor
of the Blessed Virgin of sorrows,
An indulgence of three hundred days, every day of
the month
A plenary indulgence once in this month, or, according
to the established rule, on one of the first eight days of October,
with the usual conditions —confession, communion and prayer for
the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff.

Kneeling thy holy feet, O gracious queen of
heaven we ! our deepest reverence.
offer thee We
confess that thou art the daughter of the eternal
Father, the mother of the divine Word, and the
spouse of the Holy Ghost. Full of grace, of virtue,
and of heavenly gifts, thou art the chaste temple of
the holy Trinity. With thee are treasured God's
mercies, and thou, too, dost dispense them. And
since thy loving heart is filled with charity, sweet-
ness, and tender compassion for us poor sinners, we
call thee mother of holy pity. With the greatest
trust, then, do I come to thee in my sorrow and


distress. I beg that thou wouldst make me confide

in thy love, by granting me if it be God's will,

and for the welfare of my soul. Cast, then, thine

eyes of pity upon me and upon all my kindred.
That I may not perish, shield me from the attacks of
the world, the flesh, and the devil, who continually
assail me. Remember, O fondest of mothers that !

we are thy children, purchased with the precious

blood of thy divine Son. Pray, without ceasing,
that the adorable Trinity may give us the grace ever
to be victorious over the devil, the world and our
unhallowed passions that grace by which the just

grow in holiness, sinners are converted, and heresy

destroyed ; by which the unbeliever is enlightened,
and the Jews brought to the true religion. Bestow
upon us this boon, O most pure Virgin through the !

infinite bounty of the Most High, through the merits

of thy Son, by the care with which thou didst nourish
him, by the devotion with which thou didst serve
him, by the love with which thou didst cherish him,
by thy tears and anguish endured in his passion.
Obtain for us the great favor that the whole world
may be made one people and one church, which shall
give thanks, praise, and glory to the most holy Trin-
ity, and to thee who art its mediator.

May the power of the Father, the wisdom of the

Son, and the virtue of the Holy Ghost, grant us this
blessing. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, March 26, i860, confirmed and, as far as necessary,
granted, anew, to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary INDULGENCE, once a month, to all who, having

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said it every day for a month, on any day, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, shall visit a church or public
oratory, and pray there devoutly, for some time, for the inten-
tion of his Holiness.
In nomine Patris, et In the name of the
Fill i et Spiritus Sancti. Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost.
Amen. Amen.
V. Deus in adjutorium V. Incline unto my aid,
meum intende. O God
F. Domine ad adju- R. O Lord ! make haste
vandum me festina. to helpme.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
I. We salute thee, most pure and holy mother of
Jesus,and humbly pray thee by thy predestination,
by which thou wast from all eternity chosen to be the
mother of God by thy immaculate conception, by

which thou wast conceived without stain of original

sin ; by that most perfect resignation, by which thou
didst ever conform to the good pleasure of God;
and, lastly, by that wonderful holiness which made
thy life a stainless one, we beeeech thee to be our
advocate with the Lord, and to obtain the forgiveness
of the sins which make us hateful to him. And thou,
omnipotent Father, through the merits of these privi-
leges, hearken to the prayers of thy beloved daughter,
and pardon her servants. Spare, O Lord spare thy !

Our Father, once ; Hail Mary, four times ; Glorj
be the Father, once.

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V. Per sanctam et im- V. By thy holy and

maculatam conceptionem immaculate conception,
tuam libera nos, gloriosa deliver us, O glorious
virgo Maria. Virgin Mary !

II. We salute thee, O most pure and most holy

mother of Jesus and we humbly beseech thee by thy

most holy Annunciation, when thou didst conceive

in thy womb the divine Word ; by thy most happy
and painless delivery ; by the perpetual virginity
allied in thee with the fruitfulness of motherhood ;
and, lastly, by that bitter agony which our Saviour's
death caused thee to undergo ; become our mediator,
in order that the precious blood of thy Son may bring
forth fruit in our souls. And thou, O Son of God !

through the merits of these privileges, hear the pray-

ers of thy beloved mother, and pardon the sins of
her servants. Spare, O Lord spare thy people.!

Our Father, once ; Hail Mary, four times ; Glory

be to the Father, once.
V. Per sanctam et im- V. By thy holy and
maculatam conceptionem immaculate conception,
tuam libera nos, gloriosa deliver us, glorious O
virgo Maria. Virgin Mary !

III. Wesalute thee, O

most pure and most holy
mother of Jesus and we humbly beseech thee by the

joys which filled thy heart at the resurrection and as-

cension of Jesus Christ; by thine own assumption
into heaven, when thou wast exalted above all the
choirs of the angels;
by the glorious title of queen
of all saints,wherewith God has honored thee and, ;

lastly, by that all-powerful mediation which enables

thee to obtain whatever thou desirest, obtain for us

true love of God. And thou, O Holy Ghost through !

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the merits of these privileges, listen to the prayers of

thy beloved spouse, and pardon her servants. Spare,
O Lord spare thy people.

Father, once \ Hail Mary, four times ; Glory
be to the Father, once.

V, Per sanctam et im- V. By thy holy and im-

maculatam conceptionem maculate conception, de-
tuam libera nos, gloriosa liver us, O glorious Virgin
virgo Maria. Mary

Ant. Conceptio t u a , Ant. Thy

Dei genitrix virgo, gau- conception, Virgin
dium annuntiavit universo Mother of God, brought
mundo ex te enim ortus
: joy to the whole world
est sol justitiae, Christus for out of thee rose the Sun
Deus noster, qui solvens of justice, Christ our God,
maledictionem, dedit who, lifting the curse from
benedictionem, et con- us, brought us blessings,
fundens mortem donavit and, putting death to
nobis vitam sempiternam. flight, gave us life eternal.
V. In conceptione tua, In thy conception,
virgo Maria, immaculata O Virgin Mary thou wast

fuisti. immaculate.
R. Ora pro nobis Pa- R. Pray for us to the
Filium Jesum Father, whose Son
ttern, cujus Jesus,
de Spiritu Sancto concep- conceived in thy womb
tum peperisti. by the Holy Ghost, thou
didst bring forth.


Deus misericordiae, O God of mercy, God
Deus pietatis, Deus in- of pity, God of pardon!
dulgentiae, qui misertus es who, having compassion
super afflictionem populi for the affliction of thy

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tui, et dixisti angelo people, didst say to the

percutienti populum tuum, angel who smote them,
Confine manum tuam : ob Stay thy hand: by thy love
amorem illius matris of that glorious mother
gloriosae cujus ubera pre- from whose precious
tiosa, contra venena nos- breasts thou didst draw
trorum delictorum, dul- sweet nourishment against
citer suxisti, praesta auxi- the poison of our sins;
lium gratiae tuae, ut ab grant the assistance of thy
omni malo secure libere- grace, that we may be
mur, eta totius perdition is freed from every evil, and
incursu misericorditer mercifully saved from the
salvemur. Qui vivis et assaults of every enemy.
regnas in saecula saecu- Who livest and reignest,
lorum. Amen. world without end. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, June 26, 1860,
granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, shall say this chaplet
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to those who, having
said it every day for a month, shall, on any day, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, visit a church or
public oratory, and pray there for peace and union among
.Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the
triumph of holy Mother Church.

O Mary, who didst come into this world free from
stain ! obtain of God for me that I may leave it with-
out sin.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript from the Office of

the Secretary of Briefs, March 27, 1863, granted to all the faith-

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fcl who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of the Propaganda, Sept. 21, 1865, having granted certain
indulgences to all the faithful who shall practise the pious
exercise of the seven consecutive Sundays in honor of the
Immaculate Conception, once, at any time of the year, by recit-

ing some devout prayers, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, July 23, 1898, modified them, granting

An indulgence of seven years, on each of the seven
A plenary indulgence, on the last of the seven Sundays,
if, being truly sorry for their sins, after confession and commu-
nion, they shall visit a church and pray there for the intention of
the Sovereign Pontiff,




Behold at thy feet, O mother of perpetual help

a wretched sinner who has recourse to thee and con-
fides in thee. O mother of mercy have pity on me. !

I hear thee called by all, the refuge and the hope of

sinners: be, then, my refuge, and .my hope. Assist
me, for the love of Jesus Christ ; stretch forth thy


hand to a miserable fallen creature who recommends

himself to thee, and who devotes himself to thy ser-
vice forever. I bless and thank almighty God, who
in mercy has given me this confidence in thee, which
I hold to be a pledge of my eternal salvation. It is
true that in the past I have miserably fallen into sin,
because I had not recourse to thee. I know that,
with thy help, I shall conquer. I know, too, that
thou wilt assist me, if I recommend myself to thee
but I fear that, in time of danger, I may neglect to
call on thee, and thus lose my soul. This grace,
then, I ask of thee, and this I beg, with all the fervor
of my soul, that, in all the attacks of hell, I may
ever have recourse to thee. O
Mary help me. O !

mother of perpetual help, never suffer me to lose my


0 mother of perpetual help grant that I may !

ever invoke thy most powerful name, which is the

safeguard of the living, and the salvation of the
dying. O purest Mary ! O sweetest Mary ! let thy
name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O
blessed Lady to succor me, whenever
! I call on thee
for, in all my
temptations, in all my needs, I shall
never cease to callon thee, ever repeating thy sacred
name, Mary, Mary. O
what consolation, what sweet-
ness, what confidence, what emotion fills my soul
when I utter thy sacred name, or even only think of
thee !I thank the Lord for having given thee, for
my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name.
But I will not be content with merely uttering thy
name. Let my love for thee prompt me ever to hail
thee, mother of perpetual help.

0 mother of perpetual help ! thou art the dispenser

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of all the gifts which God grants to us miserable sin-

ners ; and for this end he has made thee so powerful,
so rich, and so bountiful, in order that thou mayest
succor us in our misery. Thou art the advocate of
the most wretched and abandoned sinners who have
recourse to thee : come to my help, I commend my-
self to thee. In thy hands I place my eternal salva-
tion, and to thee I intrust my soul. Count me
among thy most devoted servants \ take me under
thy protection, and it is enough for me. For, if
thou protect me, I fear nothing ; not from my sins,
because thou wilt obtain for me the pardon of them;
nor from the devils, because thou art more powerful
than all hell together ; nor even from Jesus, my
judge, because by one prayer from thee he will be
appeased. But one thing I fear ; that, in the hour
of temptation, I may through negligence fail to have
recourse to thee, and thus perish miserably. Obtain
for me, therefore, the pardon of my sins, love for
Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace ever to have
recourse to thee, O
mother of perpetual help !

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.Congr.

of Rites, May 17, 1866, granted to all the faithful who, with at
least contrite heart and devotion, shall say these prayers
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, for
each of the three prayers.


O Mary, mother of mercy and refuge of sinners I
we beseech thee to look with pitying eyes on here-
tical and schismatical nations. Do thou, who art the
seat of wisdom, illumine their minds, wretchedly in-

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volved in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that

they may know the Holy Catholic, Apostolic, Roman
Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ,
out of which no sanctity or salvatipn can be found.
Finally, complete their conversion by obtaining for
them the grace to believe every truth of our holy
faith, and to submit to the Sovereign Roman
Pontiff, the vicar of Jesus Christ on earth, that thus,
being soon united to us by the bonds of divine
charity, they may make with us but one fold under
one and the same pastor, and that we may thus, O
glorious Virgin all sing exultingly forever
! "Re- :

joice, O Virgin Mary thou alone hast destroyed all


heresies in the whole world." Amen.

Hail Mary, three times.
His Holiness, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of the
Propaganda, Dec. 30, 1868, granted to all the faithful who, with

at least contrite and devotion, shall say this prayer, to-

gether with the Hail Mary, three times.

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.



immaculate Virgin Mary we thy servants, and

sons of the holy Roman Catholic Church, full of

confidence in thy powerful protection, humbly be-
seech thee that thou wouldst deign to implore of the
Holy Ghost, by the honor and glory of his eternal
procession from the Father and the Son, the abund-
ance of his gifts for our separated brethren, the
Greek schismatics, that, enlightened by his vivifying
grace, they may re-enter into the bosom of the

Catholic Church, under the infallible guidance of

her supreme pastor and teacher, the Sovereign Roman
Pontiff ; and that thus, sincerely reunited to us by the
indissoluble bonds of the same faith and the same
charity, they may, with us, glorify, by the practice
of good works, the most august Trinity, and at the
same time honor thee, O
virgin mother of God, full
of grace, now and through ail ages. Amen.
Hail Mary, three times.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, June 1 1, 1869,

granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and

devotion, shall say this prayer, together with the Hail Mary three
times, in honor of the most blessed and immaculate Virgin.
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, having
said these prayers every day, for a month, shall, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, visit a church or
public oratory, and pray there for peace and union among
•Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the tri-

umph of holy Mother Church.


AI matins and lauds.

V. Eia, mea labia, nunc V. Come, my lips, and

annunciate wide proclaim
R. Laudes et praeconia R. The blessed Virgin's
virgin is beatae. spotless fame.
V. Domina, in adjuto- V. O Lady, make speed
rium meum intende. to befriend me.
R. Mede manuhostium R. From the hands of
potenter defende. the enemy mightily defend

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V. Gloria Patri, etc. 1 V. Glory be to the

Alleluia. |
Father, etc. Alleluia.

From Septuagesima to Easter% instead of Alleluia is sai'a

Laus tibi, Domine, Rex Praise be to thee, O

seternae gloriae. Lord, King of everlasting

Salve, mundi domina, Hail, queen of the
Ccelorum regina Hail, mistress of earth
Salve, virgo virginum, Hail, virgin most pure
Stella matutina. Of immaculate birth 1

Salve plena gratia, Clear star of the morn-

Clara luce divina In beauty enshrined !

Mundi in auxilium, O Lady make speed


Domina, festina. To the help of mankind.

Ab aeterno Dominus Thee God in the depth

Te praeordinavit Of eternity chose
Matrem unigeniti And formed thee all fair,
Verbi, quo creavit As his glorious spouse ;

Terram, pontum, ae- And called thee his

thera Word's
Te pulchram ornavit Own mother to be,
Sibi sponsam, quae By whom he created
In Adam non peccavit. The earth, sky, and sea.
Amen. Amen.
V. Elegit earn Deus, V. God elected her,
et praeelegit earn. and pre-elected her.

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J?. In tabernaculo suo It. He made her to

habitare fecit earn. dwell in his tabernacle.
V. Domina, protege V. Lady! aid my O
orationem meam. prayer.
J?. Et clamor meus ad R. And let my cry
te veniat. come unto thee.
Sancta Maria, regina Holy Mary, queen of
ccelorum, mater Domini heaven, mother of our
nostri Jesu Christi, et Lord Jesus Christ, and
mundi domina, quae nul- mistress of the world, who
lum derelinquis, et nullum forsakest no one, and de-
despicis :respice me, do- spisest no one, look upon
mina, clementer oculo me, O
Lady with an eye !

pietatis, et impetra mihi of pity, and entreat for

apud tuumdilectumFilium me, of thy beloved Son,
cunctorum veniam pecca- the forgiveness of all my
torum ut qui nunc tuam sins ; that, as 1 now cele-

sanctam et immaculatam brate, with devout affec-

conceptionem d e v o t o tion, thy holy and immacu-
affectu recolo, astern ae in late conception, so, here-
futurum beatitudinis, bra- after, I may receive the
vium capiam, ipso, quern prize of eternal blessed-
virgo peperisti, donante ness, by the grace of him
Domino nostro Jesu whom thou, in virginity,
Christo qui cum Patre didst bring forth, Jesus

et Sancto Spiritu vivit et Christ our Lord : who,

regnat, in Trinitate per- with the Father and the
fecta, Deus, in saecula Holy Ghost, liveth and
saeculorum. Amen. reigneth, in perfect Trini-
ty, God, world without
end. Amen.
V. Domina, protege V. O
Lady! aid my
orationem meam. prayer.

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R. Et clamor meus ad R. And let my cry

te veniat. come unto thee.
V. Benedicamus Do- V. Let us bless the
mino. Lord.
R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God.
V. Fideliumanimaeper V. May the souls of the
roisericordiam Dei re- faithful, through the mercy
quiescant in pace. of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
At prime.
V.Domina, in adju- V. O Lady! make
torium meum intende. speed to befriend me.
R. Me de manu hos- R. From the hands of
tium potenter defende. the enemy mightily de-
fend me.
V. Gloria Patri, etc. V. Glory be to the
Alleluia. Father, etc. Alleluia.

Salve, virgo sapiens, Hail, virgin most wise !
Domus Deo dicata, Hail, Deity's shrine
Columna septemplici With seven fair pillars,
- Mensaque exornata. And table divine

Ab omni contagio Preserved from the guilt

Mundi praeservata Which hath come on us
all !

Semper sancta in utero Exempt, in the womb,

Matris, ex qua nata. From the taint of the

Tu mater viventium, O new star of Jacob,

Et porta es sanctorum : Of angels the queen !

Nova Stella Jacob, O gate of the saints !

Domina angelorum. O mother of men !

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Zabulo terribilis To Zabulon fearful

Acies castrorum As th* embattled array!
Porta et refugium Be thou of the faithful
Sis christianorum. The refuge and stay.
Amen. Amen.
V. Ipse creavit illam in V. The Lord himself
Spiritu Sancto. created her in the Holy
R. Et effudit illam JR. And poured her out
super omnia opera sua over all his works.
V. Domina, protege, V. O Lady, aid, etc.
etc. {cum oratione ut (with the prayer as above).
At tierce.
V. Domina, in adju-l V. O Lady, make speed,
torium, etc. etc.

Salve, area foederis, Hail, Solomon's throne!
Thronus Salomonis, Pure ark of the law
Arcus pulcher aetheris, Fair rainbow and bush,
Rubus visionis : Which the patriarch
saw !

Virga frondens ger- Hail, Gedeon's fleece!

Vellus Gedeonis: Hail, blossoming rod?
Porta clausa numinis, Samson's sweet honey-
comb !

Favusque Samsonis. Portal of God !

Decebat tam nobilem Well fitting it was

Natum praecavere That a son so divine
Ab originali Should preserve from al?
Labe matris Evas, Of original sin
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Almam, quam elegerat, Nor suffer by smallest

Genitricem vere, Defect to be stained
Nulli prorsus sinens That mother, whom he
Culpae subjacere. For himself had or-
Amen. Amen.
V. Ego in altissimis V. I dwell in the high-
habito. est.
R. Et thronus raeus in R. And my throne is
columna nubis. on the pillar of the clouds.
V. Domina, protege, V. O
Lady, aid, etc.
etc. {cum oration* ut (with the prayer as above).
At sext.
V. Domina, in adju- 1 V. O Lady, make speed,
torium, etc. etc.

Salve, virgo puerpera, Hail, virginal mother
Templum Trinitatis, Hail, purity's cell
Angelorum gaudium, Fair shrine, where the
Cella puritatis Loveth to dwell

Solamen mcerentium, Hail, garden of pleas-

ure !

Hortus voluptatis : Celestialbalm

Palma patientiae, Cedar of chastity
Cedrus castitatis. Martyrdom's palm!

Terra es benedicta Thou land set apart

Et sacerdotalis, From uses profane
Sancta et immunis And free from the
Culpae original is. Which in Adam began J

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Civitas altissimi, Thou city of God I

Porta orientalis Thou gate of the east
In te est omnis gratia, In thee is all grace,
Virgo singularis. O joy of the blest
Amen. Amen.
V. Sicut lilium inter V. As the lilyamong
spinas. the thorns.
JR. Sic arnica mea inter R. So is my beloved
filias Adae. among the daughters of
V. Domina, protege, V. O Lady, aid, etc.
etc. (cum oratione ut (with the prayer as above).
At none.
V. Domina, in adju-| V. O Lady, make
torium, etc. I speed, etc.
Salve, urbs refugii, Hail, city of refuge
Turrisque munita Hail, David's high
David, propugnaculis With battlements
Armisque insignita. And girded with

In conceptione Filled at thy concep-

Charitate ignita, With love and with
Draconis potestas The dragon by thee
Est a te contrita. Was shorn of his might.

O mulier fortis, O woman most valiant

Et invicta Judith O Judith thrice blest
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Pulchra Abisag virgo, As David was nursed

Verum fovens David In fair Abisag* s breast

Rachel curatorem Asthe savior of Egypt

wdEgypti gestavit Upon Rachel's knee
Salvatorem mundi So the world's great
Maria portavit. Was cherished by thee.
Amen. Amen.
V. Tota pulchra es, V. Thou art all fair,
arnica mea. my beloved.
R. Et macula originalis R. And the original
nunquam fuit in te. was never in thee.
V. Domina, protege, V. O Lady, aid, etc.
etc. (cum oratione ut (with the prayer as above).
At vespers.
V. Domina, in adju- 1 V. O Lady, make
torium, etc. I speed, etc.

Salve, horologium, Hail, dial of Achaz
Quo, retrogadiatur On thee the true sun
Sol in decern lineis Told backward the
Verbum incarnatur. Which from old he had
run !

Homo ut ab inferis And, that man might

be raised,
Ad summa attollatur, Submitting to shame,
Immensus ab angelis A little more low
Paulo minoratur. Than the angels be-

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Solis hujus radiis Thou, rapt in the blaze

Maria coruscat Of his infinite light,
Consurgens aurora Dost shine as the morn
In conceptu micat. On the confines of

Lilium inter spinas, As the moon on the lost

Quae serpentis conterat Through obscurity
Caput : pulchra ut luna The serpent's de-
stroyer !
Errantes collustrat. A lily 'mid thorns !

Amen. Amen.

V. Ego feci in ccelis, V. I made an unfail-

ut oriretur lumen indefi- ing light to arise in
ciens. heaven.
R. Et quasi nebula texi R. And as a mist I
omnem terram. overspread the whole
V. Domina, protege, V. O Lady, aid, etc.
etc. {cum oratione ut {with the prayer as above).

At compline.

V. Convertat nos, V. May Jesus Christ,

Domina, precibus thy Son, reconciled by
placatus Jesus Christus thy prayers, Lady! O
Filius tuus. convert our hearts.
R. Et avertat iram R. And turn away his
suam a nobis. anger from us.
V. Domina, in adju- V. Lady! makeO
torium meumintende. speed to befriend me.
R. Me de manu hos- R. From the hands of
tium potenter defende. the enemy mightily de-
fend me.
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V. Gloria Patri, etc. I V. Glory be to the

I Father, etc.


Salve, virgo florens, Hail, mother most

Mater illibata, Hail, virgin renowned !

Regina clement iae, Hail, queen with the

Stellis coronata. As a diadem, crowned.

Super omnes angelos Above all the angels

Pura, immaculata, In glory untold,
Atque ad regis dex- Standing next to the
teram king
Stans veste deaurata. In a vesture of gold.

Per te, mater gratiae, O mother of mercy !

Dulcis spes reorum, O star of thewave !

Fulgens Stella maris, O hope of the guilty !

Portus naufragorum. O light of the grave !

Patens coeli janua, Through thee may we

Salus infirmorum, To the haven of rest
Videamus regem And see heaven's King
In aula sanctorum. In the courts of the
blest !

Amen. Amen.
V. Oleum effusum, V. Thy name, O Mary I

Maria, nomen tuum. is as oil poured out.

It. Servi tui dilexe- R. Thy servants have
runt te nimis. loved thee exceedingly.
V. Domina, protege, V. O Lady, aid, etc.

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etc. {cum oratione ut {with the prayers and

supra). versides as above).

Supplices offerimus These praises and

Tibi, virgo pia, I lay atthy feet,
Haec laudum praeconia O Virgin of Virgins !

Fac nos ut in via O Mary most sweet

Ducas cursu prospero; Be thou my true guide
Et in agonia Through this pilgrim-
age here >
Tu nobis assist e, And stand by my side
O dulcis Maria. When death draweth
JZ. Deo gratias. £. Thanks be to God.
Ant. Haec est virga in Ant. This is the rod in
qua nec nodus originalis, which was neither knot of
nee cortex actualis culpae original sin, nor rind of
fuit. actual guilt.
V. In conceptione tua In thy conception,
virgo immaculata fuisti. O
Virgin thou wast !

R. Ora pro nobis JR. Pray for us to the
Patrem, cujus Filium Father, whose Son thou
peperisti. didst bring forth.


Deus qui per immacu- O God, who, by the
latam Virgin is concep- immaculate conception of
tionem dignum Filio tuo the Virgin, didst prepare
habitaculum praeparasti : a worthy habitation for
quaesumus, ut qui ex thy Son we beseech thee

morte ejusdem Filii tui that, as in view of the death

praevisa earn ab omni of that Son, thou didst
labe prreservasti, nos quo- preserve her from all stain

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que mundos ejus interces- of sin, so thou wouldst

sione ad te pervenire con- enable us, being made pure
cedas. Per eumdem by her intercession, to
Christum Dominum nos- come unto thee. Through
trum. the same Christ our Lord.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, March 31, 1876,
granted to all the faithful, as often as they shall say, with at
least contrite heart and devotion, the Little Office of the Im-
maculate Conception, as above
An indulgence of three hundred days.



Ant Hsec est virga in Ant, This is the rod in
qua nec nodus originalis, which was neither knot
nec cortex actualis culpae of original sin, nor rind
fuit. of actual guilt.
V. In conceptione tua V. In thy conception,
virgo immaculata fuisti. O Virgin thouw as im-

R. Ora pro nobis R. Pray for us to the
Patrem, cujus Filium Father, whose Son thou
peperisti. didst bring forth.


Deus qui per immacu- O God, who, by the
latam Virginis concep- immaculate conception of
tionem dignum Filio tuo the Virgin, didst prepare
habitaculum praeparasti a worthy habitation for thy
quaesumus, ut qui ex morte Son: we beseech thee that,
ejusdem Filii tui praevisa as in view of the death of
earn ab omni labe praeser- that Son, thou didst pre*

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vasti,nos quoque mundos serve her from all stain

ejus ad te
intercessione of sin, so thou wouldst
pervenire concedas. Per enable us, being made
eumdem Christum Domi- pure by her intercession,
num nostrum. to come unto thee.
Through the same Christ
our Lord.
R. Amen. jR. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, March 31, 1876,
granted to all the faithful, as often as they shall say, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, this anthem, versicle and prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days.


Stabat mater dolorosa See, the mother stands
Juxta crucem lacrymosa By the cross her tears out-
Dum pendebat Fi- Where her Son ex-
lms. piring hangs
Cujus an imam gementem, For her gentle spirit
Contristatam et dolentem, Anguish -smitten and be-
Pertransivit gladius. Rend the sword's
most cruel pangs.

O quam tristis et afflicta Oh how downcast and

Fuit ilia benedicta Was the mother ever
Mater unigeniti Of the sole-begotten

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Quae mcerebat,et dolebat, Who lamented and who

Pia Mater dum videbat Mother mild, as she per-
Nati poenas inclyti. Torments rack her
heavenly Son.

Quis est homo qui non Who could keep from

fleret, tears of anguish,
Matrem Christi si videret Could he see Christ's
mother languish
In tan to supplicio ? Thus in grief and
suffering wild ?
Quis non posset contris- Who
agony could his
tari smother
Christi matrem contem- Could he see his gentle
plari mother
Dolentem cum Filio? Sorrowing with her
only child?

Pro peccatis suae gentis For his people sacrificed

Vidit Jesum in tormentis, She beheld Christ ago-
Et flagellis subditum. And beneath the
scourger's rod
Vidit suum dulcem natum She beheld her offspring
Moriendo desolatum, Die forsaken and dis-
Dum emisit spiritum. As he gave his soul
to God.

Eja mater, fons amoris, Grant, O mother, love's

out-springing !

Me sentire vim doloris Me to feel thy sorrows'


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Fac, ut tecum luge- Bid me share thy cup

am. of woe.
,Fac, ut ardeat cor meum Make my heart, forever
In amando Christum Christ my God's adoring
Deum, servant,
Ut sibi complaceam. That his pleasure I
may do.

Sancta mater istud agas, Bid me bear, mother O

Crucifixi fige plagas On my heart the wounds
Cordi meo valide. Suffered by the Cru-
cified ;

Tui nati vulnerati, And thy Son's most bitter

Tarn dignati pro me pati, Racked in so remorseless
Pcenas mecum divide. All for me, with me

Fac me tecum pie flere, With the weeping in

Crucifixo condolere, With the Crucified in
Donee ego vixero. Long as life within
plays me
Juxta crucem tecum stare, By the cross with thee
Et me tibi sociare Joined with thee in grief
and plaining,
In planctu desidero. Such the boon thy
servant prays.

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Virgo virginum prae- Queen of Virgins, heav'n

clara, adorned,
Mihi jam non sis amara, Let me not of thee be
scorn eel,
Fac me tecum plan- Let me share thy
gere. grief and woe.
Fac, ut portem Christi Jesu's death my study
mortem, making,
Passion is fac consortem, In his agony partaking,
Et plagas recolere. Make me all his tor-
tures know.

Fac me plagis vulnerari, All his bitter torments

Fac me cruce inebriari, In the cross my spirit
Et cruore Filii. In this blood my
senses drown
Flam mis ne urar succen- That, all glowing with
sus, affection,
Per te, virgo, sim defen- I may find in thee protec-
sus tion
In die judicii. When to judgment
he comes down.

Christe, cum sit hinc exire, In

the cross salvation
yield me,
Da per matrem me venire And in Jesus' passion
shield me,
Ad palmam victorias. Cherish me with
mercy's aid.
Quando corpus morietur, When my earthly frame
shall perish,
Fac ut animae donetur Grant around my soul to

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Paradisi gloria. Eden's joys that never

Amen. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., desirous that all the faithful
should often call to mind the sorrow endured by the blessed
Virgin Mary when she stood at the foot of the cross of her
divine Son, Jesus, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
June 18, 1876, extended to all those who shall, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, say this hymn
The indulgence of one hundred days, every time, which
had been granted by the Venerable Pontiff, Innocent XI., by a
brief, Sept. I, 1681, under certain conditions, only to the confra-

ternity of our Lady of Sorrow.

Blessed be the holy and immaculate conception of
the most blessed Virgin Mary, mother of God.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., revoking the concession made

Nov. 21, 1793, by the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., granted by
brief, Sept. 10, 1878, to all the faithful each time that, devout-
ly and with contrite hearts, they recite this ejaculation
An indulgence of three hundred days.
Most glorious Virgin selected by the eternal coun-
cils as mother of the Eternal Word made man,
treasury of divine grace and advocate of sinners, I,
the most unworthy of thy servants, have recourse to
thee, that thou mayest be my guide and counsellor in
this valley of tears, obtain for me, bv the most pre-
cious blood of thy divine Son, the pardon of my sins,

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the salvation of my soul and the means necessary to

secure it. Obtain the triumph of the holy Church
over her enemies and the propagation of the reign of
Jesus Christ all over the world. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript from the Secre-
tary's Office of the S. Congr. of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical
Affairs, Nov. 23, 1880, granted to all the faithful who, devoutly
and with contrite hearts, recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
Mary, mother of God and mother of mercy, pray
for me and for the* departed.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of his Eminence
the Cardinal Vicar, Dec. 15, 1883, granted to all the faithful
who, devoutly and with contrite hearts, recite the above ejacula-
tion: .

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

O Mary ! conceived without sin, pray for us who
have recourse to thee.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, March 15, 1884, granted to all the faithful

who, with contrite hearts, devoutly recite this invocation

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day. .

Most glorious Virgin Mary, mother of God and

Our mother, cast a glance of pity upon us poor sinners

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who, by the many evils which surround us in

our hearts wounded by the atrocities,
this life, feel
injuries and blasphemies which we are frequently
compelled to hear pronounced against thee, immacu-
late Virgin. Oh ! how offensive is such language to
the infinite majesty of God and to his only Son, Jesus
Christ. How it provokes his wrath and causes us

to fear the terrible effects of his vengeance. If the

sacrifice of our life would avail anything to prevent
such outrages and blasphemies, gladly would we offer
it, for, most holy mother, we desire to love and honor

thee with all our hearts, such being the will of God.
Because we do love thee, we will do whatever is in
our power that thou mayest be loved and honored by
all. Do thou, meanwhile, mother, ^ull of pity, Sover-
eign Consoler of the afflicted, accept this act of
reparation which we offer thee in our own names and
in those of all our families, even of such as, not
knowing what they say, impiously blaspheme thee.
By obtaining their conversion from God, render yet
more manifest and glorious thy pity, thy power and
thy great mercy, and they will unite with us in pro-
claiming thee blessed among women, the immaculate
Virgin and most merciful mother of God. Amen.
Three Hail Marys.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, March 21, 1885, granted to all the faithful
who, with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above act of repa-
ration, with the threeHail Marys.
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on a day of their
own choice, to all those who, having recited it daily for the
space of a month, truly penitent, go to confession and commun*
ion, and visit some church or public oratory, praying there for
some space of time according to the intention of his Holiness,

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Virgo potens, quae O
most powerful Vir-
cunctas haereses sola in- gin, who alone didst over-
teremisti in universo come all heresies in the
mundo, orbem Christi- entire world, deliver thy
anum a laqueis diaboli Christian people from the
libera et respice ad ani- snares of the devil; cast
mas diaboli ca fraude de- thine eyes upon their
ceptas, ut omni haeretica souls, deceived by the
pravitate deposita, erran- cunning of the evil one,
tium corda resipiscant et that, having renounced
ad veritatis catholicae re- all their wicked heresy,
deant unitatem, te inter- the hearts of thy erring
cedente ad Dominum children may repent, and
nostrum Jesum Christum return to the unity of
Filium tuum, qui Catholic truth, through
vivit et
regnat cum Deo thy intercession with our
Patre in
imitate Spiritus Sancti, Lord Jesus Christ, thy
Deus, per omnia saecula Son, who with God the
saeculorum. Amen. Father, in the unity of
the Holy Ghost, liveth
and reigneth God for
ever and ever. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec* 19, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this prayer:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


O most blessed and immaculate Virgin, ornament

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and splendor of Carmel, thou who regardest with an

eye of special kindness those who wear thy blessed
habit, look down also benignly upon me and cover
me with the mantle of thy special protection.
Strengthen my weakness with thy power ; enlighten
the darkness of my mind with thy wisdom ; increase
in me faith, hope and charity. Adorn my soul with
such graces and virtues as will ever be pleasing to thy
divine Son and to thee. Assist me in life, and con-
sole me in death, with thy most amiable presence,
and present me to the most august Trinity as thy de-
voted servant and child; that I may eternally bless
and praise thee in paradise. Amen.
Three Hail Marys, and Glory be to the Father,

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII. by a ,

rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 16, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite hearts, devoutly recite this prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


Immaculate Virgin Mary, mother of divine Prov-
idence, protect my soul with the fulness of thy grace.
Govern my life, and direct it in the ways of virtue,
to the fulfilment of the divine will. Obtain for me
the pardon of my offences ; be my refuge, my pro-
tection, my my guide in the pilgrimage
through this world.Console me in affliction ; sup-
port me in danger, and in the tempest of adversity
be my secure shelter. Obtain for me, O Mary an en- !

tire renewal of heart, that it may become the holy

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habitation of thy divine Son, Jesus. Remove from

me, weak miserable creature, all kinds of sin, negli-
gence, tepidity, pusillanimity and human respect.
Banish entirely from me all pride, vain-glory, self-
love, and affection for things of earth, which inter-
fere with the efficacy of thy patronage. sweet O
Mother of Providence ! cast a motherly glance upon
me, and if, either through frailty or malice, I have
provoked the threats of the eternal Judge, or grieved
the most sacred heart of my amiable Jesus, throw
over me the mantle of thy protection and I shall feel
safe. Thou art the Mother of Providence, the Vir-
gin of Pardon, my hope upon earth ; may est thou be
to me mother of glory in heaven. Amen.

Three Hail Marys.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Feb. 27, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,

with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above prayer, with the
three Hail Marys,

An indulgence or two hundred days, once a day.



Bright Mother of our
Ave maris stelia,
Maker, hail,
Dei mater alma, Thou virgin ever blest,
Atque semper virgo, The ocean's star by which
Felix caeli porta. we sail,
And gain the port of rest.

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Whilst we this Ave thus

Sumens illud Ave, •to thee,
Gabrielis ore, From Gabriel's mouth re-
Funda nos in pace, hearse :

Mutans Hevae nomen. Prevail that peace our lot

may be,
And Eva's name reverse.

Release our long entangled

Solve vincla reis,
Profer lumen caecis, From all the snares of ill

Mala nostra pelle, With heavenly light in-

Bona cuncta posce. struct the blind,

And ail our vows fulfil.

Exert for us a mother's

Monstra te esse matrem, care,
Sumat per te preces, And us thy children own,
Qui pro nobis natus, Prevail with him to hear
Tulit esse tuus. our prayer,
Who chose to be thy son.
O spotless maid ! whose
Virgo singularis, virtues shine,
Inter omnes mitis, With brightest purity
Nos culpis solutos, Each action of our lives
Mites fac et castos.
And make us pure like thee.

Preserve our lives un-

Vitam praesta puram, stained with ill,
Iter para tutum, In this infectious way
Ut videntes Jesum, That heaven alone our
Semper collastemur. souls may fill,

With joys that ne'er decay.

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To God the Father, end-

less praise
Sit laus Deo Patri,
To God the Son, the
Summo Christo decus, same
Spiritui Sancto, And Holy Ghost, whose
Tribus honor unus. Amen. equal rays,
One equal glory claim.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, January 27, 1888, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above hymn
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

Magnificat anima mea My soul doth magnify
Dominum. the Lord
Et exultavit Spiritusme- And my spirit hath re-
us in Deo salutari meo. God my Saviour.
joiced in
Quia respexit Because he hath regard-
tatem ancillae suae ; ecce ed
the humility of his
enim ex hoc beatam me. di- handmaid, for behold from
cent omnes generationes. henceforth all generations
shall call me blessed.
Quia mihi magna
fecit For he that is mighty
qui potens est ; et sanctum hath done great things to
nomen ejus. me and holy is his name.

Et misericordia ejus a And his mercy is from

progenie in progenies, generation to generation,
timentibus eum. to them that fear him.
Fecit potent iam in bra- He hath shown might
chiosuo ; dispersit superb- in his arm he hath scat- ;

os mente cordis sui. tered the proud in the

conceit of their heart.

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Deposuit potentes de He hath put down the

sede, et exaltavit humiies. mighty from their seat,and
hath exalted the humble.
Esurientes implevit bo- He hath filled the hun-
nis : et divites dimisit gry with good things;
inanes. and the rich he hath sent
away empty.
Suscepit Israel puerum He hath received Israel
suum, recordatus miseri- his servant ; being mindful
cordiae suae. of his mercy.
Si cut locutus est ad pa- As he spoke to our
tres nostros, Abraham, et fathers, to Abraham, and
semini ejus in saecula. to his seed forever.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by rescripts of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, September 20, 1879, an(* February 22, 1888,
granted to the faithful who shall recite the above canticle
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day
An indulgence of seven years and as many quaran-
tines, once on every Saturday of the year.

Most Holy Mary, my Lady, to thy faithful care
and special keeping and to the bosom of thy mercy,
to-day and every day, and particularly at the hour
of my death, I commend my soul and my body ; ail
my hope and consolation, all my trials and miseries,
my life and the end of my life I commit to thee,
that through thy most holy intercession and by thy
merits all my actions may be directed and ordered
according to thy will and that of thy divine Son.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, March 15, 1 890, granted to the faithful who recite
the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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Virgin Mother of God, Mary, pray to Jesus for

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, March 29, 1894, granted to the faithful who recite
the above ejaculation
An indulgence of fifty days, once a day.

0 blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, our most
sweet Queen and Mother, turn thy merciful eyes
towards England, who is happy to be called thy
Dowry turn them also towards us, who with un-

limited confidence trust in thy protection. Through

thee Christ, the Saviour of the world, has been given
to us to be the foundation of our hope ; and by him
thou hast been given to increase that same hope.
Oh do thou pray for us, whom thou hast received

as thy children at the foot of the cross, O most

sorrowful Mother. Intercede for our separated
brethern, that they may be reunited with us in the
only true fold, to the Supreme Pastor, the Vicar on
earth of thy Divine Son. Pray for us all, O most
loving Mother, that by means of the true faith,
made fruitful by good works, we may deserve to
enjoy the vision of God with thee in the heavenly
home and praise him forever. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., in His Ap. Letter " Amantissima
voluntatis," of April 15, 1895, granted to the faithful who shall
say the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days each time
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day chosen

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by those who have said it every day of the month : conditions

as usual (Confession, Communion, a visit to a church or public
oratory, with prayer for the intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff).



Immaculate Virgin, thou who by a singular privil-
ege of grace wast preserved from original sin, look
compassionately upon our separated brethren, who
yet are thy children, and bring them back to the
centre of unity. Though wandering afar, they have
preserved a most tender devotion to thee, O Mother
reward them, then, for thou art so generous, by ob-
taining their conversion.
Thou wert victorious over the infernal serpent
from the very beginning of thy existence; renew
now, since the need is so pressing, thy ancient tri-
umphs. If our unhappy brethren are now separated
from our common Father, it is the work of the
enemy. Be it thine, then, to unveil his deceits and
to scatter his forces, so that they may come under-
stand that there is no salvation for them whilst they
remain disunited from the Successor of St. Peter.
Thou who, in the fulness of divine gifts, didst
from the beginning glorify the power of him who
wrought such great wonders in thee, glorify thy Son
by bringing back the strayed sheep to his one fold,
under the guidance of the universal shepherd who is
his vicegerent on earth, and be it thy glory, O
Blessed Virgin, as thou hast destroyed all heresies on
earth, so now to extinguish all schism and to bring
back peace to the world.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

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Indulgences, February I, 1896, granted to the faithful who re-

cite the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

Virgo ante partura, ora pro nobis.
Ave Maria, etc.
Virgo in partu, ora pro nobis.
Ave Maria, etc.
Virgo port partura, ora pro nobis.
Ave Maria, etc.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, May 20, 1893, granted to the faithful who recite
the above invocation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
Most Holy Virgin and Queen of Martyrs, Mary,
oh ! that I could find myself in heaven to contem-
plate the honors shown to thee by the Most Holy
Trinity and all the celestial court. But as I am still
a pilgrim in this vale of tears, accept at least from
me, thy most unworthy servant and a sinner, my
most sincere homage and the assurance of the most
perfect submission that a human creature can give to
thee. In thy most admirable heart, transpierced by
a sword of so many sorrows, I do place, to-day and
forever, this poor soul of mine receive me as an as-

sociate in thy dolors, and do not permit me to wander

far from that cross on which thy only Son gave up
his most blessed spirit for me. With thee, Mary, O
I shall suffer all the pains, contradictions and infirmi-
ties that it may please thy Divine Son to inflict upon

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me in this life. I offer them all to thee in memory

of the sorrows thou hast endured in thy mortal life
so that every thought of my mind, every throb of
my heart may be henceforth an act of compassion
for thy sorrows, and of complacency in the sublime
glory thou now enjoyest in heaven. Yes, dear
Mother, as I now take part in thy dolors, and rejoice
in seeing thee glorified, so have compassion on me,
procuring my reconciliation with thy Son Jesus, that
I may begin to be thy true and faithful child. Come
on my last day to assist me in my agony, as thou
didst be present at the death of thy Divine Son, that
from this roy deplorable exile I may deserve to take
part in thy glory in heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, March 26, 1887, has granted to the faithful who
shall recite this prayer
An indulgence of two hundred dAys, once a day.



SancU Virgo Maria Im- Holy Virgin Mary Im-

maculata, Mater Dei, Ma- maculate, Mother of God
ter nostra, Tu pro nobis and our Mother, speak
loquere ad Cor Jesu, qui thou for us to the Heart
tuus Filius est et Frater of Jesus, who is thy Son
noster. and our Brother.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, December 20, 1890, granted to the faithful who
shall recite the above invocation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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His Holiness, Leo Xlf I., by his Encyclical Supremi Aposto-
latus, September I, 1883, and by a decree of the S. Congr. of
Rites, August 20, 1 885, had granted and confirmed some In-
dulgences for the saying of the Rosary during the month of
October ; then by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
July 23, 1898, he made perpetual and modified them, granting
to the faithful who, during the said month, .publicly in church
or privately anywhere, recite at least a third part of the
An indulgence of seven years and as many quaran-
tines on each day of month ; that
A plenary indulgence on the feast of Our Lady of the
Rosary, or on any one day of its octave, to those who, both on
the feast itself and on every day of its octave, shall have recited
at least a third part of the Rosary on the usual conditions:
confession, communion and a visit to some church or public
oratory and there praying according to the intention of the
A plenary indulgence, on any one day, to those who,
after the said octave, shall have recited at least the third part

of the Rosary for ten days during the same month, on the same
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in these days of
bold impiety, show forth thy power by the tokens of
thy former victories, and from the throne on which
thou sittest as dispenser of pardon and of graces look
down upon the Church of thy Son, upon his Vicar
and upon all orders of ecclesiastics and laymen who
are struggling against the fierce assaults of the enemy
hasten, powerful conqueror of heresies, hasten the

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hour of mercy, though the hour of justice is hurried

on every day by innumerable sins. Obtain for me,
the least of men, as I kneel in humble supplication
before thee, the grace I need most to live among the
just on earth, to reign among the just in heaven,
whilst, in the meantime, together with all the faithful
in the world, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, I
salute and hail thee.
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of His Eminence the
Cardinal Vicar, July 3, 1886, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the said prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr. «f
Indulgences, September 21, 1889, abrogated all other previous
Indulgences, and granted to ail the faithful who, on fifteen

successive Saturdays, at whatever time of the year, shall recite

at Most Holy Rosary, or in any other
least a third part of the

way mind the mysteries of the same, and

shall piously call to

on the usual conditions of Confession and Communion,

A plenary indulgence on any one of the said Saturdays
An indulgence of seven years and as many quaran-
tines on each of the other fourteen Saturdays.
Moreover, His Holiness, by another decree of the same S.

Congr., September 17, 1892, granted that those who are law-
fully hindered from performing the said pious exercise on Sat-

urday may gain the said Indulgences by performing it on


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His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 21, 1890, granted to the faithful who shall
visit an image of our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei in any
church or public oratory
Anindulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence on the 8th day of May and on the
feast of our Lady of the Rosary (the first Sunday of October),
on the usual conditions, viz. Confession and Communion and

a visit to the said image in a church or public oratory and pray-

ing there for the intention of the Pope.

I. Prayer.
Most Holy Virgin of the Cenacle, our Mother,
Mary Immaculate, we do most humbly beseech thee
to obtain for us the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that
living united by charity and persevering unanimously
in prayer, encouraged by thy smile, O our guide and
mistress, we may deserve to employ all our exertions
for the greatest glory of God by example and good
work to the salvation of souls, and by this means
acquire eternal life.

O Our Lady of
the Cenacle, mercifully assist us in
this work, and help us by your power, that by your
intercession the almighty and bountiful God may
vouchsafe to grant us the grace that we so earnestly
solicit. Amen.
II. Invocation.
Our Lady of the Cenacle pray for us.


His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, dated December 14, 1889, has granted
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to the
faithful who shall recite the above prayer
An indulgence of fifty days, once a day, to those who
say the above invocation.
Immaculate Virgin, Mother of God and our Mother,
Mary, thou seest how, from every quarter, the devil
and the world are assailing the Catholic faith, in
which we purpose, by God's mercy, to live and to
die, that we may gain eternal glory. Help of O
Christians, renew thy former victories for the safety of
thy children. They intrust to thy care their firm
purpose never to belong to any gathering of heretics
or sectaries ; O
thou who art all holy, offer up our
resolutions to thy divine Son, and obtain from him
the graces necessary to keep us true to them unto the
end. Console the visible Head of the Church, help
the Catholic Episcopate, protect the clergy and the
faithful who hail thee as Queen, hasten, by the power of
thy intercession, the day which shall see all nations
gathered together about the Supreme Pastor. Amen.
Maria, Auxilium Christianorum, ora pro nobis.
His Holiness, Leo XIII.,. by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, December 20, 1890, after having revoked the in-
dulgences of three hundred days attached to the above prayer
for Rome and the adjacent district, granted to all the faithful
who shall recite it

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Most Powerful Virgin, loving Helper of the Chris-

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tian people, what thanks do we not owe thee for the

assistance thou gavest to our fathers when, threatened
by the infidel Turk, they invoked thy maternal aid by
the devout recital of the Rosary ? From heaven thou
didst behold their danger, and didst hear their piti-
ful pleading; the humble prayer suggested by the

great Pontiff St. Pius V. was pleasing to thy ear,

and thou didst hasten to succor them; Grant, dear
Mother, that now again the prolonged sighs and
groans of the holy Spouse of Christ may be accepted
before thy throne, and, again moved with compassion
for her, arise to free her from the many enemies that
surround her.
Even now from every quarter of the world that
prayer so dear to thee goes up to thy throne to win
thy favor, as then, so in the present calamity. It is
but too true that our sins hinder, or at least delay its
effect.Wherefore, dearest Mother, obtain for us true
sorrow for them and a firm purpose rather to suffer
death than to sin again, with heartfelt grief that,
through our own fault, the help of which the need is
so pressing should be denied or even delayed.
Come, then, dear Mother, hearken to the prayers
of the Catholic world, and break the pride of the
wretches who boldly insult God, and who aim at
destroying the church against which, according to
the infallible word of Christ, the gates of hell shall
never prevail. Let it be seen once more that when
thou risest to protect it we may be certainly assured
which, even if delayed, yet never fails,
of the victory
aswe know by that faith by which we are animated
and we hope, through thee, that God will mercifully
grant our prayer. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by
a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 20, 1 891, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of two HU^dDj<pgte, once a day. ^



O Our Lady of Africa, thou whose Immaculate
Heart is so full of mercy and of maternal compassion,
be moved with tender pity at the profound misery of
the Mussulmans and other unbelievers in Africa.
Remember that the souls of those poor infidels are
the work of thy divine Son's hands, that they were
created to his image and ransomed at the cost of his
Precious Blood. Mother of mercy, do not permit
that those unfortunate creatures, who are yet thy
children as well as we, any longer to go on rushing
into hell in spite of the merits of Jesus Christ and of
the most cruel death he suffered for their salvation.
Obtain for them the knowledge of our holy religion
and the grace to love it, to embrace it, and to prac-
tice it faithfully. And since thou art the Sovereign
Lady of Africa, O Queen of Apostles, deign to select
legions of holy missionaries and to send them to
those forsaken regions, to conquer them, to snatch
them from death and from Satan, and to bring them
into the fold of the true church. Thus shall we be
all united, with the same hope and the same love in
thy most pure heart and in the adorable heart of the
divine Son and our Lord Jesus Christ who was cru-
cified and who died for the salvation of all men, and
now gloriously risen lives and reigns together with the
the Father and the Holy Ghost forever and ever. Amen
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 30, 1896, granted to the faithful who shall

recite the above prayer

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Te splendor et virtus O Jesus, life-spring of

Patris, the soul,
Te vita, Jesu, cordium, The Father's power, and
glory bright
Ab ore qui pendent tuo, Thee with the angels we
Laudamus inter ange- From thee they draw their
los. life and light.

Tibi mille densa mil- Thy thousand thousand

Hum hosts are spread
Ducum corona militat Embattled o'er the azure
sky ;

Sed explicat victor But Michael bears thy

crucem standard dread,
Michael salutis signifer. And lifts the mighty cros*
on high.

Draconis hie dirum ca- He in that sign the rebel

put powers
In ima pellit tartara, Did with their dragon
prince expel
Ducemque cum rebel- And hurPd them from
libus the heaven's high

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Ccelesti ab arce ful- Down like a thunderbolt

minat. to hell.

Contra ducem superbiae Grant us with Michael

still, O Lord !

Sequamur hunc nos Against the prince of

principem, pride to fight
Ut detur ex Agni So may a crown be our
throno reward,
Nobis corona gloriae. Before the Lamb's pure
throne of light.

Patri simulque Filio, To God the Father glory

Tibique sancte Spiri- And to his sole-begotten
tus, Son;
Sicut fuit, sit jugiter, The same, O Holy Ghost,
to thee,
Sseculum per omne While everlasting ages
gloria. Amen. run. Amen.
Ant. Princeps glorio- Ant. Most glorious
sissime, Michael archan-
Prince, Michael the
gele, esto memor nostri archangel, be thou mind-

hie et ubique semper ful of us ; here, and in all

precare pro nobis Filium places, pray for us to the
Dei. Son of God.
V. In conspectu ange- V. I will sing praises
lorum psallam tibi, Deus to thee, my God, before
meus. the angelic host.
R. Adorabo ad tem- R. I will adore thee in
plum sanctum tuum, et thy holy temple, and con-
confitebor nomini tuo. fess unto thy name.


Deus, qui miro ordine God, who, in the dis-

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angelorum ministeria pensation of thy provi-

hominumque dispensas dence, dost admirably
concede propitius, ut, a ^dispose the ministry of
quibus tibi ministran- angels and of men
tibus in coelo semper mercifully grant that they
assistitur, ab his in terra who ever minister before
vita nostra muniatur. thy throne in heaven,
Per Christum Dominum may also be the pro-
nostrum, etc. tectors of our life on
earth. Through Christ
our Lord, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, May 6, 1817, granted to all the faithful
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this
hymn, with the antheml, versicles and prayer, in honor of S.
Michael the archangel, to obtain his powerful assistance in the
assaults of temptation, in life and at the hour of death :

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall have said it every day, for a month, on the day when,
being truly penitent, after cbnfession and communion, they
shall pray, for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript dated at Gaeta,
January 5, 1 849, and by another of the S. Congr. of Bishops
and Regulars, January 28, 1850, granted to all the faithful
who, with contrite hearts, make, at any time
shall devoutly
during the year, the novena in honor of the Archangel Michael,
published by the Rev. Joseph M. Falcone of the Congregation:

of the Mission
An indulgence of three hundred days, on each day.
A plenary indulgence, either during the novena or upon

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one of the eight days immediately following, if, truly penitent,

having confessed and communicated, they pray for the holy
Church and for the Sovereign pontiff.
By a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 26,
1876, the same Sovereign Pontiff deigned to approve that
these Indulgences may be gained by those who make the
novena of S. Michael with any other formula of prayer, pro-
vided it be approved by competent ecclesiastical authority.


V. Incline unto my aid, O God.
R. O
Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Our Father, once. Hail Mary, three times, to the
just angelic choir.
By the intercession of S. Michael and the heavenly
choir of the Seraphim, may it please God to make us
worthy to receive into our hearts the fire of his per-
fect charity. Amen.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
second angelic choir.
By the intercession of S. Michael and the heavenly
choir of the Cherubim, may God, in his good pleas-
ure, grant us grace to abandon the ways of sin, and
follow the path of Christian perfection. Amen.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
third angelic choir.

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By the intercession of S. Michael and the sacred

choir of the Thrones, may
it please God to infuse

into our hearts the spirit of true and sincere humility.

Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
fourth angelic choir.
By the intercession of S. Michael and the heavenly
choir of the Dominations, may it please God to grant
us grace to have dominion over our senses, and to
correct our depraved passions. Amen.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
fifth angelic choir.

By Michael and the heavenly

the intercession of S.
choir of the Powers, may God vouchsafe to keep our
souls from the wiles and temptations of the devil.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
sixth angelic choir.

By the intercession of S. Michael and the choir of

the admirable heavenly Virtues, may it please God
to keep us from falling into temptation, and may he
deliver us from evil. Amen.
Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
seventh angelic choir.

By the intercession of S. Michael and the heavenly

choir of the Principalities, may it please God to fill
our souls with the spirit of true and sincere obedience*

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Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
eighth angelic choir.

By the intercession of S. Michael and the heavenly

choir of Archangels, may it please God to grant us
the gift of perseverance in the faith and in all good
works, that we may thereby be enabled to attain the
glory of paradise. Amen.

Our Father, once, Hail Mary, three times, to the
ninth angelic choir.
By the intercession of S. Michael and the heavenly
choir of all the angels, may God vouchsafe to grant
us their guardianship through this mortal life, and
after death a happy entrance into the everlasting glory
of heaven. Amen.
Then say the Our Father, four times, in conclusion : the first
to S. Michael, the second to S. Gabriel, the. third to S. Raphael,
the fourth to our angel guardian.
This exercise then ends with the following anthem:

Michael, glorious prince, chief and champion of
the heavenly host, guardian of the souls of men, con-
queror of the rebel angels, steward of the palace of
God under Jesus Christ, our worthy leader, endowed
with superhuman excellence and virtue vouchsafe to :

free us all from every ill, who with full confidence

have recourse to thee ; and by thy incomparable pro-
tection enable us to make progress every day in the
faithful service of our God.
V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, prince of
the Church of Jesus Christ.
£. That we may be made worthy of his promises.
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Almighty and eternal God, who in thine own
marvelous goodness and pity didst, for the common
salvation of man, choose the glorious archangel
Micnael to be the prince of thy Church make us :

worthy, we pray thee, to be delivered by his benefi-

cent protection from all our enemies, that, at the
hour of our death, none of them may approach to
harm us ; rather do thou vouchsafe unto us that, by
the same archangel Michael, we may be introduced
into the presence of thy most high and divine
majesty. Through the merits of the same Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Rites, Aug. 8, 1851, granted to all the faithful, every time
that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say
this chaplet
An indulgence of one hundred days, every day, to ^ny
one who shall carry this chaplet about him, or kiss the medal,
representing the holy angels, appended to it.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall say

this chaplet every day,on any day when, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, they shall pray especially for
the triumph of holy Mother Church, and for the welfare of the
Sovereign Pontiff.

A plenary indulgence, on the conditions given above, on:

The Feast of the Apparition of S. Michael, May 8.
The Dedication of S. Michael, Sept. 29.
S. Gabriel the archangel, March 18.
S. Raphael the archangel, Oct. 24.
Holy angel guardians, Oct. 2.
To gain these indulgences, a chaplet must be used, consisting

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of the Our Father, nine times, with the Hail Mary, three times
after eachOur Father^ and the Our Father, four times at the
end, saying, at the same time, in order, the corresponding salu-
tations, with the antiphon, versicleand prayer, at the end. These

chaplets, by order of his Holiness, Pius IX., by a rescript of

the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 4, 1877, must be blessed by
a priest who has from the Holy See the general faculty of bless-
ing beads, medals, etc.

Most glorious prince of the heavenly hosts, Arch-
angel St. Michael, defend us in the battle and in the
tremendous struggle we carry on against the Princi-
palities and Powers, against the rulers of the world
of darkness and all evil spirits. Come to the help
of man, whom God created immortal, fashioned
to his own image and likeness, and rescued at a great
price from the tyranny of the devil. With the great
army of the holy angels fight to-day the battle of the
Lord as thou didst of old fight against Lucifer, the
leader of the proud, and his apostate angels, who
were powerless against thee, and they had no longer
a place in heaven and that monster/ the old serpent

who is called the devil and Satan, that seduces the

whole world, was cast into hell with his angels. But
now that first enemy and homicide has regained his
insolent boldness. Taking on the appearance of an
angel of light, he has invaded the earth, and, with
his whole train of evil spirits, he is prowling about
among men, striving to blot out the name of God
and of his Christ, to capture, to destroy, to drag to
eternal perdition the souls destined to the crown of
eternal glory. That malignant dragon is pouring
abroad, like a foul stream, into the souls of men of
ruined intellect and corrupt heart the poison of his

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wickedness, the spirit of lying, of impiety and

blasphemy, the pestilent breath of impurity and of
all vice and iniquity. Most cunning enemies have
filled with bitterness and drenched with gall the
Church, the Spouse of the Lamb without spot, and
have lifted impious hands against all that is most
sacred in it. Even in the holy place where the See
of Blessed Peter and the chair of truth was set up to
enlighten the world, they have raised the abominable
throne of their impiety with the iniquitous hope that
the Shepherd may be stricken and the flock scattered
abroad. Arise, then, unconquerable Prince, defend
the people of God against the assaults of the repro-
bate spirits, and give them the victory. Holy Church
reveres thee as its guardian and patron ; it glories in
thee as its defender against the malignant powers of
hell ; to thee God has committed the souls that are
to be conveyed to the seats of the Blessed in eternal
happiness. Pray, then, to the God of peace, that
he may put Satan under our feet, so completely van-
quished that he may no longer be able to hold men
in bondage and work harm to the Church. Offer up
our prayers before the Most High, so that the mercies
of the Lord may prevent us, and lay hold of the
dragon, the old serpent, who is the devil and Satan,
and hurl him bound in chains into the abyss where
he may no longer seduce the souls of men. Amen.
V. Behold the Cross of the Lord, fly ye hostile
R. The Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of
David, has conquered.
V. May thy mercies, O
Lord, be fulfilled in us.
R. As we have hoped in thee.
V. Lord, hear my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto thee.

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Let us pray.
God, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
we call upon thy holy name and humbly beseech thy
clemency, that, through the intercession of the ever
immaculate Virgin and our Mother Mary, and of the
glorious Archangel Saint Michael, thou wouldst
vouchsafe to help us against Satan and all the other
unclean spirits that are prowling about the world to
the great peril of the human race and the loss of
souls. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., Motu Proprio, September 25,
1888, granted to the faithful who recite the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


Sancte Michael Arch- Holy Archangel Mi-
angele, defende nos in chael, defend us in battle,
praelio, ut non pereamus that we may not perish in
in tremendo judicio. the tremendous judgment.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, August 19, 1893, granted to the faithful who
recite the above antiphon
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faithful who,

with contrite hearts, at any time during the year, devoutly make
the novena in honor of S. Gabriel the archangel, with any
formula of prayer, provided it be approved by competent
ecclesiastical authority,
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day;
A plenary indulgence, during the novena, if, truly peni-
tent, having confessed and communicated, they pray for the
intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.


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The Sovereign Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the

S. Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 28, 1876, granted to all the

faithful who, with contrite hearts, at any time during the year,
devoutly make the novena in honor of S. Raphael the arch-
angel, with any formula of prayer, provided it be approved by
competent ecclesiastical authority,
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day
A plenary indulgence during the novena, if truly peni-

tent, having confessed and communicated, they pray for the

intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.



Glorious Archangel, S. Raphael, great prince of
the heavenly court, illustrious by thy gifts of wisdom
and grace, guide of travellers by land and sea, con-
soler of the unfortunate and refuge of sinners, I
entreat thee to help me in all my needs and in all the
trials of this life, as thou didst once assist the young
Tobias in his journeying. And since thou art the
" physician of God, M I humbly pray thee to heal my
soul of its many infirmities and my body of the ills
that afflict it, if this favor is for my greater good.
I ask, especially, for angelic purity, that I may be
made fit to be the living temple of the Holy Ghost.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 21, 1890, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once tfday.

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Angele Dei, qui custos Angel of God, my guar-

es mei, me tibi commissum dian dear,
pietate superna illumina, To whom his love com-
custodi, rege, et guberna. mits me here,
Amen. Ever this day be at my
To light and guard, to
rule and guide.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a brief, Oct. 2, 1795,

granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, they shall say this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, on the feast of the holy guardian
angels (Oct. 2), to those who shall have said this prayer, morn-
ing and evening, throughout the year, provided that, on the day
of the feast, being truly penitent, after confession and commun-
ion, they shall visit a church or public oratory, and pray for
the Sovereign Pontiff.
The same Sovereign Pontiff, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 1 1, 1796, granted:
A plenary indulgence, at the hour of death, to all those
24 (369)
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who, during life, shall have frequently said this prayer, provided
they shall have the proper dispositions.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, May 15, 1821, not only confirmed the above-
mentioned indulgences, but, moreover, granted
A PLENARY indulgence, once a month, to all the faithful
who shall have said it every day for a month, as above directed,
on any day, when, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, they shall visit a church, and pray devoutly for the
intention of his Holiness.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript dated at Gaeta,

Jan. 5, 1849,and by another of the S. Congr. of Bishops and

Regulars, Jan. 28, 1850, granted to all the faithful who, with
any time during the year, devoutly make the
contrite hearts, at
novena in honor of the Guardian Angel, published by the Rev.
Joseph M. Falcone, of the Congregation of the Missions
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, either during the novena or upon
one of the eight days immediately following, if, truly penitent,
they confess and communicate, and say some prayers for the
holy Church and for the Sovereign Pontiff.
By a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876,
the same Sovereign Pontiff deigned to approve that these indul-
gences may be gained by those who make the novena to the
Guardian Angel with any other formula of prayer, provided it

be approved by competent ecclesiastical authority.

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Quicumque sanus vivere Whoe'er would live a holy

Cursumque vitae clau- Whoe'er in joy would die,
In fine lsetus expetit, Let him S. Joseph's aid
Opem Josephi postulet. And on his help rely.

Hie sponsus almae He Jesus' foster-father

Virginis, was,
Paterque Jesu creditus, The virgin mother's
Justus, fidelis, integer Just, faithful, pure, what-
e'er he asks
Quod poscit, orans Their grateful love allows.
Quicumque, etc. Whoe'er, etc.

Fceno jacentem parvu- Adorer of the child

lum divine,
Adorat, et post ex- Consoler in his flight,
Solatur ; inde perdi- When lost he seeks him
tum tearfully

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372 S. JOSEPH.

Quaerit dolens, et in- And finds him with de-

venit light.
Quicumque, etc. Whoe'er, etc.

Mundi supremus artifex The mighty Maker of

the world
Ejus labore pascitur, On him for bread de-
pends ;

Summi Parentis Filius To him th' eternal

Father's Son
Obedit illi subditus. His will submissive bends.
Quicumque, etc. Whoe'er, etc.

Adesse morti proximus When

death drew nigh
he saw with joy
Cum matre Jesum The dawn of heaven's
conspicit, day;
Et inter ipsos jubilans With Jesus, Mary, by his
Dulci sopore solvitur. He sweetly passed away.
Quicumque, etc. Whoe'er, etc.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, Glory be to the Father,

et Spiritui Sancto. and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost.
Quicumque, etc. Whoe'er, etc.
Ant. Ecce fidelis ser- Ant
Behold the faith-
vus et prudens, quern ful and prudent servant,
constituit Dominus super whom the Lord set over
familiam suam. his house.
V. Ora pro nobis, V. Pray for us, blessed
beate Joseph. Joseph.
It. Ut digni efficiamur, That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the
promises of Christ.

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S. JOSEPH. 373


Deus, qui ineffabili God, who,
in thine in-
providentia beat um providence, didst
Joseph sanctissimae vouchsafe to choose
genitricis tuae sponsum blessed Joseph to be the
eligere dignatus es husband of thy most holy
praesta, quaesumus, ut mother: grant, we beseech
quem protectorem vene- thee, that we may be
ramur in terris, interces- worthy to have him for
sorem habere mereamur our intercessor in heaven,
in coelis. Qui vivis et whom on earth we venerate
regnas, etc. as our holy protector. Who
live stand reignest world
without end. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the Cardinal
Vicar, Sept. 6, 1804, granted to all the faithful, every time that,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say
this responsory together, with the antiphon, versicle, and
An indulgence of one year.


Ant. Joseph, vir Mariae, Ant. Joseph, the hus-

de qua natus est Jesus, band of Mary, of whom
qui vocatur Christus. was born Jesus, who is
called Christ.

jPs. 99.
Jubilate Deo omnis Sing joyfully to God,
terra: servite Domino in all the earth serve ye the

fetitia. Lord with gladness.

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374 S. JOSEPH.

Introite in conspectu Come in before his

ejus, in exultatione. presence with exceeding
great joy.
Scitote, quoniam Do- Know ye that the Lord
minus ipse est Deus ipse he is God: he made us,

fecit nos, et non ipsi nos. and not we ourselves.

Populus ejus, et oves We are his people and
pascuae ejus. the sheep of his pasture.
Introite portas ejus in Go ye into his gates
confessione, atria ejus in with praise, unto his
hymnis: confitemini illi. court with hymns and

give glory to him.

Laudate nomen ejus. Praise ye his name.
Quoniam suavis est For the Lord is sweet,
Dominus : aeternum
in his mercy endureth for-
misericord ia ejus, et usque ever, and his truth to
in generationem et gene- generation and genera-
rationem Veritas ejus. tion.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,

Ant. Joseph, vir Mariae, Ant. Joseph the hus-

de qua natus est Jesus, qui band of Mary, of whom
vocatur Christus. was born Jesus, who is
called Christ.
Ant. Joseph de domo Ant. Joseph of the
David, et nomen virginis house of David, and the
Maria. virgin's name was Mary.

Ps. 46.
Omnes gentes plaudite O clap your hands, all
manibus : jubilate Deo in ye nations shout unto

voce exultationis. God with the voice of



S. JOSEPH. 375

Quoniam Dominus
For the Lord is high,
excelsus, rex terrible:
terribilis., a great king
magnus super omnera ter- over all the earth.
Subjecit populos nobis, He hath subdued the
et gentes sub pedibus nos- people under us and the :

tris. nations under our feet.

Elegit nobis haaredita- He hath chosen for us
tem suam, speciem Jacob, his inheritance, the beauty
quam dilexit. of Jacob which he hath
Ascendit Deus in jubilo, God is ascended with
et Dominus in voce tubae. and the Lord
with the sound of the
Psallite Deo nostro, Singpraises to our
psallite : psallite regi nos- God, sing ye sing :

tro, psallite. praises to our king, sing

Quoniam rex omnis For God is the king of
terrse Deus: psallite sa- all the earth: sing ye
pienter. wisely.
Regnabit Deus
super God shall reign over
gentes :Deus sedet super the nations: God sitteth
sedem sanctam suam. on his holy throne.
Principes populorum The princes of the peo-
congregati sunt cum Deo ple are gathered together,
Abraham : quoniam dii with the God of Abraham
fortes terrae vehementer for the strong gods of the
elevat: zxmt. earth are exceedingly ex-
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,

Ant. Joseph de domo Ant. Joseph of the

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376 S. JOSEPH.

David, et nomen virgin is house of David, and the

Maria. virgin's name was Mary.

Ant. Joseph vir ejus, Ant. Joseph her hus-

cum esset justus, et nollet band being a just man,
earn traducere. and not willing publicly
to expose her.

Ps. 128.
Ssepe expugnaverunt Often have they fought
me a juventutemea: dicat against me from my youth,
nunc Israel let Israel now say.
Ssepe expugnaverunt Often have they fought
me a juventute mea: against me from my
etenim non potuerunt youth : but they could
mihi. not prevail over me.
Supra dorsum meum The wicked have
fabricaverunt peccatores: wrought upon my back:
prolongaverunt iniquita- they have lengthened
tem suam. their iniquity.
Dominus justus con- The Lord who is just
cidit cervices peccatorum will cut the necks of sin-
confundantur et conver- ners : let them all be con-
tantur retrorsum omnes founded and turn back
qui oderunt Sion. that hate Sion.
Fiant sicut fcenum tec- Let them be as grass
torum, quod priusquam upon the tops of houses
evellatur, exaruit. which withereth before it
be plucked up.
De quo non implevit Wherewith the mower
manum suam qui metit, filleth not his hand : nor
et sinum suum, qui mani- he that gathereth sheaves,
pulos colligit. his bosom.

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Et non dixerunt, qui And they that passed

praeteribant: Benedictio by have not said: The
Domini super vos bene-
: blessing of the Lord be up-
diximus vobis in nomine on you we have blessed

Domini, etc, you in the name of the

Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
Ant. Joseph vir Ant. Joseph, her hus-
cum band, being a just man,
esset justus, et nollet
earn traducere. and not willing publicly
to expose her.
Ant. Joseph fill David, Ant. Joseph son of
noli timere accipere David, fear not to take
Mariam conjugem tuam. unto thee Mary thy wife.

Ps. 80.
Exultate Deo adjutori Rejoice to God our
nostro :jubilate Deo helper : sing aloud to the
Jacob. God of Jacob.
Sumite psalmum, et Take a psalm and bring
date tympanum, psal- hither the timbrel the :

terium jucundum cum pleasant psaltery with the

cithara. harp.
Buccinate in Neomenia Blow up the trumpet
tuba, in insigni die so- on the new moon on the
lemnitatis vestrae. noted day of your solem-
Quia praeceptum in For it is a command-
Israel est, et judicium Deo ment in Israel, and a
Jacob. judgment to the God of
Testimonium in Joseph He ordained it for a

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378 S. JOSEPH.

posuit illud, cum exiret testimony in Joseph when

de terra ^Egypti linguam, he came out of the land

quam non noverat, au- of Egypt and heard a :

divit. tongue which he knew

Divertit ab oneribus He removed his back
dorsum ejus: manus ejus from the burdens: his
in cophino servierunt. hands had served in
In tribulatione invo- Thou callest upon me
casti me, et liberavi te in affliction, and I de-
exaudivi te in abscondito livered thee: I heard
tempestatis ; probavi te thee in the secret place
apud aquam contradic- of tempest proved thee
: I
tions. at the waters of contra-
Audi populus meus, et Hear, O my people!
contestabor te : Israel, si and I will testify to thee:
audieris me, non erit in O Israel! if thou wilt
te deus recens, neque hearken to me, there shall
adorabis deum alienum. be no new god in thee
neither shalt thou adore
a strange god.
Ego enim sum Domi- For I am the Lord thy
nus Deus tuus, qui eduxi God, who brought thee
te de terra JEgypti dilata out of the land of Egypt

os tuum, et implebo illud. open thy mouth wide,

and I will fill it.
Et non audivit popu- But my people heard
lus meus vocem meam not my voice and Israel
: :

et Israel non intendit hearkened not to me.

Et dimisi eos secun- So I let them go ac-
dum desideria cordis cording to the desires of

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S. JOSEPH. 379

eorum: ibunt in adin- their heart: they shall

ventionibus suis. walk in their own in-
Si populusmeus audis- If my people had heard
set me, Israel si in viis me if Israel had walked :

meis ambulasset in my ways

Pro nihilo forsitan in- I should soon have
imicos eonim humilias- humbled their enemies,
sem : et super tribulantes and laid my hand on them
eos misissem manura that troubled them.
Inimici Domini mentiti The enemies of the
sunt ei: et erit tempus Lord have lied to him:
eorum in saecula. and their time shall be
Et cibavit eos ex adipe And he fed them with
frumenti et
: de petra the fat of wheat, and filled
melle saturavit eos. them with honey out of
the rock.
Gloria Patri, etc.. Glory be to the Father,

Ant. Joseph fili David, Ant. Joseph, son of

noli timere accipere Ma- David, fear not to take
riam conjugem tuam. unto thee Mary thy wife.

Ant Joseph exurgens a Ant. Joseph, rising

somno fecit sicut praecepit from sleep, did as the
ei angelus. angel had commanded
Ps. 86.
Fundamenta ejus in I The foundations there-
montibus Sanctis : diligit I of are in the holy moun-

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380 S. JOSEPH.

Dominus portas Sion tains: the Lord kfteth

super omnia tabernacula the gates of Sipn above all
Jacob. the tabernacles of Jacob.
Gloriosa dicta sunt de Glorious things are said
te, civitas Dei. of thee, O city ot God 1

Memor ero Rahab be mindful of

et I will
Babylonis sciendum me. Rahab and of Babylon
knowing me.
Ecce alienigenae, et Behold the foreigners,
Tyrus, et populus ALthi- and Tyre, and the people
opum, hi fuerunt illic. of the Ethiopians : these
were there.
Numquid Sion dicet Shall not Sion say:
Homo et homo natus est This man and that man
in ea, et ipse fundavit is born in her; and the
earn altissimus ? Highest himself hath
founded her?
Dominus narrabit in The Lord shall tell in
scripturispopulorum et his writings of peoples
principum : horum, qui and of princes, of them
fuerunt in ea. that have been in her.
Sicut laetantium omni- The dwelling in thee
um habitatio est in te. is, as it were, of aH re-
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,

Ant. Joseph exurgens Ant. Joseph, rising

a somno fecit sicut prae- from sleep, did as the
cepit ei angelus. angel had commanded
V. Constituit eum do- V. He made him lord
minum domus suae, over his house,
J?. Et principem omnis R. And prince of all
possessionis suae. that was his.

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S. JOSEPH. 381


Deus, qui ineffabili God, who in thine in-
providen tia beatum effable providence didst
Joseph sanctissimae geni- vouchsafe to choose
tricis tuae sponsum eligere blessed Joseph to be the
dignatus es: praesta, husband of thy most holy
quaesumus, ut quem pro- mother grant we beseech

tectorem veneramur in thee, that we may be

t err i s , intercessorem made worthy to have him
habere mereamur in for our intercessor in
coelis. Qui vivis et heaven, whom on earth
regnas, etc. we venerate as our holy
protector. Who livest
and reignest, etc.

Dei qui gratiae impotes, Seek ye the grace of God,
Ccelestium dona expe- And mercies from on
tunt, high!
Josephi nomen invo- Invoke S. Joseph's holy
cent, name,
Opemque poscant sup- And on his aid rely.

Joseph vocato nomine So shall the Lord, well-

Deus adest petentibus, Your earnest prayer fulfil
Auget piis justitiam, The guilty cleanse from
guilt, and make
Culpamquedelet impiis. The holy holier still.

Joseph piis quaerentibus So shall his tender care

Dantur beata munera, To you through life be

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382 S. JOSEPH.

Datur palma victoria So shall his love with

triumph crown
Agonis in certamine. Your dying agony.

Amplexus inter Virginis, Locked in the virgin arms

Castaeque prolis placido Of Mary and her Son
Vitam sopore deserens, Embracing each in

speechless joy
Morientium fit regula. And sweetest union.

Illo nihil potent ius, O Joseph, in what peace

Cujus parentem nuti- Was breathed thy latest
bus, sigh !

Et subditum imperiis Dear pattern of all those

to come
Deum viderunt aethera. Who should in Jesus die!

Illo nihil perfectius, Hail, mightiest of saints

To whom
submissive bent
Qui sponsus almae Vir- He whose creator-hand
ginis outstretched
The starry firmament.

Electus est, Atlissimi Hail, Mary's spouse elect!

Hail, guardian of the
Word !

Custos, parensque cre- Nurse of the highest, and

ditus. esteem* d
The father of the Lord !

O ter beata et amplius Blest Trinity, to thee,

Honor sit tibi, Trini- From all in earth, in

tas, heaven,
Pater, Verbumque, et And to S. Joseph's holy
Spiritus, name,

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S. JOSEPH. 383

Sanctoque Joseph Be praise and honor given.

nomini. Amen. Amen.

Ant Adjutor est in Ant Blessed Joseph is

tribulationibus, et protec- the helper in trouble, and
tor omnibus beatus Joseph the protector of all who
nomen suum pie invocan- piously call upon his
tibus. name.
V. Sit nomen beati V. Blessed be the name
Joseph ibenedictum. of Joseph.
R. Ex hoc nunc et JR. Henceforth and
usque in saeculum. evermore.


Deus, qui mirabilis in God, who art wonder-
Sanctis tuis, mirabilior in ful inthy saints, and more
beato Joseph, eum cceles- wonderful in blessed Jo-
tium donorum dispensa- seph, making him dispen-
torem super familiamtuam ser of heavenly gifts over
constituisti : prsesta, quae- thy family grant, we

sumus, ut cujus nomen beseech thee, that we who

devoti veneramur, ejus devoutly venerate his name
precibus et mentis adjuti on earth may, through the
ad portum salutis feliciter assistance of his prayers
perveniamus. Per and merits, happily attain
Christum Dominum nos- unto the haven of salva-
trum. Amen. tion. Through Christ our
Lord. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the Cardi-

nal Pro- Vicar, June 26, 1809, granted to all the faithful, every
time and devotion, they shall
that, with at least contrite heart

say these psalms, together with the hymn and prayer annexed :

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who shall have

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384 S. JOSEPH.

saidthem daily for a month, on any day when, after confession

and communion, being truly penitent, they shall pray devoutly
for the intention of his Holiness.
The same Sovereign Pontiff, by rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 13, 181 5, besides confirming these indul-
gences, granted another
Plenary indulgence, on the feast of the patronage of S.
Joseph (the third Sunday after Easter), to all those who shall
have said these five psalms frequently in the course of the year,
provided that on that day, being truly penitent, they shall
approach the holy sacraments of confession and communion.



I. Pure husband of most holy Mary, glorious S.
Joseph, great was the travail and anguish of thy
heart when, in sore perplexity, thou wast minded to
put away thy stainless spouse but unspeakable was

thy joy when the angel revealed to thee the high

mystery of the Incarnation.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee,
comfort our souls now and in their dying agony with
the sweet consolation of a well-spent life, and a death
like unto thine own, in the embrace of Jesus and of
Our Father; Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

II. Thrice happy patriarch, glorious S. Joseph,

chosen to be the foster-father of the Word made man,
keen was the pain thou didst feel when thou didst
see the infant Jesus born in abject poverty ; but thy
pain was suddenly changed into heavenly joy when
upon thee burst the harmony of the angel-choirs, and
thou didst behold the glory of that refulgent night.

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S. JOSEPH. 385

By thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee,

obtain when the journey of our life is
for us that,
over, we too may pass to that blessed land where we
shall hear the angel-chants, and enjoy the brightness
of celestial glory.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

III. Othou who wast ever most obedient in ful-

filling the law of God, glorious S. Joseph when, at !

his circumcision, the infant Saviour's precious blood

was shed, thy heart was pierced through and through
but with the name of Jesus came again to thee new
life and heavenly joy.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us that,
freed in life from the vile yoke of sin, we too may die
with joy, with the sweet name of Jesus in our hearts
and on our lips.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

IV. Faithful saint, who wast admitted to take part

in man's redemption, glorious S. Joseph, Simeon's
prophecy of the coming woes of Jesus and of Mary
filled thy soul with agony like death but thy soul

was filled with blessedness when he foretold salvation

and glorious resurrection to innumerable souls.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, help us with thy
prayers to be of those who, by the merits of Jesus
and his Virgin Mother, shall be partakers of the glo-
rious resurrection.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

V. Watchful guardian, bosom-friend of the in-

carnate Son of God, glorious S. Joseph, how didst
thou toil to nurture and to serve the Son of the Most
High, especially in the flight into Egypt ; but far
386 S. JOSEPH.

greater was thy joy in having with thee God himself,

and in seeing Egypt's idols fall to the earth !

By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us to

keep aloof from the infernal tyrant, quitting all dan-
gerous occasions, that all earthly idols may be cast
out from our hearts, and that, employed in the ser-
vice of Jesus and Mary, we may ever live for them
alone, and with them calmly die.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

VI. Angel on earth, glorious S. Joseph, while

'thou didst marvel at seeing the King of heaven
obedient to thy bidding, fear of the tyrant mingled
with thy joy when thou didst bring him back from
Egypt but, reassured by the angel, thou didst dwell

at Nazareth with glad heart, in the sweet company

of Jesus and Mary."
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, obtain for us that,
with hearts set free from every hurtful fear, we too
may taste the quiet of a tranquil conscience, safely
dwelling with Jesus and with Mary, and one day die

within their loving arms.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

VII. Pattern of all holiness, glorious S. Joseph,

without fault of thine, thou didst lose the holy child,
Jesus, and for three days, to thy great sorrow, didst
seek for him, until, with joy unspeakable, thou didst
find thy Life amid the doctors in the temple.
By this thy sorrow and thy joy, we pray thee with
all our heart, stand between us and danger, that we
may never lose Jesus by mortal sin ; but if, to our
shame and disgrace, we lose him, may we seek him
with such ceaseless grief that we may find him pro-
pitious to us, especially at the hour of our death, and

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S. JOSEPH. 387

thas go to enjoy him in heaven, and there with thee

sing his divine mercy forever!
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father*

Ant Ipse Jesus erat Jesus was about

incipiens quasi annorum thirty years old, being,
triginta, ut putabatur, as was supposed, the son
filius Joseph. of Joseph.
V. Ora pro nobis, V. Pray for us, blessed
sancte Joseph. Joseph.
R. Ut digni efficiamur It. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.
Deus, qui ineffabili pro- God, who in thine in-
videntia beatum Joseph, providence didst
sanctissimae genitricis tuse vouchsafe to choose
sponsum eligere dignatus blessed Joseph to be the
es prsesta, qusesumus, ut husband of thy most holy

quern protectorem vene- mother: grant, we be-

ramur in terris, inter- seech thee, that we may
cessorem habere merea- be made worthy to receive
mur in coelis. Qui vivis him for our intercessor in
et regnas in saecula saecu- heaven, whom on earth
lorum. Amen. we venerate as our holy
protector. Who livest and
reignest world without
end. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the Car-
dinalVicar, Dec. 9, 1819, granted to the faithful who, with at

least and devotion, shall say these prayers

contrite heart
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
An indulgence of three hundred days, every Wednes-
day in the year, and on every day of the two novenas pre-

by Google ^
: :

388 S. JOSEPH.

ceding the feasts of S. Joseph, viz. : the principal feast, March

19, and the Sunday after Easter.
feast of the patronage, the third

A plenary indulgence, on these two feasts, to all those

who, moreover, being truly penitent, shall have gone to confes-
sion and communion.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall have said them every day for a month, on the day when,
being truly penitent, they shall go to confession and communion.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 22, 1836, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say these
prayers on any seven consecutive Sundays in the year
An indulgence of three hundred days, on each of the
first and
six Sundays,
A plenary indulgence, on the seventh Sunday, provided,
being truly penitent, they shall go to confession and communion.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 1, 1847, confirmed these indulgences, and
A plenary indulgence to all the faithful, on each of the
seven consecutive Sundays, provided that, having said the
prayers given above, being truly penitent, after confession and
communion, they shall visit a church or public oratory and pray
some time, for the intention of his Holiness.
there, for
The same Sovereign Pontiff, by another decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, March 22, 1847, extended
The plenary indulgence, granted for each of the seven
consecutive Sundays during the year, to those who cannot read
and do not live in places where this devotion is publicly prac-
tised, provided that, on each Sunday, after having fulfilled the
other conditions, in place of the prayers given above, they shall
say the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to thi
Father, each seven times.

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S. JOSEPH. 389




The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 28, 1876, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with contrite heart, devoutly make at any time during
the year the novena in honor of S. Joseph, spouse of Mary most
holy, with any formula of prayer, provided it be approved by
competent ecclesiastical authority,
Anindulgence of three hundred days, once a day
A plenary indulgence, during the course of the novena,
if, being truly penitent, having confessed and communicated,

they pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.



His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the Secretary

of Briefs, June 1 1, 1855, granted to all the faithful who shall

dedicate the entire month of March to the honor of the glorious
S. Joseph, performing the pious exercise contained in the book
printed at Rome, under the Considerations of the virtues
title :

of the holy Patriarch, S. Joseph, for the dedication to him of

the month of March :

indulgence of three hundred days, for each day of
the month;
A plenary indulgence, on any one day, when, being truly
390 S. JOSEPH.

penitent, after confession and communion, they shall pray for

the intention of his Holiness.
He granted also the same indulgences to those of the faithful
who, being unable to do so during the month of March, shall
dedicate any other month to the honor of the same holy patriarch.
By a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, April 27, 1865,
he extended the said plenary and partial indulgences to any
practice of devotion and virtue whatever, performed on each
day of the month of March, in honor of S. Joseph, as he had
done for that during the month of May, in honor of the most
blessed Virgin Mary.
Besides, the same Sovereign Pontiff, by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 18, 1877, declared that the same
indulgences can be gained by the faithful who begin the said
exercise of devotion so as to end it on the feast of S. Joseph,
March 19.

Remember, O most pure spouse of the blessed
Virgin Mary, my sweet protector S. Joseph that no !

one ever had recourse to thy protection or implored

thy aid without obtaining relief. Confiding there-
fore in thy goodness, I come before thee, and humbly
supplicate thee. Oh, despise not my petitions,
foster-father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive
them. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, June 26, 1863,
granted to all the faithful who shall say this prayer, with at least
and devotion
contrite heart :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

Saint Joseph, model and patron of those who
love the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for u>.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, December 19, 1 891, granted to the faithful who
shall recite the above ejaculation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


Virginum custos et Guardian of virgins and
pater, sancte Joseph, cujus father, holy Joseph, to
fideli custodiae ipsa inno- whose faithful care Christ
centia Christus Jesus, et Jesus, innocence herself,
Virgo virginum Maria and Mary, Virgin of vir
commissa fuit te per hoc gins, were committed I
: :

utrumque carissimum pray and beg of thee, by

pi gnus, Jesum et Mariam, these dear pledges, Jesus
obsecro et obtestor ut me and Mary, free me from all
ab dmni immunditia prae- unclean ness, and make
servatum, mente incon- irie with spotless mind,
taminata, puro corde et pure heart and chaste
casto corpore, Jesu et body, ever most chastely
Mariae semper facias to serve Jesus and Mary,
castissime famulari. all the days of my life.
It. Amen. It. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 4, 1877, recalling all indulgences hitherto
given, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say this prayer:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



Most powerful patriarch, S. Joseph, patron of the

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392 S. JOSEPH.

Universal Church, which has always invoked thee in

anxiety and trouble, from the exalted seat of thy
glory cast a loving glance upon the whole Catholic
world. Let thy fatherly heart be touched at the
sight of the mystical spouse, and the Vicar of Christ
overwhelmed with sorrow and persecuted by powerful
enemies. Oh by the bitter anguish thou didst ex-

perience upon earth, dry the tears of the venerable

Pontiff, defend him, liberate him, intercede for him
with the Giver of Peace and charity, that, all adversity
being removed, and all error dissipated, the entire
Church may serve God in perfect liberty. Ut de-
struens adversitatibus et erroribus universis Ecclesia
secura Deo serviat libertate. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, March 4, 1882, granted to all the faithful who
devoutly and with contrite hearts recite this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Fac nos innocuam, Jo- Help us, Joseph, in our
seph, decurrere vitam early strife,
Sitque tuo semper tuta E'er to lead a pure and
patrocinio. blameless life.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, March 18, 1882, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this invo-
cation :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

Eternal Father, by thy love for S. Joseph, whom

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S. JOSEPH. 393

thou didst select from among all men to represent

theeupon earth, have mercy on us and on the dying.
One Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to
Eternal Divine Son, *by thy love for S. Joseph,
who was thy faithful guardian upon earth, have mercy
upon us and upon the dying.
One Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to
the Father.
Eternal Divine Spirit, by thy love for S. Joseph,
who so carefully watched over Mary, thy beloved
spouse, have mercy on us and on the dying.
One Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory be to
the Father.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, May 17, 1884, granted to all the faithful who.
with contrite heart, devoutly recite the above prayers
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


0 glorious S. Joseph, selected by God to be the
reputed father of Jesus, the most pure spouse of
Mary, ever Virgin, and head of the holy family
therefore chosen by Christ's Vicar as the heavenly
patron and protector of the Church founded by
Christ ; with the greatest confidence I now implore
thy peaceful assistance for the whole Church militant.
Protect in an especial manner, with thy truly fatherly
love, the Sovereign Pontiff and all bishops and
priests united with the See of Peter. Be the protec-
tor of those who labor for souls amid the trials and
tribulations of this life, and grant that all the people
of the earth may submit with docility to that Churc h
which is the necessary means of salvation for all.

394 S. JOSEPH.

Deign also, dear S. Joseph, to accept the consecra-

tion which I make of myself to thee. I dedicate
myself to thy service that thou mayest be ever my
father, my my
guide in the way of salva-
tion. Obtain for me great
purity of heart and a fervent
love for the interior life. Grant that, after thy ex-
ample, all my actions may be directed to the greater
glory of God in union with the divine heart of Jesus,
the immaculate heart of Mary, and thy own. Finally,
pray for me, that I may participate in the peace and
joy which thou did'st enjoy in thy holy death.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, July 18, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
with contrite heart, devoutly recite the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


Remember Blessed Joseph, and by the efficacy
of thy prayer intercede for us with him who vouch-
safed to be styled thy Son ; and, moreover, secure for
us the propitious care of thy Blessed Virgin Spouse
who is the Mother of him who with the Father and
the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth for ever and
ever. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, December 14, 1889, granted to the faithful who

recite the above prayer

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S. JOSEPH. 395

To thee, O Blessed Joseph, we have recourse in
our affliction, and, after imploring the help of thy
most holy Spouse, we confidently invoke thy patron-
age also. By that affection which united thee with
the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by the
fatherly love with which thou didst embrace the In-
fant Jesus, look down, we beseech thee, with gra-
cious eyes on the precious inheritance which Jesus
Christ purchased by his blood, and help us in our
necessities by thy power and aid. Protect, O most
provident Guardian of the Holy Family, the elect
children of Jesus Christ ; ward off from us, O most
loving Father, all plagues of errors and depravity; be
propitious to us from heaven, O
most powerful Pro-
tector, in this our struggle with the powers of darkness;
and as thou didst once rescue the child Jesus from
the greatest peril to his 'life, so now defend God's
holy church from the snares of the enemy and all ad-
versity. Finally, shield every one of us with thy
patronage, that, imitating thy example and strength-
ened by thy help, we may live a holy life, die a
happy death and attain to everlasting happiness in
heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., in his Encyclical of August 15,
1889, has ordered that after the public recitation of the Holy
Rosary prescribed by him on other occasions for the month of
October, the above prayer should be added, granting for its

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines.
Moreover, His Holiness, by a decree of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, Sept. 21, 1889, has granted to the faithful who shall
recite the same prayer at any time of the year

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396 S. JOSEPH.

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

N. B. —When this prayer is not recited after the Rosary, the
words " after imploring the help of thy most holy Spouse " are

Saint Joseph, reputed father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and true Spouse of Mary ever Virgin, pray
for us.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., Motu Proprio, May 15, 1891.
who shall recite the above invocation
granted to the faithful
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

O great and glorious patriarch, S. Joachim, how I
rejoice in the thought that thou wast selected from
among all the saints to co-operate in the divine mys-
teries and to enrich the world with the great mother
of God, Mary most holy. By this especial privilege
thou didst become most powerful with the mother and
with the Son, so that there is no grace, however
great, which thou canst not obtain. Animated with
Buch confidence, I have recourse to thy powerful pro-
tection, and recommend to thee all my needs, and
those of my family, both spiritual and temporal, but
particularly the special grace which I desire and ex*
pect from thy fatherly intercession. And as thou
wert a perfect model of the interior life, obtain for
me the grace of recollection and detachment from
the fleeting goods of this earth, with a lively and
persevering love for Jesus and Mary. Obtain for me

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also sincere devotion and obedience to Holy Church

and to the Sovereign Pontiff governing it, that I may
live and die in faith, hope, and perfect charity, in-
voking the holy names of Jesus and Mary, and thus
be saved. Amen.
Three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, Glory be to thi
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, March 20, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
with contrite heart, devoutly recite the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.


O great Patriarch, Saint Joachim, worthy by thy
most admirable sanctity to be chosen by divine
Providence as the one who should give to this world
the Immaculate Queen, in whom. all generations shall
be blessed, and who has borne in her virginal womb
the Saviour of mankind we, thy devoted servants, re-

joice with thee for thy glorious privilege, and im-

plore thee to extend to us and our families thy special
protection. Do not permit, beloved Protector, the
evil spirit and sin to find an abode in our hearts, or
that, seduced by the perverse maxims of the world,
we should live forgetful of that blessed eternity for
which we have been created. Obtain for us from
God, that we may hold an immovable faith, never
shaken by errors or the irreligion so widely spread
by sects opposed to our church and to the holy
Apostolic See, that we may cherish a sincere and
constant affection for the Roman Pontiff, Vicar of
Christ, with a generous and unconquerable firmness
in refuting any calumnious attacks against that which

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is most sacred and venerable in pur holy religion.

Thou who- art so powerful through the love thy holy
Daughter Mary bears you, help the cause of our
church, obtain for it a triumph so ardently desired,
dissolve the power of darkness, break its pride, so
that the light of the true faith may shine in every
soul. Give us above a tender and filial devotion
towards thy beloved Daughter and our Mother, the
most holy Mary, that, honoring her every day by
devout homage, we may merit to be admitted by
her among the happy throng of her children, and
after the miseries of this exile be destined to sing
forever the divine mercies in Paradise. Amen.

Three times Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to

the Father.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., has granted by a motu proprio of
Aug. 16, 1890, to the faithful who shall say the above prayer
and three times Pater Ave and Gloria

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

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With a heart full of sincere filial veneration, I
prostrate myself before thee, O blessed S. Ann.
Thou art that beloved and privileged creature who,
because of thy extraordinary virtue and sanctity,
didst deserve of God that chief of graces of giving
life to the treasury of grace, the blessed among
women, the mother of the Incarnate Lord, the blessed
Virgin Mary.
Ah in consideration of such exalted favors deign,

O most tender Saint, to receive me among the number

of thy truly devoted servants, for such I protest my-
self to be and wish to remain for the rest of my life.
Surround me with thy efficacious patronage and
obtain for me, from God, the imitation of those
virtues with which thou wert so profusely adorned.
Obtain for me a knowledge of my sins and sorrow for
them ; an ardent love for Jesus and Mary ; a faithful
and constant observance of the duties of my state of
life. Save me from all dangers in life and assist me
at the hour of my death, that I may safely reach
Paradise, there to praise, with thee, most happy
mother, the Word of God made man in the womb of
thy most pure daughter, the blessed Virgin Mary.
Three Our Fathers, Hail Marys, Glory be to the
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, March 20, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,

with contrite heart, devoutly above prayer
recite the

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day,


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O blessed apostles Peter and Paul I take you this

day for my special protectors and advocates with

God. In all humility I rejoice with thee, blessed
Peter, prince of the apostles, because thou art the rock
whereon God hath built his Church ; and I rejoice
with thee, too, blessed Paul, because thou wast
chosen of God for a vessel of election, and preacher
of the truth throughout the world. Ask for me, I pray
you both, lively faith, firm hope, and perfect charity;
entire detachment from myself, contempt of the
world, patience in adversity, humility in prosperity,
attention in prayer, purity of heart, right intention
in my works, diligence in the fulfilment of all the
duties of my state of life, constancy in my pood
resolutions, resignation to the holy will of God,
perseverance in his grace even unto death that, by —
your joint intercession and your glorious merits, I
may overcome the temptations of the world, the
flesh, and the devil, and be made worthy to stand
before the face of the chief and eternal pastor of
souls, Jesus Christ, to enjoy him and to love him for
all eternity, who, with the Father and the Holy
Ghost, liveth and reigneth world without end.
Our Father, Hail Mary Giory ) be to the Father*

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript from the Office

of the Secretary of Memorials, July 28, 1778, granted to all the
faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say
this prayer, together with the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and
the Glory be to the Father:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on any of the feasts of S. Peter
and S. Paul, or on any of the nine days preceding, or within
their octaves, to those who, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, shall visit with devotion a church or an altar

dedicated to these holy apostles, and say there, as directed

above, this prayer, praying for holy Church and for the Sovereign
These indulgences, plenary and partial, were confirmed for-

ever by his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, June 18, 1876.


Si vis patronum quaerere, Seek ye a patron to defend

Si vis potentem vindicem, Your cause? —
then, one
and all,
Quid jam moraris? in- Without delay, upon the
voca prince
Apostolorum principem. Of the apostles call.

O sancte cceli claviger, Blest holder of the heav-

enly keys,
Tu nos precando subleva ; Thy prayers we all im-
plore ;

Iu redde nobis pervia Unlock to us the sacred

Aulse supernse limina. Of heaven's eternal door.

; ; ;


Ut ipse multis pcenitens By penitential tears thou

Culpam rigasti lacrymis, The path of life regain
Sic nostra tolli poscimus Teach us with thee to
weep our sins,
Fletu perenni crimina. And wash away their
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

Sicut fuisti ab angelo The angel touched thee

and forthwith
Tuis solutus vinculis, Thy chains from off thee
Tu nos iniquis exue O loose us from the subtle
Tot implicatos nexibus. That bind us fast to hell.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

O firma petra Ecclesiae, Firm rock whereon the

Church is based,
Columna flecti nescia, Pillar that cannot bend,
Da robur et constantiam, With strength endue us;
and the faith
Error fidem ne subruat. From heresy defend.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

Romam tuo qui sanguine Save Rome, which from

the days of old
Olim sacrasti, protege Thy blood hath sancti-
In teque confidentibus And help the nations of
the earth
Praesta salutem gentibus. That in thy help confide.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

; ;


Tu rem tuere publicam, O, worshipp'd by all

Qui te colunt, fidelium, Her realms in peace
Ne lsesa sit contagiis, Let no contagion sap her
Ne scissa sit discordiis. No discord rend in twain.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

Quos hostis antiquus do- The weapons which our

los ancient foe
Instruxit in nos, destrue; Against us doth prepare,
Truces et iras coraprime, Crush thou ; nor suffer us
to fall
Ne clade nostra sseviat. Into his deadly snare.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

Contra furentis impetus Guard us through life ;

and in that hour

In morte vires suffice, When our last fight draws
Ut et supremo vincere O'er death, o'er hell, o'er
Satan's power,
Possimus in certamine. Gain us the victory.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Glory be to the Father,

Spiritui Sancto. and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost.
O sancte cceli, etc. Blest holder, etc.

Ant. Tu es pastor ovi- Ant. Thou art the

um, princeps apostolo- shepherd of the sheep,
rum ; tibi traditge sunt prince of the apostles


claves regni coelo- to thee were given the

rum. keys of the kingdom of
V. Tu es Petrus, V. Thou art Peter.
R. Et super hanc pe- R. And upon this rock
tram aedificabo Ecclesiam will I build my Church.
Apostolicis nos, Do- Lord, we beseech thee,
rnine, quaesumus, beati raise us up by the apos-
Petri apostoli tui attolle tolic might of blessed
praesidiis : ut quanto fra- Peter, thine apostle, that
giliores sumus, tan to ejus the weaker we are in our-
intercessione validioribus selves, the more powerful
auxiliis foveamur ; ut jugi- may be the succors where-
ter apostolica defensione by, through his interces-
muniti, nec succumba- sion, we are strengthened;
mus vitiis, nec opprima- and that thus, ever forti-
mur adversis. Per fied by the protection of
Christum, etc. thine apostle, we may
never yield to sin, nor be
overwhelmed by adver*
sity. Through Christ
our Lord. Amen.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, June 22, 1782, granted to all the faithful

who shall every day say this responsory with devotion

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on the feast of S. Peter's Chains
(Aug. and of the chair of S. Peter, at Rome (Jan. 18), pro-

vided on these days, being truly penitent, after confession

and communion, they shall visit a church or altar dedicated to
the saint, and pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

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Pressi malorum pondere All ye who groan be-
Adite Paulum supplices, A load of ills oppressed,
Qui certa largus desuper Entreat S. Paul, and he
will pray
Dabit salutis pignora. The Lord to give you rest

O grata coelo victima, O victim, dear to heaverv

Doctorque, amorque gen- O Paul, thou teacher truei
O Paule, nos te vindicem, Thou love and joy oi
Nos te patronum posci- To thee for help we sue.

Nam tu beato concitus Pierced by the flame of

Divini amoris impetu, Descending from on high,
Quos insecutor oderas, 'Twas thine to preach the
faith which once
Defensor inde amp] ce- Thou soughtest to de-
teris. stroy.
O grata, etc. O victim, etc.

Non te procellae et ver- Nor toil, nor threaten'd

bera, death,
Non vincla et ardor hos- Nor tempest, scourge, or
tium, chain,
Non dira mors deterruit, Could from th' assembly
of the saints
Ne sancto adesses ccetui. Thy loving heart detain.
O grata, etc. O victim, etc.

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Amoris eja pristini Oh, by that quenchless

Ne sis, precamur, im- Which burnt in thee of
memor, yore,
Et nos supernae languidos Take pity on our miseries,
In spem reducas gratiae. Our fainting hope restore.
grata, etc. victim, etc. O
Te destruantur auspice True champion of the

Saevae inferorum ma- Crush thou the scheme of

chinae, hell;
Et nostra templa publicis And with adoring multi-
Petita votis insonent. The sacred temple fill.
grata, etc. O
victim, etc.

Te deprecante floreat Through

thy prevailing
Ignara damni charitas, May charity abound
Quam nulla turbent Sweet charity, which
jurgia, knows no ill,

Nec ullus error sauciet. Which nothing can con-

O grata, etc. O victim, etc.

Qua terra cumque diditur, To earth's remotest shores

Jungatur uno fcedere, May one same faith ex-
tend ;
Tuisque semper affluat And thy epistles through
all climes
Salubre nectar litteris. Their blessed perfume
O grata, etc. O victim, etc.

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Det velle nos quod im- Grant us the will and

perat, power
Det posse summus arbiter, To serve thee, God of
Ne fluctuantes horridae Lest, wav'ring still and
Caligo noctis obruat. We sink in depths of
O grata, etc. O victim, etc.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, Glory be to the Father,

et Spiritui Sancto. and to the Son, and to
the Holy Ghost.
O grata, etc. O victim, etc.

Ant. Vas electionis est Ant. This is my vessel

mihi iste, ut portet nomen of election, to carry my
meum coram gentibus, et name among the gentiles,
regibus, et filiis Israel. and kings, and the chil-
dren of Israel.
V. Ora pro nobis S. V. Pray for us, O
Paule apostole. blessed apostle Paul
R. Ut digni efficiamur R. That we may be
promissionibus Christ i. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.


Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty and eternal
Deus, qui beato apostolo God, who, in thy divine
Paulo, quid faceret ut compassion, didst direct
impleretur Spiritu Sancto, thy blessed apostle Paul
divina miseratione prae- what to do, that he might
cepisti: ejus dirigentibus be filled with thy Holy
monitis, et suffragan tibus Spirit : grant that we may
meritis concede ; ut ser- be so counselled by his
: :


vientes tibi in timore et teaching, and aided by

tremore, ccelestium dono- his merits, that, serving
rum consolatione replea- thee in fear and trembling,
mur. Per Chistum Do- we too may be rilled with
minum nostrum. the consolation of thy
heavenly gifts. Through
Christ our Lord.
Jt. Amen. It. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the Cardinal
Vicar, Jan. 23, 1806, to increase, in the faithful, devotion to S.

Paul the apostle, granted to all those who, with at least contrite

heart and devotion, shall say this responsory every day

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on the feast of the Conversion of

S. Paul (Jan. 25), as well as on the feast of his Commemoration

(June 30), provided that, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, they shall visit a church or altar dedicated to

the same holy apostle, and pray there devoutly for the intea*

tion of the Sovereign Pontiff.



By a brief, May 15, 1857, the Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX.,

granted to all the faithful who, with truly contrite heart and
devotion, shall kiss the foot of the bronze statue representing
the aposde S. Peter which is placed in the Vatican basilica,

provided that at the same time they shall pray for peace and
union among Christian princes, for the extirpation of heresy,
and for the triumph of holy Mother Church
_ An indulgence of fifty days, every time.

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By a grant of the same Sovereign by a rescript of the


S. Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 4, 1877, and by the disposition

of the Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XIII., declared in the audience
of April 27, 1880, to his eminence the Cardinal Secretary of
Briefs, the faithful, who keep by them a little statue of S.
Peter, like that which is venerated at the Vatican basilica, can
gain the same
Indulgence of fifty days, once a day, when they kiss its

feet with devotion, and praying as before, provided that this

statue be blessed by the Sovereign Pontiff.
This indulgence can be gained by all the members of the
family dwelling in the same house.


O glorious apostle, whose virginal purity made thee
so dear to Jesus that thou wast privileged to lean thy
head upon his divine bosom and to be left by him to
take his place as son of his most holy Mother, I
entreat thee to enkindle in me the most ardent love
for Jesus and Mary. Obtain for me, I beseech thee,
from the Lord, that I too, with a heart quite weaned
from all worldly attachments, may be made worthy
to be always united to Jesus as a faithful disciple,
and to Mary as a devoted son here on earth, so to
abide with them forever in heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 8, 1897, granted to the faithful who shall

recite the above prayer

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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Glorious Nicholas, my own protector from that !

bright throne where thou dost enjoy the vision of thy

God, in pity turn thine eyes upon me ; ask for me
from God those graces and helps most seasonable in
my present necessities, whether spiritual or temporal,
and especially the grace of ... if such be expedient
for my eternal welfare. Forget not, glorious and
holy bishop, our Sovereign Pontiff, the holy Church,
and this pious city. Bring back to the right way of
salvation those who live steeped in sin, or buried in
the darkness of ignorance, error, and heresy. Com-
fort the sorrowing, provide for the needy, strengthen
the weak-hearted, defend the oppressed, help the
sick ; let all know the effects of thy powerful patron-
age with him who is the supreme giver of all good.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

V. Ora pro nobis, bea- P. Pray for us, blessed

te Nicolae. Nicholas.
R. Ut digni efficiamur R. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.
Deus qui beatum Nico- God, who hast honored,
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laum gloriosum confesso- and ceasest not daily

rem tuum atque pontificem to honor, thy high-priest
innumeris decorasti, et and glorious confessor,
quotidie non cessas illus- blessed Nicholas, with
trare miraculis tribue, innumerable
: miracles
quaesumus, ut ejus mentis grant, we beseech thee,
et precibus a gehennse in- that^J^y his merits and
cendiis, et a periculis om- prayers, we may be de-
nibus liberemur. Per livered from the fires of
Christum Dominum nos- hell and from all other \
trum. Amen. dangers. Through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Dec. 22, 1832, granted to all the faith-
ful who shall, with at least contrite heart and devotion, say this
prayer, with the Our Father the. Hail Mary, and the Glory b*

to the Father, and the versicles, etc.

An indulgence of fifty days, once a day.

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intrepid defender of the liberty of the Church,
illustrious S. Gregory, by that firmness which thou
didst manifest, in maintaining her rigjits against the
powers of earth and hell combined against her,
stretch forth from heaven, we pray thee, thy powerful
arm over her, to comfort and defend her in the fierce
warfare which she is to-day waging. Especially en-
courage, in the great struggle, the venerated Pontiff
who, with thy See, has also inherited the intrepidity
of thy heart. Obtain for him that he may see his
holy efforts crowned with the triumph of the Church
and by the return of the wandering to the right path.
Obtain finally that all the world may at last under-
stand that it is vain to struggle against that faith
which always has and always will overcome the world
— hcec est victoria qua vincit mundum fides nostra.
Such is the prayer which we pour forth to thee, and
we having answered it in this world, thou
trust that,
wilt one day
call us with thee to heaven, near the
eternal Pontiff, who with the Father and the Holy
Ghost lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 4, 1873, granted to alf the faithful who,
with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above prayer
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
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Belli tumultus ingruit, Wars and tumults fill the
Cultus Dei contemnitur Men the fear of God de-
Ultrixque culpam perse- Retribution, vengeance,
quens wrath,
Jam poena terris imminet. Brood upon theangry skies.

Quem nos in hoc dis- Holy Pius, pope sublime !

Coelestium de sedibus Whom, in this most evil
Praesentiorem vindicem, Whom, of saints in bliss,
can we
Quam te, Pie, invocabi- Better call to aid than
mus? thee

Nemo, beate pontifex, None moremightily than

Intensiore robore Hath, by holy deed or
Quam tu, superni numinis Through the spacious
earth below *
Promovit in terris decus. Spread the glory of the
Quem nos, etc. Holy Pius, etc.

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414 s. pius v.

Ausisve fortioribus it was, Thine

pontiff O
Avertit a cervicibus, Pontiff of eternal Rome,
Quod Christianis gentibus From barbaric yoke to
Jugiim parabant barbari. Terror-stricken Chris-
Quem nos, etc. Holy Pius, etc.

Tu, comparatis classi- When Lepanto's gulf be-

bus, held,
Votis magis sed fervidis Strewn upon its waters
Ad insulas Echinadas Turkey's countless navy
Fundis tyrannum Thra- To the power of thy
ciae. prayer.
Quem nos, etc. Holy Pius, etc.

Absensque eodem tem- Who, meanwhile, with

pore, prophet's eye,
Hostis fuit quo perditus, Didst the distant battle
Vides, et adstantes doces And announce to standers-
Pugnae secundos exitus. That same moment's vic-
Quem nos, etc. Holy Pius, etc.

Majora qui ccelo potes, Mightier now and glori-

Tu'supplices nunc aspice, Hear the suppliant cry
we pour
Tu civium discordias Crush rebellion's haughty

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S. PIUS V. 415

Compesce, et iras hos- Quell the din of rising

tium. war.
Quern nos, etc. Holy Pius, etc.

Precante te, pax aurea At thy prayer may golden

Terras revisat ; ut Deo Down to earth descend
Tuti queamus reddere License, discord, trouble
Mox lsetiora cantica. Justice, truth, and order
Quern nos, etc. Holy Pius, etc.

Tibi, beata Trinitas, To the Lord of endless

Uni Deo sit gloria, One almighty Trinity,
Laus, et potestas dmnia Sempiternal glory, praise,
Per sseculorum saecula. Honor, might, and bless-
ing be.
Amen. Amen.

V. Ora pro nobis, beate V. Pray for us, blessed

Pie. Pius.
R. Ut digni efficiamur R. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthyof the
promises of Christ.


Deus, qui ad God, who, to the utter
rendos ecclesiae t u
destruction of the ene-
hostes, et ad divinum mies of thy Church, and
cultum reparandum, to the restoration of thy
beatum Pium pontificem holy worship, didst vouch-
maximum eligere digna- safe to choose blessed
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416 S. PIUS V.

tus es: fac nos ipsius Pius to be thy high-priest

defendi prsesidiis, et ita grant us to be so defended
tuis inhserere obsequiis, by his protection, and to
ut omnium hostium remain so steadfast in thy
superatis insidiis perpetua service, that, overcoming
pace laetemur. Per
the snares of all our ene-
Christum Dominum nos- mies, we may enjoy ever-
trum. lasting repose. Through
Christ our Lord.
J?. Amen. R. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VIII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Oct. 2, 1830, granted
A plenary indulgence, on the feast of S. Pius (May 5),

from first vespers to sunset, to all those who, being truly peni*
lent, after confession and communion, shall say this hymn before
any altar or relic of the saint, or in a church of the Order of

Preachers, praying for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

An indulgence of forty days, once a day, to those who

shall say it, with at least contrite heart and devotion, on any day
of the year.

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Lord Jesus Christ, who, by thy most precious

blood didst form thy Church, and by the preaching
of the apostles didst establish, propagate and ex-
tend it throughout the whole world, and also, after
them, didst send the holy patriarch, S. Dominic, to
readorn, illustrate and defend it by the splendor of
his merits and teaching, deign to hear the prayers
which this apostolic man unceasingly offers thee for
them aintenance of its temporal goods, and for the in-
crease of its spiritual advantages.
One Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Most clement Redeemer, who didst give S. Dom-

inic to the world, that he might serve thee as coad-
jutor in the great work of the salvation of souls, such
numbers of whom, in fact, were gained to the Church
by thy grace and his own zeal ; both of heretics
separated therefrom, and of sinners who, by their
profligacy, were grieving thee ah send, : my God, ! O
ever new laborers into thy vineyard to labor for thy
glory, and to gather the fruits of eternal life.
One Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

O Lord Jesus, who wast pleased to behold S. Dom-

27 (41?)

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inic prostrate nightly before thy altar, adoring thee

with lively hidden in the eucharistic sacrament,
and alternating sighs, prayers and penances in behalf
of the Church, then persecuted by her enemies and
profaned by her own: defend this thy spouse by the
intercession of S. Dominic from the insults and the
plots of the common infernal enemy.
One Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

V, Ora pro nobis, V. Pray for us, S. Dom-

sancte Dominie. inic.
F. Ut digni efficiamur F. That we may be
promissionibus Christ i. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.
Concede quaesumus, Grant, we beseech thee,
omnipotens Deus, ut qui almighty God, that we
peccatorum nostrorum who are pining beneath
pondere premimur, beati the burden of our sins
Dominici confessoris tui maybe comforted through
patrocinio sublevemur. the intercession of blessed
Per Christum Dominum Dominic, thy confessor.
nostrum. Amen. Through Christ our Lord.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, July 21, 1883, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite these
prayers, with the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory
be to the Father, each three times, with the versicle and prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day, to those
who shall have recited them as above every day for a month*
provided that, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, they visit a church or public oratory, and pray there foe
the intention of his Holiness.

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His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 21, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
upon the five Sundays which immediately precede the feast of
the sacred Stigmata of S. Francis of Assisium, or upon any
other five consecutive Sundays during the year, shall exercise
themselves either in pious meditation, or in vocal prayer, or in
any other work of Christian piety, in honor of the said sacred
A plenary indulgence, once a year,on each of the five
Sundays, provided, being truly penitent and having confessed
and communicated, they visit some church or public oratory,
and there pray according to the intention of his Holiness.


O divi amoris victima
Quino cruenta vulnere,
Francisce qui vivam Crucis
Christi refers imaginera.
Tu caritatis fervidis
Flammis adustus, sanguinem
Christo daturus, barbara
Ter cogitasti littora.
Voti sed impos, non sinis
Languere flammas desides



Et excitas caelestia,
Flagrans amore, incendia.
In prole vivens efferas
Pervadis oras algida ;

Gelu soluto, ut ferveant

Ardore sancto pectora.
Sicpertimendis lividum
Armis Avemum conteris
Virtutis et firmum latus
Templo labenti subiicis.
Adsis, Pater, precantibus
Ignemque, late quo tua
Exarsit ingens caritas,
Accende nostris mentibus.
Sit laus Patri et Filio,
Sit inclyto Paraclito,
Qui nos Parentis optimi
Det aemulari spiritum. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, September 13, 1893, granted to the faithful who
shall recite the above hymn
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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My and most loving protector, St. Al-
phonsus, thou who didst toil and suffer so much to se-
cure to men the fruit of redemption, behold the wretch-
edness of my poor soul, and take pity on me. Through
the powerful influence of intercession, which thou
enjoyest with Jesus and Mary, obtain for me forgive-
ness of my past sins with true repentance for them,
a great horror of sin, and strength always to resist
temptations. I entreat thee to communicate to me
a spark of that burning charity with which thy heart
was ever inflamed, and help me to imitate thee in
this, that the only standard and rule of my life may
be to please God in all. Obtain for me, also, a
fervent and unfailing love of Jesus and a tender and
filial devotion to Mary, with the grace to pray always
and to persevere in the service of God till the hour
of my death, so that I may finally be united with thee
in praising God and Mary Most Holy for all eternity.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 18, 1887, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgbncb of two hundred days, once a day.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XII., in the brief, Calestium
munerum, Dec. 2, 1738, granted to all the faithful who, on
thirteen successive Fridays preceding the feast of S. Francis of
Paul (April 2), or at any other time of the year, being truly
and communion, shall visit a church
penitent, after confession
of the Minims, commonly called the Paolotti, and pray there
for peace and union among Christian princes, for the extirpation
of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Mother Church :

A PLENARY indulgence, on any one of the thirteen Fridays.

An indulgence of seven YEAK3 and seven quarantines,
on each of the other Fridays, on the fulfilment of what is pre-

scribed above.
Moreover, wherever there are no churches of the abovc-nan^i
order, or where they are distant at least a mile from a person s
own dwelling, the same Clement XII., by another brief, March
20, 1739, allowed the faithful, who shall have performed the
other works enjoined, to visit any other church whatsoever,
dedicated to God in honor of S. Francis of Paul, or any altar
where there is a picture of this saint ; and further, if these con-
ditions cannot be complied with, to visit their own parish church.
This devotion originated according to history with S. Francis
himself, who practised it in honor of our Lord Jesus Christ and
his twelve apostles. For this purpose, on each of the thirteen
Fridays, he used to say the Our Father and
the Hail Mary,
each thirteen times ; and this devotion he promulgated, by word

of mouth and by letter to his own devout followers, as an

efficaciousmeans of obtaining from God the graces they desired,
provided they were for the greater good of their souls. Since
the death of the saint, which took place April 2, 1507, the day
on which in. that year Good-Friday fell, this devotion has always
been practised by the faithful throughout the whole Catholic
world in honor of the holy founder; and so, it came at last to

be approved by the said Clement XII., who granted, besides,

"*the indulgences above-named, in order to animate all good
Cnnstians to adopt it.


To thee we have recourse, thy humble suppliants,
O Blessed Louis, a lily of virginity, a bright star,
and a most admirable vessel of holiness. Pour out
by thy intercessions heavenly graces upon the Cath-
olic nations, to whom you are attached by so many
ties, and of whom God has made thee the Protector.
Intercede with God and the Immaculate Virgin, that
the ancient faith of their ancestors may revive again
among that Christian people, and their charity re-
ceive a new ardor and their morals be thoroughly
reformed. Obtain for the rulers and the subjects a
sincere harmony, for our holy Mother the Church
the triumph over her enemies, for the Vicar of Christ
on earth the full liberty in the sacred ministry of
guiding souls, and for us all who beg for thy help
the eternal reward in heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 12, 1894, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XIII., by a decree of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 27, 1767, granted to all the faithful

who, truly penitent, having confessed and communicated, upon
the ten consecutive Sundays preceding the feast of S. Ignatius
of Loyola, or upon any other ten consecutive Sundays during
the year, exercise themselves in pious meditation, or vocal prayer,
or any other work of Christian piety to the glory of God and
in honor of the same saint, and visit some church of the Society

cf Jesus:
A plenary indulgence, on each of the Sundays.
In places where the said Society does not exist, the Sovereign
Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a rescript of the same S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 10, 84 1, granted that the faithful might gain

these plenary indulgences by visiting their parish church and

there praying for some space of time according to the intention
of his Holiness.

Oglorious patriarch, S. Ignatius, we humbly
beseech thee to obtain for us from God, first, freedom
from the greatest of all evils, which is sin, and then
also from that fatal disease, cholera, which is one of
the scourges by which God punishes the wickedness

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of his people. Thy example has awakened in our

hearts a lively desire to labor continually for the
greater glory of God and the good of our neighbor.
Obtain for us also from the loving Heart of Jesus, our
Lord, that grace which is the crown of all others,
final perseverance, and eternal beatitude. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 5, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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Most glorious of purity, example of
S. Peter, lily
Christian perfection, and perfect pattern of sacerdo-
tal zeal, by that glory which as the reward of thy
virtues has been bestowed upon thee in heaven, look
favorably down upon us and come to our assistance
by thy intercession before the throne of the Most
High. When living on earth, the cherished maxim
thou hadst so frequently on thy lips was: " Harm no
one, show kindness to all
M and, armed with this de-

vice, thou hast spent thy whole life succoring the

poor, giving advice to the doubtful, consoling the
afflicted, bringing back to the path of virtue those
who had wandered away, restoring to Christ Jesus
the souls redeemed by his precious blood. Now that
thou art so powerful in heaven, continue that work
of helping all, and be to us a vigilant protector, that
by thy intercession, being free from temporal evils,
and strengthened in faith and charity, we may over-
come the insidious assaults of the enemies of our
salvation, and be permitted one day to praise and
bless the Lord with thee for the whole eternity in
heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, May 27, 1897, granted to the faithful who shall
say the above prayer
An indulgence op three hundred days, once a day.


O God of infinite goodness, who hast bestowed on

the Martyr and Bishop S. Emigdius a crown of
honor and glory, I most humbly beseech thee through
his merits to grant me that active spirit of faith
which he inculcated by his preaching, made accepta-
ble and beloved by his example, and at last sealed
with his own blood. Vouchsafe, then, Lord, to O
preserve me from the scourge of the earthquake, by
the intercession of this glorious Martyr, to whom
thou hast conferred the special privilege of protect*
ing his clients from such horrible devastation. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, June 26, 1894, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


Through the intercession and merits of S. Father
Emigdius, from earthquake and all evil deliver us, O
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 26, 1874, granted to all the faithful who shall
say the above invocation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Prayer to obtain the virtue of humility,

S. Philip, my glorious patron, who on earth wast

so enamored of humility as to count as dross the
praise and even the esteem of men, obtain for me
also this fair virtue by thy prayers. Thou knowest
how proud I am in my thoughts, how contemptuous
in my words, how ambitious in my works. Ask for
me, then, humility of heart, and that my soul may
be divested of all pride, and that in its place may
dwell, deep-seated, that low esteem which thou hadst
of thyself, deeming thyself the worst of all men, and
for that reason rejoicing when thou didst suffer con-
tempt, and seeking the occasions of it. Ah great !

saint, obtain for me a truly humble heart and a

thorough knowledge of my own nothingness ; that I
may rejoice when I am despised ; that I may not be
inflamed with resentment when others are preferred
before me ; that I may never be proud when praised ;
but ever seek to be great in the eyes of God, desiring to
receive from him alone all my exaltation.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

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Prayer to obtain the virtue ofpatience.
S. Philip, my holy advocate, whose heart wast ever
so constant in time of trouble, and whose spirit was
so loving under suffering, that, whether persecuted
Dy the jealous, or calumniated by the wicked who
thought to bring shame upon thee, or tried by God
vith many long, painful infirmities, thou didst ever
tear all with wondrous tranquillity of heart and soul
0 obtain for me, too, by thy prayers, dear Saint, a

spirit of true courage in all the trials of this life.

Alas, how much I stand in need of patience I shrink !

fiom every little trouble ; I sicken under every light

afliction ; I fire up at and resent every trifling con-
tndiction, nor ever learn that through the thorny
pith of tribulation lies the road to paradise. Yet
tHs was the road our divine master, Jesus, deigned to
tead ; this, too, was trod by thee, O dear saint
Cbtain for me courage, with a good, hearty will, to
enbrace the crosses which every day I receive from
God, and to bear all with such endurance and such
rady will as thou didst when on earth ; that so I may
b made worthy to enjoy the blessed fruit of sufferings
*ith thee in heaven above.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father,

Prayer to obtain the virtue of purity.
Glorious S. Philip, who didst ever keep unsullied
tie lily of thy purity, with such great honor to thy-
$lf, that the brightness of this fair virtue dwelt in
nine eyes, shone forth from thy hands, and spread

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itsfragrance over thy whole body, causing it to ex-

hale such sweet perfume as gave consolation, fervor,
and devotion to all who dwelt with thee: obtain O !

for me from the Holy Spirit of God so true a love

for that most beauteous virtue, that neither the
words nor the bad example of sinners may ever make
impression on my soul. O
never suffer me in ani

way to lose that lovely virtue ; and seeing tha

the avoidance of the occasions of sin, prayer, laboi
humility, mortification of the senses, frequent use c
the sacraments, were the arms with which thou didt
conquer the dread enemy of the flesh ; even so obtah
for me, I pray thee, grace to use these very arms o
vanquish this same foe. Take not away thy help frcn
me ; show forth that zeal in my behalf which in tly
life thou hadst for thy penitents, keeping them tr
removed from all infection of the senses. Do this k
me, my holy advocate; in this fair virtue be thu
ever my protector.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


Prayer to obtain the love of God,
Wondering, I contemplate, S. Philip, the grit
miracle wrought in thee by God's most Holy Spiit,
when into thy heart he poured such floods of heavery
charity, that, to give them place within thy breat,
through vehemence of love, two of thy ribs wee
displaced: then, beholding thy heart and mine, I ai
sore confounded. I see thy heart all burning wii
love for God ; mine, all frozen, wrapt up in creature
I see thine inflamed with a fire from heaven, whoe
brilliancy was so diffused throughout thy body, tht

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it shone forth from thy face like sparks of fire ; while

mine is full of earthly love. I love the world, which
allures me and can never make me happy. I love
the flesh, which solicits my affections, but can never
render me immortal ; I love riches, which I can enjoy
but for a moment. O when shall I ever learn of

:hee to love naught else save God, the incoraprehen-

ible and only good ? Make it thy care, then, blessed
dvocate, by thy intercession, that I begin at least
o-day: obtain for me an efficacious love, made
toown by works ; a pure love, making me love God
lost perfectly; a strong love, enabling me to sur-
lount all obstacles which might hinder my union
ith God in life, that so I may become one with him
frever after death.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Prayer of our neighbor.
to obtain the love
Glorious Saint, who didst employ thyself wholly in
ly neighbor's good, thinking for all, sympathizing
tth all, helping all, and who, throughout thy
hole life, didst ever try to secure the salvation, of
1, nor ever shrink from labor or from burdens,
ceping for thyself no time or comfort, that thou
lightest win all hearts to God obtain for me, I

eseech thee, together with the pardon of my sins,

harity for my neighbor, that henceforth I may be to
im all compassion in his needs ; and grace to love
11 as my brethren, succoring all, if not with temporal
rid, at least with prayers and good advice. And
each me, too, on every occasion to defend my
aeighbor's honor, and never to say a hurtful or dis-

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pleasing word ; but ever to maintain, even with my

enemies, sweetness of spirit like thy own, whereby
thou didst triumph over thy persecutors. Yes,
blessed saint, obtain for me this lovely virtue, which
already thou hast obtained for so many of thy clients
that so we may all some day come to praise our God
with thee in an eternity of bliss.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


Prayer to obtain detachment front temporal goods.
Great saint, who didst prefer a poor and austere
life to the comforts of home ; who, while yet a child
didst despise honor and glory obtain for me grac<

ever to keep my heart detached from the passing

goods of this life. O
thou, whose desire it ever wa
to become so poor as to be reduced to beg thy bread
without finding a charitable hand to offer thee «
crumb wherewith to support life ask for me of Goc :

a love of poverty so great that I may turn all irn

thoughts to goods which never fail. Thou whe
wouldst rather live in humble guise than be exaltec
to the highest honors of holy Church, intercede foi
me, that I go not in search of honors, but content my-
self ever with that condition in which God has placed
me. My heart, alas is too anxious for the empty,

fleeting things of earth ; but thou> who didst ever in-

culcate that grand maxim, "And then?" which pro-
duced so many wonderful conversions, obtain for me
that these words be ever deep impressed upon my
soul ; that, despising the nothingness of earth, God
alone may reign, the sole object of my affections and
of all my thoughts.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

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Prayer to obtain perseverance in good works.
S. Philip, my
holy advocate, who, ever constant in
good works and full of merit, didst receive of God
most high the crown of glory in reward of all thy
labors obtain for me grace never to weary in God's

holy service. Thou who

didst ever recompense so
well those who
loved thee by obtaining for them the
gift of perseverance in good, obtain, then, this gift
for me ; fight thou for me, dear father, at the last
moment of my life, and obtain for me the grace to
depart this life strengthened with the holy sacraments.
Meanwhile be thou, great saint, my intercessor, that,
through thy prayers, I may do penance for my sins,
and bitterly deplore them all my days. O thou, v/ho
from on high beholdest all my miseries, and the
bonds which yet bind me to my sins and to this
earth: pray that I may be freed from them, and that
with fixed purpose I may be all for God. Obtain for
me an eager desire to co-operate in the work of my
own salvation, and unbroken constancy in the good
which I have begun ; that so, by thy intercession, I
may deserve to be forever in thy company in an
eternity of bliss.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
His Holiness, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, May 17, 1852, granted to all the faithful who, with
at least contrite heart, shall say these prayers assigned for each
day in the week :

An indulgence of fifty days, once a day.

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O glorious S. Philip, who wast so favored by God
with the gift of consoling and assisting thy spiritual
children at the hour of death, be also my advocate
and father when I shall find myself at that dreadful
moment. Obtain for me that at that hour the devil
may not conquer me, nor temptation overcome me,
nor fear itself revile me ; but that, strengthened by a
lively faith, a fervent hope and, a sincere charity, I may
sustain with patience and perseverance that supreme
struggle, and that, full of confidence in the mercy of
the Lord, and in the infinite merits of Jesus Christ
and the protection of the Most Blessed Mary, I may
deserve to die the death of the just, and be united
with thee and all the saints in the blessed home of
Paradise, to praise and enjoy the Lord forever.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, dated April 27, 1887, has granted to the faithful
who shall recite the ahove prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 23, 1876, granted to all the faith-

ful who, with contrite hearts, devoutly make, at any time

during the year, the novena in honor of S, Vincent de Paul,
with any formula of prayer, provided it be approved by com-
petent ecclesiastical authority,

An indulgence of three hundred days, each day

A plenary indulgence, during the course of the novena,

provided that, being truly penitent, and having confessed

and communicated, they pray for the intention of the Sove-
reign Pontiff.


glorious S. Vincent, heavenly patron of all as-
sociations of charity and father of all the miserable
who during thy life never rejected anyone who had
recourse to thee, ah! behold by how many evils

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we are afflicted, and come to our assistance. Obtain

from our Lord help for the poor ; relief for the sick
consolation for the afflicted ; protection for the aban-
doned ;
charity for the rich ; conversion for sin-
ners ; zeal for priests ; peace for the Church ; tran-
quillity for the people ; salvation for all. Let all ex-
perience the effects of thy merciful intercession, that,
succored by thee in the miseries of this life, they may
be united with thee above, where there will be neither
sorrow, nor weeping, nor pain ; but eternal gladness.,
joy and happiness. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, June 23, 1885, granted to all the faithful who
with contrite hearts devoutly recite this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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0 glorious S. Paul, thou who, while on earth, wast

a mirror of innocence and a model of penance O !

hero of sanctity, specially chosen by God to meditate

night and day on the most bitter passion of his only-
begotten Son, and to propagate the same devotion
throughout the world, by word, by example, and by
means of thy institute O apostle, powerful in word

and work, who didst spend thy life in bringing back

the wandering souls of wretched sinners to the feet
of the Crucified look down from heaven graciously

upon my soul, and hear my prayers. Obtain for me

such a love toward Jesus suffering, that, ever medi-
tating on his passion, I may make his sufferings
mine ; that I may
recognize in the deep wounds of
my Saviour the wickedness of my sins, and may draw
from them, as from so many founts of salvation, the
grace of lamenting them bitterly, and a firm will to
imitate thee in penance, if I have not followed thee
in innocence. Procure for me, O S. Paul the grace

which here, at thy feet, I particularly and earnestly

beg of thee {here mention the grace desired). More-
over, obtain for our holy Mother, the Church, victory
over her enemies ; obtain conversion of sinners ; and
a return to the Catholic faith for all heretics, partic-


ularly for England, for which thou didst pray so

much. Finally, intercede for me with God that I
may die a holy death, and come to enjoy him with
thee in heaven, for all eternity. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by the autograph rescripts of

April 24, 1853, an(l April 20, 1 868, granted to all the faithfal
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this
prayer :

An indulgence of one year, once a day.

A plenary indulgence, on the day of the feast of the saint, j

April 28, or on any one day of the octave, to those who, having
said this prayer on every day of the month preceding the said
feast, being truly penitent, shall confess their sins and receive

holy communion.


By an autograph rescript of Oct. 17, 1867, his Holiness, Pope
Pius IX., granted
An indulgence of three hundred days, every day, to

all those who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall

make the novena in honor of S. Paul of the Cross.

A plenary indulgence, at the close of the said novena, to

those who, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,

shall pray for the needs of holy Church and for the intention of
his Holiness.

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Si quseris miracula, If then you ask for mir-
Mors, error, calamitas, Death, error, all calami-
Daemon, lepra fugiunt, The leprosy, and demons
JEgri surgunt sani. And health succeeds in-

Cedunt mare, vincula The sea obeys, and fetters

Membra resque perditas And lifeless limbs thou
dost restore
Petunt et accipiunt Whilst treasures lost are
found again,
Juvenes et cani When young or old thine
aid implore.

Pereunt pericula, All dangers vanish at thy

Cessat et necessitas And direst need doth
quickly flee
Narrent hi, qui sentiunt, Let those who know, thy
power proclaim,
Dicant Paduani. Let Paduans say: These
are of thee.

Cedunt mare, vincula The sea obeys, and fetters

Membra resque perditas And lifeless limbs thou
dost restore

Petunt et accipiunt Whilst treasures lost are

found again,
Juvenes et cani. When young or old thine
aid implore.

Gloria Patri et Filio, To Father, Son, may glory

Et Spiritui Sancto. And Holy Ghost, eter-
Cedunt mare, vincula, etc. The sea obeys, etc.
V. Ora pro nobis, B. Pray for us, blessed
Antoni. Anthony.
R. Ut digni efficiamur R. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.
Ecclesiam tuam, Deus, O God ! may the vo-
Beati Antonii confessoris commemoration of
tui commemoratio votiva blessed Anthony, thy con-
laetiflcet, ut spiritualibus fessor, be a source of joy
semper muniatur auxiliis to thy Church, that she
et gaudiis perfrui mereatur may always be fortified
aeternis. Per Christum with spiritual assistance,
Dominum nostrum. and deserve to enjoy eter-
Amen. nal rewards. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Jan. 25, 1866, granted to all the faithful, as often
as they shall, with at least contrite heart and devotion, say this
responsory, with the versicle
and prayer annexed:
An indulgence of one hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day, to all
those who have said it for a month, provided that, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit a
church or public oratory, and there pray, for some Ume, for the
intention of his Holiness.
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His Holiness, Leo XIIL, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 9, 1896, granted to the faithful who shall
say thirteen Paters, Aves and Glorias in honor of St. Anthony
of Padua
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

We have recourse to thee, powerful wonder-worker,
in whose breast the sublime flame of charity towards
God and the poor burned so ardently ; to thee who
didst merit to hold in thy arms the Infant Jesus who
elected to be born poor ; we turn to thee, full of con-
fidence, that thou mayest entreat our good Jesus to
have compassion on us amid our many tribulations.
O, obtain for us the favor we humbly ask (mention
the desired favor). If thou dost obtain it, glorious O
St. Anthony, we will make our offering of bread for
the poor whom thou didst love so much on earth.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.
His Holiness, Leo XIIL, by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, May 11, 1897, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer, with an Our Father, Hail Mary and
Glory, etc.

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Glorious wonder-worker, father of the poor, thou
who, through the great gift thou didst obtain of a
heart full of compassion for the miseries of the un-
fortunate, didst miraculously reveal the heart of a
miser immersed in gold thou who hast obtained for

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us the favors thou hadst offered to the Lord on our

behalf, deign to accept, as a token of our gratitude,
the little offering we lay at thy feet for the relief of
wretchedness. May it be helpful to us and to the
needy. With thy wonted kindness turn to them and
to us for the relief of our temporal necessities, but
more especially provide for our spiritual needs, now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, July 13, 1896, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a brief of March I, 1898,
granted to the faithful who, on thirteen successive Tuesdays or
as many successive Sundays, once only, at any time during the
year, shall spend some time in pious meditation, or vocal
prayers, orany other works of piety, to the glory of God and
in honor of St. Anthony of Padua, on the usual conditions:
Confession and Communion,
A plenary indulgence on each of the said Tuesdays or

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Doctor angelice sancte O angelic doctor, Saint

Thoma , theologorum Thomas, prince of theolo-
princepset philosophorum gians and guide of philoso-
norma, praeclarum chris- phers, shining ornament
tiani orbis decus et eccle- of the Christian world
siae lumen, scholarum and light of the Church,
omnium catholicarum heavenly patron of all
coelestis patrone, qui catholic schools, who hast
sapientiam sine fictione imbibed wisdom without
didicisti et sine invidia guile, and dost impart it
communicas,ipsam sapien- without envy, implore for
tiam Filium Dei deprecare us the Son of God, who
pro nobis, ut veniente in is wisdom itself, that, re-
nos Spiritu Sapientiae, ea ceiving within us the
quae docuisti intellectu Spirit of Wisdom, we
conspiciamus, et quae egisti may understand what thou
Imitatione compleamus hast taught and imitate
doctrinae et virtutis, qui- what thou hast done, anc
bus in terris solis instar that, being made partakers
semper eluxisti, participes of the wisdom and virtue
efficiamur ; ac tandem in which thou, whilst on
earum suavissimis fructibus
earth, didst ever shine, as
delecte- the sun, we may at last
peren niter tecum
mur in ccelis, divinam enjoy with thee eternally
sapientiam collandantes in heaven their sweetest
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per infinita saecula saeculo- fruits, extolling the divine

rum. Amen. wisdom through endless
ages. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, July 3, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.
V. Domine, labia mea aperies,
R. Et os meumannuntiabit laudem tuam.
V. Deus, in adiutorium meum intende.
R. Domine, ad adiuvandum me festina.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Invitatorium. Laudemus Deum nostrum, * in com-
memoratione Sancti Thomae.
Ps. 94. Venite,exultemus Domino, iubilemus
Deo salutari nostro:praeoccupemus faciem eius in
confessione, et in psalmis iubilemus ei.
Laudemus, etc.... Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui
Sancto. —In commemoratione S. Thomae.
Exultet mentis iubilo
Laudans turba fidelium,
Errorum pulso nubilo
Per novi solis radium.
Thomas in mundi vespere
Fudit thesauros gratiae,
Donis plenus ex aethere
Morum, et sapientiae.
Laus Patri sit ac Genito,
Simulque Sancto Flamini
Qui Sancti Thomae merito
Nos coeli iungat agmini. Amen.
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Psaimus i.

Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum, et

in via peccatorum non stetit, * et in cathedra pesti-
lent iae non sedit
Sed in lege Domini voluntas eius, * et in lege eius
meditabitur die ac nocte.
Et erit tamquam lignum, quod plantatum est secus
decursus aquarura, * quod tructura suum dabit in
tempore suo.
Et folium eius non defluet, * et omnia quaecumque
faciet prosperabuntur.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant Florem pudicitiae servans illibatum, attigit
eximiae vitae caelibatum.
V. Amavit eum Dominus et ornavit eum.
R. Stolam gloriae induit eum.
Pater noster, etc.
V. Et ne nos.... lube, Domne, benedicere. —
Oret piis precibus pro nobis Doctor Angelicus.
R. Amen.
Lectio L
Beatus Doctor Thomas fuit typus et exemplar
omnis virtutis. Omnia corporis membra erant in eo
manifesta virtutum exempla : in oculis eius apparebat
simplicitas, in facie benignitas, in auribus humilitas,
in incessu gravitas, in gestu honestas, in visceribus
pietas, in intellectu claritas, in affectu bonitas, in
mente sanctitas, in corde charitas. Ad istud ergo
perfectissimum omnis virtutis exemplar mentes nos-
tras frequenter convertamus quod non. solum doc-

trinae lucem, sed etiam amorem sanctitatis in nos

transfundat. Tu autem, Domine, miserere nostri.
R. Deo gratias.
R. De excelsis fons sapientiae sancto Thomae in-

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fudit copiam, tamquam flumen clarae scientiae : qui

susceptam refudit gratiam, dum fluentis summae
peritiae. * Rigat totam sanctam Ecclesiam.
V. Stylus brevis, grata facundia; celsa, clara,
firma sententia. Rigat, etc.
V, lube, Domne, benedicere. —
In omni periculo
et angustia sit nobis pius Thomas custodia.
R. Amen.
Lectio IL
Perfecto vacans studio, intendebat Deo. Praemit-
tebat divina ut roboraretur in schola cum, singulis

diebus, antequam lecturus ascenderet cathedram,

vel distraheretur ad alia, mirsam unam celebraret,
aliam audiret ; vel duas integras missas, si non cele-
braret, audiret : in quibus, et alias in oratione, cum
in ilia foret assiduus, lacrymarum effusione mentis
suae dulcedinem devotionemque Deo, cui nihil est
abscond itum, revelabat. Ita scholasticas, et non
semel aridas, concertationes temperabat contempla-
tionis dulcedine ; ita nectebat studium et orationem,
quae falso credunt nonnulli maxime dissidere, et
minime valere coniungi. Tu autem, etc.
R. Deo gratias.
R. O anima sanctissima, qua contemplante dul-
citer, corpus liquebat infima, * Stans sursum mira-
bi liter.
V. Nullo prorsus fultus subsidio, levabatur in
raptus gaudio. Stans, etc.
V. lube, Domne, benedicere. Ad societatem—
civium supernorum perducat nos Doctor Angelicus.
R. Amen.
Lectio ILL
Nullus enarrare sufficeret, quot sanctissimus Tho-
mas Theologorum praeconiis celebretur, quantumqne

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eius illibatae doctrinae a Suramis Pontificibus fuerit

acclamalum. Leo autem decimus tertius, libentis-
sime excipiens postulationes et vota omnium pexie
Sacrorum Antistitum Orbis catholici, ad tot praeci-
pue philosophorum systematum a veritate aberrantium
luem propulsandam, ad incrementa scientiarum, et
communem generis humani utilitatem, eum, ex Sac-
rorum Rituum Congregationis consulto, per Apos-
tolicas litteras, coelestem Patronum Scholarum om-
nium catholicarum declaravit et instituit. Tu autem,
R. Deo gratias.
R. Sertum gestans cum torque duplici, cappa
gem mis ornata cernitur, ex monili fulgoris coelici
lux emissa mundo diffunditur. * Augustinus fratri sic
V. Thomas mihi par est in gloria virginali praes-

tans munditia. Augustinus etc. Gloria Patri...

Augustinus etc.

Canticum SS. Ambrosii et Augustini.

Te Deum laudamus, * te Dominum confitemur.

Te aeternum Patrem, * omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes Angeli, * tibi coeli, et universae potes-
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim, * incessabili voce
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, * Dominus Deus Sa-
V. Ora pro nobis, beate Thoraa,
R. Ut digni efficiamur etc.

Deus, in adiutorium, etc. Gloria Patri, etc

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Psalmus 1 1 6.

Laudate Dominum, omhes gentes, * laudate eum,

omnes populi.
Quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia
eius, * et Veritas Domini manet in aeternum.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Anttph. Collaudetur Christus Rex gloriae, qui per
Thomam lumen Ecclesiae, mundum replet doctrina
Capitulum. Eccli. 4S-
Elegit eum Dominus ex omni carne, et dedit illi
coram praecepta et legem vitae et disciplinae ; docere
Iacob testamentum suum et iudicia sua Irsael.
R. Deo gratias.
De cuius fonte luminis
Verbi coruscant faculae,
Scripturae sacrae nurainis,
Et veritatis regulae.
Fulgens doctrinae radiis
Clarus vitae munditia,
Splendens miris prodigiis,
Dat toti mundo gaudia.
Laus Patri, etc., ut supra.
V. Sapientia requiescit in corde suo.
R. Et prudentia in sermone oris illius.
Caniicum Zachariae*
Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel, * quia visitavit,
Ct fecit redemptionem plebis suae.
Et erexit cornu salutis nobis, * in domo David
pueri sui.
Sicut locutus est per os Sanctorum* qui a saeculo
sunt prophetarum eius.

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Gloria Patri, etc.

Ant. Vigor carnis flore munditiae, vigor vitae
fructu iustitiae, splendor verbi dono scientiae, te
decorant stantem in acie, te coronant in statu gloriae.
V. Domine exaudi orationem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.


Deus, qui Ecclesiam tuam beati Thomae, confes-

soris tui atque doctoris, mira eruditione clarificas, et
sancta operatione foecundas: da nobis, quaesumus,
et quae docuit, intellectu conspicere, et quae egit,
imitatione complere. Per Christum, etc.
V. Domine exaudi etc.
R. Et clamor etc.
V. Benedicam us Domino.
R. Deo gratias.

• Deu, in adiutorium, etc. Gloria Patri, etc*

Thomas insignis genere,
Claram ducens originem,
Subit aetatis tenerae
Praedicatorum Ordinem.
Laus Patri, etc., ut supra.

Psalmus 53.
Deus, in nomine tuo salvum me fac * et in vir- :

tute tua iudica me.

Deus, exaudi orationem meam, * auribus percipe
verba oris mei.
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Quoniam alieni insurrexerunt adversum me, ct

fortes quaesierunt animam meam, * et non proposue-
runt Deum
ante conspectum suum.
Ecce enim Deus adiuvat me : * et Dorainus suscep-
tor est animae meae.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. Doctor Thomas, repletus gratia, praemon-
stratus sacris oraculis, mundi, carnis, hostisque vitia
fugat, exemplar datum saeculis.

Capitulum. lac. i.

Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, quoniam, cum

probatus fuerit, accipiet coronam vitae, quam repro-
misit Deus diligentibus se.
R. Deo gratias.
R. Iesu Christe, Fili Dei vivi, * Prece Doctoris
coelici. Iesu etc.
V. Tibi praesta nos gratos effici. Prece etc.
Gloria Patri etc. Iesu etc.
V. Exurge Domine, adiuva nos.
R. Et libera nos propter nomen tuum.
V. Domine exaudi, etc.
Oremus. Deus, qui Ecclesiam, ut supra ad Laudes.

Deus, in adiutorium, etc. Gloria Patri, etc

Typum gessit luciferi
Splendens in coetu nubiura,
Plusquam doctores ceteri
Purgans dogma Gentilium*
Laus Patri, etc., ut supra.

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Psalmus 14.

Domine, quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo? * aut

quis requiescet in monte sancto tuo ?
Qui ingreditur sine macula, *et operator iustitiara.
Qui loquitur veritatem in corde suo, * qui non
egit dolum in lingua sua.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant Mentis innocentia, flosque puritatis extite-
runt praevia luci veritatis.
Capita Elegiteum, etc., ut supra ad Laudes.
R. Sancte Thoma, * Audi rogantes* servulos.
Sancte etc.
V. Et impetratam nobis coelitus tu defer indul-
gentiam. Audi etc. Gloria Patri etc. Sancte
Thoma etc.
V. Pie scholarum Patrone, tuorum memor operum.
R. Sta coram summo Iudice pro tuo coetu pau-
V. Domine exaudi, etc.
Oremus. Deus, qui Ecclesiam, ui supra ad Laudes.

Deus, in adiutorium, etc. Gloria Patri, etc,

Profunda scrutans fluminum
In lucem pandit abdita,
Dum supra sensus hominum
Obscura facit cognita.
Laus Patri, etc., ut supra.

Psalmus 130.
Domine, non est exaltatum cor meum; * neque
elati sunt oculi mei.

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Neque ambulavi in magnis, * neque in mirabilibus

super me.
Si non humiliter sentiebam, * sed exaltavi ani-
raam meam
Sicut ablactatus est super matre sua, * ita retribu-
tio inanima mea.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. O munus Dei gratiae, vincens quod vis mira-
culum pestiferae
! superbiae nunquam persensit
Capitulum. Eccli. 39.
tanquam imbres mittet eloquia sapientiae suae,
etpalam faciet disciplinam doctrinae eius, collauda-
bunt multi sapientiam eius, et usque in saeculum non
R. Deo gratias.
R. Pie Schplarum Patrone, * Tuorum memor
operum. Pie etc.
V. Sta coram sum mo Iudice pro tuo coetu pau-
perum. Tuorum etc. Gloria etc. Pie etc.
V. Magne Pater, sancte Thoma, mortis hora nos
tecum suscipe.
R. Et hie semper nos pie respice.
V. Domine exaudi, etc.
Oremus. Deus, qui Ecclesiam, ui supra ad Laudes.

Deus, in adiutorium, etc. Gloria Patri, etc.

Fit Paradisi fluvius
Quadripartite pervius
Fit Gedeonis gladius,
Tuba, lagena, radius,
Laus Patri, etc., ut supra*

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Psalmus 1 26.

Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, * in vanum

laboraverunt qui aedificant earn.
Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, * frustra vigi-
lat qui custodit earn.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant, Felix Doctor, cuius solatio Angelorum servit
attentio Petrus, Paulus favent obse^uio, Dei Mater

mulcet adloquio.
Capitulum. Sap. 7.

Laetatus sum, quoniam antecedebat me ista sapien-

tia,quam sine fictione didici, et sine invidia com-
munico et honestatem illius non abscondo.

R. Deo gratias.
R. Magne Pater, sancte Thoma, * Mortis hora
nos tecum suscipe. Magne etc.
V. Et hie semper nos pie respice. Mortis etc.
Gloria etc. Magne etc.
V. Sancte Thoma, lumen Ecclesiae,
R. Intercede pro nobis ad Dominum Deum nos-
V. Domine exaudi, etc.
. Oremus. Deus, qui Ecclesiam, ut supra ad
Deus, in adiutorium, etc, Gloria Patri, etc.

Psalmus ni.
Beatus v\c, qui timet Dominum, * in mandatis
cius volet nimis.
Potens in terra erit semen eius, * generatio recto-
rum benedicetur.

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Gloria et divitiae in domo eius, * et iustitia eius

manet in saeculum saeculi.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. Qui timet Dominum, in mandatis eius cupit
CapiL Elegit eum, etc., ut supra ad Laudes.

Lauda, mater Ecclesia,
Thomae felicem exitum,
Qui pervenit ad gaudia,
Per Verbi vitae meritum.
Fossa Nova tunc suscipit
Thecam thesauri gratiae
Christus Thomam efficit
Haeredem regni gloriae.
Laus Patri, etc., ut supra.
V. Ora pro nobis, beate Thoma,
R. Ut digni efficiamur, etc. .

Canticum Beatae Virginis.

Magnificat * anima mea Dominum.

Et exultavit spiritus meus * in Deo salutari meo.
Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae: * eccc
enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. O Thoma, laus et gloria Praedicatorum Or-
dinis, nos transfer ad coelestia, professor sacri Nu-
V. Domine exaudi, etc.
Oremus. Deus, qui Ecclesiam, ut supra ad
Deus, in adiutorium, etc. Gloria Patri, etc.

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Psalmus 133.
Ecce nunc benedicite Dominum, * omnes servl
Qui statis in domo Domini, * in atriis domus Dei
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. Liber carnis vinculo, coelum introivit, ubi
pleno poculo gustat quod sitivit.
Capitulutn. Eccli. 15.
In medio Ecclesiae aperuit os eius; et implevit
eum Dominus spiritu sapientiae et intellectus ; stolam ,

gloriae induit eum.

R. Deo gratias.
Manens doctrinae Veritas,
Et funeris integritas,
Mira fragrans suavitas,
Aegris collata sanitas
Monstrat hunc dignum laudibus
Terrae, ponto, et superis
Nos iuvet suis precious,
Deo commendet meritis.
Patri, etc., ui supra.
V. Custodi nos, beate Thoma, ut pupillam oculi,
R. Sub umbra alarum tuarum protege nos.

Canticum Simeonis.
Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine, * secundum
verbum tuum in pace.
Quia viderunt oculi mei * salutare tuum.
Quod parasti * ante faciem omnium populorum.
Lumen ad revelationem gentium, * et gloriam
plebis tuae Israel.
Gloria Patri, etc.

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Ant. O
speculum munditiae, camis carens spur-
tuae colentes hodie felicitatis gaudia> transfer
ad regnum gloriae, post huius vitae stadia.
V. Domine exaudi, etc.
Oremus. Deus, qui Ecclesiam ut supra ad Laudes*
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, March 26, 1887, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above office

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day,



His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, August 21, 1886, granted to the faithful who shall,
on six successive Sundays, once only during the year, spend
some time in meditation, or in vocal prayer, or in any other
works of Christian honor of St. Thomas Aquinas
piety, in
A plenary indulgence, on each of the said Sundays,
on the usual conditions : Confession and Communion.



O Sancte Thoma, scholarum patrone, fidem invic-

tam, charitatem fervidam, vitam castissimam, scien-
tiam veram a Deo nobis obtirie per Ghristum Domi-
nura nostrum. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 14, 1889, granted to the faithful who, before
reading or study, recite the above invocation
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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0 glorious John, who, through a pure desire of
being like unto Jesus crucified, didst long for nothing
so eagerly, up to the last moment of thy holy life, as
to suffer, to be despised, and to be made little of by
all; and whose thirst after sufferings was so burning
that thy noble heart rejoiced in the midst of the
sorest torments and afflictions vouchsafe, I beseech

thee, O dear saint by the glory which thy many


sufferings have gained for thee, to intercede for me,

and obtain of God for me a love of suffering, together
with grace and strength to bear with firmness of mind
all trialsand adversities, which are the sure means to
the happy attainment of that glorious crown which
awaits me in heaven. Yes, dear saint, from thy most
happy throne of glory, whereon thou art now seated
in majesty, hear, I beseech thee, my prayers ; so that,
after thy example, full of love for the cross and for suf-
fering, I may deserve to be thy companion in glory.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Jan. 30, 1828, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer:
An indulgence of one hundred days, once every day.
A plenary indulgence, on the last day of the month, or on
any of the eight following days, to all those who, having said this
prayer every day for a month, being truly penitent, after con-
fession and communion, shall visit a church or public oratory,
and pray some time, for the intention of his Holiness.
there, for



most glorious saint, whom God has made our
protector against apoplexy seeing that thou thyself

didst die of that disease, we earnestly pray thee to

preserve us from an evil so dangerous and so com-
Our Father Hail Mary, Glory
•, be to the Father.

Per intercessionem
V. V. By the intercession
S. Andreae apoplectico of S. Andrew stricken
morbo correpti, with apoplexy,
F. A subitanea et im- F. From a sudden and
provisa morte libera nos, unprovided death deliver
Domine. us, O Lord
O most gracious saint by the just judg-
! if ever,
ment of God, we should be stricken with apoplexy,
we earnestly beseech thee to obtain for us at least
time enough to receive the last sacraments, and to
die in the grace of God.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
Per intercessionem
V. V. By the intercession
S. Andreae apoplectico of S. Andrew stricken
morbo correpti, with apoplexy,
F. A subitanea et im- F. From a sudden and
provisa morte libera nos, unprovided death deliver
Domine. us, O Lord 1

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0 most glorious saint, who didst endure, before

dying, a terrible agony, through the assaults of the
devil, from which the blessed Virgin and S. Michael
delivered thee we earnestly beseech thee to assist us

in the tremendous moment of our death.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Per intercession em
V. V. By the intercession
S. Andreae apoplectico of S. Andrew stricken
morbo correpti, with apoplexy,
R. A subitanea et im- 7?. From a sudden and
provisa morte libera nos, unprovided death deliver
Domine. us, O Lord !

His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, June 25, 1869,

granted to all the faithful, every time that, with at least contrite
heart and # devotion, they shall say these prayers, with the Our
Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, each
three times, and the versicles

An indulgence of three hundred days.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who shall
have practised this exercise every day for a month, on the day
when, being truly penitent, they shall confess their sins and re-
ceive holy communion.

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To propagate amongst the faithful the devotion toward S.
Stanislas Kostka, as calculated to augment the love of our
blessed Lady, to whom he was especially devout, the Sovereign
Pontiff, Leo XII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
March 3, 1827, extended to all the faithful the following indul-
gences, granted before to certain places by the Sovereign Pontiff,
Pius VII., by decrees, April 3 and May 1, 1821, of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, and by Leo XII., by rescripts of the same
S. Congr., Jan. 21 and Feb. 25, 1826:
A plenary indulgence, from first vespers and during the
whole day of the feast of the saint (Nov. 13), to all the faithful
who shall visit a church or public oratory where it is celebrated,
provided that, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, they shall pray, for some time, for the intention of his
on every one of the ten Sundays before the feast of the saint;
to be gained by visiting the church or oratory where these Sun*
days are kept, and praying as directed above.
An indulgence of one hundred days every day of the
novena preceding his feast, for attending at the said novena,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, and praying as directed
The same Sovereign Pontiff declared that the indulgences
granted for the feast, novena, and ten Sundays, can be gained
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at any time during the year to which, with the permission of the
Ordinary, the feast of the saint shall have been transferred.
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day, to all

who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say the Our
Father and the Hail Mary before a picture of the saint exposed
in any church.
A plenary indulgence to all those who shall have practised
this exercise for a month, on any day, when, being truly peni-
tent, after confessionand communion, they shall pray as directed
above. Whoever be unable on some days in the month
to visit the church, may, in this case, according to a declaration
of the same Sovereign Pontiff, gain the indulgence by saying
anywhere the Our Father and the Hail Mary.
An indulgence of one hundred days to all those who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall attend the exer-
cises called " the Retreat of S. Stanislas," and shall pray, foi
some time, for the intention of his Holiness.
These indulgences, plenary and partial, the same Sovereign
Pontiff, in theabove rescript of March 3, 1827, extended to pri-
vate churches and oratories of seminaries, colleges, conserva-
tories, monasteries, and retreats of both sexes.


My most pure patron, angel of purity,
S. Stanislas,
I rejoice with thee for that marvelous gift of virginal
purity which graced thy spotless heart ; I humbly
pray thee, obtain for me strength against all impure
temptations, and inspire me with constant watchful-
ness to guard the virtue of holy purity.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
My most loving patron, S. Stanislas, seraph of
charity, I rejoice with thee for the burning flame of
love which ever kept thy pure and innocent heart

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elevated to God and united with him ; I humbly pray

thee, kindle in me a flame of the love of God, so
burning as to consume all earthly love, and set me
all on fire with his love alone.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

My most tender and most mighty patron, S. Stan-
islas,angel of purity and seraph of charity, I rejoice
with thee for thy most happy death a death occa- —
sioned by the ardor of thy desire to contemplate
Mary assumed into heaven, and caused at last by love
for her. I give thanks to Mary, because she willed
to accomplish thy desires ; and I pray thee, gracious
saint, by the merit of thy happy death, be thou my
advocate, my patron in my death. intercede with O
Mary for me, to obtain for me a death, if not so
happy as thine, at least calm and peaceful, under the
safe-conduct of Mary, my advocate, and of thee, my
special patron.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, March
27, 1847, granted to all the faithful who, with at least contrite
heart and devotion, shall say these three prayers, with the Our
Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, each
three times
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
By a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, July 10, 1854,
he granted likewise
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall have said these three prayers, with the Our Father, the
Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father, each three times,
once a day at least, for a month, on the day when, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit a
church or pubic oratory, and pray, for some time, for the in-
tention of his Holiness.

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To inspire the faithful and especially the young wtth devotion
towards the angelic youth, S. Aloysius Gonzaga, through the
S. Congr. of Indulgences, the Sovereign Pontiffs, Benedict
XIII., by a decree, Nov. 22, 1729, Clement XII., by a decree,
Nov. 21, 1737, and Benedict XIV., by a decree, April 12, 1742,
A plenary indulgence who, being truly
to all the faithful
penitent, after communion, shall visit an altar
confession and
dedicated to S. Aloysius Gonzaga, on the day of his feast, and
pray for the wants of holy Mother Church, and for the intention
of his Holiness.
This feast may be celebrated, with permission of the Ordinary,
on any day of the year, in any place, at any altar, as appears
from the decrees cited above.


Pope Clement XII. granted, by two decrees of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec. 1 1, 1739, and Jan. 7, 1740
A plenary indulgence, on each of the six Sundays which
are wont to be kept in honor of this saint, either immediately
before his feast, on June 21, or at any other time of the year.
In order to gain this plenary indulgence, it is requisite that the
Six Sundays should be kept consecutively ; and that, on each of
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them, the faithful, being truly penitent, after confession and

communion, should employ themselves in pious meditations or
vocal prayers, or other works of Christian piety, in honor of the



O blessed Aloysius, adorned with angelic graces, I,

thy most unworthy suppliant, recommend specially
to thee the chastity of my soul and body, praying
thee by thy angelic purity to plead for me with Jesus
Christ, the immaculate lamb, and his most holy
mother, the Virgin of virgins, that they would
vouchsafe to keep me from all grievous sin. O
never let me be defiled with any stain of impurity
but when thou dost see me in temptation, or in
danger of falling, then remove far from my heart all
bad thoughts and unclean desires, and awaken in me
the memory of eternity to come and Jesus crucified
impress deeply in my heart a sense of the holy fear
of God ; and thus, kindling in me the fire of divine
love, enable me so to follow thy footseps here on
earth, that, in heaven with thee, I may be made
worthy to enjoy the vision of our God forever.
Our Father, Hail Mary.

To increase more and more devotion toward S. Aloysius Gon-

zaga, who, from the time of his canonization, was given by Bene-
dict XIII. as the special protector of the young, the Sovereign
Pontiff, Fius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
March 6, 1802, granted to all the faithful who, with at least
contrite heart and devotion, shall say this prayer, with one Ouf
Father and Hail Mary ;

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Most glorious S. Aloysius^ who art honored by
theChurch with the beautiful title of "The Angelic
Youth," because Of the consummate purity of thy
life here on earth, to thee I come to-day with entire
devotion of mind and heart, and I consecrate myself
wholly to thee. O perfect, moclel, O gracious and
powerful patron of youth, I have great need of thy
protection. The world and the devil laying snares
for me, I am conscious of the force of passion, I
know the weakness and inconstancy of .my age.
Who shall guard and protect me, if not thou, O an-
gelic Saint, thou the glory, the ornament, the love
and support of the young? To thee, then, with my
whole soul, I have recourse ; to thee with all my
heart I commit and consecrate myself. By this I
mean, I promise, I desire to keep and to cultivate
especial devotion to thee, to glorify thee in thy sub-
lime virtues, and, in particular, in thy angelic purity;
to follow thy example, to promote devotion to thee
among my companions, to invoke and to bless thy
dear and holy name until my last breath. And now
I consecrate to thee my soul, my senses, my heart, my
whole self. Dear S. Aloysius, here I am, then, to-
day all thine, and all thine I desire to be forever.
O, guard me, defend me, keep me as thine own, so
that in serving and honoring thee I may the better
serve and honor Jesus and Mary, and may at last, to-
gether with thee, behold and bless my God for all
eternity in heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 12, 1894, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above Act of Consecration
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day

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A PLENARY indulgence to those who recite it every day

during the month of June. This indulgence may be gained
on the feast of the Saint (June 2 1st), or during its octave, on the
usual conditions : Confession and Communion and a
a visit to

church or public oratory, and praying there for the intention of

His Holiness.



His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, May 17, 1890, granted to the faithful who, on the
five Sundays immediately preceding the feast of Saint John
Berchmans (August 13th), having received the sacraments of
Penance and the Holy Eucharist, shall perform some pious ex-
ercise in honor of the saint, and shall visit a church or public
oratory and pray there for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff,
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
on the first four Sundays
A PLENARY indulgence on the fifth Sunday.

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Most glorious Martyr, S. Calcedonius, I rejoice
with thee and thank God for the sublime glory to
which he has elevated thee in heaven, and especially
for the great power he has imparted thee of obtain-
ing graces and favors in behalf of thy devout clients.
Behold, O blessed Calcedonius, a suppliant prostrate
at thy feet, praying thee to look down upon me, thy

humble servant, and to use thy power with God to

obtain for me the grace I ask. (Express here the
grace you desire, and then continue.) O dearest
saint, be ever my Advocate and Protector; defend me
in all perils and mishaps help me in all my wants

deliver me from all dangers of soul and body keep ;

me under thy powerful protection during the whole

course of my life, and still more at the dreadful mo-
ment of death. Thus, after having experienced thy
most efficacious assistance on earth, I may come to
thank, praise and enjoy the goodness of God with
thee above in heaven through all eternity. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Sept. 1 7, 1892, granted to the faithful who shall
recite this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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O seraph inflamed with the most ardent love for
Jesus in the blessed sacrament, glorious S. Michael,
thou who, spending thy days and nights in his real
presence, didst find there the dearest delight, which,
inundating with superabundant sweetness not only
thy heart, but also thy whole person, made thee
exult with joy thou who, ravished into the bosum

of thy God, couldst not withstand the torrent of

consolations, but felt thyself languishing with love:
vouchsafe, I pray thee, my powerful advocate, to ob-
tain for me a lively faith, a firm hope, and a most
ardent love toward so inestimable a treasure, the
precious pledge of eternal glory ; so that, by thy in-
tercession, I may be numbered, all the days of my life,
among the true adorers of Jesus in the most holy sac-
rament, and may hereafter enjoy him, face to face, in
thy company, for a blessed eternity. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, May
20, 1862, granted to all the faithful who shall, with at least

contrite heart and devotion, say this prayer, with the Our
Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the Father :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

A plenary indulgence, on the day of the Saint's death
(April 10), on the feast of Corpus Christi, and on July 5, on
which day his death is commemorated, to all those who shall
have said this prayer at least ten times in the course of the
year ; provided on these three days, being truly penitent,
after confession and communion, they shall pray for the inten-
tion of his Holiness.
(468) .

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O admirable example of Christian perfection, S.

Benedict Joseph, thou who, from the first moment of
reason until death, didst preserve intact the immacu-
late robe of innocence and, abandoning all things to
wander about the world, didst meet with nothing but
sufferings, privations and opprobrium I, a miserable

sinner, prostrate at thy feet, thank the infinite good-

ness of the Most High for having stamped upon thee
so lively an image of his crucified Son, at the same
time that I am filled with confusion to see how
different my life is from thine. Ah dear Saint, !

take pity on me. Present thy merits at the eternal

throne, and obtain for me the grace that,, following
thy example, and regulating my actions by the pre-
cepts and teachings of the divine Master, I may be-
come enamored of his sufferings and humiliations,
and despise earthly pleasures and honors ; so that,
neither the fear of the one, nor the desire of the
other, may henceforth ever induce to transgress his
holy law. Thus may I merit to be one day numbered
among the blessed of his Father. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father,

V. Ora pro nobis, I V, Pray for us, S. Bene-

sancte Benedicte Joseph, |
diet Joseph,
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J?. Ut digni efficiamur R. That we may be

promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.


Deus, quisanctum O God, who hast made
Benedictum Joseph con- S. Benedict Joseph, thy
fessorem tuum humilitatis confessor, so closely to
studio et paupertatisamore follow thee in his spirit
tibi uni adhserere fecisti, of humility and love of
da nobis, ejus suffraganti- poverty, grant that by his
bus meritis, terrena cuncta merits, despising all earth-
despicere et coelestia sem- ly things, we may ever
per inquirere. Per Chris- seek for those that are
tum Dominum nostrum. above. Through Christ
Amen. our Lord. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 21, 1882, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this prayer,
with the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to the
Father, with the versicle and prayer :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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O most glorious Patriarchs, heroes of a most sub-
lime holiness, by which you have been found worthy
to be chosen by the Mother of God to propagate the
devotion to her Dolors; you who, far from the
world in the wild grottoes of Mount Senario, have
chastised your flesh by extraordinary penances, nour-
ished your minds by a constant contemplation of the
most sublime truths of our faith, thus preparing your
souls for the mission intrusted to you and your Order,
of eradicating from the hearts of the people all vice
and wickedness, especially by preaching a true com-
passion with the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin
You also, by carrying deeply impressed in your
hearts the Passion of the Son of God and the afflic-
tions of his Mother, have employed your zeal in ap-
peasing civil discords, in converting sinners, in re-
calling wandering souls under the obedience of the
Roman Pontiff. O from the thrones of glory

where you now reign with Christ, turn your eyes

upon us unfortunate, still struggling in this vale of
trials and strife. The evil spirit by his suggestions,
the world by its illusions, the flesh by its incentives,
like fierce lions, are prowling about to devour us.
Have then compassion on us, and pour into our

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hearts at least a part of that tender grief you felt so

constantly at the Dolors of Mary, so that, at the
remembrance of our Mother oppressed with such a
load of sorrow, we may resist the seductions of evil
and never renew by our sins the Passion of our
Divine Redeemer, the cause of the affliction of Mary.
Obtain us also a greater docility and promptness in
corresponding to the divine inspirations, detachment
from the false pleasures of the world, the spirit of
self-denial and penance, so that, after following here
on earth the path of your example in perfection and
holiness, we may deserve to be your associates in
heaven and celebrate eternally the mercies of our
crucified Redeemer and the glories of the Queen of
Martyrs. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
indulgences, Feb. 22, 1 888, granted to the faithful for the
recitation of the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


I. O most glorious Patriarchs, you have, even in

rhe midst of a licentious world, steadfastly preserved

the fire of divine love, and tenderly honored the
Queen of heaven, by whom you have been made
worthy to be called by herself to give up the world.
We beseech you, then, most humblv to obtain for us
that we also, inflamed by heavenly love, may be
pleasing to the Almighty, and imitate the love and
the patience of Our Sorrowful Lady, with sincere
conformity to God's holy dispensations in adversity.
Our Father; Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father,

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II. O shining exemplaries of perfect life, you have
not only turned away from the world and its prom-
ises, but also with a generous heart have aspired to
shun the eyes of men, so that the glorious Virgin
herself has shown you in a vision the Mount Senario
as an abode of peace and rest. Obtain for us, that,
despising the false and deceitful pleasures of earth, we
may apply ourselves at your example to do penance
for our transgressions; and not being worthy to serve
the Mother of Sorrows more fervently in solitude,
we may at least prove to her our grief for renewing
by sin the bitter passion of her divine Son.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

III. Most humble inhabitants of the mountainous

caverns of the Senario, O how admirable your heroic
humility ! To imitate more faithfully the humble
handmaid of the Lord, you have not only renounced
the nobility and the grandeurs of your ancestral
families, but in your generosity you did not disdain
to go begging a scanty sustenance from door to door
in your own native city. Obtain for us that in the
service of God we may yield to no human respect, and
as you have deserved to be called the servants of
Mary by the mouths of suckling babes, an unheard-
of prodigy, so may we, by being shining lights to
our brethren on the road to heaven, proclaim our-
selves by deeds the devout servants of the august
Mother of God.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

IV. Faithful servants of the Queen of Heaven,

who, when you were so bitterly deploring the sorrows
caused her by the life, passion and death of her
beloved Son, showed you, in the miracle of a vine
burdened in the heart of summer with luxuriant grapes,

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that it was her will that the Order of the Servites

should prosper, and was destined by her to spread in
the church the compassion toward her dolors, obtain
for us through your intercession a loving, a tender
compassion toward Our Lady of Sorrows, so that there-
with we may draw from our neighbor sighs and deep
grief for their own sins, and thus be found fruitful
sarments in his mystic vineyard.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father,

V. Most glorious Founders of the Order of the

Servants of the Blessed Virgin, what joy did you not
experience in your hearts when you deserved to be-
hold with your own eyes this same Queen of Martyrs,
showing you the rule to follow and the holy habit to
wear, in memory of her sorrows, and also the palm
which you would obtain as the crown of your merits.
We beseech you to intercede with the Mother of fair
love, that we may know how to serve more faithfully
her divine Son, and thus to reach more easily the
possession of that blessed immortality which the
Divine mercy has prepared in Paradise.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

VI. O most austere penitents, by a severe and con-

tinuous mortification of your body, you have grown
every day richer in merits and the Lord's gifts. No
wonder, then, that, to show how pleasing to him was
your virtue, he made of Mount Senario an abode
of miracles, when it was seen surrounded with lumin-
ous flames, or covered with flowers and lilies which
later disappeared, having been taken up by the
angels and presented to Mary. We
pray you to
obtain that our hearts may be inflamed with divine
love, and that our souls, freed from sin, may be

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turned into a field fruitful in flowers of virtue,

worthy to be accepted by the merciful Queen of
Heaven as an humble homage of our devotion.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

VII. Angels of purity, Seraphs of charity and

Martyrs of penance, O
most blessed Patriarchs, so
favored in your blessed departure from this exile to
the heavenly home that one of you expired at the
apparition of the divine Infant, another being called
by Mary herself to the everlasting rest, yet another
ascending to heaven in the form of a flame, and an-
other in the appearance of a snow-white lily oh, :

we beseech you that, when the last hour shall draw

near, we may through your intercession be protected
by the sorrowful Mother in that terrible moment
against the snares of the ancient serpent, and made
worthy to breathe our last in the loving hands of the
heavenly Lady of Sorrows, whence we will be borne to
everlasting blessedness in God, the perennial fountain
of glory and holiness.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, dated April 21, 1 888, has granted to the faithful
who shall recite the above prayers with the seven Paters, Aves
and Glorias,
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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His Holiness, Pius IX M by a decree of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, Aug. 8, 1853, granted to all the faithful who, at any
time of the year, with at least contrite heart and devotion, in
public or in private, shall practise the pious exercise of keeping
seven successive Sundays in honor of S. Camillus, saying some
devout prayer in honor of this saint
every Sunday.
A plenary indulgence, on the seventh Sunday, to all those
who, having said these prayers, being truly penitent after con-
fession and communion, shall visit a church or public oratory,
and pray there, for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.


O glorious S. Camillus, the special Protector of the
poor infirm, who hast consecrated thyself during
forty years, with a charity truly heroic, to the relief
of their spiritual and corporeal miseries, deign to
assist them with still greater generosity, now that thou
art forever happy in heaven, and that they have been
by the Church confided to thy powerful patronage.
Obtain for them from God the cure of the ills they
suffer with, or patience and Christian resignation,

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which will sanctify them and comfort them at the

hour of their demise, and at the same time solicit for
us the grace so precious to live and die at thy example
in the faithful practice of divine charity. Amen.

Pater Ave Maria.


His Holiness, Leo XIII., in a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, Feb. 27, 1894, granted to the faithful who shall

recite the above prayer with a Pater and Ave

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.



glorious S. John of Matha, who, inflamed with
an intense love of God and a tender 'compassion for
thy neighbor, hast been chosen by divine Providence
to establish the illustrious Order of the Most Holy
Trinity, and spent thy days in glorifying this august
mystery and redeeming the unfortunate Christians
from slavery, graciously obtain for us that we may
ourselves also employ our lives in glorifying the
Blessed Trinity and doing good to our neighbor by
the works of Christian charity, that we may at last
deserve- t o enj oy in heaven the beatific vision of
Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
March 16, 1897, granted to the faithful who shall say the above
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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O S. Joseph Calasanctius, protector of children and
young men O glorious servant of God, who hast

wrought so numerous and stupendous deeds in their

behalf; who hast made thyself to them a pattern of
ardent charity, of unconquerable patience, of the
most profound humility, of an angelic purity and of
every other heroic virtue, and by holy examples as
well as by words inspired of the Spirit of God, hast
exhorted them to shun dangerous occasions, to ab-
hor vice, to detest sin and to cultivate piety and
devotion, and thus hast led them to heaven in
innumerable hosts who hast miraculously received

for them the blessing of the Infant Jesus and of his

Immaculate Mother ; we beseech thee, obtain for us
also, your humble and devout clients, O glorious and
loving father, a constant aversion for sin, the victory
over our temptations, help in dangers and progress
in learning, so that acquiring the fulness of true
wisdom, which is the holy fear of God, we may at
last attain eternal salvation. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by rescript of His Eminence the

Cardinal-Vicar, dated Oct. 19, 1897, granted to the faithful

who shall recite this prayer

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


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O glorious apostle and thaumaturge, S. Vincent
Ferrer, the new Angel of the Apocalypse and our
Protector, accept our humble prayer and bring down
upon us the abundance of divine favors. By that
charity which animated thy heart, obtain for us from
the Father of all mercy the pardon of our sins,
steadfastness in the faith, perseverance in good
works ; so that, living a fervent Christian life, we
may deserve thy powerful patronage. Extend that
patronage even to our bodies and free them from
infirmity. Preserve our fields from the damages of
storm and hail, and keep off all misfortune. Thus
favored by thee with blessings in soul and body, we
shall ever be thy devout clients, and one day with
thee praise God in heaven world without end. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr, of
Indulgences, dated Sept. 17, 1887, granted to the faithful

who shall recite the above prayer

An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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O glorious S. Antony, who at one word of the
gospel, heard by you when assisting at Mass, didst
renounce all the riches and comforts of your home,
your country, the world, to hide in the desert ; who,
although burdened with years and worn with penance,
didst not hesitate to leave your solitude to visit
again Alexandria in Egypt, in order to publicly
reprove the jmpiousness of heretics, and to strengthen
in their faith the faltering Christians, like to a true
confessor of Christ, anxious to conquer the palms of
martyrdom, if the Lord should have permitted;
obtain for us, we pray, the grace of constantly up-
holding the cause of Jesus Christ and his Church,
and to persevere to the end in the faith of the Catholic
truth, in the observance of his commandments, in the
practice of his counsels and the imitation of your vir-
tues ; so that, after having faithfully followed your
example here below, we may deserve to be forever
the admirers and companions of your glory in heaveji.
Three Paters, Aves and Glorias.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Cpngr. of In-
dulgences, June 3, 1896, granted to the faithful who shall say the
above prayer and the three Paters, Aves and Glorias,
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


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S. LUCY, V. M.


We admire, O virgin and martyr, S.

Lucy, that light of lively faith which it pleased the
most merciful God to infuse into thy beautiful
soul; enlightened by which thou didst despise the
vain and trifling things of this miserable earth,
keeping thy regard fixed upon that heaven for which
alone we have been created. The riches and the
pleasures which the seductive world held out to thee,
to the prejudice of faith and of divine grace, never
clouded thy mind, nor allured thy heart. Hence,
far from consenting to the proposals of the perverse
president, thou didst show thyself bold and resolute
to encounter even death itself, rather than be un-
faithful to thy heavenly Lord. What cause of con-
fusion for us, who, not less enlightened by faith and
strengthened by grace, still do not know how to re-
sist our guilty passions, nor to despise the evil
maxims or repel the flattery of the infernal enemy.
Ah obtain for us, dear Saint, from God greater light,

by avhich we may come to know that we were not made

for things here below, but for those of heaven.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


Admirable in thee, O intrepid martyr, S. Lucy,

31 481
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482 S. LUCY, V. M.

was the virtue of hope. This it was which main-

tained in thee that lively desire of heaven and nour-
ished in thy heart that filial confidence in God, thy
most loving Father. It was animated by this virtue
that thou didst obtain health for thy infirm mother,
praying fervently for her by the tomb of S. Agatha.
Full of confidence in God, in order to detach thyself
more and more from things of earth, thou didst dis-
tribute to the poor what' still remained to thee of thy
former wealth. If thou wert not wanting in courage
and strength to resist the tyrant, to sustain untold
torments, to remain constant in the faith, it was be-
cause thy trust was placed in him alone who has
promised not to abandon us in danger, but to be our
shield of defence, ready even to work miracles, as
happened in thy glorious martyrdom. Alas ! we
confess that too great attachment to things below,
and our little confidence in God, shut our hearts and
make us lose courage in dangerous occasions in which
for this reason we often find ourselves victims. Ah !

S. Lucy obtain for us a firmer confidence in God,

! .

by which we may deserve, in all the trying circum-

stances of life, to have him for our helper and our
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

O illustrious martyr of Christ, S. Lucy, thy lively

faith and firm hope cannot be disconnected from
that fire of ardent charity which consumed thy heart
and made thee so ready to give thy life and thy
blood for thy spouse, Jesus. Ah it is no wonder !

that the flames of material fire, applied to thy body

by the tyrant's order, were not able to penetrate it or
reduce it to ashes. These flames were too weak in

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S. LUCY, V. M. 483

comparison with those which burned in thy breast.

Seeing therefore his efforts useless, the infamous prefect
commanded thy throat to be cut from ear to ear.
Then did thy beautiful soul take its flight to heaven,
there to repose in the bosom of Jesus, to enjoy
his heavenly delights forever. Ah how miserable !

we are we love creatures and toil for them, and then


feel our poor hearts not only empty, but embittered

and oppressed. Obtain for us, dear Saint, that we
may finally persuade ourselves that our happiness
should commence in this world by placing it in the
love of that God who will be the true and only ob-
ject of our perfect and eternal beatitude in heaven.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

Full of confidence in thy powerful intercession, O

glorious martyr, S. Lucy, we beseech thee to intercede
with thy divine spouse, Jesus, that he may deign to
preserve to us the light of our bodily eyes, giving us
at the same time the grace to make a good use of
them, so that, on the day of general resurrection,
they may be enlightened by that celestial light which
will render us worthy to behold the ineffable beauty
of the heavenly country. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.

V. Ora pro nobis, V. Pray for us, S. Lucy.

Sancta Lucia,
R. Ut digni efficiamur R. That we may be
promissionibus Christi. made worthy of the prom-
ises of Christ.


Exaudi nos, Deus salu- Hear us, O God of our
taris noster, ut sicut de salvation, that, as we re-

by Google
484 S. LUCY, V. M.

beatae Luciae virginis et joice in the heroic con-

martyris tuae fideli con- stancy of blessed Lucy,
stantia laetamur, ita pias thy virgin and martyr, so
devotionis erudiamur we may be filled with the
affectu. Per Christum spirit of holy devotion.
Dominum nostrum. Through Christ our Lord.
Amen. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 27, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
wkh at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite these
prayers, with the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory be
to the Father, each three times, with the versicle and prayer •
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

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O sweetest Lord Jesus Christ, source of all virtue,

lover of virgins, most powerful conqueror of demons,
most severe extirpator of vice deign to cast thine !

eyes upon my weakness, and through the intercession

of Mary most blessed, mother and virgin, and of
thy beloved spouse, S. Agnes, glorious virgin and
martyr, grant me the aid of thy heavenly grace, in
order that I may
learn to despise all earthly things, ,

and to love whatheavenly ; to oppose vice and to


be proof against temptation ; to walk firmly in the

path of virtue, not to seek honors, to shun pleasures,
to bewail my past offences, to keep far from the
occasions of evil, to keep free from bad habits, to seek
the company of the good, and persevere in righteous-
ness, so that, by the assistance of thy grace, I may
deserve the crown of eternal life, together with S.
Agnes and all the saints, for ever and ever, in thy
kingdom. Amen. .

His Holiness, Pius IX., by an autograph rescript, Oct. 30,

1854, granted to ail the faithful who, with at least contrite heart
and devotion, shall say this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
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486 S. AGNES, V. M.




O rare example of virtue glorious S. Agnes, by


that lively faith with which thou wast animated from

thy tenderest years, and which rendered thee so ac-
ceptable to God as to merit the crown of martyrdom
obtain for us the grace to preserve the Catholic faith
intact in our hearts, and profess ourselves sincerely
Christians, not only in words, but by our works. May
we thus so confess Jesus Christ before men, that he
may give favorable testimony to us before his eternal
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


O intrepid martyr, Agnes, by thy hope

illustrious S.
in the divine assistance, which, when condemned by
the impious Roman president to see the lily of thy
purity soiled and trampled upon, removed all fear,
so firm was thy trust in that God who sends his angels
to guard and defend those who confide in him ; by
thy intercession, obtain from God for us the grace to
jealously preserve this virtue in our hearts, that to
the many sins already committed we may not add
the abominable one of distrust in the divine mercy.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.


Brave girl ! most pure S. Agnes, by the ardent

charity which consumed thy heart, and for which
thou wast not attacked by the flames of voluptuous-
ness and of the funeral pyre, by which the enemies of

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S. AGNES, V. M, 487

Jesus Christ sought thy destruction obtain from :

God, for us, that he will extinguish in us all less pure

flames, and only enkindle in us that fire which Jesus
Christ came to light upon earth. Thus, having passed
a stainless life in the exercise of this virtue, may we
be made partakers of that glory which thou didst
merit by the purity of thy heart and thy martyrdom.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 1 6, 1886, granted to all the faithful who,
with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above prayers
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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O Lord, who selected S. Barbara for the consola-
tion of the living us by her
and the dying, grant
intercession ever to live in thy divine love, and to
put all our confidence in the merits of the most sor-
rowful passion of thy Son. May the death of him
never surprise us, but, comforted by the holy sacra-
ments of Penance, Holy Eucharist and Extreme
Unction, may we set forward without fear towards
eternal glory. This we beseech thee by the name of
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a brief, March 21, 1879,
'granted to all the faithful who, with contrite hearts, devoutly
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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O S. Elizabeth, chosen vessel of sublime virtue,

thou didst show to the world, by thy splendid ex-
ample, what charity faith, and humility can do in a
Christian soul.
Thou didst emp^y all the powers of thy heart in
loving thy God alone thou didst love Him with a

love so pure and fervent, as to become worthy of

tasting beforehand upon this earth those favors and
sweetnesses of paradise which are granted to the souls
invited to the nuptials of the adorable Lamb.
Thou, illumined by a heavenly light, and, by thy
immovable faith, showing thyself a true child of the
gospel, didst behold in thy neighbor the person of
our Lord Jesus Christ, the sole object of thy affections
and, therefore, didst thou find all thy delight in deal-
ing with the poor, in helping them, in drying their
tears, in encouraging them, in assisting them in every

service of charity, amid diseases and the many mis-

eries to which our human nature is subject.
Thou didst make thyself poor, to relieve the poverty
of thy neighbor; poor in the goods of the earth, to
make thyself rich in those of heaven.
Thou wast so humble that, after exchanging thy
throne for a wretched cell, and thy royal mantle for
the modest gown of the seraphic Francis, thou didst

lead a life of privations and penance, innocent as

thou ever wast, and didst embrace with divine grace
the cross of our divine Redeemer, accepting willingly
with him thy portion of insults and unjust persecu-
tions. Thou didst forget the world and thyself, to
think only of God.
O most amiable saint, so beloved of God, con-
descend to become the heavenly friend of our souls,
and assist them to become the friends of your loving
Jesus. Turn upon us, from the height of heaven,
one of those tender looks which upon earth did cure
the most grievous infirmities of men.
In the world in which we live, so full of moral
convulsions, and so cold and indifferent, at the same
time, to all the things of God, we have recourse to
thee with confidence ; that thou, illumining us with
thy light, may enkindle in our hearts the flame of thy
sublime love, and procure for us peace of soul.
Meanwhile, we bless the Lord for having glorified
his name in this world, by the splendor of thy heroic
virtues, and by the eternal reward with which they
are crowned. Do thou bless us, dear S. Elizabeth,
from the blessed throne which thou dost occupy near
the Holy of holies ; protect us in our perilous pil-
grimage, obtain pardon for our sins, and open for us
the way to enter and enjoy with thee the kingdom
of God. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a brief, Aug. 9, 1861, granted
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
to all the faithful
shall say this prayer :

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

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O seraphic Virgin, Saint Teresa, beloved Spouse
of the Crucified, thou who didst burn with such ardent
love whilst on earth for thy God and mine, and who
art now inflamed with an even purer and greater love
in heaven; who didst always long to see him loved
by all men, obtain for me also, I beseech thee, a
spark of that holy flame which may make me forget
the world and creatures and self; and may all my
thoughts, all my desires and all my affections be oc-
cupied always in carrying out, in all things, whether
pleasant or painful, the will of the Supreme Good,
who deserves to be infinitely obeyed and loved.
Obtain for me this grace, thou who findest so great
favor with God, that I may be wholly inflamed, as
thou art, with divine love. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, April 22, 1898, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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Omost glorious Margaret, truly a gem which the
Lord has snatched with such love from the hands
of the infernal robber who then possessed you, to
give to all sinners, in your admirable conversion,
holy life and most precious death, a conquering im-
pulse to give up sin, by doing good and shunning
evil with its proximate occasions obtain for us, your

clients, we pray, from that lofty throne of glory to

which your tears and penance have raised you, the
grace of a sincere conversion of the heart, of a
lively sorrow for our sins, and, after a holy life spent
at your example in the love of Jesus crucified, a happy
death, and in the bosom of everlasting bliss the
crown of glory. Amen.
Pater, Ave, Gloria,

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, dated January 12, 1897, granted to the
faithful who shall say the above prayer with a Pater, Ave and
Gloria y
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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O faithful Spouse of Jesus Christ and most humble
Servant of the Sorrowful Virgin, glorious S. Juliana,
when nearing the term of a life all spent in the prac-
tice of the most heroic virtues, you felt but the one
grief of being prevented by sickness from receiving
in viaticum your Beloved ; but this grief proved to
be so pleasing to your heavenly Spouse Jesus that he
deigned himself to reward it by an extraordinary
prodigy, when, behold, at your supplications, the
Divine Sacrament having been placed on your vir-
ginal breast, it instantly penetrated the same, leaving
the image of the Crucified visibly impressed thereon,
whilst your soul, with a sweet smile, expired in his
sacred embrace. O
great Saint, and my special
Patroness, obtain for us from God, we pray, the
grace to live a holy life like to yours, that we may
die a like holy death ; and in particular that, pre-
pared for this last voyage, provided with the Holy
Sacrament, and strengthened with God's grace, I may
deserve a holy demise and escape eternal death.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of In-
dulgences, dated July 20, 1889, granted to the faithful
who shall say the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

by Google
O beloved disciple and true follower of Jesus the
Redeemer, S. Salome, I, your humble client, render
thanks to the Most Blessed Trinity for the glory im-
parted to you, making of yours a family of saints.
By that generosity with which you have consecrated to
the apostolate your sons and yourself, obtain for me
also that, at the cost of any sacrifice, I may during
the entire course of my life efficiently contribute to
the glory of God and the salvation of souls and ;

when I shall have reached the goal, O, my beloved

Protectress assist me with that pious affection with

which you have on Mount Calvary assisted the dying

Lord, and obtain that at the dreadful moment he may
also address to me those consoling words he then spoke
to the penitent thief " This day shalt thou be with

me in Paradise."
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr of
Indulgences, dated February 27, 1 894, granted to the faithful
who shall recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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To all the faithful, who have in their possession crosses,

chaplets and rosaries which have touched the Holy Places,

and the Sacred Relics of the Holy Land, by concession of the
Venerable Pontiff, Innocent XI., as appears by his brief, Uni-
geniti Dei Filiiy Jan. 28, 1688, and confirmed by the Sovereign
Pontiff, Innocent XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indul-
gences, June 4, 1 72 1, and by the benign extension of His Holi-
ness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
Aug. 19, 1895, nave Deen granted
I. A plenary indulgence at the hour of death, if, truly pen-
itent, they go to confession and communion ; or, when that is
not possible, if, with contrite hearts they invoke devoutly, with
the lips if they can, if not, at least with the heart, the holy name
of Jesus.
II. A plenary indulgence to those who have been accus-
tomed to recite, at least once a week, either the ordinary Divine
Office ; or that of the blessed Virgin Mary ; or that of the Dead
or the Seven Penitential Psalms; or the Gradual Psalms; or
the Chaplet of our Lord ; or that of the blessed Virgin ; or the
third part of the Rosary ; or who were in the habit of teaching
Christian doctrine ; or of visiting the sick in hospitals, or pris-
oners, or helping the poor of Christ ; of assisting at the most
holy sacrifice of the mass ; or of celebrating it, if they be priests
provided that, truly penitent, having confessed their sins to a
confessor approved by the Ordinary, they shall go to communion
on any of the following days : Christmas, Epiphany, Ascension
of our Lord, Pentecost, feast of the most holy Trinity, Corpus
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Christi, feasts of the Purification, Annunciation, Assumption, and

Nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary: feasf of the Nativity of S.
John the Baptist, of the holy Apostles Peter, Paul, Andrew, James,
John, Thomas, Philip and James, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon
and Jude, Matthias, and the feast of All Saints and on these days ;

devoutly pray to God for the extirpation of heresy and schisms,

for the propagation of the [Catholic faith, for concord among
Christian princes, and for the other needs of holy Mother, the
III. An indulgence of seven years and seven quar-
antines to those who do the aforesaid works on other feasts of
our Lord and of the blessed Virgin Mary.
IV. An indulgence of five years and five quaran-
tines to those who shall do them on any Sunday or feast dur-
ing the year.
V. An indulgence of one hundred days to those who
shall do them on any day during the year.
VI. An indulgence of two hundred days, each time
they visit prisons, or the sick in hospitals, assisting them by
some pious act; or for teaching Christian doctrine in the
Church, or in their homes, to their own children, relatives or
servants ;
or, finally, if they are accustomed to recite, at least
once a week, the Chaplet ; or the Rosary ; the Office of the
blessed Virgin, or of the Dead ; or Vespers, with at least one
Nocturn and Laud ; or the Seven Penitential Psalms, with the
Litany and prayers.
VII. An indulgence of one hundred days, besides that*
granted by Benedict XIII., if, at the sound of the bell of some

church, in the morning, or at mid-day, or in the evening, they

Angelus Domini, etc.; or, not
shall say the usual prayers,
knowing them, one Our Father and one Hail Mary ; or, in
like manner, when the bell for the dead is rung, they shall say
the psalm, De profundis, or, not knowing it, one Our Father
and one Hail Mary ; or who, on Friday of each week, shall

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devoutly meditate upon the passion and death of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and say theOur Father and the Hail Mary, each three
times ; or, being truly sorry for their sins, with firm purpose of
amendment, shall examine and say, with devo-
their consciences
tion, the Our Father and Hail Mary, each three times or,
the ;

in honor of the most holy and undivided Trinity, say the Our
Father and the Hail Mary, each three times or, in memory of ;

the five wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, say the Our Father
and the Hail Mary, each five times.
VIII. An indulgence of Firry days to those who shall
make any kind of prayer as a preparation before saying
mass; or before holy communion; or before reciting the
Divine Office ; or that of the blessed Virgin.
An indulgence of fifty days to those who pray devoutly
for the faithful in their agony, or say. at least one Our Father
and one Hail Mary for them.
Crosses, chaplets and rosaries from the Holy Land, which
have touched the Holy Places and Sacred Relics existing there,
cannot be sold, exchanged for other wares, or lent for the pur-
pose of communicating indulgences to others ; this being pro-
hibited by general decrees of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, and
especially by that already cited, June 4, 1721.

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The plenary indulgence for the hour of death is of most an-

cient origin, as may be seen by the thirteenth letter of S. Cyprian,
martyr, written about the middle of the third century of the
Christian era. Cardinal Baronius, who, writing of the year
878, also speaks of it as having been granted by Pope John
VIII. to those Christians who died in the war against the Sara-
cens. On the occasion of a pestilence it was granted by Pope
Clement VI., who was elected in 1342, and again by Gregory
XI., elected in 1370. In later times many Sovereign Pontiffs
have most liberally granted similar indulgences, as, for example,
Paul V. and Alexander VII. (See P. Teodoro dallo Spirito
Santo—De Indulgentiis, Par. II., Cap. II., Art. V.) This
indulgence was not suspended during the Jubilee Year, as was
especially declared by the Sovereign Pontiffs, Benedict XIV.
and Leo XII., in their respective bulls concerning the suspen-
sion of indulgences during the year of Jubilee.
Besides the various pious practices and prayers to which a
plenary indulgence at the hour of death is attached (provided
they have been performed during life with the requisite dispo-
sitions,and that the imposed conditions are complied with in
death), it may be gained also by those who receive the Apostolic

Benediction for the hour of death ; that is, the blessing which
is given either by the Sovereign Pontiff himself, or by others in

his name, having obtained the faculties for so doing, to the sick
who are in actual danger of death.

The Sovereign pontiff, Benedict XIV., in the constitution,

Pia Mater, April 5, 1747, prescribed that priests, before im-
parting to the dying the Apostolic Benediction f>r the hour of
death, should excite them to renewed acts of sorrow for past sins
committed, to fervent acts of love of God, and especially to
accept death with willing resignation from God's hand. And
this work he has imposed and enjoined upon the dying, that by
it they may prepare and dispose themselves to reap the fruit of
the plenary indulgence. He has besides approved a formula to
be used, according to circumstances, in giving the Apostolic
Benediction for the hour of death, by those who have obtained
the faculties for so doing from the Holy See. This formula,
according to decrees of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 5,
1841, and March 22, 1879, must be used necessarily and by all,

without distinction, under pain of nullity.

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S. Pius V., in the bull, Quod a nobis, July 9, 1568, granted
to all the faithful who are obliged to say the Office of the Dead,
as often as they shall devoutly say it on the days prescribed by
the rubrics of the Roman Breviary
An indulgence of one hundred days.
To all those who shall say it through devotion, he granted,

by the Superni Omnipotentis Deit April

bull, 5, 1571
An indulgence of fifty days.



An offering of all works of satisfaction and of all the

suffrages in behalf of the souls in purgatory.

This heroic act of charity in behalf of the souls in purgatory
consists in a voluntary offering made in their favor to the Divine
Majesty, by any one of the faithful, of all works of satisfaction

done by him in his life, as well as of all the suffrages which

shall be offered for him after his death. Many of the faithful,

devout to the blessed Virgin, have followed the praiseworthy

practice, introduced, or at least much spread since the last cen-
by F. D. Gaspar Oliden, Theatine, of placing them in the
hands of the blessed Virgin, that she may distribute them in

behalf of those souls whom it is her good pleasure to deliver

sooner from the pains of purgatory. By this offering he foregoes
in their behalf only that special fruit which belongs to himself;
so that a priest is not hindered thereby from applying the holy
sacrifice of the mass for the intention of those who give him

This heroic act of charity was enriched with many indul-

gences: by Pope Benedict XIII., in* a decree, Aug. 23,

1728, confirmed by Pope Pius VI., in a decree, Dec. 12, 1788;

and lastly, these indulgences were specified by the Sovereign
Pontiff, Pius IX., in a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences,
Sept. 10, 1852. They are as follows;
I. The indult of a privileged altar, personally, every
day in the year, to all priests who shall have made this offering.
II. A plenary indulgence, applicable only to the departed,
to all the faithful who
shall have made this offering, whenever
they go to holy communion, provided they visit a church or
public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the intention
of his Holiness.

III. A plenary indulgence, every Monday, to all who hear

mass in aid of the souls in purgatory, provided they fulfil the
other conditions mentioned above.
All indulgences granted or to be granted, which are to be
gained by the faithful who have made this offering, may be
applied to the holy souls in purgatory.
Lastly, his Holiness, Pope Pius IX., having in view the
young, who have not yet made their first communion, as well as
the sick, those who are afflicted with chronic disorders, the aged,

farm-laborers, prisoners, and others who are debarred from com-

munion, or are unable to hear mass on Mondays, declared, by
another decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 20, 1854,
that, for all the faithful who cannot hear mass on Monday, the
mass heard on Sundays should be available, and that in favor
of those who have not yet made their first communion, or who
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are hindered from receiving holy communion, he has left it to

the will of their respective Ordinaries to authorize confessors to
commute the works here enjoined.
And note, lastly, that, although this act of charity is called
heroic vow of charity in some printed sheets, in which also is
given a formula for making the offering, no inference is to be
drawn therefrom that this offering binds under sin ; neither is it

necessary to make use of the said formula, or any other, since,

in order to share in the said indulgences, no more is required
than a heart-felt act of the will.

Ps. 129.
De Out of the depths I
profundis clamavi
ad Domine: Domine, have cried to thee, O
exaudi vocem meam. Lord Lord, hear my !

Fiant aures tuse inten- Let thine ears be atten-
dentes, in vocem depre- tive to the voice of my
cationis meae. supplication.
Si iniquitates observa- If thou, Lord, shalt O
veris, Domine : Domine, mark our iniquities : O
quis sustinebit ? Lord, who shall stand it ?

Quia apud te propitia- - For with thee there is

tio est propter legem merciful forgiveness and
: et :

tuamsustinui te, Domine. by reason of thy law I

have waited for thee, O
Sustinuit anima mea in My soul hath relied on
verbo ejus: speravit anima his word my soul hath :

mea in Domino. hoped in the Lord.

A custodia matutina From the morning
usque ad noctem, speret watch even unto night,
Israel in Domino. let Israel hope in the Lord.

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Quia apud Dominum

Because with the Lord
misericord ia, copiosa there is mercy
et and with :

apud eum redemptio. him plenteous redemption.

Et ipse redimet Israel And he shall redeem
ex omnibus iniquitatibus Israel from all his iniqui-
ejus. ties.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XII., by a brief, Cosiest*

Ecclesia thesauros, Aug. II, 1 736, granted:

An indulgence of one hundred days to all the faithful
who, at the sound of the bell, at the first hour after nightfall,
shall say devoutly on their knees the psalm De profundis, or the
Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Requietn aternam.
A plenary indulgence, once a year, to those who shall
have performed this pious exercise for a year, on any day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall
pray for peace and union among Christian princes, for the extir-
pation of heresy and for the triumph of holy Mother Church.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of the Propaganda, March 18, 1781, granted these indulgences
to all the faithful who may happen to dwell in a place where no
bell for the dead is sounded, provided they shall say the De pro-
fundis, or the Our Father, and the Hail Mary, etc., about

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, July 18, 1877, declared that these indulgences
can be gained on the recital as above of the De profundis, or
the Our Father, etc., before or after nightfall, provided that the
bell is sounded at such hour, according to the custom of the
church or place.

Moreover, His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 3, 1888, granted to all the faith-
ful who shall recite the above Psalm, adding the versicle
Requiem aternam dona eis Domine ei lux perpetua luceat eis,

An indulgence of fifty days, three times a day.



As on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Holy Week, the
«acred liturgy does not permit priests to celebrate mass, the
piou* Custom has been introduced into some places of making,
for the space of at least one hour, on each of those days, some
kind of vocal or mental prayer in suffrage for the souls in pur-

gatory. This is done in order that those souls, deprived during

that space of time of the suffrages afforded them by the mass,
may be assisted in some other manner. To maintain this pious
practice, the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., by a decree of
the S. Congr. of Indulgences, April 10, 1745, granted:
An indulgence of seven years and seven quaran-
tines, to be gained on each of the said days by all the faithful
who, with contrite hearts, devoutly make the said hour of

This indulgence the same Sovereign Pontiff, by a decree ot

the same S. Congr., April 3, 1 751, extended to all the faithful

who assist at the sacred ceremonies usually performed on those
days, either of rite, or of custom, in memory of the passion of
our Lord Jesus Christ, provided, as has been said, they pray in

some manner for the souls of the faithful departed.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a brief, Feb. 6, 1817,
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day, to

all the faithful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
meditating on the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, shal2 say for

the faithful departed the Our Father and Hail Mary, each
five times, with the versicle, Te ergo quasumus, tuis famulis
rubveni, quos pretioso sanguine redemisti ^Eternal Father, we

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pray thee, help the souls of thy servants, whom thou hast re-
deemed by the blood ofJesus Christ "), and the Requiem aternam.
To all those who shall have practiced this pious exercise
every dayfor a month he granted
A plenary indulgence, on any one day, in each month,
when, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
they shall pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious blood which thy divine Son Jesus shed in the
garden, deliver the souls in purgatory, and amongst
them all, especially that soul which is most destitute
of aid ; and bring it to thy glory, there to praise and
bless thee for ever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and the De profundis.

Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious blood which thy divine Son Jesus shed in his
cruel scourging, deliver the souls in purgatory, and
amongst them all, especially that soul which is nearest
to entrance into thy glory ; that so it may soon
begin to praise and bless thee forever. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and the De profundis.
Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious blood which thy divine Son Jesus shed in his
bitter crowning with thorns, deliver the souls in pur*
gatory, and in particular, amongst them all, deliver
that one which would be the last to issue from those
pains, that it tarry not so long a time before it comes

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to praise thee in thy glory and bless thee forever.

Our Father, Hail Mary, and the De profundi's.

Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious blood which thy divine Son Jesus shed through
the streets of Jerusalem when he carried the cross
upon his sacred shoulders, deliver the souls in purga-
tory, and especially that soul which is richest in
merits before thee ; that so, on that throne of glory
which awaits it, it, may magnify thee and bless thee
forever. Amen.
Our Hail Mary, and
Father, the De profundi*.
Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious body and blood of thy divine Son Jesus, which
he gave with his own hand upon the eve of his pas-
sion to his beloved apostles to be their meat and
drink, and which he left to his whole Church to be a
perpetual sacrifice and life-giving food of his own faith-
ful people,deliver the souls in purgatory, and especially
that one which was most devoted to this mystery of
infinite love;
that, with thy divine Son, and with thy
Holy Spirit, it may ever praise thee for this thy won-
drous love in thy eternal glory. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and the De profundi's.

Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious blood which thy divine Son shed on this day,
upon the wood of the cross, from his most sacred
hands and feet, deliver the souls in purgatory, and
especially that soul for which I am most bound to

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pray; that the blame rest not with me that thou

bringest it not forthwith to praise thee in thy glory
and to bless thee forever. Amen.
Our Father; Hail Mary, and the De profundis.
Lord God almighty, I beseech thee, by the pre-
cious blood which gushed forth from the side of thy
divine Son Jesus, in the sight and to the extreme pain
of his most holy mother, deliver the souls in purga-
tory, and especially that one amongst them all which
was ever the most devout to this great lady that it ;

may soon attain unto thy glory, there to praise thee

in her, and her in thee, world without end. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, and the De profundis.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 1 8, 1826, granted to all the faith-,
fill who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say thes*.

prayers assigned for each day of the week, with the Our Father,
the Hail Mary, and the De profundis, and pray, moreover, for
some time, for the intention of his Holiness :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript dated at Gaeta,
Jan. 5, 1849, anc* by another of the S. Congr. of Bishops and
Regulars, -Jan. 28, 1850, and finally by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faithful
who, with contrite hearts, devoutly make at any time during
the year the novena or seven days' devotion in suffrage for the
souls in Purgatory, with any formula of prayer, provided it

be approved by competent ecclesiastical authority,

An indulgence of three hundred days, on each day.
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A plenary indulgence, either during the course of the

novena or seven days* devotion, or upon one of the eight days
immediately following, if, truly penitent, having confessed and
communicated, they pray for the intention of the Sovereign



In order to maintain and diffuse ever more and more among
the faithful the holy and salutary thought of praying for the
departed, some pious Romans projected and proposed a so-
called Catholic League of perpetual suffrage for the holy souls in
purgatory, to which any one may belong by reciting each day,
three times, Give them eternal resit, etc., in behalf of the holy souls.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Aug. 19, 1880, granted to all the faithful who,
with contrite hearts, recite, three times, Give them eternal rest,
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, January 17, 1888, granted to the faithful who
shall perform some pious practice for the relief of the souls in
Purgatory, every day during the whole month of November,
whether in public or in private,
An indulgence of seven years and as many quaran-
tines on each day of the month
A plenary indulgence, once during the same month, on
any day of the month, on the usual conditions Confession and :

Communion, and a visit to a church or public oratory, and

there praying for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

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Actiones nostras, quae- Prevent, we beseech
sumus Domine, aspirando thee, O Lord, our actions
praeveni etadjuvandopro- by thy inspirations, and
sequere, ut cuncta nostra further them with thy
oratio et operatio a Te continual help; that every
semper incipiat et per Te prayer and work of ours
c o e p t a finiatur. Per may always begin from
Christum Dominum nos- thee, and through thee be
trum : likewise ended. Through
Requiem aeternam Christ our Lord: Eter-
dona eis Domine et lux nal rest give to them, O
perpetua luceat eis. Lord, and let perpetual
light shine upon them.

I. We thee, Eternal Father, Father of
offer to
mercies, for those souls so dear to thee that are now in
Purgatory, the most Precious Blood which flowed
from the wound in the left foot of Jesus, thy Son,
our Saviour, and the grief of Mary, his most loving
Mother, present on Calvary when he was so cruelly
Pater, Ave and Requiem.
II. We to thee, Eternal Father, Father of
mercies, for those souls so dear to thee that are now
in Purgatory, the most Precious Blood which flowed
from the wound in the right foot of Jesus, thy Son,
our Saviour, and the grief of Mary, his most loving
Mother, present on Calvary when he was so cruelly
Pater, Ave and Requiem.

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III. Weoffer to thee, Eternal Father, Father of

mercies, for those souls so dear to thee that are now
in Purgatory, the most Precious Blood which flowed
from the wound in the left hand of Jesus, thy Son,
our Saviour, and the grief of Mary, his dearest
Mother, present on Calvary when he was so cruelly
Pater, Ave and Requiem,
IV. We offer to thee,
Eternal Divine Father, Father
of mercies, for those souls so dear to thee that are
now in Purgatory, the most Precious Blood which
flowed from the wound in the right hand of Jesus,
thy Son, our Saviour, and the grief of Mary, his
dearest Mother, present on Calvary wfien he was so
cruelly wounded.
Pater, Ave and Requiem.
V. We offer to thee, Eternal Divine Father, Father
of mercies, for those souls so dear to thee that are now
in Purgatory, the most Precious Blood and the water
which flowed from the opened side of Jesus, thy Son,
our Saviour, and the grief of Mary, his most loving
Mother, present on Calvary when he was so cruelly
wounded. *

Pater, Ave and Requiem.

And now, poor prayers may be
in order that our
made more worthy be offered to God, we turn to
thee f most gracious Lord Jesus, and humbly entreat
thee that thou wouldst thyself offer to thy Eternal
Father the sacred wounds in thy feet and hands and
thy sacred side, together with thy most Precious
Blood, thy agony and thy death. And thou, too,
most sorrowful Mother, Mary, offer up, with the bitter

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passion of thy most beloved Son, thesighs and tears and

all thy grief in his sufferings;
in order that, through
the merits of them all, the souls now suffering in the
burning flames of Purgatory may obtain relief and
refreshment, and thus, freed from that prison-house
of torments, they may be clothed with glory in
heaven, and there praise the divine mercy forever
Absolve, Domine, ani- Absolve, O Lord, the
mas omnium Fidelium souls of all the faithful
defunctorum ab omni vin- departed from every bond
culo delictorum, ut Te of sins, that by thy help
ill is succurrente mere- they may be enabled to
ant ur evadere judicium escape the judgment of
ultionis, et lucis aeternae punishment and enjoy the
beatitudine perfrui. happiness of light eternal.
V. Requiem aeternam, V. Eternal rest, etc.
etc. R. And let perpetual
light, etc.
R. Et lux perpetua, etc.
V. From the gates of
V. A porta inferi. hell.
R. Erne, Domine, ani- R. Deliver their souls,
mas eorum. O Lord.
V. Requiescant in pace. V. May they rest in
R. Amen.
R. Amen.
V. Domine, exaudi V. O Lord, hear my
orationem meam. prayer.
R. Et clamor meus R. And let my cry
ad te veniat. come unto thee.
V. The Lord be with
V. Dominus vobiscum.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
Fidelium Deus omnium O God, the Creator

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conditor et Redemptor, and Redeemer of all the

animabus famulorum fam- faithful, give to the souls
ularumque tuarum remis- of thy servants departed
sionem cunctorum tribue the remission of all their
peccatorum, ut indulgen- sins ; that through pious
tiam, quam semper op- supplications they may
taverunt, piis supplica- obtain the pardon which
tionibus consequan tur. they have always desired.
Qui vivis, etc. Requiem, Who livest, etc. Eter-
etc. nal rest, etc.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, September 15, 1888, granted to the faithful who
shall recite the above offerings
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.


My Jesus, by that copious sweat of blood thou
didst shed in the Garden, have mercy on the souls of
my nearest relations now suffering in Purgatory.
Pater, Ave and Requiem.
My Jesus, by the cruel scourging thou didst
undergo whilst bound to the pillar, have mercy on
the souls of my relations and friends now suffering in
Pater, Ave and Requiem.
My Jesus, by crown of sharp thorns that
pierced thy most holy brow, have mercy on the most
forsaken soul for which no suffrage is offered, and
for the soul which is farthest from release out of
Pater9 Ave and Requiem.

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My Jesus, by those most painful steps thou didst

take whilst bearing thy cross, have mercy on the
soul nearest to its release from Purgatory and by ;

the sufferings thou didst endure, together with thy

most holy Mother, Mary, when you met on the way
to Calvary, free from the pains of Purgatory the
souls that were devout to that dear Mother.

-Pater, Ave and Requiem.

My Jesus, by thy most sacred body stretched upon
the cross, by thy most sacred feet and hands pierced
with hard nails, by thy cruel death and by thy
most sacred side opened by the lance, pity those
poor souls and deal mercifully with them, release
them from the fierce torments they suffer, call them
forth and admit them to the sweet embrace of thy
divine love in Paradise.
Pater, Ave and Requiem.
Souls suffering atrocious torments, I promise you,
because I am truly devoted to you, never to forget
you and to pray assiduously to the Most High God
for your release. In return for this offering I make to
you, I entreat you to obtain for me from God, with
whom your prayers avail so much, though only for us
mortals, that he would save me from all dangers of
soul and body; I ask, through you, for myself and
for all my relations, friends, benefactors and enemies,
forgiveness for our sins, the salvation of our souls,
and, consequently, perseverance in virtue; save us
from all accidents, miseries, sickness, pains and
adversities ; obtain for us peace of mind and heart
help us in all our actions ; give us ready assistance in
our spiritual and temporal needs ; comfort us, defend

us in all dangers ; pray for the Sovereign Pontiff, for


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the prosperity of our Holy Church, for peace among the

nations, for all Christian rulers, for the public tran-
quillity, so that we may all one day rejoice together
in heaven. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 14, 1889, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayers
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

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The practice of visiting the churches of the Stations, what
are preserved the most sacred memorials of the saints, and of the
martyrs especially, dates its institution from the first ages of
Christianity ; and on certain days in the year the people, clergy,
and even popes, used to go there in procession to pray. Thil
pious and time-honored devotion, constantly maintained, moved
Pope Gregory the Great to make a list of the Stations, assigning
the churches to be visited, not only during Lent, but also on
certain other days and times in the year ;and these days he had
inscribed in the Roman Missal, as is related by John the Deacon
in his Life of S. Gregory book *, ii., cc. 2 and 6.
In order to induce the faithful to make these visits to the
churches of the Stations on the appointed days, and to pray
there for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff, the same Pope,
S. Gregory, and others of his successors, granted various induW
gences, which were all confirmed forever by Pope Pius VI., in
a decreeof the S. Congr. of Indulgences, July 9, 1777.
Note, that besides the churches named in the Roman Missal
for the Stations, there are others too, which, on certain days,
enjoy the indulgences of the Stations, as will be seen from the
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January i. The Circumcision"
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Sta-
tion,S.Mary, beyond the Tiber.
January 6* The Epiphany
of our Lord. S. Peter, on AM INDULGENCE OP
the Vatican. YEARS AND
Septuagesima Sunday. S. THIRTY QUARANTINES.
Laurence, outside the walls.
Sexagesima. S. Paul, out-
side the walls.
Quinquagesima. S. Peter,
on the Vatican.
Ash Wednesday. S. Sa- An indulgence of
bina, S. Alexius, and S. Mary, FIFTEEN YEARS AND FIF-
in Cosmedin, called Bocca TEEN QUARANTINES.
della Verita.
Thursday. S. George, in
Velabro, and the Church of
Jesus and Mary.
Friday. SS. John and
Paul, and S. Gregory, on the
Celian Hill.
Saturday. S. Tryphon,
and S. Augustine. An indulgence
First Sunday in Lent, S. Vten vkars an©
John Lateran.
Monday. S. Peter's Chains,
and S. John della Pigna.
Tuesday. S. Anastasia.
Wednesday. S. Mary
Thursday. S. Laurence, in
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Friday. The Twelve Holy^

Saturday. S. Peter, on the
. Second Sunday in Lent. S.
Mary, in Domnica, called the
Church of the Navicella, and
S. Gregory, on the Celian.
Monday. S. Mary Major,
and Clement.
Tuesday. S. Balbina.
Wednesday. S. Cecilia, be-
yond the Tiber.
Thursday. S. Mary, beyond
the Tiber.
Friday. S. Vitalis.
An indulgence of
Saturday. SS. Marcellinus QUARANTINES.
and Peter, near the Lateran
Third Sunday in Lent. S.
Laurence, outside the walls.
Monday. S. Mark.
Tuesday. Si Pudentiana.
Wednesday. S. Sixtus, and
SS. Nereus and. Achilleus.
Thursday. SS. Cosmasand
in the Forum.
Friday. S. Laurence, in
Saturday. S. Caius and S.
Susanna, and S. Mary of the
Angels, at the Baths.

Fourth Sunday
in Lent. \
1 he Holy Cross in Jerusalem.,
j TEEN quarantines

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Monday. The four Saints

crowned with martyrdom.
Tuesday. S. Laurence, in
Damasus, and S. Andrew
della Valle.
Wednesday. S. Paul, out-
side the gates.
Thursday. SS. Martin and
Silvester, on the Hills, and S.
Silvester, in Capite.
Friday. S Eusebius, and
S. Bibiana.
Saturday. S. Nicholas, in
the Gaol. An indulgence of
Passion Sunday. S. Peter, vten years and ten
on the Vatican, and S. Lazarus. quarantines.
Monday. S. Chrysogonus,
beyond the Tiber.
Tuesday. S. Cyriacus, at S.
Mary, on the Broad Way,
and SS. Quiricus and Julitta,
on the Hills.
Wednesday. S. Marcellus.
Thursday. S. Apollinaris.
Friday. S. Stephen, on the
Saturday. S. John, before
the Latin Gate, and S. Cas-
An indulgence of
Palm Sunday. S. John twenty-five years and
Lateran. twenty- five quaran-
Monday in Holy Week. S. An indulgence of
Praxedes. ten years and ten
Tuesday in Holy Week. S. quarantines.

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Prisca and S. Mary, at the^

Gate of the People. I
An indulgence of
Wednesday in Holy Week, quarantines.

S. Mary Major. J
Thursday in Holy Week. \ A plenary
S. John Lateran. j
GoodFriday. Holy Cross
in Jerusalem.
An indulgence or
Holy Saturday. S: John THIRTY QUANRATINES.
Easter Day. S. Mary Ma- ) A PLENARY INDUL-
jor. GENCE.

Easter Monday. S. Peter,

on the Vatican, and S. Onu-
Easter Tuesday. S. Paul,
outside the walls.
Wednesday in Easter Week.
S. Laurence, outside the walls.
Thursday in Easter Week.
The Twelve Holy Apostles.
Friday in Easter Week. S.
Mary of the Martyrs, called An indulgence of
La Rotonda. thirty years and
Saturday in Easter Week. thirty quarantines.
S. John Lateran.
Low Sunday. S. Pancra-
tius, and S. Mary della Scala.
April 25. Feast of S.
Mark the Evangelist. S.
Peter, on the Vatican.
Rogation Monday. S. Mary
Rogation Tuesday. S. John
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. '


Rogation Wednesday. S.
An indulgence of
thirty years and
Peter, on the Vatican. THIRTY QUARANTINES.

Ascension Day. S. Peter, A PLENARY INDUL-

on the Vatican. GENCE.


Vigil of Pente-
John Lateran.

WJiit-Sunday. S. Peter, on
the Vatican.
WJiit-Monday. S. Peter's
Whit Tuesday. S. Ana-
Wednesday {Ember-day)
Thursday. S. Laurence, out- THIRTY QUARANTINES.
side the walls.
Friday {Ember-day). The
Twelve Holy Apostles.
Sa tu rday {Ember-day).
Eve of the Feast of the Most
Holy Trinity. S. Peter, on
the Vatican.
Wednesday in September^
{Ember- day). S. Mary Ma-
Friday in September {Em-
ber-day). The Twelve Holy AN INDULGENCE OF
Saturday in September
{Ember-day). S. Peter, on \
the Vatican.
First Sunday in Advent.
S. Mary Major.
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Second Sunday in Advent. 1

Holy Cross in Jerusalem.
J* ^TSS' Z
j quarantines.

Third Sunday in Advent.

S. Peter, on the Vatican. j TEEN quarantines.

Wednesday in December \
{Ember-day). S. Mary
Friday in December {Em-
ber-day). The Twelve Holy An indulgence of
Apostles. ^. ten years and ten
December quarantines.
Saturday in
{Ember-day). S. Peter,on
the Vatican.
Fourth Sunday in Advent.
The Twelve Holy Apostles.
Dec. 24. Christmas Eve.
S. Mary Major.
Dec. 25. Christmas Day.
First Mass. The Altar of An indulgence op
- fifteen years and fif-
the Holy Crib, in S. Mary teen quarantines.
Second Mass. S. Ana-

Third Mass and the rest of

the day. S. Peter, on the
Vatican, and S. Mary Major.
Dec. 26. Stephen the
S. ,

firstMartyr. S. Stephen, on
the Celian Hill. ANP
Dec. 27. S. John the THIRTY QUARANTINES.
Apostle and Evangelist. S.
Mary Major. -

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Dec. 28. Holy Innocents, ^ an indulgence o*

Martyrs. S. Paul, outside \ thirty years and
the walls. Thirty quarantines.

These are the indulgences of the Stations, properly so called,

wnich formerly could be gained in Rome only, by visiting there
the designated churches. Now they may also be gained else-
where, by visiting certain appointed churches or oratories, which,
by benign concession of the Sovereign Pontiffs, enjoy this especial

To gain the indulgences of the Stations, besides the usual
conditions of true repentance, confession and communion, it

suffices 10 visit the one church where the Station is, or is sup-
posed to be ker.t. It is, however, necessary that this visit should
be made on the day fixed by the Roman Missal, as was decided
by the S. Congr. of Indulgences, March 7, 1678.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Leo XII., by a rescript of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, Feb. 28, 1S27. granted, moreover, to

all the faithful, every time that, during Lent, with contrite
heait and devotion, they visit the Roman churches of the Stations
in the prescribed manner;
An indulgence of forty years and forty quarantines.
He also granted to all those who make the above-named vi>it
three tunes, each visit being on a different day

A plenary indulgence, on a day of their own choice,

when, truly penitent, after confession and communion, they visit
some eh inch or public oratory, and there pray for holy Mother
Church, etc.

The prescribed method\ as referred to above, is as follows:

First, to visit a church on the way to that of the Station, and
say there tue prayers which are appointed in the book; to the
blessed sacrament, to the blessed Virgin, and to the holy
martyrs. Then, on the way to the Stational church, to recite
the psalm Miserere, five Our fathers, Hail Marys, and Glory

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be to the Father; then the Steps of the Passion of our Lord

Jesus Christ. Whilst a*, the Stational church say the Litany

and prayers assigned, and at
the Saints, with the versicles
the end the psalm De profundis, etc. Unlettered persons, and
those who have not the book of the Stations, may gain the
same indulgences by praying, during the visits to the two
churches, as their devotion may suggest, or as suited to their
capacity, reciting, as they pass from one church to the other, a
third part of the rosary, with the litany, and terminating their
visit with the psalm De profundis, or an Our Father, Hail
Mary, and Give them eternal rest, etc., for the holy souls in
By a similar favor the same Sovereign Pontiff granted that
nuns and other persons living in monasteries and communities
should participate in these indulgences, provided they follow
the prescribed method in visiting their respective churches, as

may also the sick and prisoners, supplying for what they are not
able to perform something which shall be enjoined upon them
by their confessors.




The custom of visiting the seven principal churches in Rome

is of most ancient institution. They are as follows : S. Peter,
on the Vatican; S. Paul, and S. Sebastian, outside the walls;
S. John Lateran; the Holy Cross in Jerusalem; S. Laurence,
outside the walls; and S. Mary Major. This devotion was
introduced by the piety of our ancestors; and it has the authori-
tative approval of the Sovereign Pontiffs, as Sixtus V. observes
in his bull, Egregia populi Romani pietas, Feb. 13, 1 586. It
was the almost daily devotion of S. Joseph Calasanctius, it was
frequently practised by S. Philip Neri, as well as by other saints

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and it is now in continual use with persons of every rank, not
only those who dwell in Rome, but with strangers also, to
venerate in these churches the relics deposited there, especially
those of the holy apostles and martyrs.
Whoever, after confession and communion, shall devoutly
visit these seven churches and pray according to the intention of
the Sovereign Pontiff, may gain the very many indulgences
with which these churches have been enriched, as appears from
the bulls and briefs of the Roman Pontiffs.

These many indulgences, by the kind permission of the

Sovereign Pontiff, can now be gained, even out of Rome, by
some kinds of persons, if they visit, with due dispositions, seven
chapels or seven altars of some church.
However, before our time, no special indulgence was granted
for the visit to the seven churches in Rome. This induced his

Holiness, Pius IX., to grant, by a brief, Jan. 26, 1866, to all

the faithful who, being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, shall devoutly visit the churches designated, and, at
the same time, pray for peace and union among Christian
princes, for the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of
holy Mother Church
A plenary indulgence, to be gained from the first vespers
to the sunset of the day on which the above pious exercise is

Most ancient, also, is the custom of visiting, in these churches,

but especially in S. Peter, on the Vatican, the seven privileged
altars; a record of this custom being found in the archives of

this church as far back as the times of Pope Innocent II., A.

D. 1 130. These seven altars in S. Peter's are

1. The altar of our Lady, commonly called the " Gregoriana. w

2. Of SS. Processus and Martinianus.
3. Of S. Michael the Archangel.
4. Of S. Petronilla, Virgin.
5. Of our Lady, commonly called "of the Pillar.

6. Of the holy Apostles S. Simon and S. Jude.

7. Of S. Gregory the Great.

Any one of the faithful who, with due dispositions, shall visit

devoutly these seven altars, may gain many indulgences granted

by various Sovereign Pontiffs, and confirmed by S. Pius V., Sixtus
V., Paul V., Clement VIII., and Urban VIII., which last Pope

issued many bulls in favor of the churches outside the walls, in

which he grants to seven altars of these churches the same
indulgences as are granted to the seven altars in S. Peter, on the


In the little church of our Lady of the Angels, near Assisi,
commonly called Delia Porziuncula, from a villa near it, S.
Francis urgently besought our Lord Jesus Christ that all the
faithful who should visit it with devotion and compunction, after
confession, might gain a plenary indulgence.
His prayers, made in union with the prayers of our blessed
Lady, were answered; and the indulgence he had asked was
granted by our divine Lord, on condition of its being confirmed
by the Sovereign Pontiff (then Honorius III.), as his vicar.
Having ascertained that such was the divine pleasure, the Pope,
in the year 1223, confirmed forever this plenary indulgence for
the 2d of August, beginning with the first vespers, that day
being the anniversary of the dedication of this church, which
was afterward magnificently enlarged, and dignified with the
title of basilica.
This indulgence, commonly called the indulgence of the Por-
of the Pardon of Assisi, or
litincula, or of the Sacred Pardon,
was afterward extended by many Popes to all the churches of
the three orders instituted by S. Francis, and to many other
churches and oratories of the Catholic world ; more particular-

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ly by Gregory XV., in a bull, Splendor paterva gloria, July 4,
1622, who prescribed communion, as well as confession, as a
necessary condition for gaining this indulgence and the prayer
for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
The Venerable Innocent XL, by a brief, Jan. 22, 1887, con-
firming this bull of Gregory XV., declared that this indulgence
might also be applied in aid of the souls in purgatory.
The peculiarity of this indulgence is, that it may be gained
toties quoties, that is, again and again on the same day ; and
this pious custom of visiting again and again the same chapel
or church of the Portiuncula, or any other of the churches of
the Order of S. Francis, in order to gain this indulgence, even
for the dead, has never been condemned, as it has been twice
decided by the S. Congr. of the Council, July 17, 1700, and
Dec. 4, 1723. Nay, more: when the question was proposed
to the S. Congr. of Indulgences " Whether, in visiting, on the

2d of August, churches of the Order of S. Francis, the plenary

indulgence could be gained every time the visit was repeated "

the S. Congr., Feb. 22, 1847, decided in the affirmative, and, at

the same time, declared that the holy communion requisite to
gain the, indulgence need not be received in the Franciscan
These resolutions were confirmed by the Sovereign Pontiff,

Pius IX., in a decree of the said S. Congr., July 12, 1847.

Finally, His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 14, 1894, granted that the sacra-
mental communion made from July 30 was valid to gain the
above indulgence.

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In order to animate the faithful ever more and more to study
and teach catechism or Christian doctrine, the Roman Pontiffs,,

besides having issued prudent instructions upon the subject,,

have also granted special indulgences.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Paul V., by a brief, October 6, 1607,
granted to teachers who, on feast days, take their scholars to
catechism and teach
it to them :

An indulgence of seven years.

To the same who, on week days, shall explain Christian
doctrine in their schools

An indulgence of one hundred days.
To and mothers of families who, in
fathers their homes, shall
explain the Christian doctrine to their children and domestics
An indulgence of one hundred days, each time.
To all the faithful who sh.*Il study the caiechism for half an
hour, either to learn it themselves, or to teach it to others:
An indulgence of one hundred days.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Clement XII., by brief of May 16,

1736, granted
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
to all adulis, each time that, truly penitent, after confession
communion, they devoutly assist at the pious exercise of cate-
chism as it is taught to children in churches and oratories.
A plenary indulgence, on the feasts of Christmas, Easter,
and of the holy Apostles Peer and Paul, to all adults who have
assiduously assisted at the said pious exercise, either to teach
others, or to learn themselves, provided that, on those days,
truly penitent, after tfgrfpsion and communion, they pray for
concord among Chr^Hi princes, the extirpation of heresy, and
Ae exaltation of h^pPAlothcr Church.
The Sovereign 1'ontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 18, 1877, granted:

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An indulgence of three years, on each of the feasts of
H»e blessed Virgin, to all the faithful, of whatever age, who have
been accustomed to assemble in schools or churches, to learn
the Christian doctrine, provided they go to confession on those
feast days, and
An indulgence of seven years, if they go to communion.


The Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV., in the brief, Quemad-
modum, Dec. 16, 1 746, granted to all the faithful who shall
make mental prayer devoutly for half an hour, or at least for a
quarter of an hour, every day, for a month
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on the day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall
pray devoutly for peace and union among Christian princes, for
the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Mother
The same Pope, in the brief above mentioned, granted :

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines.

every time, to all those who, in a church or elsewhere, either in
public or in private, shall teach the manner of making mental
prayer, as well as to those who attend such instruction, provided
that, each time, being truly penitent, they confess their sins and
receive holy communion.
To those who shall teach assiduously the way to make mental
prayer, as well as to those who shall, with the same assiduity,
learn how to make it, he granted
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day when,
being truly penitent, after confession and communion, they
shall pray for peace and union among Christian princes, for
the extirpation of heresy, and for the triumph cf holy Mother

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XlV., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 13, 1756, granted:
An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines
to all the faithful, every time that they shail be present, with
devotion, at the explanation of the gospel which is given by the"
parish priest, in their respective parishes, on Sundays and the
greater festivals of the year.
A plenary indulgence, on Christmas Day, on Easter Sun-
day, and on the feast of the holy apostles, SS. Peter and Paul,
to those who, having assiduously attended the explanation of
the gospel, being truly penitent, shall confess their sins and
receive holy communion on these days.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VI., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec. 12, 1784, extended this
Plenary indulgence, also, to the feasts of the Epiphany
and Pentecost, on the same conditions.



Blessed be God.
Blessed be his holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be the Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the

Blessed be the great mother of God, Mary most

holy. .;.

Blessed be her holy and immaculate conception.

. Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and mother.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of His Eminence,
the Cardinal Vicar, July 23, 1801, Pius IX. by a decree of the
S. Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. and His Holiness, Leo
8, 1847,
XIII., by a decree of the same Holy Congr., Feb. 2, 1 897,
granted to nil the faithful, every time they shall say this prayer
of prnise,
Anindulgence of one year ;

As INDULGENCE of TWO years when they shall say it

publicly after Mass or Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
A PLENARY INDULGENCE, once a month, on any day, to all
those who, having said this prayer of praise at least once a day
for a month, and being truly penitent, after confession and com-
munion, shall visit a church or public oratory, and piay there,
for some time, for the intention of his Holiness.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I give you my heart and
my soul.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe forth my
spul in peace with you.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, April 28, 1807, granted to all the faith-
ful, every tune that, with at least contrite heart and devotion,

they shall say these three ejaculations:

indulgence of one iiundred days, every time thai,
with the same dispositions, they shall say one of these ejacu-


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of his Eminence*

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the Cardinal Pro- Vicar, April 18, 1809, granted to the faithful,
every time that, on their knees, if . not prevented by physical in-
disposition, they shall, with at least contrite heart and devotion,
say the Our Father, three times, in memory of the passion and
agony of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Hail Afary, three times,
in memory of the sorrows undergone by the blessed Virgin,
while present at the agony of her beloved Son, and pray for the
faithful in their agony :

An indulgence of three hundred days.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, having
practised this pious exercise every day for a month, shall, on
any day, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
pray for peace and union among Christian princes, for the ex-
tirpation of heresy, and for the triumph of holy Mother Church,



The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript, June 13, 1815,
of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, granted to all the faithful who,
being sorry for their sins, to honor Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
shall feed three poor persons :

An indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines.

A plenary indulgence, if, on the same day, being truly
penitent, after confession and communion, they shall pray for
the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.
An .indulgence of one hundred days to all the members
of the family, or servants of those who do this charitable work,
if they contribute to this work of mercy, either by lending their

own services, or by their mere presence.

Hear us, O God of our salvation ! and issue not

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the decree for the completion of our., days before

thou forgivest us our sins ; and because, penance
avails not in hell, and there is no room there for
amendment, therefore do we humbly pray and beseech
thee here on earth, that, giving us time to pray for
pardon, thou wouldst grant us also forgiveness of our
sins. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Take away, merciful Lord, all errors from thy
faithful people ; avert from them the sudden destruc-
tion of the wasting pestilence ; that those whose wan-
derings thou dost justly chastise, thou wouldst vouch-
safe in thy tender pity to cherish when corrected.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Ant. Sin no longer, O
my soul think upon the sud-

den change from sin to endless woe. There, in hell,

penance is not accepted, and tears profit not. Turn,
then, whilst thou hast time. Cry out and say: Have
mercy upon me, O my God !

Ant. In the midst of life we are in death whom :

then, O Lord, shall we seek to be our helper, save thee,

O Lord although thou art indeed angry with us be-

cause of our sins? O holy God, holy and strong,

holy and merciful Saviour! deliver us not over to a
bitter death.
V. Lest, overtaken by the day of death, we seek
time for penance, and be not able to find it.
R. Hearken, O Lord and have mercy on us; for

we have sinned against thee.

We beseech thee, almighty God, receive in thy
fatherly pity thy people flying to thee from thine
anger ; that they who fear to be chastised by the rod
of thy majesty in the suddenness of death, may be
made worthy to rejoice in thy gracious pardon.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
We beseech thee, almighty God, graciously incline
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thine ear to the assembly of thy Church, and let thy

mercy prevent thine anger in our behalf; for if thou
shouldst mark iniquities, no creature shall be able to
stand before thee : but in that marvellous charity,
through which thou didst create us, pardon us sinners,
and destroy not the work of thine own hands by sud-
den death. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hear our prayers, O Lord and enter not into

judgment with thy servants ; because, as we well know

that justice is not in us, so do we acknowledge thee
as the fount of mercy whereby we may be washed from
our sins, delivered from our infirmities, and espe-
cially from sudden death. Through Christ our Lord.
O God in whose sight every heart trembles and

every conscience is awed: show forth thy mercy

upon us thy suppliants, that we, who trust not in the
excellence of our own merit, may never know thy
judgment in the suddenness of our death, but may
receive thy pardon. Through Christ our Lord.

Most merciful Lord Jesus, by thy agony and

bloody sweat, and by thy death, deliver me, I be-
seech thee, from a sudden and unprovided death. O
most gentle Lord Jesus by thy cruel and ignominious

scourging and crowning with thorns, by thy cross

and most bitter passion, and by thy goodness, I hum-
bly pray thee, let me not die unprepared and pass
from this life without the holy sacraments* Jesus,
rny best beloved, my Lord by all thy labors and

sorrows, by thy precious blood and by thy most holy

wounds, and by those last words spoken on the cross
by thee "JDeus metis, Deus ineus, ut quid dereliquisti
me? 11 " My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken
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me?" —and again, "Pater, in mantis tuas commendo

spiritum meum "Father, into thy hands I com-

mend my spirit," most ardently I pray thee, save
me from a sudden death. Thy hands, my Re- O
deemer have wholly made and formed me ah
! :

Suffer not death to take me unawares ; give me, I be-

seech thee, time for penance ; vouchsafe that I may
pass from this life happily in thy grace, that I may
love thee with my whole heart, and praise and bless
thee forever and forever. Amen.
Then say the Our Father and the Hail Mary, each
five times, in memory of the passion of our Lord Jesus
Christ, and the Hall Mary, three times, to the blessed
Virgin, our Lady of sorrows.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VIT., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, March 2, 181 6, granted to all the faithful, every
time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall

make this pious exercise

An indulgence of one hundred days.

A plenary indulgence, on the two feasts of the most Holy
Cross (May 3 and Sept. 14), and on Holy Thursday and Good
Friday, to all who, having said these prayers, as given above,
every day for a year, shall, being truly penitent, after confession
and communion, on the last Jwo days above visit the blessed
sacrament in the repository, and on the first two visit a church
where the Messed sacrament is kept, and pray, for some time,
for the intention of his Holiness.


In veneration of the Most Holy Trinity.

Te Deum Patrem inge- Thee, God, the Father

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aitum, te Filium unige-


unbegotten, thee, only

nitum, te Spiritual Sane- begotten Son, thee, Holy
turn Paraclitum, sane tarn Ghost, the Paraclete, holy
et individuam Trinitatem, and undivided Trinity,
toto corde et ore con- thee we proclaim with all
fitemur, laudamus atque our heart and soul: we
benedicimus: tibi gloria praise thee and we bless
in saecula. thee: glory be to thee

V. BenedicamusPatrem Let us
bless the
et Filium, cum* Sancto Father and the Son/ with
Spiritu. the Holy Ghost.
R. Laudemus et super- R. Let us praise and
exaltemus eum in saecula. exalt him forever.


Omnipotens sempiterne Almighty and eternal
Deus, qui dedisti famulis God, who hast given thy
tuis confessione verae servants grace, in the con-
fidei, Trinitatis fession of the true faith,
gloriam agnoscere, et in to acknowledge the glory
potentia majestatis ado- of the eternal Trinity,
rare unitatem ; quaesumus, and in the power of thy
ut ejusdem fidei firmitate majesty to adore thy
ab omnibus semper muni- unity ; grant, we beseech
am ur adversis. Per thee, that, by the firm-
Christum Dorninum nos- ness of the same faith,
trum. Amen. we may be ever secured
from all adversities.
Through Christ our Lord.

In honor of all the angels and saints.

Angelv archangeli, O ye angels and arch-

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throni et dominationes, angels, thrones and dom-

principatus et potestates, inations, principalities
virtutes coetorum, Che- and powers and heavenly
rubim Seraphim, virtues ; O ye Cherubim
at que
patriarch se et prophetse, and Seraphim, patriarchs
sancti legis doctores, and prophets and holy
apostoli, omnes Christi doctors of the law, ye apos-
martyres, sancti confes- tles, and all ye martyrs of
sores, virgines Domini, Christ, ye holy confessors
anachoretae, sanctique and virgins of our Lord,
omnes. intercedite pro ye anchorites and all ye
nobis. saints, intercede for us.

V. Omnes sancti et V, All ye men and

sanctae Dei. women, saints of God,
I?. Intercedite pro R. Make intercession
nobis. for us.


Omnipotens sempiteme O almighty and eter-
Deus, qui omnium sanc- nal God, who didst wish
torum tuorum merita us to be aided by the
nobis prod esse voluisti merits of all thy saints,
quaesumus, ut desideratam grant, we beseech thee,
nobis tuae propitiationis that, the number of our
abundantiam, multiplica- intercessors increasing,
tis intercessoribus largi- we may receive abun-
aris.Per Christum Do- dantly of thy propitiation.
minum nostrum. Amen. Through Christ our Lord.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, July 2, 1816, granted to all the faithful
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall every day
Say all these prayers
An indulgence of one hundred days, on all Sundays.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII.,' in order to encourage the
faithful to sing spiritual canticles, and to check, as far as possi-
ble, the singing of dangerous profane songs, by a rescript from
the Office of the Secretary of Memorials, Jan. 16, 1817, granted
An indulgence of one year, every time, to all who shall
promote the singing of spiritual canticles.
An indulgence of one hundred days to all who, with at
least contrite heart, shall practise this pious exercise.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, having
promoted or practised this pious exercise during the month,
shall, on any day, being trulv penitent, after confession and
communion, pray for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.




Prayer to the eternal Father.

O Pater misericord ia- CD Father of mercies,

rum, fons omnis boni, and source of every good ?
te supplex exoro per sa- I humbly beg thee,
cratissimum tuique aman- through the most sacred
xissimum cor Jesu dilec- and most loving heart of
tissimi Filii tui, Domini Jesus, thy well-beloved
et Redemptoris nostri, in Son, our Lofd and Re-
quo tibi semper bene deemer, in whom thou
com places, dignare con- art always well- pleased,
cedere mihi gratiam vi- vouchsafe to grant me
vae fidei, firrage spei et the grace of a lively faith,
ardentis charitatis erga a firm hope and an ardent
te et proximum meum charity for thee and for
insuper gratiam vere do- my neighbor,

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lendi de omnibus pecca- Grant me, besides, the

tis meis una cum firmis- grace of a true sorrow
simo proposito, te in . for all my sins, together
posterum numquam of- with a most firm purpose
fendendi ; ut secundum of never offending thee
divinum beneplacitum in the future, that I may
tuum semper vivere, vo- always live according to
luntatem tuam sanctissi- thy divine good pleasure,
mam corde magno et fulfil thy most holy will
animo volenti in omni- in all things with a gen-
bus adimplere et in erous and willing heart,
amore tuo usque ad finem and persevere in thy love
vitae meae perse verare unto the end of my life.
valeam. Amen. Amen.

Ejaculation to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

O beatissima Virgo O most blessed Virgin
Maria, Mater Domini et Mary, Mother of my
Redemptoris mei, te Lord and Redeemer! I
quaeso, te precor, fac per entreat thee and beseech
misericordiam tuam ut in thee to effect by thy
omnibus periculis et ne- mercy that, in all the
cessitatibus animae meae dangers and necessities of
ad te confugiam, te orem, my soul,I may flee to
te invocem in auxilium thee, may pray to thee,
mihi. and call upon thee for

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius VII., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, April 21, 1818, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this prayer
and ejaculation
An indulgence of forty days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all who, having

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recited them as above for a month, shall, on any day, being

truly penitent, after confession and communion, visit a church
and pray there devoutly, for some time, for the intention of his



To our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, God

of goodness, Father of mercies,
\ stand before thee with a heart humbled, contrite
and full of compunction ; to thee I commend my
last hour, and all that awaits me after it.

When my feet, unable to move, shall warn me that

my course is well-nigh run,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.

When my hands, trembling and benumbed, shall

no more be able to clasp thee crucified, and I am
forced, in spite of myself, to let thee fall upon my
bed of pain,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
When my
eyes, dim and distorted through dread
of approaching death, shall fix on thee their languid,
dying gaze,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.

When my lips, cold and quivering, shall utter for

the last time thy most adorable name,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.

When my cheeks, pale and livid, inspire the by-

standers with compassion and awe, and my hair,

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bathed in the sweat of death, stands erect on my

head and declares that my hour is come,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
When my ears, soon to be shut forever to the
words of men, shall be opened to hear thy voice pro-
nouncing the sentence by which my lot is to be ir-
revocably fixed for all eternity,

Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.

When my imagination, preyed upon by horrible
and be plunged in mortal woe,
fearful spectres, shall
and my spirit, stricken with the sight of my ill-
doings and the fear of thy justice, shall wrestle with
the powers of darkness, striving to take from me the
consoling sight of thy mercies and to cast me down
headlong into the pit of despair,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
When my weak heart, borne down with the pain
of my disease, shall be overtaken with the horror of
death, and be exhausted by the efforts it has made
against the enemies of my salvation,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
When I my last tears, the sign of my disso-
lution, do thou receive them as an expiatory sacri-
fice, that thus I may expire a victim of penance : in
that dread moment,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
When relatives and friends, standing around me,
melt into tears at my sad state, and invoke thee in
my behalf,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.

When my senses are gone, and the whole world

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has vanished from my sight, and when, in the an- •

guish of my last agony, and in the fear of death,

I groan,

Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.

When my heart's last sobs shall force my soul to
depart from my body, do thou accept these sobs as
the offspring of a holy impatience to come to thee
and then do thou,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
When my soul shall issue forth from my lips for-
ever out of this world, and leave my body pale, cold
and lifeless, O do thou accept the dissolution of my
being as the homage which I render thy divine
majesty ; and then do thou,
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.
Last of all, when my soul shall appear before thee,
and shall see for the first time the immortal bright-
ness of thy majesty, O
cast it not away from thy
presence, but vouchsafe to receive me into the lov-
ing bosom of thy mercy, there forever to sing thy
Merciful Jesus, have pity upon me.


To the eternal Father,

O God, who, while condemning all men once to
die, hast yet concealed from them the moment and
the hour of their death grant that, spending all the

days of my life in justice and in holiness, I may be

made worthy to depart out of this world in thy holy
love. Through the merits of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the
Holy Ghost. Amen.

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The Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. II, 1824, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say

these prayers, and pray, for some time, for the intention of his

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who
shall have said them every day for a month, on any day, when
truly contrite, after confession and communion, they shall visit
a church or public oratory, and offer up devout prayer to God
for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

O Father, Son,O Holy Ghost, O most Holy O
Trinity, O
Jesus, Mary O
Blessed angels, and all ye saints of paradise, obtain
for me these graces, which I ask by the most precious
blood of Jesus Christ
1. To do always the will of God.
2. To remain always united with God.
3. To think of no other than of God.
4. To love God alone.
5. To do all for God.
6. To
seek only the glory of God.
7. To
become a saint for God only.
8. understand well my own nothingness.
9. To
know better and better the will of God.
10. {Here ask some special grace according to your
own necessities.
Most holy Mary, offer to the eternal Father the
most precious blood of Jesus Christ for my soul, for

the holy souls in purgatory, for the needs of holy

Church, for the conversion of sinners, for all the

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Hererecite, three times, Glory be to the Father,

in honor of the precious blood of Jesus Christ / one
Hail Mary to the sorrowful Mother, and Eternal rest,
etc., for the holy souls in purgatory.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pope Leo XII., by a decree of the S.

Congr. of Indulgences, March 3, 1827, granted to all the faith-
ful who, with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above invoca-
tions and petitions, and pray, for some space of time, according
to the intention of his Holiness
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on one of the three last days of the
month, to those who, having recited them daily during the
month, truly penitent, having confessed and communicated,
shall visit some church or public oratory, and pray there, for

some space of time, according to the intention of his Holiness.


Mercy of our God, embrace us and deliver us from
every plague.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Eternal Father, sign us with the blood of the im-

maculate Lamb, as thou didst sign the dwellings of
thy people.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Most precious blood of Jesus our Lord, cry for
mercy for us to thy divine Father, and deliver us.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Wounds of my Jesus, mouths of love and mercy,
speak for us, in pity, to the eternal Father, hide us
within yourselves, and deliver us.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Eternal Father, Jesus is ours; ours his blood, ours

his infinite merits
; to thee we offer ourselves wholly:
then, if thou dost love him, and dost hold dear so
great an offering, thou oughtest to deliver us ; and
for this we hope with fullest confidence.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Eternal Father, thou desirest not the death of a

sinner, but rather that he be converted and live : in
thy mercy grant that we may live and be ever thine.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Salva nos, Christe Sal- Save us, Christ our
vator, per virtutem sanctae Saviour, by the virtue of
crucis; quisalvastiPetrum thy holy cross ; thou who
in mari, miserere nobis. didst save Peter in the
sea, have mercy on us.
,Mary, mother of mercy, pray for us, and we shall
be delivered.
Mary, our advocate, speak for us, and we shall be
The Lord justly scourgeth us for our sins ; but do
thou, O Mary plead for us,
! for thou art our tender
Mary, in thy Jesus and in thee, have we put our
hope O let us never be confounded
: !

Salve Regina, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XVI., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Aug. 21, 1837, granted to all who, with
at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say these prayers :

An indulgence gf forty days, once a day.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

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of Propaganda Fide, Nov. 14, 1847, granted to all the faithful

who, with contrite hearts, shall devoutly pray for the conversion
of Japan, or shall exhort others to pray for the conversion of that
An indulgence of forty days, each time.
A plenary indulgence, twice a year, on two days of their
own choice, provided that, truly penitent, having confessed and
communicated, they shall visit some church, and there pray as


Adjuva nos,
salu- Help us, O God of our
Deus 1

xaris noster,propter salvation

et and for the
I !

gloriam nominis tui, libera glory of thy name deliver


nos :et propitius esto us be merciful to our


peccatis nostris propter sins for thy name's sake,


nomen tuum. ,

Ps. S3-
Deus, in nomineSave me, O Lord
tuo in !

salvum me fac thy name ; and judge me

: et in vir-
tute tua judica me. in thy strength.
Deus, exatidi orationem O God hear my prayer !

meam auribus percipe give ear to the words of


verba oris mei. my mouth.

Quoniam alieni insur- For strangers have
rexerunt adversum me, et risen up against me, and
fortes quaesierunt animam the mighty have sought
meam et non propo- after my soul, and they

suerunt Deum ante con- have not set God before

spectum suum. their eyes.
Ecce enim Deus adju- For behold, God is my
vat me et' Dominus sus- helper, and the Lord is

ceptor est animse meae. the protector of my soul.

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Averte mala inimicis Turn away evil from

meis: et in veritate tua me upon my enemies, and
disperde illos. scatter them in thy truth.
Voluntarie sacrificabo I will freely sacrifice to
tibi et confitebor nomini thee and ; will give praise,
tuo, Domine, quoniam O Godto thy name, !

bonum est. because it is good.

Quoniam ex omni For thou hast delivered
tribulatione eripuisti me, me out of all my trouble,
et super inimicos meos and mine eye hath looked
despexit oculus meus. down upon mine enemies.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father,
V. Propter gloriam V. For the glory of thy
nominis tui, libera nos; name, deliver us
R. Et propitius esto R. And deal mercifully
peccatis nostris propter with our sins for thy
nomen tuum. name's sake.
Preces populi tui, Lord, we beseech thee,
quaesumus, Domine, cle- in thy pity hear the
menter exaudi, ut qui prayers of thy people ; that
juste pro peccatis nostris we who suffer justly for our
affligimur, pro gloria may, for the glory of
nominis tui misericorditer thy name, mercifully be
liberemur. Per Christum delivered. Through
Dominum nostrum. Christ our Lord.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
Te ergo quaesumus tuis We beseech thee, there*
famulis • subveni, quos fore, help thy servants,
pretioso sanguine rede- whom thou hast redeemed
misti. with thy precious blood.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of* the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 8, 1 849, granted to all the faithful, as often

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as, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say these
An indulgence of one hundred days.

Offerings to the Three Divine Persons.

I. Eternal Father, I offer thee the precious blood

of Jesus Christ, in union with the blessed immaculate
Virgin, all the blessed in heaven, and all the elect
upon earth, in thanksgiving for the gifts and priv-
ileges with which thou hast enriched Mary as thy
most obedient daughter, and particularly for her im-
maculate conception. I also offer thee this precious
blood for the conversion of poor sinners, for the prop-
agation and exaltation of the holy Church, for the
preservation and prosperity of the Sovereign Pontiff,
and according to his intention.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
II. Eternal Lord incarnate, I offer thee thy most
precious blood, in union with the holy and im-
maculate Virgin, all the blessed in heaven, and elect
upon earth, in thanksgiving for all the gifts and priv-
ileges with which thou hast enriched Mary as thy
most loving mother, and particularly for her im-
maculate conception. I also offer thee this precious
blood for the conversion of poor sinners, for the prop-
agation and exaltation of the holy Church, for the
preservation and prosperity of the Sovereign Pontiff,
and according to his intention.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
III. Eternal Holy Spirit, I offer thee the most

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precious blood of Jesus Christ, in union with the

holy and immaculate Virgin, all the saints in heaven,
and all the blessed upon earth, in thanksgiving for the
gifts and privileges with which thou hast enriched
Mary as thy most faithful spouse, and particularly for
her immaculate conception. I also offer thee this
precious blood for the conversion of poor sinners, for
the propagation and exaltation of holy Church, for
the preservation and prosperity of the Sovereign
Pontiff, and according to his intention.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Prayer to the most holy Virgin.

Immaculate mother of God most holy Virgin


Mary, by the love thou bearest for God, and through

gratitude for the many graces and favors by which
thou hast been enriched by him, particularly for the
singular privilege of thy immaculate conception, and
by the infinite merits of Jesus Christ, thy divine Son
and my Lord, I pray and conjure thee to obtain for
me a perfect and constant devotion to thee, and a
full confidence of receiving by thy most powerful in-
tercession all the graces which I ask. Secure, hence-
forth, of obtaining them through thy motherly good-
ness, with a heart full of joy and gratitude, I venerate
thee, repeating the salutation of the archangel
Hail Mary, etc.

The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of his own

hand, June 18, 1854, granted to all the faithful, each time that,
with contrite hearts, they should devoutly recite the above offer-
ings and prnyers
An indulgence of three hundred Days.

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A plenary indulgence to those who, for the space of

one month, recite them daily as above, to be gained upon the
day when, truly penitent, they go to confession and communion,
and visit some church or public oratory, and there pray devoutly,
for some space of time, according to the intention of his Holiness.

Jesus Christus, rex Jesus Christ, the king
gloriae, venit in pace. of glory, comes in peace.
Deus homo factus est. God was made man.
Verbumcaro factum est. The Word was made
Christus de Maria Vir- Christ was born of the
gine natus est. Virgin Mary.
Christus per medium Christ went through
iilQrum ibat in pace. the midst of them in
Christus crucifixus est. Christ was crucified.
Christus mortuus est. Christ died.
Christus sepultus est. Christ was buried.
Christus resurrexit. Christ rose from the
Christus ascendit in Christ ascended into
ccelum. heaven.
Christus vincit. Christ is victorious.
Christus regnat. Christ reigns.
Christus imperat. Christ is Lord of all.
Christus ab omni malo May Christ defend us
nos defendat. from all evil.
Jesus nobiscum est. Jesus is with us.
Our Father\ Hail Mary Glory be to the Father,

Eternal Father, by the blood of Jesus, have mercy;

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sign us with the blood of the immaculate Lamb,

Jesus Christ, as thou didst sign the people of Israel,
in order to deliver them from death : and do thou,
Mary, mother of mercy, pray to God and appease
him for us, and obtain for us the grace we ask.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Eternal Father, by the blood of Jesus, have mercy

save us from the shipwreck of the world, as thou didst
save Noe from the universal deluge and do thou,

Mary, ark of salvation, pray to God and appease him

for us, and obtain for us the grace we ask.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Eternal Father, by the blood of Jesus, have mercy
deliver us from the plagues which we have deserved
for our sins, as thou didst deliver Lot from the flames
of Sodom and do thou, Mary, our advocate, pray

to God and appease him for us, and obtain for us the
grace we ask.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Eternal Father, by the blood of Jesus, have mercy ;
comfort us under our present necessities and troubles,
as thou didst comfort Job, Anna, and Tobias in their
: and do thou, Mary, comforter of the
afflicted, pray to God and appease him for us, and
obtain for us the grace we ask.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Eternal Father, by the blood of Jesus, have mercy ;

thou who desirest not the death of a sinner, but
rather that he be converted and live, grant us through
thy mercy time for penance ; that, filled with contri-
tion for our sins, which are the cause of all our evils,
we may live in the holy faith, hope, charity, and

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peace of our Lord Jesus Christ : and do thou, Mary,

refuge of sinners, pray to God and appease him for
as, and obtain for us the grace we ask.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Precious blood of Jesus, our love, cry unto the
divine Father for mercy, pardon, grace, and peace
for us, and for all the world.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Mary, our mother and our hope, pray to God for
us, for . . . ., and for all, and obtain for us the grace
we ask.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

Eternal Father, I offer thee the blood of Jesus

Christ in discharge of all my debt of sin, for the
wants of holy Church, and for the conversion of
Mary immaculate, mother of God, pray to Jesus
for us, for ., and for all.
. Jesus and Mary,
. .

S. S. Joseph, SS. Peter and
Michael the archangel,
Paul, protectorsof all the faithful in the Church of
God, and all ye angels and saints of paradise, pray
to God, and, by your intercession, obtain grace and
mercy for me, for ... ., and for all. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of his Eminence,
the Cardinal Vicar, Aug. 5, 1854, granted to all the faithful,
every time that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they
shall say these prayers, so efficaciously worded by S. Benedict
Joseph Labre
An indulgence of one hundred days.

I. O Jesus, Son of the living God, brightness of

eternal light, who from all eternity wast begottett

most pure in the bosom of the eternal Father, and
who in time didst will to be born of a most pure
and immaculate virgin I, thy most frail creature,

with all my heart beseech thee to preserve me pure in

soul and body, and to make holy purity flourish abun-
dantly in thy holy Church, for thy greater glory and
the salvation of the souls redeemed by thee.
II. O Mary ever virgin, most pure and immaculate
daughter of the eternal Father, mother of the eternal
Son, spouse of the Holy Ghost, august and living

temple of the most blessed Trinity, lily of purity, and

mirror without spot obtain for me, O dear mother
: !

from your good Jesus and mine, purity of soul and

body ; and beg of him to make this virtue flourish
more and more in all classes of the faithful.
III. O most chaste spouse of Mary immaculate,
glorious S. Joseph, who didst merit at the hands of
God the singular honor of being the foster-father of
Innocence itself, Christ Jesus, and the spotless guar-
dian of the Virgin of virgins obtain for me the love

of Jesus, my God and Saviour, and the special pro-

tection of Mary, my most holy mother ; and procure,
O holy Joseph, protector of all chaste souls that thy !

chosen virtue of holy purity be better loved by me

and by all men.
IV. And thou, all on fire with love for Jesus. Mary
and Joseph, model of Christian modesty and restorer
in your time of piety and good morals, our special
advocate and example, S. Bernardine: present our
prayers to the Holy Family, and beg of them that,
with piety and the fear of God, holy purity in soul
and body may reign in all Christian families, and in
all who are children of the holy Roman Church., our
mother. Amen.

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His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the Sacred Peni-

tentiary, Feb. 26, 1862, granted to all the faithful, every time
that, with at least contrite heart and devotion, they shall say
these prayers
An indulgente of three hundred days.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, on any day, to all
those who, having said these prayers every day for a month,
being truly penitent, shall confess their sins and receive holy


The Sovereign Pontiff, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S.
Congr. of Indulgences, Sep. 26, 1864, extended to all the faith-
ful who devoutly salute each other, saying, the one, "Praised be
yesus Christ" and the other, replying, "Now and forever" or
other similar words
An indulgence of fifty days, each time, which the Sov-
ereign Pontiff, Clement XIII., by bull of Nov. 30, 1762, had
already granted to religious of the Carmelite Order who sa-
luted each other with the words, Praised be Jesus and Mary.



S. Pius V., in the bull, Quod a nobis, July 9, 1568, granted
who are bound to say the Gradual or Peniten-
to all the faithful
tialPsalms, on the days prescribed by the rubrics of the Roman
Breviary, provided they say them with devotion
An indulgence of fifty days.
The same holy Pontiff, by the bull, Superni Omnipotentis
Dei, April 5, 157 1, granted to those who shall say them, at any
time, for their own devotion
An intulgence of fifty days.

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Oremus et pro miser- Let us pray for the most

rimis Africse wretched people in Africa,
populis, ut
Deus omnipotens tandem that almighty God may at
aliquando auferat male- length move the curse of
dictionem Chami a cordi- Cham from their hearts,
bus eorum detque illis and grant them the bless-
benedictionem, unice in ing to be found only in
Jesu Christo, Deo et Jesus Christ, our God and
Domino nostro conse- Lord.


Domine Jesu Christe Lord Jesus Christ, the

unice Salvator universi only Saviour of the entire
generis humani, qui jam human race, who already
"dominaris a mari usque rulest from, sea to sea, and
ad mare et a flumine us- from the river to the ends
que ad terminos orbis the earth, open propi-
rarum," aperi propitius tforSty fliy sacred heart
sacratissimum cor tuum also to the most wretched
etiam miserrimis Africa? souls of Africa, who are
animabus, quae ad hue still seated in the dark-
in tenebris et umbra ness and the shadow oi
mortis sedent ; ut inter- death, that, through the
cedente piissima Virgine intercession of the most
Maria Matre tua immacu- pious Virgin Mary, thy
lata, ej usque sponso glori- immaculate mother, and
osissimo beato Joseph, of her most glorious
relictis idolis, coram te spouse, S. Joseph, the
procidant Afncani et Africans, having aban-

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Ecclesiae tuae sanctae ag- doned their idols, may

gregentur. Qui vivis, etc. themselVes be-
fore thee, and be joined
to thy holy Church. Who
livest, etc.
Pater, Ave, et Gloria. Our Father, HailMary ^

and Glory be to the Father.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, June 23, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this
prayer, with the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory be to
the Father:
An indulgence of three hundred days, each time.
A PLENARY indulgence, once a month, if, having recited it
as above, at least once a day for a month, on any day, being
truly penitent, after confession and communion, they shall visit
a church or public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the
intention of his Holiness.

His Holiness, also by a rescript of the S. Congr. of Indul-

gences, March 29, 1889, granted that all the faithful who were
illiterate or who did not have at hand a copy of the above
prayer could gain the same indulgence by reciting two Our
Fathers, Hail Marys and Glories.

Jesus Christ, my God, I adore thee and I thank
thee for all the graces thou hast bestowed on me this
day. I offer to thee my sleep and every moment of
this night, and I beseech thee to keep me free from
sin. To secure this I place myself within thy sacred
side and under the protecting mantle of our Lady,
my Mother. May thy holy angels help me and keep
me in peace, and may thy blessing be upon me.
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His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 30, 1893, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer

An indulgence of sixty days, once a day.

2 7. .


God of goodness and Father of mercies, we be-
seech thee, by the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and
through the intercession of the Patriarchs and of the
holy Apostles, to look with compassion upon the
remnant of Israel, that they may come to know our
only Saviour, Jesus Christ, and may be made par-
takers of the priceless graces of redemption. Amen.
Pater demitte illis, non enim sciunt quid faciunt.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the 5. Congr. of In-
dulgences, July 15, 1893, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Praises to Jesus Christ.

Praised be Jesus, Son of God. Jesus be ever praised.

« a « True Q od and
true man. " " " "
" " " Author of life. " " " "
" " " Eternal wis-
dom. " " " "
" " " Infinite good-
ness. " " " i{ it

" " God of peace. " " * U
f« it
Good Shep-
herd. " " *

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Praised be jesus, Most loving

Father. Jesus be ever praised.
ft if <t
Our Saviour. tt a a tt

it it tt
Our hope. a tt tt a
tt tt tt
Our love. a tt tt tt

it tt tt
Our life. tt a tt tt

tt tt tt
tt tt tt
Our beginning. tt
tt tt tt
Our end. a a a tt


Praises to Mary Most Holy. "X

Praised be Mary, Daughter of )

the eternal
Father. Mary be ever praised.
a tt a Mother of the
Word. " " " "
" " " Spouse of the
Holy Ghost. " " " "
« " " Co-redemp-
trice of the
world. " " " "
« " " Immaculate
Queen. " " " "
tt tt a Filled with
peace. " " " "
" " " Refuge of sin-
ners. " " " "
« " " Most clement
Mother. " " " "
« " « Consoler of
the miser-
able. " " " "
« « " Salvation of
the afflicted. " " " "

by Google


Praised be Mary, Star propitious

in evils. Mary be ever praised.
" " " Secure harbor
of the trav-
eller. " " "
u u a Our comfort
in life.
" " " "
« H H Our hope in
death. " " " "
His Holiness, Pope jLeo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, July 18, 1885, granted to a ^ tn e faithful who,
with contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above praises to Jecus
Christ and to Mary most holy
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

This pious exercise consists in the repetition, thirty-three
times, of the following prayer, and the saying of the Glory be to

the Father, once at every eleventh time.

Deus meus credo in te, O my God I believe in

spero in te, amo te hope in thee, I
super thee, I
omnia ex tota anima mea, love thee above all things
ex toto corde meo, ex with my whole soul, with
totis viribus meis: amo my whole heart, with all
te quia es infinite bonus my strength I love thee :

et dignus qui ameris; et because thou art infinitely \

quia amo te, me pcenitet good and worthy of being J
ex toto corde te offen- loved ; and because I love
disse miserere mihi pec-
: thee, I grieve with my
catori. Amen. whole heart for having
offended thee have mercy :

on me, a sinner. Amen.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

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of Indulgences, Nov. 21, 1885, granted to all the faithful who,

with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall make this pious
exercise of the Christian Acts
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
- A plenary indulgence, on one Sunday in the month, to all
who shall make this pious exercise every day for a month, if,
being truly penitent, after confessionand communion, they visit
a church or public oratory, and pray there, for some time, for the
intention of his Holiness.

In order that the dignity of the Catholic priesthood, which, in
these, our times,and amongst almost all nations, every effort is
made and debase, may ever remain venerable in
to depreciate
the estimation of the faithful, his Holiness, Pope Leo XIII.,
by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences, Jan. 16, 1886,
granted :

A plenary indulgence, to all the relatives of the new priest,

to the third degree inclusive, who shall devoutly assist at his
first mass, provided that, having confessed and communicated,
they say some prayers for the intention of his Holiness.
to all the rest of the faithful who also assist at it, provided that,
with contrite hearts, they pray devoutly for the intention of his
31 -


Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless Us and grant us the
grace to love our Holy Church as we ought above all
earthly things, and to show our love for it always
and with the evidence of deeds.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

by Google

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the

grace to profess, as we ought, openly, with courage
and without human respect, the faith we received as
a gift with holy baptism.
Our Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the
grace to co-operate in the defense and the propagation
of the faith, as we ought, in the manner proper to us,
by means of our words, our substance, and even the
sacrifice of life itself.

Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the
grace to love one another as we ought, and bring us
into perfect harmony of thought, will and action,
under the guidance and direction of our consecrated
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, bless us and grant us the
grace to bring our life, as we ought, into perfect
conformity with the precepts of the law of God and
of the church, that so we may always live by the
charity of which they are the expression. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, May 17, 1890, granted to the faithful who shall
recite the above prayers
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
God of goodness and mercy, we commend to thy all-
powerful protection our home, our family and all
that we possess. Bless us all as thou didst bless the
holy family of Nazareth.
O Jesus, our most holy Redeemer, by the love
with which thou didst become man in order to save

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us, by the mercy through which thou didst die for us

'jpon the cross, we entreat thee to bless our home,
our family, our household. Preserve us from all
evil and from the snares of men ; preserve us from
lightning and hail and fire, from flood and from the
rage of the elements ; preserve us from thy wrath,
from all hatred and from the evil intentions of our
enemies, from plague, famine and war. Let no one
of us die without the Holy Sacraments. Bless us, that
we may always openly confess our faith which is to
sanctify us, that we may never falter in our hope, even
amid pain and affliction, that we may ever grow in
love for thee and in charity toward our neighbor.
O, Jesus, bless us, protect us.
O, Mary, Mother of grace and mercy, bless us,
protect us against the evil spirit; lead us by the hand
through this val'e of tears; reconcile us with thy
divine Son ; commend us to him, that we may be
made worthy of his promises.
Saint Joseph, reputed father of our Saviour, guar-
dian of his most holy Mother, head of the holy
family, intercede for us, bless and protect our home
Saint Michael, defend us against all the wicked
wiles of hell.
Saint Gabriel, obtain for us that we may under-
stand the holy will of God.
Saint Raphael, preserve us from ill health and all
danger to life.
Holy Guardian Angels, keep us day and night in
the way to salvation.
Holy Patrons, pray for us before the throne of
Bless this house, thou, God our Father, who didst
create us; thou, divine Son, who didst suffer for us

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on the cross ;
thou, Holy Spirit, who di<lst sanctify
us in baptism. May God,Divine Persons,
in his three
preserve our body, purify our soul, direct our heart,
and lead us to life everlasting.
Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son, glory
be to the Holy Ghost. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, January 19, 1889, granted to the faithful who

recite the above prayer
An indulgence of two hundred days, once a day.

V. Oremus pro Ponti- V. Let us pray for our
fice nostro. . . . Pontiff. ...
R. Dominus conservet R, The Lord preserve
eum, et vivificet eum, et him, and give him life,
beatum faciat eum in ter- and make him blessed
ra, et non tradat eum in upon earth, and deliver
an imam inimicorum ejus. him not up to the will of
his enemies.
Our Father and Hail Mary.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 26, 1876, granted to all the faithful who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall say this versicle
and response, with the Our Father and the Hail Mary, for

the welfare of the Sovereign Pontiff:

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, once a month, to all those who,
having said these prayers every day for a month, shall, on any
day, being truly penitent, after confession and communion,
visit a public church, and pray there for the intention of the
Sovereign Pontiff.

by Google

Concede mini, misericors Deus, quae tibi suut
placita, ardenter concupiscere, prudenter investigare,
veraciter agnoscere, et perfecte adimplere ad laudem
et gloriam nominis tui. Ordina, Deus meus, statum
raeum et quod a me requiris, ut faciam, tribue ut

sciam ; et da exequi sicut oportet et expedit animae

Da mihi, Dominus Deus meus, inter prospera et
adversa non deficere, ut ni illis non extollar, et in
istis non deprimar. De nullo guadiam vel doleam,
nisi quod ducat ad te, vel displicere timeam nisi tibi.

Vilescant mihi Domine, omnia transitoria, et cara

mihi sint omnia aeterna.
Taedeat me guadii quod est sine te, nec aliud cupiam
quod est extra te Delectet me Domine, labor qui

est pro te et
; taediosa sit mihi omnis quies,
quae est sine te. Da mihi, Deus meus, cor meum
ad te dirigere, et in defectione mea cum emenda-
tionis proposito constanter dolere. Fac me, Domine
Deus meus, obedientem sine contradictione, pau-
perem sine dejectione. castum sine corruptione,
patientem sine murmuratione, humilem sine fictione,
hilarem sine dissolutione, maturum sine gravidine,
agilem sine levitate, timentem te sine desperatione,
veracem sine duplicitate, operantem bona sine
praesumptione, proximum corripere sine elatione,
ipsum aedificare verbo et exemplo, sine simulatione.
Da mihi, Domine Djus, cor pervigil, quod nulla
abducat a te curiosa cogitatio: da nobile, quod nulla
deorsum trahat indigna affectio: da rectum, quod
nulla seorsum obliquet sinistra intentio: da firmum,
quod nulla frangat tribulatio: da liberum, quod nulla
sibi vindicet violenta affectio.
Largire mihi, Domine Deus meus, intellectum te

cognoscentem, diligentiam te quaerentem, sapientiam

te invenientem, conversationem tibi placentem, per-
severantiam fidenter te expectantem, et fiduciam te
finaliter amplectentem. Da tuis poenis hie affiigi
per poenitentiam, tuis beneficiis in via uti per eratiam,
tuis guadiis in patria perfrui per gloriam Qui vivis

et regnas Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

Grant me, O merciful God, that what is pleasing to
thee I may ardently desire, prudently inquire, truth-
fully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish for the
praise and glory of thy name. Ordain, my God, O
my whole and what thou requirest that I should
do, grant me to know it and to fulfil as is meet and
profitable to my soul. Give me thy grace, O Lord
my God, that I may not fail in prosperity or in
adversity, avoiding pride in the former and discour-
agement in the latter. May I rejoice in nothing but
what leads to thee, grieve for nothing but what turns
away from thee. May I wish to please or displease
no one but thee.
May I despise, O Lord, all transitory things, and
prize only that which is eternal. May I shun any
joy that is without thee, nor wish for anything out-
side of thee. May I delight in any work taken up
for thee, and tire of any rest which is without thee.
Grant me, O my God, to direct my heart toward thee,
and in my failings constantly grieve, with the pur-
pose of amendment.
Make me, O Lord my God, obedient without con-
tradicting, poor without depression, chaste without
corruption, patient without murmuring, humble with-
out pretence, cheerful without dissipation, mature
without dullness, prompt without levity, fearing thee
without despair, truthful without duplicity, doing

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good without presumption, correcting my neighbor

without haughtiness, and edifying him by word and
example without hypocrisy.
Give me, O
Lord God, a watchful heart, which no
curious thought will turn away from thee ; a noble
heart, which no unworthy affection will drag down
a righteous heart, which no irregular intention will
twist aside; a firm heart, which no tribulation will
break; a free heart, which no violent affection will
claim for itself.
Grant me finally, O Lord my God, science in
knowing thee, diligence in seeking thee, wisdom in
finding thee, a conduct pleasing to thee, a perse-
verance trustfully awaiting thee, and a confidence
finally embracing thee. May I endure thy punish-
ments by penitence; profit by thy benefits by grace
in this world, and enjoy thy blessedness by glory in
the next : Who livest and reignest, true God, forever
and ever. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Jan. 17, 1 888, has granted to the faithful who
shall say the above prayer
An indulgence of three years, once 2 day.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, December 13, 1898, granted to the faithful who
spend at least a quarter of an hour in reading the Holy Gospel
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day
A PLENARY indulgence once a month, on any day of the
month, to lho$e who shall have spent a quarter of an hour a day
on every day of the month in reading the Holy Gospel, on the
usual conditions —Confession and Communion, and praying for
the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff.

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O Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, holy
God, great God, immortal God, have mercy on us
and on all mankind free us from our sins and weak-

nesses by thy most precious blood, now and forever,

that we may live in thy holy peace and charity, in
time and in eternity. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, June 22, 1888, has granted to the faithful who
shall recite the above prayer, attributed to St. Benedict Joseph
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.

Domine Jesu Christe, qui omnipotentiam tuam
parcendo maxime et miserando manifestas; tu qui
dixisti Orate pro persequentibus et calumniantibus

vosy clementiam Cordis tui sacratissimi imploramus

erga animas ad imaginem Dei conditas, sed miser-
rime perfidis muratorum illecebus deceptas, et in
viam perditionis magis ac magis ambulantes. Noli
ultra permittere ut Ecclesia, Sponsa tua, ab eis oppri-
matur sed intercessione Beatissimae Virginis Mariae

Matris tuae et justorum precibus placatus recordare

^ misen cordiae tuae infinitae; et perversitatis eorura
oblitus effice ut ipsi quoque ad te redeant, peramplis-
simum poemitentiam Ecelesiam consolentur, facinora
reparent, aeternitatisque gloriam consequantur. Qui
vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a brief, August 16, 1898,
who recite the above prayer
granted to the faithful
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


Vouchsafe, O Lord, to reward with eternal life all
those who do us good, for thy name's sake. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, Dec. 17, 1892, has granted to the faithful who
shall say the above prayer
An indulgence of fifty days, twice a day.
His Holiness, Pius VI., by decree of the Cardinal Vicar dated
February 28, 1778, has granted to the faithful who shall visit the
hospitals to practice acts of charity toward the sick
An indulgence of one hundred days, each time.

His Holiness, Pius IX., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of the Pro-
paganda. April 26, 1S57, lias grained i«i the faithful who shall say
three Hail Marys, and at the same time assist the holy missions by
donations, byuiding their works, or by exhorting others to do so,
A Plenary indulgence, three limes a year, viz.: on the
feasts of thj IniraicuUte Conception, of S. Joseph and of S.
Francis Xavier, or on any day of the octave of these feasts.
Condition*: Confession, communion and prayer for the inten-
tion of the Sovereign Pontiff.

To the most holy and undivided Trinity, to tlie
humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ crucified, to the
fruitful purity of the most blessed and glorious ever

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Virgin Mary, and to all the saints, be everlasting

praise, honor, power and glory from every creature,
and to us the remission of all our sins, forever and
ever. Amen.
Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary that
bore the Son of the Eternal Father.
R. And blessed are the breasts that suckled Christ
the Lord.
Our Father, Hail Mary.
His Holiness, Leo X., has granted to all persons who
are bound to recite the Divine Office, or the Office of the
Blessed Virgin, andwho shall say the above prayer on their
curred by any defects or faults committed through human
frailty during said recitation.
Later, Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr. of Indul-
gences, dated July 26, 1855, has granted that said prayer be
recited without kneeling by those prevented by sickness.

Eternal Father, by thy infinite mercy and by the
infinite merits of thy divine Son Jesus, bring all
souls to the knowledge and love of thee, since it is
thy will that all should be saved.
Gloria Patri.
Per Sacrosancta humanae Redemption is Mysteria,
mitte Domine operarios in missem tuam, et parce
populo tuo.
Eternal Word incarnate, Redeemer of the human
race, deign to convert all souls to thee, since for them
thou wast obedient even to the death of the cross.
Gloria Patri.

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Per merita et intercessionem Sanctissimae Geni*-

tricistuae, et omnium Angelorum ac Sanctorum,
mitte Domine operarios in messem tuam, et parce
populo tuo.

Holy Divine Spirit, by the infinite merits of the

passion and death of Jesus Christ, deign to pour
abroad thy most ardent and omnipotent charity into
all hearts, that so there may be one fold and one

shepherd in the whole world, and we may all come

to sing thy divine mercies in heaven for ever.
Gloria Patri.

Regina Apostolorum, et omnes Angeli et Sancti,

rogate Dominum messis, ut mittat operarios in messem
suam, et parcat populo suo : ut omnes cum Ipso, et
Patre, et Spiritu Sancto guadere possimus in saecula
saeculorum. Amen.

Immaculate Mother of God, Queen of Apostles, I

know that the divine precept which requires me to
love my neighbor as myself puts upon me the obliga*
tion of assuring by every possible means not only my
own eternal salvation, but likewise that of my neigh-
bor. But I confess that my sins have made me most
unworthy of the grace necessary to work efficiently
and constantly for the eternal salvation of my own
soul and for that of my relations and fellow-men,
especially by promoting good works, and to multiply
the means, spiritual and temporal, that would avail to
revive faith and to rekindle charity among Catholics
and to spread this abroad through the whole world.
Still, do thou, my Mother, obtain for me this grace
through the mercy of God and the infinite merits of
Jesus Christ ; and in union with the whole court of

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heaven and all the just souls that are and shall be in
the church of God, I purpose to offer up at every mo-
ment, now and always, those same merits of Jesus in
thanksgiving, as if thou hadst obtained all this for
me and for all, as thou didst for the Holy Apostles.
And so, confiding in thy powerful intercession, I re-
solve that whatever God may bestow upon me of
power, talents, learning, earthly goods, profession,
health, sickness, and trials, I shall always use for the
greater glory of God and for the eternal salvation of
myself and my neighbor; to this end especially I de-
sire to direct all helps to the propagation of
piety and of the holy faith throughout the world.
And if I have nothing else to apply to this purpose,
I shall never cease at least to pray that there may be
one Fold and one Shepherd and so I hope to be;

admitted into heaven to enjoy the fruit of the Apos-

tolate of Jesus Christ for all eternity. Amen.
Three times Hail Mary and one Gloria,

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, January 23, 1894, granted to the faithful who re-
cite the above prayers composed by the ven. servant of God,

D. Vincenzo Pallotti,
An indulgence of seven years and as many quaran-
tines, once a day
A plenary indulgence once a month to those who shall
have recited it every day during the entire month, on the usual

conditions Confession and Communion, and praying for the
intention of His Holiness.

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Ego volo celebrare missam, et conficere corpus et
sanguinem Domini nostri Jesu Christi juxta ritum
sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae ad laudem omnipotentis
Dei, totiusque curiae triumphantis, ad utilitatem
meam, totiusque curiae militafntis ; pro omnibus, qui
se commendarunt orationibus meis in genere et in
specie, ac pro felici statu sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae.
Gaudium cum pace, emendationem vitae, spatium
verae pcenitentiae, gratiam, et consolationem Sancti
Spiritus, perseverantiam in bonis operibus tribuat no-
bis omnipotens et misericors Dominus. Amen.
The Sovereign Pontiff, Gregory XIII., granted to all priests,
secular and regular
An indulgence of fifty days, if, before saying mass, they
ghall say this prayer with devotion.



Obsecro te, dulcissime Domine Jesu Christe, ui
passio tua sit mihi virtus qua muniar, protegar, at-

by Google

que defendar vulnera tua sint mihi cibus potusque


quibus pascar, inebrier, atque delecter; aspersio

sanguinis tui sit mihi ablutio omnium delictorum
meorum ; mors tua sit mihi gloria sempiterna. In
his sit mihi refectio, exultatio, sanitas, et dulcedo
cordis mei. Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculo-
rum. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec. II, 1846, granted:
An indulgence of three years to all priests who, after
celebrating mass, shall say this prayer.



Da mihi, Domine, seflium tuarum assistricem sapi-

entiam, ut sciam judicare populum tuum in justitia
et pauperes tuos in judicio. Fac me ita tractare
claves regni ccelorum, ut nulii aperiam cui clauden-
dum sit, nulli claudam cui aperiendum sit. Sit in-
tentio mea pura, zelus meus sincerus, charitas mea
patiens, labor meus fructuosus. Sit in me lenitas
non remissa, asperitas non severa ; pauperem ne de-
spiciam, diviti ne aduler. Fac me ad alliciendos
peccatores suavem, ad interrogandos prudentem, ad
instruendos peritum. Tribue, quseso, ad retrahendos
a malo solertiam, ad confirmandos in bono sedulita-
tem, ad promovendos ad meliora industriam ; in re-
sponsis maturitatem, in consiliis rectitudinem, in ob-
scuris lumen, in implexis sagacitatem, in arduis
victoriam ; inutilibus colloquiis ne detinear, pravis
ne contaminer, alios salvem, meipsum non perdam.

: : :


His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a decree of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, March 27, 1854, granted to all confessors who,
with at least contrite heart and devotion, before taking their
seat in the tribunal of penance to hear confessions, shall say
this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



O felicem virum beatum Joseph, cui datum est
Deum, quern multi reges voluerunt videre et non
viderunt, audire et non audierunt, non solum videre
et audire, sed portare, deosculari, vestire, et custo-
V. Ora pro nobis, B. Joseph.
R. Ut digni, efficiamur promissionibus Christi.

Deus, qui dedisti nobis regale sacerdotium
praesta, quaesumus, ut sicut beatus Joseph unigeni-
tum Filium tuum natum ex Maria virgine suis mani-
bus reverenter tractare meruit et portare, ita nos fa-
cias cum cordis munditia et operis innocentia tuis
Sanctis altaribus deservire, ut sacrosanctum Filii tui
corpus et sanguinem hodie digne sumamus, et in
futuro saeculo praemium habere mereamur aeternum.
Per eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. R.
His Holiness, Pope Pius IX., by a rescript, Feb. 4, 1877,
An indulgence of one hundred days to all priests who
shall say this prayer.

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Before confession.

Suscipe confessionem meam, piissime ac clementis-

sime Domine Jesu Christe unica spes salutis animae
meae ; et da mihi, obsecro, contritionem cordis et
lacrymas oculis meis, ut defleam diebus ac noctibus
omnes negligentias meas cum humilitate et puritate
cordis. Domine Deus meus, suscipe preces meas.
Salvator mundi, Jesu bone, qui te crucis morti dedisti,
ut peccatores salvos faceres, respice me miserum pec-
catorem invocantem nomen tuum, et noli sic attendere
malum meum, ut obliviscaris bonum tuum; et si

commisi unde me damnare potes, tu non amisisti unde

salvare soles. Parce ergo mihi, qui es salvator meus
et miserere peccatrici animae meae. Solve vincula
ejus, sana vulnera. Emitte igitur, piissime Domine,
meritis purissimae et immaculatae semper Virginis
Genitricis tuae Mariae et Sanctorum tuorum, lucem
tuam, veritatem tuam in an imam meam, quae omnes
defectus meos in veritate mihi ostendat de quibus
confiteri me oportet, atque juvet et doceat ipsos plene
et contrito corde explicare. Qui vivis et regnas
Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

After confession.
Sit tibi, Domine, obsecro, rneritis beatae semper
Virginis Genitricis tuae Mariae et omnium Sanctorum
grata et accepta ista confessio mea; et quidquid mihi
defuit nunc et alias de sufficientia contritionis, de
puritate et integritate confession is, suppleat pietas et

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misericordia tua et secundum illam digneris me habere

plenius et perfectius absolutum in coelo. Qui vivis
et regnas Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen,

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Cotigi

of Indulgences, Aug. 19, 1882, granted to all priests who, wit,
at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite these prayers*
An indulgence of two hundred days,


O Mater pietatis Vii

et misericordiae, beatissima
go Maria, ego miser indignus peccator ad te con
fugio toto corde et affectu ; et precor pietatem tuam,
ut sicut dulcissimo Filio tuo in cruce pendenn
adstitisti, ita et mihi misero peccatori et Sacerdotibua
omnibus hie et in tota Sancta Ecclesia hodie offeren-
tibus clementer adsistere digneris; ut tua gratia
adjuti dignam et acceptabilem hostiam in conspectu
summae et individual Trinitatis offerre valeamus.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Feb. 17, 1883, granted to all priests who, with
at least contrite heart and devotion, shall recite this prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days.




4-nt. Ne reminiscaris, Domine, delicta nostra,
vel parentum nostrorum : neque vindictam sumas de
peccatte nostris.

Only on duplex feasts the Antiphon is said through-

out. In Paschal time, Alleluia is added at the end.


Ps. 83.
Quam dilecta tabernacula tua, Domine virtutum I

concupiscit, et deficit anima mea in atria Domini.

Cor meum, et caro mea exultaverunt in Deum
Etenim passer invenit sibi domum : et turtur nidum
sibi, ubi ponat pullos suos.
Altaria tua, Domine virtutum : Rex meus, et Deus
Beati qui habitant in domo tua, Domine ; in saecula
sseculorum laudabunt te.
Beatus vir cujus est auxilium abs te ascensiones :

in corde suo disposuit, in valle lacrymarum, in loco

quern posuit.
Etenim benedictionem dabit legislator, ibunt de
virtute in virtutem : videbitur Deus deorum in Sion.
Domine Deus virtutum, exaudi orationem meam
auribus percipe, Deus Jacob.
Protector noster aspice Deus et'respice in faciem

Christi tui.
Quia melior est dies una in atriis tuis super millia.
Elegi abjectus esse in domo Dei mei, magis quam
habitare in tabernaculis peccatorum.
Quia misericordiam, et veritatem diligit Deus:
gratiam et gloriam dabit Dominus.
Non privabit bonis eos, qui ambulant in inno-
centia: Domine virtutum, beatus homo qui sperat
in te.
Gloria Patri, etc.

Ps. 84.

Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam : avertisti capti-

vitatem Jacob.
Remisisti iniquitatem plebis tuae : opemisti omnia
peccata eorum.

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Mitigasti omnem iram tuam : avertisti ab ira in-

dignationis tuae.
Converte nos, Deus salutaris noster, et averte iram
tuam a nobis.
Numquid in aeternum irasceris nobis, aut extendes
iram tuam a generatione in generationem ?
Deus tu conversus vivifkabis nos: et plebs tua
laetabitur in te.
Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam: et
salutare tuum da nobis.
Audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus Deus:
quoniam loquetur pacem in plebem suam :

Et super Sanctos suos et in eos qui convertuntur


ad cor.
Verumtamen prope timentes eum salutare ipsius,
ut inhabitet gloria in terra nostra.
Misericordia et Veritas obviaverunt sibi : justitia et
pax osculatae sunt.
Veritas de terra orta est : et justitia de ccelo pro-
Etenim Dominus dabit benignitatem et terra :

nostra dabit fructum suum.

Justitia ante eum ambulabit et ponet in via gressus

Gloria Patri, etc,
Ps. 85.
Inclipa, Domine, aurem tuam, et exaudi me,
quoniam inops et pauper sum ego.
Custodi an imam rfteam, quoniam sanctus sum
salvum fac servum tuum, Deus meus, sperantem in te.
Miserere mei, Domine, quoniam ad te clamavi tota
die laetiflca animam servi tui, quoniam ad te, Do-

mine, animam meam levavi.

Quoniam Domine, suavis et
tu, mitis, et multae
misericordiae omnibus invocantibus te.

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Auribus percipe, Dornine, orationem meam, et

intende voci deprecationis meae.
In die tribulation is meae clamavi ad te, quia ex-
audisti me.
Non est similis tui in diis, Domine, et non est

secundum opera tua.

Omnes gentes quascunque fecisti, venient, et ado-
rabunt coram te Domine, et glorificabunt noraen
Quoniam magnus es tu, et faciens mirabilia tu es :

Deus solus.
Deduc me, Domine, in via tua, et* ingrediar in
•veritate tua: laetetur cor meum, ut timeat nomcn
Confitebor tibi, Domine Deus meus, in toto corde
meo, et glorificabo nomen tuum in aeternum.
Quia misericordia tua magna est super me, et
animam meam ex inferno inferiori.
Deus, iniqui insurrexerunt super me, et synagoga
potentium quaesierunt animam meam, et non propo-
suerunt te in conspectu suo.
£t tu, Domine Deus miserator et misericorsj
patiens, et multae misericordiae et verax.
Respice in me, et miserere mei da imperium :

tuum puero tuo, et salvum fac filium ancillae tuae.

Fac mecum signum in bonum, ut videant qui
oderunt me, et confundantur, quoniam tu, Domine,
adjuvisti me, et consolatus es me.
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ps. 115.
Credidi, propter quod locutus sum : ego autem
humiliatus sum nimis.
Ego dixi in excessu meo omnis homo mendax. :

Quid retribuam Domino pro omnibus quae retri*

buit mihi ?

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Calicem salutaris accipiam, et nomen Domini in-

Vota mea Domino reddam coram omni populo
ejus pretiosa in conspectu Domini mors Sanctorum

O Domine, quia ego servus tuus, ego servus tuus,
et filius ancillae tuae.
Dirupisti vincula mea tibi sacrificabo hostiam

laudis, etnomen Domini invocabo.

Vota mea Domino reddam in conspectu omnis
populi ejus, in atriis domus Domini, in medio tui,
Gloria Patri, etc.

Ps. 129.

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine: Domine,

exaudi vocem meam.
Fiant aures tuae intendentes in vocem depreca-
tionis meas.
Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine, Domine, quis
Quia apud te propitiatio est, et propter legem
tuam sustinui te, Domine.
Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus, speravit anima
mea in Domino.
A custodia matutina usque ad noctem speret Is-
rael in
Quia apud Dominum misericordia, et copiosa
apud eum redemptio.
Et ipse redimet Israel, ex omnibus iniquitatibus
Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. Ne reminiscaris, Domine, delicta nostra,
vel parentum nostrorum, neque vindictam sumas de
peccatis nostris.

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Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison.

Pater noster, etc.
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
R. Sed libera nos a malo.
V. Ego dixi, Domine, miserere mei
R. Sana animam meani, quia peccavi tibi.
V. Convertere, Domine, aliquaMtilum ;
R. Et deprecare super servos tuos.
V. Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos,
R. Quemadmodum speravimus in te.
V. Sacerdotes tui induantur justitiam,
R. Et sancti tui exultent.
V. Ab
occultis meis munda me, Domine,
R. Et ab alienis parce servo tuo.
V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam,
R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
V. Dominus vbbiscum ;
R. Et cum spiritu tuo.
Aures mitissime Deus, inclina preci-
tuae pietatis,
bus nostris, et gratia Sancti Spiritus illumina cor nos-
trum ; ut tuis mysteriis digne ministrare, teque
seterna charitate diligere mereamur.
Deus, cui omne cor patet, et omnis voluntas loqui-
tur, et quern nullum latet secretum, purifica per in-
fusionem Sancti Spiritus cogitationes cordis nostri,
ut te perfecte diligere, et digne laudare mereamur.
Ure igne Sancti Spiritus renes nostros et cor nos-
trum, Domine, ut tibi casto corpore serviamus, et
mundo corde placeamus.
Mentes nostras, quaesumus, Domine, Paraclitus,
qui a te procedit, illuminet, et inducat in omnem,
sicut tuus promisit Filius, veritatem.
Adsit nobis, quaesumus Domine, virtus Spiritus

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Sancti quae et corda nostra clementer expurget, et


ab omnibus tueatur adversis.

Deus, qui corda fidelium Sancti Spiritus illustra-
tione docuisti da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta

sapere, et de ejus semper consolatione gaudere.

Conscientias nostras, quaesumus Domine, visitando
purifica ut veniens Dominus noster Jesus Christus

Filius tuus, paratam sibi in nobis inveniat mansio-

nem. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate Spiritus
Sancti Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum.
For Sunday,
Summe Sacerdos, et vere Pontifex Jesu Christe,
qui te obtulisti Deo Patri hostiam puram et immacu-
latam in ara Crucis pro nobis miseris et peccatoribus,
et qui dedisti nobis Carnem tuam ad manducandum
et Sanguinem tuum ad bibendum, et posuisti myste-
rium istud in virtute Spiritus Sancti tui, dicens:
Hcec quotiescumque feceritis, in mei memoriam fact-
etis : rogo per eumdem Sanguinem tuum, magnum
salutis nostrae pretium, rogo per hanc miram et inef-
fabilem charitatem, qua nos miseros et indignos sic
amare dignatus es, ut lavares nos a peccatis nostris
in Sanguine tuo doce me servum tuum indignum,

quern inter caetera dona tua etiam ad officium sacer-

dotale vocare dignatus es, nullis meis mentis, sed
sola dignatione misericordiae tuae ; doce me, quaeso,
per Spiritum Sanctum tuum tantum tractare myste-
rium ea reverentia et honore, ea devotione ettimore,
qui bus oportet et decet.
Fac me per gratiam tuam semper illud de tan to
mysterio credere et intelligere, sentire et firmiter

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tenere, dicere et cogitare, quod tibi placet, et expe-

dit animae ineae. Intret Spiritus tuus bonus in cor
meurn, qui sonet ibi sine sono, et sine strepitu verbo-
rum loquatur omnem veritatem ; profunda quippe
sunt nimis, et sacro tecta velamine. Propter mag-
nam clementiam tuam concede mihi Missarum so-
lemnia mundo corde et pura mente celebrare. Libera
cor meurn ab immundis et nefandis, vanis et noxiis
cogitationibus. Muni me beatorum Angelorum pia
et fida custodia ac tutela fortissima, ut hostes omni-
.um bonorum confusi discedant. Per virtutem tanti
mysterii, et per manum sancti Angeli tui repelle a
me et a cunctis servis tuis durissimum superbiae et
cenodoxiae, invidiam et blasphemiae, fornicationis et
immunditiae, dubietatis et diffidentiae spiritum.
Confundantur, qui nos persequuntur, pereant ilii,
qui nos perdere festinant.

For Monday,
Rex virginum, et amator castitatis et integritatis,
rore benediction is tuae extingue in corpore
meo fomitem ardentem libidinis, ut maneat in me
tenor castitatis corporis et animae. Mortifica in
membris meis carnis stimulos, omnesque libidinosas
commotiones, et da mihi veram et perpetuam cas-
titatem cum caeteris donisquae tibi placent in
veritate, ut sacrificium laudis casto corpore et mundo
corde valeam tibi offerre. Quanta enim cordis
contritione et lacrymarum fonte, quanta reverentia
et tremore, quanta corporis castitate et animae puri-
tate istud divinum et caeleste sacrificium est celebran-
dum, ubi Caro tua in veritate sumitur, ubi Sanguis
tuus in veritate bibitur, ubi ima summis, terrena di-
vinis junguntur, ubi adest sanctorum Angelorum

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praesentia, ubi tu es Sacrificium et Sacerdos mira*

biliter et ineffabiliter constitutus !

For Tuesday,
Quis digne hoc mysterium celebrare poterit, nisi
tu, Deus omnipotens, offerentem feceris dignum?
Scio, Domine, et vere scio, et idipsum pietati tuae
confiteor, quia non sum dignus accedere ad tantum
mysterium, propter nimia peccata mea, et infinitas ne-
gligentias meas. Sed scio, et veraciter ex toto corde
meo credo, et ore confiteor, quia tu potes me facere
mundum de immundo conceptum semine, et de pec-
catoribus justos et sanctos. Per hanc omnipotentiam
tuam te rogo, Deus meus, ut concedas mi hi peccatori
hoc sacrificium celebrare cum cimore et tremore, cum
cordis puritate et lacrymarum fonte, cum laetitia
spirituali et cselesti gaudio. Sentiat mens mea dul-
cedinem beatissimae praesentiae tuae, et excubias sanc-
torum Angelorum tuorum in circuitu meo.
For Wednesday.
Ego enim, Domine, memor venerandae Passion is
tuae accedo ad altare tuum, licet peccator, ut oflferam
tibi sacrificium, quod tu instituisti, et offerri prae-
cepisti in commemorationem pro salute nostra.
Suscipe illud, quaeso, summe Deus, pro Ecclesia
sancta tua, et pro populo, quern acquisivisti Sanguine
tuo. Et quoniam me peccatorem inter te et eumdem
populum tuum medium esse voluisti, licet in me
aiiquod boni operis testimonium non agnoscas,
officium saltern dispensationis creditae non recuses,
nec per me indignum, eorum salutis pereat pretium,
pro quibus victima salutaris dignatus es esse et re-
demptio. Profero etiam, Domine (si digneris pro-
pitius intueri), tribulationes plebium, pericula popu-

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lorum, raptivorum gemitus, miserias orphan orum,

necessitates peregrinorum,inopiam debilium, despe-
rationem languentium, defectus senum, suspiria juve-
num, vota virginum, lamenta viduarum.
For Thursday.
Tu enim misereris omnium, Domine, et nihil odisti
eorum quae fecisti. Memorare quae sit nostra sub-
stantia, quia tu Pater noster es, quia tu Deus noster
es ne irascaris satis, neque multitudinem viscerum

tuorum super nos contineas. Non enim in justifica-

tionibus nostris prosternimus preces ante faciem tuam,
sed in miserationibus tuis multis. Aufer a nobis
iniquitates nostras, et ignem Sancti Spiritus in nobis
clementer accende. Aufer cor lapideum de carne
nostra, et da nobis cor carneum, quod te amet, te
diligat, te delectetur, te sequatur, te perfruatur.
Oramus, Domine, clementiam tuam, ut sereno vultu
familiam tuam, sacri tui nominis officia praestolantem,
aspicere digneris; et ut nullius sit irritum votum,
nullius vacua postulatio, tu nobis preces suggere,
quas ipse propitius audire et exaudire delecteris.

For Friday.
Rogamus etiam te, Domine sancte Pater, et pro
spiritibus fideliumdefunctorum, ut sit illis salus,
sanitas, gaudium et refrigerium hoc magnum pietatis
Sacramentum. Domine Deus meus, sit illis hodie
magnum et plenum convivium de te pane vivo, qui
de caelo descendisti et das vitam mundo, de tua Carne
sancta et benedicta, Agni videlicet immaculati, qui
tollis peccata mundi, quae de sancto et glorioso Beatae
Virgin is Mariae utero est assumpta, et de Spiritu
Sancto concepta, ac de illo pietatis fonte, qui per
lanceam militis ex tuo sacratissimo latere emanavit,

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ut exinde refecti et satiati, refrigerati et consolati

exultent in laude et gloria tua. Peto clementiam
tuam Domine, ut descendat super panem tibi sacri-
ficandum plenitudo tuae benedictionis, et sanctificatio
tuse divinitatis. Descendat etiam, Domine, ilia
Sancti Spiritus tui invisibilis, incomprehensibilisque
majestas, sicut quondam in patrum hostias descen-
debat, qui et oblationes nostras Corpus et Sanguinem
tuum efticiat, et me indignum sacerdotem doceat
tan turn tractare mysterium cum cordis puritate et
lacrymarum devotione, cum reverentia et tremore, ita
ut placide ac benigne suscipias sacrificium de manibus
meis ad salutem omnium tarn vivorum quam defunc-
For Saturday.
Rogo etiam te, Domine, per ipsum sacrosanctum
mysterium Corporis et Sanguinis tui, quo quotidie in
Ecclesia tua pascimur et potamur, abluimur et sanc-
tificamur, atque unius summse divinitatis participes
efficimur: da mihi virtutes tuassanctas, quibus reple-
tus bona conscientia ad Altare tuum accedam, ita ut
haec. cselestia Sacramenta efficiantur mihi salus et vita.
Tu enim dixisti ore tuo sancto et benedicto Panis, :

quern ego dabo, caro mea est pro mundi vita : Ego sum
pants vivus, qui de ccelo descendi : Si quis manducaverit
ex hoc pane, vivet in ceternum. Pan is dulcissime,
sana palatum cordis mei, ut sentiam suavitatem amoris
tui. Sana illud ab omni languore, ut nullam, praeter
te; sentiam dulcedinem. Panis candidissime, habens
omne delectamentum et omnem saporem, qui nos
semper reficis, et numquam in te deficis : comedat te
cor meum, et dulcedine saporis tui repleantur viscera
animae mese. Manducat te Angelus ore pleno man- ;

ducet te peregrinus homo pro modulo suo, ne deficere

possit in via, tali recreatus viatico. Panis sancte,

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panis vive, panis munde, qui descendisti de caelo, et

das vitam mundo, veni in cor meum, et munda me
ab omni inquinamertto carnis et spiritus. Intra in
an imam meam, sana et munda me interius et exterius.
Esto tutamen et continua salus animae et corporis
mei. Repelle a me insidiantes mihi hostes ; recedant
procul a praesentia potentiae tuae, ut foris et intus per
te munitus, recto tramite ad tuum regnum perveniam
abi non in mysteriis, sicut in hoc tempore agitur, sed
/acie ad faciem te videbimus, cum tradideris regnum
Deo et Patri, et eris Deus omnia in omnibus. Tunc
£nim me de te satiabis satietate mirifica, ita ut nec
esuriam, nec sitiam in aeternum. Qui cum eodem
Deo Patre, et Spiritu Sancto vivis et regnas per omnia
saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, ecce accedo ad
Sacramentum unigeniti Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu
Christi accedo tamquam infirmus ad medicum vitae,

immundus ad fontem misericordiae, caecus ad lumen

claritatis aeternae, pauper et egenus ad Dominum
caeli et terras. Rogo ergo immensae largitatis tuse

abundantiam, quatenus meam curare digneris in-

firmitatem, lavare foeditatem, illuminare caecitatem,

ditare paupertatem, vestire nuditatem; ut panem
Angelorum, Regem regum, et Dominum dominantium
tanta suscipiam reverentia et humilitate, tanta con-
tritione et devotione, tanta puritate et fide, tali pro-
posito et intentione, sicut expedit saluti animae me«.
ba mihi, quaeso, dominici Corporis et Sanguinis non
solum suscipere Sacramentum, sed etiam rem et vir-
tutem Sacramenti. O
mitissime Deus, da mihi Cor-
pus unigeniti Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi,

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quod traxit de Virgine Maria, sic suscipere, ut cor-

pori suo mystico merear incorporari, et inter ejus
membra connumerari. O amantissime Pater, con-
cede mini dilectum Filium tuum, quern nunc velatum
in via suscipere propono, revelata tandem facie per-
petuo contemplari. Qui tecum vivit et regnat in
imitate Spiritus Sancti Deus per omnia saecula saecu-
lorum. Amen.
Ad mensam dulcissimi convivii tui, pie Domine
Jesu Christe, ego peccator de propriis mentis nihil
prsesumens, sed de tua confidens misericordia et
bonitate, accedere vereor et contremisco. Nam cor
et corpus habeo multis criminibus maculatum, men-
tem et linguam non caute custoditam. Ergo, O pia
Deitas, O tremenda Majestas, ego miser inter angustias
deprehensus ad te fontem misericordiae recurro, ad te
festino sanandus, sub tuam protectionem fugio, et
quem judicem sustinere nequeo, Salvatorem habere
suspiro. Tibi, Domine, plagas meas ostendo; tibi
verecifndiam meam detego. Scio peccata mea multa
et magna, pro quibus timeo. Spero in misericordias
tuas, quarum non est numerus. Respice ergo in me
oculis misericordiae tuae, Domine Jesu Christe, Rex
aeterne, Deus et homo, crucifixus propter hominem:
Exaudi me sperantem in te, miserere mei pleni mi-
fontem miserationis numquam
seriis et peccatis, tu qui
manare cessabis. Salve, salutaris victima, pro me et
omni humano genere in patibulo crucis oblata. Salve
nobilis et Sanguis de vulneribus crucifixi
Domini mei Jesu Christi profluens, et peccata totius
mundi abluens. Recordare, Domine, creaturae tuae,
quam tuo Sanguine redemisti. Pcenitet me peccasse,'
cupio emendare quod feci. Aufer ergo a me, clemen-

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tissime Pater, omnes iniquitates et peccata mea, ut

purificatus mente et corpore, digne degustare merea;*
sancta sanctorum ; et concede, ut haec sancta praeli-
batio Corporis et Sanguinis tui, quam ego indignus
sumere intendo, sit peccatorum meorum remissio, sit
delictorum perfecta purgatio, sit turpium cogitationum
effugatio, ac bonorum sensuum regeneratio, ope-
rumque tibi placentium salubris eflicacia, animae quo
que et corporis contra inimicorum meorum insidias
firmissima tuitio. Amen.
Angeli, Archangeli, Throni, Dominationes, Prin-
cipatus, Potestates, Virtutes cselorum, Cherubim
atque Seraphim, omnes Sancti et Sanctse Dei, prae-
sertim Patroni mei, intercedere dignemini pro me, ut
hoc Sacrificium Deo omnipotenti digne valeam offerre
ad laudem et gloriam nominis sui, et ad utilitatera
meam totiusque Ecclesiae suae sanctse. Amen.
O Sancte N. (O Beate N.), ecce ego miser pec-
cator, de tuis meritis confisus, offero nunc sacra-
tissimum Sacramentum Corporis et Sanguinis Domini
nostri Jesu Christi pro tuo honore et gloria. Precor
te humiliter et devote, ut pro me hodie intercedere
digneris, ut tantum Sacrificium digne et accep-
tabiliter offerre valeam, ut eum tecum, et cum omni-
bus electis ejus aeternaliter laudare, atque cum eo
regnare valeam. Qui vivit et regnat in ssecula saecu-
lorum. Amen.

Ant. Trium puerorum cantemus hymnum, quem

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cantabant Sancti in camino ignis, benedicentes Do-

Only on Duplex Feasts the Antiphon is said throughout.
During Paschal Time Alleluia is added at the end.


Benedicite omnia opera Domini Domino : laudate
et superexaltate eum in saecula.
Benedicite Angeli Domini Domino: benedicite
caeli Domino.
Benedicite aquae omnes, quae super caelos sunt
Domino: benedicite omnes virtutes Domini Domino.
Benedicite sol et luna Domino benedicite stellae

caeli Domino.
Benedicite omnis imber et ros Domino : benedicite
omnes spiritus Dei Domino.
Benedicite ignis et aestus Domino: benedicite
frigus et aestus Domino.
Benedicite rores et pruina Domino: benedicite
gelu et frigus Domino.
Benedicite glacies et nives Domino : benedicite
noctes et dies Domino.
Benedicite lux et tenebrae Domino: benedicite
fulgura et nubes Domino.
. Benedicat terra Dominum : laudet et superexaltet
eum in saecula.
Benedicite montes et colles Domino benedicite :

universa germinantia in terra Domino.

Benedicite fontes Domino benedicite maria et

flumina Domino.
Benedicite cete et omnia quae moventur in aquis
Domino benedicite omnes volucres caeli Domino.

Benedicite omnes bestiae et pecora Domino bene- :

dicite rilii hominum Domino.

Benedicat Israel Dominum : laudet et superexaltet
eum in satcula.
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Benedicite Sacerdotes Domini Domino : benedicite

servi Domini Domino.
Benedicite spiritus et animae justorum Domino:
benedicite sancti et humiles corde Domino.
Benedicite Anania, Azaria, Misael Domino: laudate
et superexaltate eum in saecula.
Benedicamus Patrem et Filium cum Sancto Spiritu:
laudemus et superexaltemus eum in saecula.
Benedictus es, Domine, in firmamento caeli: et
laudabilis et gloriosus et superexaltatus in saecula.

Ps. 150.
Laudate Dominum in Sanctis ejus laudate eum in

firmamento virtutis ejus.

Laudate eum in virtutibus ejus: laudate eum
secundum multitudinem magnitudinis ejus.
Laudate eum in sono tubae laudate eum in psalterio

et cithara.
Laudate eum in tympano et choro laudate eum in :

chord is et organo.
Laudate eum in cymbalis benesonantibus laudate :

eum in cymbalis jubilationis : omnis spiritus laudet

Gloria Patri, etc.
Ant. Trium puerorum cantemus hymnum, quem
cantabant Sancti in camino ignis benedicentes Do-
Kyrie eleison. Clvriste eleison. Kyrie eleison.
Pater noster, etc.
V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
R. Sed libera nos a malo.
V. Confiteantur tibi, Domine, omnia opera tua,
R. Et Sancti tui benedicant fibi.
V. Exultabunt Sancti in gloria
R. Laetabuntur in cubilibus suis.

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V. Non nobis, Doraine, non nobis,

R. Sed nomini tuo da gloriam.
V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam,
<R Et clamor meus ad te veniat.

V. Dominus vobiscum,
JR. Et cum spiritu tuo.

Deus, qui tribus pueris mitigasti flammas ignium
concede propitius, ut nos famulos tuos non exurat
flamma vitiorum.
Actiones nostras, quaesumus Domine, aspirando
prseveni, et adjuvando prosequere,'ut cuncta nostra
oratio et operatio a te semper incipiat, et per te
ccepta finiatur.
Da nobis, qusesumus Domine, vitiorum nostrorum
flammas extinguere, qui beato Laurentio tribuisti
tormentorum suorum incendia superare. Per Chris-
tum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
Gratias tibi ago, Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens,
aeterne Deus, qui me peccatorem indignum famulum
tuum, nullis meis mentis, sed sola dignatione miseri-
cordiae tuas satiare dignatus es pretioso Corpore et
Sanguine Filii tui Domini nostri Jesu Christi. Et
precor, ut haec sancta comrnunio non sit mihi reatus
ad pcenam, sed intercessio salutaris ad veniam. Sit
mihi armatura fidei, et scutum bonse voluntatis. Sit
vitiorum meorum evacuatio, concupiscentiae et 1 ibidin is
exterminatio, caritatis et patientias, humilitatis et
obedientiae, omniumque virtutum augmentatio ; con-
tra insidias inimicorum meorum tam visibilium quara
invisibilium firma defensio; motuum meorum tam

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'carnalium, quam
spiritualium perfecta quietatio., in
te uno ac vero Deo firma adhaesio, atque finis mei
felix consummatio. Et precor te, ut ad illud in-
effabile convivium me peccatorem perducere digneris,
ubi tu cum Filio tuo et Spiritu Sancto Sanctis tuis es
lux vera, satietas plena, gaudium sempiternum,
jucunditas consummata, et felicitas perfecta. Per
eumdem Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Transfige, dulcissime Domine Jesu, medullas et

viscera animae suavissimo ac saluberrimo amoris tui
vulnere, vera serenaque et apostolica sanctissima
charitate, ut langueat et liquefiat anima mea solo
semper amore et desiderio tui ; te concupiscat, et
deficiat in atria tua ; cupiat dissolvi, et esse tecum.
Da, ut anima mea te esuriat, panem Angelorum, re-
fectionem animarum sanctarum, panem nostrum
quotidianum, supersubstantialem, habentem omnem
dulcedinem et saporem, et omne delectamentum
suavitatis te, in quern desiderant Angeli prospicere,

semper esuriat et comedat cor meum, et dulcedine

saporis tui repleantur viscera animae meae: te semper
sitiat fontem vitae, fontem sapientiae et scientiae, fon-
tem seterni luminis, torrentem voluptatis, ubertatem
domus Dei te semper ambiat, te quaerat, te inveniat,

ad te tendat, ad te perveniat, te meditetur, te loqua-

tur, et omnia operetur in laudem et gloriam nominis
tui cum humilitate et discretione, cum dilectione el
delectatione, cum facilitate et affectu, cum perse-
verantia usque in finem : et tu sis solus semper spes
mea tota fiducia mea, divitiae meae, delectatio mea,
jucunditas mea, gaudium meum, quies et tranquillitas
mea, pax mea, suavitas mea, odor meus. dulcedo

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mea, cibus meus, refectio mea, refugium meum,

auxilium meum, sapientia mea, portio mea, possessio
mea, thesaurus meus, in quo flxa et firma et immo-
buiter semper sit radicata mens mea, et cor meum.
Adoro te devote, latens Deitas,
Quae sub his figuris vere latitas
Tibi se cor meum totum subjicit,
Quia te contemplans, totum deficit.
Visus, tactus, gustus in te fallitur,
Sed auditu solo tuto creditur
Credo quidquid dixit Dei Filius,
Nil hoc verbp veritatis verius.
In Cruce latebat sola Deitas,
At hie latet simul et human itas
Ambo tamen credens, atque confitens,
Peto quod petivit latro poenitens.
Plagas, sicut Thomas, non intueor,
Deum tamen meum te confiteor :

Fac me tibi semper magis credere,

In te spem habere, te diligere.
O memoriale mortis Domini,
Panis vivus vitam praestans homini
Praesta meae menti de te vivere,
Et te i II semper dulce sapere.

Pie pelicane Jesu Domine,

Me immundum, munda tuo Sanguine:
Cujus una stilla salvum facere
Totum mundum quit ab omni scelere.
Jesu, quem velatum nun,c aspicio,
Oro, fiat illud, quod tarn sitio,
Ut te revelata cernens facie,
Visu sim beatus tuae gloriae. Amen.

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For Sunday.
Dear Jesus ! my Redeemer my God ! ! I adore
thee. Come into my breast, hidden under the hum-
ble appearances of bread and wine, and thus become
the food and drink of my soul.
Welcome, my Lord, to my soul. I thank thee
with all my heart. I would like to thank' thee
worthily. But what thanksgiving could a poor
peasant offer to his king who had come into his
lowly cabin, but to throw himself at his feet, and,
prostrate in silence, admire and praise such good-
ness. I therefore throw myself at thy feet, O my
divine King, my Jesus. I adore thee from the
abyss of my miseries. I unite my adoration with that
of the ever-blessed Virgin Mary, when thou didst
come to dwell in her, and I wish I could love thee
as she did.
Ah my Redeemer this very morning, obedient
! !

to my words, thou didst descend from heaven into

my hands. And how many times have I disobeyed
thy precepts, turned my back upon thee and re-
nounced thy face and thy love, my Jesus ? I hope O
that thou hast already pardoned me ; but if not yet,
through any fault of mine, then forgive me this
morning, for with all my heart I repent of having
offended thy infinite goodness.
O my Jesus would that I had always loved thee !

At least from the time of my first mass, when I

should have burned with love for thee. Among so
many thousands of men thou hast selected me for a
priest, for thy favorite ; what more couldst thou do
to make me love thee At least, I thank thee, my

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love, that thou givestme time to do what I had not

done. I will love thee with all my heart. I will not
allow in my heart any other affection than for thee,
since thou hast placed me under so many obligations
of loving thee.
Deus meits ei omnia. My God What are riches ? !

What are honors? What are worldly pleasures?

Thou art my all. Thou shalt be henceforth my only
good, my only love. I will say to thee, with S.
Paulinus Sibi habeant diviiias suas divites, regna

sua Reges ; mihi Christus gloria et regnutn est : Let

the kings and the rich of the earth rejoice in their
kingdoms and their riches ;
my kingdom, my riches,
shall be thee alone^ O my Jesus.
Eternal Father, by the love of that Son, whom I
have this morning sacrificed to thee and have re-
ceived into my breast, grant me holy perseverance
in thy grace and the gift of thy holy love. I recom-
mend to thee also my relatives, friends and ene-
mies, the souls in purgatory, and all poor sinners.
Holy Mary, my mother, obtain for me holy perse-
verance and the love of Jesus Christ.

For Monday.
O goodness
infinite O infinite love A God has
! !

given himself wholly to me has become all mine ! !

My soul, unite all thy affections and draw near to

thy Lord, who has come expressly to unite himself
with thee and be loved by thee.
My dear Redeemer I embrace thee. My treasure !

My life I draw close to thee ; do not disdain me.


Miserable that I am in the past I have driven thee


from my soul, and separated myself from thee ; but

for the future I would rather a thousand times lose
life than lose thee, the Sovereign Lord Forget, !

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Lord, the many times I have offended thee, and

pardon me. I repent with all my soul. Would that
I could die of sorrow.
But in spite of all my offences against thee, I feel
that thou hast commanded me to love thee : Diligcs
Dotninum Deum iuutn ex ioto Corde tuo. Ah my !

Lord Who am I that thou shouldst so desire to be


loved by me? But since such is thy desire, I wish

to please thee. Thou hast died for me ; hast given
me thy flesh for food. I leave all, I bid farewell to
all, to attach myself to thee, my beloved Saviour.
Quis me separabit a caritate Christi ?
My dear Redeemer Whom shall I love, if not

thee, who art infinite beauty and worthy of infinite

love? Quid mihi est in cceio? et a te quid volui
super terram ? Dens cordis mei et pars m.ea Deus in
ceternam. Yes, my God where can I find, in

heaven, or on earth, a greater good than thee, or

one who has loved me more than thou? Adveniat
regnum tuum. Ah Jesus take this morning, posses-
! !

sion of all my heart ; possess it entirely and detach

it from all love which is not for thee. I choose thee
alone for my portion, my riches: Deus cordis mei
et pars mea Deus in ceternam. Grant that I may
always pray and ask of thee, with S. Ignatius Loyola
Amorem tui solum cum gratia tua mihi dones et dives
sum satis. Give me thy love and thy grace ; that is,
grant that I may love and be loved by thee, and I
am rich enough. I ask and desire nothing more.
But thou knowest my weakness, my forgetfulness
help me by thy grace and do not permit that I
separate myself from thy holy love. Ne permittas
me separari a te. I ask thee now, and will ask thee
ever give me the grace to repeat continually: ne per- #

mittas : ne permittas me separari a te.

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Mary, my hope, obtain for me these two graces

from God holy perseverance and holy love.
: I ask
nothing more.
For Tuesday.
Ah ! my Lord how can ! have so often offended
thee, knowing that, by sin, caused thee such dis-
pleasure ? Ah forgive me, by the merits of thy

passion, and draw me wholly to thee by thy love

let not the corruption of my sins drive thee away
from me. Grant me an ever-increasing knowledge
of the great good thou art; of the love thou de-
servest, and of the affection which thou hast borne
I desire, O my Jesus, to sacrifice myself entirely
for thee, who hast sacrificed thyself entirely for me.
Thou hast bound me to thee. Do not permit that I
should separate myself from thee again. I love
thee, my God, and wish always to love thee. How
could I, now that I know thy love, live any longer
far from thee, or deprived of thy grace ?
I thank thee, that thou hast borne with me whilst
I was under thy displeasure, and that now thou hast
given me time to love thee. If I had died then, I
could have loved thee no longer. But since I, can
love thee, I will, Jesus O my
as much as I am able,

and do all in my power

to please thee. I love thee,
infinite goodness! love thee more than myself, and
because I love thee I give thee my body, my soul,
my will. Do with me, O
Lord, dispose of me as
thou pleasest. I embrace it all. It is enough if
thou wilt grant me to love thee always I ask noth- ;

ing else. Give the goods of this world to whom

thou pleasest I desire, I seek nothing but persever-

ance in thy grace and thy holy love.

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O eternal Father I trust in the promise made me


by thy Divine Son Amen; Amen dico vobis si quid

: ,

petieritis Patrem in nomine meo, dabit vobis (John

XVI. 23). In the name of Jesus I ask for persever-
ance and the grace to love thee with my whole
heart and to fulfil perfectly henceforth thy holy will.
O my Jesus ! thou hast sacrificed thyself for me,
and hast given thyself to me ; therefore I give my-
self to thee, and sacrifice to thee my entire will,
hearing from thee: Prcebe fili mi cor tuum mthi
(Prov. XXIII. 26). Behold, Lord, my heart, my
will ; I give and sacrifice all to thee. Thou knowest
my weakness ; help me ; do not allow me to take
back my will to offend thee. No, do not permit
this; grant that I may love thee as a priest should,
in order that I may be able to say, with thy expiring
Son Consummatum est. Grant that, at the hour
of my death, it may be in my power to say that,
from this day forth, I have fulfilled thy holy will.
Grant that, in every temptation and danger of of-
fending thee, I do not fail to recur to thee ; to pray
thee to help me by the merits of Jesus Christ.
O Holy Mary, obtain for me this grace, that in
temptation I may always recommend myself to God
and to thee, who canst do all things with God.
For Wednesday.
Ah my Jesus, I see
! how much thou nast done and
suffered to place me under the necessity of loving
thee. And I have been so ungrateful to thee How !

many times have I exchanged thy grace for some

miserable pleasure or caprice, and thus have lost thy
affection, O God of my soul Dear Lord forgive
! !

me. I am sorry, I am grieved with all my heart. I

hope for thy pardon because thou art infinite gocd-

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ness. If it were not for this infinite goodness, I

should have lost hope and should not have dared to
ask for mercy. I thank thee, my love, that thou
hast not castme into hell, as I deserved, and that
thou hast borne with me so long. Ah the very !

patience thou hast had with me is enough to make

me love thee. And who would have endured me all
this time save thou, O
God of infinite mercy? I
see how long thou hast been near me, that I might
love thee. I will no more resist thy love behold :

me I give myself up wholly to thee. I wish to


love thee now as much as I have offended thee. I

love thee, my Sovereign Lord I love thee, infinite !

goodness I love thee, my God, worthy of infinite


love, and I will keep repeating, in time and in

eternity: I love thee. I love thee. I love thee.
Ah my God how many years I have lost, in
! !

which I could have loved thee and have gained thy

love, and I have spent them in offending thee Ah ! !

my Jesus thy blood is my hope I trust that I shall

! !

never more cease to love thee. I do not know how

much more of life remains to me, but such years as
are to come to me, whether few or many, I conse-
crate them all to thee. It was for this end that
thou hast been waiting for me until now. Yes
my beloved Saviour I wish to please thee. I wish

to always love and be loved by thee only. What are

pleasures? What are riches? What are honors?
Thou alone, my God, thou alone art and shalt be
my love, my all.
But can do nothing without the help of thy
grace. Ah wound my heart, inflame it wholly

with thy holy love and bind it to thee ; so bind it

that it can never separate itself from thee. Thou
hast promised to love those who love thee : Ego dili-

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gentes me diligo (Prov. VIII. 17). Now that I love

thee, pardon my boldness, love me in return, and do
not permit me to do anything which will oblige thee
to cease loving me. Qui non diligit manet in morte
(John III. 14). From this death deliver me: the
remaining deprived of the power of loving. Grant
that I may always love thee, so that thou mayest al-
ways love me. Thus will our love be eternal and never
dissolved, between thee and me. Grant this, eternal
Father, by the love of Jesus Christ. Grant this,
my Jesus, by thy merits ; in these I hope that I may
ever love thee and always be loved by thee.
Mary, mother of God and my mother, pray Jesus
for me.
For Thursday.

0 God of infinite majesty behold at thy feet the


traitor who has offended thee. Thou hast forgiven

me so many times, and I, notwithstanding the graces
and which thou hast given me, have continued
to offend thee. Others have sinned in darkness, but
I have done so in the midst of light. But hearken to
thy Son, whom I have sacrificed this morning, and
who now dwells in my breast ; he seeks mercy and
pardon for me. Forgive me, for the love of Jesus
Christ, whilst I repent with all my heart of having
offended thee, Infinite Goodness.
1 know that for the love of Jesus Christ thou takest
pleasure in being reconciled with sinners. Compla-
cuit .... per eum teconciliare omnia in ipsum
(Col. I. 19, 20). For love of Jesus Christ, there-
fore, be once again reconciled with me. JVe proji-
cias me a facie tua. Do not drive me from thy face,
as I deserve, but forgive me and change my heart.
Cor mundum crea in me, Deus. Do this at least, for

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thy own honor since thou hast made me a priest,


thy minister, appointed to sacrifice, to thee thy own

Son, grant me that I may live as a priest should.
Ah consume me with the flames of thy holy love,

and destroy in me all affection for things of earth.

Grant that henceforth I may be grateful to thee for
the many graces thou hast given me, and for all the
love thou hast borne me. If in the past I have de-
spised thy friendship, now I esteem it above all the
kingdoms of this world, and prefer thy pleasure to all
the riches and pleasures of heaven and earth.
O my Father for the love of Jesus Christ detach

me from all things. It is thy wish that thy priests

should be in all things separated from the world, to
live only for thee and for the work of thy glory.
Segregate mihi Saulum et Barnabam in opus ad quod
assumpsi eos (Acts XIII. 2). I know that thou
wiliest the same of me. Draw me wholly to thee.
Give me patience and resignation in hardships and
contradictions. Give me a spirit of true humility, by
which I shall rejoice to see myself held in little es-
teem. Doce me facere voluntatem tuam. Teach me
to do thy will, and then tell me what thou wiliest of
me, that I may do it in all things. Accept, Lord, O
the love of a sinner who has but too often offended
thee in the past, but who now desires to truly love
thee, and to become wholly thine. O eternal God !

I hope to love thee eternally ; therefore I wish to love

thee much during this life, so that I may love thee
much forever in eternity.
Because I love thee, I wish to see thee known and
loved by all. And, therefore, Lord, since thou hast
made me thy priest, grant me the grace to labor for
thee, and bring souls to thee. I hope all through
thy merits, O
Jesus and through thy intercession,

O Mary ! my mother.
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For Friday.

My Jesus ! how is it, that from so many men thou

hast selected me for thy priest ? I, who so often have
turned my back upon thee, and have despised thy
grace for a mere nothing My dear Lord all this
! !

grieves my very soul. Tell me, hast thou forgiven

me? I hope so, since thou hast been my Redeemer,
not for once only, but for as many times as thou hast
pardoned me. Ah my Saviour would that I had
! !

never offended thee. Oh grant that I, too, may hear


what was said to Magdalen Remittuntur tibi peccata


tua. Grant that I may hear that thou hast restored

to me thy grace by giving me a great sorrow for my
In manus tuas commendo spiritum tneum ; redemisti
me Domine Deus veritalis. My Divine Shepherd,
thou hast descended from heaven to find me, the lost
sheep, and daily dost thou descend upon the altar for
my good. Thou hast given thy life to save me ; do
not abandon me. Into thy hands I commend my
soul receive it in pity, and do not permit it again

to be separated from thee.

Thou hast shed all thy blood for me: Te ergo
qu&sumuS) tuis famulis subveni, quos pretioso san-
guine redemisti. Be now my advocate, and not my
judge obtain my pardon from thy Father ; obtain

for me light and strength to love thee with all my

soul. Grant me the grace so to live during the days
which remain to me in this world, that, when I see
thee as my Judge, I may find thee favorable to me.
Ah reign by thy love in my heart ; grant that I

may be all thine, and for this, my Saviour, remind

me ever of the love thou bearest me, of how much
thou hast done for my salvation and to be loved by

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me. Forend thou hast made a priest of me,

that I may
think of and love no other than thee.
Ah my Jesus I wish to please thee. I love thee
! !

and I wish to love no other but thee. Give me hu-

mility and patience in the trials of this life; meek-
ness when undervalued; mortification in worldly
pleasures; detachment from creatures; and grant that
I may root out from my heart every affection which
does not tend to thee. I ask and I hope all this
through the merits of thy passion. Dear Jesus
beloved Jesus O my good Jesus hear me. O bone
! !

Jesu, exaudt me. Hear me also, Mary, my mother

and my hope, and pray Jesus for me.
For Saturday.
Loquere Domine quia audit servus tuus (i Kings
III. 10). My dear Jesus Thou hast come again this

morning to visit my soul. I thank thee for it with

all my heart. Since thou hast come, speak ; tell me
what thou wiliest of me, because I wish but to do it.
I deserve that thou shouldst speak to me no more,
since I have so often been deaf to thy voice, calling
me to love thee, and I ungratefully have turned away.
But I have already repented of my offences against
thee. I am sorry for them again now, and I hope that
thou hast forgiven .me. Tell me, then, what thou
wiliest of me, that I may do it.
Would that I had always loved thee, O my God \

Miserable that I am How many years have I lost?


But thy blood and thy promises make me hope to

compensate in the future for lost time, by attending
wholly to loving and pleasing thee.
I love thee, my Redeemer ! I love thee, my God \

I long for nothing but to love thee with my whole

heart even to die for love of thee, since thou hast

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died for love of me. A

more amoris tui, I will
say to thee, with S. Francis; Mortar qui amore ',

amoris met dignatus es mori.

Thou, my Jesus hast given thyself wholly to me ;

hast given me thy blood, thy life, thy labors, thy

merits, until there remained nothing more for thee to
give me. I give myself wholly to thee; I give thee
all my comforts and pleasures in this world ; my body,
my soul, my will I have no more to give thee. If

I had more, I would give it. Dear Jesus, thou art suf-
ficient for me. /
But, my Lord, grant that I may be faithful to
thee ; do not allow that, changing my mind, I should
forsake thee. I hope through thy passion, O my
Saviour, that this may never happen to me. Thou
hast said, Nullus speravit in Domino et confusus est
(Eccl. I. n). Therefore confidently do I say, In
te Domine speravi non confundar in aternum. I hope,
and will ever hope, O God of my soul, that I may
never have to suffer the confusion of seeing myself
separated from thee and under thy displeasure. In
te Domine speravi non confundar in ceternum.
O God who art omnipotent make me holy ; grant
! !

that I may love thee enough for that

grant that I
may not omit anything which tends to thy glory,
and may overcome all things^in order to please
thee. Happy if I lose all things to find thee and
thy love. For this end thou hast given me life.
Grant that I may spend it all for thee. I do not
deserve grace, but punishment ; still I ask thee to
punish me as thou pleasest, but do not deprive me of
thy love. Thou hast loved me without reserve, I
wish to love thee without reserve, infinite good in- !

finite love O will of God, be my love

! my ! O
Jesus thou hast died for me ; would that I could die

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for thee and by my death bring all to love thee. Oh,

infinite Lord, infinitely amiable, I esteem and love
thee above all good.
Mary draw me wholly to God. Give me confi-

dence in thee. Make me a saint by thy intercession.

For this do I hope. Amen.


O Maria, Virgo et Mater O Mary, Virgin and
sanctissima, ecce suscepi most holy Mother, behold,
dilectissimum Fi1iu m
I have received thy most
tuum, quern immaculato loving Son, whom thou
utero tuo concepisti, didst conceive in thy im-
genuisti, lactasti, atque maculate womb, and didst
suavissimis amplexibus bring forth, and suckle,
strinxisti. Ecce, cujus and press to thy heart in
aspectu laetabaris, et omni- sweetest embrace. Be-
bus deliciis replebaris, hold I humbly and lov- !

ilium ipsum tibi humiliter ingly present to thee him

et amanter repraesento, et whose countenance filled
offero tuis brachiis con- thee with joy, and who re-
stringendum, tuo corde plenished thee with every
amandum, sanctissimasque delight, and I return him
Trinitati in supremum to thee tobe embraced by
latriae cultum, pro tui thy arms, to be loved by
ipsius honore et gloria et thy heart, and offered in
pro meis, totiusque mundi supreme worship to the
necessitatibus offerendum. most blessed Trinity for
Rogo ergo te, piissima thine own honor and
Mater, impetra mihi glory, and for my needs
veniam omnium peccato- and those of the entire
rum meorum, uberemque world. I ask thee, there-
gratiam deinceps fore,
ipsi O most loving
fidelius serviendi, ac de- mother, to obtain for me
nique gratiam flnalem, ut the forgiveness of all my

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eum tecum laudare possim sins, abundant grace to

per omnia saecula Saeculo- serve thee faithfully in
rum. Amen. future, and, lastly, final
perseverance, that so I may
be able to praise him with
thee for ever and ever.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Dec. 20, 1884, granted to all priests:

An indulgence of one year, if, in preparation for mass,

afterhaving recited the psalms, 83, 84, 85, 115, 129, with the
antiphon, versicles and prayers attached, they say, on the ap-
pointed days, one of the seven prayers of S. Ambrose. Also
An indulgence of one year, if, in thanksgiving, after mass,
afterhaving recited the " Canticle of the Three Children " and
the psalm 150, with the antiphon, versicles and prayers attached,
they say the prayer of S. Thomas of Aquinas to the eternal
Father, and that of S. Bonaventure to our Lord Jesus Christ.
An indulgence of one hundred days, for each one of the
other prayers and for the rhythm given above, whether in prep-
aration for mass, or in thanksgiving after it.

A plenary indulgence, once a month, on a day of their

own choice, if, during the entire month, they have recited each
and all the above-named psalms, canticles, antiphon, versicles,
prayers and rhythm.


His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a decree of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Jan. 16, 1886, granted :

A plenary indulgence to new on the day of the

celebration of their first mass, if, having been to
truly penitent,
confession, they visit some church or public oratory, and there
pray, for some time, according to the intention of the Sovereign

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Jesu dilectissime, qui ex O most loving Jesus,
singulari benevolentia me who in thy singular good-
prae millenis hominibus ad ness didst call me, in pref-
tui sequelam et ad eximiam erence to so many others,
sacerdotii dignitatem to thy service, and to the
vocasti, largire mihi, pre- exalted dignity of the
cor, opem tuam divinam priesthood grant me, I

ad officia mea rite obeunda. beseech thee, thy divine

Oro te, Domine Jesu, ut assistance to. rightly fulfil
resuscites hodie et semper all my obligations. I
in me gratiam tuam, quae implore thee,0 Lord Jesus,
fuit in me per imposi- to revive within me, to-day
tionem manuum episcopa- and forever, the grace
1 i u m. O potentissime which I received through
animarum medice, sana the imposition of the
me taiiter, ne revolvar in bishop's hands. O most
vitia; et cuncta peccata powerful physician of
fugiam, tibique usque ad souls, so strengthen me
mortem placere possim. that I may not fall into
Amen. vice ; and that, shunning
all sin, I may be pleasing
in thy, sight even unto
death. Amen.

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His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr

of Indulgences, Aug. 14, 1884, granted to all priests and other
clergymen in Holy Orders, who, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, shall recite this prayer:
An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.

Bone Jesu, rogo te per O good
Jesus, I beseech
dilectionem, qua diligis thee, by the love which
Matrem tuam, ut sicut thou hast for thy Mother,
vere earn diligis et diligi grant that I also may truly
vis, ita mihi des, ut vere love her, just as thou
earn diligam. lovest her, and desirest to
see her loved.

His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.

of Indulgences, Aug. 16, 1884, granted to all priests and other
clergymen in Holy Orders, who, with at least contrite heart and
devotion, shall recite this ejaculation :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.



Domine Jesu Christe, O Lord Jesus Christ,
spouse animae meae, de- the Spouse of my soul,
liciae cordis mei, imo the delight of my heart,
cormeum et anima mea, nay, my very heart and
ante conspectum tuum soul, I prostrate myself
genibus me provolvo, ac in thy presence, and with
maximo animi ardore te all the fervor of my heart
oro atque obtestor, ut I pray and beseech thee
mihi des servare fidem a that thou mayst grant
me Tibi solemipter da- me to keep the faith
tam in receptione Sub- solemnly pledged to thee

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diaconatus. I d e o , O at the reception of sub-

diilcissime Jesu, abnegem deaconship. I May
omnem empietatem, sim therefore, O sweetest
semper alienus a carnal- Jesus, renounce all

ibus desideriis et terrenis wickedness, keep far from

concupiscentiis, quae me all carnal and earthly
militant adversus ani- desires which conflict
mam, et castitatem te against the soul, and
adjuvante intemerate with thy help preserve
servem. an inviolate chastity.
O sanctissima et im- O most holy and im-
maculata Maria Virgo maculate Mary, Virgin
virginum, et Mater nos- of virgins and our loving
tra amantissima, munda Mother, purify ever more
in dies cor meum et and more my heart and
animam meam, impetra soul, and obtain for me
mihi timorem Domini et the fear of the Lord and a
singularem mei diffiden- just diffidence of myself.
tiam. Saint Joseph, the guar-
Sancte Joseph, custos dian of the virginity of
virginitatis Mariae, cus- Mary, protect my soul
todi ami nam meam ab against all sin.
omni peccato. All ye holy virgins,
Omnes Sanctae Vir- who follow the Lamb
gines divinum Agnum whithersoever he goes,
quocunque sequentes, es- be ever solicitous for me
tate mei peccatoris sem- a sinner, that I may not
per sollicitae, ne cogita- fail by thought, word or
tione, verbo aut opere deed, and never be sepa-
delinquam et a castissimo rated from the most
Corde Jesu unquam dis- chaste heart of Jesus.
cedam. Amen. Amen.
His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of
Indulgences, March 16, 1889, has granted to priests and others
in holy orders who shall recite the above prayer
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
Sub patrocinio Dearest Mother, invok-
Mater dulcissima, eting the mystery of thy
vocato Immaculatae Con- Immaculate Conception,
ceptionis tuae mysterio, I desire to place under
studia mea laboresque thy patronage my studies
litterarios prosequi volo and all my literary labors.

quibus me protestor hunc I declare that I undertake

maxime ob finem in- them solely that I may
cumbere, ut melius divi- better propagate the divine
no honori tuoque cultui honor and devotion to
propagando inserviam. thee.
Oro te, igitur, Mater a- Therefore, most loving
mantissima, Sedes Sapien- Mother, Seat of Wisdom,
tiae, ut laboribus meis look favorably, I beseech
benigne faveas. Ego thee, upon my works;
vero, quod justum est, pie and, as is but just, I
libenterque promitto, promise willingly and
quidquid boni mihi inde dutifully to refer to thy
successerit, id me tuae intercession with God
apud Deum intercessioni whatever good I may
totum acceptum relatu- derive therefrom. Amen.
rum. Amen.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, Nov. 18, 1882, granted to all young students
who, with at least contrite heart and devotion, make this
act of consecration :

An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.


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O glorious Queen of heaven and earth, most pure
Virgin, lookdown from thy throne with eyes of
mercy upon my youthful age.
How many deceitful maxims are insidiously spread
to destroy our holy faith —
that faith which was in-
fused into my soul in holy baptism to enlighten my
intellect and sanctify by justice my will ! How
many bad examples, how many snares, how many
spectacles in their most seducing forms threaten to
choke the precious germs of virtue in my tender
O thou who hast been chosen by the God of
Mercy to bring into the world the Saviour of man-
kind, who had fallen a victim to the insidious prom-
ises of the astute Lucifer, protect me from the mali-
cious artifices which he still devises every moment
against the regenerated race of Adam.
No Thou who hast adopted me for thy child on

Mount Golgotha will not permit me to give way to

sinful passions, or to fall into the snares of
the wily
enemies of eternal salvation, who, as true satel-
lites of Satan, glorying in their past victories, have
grown bolder and aim at renewed and still more dis-

astrous enterprises. . , i,

No, O sweet, O powerful Mother, Mary, it shall

no more be true that I renew by my sins the passion

of thy divine Son, my beloved Saviour, and

that I

transfix with a more piercing sword thy most

May every deed of mine, O my Mother, thanks to
thy patronage, have ever more and more for its

end the glory of God and the salvation of my soul.

Three times Hail Mary.

His Holiness, Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr. of

Indulgences, May 9, 1895, has granted to the young students

of either sex who shall say the above prayer

An indulgence of three hundred days, once a day.




Sweet Saviour Jesus, who, during thy mortal life,

showed so much love for children, we, children as

they, and blessed by thee, beseech thee to open the
gates of heaven to our brothers, who are now sighing
in the place of suffering and penance, and afterwards
grant that they may in turn help us, our parents, and
our common Father, the Sovereign Pontiff.
Holy Virgin, our good Mother, pray for us, and
for the children who are suffering.
Hail Mary.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII., by a rescript of the S. Congr.
of Indulgences, May 15, 1886, granted to children who, with
contrite hearts, devoutly recite the above prayer, with a Bail
Mary ;
An indulgence of one hundred days, once a day.
A plenary indulgence, on All Saints Day, if they recite it

habitually, or at least for half the year, if, on that day, having
been to confession and communion, they visit some church or

public oratory, and there say some prayers for the intention of
his Holiness.
For such children as have not yet made their first communion,
his Holiness has left it to the discretion of their respective Or-
dinaries to authorize confessors to commute the prescribed work.

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Decree approving of this new edition of the Raccolta 3
Decree of the S. Congr. of Indulgences approving of this
English translation of the Raccolta, 1887 5
Decree of the year 1887 7
Decree of the year 1877 10
On Holy Indulgences and the conditions requisite for
gaining them 14

Prayers and Good Works, with Indulgences

attached to them, contained in this
1. The
angelic trisagion 30
2. Devout exercise to honor the mystery of the most holy
Trinity 31
3. Mass and prayers of thanksgiving to the most holy
Trinity for the privileges bestowed on the Blessed
Virgin Mary 32
Prayers to be said by Priest and ]>eople after the Mass
above mentioned 33
4. Devout practice of thanksgiving to the most holy Trin-
ity for the gifts bestowed on the Blessed Virgin Mary. 35
5. Prayers and thanksgiving to the most holy Trinity for
the privileges granted to Mary most holy, in her
Assumption into heaven 36
6. Three offerings of thanksgiving 39
7. Triduum or novena 40
8. The Sign of the Cross 41
9. Prayers to the most holy Trinity to be said at the end
and at the beginning of the year 41
10. Prayer to the most holy Trinity 42

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614 INDEX.

1. Acts of the theological virtures of Faith, Hope and
Charity 43
2. Ejaculation 45
3. Chaplet of acts of divine love 45
4. Prayers (Pietate tua, quoesumus Domine. etc.) 49
5. Praver of S. Francis Xavier for the conversion of
the infidels 51
6. Prayers to implore peace 52
7. Prayer to be said at the beginning of the day 53
8. An offering 55
9. An offering to be said every morning 55
10. An act of faith 56
11. Prayer of S. Bonaventure 58
12. Prayer (Omnipotent Lord, etc.) 59
13. Prayer taken from the book of "The Spiritual Exer-
cises " of S. Ignatius of Loyola 60
14. Prayer (Thou seest, O Zoid, etc.) 60
15. Prayer (O Lord who in the mystery, etc.) 61
16. Prayer to God for the Sovereign Pontiff. 62
17. Ejaculation (My God and my all, etc.) 63
18. Invocation (My God grant that I may love, etc.) 63


1. The hymn, Veni Creator 64
The sequence, Veni Sancte Spiritus 66
2. Novena to the Holy Ghost 63
3. The Practice of the seven Gloria Patri's 69
4. Novena of preparation for the solemnity of Pentecost.... 69
5. Prayer (O Holy Spirit, Creator, etc.) 70
6. Prayer (Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, etc.) 70

1. Chaplet of our lord 71

2. Invocation of tne most holy name

of Jesus 77
3. Hymns and Psalms in honor of the most holy name of
Jesus 78
4. Ejaculation (My Jesus, mercy) 88
5. Ejaculation (My sweetest Jesus, etc.) 88
6. Ejaculation (Jesus, my God, etc.) 89
7. Prayer (Divine Jesus, etc.) 89
8. Prayer (O Jesus, living in Mary, etc.) 90
9. Prayer (O most compassionate Jesus, etc.) 91
10. Prayer to the holy name of Jesus 92
^ 11. Prayer which S. Thomas Aquinas was accustomed to
recite every day before the image of Jesus 94

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INDEX. 615

12. Prayer which S. Thomas Aquinas composed and fre-

quently recited before dictating, writing or preaching. 94 *~*

13. Petition of S. Augustine 95

14. Prayer for the conversion of Scandinavia 97
15. The litany of the holy name of Jesus 98
16. A
prayer for the fulfilling of the will of God 103
17. Ejaculation (Jesus, Son of David, etc.) 104
18. Prayer (0 my
Redeemer, etc.) 104
19. Prayer ( 0 my
Jesus, etc. ) 106
20. Prayer (Grant us, OLord, etc.) 106
21. Ejaculation (Saviour of the world, etc.) 106
22. Ejaculation (Sweetest Jesus , etc.) 107


1. Christmas Day 108
2. No vena
preparatory to Christmas Day 108
3. Mysteries of the holy childhood 109
4. Novena for the twenty-fifth day of every month 114
5. Prayer (/ adore thee, Incarnate Word, etc.) 116
6. Prayer (O our most lovable Lord, etc.) 117


1. Feast of the octave of Corpus Christi 118
2. Act of homage to the blessed sacrament at the signal of
the elevation 119
3. Frequent communion 119
4. Visit to the blessed sacrament during the Forty Hours'
Devotion 120
5. Accompanying the blessed viaticum to the sick 121
6. Visit to the blessed sacrament when exposed from Sep-
tuagesima Sunday to Ash Wednesday 1 22
7. Ejaculation (O sacrament most holy, etc.) 123
8. Prayers to be said before the most holy sacrament 124
9. Acts of adoration and reparation to Jesus in the blessed
sacrament 126
10. Honorable reparation and ejaculations 129
11. Devout exercises for Holy Thursday, for the feast of Cor-
pus Christi, and for all the Thursdays of the year 130
12. Visit to Jesus in the blessed sacrament during the solemn
exposition on Holy Thursday and Good Friday 131
13. Prayer (See where thy boundless love has reached, etc.). 131
14. Hymn (Pange lingua, etc.) 132
15. Invocation (Soul of Christ, sanctify m*>, etc.) 135
16. Prayer of S. Liguori for the visit to the blessed sacra-
ment 136

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616 INDEX.

17. Prayer {Dear Jesus, etc.) . . 138

18. Visit to the blessed sacrament 138
19. Prayer to be said on visiting the blessed sacrament 139
20. Accompanying the blessed sacrament 140
21. Prayer at the elevation during Mass 140
22. An act for spiritual communion composed by S. Al-
phonsus de Liguori 141
23. An act of homage to Jesus Christ, our God and our
King 142
24. Rhythm of S. Thomas Aquinas _ 145
25. A prayer to be said after Communion 146

1. Way of the cross 147
2. Visit to the " Scala Santa " (the Sacred Stairs) 155
3. Devout exercise for Friday 156
4. Pious exercise in honor of the five wounds 157
5. Devout exercise in memory of the agony of our Lord
Jesus Christ (Words of Jesus on the Cross) 162
6. Devout commemoration of the three hours' agony of
our Saviour, Jesus Christ 168
7. Another devout exercise for Fridays 160
8. Prayer (O my Lord Jesus Christ, etc.).... 170
9. Chaplet of the five wounds 172
10. Praver to Jesus crucified 173
11. Prayer of S. Pius V 174
12. Invocation of S. Thomas Aquinas to the Cross 176
13. Ejaculation ( We
adore thee, most blessed Lord Jesus
Christ) 176
14. Prayers composed by S. Clara of Assisium in honor of
the five wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ 176
15. Hymn {Behold the royal ensigns fly\ etc.) 180
16. Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ bound to the column
and scourged . 182
17. Ejaculatory Invocation (Behold the Cross, etc.) 183


1. The chaplet of the precious blood 181
2. Prayer (Most precious blood of life eternal) 189
3. Devout aspirations 196
4. Ejaculation (Eternal Father, etc.) 191
5. Offerings and ejaculation 192
6. An offering {Eternal Either! we offer to thee the most
precious blood) 194

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7. Month consecrated to the precious blood of Jesus

Christ 195
8. Feast of the most precious blood 196


1. Visit to a picture of the S. Heart 197
2. An offering {My loving Jesus! I give thee my heart).... 197
3. Devout acts and prayer 198
4. Novena in honor of the S. Heart of Jesus 20.2
5. The little chaplet 203
6. Prayer for the faithful in their agony 206
7. Ejaculation {May the S. Hearty etc.) 206
8. Ejaculation {Jesus, meek, etc.) 207
9. Ejaculation {May the Heart, etc.) 207
10. Month of June 207
11. Ejaculation {O sweetest Heart of Jesus, etc.) 208
12 Acts of homage to the eucharistic Heart of Jesus 208
13. Daily offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 212
14. Ejaculation (Sweet Heart of Jesus be my love) 212
15. Ejaculation {Heart of Jesus burning with love of me,
etc.) 213
16. An
Act of Consecration, composed by Bl. Margaret
Mary Alacoque 213
17. Feast of the Sacred Heart 214
18. Pious exercise of the Fridays in honor of the Sacred-
Heart of Jesus , 214


1. The chaplet of S. Bridget 21
2. Rosaries blessed by the Crosier Canons 217
3. The office of the Blessed Virgin * 218
4. Angelus Domini —Regini Colli 218
5. Chaplet of the seven dolors 222
6. The rosary of S. Dominic 227
7. One hour's prayer in the year 231
8. Invocation of the name of Mary 231
9. —
Salve Regina sub tuum presidium 231
10. Ejaculation {In thy conception, etc.) 233
" 11. Prayer {To the sacred heart of Mary 234
12. Prayers of S. Liguori for every day in the week 235
13. Five novenas in honor of most holy Mary -. 242
14. Exercise in honor of the sorrowful heart of Mary 269
15. Prayer on Good Friday and on other Fridays 271
16. Month of May 272
17. The psalms of the holy name of the Virgin Mary.. 273
18. An exercise of devotion in honor of the holy delivery
of the Blessed Virgin 280

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618 INDEX.

19. Pious exercise in honor of our Lady of Dolors 285

20. Pious practice in honor of our Lady of Dolors 285
21. Litany of the Blessed Virgin (Litany of Loretto) 28ft
22. Prayer of S. Alphonsus M. de Liguori 289
23. Three offerings in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary 291
24. Pious practice 292
25. Prayer (0 most excellent, etc.) 293
26. Prayer ( Virgin, Mother of God, etc.) 295
27. Visits of the way of the sorrowful Mother 29ft
28. Chaplet of twelve stars 297
29. Prayer (Memorare) 3M
30. Prayer (Hail, august Queen, etc.) 301
31. Eleven novenas in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.... 301
32. Prayer (My Queen! my Mother I etc.) 303
33. Ejaculation 303
34. Ejaculation (Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation) 304
35. Prayer ( O beata virgo Maria ! etc) 304
36. Prayer of S. Alphonsus Liguori 30ft
37. Ejaculation (To thee, O Virgin Mother, etc.) 307
38. Little chaplet in honor of the immaculate heart of Mary. 307
39. Little chaplet in honor of the immaculate conception of 1

the Virgin Mary -.

40. Prayer to obtain a good death > 310
41. Psalms and prayers of S. Bonaventure in honor of the
Blessed Virgin 311
42. The month of September 312
43. Prayer to the Virgin Mary, our Lady of Pity 312
44. Little chaplet in honor of the twelve privileges of the
Blessed Virgin Mary 314
45. Ejaculation (O Mary, who didst come, etc.) 317 i

46. The seven Sundays in honor of the immaculate concep-

tion 318
47. Prayers in honor of our Lady of Perpetual Help 318
48. Prayer for the conversion of heretics and schismatics.... 320
49. Prayer for the conversion of the Greek schismatics 321
50. The little office of the immaculate conception 322
51* Anthem, versicle and prayer in honor of the immaculate
Mary 333
52. Hymn (Stabat Mater Dolorosa, etc.) 334 *

53. Ejaculation (Blessed be the holy and immaculate con-

ception, etc.) 338
54. Prayer to Mary, our Lady of Good Counsel 338
55. Ejaculation (Mary, Mother of God, etc.) 339

56. Invocation (O Mary I conceived, etc.) 339

57. Acts of reparation to the most holy Virgin 339
58. Prayer ( Virgo potens, etc.) 341
59. Prayer to the holy Virgin of Mount Carmel 341

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60. Prayer toMary most holy, under the title of Mother of

Divine Providence 342
61. Hymn (Ave Maris Stella, etc.) 343
62. The Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Magnificat,
etc.) 345
63. Prayer of S. Aloysius Gonzaga to the Blessed Virgin 346
64. Ejaculation of S. Philip Neri ( Virgin Mother of God,
etc.) 347
65. Prayer for England 347
66. Prayer for the return of the separated churches to unity of
faith 348
67. Invocation ( Virgo ante partum, etc.) 349
68. Prayer (Most Holy Virgin, etc.) 349
69. Invocation (Holy Virgin Mary Immaculate) 350
7.0. The October Rosary 351
71. Prayer (Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, etc.) 351
72. The fifteen. Saturdays in honor of our Lady of the
Rosary 352
73. Visit to an image of our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei.. 353 -»
74. Prayer and invocation to the B. V. M. under the title of
our Lady of the Cenacle 353
75. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin " Help of Christians " 354
76. Another prayer to the Blessed Virgin under the same
title 354
77. Prayer Lady of Africa for the conversion
to our of the
Mussulmans and other infidels of Africa 356


1.Hymn (0 Jesus, life-sprina of the soul, etc.) 357
2. No vena in honor of S. Michael the Archangel 359
3.Angelical crown, or pious exercises, in honor of S.
Michael and the angelic choirs 360
4. Prayer to S. Michael the Archangel 364
5. Antiphon 366


1. Novena in honor S. Gabriel the Archangel 367


1. Novena in honor of S. Raphael the Archangel 368
2. Prayer to S. Raphael the Archangel 368


1. Prayer (Angele Dei, etc.) 369
2. Novena in honor of the guardian angel 370

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620 INDEX.

1. ReBponsorium (Quicumque, etc) 371
2. Psalms in honor of the name of S. Joseph 372
3. Devout exercise in honor of the seven sorrows and
seven joys of 8. Joseph 384
4. Novena in honor of S. Joseph..... 389
5. The month of March 389
6. Prayer (Remember, 0 most pure spouse, etc.) 390
7. Ejaculation (8. Joseph, friend of the S, Heart, etc.) 390
8. Prayer (Guardian of virgins, etc.) 391
9. Prayer to S. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church 391
10. Invocation 392
11. Prayers in honor of S. Joseph for the agonizing 392
12. Prayer to S. Joseph, spouse of the blessed Virgin Mary,
and patron of the Church 393*
13. Prayer of S. Bernard of Siena 394
14. Prayer {To thee, O Blessed Joseph, etc.) 395
15. Invocation 395

1. Prayer (O great and glorious patriarch, etc.) 395
2. Prayer ( O great patriarch, etc.) 397

1. Prayer ( With a heart full of sincere and filial venera-
tion,^.) 399


1. Prayer (O blessed apostles, etc.) 400
2. Responsory in honor of S. Peter 401
3. Responsory in honor of S. Paul the apostle 405
4. Homage to S. Peter's statue 408


1. Prayer (O glorious apostle, etc.) 409

1. Prayer (Glorious Nicholas, etc.) 410


1. Prayer ( O intreped defender, etc.) 412

1. Hymn (Belli tumultus, etc.) 413

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INDEX. 621

1. Prayers in honor of S. Dominic 417

1. Pious practice of the five Sundays in honor of the J
sacred stigmata '41
2. Hymn ( 0 divi amoris vlctlma, etc.) 419

1. Prayer (My glorious and most loving protector, etc.) 421

1. Devout exercises of the thirteen Fridays 422

1. Prayer (To thee we have recourse, etc.) 423

1. Pious exercise of the ten Sundays 424
2. Prayer (0 glorious Patriarch, tf. Ignatius, etc.) 424

1. Prayer (Most glorious 8. Peter, etc.) 426

1. Prayer (0 God of infinite goodness, etc.) 427
2. Invocation 427

1. Prayers for every day in the week 428
2. Prayer (O glorious S. Philip, etc.) 434

1. Novena in honor of S. Vincent de Paul 435
2. Prayer (O glorious S. Vincent, etc.) 435


1. Prayer (0 glorious S. Paul, etc.) 437
2. Novena in honor of St. Paul of the Cross 438
1. Responsory (Si quceris miracula, etc.) 439
2. Thirteen Paters, Aves and Glorias 441
3. Prayer for the offering of bread for the poor 441
622 INDEX.

4. Prayer for thanksgiving 441

5. Pious practice of the thirteen Tuesdays or of the thir-
teen Sundays 442

1 . Praver to S. Thomas, patron of Catholic schools 443
2. Little office of S. Thomas 444
3. Pious practice of the six Sundays 456
4. Invocation 456


1. Prayer (0 glorious S. John, etc.) 457

1. Prayer (O most glorious saint, etc.) 458

1. Feast, ten Sundays, no vena, and retreat 460
2. Prayer to S. Stanislas (My most pure Patron, etc.) 461

1. On
the day of his feast 463
2. Devout exercises of the six Sundays 463
3. Prayer (O blessed Aloysius, etc.) 464
4. Act of Consecration to S. Aloysius 465

1. Pious practice of the five Sundays 466

1. Prayer ( Most glorious Martyr, etc.) 467

1. Prayer (0 seraph inflamed, etc.) 468


1. Prayer (0 admirable example, etc.) 469


1. Prayer {Most glorious Patriarchs, etc.) 471
2. Prayers (O most glorious Patriarclvs, etc.) 472

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INDEX. 623

1. Pious exercise of the seven/tSundays 476
2. Prayer (0 glorious S. Camillusj etc.) 476

1* Prayer (0 glorious St. John, e^tc.) 477

1. Prayer (OS. Joseph CcUasantius, protector, etc.) 478

1. Prayer (0 glorious apostle and thaumaturge, etc.) 479


1. Prayer (0 glorious S. Antony, who at a word, etc.) 480

1. Prayer (We admire, 0 glorious Virgin, etc.) 481

1. Prayer in honor of S. Agnes 485
2. Pray ers (O rare example of virtue, etc.) 486

1. Prayer in honor of S. Barbara to obtain a good death.... 488

1. Prayer (OS. Elizabeth, chosen vessel, etc.) 489

1, Prayer of S. Alphonsus de Liguori 491

1. Prayer (Omost glorious Margaret, truly a gem, etc.).... 492

1. Prayer (0 faithful spouse of Jesus Christ, etc.) 493

1. Prayer (0 beloved disciple and true follower, etc.). ....... 494

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624 INDEX.


1. From the Holy Land 495


1. With plenary indulgence for the hour of death 498


1. Officeof the dead 500
2. Heroic act of charity 500
3. Psalm and prayers for the dead 502
4. Prayers for the departed on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of Holy Week 504
5. Devout exercise in aid of the faithful departed 504
6. Prayers for every day in the week in aid of the souls
in purgatory 505
7. Novena or seven days' devotion in suffrage for the souls
in purgatory 507
8. Catholic league of perpetual suffrage for the holy souls
in purgatory 508
9. Month of November 508
10. An
offering to the five wounds of our Lord for the souls
in purgatory 509
11. Prayers {My Jesus, by that copious sweat, etc.) 512


1. Visit to the churches of the Stations 515
2. Visit to the seven churches and seven privileged altars.. 523
3. The indulgence commonly called " II Perdono " (" The
Pardon") or of the Portiuncula
f 525
4. Christian doctrine— for the study or teaching of it 527
5. —
Mental prayer the practice of it 528
6. For assistance at the explanation of the Gospel 529
7. Acts of reparation for blasphemy 529
8. Ejaculatory prayers to obtain a good death 530
9. Devout exercise for the faithful in their agony 530
10. Act of charity to three poor persons 530
11. Devout exercise to ask for deliverance from an unpro-
vided death 531
12. Prayer in veneration of the most holy Trinity, and in
honor of all the angels and saints 534*
13. Spiritual canticles—>to encourage singing 537
14. Prayer and ejaculations 537
15. Prayers for a good death W9

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INDEX. 625

16. Invocations and petitions... 542

17. Prayers in times of calamity 543
18. Prayers for the conversion of Japan 544
19. Prayer for times of affliction and trouble 545
20. Offerings and prayers 547
21. Other prayers for times of affliction and trouble 549
22. Prayers to obtain purity 551
23. Praises to the names of Jesus and Mary 553
24. Gradual and penitential psalms 553
25. Prayer to implore the conversion of Africa 554 ^<
26. Night prayer by S. Alphonsus de Liguori 555 (

27. Prayer for the conversion of the Israelites , 556

28. Praises to Jesus Christ and to Mary most holy 557
29. Pious exercise of the Christian acts 558
30. For assistance at a first mass 559
31. Prayer to the Holy Family for the fulfilment of our
Christian duties 559
32. Prayer for a Christian family 560
33. For the Sovereign Pontiff 562
34. Prayer of S. Thomas Aquinas for a holy life 563
35. For reading the Holy Gospel 565
36. Prayer against plagues and public calamities 566
37. Prayer for the conversion of the Free-Masons 566 —
38. Prayer for benefactors 567
39. Visit to the sick in hospitals.... 567
40. Pious practices for the propagation of the faith 567
41. Prayer after the divine office, or the little office of the
Blessed Virgin Mary 567
42. Prayer for the increase and propagation of piety and
of the Catholic faith 568

Appendix of Indulgences, Prayers and Pious

Exercises for Certain Classes of Persons 1
1. Prayers to be said by priests 570
2. Prayer after mass 570
3. Prayer before hearing confessions 571
^ 4. Prayer in honor of S. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, to be said before mass 572
5. Prayers before and after the priest's own sacramental
confession 573
6. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary before mass 574

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426 INDEX.

7. Preparation and thanksgiving for mass 574

8. The first mass 605


1. Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ 606
2. Ejaculation (O good Jesus, I
beseech thee, etc.) 607
3. PTayer for the grace of preserving chastity 607


1. A consecration of studies to the Immaculate Virgin
Mary 610
2. Prayer to the Blessed Virgin 611

!• Prayer for the souls of children who are in purgatory... 612

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While the Priest sprinkles Holy "Water before Solemn Mass on Sun-
days, the following Anthems are sung.

Ant. Asperges me, Domi- Ant. Thou shalt sprinkle

ne, hyssopo, et mundabor: me with hyssop, O Lord, and
lavabis me, et super nivem I shall be cleansed; thcu
dealbabor. shall wash me, and I shall be
made whiter than snow.
Ps. Miserere mei Deus, se- Ps. Have mercy on me, O
cundum magnam misericor- God, according to thy great
diam tuam. mercy.
V. Gloria, &c. V. Glory, &c.
Ant. Asperges, &c. Ant. Thou shalt, &c.

The Priest returning to the foot of the Altar, says

Ostende nobis, Domine, Show us, O Lord, thy mer-

misericordiam tuam. cy.
R. Et salutare tuum da R. And grant us thy sal-
nobis. vation.
V. Domine, exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
tionem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te R. And let my cry come
vcniat. unto thee.
V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.
It. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.

Oremus. Let us Pray.

Exaudi nos, Domine sanc- Graciously hear us, O holy
te, Pater omnipotens, apter- Lord, Father Almighty, Eter-
ne Deus et mittere digneris
: nal God: and vouchsafe to
sanctum angelum tuum de send thy holy angel from
coelis, qui custodiat, foveat, heaven, who may keep, cher-
protegat, visitet atque de- ish, protect, visit and defend
iendat omnes habitantes in all who dwell in this habita-
hoc habita culo. Per Chris- tion. Through Christ oui
tum Dominum nostrum. Lord.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
From EASTER to WHIT SUNDAY, inclusively, instead of the fore
going Ant., Asperjres, Ac, the following is sung, and Alleluias ax
added to the Vorsicles and Respousaries, &c.

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Ant. Vidi aquam egredi- Ant. I saw water coining

eiuem de templo. a latero forth from the temple, on
do^tro, Alleluia: et omnes the right side. Alleluia: and
ad quos pervenit aqua ista, all those to whom this water
saltd facti sunt, et dicent, came, were saved, and shall
Alleluia. say Alleluia.
PS. Confltemini Doinino, Give praise to the
quoniain bonus quoniani in
: is good for his
Lord, for he :

jaeculum misericordia ejus. mercy endureth for ever.

V. Gloria, &c. V. Glory, &c.
Ajjt. Vidi aquam, &c. Ant. I saw water, &c.


£he Priest, standing at the foot of the Altar, bows down, signs him-
self with the sign of the cross, and says
In Komine Patris >i« et Filii, In the name of the Father
et Spj?itus Sancti. Amen. HK and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost. Amen.
Then joining his hands, he begins the Antiphon.
Ant. Introibo ad altare Ant. I will go unto the al-
Dei. tar of God.
R. Ad Deum, qui lsetiflcat R. To God who giveth joy
juveiuutem meam. to my youth.
In Masses for the Dead, and from Passion Sunday to Holy Saturday,
the following Psalm is omitted.
Judica, me
Deus, et dis- Judge me, O Gk)d, and dis-
cerne oausam meam de gente tinguish my cause from the
non sancta: ab homine in- nation that is not holy from :

iquo 3t doloso erue me. the unjust and deceitful man

deliver me.
M. Quia tu es Deus, forti- R. Since thou, O God, art
tude mea, quare me repulis- my strength, why hast thou
ti? et quare tristis incedo, cast me off? Why do I go sor-
dum affligit me inimicus? rowful, while the enemy af-
flicteth me?
S. Emitte lucem tuam, et P. Send forth thy light and

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ipsa me de- thy truth: they have con-

veritatem tuam :

duxerunt adduxerunt in ducted me and brought me to

montem sanctum tuum, et thy holy mount, and into thy
in tabernacula tua. tabernacles.
M. Et introibo ad altare R. And I will go unto the
Dei ad Deum qui loetiflcat altar of God; to God who
jurentutem meam. giveth joy to my youth.
S. Confltebor tibi in citha- P. I will praise thee on the
ra Deus, Deus meus: quare harp, O God, my God: why
tristis es anima mea, et quare art thou sad, O my soul, and
conturbas me? why dost thou disquiet me?
M. Spera in Deo, quoniam R. Hope in God, for I will
adhuc confltebor illi, salutare still give praise to him, the
vultus mei, et Deus meus. salvation of my countenance
and my God.
S. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et P. Glory be to the Father,
Spiritui Sancto. and to the Son, and to the
Hbly Ghost.
M. Sicut erat in principio, R. As it was in the begin-
et nunc, et semper, et in sse- ning's now, and ever shall be,
cula saeculorum. Amen. world without end. Amen.
V. Introibo ad altare Dei. V. I will go unto the altar
of God.
R. Ad Deum qui leetiflcat R. To God who giveth joy
juventutem meam. to my youth.
V. Adjutorium nostrum in V. Our help is in the name
nomine Domini. of the Lord.
R. Qui fecit coelum et ter- R. Who made heaven and
-am. earth.
Then joining his hands, and bowing down, lie says the GnmfiUtrr, after
which it is said by the people.
Conflteor, &c. I confess, Ac.
M. Misereatur tui omnipo- R. May Almighty God be
tensDeus et di missis pecca- merciful to thee, and, forgiv-
tis tuis, perducat te ad vitam ing thy sins, bring thee to
reteruam. everlasting life.
S. Amen. P. Amen.
M. Conflteor Deo omnipo- R. I confess to Almighty
tenti, beatag Mariae semper God, to blessed Mary ever
Virgini, beato Michaeli Arch- Virgin, to blessed Michael
angelo beato Joanni Baptis- the Archangel, to blessed
ts, Sanctis Apostolis Petro et John Baptist, to the holy
Paulo, omnibus Sanctis, et ti- Apostles Peter and Paul, tc

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M, Pater, qaia peccavi nimis all the saints, and to you, fa-
cogitation*, verbo, et opere, ther, that I have sinned ex-
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea ceedingly, in thought, word,
maxima culpa. Ideo precor and deed, through my fault,
beatam Mariam semper Vir- through my fault, through
ginem, beatum Michaelum my most grievous fault.
Archangelum, beatum Joan- Therefore, I beseech the
nem Baptistam, sanctos A pos- blessed Mary, ever Virgin,
tolos Petrum et Paulum, om- blessed Michael the Archan-
nes sanctos, et te Pater, orare gel, blessed John Baptist, the
pro me ad Dominum Deum holy Apostles Peter and Paul,
nostrum. and all the saints, and you
father, to pray to the Lord
our God for me.
The Priest then gives the absolution, Baying:

Misereatur vestri omnipo- May Almighty God be

tens Deus, et dimissis pec- merciful unto you, and, for-
catis vestris perducat vos ad giving you your sins, bring
vitam aeternam. you to life everlasting.
M. Amen. R. Amen.
Making the sign of the cross, he says :

Indulgentiam, absolu- +
May the Almighty and
tionem, et remissionem pec- merciful Lord grant us par-
catorum nostrorum, tribuat don, absolution, and remis-
nobis omnipotens et miseri- sion of our sins.
cors Dominus.
M. Amen. R. Amen.
Bowing down, he then proceeds
Deus tu conversus vivifl- Thou, O God, being turned
cabis nos. towards us, wilt enliven
R. Et plebs tua laetabitur R. And thy people will
in te. rejoice in thee.
V. Ostende nobis, Domine, V. Show us, O Lord, thy
misericordiam tuam. mercy.
R. Et salutare tuum da R. And grant us thy sal-
nobis. vation.
V. Domine, exaudi ora- V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
tionem meam.
R. Et clamor meus ad te R. And let my cry come
veniat. unto thee.

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V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
The Priest first extends, and thenjoins his hands, s»ying audibly,
Oremus; and ascending to the Altar, he says secretly :

Aufer a nobis, quaesumus, Take away from us our in-

Domine, iniquitaces nostras iquities, we beseech thee,

ut an Sancta Sanctorum O Lord, that we may be wor-

puris mereamur mentibus thy to enter with pure minds
introire. Per Christum Do- into the Holy of Holies
minum nostrum. Through Christ our Lord.
Amen. Amen.
He then bows over the Altar, and says
O ramus te Domine, per We beseech thee. O Lord,
merita, sanctorum, tuorum by the merits of thy saints,
quorum reliquiae hie sunt, whose relics are here, and
et omnium sanctorum, ut of all the saints, that thou
indulgere digneris omnia wouldst vouchsafe to forgive
Deccata mea. me all my sins.
Amen. Amen.
At Solemn High Masses, the Priest receives the thurible from the
Deacon, and incenses the Altar, and then returns it to the Deacon,
who incenses the Priest only. Making the sign of the cross, the
Priest turns to the book, and reads the Jntroit.

Benedicta sit sancta Trini- Blessed be the Holy Trinity,

tas, atque indivisa Unitas: and undivided Unity: we
conntebimur ei, quia fecit will praise it, because it hath
nobisc u m misericordiam shown his mercy to us. Ps.
suam. Ps. Domine, Domi- O Lord, our God, how won-
nus noster, quam admira- derful is thy name over the
bile est nomen tuum in uni- utmost boundaries of the
versa terra. earth.
V. Gloria Patri, &c. V. Glory, &c.
After which is alternately said :

S. Kyrie eleison. P. Lord have mercy upon us.

M. Kyrie eleison. R. Lord have mercy upon us.
S. Kyrie eleison. P. Lord have mercy upon us.
M. Christe eleison. R. Christ have mercy upon us.
8. Christe eleison. P. Christ have mercy upon us.
M. Christe eleison- R. Christ have mercy uponus.
8. Kyrie eleison. P. Lord have mercy upon us.
M. Kyrie eleison. R. Lord have mercy upon us.
S. Kyrie eleison. P. Lord have mercy upon us.

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The Priest standing at the middle of the Altar, joins his hands, and
slightly bowing, sayt> the Gloria in Exctlsis (which is omitted
daring Lent and Advent and in Masses for the dead). At the

words We adirre thee,— We give titer thanks, Jesus Chrift, and Re-
ceive our prayers, he bows, and at the end makes the sign of the

Gloria in excelsis Deo, et Glory be to God on high,

m terra pax hominibus bonae and on earth peace to men
voluntatis. Laudamus te, of good will. We praise
benedicimus te, ado ram us thee, we bless thee, we adore
te, glori fleam us te. Gratias thee, we glorify thee. We
ajrimus tibi propter magnara give thee thanks for thy
;doriamtuam, Dotnine, Deus, great glory. O Lord God,
itex ccelestis, Deus Pater heavenly King, God the Fa-
omnipotens. Domine Fiii ther Almighty. O Lord
imigenite Jesu Christe, Do- Jesus Christ, the onlybegot-
mine Deus, Agnus Dei, Fili- ten Son, O Lord God, Lamb
us Patris, qui tollis peccata of God, Son of the Father,
oiundi, miserere nobis. Qui who takest away the sins of
ollis peccata mundi, suscipe the world, have mercy on us.
deprecationem nostram. Qui Who takest away the sins of
sede3 ad dexteram Patris, the world, receive our pray-
miserere nobis. Quoniam ers. Who sittest at the right
Tu solus sanctus, Tu solus hand of the Father, have
Dorainus, Tu solus altissi- mercy on us. For thou only
mus, Jesu Christe, cum art holy. Thou only art the
Sancto Spiritu, in gloria De Lord, Thou only, O Jesus
Patris. Amen. Christ, together with the
Holy Ghost, art most high
in the glory of God the Fa-
ther. Amen.
Kissing the Altar, and turning to the people, he says-

L »lominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you.

Then follow the Collects which are proper for the season, and to b*
found in the Missal, but the following may be used instead :
Coll. Omnipotens. O Almighty and everlasting God,
who hast granted thy servants, in the confession of the true
faith, to acknowledge the glory of an Eternal Trinity, and
in the power of majesty to adore an Unity ; we beseech thee,
that by the strength of this faith, we may be defended from
all adversity. Through, &c.
: : :


II. Coll. A cunctis. Preserve us, O Lord, we beseech

thee, from all dangers of body and soul and by the inter- ;

cession of glorious and blessed Mary, the ever Virgin Moth-

er of God, of the blessed apostles, Peter and Paul, of blessed
N., and of all the saints, grant us, in thy mercy, health and
peace; that adversities and errors being removed, thy
Church may serve thee with a pure and undisturbed devo-
tion. Through, &c.
The Epistle for the day is then read, but the following may be used

Epistle. Rom. xi. 33. O the depth of the riches of the

wisdom and of the knowledge of God How incomprehen- !

sible are his judgments, and how unsearchable

his ways!
For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath
been his counsellor? Or who hath first given to him? and
recompense shall be made him. For of him, and by him,
and in him are all things. To him be glory for ever.
After which is said by the Acolyth :

Deo gratias. Thanks be to God.

Then follows the Gradual, Tract, Alleluia, or Sequence, according to
the season.
Gbad. Dan. ill. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who beholdest
the deep, and sittest on the cherubim.
V. Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the firmament of heaven,
and worthy of praise for ever. Alleluia, Alleluia.
At High Mass, the Deacon places the book of the Gospels on the Al-
tar, and the Celebrant blesses the incense. The Deacon with joined
hauds, says

Munda cor meum, ac labia Cleanse my heart and my

mea, omnipotens Deus, qui lips, O Almighty God, who
labia Isaiae prophetae calculo didst cleanse the lips of the
mundasti ignito ita me tua
: prophet Isaias with a burn-
grata miseratione dignare ing coal: vouchsafe so to
mundare, ut sanctum Evan- cleanse me by thy gracious
gelium tuum digne valeam mercy, that I may be able
nuntiare. Per Christum Do- worthily to proclaim thy ho-
minuin nostrum. Amen. ly Gospel. Through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Afterwards, he takes the book from the Altar, and again kneeling
down before the Priest, asks his blessing, saying

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Jube Doraine benedicere. Give me thy blessing 1

The Priest answers

Dominus sit in corde tuo et The Lord be in thj t &ktt
mlabiistuis, utdigne etcom- and on thy lips, that fUuu
petenter annunties Evange- mayst worthily and in a he-
lium suum. Amen. coming manner announce
his holy Gospel. Amen.
Having received the blessing, he kisses the baud of the Priest; and
then with incense and lighted candles he proceeds to the Goppel
and stauding with bis hand* joined, says
side of the Altar, :

Dominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you.

M. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
Then saying with a loud voice

Initium (vel) sequentia The beginning- (or) contin-

Sancti Evangelli secundum uation of the Holy Gospel,
N. according to N.
He makes the sign of the cross upon his forehead, mouth and breast,
(the people doiug the same,) at the end of which, the minister and
people answer

Gloria tibi domine. Glory be to thee, O Lord.

He iucenses the book three times, and then readB the Gospel

Gospel. Matt, xxviii. 18, 20. At that time, Jesus said to his
disciples All power is given to
: me
in heaven and on earth.
Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations ; baptizing them in the
tiame of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com-
manded you ; and behold I am
with you all days, even to the
consummation of the world.
Then is said by the Acolyth
Laus tibi Christe. Praise be to thee, O Christ.
The Subdeacon then carries the book to the Priest, who kisses the
Gospel, saying:

Per evangelica dicta dele- By the words of the Gosj>el

autur nostra delicta. may our sins be blotted out
The Priest is then incensed by the Deacon.

If the Priest celebrates without Deacon and Subdeacon, the book is

carried to the other side of the Altar, and he reads the Gospel him»
self in like manner.

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Cke Priest then., at the middle of the Altar, says the Nicmt Creed\

when it Is appointed to be said. At the words, God, Jesus Chrint,
— Mid is adored, he bows his head to the cross; and kneels down
whilst repeating the words, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and
was made man, the people all kneeling at the same time.
Credo in unum Deum, Pa- I believe in one God, the
trera omnipotentem, facto- Father Almighty, Maker of
rem cceli et terrae, visibilium heaven and earth, and of all
omnium et invisibilium. things visible and invisible.
Et in unum Dominum Je- And in one Lord Jesus
suin Christum, Filium Dei Christ, the only begotten Son
unigenitum, et ex Patre na- of God, and born of the Fa-
tura ante omnia saecula; De- ther before all ages God of ;

um de Deo, lumen de lumine, God, light of light, true God

Deum verum de Deo vero of true God; begotten not
genitum non factum, consub- made; consubstantial to the
stantialem Patri, per quem Father, by whom all things
omnia facta sunt. Qui prop- were made. Whoforusmeii
ter nos homines, et propter and for our salvation, came
nostram salute m, descendit down from heaven; and be-
de ccelis; et incarnatus est came incarnate by the Holy
de Spiritu Sancto, ex Maria Ghost, of the Virgin Mary;

EST. Cruciflxus etiam pro was crucified also for us, suf-
nobis, sub Pontio Pilato pas- fered under Pontius Pilate,
sus, et sepultus est. Et re- and was buried. And the
surrexit tertia die, secundum third day he rose again ac-
scripturas, et ascendit in coe- cording to the Scriptures;
lum; sedet ad dexteram Pa- and ascended into heaven,
tris; et iterum venturus est sitteth at the right hand of
cum gloria, judicare vivos et the Father and he is to come

mortuos; cujus regni non again with glory to judge

erit finis. both the living and the dead
of whose kingdom there shall
be no end.
Et in Spiritum Sanctum, And in the Holy Ghost, the
Dominum et viviflcantem, Lord and giver of life, who
qui ex Patre Filioque proce- proceedeth from the Father
dit; qui cum Patre et Filio and the Son, who together
siraul adoratur, et conglori- with the Father and the Son,
ftcatur; qui locutus est per is adored and glorified who ;

Prophetas. Et unam sanc- spoke by the prophets. And

tam Catholicam et Aposto- one holy Catholic and Apos-
Ucam Ecclesiam. Conflteor tolic Church. I confess one

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unum Baptisma in remission- Baptism for the remission of

em peccatorum. Et expecto sins. And I expect the resur-
resurrectionem mortuorum, rection of the dead, and the
et vita in venturi saeculi. life of the world to come.
Amen. Amen.
Kissing the Altar, and turning to the people, he says:

Dominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
S. Oremus. Let us pray.
Then he says the Offertory:

Offert. Blessed be God the Father, and the only begot-

ten Son of God, as likewise the Holy Ghost; for he has
shown mercy to us.
The Priest then takes the paten with the Host fat High Masses the
Deacon hands the paten with the Host to the Priest), and offering
it up, says

Suscipe, sancte Pater, om- Accept, O holy Father, Al-

nipotens, neterne Deus, hanc mighty and eternal God, this
im maculatam H ostiam, quam unspotted Host, which I, thy
ego indignus famulus tuus unworthy servant, offer unto
oUcro tibi Deo meo vivo et thee, my living and true God,
vero, pro innumerabilibus for my innumerable sins, of-
peccatis, offensionibus et ne- fences, and negligences and
grligentiis, meis, et pro omni- for all here present; as also
bus circumstantibus sed et for all faithful Christians,

pro omnibus fldelibus Chris- both living and dead that it ;

tianis, vivis atque def unctis may avail both me and them
ut mini et illis proflciat ad unto life everlasting. Amen.
salutem in vitam eeternam.
Making the sign of the cross with the paten, he places the Host
upon the corporal, and then pours the wine and water into the
chalice, (at High Mass the Deacon and Sub-Deacon minister them)

Deus, *i* qui humanoe sub- OGod,»i«who,in creating hu-

stantiae dignitatem mirabili- man nature, hast wonderfully
ter condidisti, et mirabilius dignified it,andstillmorewon-
reformasti; da nobis per derfully reformed it; grant
liujus Aquaeet Vini mysteri- that by the mystery of this
um, ejus dignitatis es9e con- Water and Wine, we may be
sort es, qui humanitatis made partakers of his divine

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nostra fieri dignatus est par- nature, who vouchsafed to

deeps, Jesus Christus Fillua become partaker of our hu-
mus Dominus noster; qui man nature, namely,, Jesus
tecum vivit et regnat, in uni- Christ our Lord thy Son,
tate Spiritus Sancti, Deus, who with thee, in the unity
per omnia ssecula sseculorum. of, &c.
Amen. Amen.
The Priest then takes the chalice, and offers it, saying:

Offerimus tibi. Do mine, We offer unto thee, O Lord,

Calicem salutarls, tuam de- the Chalice of salvation, be-
precantes clementiam, ut in seeching thy clemency, that
conspectu divine Majestatis it may ascend before thy di-
tuae, pro nostra et totius vine Majesty, as a sweet
mundi, salute, cum odore odour for our salvation, and
euavitatis ascendat. for that of the whole world.
Amen. Amen.
At High Mass, the Sab-Deacon here receives the paten, which he en-
velops in the extremities of the veil with which his shoulders are
covered, and then goes and stands behind the Celebrant until the
P.tter Nosier is said. The Priest makes the sign of the cross with
the chalice, places it upon the corporal, and covers it with the pall,
and then joining his hands and slightly bowing, says
In spiritu humilitatis. et in Accept us, O Lord, in the
animo contrito suscipiamur spirit of humility, and con*
h te, Domine et
; sic flat sac- trition of heart and grant ;

riflcium nostrum in conspec- that the sacrifice we offer in

tu tuo hodie, ut placeat tibi, thy sight, this day, may be
Domine Deus. pleasing to thee, O Lord God.
The Priest, elevating his eyes towards heaven, and stretching out
his hands over the Host and Chalice,blesses them, saying:

Veni, sanctiflcator, omni- Come, O Almighty and

potens aeterne Deus, et bene- eternal God, the sanctifler,
die hoc sacriflcium tuo sane- and bless this sacrifice, pre-
to nomini preperatum. pared for the glory of thy
holy name.
At High Mass the Priest blesses the Incense, saying:
Per intercessionem beati May the Lord, by the inter-
Michaelis archangeli stantis cession of blessed Michael
a dextris Altaris Incensi, et the archangel, standing at
omnium electorum suorum, the right hand of the Altar

inoensum istud dignetur of Incense, and of all his

Dominus benedicere, et in vouchsafe to bless this
odorem suavitatis accipere. incense, and receive it as
Per Christum Dominum nos- an odour of sweetness,
trum. Through, &c. Amen.
Receiving the thurible he incenses the bread and wine, saying:
Incensum istud a te bene- May this Incense which
dictum, ascendat ad te Do- thou hast blest, O Lord, as-
inine, et descendat super nos cend to thee, and may thy
misericord ia tua. mercy descend upon us.
He then inceuses the Altar, saying: (!*$. ex I.)
Dirigatur, Domine, oratio Let my prayer, O Lord, be
tnea sicut incensum, in con- directed as incense in thy
spectu tuo: elevatio manu- sight: and the lifting up of
um mearum sacriflcium ves- my hands as an evening sac-
pertinum. Pone. Domine, rifice. Set a watch, O Lord,
custodiam meo, et ostium before my mouth, and a
circumstantite labiis meis, ut door round about my lips.
non declinet cor meum in Incline not my heart to evil
verba malitire. ad excusan- words, to make excuses in
das excusationes in peccatis. sin.
Returning the thurible to the Deacon, he says:
Accendat in nobis Dominus May the Lord enkindle
ignem sui am oris, et flam- within us the fire of his Jove
mam a?ternse charitatis. and the flame of eternal
Amen. charity.
After which the Priest is incensed by the Deacon, and then the others
in order.
Goinpf to the Epistle side of the Altar, the Priest washes his hands,
and recites the following verses of Ps. xxv.
Lavabo inter innocentes I will wash my hands
manus meas; etcircumdabo among the innocent; and
altare tuum, Domine. will compass thy altar, O
Ut audiam vocem laud is ; et That I may hear the voice
^narrem universa mirabilia of thy and tell aii thy
Cua. wondrous works.
Domine, dilexi decorem I have loved, O Lord, the
domus tuae, et locum habita- beauty of thy house, and the
tionis glorias tuee. place where thy glory dwell-

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Nc perdas cum impiis ani- Take not away my soul

warn meam, et cum viris san- wicked, nor my liie
wiiii the
guinum vitani meam. with bloody men.
In quorum m ambus ini- In whose hands are iniqul-
quitates sunt: dextera eo- ties : their right hand is filled
rum repleta est muneribus. with gifts.
Ego autem in innocentia Buthave walked in my
mea ingressus sum: redime innocence: redeem me, and
me et miserere mei. have mercy on me.
Pes meus stetit in diracto : Myfoot hath stood in the
in ecclesiis benedicam te, Do- direct way in the churches

mine. I will bless thee, O Lord.

Gloria Patri, et Filio, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.
Returning and bowing before the middle of the Altar, he bays
Suscipe, sancta Trinitas Receive, 0 holy Trinity,
banc oblationem, quam tibi this oblation which we make
otferimus ob memoriam Pas- to thee in memory of the
sionis, Resurrectionis, et As- Passion, Resurrection, and
censionis Jesu Christi Domi- Ascension of our Lord Jesus
ni nostri, et in honorem be- Christ, and in honor of the
ata Mariae semper Virginis, blessed Mary, ever a Virgin,
et beati Joannis Baptistae, et of blessed John Baptist, the
sanctorum Apostolorum Pe- holy Apostles Peter and
tri et Pauli, et istorum, et Paul, and of all the saints;
omnium Sanctorum ut illis
; that it may be available to
pronciat ad honorem, nobis their honor, and our salva-
autem ad salutem ; et illi pro tion and that they may

nobis intercedere dignentur vouchsafe to intercede for

in ccelis, quorum memoriam us in heaven, whose nieuio-
agimus in terris. Per eun- ry we celebrate on earth,
dein, &c. Amen. Through the same Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Then turning himself towards the people, he says :

Orate, Fratres, ut meum pray that my

ac vestrum sacriflcium ac- sacrifice and yours may bf
ceptabile fiat apud Deum pa- acceptable to God the Fathei
trem omnipotentem. Almighty.
The Acoly th answers
Susclpiat Dominus sacri- May the Lord receive the
flcium de manibus tuis ad sacrifice from thy hands, to
laudem et gloriam nominis ths praise and glory of his

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suit ad, utilitatem quoque own name, and to our bene-
nostrum, totiusqu Ecclesiae fit, and that of all his holy
sua; sanctse. church.
The Priest answers in a low voice, Amen.
He then reads the Secret Prayer*.

Secret. Sanctify, we beseech, O Lord our God, by the

invocation of thy holy name, the victim of this oblation ;
=uid by it make us ourselves an eternal offeritig to thee.
Through, &c.
H. Secret. Graciously hear us, O God our Saviour;
«,hat by virtue of this sacrament, thou mayest defend us
from all enemies, of both soul and body; grant us grace in
tuis life, and glory in the next.
lie coucludes by saying aloud
Per omnia saecula seeculo- World without end.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
V. Dominus vobiscum. V. The Lord be with you.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
Lifting up his hands, he says:
Sursum corda. Lift up your hearts.
R. Habemus ad Domi- R. We have lifted them
num. up to the Lord.
Joining his hands before his breast, and bowing his head, he says:
Gratias agamus Domino Let us give thanks to the
Deo nostro. Lord God.
R. Dignum et justum est. R. It is meet and just.
He then disjoins his hands and keeps them so until the end of th«
Preface, wheu he again joins them, and bowing down, says Sane-
tu.<, dc.
The following Preface is SHid on all Ferias, and on those Festivals
which have none proper, and in all Masses for the Dead.
Vere dignum et justum It is truly meet and just,
fequum est salutare, nos right and available to salva-
semper, et ubique gratias tlon, that we should always,
agere. Domine sancte. Pater and in all places, give thanks
omnipotens, aeterne Deus. to thee, O holy Lord Fa-
Per Christum Dominum nos- ther Almighty, eternal God*
* Prefaces marker - co=_i_euce as this, to Atterne Deu».

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tram per quern majestatem

; * Through Christ our Lord by
tuara laudant angeli, ado- whom the angels praise thy
rant dominationes, tremant majesty, the denominations
po testates, ccell coelorum- adore it, the powers tremble
que virtutes, ac beatse sera- before it, the heavens, the
phim, socia exultatione con- heavenly virtues, and blessed
celebrant. Cum quibus et seraphim, with common jubi-
nostras voces, ut ad mitti ju- lee glorify it. Together with
beas deprecamur, supplici whom we beseech thee that
confessione dicentes. we may be admitted to join
our humble voices, saying,
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God
Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Ple- of Hosts. Heaven and earth
nisunt coeli et terra gloria are full of thy glory. Ho-
tua. Hosanna in excelsis. sanna in the highest. Bless-
Bwiedictus qui venit in no- ed is he that cometh in the
mine Domini Hosanna in ex- name of the Lord. Hosanna
celsis. in the Highest.
On Trinity Sunday, and every other Sunday in the year that nas no
proper Preface.
* Qui cum
unigenito Filio Who together with thy
tuo et Sniritu Sancto unus es only begotten Son and the
Deus, unus es Dominus non : Holy Ghost, art one God and
in unius singularitate Per- one Lord not in a singular,

sona? sed in unius Trinitate ity of one Person, but in a

substantias. Quod enim de Trinity of one substance.
tua gloria, revelante te, cre- For what we believe of thy
dimus, hoc de Filio tuo, hoc glory, as thou hast revealed
de Spiritu Sancto, sine diffe- the same we believe of thy
rentia discretionis sentimus. Son and of the Holy Ghost,
Ut in confessione vera, sem- without any difference or dis-
piternaeque Deitatis, et in tinction. So that in confes-
Personis proprietas, et in es- sion of the true and eternal
sentia unitas, et in Majestate Deity, we adore a distinction
adoretur aequalitas. Quam in the Persons, and unity in
laudant angeli, atque arch- the essence, and an equality
angel!, cherubim quoque ac in the Majesty. Whom the
seraphim; qui non cessant angels and archangels, the
clamare quotidie, una voce cherubim also and seraphim
dicentes, Sanctus, &c. praise and cease not daily to

cry out with one voice, say-

ing, Holy, &c.

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From Christmas Day till the Epiphany (except in the octave of St.
John), on the Purification of the B. V. Mary, on Corpus Christi and
during the octave, and on the Transfiguration of our Lord.
Quia per incarnati Verb! * Since by the mystery of
mysterium, nova mentis nos- the Word made flesh a new
tras oculis lux tuae claritatis ray of thy glory has appeared
infulsit; ut dum visibiliter to the eyes of our souls that

Deum cognoscimus,per hunc while we behold God visibly,

in invisibilium amorem rapi- we may be carried by him to
amur. + Et ideo cum angelis the love of things invisible.
et archangelis, cum thronis + And therefore with the an-
et dominationibus, cumque gels and archangels, with the
omni militia coelestis exer- thrones and dominations, and
citus, hymnum gloriae tuae with all the heavenly host we
canimus, sine fine dicentes, sing an everlasting hymn to
ianctus, &c. thy glory, saying, &c.
On the Epiphany and during its octave.
* Quia cum unigenitus tuus Because when thy only be-
in substantia nostras m ortali gotten Son appeared in the
tatis apparuit, nova nos irn- substance of our mortal flesb,
mortalitatis suae luce repara- he repaired us by the new
vit. tEt ideo, cum angelis, of his immortality.
&c. +And
From Ash Wednesday to Passion Sunday, except on the Feasts which
have a proper Preface.
* Qui corporali jejunio vitia *Who by bodily fasting
comprimis, mentem elevas, dost repress vice, elevate the
virtutem largiris et praemia. mind, and bestow virtue and
§ Per Christum, &c. rewards. Through, &c.
From Passion Sunday till Maunday Thursday, except on Feasts whirl
have a proper Preface, aud in Masses of the Holy Cross and tin
Passion. v

* Qui salutem humani gene- * Who hast appointed the

ris in ligno Cmcis constituis- salvation of mankind to be
ti; ut unde mora oriebatur, wrought on the wood of the
inde vita resurgeret, et qui cross; that from whence
in ligno vincebat, in ligno death came, thence life might
quoque vinceretur. § Per arise, and that he who over-
Christum Dominum, &c. came by the tree might also
by the tree be overcome.
§ Through, &c.

f Prefaces thus marked are concluded as this is.

g Concluded as on page 501.

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Prom Holy Saturday till Ascension Day, in *he Mass of Holy Satur-
day,is said in hac potiasimum uncle. ; on Easter Day and till the
Saturday following, inclusively, in hac potissimum die, and after-
wards »'» hoc potissimum gloriosius.

Vere dignum et justum est, It is truly meet and just,

sequum et salutare, te qui- right, and available to salva-
dem Domine, omni tempore, tion, to praise thee, O Lord,
sed [in hac potissimum nocte at all times, but chiefly on
vel die, vel] in hoc gloriosius this [night or day, or at this
praedicare, cum Pascha nos-time] when Christ our pass-
trum immolatus est Christus. over was sacrificed for us.
Ipse enim verus est Agnus, For he is the true Lamb who
qui abstulit peccata mundi. hath taken away the sins of
Qui mortem nostram mori- the world. Who by dying
endo destruxit, et vitam re- has destroyed our death, and
surgendo reparavit. + Et *>y rising again has restored
ideo cum angelis, &c. us to life.
t And therefore, &c.
From Ascension Day till Whitsun Eve.
* Per Christum Dominum + Through Christ 6ur Lord,
nostrum. Qui post resurrec- Who after his resurrection
tionem suam omnibus disci- appeared openly to all his
pulis suis manifestus appa- disciples, and in their pres-
ruit, et ipsis cernentibus est ence ascended into heaven,
elevatus in ccelum, ut nos to make us partakers of his
divinitatis suae tribueret esse divine nature,
participes. t And therefore, &c.
+ Et ideo, &c.

From Whitsun Eve till Trinity Sunday and in Votive Masses of the

Holy Ghost, omitting the words, hodierna die.

* Per Christum Dominum * Through Christ our Lord,

nostrum. Qui ascendens Who ascending above all the
super omnes coelos, sedens- heavens, and sitting at thy
que ad dexteram tuam, pro- right hand, sent down the
missum Spiritum Sanctum promised Holy Spirit (.this
[hodierna die] in Alios adop- day] upon the children of
tionis effudit. Qua propter adoption. Wherefore the
profusis gaudiis totus in orbe whole world displays its ex-
terrarum mundus exultat. cess of joy. The heavenly
Sed et supernae virtutes at- virtues also, and all the an
que angelicae potestates gelic powers, sing in concert

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hymnum glorias tuae conci- an everlasting hymn to thy

nunt, sine line dicentes, Sane- glory, saying, Holy, &o.
tus, &c.
On the Festivals of the blessed Virgin Mary, (except the Purification)
aud during the octaves, when there is no feast with a proper Pre-
face, and in Votive Masses of the Blessed Virgin.

Et te in N. Beatae Marias And that we should praise,

semper Virginis collaudare, and glorify thee on the
benedicers, et N. of the blessed Mary, ever
Quae et unigenitum tuum a Virgin. Who by the over-
Sancti Spiritus obumbratione shadowing of the Holy Ghost
conoepit, et virginitatis glo- conceived thy only begotten
ria permanente, lumen aeter- Son, and the glory of her
num mundo effudit, Jesum virginity still remaining
Chris tumDominum nostrum. brought forth the eternal
9Per quern, &c. of the world, Jesus
Christ our Lord. 6 By, &c.
On the Feasts of the Apostles and Evangelists, (except the day of
St. John the Apostle) and during their Octaves, when there is no
proper Preface ; also in Votive Masses in their honor.

Vere dlgnum et justum It is truly meet and just,

est aequum, et salutare, te right and available to salva-
Do mine suppliciter exorare, tion, humbly to beseech thee
ut gregem tuum, Pastor that thou, O Lord, our eter-
aeterne, non
deseras, sed per nal Shepherd, wouldst not
beatos apostolos tuos continu forsake* thy flock, but keep
protectione custodias. Ut it under thy continual pro-
iisdem rectoribus guberne- tection, by thy blessed apos-
tur, quos operis tui vicarios tles, that it may be governed
eidem contulisti praeesse pas- by those whom thou hast
tores. + Et ideo cum ange- appointed its vicars and pas'
lus, &c. tors. + And therefore, &c


The Priest says, in a low voice :

Te igitur, clementissime We therefore humbly pTj

Pater, per Jesum Christum and beseech thee, most mei*
Filium tuum Dominum nos- ciful Father, through Je&itf
tram, supplices rogamus, ac Christ thy Son, our Lord, to

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petimus uti accept* habeas, accept and bless these grifts*

et benedicas, haec dona, haec these presents, these holy un-
munera, haecsanctasacrincia spotted sacrifices, which in
illibata, Imprimis qua? tibi the first place, we offer thee
offerimus pro Ecclesia tua for thy holy Catholic Church,
sancta Catholica: quam pa- to which vouchsafe to grant
ciflcare, custodire, adunare, peace, as also to preserve,
et regere digneris toto orbe unite and govern it through-
terrarum, una cum famulo out the world; together with
tuo Papa nostro N. et Antis- thy servant N. our Pope, N.
tite nostro N. et omnibus our Bishop, as also all ortho-
orthodoxis atque Catholicae dox believers and professors
et Apostolica3 fldei cultoribus. of the Catholic and Apostolic
Commemoration of the Living.
Memento Domine, famu- Remember, O Lord, thy
lorutn famularumque tua- servants of both sexes, N.
rum N. et N. and N.
The Priest pauses a moment—prays for those for whom he wishes to
pray in particular, and extending his hands, continues
Et omnium circumstan- And all here present, whose
tium, quorum tibi fides cog- faith and devotion are
oita est, et nota devotio, pro . known unto thee, for whom
quibus tibi offerimus, vel offer up to thee this sacrifice
qui tibi offerunt hoc sacrifl- of praise for themselves,
cium laudis, pro se suisque their families, and friends,
omnibus, pro redemptione for the redemption of their
animarum suarum, pro spe souls, for the health and sal-
salutis et incolumitatis suae, vation they hope for, and for
tibique reddunt vota sua which they now pay their
aeterno Deo vivo et vero. vows to thee, the eternal,
living, and true God.
Com muni can tea, et memo- Communicating with, and
riam venerantes, imprimis honoring in the first place,
gloriosfe semper Virginis the memory of the ever
Mariae, Genetricis Dei et glorious Virgin Mary,
Domini nostri Jesu Christ! Mother of our Lord and God,
«ed et beatorum Apostolor- Jesus Christ, as also of the
um ac Martyrum tuorum, blessed Apostles and Martyrs,
Petri et Pauli, Andreae, Ja- Peter and Paul, Andrew,
cobi, Joannis, Thomae, Ja- James, John, Thomas, James,
coV, Phillippi, Bartholomaei, Philip, Bartholomew, Mat-
W/*rt>wei, Simonis et Thad- thew.Simon and Thadeus, Li*

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daei, Lini, Cleti, dementis, nus, Cletus, Clement, Xystus,

Xysti, Cornelii, Cypriani, Cornelius, Cyprian, Law-
Laurentii, Cbrysogoni, Jo- rence,Chrysogonus, John and
annis et Pauli, Gosmae et Paul, Cosmos and Damiuiu
Damiani, et omnium Sane- and of all thy Saints, through
to rum tuorum quorum whose merits and prayers

meritis precibusque conced- grant that we may be always

as, ut in omnibus protection- defended by the help of thy
is tuae muniamur auxilio. protection. Through the
Per eundem Christum Dom- same Christ our Lord. Amen,
inum nostrum. Amen.
Spreading his hands over the Oblation, he says the words of conse*
cration secretly and distinctly.
[Here the bell is rung.]
Hanc igitur oblationem We, therefore, beseech
servitutis nostras, sed et thee, O Lord, graciously to
cunctae familiae tuae, quassu- accept this oblation of our
mus. Domine, ut placatus as also of thy
accipias diesque nostros in
; whole family and to dispose ;

tua pace disponas, atque ab our days in thy peace, pre-

aeternadamnatione noseripi, serve us from eternal dam-
et in electorum tuorum ju- nation, and rank us in the
beas grege numerari. Per • number of thine elect.
Christum Dominum nostrum. Through Christ our Lord.
Amen. Amen.
Quam oblationem tu.Deus, Which oblation do thou,
in omnibus, qun?sumus, O God, vouchsafe in all re-
benedictam, adscriptam, ra- spects to bless, approve, rati-
tam, rationabilem, accepta- fy, and accept; that it may
bilemque f acere digneris ut be made for us the body and

nobis corpus et sanguis flat blood of thy most beloved

dilectissimi Filii tui Domini Son, Jesus Christ our Lord,
nostri Jesu Christi. Who, the day before he
Qui pridie quam pateretur, suffered, took bread into his
accepit panem in sanctas ac holy and venerable hands,
venerabiles manus suas, et and with his eyes lifted up
elevatis oculis in coelum, ad towards heaven, giving
te Deum Patrem suum om- thanks to thee, Almig-hty
nipotentem, tibi gratias God, his Father, he blessed
agens, benedixit, f regit, de- it, brake it, and gave it to his
ditquediscipulissuis, dicens: disciples, saying. Take and
Accipite et manducate ex eat ye all of this,For this
hoc omnes, Hoc est enim is my body.

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After pronomciug the words of Consecration, the Priest kneeling,

ado re 8 the sacred Host rising; he elevates it ; then placing it on

the corporal, again adores it.

[At the elevation, the bell is rung three times.]

Simili modo postquam In like manner after he

natum est, accipiens et hunc had supped, taking also this
prseclarum calicem in sane- excellent chalice into his no-
tes ac venerabiles manus su- ly and venerable hands, giv-
«s, item tibi gratias agens ing thee also thanks, he bless-
benedixit, deditque discipu- ed, and gave it to his disci-
lis suis dicens: Accipite et ples, saying, Take and drink
bibite ex eo omnes Hie est ; ye all of this, For this is
Haec quotiescunque feceri- As often as ye do these
tis, in met memoriam faci- things, ye shall do them in
etis. remembrance of me.
flere, also kneeling, he adores the sacred chalice rising, he elevates it;

then replacing it on the corporal, be covers it, and again adores it.
[The bell is here also rung three times.]
The Priest then proceeds
TJnde etmemcres,Domine, Wherefore, O Lord, we,
10s servi tui, sed et plebs tua thy servants, as also thy holy
sancta, ejusdem Christi Filii people, calling to mind the
tui Domini nostri tam beatae blessed passion of the same
passionis, necnon et ab infe- Christ thy Son our Lord, his
ris resurrectionis, sed et in resurrection from the dead,
ecelo gloriosae ascensionis, and admirable ascension into
offerimus praeclarae Majes- heaven, offer unto thy most
tati tuae, de tuis donia ac excellent Majesty of thy gifts
da tis, Hostiam puram, Hos- bestowed as a pure Host, a
tiam sanctam, Hostiana im- holy Host, an unspotted
macula tam, panem sanctum Host, the holy bread of eter-
vita? aeternae, calicem a? utis nal life, and chalice of eve»
oerpetuae. lasting salvation.

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Extending his hands, be continues
Supra quae propitio ac se- Upon which vouchsafe to
reno vultu respicere digne- look with a propitious and
ris, et accepta habere sicuti serene countenance, and to
accepta habere dignatus es accept them, as thou wert
munera pueri tui justl Abel, graciously pleased to accept
et sacriflcium PatriarchaB the gifts of thy just servant
nostri Abrahae et quod tibi Abel, and the sacrifice of our
obtulit summus sacerdos tu- Patriarch Abraham, and that
us Melchisedech, sanctum which thy high-priest Mel-
sacriflcium immaculatum chisedech offered to thee, a
Kostiam. holy sacrifice and unspotted
Bowing down with his hands joined and placed upon the Altar, he
Supplices te rogamus om- We most humbly beseech
nipotens Deus, jube haec per- thee, Almighty G od, to com-
ferri per manus sancti angeli mand these things to be car-
tui in sublime altare tuum, ried by the hands of thy holy
in conspectu divin83 Majes- angels to the altar on high,
tatis tuae, ut quotquot ex in the sight of thy divine
hac altaris participatione sa- Majesty, that as many as
cro-sanctum Filii tui corpus shall partake of the most sa-
et sanguinem sumpserimus, cred body and blood of thy
omni benedictione coelesti et Son at this altar, may be
gratia repleamur. Per eun- filled with every heavenly
dem Christum Dominum grace and blessing. Through
nostrum. Amen. the same Christ our Lord.
Commemoration of the Dead.
Memento etiam, Domine, Be mindful, O Lord, of thy
famulo um famularumque servants N. and N. who are
tuarum N. et N. qui nos prae- gone before us with the sign
cesserunt cum signo Fidei, of faith and rest in the sleep
et dormiunt in somno pacis. of peace.
Here particular mention is silently made of such of the Dead as he
intends to pray for, after which he continues
Ipsis, Domine, et omnibus To these, O Lord, and to all
tn Christo qui escentibus, lo- that sleep in Christ, grant we
cum ref rigerii, lucis et pacis, beseech thee, a place of re-
et indulgeas deprecamur: freshmen t, light, and peace s

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per eundem Christum Domi- through the same Christ our

num nostrum. Amen. Lord. Amen.
Striking his breast, and raising his voice a little, he says
Nobis quoque peccatoribus Also to us sinners thy ser-
famulis tuis, de multitudine vants confiding in the multi-
miserationem tuarum spe- tude of thy mercies, vouch-
rantibus, partem aliquam et safe to grant some part and
societatem donare digneris, fellowship with thy holy
cum tuis Sanctis apostolis et apostles and martyrs; witjg
martyribus oum Joanne, John, Stephen, Matthias,
Stephano, Matthia, Barnaba, Barnabas, Ignatius, Peter,
Ignatio, Alexandro, Marcel- Alexander, Marcellinus, Fe~
lino, Petro, Felicitate, Per- licitas, Perpetua, Agatha,
petua, Agatha, Lucia, Ag- Lucy, Agnes, Cecily, Anasta*
nete, Caecilia, Anastatia, et sia,and with all thy saints;
omnibus Sanctis tuis; intra whose company we be-
quorum nos consortium, non seech thee to admit us, not
sestimator meriti, sed veniae in consideration of our
quaesumus largitor admitte. merit, but of thy own gra-
Per Christum Dominum nos- tuitous pardon. Through
trum. Christ our Lord.
Per quern haec omnia, By whom, O Lord, thou
Domine, semper bona creas dost always create, sanctffy,
sanctiflcas vivificas, benedi- quicken, bless, and give us
ces, et praestas nobis, all these good things.

The Priest here uncovers the chalice and makes a genuflection.

Taking the sacred Host in his right hand and holding the chalice
in his left, he makes the sign of the cross three times over the
chalice, saying:

Per ipsum, et cum. ipso, et By him and with him, and

fn ipso, est tibi Deo Patrt in him, is to thee, God the
omnipotent!, in unitate Splri- Father Almighty, in the
tus Sancti, ononis honor et unity of the Holy Ghost all
£ioria. honor and glory,
Covering the chalice, he makes a genuflection and says aloud
Per omnia seecula saeculo- For ever and ever.
ft.Amen. [rum. R. Amen.
Oremu8. Let U8 Pray.
Praeceptis salutaribus Instructed by thy saving
itoniti et divina institutione precepts, and following thy

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formati, audemus dicere divine directions, we pre-

sume to say
Pater noster, qui es in cce- Our Father, who art in
lis, sanctiflcetur nomen heaven, hallowed be thy
tuum adveniat regnum name; thy kingdom come;

tuum flat voluntas tua sicut thy will be done on earth as


in coelo, et in terra panem it is in heaven give us this

; ;

nostrum quotidianum da day our daily bread, and for-

nobis hodie; et dimitte no- give us our trespasses, as we
bis debita nostra, sicut et nos forgive them that trespass
dimittimus debitoribus nos- against us: and lead us not
tris; et ne nos inducas in into temptation,
M. Sed libera nos a malo. R. But delivei us from
S. Amen. P. Amen.
At High Mass, near the conclusion of the Paternoster, the Beacon
goes to the right hand of the Priest, and receiving the paten from
the Sub-Deacon, puts it into the hands of the Priest. He takes
the paten and says
Libera nos quaesumus, Deliver us, we beseech
Domine, ab omnibus malis thee, O Lord, from all evils,
pneteritis praesentibus, et past, present, and to come;
futuris ; et intercedente be- and by the intercession of
ata et gloriosa semper Vir- the blessed and ever glorious
gine Dei Genitrice Maria, Virgin Mary, Mother of God,
cum beatis apostolis tuis and of the holy Apostles
Petro et Paulo, atque An- Peter and Paul, and of An-
drea, et omnibus Sanctis, da drew, and of all the saints,
propitius pacem in diebus mercifully grant peace in
nostris; ut ope misereicor- our days, that through the
dias tusd adjuti, et a pec- assistance of thy mercy we
cato simu8 semper liberi, et may be always free from sin,
ab omni perturbatione se- and secure from all disturb-
curl. ance.

The Priest slides the paten under the sacred Host, uncovers the
chalice, and makes a genuflection. He then breaks the Host in
the middle, over the chalice, saying:
PereundemDominumnos- Through the same Jesu*
trum Jesum Christum Filium Christ thy Son, our Lord,

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Thepart which is in his right hand he places upon the paten, and
breaks a particle from the other part in his left hand, saying:
Qui tecum vivit et regnat, Who with thee and the
in unitate Spiritus Sancti, Holy Ghost, liveth and reign-
Deus. eth God.
Having placed the half in his left hand upon the paten, and holding
the particle broken off in his right baud, and the chalice in his
left, he says aloud

Per omnia ssecula saeculo- World without end.

R. Amen. R. Amen.
V. Pax Domini sit semper V. The peace of the Lord
vobiscum. be always with you.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
The Priest puts a particle of the Host into the chalice, saying in a
low voice
Heec commixtio et conse- May this mixture and con-
cratio corporis et sanguinis secration of the body and
Domini nostri Jesu Christi blood of our Lord Jesus
fiat accipientibus nobis in vi- Christ be to us who receive
tamaeternam. Amen. it, effectual to eternal life.
Covering the chalice, and making a genuflection, he bows down,
strikes his breast three times, and says
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest
cata mundi, miserere nobis, away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest
cata mundi, miserere nobis, away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pec- Lamb of God, who takest
cata mundi, dona nobis pa- # away the sins of the world,
cem. give us peace.
At High Mass, the Deacon kisses the Altar, at the same time with the
Celebrating Priest, who salutes him with the kiss of peace, saying:

Pax tecum. Peace be with you.

The Deacon answers:
Et cum spiritu tuo. And with thy spirit.
The Deucuu then salutes the Sub-Deacon who conveys the kiss of
peace to the other clergy assisting at Mass.

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In Masses of Requiem for the Dead, instead of miserere nobis, is said

dona eis requiem, grant them rest, and instead of dona nobis pacem, if
said dona eis requiem sempiternam, grant them eternal rest. Thi
Priest does not then strike his breast, nor does he say the first c:
the following prayers:
Domine Jesu Christe, qui Lord Jesus Christ, who
dixisti apostolis tuis, pacem saidst to. thy apostles, I leave
relinquo vobis, pacem meam you peace, I give you my
dovobis ne respicias peccata peace; regard not my sins,
mea, sed fldem Ecclesiae tuae ; but the faith of thy church
eamque secundum volunta- and grant her that peace and
tern tuam pacificare et coad- unity which is agreeable to
unare digneris, qui vivis et thy will; who livest and
regnas Deus, per omnia saecu- reignest for ever and ever.
la seeculorum. Amen. Amen.
Domine Jesu Christe, Fili Lord Jesus Christ, Son of
Dei vivi, qui ex voluntate the living God, who, accord-
Patris, co-operante Spiritu ing to the will of thy Father,
Sane to, per mortem tuam hast by thy death, through
mundum viviflcasti, libera the co-operation of the Holy
me per hoc sacro-sanctum Ghost given life to the world,
corpus et sanguinem tuum deliver me by this thy most
ab omnibus iniquitatibus sacred body and blood, from
meis, et universis malis; et all my iniquities, and from
fac me tuis semper inhaerere all evils;and make me al«
mandatis, et a te nunquam ways adhere to thy com-
separari permittas ; qui cum mandments; and never suf-
eodem Deo Patre et Spiritu fer me to be separated from
Sancto vivis et regnas Deus thee who livest and reign-

in saecula sseculorum. Amen. est with God the Father, &c.

Perceptio corporis tui, Do- Grant that the participa-
mine Jesu Christe, quod ego* tion of thy body, O Lord,
indignus sumere prsesumo, Jesus Christ, which I, though
nonmihi proveniatin judici- unworthy, presume to re-
um et condemnationem, sed ceive, may not turn to my
pro tua pietate prosit mihi judgment and condemna-
ad tutamentum mentis et tion but, through thy mer-

corporis, etad medelam per- cy, be a safeguard and rem-

cipiendam qui vivis et reg-
; edy, both to soul and body
nas cum Deo Patre in uni- who with God the Father, in
tateSpiritusSancti, Deus, per the unity of the Holy Ghost,

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omnia eaecula saeculorum. livest and rcignest God for

Amen. ever and ever. Amen.
The Priest taking the Host in hie hands, and making a genuflection,
Panem coelestem accipiam, I will take the bread of
et uomen Domini invocabo. heaven, and call upon the
name of our Lord.
Striking his breast with hnmility and devotion, he says thrice, the
Acolyth ringing the bell each time:
Domine, non sum dignus Lord, I am not worthy that
ut intress subtectum meum thou shouldst enter under

sed tantum die verbo, et my roof; say but the word,

sanabitur anima mea. and my soul shall be healed.
Taking both parts of the sacred Host in his right hand and making
the sign of the cross with it upon himself, he says:
Corpus Domini nostri Jesu May the Body of our Lord
Christ! custodiat animam Jesus Christ preserve my soul
meara in vitam aeternam. to life everlasting. Amen.
He then receives the sacred Host, and after a shorf meditation, un-
covers the chalice, and putting into it with the paten, the smallest
atoms of the Host left upon the corporal, says

Quid retribuam Domini pro What return shall I make

omnibus quae retribuit mini ?the Lord for all he has given
Calicem salutaris accipiam, to me ? I will take the chal-
et nomen Domini invocabo. ice of salvation, and call
Laudans invocabo Dominum upon the name of the Lord,
et ab iaimicis meis salvus Praising, I will call upon the
ero. Lord, and shall be saved from
my enemies.
Taking the chalice in his right hand, and making the sign of the
cross with it upon himself, he says :

Sanguis Domini nostri Jesu May the blood of our Lord

Christi custodiat animam Jesus Christ preserve my
meam in vitam aeternam. soul to everlasting life.
Amen. (
The Priest then receives the most precious blood, together with
particles in it.
Here the Holy Communion is administered, if there ar*» persons to
receive. Those who are to communicate go up to the Sanctuary
at the Domine non sum dignus, when the bell rings. The Acolyth
spreads a cloth before them, and says the Confileor.

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Then the Priest turns to the Communicants, and pronounces a gen-
eral absolution, in these words:
Misereatur vestri omnipo- May Almighty God hare
tens Deus, et dimissis pec- mercy on you, and your Sins
catis vestris perducat vosad being forgiven, bring you to
yitam geternam. life everlasting-.
M. Amen. R. Amen.
S. Indulgentiam, absolu- P. May the Almighty and
tionem et remissionem pec- merciful Lord give you par-
catorum vestrorum tribuat don, absolution, and remis-
vobis omnipoten8 et miseri- sion of all your sins,
core Dominus.
M. Amen. R. Amen.
Elevating a particle of the Blessed Sacrament, and turning towards
the people, he says
Ecce Agnus Dei, eoce qui Behold the Lamb of God,
peccata mundi.
tollit behold him who takes away
the sins of the world.
And then repeats three times, Domine non sum dignus, dc. Coming
down to the rails, he administers the Holy Communion, saying to
each communicant
Corpus Domini nostri Jesu May the body of our Lord
Christ! custodiat animam tu- Jesus Christ preserve thy
am in vitam aeternam. Amen . soul to life everlasting. Amen.
The Priest then returns to the Altar, and places the ciboriuro in the
tabernacle. The Acolyth pours a little wine into the chalice, and
the griest takes the first Ablution, saying

Quod ore sumpsimus, Do-, Grant, O Lord, that what

mine, pura mente capiamus we have taken with our
ct de munere temporal! flat mouth, we may receive with
nobis remedium sempiter- a pure mind, that of a tem-
num. poral gift it may become to
us an eternal remedy.
The Acolyth then pours wine and water over the fingers of the
Priest, and he takes the second Ablution, saying:
Corpus tuum, Domine, May thy body, O Lord,
quod sumpsi, sanguis
et which I have received, and
quem potavi, adhrereat vis- thy blood which I have
ceribus meis; et prsesta ut drunk, cleave to my bowels:
in me non remaueat scelerum and grant that no stain of
macula, quem pura et sancta sin may remain in me, who

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refecerunt sacramenta. Qui have been fed with this pure

vivis et regnas in ssecula and holy sacrament. Who
sfficulorum. Amen. livest, &c.

Having covered the chalice, he goes to the book, and reads the Com-
munion. The following may be read instead

Comm. We bless the God of heaven, and we will praise

him in the sight of all the living: because he hath shown
us his mercy.
Turning to the people, he says

Bominis vobiscum. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
V. Oremus. V. Let us pray.
Then the Priest reads the Post Communion, at the end of the first
and last prayers of which the Acolyth answers, Amen. The fol-
lowing may be said
P. Comm. Projlciat. May the receiving of this sacra-
ment, O Lord our God, avail to the salvation of body and
soul, together with the confession of an everlasting Holy
Trinity, and of the undivided Unity thereof. Through, &c
II. P. May the oblation of this divine
Comm. Mundet.
sacrament, we beseech thee, O Lord, both cleanse and de-
fend us and by the intercession of the blessed Mary, the

Virgin Mother of God, of the blessed apostles Peter and

Paul, of blessed N. and of all the saints, free us from all
sin, and deliver us from all adversity.
The Priest again turns towards the people, saying
Dominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you.
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. And with thy spirit.
V. Ite missa est, vel Bene- V. Go, you are dismissed,
dicamus Domino. or Let us bless the Lord.
R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God.
Instead of which, when the Gloria in excelsis has been omitted, b*

Benedicamus Domino. Let us bless the Lord.

R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God.
In Masses for the Dead.
Requiescant in pace. May they rest in peace.
R. Amen. R. Amen.

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Bowing before the Altar, the Priest says

Placeat tibi, sancto Trini- Let the performance ol my

ias, obsequiem servitutis homage bepleasing to thee,
onese; et prsesta, ut sacrinci- O holy Trinity; and grant
aim quod oculis tuae Majesta- that the sacrifice which I,
<tis indignus obtuli, tibi sit unworthy as I am, have
/acceptabile, mihique, et om- offered up in the sight of
nibus proquibus illud obtuli, thy Majesty, may be accept-
ssit, ta miserante, propitiabile. able to thee, and by thy
Per Christum Dominum nos- mercy be a propitiation for
frtsm. Amen. me, and for all for whom I
have offered it. Through
Christ, etc.

ThePrie8t then kisses the Altar, and turning towards the people
gives them his blessing, making the sign of the cross upon them.
In Masses for the Dead the blessing is not given.
Benedicta vos, omnipotens May Almighty God, the
Deus, 4« Pater, et Filius, et Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Bpiritus Sanctus. bless you.
R. Amen. R. Amen.

Turning towards the Gospel side of the Altar, he says

Dominus vobiscum. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
Tracing the sign of the cross upon the Altar, and then upon his
forehead, lips, and heart, he says:

Initium Sancti Evangelii, The beginning of the Goe-

or Sequentia. the continuation, etc
pel, or
R. Gloria tibi, Domino. R. Glory be to thee, O

And then reads the Gospel of St. John, if no other is appointed.

In principio erat Verbum, In the beginning was the

et Verbum erat apud Deum Word, and the Word waa
at Deus erat Verbum. Hoc with God, and the Word waa
erat in principio apud Deum. God. The same was in the
Omnia per ipsum facta sunt, beginning with God. All
«t sine ipso factum est. In things were made by him.

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Ipso vita erat, et vita erat and without him was made
lux hominum et lux in tene- nothing- that was made. In

bris lucet, et tenebrse earn him was life, and the life was
noa comprehenderunt. the light of men; and the
light shineth in darkness,
and the darkness did not
comprehend it.
Fuit homo missus a Deo, There was a man sent from
cui nomen erat Joannes. God, whose name was John.
Hie venit in testimonium, ut This man came for a witness
testimonium perhiberet de to give testimony of the
lumine, ut omnes crederent light, that all might believe
per ilium. Non erat ille lux through him. He was not
sed ut testimonium perhibe- the light, but came to give
ret de lumine. Erat lux testimony of the light. That
vera, quae illuminat omnem was the true light which en-
hominem venientem in hunc lighteneth every man that
mundum. cometh into this world.
In mundo erat, et mundus He was in the world, and
per ipsum factus est, et the world was made by him,
mundus eum non cognovit. and the world knew him not.
In propria venit, et sui eum He came unto his own, and
non receperunt. Quot quot his own received hjm not.
autem receperunt eum, dedit But as many as received him,
eis potestatem flliosftei fieri to them he gave power to be
his qui credunt in nomine made the sons of God; to
ejus, qui non ex sanguinibus, them that believe in his
neque ex voluntate carnis, name, who are born, not of
neque ex voluntate viri, sed blood, nor of the will of the
ex Deo nati sunt Et verbum flesh, nor of the will of man,
CARO pactum est, et habita- but of God. And the word
nt in nobis; et vidimus was made flesh, and dwelt
g-loriam ejus, gloriam quasi among us and we saw his

unip*eniti a Patre, plenum glory, as it were the glory of

grat^ee et veritatis. the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and
It *>eo Gratias. R. Thanks be to God.

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At the beginning of the mass, the Priest, at the foot of
the altar, makes the sign of the cross, In the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen, and
then with the clerk, the 42d Psalm, Judica me,
Deus, Sot.Judge me, 0 God, <fcc, which you may either
recite with him, or pray as follows


O ALMIGHTY Lord of heaven and earth!
behold, I, a wretched sinner, presume to appear
before thee, this day, to offer up to thee by the
hands of this thy minister, and by the hands of
our high-priest, Jesus Christ, thy Son, the sacrifice
of his body and blood, in union with that sacri-
fice which he offered thee upon the cross, 1st, For
thy own honor, praise, adoration, and glory. Idly,
In remembrance of his death and passion. Mly,
In thanksgiving for all thy blessings bestowed on
him and on whole church, whether triumph-
ant in heaven, or militant on earth and especially ;

for those bestowed on me, the most unworthy of

all. Athly, For obtaining pardon and remission of
all my sins and of those of all others, whether

living or dead, for whom I ought to pray; and

lastly, for obtaining all graces and blessings both
for myself and for the whole church. O be thou !

pleased to assist me in such a manner by thy grace,

that I may behave myself this day as I ought to
do, in thy divine presence and that I may so com-

memorate the death and passion of thy Son, as to

partake most plentifully of the fruits of it, through
the same Jesus Christ thy Son. Amen.

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O BLESSED Trinity ! one God, Father, Son,
and Holy Ghost, prostrate in spirit before thee, I
here confess, in the sight of the whole court of
heaven, and of all thy faithful, my innumerable
treasons against thy Divine Majesty. I have
sinned, O
Lord, I have sinned I have grievously;

offended through the whole course of my life, in

thought, word and deed, and therefore am most
unworthy to lift up my eyes to heaven, or so
much as to pronounce thy sacred name how ;

much more am I unworthy to appear here in thy

sanctuary, and to assist among thy angels at these
heavenly mysteries, which require so much purity
because Jesus Christ himself is here in person
both priest and victim! But, my God, thy O
mercies are above all, thy works, and thou wilt
not despise a contrite and humble heart; and
therefore I here venture to come into thy temple,
and with the poor publican (and, as I hope, with
the same penitential spirit) I strike my breast,
and say, 0 God, be merciful to me a sinner.
[Repeat this thrice.'] And I humbly hope to find
this mercy which I crave, through that passion
and death which is here celebrated. Fountain O
of mercy, grant this mercy to me, and to all poor
sinners. Amen.
GRANT, O Lord, we may be truly prepared
for the offering this great sacrifice to thee this
day; and because our sins alone can render us
displeasing to thee, therefore we cry aloud to
thee for mercy.

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GLORY be to God on high, and peace on earth

to men of good will. We
praise thee. bless We
thee. We
adore thee. We
glorify thee. We
give thee thanks for thy great glory. Lord O
God! 0 O God the Father
heavenly King!
Almighty! O Lord Jesus Christ, the only be-
gotten Son! O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son
of the Father! O thou! who takest away the
sins of the world, have mercy on us. O thou
who takest away the
sins of the world, receive
our prayer. O
thou! who sittest at the right
Father, have mercy on us. For
thou alone art holy. Thou alone art Lord. Thou
alone art most high, O Jesus Christ! together
with the Holy Ghost in the glory of the Father.
Amen. •


O ALMIGHTY and eternal God, we humbly
beseech thee mercifully to give ear to the prayers
here offered thee by thy servants, in the name of
thy whole church, and in behalf of us thy people
accept them, to the honor of thy name, and the
good of our souls; and grant to us all mercy,
grace, and salvation, through our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.


GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that

the examples of thy saints may effectually move
us to reform our lives, that while we celebrate

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their festivals, we may also imitate their actions,

through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
THOU hast vouchsafed, O Lord, to teach u»
thy sacred truths by thy prophets and apostles
O grant that we may so improve by their doctrine
and examples, in the love of thy holy name, and
of thy holy law, that we may show forth by our
lives whose disciples we are; that we may no
longer follow the corrupt inclinations of flesh
and blood, but master all our passions that we :

may be ever directed by thy light and strength- ;

ened by thy grace, to walk in the way pf thy

commandments, and to serve thee with clean
hearts, through our Lord Jesus Christ.


HOW wonderful, O Lord, is thy name through
the whole earth I will bless thee, O Lord, at all

times thy praise shall ever be in my mouth. Be


thou my God and my protector for ever I will :

put my whole trust in thee O let me never be




O LORD Jesus Christ, who earnest down from
heaven to instruct us in all truth, and continuest
daily to teach us by thy holy gospel and the
preachers of thy word, grant me grace, that I
may be wanting in no care necessary for being
instructed in thy saving truths. Let me be as
industrious in my soul's concern, as I am for

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my body : that while I take pains in the *,xairs

of this world, I may not, through
neglect, let my
soul starve and perish everlast-
ingly. Let the rules of thy gospel be the direc-
tion of my
life, that I may not only know thy
will,but likewise do it that I may observe thy

commandments and, resisting all the inclinations


of corrupt nature, ever follow thee, who art the

way, the truth, and the life for thus only can I;

be thy true disciple; and thus only, O Jesus,

canst thou be my master.


I RELIEVE in one God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible
and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only begotten Son of God. And born of the
Father before all ages. God of God, Light of
Light, true God of true God. Begotten, not
made consubstantial to the Father, by whom all

things were made. Who, for us men, and for our

Salvation, came down from heaven. And was
incarnated by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin
crucified also under Pontius Pilate he suffered ;

and was buried. And the third day he rose

again, according to the Scriptures. And he as-
cended into heaven, sits at the right hand of the
Father. And he is to come again with glory, to
judge the living and the dead of whose kingdom ;

there shall be no end. And in the Holy Ghost,

the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from
the Father and the Son, who, together with the

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Father and the Son, is adored and glorified, who

spoke by the Prophets. And One, Holy, Catholic,
and Apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for
the remission of sins. And I look for the resur-
rection of the dead. And the life of the world
to come. Amen.


ACCEPT, O eternal Father, this offering, which
ishere made to thee by thy minister, in the name
of us all here present, and of thy whole church.
'T is as yet only bread and wine, but, by the
miracle of thy power and grace, will shortly
become the body and blood of thy beloved Son.
He is our High-Priest, and he is our victim.
With him and through him we desire to approach
to thee this day, and by his hands to offer thee
this sacrifice, for thine own honor, praise, and
glory, in thanksgiving for all thy benefits, in
satisfaction for all our sins, and for obtaining
conversion for all unbelievers, and mercy, grace,
and salvation for all thy faithful. And with this
offering of thy only begotten Son, we offer our-
selves to thee, begging that, by the virtue of this
sacrifice, we may be happily united to thee, and
that nothing in life and death may ever separate
us any more from thee.


O WHAT cleanness and purity of heart ought
we to bring with us to this great sacrifice but, !

alas! I am a poor unclean sinner. wash, me, O

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dear Lord, from all the stains of sin in the blood

of the Lamb, that I may be worthy to be present
at these heavenly mysteries.


O MOST holy and adorable Trinity, vouchsafe
to receive this our sacrifice, in remembrance of
our Saviour's passion, resurrection, and glorious
ascension ; and grant, that we may die with him
to our sins, rise with him to new life, and ascend
with him to thee. Let those saints, whose mem-
ory we celebrate on earth, remember us before
thy throne in heaven, and obtain mercy for us,
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Then the Priest, kissing the altar, turns to the people,
and says, Orate, Fratres, Sc. (i. e.) Brethren, pray thai my
and yours may be made acceptable to God the Father
Almighty. You would do well to pray as he desires, and
aay with the clerk
May the Lord receive this sacrifice from thy
bands, to the praise and glory of his own name,
for our benefit, and that of all this holy church.


MERCIFULLY hear our prayers, O Lord,
and graciously accept this oblation, which we thy
servants make to thee ; and as we offer it to the
honor of thy name, so may it be to us here a
means of obtaining thy grace, and life everlasting
hereafter, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
SANCTIFY, O Lord, we beseech thee, these

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gifts which we offer thee in this solemnity of thy

holy servant N., and so strengthen us by thy
grace, that both in prosperity and adversity our
ways may be ever directed to thy ho^or, through
our Lord Jesus Christ.

IT istruly meet and just, right, and available
to salvation, that we always, and in all places,
give thanks to thee, 0 holy Lord, Father Al-
mighty, eternal God who, with thy only begotten

Son and the Holy Ghost, art one God, and one
Lord, not in one single person, but in three-
persons and one substance. For what we believe
of thy glory, as thou hast revealed it, we believe
the same of thy Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
without any difference so that in the confession

of one true and eternal Deity, we adore a dis-

tinction of persons, an unity of essence, and an
equality of majesty. Which the angels and
archangels praise tne Cherubim and Seraphim,
also, who cease not to cry out daily, saying, with
one voice,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth The !

heavens and the earth are full of tby glory

Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that
comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in
the highest.


O ETERNAL and most merciful Father!
behold, we come to offer thee our homage this-
day; we desire to adore, praise, and glorify tbae^

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and to give thee thanks for thy great glory, join-

ing our hearts and voices with all thy blessed in
heaven, and with thy whole church upon earth.
But acknowledging our great unworthiness and
innumerable sins, for which we are heartily sorry,
and humbly beg thy pardon, we dare not ap-
proach thee otherwise than in company with thy
Son, our advocate and mediator, Jesus Christ,
whom thou hast given us to be both High-Priest
and sacrifice. With him, therefore, and through
him, we venture to offer thee this sacrifice to his

most sacred intentions we desire to unite ours:

and with this offering which he makes of himself,
we desire to make an offering of our whole being
to thee. With him and through him we beseech
thee to exalt thy holy Catholic church throughout
the whole world to maintain her in peace, unity,

holiness and truth; to have mercy on thy ser-

vants, N. our chief bishop, N. our prelate, and
all that truly fear thee on our parents, children,

friends, and benefactors, &c. on all those whom


we have any ways scandalized, injured, or offend-

ed, or for whom we are any other way bound to
pray; on all that are in their agony, or under
violent temptations, or other necessities, corporal
or spiritual on all our enemies and, in a word,

on all poor sinners that we may all be converted


to thee, and find mercy, through Jesus Christ thy

Son: through whom
admitted into the company of all thy saints and
elect, whose memory we here celebrate, whose
prayers we desire, and with whom we communis
cate in these holy mysteries.

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WE present to thee, O Lord this bread and !

wine, which being composed of many, reduced

into one, are symbols of concord and unity, that,
by thy all-powerful blessing, they may be made
for us the precious body and blood of thy beloved
Son; and that through him, and through his
death and passion, applied to our souls by these
sacred mysteries, we may obtain mercy, grace,
and peace, in this life, and eternal happiness in
the next.


LOOK down, now, O Lord ! we beseech thee,
upon this sacred victim, which was once offered
to thee upon the cross, and is now daily offered
to thee. Remember that thy only begotten Son,
lor us poor sinners, was conceived and was born
in this world; that for us he suffered a bitter
agony and sweat of blood for us he was betrayed

into the hands of sinners, buffeted, spit upon, and

many ways abused for us he was scourged at a

pillar, crowned with thorns, and nailed to a cross?

for us he died, and for us he triumphed over
death by his resurrection, and he opened heaven
for us by his ascension. We
desire gratefully to
commemorate all these mysteries this day, in the-
oblation of this pure and holy sacrifice. look O !

not on our sins, but on the infinite ransom paid

for them. And whilst we offer it here below
upon our altars, do thou receive it upon thy altar
above, from the hands of the angel of the gre^

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council, the eternal priest ; and from thence send

down thy blessing upon us all, who here below
assist at these divine mysteries, through the same
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


WE humbly implore thy mercv, Lord ! for 0
ourselves also. Webeg pardon for all our sins
we desire to detest them, and to renounce them
for ever. All our hope is in the multitude of thy
tender mercies, from which we confidently expect
forgiveness, through Jesus Christ, and to be one
day, through him, admitted into the company of
the blessed apostles and martyrs in thy heavenly
paradise. In the mean time, we desire to offer
thee daily, through him, all honor and glory.
At the Pater Noster, join with the Priest in that
sacred prayer.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be

thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be
done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread. And forgive us our tres-
passes, as we forgive them that trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver
us from evil. Amen.

O MY sweet Saviour Jesus Christ, thou who art
my sovereign Good, the Fountain of all goodness,
my God and my all, I most firmly believe, that
for us sinners, and for our salvation, thou wast
pleased to come down from heaven, to take upon

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thee, by the mystery of thy incarnation, our hu-

man nature, and to become one of us, that so
thou mightest be our High-Priest and our victim.
I most firmly believe that thou offeredst thyself
upon the cross, a sacrifice for us all, after having
suffered many cruel torments for us and that by ;

thy glorious resurrection and admirable ascension,

thou hast opened the gates of heaven for us. I
most firmly believe, that in these sacred mysteries
thou art truly and really present, and that thy
sacred body and blood are here offered up in
sacrifice, and verily and indeed received by the
faithful in remembrance of thy death. how O
happy are those souls who worthily receive thee
in this divine sacrament what graces, what
! O
sanctity do they receive from this fountain of all
holiness ! O
that I were so happy as to be worthy
to approach this day thy heavenly banquet, and
to feed on the food of life, the bread of angels
But, alas I am the most wretched of all sinners,

who, from my first coming to the use of reason,

to this hour, have in innumerable ways offended
thee, my God. My
soul is overspread with an
universal leprosy, covered on all sides with ulcers,
and is unclean and filthy beyond measure ; and
therefore infinitely unworthy to approach the
Lord of all purity and sanctity. In this lament-
able state that I am, I dare not so much as look
up towards thy altar, much
less approach it but ;

with eyes and heart down, and with a deep

sense of my manifold treasons, and great unwor-
thiness, I numbly beg pardon of thee for all my
sins, and implore thy mercy. O fountain or
mercy, have compassion on me, and suffer me

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and though I am
at least to sigh after thee,
unworthy of thy embraces, permit me, like the
penitent Magdalen, to present myself at least at
thy feet, and wash them in spirit with my tears
O may thy sacred blood, which thou hast shed
for all sinners, cleanse my poor soul this day from
all its filth ! O
come to me, dear Lord, in spirit,
and take possession of all the powers of my soul ! v
Recollect my
memory to thee, enlighten my un-
derstanding, and inflame my will with thy love.
O let me
be thine, and thou mine, from hence-
forth and and grant that nothing in life
for ever ;

or death may ever separate me from thee any

more. In this one prayer, hear me, O Lord;
and in all things else do with me what thou wilt.


I RETURN thee now most hearty thanks, O
my God through Jesus Christ thy Son, that thou

hast been pleased to deliver him up to death for

us, and to give us his body and blood, both as a
sacrament and sacrifice in these holy mysteries, at
which thou hast permitted me, a most unworthy
sinner, to assist this day. May all heaven and
earth bless and praise thee for ever, for all thy
mercy. O! pardon me, dear Lord! all my dis-
tractions, and the many neglects which I have
been guilty of this day in thy sight and let me ;

not depart without thy benediction. Behold, 1

desire from this moment to give up myself, and
all that belongs to me, into thy hands, and beg
that all my undertakings, all my thoughts, words

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«jid actions, may henceforward tend to thy glory,

through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.


IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. This was
in the beginning with God. All things were
made by him, and without him was made nothing
that was made. In him was life, and the life was
the light of men, and the light shineth in dark-
ness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
There was a man sent from God, whose name
was John. This man came for a witness to
bear witness of the light, that all might believe
through him. He was not the light, but to bear
witness of the light. That was the true light
which enlightens every man that cometh into
this world. He was in the world, and the world
was made by him, and the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his own received him
not. But as many as received him, he gave to
them power to become the sons of God to them ;

who believe in his name, who are born not of

blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the
will of man, but of God: and the word was
made flesh, and dwelt among us. And we saw
his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of
the Father, full of grace and truth.

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Iw^er noster, &c. Ave Our Father, &c. Hail Mary,
Maria, &c. &c.
P. Deus, in adjutorium P. Incline unto my aid, O
meum intende. God.
R. Domine, ad adjuvan- R. O Lord, make baste to
dum m6 festina. help me.
V. Gloria Patri, et Filio, * v. Glorybe to the Father,
et Spiritui Sancto. and to the Son, and to the
Holy Ghost.
R. Sicut erat in principio, R. As it was in the begin-
et nunc, et semper, * et in ning, is now, and ever shall
saecula sseculorum. Amen. be, world without end.
Alleluia. Amen. Alleluia.
In Lent. Laustibi,Domine, In Lent. Praise be to thee.
Rex aeternae gloriae. O King of eternal glory.

PSALM CLX. psalm 109.

Dixit Dominus Domino The Lord said to my Lord,

meo: * sede a dextris meis; sit thou at my right hand.
Donee ponam inimicos Until I make thy enemies
tuos: * scabellum pedum thy footstool.
Virgam virtutis tuae emit- The Lord will send forth
tet Dominus ex Sion * dom- the sceptre of thy power out

inare in medio inimicorum of Sion: rule thou in the

uorum. midst of thy enemies.
Tecum principium in die With thee is the principal-
virtutis tuae in splendoribus ity, in the day of thy strength,
sanctorum * ex utero ante in the brightness of the

luciferum genui te. saints: from the womb be-

fore the day-star, I begot
Juravit Dominus, et non The Lord hath sworn, and
pcenitebit eum * tu es sa- he will not repent thou art
: :

cerdos in aeternum, secun- a Priest for ever, according

dum ordinem Melchisedec. to the order of Melchisedec.
Dominus a dextris tuis: * The Lord, at thy right
oonfregit in die irae suae hand, hath broken kings, in
reges. the day of his wrath.
Judicabit in nation! bus, He shall judge among na-
implebit ruinas * conquas- tions: he shall fill ruins; he

sabit capita in terra multo- shall crush the heads in the

rum. land of many.
De torrente in via bibet : * He shall drink of the tor-
propterea exaltabit caput. rent in the way: therefore
shall he lift up the head.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c

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PSALM ex. PSALM 110.

Confltebor tibi Domine in O Lord,

I will praise thee,
toto corde meo : * in concilio with my whole heart ; in the
justorum, et congregatione. council of the just, and in
the congregation.
Magna opera Domini: * Great are the works of the
exquisita in omnes volunta- Lord, brought out according
tes ejus. to all his wills.
Confessio et magniflcentia His work is praise and mag-
opus ejus; * et justitia ejus nificence, and his justice con-
manet in saeculum saeculi. tinuetb for ever and ever.
Memoriam fecit mirabil- He hath made a remem-
ium suorum misericors et brance of his wonderful
niiserator Dominus * escam works, being a merciful and

dedit timentibus gracious Lord: he hath given

food to them that fear him.
Pernor erit in saeculum tes- He will be mindful for ever
tamenti sui * virtutem ope- of his covenant he will show
: :

rura suorum annunciabit forth to his people the power

populo suo. of his works.
Ut det illls hasreditatem That he may give them the
Gentium ; * opera manuum inheritance of the Gentiles:
ejus Veritas et judicium. the works of his hands are
truth and judgment.
Fidelia omnia mandata All his commandments are
ejus; conflrmata in seeculum faithful, confirmed for ever
; * facta in veritate et
*>aeculi and ever, made in truth and
sequitate. equity.
Redemptionem misit popu- He hath sent redemption
lo suo: * mandavit in aeter- to his people he hath com- ;

num testamentum suum. manded his covenant for

Sanctum et terribile nomen Holy and terrible is his
ejus: * initium sapientiae ti- name: the fear of the Lord
mor Domini. isthe beginning of wisdom.
Intellectus bonus omnibus A
good understanding to
facientibu8 eum: * laudatio allthat do it his praise cou-

ejus manet in speculum sae- tinueth for ever and ever.

Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.


Beatus vir, qui timet Do- Blessed is the man thatfear-

minum: * in mandatis ejus eth the Lord he shall' delight

volet nimis. exceedingly in his command-

Potens in terra erit semen His seed shall be mighty
ejus: * generatio rectorum upon earth: the generation
benedicetur. of the righteous shall be

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Gloria et divitiae in domo Glory and wealth shall be

ejus: * et justitia ejus manet in his house : and his justice
in saeculuni steculi. remaineth for ever and ever.
Exortum est in tenebris To the righteous a light has
lumen rectis: * misericors, risen up in darkness: he is
et miserator, et justus. merciful, and compassionate,
and just.
Jucundus homo qui mise- Acceptable is the man that
retur et commodat ; disponetshowetn mercy, and lendeth:
serraones suos in judicio * he shall order his words with

quia in eeternum non com- judgment; because he shall

movebitur. not be moved for ever.
In memoria eeterna erit The just shall be in everlast-
justus: * ab auditione mala ing remembrance: he shall
non timebit. not fear the evil hearing-.
Paratum cor ejus sperare His heart is ready to hope
in Domino, connrmatum est in the Lord his heart is :

cor ejus: * non commovebi- strengthened: he shall not be

tur, donee despiciat inimicos moved until he look over his
suos. enemies.
Dispersit, dedit pauperi- Hehathdistributed,he hath
bus: justitia ejus manet in given to the poor his justice :

saeculum sasculi, * cornu ejus remaineth for ever and ever

exaltabitur in gloria. his horn shall be exalted in
Peccator videbit, et irasce- The wicked shall see, and
tu; dentibus suis fremet et shall be angry ; he shall gnash
tabescet: * desiderium pec- with his teeth, and pine away;
catorum peribit. the desire of the wicked shall
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

psalm cxn. PSALM 112.

Laudate pueri Dominum :

* Praise the Lord, ye chil-
laudate nomen Domini. dren praise ye the name of

the Lord.
Sit nomen Domini benedic- Blessed be the name of the
tum, * ex hoc nunc, et usque Lord, from henceforth, now,
in saeculum. and for ever.
solis ortu usque ad occa- From the rising of the sun
sum, * laudabile nomen Dom- unto the going down of the
ini. same, the name of the Lord
is worthy of praise.
Excelsus super omnes ren- The Lord is high above all
tes Dominus, * et super ccelos .nations ; and his glory above
gloria ejus. the heavens.
Quis sicut Dominus Deus Who is as the Lord our God,
noster, qui in altis habitat, * who dwelleth on high, and
et humilia respicit in ccelo et looketh down on the low
in terra 9 things in heaven and in

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Susd tans a terra inopem * Raising up the needy from


et de stercore erigens paupe-the earth, and lifting up the

rem; poor out of the dung-hill
Ut collocet eum. cum prin- That he may place nim with
cipibus, * cum principibus princes, with the princes of
populi sui. nispeople.
Qui habitare facit sterilem who maketh a barren wo-
in domo, * matrera flliorum man to dwell in a house, the
lsetanteni. joyful mother of children.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

psalm cxm.f PSALM 113.

In exitu Israel de JSgypto * ; When Israel went out of

Dominus Jacob de populo Egypt, the house of Jacob
barbaro. from a barbarous people
Facta est Judaea sanctiflca- Judea was made his sanctu-
tio ejus, * Israel potestas ejus. ary, Israel his dominion.
Mare vidit, et fugio * Jor-; The sea saw and fled Jor- ;

danis conversus est retror- dan was turned back. f

sum. 4

Montes exultaverunt ut The mountains skipped like

arietes ; * et colles sicut agni rams, and the hills like the
ovium. lambs of a flock.
Quid est tibi mare, quod What aileth thee, O thou
fugisti ? * et tu Jordanis, quia sea, that thou didst flee? and
conversus es retrorsum? thou, O Jordan, that thou
wast turned back?
Montes exultastis sicut ari- Ye mountains, that ye skip-
etes? * et colles sicut agni {>ed like rams; and ye hills
ovium? ike the lambs of the flock?
A facie Domini mota est At the presence of theLord*
terra, * a facie Dei Jacob. the earth was moved at the ;

presence of the God of Jacob.

Qui convertit petram in Who turned the rock into
stagna aquarum, * et rupera pools of water, and the stony
in fontes aquarum. hills into fountains ot waters.
Non nobis, Domine,non no- Not unto us, O Lord, not
bis * sed nomini tuo da glo- unto us, but to thy name give

riam. glory.
Super misericordia tua, et For thy mercy and for thy
veritate tua * ne quando di- truth's sake; lest the Gen-

cant gentes; ubi est Deus tiles should say, where is their
eorum? God?
Deus autem noster in cce- But our God is in heaven 15

lo; * omnia qusecumque vo- he hath done all things what

luit, fecit. soever he would.

f Instead of 113, the Psalm 116 is often sung.

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Simulacra gentium argen- The idols of the Gentiles are

tum etaurum, * opera manu- silverand gold ; the work of
um hominum. the hands of men.
Os habent, et non loquen- They have mouths and
tur * oculos habent, et non speak not; they have eyes

videbunt. and see not.

Aures habent, et non au- They have ears and hear
dient * nares habent, et non not; they have noses and

odorabunt. smell not.

Manus habent, et non pal- They have hands and feel
pabunt pedes habent, et non not they have feet and walk
; ;

ambulabunt; * non clama- not; neither shall they cry

bunt in gutture suq. out through their throats.
Similes illis flant qui faci- Let them that make them
unt ea * et omnes qui conn- become like unto them and
; ;

dun t in eis. such as trust in them.

Domus Israel speravit in The house of Israel hath
Domino * adjutor eorum et hoped in the Lord ; he is their

protector eorum est. helper and their protector.

Domus Aaron speravit in The house of Aaron hath
Domino * adjutor eorum et hoped in the Lord ; he is their

protector eorum est. helper and their protector.

Qiti timent Dominum, spe- They that fear the Lord
raverunt in Domino, * adju- have hoped in the Lord; be
tor eorum et protector eorum is their helper and their pro-
est. tector.
Dominus memor fuit nos- The Lord hath been mind-
tri ; * et benedixit nobis ful of us, and hath blessed
Benedixit domui Israel; * He hath blessed the house
benedixit domui Aaron. of Israel ; he hath blessed the
house of Aaron.
Benedixit omnibus qui ti- He hath blessed all that
mentDominum,*pu8ilks cum fear the Lord, both little and
majoribus. great.
Adjiciat Dominus super May the Lord add blessings
vos; * super vos, et super upon you upon you and up- ;

Alios vestros. on your children.

Benedicti vos a Domino ; * Blessed be you of the Lord,
qui fecit coelum et terrain. who made heaven and
Coelum coele Domino ; * ter- The heaven of heavens is
rainautem dedit nliis homi- the Lord's; but the earth he
num. hath given to the children of
Non mortui laudabunt te, The dead shall not praise
Domine * neque omnes qui thee, O Lord; nor any of

descendunt in mfernum. them that go down to hell.

Scd nos qui vivimus, bene- But we that live bless the
dicimus Domino; * ex hoc Lord, from this time, now
nunc et usque in steculum. and for ever.
Gloria Patri, &o Glory be to the Father, &c

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PSALM CXVI. psalm 116.

Laudate Dominum omnes Praise the Lord, all ye ns*

Gentes * laudate eum om- tions praise him, all ye peo*
; ;

nes populi. pie.

Quoniam conflrmata est su- Because his mercy is con
per nos miseiicordia ejus; * Armed upon us, and tht*
et Veritas Domini mauet in truth of the Lord remainetk
eeternum. for ever.
Gloria Patri, &c. Glory be to the Father, &c.

Capitulnm, 2 Cor. i, 3. Little Chapter, 2 Cor. i. 3.

Benedictus Deus et Pater Blessed be the God and Fa-

Domini nostri Jesu Christi, ther of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Pater misericordiarum, et the Father of mercies, and
Deus totius consolationis, the God of all comfort, who
qui consolatur nos in omni comforteth us in all our trib-
tribulatione nostra. ulations.
R. Deo gratias. R. Thanks be to God.

[Here is usually sung a Hymn, appropriate to the season of the


Hyjy&for Sunday. Hymn for Sunday.

Lucis Creates optime, O, great Creator of the light,
"Who from the darksome
Lucem dierum proferens, womb of night,
Primordiis lucis nova?, Brought'st forth new light
at nature's birth,
Mundi parans originem. To shine upon the face of

Qui mane junctum vesperi, Who by the morn and even-

ing ray,
Diem vocari prsecipis Hast measured time and
Illabitur tetrum chaos called it day,
Whilst sable night involves
Audi preces cum fletibus,
the spheres,
Vouchsafe to hear our pray-
ers and tears.

Ne mens gravata crimine, Lest our frail mind, with sin

Vitae sit exul munere From gifts of life should be
Dum nil perenne cogitat. exiled,
Whilst on no heavenly thing
Seseque culpis illigat.
she thinks,
But twines herself in Satan's

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Coeleste pulset ostium O, mayshe soar to heaven

Vitale tollat praemium. The happy seat of life and
Vitemus omne noxium love:
Purgemus omne pessimum. Meantime all sinful actions
And purge the foul ones she
hath done.

Praesta, Pater, piissime, This prayer, most gracious

Father, hear;
Patrique compar unice, Thy equal Son, incline his
Cum Spiritu Paraclito, ear,
Regnans per omne saeculum. Who, with the Holy Ghost
and thee
Amen. Both live and reign eternally.
Y. Dirigatnr, Domine, Oratio mea.
R. Sicut incensum in couspectu tuo.

Hymn for Confessors. Hymn for Confessors,

Iste Confessor Domini, co- This day, with gladness*

lentes Christian choirs proclaim
Quem pie laudant populi per His combats, triumphs, faith
orbem, and glorious name.
Hac die meruit beatas
laetus Who boldly Christ on earth
Scandere Sedes. confessed.
jOr, instead of the last two lines,]
And now exults among the
Hac die laetus meruit supre-
Laudis honores.

Qui pius, prudens, humilus, Prudence and piety adorn*d

pudicus, his life.
Sobriam duxit sine labe vi- Unstained with ill, and un-
tam, disjurb'd by strife
Donee humanos animavit Chaste, humble, meek he
aurae kept his heart,
Spiritus artus. Till bid by heaven from
life depart.

Cujus ob praestans meritum Th' Almighty now, his serv-

frequenter ant's glory shows.
Mgra. quae passim jacuere And signal favors through
membra, his prayers bestows
Viribus morbi dimitis, saluti Diseases fly before his
Kestituuntur. shrine,
And health returns by
pow'r divines

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Noster hinc illi chorus obse- Let's then, in thankful songs,

quentem our voices raise,
Concinit laudem celebresque And sing- to him this solemn
palmas, hymn of praise
Ut piis ejus precibus juve- That by his pray'rs the Al-
mur mighty may
Omne per aevum. His favors to our souls
Sit safus illi, decus atque To him be glory, pow'r and
virtus, endless fame,
Qui super cceli solio corus- Whose wisdom rules the
cans, whole creation's frame
Totius mundi seriem guber- And nils the bright celestial
nat, throne,
TrinusetUnus. Amen. The great mysterious
Three in one.

1 Vespers. V. Amavit eum Dominus, et ornavit eum. (Easter

Time. Alleluia.)
R. Stolam gloria; induit eum. (E. T. Alleluia).
H Vespers. V. Justum deduxit Dominus per vias rectas. (E. T.
R. Et ostendit illi regnum Dei. (E. T. Alleluia.)

The Magnificat : or the Canticle of the blessed Virgin Mary. Luke I.

Magnificat * anima mea My soul doth magnify the

Dominum. Lord
Et exultavit Spiritus meus And my spirit hath rejoiced
* in Deo salutari meo. in God my Saviour.
Quia respexit humilitatem Because he hath regarded
ancillae suae * ecce enim ex the humility of his band-

boc beatam me dicent omnes maid; for behold from hence-

irenerationes. forth all generations shall
call me blessed.
Quia fecit mihi magna qui For he that is mighty hath
potens est * et sanctum no- done great things to me and
; :

men ejus. holy is his name.

Et misericordia ejus a pro- And his mercy is from gen-
genie in progenies, *timen ti- eration to generation, to
ns eum. them that fear him.
Fecit potentiam in brachio He hath showed might in
auo; * dispersit superbos his arm; be hath scattered
mente cordis sui. the proud in the conceit of
their heart.
Deposuit potentes de sede, He hath put down the
* et exaltavit humiles. mighty from their seat, and
hath exalted the humble.
Esurientes implevit bonis He hath filled the hungry
* et divites dimisit inanes. with good things; and the
rich he hath sent away emp-

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Suscepit Israel puerum He hath received Israel his

euum, * recordatus uiiseri- servant, being mindful oi
cordLe sua?. his mercy.
Sicut locutus est ad patres As he spoke to our fathers
nostros, * Abraham, et semi- to Abraham, and to his seed
ni ejus in srecula. forever.
Gloria Patri, etc. Glory be to the Father, &c
Then follows the Prayer, which is different every day.

P. Dominus vobiscum. P. The Lord be with you.

R. Et cum spiritu tuo. R. And with thy spirit.
P. Benedicaraus Domino. P. Let us bless the Lord.
R. Deogratias. R. Thanks be to God.
P. Fidjelium anima?, per P. May the souls of the
misericordiam Dei, requies- faithful, through the mercy-
cant in pace. of God, rest in peace.
R. Amen. R. Amen.
Then is sung one of the following anthems, according to the time.

From Advent to the Purified- From Advent to the Purifica-

tion. tion.

Alma redemptoris mater, Mother of Jesus, heaven's

quae pervia coeli, open gate,
Porta manes, et Stella maris, Star of the sea, support the
succurre cadenti, fallen state
Surgere qui curat populo, tu Of mortals; thou whose
quae genuisti, womb thy maker
Natura mirante, tuum sanc- strange thing, a
And yet,
tum genitorein, Virgin as before.
Virgo prius ac posterius: Who didst from Gabriel's
Gabrielis ab ore, hail, this news receive
Sumens illud ave, peccato- Repenting sinners by thy
rum miserere. prayers relieve.

In Advent. In Advent.
P. Angelus Domini nunti- P. The angel of the Lord
avit Maria? declared unto Mary,
R. Et concepit de Spiritu R. And she conceived oi
Sancto. the Holy Ghost.
P. Oremus. P. Let us pray.
Gratiam tuam quaasumus, Pour forth, we l>eseecb
Domine, dientibus nostris in- thee, O Lord, thy grace into
funde; ut qui, angelo nunti- our hearts, that we, to whom
ante, Christi FiJii tui incar- the incarnation of Christ thy
nationem cognovimus, per Son has been made known
passionem ejus et crucera, by the message of an angel,
ad resurrectionis gloriam may by his passion and cross,

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perducamur; per eumdera be brought to the glory of

Christum, Dominum nos- his resurrection; through
trura. the same Christ, our Lord.
R. Amen. R. Amen.

After Advent, After Advent.

P. Post partum virgo invi- P. After childbirth thou

olata per mansisti. didst remain a pure Virgin.
R. Dei genitrix, intercede R. Mother of God, inter-
pro nobis. cede for us.
P. Oremus. P. Let us pray.
Deus, que salutis aeternee O God, who by the fruitful
beatae Mariae Virginitate fce- Virginity of the blessed Vir-
cunda humano generi prae- gin Mary, hast given to man-
mia preestitisti ; tribue, quae- kind the rewards of eternal
eumus, tu ipsam pro nobis in- salvation grant, we beseech

tercede re sentiamus, per thee, that we may be sensible

quam meruimus Auctorem of the benefits of her inter-
vitse suscipere Dominum cession, by whom we have re-
nostrum, Jesum Christum, ceived the Author of life,
Filium tuum. our Lord Jesus Christ, thy
K. Amen. R Amen.

'From the Purification till From the Purification tiU

Easter, Easter.

Ave, Regina Coelorum, Hail, Mary, queen of heav-

enly spheres
Ave, Domina Angelorum, Hail, whom the angelic host
Salve, radix, Salve, porta, Hail, fruitful root, hail sa-
cred gate!
Ex qua mundo luxestorta; Whence the world's light de-
rives its date.
Gaude, Virgo gloriosa, O glorious maid, with beauty
Super omnes speciosa; May joys eternal fill thy
Vale, O valde decora, Thus crowned with beauty
and with joy.
Et pro nobis Christum exora. Thy prayers with Christ for
us employ.
P. Dignare me laudare te, P. vouchsafe, O sacred Vir-
Virgo sacrata. gin, to accept my praises.
R. Da mihi virtutem con- R. Give me power against
tra hostes tuos. thy enemies.
P. Oremus. I*. Let us pray.
Concede misericors Deus, Grant us, O merciful God,
fragilitati nostras presidium; strength against all our weak-

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ness : that we, who celebrate

ut qui sanctse Dei genitricis
the memory of the holy
memoriam agimus, interces-
mother of God, may by t"ae
sionis ejus auxilio a nostris
iniquitatibus resurgamus
help of her intercession, rise
per eumdem Christum, Do- again from our iniquities
minum nostrum, through the same Christ our
R. Amen. R. Amen.

From Easter until Trinity. From Easter until Trinity.

Regina coeli, laetare, O Queen of heaven, rejoice.

Alleluia. Alleluia.
Quia quern meruisti portare, For he whom thou didst de-
serve to bear,
Alleluia. Alleluia.
Res urrexit, sicut dixit, Is risen again as he said,
Alleluia. Alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum, Pray for us to God,
Alleluia. Alleluia.
P. Gaude et laetare, Virgo P. Rejoice and be glad, O
Maria, Virgin Mary
Allelulia. Alleluia.
R. Quia surrexit Dominus- R. Because our Lord is tru-
vere, ly risen,
Alleluia. Alleluia.
P. Oremus. P. Let us pray.
Deus Qui, per resurrec- O God, who by the resur-
tionem Fuii tui, Domini nos- rection of thy Son, our Lord
tri, Jesu Christ!, mundum Jesus Christ, hath been
lsetiflcare dignatus es, prees- pleased to nil the world with
ta, quaesumus, ut per ejus joy, grant, we beseech thee,
genitricem Virginem Mari- that by the Virgin Mary, his
am perpetuas capiamus gau- mother, we may receive the
dia vitas per eumdem Chris- joys of eternal life through
: :

tum, Dominum nostrum. the same Christ our Lord.

R. Amen. R. Amen.

From Trinity Sunday until From Trinity Sunday untU

Advent. Advent.

Salve, Regina, mater mise- Hail, O Queen, O mother of

ricordiae, vita, dulcedo, et mercy, hail our life, our com-
spes nostra salve. Ad te cla- fort, and our hope. the We
mamus, exules fllii Evee. Ad banished children of Eve*
te suspiramus gementes te cry out unto thee. To thee
flentes, in hac lacrymarum we send up our sighs, groan-
valle. Fia ergo, advocata ing and weeping in this^e
of tears. Come, then. Car
nostra, illos tuos misericor-
des oculos ad nos converte. advocate, and look .upon us
Et Jesum benedictum fruc- with those thy pitying eyes-

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«um ventrls tui nobis post And after this our banish-
lioc exUlum ostende ; ment, show us Jesus, the
O Cle-
mens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo blessed fruit of thy womb;
Maria! O merciful, O pious, O sweet
Virgin Mary
P. Ora pro nobis sancta P. Pray for us, O holy
Dei Genitrix! mother of God
R. Ut digni efflciamur R. That we may be made
prommissionlbus Cbristi. worthy of the promises of
P. Oremus. P. Let us pray.
Omnipotent sempiterne Almighty and eternal God,
Deus, qui gloriosae Virginia who, by the co-operation of
Matris Mariae corpus et ani- the Holy Ghost, didst prepare
mam, ut dignum Filii tui ha- the body and soul of the glo-
bitaculum effici mereretur, rious virgin Mother Mary,
Spiritu Sancto co-operante, that she might become a
prseparasti; da, ut cujus worthy habitation for thy
commemoratione laetamur Son, grant, that as with joy
ejus pia intercessione ab in- we celebrate her memory, so
etantibus mails, et a morte by her pious intercession we
perpetua liberemur ; per may be delivered from pres-
eumdem Christum, Domi- ent evils and eternal death:
Dum nostrum. through the same Christ our
R. Amen. R. Amen.
P. Divinum auxilium ma- P. May the divine assist-
oeat semper nobiscum; ance always remain with us.
R. Amen. R. Amen.


Tanturn ergo sacramentum To this mysterious table
Veneremur cernui, Our knees, our hearts and
Et antiquum documentum sense we bow.
Let ancient rites resign their
Novo cedat ritui place,
Preestet fides supplementum To nobler elements or
Sensuum defectui. And faith for all defects
While sense is lost in mys-

Oenitori, Genitoque To God the Father born of

Iaus et Jubilatio, To Christ, his co-eternal Sof

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Balus, honor, virtus, quoque And Holy Ghost, whose equal

Sil et benedictio; From both proceed, one
equal praise
Procedenti ab utroque One honor, jubilee, and fame,
Compar sit laudatio. Amen. Forever bless his glorious
name. Amen.
P. Panem de ccelo praesti- Thou hast given them
tisti eis. bread from heaven.
R. Omne delectamentum R. Replenished with all
In so habentem. sweetness and delight.
P. Ora pro nobis, sancta P. Pray for us, O holy
Dei genitnx. mother of God
R. Ut digni efficiamur pro- R. That we may be made
missionibus Ghristi. worthy of the promises of

P. Oremus. Let us Pray.

Deus qui sub sacramento O God who has
! left us, in
mirabili passionis tuae mem- this wonderful sacrament, a
oriam reliquisti, tribue, perpetual memorial of thy
quaesumus, ita nos corporis passion: Grant us, we be-
et sanguinis tui sacra myste- seech thee, so to reverence
ria venerari, ut redemptionis the sacred mysteries of thv
tui fructum in nobis jugiter body and blood, that we may
Bentiamus. Qui vives et reg- continually find in cur souls
nas Deus in ssecula saeculo- the fruit of thy redemption,
rum. Amen. who livest and reignest, etc.

After Benediction the Choir generally sing "Laudate Doniiuum,"

etc., page 537.

When the Priest gives the benediction with the blessed sacrament
bow down, and profoundly adore your Saviour there preseuu
Give him thanks for all his mercies : offer your whole self to him,
to be his for ever: and earnestly beg his blessing upon you and
yours, and upon his whole Church.

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