Analysis of Various Investment Avenues in India
Analysis of Various Investment Avenues in India
Analysis of Various Investment Avenues in India
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This research paper is study and analysis on increase their standard living and also they can increase the
various Investment avenues available in India. In this capital of the companies. Investment can contribute
research paper, we study three investment avenues are economic growth and wealth. Investments avenues also
equity's, Mutual Fund, Bank FD's. It is identifying great provide many benefits to the investors as well as to the
options to the investors to put their money in a wealth whole economy.
avenue for beautiful income. By increasing investors'
economic wealth, investors can contribute to economic Investors
growth and economic wealth. This analysis helps the Investors means the person investing his small savings
company from where companies can have raised the into various investment avenues categories, such as Gold,
capital through the market. This study helps the Land, Fixed Deposit, PPF, Debt Funds, Bonds, Equities,
Investors, corporates, and many more, to benefit in etc., with the intention to earn high profits to the investors.
increasing their financial wealth. It is a plan to make a
habit of investing from small savings, which is made to Investment
guide an investor to Select the most suitable investment Investment means to put some part of the amount in
portfolio that will help them to achieve their financial other avenues which give high returns. Most investors want
goals within a given period of time. There are some to make investments in such a way that they get a sky high
mantras for investing “Higher the Risk, Higher the return as soon as possible without bearing the risk and
Return'', “Analysis or Prevention is better than to rectify without losing the principal money that they have invested.
the mistake”. This is the reason why investors are always on the lookout
for top investments plans where they can double their
Keywords:- Risk and Return, Investment Planning, money in a few months or years with little risk. It is a fact
Investment Analysis. that investment products that give high return with low risk
do not exist.In reality higher the risk, higher the return, and
I. INTRODUCTION vice versa. While selecting investment avenues one has to
match one’s risk profiles with risk associated with the
Investment is to allocate money in the expectation product before understanding the basic
benefits in the future. Investment gives the benefit to the concepts deep analysis of avenues in investing which can
society as well as to the economic. Through investment we help the investors to build a good portfolio that minimizes
can grow your economic all over the world through modern the risk and maximizes the profits. There are some
capitalism. In earlier times investment only means saving in characteristics of Investments;
banks like FDs, jewelry and rare stones but today the people
are more of investments. But now a days people are aware Return
about investing and their return but still they do not take All investments are made with the primary object of
high risk while investing their money in the capital market ( deriving return. Capital appreciation is the difference
investment avenues). As they are not able to select between sales prices and the purchase price. The expectation
appropriate investment avenues available in the market return from investment depends upon the nature of the
because of changing in the market and business trends day investment, maturity period and market demand so on.
by day. This research paper helps the new investors to invest
their money or fund in the appropriate way. By increasing Risk
the saving habit in the peoples this can increase your Risk and expected return of an investment are related.
country economic wealth as well as economic growth all Higher the risk, Higher the return are expected. Higher
over the world. In a long term investment people can return depends on willingness of investors bearing the risk.
Total Return :-
It referring that actual return which you will accruing
from the investment. It includes both capital gain and
dividend. For example, let’s assume you have investment Rs
1 lakh in Mutual Fund Schemes, and the Net Asset Value is
Rs.20. From when you purchase the investment of Rs.1
Lakh and the net asset value of Rs.20, It indicates that you
purchased 5000 units. After some years later, Net Asset
Value of Mutual Fund Scheme Investment Increased by
Fig 1:- Most Preferable Investment Option Rs.22 and the value of units will be increased by Rs.1.1
Lakh, that means (5000units x Rs.22 per unit) which
Mutual Fund: indicates that you earn capital gain Rs 10,000 from your
Investments. Now in this Scenario dividend is declared by
Annualized Return – the company of Rs.2 per unit over the year, overall
If selecting, annualized returns policy then the measure Rs.10,000 dividend paid to Investors Rs. 10,000(5,000units
of an increasing the value of your investment fund on the x Rs. 2 per unit),Therefore your total earning shall be
basis of annual return, for example, you have invested Rs.2 Rs.10,000 + Rs.10,000=Rs.20,000(Dividend + Capital
lakhs in an Mutual Fund scheme. In a period of three years, Gains amount) which means you earning total 2 returns.
your investment has growth of Rs.2.8 Lakhs. In this
ICICI Pru Equity & Debt Fund (G) 10.65% 13.27% 21.63%
For Example:-
Table 5
Interest Rate 7% 7%
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