A321 Refuel Procedure Guidelines
A321 Refuel Procedure Guidelines
A321 Refuel Procedure Guidelines
In Service Information
(AMM Task 12-11-28-650-003-A)
Ref.: ISI 28.25.00049
Issue: July 2018
Top panel
kg x 1000
HI. LVL. 3
© AIRBUS S.A.S. 31707 Blagnac, France, 2018. All rights reserved. Airbus, its logo and the product names are registered trademarks.
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Photo by Airbus: P. Masclet. Concept design by Airbus Multi Media Support. 20180363. Printed in France.
1 F ollow aircraft safety instructions for refuel (AMM 12-11-28-650-001 1 0 Set MODE SELECT switch 6 to REFUEL position.
& 12-11-28-650-002 or FCOM 2.01.30)
11 Apply refuel pressure and ensure that the numbers on the FUEL QTY
2 Remove refuel coupling cap and connect fuelling nozzle [TOP PANEL] & ACTUAL displays [BOTTOM PANEL] increase.
to refuel coupling.
12 When refuel is complete, ensure that:
3 Open access door on RH belly fairing or wing. • E ND light illuminates 7
4 Wait approx. 1 min for internal computer to operate • The numbers on ACTUAL and PRESELECTED displays are stable
(for refuel on battery only). and the same (+/- 100kg) [BOTTOM PANEL]
5 If CKPT light is OFF 1 or not fitted, test fuel qty indicator panel. • F UEL QTY display shows fuel is divided correctly between tanks
- Put TEST switch 2 to LTS position and hold. • H I LVL lights 3 illuminate if tanks are full
- Check HI LVL, DEFUEL/XFR OPEN, CKPT and END lights are ON; 13 Set MODE SELECT switch 6 to OFF and guarded.
FUEL QTY, PRESELECTED and ACTUAL display [BOTTOM PANEL] 14 Disconnect refuel equipment.
show 8’s.
- Release TEST switch 2 15 Close REFUEL/DEFUEL panel door.
- Put TEST switch to HI LVL position and hold. 16 Re-install refuel coupling cap.
- Check that HI LVL lights 3 change condition.
- Release TEST switch
- Check HI LVL lights 3 go back to initial condition.
Caution: Maximum fuel pressure: 3.45 bar (50 PSI)
6 To prevent a fuel spill, on the panel 40VU, make sure that:
- the X FEED P/BSW is released out
• Fuel quantity can be incremented once refuel is completed
- the MODE SEL P/BSW is in the AUTO position
but not decremented.
- the CTR TK L and R XFR P/BSW’s are released out.
• High level fuel quantity is based on aircraft ground standing
attitude 0° pitch and roll, i.e. high level quantities may not
7 Ensure all REFUEL VALVE switches 4 are in NORM position, be achieved.
on both panels if ACT fitted 9 .
8 Put PRESELECTED switch [BOTTOM PANEL] to INC position
and hold. Ensure number on display increases. Note:
9 Release PRESELECTED switch [BOTTOM PANEL] when display This document will not be updated on a regular basis.
shows required fuel load.
AMM 28-42-00-740-003-A
FQI XX/ FQI degraded Left wing surge tank fuel level sensors wet or failed. Check FQI input parameters including probe capacitances. TSM 28-42-00-810-836-A
MMEL 28-07-01-01
AMM 12-11-28-650-007-A
Use MFLI to determine quantity
FQI discrepancy between uplift and FOB Water contamination, fuel probes failed Drainage: AMM 12-32-28-281-001-A
Perform water drain
MFLI chart: FCOM 2.01.30
TSM 28-42-00-810-841-A
Select FUEL page on ECAM.
FUEL TEMP XX (on ECAM) FQIC or fuel probe/temp sensor failed TSM 28-42-00-810-842-A
Examine fuel temperatures.
MMEL 28-07-02-01
MMEL 28-46-01
Manual refuel. MMEL 28-46-02
HI LVL LIGHT ILLUMINATED (when tank not full) High Level Sensor or FLSCU failed
Check MFLI to ensure there is no over spill. MMEL 28-46-03
AMM 12-11-28-650-007-A
Set MODE SELECT switch to off.
Refuel aborted before ACTUAL and PRESELECTED quantities TSM 28-25-00-810-801-A
END LIGHT FLASHING Perform manual refuel.
are the same or ACTUAL is higher than PRESELECTED TSM 28-25-00-810-802-A
If still failed, use override plunger on refuel valve.
Set mode select switch to OFF. TSM 28-25-00-810-807-A
Ensure COCKPIT REFUEL P/B is released OUT (deselected). TSM 28-25-00-810-808-A
TSM 28-12-00-810-801-A
Transfer fuel from CTR tank to Left Wing to identify
Unwanted XFR from left wing to centre TK Centre Tank OPP failed jet pumps, surge tank clack valves TSM 28-26-00-810-816-A
where leak stops.
No dispatch
Manual refuel. TSM 28-25-00-810-802-A
ANY TANK UNABLE TO REFUEL Refuel valve or refuel valve control
Use manual override on refuel valve if valve still closed. TSM 25-25-00-810-803-A
Make sure pumps and transfer valves are selected OFF
Overflow warning Incorrect set up conditions, Refuel valve, actuator TSM 28-25-00-810-816-A
Fill fuel spill report sheet
Or Fuel spillage from NACA vent during refuel of fuel transfer valve, clack valve AMM 28-46-00-710-001-A
Do a complete test of the fuel level sensing systemv
Message REFUELG shown when refuel door panel is closed FQIC, Micro SW refuel panel door Open and close the refuel door. TSM 28-25-00-810-818-A
Pressure Refuel without Electrical Power (AMM Task 12-11-28-650-005-A) Pressure Refuel with Manual Control (AMM Task 12-11-28-650-004-A) 5 Make sure that ECAM lower DU shows correct fuel quantities.
1 Apply refuel pressure on fuel tanker / pump unit. Preparation 6 Close REFUEL/DEFUEL panel door and disconnect refuel equipment.
2 Push and hold in manual plunger on refuel valve of applicable fuel tank. Identical to AUTO refuel except step (7): 7 Re-install refuel coupling cap.
3 Use MFLIs to monitor quantity of fuel in each tank 7 Ensure relevant REFUEL VALVE switches 4 are in OPEN position,
(Ref. AMM Task 12-11-28-650-007) Fuel quantities
on both panels if ACT fitted 9
4 When quantity of fuel is correct, release manual plunger on related refuel VOLUME LITRES FUEL MASS KG (lbs)
valve. Refuel TANKS (US gallons) with density at 0,785 kg/l
5 When all fuel quantities are correct, stop refuel pressure. 1 Apply refuel pressure on fuel tanker/pump unit.
6 Make an entry in the aircraft technical log to check fuel configuration before 2 On the refuel/defuel control panel: Wing 7750 (2047) 6084 (13413)
- Make sure that the numbers on ACTUAL [BOTTOM PANEL] and the FUEL
Refuel on Batteries (AMM Task 12-11-28-650-003-A) QTY displays [TOP PANEL] increase. Centre 8200 (2166) 6437 (14191)
Set BATT POWER switch 8 to ON. Wait one minute before starting refuel. - Monitor the FUEL QTY displays [TOP PANEL] Total 23700 (6260) 18605 (41017)
Ensure that the numbers on the FUEL QTY [TOP PANEL] & ACTUAL displays - When each tank has the correct fuel quantity put its REFUEL VALVE
[BOTTOM PANEL] increase. ACT 2992 (790) 2349 (5179)
switch 4 to the SHUT position.
After refuelling: 3 When all fuel quantities are correct, stop refuel pressure on fuel tanker. Total with 1 ACT 26692 (7050) 20954 (46196)
Release BATT POWER switch 8 from ON position on the refuel/defuel 4 On the refuel/defuel control panel: Total with 2 ACT 29684 (7840) 23303 (51375)
control panel. The switch will go back to the NORM position. - Put MODE SELECT switch 6 to OFF and put guard on switch.
Make an entry in the aircraft technical log to check fuel configuration before - Put applicable REFUEL VALVES switch 4 to NORM and put the guard Approximate refuelling time at nominal pressure of 50psi is:
subsequent flight. on switch. • without ACT: 23mn • with 1 ACT: 25mn • with 2 ACT: 28mn