Strategic Issues For Accenture Bangladesh: A Developing Country Perspective: Case Analysis II
Strategic Issues For Accenture Bangladesh: A Developing Country Perspective: Case Analysis II
Strategic Issues For Accenture Bangladesh: A Developing Country Perspective: Case Analysis II
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I would like to strongly recommend that the company team inherited from GPIT. It had selective partnerships
redesign its mission, vision, goals and objectives for with international IT giants such as Huawei, Oracle, Dell,
Bangladesh market. There should be a short-term plans for Cisco, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft to insert the inter-
5–7 years as well as 15–20 years long-term plans which national standard product and service offerings for all of its
need to align with the growth of information technology deliverables.
sector in Bangladesh. The company must initiate capacity Since its inception, Accenture Bangladesh has been
building programme in local market to ensure skilled struggling to develop its value propositions. The growth of
workforce in its pipeline for upcoming years. More impor- IT-dependent businesses (10 new financial institutions
tantly, Accenture Bangladesh needs to establish the ground every year), de-pricing of internet cost and penetration of
of its operational set up in Bangladesh market and then Internet connectivity forced the company to undertake
should focus on the growth and sustainability, which seems development initiatives through rigorous marketing of IT
to be ignored by the company’s current strategic plan. solutions. Operating at local market was a necessity for the
Considering the level of investment and international company’s initial stages of survival.
image, it would probably not be difficult for Accenture Accenture has the competence to offer modern services
Bangladesh to attain short-term goals. However, the key and have own network and market to provide digital ser-
challenge would be to sustain the growth, whereas the vices jointly. By this, it can also find new investment
silent competitors would be prominent in the marketing avenues in the ICT and telecom sectors. With increasing
warfare. labour costs in India, and the decreasing cost of capital in
Bangladesh, the country was on the verge of becoming a
popular outsourcing destination. The company was initi-
Case Analysis II ated to capture international contracts and acted as a system
integrator for local industry.
Wahida Shahan Tinne1 While internet penetration rates were rising with grow-
ing number of users in the last decade, Bangladesh lagged
DOI: 10.1177/0972262916629740
behind in facing dreadful challenges in the IT sector.
Absence of proper operational practices and guidelines
for data standardization and security made the overall pro-
Introduction cedure lengthy and difficult. The major obstacles in its path
of creating digital society were full utilization of capacity
The case is based on Accenture, known as a one of the and scope at a time of upgrading ICT infrastructure.
leading organizations in the world, providing manage-
ment consulting, technology and outsourcing services.
They had offices and operations in more than 200 cities Right Moves
in 56 countries and clients in more than 120 countries
with approximately 358,000 employees. It earned net rev- Accenture was well known for its offerings and capitaliz-
enues of US$31 billion for fiscal year 2015. Accenture ing on evolving management trends and technologies to
promised to provide end-to-end solutions for banking and benefit its clients. The new management of Accenture
non-banking financial institutions, fast moving consumer Bangladesh was composed of former Grameenphone and
goods companies, pharmaceuticals and other telecommu- GPIT employees, foreign graduates and local IT experts.
nication companies. In 2015, they focused on an opera- It engaged in setting key performance indicators that
tional strategy consisting of five major trends: The Internet would focus on effective stakeholder management by
of Me, Outcome Economy, Platform Revolution, Intelli- adopting very specific and efficient operating strategy.
gence Enterprise and Workforce Re-imagined. The main strategic step was geared towards positioning
Accenture in a way that would identify its core competi-
tive advantages through specialized products/solutions and
Brief SWOT Analysis service excellence and expertise, not on price. Integration
Accenture had established itself as a leader in global mar- of departments was attained by asking department heads
ketplace. Moreover, taking control of the Bangladeshi to take ownership of all the projects. It enabled all teams
market was more convincingly done by the management to work coordinately in completing commercial target.
1Department of Business Administration, ASA University Bangladesh Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka Bangladesh.
Corresponding author:
Wahida Shahan Tinne, Department of Business Administration, ASA University Bangladesh Shyamoli, Mohammadpur, Dhaka Bangladesh.
Shimul 75
The company was also focusing on relatively less deve- included global competitors, sales cycles, investment and
loped international markets such as Nepal and Bhutan, risk averseness for long-term growth, narrow casting inter-
and offered its services as an original equipment manu- national markets, grey practices in local markets and other
facturer vendor to foreign clients. It served clients in over IT firms and venture capital investors. As far as internal
15 countries and had partnership with the local government factors were involved, the company set out to investigate
towards developing the IT infrastructure in Bangladesh. its shortcomings in terms of bureaucracy, lack of efficiency
Accenture also inaugurated training and employee exchange in product design, pre-sales, pricing and processes, and
programmes with many fortune 500 companies worldwide lack of experience in the BPO industry.
to facilitate knowledge transfer and acquisition. However, poor infrastructure including frequent power
crises and slow and unreliable Internet connections are the
Wrong Moves most immediate problems for the software industry of
Bangladesh. At the same time, IT businesses most often
Within short span of time, the company had experienced could not secure their financial access in local financial
frequent changes in management. Therefore, every time a institutions due to the intangible nature of ICT products.
CEO or a CCO had been changed, strategic priority and Moreover, there was quite consequential gap between the
cultural aspects were also altered accordingly. In addition, existing education system and the industry practices. A
it caused a very rapid conversion of existing management serious communication gap was evident between govern-
team as well as subordinates, pushed the company in creat-
ment representatives and the ICT sector as government
ing job insecurity and caused delay in applied operational
officials had deficient knowledge on fundamentals of
activities. GPIT had confronted an identity problem from
information technology.
the very beginning when it was inaugurated. However,
Bangladesh Government has taken initiatives to over-
the issue was resolved when Accenture acquired the sole
come the barriers of ICT-based companies. All Software
control of ownership as it already had earned reputation
and ICT-based companies, including those under foreign
of becoming global leader in its industry. So, Accenture
could be able to come out from the shadow of Grameen- ownership exempt from income tax until 2015. Both a gov-
phone to articulate its fortune with own image. Accenture ernment sponsored long-term equity fund and short-term
Bangladesh faced the challenges of delivering structured working capital financing are offered to ICT companies.
message of its vision through proper promotional cam- A special hi-technology and software technology park is
paigns. Moreover, it lacked a planned marketing team being built by the Government to facilitate the develop-
while operating in the fastest growing and most competi- ment of the entire infrastructure needed by companies.
tive arena in the country. Accenture only did its marketing However, Accenture can take some initiatives to make
through IT seminars, fairs and sponsorship of some local stronger position in ICT industry of Bangladesh. Accenture
software expos, which could barely highlight its full should specialize in particular product or service ranges in
potentiality. order to create more reliable and unique sales propositions.
Accenture should create a quality controlled match-making
platform. Accenture should develop specialized training
Recommendations facilities and motivational programmes for talented ICT
Accenture’s first step towards the future began with an employees and coordinate interaction between industry par-
analysis of current growth barriers. Those barriers were ticipants, supporting associations and educational bodies.