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Fluid:: - Density (

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Fluid 4.

1. FLUID :
  g 
Fluid mechanics deals with the behaviour of fluids =   g   = Relative density of liquid
w w
at rest and in motion. A fluid is a substance that
deforms continuously under the application of a shear i.e. than specfic gravity of a liquid is approximately
(tangential) stress no matter how small the shear equal to the relative density. For calculation they
stress may be. can be interchange
Thus, fluids comprise the liquid and gas (or vapor)
phase of the physical forms in which matter exists.
Section A - Pressure & its variation,
Manometer, Pascal's law
• Density () : Mass of unit volume, Called density
Density at a point of liquid described by 2. PRESSURE IN A FLUID
m dm When a fluid (either liquid or gas) is at rest, it exerts
  Lim 
V  0 V dV a force pependicular to any surface in contact with
density is a positive scalar quantity. it, such as a container wall or a body immersed in
SI unit = Kg/m3 the fluid.
CGS unit = gm/cm3 While the fluid as a whole is at rest, the molecules
Dimension = [ML–3] that makes up the fluid are in motion, the force
exerted by the fluid is due to molecules colliding
• Relative Density : It is the ratio of density of given with their surroundings.
liquid to the density of pure water at 4°C If we think of an imaginary surface within the fluid,
the fluid on the two sides of the surface exerts equal
Density of given liquid
R.D.  and opposite forces on the surface, otherwise the
Density of pure water at 4C
surface would acceleratate and the fluid would not
Relative density or specific gravity is unit less, remain at rest.
dimensionless. It is a positive scalar physical Consider a small surface of area dA centered on a
Quantity point on the fluid, the normal force exerted by the
Value of R.D. is same in SI and CGS system due to
fluid on each side is dF . The pressure P is defined
at that point as the normal force per unit area, i.e.,
• Specific Gravity : It is the ratio of weight of given
liquid to the weight of pure water at 4°C P

Weight of If the pressure is the same at all points of a finite

given liquid plane surface with area A, then
Specific Gravity =
Weight of pure water at
4C(9.81kN / m3 ) P
where F is the normal force on one side of the What are the other forces in y-direction of this fluid
element ? Call the pressure at the bottom surface P,
surface. The SI unit of pressure is pascal, where
the total y component of upward force is PA. The
1 pascal = 1 Pa = 1.0 N/m2
pressure at the top surface is P + dP and the total y-
One unit used principally in meterology is the Bar component of downward force on the top surface is
which is equal to 105 Pa. 1 Bar = 105 Pa (P + dP) A. The fluid element is in equilibrium, so
the total y-component of force including the weight
2.1 Atmospheric Pressure (P0)
and the forces at the bottom and top surfaces must
It is pressure of the earth's atmosphere. This changes be zero.
with weather and elevation. Normal atmospheric
F y = 0
pressure at sea level (an average value) is 1.013 ×
105 Pa. Thus  PA – (P + dP) A – gAdy = 0

1 atm = 1.013 × 105 Pa dP

or  – g ...(i)

This equation shows that when y increases, P

decreases, i.e., as we move upward in the fluid,
pressure decreases.
If P1 and P2 be the pressures at elevations y1 and y2
and if  and g are constant, then integrating Eq.(i) ,
2.2 Variation in Pressure with depth we get
If the weight of the fluid can be neglected, the P2
pressure in a fluid is the same throughout its volume.
 dP  –g  y1
But often the fluid's weight is not negligible and under P1

such condition pressure increases with increasing

depth below the surface.
Let us now derive a general relation between
the presure P at any point in a fluid at rest and the
elevation y of that point. We will assume that the P2

density  and the acceleration due to gravity g are y2

the same throughout the fluid. If the fluid is in P1 y1
equilibrium, every volume element is in equilibrium.

or P2 – P1 = – g (y2 – y1) ...(ii)

dW dy It's often convenient to express Eq. (ii) in terms of
dy the depth below the surface of a fluid. Take point 1
y at depth h below the surface of fluid and let P
PA represents pressure at this point. Take point 2 at the
surface of the fluid, where the pressure is P 0
Consider a thin element of fluid with height dy. The (subscript zero for zero depth). The depth of point
bottom and top surfaces each have area A, and they 1 below the surface is,
are at elevations y and y + dy above some reference h = y2 – y1
level where y = 0. The weight of the fluid element is
and Eq. (ii) becomes
dW = (volume) (density) (g) = (A dy) () (g)
P0 – P = – g (y2 – y1) = – gh
or dW = g A dy
P = P0 + gh ...(iii)
Thus, pressure increases linearly with dpeth, if  For example if the height of mercury in a barometer
and g are uniform, A graph between P and h is shown is 760 mm, then atmospheric pressure will be,
below. P0 = gh = (13.6 × 103) (9.8) (0.760)
P = 1.01 × 105 N/m2

P  P0  gh 2.4 Force on Side Wall of Vessel

Force on the side wall of the vesel can not be directly
determined as at different depths pressures are
different. To find this we cosider a strip of width dx
at a depth x from the surface of the liquid as shown
P0 P0 in figure, and on this strip the force due to the liquid
h is given as :
dF = xg × bdx

PA  PB  P0  gh
x dx
Further, the pressure is the same at any two points dF
at the same level in the fluid. The shape of the h
container does not matter.
2.3. Barometer
It is a device used to measure atmospheric pressure. This force is acting in the direction normal to the
In principle, any liquid can be used to fill the side wall.
barometer, but mercury is the substance of choice Net force can be evaluated by integrating equation
because its great density makes possible an h
instrument of reasonable size. F   dF   xgbdx gbh 2
F ...(2.4)
0 2
P1 = P2
2.5 Average Pressure on Side Wall
Vacuum The absolute pressure on the side wall cannot be
(P = 0)
evaluated because at different depths on this wall
h pressure is different. The average pressure on the
wall can be given as :
F 1 gbh 2 1
 p av  =  gh ...(2.5)
bh 2 bh 2
Equation (2.5) shows that the average pressure on
Here, P1 = atompsheric pressure (P0) side vertical wall is half of the net pressure at the
and P2 = 0 + gh =  gh bottom of the vessel.
Here,  = density of mercury
P0 = gh 2.6 Torque on the Side Wall due to Fluid
Thus, the mercury barometer reads the
atmosphereic pressure (P0) directly from the height As shown in figure, due to the force dF, the side
of the mercury column. wall experiences a torque about the bottom edge of
the side which is given as Sol. The pressure at the interface must be same,
calculated via either tube. Since both tube all open
d  dF  (h – x) = xgb dx (h – x)
to the atmosphere, we must have.
This net torque is
x x
   d   gb(hx – x 2 )dx
 

 h3 h3 
 gb  –   1 gbh 3
2g( – x) = g( + x)  x = /3
2 3 6

2.7 Manometer
Three liquid which do not react chemically are
It is a device used to measure the pressure of a gas
placed in a bent tube as shown in figure (initially)
inside a container.
then fluid out the displacement of the liquid in
The U-shaped tube often contains mercury.
equillibrium position.
P1 = P2
Here, P1 = pressure of the gas in the container (P)
 3
 
Sol. Let us assume that level of liquid having density 3
1 2 displaced below by x as shown in figure below.

and P2 = atmospheric pressure (P0) + gh
 P = P0+ hg

This can also be written as – x
P – P0 = gauge pressure = hg
Here,  is the density of the liquid used in U - tube g + 2gx = 3( – x)g
Thus by measuring h we can find absolute (or gauge) x = 2/5
pressure in the vessel.

2.8 Pressure Distribution in an Accelerated


Two liquid which do not react chemically are We've already discussed that when a liquid is filled
placed in a bent tube as shown in figure. Find out in a container, generally its free surface remains
the displacement of the liquid in equillibrium horizontal as shown in figure (a) as for its equilibrium
position. its free surface must be normal to gravity i.e.
horizontal. Due to the same reason we said that
x pressure at every point of a liquid layer parallel to
2  its free surface remains constant. Similar situation
  exist when liquid is in an accelerated frame as shown
in figure (b). Due to acceleration of container, liquid
 filled in it experiences a pseudo force relative to
container and due to this the free surface of liquid Similarly if we consider the horizotnal distance of
which normal to the gravity now is filled as point A from free surface of liquid, which is l2 then
due to pseudo acceleration of container the
a pressure at point A is given as
  tan –1   ...(2.22)
g PA = P0 + l2  a ...(2.26)
Here l2 is given as
A a
a h g2  a 2
l2  h cos ec 
  a
g From equation (2.24), we have

(a) (b) PA  P0  h g 2  a 2

Now from equilibrium of liquid we can state that Here students should note that while evaluating
pressure at every point in a liquid layer parallel to pressure at point A from vertical direction we haven't
the free surface (which is not horizontal), remains mentioned any thing about pseudo acceleration as
same for example if we find pressure at a point A in along vertical length l1, due to pseudo acceleration
the acceleratd container as shown in figure (a) is at every point pressure must be constant similarly in
given as horizontal direction at every point due to gravity
pressure reamins constant.
PA = P0 + h  a 2  g2 ...(2.23)

Where h is the depth of the point A below the free EXAMPLE 3

surface of liquid along effective gravity and P0 is Figure shows a tube in which liquid is filled at
the atmopheric pressure acting on free surface of the level. It is now rotated at an angular frequency
the liquid. w about an axis passing through arm A find out
pressure difference at the liquid interfaces.
a a
l1 
h h   B
 l2  A

(c) (d)

The pressure at point A can also obtained in an

another way as shown in figure (b). If l1 and l2 are 
the vertical and horizontal distances of point A from Sol. To solve the problem we take a small mass dm from
the surface of liquid then pressure at point A can the axis at ‘a’ distance x in displaced condition.
also be given as Net inward force = (P + dP) A – PA = AdP
PA = P0 + l1 g = P0 + l2 a (2.24) This force is balanced by centripetal force in
Here l1g is the pressure at A due to the vertical equilibrium
height of liquid above A and according to Pascal's B
Law pressure at A is given as
PA = P0 + l1 g ...(2.25)
P + dP
dm  Adx x0
h a2  g2 P
Here we can write l1 as l1  h sec  
g xw dx
or from equation (2.25) PA  P0  h a 2  g 2  – x0

This is the equation of the free surface
 A dP = dm 2x = Adx 2x  dP     xdx
of the liquid, which is a parabola.

r 2 2
At x = r, y
 2g
P = 2
 xdx = x0g  P(r) = P0 + gy
A liquid of density  is in a bucket 
that spins with angular velocity 2 r 2
or P(r) = P0 +
 as shown in figure. Show that 2
the pressure at a radial distance r
from the axis is
2 2
 r Some times while dealing with the problems of fluid
P  P0 
2 it is desirable to know the pressure at one point is
pressure at any other point in a fluid is known. For
where P0 is the atmospheric pressure.
such types of calculations Pascal's Law is used
Sol. Consider a fluid particle P of mass m at coordinates
extensively in dealing of static fluids. It is stated as
(x, y). From a non-inertial rotating frame of reference
"The pressure applied at one point in an enclosed
two forces are acting on it, y
fluid is transmitted uniformly to every part of the
(i) pseudo force (mx2) fluid and to the walls of the container."
(ii) weight (mg) P One more example can be considered better to
in the directions shown in figure. x explain the concept of Pascal's Principle. Consider
Net force on it should be the situation shown in figure, a tube having two
perpendicular to the free different cross section S1 and S2, with pistons of
same cross sections fitted at the two ends.
surface (in equilibrium). Hence. P  ( x, y )

mx2 x2 dy x2
tan    or  1
mg g dx g
y x x2
  dy   .dx
0 0 g
If an external force F1 is applied to the piston 1, it
creates a pressure p1 = F1/S1 on the liquid enclosed.
x 2 2 As the whole liquid is at the same level, everywhere
 y
2g the pressure in the liquid is increased by p1. The
force applied by the liquid on the piston 2 can be
given as F2 =p2 × S2, and as the two pistons are at
mx2 same level p2 = p1. Thus
 F2 = p2 × S2
 mg Fnet
Section B - Force on side wall, Archimedes
F 2 = S  S2 ....(2.21) Principle & Bouyancy

Equation (2.21) shows that by using such a system

the force can be amplified by an amount equal to
If a heavy object is immersed in water, it seems to
the ratio of the cross section of the two pistons.
weight less than when it is in air. This is because the
This is the principle of hydraulic press, we'll
water exerts an upward force called buoyant force.
encounter in next few pages.
It is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
3.1 The Hydraulic Lift
A body wholly or partially submerged in a fluid
Figure shows how Pascal's principle can be made is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of
the basis for a hydraulic lift. In operation, let an the displaced fluid.
external force of magnitude F 1 be exerted
This result is known as Archimedes' principle.
downward on the left input piston, whose area is
Thus, the magnitude of buoyant force (F) is given
S1. It result a force F2 which will act on piston 2 by
the incompressible liquid in the device.
Here F2 = p2 × S2 F  Vi L g

And p2 = pB – gh Here, Vi = immersed volume of solid L =

density of liquid
and g = acceleration due to gravity



Proof Consider an arbitraily shaped body of volume V

placed in a container filled with a fluid of density
L. The body is shown completely immersed, but
Where pB is the pressure on the bottom of the complete immersion is not essential to the proof. To
device which can be given as : begin with, imagine the situation before the body
pB = p1 + gh was immersed. The region now occupied by the

Thus p2 = p1 and F2 = p1 S2 body was filled with fluid, whose weight was VL g .
Because the fluid as a whole was in hydrostatic
S2 equilibrium, the net upwards force (due to difference
or F2 = F1 × S
1 in pressure at different depths) on the fluid in that
If S2 >> S1  F2 >> F1 region was equal to the weight of the fluid occuping
that region.


Now, consider what happens when the body has Sol. Case-I : Suppose h be the height of cubical block of
displaced the fluid. The pressure at every point on iron above mercury.
the surface of the body is unchanged from the value Volume of iron block = 5 ×5 × 5 = 125 cm3
at the same location when the body was not present.
Mass of iron block = 125 × 7.2 = 900 gm
This is because the pressure at any point depends
Volume of mercury displaced by the block
only on the depth of that point below the fluid
surface. Hence, the net force exerted by the = 5 × 5 × (5 – h) cm3
surrounding fluid on the body is exactly the same as Mass of mercury displaced
the exerted on the region before the body was = 5 × 5 (5 – h) × 13.6 gm
present. But we know the latter to be VL g , the By the law floatation,
weight of the displaced fluid. Hence, this must also weight of mercury displaced = weight of iron block
be the buoyant force exerted on the body. 5 × 5 (5 – h) × 13.6 = 900
Archimedes' principle is thus, proved.
or (5 – h) = = 2.65
25  13.6
 h = 5 – 2.65 = 2.35 cm
Beaker cicular cross-section of radius 4 cm is filled
Case - II : Suppose in this case height of iron block
with mercury upto a height of 10 cm. Find the
in water be x. The height of iron block in mercury
force exerted by the mercury on the bottom of the
will be (5 – x) cm.
beaker. The atmopheric pressure = 105 N/m2. Den-
sity of mercury = 13600 kg/m3. Take g = 10 m/s2
Sol. The pressure at the surface = atmospheric
pressure = 105 N/m2.
The pressure at the bottom = 105 N/m2 + hg
 kg   m 
= 105 N/m2 + (0.1 m) 13600 3  10 2 
 m  s 

= 105 N/m2 + 13600 N/m2 = 1.136 × 105 N/m2

Mercury Mercury
The force exerted by the mercury on the bottom
= (1.136 × 105 N/m2) × (3.14 × 0.04 m × 004 m)
= 571 N
(a) (b)


A cubical block of iron 5 cm on each side is Mass of the water displaced = 5 × 5 × (x) × 1
floating on mercury in a vessel. Mass of mercury displaced = 5 × 5 × (5 – x) × 13.6
(i) What is the height of the block above So, weight of water displaced + weight of mercury
mercury level ? displaced = weight of iron block
(ii) What is poured in the vessel until it just or 5 × 5 × x × 1 + 5 × 5 × (5 – x) × 13.6 = 900
covers the iron block. What is the height of or x = (5 – x) × 13.6 = 36
water column.
x = 2.54 cm
Density of mercury = 13.6 gm/cm3
Density of iron 7.2 gm/cm3

A tank contianing water is placed on spring

balanced. A stone of weight w is hung and lowered
into the water without touching the sides and the
bottom of the tank. Explain how the reading will
Sol. The situation is shown in figure. Make free-body
diagrams of the bodies separately and consider their
equilibrium. Like all other forces, buoyancy is also
exerted equally on the two bodies in contact. Hence Sol. Let the pressure of the liquid just below the piston
it the water exerts a buoyant force, say, B on the be P.
stone upward, the stone exerts the same force on
The forces acting on the piston are
the water downward. The forces acting on the 'water
(a) its weight, mg (downward)
+ container' system are : W, weight of the system
downward, B, buoyant force of the stone downard, (b) force due to the air above it, P0A(downward)
and the force R of the spring in the upward direction. (c) force due to the liquid below it, PA (upward)
For equilibrium If the piston is in equilibrium
PA = P0A + mg or P = P0 +


A rubber ball of mass m and radius r is submerged

in water to a depth h released. What height will
the ball jump up to above the surface of the water
? Neglect the resistance of water and air.
Sol. Let the ball go up by x above the level of water.
Let us now consider energy conservation between
the initial and final positions. In both the positions
kinetic energy of the body is zero. The potential
energy in the first position with reference to the water
Thus the reading of the spring scale will increase by level is – mgh plus the work done by an
an amount equal to the weight of the liquid displaced, external agent against the buoyant force which is
that is, by an amount equal to the buoyant force.
4 3 
 r g  h, where  is the density of the water
3 
4 3 
A cylindrical vessel containing a liquid is closed or –mgh +  r g  h = mgx 
3 
by a smooth piston of mass m as shown in figure.
The area of cross-section of the piston is A. If the
(4 / 3)r3 – m
atmopheric pressure is P0, find the pressure of x h
the liquid just below the prism.
EXAMPLE 10 placed by stones = w/ cm3
As  > 1, hence w/ < w, thus we have
A cube of wood supporting a 200 g mass just floats
in water. When the mass is removed, Now (W + w/) < (W + w)
the cube rises by 2 cm. What is the size of the This shows that the volume of water displaced in
cube ? the second case is less than the volume of water
Sol. If, l = side of cube, h = height of cube above water displaced in the first case. Hence the level of
and  = density of wood. water will come down.
Mass of the cube = l3
Volume of cube in water = l2 (l – h) EXAMPLE 12

Volume of the displaced water = l 2 (l – h) Two solid uniform spheres each of radius 5 cm
are connected by a light string and totally
As the tube is floating
immersed in a tank of water. If the specific
weight of cube + weight of wood = weight of liquid gravities of the sphere are 0.5 and 2, find the
displaced tension in the string and the contact force between
or l3 + 200 = l2 (l – h) ...(2.10) the bottom of tank and the heavier sphere.
After the removal of 200 gm mass, the cube rises Sol. The situation is shown in figure
2 cm. Let the volume of each sphere be V m3 and
= l × {l – (h + 2)} density of water be  kg/m3.
Volume of cube in water Upward thrust on heavier sphere = v  g
2 3
or l × {l – (h + 2)} = l  ...(2.11) Weight of the heavier sphere = V × 2 × g
Substituting the value of l3  from equation (2.11) For heavier sphere,
in equation (2.10), we get
T+R+Vg=V×2 ×g ...(2.12)
l2 × {l – (h + 2)} + 200 = l2 (l – h)
where R is the reaction at the bottom.
or l3 – l2h – 2l2 + 200 = l3 – l2
Similarly for lighter sphere
2l2 = 200  l = 10 cm
T + V × 0.5 ×  g = V  g ..(2.13)


A boat floating in water tank is carrying a number

of large stones. If the stones were unloaded into
water, what will happen to water level ? Given
the reason in brief. T
Sol. Suppose W and w be the weights of the boat and
stones respectively.
First, we consider that the boat is floating. It will R
displaced (W + w) × 1 cm3 of water.
Thus displaced water = (W + w) cm3
[As density of water = 1 gm/cm3] Subtracting equation (2.13) from equation (2.12),
Secondly, we consider that the stones are unloaded we have
into water. R + 0.5 V  g = V  g ...(2.14)
Now the boat displaces only W × 1 cm of water. If or R = 0.5 V  g ...(2.15)
 be the density of stones, the volume of water dis- From equation (2.13) T = 0.5 V  g
[As AG = 5/2]
4 
 0.5    3.14  53 106  × 1000 × 9.8 Solving we get x = 2.33 kg
 3 
(ii) Suppose R be the upward reaction on the hinge,
= 2.565 N then in equilibrium position, we have
R = 2.565 N W + x = FB + R
Similarly or R = W + x – FB
A rod of length 6 m has a mass of 12 kg. If it is = 12 + 2.33 – 20 = – 5.67 kg. wt.
hinged at one end at a distance of 3 m below a
Negative sign shows that the reaction at the hinge is
water surface,
acting in the downward direction. The magnitude of
(i) What weight must be attached to other end of the reaction is 5.67 kg. wt.
the rod so that 5 m of the rod is submerged ?
(ii) Find the magnitude and direction of the force
exerted by the hinge on the rod. The specific EXAMPLE 13
gravity of the material of the rod is 0.5. A cylinder of area 300 cm2 and length 10 cm
Sol. Let AC be the submerged part of the rod AB hinged made of material of speicifc gravity 0.8 is floated
at A as shown in figure. G is the centre of gravity of in water with its axis vertical. It is then pushed
the rod and G is the centre of buoyancy through downward, so as to be just immersed. Calculate
which force of buoyancy FB acts vertically upwards. the work done by the agent who pushes the
cylinder into the water.
Since the rod is uniform,
Sol. Weight of the cylinder = (300 × 10–4) × (10 × 10–2)
× 800 kgf = 2.4 kgf
FB B Let x be the length of the cylinder inside the water.
Then by the law of floatation
Water Surface C
2.4 g = (300 × 10–4 x) × 1000 g
R w x or x = 0.08 m
G' When completely immersed,
W Fb(buoyant force)
= (300 × 10–4 × 0.1) × 1000 × g = 3 g N
Hinge Thus to immerse the cylinder inside the water the
external agent has to push it by 0.02 m against
average upward thrust.
5 Increase in upward thrust = 3g – 2.4 g = 0.6 g N
The weight of part AC will be  12  10kg
6 Since this increase in upthrust takes place
[Because AB = 6 m and AC = 5 m] gradually from 0 to 0.6 g, we may take the average
The buoyance force on rod at G is upthrust against which work is done as 0.3 g N.
work done = 0.3 g × 0.02 = 0.0588 J
FB  = 20 kg weight
(i) Let x be weight attached at the end B. EXAMPLE 14

Balancing torques about A, we get A piece of an alloy of mass 96 gm is composed of

W × AG + x × AB = FB × AG two metals whose specific gravities are 11.4 and
7.4. If the weight of the alloy is 86 gm in water,
12 + 3 + x × 6 = 20 × (5/2)
find the mass of each metal in the alloy.
Sol. Suppose the mass of the metal of specific gravity S ection C - Equation of continuity +
11.4 be m and the mass of the second metal of accelerated fluid
specific gravity 7.4 will be (96–m)
m This equation defines the steady flow of fluid in a
Volume of first metal = cm3
11.4 tube. It states that if flow of a fluid is a steady then
the mass of fluid entering per second at one end is
96 – m 3 equal to the mass of fluid leaving per second at the
Volume of second metal = cm
7.4 other end.

m 96 – m A2
Total volume =  v2
11.4 7.4

 m 96 – m 
Buoyancy force in water     gm A1
 11.4 7.4 
Apparent wt. in water = Figure shown a section of a tube in which at the
ends, the cross
 m  (96 – m) 
96 –   sectional area are A1 and A2 and the velocity of the
 11.4  7.4 
fluid are V1 and v2 respectivley.
According to the given problem, According to the equation of continuity, if flow is
steady mass of fluid entering at end A1 per second =
 m  (96 – m) 
96 –    86 mass of fluid leaving the end A2 per second.
 11.4  7.4 
 A1v1
or m (96 – m) dt
  10
11.4 7.4
Hence mass entering per second at A1 is = A1 v1 
Solving we get, m = 62.7 gm Similarly mass leaving per second at A2 is = A2 v2 
Thus mass of second metal is = 96 – 62.7 = 33.3 gm According to the definition of steady flow
A1 v1  = A2 v2 
or A1v1 = A2v2
Equation above in known as equation of continuity,
ASSUMPTIONS OF IDEAL FLUID which gives that in steady flow the product of
(1) Fluid is incompressible : density of fluid cross-section and the speed of fluid everywhere
remain constant through out the fluid.
remains constant.
(2) Fluid is non-viscous : fluid friction is absent
(3) Doesn't show rotational effect : If we release 5.1 Freely Falling Liquid
any body in the flowing section there it will
not rotate about its C.O.M. When liquid falls freely under gravity, the area of
(4) Stream line flow : velocity of fluid at any cross section of
particular point remains constant with time It the stream continuously decreases, as the velocity
may vary with position. inreases.
For example, we consider water coming out from a
tap, as shown in
at time t + dt dx2

figure. Let its speed near the mouth of tap is v0 and A1 h2

at a depth h it is v, then we have P1
2 2
v  v  2gh
If cross section of tap is A then according to the
equation of continuity,
the cross section at point M (say a) can be given as
Mass of the fluid entering from side S
a dm1 = A1 dx1 =  dv1
v 0 A  a v 02  2gh or v02  2gh
The work done in this displacement dx1 at point S
Note WP1 = F1dx1 = P1A1dx1
WP1 = P1dV1 { A1dx1 = dV1}
At the same time the amount of fluid moves out of
the tube at point T is dm2 = dV2
Section D - Bernoullis Equation
dm1 dm 2
According to equation of coutniuity  

It relates the variables describing the steady laminer dV1 = dV2 = dv

of liquid. It is based on energy conservation. The work done in the displacement of dm2 mass at
Assumptions point T

The fluid is incompressible, non-viscous, non WP2 = P2dV2

rotational and streamline flow. Now applying work energy theorem.
WP1 + WP2 = (Kf + Uf) – (Ki + Ui)  P1dV –
T A2
1 2  1 2 
V2 =  dV  2  dVgh 2  –  dV 1  dVgh1 
P2 2  2 
at time t = 0

1 1
P1 – P2 = V22 + gh2 – V12 + gh1
2 2

A1 1 1
S P1 + gh1 + V 2 = P2 + gh2 + V2
V1 2 1 2
The resultant velocity of air above the ball will be
1 2
 P + gh + V = constant (V+r) while below it (V –r) (shown figure). So in
accordance with Bernoulli's principle pressure above
the ball will be less than below it. Due to this
P 1 v2
h = constant difference of pressure an upward force will act on
g 2 g
the ball and hence the ball will deviate from its usual
path OA0 and will hit the ground at A1 following the
where = pressure head path OA1 (figure shown) i.e., if a ball is thrown with
back spin, the pitch will curve less sharply prolonging
h = Gravitational head the flight.
Similarly if the spin is clockwise, i.e., the ball is thrown
1 v2
= volume head with top-spin, the force due to pressure difference
2 g
will act in the direction of gravity and so the pitch will
curve more sharply shortening the flight.
6.1 Application of Bernoullis principle
Magnus effect : When a spinning ball is thrown, it A1
deviates from its usual path in flight. This effect is
called Magnus effect and plays an important role in
tennis, cricket and soccer, etc., as by applying A0
appropriate spin the moving ball can be made to A2
Horizontal plane
curve in any desired direction.
If a ball is moving from left to right and also spinning
about a horizontal axis perpendicular to the direction Furthermore, if the ball is spinning about a vertical
of motion as shown in figure, then relative to the axis, the curving will be sideays as shown in figure.
ball air will be moving from right to left. producing the so called out swing or in swing.

V Action of Atomiser : The action of aspirator,

carburettor, paint-gun, scent-spray or insect-sprayer
is based on Bernoulli's principle. In all these by means
of motion of a piston P in a cylinder C high speed
(A) v (B) air is passed over a tube T dipped in liquid L to be
sprayed. High speed air creates low pressure over
the tube due to which liquid (paint, scent, insecticide
or petrol) rises in it and is then blown off in very
small droplets with expelled air.
p T
O Vertical plane c
Curved path
(C) path
Working of Aeroplane : This is also based on
A0 A1 Bernouilli's principle. The wings of the aeroplane
are having tapering as shown in figure. Due to this
specific shape of wings when the aeroplane runs,
air passes at higher speed over it as compared to Section E - Toricelli's Law, reynolds no.
its lower surface. This difference of air speeds above
and below the wings, in accordance with Bernoulli's
principle, creates a pressure difference, due to which
an upward force called ' dynamic lift' ( = pressure
difference × area of wing) acts on the plane. If this Crossectional Area of hole at A is greater than B If
force becomes greater than the weight of the plane, water is come in tank with velocity vA and going
the plane will rise up. out side with velocity vB then
A1 vA = A2vB
v large, p small  A1 > A2  vB >> vA

A P0

H v
v small, p large

If pressure and velocity at point A is P1 and V1
respectively & at point B is P2, V2 is the figure as on applying bernoulli theorem at A and B
shown. Comment on P1 and P2.
1 1
PA  gh A  v A2  PB  gh B  v B2
2 2
PA = PB = P0
and hA – hB = h
V1 B
P1 V2
 gh = (v 2B – v 2A ) [vB >> vA]

gh =  v2
Sol. From equation of continuity A1V1 = A2V2 2
here A1 > A2 [vB2 – vA2 = v2]
 V1 < V2 ....(1)
v= 2gh
from Bernoulli's equation. We can write
Range (R)
1 Let us find the range R on the ground.
P1 + V12 = P2 + 1/2 V22 =
Considering the vertical motion of the liquid.
after using equation (1) P1 > P2
1 2 2(H – h)
(H – h) = gt or t
2 g
Note Now, considering the horizontal motion,
R = vt
with which the water strikes the ground and (c)
 2(H – h) 
time taken to empty the tank to half its original
or R  ( 2gh )  g
  volume (d) Does the time to be emptied the tank
depend upon the height of stand.
or R  2 h(H – h) Sol. The situation is shown in figure
From the expression of R, following conclusions can (a) As speed of flow is given by
be drawn,
vH = (2gh)
(i) Rh = RH – h
or = ~ 10 m/s
as R h  2 h(H – h) and 2 10  5 –

(b) As initial vertical velocity of water is zero,

R H–h  2 (H – h)h
so its vertical velocity when it hits the ground

H–h h v
H O A0

h H–h

This can be shown as in Figure

v V  2gh = ~ 10 m/s
H 2 10  5 –
(ii) R is maximum at h  and Rmax = H.
2 So the initial speed with which water strikes the
Proof : R2 = 4 (Hh – h2) ground.

dR 2 v  v 2H  v V2 = 10 2 = 14.1 m/s
For R to be maximum. 0
dh (c) When the height of water level above the hole is
or H – 2h = 0 or h = H/2 y, velocity of flow will be v  2gy and so rate of
That is, R is maximum at h=H/2

H H dV
and R max  2 H –   H  A 0 v  A 0 2gy
2 2 dt

Proved or –Ady = ( 2gy ) A0 dt

[As dV = – A dy]
Which on integration improper limits gives
A cylindrical dark 1 m in radius rests on a platform
0 t
5 m high. Initially the tank is filled with water up to Ady A 2
  A 0dt  t 
2gy 0
[ H – H ']
a height of 5 m. A plug whose area is 10–4 m2 is H A0 g
removed from an orifice on the side of the tank at
the bottom Calculate (a) initial speed with which  12 2
the water flows from the orifice (b) initial speed So t [ 5 – (5/ 2)]
10 –4 10
= 9.2 × 103s ~ 2.5 h It is a U shaped tube which can be inserted in a

tube or in the fluid flowing space as shown in figure
(d) No, as expression of t is independent of height shown. In the U tube a liquid which is immiscible
of stand. with the fluid is filled upto a level C and the short
opening M is placed in the fluid flowing space
6.1 Venturimeter against the flow so that few of the fluid particles
Figure shows a venturimeter used to measure flow entered into the tube and exert a pressure on the
speed in a pipe of non - uniform cross-section. We liquid in limb A of U tube. Due to this the liquid level
apply Bernoulli's equation to the wide (point 1) and changes as shown in figure shown.
narrow (point 2) parts of the pipe, with h1 = h2

1 1
P1  v12  P2  v 22
2 2 vg

A1v1 A B
From the continuity equation v2 = A h

Substituting and rearranging, we get

At end B fluid is freely flowing, which exert
approximately negligible pressure on this liquid. The
P0 P0
pressure difference at ends A and B can be given
h by measuring the liquid level difference h as
It is a gas, then PA – PB = hg
A v2
v1 It if the a liquid of density , then
H A2
PA – PB = h( – g)g
Now if we apply Bernoulli's equation at ends A and
B we'l have
1  A2 
P1 – P2   v12  12 –1 1 2
2  A2  0 + 0 + PA = vg + 0 + P B
Because A1 is greater than A2, v2 is greater than
v1 and hence the pressure P2 is less than P1. A net 1 2
or vg  PA – PB  hg
force to the right acceleration the fluid as it enters 2
the narrow part of the tube (called throat) and a net Now by using equations, we can evaluate the
force to the left slows as it leaves. The pressure velocity v, with which the fluid is flowing.
difference is also equal to gh, where h is the
Note : Pitot tube is also used to measure velocity
difference in liquid level in the two tubes. Substituting
of aeroplanes with respect to wind. It can be
in Eq. (i), we get
mounted at the top surface of the plain and hence
the velocity of wind can be measured with respect
2gh to plane.
v1  2
 A1 
  –1
 A2  6.3 Siphon :
It is a pipe used to drain liquid at a lower height but

6.2 Pitot Tube

It is a device used to measure flow velocity of fluid.
the pipe initially rises and then comes down let (P + gh + 1/2 v2)Q = (P + gh + 1/2 v2)R  PQ
velocity of outflow is v & the pipe is of uniform + gh2 = P0 – gh1 (v is same)
cross-section A. Applying bernoulli's equation  PQ = P0 – g (h1 + h2) as PQ = 0
between P (top of tank) & R (opening of pipe)  P0  g (h1 + h2)
means (h1 + h2) should not be more than P/g for
siphon to work

Reynold's Number
V The liquid flow remains steady or streamline if its
velocity does no exceed a limiting value called the
critical value, which is given by
we get
1 1 c 
(P + gh + v2)P = (P + gh + v2)R r
2 2
where  = coefficient of viscosity of the liquid,
1 2  = density of the liquid, r = radius of the pipe in
 P + 0 + 0 = P0 – gh1 + v
2 which the liquid flows and k is a dimensionless
here velocity is considered zero at P since area of constant called Reynold's number.
tank is very large compared to area of pipe If the velocity of the liquid exceeds the critical
velocity, the flow becomes irregular causing the liquid
 v 2gh to flow in a disorderly fashion. Such a flow is called
Naturally for siphon to work h1 > 0 turbulent flow. The value of k is usually very high.
If k is less than 2000, the flow is streamline. If the
Now as area of pipe is constant so by equation of
value of k exceeds 2000, the flow becomes turbulent.
as Av = constant so velcoity of flow inside siphon is
also constant between Q & R
Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Pressure & its variation, 5. A light semi cylindrical gate of radius R is piovted at
Manometer, Pascal's law its mid point O, of the diameter as shown in the
figure holding liquid of density . The force F re-
1. A bucket contains water filled upto a height = 15 cm. quired to prevent the rotation of the gate is equal to
The bucket is tied to a rope which is passed over a
(A) 2R3g
frictionless light pulley and the other end of the rope (B) 2gR3l
is tied to a weight of mass which is half of that of the O
(bucket + water). The water pressure above 2R lρg
(C) R
atmosphere pressure at the bottom is : 3 F
(A) 0.5 kPa (B) 1 kPa (D) none of these
(C) 5 kPa (D) None
6. The pressure at the bottom of a tank of water is 3P
2. A uniformly tapering vessel shown in Fig. is
where P is the atmospheric pressure. If the water is
filled with liquid of density 900 kg/m3. The force
drawn out till the level of water is lowered by one
that acts on the base of the vessel due to liquid is
fifth., the pressure at the bottom of the tank will
(take g = 10 m/s2) -
now be
(A) 2P (B) (13/5) P
AREA = 10–3m2
(C) (8/5) P (D) (4/5) P
0.4 m
AREA = 2 × 10–3m2 7. An open-ended U-tube of uniform cross-sectional
area contains water (density 1.0 gram/centimeter3)
(A) 3.6 N (B) 7.2 N standing initially 20 centimeters from the bottom in
(C) 9.0 N (D) 12.6 N each arm. An immiscible liquid of density 4.0 grams/
centimeter3 is added to one arm until a layer 5 cen-
3. A liquid of mass 1 kg is filled in a flask as shown in timeters high forms, as shown in the figure above.
figure. The force exerted by the flask on the liquid is What is the ratio h2/h1 of the heights of the liquid in
(g = 10 m/s2) the two arms ?
[Neglect atmospheric pressure] (A) 3/1
(A) 10 N (B) 5/2
(B) greater than 10 N (C) 2/1 h1

(C) less than 10 N (D) 3/2

(D) zero
8. The area of cross-section of the wider tube shown
4. A U-tube having horizontal arm of length 20 cm, in figure is 800 cm2. If a mass of 12 kg is placed on
has uniform cross-sectional area = 1 cm2. It is filled the massless piston, the difference in heights h in
with water of volume 60 cc. What volume of a liquid the level of water in the two tubes is :
of density 4 g/cc should be poured from one side
(A) 10 cm
into the U-tube so that no water is left in the 12kg
(B) 6 cm h
horizontal arm of the tube?
(C) 15 cm
(A) 60 cc (B) 45 cc
(D) 2 cm
(C) 50 cc (D) 35 cc
Section B - Force on side wall, Archimedes 13. A piece of steel has a weight W in air, W1 when
Principle & Bouyancy completely immersed in water and W 2 when
completely immersed in an unknown liquid. The
relative density (specific gravity) of liquid is :
9. Two cubes of size 1.0 m sides, one of relative density
0.60 and another of relative density = 1.15 are W  W1 W  W2
(A) W  W (B) W  W
connected by weightless wire and placed in a large 2 1

tank of water. Under equilibrium the lighter cube

will project above the water surface to a height of W1  W2 W1  W2
(C) W  W (D) W  W
1 2
(A) 50 cm (B) 25 cm
(C) 10 cm (D) zero
14. A ball of relative density 0.8 falls into water from a
height of 2m. The depth to which the ball will sink
10. A cuboidal piece of wood has dimensions a, b and is (neglect viscous forces) :
c. Its relative density is d. It is floating in a larger (A) 8m (B) 2m
body of water such that side a is vertical. It is pushed (C) 6m (D) 4m
down a bit and released. The time period of SHM
executed by it is : 15. A cube of iron whose sides are of length L, is put
into mercury. The weight of iron cube is W. The
abc g density of iron is I, that of mercury is M. The
(A) 2π g
(B) 2
da depth to which the cube sinks is given by the
expression –
bc da (A) WL2I (B) WL2M
(C) 2 d g (D) 2 g
(C) L2 (D) L2ρ g
11. Two bodies having volumes V and 2V are suspended
from the two arms of a common balance and they
16. A metal ball of density 7800 kg/m3 is suspected to
are found to balance each other. If larger body is
have a large number of cavities. It weighs
immersed in oil (density d1 = 0.9 gm/cm3) and the
9.8 kg when weighed directly on a balance and 1.5
smaller body is immersed in an unknown liquid, then
kg less when immersed in water. The fraction by
the balance remain in equilibrium. The density of
volume of the cavities in the metal ball is
unknown liquid is given by :
approximately :
(A) 2.4 gm/cm3 (B) 1.8 gm/cm3 (A) 20% (B) 30%
(C) 0.45 gm/cm3 (D) 2.7 gm/cm3 (C) 16% (D) 11%

12. A boy carries a fish in one hand and a bucket (not 17. A sphere of radius R and made of material of relative
full) of water in the other hand. If the places the fish density  has a concentric cavity of radius r. It just
in the bucket, the weight now carried by him floats when placed in a tank full of water. The value
(assume that water does not spill) : of the ratio R/r will be
1/ 3 1/ 3
(A) is less than before      1 
(A)   (B)  
(B) is more than before   1    
(C) is the same as before 1/ 3 1/ 3
  1   1 
(D) depends upon his speed (C)   (D)  
     1
18. A beaker containing water is placed on the platform 22. Two water pipes P and Q having diameters 2 × 10–2 m
of a spring balance. The balance reads 1.5 kg. A and 4×10–2 m, respectively, are joined in series with
stone of mass 0.5 kg and density 500 kg/m3 is the main supply line of water. The velocity of
immersed in water without touching the walls of water flowing in pipe P is
beaker. What will be the balance reading now ? (A) 4 times that of Q
(A) 2 kg (B) 2.5 kg (B) 2 times that of Q
(C) 1 kg (D) 3 kg (C) 1/2 times of that of Q
(D) 1/4 times that of Q
Section C - Equation of continuity +
accelerated fluid 23. A pipe ABCD of uniform cross-section is bent into
three sections, viz., a horizontal section AB, a vertical
19. A jet of water with cross section of 6 cm2 strikes a section BC with C below B, and a horizontal section
wall at an angle of 60º to the normal and rebounds CD. Liquid flowing through the pipe has speed v1
elastically from the wall without losing energy. If and pressure p1 in section AB, and speed v2 and
the velocity of the water in the jet is 12 m/s, the pressure p2 in section CD -
force acting on the wall is (A) v1 = v2, p1 = p2 (B) v1= v2, p2> p1
(A) 0.864 Nt (B) 86.4 Nt (C) v2 > v1, p2 > p1 (D) v2 > v1, p1 = p2
(C) 72 Nt (D) 7.2 Nt
24. A fluid container is containing a liquid of density  is
is accelerating upward with acceleration a along the
20. Water is flowing steadily through a horizontal tube
inclined place of inclination  as shwon. Then the
of non uniform cross-section. If the pressure of water
angle of inclination  of free surface is :
is 4 × 104 N/m2 at a point where cross-section is
0.02 m2 and velocity of flow is 2 m/s, what
is pressure at a point where cross-section reduces to
0.01 m2

(A) 1.4 × 104 N/m2 (B) 3.4 × 104 N/m2 

(C) 2.4 × 10–4 N/m2 (D) none of these

21. Statement - 1 : The free surface of a liquid at rest

with respect to stationary container is always  g 

(A) tan–1  
normal to the geff .  g cos  

Statement - 2 : Liquids at rest cannot have shear

–1  a  g sin  
stress. (B) tan  
 g cos  
(A) Statement - 1 is true, statement - 2 is true and
statement - 2 is correct explanation for statement - 1
–1  a – g sin  
(B) Statement - 1 is true, statement - 2 is true and (C) tan  
 g(1  cos  ) 
statement - 2 is NOT the correct explanation for
statement - 1
–1  a – g sin  
(C) Statement - 1 is true, statement - 2 is false. (D) tan  
 g(1 – cos  ) 
(D) Statement - 1 is false, statement - 2 is true.
25. Figure shows a three arm tube in which a liquid is
filled upto levels of height l. It is now rotated at an P P

angular frequency  about an axis passing through (A) (B)

arm B. The angular frequency  at which level of x x
liquid of arm B becomes zero.
3l (C) (D)
A B C x x

l l Section D,E - Bernoullis Equation, Toricelli's
Law, reynolds no.
(C) l l
l 29. A tube is attached as shown in closed vessel
containing water. The velocity of water coming out
3g from a small hole is :

26. Water is flowing in a horizontal pipe of

non-uniform cross - section. At the most contracted
place of the pipe –
(A) Velocity of water will be maximum and pressure
(A) 2 m/s (B) 2 m/s
(B) Pressure of water will be maximum and velocity
minimum (C) depends on pressure of air inside vessel
(C) Both pressure and velocity of water will be (D) None of these
30. In the case of a fluid, Bernoulli’s theorem expresses
(D) Both pressure and velocity of water will be
the application of the principle of conservation of
(A) linear momentum (B) energy
(C) mass (D) angular momentum
27. Water is flowing in a tube of non-uniform radius.
The ratio of the radii at entrance and exit ends of
31. A fire hydrant delivers water of density  at a
tube is 3 : 2. The ratio of the velocities of water
volume rate L. The water travels vertically upward
entering in and exiting from the tube will be –
through the hydrant and then does 90° turn to
(A) 8 : 27 (B) 4 : 9 emerge horizontally at speed V. The pipe and nozzle
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 9 : 4 have uniform cross-section throughout. The force
exerted by the water on the corner of the hydrant is :
28. The cross sectional area of a horizontal tube v
increases along its length linearly, as we move in the
direction of flow. The variation of pressure, as we v
move along its length in the direction of flow
(x-direction), is best depicted by which of the (A) VL (B) zero
following graphs
(C) 2VL (D) 2 VL
32. A water barrel stands on a table of height h. If a 37. A vertical tank, open at the top, is filled with a liquid
small hole is punched in the side of the barrel at its and rests on a smooth horizontal surface. A small
base, it is found that the resultant stream of water hole is opened at the centre of one side of the tank.
strikes the ground at a horizontal distance R from The area of cross-section of the tank is N times the
the barrel. The depth of water in the barrel is area of the hole, where N is a large number. Neglect
(A) R/2 (B) R2/4h mass of the tank itself. The initial acceleration of
the tank is
(C) R2/h (D) h/2

g g g g
33. A cyclindrical vessel of cross-sectional area 1000 (A) (B) (C) N (D)
2N 2N 2 N
cm2, is fitted with a frictionless piston of mass 10
kg, and filled with water completely. A small hole of
38. Water flows into a cylindrical vessel of large cross-
cross-sectional area 10 mm2 is opened at a point 50
sectional area at a rate of 10–4m3/s. It flows out
cm deep from the lower surface of the piston. The
from a hole of area 10–4 m2, which has been punched
velocity of efflux from the hole will be
through the base. How high does the water rise in
(A) 10.5 m/s (B) 3.4 m/s
the vessel ?
(C) 0.8 m/s (D) 0.2 m/s
(A) 0.075 m (B) 0.051 m
34. A horizontal right angle pipe bend has cross-sectional (C) 0.031 m (D) 0.025 m
area = 10 cm2 and water flows through it at
39. A tank has an orifice near its bottom. The volume
speed = 20 m/s. The force on the pipe bend due to
of the liquid flowing per second out of the orifice
the turning of water is :
does not depend upon –
(A) 565.7 N (B) 400 N
(A) Area of the orifice
(C) 20 N (D) 282.8 N
(B) Height of the liquid level above the orifice
(C) Density of liquid
35. Fountains usually seen in gardens are generated by
(D) Acceleration due to gravity
a wide pipe with an enclosure at one end having
many small holes. Consider one such fountain which 40. In a cylindrical vessel containing liquid of density ,
is produced by a pipe of internal diameter 2 cm in there are two holes in the side walls at heights of h1
which water flows at a rate 3ms–1. The enclosure has and h2 respectively such that the range of efflux at
100 holes each of diameter 0.05 cm. The velocity of the bottom of the vessel is same. The height of a
water coming out of the holes is (in ms–1) : hole, for which the range of efflux would be
(A) 0.48 (B) 96 maximum will be.
(C) 24 (D) 48

36. A cylindrical vessel open at the open at the top is 20

cm high and 10 cm in diameter. A circular hole whose
cross-sectional area 1 cm2 is cut at the centre of the
bottom of the vessel. Water flows from a tube above
it into the vessel at the rate 100 cm3s–1. The height
of water in the vessel under state is (Take g = 1000
(A) h2 – h1 (B) h2 + h1
(A) 20 cm (B) 15 cm h 2 – h1 h 2  h1
(C) (D)
(C) 10 cm (D) 5 cm 2 2
Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

Section A - Pressure & its variation,

Manometer, Pascal's law

1. Some liquid is filled in a cylindrical vessel of radius

R. Let F1 be the force applied by the liquid on the
bottom of the cylinder. Now the same liquid is poured
into a vessel of uniform square cross-section of side
R. Let F2 be the force applied by the liquid on the
bottom of this new vessel. Then : 1
(A) L (B) L
(A) F1 = F2 (B) F1 =
 1
(C) L (D) 3 L
(C) F1 =  F2 (D) F1 = F2

5. The vessel shown in the figure has two sections.

2. In the figure shown, the heavy cylinder (radius R)
The lower part is a rectangular vessel with area of
resting on a smooth surface separates two liquids of
cross-section A and height h. The upper part is a
densities 2  and 3 . The height ‘h’ for the
conical vessel of height h with base area ‘A’ and top
equilibrium of cylinder must be
area ‘a’ and the walls of the vessel are inclined at an
angle 30° with the vertical. A liquid of density  fills
both the sections upto a height 2h. Neglecting
h 2 R
atmospheric pressure.

3 a
(A) 3R/2 (B) R
2 30° h
(C) R 2 (D) None
3. The vertical limbs of a U shaped tube are filled with a
liquid of density  upto a height h on each side. The A
horizontal portion of the U tube having length 2h
contains a liquid of density 2. The U tube is moved (A) The force F exerted by the liquid on the base
horizontally with an accelerator g/2 parallel to the
horizontal arm. The difference in heights in liquid (A  a)
of the vessel is 2hg
levels in the two vertical limbs, at steady state will be 2
(A) 2h/7 (B) 8h/7 (B) the pressure P at the base of the vessel is
(C) 4h/7 (D) None
4. A slender homogeneous rod of length 2L floats partly
(C) the weight of the liquid W is greater than the
immersed in water, being supported by a string
force exerted by the liquid on the base
fastened to one of its ends, as shown. The specific
gravity of the rod is 0.75. The length of rod that (D) the walls of the vessel exert a downward force
extends out of water is (F–W) on the liquid.
6. A uniform rod of density  is placed in a wide tank 9. A heavy hollow cone of radius R and height h is
containing a liquid of density 0 (0 > ). The depth placed on a horizontal table surface, with its flat
of liquid in the tank is half the length of the rod. The base on the table. The whole volume inside the cone
rod is in equilibrium, with its lower end resting on is filled with water of density . The circular rim of
the bottom of the tank. In this position the rod makes the cone’s base has a watertight seal with the table’s
surface and the top apex of the cone has a small
an angle  with the horizontal.
hole. Neglecting atmospheric pressure find the
1 1 0 total upward force exerted by water on the cone is
(A) sin  = 0 /  (B) sin  = .
2 2  (A) (2/3)R2 hg (B) (1/3)R2 hg
(C) R2 hg (D) None
(C) sin  =  / 0 (D) sin  = 0/

10. A dumbbell is placed in water of density . It is

7. A sealed tank containing a liquid of density  moves observed that by attaching a mass m to the rod, the
with a horizontal acceleration a, as shown in the dumbbell floats with the rod horizontal on the surface
of water and each sphere exactly half submerged as
figure. The difference in pressure between the points
shown in the figure. The volume of the mass m is
A and B is -
negligible. The value of length l is

l l
C A M,V m 2M,V
B Water

(A) hg (B) la

d(V  3M) d(V  2M)
(C) hg – la (D) hg + la (A) 2(V  2M) (B) 2(V  3M)
 

Section B - Force on side wall, Archimedes d(V  2M) d(V  2M)

Principle & Bouyancy
(C) 2(V  3M) (D) 2(V  3M)
 

8. A cone of radius R and height H, is hanging inside a 11. A container of large surface area is filled with liquid
liquid of density  by means of a string as shown in of density . A cubical block of side edge a and
the figure. The force, due to the liquid acting on the mass M is floating in it with four-fifth of its volume
slant surface of the cone is (neglect atmospheric submerged. If a coin of mass m is placed gently on
pressure) the top surface of the block is just submerged. M is
(A) 4m/5 (B) m/5
(C) 4m (D) 5m
(B) HR2

4 12. A hollow sphere of mass M and radius r is immersed

(C) gHR2
3 H in a tank of water (density w). The sphere would
float if it were set free. The sphere is tied to the

2 bottom of the tank by two wires which makes angle

(D) gHR2
3 45º with the horizontal as shown in the figure. The
tension T1 in the wire is :
16. A uniform solid cylinder of density 0.8 g/cm3 floats
4 3
R w g  Mg in equilibrium in a combination of two non-mixing
(A) 3 liquid A and B with its axis vertical. The densities of
2 R
liquid A and B are 0.7 g/cm3 and 1.2 gm/cm3. The
T1 height of liquid A is hA = 1.2 cm and the length of
2 3
(B) R  w g  Mg 45º 45º the part of cylinder immersed in liquid B is
hB = 0.8 cm. Then the length of the cylinder in air is

4 3 (A) 0.21 m (B) 0.25 cm

R w g  Mg 4 3 (C) 0.35 cm (D) 0.4 cm
(C) 3 (D) R  w g  Mg
2 3

Section C - Equation of continuity +

accelerated fluid
13. Two cyllinders of same cross-section and length
but made of two material of densities d1 and d2 are
cemented together to form a cylinder of length 2L. 17. An open cubical tank was initially fully filled with
The combination floats in a liquid of density d water. When the tank was accelerated on a horizontal
with a length L/2 above the surface of the liquid. If plane along one of its side it was found that one
d1 > d2 then : third of volume of water spilled out. The acceleration
3 d
(A) d1  d (B)  d1 (A) g/3 (B) 2g/3
4 2
(C) 3g/2 (D) None
(C)  d1 (D) d < d1
18. A laminar stream is flowing vertically down from a
tap of cross-section area 1 cm2. At a distane 10 cm
14. A body having volume V and density  is attached below the tap, the cross-section area of the stream
to the bottom of a container as shown. Density of has reduced to 1/2 cm2. The volumetric flow rate of
the liquid is d(>). Container has a constant upward water from the tap must be about
acceleration a. Tension in the string is (A) 2.2 litre/min (B) 4.9 litre/min
(A) V[Dg – (g + a)] (C) 0.5 litre/min (D) 7.6 litre/min
(B) V (g + a) (d – ) a
(C) V (d – ) g 19. The three water filled tanks shown have the same
(D) none volume and height. If small identical holes are
punched near this bottom, which one will be the
first to get empty.
15. There is a metal cube inside a block of ice which is
floating on the surface of water. The
ice melts completely and
metal falls in the water.
Water level in the container
(A) Rises (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) Falls
(C) Remains same (A) (i) (B) (ii)

(D) Nothing can be concluded (C) (iii) (D) All will take same time
20. A beaker containing a liquid of density  moves up (A) As the water moves down, its speed increases
with an acceleration a. The pressure due to the liquid and hence its pressure decreases. It is then
at a depth h below the free surface of the liquid is - compressed by the atmosphere.
(A) hg (B) h (g + a) (B) Falling water tries to reach a terminal velocity
and hence reduces the area of cross–section to
 g a  balance upward and downward froces.
(C) h (g – a) (D) 2hg  
 g a  (C) The mass of water flowing past any cross–
section must remain constant. Also, water is almost
incompressible. Hence, the rate of volume flow must
21. The U–tube shown has a uniform cross–section. A
remain constant. As this is equal to velocity × area,
liquid is filled in the two arms up to heights h1 and
the area decreases as velocity increases.
h2, and then the liquid is allowed to move. Neglect
viscosity and surface tension. When the levels (D) The surface tension causes the exposed surface
equilize in the two arms, the liquid will area of the liquid to decrease continuously.

(A) be at rest
(B) be moving with 24. A piece of wood floats in water kept in a beaker. If
the beaker moves with a vertical acceleration a, the
an acceleration of h1
wood will
 h  h2  h2 (A) sink deeper in the liquid if a is upward
g 1 
 h1  h 2  h  h (B) sink deeper in the liquid if a is downward, with a < g
(C) come out more from the liquid if a is downward,
(C) be moving with a velocity of
with a < g
g (D) remain in the same position relative to the water
 h1  h 2 
2  h1  h 2  h 

(D) exert a net force to the right on the tube Section D,E - Bernoullis Equation, Toricelli's
Law, reynolds no.

22. Water flows through a tube shown in figure. The 25. A cylindrical tank of height 1 m and cross section area
areas of cross-section at A and B are 1 cm2 and 0.5 A = 4000 cm2 is initially empty when it is kept under a
cm2 respectively. The height difference between A tap of cross sectional area 1 cm2. Water starts flowing
and B is 5 cm. If the speed of water at A is 10 cm/s. from the tap at t = 0, with a speed = 2 m/s. There is a
The speed at B (in cm/s) is - small hole in the base of the tank of cross-sectional
(A) 20 area 0.5 cm2. The variation of height of water in tank
(B) 40 (in meters) with time t is best depicted by
(C) 15 B
(D) 65 h h

23. Water coming out of the mouth of a tap and falling 1 0.8

vertically in streamline flow forms a tapering col- (A) (B)

umn, i.e., the area of cross–section of the liquid O t O t
column decreases as it moves down. Which of the
following is the most accurate explanation for this?
h h

0.8 1
(C) (D)
O t O t
26. A cubical box of wine has a small spout located in 29. Equal volumes of two immiscible liquids of densities
one of the bottom corners. When the box is full and  and 2 are filled in a vessel as shown in figure.
placed on a level surface, opening the spout results Two small holes are punched at depth h/2 and 3h/2
in a flow of wine with a initial speed of v0 (see from the surface of lighter liquid. If v1 and v2 are the
figure). When the box is half empty, someone tilts it velocities of a flux at these two holes, then v1/v2 is :
at 45º so that the spout is at the lowest point (see
figure). When the spout is opened the wine will flow 1
(A) v1
out with a speed of 2 2 h

1 h 2 v2

V0 1 1
(C) (D)
4 2

30. A cylindrical vessel filled with water upto height of

H stands on a horizontal plane. The side wall of the
(A) v0 (B) v0/2 vessel has a plugged circular hole touching the
bottom. The coefficient of friction between the
(C) v 0 / 2 (D) v 0 / 4 2
bottom of vessel and plane is  and total mass of
water plus vessel is M. What should be minimum
27. A vertical cylindrical container of base area A and diameter of hole so that the vessel begins to move
upper cross-section area A1 making an angle 30° on the floor if plug is removed (here density of water
with the horizontal is placed in an open rainy field is )
as shown near another cylindrical container having
2M M
same base area A. The ratio of rates of collection of (A) (B)
H 2H
water in the two containers will be.

(A) 2 / 3 A1 M
(C) (D) none
60º H
(B) 4 / 3

(C) 2 A A
31. Figure shows a siphon. Choose the wrong
(D) None
statement :
(P0 = atmospheric pressure)
28. A large tank is filled with water (density =
103 kg/m3). A small hole is made at a depth 10m
below water surface. The range of water issuing out h1
h=0 2
of the hole is Ron ground. What extra pressure must h2
be applied on the water surface so that 3
the range becomes 2R (take 1 atm = 105 Pa and
g = 10 m/s2) :
(A) Siphon works when h3 > 0
(A) 9 atm 10m
(B) Pressure at point 2 is P2 = P0 – gh3
(B) 4 atm
(C) Pressure at point 3 is P0
(C) 5 atm
(D) None of the above
(D) 3 atm R
32. A cylindrical vessel is filled with a liquid up to height 34. Water flows through a frictionless duct with a cross-
H. A small hole is made in the vessel at a distance y section varying as shown in figure. Pressure p at
below the liquid surface as shown in figure. The points along the axis is represented by
liquid emerging from the hole strike the ground at
distance x

H p

(A) if y is increased from zero to H, x will decrease (A)

and then increase
(B) x is maximum for y = H/2 x
(C) the maximum value of x is H/2 p
(D) the maximum value of x increases with the
increases in density of the liquid
33. A steady flow of water passes along a horizontal
tube from a wide section X to the narrower section x
Y, see figure. Manometers are placed at P and Q at
the sections. Which of the statements A, B, C, D, E
is most correct ?


P Q x

(A) water velocity at X is greater than at Y
(B) the manometer at P shows lower pressure than
at Q
(C) kinetic energy per m3 of water at X = kinetic
energy per m3 at Y
(D) the manometer at P shows greater pressure than
at Y
Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

Section A - Pressure & its variation, Section C - Equation of continuity +

Manometer, Pascal's law accelerated fluid

1. A container having dimension 5 m × 4 m × 3 m is 3. A beaker is filled in with water is accelerated a

accelerated along its breadth in horizontal. Container m/s2 in +x direction. The surface of water shall make
is filled with water upto the height of 1.5 m. on angle
Container is accelerated with 7.5 m/s2. If g = 10 m/s2 (A) tan–1(a/g) backwards (B) tan–1(a/g) forwards
and density of water is 103 kg/m3 -
(C) cot–1(g/a) backwards (D) cot–1(g/a) forwards

3m 4. The weight of an empty balloon on a spring balance

1.5m is w1. The weight becomes w2 when the balloon is
C filled with air. Let the weight of the air itself be w.
Neglect the thickness of the balloon when it is filled
(A) Gauge pressure at point C is 104 Pascal with air. Also neglect the difference in the densities
(B) Gauge pressure at point D is 3 × 104 Pascal of air inside & outside the balloon. Then :
(C) Gauge pressure at the middle of the base is (A) w2 = w1 (B) w2 = w1 + w
1.5 × 104 Pascal (C) w2 < w1 + w (D) w2 > w1
(D) Remaining value of liquid inside the container is
20 m3 Section D,E - Bernoullis Equation, Toricelli's
Law, reynolds no.
Section B - Force on side wall, Archimedes
Principle & Bouyancy 5. A tank is filled upto a height h with a liquid and is
placed on a platform of height h from the ground.
2. The spring balance A reads 2 kg with a block m To get maximum range xm a small hole
suspended from it. A balance B reads 5 kg when a is punched at a
beaker with liquid is put on the pan of the balance. distance of y from
The two balances are now so arranged that the the free surface of
hanging mass is inside the liquid in the beaker as the liquid. Then y
shown in the figure in this situation : (A) x m= 2h

(B) xm=1.5 h
(C) y = h
(D) y = 0.75 h xm

6. Water coming out of a horizontal tube at a speed 

m strikes normally a vertically wall close to the mouth
of the tube and falls down vertically after impact.
B When the speed of water is increased to 2.
(A) the thrust exerted by the water on the wall will
(A) the balance A will read more than 2 kg be doubled
(B) the balance B will read more than 5 kg (B) the thrust exerted by the water on the wall will
be four times
(C) the balance A will read less than 2 kg and B
(C) the energy lost per second by water strikeup the
will read more than 5 kg
wall will also be four times
(D) the balances A and B will read 2 kg and 5 kg (D) the energy lost per second by water striking the
respectively wall be increased eight times
Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Pressure & its variation, Manometer, 5. A level controller is shown in the figure. It consists
Pascal's law of a thin circular plug of diameter 10cm and a
cylindrical float of diameter 20 cm tied together with
a light rigid rod of length 10 cm. The plug fits in
1. A piston of mass M = 3 kg and radius R = 4 cm has a
snugly in a drain hole at the bottom of the tank
hole into which a thin pipe of radius r = 1 cm is
which opens into atmosphere. As water fills up and
inserted. The piston can enter a cylinder tightly and
the level reaches height h, the plug opens. Find h.
without friction, and initially it is at the bottom of the
Determine the level of water in the tank when the
cylinder. 750 gm of water is now poured into the
plug closes again. The float has a mass 3kg and the
pipe so that the piston & pipe are lifted up as shown.
plug may be assumed as massless.
Find the height H of water in the cylinder and height
h of water in the pipe. (Neglect width of piston)



6. A ship sailing from sea into a river sinks X mm and

2. Compute the work which must be performed to on discharging the cargo rises Y mm. On proceeding
slowly pump the water out of a hemispherical again into sea the ship rises by Z mm. Assuming
reservoir of radius R = 0.6 m. ship sides to be vertical at water line, find the specific
gravity of sea water.
3. A vertical uniform U tube open at both ends contains
mercury. Water is poured in one limb until the level Section B - Force on side wall, Archimedes
of mercury is depressed 2cm in that limb. What is Principle & Bouyancy
the length of water column when this happens.

7. A solid ball of density half that of water falls freely

4. For the system shown in the figure, the cylinder on under gravity from a height of 19.6 m and then enter
the left at L has a mass of 600kg and a cross water. Upto what depth will the ball go ? How much
sectional area of 800 cm2. The piston on the right, time will it take to come again to the water surface ?
at S, has cross sectional area 25cm2 and negligible Neglect air resistance & velocity effects in water.
weight. If the apparatus is filled with oil. ( = 0.75
gm/cm3) Find the force F required to hold the system
in equilibrium. 8. Place a glass beaker, partially filled with water, in a
sink. The beaker has a mass 390 gm and an interior
volume of 500 cm3. You now start to fill the sink
s with water and you find, by experiment, that if the
8m beaker is less than half full, it will float; but if it is
L more than half full, it remains on the bottom of the
sink as the water rises to its rim. What is the
density of the material of which the beaker is made?
9. Two spherical balls A and B made up of same 13. Find the speed of rotation of 1 m diameter tank,
material having masses 2m and m are released from initially full of water such that water surface makes
rest. Ball B lies at a distance h below the water an angle of 45° with the horizontal at a radius of 30
surface while A is at a height of 2h above water cm. What is the slope of the surface at the wall of
surface in the same vertical line at the instant they the tank.
are released. Obtain the position where they collide.
Specific gravity of the material of the balls is 2/3. 14. A ball is immersed in water kept in container and
released. At the same time container is accelerated
Neglect viscosity and loss due to splash.
in horizontal direction with acceleration, 44 m / s 2 .

10. Two spherical balls A and B made up of same Acceleration of ball w.r.t. container (in m/s2) is
material having masses 2m and m are released from (specific gravity of ball = 12/17, g = 10m/s2) -
rest. Ball B lies at a distance h below the water
surface while A is at a height of 2h above water 15. A mercury pallet of length 5 cm is trapped in a
surface in the same vertical line at the instant they horizontal tube of small cross–section area. Length
are released. If the bodies stick together due to of tube enclosed by mercury pallet is 20 cm when it
collision, to what maximum height above water is accelerated with a = g/2 in the direction shown.
The length of tube enclosed by pallet if it is
surface does the combined mass rise?
accelerated in opposite direction with same
Specific gravity of the material of the balls is 2/3.
acceleration is : (Atmospheric pressure is 7.2.5 cm
Neglect viscosity and loss due to splash. of Hg)

Section C - Equation of continuity +
accelerated fluid
10cm 20cm
11. A spherical tank of 1.2m radius is half filled with oil
of relative density 0.8. If the tank is given a horizontal
acceleration of 10 m/s2. Calculate the inclination of
16. A U-tube of base length ‘‘ filled with same volume
the oil surface to horizontal and maximum pressure
of two liquidsof densities  and 2 is moving with
on the tank. an acceleration ‘a’ on the horizontal plane. If the
height difference between the two surfaces (open to
12. An open cubical tank completely filled with water is atmosphere) becomes zero, then the height h is given
kept on a horizontal surface. Its acceleration is then by -
slowly increased to 2m/s2 as shown in the fig. The
side of the tank is 1m. Find the mass of water that
would spill out of the tank.

h a

Section D,E - Bernoullis Equation, Toricelli's Find
Law, reynolds no. (a) velocity of flow
(b) discharge rate of the flow in m3/sec.
17. Two very large open tanks A and F both contain the (c) absolute pressure at the crest level A.
same liquid. A horizontal pipe BCD, having a [Use P0 = 105 N/m2 & g = 10 m/s2]
constriction at C leads out of the bottom of tank A,
and a vertical pipe E opens into the constriction at C 19. A large tank is filled with two liquids of specific
and dips into the liquid in tank F. Assume streamline gravities 2 and . Two holes are made on the wall
flow and no viscosity. If the cross section at C is of the tank as shown. Find the ratio of the distances
one half that at D and if D is at a distance h1 below from O of the points on the ground where the jets
the level of liquid in A, to what height h2 (in terms from holes A & B strike.
of h1) will liquid rise in pipe E ? (above G & upto C
there is air in the pipe)
h/4 A
h/2 

2 A
h1 h/2
A B C D h/4
h2 E

F 20. The tank in fig discharges water at constant rate for

all water levels above the air inlet R. The height
above datum to which water would rise in the
manometer tubes M and N respectively are
18. A siphon has a uniform circular base of diameter _________ & ___________ .

8 /  cm with its crest A 1.8 m absove water level

Open to atmosphere
as in figure.
1.8m A 40cm
20cm R
Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced

Section A - Pressure & its variation, Section B - Force on side wall, Archimedes
Manometer, Pascal's law Principle & Bouyancy

4. As the arrangement shown in the fig is released the

1. A solid block of volume V = 10–3 m3 and density
rod of mass M moves down into the water.
d = 800 kg/m3 is tied to one end of a string, the
Friction is negligible and the string is inextensible
other end of which is tied to the bottom of the vessel.
The vessel contains 2 immiscible liquids of density
1 = 1000 kg/m3 and 2 = 1500 kg/m3. The solid
block is immersed with 2/5 th of its volume in the
liquid higher density & 3/5th in the liquid of lower
density. The vessel is placed in an elevator which is
moving up with an acceleration of a = g/2. Find the L M m
tension in the string. [g = 10 m/s2]
(a) Find the acceleration of the system w.r.t the
2. An open rectangular tank 5m × 4m × 3m high distance moved by each mass.
containing water upto a height of 2m is accelerated (b) Find the time required to completely immerse
horizontally along the longer side. m  –  water
the rod into water if  .
a M 
 = density of rod ; water = desity of water
water 2m

5m 5. The interface of two liquids of densities  and 2

(a) Determine the maximum acceleration that can respectively lies at the point A in a U tube at rest.
be given without spilling the water. The height of liquid column above A is 8a/3 where
(b) Calculate the percentage of water split over, if AB = a. The cross sectional area of the tube is S.
this acceleration is increased by 20% With what angular velocity the tube must be whirled
(c) If initially, the tank is closed at the top and is about a vertical axis at a distance ‘a’ such that the
accelerated horizontally by 9m/s2, find the gauge interface of the liquids shifts towards B by 2a/3.
pressure at the bottom of the front and rear walls of
the tank.

 8a/3
3. A closed tube in the form of an equilateral triangle
of side l contains equal volumes of three liquids which 2
do not mix and is placed vertically with its lowest A B
side horizontal. Find x in the figure if the densities a a
of the liquids are in A.P.
6. A closed cylindrical tank 2m high & 1 m in diameter
contains 1.5 m of water. When the angular velocity
is constant at 20.0 rad/s, how much of the bottom
+ of the tank is uncovered ? (The cylinder is rotated
x +
+ about vertical axis of symmetry passing through its
++++ C
B x length.)
Section C - Equation of continuity +
accelerated fluid
7. A cubical sealed vessel with edge L is placed on a
cart, which is moving horizontally with an h1
acceleration ‘a’ as shown in figure. The cube is filled
with an ideal fluid having density d. The gauge
pressure at the centre of the cubical vessel is –
11. A cylindrical tank having cross-sectional area
A = 0.5 m2 is filled with two liquids of densities
L 1 = 900 kgm–3 & 2 = 600 kgm–3, to a height h =
60 cm as shown in the figure. A small hole having
L area a = 5 cm2 is made in right vertical wall at a
height y = 20 cm from the bottom. Calculate

8. A closed tank filled with water is mounted on a cart.
The cart moves with an acceleration ‘a’ on a plane h
road. What is the difference in pressure of points B  y
and A, shown in figure ? F

(i) velocity of efflux.

h (ii) horizontal force F to keep the cylinder in static
a equilibrium, it it is placed on a smooth horizontal
 plane.
(iii) minimum and maximum value of F to keep the
cylinder at rest. The coefficient of friction between
cylinder and the plane is  = 0.01.
9. A small block of wood of specific gravity 0.5 is
(iv) velocity of the top most layer of the liquid
submerged at a depth of 1.2 m in a vessel filled with
column and also the velocity of the boundary
water. The vessel accelerated upward with an
separating the two liquids.
acceleration of a = g/2. Time taken by block to reach
the surface is (g = 10 m/s2) -
12. A jug contains 15 glasses of orange juice. When you
open the tap at the bottom it takes 12 sec to fill a
Section D,E - Bernoullis Equation, Toricelli's glass with juice. If you leave the tap open. how long
Law, reynolds no.
will it take to fill the remaining 14 glasses and thus
empty the jug?
10. A cylinder of height H is filled with water to a height
h0 (h0<H), & is placed on a horizontal floor. Two
small holes are punched at time t = 0 on the vertical
line along the length of the cylinder, one at a height
h1 from the bottom & the other a depth h2 below
the level of water in the cylinder. Find the relation
between h1 & h2 such that the instantaneous water
jets emerging
Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. A jar is filled with two non-mixing liquids 1 and 2 4. A water fountain on the ground sprinkles water all
having densities ρ1 and ρ 2 respectively. A solid ball, around it. If the speed of water coming out of the
fountain is v, the total area around the fountain that
made of a material of density ρ3 , is dropped in the
gets wet is : [AIEEE-2011]
jar. It comes to equillibrium in the position shown
in the figure. v4  v4
(A)  (B)
Which of the following is true for ρ1 , ρ 2 and ρ3 ? g2 2 g2
[AIEEE 2008] v2 v4
(C)  (D) 
(A) ρ 3  ρ1  ρ 2 g2 g
Liquid 1 ρ1
(B) ρ1  ρ 3  ρ 2
ρ3 5. Water is flowing continuously from a tap having an
(C) ρ1  ρ 2  ρ 3 internal diameter 8 × 10–3m. The water velocity as it
Liquid 2 ρ2 leaves the tap is 0.4 ms–1. The diameter of the water
(D) ρ1  ρ 3  ρ 2
stream at a distance 2 × 10–1 m below the tap is close
to [AIEEE 2011]
2. A ball is made of a material of density where, (A) 7.5 × 10–3 m (B) 9.6 × 10–3 m
ρ oil  ρ  ρ water with ρ oil andρ water representing the (C) 3.6 × 10–3 m (D) 5.0 × 10–3 m
densities of oil and water, respectively. The oil and
6. A uniform cylinder of length L and mass M having
water are immiscible. If the above ball is in
cross - sectional area A is suspended, with its length
equilibrium in a mixture of this oil and water, which
vertical, from a fixed point by a massless spring,
of the following pictures represents its equilibrium
such that it is half submerged in a liquid of density 
positions? [AIEEE 2010]
at equilibrium position. The extension x0 of the spring
when it is in equilibrium is : [JEE MAIN 2013]
Mg  LA  Mg  LA 
Water Oil (A) 1   (B) 1  
k  2M  k  M 
(A) (B) Mg  LA 
(C) (D) 1  
Water k k  M 

7. There is a circular tube in a vertical plane. Two liquids

which do not mix and of densities d1 and d2 are filled
Water Oil
in the tube. Each liquid subtends 90º angle at centre.
Radius joining their interface makes an angle  with
(C) (D)
Water vertical. Ratio d is : [JEE MAIN 2014]

1  tan 
3. Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings (A)
1  tan 
of equal lengths. The strings make an angle of 30°
with each other. When suspended in a liquid of density 1  sin 
0.8 g cm–3, the angle remains the same. If density of 1  cos 
the material of the sphere is 1.6 g cm–3, then dielectric
1  sin  1  cos 
constant of the liquid is [JEE Main 2010] (C) (D)
1  sin  1  cos 
(A) 4 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 1
Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced
1. Water is filled in a container upto height 3m. A small 4. Let the cylinder is prevented from moving up, by
hole of area ‘a’ is punched in the wall of the container applying a force and water level is further decreased.
at a height 52.5 cm from the bottom. The cross Then, height of water level (h2 in figure) for which
the cylinder remains in original position without
sectional area of the container is A. If  0.1 then application of force is [JEE 2006]
v2 is (where v is the velocity of water coming out of h 4h
(A) (B)
the hole) [JEE 2005 (Scr.)] 3 9
(A) 48 (B) 51
(C) 50 (D) 51.5 (C) (D) h

2. A U tube is rotated about 

one of it’s limbs with an 5. If height h2 of water level is further decreased, then
angular velocity . Find the [JEE 2006]
difference in height H of H
(A) cylinder will not move up and remains at its
the liquid (density ) level, original position
where diameter of the tube
(B) for h2 = h/3, cylinder again starts moving up
d << L..
(C) for h2 = h/4, cylinder again starts moving up
[JEE 2005] L
(D) for h2 = h/5, cylinder again starts moving up

Paragraph Q. No. 3 to Q. 5
6. The piston is taken completely out of the cylinder.
A wooden cylinder of diameter 4r, height h and
The hole at the top is sealed. A water tank is brought
density /3 is kept on a hole of diameter 2r of a
below the cylinder and put in a position so that the
tank, filled with water of density  as shown in the
water surface in the tank is at the same level as the
figure. The height of the base of cylinder from the
top of the cylinder as s hown in figure. The density
base of tank is H.
of the water is . In equilibrium, the height H of the
/3 water column in the cylinder satisfies.
h1 4r
[JEE - 2007]
h2 h


3. If level of liquid starts decreasing slowly when the

level of liquid is at a height h1 above the cylinder,
the block just starts moving up. Then, value of h1 is
[JEE 2006]
(A) g (L0 – H)2 + P0 (L0 – H) + L0P0 = 0
2h 5h
(A) (B) (B) g (L0 – H)2 – P0 (L0 – H) – L0P0 = 0
3 4
(C) g (L0 – H)2 + P0 (L0 – H) – L0P0 = 0
5h 5h (D) g (L0 – H)2 – P0 (L0 – H) + L0P0 = 0
(C) (D)
3 2
7. Water if filled up to a height h in a beaker of radius 9. A glass tube of uniform internal radius (r) has a valve
R asshown in thefigure. Thedensity of water is, separating the two identical ends. Initially, the valve
the surface tension of water is T and the atmospheric is in a tightly closed position. End I has a
pressure is p0. Consider a vertical section ABCD of hemispherical soap bubble of radius r. End 2 has
the water column through a diameter of the beaker. sub-hemispherical soap bubble as shown in figure.
The force on water on one side of this section by Just after opening the valve. [JEE 2008]
water on the other side of this section has magnitude
[JEE Advanced 2007]

(A) air from end 1 flows towards end 2. No change
B in the volume of the soap bubbles
(B) air from end 1 flows towards end 2. Volume of
the soap bubble at end 1 decreases
C (C) no changes occurs
(D) air from end 2 flows towards end 1. Volume of
the soap bubble at end 1 increases

(A) |2 p0Rh + R2gh – 2RT| Paragraph for Qeustion No. 10 to 12

(B) |2 p0Rh + Rgh – 2RT| A small spherical monoatomic ideal gas double
(C) |p0R2 + Rgh2 – 2RT|
 5
(D) |p0R2 + Rgh2 + 2RT|     is trapped inside a liquid of density , (see
 3
figure). Assume that the bubble does not exchange
8. STATEMENT - 1 any heat with the liquid. The bubble contains n
The stream of water flowing at high speed from a moles of gas. The temperature of the gas when the
garden hose pipe tends to spread like a fountain when bubble is at the bottom is T0, the height of the liquid
held vertically up, but tends to narrow down when is H and the atmospheric pressure is P0 (Neglect
held vertically down. surface tension). [JEE 2008]
In any steady flow of an incompressible fluid, the
volume flow rate of the fluid remains constant.
(A) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True;
STATEMENT-2 is a correct expalantion for
10. As the bubble moves upwards, besides the buoyancy
force the following forces are acting on it
(B) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is (A) Only the force of gravity
True; STATEMENT-2 is NOT, a correct
(B) The force due to gravity and the force due to
explanation for STATEMENT-1
the pressure of the liquid
(C) STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is (C) The force due to gravity, the force due to the
False pressure of the liquid and the force due to viscosity
(D) STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is of the liquid
True [JEE 2008] (D) The force due to gravity and the force due to
viscosity of the liquid
11. When the gas bubble is at a height y from the bottom, 14. Column II shows five systems in which two objects
its temperature is are labbled as X and Y. Also in each case a point P is
shown. Column I gives some statements about X
2/ 5
 P0   gH  and / or Y Match these statements to the appropriate
(A) T0  
 P0   gy  system(s) from Column II.
[JEE 2009]
2/ 5
 P0   g(H – y)  Column I Column II
(B) T0  
 P0   gH  (A) The force (P) Block Y of mass M left on a
exerted by X fixed inlcined plane X, slides on
 P0   gH  on Y has a it with a constant velocity
(C) T0  
 P0   gy  magnitude Mg.

 P0   g(H – y) 
(D) T0  
 P0   gH 
(B) The (Q) Two ring magnets Y and Z,
12. The buoyancy force acting on the gas bubble is gravitational each of mass M, are kept in
(Assume R is the universal gas constant) potential energy frictionless vertical plastic stand
of X is continuously so that they repel each
(P0   gH) 2 / 5
(A)  nRgT0 increasing. other. y rests on the base X
(P0  gy)7 / 5
and Z hangs in air in
 nRgT0 equilibrium. P is the topmost
(B) (P   gH)2 / 5 [P   g(H – y)]3 / 5
0 0 point of the stand on the
common axis of the two rings.
(P0   gH)3/ 5 The whole system is in a lift that
(C)  nRgT0
(P0  gy)8 / 5 is going up with a constant
 nRgT0
(D) (P   gH)3 / 5 [P   g(H – y)]2 / 5
0  0 

13. A cylindrical vessel of height 500 mm has an orifice

(small hole) at its bottom. The orifice is initially closed
and water is filled in it up to height H. Now the top
is completely sealed with a cap and the orifice at the (C) Mechanical (R) A pulley Y of mass m0 is fixed
bottom is opened. Some water comes out from the energy of the to a table through a clamp X. A
orifice and the water level in the vessel becomes
system X + Y is block of mass M hangs from a
steady with height of water column being 200 mm.
continuously string that goes over the pulley
Find the fall in height (in mm) of water level due to
opening of the orifice. [Take atmospheric pressure decreasing and is fixed at point P of the
= 1.0 × 10 5 Nm–2 , density of water = 1000 kg m–3 table. The whole system is
and g = 10 ms–2 . Neglect any effect of surface kept in a lift that is going down
tension.] with a constant velocity.
(Take temperature to be constant) [JEE 2009]
16. A thin uniform cylindrical shell, closed at both ends,
is partially filled with water. It is floating vertically
in water in half-submerged state. If c is the relative
density of the material of the shell with respect to
water then the correct statement is that the shell is
[JEE Advanced 2012]
(A) more than half-filled if c is less than 0.5
(S) A sphere Y of mass M is put (B) more than half-filled if c is more than 1.0
is a nonviscous liquid X kept in
(C) half-filled if c is more than 0.5
a container at rest. The sphere
is released and it moves down (D) less than half-filled if c is less than 0.5.
in the liquid.
17. A solid sphere of radius R and density  is attached
to one end of a mass-less spring of force constant
k. The other end of the spring is connected to another
solid sphere of radius R and density 3  . The
complete arrangement is placed in a liquid of density
2 and is allowed to reach equilibrium. The correct
(T) A sphere Y of mass M is statement(s) is (are) [JEE–Advance 2013]
falling with its terminal velocity
4R 3g
in a viscous liquid X kept in a (A) the net elongation of the spring is

8R 3g
(B) the net elongation of the spring is
(C) the light sphere is partially submerged.
(D) the light sphere is completely submerged.

Paragraph Q. No. 18 to Q. No. 19

15. Two solid spheres A and B of equal volumes but of A spray gun is shown in the figure where a piston
different densities dA and dB are connected by a pushes air out of a nozzle. A thin tube of uniform
string. They are fully immersed in a fluid of density cross section is connected to the nozzle. The other
dF. They get arranged into an equilibrium state as end of the tube is in a small liquid container. As the
shown in the figure with a tension in the string. The piston pushes air through the nozzle, the liquid from
arrangement is possible only if [JEE 2011] the containwer rises into the nozzle and is sdprayed
out. For the spray gun shown, the radii of the piston
and the nozzle are 20 mm and 1 mm respectively.
The upper end of the container is open to the
atmosphere. [JEE 2014]

(A) dA < dF (B) dB > dF

(C) dA > dF (D) dA + dB = 2 dF
18. If the piston is pushed at a speed of 5 mms-1, the air 20. A person in a lift is holding a water jar, which has a
comes out of the nozzle with a speed of small hole at the lower end of its side. When the lift
(A) 0.1 ms-1 (B) 1 ms-1 is at rest, the water jet coming out of the hole hits
the floor of the lift at a distance d of 1.2 m from the
(C) 2 ms-1 (D) 8 ms-1
person. In the following, state of the lift’s motion is
given in list I and the distance where the water jet
19. If the density of air is a and that of the liquid l, hits the floor of the lift is given in List II. Match the
then for a given piston speed the rate (volume per statements from List I with those is List II and
unit time) at which the liquid is sprayed will be select the correct answer using the code given
proportional to belsow the lists. [JEE 2014]
List I List II
(A) l (B) a l P. Lift is acceleration vertically up. 1. d = 1.2 m
Q. Lift is accelerating vertically 2. d> 1.2 m
l with an acceleration less than
(C) a (D) l the gravitational acceleration.
R. Lift is moving vertically up with 3. d < 1.2 m
constant speed.
S. Lift is falling freely. 4. No water
leaks out of the
Code :
(A) P-2, Q-3, R-2, S-4
(B) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
(C) P-1, Q-1, R-1, S-4
(D) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-1
Exercise - 1 Objective Problems | JEE Main
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. C
8. C 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A
15. D 16. C 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. B 21. A
22. A 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. A
29. B 30. B 31. D 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. D
36. D 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. D

Exercise - 2 (Level-I) Objective Problems | JEE Main

1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. A 7. D
8. D 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B
15. B 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. C
22. A 23. C 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. D
29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. A

Exercise - 2 (Level-II) Multiple Correct | JEE Advanced

1. B,C 2. B,C 3. A,C 4. A,C 5. A,C 6. B,D

Exercise - 3 | Level-I Subjective | JEE Advanced

2m 11
1. h ,H m 2. 101.8 Kgf–m 3. 54.4 cm 4. 37.5 N
 32

2( 3   ) 3 Y
5. h1 = = 0.26 ; h2 =  0.195 6.
7. 19.6 m, 4 sec
15  10 

8. 2.79 gm/cc 9. at the water surface, 10. h/2

11. 45°, 9600 2 (gauge) N/m 12. 100 kg

10 5 3a
rad / s , tan =
13. =
3 3
14. 5 15. 21.42 cm 16. 2g 

17. h 2 = 3 h1 18. (a) 6 2 m / s , (b) 9.6 2 × 10–3 M3 /sec, (c) 4.6 × 104 N/m2

19. 3: 2 20. 20 cm, 60 cm

Exercise - 3 | Level-II Subjective | JEE Advanced
1. 6N 2. 4m/s2, 10%, 0, 45 kPa 3. x = 1/3

 M – m (M – m)gx  L  M  m 18 g  2 Ld
4. (a)  g – (b) t    5. 6. m 7. (g + a)
M  m (M  m)L 2 g  M – m 19a 80 2

8. (hg + a)  9. 1.2 sec 10. h 1 = h2

11. (i) 4m/s, (ii) F = 7.2 N, (iii) Fmin = 0, Fmax = 52.2 N, (iv) both 4 × 10–3 m/s

12 14
12. t
15 – 14

Exercise - 4 | Level-I Previous Year | JEE Main

1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. A

Exercise - 4 | Level-II Previous Year | JEE Advanced

L2  2
1. C 2. H 3. C 4. B 5. A

6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. D
11. B 12. B 13. 6 14. A  P,T; B  Q,S,T; C  P,R,T
15. A,B,D 16. A 17. A,D 18. C 19. A
20. C

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