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A Review On Solar Photovoltaics and Roof Top Application of It

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A Review on Solar Photovoltaics and Roof Top Application of It

Article  in  International Journal of Computational Engineering Science · May 2015


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4 authors, including:

Pulok Ranjan Misal Gandhi

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Vidya Bharti Trust


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International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology(IJAREST),
ISSN(O):2393-9877, ISSN(P): 2394-2444,
Volume 2,Issue 4, April- 2015

A Review on Solar Photovoltaics and Roof Top Application of It.

Pulok Ranjan Mohanta1, Jigar Patel2, Jayesh Bhuva 3 Misal Gandhi4
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam, pulok.lit@lvs.co.in
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam, jigar.lit@lvs.co.in
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam, jayesh.lit@lvs.co.in
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam, misal.lit@lvs.co.in

Abstract -‘Energy crisis’ and ‘Energy security’ has been continuously in news since the first oil crisis in 1973. The worries for
environmental impacts due to fossil fuel based power generation also are a matter of concern now for quite some time [1]. In
spite of endeavors to promote renewable sources of energy, the fossil fuel based power generation continues to dominate the
market. Since power generated from coal is more affordable and available to consumers than any other fossil fuel new power
plants are being built to perform at “supercritical‟ and “ultra-supercritical‟ conditions of temperature and pressure, increasing
electricity generation efficiency from average 30% to 50% or higher. These new coal technologies are encouraging a continuous
use of coal for electricity generation and other purposes, making it difficult for renewable energies to become a significant
component of energy mix. To keep pace with the growing energy demands and as a National Action Plan for Climate Change
(NAPCC), there is a need to switch from conventional to non-conventional source of energy. And solar energy is the most
abundant permanent energy source available to use in direct form. In this paper the focus is laid on the solar photovoltaic
technology of power generation and review of the roof top application of it.

Keywords- Solar Photo Voltaic, renewable energy, roof top SPV, non-conventional sources of energy, solar energy


Solar energy intercepted by earth from sun is approximately Photovoltaic (PV) cells also called as solar cells are made of
1.8X1011 MW which is much more than the present special materials called semiconductors like silicon, which
consumption rate [1]. So the solar energy can meet all the is currently the most commonly used. Basically, when light
present and future demands of energy on a continuing basis shines on the solar cell a percentage of this solar energy is
thus proving it to be one of the most reliable energy sources. absorbed into the semiconductor material. This energy now
It is also a clean source of energy. Solar energy has inside the semiconductor knocks electrons loose allowing
enormous potential in India. The country has on an average them to flow freely. This flow of electrons is an electrical
three hundred sunny days per year and receives an average current. This current, combined with the cell’s voltage
hourly radiation of 200 MW/km 2.[2] The Jawaharlal Nehru (which is a result of its built-in electric field or fields),
National Solar Mission (JNNSM) has given a significant determines the power (or wattage) that the solar cell can
boost to the industry by setting up a feed-in-tariff regime produce [4]. In fig. 2 the classification of PV technologies is
and drafting clear regulation [3]. The Mission has set an shown.
objective of building 20GW of solar PV and CSP power
capacity in the next decade. Various state governments, such
as Gujarat or Rajasthan also offer policies to boost solar
energy production in the coming decade.

A broad classification of various methods of solar energy

utilization is given in fig. 1

SECOND Concentrator
FIRST GENERATION Photovoltaic’s,
GENERATION Thin Film Organics Etc.
Basic crystalline technology
silicon (C-Si)

Fig. 2. Classification of PV technologies

2.1. Crystalline silicon

First Generation Solar Cells is the oldest and the mostly

Fig. 1. Classification of methods of solar energy common used technology type due to high efficiencies. First
utilization generation solar cells are produced on wafers. Each wafer

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International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology(IJAREST),
ISSN(O):2393-9877, ISSN(P): 2394-2444,
Volume 2,Issue 4, April- 2015

can supply 2-3 watt power. To increase power, solar 5. Solar panels or modules are silent, without any
modules, which consist of many cells, are used. As seen in moving parts
the list, generally there are two types of first generation solar 6. A solar module should last for at least 20–30 years.
cells. They differ by their crystallization levels. If the whole 7. Solar modules can be integrated into the building in
wafer is only one crystal, it is called single crystal solar cell. the form of windows, walls, roof tiles or pergolas
If wafer consist of crystal grains, it is called multicrystal 8. Solar electricity can be fed into the grid
solar cell. Anyone can see the boundaries between grains on 9. Additional solar modules can be added later as
the solar cell. Although efficiency of mono crystal solar demand or budget grows.
cells is higher than multicrystal solar cells, production of
multicrystal wafer is easier and cheaper. So they are IV. ROOF TOP SPV SYSTEM
competitive with monocrystals [5].
A Rooftop photovoltaic is a system which uses one or more
2.2. Thin film photovoltaic panels, installed on rooftops of residential or
commercial buildings, to convert sunlight into electricity.
Second Generation Solar Cells are thin film solar cells. The various components in a rooftop photovoltaic power
Despite their efficiencies are less than 1st generation, their station include photovoltaic modules, mounting systems,
costs are also less than 1st generation. In addition they have cables, solar inverters and other electrical accessories.
an advantage in visual aesthetic. Since there is no fingers in
front of the thin film solar cells for metallization, they are The urban environment provides a large amount of empty
much more applicable on windows, cars, building rooftop spaces and can inherently avoid the potential land
integrations etc. These thin films can also be grown on use and environmental concerns. Estimating rooftop solar
flexible substrates. So second generation solar cells are insolation is a multi-faceted process, as insolation values in
applicable on textile products or on foldable devices. As an rooftops are impacted by the following:
advantage of thin film solar cells, they can be growth on
large areas up to 6 m2. However wafer based solar cell can 1. Time of the year
be only produced on wafer dimensions. The second 2. Weather conditions
generation solar cells include amorphous Si (a-Si) based thin 3. Shading from adjacent buildings
films solar cells, Cadmium Telluride/Cadmium Sulfide 4. Shading from overhanging vegetation
(CdTe/CdS) solar cells and Copper Indium Gallium 5. Roof slope and aspect
Selenide (CIGS) solar cells [5]. 6. Shading from adjacent buildings and trees

2.3. Concentrator PV An average home has more than enough roof area for the
necessary number of solar panels to produce enough solar
Third Generation Solar Cells are novel technologies which electricity to supply all of its power needs. Solar panel
are promising but not commercially proven yet. Most arrays can be sized to meet the domestic electrical loads by
developed 3rd generation solar cell types are dye sensitized converting DC current generated by solar panels into AC
and concentrated solar cell. Dye sensitized solar cells are currents by using suitable inverters. For obtaining high
based on dye molecules between electrodes. Electron hole power, multiple panels can be arranged in series and parallel
pairs occur in dye molecules and transported through TiO2 circuits on a panel (module) area of several square feet. The
nanoparticles. Although their efficiency is very low, their solar array is defined as a group of several modules
cost is also very low. Their production is easy with respect electrically connected in series- parallel combinations to
to other technologies. Dye sensitized solar cells can have generate the required current and voltage.
variable colors. Concentrated PV solar cell is another
promising technology. Main principle of concentrated cells With the downward trend in the cost of solar energy and
is to concentrate large amount of solar radiation on to a appreciation for the need for development of solar power,
small region where the PV cell is located. The amount of many solar power projects have recently been implemented.
semiconductor material, which might be very expensive, is A significant part of the large potential of solar energy in the
reduced in this way. In this system a perfect optical system country could be developed by promoting grid connected
should be integrated. Concentration levels starts from 10 sun solar photovoltaic power systems of varying sizes as per the
to thousands suns. So, total cost can be lower than need and affordability coupled with ensuring adequate
conventional systems. CPV s are promising technologies for return on investment.
near future [5].
There are two types of roof top SPV systems: stand-alone
III. SALIENT FEATURES SPV system and grid connected system [6].

The solar photo voltaic cells posses the following salient 4.1. Stand-alone roof top solar photovoltaic systems
features: Stand-alone roof top solar photovoltaic systems do not have
a connection to an electricity grid. They can have capacity
1. No fuel is involved to generate power. ranging from milliwatts to several kilowatts. The main
2. Solar radiation is available in abundant and is free. components of this system are: solar modules, charge
3. It is environmental friendly. controller, battery and inverter. The solar modules are
4. It can be installed in dry areas. mounted on a mount structure and the DC power they

All Rights Reserved, @IJAREST-2015

International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology(IJAREST),
ISSN(O):2393-9877, ISSN(P): 2394-2444,
Volume 2,Issue 4, April- 2015

produce is channeled through a charge controller to charge 2. Eliminates need for expensive batteries and generator
the battery where it is stored. The two main functions of a (which also requires fuel).
charge controller are to prevent the battery from being 3. Provides seasonal storage if a net metering or Feed-in
overcharged and eliminate any reverse current flow from the Tariff program is available.
batteries back to the solar modules at night. The battery 4. Maintenance free for a solar power system.
bank stores the energy produced by the solar array during 5. Internet monitoring available with inverters designed to
the day for use at anytime of the day or night. The inverter be used for individual solar panels.
takes the DC energy stored in the battery bank and inverts it 6. You are providing clean energy to the grid.
to 120 or 240 VAC to run your AC appliances.
4.2. Grid-connected solar photo voltaic systems
1. Power outages when utility power goes out your system
Grid-connected solar photo voltaic systems are connected to also goes out unless you invest in a battery bank. This is
the public electricity grid via a suitable inverter because a a requirement by the utility company and is for the
PV module delivers only dc power. Normally there are safety of those repairing the system.
almost no effects of the PV systems on the grid affecting 2. You still have to pay the basic utility bill, just not for
power quality, load-on lines, and transformers, etc. whatever power you’ve produced.
However, for a larger share of PV in low- voltage grids, as 3. You are still using non-renewable resources when there
in solar settlements, these aspects need to be taken into is no solar.
account. From a technical point of view, there will be no
difficulty in integrating as much PV into low- voltage grids V. COMPARISON BETWEEN ROOFTOP
as the peak load of the respective segment decentralized SOLAR AND LARGE GROUND MOUNTED
grid-connected PV systems, central grid-connected PV SOLAR PLANTS
systems .Decentralized grid-connected PV systems have
mostly a small power range and are installed on the roof of Advantages
buildings (flat-roof installation) or integrated into building
facades Central grid-connected PV systems have an installed 1. Large Solar Farms have to go through a myriad of
power up to the MW range. With such central photovoltaic regulations and clearances which the roof top systems
power stations it is possible to feed directly into the medium don’t have to face.
or high voltage grid [7]. 2. Grid Connection leads to additional costs for solar
farms while rooftop solar can use existing transmission
4.3. Benefits Comparison infrastructure
3. A Large Part of roof top Solar is consumed locally
Pros and cons of Stand-alone roof top solar photovoltaic while Farms supply 100% to the grid. That makes
systems: managing the grid difficult when solar penetration
1. Ideal for remote places where power is expensive to
bring in. 1. The greater scale of these plants allows lower
2. No power bills. installation costs compared to smaller installations. The
3. No power outages. costs are reduced in permitting, maintenance as well.
4. Self sufficiency on a clean, renewable energy source. 2. Solar Farms can be built on waste lands like in
Germany where they have been built on former
Cons: airbases.
3. Large Solar Farms are controlled by utilities or IPPs
1. Batteries and generator are expensive and require while rooftop solar is generally in the ownership of
maintenance. residential owners or commercial owners. This results
2. Lifetime for the batteries and generator (10 – 15 years) in less pushback from utilities which generally control
is less than for the solar array (35+ years). transmission and allow easier acceptance of solar
3. Batteries can only store power for a few days and have energy.
a maximum capacity. When they are full, the rest of the
power is wasted unless you can find an immediate use VI. TECHNICAL ISSUES
for it.
4. Power use must be carefully planned 1. The efficiency constraint: 4% to 12% (for thin film) and
under 22% (for crystalline) in the current market.
Pros and Cons of Grid-connected solar photo voltaic 2. Performance limitations of BOS components such as
systems: batteries, inverters and other power conditioning
Pros: 3. Silicon supply: strong demand for PV outpaced the
supply and partly stalled the growth of solar sector.
1. Easy backup from grid power.

All Rights Reserved, @IJAREST-2015

International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering, Science & Technology(IJAREST),
ISSN(O):2393-9877, ISSN(P): 2394-2444,
Volume 2,Issue 4, April- 2015

4. Cadmium and tellurium supply for certain thin film

cells: these two components are by-products from
respectively the zinc mining and copper processing and
their availability depends on the evolution of these


To promote solar rooftop for household use government

need to provide economic help to the consumers. Promotion
of solar rooftop by the government of India can be done by
two ways:

1) Subsidy in Capital cost

2) Generation based Incentive

Solar power enhances the renewable energy in the country,

so for its promotion government should provide some
incentive to promote use of solar power in urban areas. This
promotion will also help in reducing green house gases

Capital cost of solar rooftop is currently high enough to be

opted by a normal household. A household will go for solar
rooftop only if they have been given certain advantages. It
can be promoted as Government of India provide certain
subsidy for a fixed capacity say 5KW and Excess power
generated can be send to grid against which a fixed amount
will be given.


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