CFD Simulation of An Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) Reactor For Biohydrogen Production
CFD Simulation of An Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) Reactor For Biohydrogen Production
CFD Simulation of An Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) Reactor For Biohydrogen Production
Available at
Article history: Understanding how a bioreactor functions is a necessary precursor for successful reactor
Received 5 August 2009 design and operation. This paper describes a two-dimensional computational fluid
Received in revised form dynamics simulation of three-phase gas–liquid–solid flow in an expanded granular sludge
22 September 2009 bed (EGSB) reactor used for biohydrogen production. An Eulerian–Eulerian model was
Accepted 9 October 2009 formulated to simulate reaction zone hydrodynamics in an EGSB reactor with various
Available online 31 October 2009 hydraulic retention times (HRT). The three-phase system displayed a very heterogeneous
flow pattern especially at long HRTs. The core-annulus structure developed may lead to
Keywords: back-mixing and internal circulation behavior, which in turn gives poor velocity distribu-
Hydrogen production tion. The force balance between the solid and gas phases is a particular illustration of the
Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) importance of the interphase rules in determining the efficiency of biohydrogen produc-
Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) tion. The nature of gas bubble formation influences velocity distribution and hence sludge
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) particle movement. The model demonstrates a qualitative relationship between hydro-
Hydrodynamics dynamics and biohydrogen production, implying that controlling hydraulic retention time
Eulerian–Eulerian model is a critical factor in biohydrogen-production.
ª 2009 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
kinetics and size distributions, compressibility and activated sludge, based on a MLVSS of 8.49 g/L. Detailed information
sludge sedimentation, all of which influence microbial ecology, about the start-up and steady-state performance of this
have been neglected [21–25]. H2-producing EGSB reactor are described elsewhere [18].
When analyzing bioreactor fluid dynamics, the use of
single experimental techniques is highly time-consuming and
2.2. Computational fluid dynamics model
restricted by the limitations of even high-end measuring
equipment. Additionally, such measurements often cannot
2.2.1. Eulerian–Eulerian model
satisfy current research requirements understanding fluid
In this paper, a two-dimensional Eulerian–Eulerian three-
dynamics at the micro-level. Computational fluid dynamics
phase fluid model has been employed to describe the flow
(CFD) is becoming more widely available to analyze the
behavior of each phase, so the H2 gas, wastewater and sludge
characteristics of a bioreactor [26–30]. For example, Milewska
granules are all treated as different continua, with wastewater
and Molga [31] applied CFD to simulate accidents in industrial
as the primary phase, and the gas & sludge granules as the
batch stirred tank reactors. In the study, they found that even
secondary phase. This model was chosen because of the large
for a reactor operating at potentially safe conditions, a failure
number of gas bubbles and granular particulates [33–35]. Each
of the stirring system can lead to serious thermal runaway.
phase is presumed to be incompressible in this study. It is
Murthy et al. [32] used CFD simulation to predict the critical
possible to make this assumption about the gas phase, as this
impeller speed for solid suspension in a gas–liquid–solid stir-
phase is present as very small bubbles which, as a result of
red reactor.
their size do exhibit incompressible behavior. The wastewater
In the light of the above, an attempt was made to use CFD
was regarded as pure water, with a density of 1050 kg/m3 at
simulation to analyze hydrodynamics information in an
37 C. The sludge granules took up about 35% of the volume in
expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactor used for bio-
the bed region and were considered to be 1 mm-diameter
hydrogen production. With the help of this model, the
spherical solid granules with a density of 1460 kg/m3. The
hydrodynamics of the EGSB reaction zone at various condi-
hydrogen gas was assumed to have a density of 1.225 kg/m3.
tions of HRT were simulated. The flow fields, i.e., velocity
The gas phase volume fraction was related to gas production
distribution and volume fraction, were simulated for different
and the gas bubbles were assumed to have a diameter of
HRTs and these results were used to improve the reactor
0.1 mm.
design and to optimize reaction conditions.
vðrL lL uL Þ T
þ VðrL lL uL uL Þ ¼ lL Vp þ V lL mef ;L VuL þ VuL 3 CD;LG
vt MD;LG¼ r lG juG uL jðuG uL Þ (8)
4 dG L
þ rL lL g MI;LG (3)
where CD is the drag coefficient and d is the diameter of a gas
bubble (dG) or a solid particle (dS).
vðrS lS uS Þ T The drag coefficient CD, LG exerted by the gas phase on the
þ VðrS lS uS uS Þ ¼ lS Vp þ V lS mef ;S VuS þ VuS
vt liquid phase is obtained by the Schiller and Naumann drag
þ rS lS g MI;LS (4) model [36], as follows:
24ð1þ0:15ð1lG ÞRe0:687 Þ
CD;LG ¼ ð1lG ÞRe
ð1 lG Þ2:65 ð1 lG ÞRe 1000 (9)
vðrG lG uG Þ T ð1 lG ÞRe > 1000
þ VðrG lG uG uG Þ ¼ lG Vp þ V lG mef ;G VuG þ VuG 0:44
þ rG lG g MI;LG where Re is the relative Reynolds number, which is obtained
(5) from:
DlL rL kL mt;L
¼ V lL m þ VkL þ lL rL pkL 3L þ lL rL kL (16)
Dt skL
rL dS juS uL j
Re ¼ (12)
The lift force acting perpendicular to the direction of the DlL rL 3L mt;L
¼ V lL m þ V3L þlL rL C31 pkL C32 3L þlL rL 3L (17)
relative motion of the solid and gas phase is given by: Dt s3L
Fig. 3 – Experimental and simulated values of the water velocity in the reaction zone at different HRTs: A. HRT 1 h; B. HRT
2 h; C. HRT 4 h; D.HRT 6 h.
9690 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 9686–9695
Fig. 4 – Water-velocity vectors of H2-production reaction zone: A. HRT 1 h; B. HRT 1.5 h; C. HRT 2 h; D.HRT 3 h; E. HRT 4 h;
F. HRT 6 h.
Here, kL represents the influence of the secondary phase on Fluent 6.3 CFD Flow Modeling Software package to solve the
the primary phase and the predictions for turbulence quan- continuity and momentum equations.
tities for the dispersed, and 3L represents the predictions for The simulation results vary little with grid density so
turbulence quantities for the secondary phases, which are truncation errors in the numerical simulation can be
both obtained using the Tchen theory of the dispersion of neglected. An analysis independent of grid was performed
discrete particles by homogeneous turbulence [35]. Standard to eliminate errors in simulation accuracy, numerical
values were used for the turbulence parameters: C31 ¼ 1.44, stability, convergence and computational step related to
C32 ¼ 1.92, Cm ¼ 0.09, sk ¼ 1.0, s3 ¼ 1.3. grid coarseness. The grid independent analysis was done
with a maximum cell density of 12382, through the selected
2.2.5. Numerical solution grid number of 5544 cells, to a minimum of 968 cells. When
In this paper, we have analyzed the reaction zone of our EGSB the optimum cell number was used, the difference in pres-
reactor. The simulated reaction zone was 120 cm tall and 6 cm sure drop was below 3%. Therefore, a two-dimensional
diameter. The meshes were created in the Ansys Fluent computational domain of the reaction zone of the EGSB
GAMBIT preprocessor program and exported into the Ansys reactor was devised with 5544 cells, 11314 faces, and 5771
Fig. 6 – Contours of water velocity magnitude of H2-produciton reaction zone: A. HRT 1 h; B. HRT 1.5 h; C. HRT 2 h; D. HRT 3 h;
E. HRT 4 h; F. HRT 6 h.
nodes (see Fig. 1). The initial sludge bed was packed with 2.3. Tracer experiment
granular solids with a volume fraction of 0.55. The initial
hydrogen gas phase was assumed to be accumulated into Velocity patterns at four different HRTs were obtained from
the sludge blanket, and it was further assumed that the gas tracer experiments using Particle Image Velocity measure-
would be released when force balance between gas phase ments. For the each test, a pulse micro glass beads was
and solid phase broke up. The reactor wastewater inlet was injected as a tracer into the reactor input stream. A planar
modeled with a velocity-inlet boundary condition. The cross section of the flow was illuminated with a sheet light
outlet was set as a pressure outlet boundary condition. All source, and an image was formed of the tracer particles. The
other solid surfaces were defined by wall boundary condi- measurement of velocity was based on the displacement of
tions with free slip for the biogas and no slip for the sludge the tracer particles during a given time interval.
or wastewater. In this study, the simulation was operated in
steady state conditions. The convergent solution was
defined as the solution for which the normalized residual for 3. Results and discussion
all variables was less than 1 103 and the calculated
outflow rate had reached a constant value. Convergence was 3.1. Model validation and error analysis
typically reached after 350 iterations. All the simulations
were carried on a computer with a 32 bit processor (Intel As far as the CFD model validation is concerned, Fig. 3 pres-
Core 2 Duo CPU T9300) with 2GB of random access ents a comparison between the experimentally measured and
memory, run at a clock speed of 2.50 GHz. the simulated values of the water velocity in the reaction zone
Fig. 7 – Contours of sludge volume fraction: A. HRT 1 h; B. HRT 1.5 h; C. HRT 2 h; D. HRT 3 h; E. HRT 4 h; F. HRT 6 h.
9692 international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 9686–9695
Fig. 8 – Contours of H2-gas volume fraction: A. liquid up-flow velocity of 6 m/h; B. liquid up-flow velocity of 4 m/h; C. liquid
up-flow velocity of 3 m/h; D. liquid up-flow velocity of 2 m/h; E. liquid up-flow velocity of 1.5 m/h; F. liquid up-flow velocity
of 1 m/h.
at different HRTs showing good agreement between measured 3.2. Hydrodynamics analysis
and predicted values. The relative error between measured
and simulated data was within 10% indicating that the model In a biohydrogen production reactor, liquid flow pattern,
provides a good overall description of reaction zone behavior. sludge activity, and mass balance analysis are interdepen-
The errors incurred in calculation derived from several dent. Highly reactive sludge and long hydraulic retention
sources, such as geometry meshing, numerical treatment of times (HRT) are required to obtain a good mass balance.
initial and boundary conditions, and incomplete iteration. A good mass balance results in more organics being trans-
With regard to geometry meshing, the grid selected was ferred to biogas, and a good flow regime is required for effi-
considered to be grid independent, thus related influences cient contact between microbes and wastewater, which in
such as truncation errors can be ignored. Adopting an iterative turn supplies a good growing environment for the culture. To
approach, discrete equations cannot satisfy absolute conver- obtain hydrodynamic information from the reaction zone of
gence, and the iterative process will only stop when a certain the EGSB reactor, six steady state simulations, at HRTs of 1,
condition occurs, for example, the normalized residual for all 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6 hours (assuming uniform recycle ratio, and HRT
variables. This is why we see incomplete iterations. However, transformed to inlet up-flow velocity) were conducted.
it should be noted that in the study, the inaccuracy due to Figs. 4–6 present the water velocity in the reaction zone of
incomplete iteration was less than 1 103. The definition of an H2-production EGSB reactor with various HRTs. When the
initial values and boundary treatments are the most signifi- influent runs up through the bottom of the sludge bed at
cant (and complex) steps in the setup of the numerical a fixed up-flow speed, and bed expansion is observed due to
calculation. To obtain a high accuracy simulation, the virtual the low-density of the sludge granules. Due to variation with
conditions should be suitably simplified in addition to time of the path tortuosity and consequent length of passage
selecting the right parameters. Errors incurred at this stage are through the particle interstices of the sludge blanket, and the
difficult to analyze and quantify, and require further exami- random geometry of the granules and impurities, the flow
nation, to be described elsewhere. regime is not homogeneous in the direction of flow. In addi-
tion, it is assumed that gas bubbles produced by biodegrada-
tion or biofermentation, such as methane, carbon dioxide and
hydrogen, will flow upwards with the stream swirl. This
movement will make the bulk up-flow velocity greater than
Table 1 – Operation strategy of the EGSB reactor. the up-flow velocity of liquid alone, and the cross-sectional
Operating time (d) OLR (kg COD/m3 d) HRT (h) COD (mg/L) velocity will be non-homogeneous.
When the HRT is long, and liquid up-flow velocity is low,
1–6 8 6 2000
7–13 12 4 2000
lateral pulsating movement will take place as the fluid
14–20 24 4 4000 elements flowing through sludge blanket take the paths of
21–27 36 4 6000 least resistance around individual sludge granules. As can
28–35 48 4 8000 been seen (Fig. 5), internal circulation behavior occurs, and the
36–42 96 2 8000 wastewater is not distributed very evenly. The core-annulus
43–51 192 1 8000
structure occurs because the water velocities in the core
52–59 96 2 8000
region are much lower than those in the annulus region,
60–150 120 2 10,000
whereas because water velocities near the wall are increasing
international journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2009) 9686–9695 9693
Fig. 9 – Hydrogen production rate, hydrogen yield and OLR variation in the EGSB reactor.
and upward, this may lead to back-mixing and internal heights were estimated as ranging between 0.41 and 0.44 m,
circulation behavior. Similar results have been obtained by indicating that the bed expansion was about 8%w10%,
other researchers [38–40]. When the liquid flows upward with reasonably agreeing with experimental results [18]. The
a moderate velocity to obtain an appropriate HRT (see simulation indicated that the gas–liquid–solid system exhibits
Fig. 4B–D), axial pulsation and disturbances between granules a more heterogeneous structure, with particle clusters form-
of sludge are small, but compared with the velocity of lower ing and dissolving dynamically. In the numerical simulation,
fluid levels, the turbulent motion and velocity distribution are clusters could be seen to fall along the wall, stacking together
greater. When the HRT is short (see Fig. 4A), an increasing into agglomerated clusters which ultimately become large
distance between individual sludge granules results due to enough to escape from the wall. Particles are dynamically
the high liquid up-flow velocity, which in turn decreases the squeezed out of these clusters and pushed upward by the up-
lateral pulsating of the liquid. Additionally because of the flowing biogas, and then these particles are further aggregated
lifting action of the biogas, the flow pattern will be in a highly into strands in an upper section of the bed. This cluster
turbulent state. formation, which may involve gas–sludge, sludge–sludge, and
Another important reactor hydrodynamic characteristic, sludge–wall interactions, is currently too complex to be well
influencing the process of biohydrogen production is the understood. To discover the rules of interphase interaction,
relative volume fraction of the sludge and the gas phases. such as force balance between sludge particles and gas
Sludge bed expansion and the existence of sludge floccs, bubbles, is crucial to the understanding of biohydrogen
greatly change the nature of the interaction between the production, because gas release from the sludge blanket will
liquid and gas phases. This interaction plays a significant role occur only when the force balance between particles and
in the expanded sludge bed reactor [38]. When the mean bubbles is disrupted. It should be noted that work described in
sludge concentration is significantly higher than local sludge this paper on solid phase simulation, only describes stable
concentrations; this indicates that the particles are aggre- conditions. Certain details about the movement of sludge
gating into clusters. Fig. 7 shows the sludge volume fraction at particles during changes in process conditions, such as wash-
six different simulation states. The values of the averaged bed out, have not been addressed; however, these problems could
no doubt be solved by further research. Fig. 8 presents the
biogas volume fraction predicted by CFD simulation; the
simulation results demonstrate that gas bubbles are an
important phenomenon. The motion of the biogas bubbles is
both upward and transverse. Sludge particle clusters were
dragged transversely, following the biogas bubbles. This
behavior could lead to wash-out, and a lower biomass with
a consequent reduction in biohydrogen yield. Bubble move-
ment, bursting, and size change are key factors affecting
particle circulation and cluster formation in the reactor. We
intend to further extend and validate our work by comparing
our modeling results with experimentation.
Rate (OLR) variation in the EGSB reactor. Fig. 10 shows a rela- Key Fund of China (No. 50638020), the Provincial Youthful
tionship between HRT and biohydrogen production rate in an Science Foundation of Heilongjiang (Grant No. QC06C036), and
experiment where inlet chemical oxygen demand was kept State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environ-
constant and HRT was varied, and a simulated relationship ment, Harbin Institute of Technology (2008QN02) for their
between HRT and the outlet hydrogen mass flow rate (MFR). supports for this study.
From our experimental data we see that HRT, being related
to water up-flow velocity, affects biohydrogen production.
When the HRT exceeds 2 hours the hydrodynamic behavior
occurring is suitable for biohydrogen production. This is
because (see section 3.2), this behavior gives an appropriate
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