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The Corporate Rationale of The Virgin Group Marketing Essay

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The Corporate Rationale Of The Virgin Group

Marketing Essay
3258 words (13 pages) Essay in Marketing

 5/12/16  Marketing  Reference this

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Richard Branson,founder of Virgin and is considered to be the single most important
ingredient to all the successes that has been reaped.This case study examines the Virgin
Group corporate strategy and it identities the relationships within the Virgin
Group.Virgine’s value adding activities and qualities are discussed.The Virgin Group is
comprised of many different assorted mixes of businesses.

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The Virgin Group is diversified into 200 businesses and it has a “finger in every pie”.
Looking at the case the overall corporate rationale is simply a projection of Richard’s
own philosophy and his personal persona that is revered and became respected by the
public.Richard’s high profile allowed the Virgin brand name to be the far most important
asset to the company.

All the businesses in the Virgin Group are strategically targeted towards a “five pillar”
empire that Richard created. These pillars are travel, leisure, moblie phones,
entertainment, retailing and personal finance. All the business’s within the empire all the
managers to have freedom to make decisions independently for growth and allows
them to feel the same degree of ownership and values.
Richard Branson, founder of Virgin in 1970 is in the author’s opinion the single most
important reason to all the success that has been reaped up-to-date. The corporate
rationale is simply a projection of Richard Brandon’s own personal philosophy, which he
has introduced into the structure of corporate rational. The Virgin Group is comprised
with many assorted mix of businesses.(Rob Abdul, 30/01/02)

Corporate rationale is the way in which a corporate parent envisages the way that it can
add value to its strategic business units. The Virgin Group’s rationale is to diversity into
as many markets feasible, and extend the Virgin brand name further at a low cost; where
stature could be relied upon to reduce barriers to entry into static markets. The
following will be discussed below.

The Virgin Group’s rationale is to diversify into as many markets that are feasible.

They want to extend the Virgin brand name further at a low cost where stature could be
relied upon to help reduce the barriers for entry into a static market. The Virgin Group
looks for a challenge in every venture and aims to providing better quality products
than the competitors do. The Virgin Group aims at entering a market that is still in the
growth phase. (Rob Abdul, 30/01/02)

The Virgin Group sees itself as a restructurer, this means that it has low central costs due
to relatively small corporate centre, with fairly minimal involvement at business level.
However they vary from the portfolio managers because they also set about trying to
identify restructuring opportunities within their businesses and have the skills and
expertise in order to intervene and introduce these changes where necessary.
( Jenn,2008)

The Virgin Group has a wide range of strategic business units about two hundred
ranging from airways to drinks, and makeup to publishing. Virgin’s corporate rationale is
that they try to enter “static” market, in which there are few competitors and where
consumers do not get value for money.The Virgin Group enters these markets that are
still in the growth stage and to try and shake them up, for example they did this with
Virgin Airways and Virgin Cola.

By entering the market that is still in its growth stage and has few competitors Virgin
managed to produce the product or service for a slightly lower price than all other
competitors within the market then they should , along with their strong Virgin brand
name. Virgin Group gained a big market share fairly quickly because they had lower
prices than everyone else.
This is a good way in which to enter a market because it surprises the other competitors
who may have become too comfortable in this monopolistic market, and has a
potentially huge initial gain. Using the surprise tactic ensures that the other market
leaders will not expected your move and result in a slow response , for example when
Virgin entered the airways market, the British Airways had not anticipated them as
competition and so were not prepared to be able to cut costs and compete. So Virgin
Airways gained a big share of the market very quickly.

Excellent management practices has also been refer to as a major strength of this group,
and is there for one of the most significant components of its corporate rationale. The
Virgin Group corporate rationale was also diversify into as many markets that were
feasible and extend the Virgin brand name at a low cost. The Virgin Group looked for a
challenge in every venture and aimed at providing better quality products to their
customers and better than their competitors.

The Virgin Group corporate rationale was to sacrifice their short-term profits in order to
gain a longer-term growth and therefore they used an independent business level
decision making method. This corporate rationale allows the managers to make
decisions independently for growth and feel the same degree ownership and values that
any other manager would feel in the Virgin Group. (Rob Abdul,30/01/02)

Virgin’s rationale for expansion was based on fierce external diversification strategy and
Richard’s constant need to be creative in his approaches to new challenges. For Richard
the brand is very important and is an asset. The ultimate objective is to have an
established global name and therefore the Virgin Group needs to have a number of core
businesses with global potential, with expansion this can be achieved.

Are there any relationships of a strategic nature between

the businesses within the Virgin Group?
The Virgin Group is formed by various strategic business units (SBU). “A strategic
business unit is a part of an organization for which there is a distinct external market for
goods or services that is different from another SBU.” (Rob Abdul, 30/01/02) Basically,
there are 56 strategic business units in the Virgin Group. For example, there are Virgin
Travel and Virgin Trading in the Virgin Group.
As previously mentioned all the businesses in the Virgin Group are strategically targeted
towards a five pillar empire system that Richard created. At the heart of Virgin’s core
strategy is to develop the five pillars of the business empire which includes travel,
leisure, mobile phones, and entertainment, retailing and personal finances. Looking at
the diagram below it shows that all the ventures have the same brand name.

The Virgin Group

Figure 1, The Virgin Group

As this diagram shows that the brand name is the main strategic relationship and this
creates a strong acknowledgement from customers. Giving a venture the name Virgin
sends out a message to the customers. The brand is associated with the words fun,
innovative and daring. This can result in transfers of all marketing and promotional
activities up to the present for the specific venture respectively. (Rob Abdul, 30/01/02)

The Virgin Travel consists of Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Holidays, Virgin Aviation and Virgin
Balloon. The Virgin Trading consists of Virgin Megastores, Virgin Enterprises, Virgin
Clubs and Virgin Cosmetics. Several strategic relationships exist within the Virgin Group.
One of the most recent of these strategic relationships involves it offer to customers of
digital and mobile phone services as well as broadband internet service.

Virgin Digital UK offers digital music to a wide variety of customers in mediums that are
compatible with a wide range of software and digital hardware. The company boasts a
high preparation for this market as it has deep roots in the music industry, beginning
with its record company Virgin Records, because of Virgin’s Records previous ownership
and rights to many music tracks the company has benefited by it having already at its
disposal thousands of tracks to make available to the public (Baker Capital, 2005)

This is the partnership involved with the mobile phone service company under the
Virgin Label. Downloading music to mobile phones is an advantage that can be offered
to Virgin mobile customers as an incentive to subscribe or switch to Virgin mobile
service providers. This is also an advantage for the Virgin broadband provider, as it
allows the Group to further integrate its digital services to include internet service and
offer such packages and exclusive deals that have the potential to draw even more
customers. (Marivic Butod, 2007)

Another strategic relationship exists among the Virgin transportation companies. The
Group of airlines (Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Galactic) have the distinction of offering the
lowest fares for packages in the Atlantic and other parts of the world. The ability to offer
flights to and from more unknown and less-travelled destinations is granted to Virgin
because of partnership between and among the virgin airline companies of the different

Furthermore, the benefit is extended by the existence of a partnership with Virgin Rail
that offers extended service via railway farther into more unreachable regions of the
European continent. The Virgin Group tries to create and grow relationships with
directors, managers and pilots within Virgin Galactic and all the business in the Virgin
Group strategically targeted towards travel, leisure, mobile phones, entertainment
retailing and personal finance.

All the businesses within the Virgin Empire allow the managers to make decisions
independently and this allows them to feel the same degree of ownership and values
that any other manager. Businesses were ring-fenced in order for the assets not to be
switched between companies in the Virgin Group and if any company became too large
another company would be put in its place.

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The name Virgin became synonymous with Richard Branson’s name and this key
psychological strategy helps with marketing and promotions because this at the end of
the day helps them expand and get well known. Therefore many businesses outside the
Virgin Group have shown their interest though joint ventures as the Virgin brand name
is becoming well known.

Does the Virgin Group, as a corporate parent, add value to

its businesses? If so how?
Corporate parenting places collective responsibility on local authorities to achieve good
parenting for all children in their care. It requires ownership and leadership at a senior
level, this includes all elected members. They make sure all councillors in your council
understand their corporate parenting responsibilities and are committed to fulfilling
them. (Marivic Butod, 2007)

The Virgin Group as a corporate parent values all its businesses. The Virgin Group
achieves value by understanding the institutionalised markets. The Virgin’s management
team has done a good job in identifying satisfaction in the market. The management
team expertise and experience matched with the strategy allows the company to offer
more for less.

The Virgin group also added value to its businesses with the brand name and used the
brand name to help overcome barriers to entry. The Virgin brand name is a consumer’s
supporter and as mention before the brand is much respected with the British public.
The Virgin Group at a corporate parent also helps with limiting the risks for the other
businesses joining in the joint venture.

Any company, corporation or organisation that is in a joint venture with the Virgin
Group had the benefits of limiting the risks associated in the market place. The other
value that the Virgin Group contributes as a corporate parent is that they do not restrict
the management teams. The Virgin Group has a flat management structure which helps
encourage innovation, flexibility and it can help promote the values of shared ownership
and responsibilities. (Rob Abdul, 30/01/02)

The Virgin Group ensures that innovation is amongst the staff members and helps
ensure that the individuals are successful in their careers. The Virgin Group acquires
partners that have the same mind set for the venture and they ensure that they match
their ability to be innovative and create differentiation for their particular company.
These innovative thoughts and ideas are then applied directly into the business and
therefore helping it to be successful.

Virgin Mobile is an example of this innovation as it formulated a partnership with the

existing telecommunications operators to retail in mobile services. The virgin Group and
their management team were successful at identifying that the agreement was in the
handling of the network management. Due to their innovation of their joint ventures
and networking it promoted a unique service to the market.

Virgin as a corporate parent added workable value as well to its businesses by investing
and developing the employees and real expertise. With all the joint ventures that the
Virgin Group have made they did indeed limit some risks but they also contradicted
some signals to the customers by having so many businesses and if the one performed
badly the other separate businesses with the brand name stand a chance on been
labelled as the same. (Rob Abdul, 30/01/02)

In a sense the Virgin Group is a community, every Small Business Unit in it share ideas,
values, interests, goals, and the most important, they share the same brand. Therefore
the Virgin Group as a corporate parent have set standards and helped the businesses
know exactly how to create value to the customers and how to ensure that the brand
name is upheld.
The Virgin Group as a corporate parent does value to its businesses and has achieved it
though understanding the institutionalised markets, using the Virgin band name to
overcome barriers to entry, it limited risks by going into joint ventures with different
companies, it does not restrict the management team and the Virgin Group shows

Virgin’s management team have been doing very well when it comes to identifying a
market that is still in its growth stage and markets with very little competitors. It is this
expertise and experience that is coupled with the strategy to offer more to the
customers for less and it has helped the Virgin Group plough though complacent
business industries.

As a corporate parent virgin’s brand name has helped to overcome barriers to entry. The
fact the brand name is well established and accepted by the public it has helped with
getting into certain markets and to expand into areas where the Virgin Group believes it
can make a difference and offering something different to the consumers and a good

Virgin has limited the risks by going into joint ventures and any company that goes into
a joint venture with Virgin also benefits the limitations of risks in the market place. As a
corporate parent it helps the new venture as one have limited risks as it is under a well
known brand of standards and low cost. It also encourages the management teams to
be independent and make choices that will better the growth of the company.

Virgin’s corporate rationale to innovation allows the staff members to be successful in

their careers. The Groups acquires partners that think alike and that match their abilities
to innovation and differentiation. This should then be applied to the whole business. For
example Virgin Mobile formulated a partnership with existing telecommunications
operators to retail in the mobile services. This innovation leads them to promote unique
services and better offers to the customers.

What are the main issues facing the Virgin Group and how
should they be tackled?
The Virgin group of companies was faced with two main issues. In the short term was
the group’s financial situation. A number of Virgin’s businesses were experiencing
substantial negative cash flows. Despite plans to generate funds this still left poorly
performing companies such as Virgin Express, Virgin Megastores, and Virgin Money,
where offloading Branson’s equity stakes would prove more difficult.
Looking at virgin Atlantic which is an airline industry it indicates that the Virgin Group
relied on this airline to make the profits and when deregulation increased the
competition within the market place caused Virgin Atlantic to make some Losses.
According to the Virgin Rail the biggest problem that they face is that the uses of this
form of transport is voted as the unpopular rail operator and the fact that Virgin’s rail
statistics were ranked low.

Virgin Groups brand name was slowly chipped away by the press due to their reputation
of the rail transport. The Virgin Group, been a larger empire, faces publicity blindly due
to the fact if things were going right all is good, but then all it takes is a handful of
businesses in the empire to either experience unavoidable consequences. Virgin Atlantic
is an example of this as when there was bad services provided and with the bad
publicity of the Virgin Rail it caused a disastrous effect opn the other areas within the
empire. (Marivic Butod, 2007)

Virgin name became diluted and doing analysis of the environment must be learned
and that is what they did after these events occurred. The public is sensitive and as a
corporate parent Virgin can add value to its businesses by investing and developing real
expertise. Therefore Virgin should change its policy to accommodate both independent
and joint ventures to rely on short term profits.

The main issues facing the Virgin Group is Virgin Atlantic and virgin Rail. Virgin Atlantic
is the airline industry and like any other industry it id cyclic. This proved to be dangerous
in 2001 because the Virgin Group seemed to rely entirely on the profits of Virgin
Atlantic. To make matters worse deregulations increased the competition in the market
place and this caused all most competitors were experiencing losses.

The biggest problem faced by the Virgin Group though was the strategic Rail Authority
review in 2000 because it was the most public. Virgin Rail was voted as the unpopular
rail operator and it was ranked 23rd and 24th out of 25 operators. This was a major issue
as it damaged a part of the Virgin reputation. That was not bad until the press slowly
chipped at the company. (Marivic Butod, 2007)

The key emphasis on this case was innovation and differentiation. The aim was to offer
more for less and that each company was truly a Virgin in its own field. Although to
some this notion may seem a bit too good to be true, yet no one can deny that the
virgin group is one of the UK’s largest private companies. Success was the result of
Richard Branson’s philosophy and approach in his company.
By using effective leadership, giving motivation, employing effective communication,
interaction, job redesign, building trust and respect, it is very clear that the company has
been performing well in various industries that it manages. The main aspirations of the
Virgin Group of the company’s key stakeholders is to continue expanding operations
and various international business locations, new kind of business ventures and to
enhance the reputation of the brand.

Virgin’s marketing is customer focused and is apparent that every major and minor
decisions and plans created are based on the result of researches conducted and
founded on the customers. Furthermore the services and products are something better
and more valuable. Virgin bases its pricing strategy on several key trends that shape the
global marketplace.

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