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SPE 164768 Experimental Investigation of Low Salinity Hot Water Injection To Enhance The Recovery of Heavy Oil Reservoirs

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SPE 164768

Experimental Investigation of Low Salinity Hot Water Injection to Enhance

the Recovery of Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Elradi Abass, Sudan University of Science and Technology; Fahmi A., Petroenergy Operating Company Sudan

Copyright 2013, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the North Africa Technical Conference & Exhibition held in Cairo, Egypt, 15–17 April 2013.

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Many laboratory core flood investigations have shown increased oil recovery is achieved by water flooding applying low
salinity water, compared with injection of high salinity produced water or brine seawater. This work describes a sand pack
flood test, designed to identify whether this process could be observed as additional mechanism to thermal drive mechanism as
a new technique for heavy oil displacement. The core and sand pack flood test was schematically designed and conducted, to
ensure that the results achieved concerning the salinity alteration under stabilized thermal displacement conditions, The result
confirms a significant increase in oil recovery due to hot water low salinity injection. In all experiments done, approve the
effect of low salinity as an additional to thermal recovery mechanism of heavy crude oil when applied to the residual oil after
high salinity hot water flood .It would indicate that more than 25 percent additional oil would be recovered by low salinity as
additional mechanism to hot water flooding. The studies have been conducted mainly for heavy oil from BAW Sudan oil field,
under current reservoir conditions. Detailed benefits regarding to this technique is presented concerning to enhance oil
recovery in BAW oil field.
Several laboratory coreflood investigations have been done over the years (A.Ashraf., et. al, 2010; Agbalaka,et al 2010;
Burger, et al 1985; Filoco and Sharma 1998; Loahardjo et al 2007; Morrow et al 1998; P.P. Jadhunandan et al 1995; Boussour
2009; Tang and Morrow 1997,1999; Webb, K. 2005) Most of these experiment displayed that the injection of low salinity
water, compared to high salinity formation water or sea water, results in increased oil production. Pilot tests (Alireza,et al.
2010; Eric P. Robertson 2007; McGuire, et. al 2005 ; Robertson 2007; Webb,K.J 2004 ) conducted on actual oilfield reservoirs
have confirmed these results. Different types of mechanisms to interpret increased oil recovery have been proposed (Ligthelm,
et al 2009; Lager et al., 2006, 2008; Alotaibi, at el 2010; McGuire et al 2005; Tang, G. and Morrow 1999). The most important
fact for increased oil recovery is thought to be the wettability alteration and the detachment of clay particles.
It may come to mind at first glance that it is impossible to combine chemical alteration mechanism with thermal mechanism
to enhance oil recovery process, due to the negative impact of high temperature in the chemical displacement process.
2 SPE 164768

Figure (1) Contributions of different mechanisms in thermal EOR (Burger, et al 1985)

The idea of considering the low salinity to work as an additional mechanism in heavy oil hot water displacement, and to be
successful in enhancing the oil recovery can be theoretically confirmed by illustrating the efficiency of the drive mechanism in
thermal enhance oil recovery as shown in figure (1) by Burger, et al (1985), in which the efficiency of wettability alterations to
enhance the recovery that can be induced by low salinity flood is increased by increasing the density of crude oil, compatibly
this same incremental is relevant for the viscosity reduction, which is considered as main drive mechanism in the thermal
process, This is in addition to the water oil interface tension energy as a mechanism to enhance oil recovery.
Same Experimental studies have been carried out to better understand production mechanisms of heavy oil under low salinity
hot water injection. In which a number of researchers (Alireza,ta el. 2010; Alotaibi, at el 2010; Boussour and M. Cissokho
2009; Tang and Morrow 1997; Webb, et al 2005) they are study the observation of the temperature influencing the mechanism
of low salinity in enhancing oil recovery.
Experimental materials
The flood experiments have been conducted for both unconsolidated sand and consolidated core.
A total of three successful runs of sand pack (Unconsolidated sand model) were carried out under high salinity and low
salinity injection respectively. The runs were repeated to confirm the validity of the experiments objective and the consistency
of the results. To allow fair comparison between these runs some parameters are kept constant for all experiments, the used
sand properties are also kept as constant as possible.
Cores: The core used is artificially created to simulate of BAW sandstone. The core was 2.5 cm in diameter and 8.0 cm in
length. Absolute permeability was measured for a range of pressure differences, the measured permeability to nitrogen gas is
1197 md and to the brine water is 938 md.
Crude oil
Three types of oils used in the experiments, the measured viscosities of the oils are provided in Table (1). All oils were
dehydrated through thermostatic oven at 70 oC before use.
Oil sample The degree The viscosity
BAW well head crude oil sample is the main sample used in this
BAW crude oil Extra heavy 1700 cp @ 65oC
study and the other two samples are collected from other s oil field
Sui Zhong 36-1 Extra heavy >1000 cp @ 60 oC
were used to facilitate a different condition of crude oil viscosity for
Ji lin(105) Medium heavy 700 cp @ 35oC
the experiment.
Table (1) the crudes oil and their viscosity property
SPE 164768 3

Salinity was varied by changing the concentration of total dissolved solid (TDS’s) of synthetic brine in proportion, Two
brines were used during the experiments. Synthetic injection brine, with 24,000 ppm, as the high salinity brine and Synthetic
injection brine, with 200 ppm TDS or distilled water as the low salinity brine. The Synthetic brine properties are given in table

Na+Chloride Ca+,Mg+ salts Total (TDS’s) Volume of distil Designed Brine

NO The brine used as:
(mg ) (mg) (mg) water (ml) (ppm)

1 180 20 200 1000 200 Reservoir connate brine

2 900 100 1000 1000 1000 Reservoir connate brine
3 1800 200 2000 1000 2000 Reservoir connate brine
4 180 20 200 1000 200 Low salinity brine
5 21600 2400 24000 1000 24000 High salinity brine
Note: the low salinity hot water injected in all experiments is prepared as distil water
Table (2) Designed brines of the experiments
Experimental Procedures
The experimental work carries out two types of injection cell for both core holder and sand pack experiments, which the
experimental work consists of one run for core and three runs for sand pack.
The experimental operation to observe the displacement mechanism of low salinity at elevated temperature concerning tertiary
recovery can be conducted as follows:
Measuring the results of residual oil saturation and oil recovery after high salinity hot water flooding followed by observation
of any additional oil recovery after low salinity hot water flooding, this is done simultaneously at the same level of all thermal
drive conditions. These procedures were disgened to be conducted in all the experiments, because it can reflect more
verification about the effect of the displacement mechanism.
In all experiments the hot water flooding was performed continuously for both high salinity hot waterflood (HS) and Low
salinity waterflood (LS) respectivly ,in which high salinity hot waterflood was continuously injected frist till the water cut
exceed 90 %(the fluid produced is almost all water) then started to inject low salinity hot water.
For the transmutation stage between low salinity and high salinity several valves were installed, which enable us to control
the injection fluid rapidly from one cell to other cells without disturbing the pressure stability of the experiment.
Equal volumes of output oil production was collected and used for calculating oil recovery of each process. Cumulative oil
recovery was plotted versus pore volume injected.

Sand pack flood No.1

Currently due to the high mobility contrast, the BAW oil field has entered the stage of high water cut, therefore, in order to
simulate this condition as nearly as possible, in the beginning stages of the experiment the injected flow rate is designed at 0.5
ml/min for 12 minutes, which is a higher rate than that designed for the flood (0.3 ml/min), this step is conducted for the
purpose of creating two phase flow and water breakthrough channels.
the displacement temperature of high salinity and low salinity hot water flooding is obtained at 95o C, were run in an
isothermal oven at temperature of 65o C. Absolute permeability to brine was measured for a range of pressure differences, the
restored connate-water saturations has a salinity of 200 ppm. The oil/water expelled from the model was collected and
recovery of original oil in place (OOIP) was recorded vs. injected pore volume.
4 SPE 164768

Flood No.1 result and dissections

Figure (2) water cur at low salinity and high salinity-flood No.1

from figure (2) it can be seen that by starting the injection of the low salinity hot water at 400 min, the produced water cut still
remains increasing over the 90%, this indicated the transmission period between high salinity and low salinity, After the
transmission period the actual effects of the low salinity flooding are presented, then the produced water cut will gradually
decreased due to the effect of low salinity, Not only an increase in oil production but also a significant increase of the flooding
time ∆t was observed, this indicated the wettability alterations due the low salinity effect which dissolve more oil particles in
the water’s flow channel where the extra heavy crude oil creates a high mobility contrast and that explain the delay time due to
the flow rate reduction in this period of flooding

Figure (3) the oil recovery curve of hot water HS and LS flood No. 1
From the figure (3) we can observe the effect of low salinity as additional thermal recovery mechanism of heavy crude oil,
where low salinity oil recovery curve increasing over that of high salinity, this can be observed obviously by extrapolating the
high salinity oil recovery curve where are shown as dashed lines.
By the end of thermal flooding the value of:
Incremental of
Thermal method in order Residual oil
Oil Recovery % Water cut % recovered oil OOIP%
Hot water (HS) 27.76 91.8 72.40 27.76
Hot water (LS) 48.16 95.4 51.84 20.56
Table (3) the summery result of experimental flood No.1
SPE 164768 5

As shown in table (3) the low salinity injection applied to the residual oil of 72.40 % after high salinity hot water flood, it
would indicate that more than 20.56% additional oil recovery would be recovered by low salinity as additional mechanism to
the hot water flooding
Sand pack flood No. 2
In this experiment used Cui Zhong (>1000 cp @ 60 oC) crude oil, the displacement temperature of high salinity and low
salinity hot water flooding is obtained at 90o C, were run in an isothermal oven at temperature of 65o C. Absolute average
permeability to brine was measured for a range of 2944.625 mD, injected flow rate is designed at 0.3 ml/min, in this run the
restored connate-water saturations has elevated to salinity of 15000 ppm.
Flood No.2 result and dissections
Sand pack experiment flood 2 it was conduct with high brines salinity of 15000 ppm as reservoir connate water to facilitate a
various initial salinity conditions

Figure (4) the oil recovery curve of hot water HS and LS flood No. 2
The results are provided in figure (4) shows comparison of oil recoveries for both injecting hot water with different salinities
of high and low conditions. In general, it can be observed that oil recovery increased when the hot water salinity of injection
brine was changed from high salinity of 24000 ppm to low salinity of 200 ppm, it’s worth mentioning that the slowness
incremental oil recovery in the curve is due to the effect of 15000 ppm salinity of simulated connate water, but important
features of practical interest were that oil recovery remained gradually increasing due to any reduction in the brine salinity.
By the end of thermal flooding the value of:
Incremental of
Thermal method in order Residual oil
Recovery % Water cut % recovered oil OOIP%
Hot water (HS) 20.38 95.2 79.61 20.38
Hot water (LS) 50 92.7 50.00 29.61
Table (4) the summery result of experimental flood No.2
From table (4) it would appear that for high salinity brine injection the oil recovery was increased by 20.38% at breakthrough
of high water cut of 95.2 %. It can be observed that maximum benefit from low salinity brine injection was also observed in
the situation of relatively high salinity connate water, in which the phenomena of recoveries in low salinity hot water flood
give additional oil recovery of 29.61 % with residual oil saturation of 50%.
6 SPE 164768

Figure (5) water cur at low salinity and high salinity-flood No.2
As shown in figure (5) at first stage of continuously injecting high salinity brine the water cut increased gradually till it
exceed 90%, after injecting the low salinity hot water the produced water cut remains increasing over the 90%, indicates the
transmission period between high salinity and low salinity, after that the produced water cut will gradually decreased below 90
% due to the effect of low salinity injection
Sand pack flood No.3
this experiment used BAW crude oil of 1700 cp @ 65oC,the high salinity hot water, low salinity hot water and steam injection
are conducted respectively, the displacement temperature of high salinity and low salinity hot water flooding is obtained at
100o C, to simulate the reservoir temperature an isothermal oven was set at temperature of 65o C. Absolute average
permeability to brine was measured for a range of 2686.422 mD, injected flow rate is designed at 0.2 ml/min, the restored
connate-water saturations has a salinity of 200 ppm.
Flood No.3 result and dissections

Figure (6) oil recovery curve of HS- LS Hot water and steam flooding respectively
As we can see from figure (6) it would appear that the phenomena of viscosity reduction, thermal expansion and low salinity
mechanism as wettability alteration and detachment of clay particle are the mechanisms that responsible for the improved
recoveries by the technique of low salinity hot water flood.
In the oil recovery curve of steam flood area there is no deviation in the slope upward from that of the low salinity hot water
flood, this indicate there is no promising incremental in oil recovery that can be gained after injecting of the low salinity hot
SPE 164768 7

By the end of thermal flooding the value of:

Thermal method in order Incremental of recovered oil OOIP%
Recovery % Water cut % Residual oil saturation%

Hot water (HS) 22.92 93.75 87.08 22.92

Hot water (LS) 47.36 92.3 52.72 24.44
Steam flooding 56 93.3 44.08 8.64
Table (5) the summery result of experimental flood No3
Table (5) shows the experiment results of injecting high salinity hot water, low salinity hot water and steam respectively, the
result for low salinity and steam flood obtained after the value of water cut reached over 90%, It was observed that at the same
conditions of thermal displacement the recovery by injection of low salinity hot water was always greater than that for high
salinity hot water. Mainly the mechanism of the viscosity reduction and thermal expansion of the oil are responsible for the
improved recoveries by 22.92 % in high salinity hot water flood. It demonstrates that the greater oil recovery of 24.44% can be
gained by low salinity hot water; this will confirm that the principal mechanisms responsible for the additional oil recovery
have been identified as wettability alteration and detachment of clay particle due to effect of low salinity.
Although the displacements mechanism of viscosity reduction, thermal expansion, low salinity mechanism and steam
distillation actually occur during a steam flooding which are responsible to improve the recovery, but only 8.64% additional
oil can be recovered to the residual oil of 52.72 %.

Figure (7) water cur at high salinity, low salinity and steam injection -flood No.3
As same diagnosis results of the previous experiments , the result by water cut curve as shown in figure (7) confirm a
significant decrease in water cut at the stage of low salinity hot water injection. Considering the residual oil saturation after
high salinity and low salinity hot water flooding, the model is flooded again by steam at 250 oC. Although there is additional
positive effect of the steam vaporization mechanism, but there is no significant decrease in water cut below 90 %.
Consolidated core experiment overview
A one successful run of core was carried out under high salinity and low salinity injection respectively at 90o C. The core was
used is artificially created to simulate BAW sandstone. The core was 2.5 cm in diameter and 8.0 cm in length. Absolute
permeability was measured for a range of pressure differences, the measured permeability to nitrogen gas is 1197 md and to
the brine water is 938 md. The simulated reservoir water salinity is 200 ppm, the crude oil viscosity is700 cp @ 35oC
The runs were conducted to confirm the validity and the consistency of the experiments objectives of the low salinity
mechanism in consolidated core
8 SPE 164768

Consolidated core flood result and dissections

Initial displacement studies showed that use of low salinity hot water injection in place of high salinity hot water injection
gave significant reductions in residual oil saturation. Other feature of practical interest of low salinity hot water injection when
consolidated sandstone core is used, the oil recovery was completed at a faster rate of about 25 ml PV where clean water
breakthrough with little or no subsequent oil recovery was observed. Taking into consideration that the established oil
saturation (Sor) to water saturations was less than those conducted in unconsolidated sand pack model.

Figure (9) consolidate sand core - oil recovery and water cut during HS and LS
The oil recovery vs. pore volume injected is plotted and a comparison is made between oil recovery and water cut curve as
show in the figure (9). The results show a decrease in the water cut rate, with an increase of oil recovery in the area of low
salinity hot water injection.
The benefits of using low salinity hot water technique in BAW oil field
This work is intended to obtain a more complete understanding of the production mechanisms involved in low salinity hot
water injection using crude oil from the BAW field. Below is the explanation of the main proposed points of the feasibility of
using this technique with the adaptation of the environment and reservoir conditions.
1. In spite of its high cost, the displacement by steam generally appears to be more favorable than that by hot water
because of its greater stability, higher sweep efficiency and the larger quantity of thermal energy carried per unit mass of
injected fluid. However, hot water may become competitive in BAW reservoirs which contains relatively intermediate
heavy oils, of viscosities of the order of a few hundred centipoises, as long as the well spacing is large (a new developed
oil field) and the pressure supporting is high, so that a given quantity of injected heat contacts larger surfaces at lower
operating temperatures.
2. As most of the reservoirs in BAW oil field have already been water flooded, hot water injection may again be the most
suitable, since a relatively large volume of steam would be required to heat and displace such large quantities of
water.(due to effect of heat losses)
3. For the case of water supply and treatment, because of the need to conserve all supplies of fresh water for thermal
recovery, therefore using the local supply of recycling BAW oil field produced water (the oily formation brine recovered
with the oil), which would require a simple technical process for deoiling and desalination as well. Fortunately due to its
remarkably low salinity properties ranging from about 1000 to 2000 ppm and in some locations as low as 200 ppm,
through this process, it is possible to attain the advantages of both the lowest cost and the lowest technical risk.
4. The implementation of injecting low salinity hot water as a thermal displacing fluid not only plays an important
economical role for Sudan’s natural petroleum resources, it further has an environmental benefits, while supporting the
SPE 164768 9

country’s goals of an important environmental protection issue by using the local water supply of recycling the oily
formation brine recovered with the oil.
5. Also the lowest expenditure of thermal energy can be obtained by replacing steam with hot water. To generate
cheapest thermal energy for hot water the use of solar energy can be conducted as a research target for thermal operations
in the Sudan petroleum industry, as the solar energy resource is one of the cleanest energy resources. Fortunately, the
Sudan climatic is very promising in using the solar energy and this will result in both an economical and environmental

 It would appear that the phenomena of viscosity reduction, thermal expansion and low salinity mechanisms as
wettability alteration are responsible for the improved recoveries in low salinity hot water flood.
 In all experiments, we can approve the effect of low salinity as an additional to thermal recovery mechanism of heavy
crude oil when applied to the residual oil after high salinity hot water flood; it would indicate that more than 25
percent additional oil would be recovered by low salinity as additional mechanism to hot water flooding.
 The residual oil saturation after low salinity hot water flood was found to be essentially independent of the initial oil
saturation in the sand pack core.
 It seem that the low salinity hot water may become competitive in BAW reservoirs which contains relatively
intermediate heavy oil viscosities of the order of a few hundred centipoises,. As most of the reservoirs in this oil field
have already been water flooded, hot water injection again it could be the most suitable thermal EOR method.
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