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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,935,885

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,935,885
Hnat et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 10, 1999

54) MANUFACTURE OF CERAMICTILES 39-51716 4/1939 Japan.

FROM FLY ASH 6-247744 9/1994 Japan.
409077530 3/1997 Japan.
75 Inventors: James G. Hnat, Collegeville, Pa.; 113830 11/1982 Poland.
Akshay Mathur, Tampa, Fla.; James 937.414 6/1982 U.S.S.R. .
C. Simpson, Perkiomenville, Pa. 98.6289 3/1965 United Kingdom.
1163873 9/1969 United Kingdom.
1167812 10/1969 United Kingdom.
73 Assignee: Vortec Corporation, Collegeville, Pa. 1195931 6/1970 United Kingdom.
21 Appl. No.: 08/954,422 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
22 Filled: Oct. 20, 1997
22 File C 9 “Utilization of Fly Ash for Making Acid & Abrasion Resis
Related U.S. Application Data tant Tiles' Aggarwal et al. Cent Glass Ceramic Res. Inst
Bull. (1985), 32(4), 103–4, 1985.
63 Continuation of application No. 08/629,558, Apr. 9, 1996, “Possible Uses of Paver Plant Ash. III Ash as a Raw matl
abandoned. for Prodn of Glazed Floor & Wall Tiles Srbek Stavivo
(51) Int. Cl. .................................................. C01F 7/04 (1982), 60(9), 332–6.
52 U.S. Cl. ..................................... 501/1; 501/2; 501/57; “Production of Face Tiles From Electric Lamp Prodn.
501/63; 501/69; 501/70; 501/155; 106/DIG. 1; Wastes' Dovnan et al Mezhvuz Tomat SbTr-Leningr Inzh
264/DIG. 49; 65/33.1; 65/134.8; 588/252; Stroit Inst. pp. 26–29, 1980.
58 Field of Search .................................... 501/1, 57, 63,
501/69, 70, 155,106/DIG.
2; 588/252,256; 264/DIG.49;
1, 705; 65/33.1, 134.8
Primary Examiner Paul Marcantoni
Attorney, Agent, or Firm Nixon, Hargrave, Devans &
Doyle LLP
56) References Cited 57 ABSTRACT
The present invention relates to a process for forming
3,384.508 5/1968 Bopp et al. ............................. 428/332 glass-ceramic tiles. Fly ash containing organic material,
3,498,775 3/1970 Simmons - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65/33 metal contaminants, and glass forming materials is oxidized

3,802,892 4/1974 Pirooz. ......................................... 65/33 under conditions effective to combust the organic material
3,840,394 10/1974 Eppler. and partially oxidize the metallic contaminants and the glass
3,900,303 8/1975 Mackenzie ................................ 5O1/39 forming materials. The oxidized glass forming materials are
(List continued on next page.) Vitrified to form a glass melt. This glass melt is then formed
into tiles containing metallic contaminants.
1557.957 2/1969 France. 32 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
Page 2

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,061,308 10/1991 Murakami et al. ...................... 65/18.4

5,164,174 11/1992 Banker et al. .......................... 423/659
3,929,497 12/1975 Clark-Monks. 5,175,134 12/1992 Kaneko et al. ......................... 501/155
3,942,966 3/1976 Kroyer et al. . 5,188,649 2/1993 Macedo et al. . 501/155
3. F. Rize. solo
3,967,971 7/1976 Eppler.
s.190895 3/1993 Uchida et al. ......................... 5O1/32
5,203,901 4/1993 Suzuki et al. ........................... 501/155
3,969,122 7/1976 Miller et al. .............................. 501/70 5,210,057 5/1993 Haun et al. ............................... 501/69
4,009,015 2/1977 McCollister. 5,222,448 6/1993 Morgenthaler et al. ................ 110/346
4,015,045 3/1977 Rinehart ........ 428/410 5,230,845 7/1993 Hashimoto et al. .. ... 264/56
4,053,679 10/1977 Rinehart .................................. 428/410 5.245,115 9/1993 Barrillon et al. .. 588/248
4,112,033 9/1978 Lingl. 5.245,116 9/1993 Bontron et al. . 588/248
4,113,832 9/1978 Bell et al.. 5,250,474 10/1993 Siebers ........................................ 501/9
4,160.809 7/1979 Anderson et al.. 5,273,566 12/1993 Balcar et al..
4.252,551 2/1981 Nishimura. 5,304,708 4/1994 Buehler.
4.386,162 5/1983 Beall ........................................... 5O1/3 5,312,787 5/1994 Uchida et al. .............................. 501/5
4,397.670 8/1983 Beall ... ... 65/33 5,346,549 9/1994 Johnson.
4,414,013 11/1983 Connell .......... ... 501/155 5,350,716 9/1994 Beall et al. ................................. 501/5
4,444,740 4/1984 Snodgrass et al. 423/483 5,351,630 10/1994 Lister et al..
4,467,039 8/1984 Beall et al. ... ... 501/3 5,352,419 10/1994 Jenkins .................................... 423/126
4,544,394 10/1985 Hnat ............... ... 65/27 5,356.841 10/1994 Mizutani et al. ... 501/32
4,621,066 11/1986 Nishigaki et al. ... 501/128 5,365,012 11/1994 Barrillon et al. ....................... 588/248
4,640,889 2/1987 Hillig et al. ................................ 501/5 5,366,548 11/1994 Riddle.
4,666,490 5/1987 Drake. 5,369,062 11/1994 Chiang et al. ............................ 501/63
4,735,784 4/1988 Davis et al. ... ... 423/111 5,403,664 4/1995 Kurahashi et al. ... 428/626
4.755,489 7/1988 Chyung et al. ............................. 501/8 5,424,042 6/1995 Mason et al. ... 422/159
4,758,538 7/1988 Satoh et al.. 5,434,333 7/1995 Jantzen et al. .............................. 588/3
4,822,388 4/1989 Gee ............................................... 65/2 5,476,990 12/1995 Hittner et al. .. ... 588/201
4,853,350 8/1989 Chen et al. . ... 201/9 5,508.236 4/1996 Chiang et al. .. ... 501/155
4,892,846 1/1990 Rogers et al. . ... 501/8 5,516,595 5/1996 Newkirk et al. ... 428/697
4.956,158 9/1990 Nguyen et al. ......................... 423/111 5,521,132 5/1996 Talmy et al. 501/155
4,957,527 9/1990 Hnat. 5,558,690 9/1996 Hnat et al. .................................. 65/19
4,985,375 1/1991 Tanaka et al. .............................. 501/5 5,571,301 11/1996 Yamaura et al. ... 65/335
5,008,053 4/1991 Hashimoto et al. ... 264/60 5,588,977 12/1996 Pavlov et al. ............................. 5O1/39
5,024,822 6/1991 Hittner et al. ... ... 423/111 5,616,160 4/1997 Alexander et al. 106/DIG. 1
5,028,567 7/1991 Gotoh et al. .............................. 501/10 5,633,090 5/1997 Rodek et al. ........................... 428/428
5,035,735 7/1991 Pieper et al............................... 65/134 5,672,146 9/1997 Aota ........................................ 588/256
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FIG. 1
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FIG. 3

z zZ)

U.S. Patent Aug. 10, 1999 Sheet 4 of 4 5,935,885





H 800
C/ 4OO

O 5 1 O 15 20 25 3O 35 4O 45 5O 55 6.O

TIME (min.)
FIG. 6
1 2
MANUFACTURE OF CERAMIC TILES U.S. Pat. No. 5,273,566 to Balcar, et al. discloses a
FROM FLY ASH process of manufacturing glass abrasive particles by mixing
waste materials comprising aluminum oxide and heavy
This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. metals (such as emission control dust or fly ash) with glass
08/629,558, filed Apr. 9, 1996 abandoned. 5 forming materials, heating the mixture in an oxidizing
This invention was made with Government support environment to oxidize the organic compounds and heavy
under Contract No. DE-FG02-93ER81555 awarded by the metals So that the heavy metal oxides are vaporized and
Department of Energy. The Government has certain rights in exhausted to a Scrubber, and melting the remaining mixture
this invention. to form a glasseous Substance, which is quenched to form an
abrasive material.
Although these procedures have been found to be useful
This invention relates to the manufacture of glass-ceramic in converting fly ash to a form useful as an end product, they
forms, Such as tiles, from fly ash. do not Sufficiently oxidize the organic materials and the
metallic contaminants in the fly ash to produce a glass
BACKGROUND OF INVENTION 15 ceramic product of uniform quality. Further, none of these
Solid wastes such as boiler fly ash, auto shredder residue procedures produce a high-value end product with Signifi
ash, Sewage sludge ash, and municipal Solid waste incinera cant market demand. As a result, economic justification for
tor ash account for a major portion of all Solid wastes being the capital and operational costs of implementing Such
landfilled in the U.S., and are therefore becoming a major procedures for disposal of fly ash tend to be problematic.
environmental issue. These Solid wastes contain heavy metal The present invention is directed to overcoming these defi
contaminants which require proper disposal methods to ciencies.
prevent leaching of the heavy metal contaminants into water SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
Supplies. This has focused attention on reducing landfilling
and on regulations that prevent leachable toxic materials 25
The present invention relates to a process for forming
from being disposed of in landfills. Substantial efforts have, glass-ceramic objects, Such as tiles. Fly ash containing
therefore, been made to develop uses for these Solid waste organic material, metal contaminants, and glass forming
materials as Safe recycled products. Most of the past fly ash materials is oxidized under conditions effective to combust
utilization efforts have been directed toward high volume the organic material and partially oxidize the metallic con
usage applications with minimal processing requirements, taminants and the glass forming materials. The oxidized
Such as fills, landfill cover, Soil Stabilization, and highway glass forming materials are vitrified to form a glass melt.
base courses. These efforts, however, have not adequately This glass melt is then formed into tiles containing metallic
prevented the heavy metal contaminants from leaching into contaminants.
the environment. Another aspect of the present invention relates to a
Attempts have also been made to utilize fly ash in the 35 glass-ceramic form having the composition of 2 to 7 wt.%
production of cement, concrete, or other construction mate NaO+KO, 15 to 27 wt.% Al-O, 15 to 25 wt.% CaO, 5
rials. U.S. Pat. No. 4,758,538 to Satoh, et al. discloses a to 15 wt.% MgO, 5 to 12 wt.% Fe.O., 35 to 55 wt.% SiO,
proceSS used to produce a foam ceramic body Suitable as a 0 to 1 wt.% F, 0 to 10 wt.% TiO, 0 to 5 wt.% ZrO, 0 to
building material by mixing various ceramic-forming mate 10 wt.% POs wt.%, 0 to 5 wt.% other oxides and a
rials with a blowing agent and heating the resulting mixture 40 breaking strength of from 600 to 1200 lbs. for typical forms.
to 800 to 1000 C. at which temperature the mixture melts
and Softens. A clay or fly ash may be added to the mixture. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
The foam ceramic body is produced by forming the softened FIG. 1 is a schematic flow diagram of the process of the
mixture into the desired shape, and then gradually cooling. present invention.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,346,549 to Johnson discloses a method of 45 FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an apparatus useful in
producing blockS or Slabs from a mixture of fly ash and carrying out the process of the present invention.
papermill waste. The fly ash, papermill waste, and a metal
binding composite or heavy metal Sequestering agent, are FIG. 3 is a side cross sectional view of the apparatus of
FIG. 2.
mixed together along with an oxidizer, fed on to a conveyor
in a 1" thick layer, and exposed to electromagnetic energy, 50 FIG. 4 is a top croSS Sectional view of the apparatus of
Such as ultraViolet radiation, to Soften the mixture and FIG. 3 taken along line 4-4.
facilitate an oxidation reaction. The material can then be FIG. 5 is a plot of temperature versus time to depict the
fabricated into products and dried at room temperature. thermal treatment of shaped material in a heat treatment kiln.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,366,548 to Riddle discloses a process of FIG. 6 is a plot of temperature versus time to depict the
forming construction blocks which can encapsulate hazard 55 thermal treatment of the glaze in a hot glazing apparatus.
ous materials. Fly ash, bottom ash, water, additives, and DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
hazardous material (if desired), are blended together to form INVENTION
a mixture which is then compressed under high pressure to
form a fly ash body which is Suitable for use as a construc The present invention relates to a process for forming
tion material. 60 glass-ceramic objects, Such as tiles. Fly ash containing
U.S. Pat. No. 4,112,033 to Lingl discloses a method of organic material, metal contaminants, and glass forming
producing a brick or other ceramic product by mixing materials are oxidized under conditions effective to combust
Sewage sludge with clay, drying the mixture, and firing the the organic material and partially oxidize the metallic con
dried mixture in a conventional kiln to oxidize the organic taminants in the glass forming materials. The oxidized glass
portions contained in the Sludge into the brickS. Toxic 65 forming materials are vitrified to form a glass melt, and this
exhaust gases, which are released during the mixing and glass melt is then formed into objects containing metallic
drying Stages, are vented to the kiln to undergo oxidation. contaminants.
3 4
Fly ash (utility boiler ash, municipal Solid waste incin
erator ash, auto Shredder residue ash, etc.) is primarily TABLE 2-continued
comprised of glass forming materials. Such as Silicon
dioxide, aluminum oxide, and calcium oxide. Metallic con Composition of Typical Electric Arc Furnace Dust and Gypsum
taminants and organic material are also present. The com Electric Arc Furnace Dust
position of typical examples of fly ash is given in Table 1. Compound (all metals expressed as oxides) Gypsum
So &O.O1 46.5
Composition of Typical Flyashes Loss on Ignition 3-10% 21.0
Sewage Municipal Solid (mostly water)
Boiler Auto Shredder Sludge Waste Incinerator
Compound Flyash Residue Ash Ash Ash
The proportion of additives used in the process of the
SiO, 51.8O 32.6 39.51 29.5
present invention is typically 60 to 100 wt.% flyash (utility
KO 2.68 54 1.57 boiler, municipal Solid waste incinerator ash, and/or auto
NaO O40 .98 4.05
Al2O 25.60 9.97 9.34 11.6 Shredder residue ash), 0 to 40 wt.% limestone, gypsum, or
CaO 1.74 6.4 14.03 28.2 dolomite, 0 to 30 wt.% silica, 0 to 20 wt.% soda-lime
MgO O.80 2.52 1.8 silicate glass cullet, 0 to 2 wt.% titania, and 0 to 5 wt.%
23.65 8.83
2.77 Zirconia. A preferred feedstock to the process of the present
TiO, O.2O invention is 2 to 7 wt.% NaO+KO, 15 to 27 wt.%. Al-O,
Ag2O O085 &O.OO10 15 to 25 wt.% CaO, 5 to 15 wt.% MgO, 5 to 12 wt.%
FeO, 35 to 55 wt.% SiO, 0 to 2 wt.% F, 0 to 10 wt.%
Cr2O O.O6 0.5 O.09
TiO, 0 to 5 wt.% ZrO, 0 to 10 wt.% POs, and 0 to 5 wt.
PbO O.82 O.109 O.36 25
% other oxides. The other oxides include oxides of Cu, Mn,
MnO O.22 Cr, Ni, Zn, AS, Pb, Ag, Au, and S, or mixtures thereof.
ZnO 3.07 The process of the present invention follows the process
As2O3 O.0034 flow diagram shown in FIG.1. In this process flow scheme,
C 2.OO 9.55 6.25
SOs 1.50 O.36 19 6.25 fly ash A containing organic material, metallic contaminants,
F O.O1 and glass forming materials is Sent to a blender 2 from Steel
O.OOO2 <1 ppm
or cement storage vessels. Additives K (e.g., limestone), if
Hg O.OOO6 O.O2 required, can also be transferred from additive Storage bins
and added at this step. Blender 2 mixes fly ash A and
additives K to form homogeneous mixed composition B.
The additives which may be mixed with the fly ash are 35 Typically, blender 2 is a pneumatic or mechanical blender.
chosen in a manner to render a composition that can be Mixed composition B is then conveyed to an oxidizing
melted with relative ease and, most importantly, can be apparatus 4 where organic material in fly ash A containing
crystallized to produce a glass ceramic. The preferred addi glass formers and other additives K are combusted, heated,
tives include Soda-lime-Silica glass cullet, electric arc fur and then delivered to melting apparatuS 6 where glass
nace dust, limestone, gypsum, Silica Sand, alkaline earth 40 forming materials are vitrified. In oxidizing apparatus 4,
metal oxides, alkali metal oxides, Zinc oxide, borates, and/or oxidation is carried out at a temperature of 1000 C. to 1500
nucleating agents. The preferred nucleating agents are tita C. and a pressure of 0.9 to 1.1 atmospheres, preferably by
nium dioxides, Zirconium oxide, phosphates, fluorides, Ag, Suspension oxidation. In melting apparatuS 6, Vitrification is
and/or Au. Typical compositions of two types of glass achieved at a temperature of 1200° C. to 1550° C. and at a
forming additives are shown in Table 2. 45 preSSure of 0.9 to 1.1 atmospheres, preferably using a
cyclone melter. Bath, pot, open-hearth, or electric melters
TABLE 2 may also be utilized.
Aparticularly preferred form of oxidizing apparatus 4 and
Composition of Typical Electric Arc Furnace Dust and Gypsum melting apparatus 6 is the Combustion and Melting System
Electric Arc Furnace Dust 50 manufactured by Vortec Corporation, Collegeville, Pa. This
Compound (all metals expressed as oxides) Gypsum system is shown in FIGS. 2, 3, and 4 and is described in
SiO, 3-8%
more detail in U.S. Pat. No. 4,957,527 to Hnat, which is
Al2O 0-2% hereby incorporated by reference. See also U.S. Pat. No.
Fe2O3 45-60% 4,544,394 to Hnat, which is hereby incorporated by refer
CaO 4-8% 32.6 55 CCC.
MgO 1-5% FIG. 2 is a perspective view of the Combustion and
NaO 1-5%
KO 1-4% Melting System used to practice the process of the present
TiO, O-0.5% invention. The primary components of the apparatus of the
POs 0-1.0% invention include a Suspension-type preheater chamber 100,
Mn2O 3-9% 60 cyclone melting chamber 200 at the discharge end of the
SrO 0-1%
CuO 0-1% preheater chamber 100, and cyclone exit assembly 300 at the
NO O-0.5% discharge end of melting chamber 200. Other components,
CrO 0-1% Such as a gasifier and plasma torch preheater can be incor
VOs &O.O1 porated into this system. See U.S. Pat. No. 4,957,527.
ZnO 10-16%
PbO O-3% 65 As shown in FIG.3, fuel 30 is introduced into top or head
C O-5% end 102 of the preheater 100. Fuel 30 is introduced along
with glass batch material 10 through injector assembly 104
S 6
which is located at head end 102 of preheater 100 and which Downstream of upper region 108 within the preheater 100
is coaxial with the longitudinal axis of the preheater cham is lower or plug flow region 110 where a plug flow of gas and
ber 100. Solid or liquid particles is produced and where final com
The preheating Step is very important to the invention. bustion of fuel 30 is completed. By plug flow, it is meant that
The well stirred/plug flow suspension preheater 100 gas recirculation patterns have abated and the primary
enhances convective heat transfer to particulate matter, direction of flow is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
while providing combustion Stabilization when combustion reactor. The effective length-to-diameter ratio of plug flow
occurs within the preheater vessel. Due to the intense region 110 is, again, approximately 0.5:1-3.0:1, preferably,
mixing, rapid heat release in the combustion processes takes 1:1. The gaseous materials, fuel 30, oxidizers 20a, 20b, and
place. By Selecting the proper injection location and entrained glass batch materials 10 within plug flow region
Velocity, the interaction of the particulate mineral matter 110 are accelerated through converging Section 112 of
with the walls of the preheater can be either minimized or preheater chamber 100. From converging section 112, the
maximized. Axial injection will tend to minimize interaction gas and entrained batch materials are delivered into cyclone
with the preheater wall, while tangential injection tends to type melting chamber 200 where secondary combustion
maximize the interaction with the reactor wall, particularly 15 occurs at an average temperature which exceeds the melting
where high levels of Swirl are utilized. point of the glass product, and where separation, dispersion,
As shown in FIG. 4, preheated air or other suitable mixing, and melting of the preheated batch materials occurs
gaseous oxidizing material 20a, 20b is introduced into along walls 202.
preheater 100 through two or more inlet ports 106a, 106b. It is the intention of the present invention to heat the batch
These gaseous oxidizing materials 20a, 20b are introduced materials in Suspension and to minimize liquid glass forma
in Such a manner that they produce turbulent mixing of tion along the walls of preheater 100. However, when low
injected fuel 30 with oxidizing material 20a, 20b and glass melting point Species are included as part of the batch
batch material 10 (i.e. crusted composition B from FIG. 1). mixture, Some liquid glass Species formation will occur
The result is a mixture of fuel, oxidizer, and glass forming along the walls of the preheater by vapor phase condensation
materials in upper region 108 of preheater 100. Within upper
region 108, the gases present are well Stirred or well mixed, 25 or by turbulent deposition.
but particulate matter (e.g., glass forming materials) in Melted glass product 16 formed on walls 202 of cyclone
region 108 is not necessarily well stirred or evenly distrib melting chamber 200 and hot gases 32 from cyclone cham
uted throughout the volume of region 108. ber exit cyclone melting chamber 200 through exhaust duct
When a counter-rotating preheater is used, as shown in assembly 300 which is preferably positioned tangential to
FIGS. 3 and 4, inlet ports 106a, 106b are tangential to the the walls of the cyclone melting chamber. An exit channel
vessel walls and are Spaced at different levels. The jets are along the longitudinal axis of the cyclone melter is also
typically vertically Spaced on the order of 4 to 2 reactor possible. It is also desireable to Separate the exhaust prod
diameters apart. ucts from melted glass product 16 in a gas separation and
The combustion of fuel 30 and oxidizing material 20a, interface assembly. In this arrangement, melted glass prod
20b within upper region 108 of preheater 100 results in a 35 uct 16 and hot gases 32 exit the cyclone melting chamber
high intensity heat release and further results in a rapid rate 200 through a tangential exit channel into a reservoir (not
of heat transfer to the particulate matter (e.g. the glass shown). Hot gases 32 exit the reservoir through an exhaust
forming materials) Suspended in the gas flow within this port located in the reservoir roof. The reservoir also provides
region. Burning within the preheater occurs via the mixing Sufficient amounts of melted glass product 16 for interfacing
and stirring of fuel and oxidizer within the well-stirred 40 with the downstream tile forming equipment.
region of the reactor. Ignition occurs within the preheater Returning to FIG. 1, in this form of oxidizing apparatus 4,
with the aid of a pilot burner or conventional electrical rapid carbon burnout takes place in the initial Stages of the
ignition assembly. In the preferred embodiment, high tem thermal treatment when finely divided fly ash and additives
perature air preheat (>500° C) is provided via a commer Kare Suspended in a highly turbulent oxygen rich combus
cially available heat recuperator. In these cases, radiation 45 tion region of a Suspension preheater. The Suspension pre
from the preferred refractory lined reactor walls will gen heater preferably is a counter/rotating Vortex combustor.
erally establish auto ignition of the various fuel and oxidizer During oxidation of the mixed composition, all of the
mixtures to be used. Strong recirculation in upper region 108 organic material and most of the metallic contaminants
of preheater 100 is created by counter-rotating vortices or present are oxidized prior to Separation and melt formation,
impinging jets, thus providing the primary means of flame 50 therefore, the glass produced has uniform quality, with little
stabilization within the preheater. Without this strong recir or no refractory Stones. The combustion by-products are
culation of the combustion gases, flame extinguishment released from the System in the form of flue gas J. A flue gas
tends to occur due to the quenching of the flame by inert cleanup assembly may be provided to remove particular
batch materials or other mineral matter within the preheater matter from flue gas J and to exhaust the cleaned combustion
assembly. This is particularly true of mineral matter, Such as 55 products to the atmosphere.
limestone, which liberates Substantial amounts of CO2 upon Portions of mixed composition B which are not melted in
heating. When low heating value fuels are used, auxiliary melting apparatus 6 into molten mass C are withdrawn in
gas injection, Separate igniters, or pilot burners can also be flue gas J. Molten mass C is removed from melting appa
used to achieve flame Stabilization within the preheater. ratus 6 and fed to shape fabrication machinery 8 where it is
When preheater 100 is a cylindrical-type combustion 60 pressed into objects, Such as tiles of desired shapes and sizes.
chamber, primary flame and heat release occurs in upper Shape fabrication machinery 8 is a molding machine con
region 108 which occupies a chamber volume with a length ventionally used in the glass industry. During shape forming,
to diameter ratio of approximately 0.5:1-3.0:1, preferably molten mass C, consisting of vitreous materials, cools down
1:1. The strong mixing of the fuel and oxidizer within this and becomes a rigid Solid as it is formed into the shape of
region permits the effective combustion of many types of 65 a tile. The most desireable tile shapes are 4"x4", 8"x8",
fuels, including gaseous, liquid, Solid or liquid-Solid Slurry 12" x 12", and 18"x18" tiles of varying thicknesses, typically
type fuels. in the range of '4" to 1".
7 8
Shaped material D produced by shape fabrication than the commercial glasses, and mechanical Strength equal
machine 8 is heat treated to induce nucleation and crystal to or better than that of commercial ceramic tiles, i.e. a
lization. This heat treatment takes place in the heat treatment breaking strength in excess of 600 lbs. Typically, the tiles
kiln 10. A typical heat treatment for nucleation and crystal have a breaking strength of from 600 to 1200 lbs. for typical
lization cycle is shown in FIG. 5. floor tiles with 7.5 mm thickness. In comparison, conven
During a first time period, shaped material D in heat tional clay-based tiles have breaking Strengths less than 200
treatment kiln 10, is cooled from its melting temperature, T, lbs. The most desirable glass-ceramic tile composition
(i.e., the temperature of molten mass D in melting apparatus obtained from the above mixed composition B will consist
7) to the nucleation temperature, T, as shown in FIG. 5. of 2 to 7 wt.% NaO+KO, 15 to 27 wt.% Al-O, 15 to 25
This phase, which typically takes between 1-5 minutes, wt.% CaO, 5 to 15 wt.% MgO, 5 to 12 wt.% Fe.O., 35 to
reduces the temperature of shaped material D to a value of 55 wt.% SiO, 0 to 2 wt.% F, 0 to 10 wt.% TiO, 0 to 5
400 to 600 C., a temperature at which nucleation occurs. wt.% ZrO, 0 to 10 wt.% POs, and 0 to 5 wt.% other
Typically, the rate of temperature reduction is 50 to 200 oxides. Preferably, the other oxides will be oxides of copper,
C./hour to T. Such nucleation is facilitated by incorporating manganese, chromium, nickel, Zinc, arsenic, lead, gold,
a nucleating agent in feed Stream K as discussed above. 15 Silver, Sulfur, and mixtures thereof.
To cause crystallization, Shaped material D is next Sub EXAMPLES
jected to a Second phase heat treatment in which it is held at
T, for a time period of between 30 minutes to 2 hours, as EXAMPLE 1.
shown in FIG. 5. During this phase of the process, shaped
material D is subjected to a temperature of 800 to 900 C. A mixture of 70 wt.% coal fired boiler fly ash and 30 wt.
The purpose of this Second phase heat treatment is to create % limestone with a particle size less than 400 microns was
nuclei for further crystallization. melted in the Combustion and Melting System (Vortec
In a third phase heat treatment, as shown in FIG. 5, shaped Corporation, Collegeville, Pa.) at a maximum temperature
material D is reheated to crystallization temperature, T. (i.e. of 1450° C. The molten material was quenched in water to
950-1150° C.), and held for between 30 minutes to 2 hours. 25 form a glass cullet. This glass cullet was placed in an
The time required for the heat treatment cycle is dependent alumina crucible and remelted at 1450° C. in an electric box
upon the amount and type of nucleating agent used with the furnace. The molten glass was then poured into a steel mold
additives. During this temperature increase, the temperature to fabricate the shape of a 4"x4" tile. The tile was heat
of shaped material D is increased at a rate 50 to 200 treated in an electric oven by holding it at the nucleation
C./hour. Typically, T is 950° to 1150° C. temperature of 750° C. for 1 hour and at a crystallization
The heat treatment process shown in FIG. 5 results in the temperature of 1000 C. for 2 hours.
formation of glass-ceramic tile E. Following Such heat EXAMPLE 2
treatment, the glass-ceramic tile E either is delivered directly
to hot glazing apparatus 16 or is removed from the heat 35
Testing was performed to determine various properties of
treatment kiln 10 and allowed to cool prior to treatment in the glass-ceramic tiles. The properties were measured fol
cold glazing apparatus 12. lowing ASTM methods.
The glass-ceramic tile E is typically glazed to produce Dimensional Stability of the Tile
glass-ceramic tiles with various colors and textures. Suitable The quality control requirements for the wall tiles are as
glazes are commercially available and are similar to those 40 following:
used in current tile making practice. 1. The required tile dimensions: 4-4"x4-4"x0.295"
The glass-ceramic tile E may be treated in hot glazing 2. Dimensional tolerance+/-0.015"
apparatus 16 to produce hot glazed tile G. Such hot glazing 3. Warpage not to exceed 0.025" across diagonal
typically involves applying a dry glaze powder on the
surface of the hot tile body immediately after crystallization. 45
The above tolerances were checked by a commercial tile
A typical glaze heat treatment cycle is shown in FIG. 6. manufacturer using the ASTM designation C485-83 for
Temperatures typically used in hot glazing apparatuS 16 warpage and ASTM C499-78 for facial dimensions. The
range from 800 to 1400° C., with the desirable maximum glass-ceramic tiles meet the above Stated requirements.
temperature being 1060 C. The most desirable firing time Breaking Strength
is 55 minutes. 50 The breaking Strength of the glass-ceramic tiles was
Alternatively, glass-ceramic tile E may be treated in cold measured by using ASTM designation C648-84. The experi
glazing apparatus 12 to produce cold glazed tile F. The glaze ment was conducted by a commercial tile manufacturer
is applied to glass-ceramic tile E using various devices Such using the instrumentation constructed to the Specifications of
as glazing bells, rotating discs, air assisted Spray guns, or ASTM C648-84. The strength of the glass-ceramic tile
other conventional tile glaze application techniques. Cold 55 exceeded 600 lb, which is 3-6 times the strength of a
glazed tile F is dried in air at ambient temperatures and then conventional wall tile. Higher breaking Strength is a desir
fired at a low temperature, typically from 530 to 850 C. To able attribute in all construction tiles provided the tiles may
avoid excessive StreSS buildup, cold glazed tile F is next be cut into Smaller pieces by the conventional techniques
cooled slowly (i.e., at a rate of 25-100° C./hour) to room used by the tile installers. The glass-ceramic tiles Studied in
temperature, depending on tile thickness. Low temperature 60 this research can be cut using the traditional equipment.
glazing produces a glass-ceramic tile which is opaque rather Water Absorption
than translucent, imparting a gloSS to the Surface rather than The glass-ceramic tiles are derived from Vitreous mate
the “depth' the tile. Cold glazed tile F may then be heated rials which generally do not have any porosity. The glass
in heating apparatus 14, at a temperature of 800 to 1000 ceramics are free of porosity to a large extent as well, but in
C., to produce a glazed tile H. 65 Some cases, due to the thermal expansion difference between
Properties of glass-ceramic tiles E include thermal Stabil the glass and the glass-ceramics, Some Small amount of
ity up to 1100 C., chemical durability equivalent to or better porosity (<0.5%) may develop during the ceramming pro
cess. The water absorption tests (ASTM C373-72) indicated Although the invention has been described in detail for
no weight gain in any of the glass-ceramics made in this the purpose of illustration, it is understood that Such detail
research. is Solely for that purpose, and variations can be made therein
Crazing by those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit
This test was performed by a ceramic tile manufacturer to and scope of the invention which is defined by the following
determine the crazing resistance of the fired, glazed, glass claims.
ceramic tiles using the autoclave treatment according to the What is claimed:
ASTM designation C424-80. 1. A process of forming glass ceramic tiles comprising:
This test involved placing the tile inside an autoclave on providing a spent ash containing organic material, metal
a Suitable Support. Sufficient amount of water was added, lic contaminants, and glass forming materials,
and the autoclave was closed Securely. The water was heated oxidizing the spent ash under conditions effective to
gradually, and the blow-off valve of the autoclave was Oxidize the organic material and to partially oxidize the
closed after Steam began to escape, thereby expelling most metallic contaminants and the glass forming materials,
of the air. The pressure was allowed to increase at a constant 15 wherein Said oxidizing is carried out in a Suspension
rate for about 45 minutes to the desired value. This pressure preheater in which the ash containing the organic
was kept constant for one additional hour. The heat Source material, metallic contaminants, and glass forming
was then shut off and the pressure was released. The materials is Suspended in an oxidizing fluid,
Specimen was removed from the autoclave after it cooled to Vitrifying the oxidized glass forming materials to form a
room temperature. The tile Surface was examined by naked glass melt,
eye for crazing failure. forming the glass melt into glass ceramic tiles containing
The first test was made at the maximum pressure of 50 metallic contaminants.
psi; no crazing occurred. The test was repeated at 100, 150, 2. A process according to claim 1, wherein Said Suspen
200, and 250 psi. None of the samples crazed. Sion preheater is a counter-rotating Vortex Suspension pre
Thermal Shock Resistance of Glazed Tiles 25 heater.
This test was performed at a commercial tile manufacturer 3. A proceSS according to claim 1, wherein Said vitrifying
to determine the thermal shock resistance of the fired, is carried out in a cyclone melting chamber.
glazed, glass-ceramic tiles according to the ASTM designa 4. A proceSS according to claim 1, wherein Said Vitrifying
tion C484-66. is carried out in a cyclone melting chamber.
The method consisted of placing the glazed Sample in an 5. A proceSS according to claim 1, wherein Said Vitrifying
oven at a temperature of 145 C. (+/-5° C), for 30 minutes, is carried out in an open-hearth melter.
removing it from the oven, placing it on a thin sheet of 6. A process according to claim 1, wherein Said vitrifying
is carried out in an electric melter.
aluminum maintained at 24°C. (+/-3 C.), and inspecting 7. A proceSS according to claim 1, wherein Said oxidizing
the tile after 15 minutes for shivering or any other type of 35 is carried out at a temperature of 1000 to 1500° C.
disintegration. The undamaged tile was returned to the oven 8. A proceSS according to claim 1, wherein Said Vitrifying
and the same cycle was repeated for five times. The glazed,
glass-ceramic tiles Survived all the thermal Shock cycles. is carried out at temperature of 1200° to 1550° C.
9. A process according to claim 1 further comprising:
The hardness of glass-ceramic tiles was measured by the mixing the fly ash with an additive selected from the
40 group consisting of limestone, dolomite, gypsum,
Knoop indentation hardneSS tester. These data were con Silica, Sodium-lime-Silica glass cullet, titania, Zirconia,
verted to Mohs Scale.
and mixtures thereof prior to Said oxidizing to form a
On Mohs Scale, the hardness of glass-ceramics is close to mixture.
7. Hardness of a conventional bisque is considerably leSS. 10. A process according to claim 9, wherein the mixture
For the wall and floor tile glazes, the hardneSS test was 45 contains 60 to 100 wt.% flyash, 0 to 40 wt.% limestone, 0
conducted by using Mohs Standard Scratch test. The hard to 40 wt.% dolomite, 0 to 40 wt.% gypsum, 0 to 30 wt.%
ness values for wall and floor tiles was 6.5 and 7.5, silica, 0 to 20 wt.% sodium-lime-silica glass cullet, 0 to 10
respectively, on the Mohs Scale. wt.% titania, and 0 to 5 wt.% zirconia.
Resistance to Freeze-Thaw Cycling 11. A process according to claim 7, wherein the tiles
This test was performed by a commercial tile manufac contain 2 to 7 wt.% NaO+KO, 15 to 27 wt.% Al-O, 15
turer to determine the resistance to freeze-thaw cycling of to 25 wt.% CaO, 5 to 15 wt.% MgO, 5 to 12 wt.% Fe.O.,
the fired, glazed, glass-ceramic tiles according to the ASTM 35 to 55 wt.% SiO, 0 to 2 wt.% F, 0 to 10 wt.% TiO, 0
designation C1026-84. to 5 wt.% ZrO, 0 to 10 wt.% POs, and 0 to 5 wt.% other
The test procedure consisted of placing a water Saturated 55 12. A proceSS according to claim 11, wherein the other
tile sample in a freezer maintained at -18°C. for a short time oxides are Selected from the group consisting of oxides of
and then placing the tile in water maintained at 16 C. The copper, manganese, chromium, nickel, Zinc, arsenic, lead,
tile was removed from the water after thawing and examined gold, Silver, Sulfur, and mixtures thereof.
for any damage. The freezing and thawing was done 5 times 13. A process according to claim 1 further comprising:
on the same Sample. The glass-ceramic Samples Survived the 60
cycling without any damage when observed under ultravio cooling the tiles to effect nucleation and
let light. heating the tiles after Said cooling to cause crystallization
Thermal Expansion of said tiles.
The thermal expansion of the glass-ceramic Samples was 14. A process according to claim 13 further comprising:
measured primarily to find a Suitable glaze for Surface 65 heat treating the tiles after Said heating to cause crystal
decoration. The coefficient of thermal expansions of various lization and
compositions are (80 to 110)x107/C. glazing the heat treated tiles.
11 12
15. A process of forming glass ceramic tiles comprising: forming the glass melt into glass ceramic tiles containing
providing an ash containing organic material, metallic metallic contaminants.
contaminants, and glass-forming materials, 26. A process according to claim 25 further comprising:
Oxidizing the ash under conditions effective to oxidize the mixing the ash with an additive Selected from the group
organic material and to partially oxidize the metallic consisting of limestone, dolomite, gypsum, Silica,
contaminants and the glass forming materials, wherein Sodium-lime-Silica glass cullet, titania, Zirconia, and
Said oxidizing is carried out in a Suspension preheater mixtures thereof prior to Said oxidizing to form a
in which the ash containing the organic material, the mixture.
metallic contaminants, and glass-forming materials is 27. A process according to claim 26, wherein the mixture
entrained in an oxidizing fluid, contains 60 to 100 wt.% ash, 0 to 40 wt.% limestone, 0 to
Vitrifying the oxidized glass-forming materials to form a 40 wt.% dolomite, 0 to 40 wt.% gypsum, 0 to 30 wt.%
glass melt, wherein Said Vitrifying is carried out in a silica, 0 to 20 wt.% sodium-lime-silica glass cullet, 0 to 10
cyclone melting chamber; wt.% titania, and 0 to 5 wt.% zirconia.
forming the glass melt into tiles containing the metallic 15 28. A process according to claim 26, wherein the tile
contaminants, contains 2 to 7 wt.% NaO+KO, 15 to 27 wt.%. Al-O, 15
cooling the tiles to effect nucleation; to 25 wt.% CaO, 5 to 15 wt.% MgO, 5 to 12 wt.% Fe.O.,
heating the tiles after said cooling to cause crystallization 35 to 55 wt.% SiO, 0 to 2 wt.% F, 0 to 10 wt.% TiO, 0
of Said tiles, whereby the tiles become a glass ceramic, to 5 wt.% ZrO, 0 to 10 wt.% PO, and 0 to 5 wt.% other
and oxides.
glazing the heat treated tiles. 29. A process according to claim 28, wherein the other
16. A process of forming glass ceramic tiles comprising: oxides are Selected from the group consisting of oxides of
providing a spent ash containing organic material, metal copper, manganese, chromium, nickel, Zinc, arsenic, lead,
lic contaminants, and glass forming materials, 25
gold, Silver, Sulfur, and mixtures thereof.
Oxidizing the spent ash under conditions effective to 30. A proceSS according to claim 25, wherein the nucle
oxidize the organic material and to partially oxidize the ating agent is Selected from the group consisting of titanium
metallic contaminants and the glass forming materials, dioxide, Zirconium oxide, phosphates, fluorides, Silver, gold,
and mixtures thereof.
Vitrifying the oxidized glass forming materials to form a 31. A process of forming glass ceramic tiles comprising:
glass melt, and
forming the glass melt into glass ceramic tiles containing providing a spent ash containing organic material, metal
metallic contaminants, wherein crystals are not formed lic contaminants, and glass forming materials,
in the glass melt until said forming. oxidizing the spent ash under conditions effective to
17. A proceSS according to claim 16, wherein Said oxi Oxidize the organic material and to partially oxidize the
dizing is carried out in a Suspension preheater. 35 metallic contaminants and the glass forming materials,
18. A process according to claim 17, wherein the Suspen Vitrifying the oxidized glass forming materials to form a
Sion preheater is a counter-rotating Vortex Suspension pre glass melt,
19. A process according to claim 16, wherein Said vitri forming the glass melt into tiles containing metallic
fying is carried out in a cyclone melting chamber. 40 contaminants,
20. A proceSS according to claim 16, wherein Said Vitri cooling tiles to effect nucleation;
fying is carried out in an open-hearth melter. heat treating the cooled tiles to cause crystallization,
21. A proceSS according to claim 16, wherein Said Vitri whereby the tiles become a glass ceramic, and
fying is carried out in an electric melter. glazing the heat treated tiles at an elevated temperature.
22. A proceSS according to claim 16, wherein Said oxi 45
dizing is carried out at a temperature of 1000 to 1500 C. 32. A process of forming glass ceramic tiles comprising:
23. A proceSS according to claim 16, wherein Said Vitri providing a spent ash containing organic material, metal
fying is carried out at a temperature of 1200 to 1550 C. lic contaminants, and glass forming materials,
24. A process according to claim 16 further comprising: oxidizing the spent ash under conditions effective to
50 Oxidize the organic material and to partially oxidize the
cooling the tiles to effect nucleation and
heating the tiles after said cooling to cause crystallization metallic contaminants and the glass forming materials,
of Said tiles. Vitrifying the oxidized glass forming materials to form a
25. A process of forming glass ceramic tiles comprising: glass melt,
providing a spent ash containing organic material, metal 55 forming the glass melt into tiles containing metallic
lic contaminants, glass forming materials, and a nucle contaminants,
ating agent, cooling the tiles to effect nucleation;
Oxidizing the spent ash under conditions effective to glazing the cooled tiles, and
oxidize the organic material and to partially oxidize the heat treating the glazed tiles, whereby the tiles become a
metallic contaminants and the glass forming materials, 60 glass ceramic.
Vitrifying the oxidized glass forming materials to form a
glass melt, and

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