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NOS Element Performance Criteria Question Type Question Count Option - A Option - B Option - C Option - D Answer Difficulty Level

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NOS Element Performance Criteria Question Type Question

Question Count Option -A Option -B Option -C Option -D Answer Difficulty Level

Among the following options, which is
Study the Study the
the best way for a sales person to get Study the Use the product
PC1. understand the Theory Only 1 features of benefits of the C Medium
the knowledge and understanding of product yourself
products and their product product
the product effectively?
Gather only
Use the
Meet the positive
Which of the following is an effective product Ask your
customers feedback from
way of conducting the market literature to supervisor for
Theory Only 1 who are customers B Hard
research of your product to get the the the the product
already using who are
PC1. understand the clear understanding of said product? understanding details
the product already using
products and their of product
your product
In below image an instrument is
shown which is used to unclog drains
and pipes, name the instrument.

PC2. diagnose Theory Only 1 Rubber Suction Plunger Speculator C Medium

problems and/or
failures in products for
the purpose of
identifying activities
necessary to
service/repair them
PC2. diagnose
problems and/or Thump in the Thump in the
Thump sound in
failures in products for Water hammer, a kind of noise in the valve heard piping heard
air chamber Leakage in the
the purpose of Theory Only 1 plumbing system, how can it be when pipe is when tap is B Hard
connected to piping system
identifying activities diagnosed? turned off turned off
necessary to abruptly abruptly
service/repair them
In the below image a tool is shown,
which is usually used by plumbers for
cutting the plastic pipes in onsite
operations, what is the name of this
PC3. decide whether tool?
Theory Only 1 Wheel Cutter Hacksaw Cutter B Easy
the product requires
onsite repairing or
needs to be taken to
factory shop based on
complexity of problems
The below tool shown in the image is
used to measure the precise diameter
of holes in the pipe, kindly identify the
name of the below tool?

PC3. decide whether Theory Only 1 Ruler Caliper Scale ruler B Easy
the product requires
onsite repairing or
needs to be taken to
factory shop based on
complexity of problems
Demarcation Demarcation Demarcation
Maintena Repair planning
=> Repair => Repair => Repair
nce and => Demarcation
Identify the correct sequence to be planning => work => Repair planning =>
Servicing Theory Only 1 => Repair work A Hard
followed for pipeline repairing. Repair work => planning => Testing =>
PC4. establish the => Testing =>
Testing => Testing => Repair work =>
sequence of repair/ Restoration
Restoration Restoration Restoration
Which of the following is not an step Cutting the Joining surface
PC4. establish the Mounting the Ream the cut
Theory Only 1 involved in the process of pipe end of the pipe must be made D Hard
sequence of repair/ pipe firmly end of the pipe
threading? cleanly semi-fluid
In which the Maintaining a
PC5. prepare material In which the In which the
What do you mean by "dry repair" main is nominal
for the repair/ service Theory Only 1 main is not main is partially A Easy
which is one kind of repair in pipeline? completely pressure in the
work as per the isolated isolated
isolated pipeline

PC5. prepare material

Which one of the following is not a
for the repair/ service Theory Only 1 Trowel Spade Pipe bender Shovel C Easy
masonry tool?
PSC/N work as per the
0303 requirement
enanc PC6. disassemble Which of the following wash basin is
Pedestal was Wall mounted Console Self-riming
e and components for the Theory Only 1 an ideal option to be installed in small B Easy
basin washbasin washbasin washbasin
servici repair/ service work as bathrooms?
ng of per correct procedure
If there is an issue in flushing of water
compa PC6. disassemble
in water closet, so which of the Flushing
ny’s components for the Theory Only 1 Water closet Urinals Bidets B Easy
following part may be checked to fix cistern
produc repair/ service work as
the issue?
ts per correct procedure

PC7. carry out the

overhaul to the agreed Which one of the following is
Plumber's Thread seal
level, using the correct Theory Only 1 commonly used to seal the pipe Caulking Files B Medium
putty tape
tools and techniques threads?
and without damaging
other components
The following image is of a tool which
is used to smoothen the edge and to
rub the surfaces, usually in
PC7. carry out the woodworking or in metalworking,
overhaul to the agreed Theory Only 1 identify the tool in the image. Heel Face File Edge B Hard
level, using the correct
tools and techniques
and without damaging
other components

PC8. respond to While doing the smoke test to find out

Use personal
emergency situations the leakage in pipeline, which is most Get an Use heavy
Theory Only 1 protective Use gloves A Easy
for the purpose of essential to be safe while doing the assistant shoes
resolving immediate test?
safety concerns
In case of any accidental or emergency
PC8. respond to situation does arise in a workplace,
emergency situations what is the most important thing, that
Theory Only 1 C Easy
for the purpose of is supposed to be exercised?
resolving immediate
safety concerns Be aggressive to Act
with the situation
Stay calm and deal
with the
Which of the following joint is
economical and less time consuming,
which is a good choice where the Compression
Theory Only 1 Flanged joint Grooved joint Screwed joint B Hard
piping system must be disassembled joint
and reassembled frequently for
PC9. deliver the task in time
What should be done to avoid the sink Use abrasive Use caustic Use harsh Use non-
PC10. ensure minimal Theory Only 1 to be susceptible to stains during its abrasive D Medium
wastage of material cleaner cleaner cleaner
cleaning? cleaner
Which of the following is not the
Check if the
remedial measures to be taken, to Water is Check if nut
Checking if the position of the
Theory Only 1 encounter the defects during the leaking from washer is B Easy
nut is loose nut valve is
PC10. ensure minimal operation of flushing cisterns to avoid flush defective
wastage of material the wastage of water?
Use other
While using the auger what should be
Use plunger in Use the auger Use the auger equipments in
Theory Only 1 kept in mind so as not to crack the B Easy
place of auger carefully carelessly place of auger
PC10. ensure minimal water closet?
or plunger
wastage of material
All debris Potentially Capturing the
PC11. ensure minimal Which of the following is not contamination
should be hazardous snaps of site
Quality damage to the Theory Only 1 necessarily to be done to keep the site should be D Easy
removed from material should during
of output products and other clean during the repair work ? removed from
site be avoided cleaning
systems site

Spray all Ensure

Fracture should Flush the main
surfaces with contamination
Which of the following isn't the best be cleaned but at the nearest
disinfectant doesn't enter
Theory Only 1 way of preventing the contamination collar is not hydrant to A Easy
PC11. ensure minimal that come into the main where
during repair work? sprayed with remove any
damage to the the contact of it is cut for
disinfectant dirt
products and other potable water repair
PC12. clear the work Empty waste Keep cutting
What wouldn't be the best way of stac material Clean up spills
area and dispose the Theory Only 1 containers equipment D Easy
keeping the work area clean? and equipment quickly
waste appropriately often sharp
What would be the best course of Get it cleaned Wait nearby the Search for the
PC12. clear the work Erect a danger
Theory Only 1 action if you see a spillage in it up spillage until it reason behind A Easy
area and dispose the sign
workplace? immediately is cleaned spillage
waste appropriately
After installation of pipeline, testing is
done to check the health of pipeline,
PC14. test repaired/ Theory Only 1 Smoke test Static test Dynamic testing Pipe testing A Medium
which of the following is a method of
serviced product for
testing the pipeline?
proper functioning
You receive an instruction from Ask for
Is there any
reporting senior to submit a specific clarification
specific format What is the Whom the
PC1. receive work report on a particular milestone, from reporting
Theory Only 1 in which report deadline of report needs to C Medium
instructions and discuss which of the following question is not senior if there
needs to be submission be submitted
the project/design with relevant to ask in order to prepare and is any
seniors submit the report effectively? confusion
PC1. receive work What would be one of the possible You are You are Either you are
You are sending
instructions and discuss reason, if management is asking you sending the sending the not sending it
Theory Only 1 a good project D Easy
the project/design with for the status of your undergoing project status status to right to the right
seniors project? timely people people or not

PC2. communicate to
reporting senior about One of the following is not a
task status, repairs and Theory Only 1 component of task status, find the odd Millstones Overall Roadblocks Issues C Easy
maintenance of tools one out?
and equipment as
PC2. communicate to Project status
Detailed project status of
reporting senior about What should be kept in mind while Project status should have
project status the project
task status, repairs and Theory Only 1 reporting the project status to your should be long lots of C Medium
should be should be
maintenance of tools seniors? widened technical
reported concise and
and equipment as jargon
Report any Obtain medical
PC3. communicate any Which of the following is not a worker
Provide first Get the first incident that treatment in
potential hazards and Theory Only 1 responsibility in context of incident A Hard
aid aid involves injury case of injury
expected process reporting procedure?
or illness or illness
Which of the following is an utmost Co-ordinate
PC3. communicate any Participate in
responsibility of a supervisor in case of Get the first aid emergency
potential hazards and Theory Only 1 Call the doctor the C Hard
critical injury under the occupational box services
expected process investigation
health & safety act? immediately
One of the project that you were Get it reviewed
Get it
PC4. get the work supervising has achieved all the target Review it from your Wait till senior
Theory Only 1 reviewed from C Medium
reviewed and handover millstones, what would be the best personally reporting senior asks for review
your colleague
completed task to course of action to be followed next? and hand it over
The below diagram is a kind of
n with
feedback that is usually received by
each employee in an organization,
identify what kind of feedback it is
known as?

Traditional 360 degree 180 degree 90 degree

Theory Only 1 B Easy
feedback feedback feedback feedback

PC5. receive feedback

from reporting senior
Helps in
Helps in
Helps in rapport
Getting continuous feedback from improving the
Theory Only 1 knowing Is a procedure building with A Medium
reporting seniors about your job delivery of your
yourself your reporting
PC5. receive feedback performance
from reporting senior
By receiving
By receiving the
You have recently provided the status the feedback Wait till my
By receiving feedback from
report of the project to your reporting from my friend reporting
the feedback my reporting
Theory Only 1 senior with some changes in the who is senior doesn't C Medium
from my seniors
format, how would you know whether assisting my let me know
colleague regarding
PC5. receive feedback your senior is satisfied or not? reporting about it
project report
from reporting senior seniors
If you are facing an issue in achieving a
Provide the
millstone of a certain project and it is Ask the seniors
Provide the date and time Prepare a
causing as delay than expected date of to wait till you
Theory Only 1 detailed report when the issue detailed B Hard
finish, what would be the best course prepare the
PC6. report any of the issue will be presentation
of action to be taken to inform the report
anticipated reasons for resolved
Is there any
Which one of the following wouldn't
What is being alternate
fall under the purview of current Do you When will the
PSC/N done to course of
Theory Only 1 activity being carried out to address planning any completion C Hard
0211 address the action to be
PC6. report any the issue that is causing the delay in reinforcement? report be filed
Work issue? taken to sort
anticipated reasons for completing the certain project?
effecti out the issue?
vely PC7. work as a team
with One of the following is not a feature of
with colleagues and Democratic
colleag Theory Only 1 an effective team, identify the odd Clarity in goals Self-centered Mutual trust C Easy
share work as per the process
ues one out?
work load and skills
PC7. work as a team Discovering
Norming, one of the stage in group Discovering
with colleagues and what being a Who controls Where do we
Theory Only 1 development, what do you mean by what are the C Medium
share work as per the member of this the group? go from here?
it? team norms
work load and skills group mean
Complain your
A team member from another division entertain him Help him in
supervisor Tell him you
PC8. work with Theory Only 1 of your company ask for your help, as he is not completing the C Easy
about the can't do that
colleagues of other what would you do? from my task
teams department
Completion of
As an efficient team member, what Stop helping Bragging about Adherence of
PC8. work with assigned task
Theory Only 1 should you avoid from doing at your other you workplace B Medium
colleagues of other within
workplace? colleagues achievements requirement
teams deadlines
Below image shows a type of
communication which is an effective
tool of any job role, identify the
pattern of communication from given
Complex Two way
One way Unstructured
Theory Only 1 communicatio communicatio D Hard
communication communication
n n
PC9. communicate and
discuss work flow
related difficulties in
order to find solution
with mutual agreement

PC9. communicate and As a project manager if you receive a

Downward Informal
discuss work flow work order from your reporting Closed Upward
Theory Only 1 communicatio communicatio B Medium
related difficulties in seniors, then it would be an example communication communication
n n
order to find solution of.
with mutual agreement
Communication which takes place in a
Interact team as per the below image from
with bottom to up is known as?
s within Concise Upward
and Complex Courteous
1 communicatio communicatio D Easy
outside PC9. communicate and communication communication
n n
the team discuss work flow
related difficulties in
order to find solution
with mutual agreement
Team members
Among the following alternative, what members are Develop higher Accomplish
are willing to
Theory Only 1 could be the best possible reason of putting their conflict great B Easy
sort out the
PC10. put team over non achievement of team goals? own goal over resolution skills achievements
group issues
individual goals team's
PC10. put team over Which of the following is not a
Theory Only 1 Specific Attainable Timeless Measurable D Easy
individual goals characteristic of team goals?
Which of the following group/team
Maintenance Dysfunctional
Theory Only 1 role leads to the conflict among team Task role Functional role D Medium
role role
Which one of the following is not a
Theory Only 1 conflict producing behavior in a Avoidance Verbal threats Compromising Fault finding C Easy
PC11. resolve conflicts workplace?
Below image depict a conflict
resolution process, one of the step is
"mutual agreement on the solution"
what do you mean by it?

When both the

When one When the two
parties of
party having a When the root parties having
having conflict
Theory Only 1 conflict is agree cause of conflict conflict are B Easy
are agree on
on the solution is identified brought
the solution
provided together

PC11. resolve conflicts

Which of the following behavior is not Be a dominant
Theory Only 1 a conflict avoiding behavior among Listen actively Stay calm speaker not an C Easy
other's opinion
group members? active listener
PC11. resolve conflicts
PC1. comply with Which among the following is not a Provide a Read the Report
organization’s current Comply with
Theory Only 1 responsibility of an employee in workplace free workplace hazardous main safety A Easy
health, safety and
context of the occupational safety and from serious safety & health conditions to standards
security policies and
health standard? hazard instruction at the employer
PC1. comply with "It is a duty of an employer to use
organization’s current color codes, posters, labels or sign to
health, safety and Theory Only 1 warn employees of potential hazards FALSE TRUE Partially false Partially true B Medium
security policies and at the jobsite in context of OSHA"
procedures Assess the statement in terms of
In the below image some safety signs
and their description is given, identify
the description from the following
options of a safety sign where
question mark sign is written in the

Lookout for
Use ear Highly This is a hard
Theory Only 1 overhead C Easy
protector inflammable hat area

PC1. comply with

organization’s current
health, safety and
security policies and
Which one of the following options
relates to the below image in context
of the OSHA?

How to bend
Lifting Personal protective
Theory Only 1 knees while D Medium
techniques clothing equipments &
PC1. comply with
organization’s current
health, safety and
security policies and

PC2. report any

identified breaches in Is there any kind of obligation to Non
No there is no Illegal
health, safety, and Theory Only 1 report certain types of incident in the mandatory Legal obligation C Easy
obligation obligation
security policies and workplace to the relevant authorities? obligation
procedures to the
designated person
In the below image hierarchy of
hazard elimination is shown, how
would you interpret the top approach
in the image called "Elimination" in
context of the following options?

Use of
Replacement Removal of Switching of
Theory Only 1 protective B Easy
of hazard hazard hazard
PC3. identify and
remove any hazards
that can be dealt safely,
competently and within
the limits of individual’s

PC3. identify and Installing Eliminating the

Providing no
remove any hazards Which of the following is not an guardrails need to elevate Duct away
that can be dealt safely, Theory Only 1 example of engineering control of around persons or chemicals and C Hard
competently and within hazard control? elevated work objects above noise
the limits of individual’s areas ground level
In below image one of the personal
protective equipment is shown,
identify the name of this particular
PPE from given options?

Long sleeves
High visibility
Welding mask shirt and Wear eye
Theory Only 1 jackets must be B Easy
must be worn trousers protection
PC3. identify and
remove any hazards
that can be dealt safely,
competently and within
the limits of individual’s
PC3. identify and
Which one of the following is not an work during
remove any hazards Safe work Use of safety limiting hours
Theory Only 1 administrative control of hazard times when C Easy
that can be dealt safely, practices eyewear of work
control? exposure of
competently and within
other workers
the limits of individual’s
is limited

While working in the jobsite you found

PC4. report hazards to
that there is an spillage of dangerous
the relevant person in
Theory Only 1 chemicals, whom should you report Colleague Warden Supervisor First aid officer B Medium
line with organizational
first so as to avoid health and safety
procedures and warn
issues effectively?
other people who may
be affected

Identifying the
PC4. report hazards to person, who
the relevant person in What doesn't an emergency Evacuation holds the Response to an Containment
Theory Only 1 D Easy
line with organizational procedure include? process responsibility emergency of noise
procedures and warn like first aid
PSC/N other people who may officer etc.
0212 be affected
ain a Make some
health one
PC4. report hazards to regularly the
y, safe Which of the following is not useful in responsible to Set health and Set employees
the relevant person in achievement
and Theory Only 1 managing the health and safety achieve the safety performance C Easy
line with organizational of set health
secure effectively? health and objectives, goals
procedures and warn and safety
workin safety
other people who may objectives
g objectives
be affected
Matching the Mismatching Providing
PC4. report hazards to Which one of the following is an Providing
job job training to the
the relevant person in example of poor ergonomics, which special
Theory Only 1 requirements requirements to employees C Easy
line with organizational could expose the employees to a treatments to
to employee's employee's regarding their
procedures and warn possible hazard? your employee
capabilities capabilities, job
other people who may
be affected
Maintain the
PC5. follow While following an emergency safety of the Be audacious
Follow your
organization’s procedures in case of any emergency people during dealing
Theory Only 1 own set of Call the police B Easy
emergency procedures situation, what is/are the precautions involved, with
promptly, calmly, and that need to be taken ? including emergency
efficiently yourself

As per
PC5. follow As per the organizational As per guidance
How should an emergency situation As per your
organization’s Theory Only 1 prevailing procedures from your B Easy
should be dealt with? will
emergency procedures situation and legal colleague
promptly, calmly, and requirements

PC5. follow Upon hearing the evacuation tone, Proceed to the

organization’s what is the foremost thing that need Proceed nearest Crowd the exit
Theory Only 1 towards the C Easy
emergency procedures to be done by the employees present towards the lift emergency exit door
promptly, calmly, and in the workplace? door
The below image depicts the action to
be taken in case of discovering a fire in
workplace. One of the sign misses the
description, identify the correct
description of the sign having question
mark in place of its description?

Gather in the
Don't use the
Theory Only 1 evacuation Keep calm Find help B Hard
lift use stairs
assembly area

PC5. follow
emergency procedures
promptly, calmly, and
Providing appropriate hazard signs is
one of the best thing to avoid possible
accidents, below an image is shown, in
which a possible hazard sign is there.
Identify the hazard sign from the
following option? Heat Prone Wear hard
Theory Only 1 No Smoking Fire B Easy
PC6. identify and area helmet
opportunities for
improving health,
safety, and security to
the designated person

PC6. identify and Repetition of

recommend same
Which one of the following is not an Exposure to UV Frequent
opportunities for Theory Only 1 Poor posture movement C Hard
ergonomic hazards? rays lifting
improving health, again and
safety, and security to again
the designated person
Find out missing options, whose sign is
not present in below image?

Dangerous Unauthorized
Safety helmets Highly
Theory Only 1 work in access is C Hard
must be worn inflammable
operation prohibited
PC6. identify and
opportunities for
improving health,
safety, and security to
the designated person

PC6. identify and

One of the following may not
recommend Inspection of
contribute in improving the health and Train your Maintain Do random
opportunities for Theory Only 1 workplace D Medium
safety at workplace, find the odd one employees records planning
improving health, regularly
safety, and security to
the designated person
assessment Risk assessment Risk
PC7. complete any Which one of the following is not a helps in does not meet assessment
Theory Only 1 creates C Medium
health and safety feature of risk assessment? preventing legal identifies who
awareness of
records legibly and injuries or requirements may be at risk
accurately illness
PC7. complete any
Which one of the following may not Details of
health and safety Cause of Details of Details of
Theory Only 1 be included in the findings of relatives of D Easy
records legibly and accident injuries injured person
investigation fatter any accident? injured person
PC7. complete any
health and safety Where should the details of workplace Investigation
Theory Only 1 Accident book Log book information B Hard
records legibly and injuries be recorded? report
Records maybe
Why is it important to keep the useful in
PC7. complete any records relating to health and safety at For the sake of It is a defending legal
Theory Only 1 Its relevant C Medium
health and safety workplace, choose the most relevant keeping them procedure actions if
records legibly and option? prosecuted or
accurately sued

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