NOS Element Performance Criteria Question Type Question Count Option - A Option - B Option - C Option - D Answer Difficulty Level
NOS Element Performance Criteria Question Type Question Count Option - A Option - B Option - C Option - D Answer Difficulty Level
NOS Element Performance Criteria Question Type Question Count Option - A Option - B Option - C Option - D Answer Difficulty Level
PC3. decide whether Theory Only 1 Ruler Caliper Scale ruler B Easy
the product requires
onsite repairing or
needs to be taken to
factory shop based on
complexity of problems
Demarcation Demarcation Demarcation
Maintena Repair planning
=> Repair => Repair => Repair
nce and => Demarcation
Identify the correct sequence to be planning => work => Repair planning =>
Servicing Theory Only 1 => Repair work A Hard
followed for pipeline repairing. Repair work => planning => Testing =>
PC4. establish the => Testing =>
Testing => Testing => Repair work =>
sequence of repair/ Restoration
Restoration Restoration Restoration
Which of the following is not an step Cutting the Joining surface
PC4. establish the Mounting the Ream the cut
Theory Only 1 involved in the process of pipe end of the pipe must be made D Hard
sequence of repair/ pipe firmly end of the pipe
threading? cleanly semi-fluid
In which the Maintaining a
PC5. prepare material In which the In which the
What do you mean by "dry repair" main is nominal
for the repair/ service Theory Only 1 main is not main is partially A Easy
which is one kind of repair in pipeline? completely pressure in the
work as per the isolated isolated
isolated pipeline
PC2. communicate to
reporting senior about One of the following is not a
task status, repairs and Theory Only 1 component of task status, find the odd Millstones Overall Roadblocks Issues C Easy
maintenance of tools one out?
and equipment as
PC2. communicate to Project status
Detailed project status of
reporting senior about What should be kept in mind while Project status should have
project status the project
task status, repairs and Theory Only 1 reporting the project status to your should be long lots of C Medium
should be should be
maintenance of tools seniors? widened technical
reported concise and
and equipment as jargon
Report any Obtain medical
PC3. communicate any Which of the following is not a worker
Provide first Get the first incident that treatment in
potential hazards and Theory Only 1 responsibility in context of incident A Hard
aid aid involves injury case of injury
expected process reporting procedure?
or illness or illness
Which of the following is an utmost Co-ordinate
PC3. communicate any Participate in
responsibility of a supervisor in case of Get the first aid emergency
potential hazards and Theory Only 1 Call the doctor the C Hard
critical injury under the occupational box services
expected process investigation
health & safety act? immediately
One of the project that you were Get it reviewed
Get it
PC4. get the work supervising has achieved all the target Review it from your Wait till senior
Theory Only 1 reviewed from C Medium
reviewed and handover millstones, what would be the best personally reporting senior asks for review
your colleague
completed task to course of action to be followed next? and hand it over
The below diagram is a kind of
n with
feedback that is usually received by
each employee in an organization,
identify what kind of feedback it is
known as?
Lookout for
Use ear Highly This is a hard
Theory Only 1 overhead C Easy
protector inflammable hat area
How to bend
Lifting Personal protective
Theory Only 1 knees while D Medium
techniques clothing equipments &
PC1. comply with
organization’s current
health, safety and
security policies and
Use of
Replacement Removal of Switching of
Theory Only 1 protective B Easy
of hazard hazard hazard
PC3. identify and
remove any hazards
that can be dealt safely,
competently and within
the limits of individual’s
Long sleeves
High visibility
Welding mask shirt and Wear eye
Theory Only 1 jackets must be B Easy
must be worn trousers protection
PC3. identify and
remove any hazards
that can be dealt safely,
competently and within
the limits of individual’s
PC3. identify and
Which one of the following is not an work during
remove any hazards Safe work Use of safety limiting hours
Theory Only 1 administrative control of hazard times when C Easy
that can be dealt safely, practices eyewear of work
control? exposure of
competently and within
other workers
the limits of individual’s
is limited
Identifying the
PC4. report hazards to person, who
the relevant person in What doesn't an emergency Evacuation holds the Response to an Containment
Theory Only 1 D Easy
line with organizational procedure include? process responsibility emergency of noise
procedures and warn like first aid
PSC/N other people who may officer etc.
0212 be affected
ain a Make some
health one
PC4. report hazards to regularly the
y, safe Which of the following is not useful in responsible to Set health and Set employees
the relevant person in achievement
and Theory Only 1 managing the health and safety achieve the safety performance C Easy
line with organizational of set health
secure effectively? health and objectives, goals
procedures and warn and safety
workin safety
other people who may objectives
g objectives
be affected
Matching the Mismatching Providing
PC4. report hazards to Which one of the following is an Providing
job job training to the
the relevant person in example of poor ergonomics, which special
Theory Only 1 requirements requirements to employees C Easy
line with organizational could expose the employees to a treatments to
to employee's employee's regarding their
procedures and warn possible hazard? your employee
capabilities capabilities, job
other people who may
be affected
Maintain the
PC5. follow While following an emergency safety of the Be audacious
Follow your
organization’s procedures in case of any emergency people during dealing
Theory Only 1 own set of Call the police B Easy
emergency procedures situation, what is/are the precautions involved, with
promptly, calmly, and that need to be taken ? including emergency
efficiently yourself
As per
PC5. follow As per the organizational As per guidance
How should an emergency situation As per your
organization’s Theory Only 1 prevailing procedures from your B Easy
should be dealt with? will
emergency procedures situation and legal colleague
promptly, calmly, and requirements
Gather in the
Don't use the
Theory Only 1 evacuation Keep calm Find help B Hard
lift use stairs
assembly area
PC5. follow
emergency procedures
promptly, calmly, and
Providing appropriate hazard signs is
one of the best thing to avoid possible
accidents, below an image is shown, in
which a possible hazard sign is there.
Identify the hazard sign from the
following option? Heat Prone Wear hard
Theory Only 1 No Smoking Fire B Easy
PC6. identify and area helmet
opportunities for
improving health,
safety, and security to
the designated person
Dangerous Unauthorized
Safety helmets Highly
Theory Only 1 work in access is C Hard
must be worn inflammable
operation prohibited
PC6. identify and
opportunities for
improving health,
safety, and security to
the designated person