Boas1986.-Counterexamples To L'Hôpital's Rule
Boas1986.-Counterexamples To L'Hôpital's Rule
Boas1986.-Counterexamples To L'Hôpital's Rule
R. P. Boas
To cite this article: R. P. Boas (1986) Counterexamples to L'hôpital's Rule, The American
Mathematical Monthly, 93:8, 644-645, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.1986.11971912
Article views: 4
Department of Mathematics. Northwestern Universitr. Evanston, lL 60201
I. Introduction. I am not, of course, claiming that L'Hopital's rule is wrong, merely that unless
it is both stated and used very carefully it is capable of yielding spurious results. This is not a new
observation, but it is often overlooked.
For definiteness, let us consider the version of the rule that says that if f and g are
differentiable in an interval (a, b), if
lim f(x) = lim g(x) = oo,
x--+b- x--+h-
implies that
lim f(x)lg(x) = L.
If lim f'(x)lg'(x) does not exist, we are not entitled to draw any conclusion about
lim/( x )Ig( x ). Strictly speaking, if g' has zeros in every left-hand neighborhood of b, then f' I g'
is not defined on (a, b), and we ought to say firmly that lim f' I g' does not exist. There is,
however, the insidious possibility that f' and g' contain a common factor: f'(x) =
s(x)l/l(x), g'(x) = s(x)w(x), where s does not approach a limit and lim 1/i(x)lw(x) exists. It is
then quite natural to cancel the factor s(x). This is just what we must not do in the present
situation: it is quite possible that lim 1/i(x)lw(x) exists but limf(x)lg(x) does not.
This claim calls for an example. A number of textbooks give one, but it is (as far as I know)
always the same example. The aim of this note is both to emphasize the necessity of the condition
g'(x) 0 and to provide a systematic method of constructing counterexamples when this
condition is violated. I consider the case when b = + oo, since the formulas are simpler than
when b is finite.
2. A construction. Take a periodic function .\ (not a constant) with a bounded derivative, for
example .\(x) = sin x. Let
f(x) = [P'(t)} dt.
It is clear that f(x)--+ + oo as x--+ + oo. Now choose a function cp such that cp(.\(x)) is
bounded and both cp(.\(x)) and cp'(.\(x)) are bounded away from 0. There are many such
1. 0. Stolz, Ueber die Grenzwerthe der Quotienten, Math. Ann., 15 (1879) 556-559.
2. _ _ , Grundziige der Differential- und Integralrechnung, vol. 1, Teubner, Leipzig, 1893, pp. 72-84.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen's Universi~r. Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
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