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Boas1986.-Counterexamples To L'Hôpital's Rule

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The American Mathematical Monthly

ISSN: 0002-9890 (Print) 1930-0972 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/uamm20

Counterexamples to L'hôpital's Rule

R. P. Boas

To cite this article: R. P. Boas (1986) Counterexamples to L'hôpital's Rule, The American
Mathematical Monthly, 93:8, 644-645, DOI: 10.1080/00029890.1986.11971912

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/00029890.1986.11971912

Published online: 02 Feb 2018.

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644 R.P.BOAS [October

6. L. Mirsky, An Introduction to Linear Algebra, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1955.

7. A. Oppenheim, Inequalities connected with definite Hermitian forms, J. London Math. Soc., 5 (1930)
8. I. Schur, Bemerkungen Zur Theorie der beschrankten Bilinearformen mit unendlich vielen Veranderlichen, J.
Reine Math., 140 (1911) 1-28.


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Department of Mathematics. Northwestern Universitr. Evanston, lL 60201

I. Introduction. I am not, of course, claiming that L'Hopital's rule is wrong, merely that unless
it is both stated and used very carefully it is capable of yielding spurious results. This is not a new
observation, but it is often overlooked.
For definiteness, let us consider the version of the rule that says that if f and g are
differentiable in an interval (a, b), if
lim f(x) = lim g(x) = oo,
x--+b- x--+h-

and if g'(x) * 0 in some interval (c, b), then

lim f'(x)lg'(x) = L

implies that
lim f(x)lg(x) = L.

If lim f'(x)lg'(x) does not exist, we are not entitled to draw any conclusion about
lim/( x )Ig( x ). Strictly speaking, if g' has zeros in every left-hand neighborhood of b, then f' I g'
is not defined on (a, b), and we ought to say firmly that lim f' I g' does not exist. There is,
however, the insidious possibility that f' and g' contain a common factor: f'(x) =
s(x)l/l(x), g'(x) = s(x)w(x), where s does not approach a limit and lim 1/i(x)lw(x) exists. It is
then quite natural to cancel the factor s(x). This is just what we must not do in the present
situation: it is quite possible that lim 1/i(x)lw(x) exists but limf(x)lg(x) does not.
This claim calls for an example. A number of textbooks give one, but it is (as far as I know)
always the same example. The aim of this note is both to emphasize the necessity of the condition
g'(x) 0 and to provide a systematic method of constructing counterexamples when this
condition is violated. I consider the case when b = + oo, since the formulas are simpler than
when b is finite.
2. A construction. Take a periodic function .\ (not a constant) with a bounded derivative, for
example .\(x) = sin x. Let
f(x) = [P'(t)} dt.

It is clear that f(x)--+ + oo as x--+ + oo. Now choose a function cp such that cp(.\(x)) is
bounded and both cp(.\(x)) and cp'(.\(x)) are bounded away from 0. There are many such

functions <p; for example,

<p(x) = e' or (x + c) or 1/(c + x),
provided IA(x)l < c and IA'(x)l < c. Take g(x) to be /(x)<p(.\(x)). Since inf <p(A(x)) > 0, we
have g(x) --+ oo as x--> oo.
Now try to apply L'Hopital's rule to f(x)jg(x). We have to consider f'(x)jg'(x), where
f'( X) = {.\'(X)} 2,
g'(x) = {.\'(x)} <p(.\(x)) + /(x)<p'(.\(x)).\'(x).
Here g'(x) = 0 whenever .\'(x) = 0, i.e., g' has zeros in every neighborhood of oo, and
consequently we are not entitled to apply L'Hopital's rule at all. However, this conclusion seems
rather pedantic; let us go ahead anyway. If we cancel the factor .\'(x), we obtain
/'(X) .\'(X)
g'(x) .\'(x)<p(.\(x)) + /(x)<p'(.\(x)) ·
Now .\'(x) is bounded (by hypothesis), .\'(x)<p(.\(x)) is bounded, <p'(.\(x)) is bounded away
from 0, but j(x)--> oo, so j'(x)jg'(x)--> 0. Yet f(x)jg(x) = 1/<p(A(x)) does not approach
zero, since <p(A(x)) is bounded!
3. Discussion. What went wrong? If you will study any proof of L'Hopital's rule, you will find
a place where it used (or should have used) the assumption that g'(x) did not change sign
infinitely often in a neighborhood of oo. Our example shows that, at least sometimes, L'Hopital's
rule actually fails when this hypothesis is not satisfied.
The phenomenon just described was discovered more than a century ago by 0. Stolz [1], [2].
His example was .\(x) = sin x, <p(x) =ex; it has been repeated in all the modern discussions
that I have seen. It was wondering whether there are any other examples that led to this note.
One can verify that it is the changes of sign of .\'( x) that cause the trouble, not the mere
presence of zeros of .\'. In other words, if .\'(x) ~ 0, the cancellation process still leads to a
correct result, as Stolz pointed out. However, it seems wildly improbable that an example of
either kind will occur in practice, especially for limits at a finite point. Differentiable functions
with infinitely many changes of sign in a finite interval are rarely encountered outside notes like
this one; all the less, functions with infinitely many double zeros.
4. History. Guillaume Fran9ois Antoine de Lhospital, Marquis de Sainte-Mesme (1651-1704)
published (anonymously) in 1691 the world's first textbook on calculus, based on John Bernoulli's
lecture notes. He seems to have written his name as above, but it is more familiar as L'Hospital
(old French spelling) or L'Hopital (modern French); I prefer the latter, since it stops students
from pronouncing the s (which Larousse's dictionary says is not to be pronounced).

1. 0. Stolz, Ueber die Grenzwerthe der Quotienten, Math. Ann., 15 (1879) 556-559.
2. _ _ , Grundziige der Differential- und Integralrechnung, vol. 1, Teubner, Leipzig, 1893, pp. 72-84.


Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Queen's Universi~r. Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

Recently in this MONTHLY Dwass [1] and Nelson [3] have discussed finding the distribution of
a sum of two independent Cauchy random variables using the convolution formula with partial

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