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English Communication Arts Series (ECAS)
Eighth Edition
K to 12 Curriculum Compliant

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Grade 10: ECAS through World Literature
Program Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Grade Level Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
Content Standard The students demonstrate understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of express-
ing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
Performance Standard The students compose a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit (Litera-
ture), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)
Unit Number 1
Unit Title The Greco-Roman Legacy
Number of Days 41 days
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Compare new • Seatwork A1 a. Share with a • Discover and
Greek Epics that: insights with previ- • Worktext exercises partner what promote one’s
15 days 1. A hero is honed by ous learning • Pair work and you know cultural heritage
the ideals of one’s EN10RC-If-21 Group work about Greece • Value the legacies
society. • Assignment A1 b. In pairs, recall of ancient
2. Concepts of • Recitation the sharing civilization
heroism are not • Quiz you had on
universal across • Performance Task your previous
time and culture. knowledge
3. History is rooted in about Greece.
the ever-changing After reading
events in one’s the selection,
daily encounters. compare your
4. Despite the new insights
inevitable with your pre-
differences, vious knowl-
respect bridges edge
understanding. A1 c. Study the pic-
ture provided.
and discuss
answers with
a partner
whether it
is related to
Greece or not

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Students will keep A1 d. Go back to
considering the following the reading
questions: about Greece
1. Are epic heroes and notice
really heroic? the texts in
2. How are tragic bold print
heroes “heroic”? and italics.
3. What makes Then, discuss
heroism universal answers to the

Teachers Wraparound Edition

and timeless? questions with
4. How can past a seatmate
events affect what
may happen at A2 Determine the A2 a. Scan the work-
present and in the effect of textual text to identify
future? aids on the under- how textual
5. How important standing of a text aids are used
is respect when EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2 A2 b. In small buzz
unifying two groups, dis-
opposing groups? cuss answers
on questions
about textual
aids. Then, as-
sign a repre-
sentative to
report about
the group
A3/B1 A3/B1
Listen and read ef- a. On a sheet of
fectively paper, draw
- through adjusting sketches/symbols
one’s reading rate or write words/
- through noting phrases to show
routines (signals) knowledge about
when listening ancient Greece,
and reading to be put up on
ECAS10LC-I-1/ the bulletin board
ECAS10RC-I-2/ inside classroom
EN10LC-Ib-4 b. Reread paragraphs
1 and 4 of “Greek
Art and Literature”
and identify the
routines used
c. Read the text “The
Four Cardinal Vir-
tues: Four Aspects
of a Human Being”
and summarize its
contents in two to
three sentences
using the routines

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A3 d./B1 c./B2 a./F2 a.
Practice listening for
information by iden-
tifying and noting
routines from an audio
clip played
B2 Listen for specific B2 b. Scan the
details code to play
ECAS10LC-I-4 an audio clip

Teachers Wraparound Edition

of “Farewell
Hector and
Listen carefully
and note the
specific details
to answer the
set of ques-
tions provided

C1 Evaluate video C1/C2/C3/F1/ E1

presentations a. Scan the codes
EN10VC-Id-25 to view the video
C2 Determine how based on “Farewell
connected events between Hector
contribute to the and Andromache.”
totality of a mate- Then, compare
rial viewed the presenta-
EN10VC-Ia-1.4/2.4 tions on how well
they were able to
portray the scene
between the char-
C3/F1 Evaluate how well
Write a summary from the images and
a video clip the song used
ECAS10VC-I-5/ contribute to a
ECAS10WC-1-6 better understand-
ing of the scene
E1 b. Research on
the character
of Helen of
Troy. Then,
write a one-
of what she
might have
looked liked
b. Scan the code to
view a cartoon
video clip of one of
Odysseus’s adven-
tures. Based on the
clip, write a two- to
summary of the
story line of this
particular adven-
c. In groups, scan
the code to view a
video clip from the
2004 Troy movie of
the conversation
between Priam

Teachers Wraparound Edition

and Achilles.

Discuss and an-
swer the questions
about the video

C1 d./F3 a.
Watch TV and look for
instances of persuasive
speech. Then, report

Teachers Wraparound Edition

observations in class

D1 Get meaning D1 a. Determine the

through context meaning of
clues the underlined
ECAS10V-I-l.1 word in the
sentences by
picking out
the context
clue indicated
D1 b. Scan the
“Odysseus and
for unfamiliar
words. Choose
ten words and
look up their
meaning in
the dictionary.
Then, choose
five words you
will give your
own defini-
tions to
D1 c. Explain the
meaning of
the following
phrases and
use each in a
D1 d. Give six words
based on the
Greek root
astron mean-
ing star

D2 Distinguish formal D2 a. Write F if the

from informal defi- word is a for-
nitions of words mal definition
EN10V-Ia/Ib-13.9 and I for infor-
mal definition
D2 b. Write a formal
definition for
each term
using knowl-
edge from the
dictionary as
basis. Then,
include the
three required
parts: term,
class, and
Then, beside
it write the
dictionary of
the word

Teachers Wraparound Edition

D3 Predicting a char- D3 Work with a part-
acter’s speech and ner to try and pre-
actions in a critical dict a character’s
situation actions in a critical
ECAS10V-I-1 situation. Then,
describe both his/
E1 Evaluate literature her actions and
as a way of speech based on
expressing and the situation given

10 Teachers Wraparound Edition

resolving one’s
personal conflicts

F2 Use routines
(signals) in writing

F3 Identify features of F3 b. Scan a news-

persuasive texts paper article
EN10WC-Ia-lb-1.2.1 and note
the different
features of
F3 c. In buzz
discuss the
strategies of
are commonly
used in media,
then discuss
and whether
they are effec-
tive or not
F3 d./F4 a.
Scan the code to view
an additional input
on writing a composi-
tion, then work on the
given exercise
F4 Write persuasive F4 b. Write short
texts using persuasive
a variety of texts based
techniques/ on the given
features situations us-
EN10WC-Ii-12 ing as many
strategies as
possible. Then,
work with a
partner and
critique each
other’s output
Lesson 2 A1 Determine the A1 a. Study the in- • Critically evaluat-
Greek Drama and Lyric effect of textual formation map ing ancient and
Poetry aids on the under- and fill in the modern beliefs
11 days standing of a text blanks with about predicting
EN10RC-Ia-2.15.2 the correct fate
EN10RC-Ib-2.15.2 answer • Reflect on the
value of truth
A2 Read closely to A2 a. With a partner,
get explicitly and reread the
implicitly stated play excerpt,
information “Agamemnon:
EN10RC-IIf-13.1 Prologue” and
use context
clues to work
out what each

Teachers Wraparound Edition


A2 b./B3 a./G4 a.
Rewrite the speech of
Pericles to suit Filipinos
as audience. Then,
deliver your version
of the speech in class
employing techniques
in public speaking.
Then, discuss with a

12 Teachers Wraparound Edition

group the implicit and
explicit signals used

B1 Show appreciation B1 a./B2 a./G4 b.

for songs, poems, For poetry reading,
and other listening express the appropri-
texts ate emotion as you
EN10LC-Ih-14.3 read the poems (for
girls) “Hymn to Venus”
B2 Determine the and (for boys) “Old
roles of discourse Age.” Then, think of a
markers song that relates with
EN10LC-If-14.2 the message of each
poem. Bring a copy of
B3 Determine the the files and play the
implicit and songs and explain why
explicit signals they match the poems
– verbal and
nonverbal –
used by the
speaker to
highlight sig-
nificant points
E1 Express E1/E2/F2
appreciation for a. Write a one- to
sensory images two-paragraph
EN10LT-Ic-2.2 personal reflection
about the lasting
E2 Understand poetic contribution of
features Greek and Roman
ECAS10L-I-2 literature, culture,
art, and language
on many areas of
one’s life

F1 Identify features of F1 a. Complete the

persuasive texts information
EN10WC-Ib-1.2.1 map about the
“History of the

F2 Compose a F2 b. With a partner,

persuasive text go over the
expressing one’s persuasive
stand on an issue text given to
EN10WC-Ie-12.2 identify the
features of
texts used
F2 c. Write a
three- to five-
persuasive text
based on the
research on
the expression

Teachers Wraparound Edition

G1 Identify the factors Then, compare the
of public speaking original meaning
EN10OL-Ia-3.14 and usage to your
original under-
standing of the ex-
pression and how
it is used today

G2 Describe and G2 a./G4 c.

14 Teachers Wraparound Edition

interpret the ethics Read Pericles’s speech
of public speaking using proper prosodic
EN10OL-Ib-3.15 features of speech for

G3 Describe the G3/H1

techniques in a. Use expressions
public speaking that emphasize
EN10OL-Ic-3.16 to highlight main
G4 Read and deliver a

H1 Understand H1 b. Identify the

functions of functions of
statements each state-
ECAS10G-I-2 ment said by
the characters
in Sophocles’s
Oedipus the
H1 c. Study the
and indicate
statement of
agreement or
to each
H1 d. Weigh the
extracted from
“History of the
War” and de-
fend your side
H1 e. Listen to the
sections of the
speech of the
to the Athe-
nian Assembly.
Then, identify
and write M if
the statement
is a major idea,
S for support-
ing detail, or E
as expressed in
a compound

Teachers Wraparound Edition

H2 Use modal H2/H3
auxiliaries a. Group the follow-
EN10G-If-3.6 ing expressions
based on degree
H3 Use words and of certainty. Then,
expressions that express a fuller
emphasize a point opinion, recom-
EN10G-Ic-26 mendation, or
argument on them

16 Teachers Wraparound Edition

H3 b. With a partner,
reread the play
excerpt “Oedi-
pus Rex: An
Excerpt” and
use context
clues to work
out what each
H3 c. Join the words
in column A
with the words
in column B
to produce
referring to the
Lesson 3 A1 Identify characters A1 a. Skim over the
Early Roman Literature ECAS10RC-I-3a two selections
15 days taken from the
“Histories of
and answer
the questions
about them

A2 Read between A2/A3/G1

the lines (close a. Read the following
reading) parts of the story
EN10RC-IIe-7.3 as indicated with
proper emphasis,
A3 Identify correct tone, and
relationships mood. Then, iden-
among ideas tify the page and
ECAS10RC-I-3b paragraph number
of the statement
to support your

A4 Understand A4/B1/F1/H1
different types of a. Write a short narra-
reading: scanning, tive on what might
skimming, and have happened
close reading and how Troy
EN10SS-IId-1.5.2/ might have been
EN10RC-IIf-13.1 saved based on
the reading from
B1 Show appreciation Virgil. Use reflexive
for songs, poems, and intensive pro-
and other listening nouns to highlight
texts important points
EN10LC-Ih-14.3 in your narrative

Teachers Wraparound Edition

B2 Appreciate and B2/D1/D2
enjoy the sense a. Study the archaic
and melody of meanings of the
poetic passages on words lifted from
love the stanzas of “En-
EN10LC-Ih-14.3 chiridion.” Then,
answer the ques-
tions that follow

18 Teachers Wraparound Edition

B3/C1 B3/C1
Distinguish generali- a. Identify which
zations from specific statements taken
statements from Aeneas are
EN10LC-Ig-8.7/ generalized and
EN10VC-Ig-1.5/2.5 specified by writ-
ing G (generaliza-
tion) or S (specific)

B4/C2 B3 b./C1 b./B4 a./C2 a.

Write generalizations Based on this clip that
on a material viewed shows Aeneas leaving
EN10LC-Ig-8.7/ Troy with his father,
EN10VC-Ig-1.5/2.5 and the sack of Troy,
write three specific
D1 Differentiate details and three gen-
nuances in eralizations that stood
meaning of words out the most
D2 Recognize archaic b. Make a cluster
meanings map showing the
ECAS10V-I-3b contributions of
Rome to the world
F1 Compose a F1 b. Copy some
persuasive text lines of poem
expressing one’s on love and
stand on an issue bring them
EN10WC-If-12.3 to class. Then,
write a one- to
personal re-
sponse to the
content of the
F1 c. Decide on a
subject for
a persuasive
text to brain-
storm for and
write a list of
statement of
Then, research
on an oppos-
ing conten-
tions and take
note of the
supports to
make your as-
sertion strong
explained in
a three-para-
graph persua-
sive text

Teachers Wraparound Edition

F2 Formulate a F2 a. Read the
statement of “Enchiridion”
opinion or again and
assertion in your own
EN10WC-lc-le-12.2 words, write
down at least
G1 Perform an oral five values you
interpretative have gleaned

20 Teachers Wraparound Edition

reading from it

H1 Identify and H1 b. Identify and

use reflexive write R if the
and intensive sentence con-
pronouns tains reflexive
EN10G-Ia-27 pronouns and
I for intensive
Program Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Grade Level Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
Content Standard The students demonstrate understanding of how world literatures and other text types serve as vehicles of ex-
pressing and resolving conflicts among individuals or groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, listen-
ing, and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu and extemporaneous speeches.
Performance Standard The students proficiently deliver an argumentative speech emphasizing how to resolve conflicts among individu-
als or groups.

A – RC/SS (Reading Comprehension/Study Skills), B – LC (Listening Comprehension), C – VC (Viewing Comprehension), D – VD (Vocabulary Development), E – Lit (Litera-
ture), F – WC (Writing and Composition), G – OL/F (Oral Language and Fluency), H – GA (Grammar Awareness)

Unit Number 2
Unit Title Early European Literature
Number of Days 58 days
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Analyze and inter- • Recitation A1 a. Present • Bravery
The German Epic that: pret information • Pair Work and research • Heroism
Literature 1. Concepts of good from linear and Group Work findings on • Resilience
31 days and evil and right nonlinear texts • Exercises and Quiz- how medieval • Courage
and wrong can EN10RC-IIa-11/ zes hunting differs • Advantages of
vary across cul- EN10RC-IIb-11.2 • Assignment from today’s skepticism
tures and time. EN10RC-IIc-5.4 • Unit Test hunting using • Respect
2. Many things can • Performance Task a Venn dia- • Perseverance
influence what gram • Loyalty
societies and
individuals believe
about good and
evil and right and

Teachers Wraparound Edition

3. Literature often A1 b. Complete the
reflects what a table with
society believes the necessary
about right and details about
wrong. Literature the number
can also influence of girls and
what a society be- boys in each
lieves about right class/sec-
and wrong. tion in every

22 Teachers Wraparound Edition

4. Concepts of what grade level of
is good and what one’s school
is evil affect what A1 c. Present the
a society and an data gath-
individual believe ered through
about social jus- a line or a bar
tice. graph with
Students will keep labels and
considering the following details
questions: A1 d. Write a short
1. Is good always report based
good and evil on the con-
always evil? ducted popu-
2. Why and how do lation survey
ideas about what
is good and what A2 Recall past read- A2 Relate the present
is evil change? ings with similari- literary selection
3. What effect does ties to the present with other texts
the concept of selection that have similar
what is good/ EN10RC-If-21 story
evil and right/ EN10RC-Ig-21
wrong have on EN10RC-Ih-21
the individual and EN10RC-Ii-21
4. Is a code of con- A3 Discriminate be- A3 Infer the values
duct the ideal ba- tween positive and of the characters
sis for determining negative values and determine
what is right and through close whether these are
what is wrong? reading positive or nega-
EN10RC-IIe-7.3 tive

A4 Employ critical A4 a. Determine

reading which
EN10RC-IIf-13.1 section/s
of the daily
papers is/are
being read
first, second,
third, and so
A4 b. Interpret the
results and
write a short
answer for
each com-
A4 c. Plan a reading
program for a
semester or a
year by filling
out a table
with the nec-
essary details

Teachers Wraparound Edition

C1 Compare a movie C1 Compare the
adaptation to the movie adapta-
original epic tion of the “Ni-
EN10VC-IVa-15 belungenlied” to
its original story
and discuss the
reason/s behind
the discrepan-
cies between the

24 Teachers Wraparound Edition

movie and original

C2 Examine opinions C2 Point the meaning

for bias in a mate- of bias, then iden-
rial viewed tify the characters
EN10VC-IId-26 and the actions
EN10VC-IIe-26 that display bias

D1 Give technical and D1 a. Identify

operational defini- whether the
tions definitions
EN10V-IIa-13.9 to are technical,
EN10V-IIi-13.9 operational,
technical with
an operational
D1 b. Give own
definition of
or each given
D1 c. Conduct an
experiment to
come up with
own opera-
tional defini-
tion of each
given word

E1 Understand the E1 Study what an

opera opera is and know
ECAS10LT-II-l.1 the popular exam-

E2 Draw similarities E2 Do research on the

and differences in medieval custom
themes of featured of hunting to an-
selections swer the compre-
EN10LT-IIg-2.3 hension questions

E3 Explain how the E3 Read examples

elements specific of German epics
to a selection build and expand the
its theme selections through
EN10LT-IIa-14.2 comprehension
EN10LT-IIb-14.2 questions

E4 Explain how a E4 Discuss how

selection may society’s norms
be influenced by influence the idea
culture, history, of good and right
environment, or
other factors

Teachers Wraparound Edition

F1 Formulate claims F1 a. Research for
of fact, policy, and at least five
value examples of
EN10WC-IIb-13.2 claims of fact,
policy, and
value, then
justify the

26 Teachers Wraparound Edition

F1 b. Choose a topic
and formulate
a claim of fact,
claim of policy,
and claim of

G1 Employ appropri- G1 Do Readers

ate pitch, stress, Theater presenta-
juncture, intona- tion of a scenario
tion, etc. through from the “Death of
oral interpretation Siegfried” employ-
tasks ing appropriate
EN10OL-IIa5 prosodic features
EN10OL-IIb-5 of speech
H1 Use expression H1 a. Work with
that affirm or ne- a partner to
gate brainstorm
EN10G-IIe-28 appropriate
EN10G-IIf-28 expressions
EN10G-IIg-28 for situations
EN10G-IIh-28 where one can
EN10G-IIi-28 only partially
agree with a
stated opinion
H1 b. Write own
account of
death using
that affirm
and/or negate

H2 Observe correct H2 Review the defini-

grammar when tions and correct
making definitions any grammatical
EN10G-IIa-29 errors

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Lesson 2 A1/C1 A1/C1 • Loyalty
The French Epic Detect propaganda a. Give examples • Heroism
7 days ECAS10L-II-2 of ideas where • Bravery
propaganda has • Courage
been used in the • Accuracy of an
past months information
b. Choose a TV ad • Taking a stand
and identify the • Respect on intel-
propaganda used lectual property

28 Teachers Wraparound Edition

c. Read the pieces
of propaganda
and identify the
technique used

B1 Assess audio and B1/B6

video materials a. Listen to a clip
for unsupported and answer the
generalizations, comprehension
prejudices, and questions
biases b. Watch a video
EN10LC-IIg-13.3 presentation and
EN010LC-IIh-15.3 note the informa-
EN010LC-IIi-15.3 tion that are not
present from the

B2 Assess the effec- B2 Watch a presenta-

tiveness of a mate- tion and discuss
rial viewed listened the comprehen-
to according to the sion questions
speaker’s purpose
B3/H1 B3/H1
Use discourse markers a. Match the modal
to signal functions of functions with the
statements sentences
EN10LC-If-14.2/ b. Identify whether
EN10G-If-li-3.6 each underlined
word or phrase is
performing the
contact (C) or the
metalinguistic (M)

B4/H2 B4/H2
Identify cause and ef- Identify whether the
fect relationships underlined clause is
EN10LC-If-14.2/ the cause (C), the ef-
EN8G-IIa-9 fect (E), or the purpose

B5/E1/H3 B5/E1/H3
Use correct grammar Study the sentences
with connectives and underline the
EN10LC-If-14.2/ word/s in the paren-
EN10LT-IId-2.2.2/ theses to complete the
EN8G-IIa-9 sentences

B6 Determine unsup-
ported generaliza-
tions and exag-

Teachers Wraparound Edition

C2 Use one’s previous C2 Watch a three-
experience as scaf- minute video sum-
fold to the mes- mary of the “Song
sage conveyed by of Roland” and
a material viewed assess its faithful-
EN10VC-IIg-27 ness to the written

E2 Explain how a E2 Discuss the differ-

30 Teachers Wraparound Edition

selection may ent aspects that in-
be influenced by fluence the theme
culture, history, of the literary
environment, or selections tackled
other factors

E3 Evaluate articles E3 Choose articles

and/or pieces of that address reso-
literature as a vehi- lution of conflicts
cle for expressing between and
and resolving con- among individuals
flicts between and and groups and
among individuals note the exposito-
and groups ry, descriptive, and
EN10LT-IIi-19 narrative elements
in each as well as
its contributions in
constructing the
F1 Learn and use F1 a. Pronounce
French words each French
ECAS10WC-II-2 word with
the help of a
dictionary app
F1 b. Give the
meaning of
each French
F1 c. Supply the
correct French
word to
complete the

F2 Understand ar- F2 a. Evaluate how

gumentation and each introduc-
debate tory passage is
EN10WC-IIa-13.1/ and point out
EN10WC-IIc-13.3 the specific
method con-
ciliation used
and any defect
that it may
F2 b. List observed
facts that can
lead to certain

Teachers Wraparound Edition

F3 Compose an argu- F3 Write an argumen-
mentative essay tative essay that
EN10WC-IIh-13 expresses resolu-
EN10WC-IIi-13 tion of conflicts
between and
among individuals
and groups using
the expository,
descriptive, and

32 Teachers Wraparound Edition

narrative elements
in constructing the

F4 Learn about adver- F4 a. Determine

tising which head-
ECAS10WC-II-2 lines of adver-
tisements have
(D) appeal and
emotional (E)
F4 b. With a group,
discuss how
each adver-
uses a certain
appeal or
F4 c. Evaluate the
appeal of a
chosen radio
or TV commer-
cial to con-
vince potential

H4 Observe correct H4 a. Answer the

grammar when questions to
making definitions decode the
EN10G-IIa-29 meaning of
EN10G-IIb-29 the italicized
EN10G-IIc-29 words
EN10G-IId-29 H4 b. Generate own
of the focus
words while
observing cor-
rect grammar
Lesson 3 A1 Acknowledge A1 a. Practice col- • Open-mindedness
The European Renais- sources lecting citation • Humor amidst of
sance Prepare a bibliog- information adversity
20 days raphy by noting the • Resilience
EN10SS-IId-1.6.3 necessary • Uniqueness
information • Respect differenc-
of the current es on perceptions
school text- and views

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A1 b. Come up with
a bibliogra-
phy using
the compiled
sources and
include one In-
ternet source

34 Teachers Wraparound Edition

A2 Use writing A2 Check the bibli-
conventions to ography of a book
indicate acknowl- whether it reflects
edgment of source the basic conven-
EN10SS-IIe-1.6.4 tions described in
the discussion and
report any discrep-

A3 Use in-text cita- A3 Summarize the

tions findings on the
EN10SS-IIg-1.6.5/ research about
EN10SS-IIf-1.6.6 plagiarism by writ-
ing an operational
definition of the
term and using
in-text citations to
provide credibility
of the definition
A4 Understand par- A4/B1/B2
liamentary proce- a. Hold a meeting
dure to organize a
ECAS10RC-II-3 club
b. Hold a second
B1 Employ analytical meeting to ratify
listening the constitution
EN10LC-IIe-13.2 c. Hold another
EN10LC-IIf-13.2 meeting to elect
B2 Assess whether d. Hold a meeting to
the speaker’s pur- transact business
pose is achieved or such as a class
not picnic, a program,
EN10LC-IIc-15.2 a fund drive, or
a beautification

G1 Participate in a G1 Expand the

panel discussion processes in
ECAS10OL-II-3 organizing a panel

Teachers Wraparound Edition

G2 Use the correct G2 a. Identify the
sound of English kind of each
when delivering beginning of a
speeches speech
EN10OL-IIc-3.11 G2 b. Practice
EN10OL-IId-3.11 choosing and
drafting an
beginning for

36 Teachers Wraparound Edition

a speech with
a partner

G3 Observe the G3/ G4/ G5/ G6

correct stance a. Prepare for an
and proper stage extemporane-
behavior when de- ous speech and
livering a speech deliver it with ease,
to an audience correct stance,
EN10OL-IIe-3.8 and confidence
EN10OL-IIf-3.8 while maintaining
eye contact with
G4 Establish eye con- audience and pro-
tact with the audi- nouncing English
ence when deliver- sounds correctly
ing a speech b. Deliver an argu-
EN10OL-IIe-2.6.2 mentative speech
EN10OL-IIf-2.6.2 with ease, cor-
rect stance, and
G5 Demonstrate con- confidence while
fidence and ease maintaining eye
of delivery contact with the
EN10F-IIg-3.7 audience and pro-
EN10F-IIh-3.7 nouncing English
sounds correctly
G6 Make and deliver
impromptu and
speeches with
ease and confi-

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Program Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Grade Level Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and other text
types for a deeper appreciation of World Literature, including Philippine Literature.
Content Standard The students demonstrate understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as ways of express-
ing and resolving personal conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information, repairing, enhancing
communication public speaking, emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and
intensive pronouns.
Performance Standard The students compose a short but powerful persuasive text using a variety of persuasive techniques and devices.

38 Teachers Wraparound Edition

Unit Number 3
Unit Title Using Short Stories around the World for Resolving Conflicts
Number of Days 49 days
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand A1 Present informa- • Seatwork A1/A4 • Appreciation and
Stories and Storytelling that: tion through • Worktext exercises a. Study the pic- respect for various
25 days 1. Actual events, nonlinear texts • Pair work and tograph of the culture, beliefs,
even historical EN10RC-IIc-5.4 Group work countries that lead traditions, etc.
ones, do not have • Assignment in the production • Love and service
a single fixed • Recitation of cattle. Then, an- for one’s country
meaning. It is the • Quiz swer the questions • Preservation of
storyteller who • Unit Test about it cultural heritage
makes mean- • Performance Task • Observe truthful-
ing out of those A1 b./A6 a./H1 a. ness at all times
events. In groups, prepare a
2. Once told (or writ- recap on pronouns
ten), stories can using any type of non-
be read in many linear texts (concept
ways, which might map, chart, etc.). Then,
be different from prepare oral drills and
the meaning the written exercises for
author intended. the class to answer
3. Every person A2 Understand illus- A2 a. Match each
is both a story- trations pictured
teller and a story EN10RC-IIb-11.2 dance to its
reader. He/She name
can choose the
story he/she tell A2 b./A5 a./A6 b.
of the life he/she Explain the illustrations
has led so far, and of the kinds of root
can choose the systems by comparing
story one will tell them and identifying
for the rest of his/ the parts
her life by the ac-
tions he/she will A3 Approach text via A3 a./A7 a./E1 a./E4 a./
take. personal sig- G3 a./H1 b.
nificance to the In pairs, retell chosen
Students will keep con- reader (reader- fairy tale without
sidering the following response) naming the characters
questions: EN10RC-lllf-2.18 using only pronouns.
1. Does a single EN10RC-lllg-2.18 Afterward, guess the
event (or a set of titles of the stories
events) contain
only one story? A3 b./A4 b./A7 b./C1
2. Do stories only a./C2/E1 b./E4 b.
have one correct In groups, scan the
meaning? code to view the video
3. What story would clip and analyze the
you tell about elements of a short
your life? story used

A3 c./A4 c./A7 c./A8/E1

c./E2 a./E4 c.
Write a short insight
on resolving conflicts
learned from the story,
“Our Lady’s Juggler”

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A3 d./A4 d./C2 a./F1 a.
In groups, scan the
code to view the
animated short video.
Then, work on writing
dialogues for the video

A3 e./A6 c./D1 a./E4 d./

40 Teachers Wraparound Edition

H2 a.
Go over “The Lottery
Ticket” again and iden-
tify instances of the
three most common
structures of modifica-
tion: adjective-noun,
adverb-verb, and
noun-noun pairs

A3 f./A6 d./A9/E3 a./

H2 b.
On a sheet of paper,
write a composition
stating what you
would do if you did
win in one lottery
game with several mil-
lion pesos as jackpot.
Make your descriptions
come alive by using
different structures of
A3 g./A4 e./A7 d./E1 d./
E4 e.
Analyze the selection,
“Adios, Cordera!”

A3 h./E5 a./G3 b./G5 a.

Listen as a classmate
reads samples of sen-
sory details from the
selection “My Donkey
and I.” Then, mark on
a paper as to which
of the five senses a
sample belongs to

A4 Analyze texts via A4 f./G5 b.

logical connection Listen carefully to the
ECAS10RC-III-1 paragraph on root sys-
tems and answer the
A5 Explain illustra- questions or fill in the
tions from linear blanks with answers
to nonlinear texts lifted from the para-
and vice versa graph read
A4 g./A7 e./E1 e./E4 f.
With a partner, choose
a fairy tale and identify
the elements of the

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A6 Approach text via A6 e./D2 a./E6 a.
structuralist analy- Recall discussions
sis about similes by an-
EN10RC-IIIa-22.1 swering the questions
about it. Then, write
A7/E1 the objects compared
Explain how the ele- in the similes
ments of a story build
its theme and how A6 f./G1 a./G2 a./G7 a./

42 Teachers Wraparound Edition

it may be influenced G8 a./G9 a.
by culture, history, Write and deliver a eu-
environment, or other logy for a close relative
EN10LT-IIIe-3/ C2 a./G4 a./G5 c.
EN10LT-IIIf-3/ Go online and look
EN10RC-IIIe-22.5 for videos showing
samples of roast and
A8/E2 toast speeches. Watch
Evaluate literature as the samples and note
a source of wisdom observations
when expressing and
resolving conflicts
between individuals or
groups and nature

Extract the author’s
C1 Predict a story
line from a video

C2 Evaluate the accu- C2/G4

racy and effective- b. In a small buzz
ness of the infor- group, talk about
mation contained the videos on toast
in the material and roast speech-
viewed es and compare
EN10VC-IIIg-10 observations.
EN10VC-lllc-10 Together, evaluate
the effectiveness
D1 Form verbs into and accuracy of
nouns using the the information
suffix -ment gathered

D2 Understand and
use similes

E4 Understand the
short story (its
definition and its

E5 Note sensory de-


Teachers Wraparound Edition

E6 Explain literary
devices used

F1 Write dialogues

G1 Understand and
prepare a eulogy

44 Teachers Wraparound Edition


G2 Use the correct

stage stance and
behavior when
delivering a eulogy

G3 Identify storytell-
ing techniques

G4 Understand,
prepare, and give
roast and toast
EN10OL-llla- IIIb-3.8/

G5 Listen to note and

evaluate informa-
G6 Prepare and give G6 a./G7 b./G8 b./G9 b.
welcome and With a partner, give a
closing remarks, welcome address and
and introducing a closing remark for a
speaker supposed event you
EN10OL-IIIe-3.9/ will organize

G7 Deliver special
speeches for differ-
ent occasions

G8 Employ the ap-

propriate prosodic
features of speech

G9 Produce the
sounds of English
correctly and ef-

H1 Use pronouns ef-


H2 Use structures of

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Lesson 2 A1 Analyze the ele- A1 a. Analyze the • Acceptance and
The Elements of a ments of a short setting in respect for differ-
Short Story story “Creole De- ences
24 days ECAS10RC-III-2a mocracy” • Live a life without
A1 b. Create a story regrets
map for the • Respect for one’s
selection rights
“The Neck-
lace” using

46 Teachers Wraparound Edition

the format

A1 c./A2 a./A3 a./A4 a.

Identify the points of
view from which the
following stories were

A1 d./A3 b.
Analyze the character
in “Platero and I”

A1 e./C1 a./F3 a.
With knowledge on
the different literary
criticism frameworks,
scan the code to view
the video and try to
assess what framework
it uses for the review.
Mention specific ele-
ments in the review
to support the assess-
A1 f./A3 c.
Do a character analysis
of Mathilde by com-
pleting the chart

A1 g./A6 a./C b./E2 a./

F3 b.
Draw similarities and
differences from the
featured selections in
the unit relative to the
theme “Short Stories
as Source of Wisdom in
Expressing and Resolv-
ing Conflicts between
Individuals or Groups
and Nature.” Then,
choose a selection and
compose a critique for
that selection. Make
sure to acknowledge
the sources you used
as reference

A2 Identify verbal A2 b./A3 d./G1 a./

relationships G2 a./G3 a.
ECAS10RC-III-2b Choose from the
writers studied in the
unit and develop an
effective introduction
for him/her. Use the
given overviews for
details. Then, be ready
to deliver it in class

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A2 c./A6 b./D1 a./F1 a.
Explain the use of the
italicized idiomatic
expression. Then, use
each in a sentence

A2 d./D1 b.
Match the word pairs
in column A with

48 Teachers Wraparound Edition

the relationships in
column B by drawing
connecting lines

A2 e./D1 c.
Choose the correct
word pairs that are
connected to each
other to create an anal-
ogy. Then, explain in
class their relationships

A3 Identify gender A3 e./A4 b.

relationships of Retell the story of “The
characters Necklace” from the
EN10RC-IIId-22.4 limited third point of
view of the husband

A3 f./A6 c./C c./F3 c.

Go online and research
for examples of differ-
ent types of critiques.
Note observations and
be ready to talk about
them in small buzz
A4 Identify the point A4 c./A5 a./F2 a.
of view of a story Pretend as a script-
ECAS10RC-III-2c writer for a play who
is converting the last
A5 Retell a story from part of the story “The
a different point of Necklace” into a script.
view Then, present the
ECAS10RC-III-2d script in class

A6 Acknowledge

C1 Evaluate the infor-

mation contained
in the material
viewed for literary

D1 Write expanded D1 d. Look for the

definitions meaning of
EN10V-IIIa-13.9 each French
EN10V-IIIb-13.9 word

Teachers Wraparound Edition

D1 e./E2 b.
Look up the meanings
of the South American
words from the selec-
tion “Creole Democ-
racy” in the dictionary.
Then, find words in
Filipino and English
that have the same

50 Teachers Wraparound Edition

meaning as the words

D1 f./E2 c.
Look up the formal
definition of the term
“democracy” in a dic-
tionary. Then, write an
expanded definition
of it based knowledge
about the term as well
as personal beliefs

E1 Extract the E1 a. In the fore-

theme going story,
EN10LT-IIId-14.2 extract the
theme by
E2 Evaluate literature answering the
as a source of question
wisdom to express
and resolve con-
flicts between indi-
viduals or groups
and nature
F1 Use expressions for
giving opinions

F2 Change parts of a
story into a script

F3 Compose an inde-
pendent critique
of a chosen selec-

G1 Introduce a re-
source speaker

G2 Employ the ap-

propriate prosodic
features of speech

G3 Produce the
sounds of English
correctly and ef-

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Program Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of literature and
other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
Grade Level Standard The students demonstrate communicative competence through their understanding of Philippine Lit-
erature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture.
Content Standard The students demonstrate understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as instru-
ments to resolve social conflicts, also how to use the language of research, campaigns and advocacies.
Performance Standard The students competently present a research report on a relevant socio-cultural issue.

52 Teachers Wraparound Edition

Unit Number 4
Unit Title Appreciating Poetry and Other Literary Types
Number of Days 53 days
Core Understandings
Topics Competencies Assessments Activities Values Integration
and Core Questions
Lesson 1 Students will understand B1 Listen to recognize • Recitation B1/E2 • Creativity
Poetry that: information to • Pair Work and a. Fill out a chart with • Happiness
19 days 1. We can learn to review and update Group Work one’s prior knowl- • Contentment
interpret by study- knowledge • Exercises and Quiz- edge about poetry • Bravery
ing literary devices EN10LC-IVa-16 zes b. Listen to an audio • Courage
such as figurative • Assignment clip on the ele- • Deep love be-
language, musical • Unit Test ments of po- tween a father and
devices, symbol- • Performance Task etry and fill out the a child
ism, theme, and chart with defini- • Fairness
tone that poets tions/descriptions • Justice
use to convey • Sympathy
messages. E2 c. Identify the • Great understand-
2. No form of litera- poetic ele- ing for the masses
ture is better than ments of a
others. A writer chosen poem
determines what
form is best for
his/her message.
3. The information B2/E1 B2 b. / E1 a.
we gather from Identify and appreciate Classify the poems
our research may the different kinds of either Lyric or Narrative
not always be poetry B2 b. / E1 b.
credible, relevant, Paraphrase and sum- Paraphrase and sum-
or unbiased. It marize poetic passages marize the passages
is important to EN10LC-IIIg-14.3
seek out different EN10LT-IVa-2.2.2
points of view to EN10LT-IVb-2.2.2
create a balanced
understanding of a E2 Identify the ele-
topic. ments of poetry
Students will keep con- EN10LT-IVb-2.2
sidering the following
questions: E3 Express appre- E3 Describe what
1. Can we really fully ciation for sensory one has visualized
understand poetry? images about the content
2. What is the best EN10LT-IVa-2.2.1 of the descriptive
form of literature? passages
3. Are all pieces of
research informa- E4 Explain literary E4 a. Identify the
tion equally useful? devices used sense in a
EN10LT-IVb-2.2.2 poem
E4 b. Determine
how effective
meter is when
analyzing a
E4 c. Analyze how
sound of
poetry help
to deliver the
message of a

Teachers Wraparound Edition

E5 Determine tone, E5 a. Choose the
mood, technique, words that
and purpose of the sound pleas-
author ant and those
EN10LT-IVc-2.2.3 that sound
E5 b. Identify the
moods in
which each

54 Teachers Wraparound Edition

statement is
E5 c. Deepen
with the use
of imagery
and mood of
E5 d. Pick out the
images in
a selected
stanza, decide
whether they
are details of
sight, sound,
hearing, smell,
or taste, and
come up with
a word or
phrase that
tells the main
idea of the
E6 Identify the figures E6 Decide on the
of speech two things being
EN10LT-IVb-2.2.2 compared in each
of the metaphors
and similes state-
ments and deter-
mine if the image
is effective

G1 Produce the G1 Conduct a Choral

sounds of Eng- Recitation of a
lish correctly and poem
effectively when

G2 Use the correct G2 a. Identify

prosodic features the adjec-
of speech when tives used
reading a poem to describe
Describe rhythmic the rhythmic
patterns pattern of the
EN10OL-IVe-5 passages
EN10OL-IVf-5 G2 b. Read aloud a
poem, em-
phasizing the
basic rhythm
of the poem

Teachers Wraparound Edition

Lesson 2 A1 Prepare the re- A1 a. Watch a • Credibility
The Essay and the search paper video and take • Reliability
Research Paper EN10SS-IVe-2.3 down notes • Resourcefulness
15 days EN10SS-IVh-2.3 the steps on • Perseverance
EN10SS-IVi-2.3 how to start a • Optimism
research paper • Patience
A1 b. List five pos- • Duties to one’s
sible topics family
for a research • Women’s rights

56 Teachers Wraparound Edition

report • Patriotism
A1 c. Read the top- • Equality
ics and deter-
mine whether
it is too broad
or narrowed in
A1 d. Narrow down
the topics

A2 Get vital informa- A2 Get information

tion from various from credible cites
websites on the such as websites
Internet of the govern-
EN10SS-IVb-1.7 ment, universities,
reputable media
outlets, and online
dictionaries and
A3 Prepare an anno- A3 a. Prepare an
tated bibliography annotated
EN10SS-IVg-1.6.3 bibliography
of at least five
sources of
about the
research topic
A3 b. Make an an-
notated list of
two nonfiction
books on the
topic of one’s
A3 c. Write AL or AT
to tell which
book is being
referred to in
the statement

A4 Use various A4 a. Use the card

references and catalog to
acknowledge search for
sources properly the resources
ECAS10SS-IV-1 needed for the
A4 b. Use the ency-
clopedia for
the research

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A4 c. Get a newspa-
per in English
and write an
list of three
articles or
A4 d. Get informa-
tion from

58 Teachers Wraparound Edition

resources per-
sons through
an interview
A4 e. Have at least
five sources
(reading sourc-
es or inter-
view) for the
research paper
and include
at least one
direct quota-

A5 Distinguish facts A5 Delineate the dif-

from beliefs ference between
EN10RC-IVd2.13 facts and beliefs
and determine
when to cite a
belief in a research
A6 Evaluate the accu- A6 Assess the accu-
racy of information racy and credibility
EN10RC-IVe-15.1 of the information
that will be cited in
the research paper

A7 Synthesize essen- A7 a. Organize all

tial information the informa-
and draw conclu- tion collected
sions about an and use only
issue those relevant
EN10SS-IVc-1.8/ to the research
EN10RC-IVf-2.12 paper
A7 b. Draw conclu-
sions and
take a stand
based on the
ordered infor-

A8 Follow the cor- A8 Study the format

rect format for of endnotes en-
the endnotes and tries and apply it to
bibliography the research paper

D1 Get familiar with D1 Match the research

technical terms terms with their
used in research meanings
EN10V-IVa-30 to

Teachers Wraparound Edition

F1 Understand the F1 a. Choose the
essay more appro-
ECAS10WC-IV-1 priate title for
a given topic
F1 b. Identify the
sentences that
can be found
in an informal

60 Teachers Wraparound Edition

F1 c. Write a first
of an essay
using any of
the suggested

F2 Expand ideas F2 a. Prepare an

using principles outline for the
of cohesion and research paper
coherence F2 b. Study a sam-
EN10WC-IVa-14.1.1 ple skeleton
EN10WC-IVf-14.1.1 outline and
answer the
sion questions
Lesson 3 A1 Learn about radio A1 a. Find two to • Modesty
Other Literary Types plays three people • Humility
19 days ECAS10RC-IV-2a who listened • Discipline
and are still lis- • Learning from a
tening to radio historical account
plays and ask • Courage
them about • Bravery
their experi- • Heroism
ence • Peace
A1 b. Describe the • Unity
advantages • Faith
and disadvan- • Determination
tages of listen- • Creativity
ing to radio
plays versus
watching TV

A2 Understand the A2 a. / C2
drama Watch a radio play
ECAS10RC-IV-2b presentation and
evaluate it according
to the elements of
drama and assess its
success on how well
one understood the
story and how much
one enjoyed it

A2 b. / B1 / C1
Answer the compre-
hension questions and
sketch a floor plan of
the stage

Teachers Wraparound Edition

A3 Understanding the A3 Take any novel and
novel analyze it accord-
ECAS10RC-IV-2c ing to the literary
standards of a

A4 Understand his- A4 Expand a sample

torical account historical account
ECAS10RC-IV-2d with the help of

62 Teachers Wraparound Edition

B1/C1 questions
React intelligently and
creatively to a video

C2 Appraise elements
of a radio play in
a material viewed
to achieve the
author’s purpose

F1 Write news and F1 a. Identify the

feature articles different
ECAS10WC-IV-2a features of a
F1 b. Cut out a news
item from a
F1 c. Convert a his-
torical account
into a news
F1 d. Write a feature
article about
the important
people during
the People
Power Revolu-
F1 e. Make a head-
line for the
news article
about the
People Power

F2 Write a film review F2 a. Answer the

ECAS10WC-IV-2b questions em-
bodying the
role of a movie
F2 b. Write a movie
review of a
chosen film or
a TV show

Teachers Wraparound Edition

F3 Write a book re- F3 Write a book
view review of a chosen
ECAS10WC-IV-2c book

G1 Deliver a self-com- G1 Deliver a five-

posed campaign minute campaign
speech on advoca- speech to per-
cies, social issues, suade the audi-

64 Teachers Wraparound Edition

and concerns ence to take ac-
EN10F-IVh-16 tions favorable to
EN10F-IVi-16 one’s stand while
observing the
prosodic features
of speech and the
guidelines for de-
livering speeches

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