The Glaucoma Handbook PDF
The Glaucoma Handbook PDF
The Glaucoma Handbook PDF
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1 | Introduction
I would like to welcome you to the fifth edition of Perimeter (HEP) shortly which continues in the quest
the Glaucoma Handbook, a publication developed un- for early perimetric detection of glaucomatous damage.
der the auspices of the Optometric Glaucoma Society Whether the HEP perimeter is a step forward will not
(OGS). This handbook is meant to serve as a guide to be known for several years. Another new functional
the diagnosis and management of glaucoma and is not test under development is pupil perimetry, which is an
an exhaustive review. The material includes a review objective method to assess central vision and reduces
of basics in regards to glaucoma diagnosis and therapy patient involvement. Similar to the HEP, it will take
while providing new insights into the condition. Our several years before we know if this will be a viable test.
goal with each new edition is to keep the material In regards to therapeutics, we are anxiously waiting for
fresh and up-to-date. In certain sections, there is new the next class of drugs. It has been several years since
information while all chapters have been updated. Glau- a new glaucoma drug was made available with combina-
coma diagnosis and management is in an evolutionary tion drugs being the most recent addition to glaucoma
phase with small improvements occurring. In regards medical therapy. Glaucoma surgery is evolving, however
diagnosis, spectral domain OCTs have been available for slowly, with the quest for procedures that reduce IOP
18 months with several companies now building these with fewer complications.
devices. When first launched, OCT analysis schemes used I would like to thank the members of the OGS for
older methods to assess the data such as TSNIT curves their support and help in developing these materials.
and optic disc cross-sectional cuts. The 3-D cube of data I would like to recommend the OGS electronic journal,
was not utilized except visually but this is now chang- which is available free of charge. It comes out quarterly
ing with new schemes being developed to evaluate this and covers many different aspects of glaucoma. One may
huge amount of data. On the cover are images taken sign up for this at
with the Carl Zeiss Meditec, inc. Cirrus Spectral OCT that On behalf of the OGS, I would like to thank our team of
provide examples of where imaging is going. Imaging of authors who contributed to this effort. I would also like
both the anterior and posterior segment are available, to thank Karen Fixler, Ravi Pherwani, Tom Wright and
with resolution not previously possible in commercial Jill Burdge from Pfizer for their continuing support of
instruments. In these examples, the angle and optic disc the OGS, and specifically for the unrestricted grant that
from a healthy individual are seen along with an image allowed us to continue with this publication. We hope
of optic disc drusen. The spectral OCTs are evolving as that you find this handbook useful.
both the Cirrus and RTVue can also image the anterior
segment, and software for glaucoma progression is avail- Murray Fingeret, OD
able on several instruments. Executive Vice-President, Optometric Glaucoma Society
We should see the release of the Heidelberg Edge Editor, The Glaucoma Handbook