DEPOX Product Description
DEPOX Product Description
DEPOX Product Description
DEPO/X is a Central Securities Depository (CSD) system designed to support registry, clearing and
settlement operations as well as closely related business areas like statutory reserves, auctions, etc.
DEPO/X supports all models of DvP via an interface with any payment systems (e.g. via S.W.I.F.T).
The System is based on a modern component-based business process driven approach. It offers the
full functionality of Securities Settlement system with integration into Financial Market infrastructure.
DEPO/X may be integrated with CMA’s packaged applications like RTS/X (RTGS system) to provide a
fully integrated depository and settlement system for in-union financial market.
● Message exchange with Participants via DEPO/X solution consists of following major
Secure Extranet or SWIFT network; components:
● Routing of answers and unsolicited
messages to Participants; ● DEPO/X Central Node is responsible for
● Processing of messages (Instructions, CSD system functionality;
non-financial messages etc.) received from ● DEPO/X Participant’ platform provides
Participants; Participants’ access to the system. This
● Managing of Participant’s accounts; platform may have different configurations
● Queuing facilities; (GUI-based, API-based, mixed etc.) to
● Settlement facilities; fit needs of a particular Participant and
● Maintenance of participant directory and generally consists of Transaction platform
static data; to provide transaction message exchange,
● Interaction with Central Bank internal and Monitoring platform used for monitoring
systems; and control purposes from Participant’
● Report generation; perspective;
● DEPO/X Central Bank transaction
platform that provides GUI to Central Bank System at the secondary site is identical to the
personnel responsible for transaction primary site in all aspects except high availability
message exchange with a system; and redundancy. Our experience of implementing
● DEPO/X Central Bank administration and supporting similar mission-critical settlement
platform that provides GUI for full control systems proved that redundant configuration
and monitoring of the system. should not be provided for the backup site: it is
● Network communication component not cost-effective to provide backup for backup.
provides information exchange between System at the secondary site provides backup for
Central Node and Participant’s sites via the case of disaster or major failure in the primary
Primary and Backup delivery channels like site or other contingency cases.
Secure Extranet and/or via SWIFT
network. To cater for disaster, the infrastructure is designed
such that the business operation can be resumed
Scalability with minimal data loss in case of disaster. In
addition, it is designed in ways that switch over
DEPO/X system uses multitier architecture: from primary site to disaster recovery site and vice
versa can be achieved within very short period of
● 1st Tier – database level, represented time. Typically such a switch requires ten to fifteen
by Oracle RDBMS, responsible for data minutes after IT and operations staff arrives to
management, backup site.
● 2nd Tier – application level, represented
by DEPO/X Core software, responsible for Business Continuity
core system functionality,
● 3rd Tier – presentation/access level, A continuous operation of the system is a key
represented by Gateway software and Web objective from the point of view of business-process
server that provides web access to DEPO/X reliability. In order to follow this objective, there is
system. a set of measures intended to increase system
fault-tolerance. Impact of software and hardware
All components can be installed on one or several failures can be reduced or eliminated by means
servers. For DEPO/X system each tier will be of creation of the backup copies, redundancy and
installed on dedicated server. Such approach mutual backup of the hardware equipment. These
allows building easy-scalable system as each measures are described below.
level supports scalability to increase overall
system performance. The Bank can increase Proposed solution uses both built-in features of
system performance in future by increasing DEPO/X application software and infrastructure
number of servers for each or particular level or support (such as high available cluster, redundant
upgrading servers that are used for integration hardware, disaster recovery solution) to eliminate
system. single points of failure and provide availability
level superior to 99,9%. Effectiveness of the
Reliability proposed solution for achieving the required
service availability & business continuity is proven
DEPO/X server and network solution is designed by DEPO/X systems in “live” operation.
for redundancy and scalability. There is no single
point of failure within the primary system. The DEPO/X has built-in features to deal with system
components are working in active/passive high failures.
available and active/active load sharing modes.
Specifically for network infrastructure, all network In case of a general fault of the service (such as
switches, routers and firewalls within the primary disaster impacting the Main site), the resumption
site have redundant components for load sharing of service using the backup system in the alternate
and resilience purpose. site requires less than 30 minutes after failover
Central node
Integration Bus
DEPO/X Interfaces
business to external
Administration level systems
Open API
platform Interfaces
to participant
platform systems
Participant`s side
started, assuming availability and commitment ● SWIFTNet Cash Reporting User 2007,
of all the resources necessary for the recovery, 2008;
including Central Bank’s IT staff in the alternate ● SWIFTNet Cash Reporting Provider 2006,
site. 2007, 2008;