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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College

Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Vishwakarma Government Engineering College

Near Visat Three Roads, Visat-Gandhinagar Road,

Chandkheda, Gandhinagar-382424

Instrumentation & Control Engineering Department



Name: …………………………………………………………………

Enrollment no: ……………………………………………………….

2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 1

Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Vishwakarma Government Engineering College

Near Visat Three Roads, Visat-Gandhinagar Road,

Chandkheda, Gandhinagar-382424


This is to certify that

Semester ………….. Roll No……………………
Has satisfactory Completed the Term – Work in Subject within
four walls of lab.
Instrumentation & Control Engineering Department
Date of submission: ……………………………..

Staff in charge ……………. .

Head of department ………………………

2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 2

Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering



1 To study the electrical drive system.

To study the different types of motors for

important parameters.
To obtain speed characteristics of DC
3 motor as function of armature voltage
with No Load and Resistive load.
To Perform the speed control Of
A.C.motor drives.
To observe speed control of DC shunt
motor by MATLAB.

6 Simulation of speed control of DC drive.

Simulation of Single phase fully

7 controlled Rectifier control of separately
excited DC Motor.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

To study the measurement of output voltage

8 of DC drive by varying the duty cycle of
To study the performance of chopper fed DC
motor speed control.
To study frequency controlled induction
motor drive
To study and perform stepper motor control
using 8085 and 8051.

Froward reverse operation of DC motor using

H bridge.

13 Assignment (To study research paper)

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


AIM: To study the electrical drive system.

Drives are employed for systems that require motion control – e.g. transportation system,
fans, robots, pumps, machine tools, etc. Prime movers are required in drive systems to provide
the movement or motion and energy that is used to provide the motion can come from various
sources: diesel engines, petrol engines, hydraulic motors, electric motors etc.

Drives that use electric motors as the prime movers are known as electrical drives. It is estimated
that about half of electricity generated is converted to mechanical energy and this conversion is
performed using electric drives.

There are several advantages of electrical drives:

a. Flexible control characteristic – This is particularly true when power electronic

converters are employed where the dynamic and steady state characteristics of the motor
can be controlled by controlling the applied voltage or current.

b. Available in wide range of speed, torque and power; they are available in mW up to
MW range.
c. High efficiency, low noise, low maintenance requirements and cleaner operation
d. Electric energy is easy to be transported over long distances.
e. Adaptable to various operating conditions: explosive, submerged in liquid, various
types of mounting, etc
f. Can be started instantly and can be fully loaded immediately (no need to warm-up or re-
fuelling the motor)

A typical conventional electric drive system for variable speed application employing multi-
machine system is shown in Figure 1, which also known as the Ward-Leonard system. The
variable speed of the load is obtained by varying the terminal voltage of the DC motor, which is
fed by the DC generator. The AC motor is mechanically coupled to the DC generator and hence
runs at constant speed. Subsequently, the field excitation of the DC generator is adjusted in order
to provide the adjustable DC voltage to the DC machine. If the DC generator voltage is adjusted
to be lower than the back EMF voltage of the DC motor, the ‘motor’ will be operated in

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

regenerative braking mode. In other words, 4-quadrant operation is possible with this
configuration. Obviously, the system is bulky, expensive, inflexible and require regular
maintenance due to the present of the DC machines.

In the past, for constant speed application, induction and synchronous motors were widely. An
efficient variable speed operation of AC motors is only possible if both the frequency and
magnitude of the 3-phase supply voltage are adjustable; unfortunately this is used to be almost



fixed Speed
AC speed DC DC
DC Load
Motor Generator motor

Figure 1. Conventional variable speed electrical drive system

With the advancement in power electronics, microprocessors and digital electronics, typical
electric drive systems nowadays are becoming more compact, efficient, cheaper and versatile.
The voltage and current (magnitude and frequency) applied to the motor can be changed at will
by employing power electronic converters. AC motor is no longer limited to applications where
only AC source is available, however, it can also be used when the power source available is DC
or vice versa.

like other power electronic systems, modern electric drives is a multi-disciplinary

field. The drive systems can be broken into several different research areas, as
depicted in Figure 3.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

• Non-linear control
• Real-time control
• DSP application
• sensors
• Speed sensor less
• Power electronic converters

Figure 3 Multi-disciplinary nature of electric drive system

Components of Electrical Drives

The main components of a modern electrical drive are the motor, power processor, control unit
electrical source and the mechanical load. These components are different from one drive system
to another drive system, depending upon the applications, cost, available electrical source, etc.
These are briefly discussed below.

a) Motors

Motors obtain power from electrical sources. They convert energy from electrical to
mechanical - therefore can be regarded as energy converters. Inbraking mode, the flow of
power is reversed.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Depending upon the type of power converters used, it is also possible forthe power to be fed
back to the sources (regenerative braking) rather than dissipated as heat (dynamic braking).
There are several types of motors used in electric drivesthe choice of the type to be used
depends on applications, cost, environmental factors and also on the type of sources
available. Broadly, they can be classified as either DC or AC motors:

DC motors (wound or permanent

magnet) AC motors

Induction motors – squirrel cage, wound rotor

Synchronous motors – wound field, permanent
magnet Brushless DC motor – require power
electronic converters Stepper motors – require power
electronic converters

Synchronous reluctance motors or switched reluctance motor – require power

electronic converters

a) Power processor or power modulator

Typically, electrical sources are uncontrollable. For instance, if it is an AC source, the

frequency and magnitude are fixed (from the utility company), or maybe both are varying
randomly (such as obtained from wind generator). It is therefore necessary to provide an
interface between the available electrical source and the motor so that the power flow
between the source and the motor, hence the speed of the motor or the torque can be
systematically regulated and controlled -– this is achieved by using power processor or
power modulator. With controllable sources, the motor can be reversed, brake or can even be
operated with variable speed. Conventional power processor (non- power electronics
approached) used, for example, variable impedance or relays.

Shape the voltage or current that is supplied to the motor – these methods are inflexible,
inefficient and have limited control capability. In modern electric drive systems, power
electronic converters are used to shape the desired voltage or current that is supplied to the
motor. The power converters are commonly used to convert one form of electrical power to
another (e.g. AC to DC, DC to AC, etc).
The main advantage of using power electronic converters is because of their high efficiency.
With power electronic converters, characteristic of the motors can be changed at will to adapt
the load requirements. Power electronic converters have several advantages over classical
methods of power conversion, such as :

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

More efficient – since ideally no losses occur in power electronic converters

Flexible – voltage and current can be shaped by simply controlling the switching
functions of the power converter
Compact – smaller, compact and higher ratings solid–state power electronic devices
are continuously being developed – the prices are getting cheaper.
Power electronic converters are typically consists of power semiconductor devices and
passive elements, such as inductors and/or capacitors. The losses in power semiconductor
devices are minimized since they are always operated in either cut-off or saturated modes.
The conversion of electrical power from one form to another can be performed with either
single-stage conversion or multiple-stage conversion.
which one to choose, in general, depends on application requirements, such as control
bandwidth, output voltage or current ripples, cost, etc.



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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering



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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

c) Control Unit

Control unit is used to generate the switching signals to the power switches of the power
converters. The switching signals are generated depending on the control scheme adopted,
which depends on the desired drive performance and the type of motors used. A controller
can be as simple as few op-amps and/or a few digital ICs, or it can be as complex as the
combinations of several ASICs and digital signal processors (DSPs). The controllers can be
constructed from/using:

Analog circuit - which is noisy, inflexible. However, analog circuit ideally can
provide infinite control bandwidth.
Digital circuit – immune to noise, configurable. The bandwidth is obviously limited
that depends on the sampling frequency. Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA)
devices are gaining popularity due to their re-configurable features.
However implementation of sophisticated control algorithm and observers can be
very difficult and complex.

DSP/microprocessor – flexible, lower bandwidth compared to the digital circuit.

DSPs perform faster operation than microprocessors (multiplication in a single cycle).
With a DSP/microprocessor, complex estimations and observers can be easily

Most of the time, the control unit has to be electrically isolated from the power
converters using opto-coupler or pulse transformers, for the following reasons:

• Malfunction in power circuit may damage control circuit if no electrical

isolation is present.
• Safety for the operator – the high voltage and/or high current faulty condition in
the power circuit can be conducted to the control circuit normally maintained by
an operator/user
• Avoid conduction of harmonic to control circuit. Power electronic converters
generate harmonics that can conduct to the control circuit thus interfering with
its operation.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

d) Source

Electrical sources or power supplies provide the energy to the electrical motors. Power
sources can be of AC or DC in nature and normally are uncontrollable, i.e. their magnitudes
and frequencies are either fixed or varying, depending on the sources of energy such as
battery, power utility, fuel cell, etc. Fixed frequency and fixed magnitude AC source is
normally obtained from power utility and can be either three-phase or single-phase; 3-phase
sources are normally for high power applications. In order to efficiently control the motor,
regardless of whether it is a DC or AC source (and depending on the type of the motor), it has
to be regulated using power electronics converters before being fed to the motor. Power
electronics converters typically have poor input power factor and it is sometimes necessary
for the power converters to be operated with high power factor; if this is needed, power factor
correction circuit has to be introduced.

e) Sensors
Sensors for voltage, current, speed or torque are required for closed-loop operation and
protections in electrical drive systems. Signals from these sensors have to be isolated from
the control unit for the same reasons as explained before. Electrical isolation in voltage and
current sensors are obtained using, for example, Hall-ffect sensors/devices. For high
performance drive system, the speed is obtained from high-resolution speed encoders or
resolvers. The terms ‘sensorless drive’ is normally referred to a drive system that does not
need a mechanical speed sensor but rather the speed is estimated using motor terminal
variables i.e. voltages and currents.

There can be several factors that affect the selection of different configuration of electrical
drive system such as:

a) Torque and speed profile - determine the ratings of converters and the quadrant of
operation required.
b) Capital and running cost – Drive systems will vary in terms of start-up cost and running
cost, e.g. maintenance.
c) Space and weight restrictions
d) Environment and location.


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


AIM: To study the different types of motors for important parameters.

Industrial motors come in different verities,

Ac motors
Dc motors

Brushless dc servomotors

Brushless dc motor

Servo motor

Stepper motor

Lines motors

AC motors:

The most common and simple industrial motor is 3 phase ac induction motor is
the 3phase ac induction motor, sometimes known as squirrel cage motor.

a. Simple design:
Simply a series of 3 winding in the exterior stator section with a simple
rotating section (rotor). The charging fluid caused by the 50 to 60 hz ac line
voltage causes the motor to rotate around the axis of motor.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Speed of ac motor depends upon three variables



b. Low cost:
It is a low cost motor requiring more than about ½hp watts of power.ac motors
are preferred for commercial and domestic application 90% of all motors are
ac induction motors. they are found in air conditions, mashers, draggers,
industrial machining blowers etc.

c. Reliable operation:

Simple design results in extremely reliable, low maintenance operation, unlike

cd motor, there are no brushes to remove. If the application is null designed.
In ac motor may not need bearing for more than a decade.

d. Easily found replacement:

The wide use of ac motors has resumed in easily found replacement. Many
manufacturers adhere to either European or American standard.

e. Variety of mounting styles:

Ac motors are available in variety of mounting styles.

Foot mount


Large flange



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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

f. Poor positing control:

Positing control is expensive and equal. A vector drive is veryequaled when
controlling a standard ac motors. Servo motors are more appropriate for this

Dc motors:

The dc motor is one of the earliest motor designed. Today it is the motor of choice
in the majority of variable speed and torque control applications.


A). Easy to understand:

Design of dc motor is quite simple. A permanent magnetic field is earlier

in the stator by either of two means:
Permanent magnets
Electromagnetic windings

At fine horsepower and greater various forms of shunts wound d.c motors
are most commonly used. Those is because the electromagnetic windings
are more cost effective then permanent magnets in this power range.
1. Easy to control speed:

Controlling the speed of dc motor is simple higher the armature

voltage faster the rotation dc motor is designed with variable speed
operation in mind.
2. Easy to control torque:

In brushes dc motor, torque control is also simple since output torque

is proportional to current. If you limit the current, you have just limited
the torque which motor can achieve.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

3. Simple, cheap, drive design:

Variable speed and variable torque electronics are easy to design and
manufacture varying the speed of brushed dc motor requires little more
than a large enough potential large dc drives are available up to
hundreds of horsepower.


Expensive to produce

Physically large

High maintenance

Can’t reliably be controlled at lower speeds

Brushes dc motor:

It is synchronous electric which is produced by direct current and which has a

electrically controlled communication circuit instead of a mechanical
communication system based on brushes.

Two sub types occur:

1) Stepper motor

2) Reluctance

In brushless dc motors the electromagnetic are not mounting instead of the

permanent magnets rotate and the armature remains static. This gets around the problem
of how to transfer current to do this; this brush/commutator assembly is replaced by an
electronic controller. The controller performance the same power distribution found in
brushes dc motor but using solid state circuit rather than a commutator/stator system.

Really a multiphase ac motor, but can control it like a dc motor

using trick.

Like dc motor turned inside out, commutation done on wiring.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Medium construction complexity, multiple fluids delicate magnets.

High reliability.


Driven by multiphase inverter controller.

Sensor less speed control is possible.

High total system cost than for d.c motors.

Servo motors:

Socially category of motors designed for application involving position

control, velocity control and torque. These motors are special in following ways:

Torque mechanical time constant

Lower electrical time constant

Permanent magnet of high flux density to generate the field

Fail safe mechanical brakes

Mechanical time constant in these motors is reduced by reducing the rotor inertia.
Hence, the rotors are belonged structures. These motors come its within fail safe
electromechanical brakes.

D.C. brushed servo motor:

The brush linear servo motor is designed for long stroke since application. It is
ideal for largest direct linear motion without mechanical linkages in closed loop position
backgear. The running permanent magnet brush commutative linear motor consists of a
stationary primary and moving secondary. The stationary primary is a state laminated
within multiple,

Insulated coils. The ends of each coil are connected to commutator bar that is mounted on
an aluminum angle.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

The mounting secondary features multiple permanent magnet and brushes for
commutation. A cable supplies power to the moving secondary mounting holes are
located can both sides the primary and secondary.

The magnetic attractive force between the primary and secondary can be used as a
magnetic preload for the bearing system.


High force

High acceleration

High speed

High repeatability

Self-commutation enables the use of low cost brush type amplifier.

Brushless AC motors:

Also known as permanent magnet synchronous motor, a brushless AC motor is

similar to brushless DC motor in that the magnet field of the motor I supplied by the
permanent magnets rather than by electromagnet used in induction motor.

Stepper motor:

It is brushless electric motor that can circle a full rotation into a large no. of steps.
The motors position can be controlled precisely without any f/b mechanism is similar to
suitable reluctance motor.
A stepper motor is an electromechanical device which connects electric pulse into
discrete mechanical movements. The rotation in discrete step increments when electrical
command pulses are applied in the proper sequence. The motor rotation has general direct
relationships to these applied i/p pulses. The sequence of applied pulses is directly is
directly related to the frequency of i/p pulses and the length of rotation is directly related
to the no. of input pulses applied.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Rotation angles are proportional to input pulse.

Motor has full torque at standstill.

Percale positioning and repeatability of movement since good stepper motors

have an accuracy of --% commutative from step to next.

Excellent response to starting or stopping or reversing.

Very reliable since there are no contact brushes in the motor.

Motor response to digital input pulse provides open loop control, making the
motor simpler and less costly top control.

It is possible to achieve very low speed synchronous rotation which is a load that
is directly coupled to the shaft.

A wide range of rotation speed can be realized as the speed is proportional to the
frequency of the input pulses.

Resonance can occur if not properly controlled.

Not easy to operate at extremely highspeed.

Open loop operation:

One of the most significant advantages of stepper motor is its ability to be
accurately controlled in an open loop s/m. Open loop means no f/b control information is
needed. This type of control eliminated the need of expensive saving and feedback
devices such as optical encoders. Your position sensor is known simply by keeping track
of 2 input step pulses.
Types of stepper motor:
Variable reluctance

Permanent magnet


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Linear motor:
It is essentially a multiphase alternating current electric motor that has its stator.
So that instead of producing a torque it produces a linear force along its length. The most
common mode of operation is as a length force type actuator in which the applied force is
linearly proportional to current and magnetic field (F=qxβ).

Types of linear motors:

Linear low acceleration motor

Linear high acceleration motor

How acceleration motor are suitable for trains and either ground based operation
for transportation application. High acceleration linear motor are quite short and
designed to accurate on object up to a vey

high speed and then release that objects like roller coaster. They are used to study
hypervelocity collisions as weapons. The high acceleration motors are usually of
the linear induction motor with an active 3ϕ winding on one side of the air gap
and a passive conductor place on other side.

Types Advantages Disadvantages Drive Application

AC induction • Least expensive • Rotation slips • Uni/poly phase • Fans

(shaded pole) from frequency AC
• Long life
• Low starting
• High power

AC induction • High power • More expensive • Uni/poly phase • Appliances

(split phase AC
• High starting
inductor) torque
AC • Rotation is • Requires a • Uni/poly phase • Clocks

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
synchronous synchronous controller AC
• Audio
• Long life
• Tap drives

Stepper DC • Principle • High initial cost • Multiphase DC • Positioning in

polishing fillers, printers
• Requires a
and floppy
• High folding controller

Brushes DC • Long life span • High initial cost • Multiphase DC • Hard drives
electric motor
• Low • Requires a • CD/DVD
maintenance controller players

• Electric

Brushes DC • Low initial cost • High • Direct PWM • Treadmill

electric motor maintenance circuits
• Simple speed
control • Low life span • Automobile


2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 21

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


AIM: To obtain speed characteristics of DC motor as function of armature

voltage with No Load and resistive load.


Name Range
DC Voltmeter 0-300V
DC Ammeter 0-20A
DC Ammeter 0-2A
Variable rheostat
Load 0-150Ω
Variable rheostat
Load 0-200Ω
Speed Indicator 0-2000rpm


Any D.C. motor can be made to have smooth and effective control of speed over
a wide range. The shunt motor runs at a speed defined by the expressions.
Where N is the speed,
V is applied voltage,
Ia is the armature current, and
Ra is the armature resistance and Φ is the field flux.
Speed control methods of shunt motor:
1. Applied voltage control.
2. Armature rheostat control.

3. Field flux control.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Applied voltage control:

Present, variable voltage is achieved by SCR controlled AC to DC converter.

In the past, Ward-Leonard method is used for Voltage control method. At unit is used to
control the speed of a motor. In this method, speed control is possible from rated speed to
low speeds.

Panel board:

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

On Panel view:

 Voltage supply meter - (0 to 500v)

 RPM meter - (0 to 1500 rpm)
 Phase selectors
 Field voltage meter (0 to 300v)
 Armature voltage - (0 to 600v)
 Generator field volts - (0 to 300v)
 field current meter - (0 to 5A)
 Armature current meter - (0 to 25v)
 Generator field current meter - (0 to 5v)

Armature rheostat control:

Speed control is achieved by adding an external resistance in the armature circuit. This
method is used where a fixed voltage is available. In this method, a high current rating
rheostat is required.


• Large amount of power is lost as heat in the rheostat. Hence, the efficiency is low.
• Speed above the rated speed is not possible. The motor can be run from its rated speed
to low speeds.


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


a) Armature Voltage Control Method:

Make the connections.

Switch on the supply and increase the voltage gradually to its rated

voltage i.e. 220V.

Gradually decrease the voltage and note down the speed at different
supply voltages.

a) External Resistance Control in the Armature Circuit:

Make the connections .
Keep the External Resistances in the Armature at minimum

resistance position.

Gradually, increase the voltage till the motor attains the rated

Increase the External resistance in the Armature circuit and record

the speed at various armature currents.

Specification of DC motor:
 Rated power-5.5KW
 RPM – 1500 rpm
 Supply voltage- 400v
 Supply current- 1.9A
 Field voltage- 220v
 Field current – 1.47A

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Reference speed of motor- 1000 rpm

Armature Armature
S.No Resistive load(w) Speed(rpm) voltage(v) current(I)
1 0 1000 325 0.5
2 500 970 320 1
3 1000 960 310 1.8
4 2000 950 317 2.3
5 5000 930 300 5

S. No Resistive load(W) Field voltage of Field current of

Generator(V) Generator(I)
1 0 175 1.2
2 500 175 1.15
3 1000 175 1.15
4 2000 175 1.15
5 5000 175 1.15


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Aim: To study speed controlled induction motor drives.

 Induction motor
 Mechanical load tester
 AC motor drives
 Power supply
 AC generator
 Electrical load

How AC Drive Controls Motor Speed

The AC drive provides the frequency and voltage of output necessary to control the speed of an
AC motor, this is done through PWM VFDs. PWM drives produce pulses of varying widths
which are combined to build the required waveform. A diode bridge is used in some converters
to reduce harmonics. PWM drives produce a current waveform that more closely matches a line
source, which reduces undesired heating. PWM VFD have almost constant power factor at all
speeds which is closely to unity. PWM drives can also operate multiple motors on a single VFD.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Thus the carrier frequency is derived from the speed of the power device switch remains ON and
OFF. It is also called switching frequency.

Therefore higher the carrier frequency higher the resolution for PWM contains. The typical
carrier frequency ranges from 3KHz to 4 KHz or 3000 to 4000 times per second as compared
with older SCR based carrier frequency which ranges from 250 to 500 times per second.

Thus it is clear as much as higher the carrier frequency higher will be the resolution of output
waveform. It is also noted that the carrier frequency decreases the efficiency of the VFD because
it led to increase the heat of the VFD circuit.

Benefits of AC drive

 Large energy savings at lower speed.

 Increased life of rotating components due to lower operating speed.
 Reduced noise and vibration level.
 Reduction of thermal and mechanical stresses.
 Lower KVA
 High power factor

AC drive Operation Principle

For understanding the basic principles behind AC drive operation requires understanding
three basic section of AC drive: the Rectifier unit, DC Bus and the Inverter unit.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

The supply voltage is firstly pass through a rectifier unit where in gets converted into AC
to DC supply, the three phase supply is fed with three phase full wave diode where it gets
converts into DC supply.

The DC bus comprises with a filter section where the harmonics generated during the AC
to DC conversion are filtered out. The last section consists of an inverter section which
comprises with six IGBT where the filtered DC supply is being converted to quasi
sinusoidal wave of AC supply which is supply to the ac motor connected to it.

From the ac motor working principle, we know that the synchronous speed of motor
(rpm) is dependent upon frequency.

Therefore by varying the frequency of the power supply through AC drive we can control
the synchronous motor speed:

 Speed (rpm) = Frequency (Hertz) x 120 / No. of poles

 Where:
Frequency = Electrical Frequency of the power supply in Hz. No. of Poles = Number of
electrical poles in the motor stator.
 Thus we can conveniently adjust the speed of an AC motor by changing the frequency
applied to the motor. There is also another way to make the ac motor work on different
speed by changing the no. of poles, but this change would be a physical change of the
motor. As the VFD provides the frequency and voltage of output necessary to change the
speed of a motor, this is done through Pulse Width Modulation VFDs. Pulse width
modulation (PWM) variable frequency drive produces pulses of varying widths which are
combined to build the required waveform.

As the frequency can easily variable as compared with the poles of the motor therefore ac
drives are frequently used.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

How a motor shaft rotates:

Torque is produced as the induction motor generates flux in its rotating field.

This flux must remain constant to produce full-load torque.

As shaft torque load increases, the slip increases and more flux lines cut the rotor windings,
which in turn increases rotor current, which increases the rotor magnetic field and
consequently the rotor torque.

AC motor speed change can be accomplished in three ways:

(1) Change the number of poles in the motor; this means separate windings;

(2) Change the slip characteristics of the motor; this is done with varying resistors, such as
is done with a wound-rotor motor or by varying the stator voltage; or

(3) Change the frequency of the power supplied to the motor. This is the method of choice.

The speed of the rotating electric field within the induction motor.
Synchronous Speed = 120 x frequency .
No of motor poles

Physical Properties

Typically, a Variable Frequency Drive system involves an AC motor, controller, and operator
interface. The three-phase induction motor is most commonly applied to a Variable Frequency
Drive because it offers versatility and cost-effectiveness in comparison to a single-phase or
synchronous motor. Though they can be advantageous in some circumstances, a Variable
Frequency Drive system often utilizes motors that are designed for fixed-speed operation.

Variable Frequency Drive operator interfaces allow for the user to adjust operating speed,
and start and stop the motor. The operator interface might also allow the user to switch and
reverse between automatic control, or manual speed adjustment.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Function of speed control drive circuit:

- Basic function of speed control drives is to maintain speed of motor even if load
varies, to maintain the speed of motor load current should increase or decrease
according to load variation.

Performance objective:
Upon successful completion of this experiment, the student will be able to:
1. Explain the constant speed characteristics of three-phase induction motors.
2. Make the correct connections for a narrow range speedcontrol from applied voltage.

Specification of AC motor:
 rated power- 5.5 KW
 supply voltage- 415v
 supply current- 11A
 phase- 3
 RPM -1450 rpm
 Efficiency- 86%
 IP- 55

Specification of generator:
 Rated power-7.5 KW
 Supply voltage- 415v
 Supply current- 15A
 Frequency- 50 hz
 Speed excitation- 1500 rpm
 Power factor- 0.8
 Phase -3

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Front view of drive panel:

 Phasor indicator(R,Y,B)
 Supply voltage meter( 0- 500v)
 Load ampere meter (0-15A)
 RMP meter (10-1500 rpm)
 Voltage selector (BR,YR,YB)
 Jog mode( jog forward , jog reverse)
 Direction of rotation indicator (forward and reverse)
 Speed pot
 Drive on, off

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Observation table:
Reference speed – 200 rpm

Sr no. RPM Load (kg) Load current(I)

1 200 4 4.5
2 197 6 5.5
3 194 8 6.5
4 189 10 7.03


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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Aim: To observe speed control of DC shunt motor by MATLAB.
Required: 1) P.C (or) Laptop with MATLAB
2) Simulink

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Procedure: 1. Voltage Control Method:
 Connect circuit in MATLAB as per the given circuit diagram.
 Keep the External resistances in the Armature and Fields circuits at minimum
resistance position.
 Run the simulation and increase the armature voltage gradually to its rated
voltage i.e. 220V by using controlled 35 voltage sources.
 Gradually decrease the voltage and note down the readings of speed at different
supply voltages.
 Stop the simulation.
2. External Resistance Control in the Armature Circuit:

 Connect circuit in MATLAB as shown in the circuit diagram.

 Keep the External Resistances in the Armature and field circuit at minimum
resistance position.
 Apply rated voltage to armature and field circuits.
 Run the simulation.
 Increase the External resistance in the Armature circuit and record the speed at
various armature currents, then stop simulation.
3. External Resistance Control in the Field Circuit:

 Connect circuit in MATLAB as shown in the circuit diagram.

 Keep the External Resistances in the Armature and field circuit at minimum
resistance position.
 Apply rated voltage to armature and field circuits.
 Run the simulation.
 Increase the External resistance in the Field circuit in steps and record the speed
at various field currents.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

 Do not exceed the speed above 1800rpm.

 Then Stop simulation.


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Observation Table:

Sr No. Applied Voltage Armature Current (mA) Speed (rpm)

1 120 15.9 112
2 240 12.5 140
3 460 8.25 200
4 500 3.35 260
5 600 2.6 300


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Aim: Simulation of speed control of DC drive.

Simulink Model:

A simulation model of the DC motor drive will be built using the Matlab/Simulink
environment. This assignment aims to familiarize you with basic features of
Simulink and to demonstrate modelling approaches applicable to electric drives.
The objective of the experiment:
1. Model and simulate a DC motor drive in the Matlab/Simulink environment
2. Tune the current and speed controllers using a model-based approach
3. Explain effects of the pulse-width modulation (PWM) on control performance.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

First, a simulation model of the permanent-magnet DC motor will be built. The

following state equations are taken as a starting point,

Ua and the load torque
Tl are the inputs of the model.
The armature current ia and the angular rotor speed Wm are the outputs of the
Waveforms: Wm:

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering



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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Aim: simulation of single phase fully controlled rectifier control of seperately
exicited Dc motor.

The growth in power electronics was made possible with their evolution of
microelectronic in 1970s and 1980s in which the low power IC control chips
provided the intelligence and brain to control the high-power semiconductor
Moreover the introduction of the microprocessors made it possible to apply the
modern control theory to power electronics.
In the last 20 years the rapid growth in power electronics application because of
this introduction of very fast and high-power switching devices engage with the
utilization of state-of –the –art control algorithms.
An electric power can be converted from one form to other form with the help of
Power electronics devices.
The function of the power electronics circuits by using semiconductor devices as a
switch is modifying or controlling the voltage.
The goals of power electronics circuits are to change electrical energy from one
form to other from source to load with highest efficiency high availability and high
reliability with lowest cost, smallest size and weight.

The main objective is to observe the;

1. Motor characteristic for various control circuitry.
2. Develop a suitable control circuit which makes the system more dynamic and

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Mathematical modelling of DC motor:

To analyze the torque speed characteristics, power factor and total harmonics
distortion, the dynamic and steady-state model of separately excited DC motor is
In which Ea is the terminal voltage applied to the motor, Ra and La are the
resistance, and inductance of the armature circuit respectively, Rf and Lf are the
resistance, and inductance of the field circuit respectively, Eb is generated back
emf and Tm is the electromagnetic torque developed by the motor.
A single phase full converter drive offers a two quadrant drive operation and is
limited to applications up to 15kW.
The armature converter gives +Vo or –Vo and allows operation in the first and
fourth quadrant.
The average armature voltage in armature circuit for single phase full converter
drive is given by following Equation.

Circuit diagram:

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Simulink Model:
1) Firing angle 30 with No load

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
2) Firing angle 30 with Full load

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3) Firing angle 60 with No load

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4) Firing angle 60 with Full load

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Sr No. Firing Angle Speed Ia (mA) If (mA)

1 30 at No load 226.5 40 1.4
2 30 at Full 126.3 145 1.5
3 60 at No load 219.8 40 1.5
4 60 at Full 51 151 1.6


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Aim: To study the measurement of output voltage of DC drive by varying the

Duty cycle of chopper.

Components: DC Drive, Chopper,

In electronics, a chopper circuit is used to refer to numerous types of electronic
switching devices and circuits used in power control and signal applications. A
chopper is a device that converts fixed DC input to a variable DC output voltage
directly. Essentially, a chopper is an electronic switch that is used to interrupt one
signal under the control of another.
In power electronics applications, since the switching element is either fully on or
fully off, its losses are low, and the circuit can provide high efficiency. However,
the current supplied to the load is discontinuous and may require smoothing or a
high switching frequency to avoid undesirable effects. In signal processing circuits,
use of a chopper stabilizes a system against drift of electronic components; the
original signal can be recovered after amplification or other processing by a
synchronous demodulator that essentially un-does the "chopping" process.

Comparison between step up and step down chopper:

Sr no parameters Step down chopper Step up chopper

1 Range of output voltage 0 to V volts V to +∞ volts

2 Position of chopper switch In series with load In parallel with load

3 Expression for output voltage VL dc = D x V volts Vo = V/ ( 1 – D ) volts

4 External inductance Not required Required for boosting the output voltage

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

5 Use For motoring operation, for motor load For regenerative braking for motor load.

6 Type of chopper Single quadrant Single quadrant

7 Quadrant of operation 1st quadrant 1st quadrant

8 Applications Motor speed control Battery charging/voltage boosters

Average mode is used for fast simulations, where the high frequency switching
actions of the switches is not required. The Chopper block implements an average-
value half-bridge or full-bridge IGBT converter model. The average-value model
can be one of these types:
 Half-bridge, one-, or two-quadrant DC drive — The converter is composed of one
controlled current source on the DC source side and one controlled voltage source
on the motor side, as shown in the figure.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

The current source allows the representation of the average input current value
following this equation:
Iin = αIout
where α is the duty cycle value of IGBT 1 and Iout the armature current value.
For one-quadrant DC drives, when Iout ≤ 0,
Iin = Iout
The voltage source on the motor side represents the average voltage value
following this equation:
Vout = αVin
For one-quadrant DC drives, when Iout ≤ 0,
Vout = Vin
with Vin being the input voltage.
Chopper Waveform Output:

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Output Waveform:


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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Aim: To study performance of chopper fed D.C motor speed

Chopper Fed DC Motor Control is a technique used to control the

speed of the motor by reducing that is by chopping the fixed DC voltage to
variable DC voltage. Here the four-quadrant chopper method is used that is
four switching devices are used to control the speed of the motor. The motor
speed can be controlled by controlling the duty cycle applied to the switching
devices. The output voltage totally depends on the ON time of the device if
the on time of the switching frequency increases then the output voltage is
also increased.
A circuit diagram of chopper fed to DC motor is as shown in the fig (1). the
motor speed drive can be controlled either by changing control voltage and load
torque would result in change of speed. The basic torque of DC motor is given by

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Fig (2) shows the chopper fed DC series motor drive the armature voltage is
related in control voltage by a linear gain of chopper Kc.
Assuming back emf constant Kc doesn’t change in armature current and remains

The equations are

Ea = Kcer...................(2)
Eb = Kaia-w .................. (3)
Ea = Rmia + Lm dia/dteb ...................... (4)

Td = Kfia2 ......................... (5)

Td = Jdw/dt +Bw +Tl ...................... (6)

Application of transfer function cannot be applied as eq.(5) constant a product

of non-linearity but it can be slowed down by assuming the system in the small
segment at operating point region.
Let us define system parameter around operating point as
Eb =fbo+∆eb; ea=Eao+∆ca
Ia=Iaa+∆ia; Td=Tdo+∆Td
Lo=wo+∆w; er=Ero+∆er;

Recognizing that ∆la (o) and (∆la)2 are very small tending to zero, equation 2
are liberalized as
∆eca = Ke∆er
∆eb = Ka(Iao∆w+wo∆Ic)
∆ca = Rmin = LMdc∆Ia/dt+∆eb
∆td = 2KaIao∆Ia
∆Td = jd(∆w/dt) = B∆w+T∆L

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Transforming of the equation, Laplace transform obtain the B.D. of whole

chopper fed DC motor system and from above conclusion we can say that any
change in either C.V. or load torque, will result in speed change.

Chopper fed DC drives:

 A chopper is a static device that converts fixed DC input voltage to a

variable dc output voltage directly
 A chopper is a high speed on/off semiconductor switch which connects
source to load and disconnects the load from source at a fast speed.
 Choppers are used to get variable dc voltage from a dc source of fixed
voltage. Self-commutated devices such as MOSFET’s, Power transistors,
IGBT’s, GTO’s and IGCT’s are used for building choppers because they can
be commutated by a low power control signal and do not need
communication circuit and can be operated at a higher frequency for the
same rating.
 Chopper circuits are used to control both separately excited and Series

Advantages of Chopper Circuits:

Chopper circuits have several advantages over phase controlled converters

1. Ripple content in the output is small. Peak/average and rms/average current
ratios are small. This improves the commutation and decreases the harmonic
heating of the motor.
2. The chopper is supplied from a constant dc voltage using batteries. The
problem of power factor does not occur at all. The conventional phase
control method suffers from a poor power factor as the angle is delayed.
3. Current drawn by the chopper is smaller than in phase controlled converters.
4. Chopper circuit is simple and can be modified to provide regeneration and
the control is also simple.


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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Aim: To study Frequency Controlled Induction Motor Drive.

Frequency Controlled Induction Motors

In frequency converter drives, squirrel cage motors are usually run within the
range between the peak torques.

The single-phase equivalent circuit of the motor, shown inFigure2, can be

used to obtain equations for the torque T, the peak torque Th and the slip Nn
corresponding to the peak torque. The equations are based on the assumption
that the magnitude of the phase current I1, does not affect the voltage.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Variable Frequency Drive or VFD is the way that enables controlling of the speed
of induction motor by applying varying frequency of AC supply voltage. By
controlling the output AC frequency, it is possible to drive the motor at different
speed based on the requirements.

These are adjustable speed drive largely used in industrial applications such as
pumps, ventilation systems, elevators, machine tool drives etc. It is essentially an
energy saving system. Therefore, the first requirement is to generate sine wave
with different frequency for VFD.
Motor Torque
Motor torque capability is proportional to magnetic flux density in the motor's air
gap. In order to maintain constant torque capability at the output shaft of an AC
motor used as an adjustable speed device, the flux density in the air gap must be
maintained constant over the operating frequency range. Since the motor presents a
highly inductive load to the power supply, its impedance increases directly with
applied frequency. It is necessary, therefore, to increase the applied voltage
indirect proportion to the increase in frequency or increase in speed. Therefore the
ratio of volts to frequency must be kept constant, as shown in the relationship

This ratio is often referred to as Volts/Hertz (V/Hz) and is controlled by the

At low supply frequencies the stator resistance R1 shown in Figure 2 "consumes"
a significant percentage of the supply voltage, and the air gap voltage Uj easily
becomes lower than desired. As shown in Figure3, the effect of the R1 resistance
can be compensated by raising the supply voltage above the linear U1f1 curve at
low frequencies. The compensation required, known as IR compensation, will be
smaller the larger the motor is.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
Within the constant flux range each torque value always corresponds to the same
phase current, regard- less of the frequency. In the equivalent circuit the reactive
current Im and the rotor current I2 remain constant. In addition, the rotor current
has, regardless of the supply frequency, always the same phase displacement in
regard to the air gap voltage.

Output Torque
Squirrel cage motor can best be started by increasing the frequency while
constantly maintaining the slip below the peak slip. This permits a starting torque
equal to the rated torque without using an over sized drive. This type of starting
requires a minimum output frequency of 0.5 to 2Hz, depending on the size of the
motor, and full IR compensation.
Where IR compensation is not used and the machine can only be fed with a current
no higher than the rated current, the starting torque produced by a standard motor
will usually be 45 to 55% of the rated torque. In this case, the motor size or the
temperature has no significant effect on the starting torque achieved.

Figure 2 - Motor Torque

Figure 3 OUTPUT Torque

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering
As shown in Figure2, within the constant flux range the maximum torque is
usually limited by the AC drive. An oversized AC drive will permit the motor-to
deliver a maximum torque above the rated torque.

Motor Loading Capacity-

Figure shows both the torque and the power which is delivered by a typical
adjustable frequency controlled motor in continuous use. The torque curve starts
at 40% of the motor's rated torque and rises to approximately 85% at 55Hz.
This is related to the fact that the motor is self-ventilated and therefore does not
get fully cooled at low speeds. To improve cooling, the motor can be equipped
with a separate cooling fan. Load capacity now follows the broken line shown in
Figure-5.Theseparate fan greatly improves load capacity at low speed.
Conversely, the self-ventilated motor is capable of greater load capacity at speeds
above 65Hz. From this, it is evident that power is related to the actual speed and
the cooling system of the motor.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

As shown in Figure6 a frequency controlled squirrel cage motor drive can, (unless
the cooling fan prevents it),operate in all four quadrants above and below
minimum frequency, i.e.0.5Hz.
A smooth shift into generator operation is accomplished, as it is not necessary to
reverse the direction of the excitation current or of any other current – The shift is
achieved by providing a negative slip. This means that the supply frequency is
reduced to a value lower than would be required by the actual speed. The direction
of rotation is usually reversed by electronic means within the drive.
In the continuous state the torque supplied by the motor depends upon the slip. In
transition states, e.g. when the applied input frequency suddenly increases while
the speed remains constant, the torque will, within a time constant depending on
the motor, assume the value corresponding to then slip. The time constant will
increase for each larger motor output rating.


2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 60

Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

AIM: To Study and Perform stepper motor control using 8085 and 8051.

Stepper Motor
A stepper motor is a device that translates electrical pulses into mechanical
movement in steps of fixed step angle.
The stepper motor rotates in steps in response to the applied signals.
It is mainly used for position control.
It is used in disk drives, dot matrix printers, plotters and robotics and process
control circuits.

Stepper motors have a permanent magnet called rotor (also called the shaft)
surrounded by a stator. The most common stepper motors have four stator windings
that are paired with a center-tap. This type of stepper motor is commonly referred to
as a four-phase or unipolar stepper motor. The center tap allows a change of current
direction in each of two coils when a winding is grounded, thereby resulting in a
polarity change of the stator.
Even a small stepper motor require a current of 400 mA for its operation. But the
ports of the microcontroller cannot source this much amount of current. If such a
motor is directly connected to the microprocessor/microcontroller ports, the motor
may draw large current from the ports and damage it. So a suitable driver circuit is
used with the microprocessor/microcontroller to operate the motor.
Motor Driver Circuit (ULN2003)
Stepper motor driver circuits are available readily in the form of ICs. ULN2003 is
one such driver IC which is a High-Voltage High-Current Darlington transistor array
and can give a current of 500mA.This current is sufficient to drive a small stepper
motor. Internally, it has protection diodes used to protect the motor from damage
due to back emf and large eddy currents. So, this ULN2003 is used as a driver to
interface the stepper motor to the microcontroller.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

The important parameter of a stepper motor is the step angle. It is the minimum
angle through which the motor rotates in response to each excitation pulse. In a
four phase motor if there are 200 steps in one complete rotation then then the step
angle is 360/200 = 1.8O . So to rotate the stepper motor we have to apply the
excitation pulse. For this the controller should send a hexa decimal code through
one of its ports. The hex code mainly depends on the construction of the
stepper motor. So, all the stepper motors do not have the same Hex code for their
rotation. (refer the operation manual supplied by the manufacturer.)
For example, let us consider the hex code for a stepper motor to rotate in
clockwise direction is 77H , BBH , DDH and EEH. This hex code will be applied
to the input terminals of the driver through the assembly language program. To
rotate the stepper motor in anti-clockwise direction the same code is applied in
the reverse order.
Stepper Motor interface- Schematic Diagram (for 8051)

The assembly language program for 8051 is given below.

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Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering


Main : MOV A, # 0FF H ; Initialization of Port 1
MOV P1, A ;
MOV A, #77 H ; Code for the Phase 1
MOV P1, A ;
ACALL DELAY ; Delay subroutine
MOV A, # BB H ; Code for the Phase II
MOV P1, A ;
ACALL DELAY ; Delay subroutine.
MOV A, # DD H ; Code for the Phase III
MOV P1, A ;
ACALL DELAY ; Delay subroutine
MOV A, # EE H ; Code for the Phase 1
MOV P1, A ;
ACALL DELAY ; Delay subroutine
SJMP MAIN; Keep the motor rotating continuously.
DELAY Subroutine
MOV R4, #0FF H ; Load R4 with FF
MOV R5, # 0FF ; Load R5 with FF
LOOP1: DJNZ R4, LOOP1 ; Decrement R4 until zero,wait
LOOP2: DJNZ R5, LOOP2 ; Decrement R5 until zero,wait
RET ; Return to main program .


2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 63

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineerin

AIM: Forward-reverse operation of DC motor using H-bridge.

INTRODUCTION: It would be useful to be able to run a motor in either

direction. That's simple with a motor of the type that's been used in the experiments
thus far. Reverse the DC power connections on such a motor and its shaft will rotate
in the opposite direction. One way to control direction is to use switches arranged in
the following manner:

This configuration is called an H-Bridge due to its shape. Let's say that the motor
runs forward when its + terminal is connected to Motor V+ and its - terminal is
connected to ground. It will run in reverse when the opposite is true. Turn on switch
A and switch D and the motor will run forward. Turn on switch B and switch C and it
will run in reverse. The following table shows all of the possibilities. A 1 means a
switch is on, and a 0 means it's off:

2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 64

A B C D State A B C D State
0 0 0 0 Off 1 0 0 0 Off
0 0 0 1 Off 1 0 0 1 Forward
0 0 1 0 Off 1 0 1 0 SHORT!!
0 0 1 1 Brake 1 0 1 1 SHORT!!
0 1 0 0 Off 1 1 0 0 Brake
0 1 0 1 SHORT!! 1 1 0 1 SHORT!!
0 1 1 0 Reverse 1 1 1 0 SHORT!!
0 1 1 1 SHORT!! 1 1 1 1 SHORT!!

Only a few of the possibilities are needed. In fact, seven of the combinations must be
avoided because they short out the power supply. We can use the forward and
reverse, one of the offs and, optionally, one of the brakes.

The braking action might need a little explaining. A motor's armature will pass
through the fields of the magnets when it is turning, as will the wire that's wound
around the armature. That will induce an electrical current in the wire. Spin the
shaft of a motor and you can measure a voltage at its terminals; it has become a
generator. Short the motor's terminals and you will feel it resist your attempts to
spin the shaft. That's because the magnet that's formed by the current induced in
the armature winding is opposite to that of the motor's field magnet. The opposite
poles attract, resulting in a braking action. Both of the brake combinations short
the terminals of the motor together.

The following is a simplified diagram, a picture and a pinout derived from the data
sheet. The pins are actually in a straight line on the package and .05" apart, then
bent out to accommodate standard .1" circuit board spacing. You will need to bend
them left and right a little to get them to fit on a breadboard, but it can be done. The
odd pins are on the front of the package and the even pins on the back:

2171707: Industrial Drives and Control Page 65

The EnA and EnB inputs enable a side's outputs by making one side of all four of
its AND gates high, which permits an IN line to turn on its output. Notice the
bubble on one input of each bottom AND gate. That means that there is an inverter
on the input, making it active low. A bottom gate's output will be high if one of its
inputs is high and the other one is low. A top gate's output is determined in the
same manner discussed in the Boolean Logic AND gate section; its output will be
high if both of its inputs are high.

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Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering

The following table shows the results of various combinations of inputs for side
A. X means don't care. In other words, all switches will be off with Enable off,
regardless of the status of IN 1 or IN 2:

EnA IN 1 IN 2 OUT 1 OUT 2

0 X X All Switches Off - Stop

1 0 0 Bottom Switches On - Brake

1 0 1 Low High

1 1 0 High Low

1 1 1 Top Switches On - Brake

Only one of the brakes is needed, so let's use the bottom transistors to short the motor
out. OUT 1 high and OUT 2 low will be forward, and the reverse will be, well,
reverse. The table now becomes:

EnA IN 1 IN 2 Status

1 1 0 Forward

1 0 1 Reverse

1 0 0 Brake

0 X X Stop

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