QFE Justification Workshop Material
QFE Justification Workshop Material
QFE Justification Workshop Material
QFE Descriptor
Technical, creative and analytical skills (Relate this to your course related skills) appropriate to solving specialised
problems (Relate it to your course related problem) using evidentiary and procedural based processes in predictable and
new contexts that include devising and sustaining arguments associated with a field of work or discipline (Using the
course related skills to solve a particular problem, what do you gain or what have you achieved or what can you to in the
future with the skills acquired).
Illustration 2:
3443 BUSN 498 CLSLO 2: Compare 7K1 specialised factual and 306-PLSLO02 Vazeerjan
and contrast the theoretical knowledge Acquisition of Begum-
complexities and and an understanding of cross-domain 9/22/17
challenges of the boundaries in a field knowledge
multi-factorial of work or discipline, pertaining to
organizational encompassing a broad the effective
problems using and coherent body of functioning of
real-world knowledge and organizations
examples. concepts, with
substantive depth in the
underlying principles
and theoretical concepts
Specialized factual and theoretical knowledge (Relate this to your course related knowledge) and an understanding of
the boundaries in a field of work or discipline, (What will the students understand through this course) encompassing a
broad and coherent body of knowledge and concepts, with substantive depth in the underlying principles and
theoretical concepts. (Using the course related knowledge, what in which area do the students have the in-depth
understanding and on what principles and concepts and how will they use it in their future).