Ethical Deviations On The Hard-Boiled Detective in Sarah Pare Sky's "Grace Notes"
Ethical Deviations On The Hard-Boiled Detective in Sarah Pare Sky's "Grace Notes"
Ethical Deviations On The Hard-Boiled Detective in Sarah Pare Sky's "Grace Notes"
In this essay I will examine the presence of the ethical elements of the
story "Grace notes" by Sarah Paretsky. Riley mentions two significant phases
Riley lists two significant Criteria for differentiating them, which are relevant
classical detective uses ratiocination and intellect (909), whereas the “hard-
Spade travels from place to place, […] often happening upon an event that
helps move his case along.” (912). Because of their heroes` different
(910). Holmes could solve a case almost entirely from his chair, where as
investigate because they care about their clients;" (909). However, if the
virtue (along with quick wits and righteousness) might be the only card he
hold.” (909-10). Holmes solves crime very much to his own amusement and
even vanity, displaying his abilities and finding order in a seemingly chaotic
situation. If society and justice benefit, well, that`s almost just a bonus. The
that is reflected in the more personal and risky way they solve their
2. The social meaning of the solution of the crime. While both types of
finally, the track leads back to the rich and respectable levels of society
The hard-boiled detective despises the rich, scoffs at petty criminals and
distrusts authorities, yet he must interact and even cooperate with all of
more unsettling view of society and human nature. As Riley puts it: "Marlowe
on current detective narrative, using the television show "Angel" as his case
study. These themes will not be discussed in this paper. Instead, I will
attempt to analyze the way in which "Grace Notes" differs from the two
for information about her deceased mother. After she responds to the ad and
meets with a sleazy businessman (Ranier), Vico, a long lost Italian relative,
enters her life, searching for a lost music sheet. VI and Vico try to recover
the lost sheets. After VI finds Mr. Fortieri, a friend of the family, injured, she
classical one. She solves the mystery not through logical conclusion but by
running about, meeting people and getting into trouble. On the other hand,
VI gets along with the authorities (slightly) better than the average hard-
boiled detective and is even saved by them near the end of the story. The
crime VI investigates doesn`t reach `the pillars of the society', even though
Ranier seems to have some level of social status. The solution is rather
detective story (though this could relate to the limited scope of a short story
more optimistic view of human nature, making it less cynical and critical of
society a whole.
There are two more meaningful ways in which Grace notes differs from
the archetypical detective story: the detective is a woman and she doesn`t
have a client. The fact that VI is a woman doesn’t change the social and
ethical themes of this detective story. However, the fact that VI isn`t helping
loyalty to their clients, spending time and risking their lives so they can do
their job and help a person in need. Often, even after the client is satisfied,
these hard-boiled detectives will continue investigating down the rabbit hole,
to `get to the bottom of things` and try to eliminate the root of the evil
instrumental in putting the criminal Ranier behind bars, but his ties to the
mob are an afterthought and incidental to the story. She hunts him down
because he has tricked and stole from her. VI is operating from egotistic
motives. Without examining other stories that feature VI, or other stories
The classical detective charmed audience with his sharp intellect, while
creating order out of chaotic crimes, so that the middle class would feel safe.
classic detective`s logic. The hard-boiled detective had to summon all his grit
and virtue and venture on an adventure that might end with him dead – all
for the sake of his integrity as a professional and his ethical stance. However,
this stance is elusive. A hard-boiled detective may solve a crime and even
put criminals away, but without truly testing his moral fiber, his story will
lack that strong ethical motive, which is, in my opinion, the true appeal of
this genre.
Angel. 2000-2004, WB.
Paretsky, Sara. "Grace notes" from "V. I. for Short". London penguin books,
Detective". The Journal of Popular Culture Vol. 42, Issue 5 (2009). 908 – 922.