Section 1 Pathology: Prelims - Indd 15 31-08-2015 14:44:44
Section 1 Pathology: Prelims - Indd 15 31-08-2015 14:44:44
Section 1 Pathology: Prelims - Indd 15 31-08-2015 14:44:44
Section 1 Pathology
1. Introduction 3
Etiology 3; Pathogenesis 3; Morphologic Changes 3
Functional Derangements and Clinical Manifestations 3; Cellular and Tissue Changes 4
Cell Injury 5; Inflammation and Repair 6; Granulomatous Inflammation 9
Morphology 10; Cutaneous Wound Healing 10; Factors Influencing Wound Healing 12
2. Neoplasia 13
History of Malignant Tumors 14; Differentiation and Anaplasia 14
Dysplasia 14; Invasion 15; Metastasis 15; Pathways of Spread 16
4. Respiratory System 22
Anatomy 22; Histology 22; Pulmonary Tuberculosis 22; Pneumonia 25
Lung Abscess 27; Bronchiectasis 27; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 28
Emphysema/Pink Puffers 28; Chronic Bronchitis 28; Bronchial Asthma 30
Tumors of Lung 30; Pleura 31; Empyema 32
5. Cardiovascular System 33
Anatomy 33; Pericardial Disease 34; Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease 35
Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease 36; Infective Endocarditis 37; Arteriosclerosis 38
Ischemic Heart Disease 40; Aneurysms 43
6. Gastrointestinal Tract 46
Normal Anatomy 46; Histology 46; Pathology 46; Etiology and Pathogenesis 47
Typhoid (Enteric Fever) 47; Carcinoma Esophagus 48; Squamous Cell Carcinoma 48
Adenocarcinoma 49; Carcinoma Stomach 49; Carcinoma Colon 51
Section 2 Genetics
16. Introduction 131
Genetics is the Study of Genes 131; Impact of Genetic Condition on Families 131
Review of Cellular Division 131; Characteristics and Structure of Genes 132
Chromosomal Aberration 132
Index 161