تأشير يونت 6
تأشير يونت 6
تأشير يونت 6
For its users , instances of language are never abstracted . They always
happen in specific situations . They belong to particular people and are
used to realize those people's purposes . Communicative competence is
in its way for instances of language an abstraction . In the actual
experience of language its four parameters ( possibility , feasibility ,
appropriateness , attestedness ) are neither as discrete nor as static as
the model is sometimes taken to suggest . Yet , it is different kind of
abstraction from descriptions of the formal systems of grammar and
sound , and it views language from a different perspective . It points the
way towards the analysis of language in use , ( the language of the
users ) enabling us to take into account many relevant factors other
than the words themselves . The other factors are many . All of the
following , for example , might be involved in interpreting a real counter :
tone of voice and facial expression ; the relationship between speakers ;
their age , sex , and social status ; the time and place ; and the degree to
which speakers do – or do not – share the same cultural background .
Collectively such factors are known as context , and they are relevant to
whether a particular action or utterance is , to use Hymes' tem ,
appropriate .