Learning To Manage Your Work & Your Life: Balance
Learning To Manage Your Work & Your Life: Balance
Learning To Manage Your Work & Your Life: Balance
Learning to
manage your
work & your life
While some believe that work-life balance is achievable. Some think it is a complete
myth. On the whole, work-life balance is all about making those little deliberate
choices about which opportunities to pursue and which to let go. - by Rachna Mukherjee
n today's competitive work environment many Current practices
employees put in their best efforts 24x7, going above Employers are turning out to be increasingly aware of
and beyond the call of duty in tasks assigned to implications connected with over-worked employees, for
them. In such cases, however, employees need to example, working and efficiency costs, non-attendance,
be on top of their game at all times and are not able to reliability, responsibility and execution. There are
give adequate time to their personal lives. This topic has numerous reasons why organizations take an interest in
gained tremendous attention over the past few years work-life offset programs, this include high-return on
and is generally referred to a crisis of work overwhelming investment, retention of the employees etc. There is a
personal life that is in need of urgent solution. The rise wide mixture of practices at present being utilized to
of millennials in the workforce today has led to the help representatives accomplish work-life parity.
belief that work- life balance is yet another job perk. A growing number of employers have implemented
Gyms, flexible working hours, comp offs are now a wellness programs or pay for their employees' gym
common sight in almost all leading organizations and membership as part of a benefit package. Some
they are all a part of this concept of work-life balance. companies also invite fitness trainers or yoga instructors
Firstly, let us define work- life balance in order to for interactive sessions to motivate its employees. Health
understand this concept. The phrase work-life balance programs also include, healthy eating habits, stress
implies that one should look for, if not have a right to, management training consisting stretching, yoga,
a personal life that is equal to professional life. I tend counselling, as well as bringing in Registered Massage
to believe that work- life balance is nothing but a myth. Therapists to work.
When you're committed to and passionate about your Human resources policies that can be used to increase
job, putting in the hours isn't as much of a chore. People work-life balance include implementing time off in lieu
who achieve great success in their line of work most of overtime pay arrangements, providing a limited
often like what they do for a living. They don't see it as number of days of paid leave per year for child care,
work, but as a central part of their lives. As much as they elder care or personal problems, or having policies
live and breathe the work that they love, many around weekend and evening use of laptops.
successful people also have families and While achieving the perfect equilibrium of work and
commitments outside of work personal time is a noble goal to strive for, the reality is
that they are equally that few can achieve and sustain it.
dedicated to. All of us are responsible for our own work-life
balance and should ponder upon