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RAN Network Optimization Parameter Reference - RAN6.1

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Issue 01
Date 2007-08-30
Part Number

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

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Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Network Optimization Parameter Reference Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1

1 Power Control Parameters........................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Uplink Power Control Parameters...................................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Power Offset Between Access Preamble and Message Control Part.....................................................1-4
1.1.2 PRACH Initial Transmit Power Constant..............................................................................................1-5
1.1.3 PRACH Power Ramp Step.....................................................................................................................1-6
1.1.4 Maximum Preamble Retransmit Attempts.............................................................................................1-6
1.1.5 Maximum Preamble Loop......................................................................................................................1-7
1.1.6 Default DPCCH Transmit Power Constant............................................................................................1-8
1.1.7 Maximum Allowed Uplink Transmit Power of the UE.........................................................................1-8
1.1.8 RRC/HHO Process SRB Delay............................................................................................................1-10
1.1.9 RRC/HHO Process DPCCH Power Control Preamble Length............................................................1-11
1.2 Downlink Power Control Parameters............................................................................................................1-11
1.2.1 Maximum Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link....................................................................1-13
1.2.2 Minimum Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link.....................................................................1-14
1.2.3 Cell PCPICH Transmit Power..............................................................................................................1-15
1.2.4 Maximum PCPICH Transmit Power....................................................................................................1-16
1.2.5 Minimum PCPICH Transmit Power....................................................................................................1-16

2 Handover Parameters................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Intra-Frequency Handover Parameters............................................................................................................2-2
2.1.1 Softer Handover Combination Indication Switch..................................................................................2-4
2.1.2 Intra-Frequency Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient.............................................................................2-4
2.1.3 Weighting Factor....................................................................................................................................2-6
2.1.4 Soft Handover Relative Thresholds.......................................................................................................2-7
2.1.5 Event 1F Absolute Thresholds...............................................................................................................2-8
2.1.6 Hysteresis Related to Soft Handover.....................................................................................................2-9
2.1.7 Time to Trigger Related to Soft Handover...........................................................................................2-11
2.1.8 Minimum Quality Threshold of Soft Handover...................................................................................2-13
2.1.9 Affect 1A and 1B Event Thresholds Flag............................................................................................2-14
2.1.10 Cell Individual Offset.........................................................................................................................2-14
2.2 Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters..........................................................................................................2-15
2.2.1 Inter-Frequency Measurement Report Mode.......................................................................................2-19

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Contents Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.2.2 Inter-Frequency Measurement Item.....................................................................................................2-20

2.2.3 Inter-Frequency Measurement Layer 3 Filter Coefficients..................................................................2-22
2.2.4 Frequency Weighting Factor................................................................................................................2-23
2.2.5 Hysteresis Related to Inter-Frequency Handover................................................................................2-24
2.2.6 Time to Trigger Related to Inter-Frequency Hard Handover...............................................................2-25
2.2.7 RSCP-Based Inter-Frequency Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds....................................................2-26
2.2.8 EC/No-based Inter-Frequency Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds...................................................2-27
2.2.9 Target Frequency Trigger Threshold of Inter-Frequency Coverage....................................................2-28
2.2.10 Current Used Frequency Quality Threshold of Inter-Frequency Handover.......................................2-29
2.2.11 Inter-Frequency Measurement Minimum Access Thresholds...........................................................2-30
2.2.12 Cell Individual Offset.........................................................................................................................2-31
2.2.13 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Algorithm Switches...............................................................................2-32
2.2.14 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Measurement Threshold Choice............................................................2-33
2.2.15 Inter-Frequency Measure Timer Length............................................................................................2-34
2.3 Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Management Parameters.................................................................2-34
2.3.1 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficients...................................................................................2-39
2.3.2 Inter-RAT Measurement Report Mode................................................................................................2-39
2.3.3 Frequency Weighting Factor................................................................................................................2-41
2.3.4 Inter-RAT Period Report Interval........................................................................................................2-42
2.3.5 BSIC Verify Selection Switch..............................................................................................................2-42
2.3.6 Inter-RAT Measurement Quantity.......................................................................................................2-43
2.3.7 RSCP-Based Inter-RAT Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds.............................................................2-44
2.3.8 Ec/No-Based Inter-RAT Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds............................................................2-45
2.3.9 Inter-RAT Handover Judging Thresholds............................................................................................2-46
2.3.10 Time to Trigger Related to Inter-RAT Handover..............................................................................2-47
2.3.11 Hysteresis Related to Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover............................................................2-48
2.3.12 Time to Trigger for Verified GSM Cell.............................................................................................2-49
2.3.13 Time to Trigger for Non-verified GSM Cell......................................................................................2-50
2.3.14 Penalty Time for Inter-RAT Handover..............................................................................................2-51
2.3.15 Cell Individual Offset.........................................................................................................................2-51
2.3.16 Current Used Frequency Quality Threshold of Inter-RAT Handover...............................................2-52
2.3.17 Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length.....................................................................................................2-53
2.4 Non Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Management Parameters.........................................................2-54
2.4.1 Inter-RAT Service Handover Switches................................................................................................2-56
2.4.2 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient....................................................................................2-57
2.4.3 Hysteresis of Event 3C.........................................................................................................................2-57
2.4.4 Time to Trigger for Event 3C...............................................................................................................2-59
2.4.5 BSIC Verify Selection Switch..............................................................................................................2-59
2.4.6 Non Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Judging Thresholds.........................................................2-60
2.4.7 Penalty Time for Inter-RAT Handover................................................................................................2-61
2.4.8 Inter-RAT Handover Max Attempt Times...........................................................................................2-62
2.4.9 Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length.......................................................................................................2-62

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference Contents

2.5 Blind Handover Management Parameters.....................................................................................................2-63

2.5.1 Blind Handover Flag............................................................................................................................2-64
2.5.2 Blind Handover Priority.......................................................................................................................2-65
2.6 Cell Selection and Reselection......................................................................................................................2-66
2.6.1 Measurement Hysteresis Parameters....................................................................................................2-69
2.6.2 Load Level Offsets...............................................................................................................................2-70
2.6.3 Minimum Quality Criterion.................................................................................................................2-71
2.6.4 Minimum Access Level.......................................................................................................................2-72
2.6.5 Cell Reselection Start Thresholds........................................................................................................2-72
2.6.6 Reselection Hysteresis Time................................................................................................................2-73
2.6.7 Minimum Access Level for Inter-RAT Cell........................................................................................2-74
2.6.8 2G Idle Mode MS's Searching for 3G Cell Signal Level Threshold....................................................2-75
2.6.9 3G Cell Reselection Signal Level Offset.............................................................................................2-76
2.6.10 3G Cell Reselection Signal Level Threshold.....................................................................................2-77
2.7 Neighbor Management Parameters...............................................................................................................2-77
2.7.1 Neighbor Priority Flag.........................................................................................................................2-78
2.7.2 Neighbor Priority..................................................................................................................................2-78

3 Admission Control Parameters................................................................................................3-1

3.1 Uplink and Downlink Initial Access Rates of BE Service..............................................................................3-5
3.2 Intelligent Admission Algorithm Switch........................................................................................................3-5
3.3 Uplink Total Equivalent User Number...........................................................................................................3-7
3.4 Downlink Total NonHSDPA Equivalent User Number.................................................................................3-8
3.5 AMR Voice Uplink Threshold for Conversation Service...............................................................................3-8
3.6 Non AMR Voice Uplink Threshold of Conversation Service........................................................................3-9
3.7 AMR Voice Downlink Threshold for Conversation Service........................................................................3-10
3.8 Non AMR Voice Downlink Threshold of Conversation Service.................................................................3-11
3.9 Uplink Threshold for Other Services............................................................................................................3-12
3.10 Downlink Threshold for Other Services.....................................................................................................3-13
3.11 Uplink Handover Admission Threshold.....................................................................................................3-14
3.12 Downlink Handover Admission Threshold.................................................................................................3-15
3.13 Downlink Total Power Threshold...............................................................................................................3-16
3.14 Uplink Handover Credit Reserved SF.........................................................................................................3-17
3.15 Downlink Handover Credit and Channel Code Resource Reserved SF.....................................................3-17
3.16 Resources Reserved for Common Channel Load.......................................................................................3-18

4 Load Control Parameters..........................................................................................................4-1

4.1 Cell Load Reshuffling Algorithm Parameters.................................................................................................4-2
4.1.1 Uplink and Downlink LDR Algorithm Switches...................................................................................4-6
4.1.2 LDR Period Timer Length.....................................................................................................................4-7
4.1.3 Uplink and Downlink LDR Trigger Thresholds and Release Thresholds.............................................4-8
4.1.4 Uplink or Downlink LDR Actions.........................................................................................................4-9
4.1.5 Uplink/Downlink LDR Action Handing User Number.......................................................................4-10
4.1.6 Uplink and Downlink Inter-Frequency Cell Load Handover Load Space Thresholds........................4-13

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4.1.7 Uplink and Downlink Inter-Frequency Cell Load Handover Maximum Band Width.........................4-13
4.1.8 Cell SF Reserved Threshold.................................................................................................................4-14
4.1.9 Uplink or Downlink Credit SF Reserved Threshods...........................................................................4-15
4.1.10 LDR Code Priority Indicator..............................................................................................................4-16
4.1.11 MBMS Power Control Service Priority Threshold............................................................................4-16
4.2 Cell Overload Congestion Control Algorithm Parameters...........................................................................4-17
4.2.1 Uplink and Downlink OLC Algorithm Switches.................................................................................4-19
4.2.2 OLC Period Timer Length...................................................................................................................4-20
4.2.3 Uplink and Downlink OLC Trigger Threshold and Release Threshold..............................................4-21
4.2.4 Uplink and Downlink OLC Fast TF Restriction Times.......................................................................4-22
4.2.5 Uplink and Downlink OLC Fast TF Restrict RAB Number................................................................4-22
4.2.6 OLC Fast TF Restrict Data Rate Restrict Timer Length And Recover Timer Length........................4-23
4.2.7 OLC Fast TF Restrict Data Rate Restrict Coefficient..........................................................................4-24
4.2.8 Uplink and Downlink Release RAB Number......................................................................................4-24

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters.......................................................................................5-1

5.1 BE Service Related Threshold Parameters......................................................................................................5-2
5.1.1 BE Service Handover Rate Threshold................................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.2 Uplink/Downlink BE Service Insured Rate...........................................................................................5-4
5.1.3 UpLink and Downlink BE traffic DCH decision threshold...................................................................5-5
5.1.4 DL Streaming Threshold on HSDPA.....................................................................................................5-6
5.1.5 DL BE Traffic Threshold on HSDPA....................................................................................................5-6
5.1.6 UL BE Traffic Threshold on HSUPA....................................................................................................5-7
5.1.7 UL Streaming Traffic Threshold on HSUPA.........................................................................................5-7
5.1.8 Streaming Service HSUPA Transmission Mode................................................................................... 5-8
5.2 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control Parameters.................................................................................... 5-8
5.2.1 Traffic Upper Threshold.......................................................................................................................5-10
5.2.2 Traffic Lower Threshold......................................................................................................................5-11
5.2.3 Time to Trigger Event 4A....................................................................................................................5-12
5.2.4 Time to Trigger Event 4B....................................................................................................................5-12
5.2.5 Pending Time after Trigger Event 4A..................................................................................................5-13
5.2.6 Pending time after trigger Event 4B.....................................................................................................5-14
5.2.7 Uplink and Downlink DCCC Rate Thresholds....................................................................................5-15
5.2.8 Uplink and Downlink Middle Rate Thresholds...................................................................................5-15
5.2.9 Uplink and Downlink Rate Adjust Levels...........................................................................................5-16
5.2.10 Low activity bitrate threshold............................................................................................................5-17
5.3 Link Stability Parameters..............................................................................................................................5-17
5.3.1 Event Ea Relative Threshold................................................................................................................5-18
5.3.2 Event Eb Relative Threshold................................................................................................................5-19
5.3.3 Uplink Full Coverage Rate...................................................................................................................5-19
5.3.4 Downlink Full Coverage Rate..............................................................................................................5-20
5.4 State Transfer Parameters..............................................................................................................................5-21
5.4.1 DCH to FACH State Transition Timer................................................................................................5-22

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5.4.2 DCH to FACH / FACH to PCH State Transition Traffic 4B Threshold..............................................5-23

5.4.3 FACH to PCH State Transition Timer.................................................................................................5-23
5.4.4 Cell ReSelection Timer........................................................................................................................5-24
5.4.5 FACH to DCH Traffic Report Threshold............................................................................................5-25
5.4.6 FACH to DCH Traffic Time to trigger................................................................................................5-25
5.5 PS Inactive.....................................................................................................................................................5-26
5.5.1 Interactive Service T1..........................................................................................................................5-27
5.5.2 Interactive Service T2..........................................................................................................................5-28
5.5.3 Background Service T1........................................................................................................................5-28
5.5.4 Background Service T1........................................................................................................................5-29
5.5.5 IMS Service T1....................................................................................................................................5-30
5.5.6 IMS Service T2....................................................................................................................................5-30
5.6 RLC Retransmission Monitor Algorithm Parameters...................................................................................5-31
5.6.1 Time to Start Re-TX Monitor...............................................................................................................5-32
5.6.2 Re-Tx Monitor Period..........................................................................................................................5-33
5.6.3 Retransmission Filter Coefficient.........................................................................................................5-34
5.6.4 Event A threshold.................................................................................................................................5-34
5.6.5 Event A Time to Trigger......................................................................................................................5-35
5.6.6 Event A Pending Time after Trigger....................................................................................................5-35
5.6.7 Event A Report Period.........................................................................................................................5-36
5.6.8 Event B Threshold................................................................................................................................5-36
5.6.9 Event B Time to Trigger......................................................................................................................5-37
5.6.10 Event B Pending Time after Trigger..................................................................................................5-38

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters.............................................................................................6-1

6.1 Cell Channel Power Distribution Parameters..................................................................................................6-2
6.1.1 Maximum Cell Transmit Power.............................................................................................................6-3
6.1.2 Cell PCPICH Transmit Power................................................................................................................6-4
6.1.3 PSCH and SSCH Transmit Power.........................................................................................................6-4
6.1.4 BCH Transmit Power.............................................................................................................................6-5
6.1.5 Maximum FACH Transmit Power.........................................................................................................6-6
6.1.6 PCH Transmit Power.............................................................................................................................6-7
6.1.7 PICH Transmit Power............................................................................................................................6-7
6.1.8 AICH Transmit Power...........................................................................................................................6-8
6.2 Paging Parameters...........................................................................................................................................6-9
6.2.1 Paging Cycle Coefficient.......................................................................................................................6-9
6.2.2 Number of Paging Retransmit..............................................................................................................6-10
6.3 RRC Connection Setup Parameters...............................................................................................................6-11
6.3.1 T300 and N300.....................................................................................................................................6-11
6.4 Synchronization Parameters..........................................................................................................................6-12
6.4.1 Number of Successive In-sync Indications..........................................................................................6-14
6.4.2 Number of Successive Out-of-sync Indications...................................................................................6-14
6.4.3 Radio Link Failure Timer Duration.....................................................................................................6-15

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6.4.4 N312 and T312.....................................................................................................................................6-16

6.4.5 N313, N315, and T313.........................................................................................................................6-17
6.5 Location Update Parameters.........................................................................................................................6-17
6.5.1 Periodic Location Update Timer..........................................................................................................6-18
6.6 User Priority Related Parameters..................................................................................................................6-18
6.6.1 User Priority of Allocation/Retension Priority 1~14...........................................................................6-19
6.6.2 Integrate Priority Configured Reference..............................................................................................6-20
6.6.3 Indicator of Carrier Type Priority........................................................................................................6-21

7 HSDPA Parameters....................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 HSDPA Power Resource Management Parameters........................................................................................7-2
7.1.1 HS-DPCCH Power Management Parameters........................................................................................7-2
7.1.2 Total Power of HSDPA and Measurement Power Offset Constant.....................................................7-10
7.2 HSDPA Code Resource Management Algorithm Parameters......................................................................7-12
7.2.1 HSDPA Code Resource Distribution Mode.........................................................................................7-13
7.2.2 Number of HS-PDSCH Codes.............................................................................................................7-13
7.2.3 Number of Maximum HS-PDSCH Codes...........................................................................................7-14
7.2.4 Number of Minimum HS-PDSCH Codes............................................................................................7-14
7.2.5 Number of HS-SCCH Codes................................................................................................................7-15
7.3 HSDPA Mobility Management Parameters..................................................................................................7-16
7.3.1 HSPA Handover Protection Length.....................................................................................................7-16
7.4 HSDPA Direct Retry and Switch of Channel Types Parameters..................................................................7-18
7.4.1 D2H Retry Timer Length.....................................................................................................................7-19
7.4.2 Timer Length of D2H Intra-Handover.................................................................................................7-19
7.4.3 Timer Length of D2H Inter-Handover.................................................................................................7-20
7.4.4 Timer Length of Multi-Carrier Handover............................................................................................7-21
7.4.5 Compress Mode Permission Indication on HSDPA............................................................................7-21
7.5 HSDPA Admission Control Algorithm.........................................................................................................7-22
7.5.1 Maximum HSDPA Users of NodeB....................................................................................................7-23
7.5.2 UL HS-DPCCH Reserve Factor...........................................................................................................7-24
7.5.3 HSDPA Streaming PBR Threshold......................................................................................................7-24
7.5.4 HSDPA Best Effort PBR Threshold....................................................................................................7-25
7.5.5 Maximum HSDPA User Number........................................................................................................7-25

8 HSUPA Parameters....................................................................................................................8-1
8.1 HSUPA MAC-e Scheduling Algorithm Parameters.......................................................................................8-2
8.1.1 Maximum Target Uplink Load Factor...................................................................................................8-2
8.1.2 Target Non-Serving E-DCH to Total E-DCH Power Ratio...................................................................8-3
8.2 HSUPA Admission Control Algorithm...........................................................................................................8-4
8.2.1 Maximum HSUPA User Number.......................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.2 DL HSUPA Reserved Factor ................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.2.3 NodeB Maximum HSUPA User Number..............................................................................................8-6

9 MBMS Parameters.....................................................................................................................9-1

vi Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference Contents

9.1 MBMS Admission and Load Control Parameters...........................................................................................9-2

9.1.1 Maximum Transmit Power of the FACH...............................................................................................9-3
9.1.2 Minimum Coverage Percentage of the MBMS Service with the Highest Priority................................9-4
9.1.3 Minimum Coverage Percentage of the MBMS Service with the Lowest Priority.................................9-5
9.1.4 Service Priority Threshold for Decreasing Power..................................................................................9-5
9.1.5 MBMS Preempt Algorithm Switch........................................................................................................9-6
9.2 FLC/FLD Algorithm Parameters....................................................................................................................9-7
9.2.1 FLC Algorithm Switch...........................................................................................................................9-7

10 Algorithm Switches...............................................................................................................10-1
10.1 Connection-Oriented Algorithm Switches in RNC.....................................................................................10-2
10.1.1 Channel Algorithm Switches.............................................................................................................10-2
10.1.2 Handover Algorithm Switches...........................................................................................................10-6
10.1.3 Power Control Algorithm Switches.................................................................................................10-11
10.1.4 HSPA Algorithm Switches...............................................................................................................10-13
10.1.5 DRD Algorithm Switches................................................................................................................10-15
10.2 Cell Algorithm Switches...........................................................................................................................10-16
10.2.1 Cell Algorithm Switches..................................................................................................................10-16
10.2.2 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm Switch ................................................................................10-18
10.2.3 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm Switch.............................................................................10-19
10.3 Other Algorithm Switches.........................................................................................................................10-20
10.3.1 Iub CAC Algorithm Switches..........................................................................................................10-20
10.3.2 Iub Bandwidth Congestion Control Algorithm Switch....................................................................10-20
10.3.3 Intra-Frequency Measurement Control Information Indication.......................................................10-21
10.3.4 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Measurement Indication......................................................................10-22
10.3.5 FACH Measurement Indicator ........................................................................................................10-22

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters...........................................................11-1

11.1 Transmission Common Parameters.............................................................................................................11-2
11.1.1 AAL2 Path Type................................................................................................................................11-2
11.1.2 IP Path Type.......................................................................................................................................11-3
11.1.3 Per-Hop Behavior...............................................................................................................................11-3
11.2 Iub Admission Control Parameters.............................................................................................................11-4
11.2.1 Reserved Bandwidth for Forward/Backward Handover....................................................................11-4
11.3 Iub Congestion Control Parameters............................................................................................................11-5
11.3.1 Forward/Backward Congestion Threshold.........................................................................................11-8
11.3.2 Forward/Backward Congestion Clear Threshold...............................................................................11-9
11.3.3 Iub Bandwidth Congestion Control Algorithm Switch......................................................................11-9
11.3.4 Timer Length for Iub Bandwidth Restriction Service Rate Reduction............................................11-10
11.3.5 Iub Congestion Factors.....................................................................................................................11-11

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT............................................................................12-1

12.1 HSDPA Flow Control Parameters...............................................................................................................12-2
12.1.1 HSDPA Bandwidth Adjustment Switch............................................................................................12-2

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12.1.2 Frame Discard Rate Threshold on Iub Interface................................................................................12-3

12.1.3 Time Delay Threshold on Iub Interface.............................................................................................12-4
12.2 HSDPA MAC-hs Scheduling Algorithm Parameters.................................................................................12-5
12.2.1 Resource Allocate Method.................................................................................................................12-8
12.2.2 Scheduling Method............................................................................................................................12-9
12.2.3 Maximum Retransmission Count.....................................................................................................12-10
12.2.4 Power Margin...................................................................................................................................12-10
12.2.5 HS-SCCH Power Control Method...................................................................................................12-11
12.2.6 HS-SCCH Fixed Power or Initial Transmit Power..........................................................................12-12
12.2.7 Target HS-SCCH FER.....................................................................................................................12-12
12.2.8 Initial BLER of Data Transfer .........................................................................................................12-13
12.2.9 Resource Limiting Switch................................................................................................................12-14
12.2.10 HSDPA Dynamic Code Switch......................................................................................................12-14
12.2.11 16QAM Switch..............................................................................................................................12-15
12.2.12 CQI Filter Alpha.............................................................................................................................12-16
12.2.13 GBR for SPI...................................................................................................................................12-16
12.2.14 Weight for SPI................................................................................................................................12-18
12.2.15 Resource Limiting Ratio for SPI....................................................................................................12-18
12.3 HSUPA MAC-e Scheduling Algorithm Parameters.................................................................................12-19
12.3.1 AG Threshold...................................................................................................................................12-20
12.3.2 Average Rate Initial Value...............................................................................................................12-20
12.3.3 GBR Schedule Switch......................................................................................................................12-21
12.3.4 Sort Rate Weight..............................................................................................................................12-22
12.3.5 Sort Rate RSN Weight.....................................................................................................................12-22
12.4 HSUPA Power Control Parameters...........................................................................................................12-23
12.4.1 Power Control Algorithm Switches for Downlink Control Channel...............................................12-23
12.4.2 Fixed Power Control Mode Algorithm Parameters..........................................................................12-28
12.4.3 Dynamic Power Control Mode Algorithm Parameters....................................................................12-32
12.5 Local Cell Management Parameters..........................................................................................................12-36
12.5.1 Cell Radius.......................................................................................................................................12-36
12.5.2 Cell Handover Radius......................................................................................................................12-37

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference Figures


Figure 7-1 Impact from over long HSPA protection length...............................................................................7-17

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference Tables


Table 1-1 List of uplink power control parameters..............................................................................................1-2

Table 1-2 List of downlink power control parameters.......................................................................................1-12
Table 1-3 Maximum and minimum downlink transmit powers.........................................................................1-13
Table 2-1 List of intra-frequency handover parameters.......................................................................................2-2
Table 2-2 List of inter-frequency handover parameters.....................................................................................2-15
Table 2-3 List of coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters..............................................2-35
Table 2-4 List of non-coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters.......................................2-55
Table 2-5 List of blind handover management parameters................................................................................2-63
Table 2-6 List of cell selection and reselection parameters................................................................................2-66
Table 2-7 List of neighbor management parameters..........................................................................................2-77
Table 3-1 List of admission control parameters...................................................................................................3-1
Table 4-1 List of cell load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm parameters................................................................... 4-2
Table 4-2 List of smart load control parameters.................................................................................................4-17
Table 5-1 List of BE service related threshold parameters...................................................................................5-2
Table 5-2 List of dynamic channel configuration parameters..............................................................................5-9
Table 5-3 List of link stability parameters..........................................................................................................5-17
Table 5-4 List of state transfer parameters.........................................................................................................5-21
Table 5-5 List of PS inactive parameters............................................................................................................5-26
Table 5-6 List of RLC retransmission monitor algorithm parameters...............................................................5-31
Table 6-1 List of cell channel power distribution parameters..............................................................................6-2
Table 6-2 List of paging parameters.....................................................................................................................6-9
Table 6-3 List of RRC connection setup parameters..........................................................................................6-11
Table 6-4 List of synchronization parameters....................................................................................................6-13
Table 6-5 List of location update parameters.....................................................................................................6-18
Table 6-6 List of user priority related parameters..............................................................................................6-19
Table 7-1 List of HS-DPCCH power control parameters.....................................................................................7-2
Table 7-2 List of total power of HSDPA and measurement power offset constant...........................................7-10
Table 7-3 List of HSDPA code resource management algorithm parameters....................................................7-12
Table 7-4 List of HSDPA mobility management parameters.............................................................................7-16
Table 7-5 List of HSDPA direct retry and switch of channel types parameters.................................................7-18
Table 7-6 List of HSDPA admission control algorithm parameters..................................................................7-22
Table 8-1 List of HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters.................................................................. 8-2
Table 8-2 List of HSUPA admission control algorithm parameters.................................................................... 8-4

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Tables Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Table 9-1 List of MBMS admission and preempt algorithm parameters.............................................................9-2

Table 9-2 List of FLC/FLD algorithm parameters...............................................................................................9-7
Table 10-1 List of channel algorithm switches..................................................................................................10-3
Table 10-2 List of handover algorithm switches................................................................................................10-6
Table 10-3 List of power control algorithm switches.......................................................................................10-12
Table 10-4 List of HSPA algorithm switches...................................................................................................10-13
Table 10-5 List of DRD algorithm switches....................................................................................................10-15
Table 10-6 List of cell algorithm switches.......................................................................................................10-16
Table 10-7 CAC algorithm switches................................................................................................................10-20
Table 11-1 List of transmission common parameters........................................................................................11-2
Table 11-2 List of Iub admission control parameters.........................................................................................11-4
Table 11-3 List of Iub congestion control parameters........................................................................................11-6
Table 11-4 Iub Congestion Factor Configuration.............................................................................................11-12
Table 12-1 List of HSDPA flow control parameters..........................................................................................12-2
Table 12-2 List of HSDPA MAC-hs scheduling algorithm parameters.............................................................12-5
Table 12-3 GBR, weight and resource limiting ratio for SPI...........................................................................12-17
Table 12-4 List of HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters............................................................12-19
Table 12-5 List of power control algorithm switches for downlink control channel.......................................12-23
Table 12-6 List of fixed power control mode algorithm parameters................................................................12-28
Table 12-7 List of dynamic power control mode algorithm parameters..........................................................12-32
Table 12-8 List of local cell management parameters......................................................................................12-36

xii Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference About This Document

About This Document

This document provides the engineering technician of commercial office with a parameter setting
baseline and parameter adjustment instructions.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

RNC V200R009

NodeB V100R008

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:
l RNP engineers
l RNO engineers

Update History
Refer to Changes in RAN Network Optimization Parameter Reference.

1 Power Control Parameters
Power control is a key WCDMA technique, through which near and far effect, shadow fading
and fast fading can be overcome to ensure uplink and downlink network performance, reduce
network interference and improve the system quality and capacity. As a result, power control
parameter values have great impact on the network.
2 Handover Parameters
Handover aims to ensure communication continuity and good communication quality.
Handovers in WCDMA system are of the following types: soft handover, softer handover, intra-
frequency hard handover, inter-frequency hard handover, inter-RAT hard handover and so on.
Handover emerges as the important factor affecting network performance, and handover

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1

About This Document Network Optimization Parameter Reference

optimization is also significant in network optimization. Handover parameters are described

according to the handover classification.

3 Admission Control Parameters

Admission control is a way for coordinating the WCDMA system capacity, coverage and quality,
and it ensures the system stability and QoS requirement by control over user access.

4 Load Control Parameters

Load control is another very important function in WCDMA system. It maintains the system
load within the normal range to ensure that the system’s overall QoS is in the normal range. The
load control includes LDR (Load Reshuffling) and OLC (Overload Control).

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

The PS Service rate control includes dynamic channel configuration, state transfer.

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Special topic parameters include parameters for cell channel power distribution, paging, RRC
connection setup, synchronization and location updating.

7 HSDPA Parameters

HSDPA parameters include HSDPA power resource management parameters, HSDPA code
resource management algorithm parameters, HSDPA mobility management parameters,
HSDPA direct retry and switch of channel types parameters, and HSDPA call admission control
algorithm parameters.

8 HSUPA Parameters

HSUPA parameters include HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters, HSUPA power
control parameters, and HSUPA admission control parameters.

9 MBMS Parameters

MBMS parameters mainly include MBMS admission and load control parameters.

10 Algorithm Switches

In the RNC, algorithm switches are divided into two classes: connection-oriented algorithm
switches and cell-oriented algorithm switches.

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

The common configurable transmission parameters are listed here.

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

The parameters configured on the NodeB LMT described here mainly consist of the HSDPA
flow control parameters, the HSDPA MAC-hs scheduling algorithm parameters, the HSUPA
MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters, the HSUPA power control parameters and the local
cell management parameters.

1. Symbol Conventions

The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows

2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk that, if not avoided,

will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which, if

not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided,

could cause equipment damage, data loss, and performance
CAUTION degradation, or unexpected results.

TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save your

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

2. General Conventions

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files,directories,folders,and users are in boldface. For

example,log in as user root .

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Terminal display is in Courier New.

3. Command Conventions

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italic.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.

{x | y | ...} Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical

bars.One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and

separated by vertical bars.One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical

bars.A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3

About This Document Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Convention Description

[ x | y | ... ] * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical

bars.A minimum of zero or a maximum of all can be selected.

4. GUI Conventions

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons,menus,parameters,tabs,window,and dialog titles are in

boldface. For example,click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs.
For example,choose File > Create > Folder .

5. Keyboard Operation

Convention Description

Key Press the key.For example,press Enter and press Tab.

Key1+Key2 Press the keys concurrently.For example,pressing Ctrl+Alt+A

means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key1,Key2 Press the keys in turn.For example,pressing Alt,A means the two
keys should be pressed in turn.

6. Mouse Operation

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly
without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer
to a certain position.

4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

1 Power Control Parameters

About This Chapter

Power control is a key WCDMA technique, through which near and far effect, shadow fading
and fast fading can be overcome to ensure uplink and downlink network performance, reduce
network interference and improve the system quality and capacity. As a result, power control
parameter values have great impact on the network.

1.1 Uplink Power Control Parameters

The common configurable uplink power control parameters are listed here.
1.2 Downlink Power Control Parameters
The common configurable downlink power control parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-1

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

1.1 Uplink Power Control Parameters

The common configurable uplink power control parameters are listed here.

Table 1-1 List of uplink power control parameters

N Paramete Parameter Default Relevant Command Leve
o. r ID Meaning Value l

1 PowerOffs Power offset Signalling: -3 Set: ADD PRACHTFC Cell

etPpm between the dB Modify: The PRACH TFC
last access Services: -2 dB needs to be deleted before
preamble and being reconfigured.
control part

2 ConstantV Constant for -20, that is, -20 Set: ADD PRACHBASIC Cell
alue PRACH dB Modify: The PRACH needs
initial to be deleted before being
transmit reconfigured.

3 PowerRam Power 2, that is, 2 dB

pStep increase step
of random

4 PreambleR Maximum of 8 times

etransMax preamble

5 Mmax Max 8 times Set: ADD RACH Cell

preamble Query: LST RACH
Modify: MOD RACH

6 DefaultCo Default -27, that is, -27 Set or modify: SET FRC RNC
nstantValu constant for dB Query: LST FRC
e initial

1-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

N Paramete Parameter Default Relevant Command Leve

o. r ID Meaning Value l

7 MaxAllow Maximum 24, that is, 24 MaxAllowedUlTxPower Cell

edUlTxPo UE uplink dBm Set: ADD
wer transmit CELLSELRESEL
MaxUlTx power per
service Query: LST
Modify: MOD
Str Service-Oriented

8 RRCPRO Delay of SRB 7 Set: ADD CELLCAC Cell

LAY process
[Frame] Modify: MOD CELLCAC


MBLE preamble
HHOPRO length

1.1.1 Power Offset Between Access Preamble and Message Control Part
This parameter is the power offset between the last access preamble and the message control
part. The access preamble power plus this offset equals the power of the control part.
1.1.2 PRACH Initial Transmit Power Constant
This parameter is the constant for the UE to estimate the initial PRACH transmit power in the
open loop power control process.
1.1.3 PRACH Power Ramp Step
This parameter is the power increase step of the random access preambles transmitted before
the UE which receives the acquisition indicator in the random access process.
1.1.4 Maximum Preamble Retransmit Attempts

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-3

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

This parameter is the maximum number of preambles retransmission of the UE in a preamble

ramping cycle.
1.1.5 Maximum Preamble Loop
This parameter defines the maximum number of random access preamble loops. When the UE
has transmitted the access preamble and the number of retransmission times has reached
PreambleRetransMax, if the UE still has not received the capture indication, it repeats the access
attempt after the specified waiting time. The maximum number of recycle cannot exceed Mmax.
1.1.6 Default DPCCH Transmit Power Constant
This parameter is used by the RNC to compute the DPCCH power offset which is used by the
UE to compute the initial transmit power of UL DPCCH during the open loop power control
1.1.7 Maximum Allowed Uplink Transmit Power of the UE
The MaxAllowedULTxPower parameter determines the maximum transmit power of an UE
when the UE gains access to a specific cell. This means that the cell selects
UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH in the S rule. In addition, there are four maximum UE transmit
power parameters oriented to different QoS services.
1.1.8 RRC/HHO Process SRB Delay
This parameter defines the delay of SRB in DCH RRC/HHO process.
1.1.9 RRC/HHO Process DPCCH Power Control Preamble Length
This parameter defines the DPCCH power control preamble length in DCH RRC/HHO process.

1.1.1 Power Offset Between Access Preamble and Message Control

This parameter is the power offset between the last access preamble and the message control
part. The access preamble power plus this offset equals the power of the control part.

Parameter ID

Value Range
–5 to 10

Physical Value Range

–5 dB to 10 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
According to the field test results, the recommended value during signaling transmission is set
to –3 dB, and that during service transmission to –2 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the parameter value is set too low, it is likely that the signaling and the service data carried
over the RACH cannot be received by UTRAN, which affects the uplink coverage.

1-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

l If the value is too high, the uplink interference is increased, and the uplink capacity is

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD PRACHTFC, delete the PRACH TFC through RMV
PRACHTFC before reconfiguring it.

It is necessary to deactivate PRACH (DEA PRACH) and the cell (DEA CELL) before RMV
PRACHTFC is executed.

1.1.2 PRACH Initial Transmit Power Constant

This parameter is the constant for the UE to estimate the initial PRACH transmit power in the
open loop power control process.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-35 to -10

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to -10 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -20, that is, -20 dB.

This parameter is used to calculate the transmit power of the first preamble in the random access
process. The formula is as follows:

Preamble_Initial_Power = PCPICH DL TX power - CPICH_RSCP + UL_interference +



l Preamble_Initial_Power is the preamble initial transmit power of the UE.

l PCPICH DL TX power is downlink transmit power of the PCPICH.
l CPICH_RSCP is the received signaling code power of the PCPICH measured by the UE.
l UL_interference is the uplink interference, which is obtained by the UE receiving data
from the broadcast channel. It is calculated at the network side and broadcast to the UE.
This value is kept in the background record of the UE under test.
l Constant_Value is obtained by the UE receiving data from the broadcast channel.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the parameter value is set too high, the initial transmit power becomes higher, whereas
the duration of the access process becomes shorter.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-5

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

l If the value is too low, to satisfy the requirement of access power, it requires more ramps
and lengthens the access period.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PRACHBASIC and modify it through MOD

1.1.3 PRACH Power Ramp Step

This parameter is the power increase step of the random access preambles transmitted before
the UE which receives the acquisition indicator in the random access process.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 8

Physical Value Range

1 dB to 8 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 2, that is 2 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this value is too high, the access process is shortened, but the probability of power waste
is higher.
l If it is too low, the access process is lengthened, but the transmitting power is saved.
It is a value should be weighed.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PRACHBASIC, modify it through MOD
PRACHUUPARAS, and query it through LST PRACH.

1.1.4 Maximum Preamble Retransmit Attempts

This parameter is the maximum number of preambles retransmission of the UE in a preamble
ramping cycle.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 64

1-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

1 to 64 times

Parameter Setting
The default value is 8 times.

The product of this parameter and the previous PRACH Power Ramp Step determines the
maximum ramp power of the UE within a preamble ramping cycle.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this value is too low, the preamble power may fail to ramp to the required value, resulting
in UE access failure.
l If it is too high, the UE may repeatedly make access attempts by increasing the transmit
power, resulting in interference to other users.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PRACHBASIC, modify it through MOD
PRACHUUPARAS, and query it through LST PRACH.

1.1.5 Maximum Preamble Loop

This parameter defines the maximum number of random access preamble loops. When the UE
has transmitted the access preamble and the number of retransmission times has reached
PreambleRetransMax, if the UE still has not received the capture indication, it repeats the access
attempt after the specified waiting time. The maximum number of recycle cannot exceed Mmax.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 32

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 8.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE access success rate is influenced.
l If it is too high, the UE probably tries access attempt repeatedly within a long time, which
increases the uplink interference.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-7

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD RACH, query it through LST RACH, and modify it through

1.1.6 Default DPCCH Transmit Power Constant

This parameter is used by the RNC to compute the DPCCH power offset which is used by the
UE to compute the initial transmit power of UL DPCCH during the open loop power control

Parameter ID

Value Range
-35 to -10

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to -10 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -27, that is -27 dB.
The formula given in the protocol 25.331 is as follows:
DPCCH_Initial_power = DPCCH_Power_offset - CPICH_RSCP
Where, CPICH_RSCP is the received signaling code power of the PCPICH measured by the

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the uplink synchronization at the cell verge may fail during
initial link setup, which influences the uplink coverage.
l If it is too high, it leads to instant interference to the uplink receiving, decreasing uplink
receiving performance.

Relevant Commands
Set or modify this parameter through SET FRC and query it through LST FRC.

1.1.7 Maximum Allowed Uplink Transmit Power of the UE

The MaxAllowedULTxPower parameter determines the maximum transmit power of an UE
when the UE gains access to a specific cell. This means that the cell selects
UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH in the S rule. In addition, there are four maximum UE transmit
power parameters oriented to different QoS services.

Parameter ID

1-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

MaxUlTxPowerForConv (maximum transmit power for the session service)

MaxUlTxPowerForStr (maximum transmit power for the stream service)
MaxUlTxPowerForInt (maximum transmit power for the exchange service)
MaxUlTxPowerForBac (maximum transmit power for the background service)

Value Range
-50 to +33

Physical Value Range

-50 dBm to +33 dBm, with step length as 1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The setting of this parameter is based on the planned uplink network coverage.
The default setting of MaxAllowedULTxPower is 21, which stands for 21 dBm. The values of
the other four parameters cannot be greater than the value of MaxAllowedULTxPower.
By default, the parameters MaxUlTxPowerForConv, MaxUlTxPowerForStr,
MaxUlTxPowerForInt, and MaxUlTxPowerForBac are set to 24 dBm.
If the capacity of a cell is restricted, this group of parameters are not a constraint for the cell.
The reason is that the rapid power control function can dynamically adjust the transmit power
of an UE. If the coverage of a cell is restricted, the following formula is provided according to

the requirement of full coverage: You can infer that

Noiserise = Itotal/PN.

l PUE,max represents the maximum transmit power of the UE.
l Lmax represents the maximum path loss.
l The character v represents the activation factor of a service.
l Gp represents the processing gain of a service. The formula is: Gp = W/R, where W
represents signal bandwidth and R represents the data transmission rate of a service.
l Ga represents antenna gain, which is the sum of the actual antenna gain and the cable loss
l Gd represents the sum of diversity gains, such as multi-path diversity gain and receiver
antenna gain.
l PN represents the background noise.
l Eb/Io represents the target SIR value of a service.
For the services that do not require full cell coverage, you can also use the previous formula to
measure the transmit power of the UE that meets the special requirement for coverage area. If

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-9

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

the transmit power of an UE has reached the maximum, you can use the previous formula to
measure the uplink coverage area.

Impact on Network Performance

If coverage area is restricted, the uplink coverage area is affected if this parameter is set to a
very small value.

Relevant Commands
MaxAllowedUlTxPower: use the ADD CELLSELRESEL command for configuration, the
LST CELLSELRESEL command for query, and the MOD CELLSELRESEL command for
Service-oriented parameters: use the ADD CELLCAC command for configuration, the LST
CELLCAC command for query, and the MOD CELLCAC command for modification.

1.1.8 RRC/HHO Process SRB Delay

This parameter defines the delay of SRB in DCH RRC/HHO process.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 7

Physical Value Range

0 to 7 frames, step is 1

Parameter Setting
The default value of each parameter is 7.
The delay of SRB involves the following signalling: PHYSICAL CHANNEL

Impact on the Network Performance

The improper setting of this parameter will result in data loss and retransmission delay, which
may have a negative effect on service rate and transmission delay.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC and modify it
through MOD CELLCAC.

1-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

1.1.9 RRC/HHO Process DPCCH Power Control Preamble Length

This parameter defines the DPCCH power control preamble length in DCH RRC/HHO process.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 7

Physical Value Range

0 to 7 times, step is 1

Parameter Setting
RRCPROCPCPREAMBLE is set to 0 by default, and the default value of
The power control preamble involves the following signalling: PHYSICAL CHANNEL
This parameter is initially used for uplink/downlink power control convergence, preventing UE
from using an uncontrollable power at the beginning. When the UE transmits signals on the
DPCCH, the NodeB needs a period of time to recognize the uplink signals. The length of this
period of time depends on the search implementation and the transmission delay. It is useless to
start the uplink transmission on DPDCH before the above process is completed. Because at that
time, the data can not be correctly received and will be lost. If the AM mode is used, the
retransmission may lead to a much longer delay for data transmission.
The power control algorithm 1 is the only selection during the preamble period. This parameter
is closely related to the DPCCH initial transmit power, the initial SIR target, the power control
algorithm itself and the NodeB search ability, so it should be properly adjusted in reality.

Impact on the Network Performance

The improper setting of this parameter will result in data loss and retransmission delay, which
may have a negative effect on service rate and transmission delay.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC and modify it
through MOD CELLCAC.

1.2 Downlink Power Control Parameters

The common configurable downlink power control parameters are listed here.

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1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Table 1-2 List of downlink power control parameters

No. Parame Parameter Default Value Relevant Level

ter ID Meaning Command

1 RlMaxD Maximum Refer to the table Set: ADD Cell

lPwr downlink Maximum and CELLRLPWR
transmit minimum Query: LST
power of downlink transmit CELLRLPWR
the radio powers
Modify: MOD
2 RlMinD Minimum
lPwr downlink
power of
the radio

3 PCPICH Cell 330, that is, 33 dBm Set: ADD PCPICH

Power PCPICH Query: LST
transmit PCPICH
Modify: MOD

4 MaxPC Maximum 346, that is, 34.6 Set: ADD PCPICH

wer transmit PCPICH
Modfy: MOD
5 MinPCP Minimum 313, that is, 31.3 PCPICHPWR
er transmit

1.2.1 Maximum Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link

This parameter is the maximum downlink transmit power of radio link. It should fulfill the
coverage requirement of the network planning, and the value is relative to PCPICH transmit
1.2.2 Minimum Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link
This parameter is the minimum transmit power of downlink radio link. It should be considered
with the maximum downlink transmit power and the dynamic range of power control, and its
value is relative to PCPICH transmit power.
1.2.3 Cell PCPICH Transmit Power
It is used to determine the power of Primary CPICH of a cell. The reference point is the antenna
connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the network planning.
1.2.4 Maximum PCPICH Transmit Power
It is used to determine the maximum transmit power of primary CPICH of a cell. The reference
point is the antenna connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the
network planning.
1.2.5 Minimum PCPICH Transmit Power

1-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

It is used to determine the minimum transmit power of primary CPICH of a cell. The reference
point is the antenna connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the
network planning.

1.2.1 Maximum Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link

This parameter is the maximum downlink transmit power of radio link. It should fulfill the
coverage requirement of the network planning, and the value is relative to PCPICH transmit

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The service type and the service rate should be considered in parameter configuration. For an
individual service, the configuration values are listed in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3 Maximum and minimum downlink transmit powers

Service Type (uint: bit/s) Max. Downlink Transmit Min. Downlink

Power (in the parentheses Transmit Power (in the
is the dB value) parentheses is the dB


12.2K AMR 0(0) -150(-15)

64K transparent data 30(3) -120(-12)

56K transparent data 0(0) -150(-15)

32K transparent data -20(-2) -170(-17)

28.8K transparent data -20(-2) -170(-17)

57.6K controllable stream -10(-1) -160(-16)


0 stream (unidirectional) -20(-2) -170(-17)

384K 40(4) -110(-11)

256K 20(2) -130(-13)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-13

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Service Type (uint: bit/s) Max. Downlink Transmit Min. Downlink

Power (in the parentheses Transmit Power (in the
is the dB value) parentheses is the dB

144K 0(0) -150(-15)

128K 0(0) -150(-15)

64K 0(0) -150(-15)

32K -40(-4) -190(-19)

16K -60(-6) -210(-21)

8K -80(-8) -230(-23)

For combined services, the maximum and minimum transmit power is computed by the RNC
according to the configuration of individual services.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, downlink interference may occur.
l If it is too low, it may influence the normal functioning of downlink power control.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLRLPWR, query it through LST CELLRLPWR and
modify it through MOD CELLRLPWR.

1.2.2 Minimum Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link

This parameter is the minimum transmit power of downlink radio link. It should be considered
with the maximum downlink transmit power and the dynamic range of power control, and its
value is relative to PCPICH transmit power.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
Since the dynamic range of power control is set to 15 dB, this parameter is recommended as RL
Max DL TX power -15 dB and refer to the related description of the sub clause Maximum
Downlink Transmit Power of the Radio Link.

1-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the transmit power may become too low because of incorrect
estimation of SIR.
l If it is too high, it may influence the normal functioning of downlink power control.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLRLPWR, query it through LST CELLRLPWR and
modify it through MOD CELLRLPWR.

1.2.3 Cell PCPICH Transmit Power

It is used to determine the power of Primary CPICH of a cell. The reference point is the antenna
connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the network planning.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-100 to 500

Physical Value Range

-10 dBm to 50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 330, namely 33 dBm.

This parameter should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell coverage
(radius) and geographical environment. For the cells to be covered, the downlink coverage
should be guaranteed as a premise. For the cells requiring soft handover area, this parameter
should satisfy the proportion of soft handover areas stipulated in the network planning.

For a cell with large coverage, the value of this parameter should be relatively high; otherwise,
it should be relatively low. In a planned multi-cell environment, this parameter is definite If the
value of this parameter is smaller than the planned value, coverage holes may occur when the
cells are under heavy load.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, it influences directly the downlink pilot coverage range.
l If it is too high, the downlink interference increases, and the cell capacity is decreased
because a lot of system resources are occupied and the interference with the downlink traffic
channels are increased.
In addition, the configuration of this parameter also has direct influence on the distribution of
handover areas.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-15

1 Power Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PCPICH, query it through LST PCPICH and modify it
through MOD CELL.

1.2.4 Maximum PCPICH Transmit Power

It is used to determine the maximum transmit power of primary CPICH of a cell. The reference
point is the antenna connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the
network planning.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-100 to 500

Physical Value Range

-10 dBm to 50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 34.6 dBm.
This parameter sets the upper limit of the pilot channel transmit power. When modifying the
PCPICH transmit power according to the actual requirement, ensure that this parameter is greater
than the actually required PCPICH power.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PCPICH, query it through LST PCPICH and modify it

1.2.5 Minimum PCPICH Transmit Power

It is used to determine the minimum transmit power of primary CPICH of a cell. The reference
point is the antenna connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the
network planning.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-100 to 500

1-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 1 Power Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

-10 dBm to 50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 31.3 dBm.
This parameter sets the lower limit of the pilot channel transmit power. When modifying the
PCPICH transmit power according to the actual requirement, ensure that this parameter is
smaller than the actually required PCPICH power.
The actual system environment, such as the cell coverage range (radius) and the geographical
environment should be considered while setting this parameter. If the minimum transmit power
of the main common pilot physical channel is configured too small, the cell coverage will be
influenced. Ensure that this parameter is set under the condition of definite soft handover area
proportion, or under the condition that no coverage hole exists.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PCPICH, query it through LST PCPICH and modify it

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 1-17

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

2 Handover Parameters

About This Chapter

Handover aims to ensure communication continuity and good communication quality.

Handovers in WCDMA system are of the following types: soft handover, softer handover, intra-
frequency hard handover, inter-frequency hard handover, inter-RAT hard handover and so on.
Handover emerges as the important factor affecting network performance, and handover
optimization is also significant in network optimization. Handover parameters are described
according to the handover classification.

2.1 Intra-Frequency Handover Parameters

The common configurable intra-frequency handover parameters are listed here.
2.2 Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters
The common configurable inter-frequency handover parameters are listed here.
2.3 Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Management Parameters
The common configurable coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters are
listed here.
2.4 Non Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Management Parameters
The common configurable non-coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters
are listed here.
2.5 Blind Handover Management Parameters
The common configurable blind handover management parameters are listed here.
2.6 Cell Selection and Reselection
The common configurable cell selection and reselection parameters are listed here.
2.7 Neighbor Management Parameters
The configurable neighbor management parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-1

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.1 Intra-Frequency Handover Parameters

The common configurable intra-frequency handover parameters are listed here.

Table 2-1 List of intra-frequency handover parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Leve

ID Meaning Value Command l

1 DivCtrlField Softer handover MAY Set or modify: SET RNC

combination HOCOMM
indication switch Query: LST

2 IntraFreqFilte Intra-Frequency D3 For RNC RNC

rCoef measurement L3 Set or modify: SET Cell
filter coefficient INTRAFREQHO
3 Weight Weighting factor 0 dB Query: LST
4 IntraRelThdF Soft handover 1A: 6 (3 For Cell
or1ACS relative thresholds dB)
Set: ADD
IntraRelThdF for event 1A and 1B: 12 (6 CELLINTRAFRE
or1APS event 1B dB) QHO
IntraRelThdF Query: LST
IntraRelThdF QHO
or1BPS Modify: MOD
5 IntraAblThd Soft handover EcNo: -24 QHO
For1FEcNo absolute thresholds dB
IntraAblThd for event 1F RSCP:
For1FRSCP -115 dBm

6 HystFor1A Hysteresis related to 1A and

HystFor1B soft handover for 1B: 0 (0
events 1A, 1B, 1C, dB)
HystFor1C 1D and 1F 1C/1D/1F:
HystFor1D 8 (4 dB)

7 TrigTime1A Time-to-Trigger 1A: D320

TrigTime1B parameters related to (320 ms)
soft handover for 1B/1C/
TrigTime1C events 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D/1F:
TrigTime1D 1D and 1F D640 (640
TrigTime1F ms)

8 SHOQualmin Minimum quality -24 dB

threshold of soft

2-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Leve

ID Meaning Value Command l

9 CellsForbidd Affect 1A threshold AFFECT Set: ADD NCell

CellsSorbidd LL
en1B Query: LST
10 CellIndividal Cell individual 0 LL
Offset offset
Modify: MOD

2.1.1 Softer Handover Combination Indication Switch

This parameter determines whether the NodeB implements softer combination of radio links in
soft handover.
2.1.2 Intra-Frequency Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient
It is the measurement smoothing factor used for filtering the L3 intra-frequency measurement
2.1.3 Weighting Factor
This parameter is used to identify the threshold for triggering event 1A and 1B according to the
measured value of each cell in the active set.
2.1.4 Soft Handover Relative Thresholds
These parameters define the difference between the quality of a cell (evaluated with the Ec/No
of PCPICH at present) and the comprehensive quality of the active set (the best cell quality in
case that W=0). The soft handover relative threshold parameters include IntraRelThdFor1ACS,
IntraRelThdFor1APS (relative threshold for 1A) and IntraRelThdFor1BCS,
IntraRelThdFor1BPS (relative threshold for 1B).
2.1.5 Event 1F Absolute Thresholds
These parameters correspond to the guarantee signal strength that satisfies the basic service QoS.
The absolute thresholds of soft handover include IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo and
IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP (Correspond to Ec/Io and RSCP).
2.1.6 Hysteresis Related to Soft Handover
These parameters represent the hysteresis values of the event 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1F.
2.1.7 Time to Trigger Related to Soft Handover
These parameters represent the trigger delay time of the event 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1F.
2.1.8 Minimum Quality Threshold of Soft Handover
When the RNC receives event 1A, 1C and 1D, it can be added to the active set only when CPICH
Ec/Io of the target cell is greater than this absolute threshold.
2.1.9 Affect 1A and 1B Event Thresholds Flag
Switch CellsForbidden1A affects the relevant threshold of event 1A and Switch
CellsForbidden1B affects the relevant threshold of event 1B.
2.1.10 Cell Individual Offset
It is the CPICH measured value offset of intra-frequency handover cells.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-3

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.1.1 Softer Handover Combination Indication Switch

This parameter determines whether the NodeB implements softer combination of radio links in
soft handover.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

l Softer combination may be implemented.
l Softer combination must be implemented.
l Softer combination must not be implemented.

Parameter Setting
The default value is MAY.

There are two combination methods for uplink combination of soft handover: one is maximum
ratio combination at the NodeB Rake receiver, which gives the highest combination gain; the
other is selective combination at the RNC, which gives a relatively smaller combination gain.

l The default value of the indication switch is MAY, which means the NodeB decides
whether to implement maximum ratio combination according to its own physical conditions
l When MUST is selected, the NodeB is forced to carry out maximum ratio combination
which is usually used in tests.
l When MUST_NOT is selected, the NodeB is forbidden to carry out maximum ratio
combination, and this method is adopted when maximum ratio combination performance
of softer handover is poor.

The working status (test/normal operation) and the propagation environment should be
considered when deciding whether to implement softer combination and to adopt which kind of
softer combination.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through SET HOCOMM, and query it through LST HOCOMM.

2.1.2 Intra-Frequency Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient

It is the measurement smoothing factor used for filtering the L3 intra-frequency measurement

2-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19), working range:
Enum (D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)

Parameter Setting
The default value is D3.

The filtering of the measurement is calculated by means of the following formula:

Fn = (1 - α) · Fn - 1 + α · Mn


l Fn: the updated measurement result after filtering processing.

l Fn - 1: the old measurement result of the previous moment after filtering processing.
l Mn: the latest measured value received from the physical layer.
l α= (1/2)(k/2), where, k comes from filter coefficient, namely the local FilterCoef. When α
is set to 1, it means there is no Layer 3 filtering.

The Layer 3 filtering should filter the random impact capability so that the filtered measured
value can reflect the basic change trend of the actual measurement. Because the measured value
input to Layer 3 filter is after the Layer 1 filtering, the influence of fast fading has been basically
filtered; therefore, the Layer 3 filter should carry out smoothing filtering on the shadow fading
and small quantity of fast fading burrs, so as to provide better measurement data for event

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter, the stronger the smoothing effect on the signal, and the stronger
the fast fading resistance capability, but the weaker the tracing capability of the signal
change. If handover is not implemented in time, call drop occurs.
l If this parameter is too low, the possibility of unnecessary soft handover and ping-pong
handover increases.

As adjustment of this parameter seriously affects the entire handover performance, be cautious while setting
this parameter.

Relevant Commands
For the RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameter: set it through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query it through LST INTRAFREQHO.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-5

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

For the cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameter: add it through ADD
CELLINTRAFREQHO, query it through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify it

2.1.3 Weighting Factor

This parameter is used to identify the threshold for triggering event 1A and 1B according to the
measured value of each cell in the active set.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 20

Physical Value Range

0 to 2, step 0.1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0.
According to the Protocol TS25.331, in event 1A and 1B, W is defined as follows:

l When W=0, the formula is actually the measured value of the best cell, and the
determination of the relative threshold of soft handover is only related to the best cell in
the active set.
l when W=1, it can be approximately considered as the equivalent signal strength when
maximum ratio combination of down links of all cells in the active is implemented.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter, the higher events 1A and 1B triggering thresholds obtained
under the same condition, the more difficult to join the active set, and the easier to leave
the active set.
l the less this parameter, the easier to join the active set, and the more difficult to leave the
active set.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameter: Set it through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query it through LST INTRAFREQHO.

2-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

For cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameter: Add it through ADD

CELLINTRAFREQHO, query it through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify it

2.1.4 Soft Handover Relative Thresholds

These parameters define the difference between the quality of a cell (evaluated with the Ec/No
of PCPICH at present) and the comprehensive quality of the active set (the best cell quality in
case that W=0). The soft handover relative threshold parameters include IntraRelThdFor1ACS,
IntraRelThdFor1APS (relative threshold for 1A) and IntraRelThdFor1BCS,
IntraRelThdFor1BPS (relative threshold for 1B).

Parameter ID




Value Range
0 to 29

Physical Value Range

0 to 14.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
l The default values of IntraRelThdFor1ACS and IntraRelThdFor1APS are 6, namely 3 dB.
l The default values of IntraRelThdFor1BCS and IntraRelThdFor1BPS are 12, namely 6 dB.

As specified in Protocol 25.331, when CPICH Ec/No value is adopted as the measured value,
the following formula is adopted for the event 1A trigger decision:


l MNew is the measured value of the cell that enters the report range;
l CIONew is the offset of this cell;
l Mi is the measured value of the cells in the active set;
l NA is the number of cells in the current active set;
l MBest is the measured value of the best cell in the active set;
l W is the weighting value which is used for weighting the comprehensive quality of the best
cell and the active set;

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-7

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

l R1a is report range, namely the relative threshold for soft handover;
l H1a is the hysteresis value of event 1A.

The following event is taken as the trigger condition of event 1B:


l MOld is the measured value of the cell that leaves the report range;
l CIOOld is the offset of this cell;
l Mi is the measured value of the cells in the active set;
l NA is the number of cells in the current active set;
l MBest is the measured value of the best cell in the active set;
l W is the weighting value used for weighing the comprehensive quality of the best cell and
the active set;
l R1b is report range, namely the relative threshold for soft handover;
l H1b is the hysteresis value of event 1B.

The selection of a relative threshold for handover corresponds directly to the soft handover
proportion, and it should ensure the trouble-free implementation of smoothing handover.

Impact on the Network Performance

The parameter setting determines the size of the soft handover area and the user proportion
involved in soft handover.

l If the thresholds are high, the target cell joins the active set more easily, call drop occurs
more difficultly, and the UE proportion in the state of soft handover increases, but the
forward resources are seriously occupied.
l If the thresholds are low, the target cell joins the active set more difficultly, the
communication quality cannot be guaranteed, and the implementation of smoothing
handover is affected.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query them through LST INTRAFREQHO.

For cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
CELLINTRAFREQHO, query them through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify

2.1.5 Event 1F Absolute Thresholds

These parameters correspond to the guarantee signal strength that satisfies the basic service QoS.
The absolute thresholds of soft handover include IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo and
IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP (Correspond to Ec/Io and RSCP).

2-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo: -24 to 0
IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP: -155 to 25

Physical Value Range

IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo: -24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB
IntraAblThdFor1FFRSCP: -155 dBm to 25 dBm, step 1 dBm

Parameter Setting
l The default value for IntraAblThdFor1FEcNo is -24 dB.
l The default value for IntraAblThdFor1FRSCP is -115 dBm.

Event 1F means the PCPICH measured value is less than the absolute threshold.
These values are the absolute thresholds used for 1F reports in the soft handover algorithm,
corresponding to the guarantee signal strength that satisfies the basic service QoS and affecting
the triggering of event 1F.
Event 1F is used to trigger emergency blind handover. If the optimal cell of active set reports
event 1F, it indicates the active set quality is rather poor, and blind handover is triggered at this
moment to make the final attempt before call drops.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher these thresholds, the more easily blind handover is triggered, and vice versa. In
practice, adjust the values in accordance with the handover policy and network coverage.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query them through LST INTRAFREQHO.
For cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
CELLINTRAFREQHO, query them through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify

2.1.6 Hysteresis Related to Soft Handover

These parameters represent the hysteresis values of the event 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1F.

Parameter ID

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference


Value Range
0 to 15

Physical Value Range

0 to 7.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default values:
l The 1A and event 1B hysteresis parameters are set to 0 (0 dB).
l The others are set to 8 (4 dB).

Event 1C: cell replacement in the active set.

Event 1D: In case of an active set cell, the best cell is modified; in case of a monitored set cell,
it is added into the active set and the best cell is modified.
l Event 1A

The first formula is used to trigger 1A, and the second one is used to cancel 1A. Therefore,
the hysteresis range is the signal fluctuation range under usual conditions, or the fluctuation
range of the slow fading under the same condition.
l Event 1B

The first formula is used to trigger 1B, and the second one is used to cancel 1B.
l Event 1C
MNew ≥ MInAS + H1c/2
MNew ≤ MInAS - H1c/2
The range of this value can be adjusted within 3 dB to 5 dB. Because 1C is triggered when
the active set size reaches the maximum value, and the delay of handover at this time does

2-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

not lead to bad result, the signaling interaction caused by the ping-pong effect should be
reduced to the minimum in the parameter configuration. The parameter can be increased
appropriately in the adjustment.
l Event 1D
MNotBest ≥ MBest + H1d/2
The event cancellation formula has not been given in the protocol. According to the
cancellation definitions of other events, the 1D cancellation definition can be deduced as
MNotBest ≤ MBest - H1d/2
The range of this value can be adjusted within 3 dB to 5 dB. Because all the handover
policies are based on the best cell and the change of the best cell usually leads to the update
of the measurement control, the ping-pong change and mis-decision should be reduced to
the minimum in report of event 1D. The parameter can be increased appropriately in the
l Event 1F
MNew ≤ T1f - H1f/2
MNew ≥ T1f + H1f/2
The range of this value can be adjusted within 3 dB to 5 dB. The value of this parameter is
consistent with the hysteresis value for 1B.

Impact on the Network Performance

l For a UE that has entered to the soft handover area, increased hysteresis is equivalent to a
reduced soft handover range.
l For a UE that has left the soft handover area, increased hysteresis is equivalent to an
increased soft handover range.

If the number of users entering the soft handover area is the same as the number of users leaving
the soft handover area, there is no influence on the actual proportion of soft handover. The greater
the hysteresis, the stronger the signal fluctuation resistance capability, and the better the ping-
pong effect suppressed. However, the response speed of the handover algorithm on signal
changes is decreased.

Therefore, the radio environment (slow fading characteristics), the actual handover distance and
the user moving speed should be fully considered for the setting of these parameters.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query them through LST INTRAFREQHO.

For cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
CELLINTRAFREQHO, query them through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify

2.1.7 Time to Trigger Related to Soft Handover

These parameters represent the trigger delay time of the event 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D and 1F.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-11

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID





Value Range
Enum (D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280,
D2560, D5000), work range Enum (D0, D200, D240, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000)ms

Parameter Setting
The default value for 1A is D320 (320 ms), and the default values for other events are D640
(640 ms).

The time-to-trigger mechanism is mainly used:

l To reduce the number of wrong event reports caused by burst signals.

l To suppress ping-pong handover to some degree.
l To reduce the influence of shadow fading on event decisions.

Layer 3 filter coefficient, hysteresis and time-to-trigger jointly overcome the interference
(mainly slow fading) effect. They are used to prevent the ping-pong effect (including event
reports, and active set and best cell update) caused by slow fading.

In order to obtain the approximate performance, we can use different combinations of the three
parameters. The interferences overcome by the three parameters are of different types:

l Filter coefficient can well overcome weak signal interference under strong signals.
l Hysteresis is mainly used to overcome interference with the strength within a certain range,
especially ping-pong handover at the verge of a cell.
l Time-to-trigger can overcome burst signal interference effectively.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the value of the hysteresis, the more difficult the handover occurs. However, if the
value of hysteresis increases, the call drop risk increases.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query them through LST INTRAFREQHO.

2-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

For cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
CELLINTRAFREQHO, query them through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify

2.1.8 Minimum Quality Threshold of Soft Handover

When the RNC receives event 1A, 1C and 1D, it can be added to the active set only when CPICH
Ec/Io of the target cell is greater than this absolute threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-24 to 0

Physical Value Range

-24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -24, namely, -24 dB.

Purpose of setting this parameter is that:

If the signal added to the cell is too poor in quality, there is no apparent contribution to general
quality of the active set, more downlink resources are occupied, and more TPC bit errors are
introduced. On the contrary, the soft handover performance is deteriorated. Therefore, a basic
quality requirement should be worked out for the added radio link.

Setting of this parameter is related with the power distribution rate of public channels and the
demodulation capability of UEs.

Impact on the Network Performance

Adjust this parameter according to the Ec/Io that the cell soft handover area reaches as expected
at network planning.
l The greater this parameter is set, the more difficult for the neighboring cell to join in the
active set, but the service quality of the joining cell can be ensured.
l The less this parameter is set, the easier for the neighboring cell to join in the active set,
but a too-low parameter cannot restrict the service quality of the cell.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameter: set it through SET
INTRAFREQHO, and query it through LST INTRAFREQHO.

For cell-oriented intra-frequency handover algorithm parameter: add it through ADD

CELLINTRAFREQHO, query it through LST CELLINTRAFREQHO, and modify it

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-13

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.1.9 Affect 1A and 1B Event Thresholds Flag

Switch CellsForbidden1A affects the relevant threshold of event 1A and Switch
CellsForbidden1B affects the relevant threshold of event 1B.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is AFFECT.
See the following relative threshold computation formulas of event 1A and 1B. This parameter

determines whether the measurement value Mi of corresponding cell i appears at . If it

is AFFECT, then Mi takes part in sum at computation, or else it does not.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the value of W is 0, the state (On or Off) of this switch has no influence on the computation

Relevant Commands
Add it through ADD INTRAFREQNCELL, query it through LST INTRAFREQNCELL,
and modify it through MOD INTRAFREQNCELL.

2.1.10 Cell Individual Offset

It is the CPICH measured value offset of intra-frequency handover cells.

Parameter ID

2-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Value Range
-20 to 20

Physical Value Range

-10 dB to 10 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0 dB.
The sum of this value and the actual measured value is used in the UE event estimation. The UE
uses the sum of the original cell measured value and this offset as the measurement result for
the UE intra-frequency handover decision. It plays the role of shifting the cell boarder in the
handover algorithm. This parameter is configured according to the actual environment in the
network planning. In the neighboring cell configuration, set this parameter to a positive value if
handover is expected to occur easily; otherwise, set it to a negative value.
The function of this parameter is to move the cell edge and configured according to actual

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter, the more easily soft handover occurs, and the more UEs in the
soft handover state, but the more forward resources occupied.
l The less this parameter is, the more difficultly soft handover occurs, which is likely to affect
the receiving quality.

Relevant Commands
Add it through ADD INTRAFREQNCELL, query it through LST INTRAFREQNCELL,
and modify it through MOD INTRAFREQNCELL.

2.2 Inter-Frequency Handover Parameters

The common configurable inter-frequency handover parameters are listed here.

Table 2-2 List of inter-frequency handover parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

1 InterFreqReport Inter-Frequency Periodical_re For RNC RNC

Mode measurement porting Set or modify: Cell
report mode SET
2 InterFreqMeasQ Inter-Frequency BOTH
uantity measurement
quantity Query: LST
For Cell

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-15

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

3 InterFreqFilter- Inter-Frequency D3 Set: ADD

Coef measurement CELLINTERFR
filter coefficient EQHOCOV
Query: LST
4 WeightForUsed Frequency 0
Freq weighting factor
5 Hystfor2B Hysteresis related Hystfor2B, Modify: MOD
Hystfor2D to inter-frequency Hystfor2D, CELLINTERFR
handover Hystfor2F: 4 EQHOCOV
Hystfor2F (2 dB)
HystforHHO HystforHHO
: 0 (0 dB)

6 TrigTime2B Time-to-Trigger TrigTime2B:

TrigTime2D related to inter- D0
frequency hard TrigTime2D:
TrigTime2F handover D320
O: 0

7 InterFreqCSThd RSCP-Based 2D: -95 dBm;

2FRSCP inter-frequency 2F: -92 dBm
InterFreqPSThd measurement
2FRSCP start/stop

8 InterFreqCSThd Ec/No-based 2D: -16 dB

2FEcNo inter-frequency 2F: -12 dB
InterFreqPSThd measurement
2FEcNo start/stop

2-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

9 InterFreqCovH Target frequency RSCP: -92

OCSThdRSCP trigger threshold dBm
InterFreqCovH of inter-frequency Ec/No: -12
OPSThdRSCP coverage dB

10 IFHOUsedFreq Current used RSCP: -92

CSThdRSCP frequency quality dBm
IFHOUsedFreq threshold of inter- Ec/No: -12
CSThdRSCP frequency dB

11 HHORSCPmin Inter-frequency RSCP: -115

HHOEcNomin measurement dBm
minimum access Ec/No: -16
thresholds dB

12 CellIndividalOf Cell individual 0 dB Set: ADD NCell

fset offset INTERFREQN
Query: LST
Modify: MOD

13 INTERFREQR Inter-Freq and InterFreq Set: ADD Cell

switch M
Query: LST
Modify: MOD

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-17

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

14 CoExistMeasTh InterFreq and COEXIST_ For RNC: SET RNC/

dChoice InterRAT coexist MEAS_THD INTERFREQH Cell
measure threshold _CHOICE_I OCOV
For Cell:ADD

15 INTERFREQM Inter-freq measure 60 s Set: ADD Cell

Query: LST
Modify: MOD

2.2.1 Inter-Frequency Measurement Report Mode

In the inter-frequency handover based on coverage, this parameter is used to select the periodical
report or event trigger mode for inter-frequency measurement report.
2.2.2 Inter-Frequency Measurement Item
This parameter is used to determine whether to select Ec/No or RSCP as the measurement item.
The selection is performed when the inter-frequency measurement, such as 2D/2F event and
periodic measurement, is conducted in a cell.
2.2.3 Inter-Frequency Measurement Layer 3 Filter Coefficients
It is the measurement smoothing factor adopted in Layer 3 inter-frequency filtering.
2.2.4 Frequency Weighting Factor
This parameter is used to determine proportions of the optimal cell and other cells in the active
set at calculation of the frequency integrated quality.
2.2.5 Hysteresis Related to Inter-Frequency Handover
These parameters are trigger hysteresis for events 2B, 2D, 2F and hard handover (HHO).
2.2.6 Time to Trigger Related to Inter-Frequency Hard Handover
These parameters are trigger delay time for events 2B, 2D, 2F and hard handover (HHO) in
coverage-oriented inter frequency handover.
2.2.7 RSCP-Based Inter-Frequency Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds

2-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

In the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, when the periodical inter-frequency

measurement reporting mode is adopted, this parameter corresponds to inter-frequency
measurement event absolute thresholds when RSCP is used for measurement, including event
2D absolute threshold and event 2F absolute threshold.
2.2.8 EC/No-based Inter-Frequency Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds
In the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, this parameter corresponds to inter-frequency
measurement event absolute thresholds when Ec/No is used for measurement.
2.2.9 Target Frequency Trigger Threshold of Inter-Frequency Coverage
When the event reporting mode is adopted for inter-frequency handover in the coverage-based
inter-frequency handover, this parameter is used as the mandatory threshold requirement
satisfied by target frequency quality when event 2B is triggered, and it is one of the mandatory
conditions for triggering event 2B. If the periodical reporting mode is adopted, this parameter
is used as the absolute threshold of inter-frequency hard handover event.
2.2.10 Current Used Frequency Quality Threshold of Inter-Frequency Handover
When the event reporting mode is adopted for inter-frequency handover, these parameters are
used for measurement control of event 2B. Only when the quality of used frequency is poorer
than this threshold, one of the mandatory conditions for triggering event 2B is satisfied.
2.2.11 Inter-Frequency Measurement Minimum Access Thresholds
When the periodical reporting mode is selected for inter-frequency coverage handover, the
quality measurement value of inter-frequency cell should satisfy the inter-frequency handover
absolute value. Moreover, its RSCP and EcNo quality must satisfy the minimum access
threshold, so inter-frequency handover may take place. The minimum access threshold
corresponding to RSCP is HHORSCPmin, and that corresponding to EcNo is HHOEcNomin.
2.2.12 Cell Individual Offset
It is the cell offset for inter-frequency handover.
2.2.13 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Algorithm Switches
This describes how to perform neighbor measurement if a cell has both inter-frequency and inter-
RAT cells as its neighbors.
2.2.14 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Measurement Threshold Choice
This parameter determines what configuration parameters for events 2D and 2F should be chosen
based on measurement types when a cell has both inter-frequency and inter-RAT neighbors.
2.2.15 Inter-Frequency Measure Timer Length
This parameter determines what configuration parameters for events 2D and 2F should be chosen
based on measurement types when a cell has both inter-frequency and inter-RAT neighbors.

2.2.1 Inter-Frequency Measurement Report Mode

In the inter-frequency handover based on coverage, this parameter is used to select the periodical
report or event trigger mode for inter-frequency measurement report.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (Periodical_reporting, Event_trigger)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-19

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

Periodical_reporting indicates adoption of the periodical reporting mode.

Event_trigger indicates adoption of the event trigger mode.

Parameter Setting
The default value is Periodical_reporting.

There are two optional inter-frequency handover report modes in RNC: event report and
periodical report, which are selected through the inter-frequency report mode switch. This
algorithm switch is oriented to RNC configuration.

l Event report:
To prevent ping-pong before and after inter-frequency handover, use 2B event (when the
current in-use frequency quality is less than the absolute threshold used frequency quality
threshold, the non-used frequency quality is greater than the other absolute threshold
target frequency trigger threshold) as the trigger event for judging origination of inter-
frequency handover. As the 2B event has no event transfer period, the retry function after
handover failure is not implemented, unless this cell can trigger 2B event again.
l Periodical report:
Use events 2D and 2F as the compressed mode to start and stop event, and periodically
report the measurement result of inter-frequency neighboring cell in the compressed mode
period. When the cell quality reported by UE is greater than the sum of an absolute threshold
and the relative hysteresis, the delay trigger timer starts. If the requirement is always
satisfied when the timer is expired, inter-frequency handover is started after the delay
trigger timer is expired. If handover fails, handover judging continues in accordance with
the inter-frequency measurement periodical report.

Impact on the Network Performance

The periodical report and event report modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. At
present, the traditional periodical report mode is still adopted.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to RNC inter-frequency handover algorithm: set it through SET

Parameter oriented to cell inter-frequency handover algorithm: add it through ADD


2.2.2 Inter-Frequency Measurement Item

This parameter is used to determine whether to select Ec/No or RSCP as the measurement item.
The selection is performed when the inter-frequency measurement, such as 2D/2F event and
periodic measurement, is conducted in a cell.

Parameter ID

2-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default setting is BOTH.
This parameter indicates the inter-frequency measurement items that are used for inter-frequency
hard handover evaluation. These items are the 2D event, the 2F event, the 2B event, and the
inter-frequency measurement item used for periodic measurement.
In addition, this parameter determines the measurement items used for evaluating the quality of
frequencies. These frequencies are used for the 2D or 2F event stopped during the start of inter-
system measurement and the 3A event. On the primary stage of the 3G coverage, the full
coverage is difficult to fulfill. Some areas such as indoor area still require the GSM system to
cover. Thus, the recommended value for this parameter is CPICHRSCP in this situation.
In the measurement policy of the intra-frequency soft handover, the Ec/N0 of the pilot channel
serves as the measurement item for handover. In the cells on the edge of bearer coverage,
however, it is improper to still use Ec/N0 as the measurement item for inter-frequency hard
handover. The value of the measurement item Ec/N0 is determined by the RSCP strength of the
pilot signal and the downlink interference.
The downlink interference of the WCDMA system are mainly the background noise and the
downlink signal interference of intra-frequency cells such as local cells and neighboring cells.
The downlink interference strength of intra-frequency cells are affected by path loss and slow
fading, which is analogous to the fading of the signals (such as CPICHRSCP) received by an
UE. On the edge of the coverage area of a bearer, the fading speed of CPICHRSCP is basically
the same as the fading speed of interference when an UE in the current bearer cell moves to
another bearer cell that is related to the cell currently used by the UE. Because the background
noise is not affected by path loss, the fading speed of CPICH RSCP is slightly faster, depending
on the strength of background noise. Thus, the UE receives the change of CPICH Ec/I0 very
slowly. Both the simulation result and the actual test result prove that CPICH Ec/I0 can reach
-12 dB when CPICH RSCP received by an UE reaches about -110 dBm. According to the
relevant protocol, the minimum demodulation sensitivity of an UE is -117 dBm. Therefore, if
only Ec/I0 is used, inter-frequency measurement may not be started in the event of a call drop.
To solve this problem, you must add the selection control of the inter-frequency measurement
items of cells. That is, you must use CPICH RSCP as the measurement items of inter-frequency
cells for the cells on the edge of bearer coverage. For the central area of bearer coverage, you
can still use CPICHEc/N0 as an inter-frequency measurement item. This can enable instant inter-
frequency handover to avoid call drop in the event of an intra-frequency handover failure.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-21

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

The value BOTH ensures the higher adaptability for triggering the 2D event. It can also be used
for measuring RSCP and EcN0. Thus, BOTH is regarded as the default setting. Two active sets
of measurement items are delivered simultaneously. One 2D/2F measurement item is set to
CPICH_EcN0. The other item is set to CPICH_RSCP. The 2D event report of either
measurement item can trigger the delivery of inter-frequency measurement control.

Impact on Network Performance

This parameter is set on the basis of cell location in the network and whether the inter-system
neighboring cells exist.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: use the SET
INTERFREQHOCOV command for configuration and use the LST
INTERFREQHOCOV command for query.

Cell-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: use the

ADDCELLINTERFREQHOCOV command for addition, the LST
CELLINTERFREQHOCOV command for query, and the
MODCELLINTERFREQHOCOV command for modification.

2.2.3 Inter-Frequency Measurement Layer 3 Filter Coefficients

It is the measurement smoothing factor adopted in Layer 3 inter-frequency filtering.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19), working range:
Enum(D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)

Parameter Setting
The default value is D3,namely 3.

The physical meaning and measurement model of this parameter are the same as those of intra-
frequency measurement; what is different is that the report cycle of inter-frequency measurement
is 480 ms, while the report cycle of intra-frequency measurement is 200 ms. In inter-frequency
measurement, according the different types of cells, the CPICH RSCP or CPICH Ec/No is likely
to be adopted. Filter coefficient corresponding to different measurement has little difference.

2-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter, the stronger the signal smoothing effect, and the stronger the
fast fading resistance capability, but the weaker the signal change tracing capability, which
may result in call drop if handover is not implemented timely.
l If the setting of this parameter is too low, the probability of unnecessary hard handover and
ping-pong handover increases.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameter: set it through SET

For cell-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameter: add it through ADD


2.2.4 Frequency Weighting Factor

This parameter is used to determine proportions of the optimal cell and other cells in the active
set at calculation of the frequency integrated quality.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 20

Physical Value Range

0 to 2, step 0.1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0, that is, only the best cell quality in the active set is used as the current
frequency quality.

WeightForUsedFreq is used for evaluation of events 2B, 2C, 2D and 2F. The carrier quality
evaluation formula is as follows:


l Qfrequencyj is the estimated quality (dB value) of frequency j;

l Mfrequencyj is the estimated quality (linear value) of frequency j;
l Mij is the measurement result of cell i in the active set of frequency j;
l NA j is the number of cells in the active set of frequency j;

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-23

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

l MBestj is the measurement result of optimal cell in the active set of frequency j;
l Wj is the frequency weighting factor.

To set this parameter, refer to the setting method for intra-frequency handover weighting factor

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter, the higher the current frequency quality estimated value under
the same condition, and the more difficult inter-frequency handover occurs.
l The less this parameter, the lower the current frequency quality estimated value, and the
easier inter-frequency handover triggered.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to RNC inter-frequency handover algorithm: set it through SET

Parameter oriented to cell inter-frequency handover algorithm: add it through ADD


2.2.5 Hysteresis Related to Inter-Frequency Handover

These parameters are trigger hysteresis for events 2B, 2D, 2F and hard handover (HHO).

Parameter ID




Value Range
0 to 29

Physical Value Range

0 to 14.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default values for Hystfor2B, Hystfor2D and Hystfor2F are 4, namely 2 dB. The default
value for HystforHHO is 0.

Under periodic report mode, the inter-frequency measurement hysteresis is mainly used to
overcome the occurrence of ping-pong handover of events 2D (the estimated quality of the
current frequency is lower than the threshold) and 2F (the estimated quality of the current
frequency is higher than the threshold).

2-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Under event report mode, the inter-frequency measurement hysteresis is mainly used to decrease
the frequently handover triggered by event 2B because of radio signal changing.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the hysteresis values, the stronger the signal fluctuation resistance capability, and
the better the ping-pong effect depressed. However, the response speed of the handover
algorithm to signal changes is weakened at the same time.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET

For cell-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.6 Time to Trigger Related to Inter-Frequency Hard Handover

These parameters are trigger delay time for events 2B, 2D, 2F and hard handover (HHO) in
coverage-oriented inter frequency handover.

Parameter ID




Value Range
Value range of TrigTime2B, TrigTime2D, TrigTime2F is Enum (D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80,
D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000), working range : Enum
(D0, D200, D240, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000)

Value range of TrigTimeHHO is 0 to 64000.

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000)ms

Physical value range of TrigTimeHHO is 0 to 64000ms

Parameter Setting
The default values are as follows:
l TrigTime2B: D0;
l TrigTime2D: D320;
l TrigTime2F: D1280;

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-25

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

l TrigTimeHHO:0

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the time-to-trigger values, the smaller the average handover frequency; but the
increase of the time-to-trigger setting increases the risk of call drop.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET

For cell-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.7 RSCP-Based Inter-Frequency Measurement Start/Stop

In the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, when the periodical inter-frequency
measurement reporting mode is adopted, this parameter corresponds to inter-frequency
measurement event absolute thresholds when RSCP is used for measurement, including event
2D absolute threshold and event 2F absolute threshold.

Current Frequency UE RNC

Measurement Value

lower than the event 2D reports event 2D sends signaling to start the
absolute threshold compressed mode and begin

higher than the event 2F repots event 2F sends signaling to close the
absolute threshold compressed mode and stop

Parameter ID
Based on different bearer data domains, it can be:

InterFreqCSThd2DRSCP (the CS inter-frequency measurement start threshold indicated by


InterFreqCSThd2FRSCP (the CS inter-frequency measurement close threshold indicated by


InterFreqPSThd2DRSCP (the PS inter-frequency measurement start threshold indicated by


InterFreqPSThd2FRSCP (the PS inter-frequency measurement close threshold indicated by


2-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Value Range
-115 to -25

Physical Value Range

-115 dBm to -25 dBm, step 1 dBm

Parameter Setting
l The default values of InterFreqCSThd2DRSCP, InterFreqPSThd2DRSCP are -95, namely
-95 dBm.
l The default values of InterFreqCSThd2FRSCP, InterFreqPSThd2FRSCP are -92, namely
-92 dBm.
The inter-frequency measurement start threshold (which is the compressed mode start threshold)
is the most critical parameter in the inter-frequency handover policy. This set of parameters
influence the proportion of users in cells entering the compressed mode and the success rate of
hard handover. The following factors should be considered in the setting of this set of parameters:
l UE moving speed
l cell radius
l path loss

Impact on the Network Performance

Events 2D and 2F are the start and stop switches of the compressed mode. When the cell is at
the verge of carrier coverage, the RSCP measured values are used as the decision criterion for
2D and 2F. Therefore, lower the 2D thresholds if the compressed mode is expected to start as
early as possible. To reduce the ping-pong start and stop of the compressed mode, increase
appropriately the difference between the thresholds of the 2D and 2F.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET
For cell-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.8 EC/No-based Inter-Frequency Measurement Start/Stop

In the coverage-based inter-frequency handover, this parameter corresponds to inter-frequency
measurement event absolute thresholds when Ec/No is used for measurement.

Parameter ID
InterFreqCSThd2DEcNo (CS inter-frequency measurement start threshold indicated by Ec/No)
InterFreqCSThd2FEcNo (CS inter-frequency measurement close threshold indicated by Ec/No)
InterFreqPSThd2DEcNo (PS inter-frequency measurement start threshold indicated by Ec/No)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-27

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

InterFreqPSThd2FEcNo (PS inter-frequency measurement close threshold indicated by Ec/No)

Value Range
-24 to 0

Physical Value Range

-24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
l The default values of InterFreqCSThd2DecNo and InterFreqPSThd2DecNo are -16,
namely -16 dB
l The default values for InterFreqCSThd2FEcNo and InterFreqPSThd2FecNo are -12,
namely -12 dB.
For the detailed descriptions, refer to 2.2.7 RSCP-Based Inter-Frequency Measurement
Start/Stop Thresholds.

Impact on the Network Performance

The events 2D and 2F are the compressed mode start/stop switches. When the cell is at the carrier
coverage center, Ec/No measured value is taken as the decision criterion for events 2D and 2F.
Therefore, set the event 2D threshold to a relatively greater value if the compressed mode is
expected to start as early as possible; otherwise, set it to a relatively less value. To control the
ping-pong effect of the compressed mode start/stop, increase appropriately the difference
between the thresholds for events 2D and 2F.

Relevant Commands
For RNC-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: set them through SET
For cell-oriented inter-frequency handover algorithm parameters: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.9 Target Frequency Trigger Threshold of Inter-Frequency

When the event reporting mode is adopted for inter-frequency handover in the coverage-based
inter-frequency handover, this parameter is used as the mandatory threshold requirement
satisfied by target frequency quality when event 2B is triggered, and it is one of the mandatory
conditions for triggering event 2B. If the periodical reporting mode is adopted, this parameter
is used as the absolute threshold of inter-frequency hard handover event.

Parameter ID
InterFreqCovHOCSThdEcNo (target frequency Ec/No trigger threshold of CS service)
InterFreqCovHOCSThdRSCP (target frequency RSCP trigger threshold of CS service)
InterFreqCovHOPSThdEcNo (target frequency Ec/No trigger threshold of PS service)

2-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

InterFreqCovHOPSThdRSCP (target frequency RSCP trigger threshold of PS service)

Value Range
InterFreqCovHOCSThdEcNo and InterFreqCovHOPSThdEcNo: -24 to 0

InterFreqCovHOCSThdRSCP and InterFreqCovHOPSThdRSCP: -115 to -25

Physical Value Range

InterFreqCovHOCSThdEcNo and InterFreqCovHOPSThdEcNo: -24 dB to 0 dB

InterFreqCovHOCSThdRSCP and InterFreqCovHOPSThdRSCP: -115 dBm to -25 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default values of InterFreqCovHOCSThdEcNo and InterFreqCovHOPSThdEcNo are -12

The default values of InterFreqCovHOCSThdRSCP and InterFreqCovHOPSThdRSCP are -92


Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the parameters are, the more difficult hard handover occurs.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-frequency handover algorithm: set them through SET

For parameters oriented to cell inter-frequency handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.10 Current Used Frequency Quality Threshold of Inter-

Frequency Handover
When the event reporting mode is adopted for inter-frequency handover, these parameters are
used for measurement control of event 2B. Only when the quality of used frequency is poorer
than this threshold, one of the mandatory conditions for triggering event 2B is satisfied.

Parameter ID
Based on different inter-frequency measurement quantities in use and different borne services,
it can be:

IFHOUsedFreqCSThdEcNo (used frequency Ec/No quality threshold of CS service)

IFHOUsedFreqPSThdEcNo (used frequency Ec/No quality threshold of PS service)

IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP (used frequency RSCP quality threshold of CS service)

IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP (used frequency RSCP quality threshold of PS service)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-29

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Value Range
IFHOUsedFreqCSThdEcNo and IFHOUsedFreqPSThdEcNo: -24 to 0

IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP and IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP: -115 to -25

Physical Value Range

IFHOUsedFreqCSThdECNo and IFHOUsedFreqPSThdECNo: -24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB

IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP and IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP: -115 dBm to -25 dBm, step 1


Parameter Setting
The default values of IFHOUsedFreqCSThdEcNo and IFHOUsedFreqPSThdEcNo are -12 dB.

The default values of IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP and IFHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP are -92


Factors to be considered while setting these parameters:

The cell signal quality of current frequency is poor and cannot better satisfy the coverage
requirement of current service. After handover is completed, it is hard to hand over to the current
used frequency cell again even inter-frequency measurement is started again. In other words,
these parameters should be set less than the trigger threshold of event 2F, or equal to the threshold
of event 2D.

Impact on the Network Performance

Higher values of these parameters get event 2B to be more easily triggered.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-frequency handover algorithm: set them through SET

For parameters oriented to cell inter-frequency handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.11 Inter-Frequency Measurement Minimum Access Thresholds

When the periodical reporting mode is selected for inter-frequency coverage handover, the
quality measurement value of inter-frequency cell should satisfy the inter-frequency handover
absolute value. Moreover, its RSCP and EcNo quality must satisfy the minimum access
threshold, so inter-frequency handover may take place. The minimum access threshold
corresponding to RSCP is HHORSCPmin, and that corresponding to EcNo is HHOEcNomin.

Parameter ID


2-30 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Value Range
HHOEcNomin: -24 to 0
HHORSCPmin: -115 to -25

Physical Value Range

HHOEcNomin: -24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB
HHORSCPmin: -115 dBm to -25 dBm, step 1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default value of HHOEcNomin is -16 dB, and the default value of HHORSCPmin is -115
The minimum quality requirements for EcNo and RSCP ensure that the target cell quality is not
too poor.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater these parameters, the more difficult the inter-frequency handover occurs, but
the quality after handover can be ensured.
l The less these parameters, the looser the inter-frequency handover requirement, but it may
lead to handover to a poor cell and occurrence of ping-pong handover.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-frequency handover algorithm: set them through SET
For parameters oriented to cell inter-frequency handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERFREQHOCOV.

2.2.12 Cell Individual Offset

It is the cell offset for inter-frequency handover.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-20 to 20

Physical Value Range

-10 dB to 10 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0 dB.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-31

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

It is the CPICH measurement offset of neighboring cell. The UE uses the sum of the original
measurement value of the cell and this offset as the measurement result for the UE inter-
frequency handover decision. This parameter plays the role of moving the cell boarder in the
handover algorithm.

This parameter is configured according to the actual environment in the network planning. In
the neighboring cell configuration, set this parameter to a positive value if handover is expected
to occur easily; otherwise, set it to a negative value.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter, the more easily inter-frequency hard handover occurs.
l The less this parameter, the more difficult hard handover occurs.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD INTERFREQNCELL, query it through LST

2.2.13 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Algorithm Switches

This describes how to perform neighbor measurement if a cell has both inter-frequency and inter-
RAT cells as its neighbors.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum(InterFreq, InterRAT, SimInterFreqRAT)

Physical Value Range

Only the inter-frequency neighbors are measured. Only the inter-RAT neighbors are measured.
The inter-frequency neighbors and the inter-RAT neighbors are measured at the same time.

Parameter Setting
The default setting is InterFreq.

For a cell having both inter-frequency neighbors and inter-RAT neighbors, configure the cell
based on the actual handover policy.

InterFreq: measures only the inter-frequency cells and conducts inter-frequency handover.
InterRAT: conducts only the inter-RAT handover for the cells only in the GSM network.
SimInterFreqRAT: measures the inter-frequency and inter-RAT cells simultaneously. For the
SimInterFreqRAT, the time for handover depends on what cells have the highest handover

The algorithm switch is invalid when only inter-frequency cells or inter-RAT cells are available.

2-32 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter determines the cell handover policy in case inter-frequency neighbors co-exist
with inter-RAT neighbors. Configure this parameter for each cell.

Relevant Commands
This parameter is a cell-oriented handover global parameter. Set this parameter through ADD
CELLHOCOMM, query it through LST CELLHOCOMM, and modify it through MOD

2.2.14 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Measurement Threshold Choice

This parameter determines what configuration parameters for events 2D and 2F should be chosen
based on measurement types when a cell has both inter-frequency and inter-RAT neighbors.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERFREQ: indicates that 2D and 2F measurement
threshold parameters orientated to inter-frequency are chosen as thresholds for cell subscribers
to enable or disable the compress mode.
COEXIST_MEAS_THD_CHOICE_INTERRAT: indicates that 2D and 2F measurement
threshold parameters orientated to inter-RAT are chosen as thresholds for cell subscribers to
enable or disable the compress mode.

Parameter Setting
During the setting, take into account the following items: Thresholds for 2D and 2F events in
inter-frequency and inter-RAT systems, thresholds for the inter-frequency or inter-RAT
handover, and current handover policies. For instance, you plan to choose inter-frequency
neighbors when the inter-frequency and inter-RAT neighbors coexist, you can choose the
measurement threshold parameters for the inter-frequency in case the threshold for an inter-RAT
2D event is greater than that for an inter-frequency 2D event.

Impact on the Network Performance

Set based on actual network handover policies.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to the RNC inter-frequency handover algorithm: set it through SET
HOCOMM and query it through LST HOCOMM.

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter oriented to cell handover algorithm: add it through ADD CELLHOCOMM, query
it through LST CELLHOCOMM, and modify it through MOD CELLHOCOMM.

2.2.15 Inter-Frequency Measure Timer Length

This parameter determines what configuration parameters for events 2D and 2F should be chosen
based on measurement types when a cell has both inter-frequency and inter-RAT neighbors.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Integer: 1 to 512

Physical Value Range

Integer: 1 s to 512 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 60 s.

The expiration length for inter-frequency measurement timer. The system stops inter-frequency
measurement and disables the compressed mode if enabled, if no inter-frequency handover
occurs upon expiry of the inter-frequency measurement timer.

This parameter is used to prevent a cell from being in inter-frequency measurement state for a
long time, for the cell cannot find a target cell that meets the measurement requirements.

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is used to reduce the impact on serving cells by shortening the time for mode

Closing the compress mode in advance results in UE's failure to initiate an inter-frequency
handover. The coverage-based inter-frequency handover may lead to call drops.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to the cell inter-frequency handover algorithm, add it through ADD

2.3 Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Management

The common configurable coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters are
listed here.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Table 2-3 List of coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Level
ID Meaning Value Command

1 InterRATFilte Inter-RAT D3 For RNC RNC

rCoef measurement Set or modify: SET Cell
2D2FFilterCo filter coefficient INTERRATHOCO
ef V
Query: LST
2 InterRATRep Inter-RAT Periodical_r
ortMode measurement eporting
report mode
For Cell
3 WeightForUse Frequency 0 Set: ADD
dFreq weighting factor CELLINTERRAT
4 InterPeriodRe Inter-RAT period D1000
portInterval report interval (1000 ms) Query: LST
5 BSICVerify BSIC verify Require HOCOV
selection switch Modify: MOD
antity measurement Quantity: HOCOV

3AMeasQuant quantity BOTH

ity 3AMeasQu

7 InterRATCST RSCP-Based InterRatCS

hd2DRSCP inter-RAT Thd2DRscp
InterRATPST measurement : -100 (dBm)
hd2DRSCP start/stop InterRatPST
thresholds hd2DRscp:
hd2FRSCP -110 (dBm)
InterRATPST InterRatCS
hd2FRSCP Thd2FRscp:
-97 (dBm)
-107 (dBm)

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Level

ID Meaning Value Command

8 InterRATCST Ec/No-Based InterRATC

hd2DEcN0 inter-RAT SThd2DEc
InterRATPST measurement N0: -14 (dB)
hd2DEcN0 start/stop InterRATPS
thresholds Thd2DEcN
hd2FEcN0 0: -15 (dB)
hd2FEcN0 SThd2FEcN
0: -12 (dB)
: -13 (dB)

9 InterRATCov Inter-RAT 16, that is,

HOCSThd handover judging -95 dBm
InterRATCov thresholds

10 TrigTime2D Time-to-Trigger TRIGTIME

TrigTime2F related to inter- 2D: D320
TrigTime3A event 2F: D1280
3A: D0

11 Hystfor3A Hysteresis related 2D/2F/3A: 4

Hystfor2D with inter-RAT (2 dB)
handover HystforInter
Hystfor2F coverage RAT: 0(0
HystforInterR dB)

12 TimeToTrigF Time-to-Trigger 0, that is,

orVerify for verified GSM handover
cell immediately

13 TimeToTrigF Time-to-Trigger 65535, that

orNonVerify for non-verified is, handover
GSM cell to non-
GSM cell is

14 PenaltyTimef Penalty time for 30 s

orInterRATH inter-RAT
O handover

2-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Level

ID Meaning Value Command

15 CellIndividal Cell individual 0 dB Set: ADD NCell

Offset offset GSMNCELL
Query: LST
Modify: MOD

16 IRHOUsedFre Inter-RAT CS IRHOUsed For RNC RNC

qCSThdEcN0 used frequency FreqCsThd Set or modify: SET Cell
IRHOUsedFre trigger Ec/No EcN0: -12 INTERRATHOCO
qPSThdEcN0 threshold (dB) V
IRHOUsedFre Inter-RAT PS IRHOUsed Query: LST
qCSThdRSCP used frequency FreqPsThdE INTERRATHOCO
trigger Ec/No cN0: -13 V
IRHOUsedFre threshold (dB)
qPSThdRSCP For Cell
Inter-RAT CS IRHOUsed Set: ADD
used frequency FreqCsThd CELLINTERRAT
trigger RSCP Rscp: -97 HOCOV
threshold (dBm)
Query: LST
used frequency FreqPsThd HOCOV
trigger RSCP Rscp: -107
Modify: MOD
threshold (dBm)
17 InterRATMea Inter-RAT 60 s HOCOV
sTime measure timer

2.3.1 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficients

In the inter-RAT handover based on coverage, these parameters refer to the measurement smooth
coefficient adopted at L3 inter-RAT measurement report filtering and the measurement smooth
coefficient adopted at events 2D and 2F report.
2.3.2 Inter-RAT Measurement Report Mode
In the coverage-based inter-RAT handover, this parameter is used to select the periodical report
or event trigger mode for inter-RAT measurement report.
2.3.3 Frequency Weighting Factor
This parameter is used to determine proportions of the optimal cell and other cells in the active
set at calculation of the frequency integrated quality.
2.3.4 Inter-RAT Period Report Interval
The parameter is used to determine the measurement report interval when the inter-RAT
measurement report mode chooses Periodical_Reporting.
2.3.5 BSIC Verify Selection Switch
This parameter is used to control the inter-RAT measurement report cell. If it is set to Require,
report is allowed only after the measured GSM cell identity code (BSIC) is correctly decoded.
If it is set to Not_Require, then all the measured cells can be reported so long as they satisfy the
above report condition, regardless of their BSICs correctly decoded or not.

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.3.6 Inter-RAT Measurement Quantity

Parameter 2D2FMeasQuantity is used to configure events 2D and 2F measurement quantity
for starting and stopping inter-RAT measurement, including EcNo and RSCP. Parameter
3AMeasQuantity is used to configure event 3A measurement quantity for inter-RAT
measurement, including EcNo and RSCP.
2.3.7 RSCP-Based Inter-RAT Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds
This set of parameters correspond to the absolute thresholds of the inter-RAT measurement
events when RSCP is used for measurement.
2.3.8 Ec/No-Based Inter-RAT Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds
This set of parameters correspond to the absolute thresholds of the inter-RAT measurement event
when Ec/No is used for measurement.
2.3.9 Inter-RAT Handover Judging Thresholds
Inter-RAT handover judging thresholds involve the inter-RAT CS service handover judging
threshold InterRATCovHOCSThd and the inter-RAT PS service handover judging threshold
2.3.10 Time to Trigger Related to Inter-RAT Handover
In coverage-oriented inter frequency handover, the time-to-trigger parameters include time-to-
trigger for 2D (TrigTime2D), time-to-trigger for 2F (TrigTime2F) and time-to-trigger for 3A
2.3.11 Hysteresis Related to Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover
In the coverage-based inter-RAT handover, hystereses triggered by events include 3A hysteresis
Hystfor3A, 2D hysteresis Hystfor2D, 2F hysteresis Hystfor2F, and inter-RAT handover
hysteresis HystforInterRAT.
2.3.12 Time to Trigger for Verified GSM Cell
This parameter refers to the delay trigger time of GSM cell verified already by the BS identity
code BSIC. If the signal quality of GSM neighboring cell always satisfies the inter-RAT
handover judging condition in the time range stipulated by this parameter value, and the GSM
neighboring cell is in the verified state, the network starts the inter-RAT handover process.
2.3.13 Time to Trigger for Non-verified GSM Cell
This parameter represents the delay time for triggering a GSM cell unacknowledged by BSIC.
In the period specified by this parameter, if the signal quality of an adjacent GSM cell meets the
requirement for inter-RAT handover and this cell is unacknowledged, the network starts inter-
RAT handover.
2.3.14 Penalty Time for Inter-RAT Handover
For inter-RAT handover failure to the GSM cell, possibly it is refused because the load of this
cell is heavy. Therefore, no inter-RAT handover request is sent to this cell in the time range
stipulated by this parameter value.
2.3.15 Cell Individual Offset
This parameter refers to the inter-RAT handover cell individual offset.
2.3.16 Current Used Frequency Quality Threshold of Inter-RAT Handover
This parameter is used for measurement control of event 3A when the event reporting mode is
adopted for the inter-RAT measurement. Only when the quality of used frequency is poorer than
this threshold, one of the mandatory conditions for triggering event 3A is satisfied.
2.3.17 Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length
This parameter defines the valid time for inter-RAT measurement. If the timer cannot find an
appropriate inter-RAT cell to initiate the inter-RAT handover, for instance, the event 3A report
is not received or all period reports cannot satisfy the trigger condition for the inter-RAT

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

handover, the RNC disables the compress mode to release the resources for inter-RAT
measurement and waits for the inter-RAT measurement of the next round.

2.3.1 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficients

In the inter-RAT handover based on coverage, these parameters refer to the measurement smooth
coefficient adopted at L3 inter-RAT measurement report filtering and the measurement smooth
coefficient adopted at events 2D and 2F report.

Parameter ID


Value Range
Enum (D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)

Parameter Setting
The default values for both InterRATFilterCoef and 2D2FFilterCoef are D3, namely 3.

The physical meaning and measurement model of these parameters are the same as those of
inter-frequency measurement, and the reporting periods are 480 ms. For the specific analysis,
refer to 2.1.2 Intra-Frequency Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient and 2.2.3 Inter-
Frequency Measurement Layer 3 Filter Coefficients.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater these parameter, the stronger the effect on signal smoothness, the stronger the fast-
fading resistance capability, but the weaker the tracing capability for signal change, and call
drops due to handover failure. If these values are set too low, unnecessary inter-RAT handover

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET

For parameters oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.2 Inter-RAT Measurement Report Mode

In the coverage-based inter-RAT handover, this parameter is used to select the periodical report
or event trigger mode for inter-RAT measurement report.

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (Periodical_reporting, Event_trigger)

Physical Value Range

Periodical_reporting indicates adoption of the periodical reporting mode.

Event_trigger indicates adoption of the event trigger mode.

Parameter Setting
The default value is Periodical_reporting.

There are two optional inter-frequency handover report modes in RNC: event report and
periodical report, which are selected through the inter-RAT report mode switch. This algorithm
switch is oriented to RNC configuration.

l Event report:
To prevent ping-pong before and after inter-RAT handover, event 3A (the current used
frequency quality is lower than the absolute threshold, and the GSM cell level is higher
than the other absolute threshold) is used as the trigger event for judging origination of
inter-RAT handover. To improve the handover success ratio, the GSM cell BSIC of the
trigger event must be decoded correctly by EU. As the event 3A has no event transfer period,
the retry function after handover failure is not implemented, unless this cell can trigger
event 3A again.
l Periodical report:
When the level of the GSM cell reported by UE is higher than the inter-RAT event 2D
absolute threshold + hysteresis, it starts the delay trigger timer. If the clock satisfies
requirement during timer expires, start the inter-frequency handover after the delay trigger
timer is expires. If handover fails, retry in accordance with the inter-RAT measurement
periodical report.

Impact on the Network Performance

The periodical report and event report modes have their own advantages and disadvantages. At
present, the traditional periodical report mode is still adopted.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET

For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

2.3.3 Frequency Weighting Factor

This parameter is used to determine proportions of the optimal cell and other cells in the active
set at calculation of the frequency integrated quality.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 20

Physical Value Range

0 to 2, step 0.1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0, that is, only the best cell quality in the active set is used as the current
frequency quality.

WeightForUsedFreq is used for evaluation of events 2D and 2F. The carrier quality evaluation
formula is as follows:


l Qfrequencyj is the estimated quality (dB value) of frequency j.

l Mfrequencyj is the estimated quality (linear value) of frequency j.
l Mij is the measurement result of cell i in the active set of frequency j.
l NAj is the number of cells in the active set of frequency j.
l MBestj is the measurement result of optimal cell in the active set of frequency j.
l Wj is the frequency weighting factor.

For setting this parameter, refer to the setting method for intra-frequency handover weighting

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the higher the current frequency quality estimated value is
calculated under the same condition, and the more difficult the inter-frequency handover
l The lower the parameter is, the lower the current frequency quality estimated value is, and
the easier the inter-frequency handover is triggered.

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
Parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.3.4 Inter-RAT Period Report Interval

The parameter is used to determine the measurement report interval when the inter-RAT
measurement report mode chooses Periodical_Reporting.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, D250, D500, D1000, D2000, D3000, D4000, D6000,
D8000, D12000, D16000, D20000, D24000, D28000, D32000, D64000)

Physical Value Range

Enum (NON_PERIODIC_REPORT, 250 ms, 500 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms, 3000 ms, 4000 ms,
6000 ms, 8000 ms, 12000 ms, 16000 ms, 20000 ms, 24000 ms, 28000 ms, 32000 ms, 64000 ms)

Parameter Setting
The default value is D1000, namely, 1000 ms.
For the GSM RSSI measurement period is 480 ms, this parameter shall be greater than 480 ms.
If this parameter is too high, the handover judging time shall be long.

Impact on the Network Performance

The bigger the report interval value is, the smaller the number of measurement report will be;
but the increase of the report interval setting will increase the risk of call drop.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to RNC inter–RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
Parameter oriented to cell inter–RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.3.5 BSIC Verify Selection Switch

This parameter is used to control the inter-RAT measurement report cell. If it is set to Require,
report is allowed only after the measured GSM cell identity code (BSIC) is correctly decoded.
If it is set to Not_Require, then all the measured cells can be reported so long as they satisfy the
above report condition, regardless of their BSICs correctly decoded or not.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (Require, Not_Require)

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is Require.
This parameter is valid for both periodical report and event report. To ensure handover reliability,
it is recommended to make a report after BSIC verification.

Impact on the Network Performance

When it is set to Not_Require, it is easier for handover to occur, but the handover is not as reliable
as in the Require mode.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.3.6 Inter-RAT Measurement Quantity

Parameter 2D2FMeasQuantity is used to configure events 2D and 2F measurement quantity
for starting and stopping inter-RAT measurement, including EcNo and RSCP. Parameter
3AMeasQuantity is used to configure event 3A measurement quantity for inter-RAT
measurement, including EcNo and RSCP.

Parameter ID

Value Range
2D2FMeasQuantity: Enum (CPICH_EcNo, CPICH_RSCP, BOTH)
3AMeasQuantity: Enum (CPICH_EcNo, CPICH_RSCP)

Physical Value Range


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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default value for 2D2FMeasQuantity is BOTH. Both the CPICH_Ec/No and the
CPICH_RSCP are criteria for the Active Set Quality. The RNC sends Active Set Measurement
control for each measurement quantity. Event 2D and Event 2F are only valid for corresponding
measurement quantity.
The default value for 3AMeasQuantity is CPICH_RSCP, which means to use the RSCP
measurement quantity for event 3A measurement. The physical unit is dBm.

Impact on the Network Performance

Set it based on the cell location in the network.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET
For parameters oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.7 RSCP-Based Inter-RAT Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds

This set of parameters correspond to the absolute thresholds of the inter-RAT measurement
events when RSCP is used for measurement.

Parameter ID
InterRATCSThd2DRSCP (the CS inter-RAT measurement start threshold expressed with
InterRATPSThd2DRSCP (the PS inter-RAT measurement start threshold expressed with RSCP)
InterRATCSThd2FRSCP (the CS inter-RAT measurement stop threshold expressed with RSCP)
InterRATPSThd2FRSCP (the PS inter-RAT measurement stop threshold expressed with RSCP)

Value Range
-115 to -25

Physical Value Range

-115 dBm to -25 dBm, step 1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default values are as follows:
l InterRatCSThd2DRSCP is -100 dBm;
l InterRatCSThd2FRSCP is -97 dBm;
l InterRatPSThd2DRSCP is -110 dBm;

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

l InterRatPSThd2FRSCP is -107dBm.

For the detailed descriptions, refer to 2.2.7 RSCP-Based Inter-Frequency Measurement

Start/Stop Thresholds. For multiRAB services, use the configuration of CS service if there
exits CS service.

Impact on the Network Performance

Events 2D and 2F are the compressed mode start/stop switches. Because different service types
may have different requirements on the signal quality and different inter-RAT handover policies
to be adopted, the inter-RAT measurement start/stop thresholds are classified here according to
CS, PS and signaling.

When a cell is at the verger of carrier frequency coverage, it uses RSCP measurement values as
the decision criterion for 2D and 2F. Set the event 2D thresholds to a greater value if the
compressed mode is expected to start as early as possible; otherwise set it to a lower value. To
reduce ping-pong start/stop of the compressed mode, increase appropriately the difference
between the 2D and 2F thresholds.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET

For parameters oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.8 Ec/No-Based Inter-RAT Measurement Start/Stop Thresholds

This set of parameters correspond to the absolute thresholds of the inter-RAT measurement event
when Ec/No is used for measurement.

Parameter ID
InterRATCSThd2DEcNo (the CS inter-RAT measurement start threshold expressed with Ec/

InterRATPSThd2DEcNo (the PS inter-RAT measurement start threshold expressed with Ec/


InterRATCSThd2FEcNo (the CS inter-RAT measurement stop threshold expressed with Ec/


InterRATPSThd2FEcNo (the PS inter-RAT measurement stop threshold expressed with Ec/No)

Value Range
-24 to 0

Physical Value Range

-24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-45

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default values are as follows:
l InterRATCSThd2DEcNo is -14 dB;
l InterRATCSThd2FEcNo is -12dB;
l InterRATPSThd2DEcNo is -15dB;
l InterRATPSThd2FEcNo is -13dB.

For the detailed descriptions, refer to 2.2.7 RSCP-Based Inter-Frequency Measurement

Start/Stop Thresholds. For multiRAB service, use the configuration of CS service if there exists
CS service.

Impact on the Network Performance

Events 2D and 2F are the compressed mode start/stop switches. Because different service types
may require different signal qualities and different inter-RAT handover policies, the inter-RAT
measurement start/stop thresholds are classified here according to CS, PS and signaling.

When a cell is at the center of carrier frequency coverage, the Ec/No measured value is used as
the decision criterion of 2D and 2F. Set the event 2D threshold to a greater value if the compressed
mode is expected to start as early as possible; otherwise set it to a lower value. To eliminate
ping-pong start/stop of the compressed mode, increase appropriately the difference between the
2D and 2F thresholds.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET

For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.9 Inter-RAT Handover Judging Thresholds

Inter-RAT handover judging thresholds involve the inter-RAT CS service handover judging
threshold InterRATCovHOCSThd and the inter-RAT PS service handover judging threshold

Parameter ID


Value Range
0 to 63

Physical Value Range

-110 dBmto -48 dBm

2-46 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

(0 corresponds to the value lower than -110 dBm; 1 corresponds to -110 dBm; 2 corresponds to
-109 dBm; ...; 63 corresponds to -48 dBm)

Parameter Setting
The default values are 16, namely, -95 dBm.

This set of parameters are used for inter-RAT coverage handover evaluation at the RNC side,
that is, Tother_RATin the formula introduced below. It is the absolute threshold of inter-RAT cell
quality (RSSI) at the time of inter-RAT handover judging.

If the inter-RATquality in the inter-RAT measurement report obtained at a moment satisfies the
following condition:

Mother_RAT + CIO ≥ Tother_RAT + H/2

Then start the delay trigger timer Trigger-Timer, and handover judgment is made after the timer
expires. If the inter-RAT quality satisfies the following condition before the timer gets expired:

Mother_RAT + CIO < Tother_RAT - H/2

Then the timer stops timing, and the RNC goes on waiting for receiving of the inter-RAT
measurement report.

Impact on the Network Performance

Configure these parameters differently according to different policies. If the MS can be handed
over only after the GSM cell quality is good enough, this parameter can be increased properly,
-85 dBm for example.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET

For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.10 Time to Trigger Related to Inter-RAT Handover

In coverage-oriented inter frequency handover, the time-to-trigger parameters include time-to-
trigger for 2D (TrigTime2D), time-to-trigger for 2F (TrigTime2F) and time-to-trigger for 3A

Parameter ID



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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Value Range
), working range: Enum(D0, D200, D240, D640, D1280, D2560, D5000)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000) ms
Physical value range of TrigTimeHHO is 0 to 64,000 ms

Parameter Setting
The default values are TrigTime3A: D0; TrigTime2D: D320; and TrigTime2F: D1280.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the time-to-trigger values are, the smaller the average handover frequency is; but
the increase of the time-to-trigger setting increases the risk of call drop.

Relevant Commands
Parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET
Parameters oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.11 Hysteresis Related to Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover

In the coverage-based inter-RAT handover, hystereses triggered by events include 3A hysteresis
Hystfor3A, 2D hysteresis Hystfor2D, 2F hysteresis Hystfor2F, and inter-RAT handover
hysteresis HystforInterRAT.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Hystfor2D and Hystfor2F: 0 to 29
Hystfor3A and HystforInterRAT: 0 to 15

Physical Value Range

Hystfor2D and Hystfor2F: 0 dB to 14.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Hystfor3A and HystforInterRAT: 0 dB to 7.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default values for Hystfor2D , Hystfor2F and Hystfor3A are 4 (2dB). The default value for
HystforInterRAT is 0 (0 dB).
Here, HystforInterRAT is used to prevent wrong judgment caused by abrupt signal jitter during
inter-RAT handover judging, and it, together with the inter-RAT quality threshold, determines
whether to trigger an inter-RAT handover judgment.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the hystereses values, the stronger the capability for resisting signal fluctuation, and
the ping-pong effect is suppressed, but the response speed to signal change by the handover
algorithm is weakened. If the inter-RAT handover hysteresis is set too high, the requirement for
inter-RAT quality is high, it is hard to trigger inter-RAT handover judging condition, and the
call drop ratio increases.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set them through SET
For parameters oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add them through ADD
modify them through MOD CELLINTERRATHOCOV.

2.3.12 Time to Trigger for Verified GSM Cell

This parameter refers to the delay trigger time of GSM cell verified already by the BS identity
code BSIC. If the signal quality of GSM neighboring cell always satisfies the inter-RAT
handover judging condition in the time range stipulated by this parameter value, and the GSM
neighboring cell is in the verified state, the network starts the inter-RAT handover process.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 64000

Physical Value Range

0 to 64000 ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0, namely, handover immediately.
Refer to the descriptions in the section about handover threshold. The trigger condition for inter-
RAT handover judging:
Mother_RAT + CIO ≥ Tother_RAT + H/2

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

If inter-RAT quality satisfies the above trigger condition, then start the delay trigger timer
Trigger-Timer, and inter-RAT handover judgment can be made after the timer gets expired. The
length of this delay trigger timer is called delay trigger time. This parameter, together with
hysteresis, is used to prevent wrong judgment caused by signal jitter during inter-RAT handover

Impact on the Network Performance

The longer the delay trigger time, the more difficult the handover occurs. The increase of the
delay trigger time increases the call drop risk.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.3.13 Time to Trigger for Non-verified GSM Cell

This parameter represents the delay time for triggering a GSM cell unacknowledged by BSIC.
In the period specified by this parameter, if the signal quality of an adjacent GSM cell meets the
requirement for inter-RAT handover and this cell is unacknowledged, the network starts inter-
RAT handover.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 64000, 65535

Physical Value Range

0 to 64000 ms, the value 65535 means that the RNC does not hand over to an unacknowledged
GSM cell

Parameter Setting
The default value is 65535, namely, the RNC does not hand over to an unacknowledged GSM

Impact on the Network Performance

The longer the trigger is delayed , the more difficult the handover occurs. The increase of the
delay trigger time increases the call dropping risk.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.3.14 Penalty Time for Inter-RAT Handover

For inter-RAT handover failure to the GSM cell, possibly it is refused because the load of this
cell is heavy. Therefore, no inter-RAT handover request is sent to this cell in the time range
stipulated by this parameter value.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 60

Physical Value Range

0 to 60 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 30 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The penalty time may be too short because the load status of the GSM cell is not changed, and
handover fails again. However, increase of the penalty trigger time increases the call dropping

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET

For parameter oriented to cell inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.3.15 Cell Individual Offset

This parameter refers to the inter-RAT handover cell individual offset.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-50 to 50

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

-50 dB to 50 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0 dB.

This parameter is used for the inter-RAT handover judging process. Set it based on the landform
feature of the GSM cell. UE uses the original measurement value of this cell plus this offset as
the measurement result for UE handover judging. It functions as the mobile cell border in the
handover algorithm. The greater the parameter, the higher the handover priority of this GSM
cell. Generally, configure it to 0 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter, the easier to hand over to the GSM, and vice versa.

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD GSMNCELL, query it through LST GSMNCELL, and modify it through

2.3.16 Current Used Frequency Quality Threshold of Inter-RAT

This parameter is used for measurement control of event 3A when the event reporting mode is
adopted for the inter-RAT measurement. Only when the quality of used frequency is poorer than
this threshold, one of the mandatory conditions for triggering event 3A is satisfied.

Parameter ID
Based on different inter-RAT measurement quantities in use and different borne services, this
parameter can be categorized as follows:
l IRHOUsedFreqCSThdEcN0 (used frequency Ec/No quality threshold of CS service)
l IRHOUsedFreqPSThdEcN0 (used frequency Ec/No quality threshold of PS service)
l IRHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP (used frequency RSCP quality threshold of CS service)
l IRHOUsedFreqPSThdRSCP (used frequency RSCP quality threshold of PS service)

Value Range
IRHOUsedFreqCSThdEcN0 and IRHOUsedFreqPSThdEcN0: -24 to 0

IRHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP and IRHOUsedFreqPSThdRSCP: -115 to -25

Physical Value Range

IRHOUsedFreqCSThdEcN0 and IRHOUsedFreqPSThdEcN0: -24 dB to 0 dB

IRHOUsedFreqCSThdRSCP and IRHOUsedFreqPSThdRSCP: -115 dBm to -25 dBm

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default values for each parameter are as follows:
l IRHOUsedFreqCsThdEcN0: -12 dB
l IRHOUsedFreqPsThdEcN0: -13 dB
l IRHOUsedFreqCsThdRscp: -97 dB
l IRHOUsedFreqPsThdRscp: -107 dB
Factors to be considered while setting these parameters:
Only when the quality of the current used frequency satisfies QUsed ≤ TUsed - H3a/2 and the
quality of target frequency satisfies Mother_RAT + CIO ≥ Tother_RAT + H/2, delay the time for
triggering the timer when the event reporting mode is adopted for inter-RAT measurement. A
3A event is report upon expiry of the timer.
l QUsed: estimated quality of the UTRAN frequency currently used.
l Tused: indicates the quality threshold for the inter-RAT frequency currently used.
l Mother_RAT: indicates the inter-RAT (GSM RSSI) measurement results.
l Tother_RAT: indicates the threshold for judging the inter-RAT handover.
l Cell individual offset (CIO): indicates the offset set by inter-RAT cells.
l H: indicates the hysteresis. The setting on the hysteresis reduces incorrect judgement caused
by jitter signals.
When the cell signal quality of current frequency is poor and is lower than the threshold defined
by this parameter, infer that the current frequency cannot better satisfy the coverage requirement
of current service. The event 2F indicates that the current frequency quality is restored.
Therefore, this parameter should be set less than the trigger threshold of event 2F or equal to the
threshold of event 2D.
For composite services, use the parameters configured for CS services.

Impact on the Network Performance

Higher values of these parameters get event 3A to be more easily triggered. When the value of
this parameter is too high, the UE may perform handover even when the signal quality is good
in current system.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
Parameter oriented to the cell inter-RAT handover algorithm, add it through ADD

2.3.17 Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length

This parameter defines the valid time for inter-RAT measurement. If the timer cannot find an
appropriate inter-RAT cell to initiate the inter-RAT handover, for instance, the event 3A report
is not received or all period reports cannot satisfy the trigger condition for the inter-RAT

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

handover, the RNC disables the compress mode to release the resources for inter-RAT
measurement and waits for the inter-RAT measurement of the next round.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 512

Physical Value Range

0 means that the system does not start the inter-RAT measurement timer. 1 s to 512 s.

Parameter Setting
The default value is 60 s. Factors to be considered while setting these parameters:
This parameter is used to prevent the UE from being in compress mode for a long time when
the UE stands still or moves slowly. The UE's being in compress mode not only disrupts the
service quality, but brings extra interference into the system and decreases the system capability.
Most of the inter-RAT handover can be complete within 60 seconds.

Impact on the Network Performance

If this parameter is set too small, the UE cannot perform the inter-RAT handover. If this
parameter is set too great, the UE performs the inter-RAT handover too frequently. In the actual
network, you can collect the statistics on the inter-RAT handover and adopt an appropriate value
at the convenience of most users.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to RNC inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
Parameter oriented to the cell inter-RAT handover algorithm, add it through ADD

2.4 Non Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Management

The common configurable non-coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters
are listed here.

2-54 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Table 2-4 List of non-coverage-based inter-RAT handover management parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Defaul Relevant Level
Meaning t Value Command

1 CSServiceHOSw Inter-RAT service OFF Set: ADD CELL

itch handover switch CELLHOCOM
PSServiceHOSw M
itch Query: LST
Modify: MOD

2 InterRATFilterC Inter-RAT D3 For RNC RNC

oef measurement filter Set or modify: Cell
coefficient SET
3 Hystfor3C Hysteresis of event 0 dB
Query: LST
4 TrigTime3C Time-to-Trigger D640 INTERRATH
for event 3C (640 ONCOV
ms) For Cell
5 BSICVerify BSIC verify Require Set: ADD
selection switch d CELLINTERR
6 InterRATNCovH Non-Coverage- 21, that Query: LST
OCSThd Based inter-RAT is, -90 CELLINTERR
InterRATNCovH handover judging dBm ATHONCOV
OPSThd thresholds
Modify: MOD
7 PenaltyTimeforI Penalty Time for 30 s CELLINTERR

8 InterRATHOAtte Inter-RAT 16
mpts handover max times
attempt times

9 InterRATMeasTi Inter-RAT measure 60 s

me timer length

2.4.1 Inter-RAT Service Handover Switches

These parameters decide whether the cell allows triggering CS and PS service handover.
2.4.2 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient
This parameter refers to the measurement smooth coefficient adopted for L3 inter-RAT
measurement report filter in the inter-RAT handover based on non-coverage.
2.4.3 Hysteresis of Event 3C
This parameter refers to the trigger hysteresis of event 3C of inter-RAT handover based on non-

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.4.4 Time to Trigger for Event 3C

This parameter refers to the delay trigger event of event 3C of inter-RAT handover based on
2.4.5 BSIC Verify Selection Switch
This parameter is used to control the inter-RAT measurement report cell in the inter-RAT
handover based on non-coverage.
2.4.6 Non Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Judging Thresholds
Inter-RAT handover judging thresholds based on non-coverage involve the non-coverage inter-
RAT CS service handover judging threshold InterRATNCovHOCSThd and the non-coverage
inter-RAT PS service handover judging threshold InterRATNCovHOPSThd.
2.4.7 Penalty Time for Inter-RAT Handover
This parameter refers to the penalty timer adopted when the non-coverage-based inter-RAT
handover fails. This parameter is valid for both service and load handover.
2.4.8 Inter-RAT Handover Max Attempt Times
This parameter is the maximum attempts of none-coverage-based inter-RAT handover.
2.4.9 Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length
This parameter defines that the system will stop inter-RAT measurement and disables the
compressed mode if enabled if no inter-RAT handover occurs upon expiry of the inter-RAT
measurement timer.

2.4.1 Inter-RAT Service Handover Switches

These parameters decide whether the cell allows triggering CS and PS service handover.

Parameter ID


Value Range
Enum (ON, OFF)

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default values are OFF.

The service handover refers to the service handover attribute of each service and configuration
of related parameters at network side. Once the service is set up, the related measurement is
immediately triggered and inter-RAT handover is performed.

The two switches are just ON only when the service handover function is necessary. Normally
they are OFF.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

Set the two switches according to the actual network handover strategies.

Relevant Commands
For cell-oriented common handover parameters: add them through ADD CELLHOCOMM,
query them through LST CELLHOCOMM, and modify them through MOD

2.4.2 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficient

This parameter refers to the measurement smooth coefficient adopted for L3 inter-RAT
measurement report filter in the inter-RAT handover based on non-coverage.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9, D11, D13, D15, D17, D19)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19)

Parameter Setting
The default values is D3, namely 3.
The physical meaning and measurement model of this parameter are the same as those of the
inter-RAT handover measurement filter coefficient based on coverage. For the detailed analysis,
refer to 2.3.1 Inter-RAT Measurement L3 Filter Coefficients.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter, the stronger the effect on signal smoothness, the stronger the fast-
fading resistance capability, but the weaker the tracing capability for signal change, and call
drops due to handover failure. If this value is set too low, unnecessary system handover occurs.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through
For parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.4.3 Hysteresis of Event 3C

This parameter refers to the trigger hysteresis of event 3C of inter-RAT handover based on non-

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 15

Physical Value Range

0 dB to 7.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value for Hystfor3C is 0 (0 dB).

Event 3C means the GSM cell quality is greater than an absolute threshold.

Event 3C is used for inter-RAT load handover and service handover. When the inter-RAT cell
satisfies the following condition, event 3C report is triggered, and the corresponding cell is
placed in the event 3C trigger list. Report of event 3C is not repeated for the cell in the list.

MotherRAT + CIOotherRAT ≥ TotherRAT + H3C/2


l H3C is event 3C hysteresis, namely, the parameter Hystfor3C.

l TotherRAT is the report threshold of inter-RAT cell trigger event, and the corresponding
parameter is based on non-coverage inter-RAT handover threshold.

When the cell in the list satisfies the following condition:

MotherRAT + CIOotherRAT ≤ TotherRAT - H3C/2

The corresponding cell is deleted from the list.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the hysteresis, the stronger the capability for resisting signal fluctuation, and the
ping-pong effect is suppressed, but the response speed to signal change by the handover
algorithm is weakened. If the inter-RAT handover hysteresis is set too high, the requirement for
inter-RAT quality is high, it is hard to trigger inter-RAT handover judging condition, and the
call dropping ratio increases.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through

For parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

2.4.4 Time to Trigger for Event 3C

This parameter refers to the delay trigger event of event 3C of inter-RAT handover based on

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280,
D2560, D5000)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000) ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is D640, that is 640 ms.

The delay trigger time aims to reduce excessive events reports triggered occasionally for a
measurement result. Considering that the period for reporting to its L3 by the physical layer of
inter-RAT measurement UE is 480 ms, set it as the default value here temporarily.

Impact on the Network Performance

The longer the delay is triggered, the more difficult the handover occurs, but increase of the
delay trigger time increases the call dropping risk.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through

For parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.4.5 BSIC Verify Selection Switch

This parameter is used to control the inter-RAT measurement report cell in the inter-RAT
handover based on non-coverage.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (Require, Not_Require)

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is Require.
If it is set as required, report is allowed only after the measured GSM cell identity code (BSIC)
is correctly decoded. If it is set to Non_Require, all the measured cells can be reported so long
as they satisfy the previous report condition, regardless of their BSICs whether correctly decoded
or not.
Usually, the handover due to non-coverage has a lower requirement for handover timeliness,
but has a higher requirement for the handover success rate. It is recommended to always set it
to Require to ensure the handover reliability.

Impact on the Network Performance

When it is set to Not_Require, the handover occurs easily, but the handover is not as reliable as
the Require mode.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
Parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.4.6 Non Coverage-Based Inter-RAT Handover Judging

Inter-RAT handover judging thresholds based on non-coverage involve the non-coverage inter-
RAT CS service handover judging threshold InterRATNCovHOCSThd and the non-coverage
inter-RAT PS service handover judging threshold InterRATNCovHOPSThd.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 63

Physical Value Range

-110 dBm to -48 dBm
(0 corresponds to the value lower than -110 dBm; 1 corresponds to -110 dBm; 2 correspondsto
-109 dBm; ...; 63 corresponds to -48 dBm)

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter Setting
All the default values are 21, namely, -90 dBm.
See the judging formula in 3C hysteresis.

Impact on the Network Performance

Configure these parameters differently according to different policies. If the MS can be handed
over only after the GSM cell quality is good enough, this parameter can be increased properly,
-85 dBm for example.

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through
For parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.4.7 Penalty Time for Inter-RAT Handover

This parameter refers to the penalty timer adopted when the non-coverage-based inter-RAT
handover fails. This parameter is valid for both service and load handover.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 65535

Physical Value Range

0 to 65535 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 30 s.
More devices take part in inter-RAT handover, the flow is complex, the delay is long, and the
probability corresponding to intra-system handover failure may be high. In addition, it may be
hard to recover the cause leading to failure in a short time. To reduce unnecessary handover
retries for the same cell and effect on processing of other flows, the penalty timer is added to
restrict multiple retries for the same cell in a short time. The specific value can be adjusted
according to the actual requirement.

Impact on the Network Performance

The penalty time may be too short because the load status of the GSM cell is not changed, and
the handover fails again. However, increase of the penalty trigger time increases the call dropping

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
For parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through
For parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.4.8 Inter-RAT Handover Max Attempt Times

This parameter is the maximum attempts of none-coverage-based inter-RAT handover.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 16

Physical Value Range

0 to 16 times

Parameter Setting
The default value is 16 times.
Since more devices take part in the inter-RAT handover which has a complex flow, the handover
may take a longer delay, and the probability that the handover fails is relatively higher.
If the inter-RAT handover fails too much, the network resource is wasted and the service quality
is not guaranteed. Such problems can be effectively controlled by setting this parameter.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The higher the parameter is, the higher the probability is of the UE handover from one
system to another.
l The lower the parameter is, the smaller influence is on the network quality.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET
Parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.4.9 Inter-RAT Measure Timer Length

This parameter defines that the system will stop inter-RAT measurement and disables the
compressed mode if enabled if no inter-RAT handover occurs upon expiry of the inter-RAT
measurement timer.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 512

Physical Value Range

0 means the system does not start the inter-RAT measurement timer

1 s to 512 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 60 s.

To close compress mode in coverage-based inter-RAT handover can trigger event 2F, since there
is not event 2F in non-coverage-based inter-RAT handover, it only depends on the measurement

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter value is, the bigger the probability of the UE handover from one system
to another one is. However, the lower the parameter value is, the smaller the influence to network
quality is.

Relevant Commands
Parameter oriented to the RNC non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: set it through SET

Parameter oriented to cell non-coverage inter-RAT handover algorithm: add it through ADD

2.5 Blind Handover Management Parameters

The common configurable blind handover management parameters are listed here.

Table 2-5 List of blind handover management parameters

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Level

er ID Meaning Value Command

1 BlindHoF Blind handover FALSE For Inter-Freq NCell

lag flag Set: ADD

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-63

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Level

er ID Meaning Value Command

2 BlindHO Blind handover - Query: LST

Prio priority INTERFREQNCE
Modify: MOD
For Inter-RAT
Query: LST

2.5.1 Blind Handover Flag

This parameter indicates whether the blind handover is performed to the neighboring cell. Blind
handover means UE can directly handover to the neighboring cell without measuring it.
2.5.2 Blind Handover Priority
If the BlindHOFlag is TRUE, the BlindHOPrio is used to appoint the blind handover priority of
the neighboring cell.

2.5.1 Blind Handover Flag

This parameter indicates whether the blind handover is performed to the neighboring cell. Blind
handover means UE can directly handover to the neighboring cell without measuring it.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (FALSE and TRUE)

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value of BlindHoFlag is FALSE.

If there is a same coverage inter-freq neighboring cell, it can be set to TRUE.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

Set the parameter according to actual network handover strategies. It may affect KPI
performance concerning the cells if the blind handover is allowed in related cells, especially the
emergent blind handover is.

Relevant Commands
For inter-frequency handover neighboring cell parameter: add it through ADD
INTERFREQNCELL , query it through LST INTERFREQNCELL , and modify it through

For inter-RAT handover neighboring cell parameter: add it through ADD GSMNCELL, query
it through LST GSMNCELL, and modify it through MOD GSMNCELL.

2.5.2 Blind Handover Priority

If the BlindHOFlag is TRUE, the BlindHOPrio is used to appoint the blind handover priority of
the neighboring cell.

Parameter ID

Value Range
BlindHOPrio: 0 to 30

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
For this parameter, 0 represents the highest priority. The value range corresponds to only one
cell. Priorities 0 to 15 are assigned to concentric neighboring cells, which can ensure successful
handover. Priorities 16 to 30 are assigned to neighboring cells for blind handover, which cannot
ensure successful handover.

Impact on the Network Performance

Set the parameter according to actual network handover strategies.

Relevant Commands
For inter-frequency handover neighboring cell parameter: add it through ADD
INTERFREQNCELL , query it through LST INTERFREQNCELL , and modify it through

For inter-RAT handover neighboring cell parameter: add it through ADD GSMNCELL, query
it through LST GSMNCELL, and modify it through MOD GSMNCELL.

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2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.6 Cell Selection and Reselection

The common configurable cell selection and reselection parameters are listed here.

Table 2-6 List of cell selection and reselection parameters

No. Parameter ID Param Default Relevant Command Level
eter Value

1 IdleQhyst1s Measur Qhyst1s: Set: ADD CELLSELRESEL Cell

IdleQhyst2s ement 2 (4 dB) Query: LST CELLSELRESEL
hysteres Qhyst2s:
ConnQhyst1s is Modify: MOD
ConnQhyst2s paramet

2 IdleQoffset1sn Load 0 dB For intra-reeq

IdleQoffset2sn level Set: ADD INTRAFREQNCELL
ConnQoffset1s Query: LST
ConnQoffset2s Modify:MOD
Qoffset1sn For inter-freq
Query: LST
Modify: MOD
For inter_RAT

3 Qqualmin Minimu -18 dB Set: ADD CELLSELRESEL

criterio Modify: MOD

4 Qrxlevmin Minimu -58, that

m is, -115
access dBm

2-66 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

No. Parameter ID Param Default Relevant Command Level

eter Value

5 IdleSintrasearc Cell IdleSintra

h reselecti search
ConnSintrasear on start and
ch threshol ConnSint
ds rasearch:
IdleSintersearc 5 (10 dB)
ConnSintersear search
ch and
SsearchRat ConnSint
4 (8 dB)
t: 2 (4 dB)

6 Treselections Reselec 1s
is time

7 Qrxlevmin Minimu -58, that Set: ADD GSMNCELL NCell

m is, -115 Query: LST GSMNCELL
access dBm
level for Modify: MOD GSMNCELL

8 Qsearch_I 2G Idle 7, that is, N/A GSM

mode always
g for 3G

9 FDD_Qoffset 3G cell 0 dB

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-67

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter ID Param Default Relevant Command Level

eter Value

10 FDD_Qmin 3G cell –10 dB


2.6.1 Measurement Hysteresis Parameters

The measurement hysteresis parameters include measurement hysteresis 1 (Qhyst1s) and
measurement hysteresis 2 (Qhyst2s), which are used for the UE to measure the service cell
CPICH RSCP (Qhyst1s) and CPICH Ec/No (Qhyst2s) respectively . IdleQhyst1s and
IdleQhyst2s are used in idle state, ConnQhyst1s and ConnQhyst2s are used in connecting state.
2.6.2 Load Level Offsets
These parameters are cell offsets used for cell selection and reselection. In the cell selection /
reselection process, when CPICH Ec/N0 is used for measurement, the cell offset is QOffset2sn;
when CPICH RSCP is used for measurement, IdleQoffsets and IdleQoffset2s used to idle state,
ConnQoffset1s and ConnQoffset2s used to connecting state. There exist ConnQoffset1s and
ConnQoffset2s only if SIB12 indication is set TRUE. In addition, there is only QOffset1sn in
inter-RAT cell selection and reselection, namely, not idle, connect, or QOffset2sn.
2.6.3 Minimum Quality Criterion
This parameter is the minimum access threshold of PCPICH Ec/N0. The UE can reside in the
cell only when CPICH Ec/N0 measured by the UE is bigger than this threshold.
2.6.4 Minimum Access Level
This parameter is the minimum access level threshold of PCPICH RSCP. The UE can reside in
this cell only when CPICH RSCP measured by the UE is greater than this threshold.
2.6.5 Cell Reselection Start Thresholds
These parameters include the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold (Including Idle and
connecting state), the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold (Including Idle and
connecting state) and the inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold (SsearchRat).
2.6.6 Reselection Hysteresis Time
If the signal quality of other cells (CPICH Ec/No measured by the UE) is always better than the
quality of the current cell within the time specified by this parameter, the UE will reselect this
cell to reside in.
2.6.7 Minimum Access Level for Inter-RAT Cell
This parameter is the minimum access level threshold of inter-RAT cell. The UE can reside in
this cell only when GSM RSSI measured by the UE is greater than this threshold.
2.6.8 2G Idle Mode MS's Searching for 3G Cell Signal Level Threshold
A GSM MS in idle mode starts to search for 3G signal level threshold.
2.6.9 3G Cell Reselection Signal Level Offset
A 3G cell can be reselected when the average signal level of the target 3G cell is FDD_Qosffset
greater than that of the current serving cell.

2-68 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

2.6.10 3G Cell Reselection Signal Level Threshold

Only when the signal level in the target 3G cell is FDD_Qmin greater than the serving cell, the
target 3G cell may become a candidate cell for reselection.

2.6.1 Measurement Hysteresis Parameters

The measurement hysteresis parameters include measurement hysteresis 1 (Qhyst1s) and
measurement hysteresis 2 (Qhyst2s), which are used for the UE to measure the service cell
CPICH RSCP (Qhyst1s) and CPICH Ec/No (Qhyst2s) respectively . IdleQhyst1s and
IdleQhyst2s are used in idle state, ConnQhyst1s and ConnQhyst2s are used in connecting state.

Parameter ID




Value Range
0 to 20

Physical Value Range

0 dB to 40 dB, step 2 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value of Qhyst1s is 2 (4 dB), and the default value of Qhyst2s is 1 (2 dB). Qhyst2s
is optional. If it is not configured, Qhyst2s has the same value of measurement hysteresis 1.

According to the R criterion, the measured value of the current service cell participates in cell
reselection sequencing after this hysteresis is added to it. The values of these parameters are
related to the slow fading property of the area where the cell is located.

These parameters are used mainly to prevent the ping-pong effect of the cell reselection result
due to the slow fading when the UE is at the cell verge. The ping-pong effect may cause frequent
location updates (idle mode), URA updates (URA_PCH) or cell updates (CELL_FACH,
CELL_PCH); which results in increased network signaling load and higher loss of UE battery

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater these hysteresis parameters, the less likely the various types of cell reselections
occur, and the better the slow fading resistance capability, but the slower the reaction to the
environment changes.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLSELRESEL, query them through LST
CELLSELRESEL, and modify them through MOD CELLSELRESEL.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-69

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.6.2 Load Level Offsets

These parameters are cell offsets used for cell selection and reselection. In the cell selection /
reselection process, when CPICH Ec/N0 is used for measurement, the cell offset is QOffset2sn;
when CPICH RSCP is used for measurement, IdleQoffsets and IdleQoffset2s used to idle state,
ConnQoffset1s and ConnQoffset2s used to connecting state. There exist ConnQoffset1s and
ConnQoffset2s only if SIB12 indication is set TRUE. In addition, there is only QOffset1sn in
inter-RAT cell selection and reselection, namely, not idle, connect, or QOffset2sn.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-50 to 50

Physical Value Range

-50 dB to 50 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default values are 0 dB.
These parameters are offsets of CPICH measured values of neighboring cells. QOffset1sn is
used for the RSCP measurement and the neighboring cell measurement value participates in cell
reselection sequencing after this offset is deducted from it. QOffset2sn is used for the Ec/No
measurement and the neighboring cell measurement value participates in cell reselection
sequencing after this offset is deducted from it.
These parameters play the role of moving the cell boarder in the cell selection and reselection
algorithms. They are configured according to the actual environment in network planning.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater these values, the lower the probability of selecting the neighboring cell.
l The less these values are, the higher the probability of selecting the neighboring cell.

Relevant Commands
For intra-frequency cell selection/reselection: set these parameters through ADD
INTRAFREQNCELL, query them through LST INTRAFREQNCELL , and modify them
For inter-frequency cell selection/reselection: set these parameters through ADD
INTERFREQNCELL, query them through LST INTERFREQNCELL, and modify them

2-70 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

For inter-RAT cell selection and reselection: set these parameters through ADD
GSMNCELL, query them through LST GSMNCELL, and modify them through MOD

2.6.3 Minimum Quality Criterion

This parameter is the minimum access threshold of PCPICH Ec/N0. The UE can reside in the
cell only when CPICH Ec/N0 measured by the UE is bigger than this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-24 to 0

Physical Value Range

-24 dB to 0 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -18 dB.
The FDD mode is defined by the S criterion for cell selection in Protocol 25.304, as follows:
Srxlev>0 & Squal>0

l Squal = Qqualmeas - Qqualmin
l Srxlev = Qrxlevmeas - Qrxlevmin - Pcompensation
l Qqualmeas is Ec/No of the measured value CPICH of the cell quality;
l Qrxlevmeas is RSCP of CPICH;
l Qrxlevmin is the minimum pilot signal receiving power required for the current cell;
l Pcompensation = Max.(UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH - P_MAX, 0);
– UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH is the maximum allowed uplink transmit power of the
UE when accessing to the cell, namely MaxAllowedULTxPower;
– P_MAX is the maximum radio frequency output power of the UE.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter, the more difficult the UE selects this cell to reside in; the lower this
parameter, the easier the UE selects this cell to reside in. However, if this parameter is too low,
the UE fails to correctly receive the system information borne over PCCPCH after it resides in
the cell.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSELRESEL, query it through LST

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-71

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

2.6.4 Minimum Access Level

This parameter is the minimum access level threshold of PCPICH RSCP. The UE can reside in
this cell only when CPICH RSCP measured by the UE is greater than this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-58 to -13

Physical Value Range

-115 dBm to -25 dBm, step 2 dBm
Where, -58 corresponds to -115 dBm, -57 corresponds to -113dBm,…, -13 corresponds to 25

Parameter Setting
The default value is -58, namely -115 dBm.
For the definition of Qrxlevmin, refer to Minimum Quality Criterion (Qqualmin).

The settings of Qrxlevmin and Qqualmin should be considered together.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter, the more difficult the UE selects this cell to reside in; the lower this
parameter, the easier the UE selects this cell to reside in. However, if this parameter is too low,
the UE fails to receive the system information borne over PCCPCH correctly after it resides in
this cell.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSELRESEL, query it through LST

2.6.5 Cell Reselection Start Thresholds

These parameters include the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold (Including Idle and
connecting state), the inter-frequency cell reselection start threshold (Including Idle and
connecting state) and the inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold (SsearchRat).

Parameter ID

2-72 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters


Value Range
-16 to 10

Physical Value Range

-32 dB to 20 dB, step 2 dB

Parameter Setting
The default values of IdleSintrasearch and ConnSintrasearch are 5 (10 dB), the default values
of IdleSintersearch and ConnSintersearch are 4 (8 dB), and the default value of Ssearchrat is 2
(4 dB).
The cell reselection start thresholds are defined in Protocol 25.304 as follows:
1. If Sx <= Sintrasearch, the UE implements intra-frequency measurement and starts intra-
frequency cell reselection.
2. If Sx <= Sintersearch, the UE implements inter-frequency measurement and starts inter-
frequency cell reselection.
3. If Sx <= SsearchRAT, the UE implements inter-RAT measurement and starts inter-RAT cell
Where, Sx = measured value of UE - Qqualmin.

When the UE detects that the quality of the service cell (CPICH Ec/No measured by the UE) is
lower than the sum of the minimum quality criterion of the service cell (Qqualmin) plus this
threshold, it starts the intra-frequency/inter-frequency/ inter-RAT cell reselection process.
Intra-frequency cell reselection is prior to inter-frequency/inter-RAT cell reselection. When
setting these three parameters, make sure that the intra-frequency cell reselection start threshold
is greater than the inter-frequency/inter-RAT cell reselection start threshold.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If these parameters are too high, cell reselection probably starts frequently, resulting in UE
battery waste.
l If they are too low, cell reselection probably starts difficultly, and the UE fails to reside
timely in a cell with good quality, and this influences the communication quality between
the UTRAN and the UE.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLSELRESEL, query them through LST
CELLSELRESEL, and modify them through MOD CELLSELRESEL.

2.6.6 Reselection Hysteresis Time

If the signal quality of other cells (CPICH Ec/No measured by the UE) is always better than the
quality of the current cell within the time specified by this parameter, the UE will reselect this
cell to reside in.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-73

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 31

Physical Value Range

0 to 31 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 1 s.

This parameter is used to prevent the UE from implementing ping-pong reselection between

0 refers to the default value specified in the protocol, instead of 0 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE probably performs ping-pong reselection.
l If it is too high, it may result in too long cell reselection delay, which influences the normal
operation of cell reselection.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSELRESEL, query it through LST

2.6.7 Minimum Access Level for Inter-RAT Cell

This parameter is the minimum access level threshold of inter-RAT cell. The UE can reside in
this cell only when GSM RSSI measured by the UE is greater than this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-58 to -13

Physical Value Range

-115 dBm to -25 dBm, step 2 dBm

Where, -58 corresponds to -115 dBm, -57 corresponds to -113 dBm ,…, -13 corresponds to 25

2-74 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default value is -58, namely, -115 dBm.

Similar to the S Criteria, in the GSM/DCS/PCS systems, the MS also requires a path loss standard
to reside in a GSM/DCS/PCS cell, and this standard requires the path loss criterion parameter
C1 > 0. C1 is defined as follows:

C1 = (A - Max(B,0))




l RLA_C: Average strength measurement value of receiving signal.

l RXLEV_ACCESS_MIN: The minimum signal strength required by the access system,
that is, Qrxlevmin of this section.
l MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH: The maximum transmitting power allowed by the MS access
l POWER OFFSET: The power offset parameter of DCS 1800 MS, used together with
l P: The maximum RF output power of MS.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter, the more difficult the UE selects this cell to reside in; the lower this
parameter, the easier the UE selects this cell to reside in. However, if this parameter is too low,
the UE fails to receive the system information borne over PCCPCH correctly after it resides in
this cell.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD GSMNCELL, query it through LST GSMNCELL, and
modify it through MOD GSMNCELL.

2.6.8 2G Idle Mode MS's Searching for 3G Cell Signal Level

A GSM MS in idle mode starts to search for 3G signal level threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 15

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-75

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

When this parameter is within the range of 0 to 7 or 8 to 15, the GSM MS starts searching for
3G cells.

0 = -98 dBm, 1 = -94 dBm, ..., 6 = -74 dBm, 7 = (always), 8 = -78 dBm, 9 = -74 dBm, ..., 14 =
-54 dBm, 15 = (never)

Parameter Setting
The default value is 7, which indicates that the GSM MS in idle mode always searches for 3G

Impact on Network Performance

The setting of this parameter depends on the customers' policy. The 3G policy is of top priority
during the interoperation of 3G and 2G.

Relevant Commands
Not involved for a 3G network.

2.6.9 3G Cell Reselection Signal Level Offset

A 3G cell can be reselected when the average signal level of the target 3G cell is FDD_Qosffset
greater than that of the current serving cell.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 15

Physical Value Range

0 = (always select a cell if acceptable), 1 = -28 dB, 2 = -24 dB, ..., 15 = 28 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0.

Impact on the Network Performance

The setting of this parameter depends on the customers' policy. The 3G policy is of top priority
during the interoperation of 3G and 2G.

Relevant Commands
Not involved for a 3G network.

2-76 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

2.6.10 3G Cell Reselection Signal Level Threshold

Only when the signal level in the target 3G cell is FDD_Qmin greater than the serving cell, the
target 3G cell may become a candidate cell for reselection.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 7

Physical Value Range

0 = -20 dB, 1 = -6 dB, 2 = -18 dB, 3 = -8 dB, 4 = -16 dB, 5 = -10 dB, 6 = -14 dB, 7 = -12 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 5.

Impact on the Network Performance

The setting of this parameter depends on the customers' policy. The 3G policy is of top priority
during the interoperation of 3G and 2G.

Relevant Commands
Not involved for a 3G network.

2.7 Neighbor Management Parameters

The configurable neighbor management parameters are listed here.

Table 2-7 List of neighbor management parameters

N Param Param Defaul Relevant Commands Level
o eter eter t
. ID Meani Value

1 NPrioF Neighb FALSE For intra-frequency cells ADD NCell

For inter-frequency cells ADD
priority For inter-RAT cellsADD GSMNCELL

2.7.1 Neighbor Priority Flag

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-77

2 Handover Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

This describes neighbor priority flags.

2.7.2 Neighbor Priority
This part describes the neighbor priority.

2.7.1 Neighbor Priority Flag

This describes neighbor priority flags.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default setting is FALSE.
This parameter is not necessary for a new network, for it overloads the configuration efforts for
network planning.
For the network that uses its neighbor priority, use the priority of its neighbor and set NPrioFlag
to TRUE.

Impact on the Network Performance

Improper neighbor priority may result in missing neighbors.

Relevant Commands

2.7.2 Neighbor Priority

This part describes the neighbor priority.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 30 (for intra-frequency neighbors)

2-78 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 2 Handover Parameters

0 to 31 (for inter-frequency inter-RAT neighbors)

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The smaller the NPrio value is, the higher the neighbor priority is.

Impact on the Network Performance

Improper neighbor priority may result in missing neighbors.

Relevant Commands

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-79

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

3 Admission Control Parameters

About This Chapter

Admission control is a way for coordinating the WCDMA system capacity, coverage and quality,
and it ensures the system stability and QoS requirement by control over user access.

Table 3-1 List of admission control parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Lev
Meaning Value el

1 ULBETraffInit Uplink and 64 kbit/s Set or modify: SET RN

BitRate downlink initial FRC C
DLBETraffInit access rates of Query: LST FRC
BitRate BE service

2 IU_Qos_Neg_S Intelligent IU_QOS_N IU_Qos_Neg_Switch RN

witch admission EG_SWITC and C
RAB_Downsizi algorithm H: 0 RAB_Downsizing_S
ng_Switch switch RAB_DOW witch
QueueAlgoSwit NSIZING_S Set or modify: SET
itch GOSWITC Query: LST
ALGOSWI QueueAlgoSwitch
TC: OFF and
Set or modify: SET
Query: LST

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-1

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Lev

Meaning Value el

3 UlTotalEqUser Uplink total 80 Set: ADD CELLCAC Cell

Num equivalent user Query: LST
number CELLCAC
4 DlTotalEqUser Downlink total 80 Modify: MOD
Num nonhsdpa CELLCAC
equivalent user

5 UlConvAMRT AMR voice 75%

hd uplink threshold
for conversation

6 UlConvNonAM Non AMR voice 75%

RThd uplink threshold
of conversation

7 DlConvAMRT AMR voice 80%

hd downlink
threshold for

8 DlConvNonAM Non AMR 80%

RThd Voice downlink
threshold of

9 UlOtherThd Uplink 60%

threshold for
other services

10 DlOtherThd Downlink 75%

threshold for
other services

11 UlHOThd Uplink 80%


12 DlHOThd Downlink 85%


13 DLCELLTOTA Downlink total 90%

LTHD power threshold

3-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Lev

Meaning Value el

14 UlHoCeResvSf Uplink SF16 Set: ADD CELLCAC Cell

handover credit Query: LST
reserved SF CELLCAC
15 DlHoCeCodeR Downlink SF32 Modify: MOD
esvSf handover credit CELLCAC
and channel
code resource
reserved SF

3.1 Uplink and Downlink Initial Access Rates of BE Service

They are the uplink and downlink initial access rates UlBeTraffInitBitrate and
DLBeTraffInitBitrate when the BE service is set up.
3.2 Intelligent Admission Algorithm Switch
Four sub algorithm switches are contained: the maximum rate negotiation
IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH, initial rate selection RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH, queuing
3.3 Uplink Total Equivalent User Number
When the algorithm 2 is used, this parameter defines the total equivalent user number
corresponding to the 100% uplink load.
3.4 Downlink Total NonHSDPA Equivalent User Number
When the algorithm 2 is used, this parameter defines the total non-hsdpa equivalent user number
corresponding to the 100% downlink load.
3.5 AMR Voice Uplink Threshold for Conversation Service
The uplink threshold for the conversation service is used for the uplink admission of conversation
service users.
3.6 Non AMR Voice Uplink Threshold of Conversation Service
This parameter is the uplink threshold of non AMR voice service in the conversation service
and used for uplink admission for non AMR voice user in the conversation service.
3.7 AMR Voice Downlink Threshold for Conversation Service
The downlink threshold for the conversation service is used for the downlink admission of
conversation service users.
3.8 Non AMR Voice Downlink Threshold of Conversation Service
It is the downlink threshold of non AMR voice in the conversation service and used for downlink
admission for non AMR voice user in the conversation service.
3.9 Uplink Threshold for Other Services
This parameter is the uplink threshold for services other than the conversation service. It is used
for uplink admission of other services.
3.10 Downlink Threshold for Other Services
This parameter is the downlink threshold for services other than the conversation service. It is
used for downlink admission of users of other services.
3.11 Uplink Handover Admission Threshold

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-3

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

The uplink handover threshold is used for uplink admission of handover users. The parameter
is only useful for uplink inter-frequency handover. Do not do the admission judgment in the
uplink soft handover.
3.12 Downlink Handover Admission Threshold
The handover downlink threshold is used for downlink admission of handover users.
3.13 Downlink Total Power Threshold
The total downlink power threshold of the cell (PR99 + GBP) is used for admission of HSPA
downlink power resource.
3.14 Uplink Handover Credit Reserved SF
This parameter describes the reserved threshold for uplink credit handover. It is used for the
admission of uplink credit for new subscribers.
3.15 Downlink Handover Credit and Channel Code Resource Reserved SF
This part describes the threshold for reserving resources for the handover of downlink code
resources and CE resources. This parameter is used for the admission of downlink code resources
and credit for new subscribers.
3.16 Resources Reserved for Common Channel Load
UL common channel load factor ULCCHLOADFACTOR reserves part resources for UL
common channels; DL common channel load reserved coefficient
DLCCHLOADRSRVCOEFF reserves part resources for DL common channels.

3-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

3.1 Uplink and Downlink Initial Access Rates of BE Service

They are the uplink and downlink initial access rates UlBeTraffInitBitrate and
DLBeTraffInitBitrate when the BE service is set up.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values for both ULBETraffInitBitRate and DLBETraffInitBitRate are 64 kbit/s.
To save system resources and improve the admission success rate, BE does not require access
at the maximum expected rate at setup. In stead, a lower rate is adopted for initial access. After
access, the rate is adjusted higher when the traffic requires and system resources allow it to do
When the initial rate selection (RAB Downsizing) function is enabled, this value is the uplink/
downlink initial access rate when the BE service is set up. If this rate access fails to satisfy the
current load condition, then the actual initial access rate is the negotiated rate based on this rate.
When the RAB Downsizing function is disabled, this parameter is the uplink/downlink initial
access rate when the BE service is set up.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The higher this parameter, the less time it takes for the BE service to reach the maximum
rate, but the easier the BE service rate be adjusted downward through negotiation when the
system is congested, so it makes no sense to set it too high.
l The lower this parameter, the easier for the BE service to access at this rate, but if it is set
too low, it takes a longer time to adjust to the required rate when there is a service

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET FRC, and query it through LST FRC.

3.2 Intelligent Admission Algorithm Switch

Four sub algorithm switches are contained: the maximum rate negotiation
IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH, initial rate selection RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH, queuing

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-5

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID




Value Range


Physical Value Range

indicates On.

QUEUEALGOSWITCH and PREEMPTALGOSWITC: On indicates open and Off indicates


Parameter Setting
The default value of IU_QOS_NEG_SWITCH is 0, the default value of
RAB_DOWNSIZING_SWITCH is 1, and the default values of QUEUEALGOSWITCH and

These sub algorithms in intelligent admission are briefed below:

Maximum rate negotiation: At RAB assignment setup, RAB assignment modification and
transition-in, the real-time or non-real-time (BE) service of PS domain requires rate negotiation
based on the UE supported capability to get the maximum expected rate of a proper service QoS
request. This negotiation result should be sent to the CN. For the BE service, it is the maximum
rate can be adjusted for its DCCC.

Initial rate selection: At RAB assignment setup, RAB assignment modification and transition-
in, the real-time or non-real-time (BE) service of PS domain requires selection of a proper initial
rate configuration bandwidth from typical rates smaller than or equal to the maximum expected
rate after negotiation and bigger than or equal to the lowest ensured rate according to the cell
load information before application for cell resources.

Preempting: In the service setup, modification, hard handover and transition-in scenarios, if
service request supports preempting capability (core network configuration) when application
for cell resources fails, preempting is executed, and the resource of lower-priority user supporting
preempting is released to set up the service request.

Queuing: In the service setup, modification, hard handover and transition-in scenarios, if service
request does not support preempting capability or the preempting switch is closed when
application for cell resources fails, but service request supports the queuing capability, queuing
is executed. When the heartbeat timer of queuing is timeout, attempt is made to allocate resource
to the service request with the minimum metric in the queue.

3-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

Set the values according to the actual requirement and the supporting capability of the core

Relevant Commands


QUEUEPREEMPT, and query them through LST QUEUEPREEMPT.

3.3 Uplink Total Equivalent User Number

When the algorithm 2 is used, this parameter defines the total equivalent user number
corresponding to the 100% uplink load.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 200

Physical Value Range

1 to 200, step 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80.

When the algorithm 2 is used, the real admission equivalent user number is equal to admission
threshold multiplied by 100% load; this parameter defines the equivalent user number
corresponding to the 100% load.

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter should be considered with the admission threshold. It should be set according to
the real network condition.
l If it is too high, the system loads after admission maybe too high, which leads to the system
congestion, and makes the system unstable.
l If it is too low, the possibility of subscribers rejected increases, part of the hardware resource
is idle and wasted.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify it
through MOD CELLCAC.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-7

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

3.4 Downlink Total NonHSDPA Equivalent User Number

When the algorithm 2 is used, this parameter defines the total non-hsdpa equivalent user number
corresponding to the 100% downlink load.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 200

Physical Value Range

1 to 200, step 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80.

When the algorithm 2 is used, the real R99 equivalent user number is equal to admission
threshold multiplied by 100% R99 load; this parameter defines the non-hsdpa equivalent user
number corresponding to the 100% R99 load.

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter should be considered with the admission threshold. It should be set according to
the real network condition.
l If it is too high, the system loads after admission maybe too high, which leads to the system
congestion, and makes the system unstable.
l If it is too low, the possibility of subscribers rejected increases, part of hardware resource
is idle and wasted.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify it
through MOD CELLCAC.

3.5 AMR Voice Uplink Threshold for Conversation Service

The uplink threshold for the conversation service is used for the uplink admission of conversation
service users.

Parameter ID

3-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 75, that is 75%.
Based on the current load factor of the system and the service properties of the call requesting
for admission, the uplink admission control algorithm predicts the load factor of the system after
the new call is admitted, uses the sum of the predicted load factor value and the common channel
uplink load factor as the predicted value of the new load factor, and then compares the predicted
value of the load factor with the load factor threshold. If the predicted load factor value is not
bigger than the load factor threshold, the call will be admitted; otherwise it is rejected.
The uplink load thresholds include this parameter and uplink threshold for conversation non-
AMR service, uplink threshold for other services and uplink handover admission
threshold. According to the relations among these four parameters, the proportions of the
conversation service and other services in the cell can be limited. These parameters can be also
used to ensure the priorities of handover users and the conversation service access.

Impact on the Network Performance

If this parameter is too high, the system load after admission probably is too high, which affects
the system stability and results in system congestion; if it is too low, the users are more likely
to be rejected, and some resources are idled and wasted.
This parameter, uplink threshold for conversation non-AMR service, uplink threshold for
other services and uplink handover admission threshold should be considered together with
the network planning results.
l If this parameter is too high, the target coverage in the network planning is influenced.
l If it is too low, the target capacity cannot be satisfied.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.6 Non AMR Voice Uplink Threshold of Conversation

This parameter is the uplink threshold of non AMR voice service in the conversation service
and used for uplink admission for non AMR voice user in the conversation service.

Parameter ID

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-9

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 75, that is 75%.
The uplink admission control algorithm predicts the system load factor after admission of new
call according to the load factor of current system and service feature of admission request call.
It uses the sum of the load factor predicted value and the uplink load factor of public channel as
the new load factor predicted value, and then compares the load factor predicted value with the
load factor threshold. If the load factor predicted value is not bigger than the load factor threshold,
this call is admitted, or else it is refused.
Uplink load thresholds include this parameter, AMR voice uplink threshold of conversation
service, Uplink thresholds of other services and Uplink handover admission threshold. You
can restrict the proportion of conversation to other services in cell based on relations of the four
parameters or use them to ensure the priority of handover user and conversation service access.

Impact on the Network Performance

If this parameter is set too high, the system load after admission may be overly heavy to affect
the system stability, resulting in system congestion. If this parameter is too low, the users are
more likely to be rejected, and some resources may be left idle.
This parameter, AMR voice uplink threshold of conversation service, Uplink thresholds of
other services and Uplink handover admission threshold should be considered together with
the planning result of network optimization to avoid over-big set target coverage affecting
network optimization, or too-small coverage that can not reach the target capacity.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.7 AMR Voice Downlink Threshold for Conversation

The downlink threshold for the conversation service is used for the downlink admission of
conversation service users.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

3-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80,that is 80%.
Based on the current NodeB transmit power of the system and the service properties of the call
requesting for admission in the current system, the downlink admission control algorithm
predicts the value of the NodeB transmit power of the system after the new call is admitted, uses
the sum of the predicted value of the NodeB transmit power and the reserved power of the
common channel as the predicted value of new downlink load, and compares it with the downlink
load threshold. If the predicted load value is not greater than the downlink load threshold, the
call will be admitted; otherwise it is rejected.
The downlink load thresholds include this parameter, downlink threshold for conversation
non-AMR service, downlink threshold for other services. This is mainly to satisfy the
operator’s requirement to limit the proportion of the conversation and other services in the cell.
This can also ensure the priorities of conversation service access.

Impact on the Network Performance

The setting of this parameter is related to settings of cell radius and the maximum cell transmit
l If it is too high, the downlink coverage of the cell is reduced, the neighboring cells are
interfered seriously, and system stability is affected when cell coverage is very small.
l If it is too low, the system resources may be idle, and the target capacity of the network
planning cannot be satisfied.
This parameter, with downlink threshold for conversation non-AMR service, downlink
threshold for other services and downlink handover admission threshold should be
considered together with the network planning result.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.8 Non AMR Voice Downlink Threshold of Conversation

It is the downlink threshold of non AMR voice in the conversation service and used for downlink
admission for non AMR voice user in the conversation service.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-11

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80, that is 80%.
The downlink admission control algorithm predicts the BS transmit power value of the system
after admission of new call according to the BS transmit power of the current system and the
service feature of admission request call. It uses the sum of the predicted value of BS transmit
power and the reserved power of public channel as the new downlink load predicted value, and
compares it with the downlink load threshold (it is the downlink load basic threshold generally,
and it is the downlink load handover threshold at handover application). If the load predicted
value is not greater than the downlink load threshold, this call is admitted, or else it is rejected.
Downlink load thresholds include this parameter, AMR voice downlink threshold of
conversation service and Downlink thresholds of other services. It is to satisfy the carrier’s
requirement for restricting the proportion of voice to other services in cell. This method is also
used to ensure the priority of voice service access.

Impact on the Network Performance

The value of this parameter is related with setting of the cell radius and maximum transmit power
of the cell.
l If the parameter is set too high, the downlink coverage of cell is reduced, and a bigger
interference is generated against the neighboring cell. When cell converge is rather small,
the system stability is also affected.
l If the value is set too low, system resources are left idle, and the target capacity of network
optimization cannot be achieved.
This parameter, with AMR voice downlink threshold of conversation service, Downlink
thresholds of other services and Downlink handover admission threshold should be
considered together with the planning result of network optimization.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.9 Uplink Threshold for Other Services

This parameter is the uplink threshold for services other than the conversation service. It is used
for uplink admission of other services.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

3-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 60, that is 60%.

For the descriptions of this parameter, refer to 3.6 Non AMR Voice Uplink Threshold of
Conversation Service.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, the system load after admission is probably too high, which
affects the system stability and results in system congestion.
l If it is too low, the users are more likely to be rejected, and some resources may be idled
and wasted.

This parameter, with uplink threshold for conversation service and uplink handover
admission threshold should be considered together with the network planning results.

l If it is too high, the object coverage in the network planning is influenced.

l If it is too low, the target capacity cannot be satisfied.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.10 Downlink Threshold for Other Services

This parameter is the downlink threshold for services other than the conversation service. It is
used for downlink admission of users of other services.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 75, that is 75%.

For the description of this parameter, refer to 3.8 Non AMR Voice Downlink Threshold of
Conversation Service.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-13

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, the downlink coverage of the cell is reduced, the neighboring
cells are interfered seriously, and the system stability is influenced when the cell coverage
is small.
l If it is too low, the system resources may be idle, and the target capacity of the network
planning cannot be satisfied.
This parameter, downlink threshold for conversation service and downlink handover
admission threshold should be considered together with the network planning results.
Note that, if the DCCC switch is turned on in the 1.5 algorithm, the admission algorithm at initial
admission is judged in accordance with the initial access rate for all the PS BE services with the
maximum expected rate greater than the parameter initial access rate. If admission of the initial
access rate cannot be accepted, the RNC starts the initial rate negotiation process in intelligent
admission. If the RNC admission at a rate grade under the initial access rate is acceptable, the
user accesses at this rate, but its maximum expected rate is not changed, which is the biggest
difference from adoption of the RNC and the CN negotiation method in v1.3.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.11 Uplink Handover Admission Threshold

The uplink handover threshold is used for uplink admission of handover users. The parameter
is only useful for uplink inter-frequency handover. Do not do the admission judgment in the
uplink soft handover.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80, that is 80%.
Based on the current load factor of the system and the service properties of the call requesting
for admission, the uplink admission control algorithm predicts the system load factor after the
new service is admitted, uses the sum of the predicted value of the load factor and the uplink
load factor of the common channel as the predicted value of the new load factor, and compares
the predicted load factor value with the load factor threshold. If the predicted load factor value
is not greater than the load factor threshold, the call is admitted; otherwise it is rejected.
The uplink load thresholds include this parameter, uplink threshold for other services and
uplink threshold for conversation services. According to the relations among these three

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

parameters, the proportions of the conversation service and other services in the cell can be
limited. These parameters can also be used to guarantee the priority of the handover users and
the conversation service access. Uplink handover admission threshold must be smaller than
uplink OLC trigger threshold for smart load control.
This parameter is to reserve resources for handover and to ensure the handover performance;
the value of this parameter must be greater than uplink threshold for conversation services.
This parameter has effects only on inter-frequency handover; it has no influence on intra-
frequency handover.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, the system load after admission probably is too heavy, which
influences the system stability and results in the system congestion.
l If it is too low, the probability that users are rejected is high, and some resources may be
idle and wasted.
This parameter should be considered together with the uplink threshold for the conversation
service and the uplink thresholds for other services.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.12 Downlink Handover Admission Threshold

The handover downlink threshold is used for downlink admission of handover users.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 85, that is 85%.
Based on the current NodeB transmit power of the system and the service properties of the call
requesting for admission, the downlink admission control algorithm predicts the value of the
NodeB transmit power of the system after the new handover is admitted, uses the sum of the
predicted value of the NodeB transmit power and the reserved power of the common channel
as the predicted value of the new downlink load, and compares it with the downlink load
threshold. If the predicted load value is not bigger than the downlink load threshold, the call is
admitted; otherwise it is rejected.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-15

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

This parameter is used to reserve resources for handover and to ensure the handover performance.
The downlink handover admission threshold must be lower than congestion control
measurement threshold 1 (LCCMRThd1), and must not be lower than downlink threshold for
conversation service.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, the downlink coverage of the cell is reduced, the neighboring
cells are interfered seriously, and the system stability is influenced when the cell coverage
is very small.
l If it is too low, the system resources may be idle and wasted.

This parameter should be considered together with downlink threshold for conversation
service and downlink threshold for other services.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.13 Downlink Total Power Threshold

The total downlink power threshold of the cell (PR99 + GBP) is used for admission of HSPA
downlink power resource.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 90, that is, 90%.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, the system loads after admission maybe too high, which leads
to the system congestion, and makes the system unstable.
l If it is too low, the possibility of subscribers rejected increases, part of hardware resource
is idle and wasted.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify it
through MOD CELLCAC.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

3.14 Uplink Handover Credit Reserved SF

This parameter describes the reserved threshold for uplink credit handover. It is used for the
admission of uplink credit for new subscribers.

Parameter ID

Value Range
SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256, SFOFF

Physical Value Range

SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256, SFOFF

Parameter Setting
The default value is SF16.

SFOFF indicates no resources are reserved for the handover. If the remaining cell uplink
resources cannot satisfy this parameter after a new service is admitted, this new service is

This parameter is set to reserve resources for UEs who perform the handover and to guarantee
the handover performance. The value for this parameter should satisfy the following condition:
Handover uplink credit reserved SF ≥ Uplink LDR credit reserved spreading factor

Impact on the Network Performance

When the parameter is set higher, the credit resources reserved for UEs that perform the handover
become smaller. At the same time, the admission failure rate for handover UEs becomes higher
and subscriber perception is easier to be affected. When the parameter is set lower, the admission
failure rate for new subscribers become higher and some resources stay idle.

Relevant Commands
Add this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.15 Downlink Handover Credit and Channel Code

Resource Reserved SF
This part describes the threshold for reserving resources for the handover of downlink code
resources and CE resources. This parameter is used for the admission of downlink code resources
and credit for new subscribers.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-17

3 Admission Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256, SFOFF

Physical Value Range

SF4, SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256, SFOFF

Parameter Setting
The default value is SF32.

SFOFF indicates no resources are reserved for the handover. If the remaining resources on the
downlink cannot satisfy this threshold after a new service is admitted, this new service is rejected.

This parameter is set to reserve resources for the handover and to guarantee the handover success
rate. The value of this parameter must satisfy the following condition: Downlink handover
credit and code resource reserved SF ≥ Downlink LDR credit reserved spreading factor
threshold and Downlink handover credit and code resource reserved SF ≥ Cell LDR
reserved spreading factor threshold.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the parameter is set higher, the credit resources reserved for UEs that perform the handover
become smaller. At the same time, the admission failure rate for handover UEs becomes higher
and subscriber perception is easier to be affected. When the parameter is set lower, the admission
failure rate for new subscribers become higher and some resources stay idle.

Relevant Commands
Add this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

3.16 Resources Reserved for Common Channel Load

UL common channel load factor ULCCHLOADFACTOR reserves part resources for UL
common channels; DL common channel load reserved coefficient
DLCCHLOADRSRVCOEFF reserves part resources for DL common channels.

Parameter ID


Value Range
0 to 100

3-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 3 Admission Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step is 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value for each parameter is 0.
The CAC is only used for dedicated channels, and for common channels, some resource is
In UL, according to the current load factor and the characteristics of the new call, the UL CAC
algorithm predicts the new traffic channels load factor with the assumption of admitting the new
call, then plus with the premeditated common channel UL load factor to get the predicted UL
load factor. Then, compare it with UL admission threshold. If it is not higher than the threshold,
the call is admitted; otherwise, rejected.
In DL, according to the current load factor and the characteristics of the new call, the DL CAC
algorithm predicts the new traffic channels load factor with the assumption of admitting the new
call, then plus with the premeditated common channel DL load factor to get the predicted DL
load factor. Then, compare it with DL admission threshold. If it is not higher than the threshold,
the call is admitted; otherwise, rejected.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher value is set to the parameter, the more power resources are consumed, which may
decrease the system capacity. If the parameter is set to a lower value, the power resources can
be fully utilized. But when the resources are limited, a lower value may result in a poor coverage.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify it
through MOD CELLCAC.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

4 Load Control Parameters

About This Chapter

Load control is another very important function in WCDMA system. It maintains the system
load within the normal range to ensure that the system’s overall QoS is in the normal range. The
load control includes LDR (Load Reshuffling) and OLC (Overload Control).

4.1 Cell Load Reshuffling Algorithm Parameters

The common configurable cell load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm parameters are listed here.
4.2 Cell Overload Congestion Control Algorithm Parameters
The common configurable overload congestion control (OLC) parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-1

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

4.1 Cell Load Reshuffling Algorithm Parameters

The common configurable cell load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 4-1 List of cell load reshuffling (LDR) algorithm parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant L
Meaning Command e

1 ULLDR Uplink/ OFF Set:ADD C

algorithm \NBMSwitch
switches Query:LST

2 LdrPeriodTimerLen LDR period 10 s Set or R

timer length modify:SET N

3 UlLdrTrigThd Uplink or UlLdrTrigThd: Set:ADD C

UlLdrRelThd downlink 55% CELLLDM ell
LDR trigger DlLdrTrigThd: Query:LST
DlLdrTrigThd and release 70% CELLLDM
DlLdrRelThd threshold
UlLdrRelThd: 45% Modify:MOD
DlLdrRelThd: 60% CELLLDM

4-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant L

Meaning Command e

4 UlLdrFirstAction Uplink or ULLDRFirstActio Set:ADD C

UlLdrSecondAction downlink n: CODEADJ CELLLDR ell
LDR action ULLDRFirstActio Query:LST
UlLdrFourthAction DLLDRSecondAct Modify:MOD
UlLdrFifthAction ion: CELLLDR
UlLdrEighthAction ion and
DLLDRSecondActi tion:
DLLDRThirdAction Others: NOACT

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-3

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant L

Meaning Command e

5 ULLDRBERateRed Number of ULLDRCSInterR

uctionRabNum users ATSHOULDBEH
ULLDRPSRTQosRe processed by OUserNum,
negRabNum uplink/ ULLDRCSInterR
OUserNum 3 by default; others
ULLDRPSInterRAT are set to 1 by
SHOULDBEHOUse default.
uctionRabNum ABNUM are set to
DLLDRPSRTQosRe 3 by default ; others
negRabNum are set to 1 by

4-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant L

Meaning Command e

6 UlInterFreqHoCell- UL or DL 20
LoadSpaceThd inter-
DlInterFreqHoCell- frequency
LoadSpaceThd cell load
load space

7 UlInterFreqHoBWT UL or DL 20,000 bit/s

hd inter-
DlInterFreqHoBWT frequency
hd cell load
bound width

8 CellSfResThd Cell SF SF8


9 DlCreditSfResThd UL or DL SF8
UlCreditSfResThd credit SF

10 LdrCodePriUseInd LDR code FALSE


11 MbmsDecPowerRab MBMS 1
Thd power

4.1.1 Uplink and Downlink LDR Algorithm Switches

This switch is used to open or close the uplink/downlink preliminary congestion control
algorithm (LDR). The uplink LDR algorithm switch is ULLDR and the downlink one is DLLDR.
4.1.2 LDR Period Timer Length
When preliminary congestion happens, the LDM (Load Monitoring) module sends period of
preliminary congestion instruction (namely LDR execution period) to LDR.
4.1.3 Uplink and Downlink LDR Trigger Thresholds and Release Thresholds
This set of parameters determine the load thresholds for the uplink and downlink loads entering
into or being released from preliminary congestion status.
4.1.4 Uplink or Downlink LDR Actions
This set of parameters determine the action sequence for the uplink/downlink LDR.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-5

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

4.1.5 Uplink/Downlink LDR Action Handing User Number

This group of parameters determine the number of users selected for uplink/downlink LDR
4.1.6 Uplink and Downlink Inter-Frequency Cell Load Handover Load Space Thresholds
Inter-frequency load handover happens only when the current load space of the target cell is
higher than this parameter setting. This parameter value is relative to target cell LDR threshold.
For uplink, the threshold is UlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd, for downlink, the threshold is
4.1.7 Uplink and Downlink Inter-Frequency Cell Load Handover Maximum Band Width
During inter-frequency load handover, the UE is selected as the target of inter-frequency load
handover from the UE set where the bound width is less than this threshold. For uplink, the
threshold is UlInterFreqHoBWThd, For downlink, the threshold is DlInterFreqHoBWThd.
4.1.8 Cell SF Reserved Threshold
The code adjusting could be done only when the minimum available SF of a cell is larger than
this threshold.
4.1.9 Uplink or Downlink Credit SF Reserved Threshods
The uplink or downlink credit LDR could be done only when the Uplink or Downlink Credit
SF Reserve is larger than this threshold.
4.1.10 LDR Code Priority Indicator
This parameter denotes whether the priority of code is considered during the code tree
4.1.11 MBMS Power Control Service Priority Threshold
The initial congestion status of a cell can be solved through the decrease in power when the
MBMS service priority is set at a certain level.

4.1.1 Uplink and Downlink LDR Algorithm Switches

This switch is used to open or close the uplink/downlink preliminary congestion control
algorithm (LDR). The uplink LDR algorithm switch is ULLDR and the downlink one is DLLDR.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

On, Off

Parameter Setting
The default status of both switches is OFF.
The preliminary congestion is a transition status. For the uplink, it means the uplink interference
is close to the admission threshold; for the downlink, it means the cell downlink transmit power

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

is close to the admission threshold and the call refusal rate increases significantly. The
preliminary congestion algorithm control objective is to slowly lower the cell load within the
admission threshold, to obtain higher call success rate at the cost of sacrificing the QoS of the
low-priority users, and to balance the inter-cell load (through inter-frequency load handover).
Since most of the LDR actions (except inter-frequency load handover) affect QoS, it is desirable
to set the algorithm switch to OFF at the preliminary stage of the network construction when
user perception is important.


The uplink LDR algorithm switch and downlink LDR algorithm switch are set separately.

Impact on the Network Performance

The preliminary congestion control algorithm improves the admission success rate but decreases

Relevant Commands
Set uplink or downlink LDR algorithm switch with the parameter NBMLdcAlgoSwitch through
ADD CELLALGOSWITCH, query it through LST CELLALGOSWITCH, and modify it
with the parameter NBMLdcAlgoSwitch through MOD CELLALGOSWITCH.

4.1.2 LDR Period Timer Length

When preliminary congestion happens, the LDM (Load Monitoring) module sends period of
preliminary congestion instruction (namely LDR execution period) to LDR.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 86400

Physical Value Range

1 s to 86400 s, step 1 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 10 s.

Unlike OLC control mechanism, LDR itself has no action timer and relies on LDM's sending
congestion instruction periodically to trigger. This mechanism originates from the initial
algorithm that tends to use period report control for LDR and time report control for OLC.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The lower the parameter is, the more frequently LDR action is executed, which decreases
the load quickly. However, if the value is too low, an LDR action may overlap the previous
one before the previous result is displayed in LDM.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-7

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

l The greater the value is, the more likely this problem can be prevented. If the value is set
too large, the LDR action may be executed rarely, failing to reach the expected purpose of
lowering the load timely.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through SET LDCPERIOD and query it through LST LDCPERIOD.

4.1.3 Uplink and Downlink LDR Trigger Thresholds and Release

This set of parameters determine the load thresholds for the uplink and downlink loads entering
into or being released from preliminary congestion status.

Parameter ID




Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
ULLdrTrigThd is 55 (55%) and ULLdrRelThd is 45 (45%) by default; DLLdrTrigThd is 70
(70%) and DLLdrRelThd is 60 (60%) by default.

The uplink/downlink LDR trigger thresholds must be greater than uplink/downlink LDR release

When uplink/downlink preliminary congestion status is triggered, the uplink/downlink LDR

action starts. The LDR control objective is to preserve space for admission to increase the success
rate. Therefore, under the current policy, the LDR trigger threshold shall be set that the
congestion is less than or close to the concerned admission threshold index.

Impact on the Network Performance

The lower the LDR trigger and release thresholds are, the easier the system is in preliminary
congestion status, the harder it is released from this status, the easier the LDR action happens,
and the more likely the users are affected. However, since the resources are preserved, the
admission success rate becomes higher. The carrier shall make tradeoff between these factors.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLLDM, query them through LST CELLLDM, and
modify them through MOD CELLLDM.

4.1.4 Uplink or Downlink LDR Actions

This set of parameters determine the action sequence for the uplink/downlink LDR.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

NOACT: No action
INTERFREQLDHO: Inter-freq load handover

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-9

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

BERATERED: BE traffic rate reduction

QOSRENEGO: Uncontrolled real-time traffic QoS renegotiation
CSINTERRATLDHO: CS domain inter-RAT load handover
PSINTERRATLDHO: PS domain inter-RAT load handover
AMRRATERED: AMR traffic rate reduction
MBMSDECPOWER: MBMS descend power
CODEADJ: Code adjust

Parameter Setting
l The default value of ULLDRFirstAction is CODEADJ.
l The default values of ULLDRFirstAction and DLLDRSecondAction are
l The default values of ULLDRSecondAction and DLLDRTHIRDAction are
l The default values of other parameters are NOACT.

LDR executes the actions according to the sequence configured. It executes the next action if
the last one fails. When one action is executed successfully, or its value is NOACT, or all the
actions have been executed, this LDR ends and waits for next one.
The LDR algorithm just only selects subscribers and sends control command, the action is
performed by different algorithm modules, for every action needs time to execute, and the LDR
algorithm cannot wait long time for all results, just make the decision according to one of the
The inter-frequency load handover has no bad effect on QoS, and it can balance the load of
different cells, so it is always selected as the first action.
The BE traffic rate reduction is limited by DCCC switch, so only when the DCCC switch is on,
can this action work.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLLDR, query them through LST CELLLDR, and
modify them through MOD CELLLDR.

4.1.5 Uplink/Downlink LDR Action Handing User Number

This group of parameters determine the number of users selected for uplink/downlink LDR

Parameter ID
ULLDRBERATEREDUCTIONRABNUM (uplink LDR-BE service rate reduction RAB

4-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

ULLDRPSRTQOSRENEGRABNUM (uplink LDR uncontrollable real-time service

negotiation RAB number)
SHOULDBE load handover user number)
system SHOULDNOTBE load handover user number)
SHOULDBE load handover user number)
reduction RAB number)
MAXUSERNUMCODEADJ (downlink channel code maximum reshuffled user number)
DLLDRPSRTQOSRENEGRABNUM (downlink LDR uncontrollable real-time service
negotiation RAB number)
SHOULDBE load handover user number)
system SHOULDNOTBE load handover user number)
SHOULDBE load handover user number)
system SHOULDNOTBE load handover user number)

Value Range
1 to 10

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The following parameters are set to 1 by default:

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4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

The other parameters are set to 3 by default.
l Uplink/Downlink LDR-BE service rate reduction user number: This parameter can be
configured according to the actual user distribution. If the proportion of high-rate users is
large, you need to set a smaller value for this parameter. If the proportion of high-rate users
is small, you need to set a greater value. Because the primary congestion control algorithm
is designed to slowly decrease cell load, you need to set a small value for this parameter.
l Uplink/Downlink uncontrollable real-time service negotiation user number: The target
users of this parameter are the PS real-time service users. The setting of this parameter is
analogous to the setting of BE service reduction user number. Because the number of users
performing QoS renegotiation may be smaller than the value of this parameter, for example,
the candidate users selected for downlink LDR do not meet the QoS renegotiation
conditions, you must leave some margin when setting this parameter to ensure the success
of load reengineering.
l Uplink/Downlink CS domain inter-system SHOULDBE load handover user number: The
target users of this parameter are the CS domain users. Because the CS domain users are
session users in general and they have little impact on load, you can set a slightly big value
for this parameter.
l Uplink/Downlink CS domain inter-system SHOULDNOTBE load handover user number:
The target users of this parameter are the CS domain users. Because the CS domain users
are session users in general and they have little impact on load, you can set a slightly big
value for this parameter.
l Uplink/Downlink PS domain inter-system SHOULDBE load handover user number: The
target users of this parameter are the PS domain users. The setting of this parameter is
analogous to the setting of BE service rate reduction user number.
l Uplink/Downlink PS domain inter-system SHOULDNOTBE load handover user number:
The target users of this parameter are the PS domain users. The setting of this parameter is
analogous to the setting of BE service rate reduction user number.
l Downlink channel code maximum reshuffling user number: Code reshuffling has a great
impact on user feelings. In addition, the reshuffled users occupy two code resources during
code reshuffling. Thus, you must set a small value for this parameter.
For each user, during a life cycle of primary congestion, a type of uplink/downlink LDR
operation can be selected only once. After a type of uplink/downlink LDR operation is selected
by a user, the uplink/downlink LDR marks the user. If this type of operation is triggered again,
this user is not selected as the candidate user. Note that an operation is performed separately in
the uplink and downlink directions. That is, the same operation is performed one time in both
the uplink direction and the downlink operation.

Impact on Network Performance

The greater the values of this set of parameters are, the more significant the load of the local cell
is reduced. This, however, may affect user feeling or cause traffic congestion in the target cell.
The smaller the values of this set of parameters are, the smaller the load range are adjusted by
the LDR. This, however, more probably ensures users' QoS and balances traffic load.

4-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

Relevant Commands
Use the ADD CELLLDR command for configuration, the LST CELLLDR command for
query, and the MOD CELLLDR command for modification.

4.1.6 Uplink and Downlink Inter-Frequency Cell Load Handover

Load Space Thresholds
Inter-frequency load handover happens only when the current load space of the target cell is
higher than this parameter setting. This parameter value is relative to target cell LDR threshold.
For uplink, the threshold is UlInterFreqHoCellLoadSpaceThd, for downlink, the threshold is

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default values are 20, that is 20%.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The lower these parameters are, the easier it is to find qualified target cell for blind
handover. However, a too-low value easily makes the target cell enter congestion status.
l The greater the parameters are, the more difficult the inter-frequency blind handover occurs,
and the easier to guarantee the stability of the target cell.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLLDR, query them through LST CELLLDR, and
modify them through MOD CELLLDR.

4.1.7 Uplink and Downlink Inter-Frequency Cell Load Handover

Maximum Band Width
During inter-frequency load handover, the UE is selected as the target of inter-frequency load
handover from the UE set where the bound width is less than this threshold. For uplink, the
threshold is UlInterFreqHoBWThd, For downlink, the threshold is DlInterFreqHoBWThd.

Parameter ID

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4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference


Value Range
0 to 400,000

Physical Value Range

0 to 400000 bit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values are 200,000 bit/s.

The uplink and downlink share this parameter to execute the inter-frequency load handover.

During the uplink/downlink inter-frequency load handover, a user in the current cell (the number
of users is not changeable) is selected and blind handover to the target cell to reduce the current
cell load and to indirectly balance the loads between the inter-frequency cells. To select a user,
the users are sorted according to the bound width. The user who is less than this parameter value
is selected to trigger the inter-frequency load handover.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater the parameters are, the higher the service rate of the user in handover is, and
the more obviously the cell load is decreased. But high value gives rise to fluctuation and
congestion of the target cell load.
l The lower the parameters are, the smaller the amplitude of the load decreased as a result
of the inter-frequency load handover, and the easier to maintain the stability of the target
cell load.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLLDR, query them through LST CELLLDR, and
modify them through MOD CELLLDR.

4.1.8 Cell SF Reserved Threshold

The code adjusting could be done only when the minimum available SF of a cell is larger than
this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256

Physical Value Range


4-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default value is SF8.
When the downlink code congestion status is triggered, the LDR action begins to work. The
purpose of the LDR control is to reserve the code resource for new access subscribers, and
improve the admission success rate.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the code resource threshold of LDR is lower, the downlink code resource is easier to be
initial congestion status, the LDR action is easier to do, and subscriber perception is easier to be
affected; but at the same time, the more code resource is reserved, the admission success rate is
high. The parameter setting should be considered according to the operator's requirement.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLLDR, query it through LST CELLLDR, and modify it
through MOD CELLLDR.

4.1.9 Uplink or Downlink Credit SF Reserved Threshods

The uplink or downlink credit LDR could be done only when the Uplink or Downlink Credit
SF Reserve is larger than this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
SF8, SF16, SF32, SF64, SF128, SF256

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is SF8.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the parameter is lower, the uplink or downlink credit resource is easier to be initial
congestion status, the LDR action is easier to do, and subscriber perception is easier to be
affected; but at the same time, the more credit resource is reserved, the admission success rate
is high. The parameter setting should be configured to meet the operator's requirement.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLLDR, query it through LST CELLLDR, and modify it
through MOD CELLLDR.

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4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

4.1.10 LDR Code Priority Indicator

This parameter denotes whether the priority of code is considered during the code tree

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is FALSE.

FALSE denotes not considering the priority of code during the code tree adjustment;
TRUEdenotes considering the priority of code during the code tree adjustment.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter is TRUE, the high priority code is reserved during the code tree adjustment. It
is good for code resource dynamic share, which is just for HSDPA.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLLDR, query it through LST CELLLDR, and modify it
through MOD CELLLDR.

4.1.11 MBMS Power Control Service Priority Threshold

The initial congestion status of a cell can be solved through the decrease in power when the
MBMS service priority is set at a certain level.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 15

Physical Value Range

1 to 15

4-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 1.

When the priority of the RAB among MBMS services exceeds this threshold, re-configure the
MBMS power as the minimum power.

Impact on the Network Performance

The smaller this parameter is set, the greater the scope for selecting the MBMS services is. At
the same time, the cell overload is significantly decreased while the impact on the MBMS
services become greater. The greater this parameter is set, the smaller the scope for selecting the
MBMS services is. At the same time, the cell overload is inconsiderably decreased and the impact
on the MBMS services become greater. The quality of services with high priority, however, can
be guaranteed.

Relevant Commands
Add this parameter through ADD CELLLDR, query it through LST CELLLDR, and modify
it through MOD CELLLDR.

4.2 Cell Overload Congestion Control Algorithm

The common configurable overload congestion control (OLC) parameters are listed here.

Table 4-2 List of smart load control parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Le

ID Meaning Value Command vel

1 ULOLC Uplink/Downlink Off Set: ADD Cel

switch CH
Query: LST
Modify: MOD

2 OlcPeriodTim OLC period timer 3000, that is, 3 Set or modify: SET RN
erLen length s LDCPERIOD C
Query: LST

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-17

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Le

ID Meaning Value Command vel

3 UlOlcTrigThd Uplink or downlink UlOlcTrigTh Set: ADD Cel

DlOlcTrigThd OLC trigger d: 95% CELLLDM l
threshold and DlOlcTrigTh Query: LST
UlOlcRelThd release threshold d: 95% CELLLDM
UlOlcRelThd: Modify: MOD

4 UlOlcFTFRst Uplink or downlink 3 times Set: ADD

rctTimes OLC fast TF CELLOLC
DlOlcFTFRst restriction times Query: LST
rctTimes CELLOLC
Modify: MOD
5 UlOlcFTFRst Uplink or downlink 3
rctRabNum OLC fast TF restrict
DlOlcFTFRst RAB number

6 RateRstrctTi OLC fast TF restrict RateRstrctTi

merLen data rate restrict merLen: 3000
RateRecoverT timer length and (3 s)
imerLen recover timer RateRecover
length TimerLen:
5000 (5 s)

7 RateRstrctCo OLC fast TF restrict 68, that is,

ef data rate restrict 68%

8 UlOlcTraffRe Uplink or downlink 0

lRabNum release RAB
DlOlcTraffRe number

4.2.1 Uplink and Downlink OLC Algorithm Switches

These parameters are used to open or close uplink or downlink overload control algorithm. The
uplink OLC algorithm switch is ULOLC and the downlink OLC algorithm switch is DLOLC.
4.2.2 OLC Period Timer Length
This parameter is the period of the OLC timer. When this period is up, OLC executes once and
then restarts automatically. The period of the timer is the period of the OLC action. The uplink
OLC and downlink OLC share the same timer.
4.2.3 Uplink and Downlink OLC Trigger Threshold and Release Threshold
This set of parameters determine the threshold exceeding which the uplink/downlink load enters
overload status and the threshold within which the uplink/downlink load is released from
overload status.
4.2.4 Uplink and Downlink OLC Fast TF Restriction Times

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

These are uplink/downlink OLC action thresholds, meaning the times of uplink/downlink OLC
fast TF restrictions that are executed. The uplink parameter is UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes and the
downlink parameter is DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes.
4.2.5 Uplink and Downlink OLC Fast TF Restrict RAB Number
This set of parameters donote the number of RABs selected for one uplink or downlink OLC
fast TF restriction.
4.2.6 OLC Fast TF Restrict Data Rate Restrict Timer Length And Recover Timer Length
RateRstrctTimerLen specifies the period for MAC to apply TF restriction on BE users in a
downlink fast TF restriction. RateRecoverTimerLen specifies the period for MAC to apply TF
recovery on BE users when the downlink overload is released.
4.2.7 OLC Fast TF Restrict Data Rate Restrict Coefficient
OLC fast TF restriction rate coefficient means the degree of the rate restriction.
4.2.8 Uplink and Downlink Release RAB Number
This set of parameters denote the number of users released in an uplink/downlink OLC release

4.2.1 Uplink and Downlink OLC Algorithm Switches

These parameters are used to open or close uplink or downlink overload control algorithm. The
uplink OLC algorithm switch is ULOLC and the downlink OLC algorithm switch is DLOLC.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default status of the two switches are OFF.
When overload happens in the uplink/downlink, the uplink/downlink OLC algorithm can quickly
relieve uplink/downlink load by TF restriction or user release. Cell overload is an emergent
l For the uplink, overload means the cell uplink/downlink interference is close to or reaches
the limit and may give rise to difficulty in BTS uplink reception and decoding, resulting in
call drop.
l For the downlink, overload means the downlink transmit power is close to or reaches the
limit and the user downlink inner loop power control cannot be increased as needed because
of the BTS power restriction, resulting in call drop.
Therefore, overload control (OLC) must be executed to quickly lower the cell uplink/downlink
load to a reasonable range.

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4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference


The uplink OLC algorithm switch and downlink OLC algorithm switches are set separately.

Impact on the Network Performance

When OLC is open, it can quickly adjust the cell load but may also cause oscillation of the cell
load and affect the call drop rate.

Relevant Commands
Set uplink or downlink OLC algorithm switch with parameter NBMLdcAlgoSwitch through
ADD CELLALGOSWITCH , query it through LST CELLALGOSWITCH , and modify it
with parameter NBMLdcAlgoSwitch through MOD CELLALGOSWITCH .

4.2.2 OLC Period Timer Length

This parameter is the period of the OLC timer. When this period is up, OLC executes once and
then restarts automatically. The period of the timer is the period of the OLC action. The uplink
OLC and downlink OLC share the same timer.

Parameter ID

Value Range
100 to 86,400,000

Physical Value Range

100 ms to 86,400 s, step 1 ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is 1000, that is, 1 s.

In the current overload control algorithm, all the uplink/downlink OLC actions (TF restriction
and user release) are executed in the period of the OLC timer. This parameter along with
DLOLCFTFRSTRCTTimes, ULOLCTraffRelUserNum, and DLOLCTraffRelUserNum
determine the time it takes to release the uplink/downlink overload.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the OLC action period is set too long, the system may respond very slowly to overload.
l If the OLC action period is set too short, unnecessary adjustment may occur before the
previous OLC action has taken effect, thus affects the system performance.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through SET LDCPERIOD and query it through LST LDCPERIOD.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

4.2.3 Uplink and Downlink OLC Trigger Threshold and Release

This set of parameters determine the threshold exceeding which the uplink/downlink load enters
overload status and the threshold within which the uplink/downlink load is released from
overload status.

Parameter ID




Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
UlOlcTrigThd and DlOlcTrigThd are 95 (95%) by default; UlOlcRelThd and DlOlcRelThd are
80 (80%) by default.

The uplink/downlink OLC trigger threshold judges whether the system uplink/downlink is in
overload status. If the cell load is consecutively higher than the threshold for pre-determined
times, it means the system is in overload status for a long time. Under this circumstance, the
system performs OLC algorithm if the cell OLC switch is open, including fast TF restriction or
even user release.

The OLC trigger threshold must be greater than or equal to the OLC release threshold.

Impact on the Network Performance

The lower the OLC trigger threshold, the easier the system in overload status. Since OLC
ultimately uses extreme method like user release to lower the load, a too low value is very
detrimental to the system performance.

The lower the OLC release threshold, the harder the system releases the overload. Since the
consequence of overload is not as severe as expected, it is desirable to set the two parameters a
bit higher given that the difference between OLC trigger threshold and OLC release threshold
is fixed.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLLDM, query them through LST CELLLDM, and
modify them through MOD CELLLDM.

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4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

4.2.4 Uplink and Downlink OLC Fast TF Restriction Times

These are uplink/downlink OLC action thresholds, meaning the times of uplink/downlink OLC
fast TF restrictions that are executed. The uplink parameter is UlOlcFTFRstrctTimes and the
downlink parameter is DlOlcFTFRstrctTimes.

Parameter ID


Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100 times

Parameter Setting
The default values are 3 times.

When uplink/downlink overload is triggered, the RNC immediately executes OLC action by
first executing uplink/downlink fast TF restriction. The internal counter is incremented by 1 with
each execution. If the number of overloads does not exceed the OLC action threshold, the system
lowers the BE service rate by lowering TF to relieve the overload. Exceeding OLC action
threshold means that the previous operation has no obvious effect on alleviating the overload
and the system has to release users to solve the overload problem.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The lower the parameters, the more likely the users released, resulting in negative effect
on the system performance.
l If the parameters are set too high, the overload status is released slowly.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLOLC, query them through LST CELLOLC, and
modify them through MOD CELLOLC.

4.2.5 Uplink and Downlink OLC Fast TF Restrict RAB Number

This set of parameters donote the number of RABs selected for one uplink or downlink OLC
fast TF restriction.

Parameter ID


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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

Value Range
1 to 10

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default values are 3.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameters, the more users involved in fast TF restriction under identical
conditions, the quicker the cell load decreases, and the more user QoS is affected.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLOLC, query them through LST CELLOLC, and
modify them through MOD CELLOLC.

4.2.6 OLC Fast TF Restrict Data Rate Restrict Timer Length And
Recover Timer Length
RateRstrctTimerLen specifies the period for MAC to apply TF restriction on BE users in a
downlink fast TF restriction. RateRecoverTimerLen specifies the period for MAC to apply TF
recovery on BE users when the downlink overload is released.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 65,535

Physical Value Range

1 ms to 65,535 ms

Parameter Setting
RateRstrctTimerLen is 3000 ms (3 s) by default; RateRecoverTimerLen is 5000 ms (5 s) by
Once the MAC layer receives instruction to perform fast TF restriction on a user, it periodically
uses rate restriction coefficient to restrict the maximum available TF of the user until it receives
overload release instruction. Therefore every period specified by RateRstrctTimerLen, apart
from the new OLC-selected users who are TF restricted, the previously selected users are also
fast-TF restricted in an effort to release the overload more quickly. In order to timely adjust the

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-23

4 Load Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

BE service rate according to the load, the value of RateRstrctTimerLen shall be slightly greater
than the system load response time after rate adjustment and the period of overload detection.

Impact on the Network Performance

A greater RateRstrctTimerLen gets the BE service rate decreases more slowly. A lower
RateRstrctTimerLen value makes it harder to receive the overload release instruction.

Great RateRecoverTimerLen value leads to slow BE service recovery rate but prevents overload
from triggering again in short time. Low RateRecoverTimerLen value leads to quick BE service
recovery rate but gives rise to yet more overloads.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLOLC, query them through LST CELLOLC, and
modify them through MOD CELLOLC.

4.2.7 OLC Fast TF Restrict Data Rate Restrict Coefficient

OLC fast TF restriction rate coefficient means the degree of the rate restriction.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 99

Physical Value Range

1 to 99%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 68, that is, 68%.

Impact on the Network Performance

The lower the parameter, the more severe the rate restricted. Too low value may affect the BE
transmission delay. Large value means loose restriction, which may be ineffective in alleviating
the overload.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLOLC, query it through LST CELLOLC, and modify
it through MOD CELLOLC.

4.2.8 Uplink and Downlink Release RAB Number

This set of parameters denote the number of users released in an uplink/downlink OLC release

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 4 Load Control Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 10

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default values are 0.

Impact on the Network Performance

Higher values of these parameters get the cell load decreases more obviously at the cost of
negatively affecting user perception.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through ADD CELLOLC, query them through LST CELLOLC, and
modify them through MOD CELLOLC.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-25

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

About This Chapter

The PS Service rate control includes dynamic channel configuration, state transfer.

5.1 BE Service Related Threshold Parameters

The common configurable BE service related threshold parameters are listed here.
5.2 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control Parameters
The common configurable dynamic channel configuration parameters are listed here.
5.3 Link Stability Parameters
The common configurable link stability parameters are listed here.
5.4 State Transfer Parameters
The common configurable state transfer parameters are listed here.
5.5 PS Inactive
The common configurable PS inactive parameters are listed here.
5.6 RLC Retransmission Monitor Algorithm Parameters
The common configurable RLC retransmission monitor algorithm parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-1

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

5.1 BE Service Related Threshold Parameters

The common configurable BE service related threshold parameters are listed here.

Table 5-1 List of BE service related threshold parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

1 BeBitRateThd BE service D384, that is, Set or Modify:SET RNC

handover rate 384 kbit/s HOCOMM
threshold Query:LST

2 UlPsBeGuarRat Uplink and D64, that is, For RNC level RNC/
e downlink BE 64 kbit/s Set or modify:SET Cell
DlPsBeGuarRat guarantee DCCC
e bitrate
For Cell level

3 UlBeTraffDecT UpLink and D8, that is, 8 For RNC level

hs downlink BE kbit/s Set or modify:SET
DlBeTraffDecT traffic DCH FRC
hs decision
threshold Query:LST FRC
For Cell level

4 DlStrThsonHsd DL streaming D64, that is, Set or modify:SET RNC

pa threshold on 64 kbit/s FRC
5 DlBeTraffThsO DL BE traffic D8, that is, 8
nHsdpa threshold on kbit/s

6 UlBeTraffThsO UL BE traffic D711, that is,

nHsupa threshold on 711 kbit/s

5-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

7 UlStrThsOnHsu UL streaming D256, that is,

pa traffic 256 kbit/s
threshold on

8 UlStrTransMod Streaming Non-

eOnHsupa service Scheduled

5.1.1 BE Service Handover Rate Threshold

This parameter is the bit rate threshold used to determine whether to perform soft handover for
the Best Effort (BE) service on DCH.
5.1.2 Uplink/Downlink BE Service Insured Rate
This describes the insured bit rate configured for BE services with different priorities. DCH and
H share a set of parameters.
5.1.3 UpLink and Downlink BE traffic DCH decision threshold
These parameters are the rate decision thresholds of UL and DL PS domain background and
interactive service whether to be carried on DCH. When the UL service rate is greater than or
equal to this threshold, the service is set up on DCH; otherwise, on CCH.
5.1.4 DL Streaming Threshold on HSDPA
This parameter is the rate decision threshold of DL PS domain streaming service whether to be
carried on HS-DSCH. When the maximum DL service rate is greater than or equal to this
threshold, the service is carried on HS-DSCH; otherwise, on DCH.
5.1.5 DL BE Traffic Threshold on HSDPA
This parameter is the rate decision threshold of DL PS domain background/interactive service
whether to be carried on HS-DSCH. When the maximum DL service rate is greater than or equal
to this threshold, the service is carried on HS-DSCH; otherwise, on DCH.
5.1.6 UL BE Traffic Threshold on HSUPA
This parameter is the rate decision threshold of UL PS domain background/interactive service
to be carried on E-DCH. When the maximum UL service rate is greater than or equal to this
threshold, the service is carried on E-DCH; otherwise, on DCH.
5.1.7 UL Streaming Traffic Threshold on HSUPA
This parameter is the rate decision threshold of UL PS domain streaming service to be carried
on E-DCH. When the maximum UL service rate is greater than or equal to this threshold, the
service is carried on E-DCH; otherwise, on DCH.
5.1.8 Streaming Service HSUPA Transmission Mode
This parameter is valid only when the streaming services are mapped onto the E-DCH channel.
This parameter is used to control the E-DCH data transmission mode for streaming services.

5.1.1 BE Service Handover Rate Threshold

This parameter is the bit rate threshold used to determine whether to perform soft handover for
the Best Effort (BE) service on DCH.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-3

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8k, 16k, 32k, 64k, 128k, 144k, 256k, 384k) bit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is D384, that is 384kbit/s.

l When the maximum bit rate of the BE service is lower than or equal to this threshold, the
system performs soft handover for this user to guarantee the service quality.
l If the maximum bit rate of the BE service is higher than the threshold, the system performs
intra-frequency hard handover for this user to avoid great effect of soft handover on the
system capacity.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter is, the better the QoS of user probably becomes. But the resource is
consumed more.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through SET HOCOMM, and query it through LST HOCOMM.

5.1.2 Uplink/Downlink BE Service Insured Rate

This describes the insured bit rate configured for BE services with different priorities. DCH and
H share a set of parameters.

Parameter ID






Value Range
D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, and D384

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, and 384 (unit: kbit/s)

Parameter Setting
The default value is D64, which stands for 64 kbit/s.

Impact on Network Performance

You can assign different GBRs to the users with different priorities to show service
differentiation. The QoS of the users with higher priorities is better. The user access, however,
becomes more difficult.

Relevant Commands
Use the SET USERGBR command for configuration and use the LST USERGBR command
for query.

5.1.3 UpLink and Downlink BE traffic DCH decision threshold

These parameters are the rate decision thresholds of UL and DL PS domain background and
interactive service whether to be carried on DCH. When the UL service rate is greater than or
equal to this threshold, the service is set up on DCH; otherwise, on CCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values are D8, that is 8 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameters are, the better the QoS of user probably becomes. But the resource
is consumed more.

Relevant Commands
For RNC level, set the parameters through SET FRC, and query them through LST FRC.
For cell level, set the parameters through ADD CELLFRC, and query them through LST
CELLFRC, and modify them through MOD CELLFRC.

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

5.1.4 DL Streaming Threshold on HSDPA

This parameter is the rate decision threshold of DL PS domain streaming service whether to be
carried on HS-DSCH. When the maximum DL service rate is greater than or equal to this
threshold, the service is carried on HS-DSCH; otherwise, on DCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is D64, that is 64 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter is set too low, it possibly causes the capacity of HS-DSCH less than DCH.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET FRC, and query it through LST FRC.

5.1.5 DL BE Traffic Threshold on HSDPA

This parameter is the rate decision threshold of DL PS domain background/interactive service
whether to be carried on HS-DSCH. When the maximum DL service rate is greater than or equal
to this threshold, the service is carried on HS-DSCH; otherwise, on DCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D768, D1024, D1536, D2048)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is D8, that is 8 kbit/s.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter is set too high, BE service is easier to be beard on DCH, and the system code
utilization rate decreases.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET FRC, and query it through LST FRC.

5.1.6 UL BE Traffic Threshold on HSUPA

This parameter is the rate decision threshold of UL PS domain background/interactive service
to be carried on E-DCH. When the maximum UL service rate is greater than or equal to this
threshold, the service is carried on E-DCH; otherwise, on DCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384, D711, D1024, D1450, D2048)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384, 711, 1024, 1450, 2048) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 711 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

By simulation, comparing the data services bearing on E-DCH to those bearing on DCH, the
system traffic volume improves much. So the BE services are all suggested to be borne on E-

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET FRC, and query it through LST FRC.

5.1.7 UL Streaming Traffic Threshold on HSUPA

This parameter is the rate decision threshold of UL PS domain streaming service to be carried
on E-DCH. When the maximum UL service rate is greater than or equal to this threshold, the
service is carried on E-DCH; otherwise, on DCH.

Parameter ID

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 256 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET FRC, and query it through LST FRC.

5.1.8 Streaming Service HSUPA Transmission Mode

This parameter is valid only when the streaming services are mapped onto the E-DCH channel.
This parameter is used to control the E-DCH data transmission mode for streaming services.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Scheduled or Non-Scheduled

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is Non-Scheduled.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through SET FRC and query it through LST FRC.

5.2 Dynamic Channel Configuration Control Parameters

The common configurable dynamic channel configuration parameters are listed here.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Table 5-2 List of dynamic channel configuration parameters

N Parameter Parameter Default Value Relevant Level
o. ID Meaning Command

1 Event4aThd Traffic upper D1024, that is, Set: ADD RNC

threshold 1024 bytes TYPRABDCCCM
2 Event4bThd Traffic lower D128, that is, 128
Query: LST
threshold bytes
3 TimetoTrigg Time to trigger D240, that is, 240 Modify: MOD
er4A event 4A ms TYPRABDCCCM
4 TimetoTrigg Time to Trigger D2560, that is,
er4B event 4B 2.56 s

5 PendingTim Pending time D4000, that is, 4

e4A after trigger event s

6 PendingTim Pending time D4000, that is, 4

e4B after trigger event s

7 UlDcccRate Uplink and D64 (64 kbit/s) Set or modify: SET RNC
Thd downlink DCCC DCCC
DlDcccRate rate thresholds Query: LST DCCC

8 UlMidRateT Uplink and D128 (128 kbit/

hd downlink middle s)
DlMidRateT rate thresholds

9 UlRateAdjL Uplink and 2_Rates

evel downlink rate
DlRateAdjL adjust level

10 LittleRateTh Low activity D64, that is, 64

d bitrate threshold kbit/s

5.2.1 Traffic Upper Threshold

The premise for 4A event reporting is that the buffer traffic exceeds this threshold.
5.2.2 Traffic Lower Threshold
The premise for 4B event reporting is that the buffered traffic is lower than this threshold.
5.2.3 Time to Trigger Event 4A
When buffered traffic is greater than 4A threshold and remains there for a longer time than the
delay trigger time, event 4A is reported.
5.2.4 Time to Trigger Event 4B
When buffered traffic is less than event 4B threshold and remains there for a longer time than
the delay trigger time, event 4B is reported.

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

5.2.5 Pending Time after Trigger Event 4A

After a event 4A is reported, a timer is started. No more event 4A is reported before the timer
5.2.6 Pending time after trigger Event 4B
After an event 4B is reported, a timer is started. No more event 4B is reported before the timer
5.2.7 Uplink and Downlink DCCC Rate Thresholds
When the maximum uplink/downlink rates required by the BE service are not greater than the
uplink/downlink DCCC rate thresholds, channel reconfiguration is not carried out for the uplink/
downlink services according to the traffic condition.
5.2.8 Uplink and Downlink Middle Rate Thresholds
These parameters are the uplink and downlink middle rate threshold when 3 rate adjusting in
DCCC is used and the middle rate compute method is HAND_APPOINT.
5.2.9 Uplink and Downlink Rate Adjust Levels
These parameters are used to judge uplink and downlink 2 rates or 3 rates adjusting in DCCC.
5.2.10 Low activity bitrate threshold
When the PS BE service rate has reduced to the rate threshold of DCCC, but UE can not transfer
to CELL_FACH state for some reasons (for example: PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH is
off; UE has CS service). The PS BE service rate is reduced to this rate when PS BE service
satisfy the requirement of D2F.

5.2.1 Traffic Upper Threshold

The premise for 4A event reporting is that the buffer traffic exceeds this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k,
D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k, D768k)

Physical Value Range

Enum (16 ,32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k,
128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k, 768k) bytes

Parameter Setting
The default value is D1024, that is 1024 bytes. The parameter is set separately in downlink and
Event 4A: The transmission channel traffic (which is the buffered traffic in DCCC) exceeds an
absolute threshold. When this event occurs, data transmission is accelerated through the increase
of channel transmission bandwidth.
The setting of the traffic upper threshold is used to check whether there are data to be transmitted.
Therefore, to meet the rapid requirement of user data transmission, we can configure the
threshold of 4A to a low value; however, it should not be too low, so as to avoid triggering

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

unnecessary channel reconfiguration to increase the bandwidth while users do not have enough
data to transmit.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is set, the slower the user data transmission rate probably
l The smaller it is, the faster the user data transmission rate probably becomes. However, if
the setting is too low, the channel bandwidth increases while it is unnecessary.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABDCCCMC, and modify it through MOD
TYPRABDCCCMC, and query it through LST TYPRAB.

5.2.2 Traffic Lower Threshold

The premise for 4B event reporting is that the buffered traffic is lower than this threshold.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D8, D16,D32, D64, D128,D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D3k, D4k, D6k, D8k, D12k, D16k,
D24k, D32k, D48k, D64k, D96k, D128k, D192k, D256k, D384k, D512k)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16,32, 64, 128,256, 512, 1024, 2k, 3k, 4k, 6k, 8k, 12k, 16k, 24k, 32k, 48k, 64k, 96k,
128k, 192k, 256k, 384k, 512k) bytes

Parameter Setting
The default value is D128, that is 128 bytes. The parameter is set separately in downlink and

Event 4B: The transmission channel traffic (which is the buffered traffic in DCCC) becomes
lower than an absolute threshold. When this event occurs, the channel transmission bandwidth
is reduced to avoid resource waste.

The 4B event is used to check whether the traffic becomes lighter. When the service transmission
is about to finish, the traffic in the buffer decreases rapidly until it becomes zero. Therefore,
event 4B threshold can be configured to a relatively small value. Furthermore, when the source
rate of the service is relatively constant but very low, we can also configure an appropriate 4B
threshold so that the low source rate can be detected and the channel bandwidth can be
accordingly reduced. Tests on the FTP service and services with low source rates show that when
the setting of the 4B threshold is slightly greater than the size of one transmission block, the
detection required for bandwidth reduction for the two kinds of services above can be satisfied.

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

A greater value of this parameter gets event 4B to be triggered more easily; however, the channel
transmission bandwidth is reduced, which may influence the transmission speed of the user data.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABDCCCMC, modify it through MOD
TYPRABDCCCMC, and query it through LST TYPRAB.

5.2.3 Time to Trigger Event 4A

When buffered traffic is greater than 4A threshold and remains there for a longer time than the
delay trigger time, event 4A is reported.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280,
D2560, D5000)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280,2560,5000) ms

Parameter Setting
TimetoTrigger4A is D240 by default, that is , 240 ms. The parameter is set separately in uplink
and downlink.
Time to trigger for event 4A is to prevent frequent trigger caused by small fluctuation of the
service traffic. It is only for the measurement report of the first trigger event.

Impact on the Network Performance

l A higher value of this parameter makes event 4A harder to be triggered. In such case it can
prevent frequent adjustment of the BE service rate. However, too high value makes the
system respond very slowly.
l A lower value of this parameter gets event 4A to be triggered more easily. However, small
value may trigger events frequently under small fluctuation of the service traffic.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABDCCCMC, modify it through MOD
TYPRABDCCCMC, and query it through LST TYPRAB.

5.2.4 Time to Trigger Event 4B

When buffered traffic is less than event 4B threshold and remains there for a longer time than
the delay trigger time, event 4B is reported.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280,
D2560, D5000)

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000) ms

Parameter Setting
TimetoTrigger4B is D2560 by default, that is, 2.56 s. The parameter is set separately in uplink
and downlink.

Time to trigger for event 4B is to prevent frequent trigger caused by small fluctuation of the
service traffic. It is only for the measurement report of the first trigger event.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The higher the parameter is, the harder to trigger event 4B, in which case it can prevent
frequent adjustment of the BE service rate. However, too high value makes the system
respond very slowly.
l The lower the parameter is, the easier to trigger event 4B. However, small value may trigger
events frequently under small fluctuation of the service traffic.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABDCCCMC, modify it through MOD
TYPRABDCCCMC, and query it through LST TYPRAB.

5.2.5 Pending Time after Trigger Event 4A

After a event 4A is reported, a timer is started. No more event 4A is reported before the timer

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D250, D500, D1k, D2k, D4k, D8k, D16k)

Physical Value Range

Enum (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) ms

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default value is D4000, that is, 4 s. The parameter is set separately in unlink and downlink.

The pending time after trigger for event 4A is the timer started after the event measurement
report is triggered. It has two functions: The first is that within the pending time, no more
measurement report is sent for the same measurement ID even the condition that triggers
measurement report is met; the second is that when the pending timer expires, it judges whether
the traffic is above the upper threshold or under the lower threshold. If yes, it restarts the Time
to Trigger for event 4A timer and does not report event 4A any more unless the timer expires.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater the parameter is, the harder to trigger event 4A again. Large value prevents
frequent adjustment of the BE service rate. But too large value can make the system respond
very slowly.
l The lower the parameter is, the easier to trigger event again. But too low value may result
in frequent triggers under small fluctuation of the traffic.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABDCCCMC, modify it through MOD
TYPRABDCCCMC, and query it through LST TYPRAB.

5.2.6 Pending time after trigger Event 4B

After an event 4B is reported, a timer is started. No more event 4B is reported before the timer

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D250, D500, D1k, D2k, D4k, D8k, D16k)

Physical Value Range

Enum (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000) ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is D4000, that is 4 s. The parameter is set separately in unlink and downlink.

The pending time after trigger for event 4B is the timer started after the event measurement
report is triggered. It has two functions: The first is that within the pending time, no more
measurement report is sent for the same measurement ID even the condition that triggers
measurement report is met; the second is that when the pending timer expires, it judges whether
the traffic is above the upper threshold or under the lower threshold. If yes, it restarts the Time
to Trigger for event 4b timer and does not report event 4B any more unless the timer expires.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater the parameter is, the harder to trigger event 4B again. Large value prevents
frequent adjustment of the BE service rate. But too large value can make the system respond
very slowly.
l The lower the parameter is, the easier to trigger event again. But too low value may result
in frequent trigger under small fluctuation of the traffic.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABDCCCMC, modify it through MOD
TYPRABDCCCMC, and query it through LST TYPRAB.

5.2.7 Uplink and Downlink DCCC Rate Thresholds

When the maximum uplink/downlink rates required by the BE service are not greater than the
uplink/downlink DCCC rate thresholds, channel reconfiguration is not carried out for the uplink/
downlink services according to the traffic condition.

Parameter ID


Value Range
Enum(D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384)

Physical Value Range

Enum (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values are both D64, that is, 64 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater these parameter are, the more difficult the adjustment of the channel bandwidth

Relevant Commands
The RNC-oriented parameters: set them through SET DCCC, and query them through LST

5.2.8 Uplink and Downlink Middle Rate Thresholds

These parameters are the uplink and downlink middle rate threshold when 3 rate adjusting in
DCCC is used and the middle rate compute method is HAND_APPOINT.

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID


Value Range
Enum(D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384)

Physical Value Range

Enum (16, 32, 64, 128, 144, 256, 384) kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values are both D128, that is 128 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
The RNC-oriented parameters: set them through SET DCCC and query them through LST

5.2.9 Uplink and Downlink Rate Adjust Levels

These parameters are used to judge uplink and downlink 2 rates or 3 rates adjusting in DCCC.

Parameter ID


Value Range
Enum(2_Rates, 3_Rates)

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default values are both 2_Rates.

Impact on the Network Performance


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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Relevant Commands
The RNC-oriented parameters: set them through SET DCCC and query them through LST

5.2.10 Low activity bitrate threshold

When the PS BE service rate has reduced to the rate threshold of DCCC, but UE can not transfer
to CELL_FACH state for some reasons (for example: PS_BE_STATE_TRANS_SWITCH is
off; UE has CS service). The PS BE service rate is reduced to this rate when PS BE service
satisfy the requirement of D2F.

Parameter ID

Value Range
D8 ~ D384

Physical Value Range

8 kbit/s ~ 384 kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 64 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
The RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET DCCC and query it through LST DCCC.

5.3 Link Stability Parameters

The common configurable link stability parameters are listed here.

Table 5-3 List of link stability parameters

No Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Level

. Meaning Value

1 EventEaThd Event Ea 2 (1 dB) For RNC level RNC/

relative Set or modify:SET Cell
threshold DCCC
2 EventEbThd Event Eb 2 (1 dB) Query:LST DCCC
relative For cell level

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Level

. Meaning Value

3 UlFullCvrRate Uplink full 64 kbit/s Set: ADD

coverage rate CELLDCCC
Query: LST
4 DlFullCvrRate Downlink full 32 kbit/s
coverage rate

5.3.1 Event Ea Relative Threshold

This parameter, together with the maximum transmit power, determines the event Ea threshold
of the DL DPCCH power.
5.3.2 Event Eb Relative Threshold
This parameter, together with the maximum transmit power, determines the event Eb threshold
of the DL DPCCH power.
5.3.3 Uplink Full Coverage Rate
This parameter describes the uplink full coverage rate.
5.3.4 Downlink Full Coverage Rate
This parameter describes the downlink full coverage rate.

5.3.1 Event Ea Relative Threshold

This parameter, together with the maximum transmit power, determines the event Ea threshold
of the DL DPCCH power.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 ~ 111

Physical Value Range

0 dB ~ 55.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 2, that is, 1 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold for event Ea is, and it is easy to
trigger event Ea and it is useful for link stability. On the other hand, the QoS of planned service
is influenced possibly.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: Set it through SET DCCC and query the parameter through LST

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Cell-oriented parameter: Set it through ADD CELLDCCC, query it through LST

CELLDCCC and modify it through MOD CELLDCCC.

5.3.2 Event Eb Relative Threshold

This parameter, together with the maximum transmit power, determines the event Eb threshold
of the DL DPCCH power.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 ~ 111

Physical Value Range

0 dB ~ 55.5 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 2, that is, 1 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the lower the absolute threshold for event Eb is, and it is difficult
to trigger event Eb.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: Set it through SET DCCC and query the parameter through LST

Cell-oriented parameter: Set it through ADD CELLDCCC, query it through LST

CELLDCCC and modify it through MOD CELLDCCC.

5.3.3 Uplink Full Coverage Rate

This parameter describes the uplink full coverage rate.

Parameter ID

Value Range
D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384

Physical Value Range

8 kbit/s, 16 kbit/s, 32 kbit/s, 64 kbit/s, 128 kbit/s, 144 kbit/s, 256 kbit/s, 384 kbit/s

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default value is D64, which indicates 64 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The uplink full coverage rate is the maximum uplink service rate reached when a cell is totally
covered under some bearer.
For BE services with low maximum rate, the usage of the DCCC algorithm may require extra
efforts for algorithm handling rather than facilitate the service performance. Therefore, only BE
services with uplink maximum rate exceeds the threshold rate can perform the uplink coverage-
based DCCC algorithm control.

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to the RNC, set this parameter through SET DCCC and query it through
For parameters oriented to the cell, add this parameter through ADD CELLDCCC, query it
through LST CELLDCCC, and modify it through MOD CELLDCCC.

5.3.4 Downlink Full Coverage Rate

This parameter describes the downlink full coverage rate.

Parameter ID

Value Range
D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D144, D256, D384

Physical Value Range

8 kbit/s, 16 kbit/s, 32 kbit/s, 64 kbit/s, 128 kbit/s, 144 kbit/s, 256 kbit/s, 384 kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is D32, which indicates 32 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The downlink full coverage rate is the maximum downlink service rate reached when the cell is
totally covered. If the current rate is greater than the full coverage rate, lower the rate to the
coverage rate after the downlink TCP is limited. If the current rate is smaller than or equal to
the full coverage rate, lower the rate the minimum guaranteed rate. If the Ea event is reported
again, dismantle the links.
For BE services with low maximum rate, the usage of the DCCC algorithm requires extra efforts
for algorithm handling rather than facilitates the service performance. Therefore, only BE
services with the downlink maximum rate exceeds the threshold rate can perform the downlink
coverage-based DCCC algorithm control.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Relevant Commands
For parameters oriented to the RNC, set this parameter through SET DCCC and query it through
For parameters oriented to the cell, add this parameter through ADD CELLDCCC, query it
through LST CELLDCCC, and modify it through MOD CELLDCCC.

5.4 State Transfer Parameters

The common configurable state transfer parameters are listed here.

Table 5-4 List of state transfer parameters

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Level
er ID Meaning Value Command

1 DtoFState DCH to FACH 180 s Set or Modify: SET RNC

TransTim state transition UESTATETRANS
er timer Query: LST
2 D2F2PTv DCH to FACH D64 (64
mThd and FACH to bytes)
PCH state
traffic 4B

3 FtoPState FACH to PCH 180 s

TransTim state transition
er timer

4 CellReSel Cell 180 s

ectTimer Reselection

5 FtoDTvm FACH to DCH D1024 (1024

Thd traffic report bytes)

6 FtoDTvm FACH-to- D240 (240

TimeToTr DCH traffic ms)
ig time-to-trigger

5.4.1 DCH to FACH State Transition Timer

This parameter detects whether the users in CELL_DCH are stably in low activity to determine
whether there is a need for state transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH.
5.4.2 DCH to FACH / FACH to PCH State Transition Traffic 4B Threshold
It helps to judge whether a user is in low activity state. When a user in CELL_DCH state reports
4B traffic event every time, 1 is added to the low activity detection timer. When a user in
CELL_FACH state reports 4B traffic event every time, 1 is added to the low activity detection
timer when the 4B traffic is 0.
5.4.3 FACH to PCH State Transition Timer

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-21

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

This parameter detects whether the users in CELL_FACH are stably in low activity to determine
whether there is a need for state transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_PCH.
5.4.4 Cell ReSelection Timer
This parameter and CellReSelectCounter jointly detect the status of the UE that frequently
performs cell reselection to determine the need for state transition from CELL_FACH to
5.4.5 FACH to DCH Traffic Report Threshold
This parameter defines the upper threshold of 4A traffic in the CELL_FACH state to trigger
state transition from FACH to DCH.
5.4.6 FACH to DCH Traffic Time to trigger
For UEs in the CELL_FACH state, after the traffic exceeds the report threshold and the duration
exceeds the time length specified by this parameter, the event 4A report is triggered, causing
state transition to the CELL_DCH state.

5.4.1 DCH to FACH State Transition Timer

This parameter detects whether the users in CELL_DCH are stably in low activity to determine
whether there is a need for state transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_FACH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 65535

Physical Value Range

1 s to 65535 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 180, that is, 180 s.

Configuration of the parameter shall be based on the BE service model. The system judges
whether the users have no data to send for a long time and uses this as condition for state transition
to low activity. Whether the user has data to send can be reflected from the RLC buffered traffic:
If the user has no data to send, the RLC buffered traffic is zero. The traffic event 4B can be
configured to detect low activity.

Within the transition timer period, if there are consecutive event 4B reports and the buffered
service data is detected to be zero and the number of event 4B reports meets preset condition
when the timer expires, it can be said that the service is in low activity.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter value is too low, it would be hard to judge that the user is in relatively stable
low activity status. Too large value may waste specific channel resources.

5-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET UESTATETRANS, and query it through LST

5.4.2 DCH to FACH / FACH to PCH State Transition Traffic 4B

It helps to judge whether a user is in low activity state. When a user in CELL_DCH state reports
4B traffic event every time, 1 is added to the low activity detection timer. When a user in
CELL_FACH state reports 4B traffic event every time, 1 is added to the low activity detection
timer when the 4B traffic is 0.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

8–768K bytes

Parameter Setting
The default value is D64, that is, 64 bytes.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
RNC–oriented parameter: set it through SET UESTATETRANS, and query it through LST

5.4.3 FACH to PCH State Transition Timer

This parameter detects whether the users in CELL_FACH are stably in low activity to determine
whether there is a need for state transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_PCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 65535

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-23

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

1 s to 65535 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 180, that is, 180 s.
The principle of state transition from CELL_FACH to CELL_PCH is similar to the above-
mentioned state transition from DCH to FACH. But because CELL_PCH does not support
service data transmission, zero traffic event is used to determine the need for transition from

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter value is too low, it would be hard to judge that the user is in relatively stable
low activity status. Too large value may waste FACH channel resources.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET UESTATETRANS, and query it through LST

5.4.4 Cell ReSelection Timer

This parameter and CellReSelectCounter jointly detect the status of the UE that frequently
performs cell reselection to determine the need for state transition from CELL_FACH to

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 65535

Physical Value Range

1 s to 65535 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 180, that is, 180 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the parameter value is too low, it would be hard to judge that the users are in relatively
stable low activity. Too large value may waste specific channel resources.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET UESTATETRANS, and query it through LST

5-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

5.4.5 FACH to DCH Traffic Report Threshold

This parameter defines the upper threshold of 4A traffic in the CELL_FACH state to trigger
state transition from FACH to DCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D4, D8, D16, D32, D64, D128, D256, D512, D1024, D2k, D4k, D8k, D16k, D32k,
D64k, D128k, D512k, D1024k )

Physical Value Range

Enum ( 0, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k, 128k, 512k, 1024k )

Parameter Setting
The default value is D1024, that is 1024 bytes.

This threshold is set to check whether there is data to be transmitted so that the UE moves to the
CELL_DCH substate. To avoid common channel congestion, this parameter should not be set
too high.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter is, the more difficultly state transition occurs. However, if the setting
is too low, it results in waste of the dedicated channel resources.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET UESTATETRANS, and query it through LST

5.4.6 FACH to DCH Traffic Time to trigger

For UEs in the CELL_FACH state, after the traffic exceeds the report threshold and the duration
exceeds the time length specified by this parameter, the event 4A report is triggered, causing
state transition to the CELL_DCH state.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (D0, D10, D20, D40, D60, D80, D100, D120, D160, D200, D240, D320, D640, D1280,
D2560, D5000)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-25

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

Enum (0, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 320, 640, 1280, 2560, 5000 ) ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is D240, that is 240 ms.
This parameter prevents unnecessary triggering of traffic event due to traffic fluctuation. Too
large value may delay report of event 4A and result in congestion of the common channel.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter is, the more difficultly state transition occurs; the lower it is, the more
easily UE enters the CELL_DCH state, but the more serious influence the traffic fluctuation

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET UESTATETRANS, and query it through LST

5.5 PS Inactive
The common configurable PS inactive parameters are listed here.

Table 5-5 List of PS inactive parameters

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Level

er ID Meaning Value Command

1 PSINACT Interactive 20 s Set or modify: SET RNC

INT Query: LST
2 PROTEC Interactive 20 s
TTMRFO service T2

3 PSINACT Background 20 s
TMRFOR service T1

4 PROTEC Background 20 s
TTMRFO service T2

5 PSINACT IMS service 20 s


6 PROTEC IMS service 20 s


5-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

5.5.1 Interactive Service T1

When no data to transfer during this timer for PS interactive user, then PDCP requests RRC
layer to release this connection.
5.5.2 Interactive Service T2
If T1 is overtime, PDCP layer requires RRC layer to release this service and triggers T2. If this
connection could not be released till T2 timer expires, PDCP layer applies to release this
connection again.
5.5.3 Background Service T1
When no data to transfer during this timer for PS background user, PDCP requires RRC layer
to release this connection.
5.5.4 Background Service T1
If T1 is overtime, PDCP layer requires RRC layer to release this service and triggers T2. If this
connection could not be released till T2 timer expires, PDCP layer applies to release this
connection again.
5.5.5 IMS Service T1
When no data to transfer during this timer for PS IMS users, PDCP requires RRC layer to release
this connection.
5.5.6 IMS Service T2
If T1 is overtime, PDCP layer requires RRC layer to release this service and triggers T2, If this
connection could not be released till T2 timer expires, PDCP layer applies to release this
connection again.

5.5.1 Interactive Service T1

When no data to transfer during this timer for PS interactive user, then PDCP requests RRC
layer to release this connection.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 14,400

Physical Value Range

0 s to 14,400 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20, that is, 20 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher this parameter is, the more resource be occupied when no data to transfer; the lower
it is, the more singling transfers when data transfer is unstable.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-27

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET PSINACTTIMER, and query it through LST

5.5.2 Interactive Service T2

If T1 is overtime, PDCP layer requires RRC layer to release this service and triggers T2. If this
connection could not be released till T2 timer expires, PDCP layer applies to release this
connection again.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 60

Physical Value Range

0 s to 60 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the longer resource occupation time is if the resource could
not be released after T1 is overtime.
l The lower it is, the more signaling overhead there is if the connection could not be released
due to some special reasons.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET PSINACTTIMER, and query it through LST

5.5.3 Background Service T1

When no data to transfer during this timer for PS background user, PDCP requires RRC layer
to release this connection.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 14,400

5-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Physical Value Range

0 s to 14,400 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20, that is, 20 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the more resource is occupied when no data to transfer.
l The lower it is, the more singling transfer there is when data transfer is unstable.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET PSINACTTIMER, and query it through LST

5.5.4 Background Service T1

If T1 is overtime, PDCP layer requires RRC layer to release this service and triggers T2. If this
connection could not be released till T2 timer expires, PDCP layer applies to release this
connection again.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 60

Physical Value Range

0 s to 60 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the longer resource occupation time it takes if the resource
could not be released after T1 is overtime
l The lower it is, the more signaling overhead there is if the connection could not be release
due to some special reasons.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET PSINACTTIMER, and query it through LST

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

5.5.5 IMS Service T1

When no data to transfer during this timer for PS IMS users, PDCP requires RRC layer to release
this connection.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 14,400

Physical Value Range

0 s to 14,400 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20, that is, 20 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the more resource is occupied when no data to transfer.
l The lower it is, the more singling transfer there is when data transfer is unstable.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET PSINACTTIMER, and query it through LST

5.5.6 IMS Service T2

If T1 is overtime, PDCP layer requires RRC layer to release this service and triggers T2, If this
connection could not be released till T2 timer expires, PDCP layer applies to release this
connection again.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 60

Physical Value Range

0 s to 60 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20 s.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the longer resource occupation time it takes if the resource
could not be released after T1 is overtime.
l The lower it is, the more signaling overhead there is if the connection could not be release
due to some special reasons.

Relevant Commands
RNC-oriented parameter: set it through SET PSINACTTIMER, and query it through LST

5.6 RLC Retransmission Monitor Algorithm Parameters

The common configurable RLC retransmission monitor algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 5-6 List of RLC retransmission monitor algorithm parameters

No. Paramete Paramete Default Value Relevant Command Lev

r ID r el

1 TimeToM Time to 5000 ms Set: ADD Cell

oniter start Re- TYPRABRLC
Modify: MOD
2 MoniterPr Re-Tx 1000 ms TYPRABRLC
d monitor

3 ReTransRa Retransmi 1
tioFilterCo ssion filter
ef coefficient

4 EventAThr Event A 160, that is 16%

ed threshold

5 TimeToTri Event A 2
ggerA time to

6 PendingTi Event A 1
meA pending
time after

7 ReTransRe Event A 50 ms
portPeriod report

8 EventBThr Event B 80, that is 8%

ed threshold

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 5-31

5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Paramete Paramete Default Value Relevant Command Lev

r ID r el

9 TimeToTri Event B 14
ggerB time to

10 PendingTi Event B 1
meB pending
time after

5.6.1 Time to Start Re-TX Monitor

It means the delay time before starting the re-transmitted PDU monitor when RLC entity is
established or reconfigured.
5.6.2 Re-Tx Monitor Period
This parameter corresponds to the time of a period for re-transmitted PDU monitor.
5.6.3 Retransmission Filter Coefficient
This parameter denotes the filter coefficient about retransmission monitor algorithm.
5.6.4 Event A threshold
This parameter is the threshold of event A, which indicates a high ratio of PDUs are re-
5.6.5 Event A Time to Trigger
This parameter is the periods for triggering event A. Event A is triggered only if retransmit rate
is higher than event A threshold a certain period continuously.
5.6.6 Event A Pending Time after Trigger
This parameter is the pending period numbers after event A is triggered. During these periods,
no event A is reported.
5.6.7 Event A Report Period
This parameter is the period delayed of report after event A is trigged.
5.6.8 Event B Threshold
This parameter is the threshold of event B, which indicates an acceptable ratio of PDUs are re-
5.6.9 Event B Time to Trigger
This parameter is the period time event B is triggered.
5.6.10 Event B Pending Time after Trigger
This parameter is the pending period numbers after event B is triggered. During these periods,
no event B is reported.

5.6.1 Time to Start Re-TX Monitor

It means the delay time before starting the re-transmitted PDU monitor when RLC entity is
established or reconfigured.

5-32 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 500,000

Physical Value Range

0 to 500,000 ms, step 1 ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is 5,000 ms.

Impact on the Network Performance

The lower the parameter is, the earlier the RLC re-transmitted monitor starts.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.2 Re-Tx Monitor Period

This parameter corresponds to the time of a period for re-transmitted PDU monitor.

Parameter ID

Value Range
40 to 60,000

Physical Value Range

40 ms to 60,000 ms, step 1 ms

Parameter Setting
The default value is 1000 ms.

Impact on the Network Performance

The lower the parameter is, the earlier the RLC re-transmitted monitor starts.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

5.6.3 Retransmission Filter Coefficient

This parameter denotes the filter coefficient about retransmission monitor algorithm.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 10

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 1.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter is, the stronger the effect is on signal smoothness, the less interference
there is, but the weaker the response ability is for RLC retransmission measurement value break.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.4 Event A threshold

This parameter is the threshold of event A, which indicates a high ratio of PDUs are re-

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 1000

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 0.1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 160, that is 16%

5-34 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

The lower the parameter is, the earlier RLC re-transmitted event A is triggered. Thereby the
RNC reduces data sending.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.5 Event A Time to Trigger

This parameter is the periods for triggering event A. Event A is triggered only if retransmit rate
is higher than event A threshold a certain period continuously.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 2.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the more difficult event A is triggered. Thereby the RNC reduces
data transfer. This strategy may not be so good in poor air-interface quality condition.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.6 Event A Pending Time after Trigger

This parameter is the pending period numbers after event A is triggered. During these periods,
no event A is reported.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 1000

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 1.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the more difficult event A is triggered. Thereby the RNC reduces
data transfer. This strategy may not be so good in poor air-interface quality condition.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.7 Event A Report Period

This parameter is the period delayed of report after event A is trigged.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 1000

Physical Value Range

0 to 1000 ms, step 10 ms.

Parameter Setting
The default value is 50 ms.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the parameter is, the latter event A reports after been triggered.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.8 Event B Threshold

This parameter is the threshold of event B, which indicates an acceptable ratio of PDUs are re-

5-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 1000

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 0.1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80, that is 8%.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the easier event B is triggered.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5.6.9 Event B Time to Trigger

This parameter is the period time event B is triggered.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 14.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the more difficult event B is triggered.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

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5 PS Service Rate Control Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

5.6.10 Event B Pending Time after Trigger

This parameter is the pending period numbers after event B is triggered. During these periods,
no event B is reported.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 1000

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 1.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the parameter is, the longer event B report is delayed.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD TYPRABRLC, query it through LST TYPRAB, and modify
it through MOD TYPRABRLC.

5-38 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

About This Chapter

Special topic parameters include parameters for cell channel power distribution, paging, RRC
connection setup, synchronization and location updating.

6.1 Cell Channel Power Distribution Parameters

The common configurable cell channel power distribution parameters are listed here.
6.2 Paging Parameters
The common configurable paging parameters are listed here.
6.3 RRC Connection Setup Parameters
The common configurable RRC connection setup parameters are listed here.
6.4 Synchronization Parameters
The common configurable synchronization parameters are listed here.
6.5 Location Update Parameters
The common configurable location update parameters are listed here.
6.6 User Priority Related Parameters
The common configurable user priority related parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 6-1

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

6.1 Cell Channel Power Distribution Parameters

The common configurable cell channel power distribution parameters are listed here.

Table 6-1 List of cell channel power distribution parameters

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Command Level
er ID Meaning Value

1 MaxTxP Maximum 430, that ADD CELLSETUP Cell

ower cell transmit is, 43 MOD CELLSETUP
power dBm


Power transmit is, 33 LST PCPICH
power dBm

3 PSCHPo Transmit -50, that PSCHPower

wer power of is, -5 dB ADD PSCH

4 BCHPow BCH -20, that ADD BCH

er transmit is, -2 dB LST BCH

5 MaxFach Maximum 10, that ADD FACH FACH

Power FACH is, 1 dB LST FACH

6 PCHPow PCH 20, that ADD PCH Cell

er transmit is, 2 dB LST PCH


werOffse transmit LST PICH
t power


werOffse transmit LST AICH
t power

6.1.1 Maximum Cell Transmit Power

6-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

This parameter is the maximum downlink transmitting power of the NodeB.

6.1.2 Cell PCPICH Transmit Power
It is used to determine the power of Primary CPICH of a cell. The reference point is the antenna
connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the network planning.
6.1.3 PSCH and SSCH Transmit Power
These parameters are the transmit powers of P-SCH and S-SCH in relation to PCPICH.
6.1.4 BCH Transmit Power
This parameter is the transmit power of PCCPCH bearing BCH in relation to PCPICH.
6.1.5 Maximum FACH Transmit Power
This parameter defines the maximum FACH transmit power MaxFachPower (In MOD
SCCPCH, the maximum transmit powers of the two FACH channels are respectively
FACH1MaxPower and FACH2MaxPower) in relation to PCPICH.
6.1.6 PCH Transmit Power
This parameter defines the transmit power of the PCH channel in relation to PCPICH.
6.1.7 PICH Transmit Power
This parameter is the transmit power of the PICH channel in relation to PCPICH.
6.1.8 AICH Transmit Power
This parameter defines the transmit power of AICH in relation to PCPICH.

6.1.1 Maximum Cell Transmit Power

This parameter is the maximum downlink transmitting power of the NodeB.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 500

Physical Value Range

0 to 50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default value is 430, namely 43 dBm.

This parameter defines the sum of the maximum transmit powers of all the downlink channels
in the cell at the same time. It should be set according to the NodeB capability, cell range and
capacity. In the actual configuration, if this value is greater than the cell report capability, cell
setup fails. The parameter is decided by network planning.

Impact on the Network Performance

If this parameter is too low, the downlink capacity and the coverage is limited. However, it
should not exceed the actual processing capability of the NodeB.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 6-3

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSETUP, and modify it through MOD CELLSETUP.

6.1.2 Cell PCPICH Transmit Power

It is used to determine the power of Primary CPICH of a cell. The reference point is the antenna
connector of NodeB. Its value is related to the downlink coverage in the network planning.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-100 to 500

Physical Value Range

-10 dBm to 50 dBm, step 0.1 dBm

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 330, namely 33 dBm.

This parameter should be set based on the actual system environment such as cell coverage
(radius) and geographical environment. For the cells to be covered, the downlink coverage
should be guaranteed as a premise. For the cells requiring soft handover area, this parameter
should satisfy the proportion of soft handover areas stipulated in the network planning.

For a cell with large coverage, the value of this parameter should be relatively high; otherwise,
it should be relatively low. In a planned multi-cell environment, this parameter is definite If the
value of this parameter is smaller than the planned value, coverage holes may occur when the
cells are under heavy load.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, it influences directly the downlink pilot coverage range.
l If it is too high, the downlink interference increases, and the cell capacity is decreased
because a lot of system resources are occupied and the interference with the downlink traffic
channels are increased.
In addition, the configuration of this parameter also has direct influence on the distribution of
handover areas.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PCPICH, query it through LST PCPICH and modify it
through MOD CELL.

6.1.3 PSCH and SSCH Transmit Power

These parameters are the transmit powers of P-SCH and S-SCH in relation to PCPICH.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Parameter ID


Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default values are both -50, namely -5 dB.

These two parameters can be adjusted through measurement in the actual environment so that
the transmit powers of the synchronization channels just satisfy the UE receiving demodulation
requirement. Specifically, when UEs receive signals at different locations within the range of
the cell, the transmit power should be just enough to ensure that the UE can implement fast
synchronization in most areas at the verge of the cell. Neither PSCH nor SSCH has come through
channel code spectrum spread, so they produce more serious interference than other channels
do, especially for near-end users. Therefore, the values should not be set too high.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the setting of this set of parameters are too low, users at the verge of cells fail in network
searching, resulting in influence on coverage of the downlink common channel, which
finally affects cell coverage.
l If the setting are too high, the power resources are wasted, and other channels are interfered
seriously, thus the cell capacity is influenced.

Relevant Commands
l For PSSHPower, set it through ADD PSCH, and query it through LST PSCH.
l For SschPower, set it through ADD SSCH, and query it through LST SSCH.
After the cells are set up, they can both be modified through MOD CELL.

6.1.4 BCH Transmit Power

This parameter is the transmit power of PCCPCH bearing BCH in relation to PCPICH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 6-5

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -20, namely -2 dB.

This parameter can also be adjusted and optimized through measurement in the actual
environment. When UEs receive signals at different locations within the range of the cell, the
transmit power should be just enough to ensure the correct demodulation of the information
carried on the channel in most areas at the verge of the cell. The setting of this parameter should
not be set too high, so as to avoid unnecessary waste of the transmit power.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the setting of this parameter is too low, the user at the verge of the cell fails to receive
the system information correctly, and the downlink common channel coverage is
influenced, which affects cell coverage.
l If the setting is too high, other channels are interfered, the power resources are occupied,
and consequently the cell capacity is influenced.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD BCH, query it through LST BCH, and modify it through MOD

6.1.5 Maximum FACH Transmit Power

This parameter defines the maximum FACH transmit power MaxFachPower (In MOD
SCCPCH, the maximum transmit powers of the two FACH channels are respectively
FACH1MaxPower and FACH2MaxPower) in relation to PCPICH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 10, namely 1 dB.

If the FACH power is too low, the UE fails to receive the FACH data packets or the UE receives
error packets in a large portion; if it is too high, the power is wasted. Set the maximum FACH
transmit power to an appropriate value that is just enough to ensure the target BLER.

6-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the setting of this parameter is too low, the UE at the cell verge fails to receive correctly
the services and signaling borne over the FACH, resulting in influence on the downlink
common channel coverage and the cell coverage;
l If it is too high, other channels are interfered, the power resources are occupied, and
consequently the cell capacity is influenced.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD FACH, query it through LST FACH, and modify it through

6.1.6 PCH Transmit Power

This parameter defines the transmit power of the PCH channel in relation to PCPICH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value of this parameter is –20, namely –2 dB.

If the PCH power is too low, the UE fails to receive the PCH data packets or the UE receives
wrong packets, which may increase the retransmission times of paging packets, resulting in the
paging failure or the paging delay increase; if it is too high, the power is wasted.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE at the cell verge fails to receive paging messages
correctly, and this influences downlink common channel coverage and cell coverage.
l If it is too high, other channels are interfered, the downlink transmit power are occupied,
and consequently the cell capacity is influenced.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD PCH, query it through LST PCH, and modify it through MOD

6.1.7 PICH Transmit Power

This parameter is the transmit power of the PICH channel in relation to PCPICH.

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6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
-10 to 5

Physical Value Range

-10 dB to 5 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value of this parameter is -7, namely -7 dB.

An appropriate transmit power value should be set for PICH to ensure that all the users at the
cell verge can receive the paging indications. However, the transmit power should not be set too
high to avoid power waste.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE at the cell verge fails to receive paging messages
correctly, resulting in mis-operation in reading PCH channel and waste of the UE battery,
and the downlink common channel coverage and cell coverage may be affected.
l If it is too high, other channels are interfered, the power resources are occupied, and
consequently the cell capacity is influenced.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CHPWROFFSET, query it through LST PICH, and modify

6.1.8 AICH Transmit Power

This parameter defines the transmit power of AICH in relation to PCPICH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-22 to 5

Physical Value Range

-22 dB to 5 dB, step 1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value of this parameter is -6, namely -6 dB.

6-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

An appropriate transmit power value should be set for AICH to ensure that all users at cell verge
can receive the access indication. However,the transmit power should not be set too high to avoid
waste of the power.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE at the cell verge fails to receive the capture indication
correctly, which may influence the downlink common channel coverage and the cell
l If it is too high, other channels are interfered, the power resources are occupied, and
consequently the cell capacity is influenced.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CHPWROFFSET, query it through LST AICH, and modify

6.2 Paging Parameters

The common configurable paging parameters are listed here.

Table 6-2 List of paging parameters

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Level
er ID Meaning Value Command

1 DRXCycl Paging cycle 6 Set or modify: SET RNC

eLenCoef coefficient FRC or MOD
Query: LST FRC or

2 MaccPage Number of 1 Set or modify: SET

RepeatTi page DPUCFGDATA
mes retransmit Query: LST

6.2.1 Paging Cycle Coefficient

This parameter is the UTRAN domain discontinuous receiving (DRX) cycle coefficient, and it
is a parameter of paging type 1.
6.2.2 Number of Paging Retransmit
This parameter is the number of retransmissions of paging message.

6.2.1 Paging Cycle Coefficient

This parameter is the UTRAN domain discontinuous receiving (DRX) cycle coefficient, and it
is a parameter of paging type 1.

Parameter ID

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6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Value Range
3 to 9

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 6.
In the idle mode, the UE can receive the paging indication in the DRX mode to reduce the power
consumption. In this case, the UE needs to detect only one paging indication in a paging occasion
within each DRX cycle. The DRX cycle length of UTRAN domain is obtained by substituting
this parameter into the formula DRX cycle = 2K × PBP frames. Where, K is the paging cycle
coefficient, and PBP is the number of paging block periods (In the FDD mode, PBP = 1).

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE detects the paging channel frequently, and thus the
battery is consumed fast.
l If it is too high, the UE reacts very slowly to paging indications, and the system may
repeatedly page the UE, resulting in increased downlink interference.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET FRC or ADD CNDOMAIN, modify it through MOD
CNDOMAIN, and query it through LST FRC or LST CNDOMAIN.

6.2.2 Number of Paging Retransmit

This parameter is the number of retransmissions of paging message.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 2

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 1.
In order to improve the paging success rate, CN and RNC both repeat paging messages. However,
paging repeat has negative effects: firstly, it increases the paging quantity, especially in the
condition of downlink common channel congestion at the air interface; secondly, it increases

6-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

the paging quantity by several times, which wastes the downlink channel resources and cause
failure of timely delivery of new paging messages.

In addition, to ensure the paging success rate and paging efficiency at the same time, the number
of CN retransmitting paging messages and the time interval should be considered together with
UTRAN repeat. If UTRAN repeats transmission once, the CN repeat time interval should be
greater than 2 DRX cycles.

The following principle should be followed: CN should repeat the next paging message after
UTRAN finishes the previous paging message transmission and retransmission. To guarantee
compliance with this principle, such parameters as the number of CN retransmitting, the interval
of repeat, the number of UTRAN retransmitting and the coefficient of DRX cycle length can be
adjusted simultaneously for compliance with this principle.

Impact on the Network Performance

If this parameter is too high, the system repeatedly pages UEs, the downlink common channel
resources are wasted, and the downlink interference is increased.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through SET DPUCFGDATA, and query it through LST

6.3 RRC Connection Setup Parameters

The common configurable RRC connection setup parameters are listed here.

Table 6-3 List of RRC connection setup parameters

Parameter Parameter Default Value Relevant Command Level

ID Meaning

T300 Timer T300 and T300: D2000 (2 Set or modify: SET RNC
N300 constant N300 s) IDLEMODETIMER
N300: 3 Query: LST

6.3.1 T300 and N300

Timer T300 starts when the UE transmits RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message, and the
timer stops when the UE receives RRC CONNECTION SETUP message. RRC CONNECTION
REQUEST is resent upon the expiry of the timer T300 if V300 is lower than or equal to N300,
else enters idle mode.

6.3.1 T300 and N300

Timer T300 starts when the UE transmits RRC CONNECTION REQUEST message, and the
timer stops when the UE receives RRC CONNECTION SETUP message. RRC CONNECTION
REQUEST is resent upon the expiry of the timer T300 if V300 is lower than or equal to N300,
else enters idle mode.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 6-11

6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
T300: Enum(D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000, D1200, D1400, D1600, D1800, D2000,
D3000, D4000, D6000, D8000);
N300: 0 to 7

Physical Value Range

T300: Enum(100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000,
8000) ms;
N300: None

Parameter Setting
The default value of T300 is D2000 (2 s); the default value of N300 is 3.

Impact on the Network Performance

The setting of timer T300 should be considered together with the UE and UTRAN processing
delay and the propagation delay.
l The greater the setting of timer T300 is, the longer the UE waiting time it takes.
l The greater the setting of N300 is, the higher success probability of the RRC connection
setup is, and the longer RRC setup time it takes.
In this case, it is likely that a UE repeats access attempts and connection setup request
transmission, and consequently other users are influenced seriously.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through SET IDLEMODETIMER , and query them through LST

6.4 Synchronization Parameters

The common configurable synchronization parameters are listed here.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Table 6-4 List of synchronization parameters

No. Paramet Parameter Default Relevant Level
er ID Meaning Value Command

1 NInsyncI Number of 5 Set: ADD Cell

nd successive in- CELLSETUP
sync Query: LST CELL
Modify: MOD
2 NOutsync Number of 50 CELL
Ind successive

3 TRLFailu Radio link 50 (5 s)

re failure timer

4 N312 N312 and N312: D1 Set or Modify: SET RNC

T312 T312 T312: 6 s IDLEMODETIME
Query: LST

5 N313 N313, N315, N313: D50 Set or Modify: SET

N315 and T313 N315: D1 CONNMODETIM
T313 T313: 3 s
Query: LST

6.4.1 Number of Successive In-sync Indications

This parameter is the number of successive in-sync indications.
6.4.2 Number of Successive Out-of-sync Indications
This parameter is the number of successive out-of-sync indications.
6.4.3 Radio Link Failure Timer Duration
This parameter is the radio link failure timer duration. This value defines the duration of timer
TRlFailure. When the radio link set is in synchronized state, the NodeB shall start timer
TRlFailure after it receives NOutsyncInd successive out-of-sync indications, and the NodeB
shall stop and reset timer TRlFailure after receiving NInsyncInd successive in-sync indications.
When timer TRlFailure expires, the NodeB will trigger the radio link failure process, and indicate
which radio link set is out-of-sync.
6.4.4 N312 and T312
When the UE starts to set up the dedicated channel, it starts timer T312, and after the UE detects
N312 in-sync indications from L1, it stops timer T312. Once the timer expires, the physical
channel setup fails.
6.4.5 N313, N315, and T313
After the UE detects N313 successive out-of-sync indications from L1, it starts timer T313. After
the UE detects N315 successive in-sync indications from L1, it stops timer T313. Once the timer
expires, the radio link fails.

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6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

6.4.1 Number of Successive In-sync Indications

This parameter is the number of successive in-sync indications.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 256

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 5.
This parameter defines the number of successive in-sync indications required for the NodeB to
trigger the radio link recovery process. The radio link set remains in the initial state until it
receives NInsyncInd successive in-sync indications from L1, and then the NodeB triggers the
radio link recovery process, which indicates that the radio link set has been synchronized. Once
the radio link recovery process is triggered, the radio link set is considered to be in the
synchronized state.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater this parameter is, the stricter the synchronization process becomes, and the
more difficult the synchronization occurs.
l The smaller it is, the easier the synchronization occurs. However, if the link quality is poor,
a simple synchronization requirement leads to waste of the UE power and increase of uplink
In the radio link maintenance process, this parameter is used together with the successive out-
of-sync indication counter.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSETUP, query it through LST CELL, and modify it
through MOD CELL.

6.4.2 Number of Successive Out-of-sync Indications

This parameter is the number of successive out-of-sync indications.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 256

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 50.
This value defines the number of successive out-of-sync indications required to receive to start
timer TRlFailure. When the radio link set is in synchronized state, the NodeB starts timer
TRlFailure after it receives NOutsyncInd successive out-of-sync indications. The NodeB shall
stop and reset timer TRlFailure after receiving NInsyncInd successive in-sync indications. When
timer TRlFailure expires, the NodeB triggers the radio link failure process, and indicate which
radio link set is out-of-sync.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the link out-of-sync decision is likely to happen.
l If it is too high, out-of-sync is not likely to happen. But if the link quality is poor, it may
result in waste of the UE power and increased uplink interference.
In the radio link maintenance process, this parameter is adopted together with the successive in-
sync indication counter.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSETUP, query it through LST CELL, and modify it
through MOD CELL.

6.4.3 Radio Link Failure Timer Duration

This parameter is the radio link failure timer duration. This value defines the duration of timer
TRlFailure. When the radio link set is in synchronized state, the NodeB shall start timer
TRlFailure after it receives NOutsyncInd successive out-of-sync indications, and the NodeB
shall stop and reset timer TRlFailure after receiving NInsyncInd successive in-sync indications.
When timer TRlFailure expires, the NodeB will trigger the radio link failure process, and indicate
which radio link set is out-of-sync.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Physical Value Range

0 s to 25.5 s, step 0.1 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 50, that is 5 s.

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6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the timer duration is too short, there are few chances for the radio link to get synchronized.
l If it is too long, the radio link failure process is probably delayed, and the downlink
interference increases.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLSETUP, query it through LST CELL, and modify it
through MOD CELL.

6.4.4 N312 and T312

When the UE starts to set up the dedicated channel, it starts timer T312, and after the UE detects
N312 in-sync indications from L1, it stops timer T312. Once the timer expires, the physical
channel setup fails.

Parameter ID


Value Range
N312: Enum(D1, D50, D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000)

T312: 1 to 15

Physical Value Range

N312: Enum(1, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000);

T312: 1 s to 15 s

Parameter Setting
N312 default value is D1 and T312 default is 6 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater the setting of N312 is, the more difficult the dedicated channel synchronization
l The longer the duration of timer T312 is, the higher the synchronization probability is, but
the longer the synchronization time it takes.

Relevant Commands
For idle mode: set them through SET IDLEMODETIMER; query them through LST

For connection mode: set them through SET CONNMODETIMER, query them through LST

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

6.4.5 N313, N315, and T313

After the UE detects N313 successive out-of-sync indications from L1, it starts timer T313. After
the UE detects N315 successive in-sync indications from L1, it stops timer T313. Once the timer
expires, the radio link fails.

Parameter ID



Value Range
N313: Enum(D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200)

N315: Enum(D1, D2, D4, D10, D20, D50, D100, D200, D400, D600, D800, D1000)

T313: 1 to 15

Physical Value Range

N313: Enum(1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200)

N315: Enum(1, 2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000)

T313:1 s to 15 s

Parameter Setting
The default value of N313 is D50; the default value of N315 is D1; the default value of T313 is
3 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l The greater the setting of N313 is, the more difficult it is to start timer T313, and the lower
the out-of-sync probability is.
l The lower the setting of N315 is, the longer T313 is, and the higher the link recovery
probability is.

These three parameters should be used in cooperation.

Relevant Commands
Set these parameters through SET CONNMODETIMER, and query them through LST

6.5 Location Update Parameters

The common configurable location update parameters are listed here.

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6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Table 6-5 List of location update parameters

Parameter Parameter Default Value Relevant Command Level

ID Meaning

T3212 Periodic location 10, that is, 1 Set: ADD CNDOMAIN RNC
update timer hour Query: LST
Modify: MOD

6.5.1 Periodic Location Update Timer

This parameter is the periodic update timing duration.

6.5.1 Periodic Location Update Timer

This parameter is the periodic update timing duration.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Physical Value Range

0 to 1530 m, step 6 m (minute)

Parameter Setting
The default value is 10, that is, 1 hour.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the UE carries out location update frequently, resulting in a
large number of location update messages on the Uu and Iu interfaces.
l If it is too high, the UE location message probably is not updated timely.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CNDOMAIN, query it through LST CNDOMAIN, and
modify it through MOD CNDOMAIN.

6.6 User Priority Related Parameters

The common configurable user priority related parameters are listed here.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Table 6-6 List of user priority related parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Defau Relevant Command Lev
Meaning lt el

1 ARP1Priority, User priority None. Set or modify:SET

ARP2Priority, of allocation/ USERPRIORITY
ARP3Priority, retension Query:LST
ARP4Priority, priority 1 ~ USERPRIORITY
ARP5Priority, 14

2 PriorityReference Interate ARP


3 CarrierTypePriorInd Indicator of DCH

carrier type

6.6.1 User Priority of Allocation/Retension Priority 1~14

These parameters are user priority corresponding allocation and retention priority 1 to 14.
6.6.2 Integrate Priority Configured Reference
This parameter is used to set the criterion by which the priority is sorted firstly.
6.6.3 Indicator of Carrier Type Priority
This parameter is used to decide which carrier is prior when ARP and TrafficClass are both

6.6.1 User Priority of Allocation/Retension Priority 1~14

These parameters are user priority corresponding allocation and retention priority 1 to 14.

Parameter ID

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6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference


Value Range
Gold, Silver, Copper

Physical Value Range

1, 2, 3

Parameter Setting

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set and modify the parameters through SET USERPRIORITY, query them throughLST

6.6.2 Integrate Priority Configured Reference

This parameter is used to set the criterion by which the priority is sorted firstly.

Parameter ID

Value Range
ARP, TrafficClass

Physical Value Range

1, 2

Parameter Setting
The default value is ARP.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 6 Miscellaneous Topic Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set and modify the parameter through SET USERPRIORITY, query it throughLST

6.6.3 Indicator of Carrier Type Priority

This parameter is used to decide which carrier is prior when ARP and TrafficClass are both

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

0, 1, 2

Parameter Setting
The default value is NONE.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set and modify the parameter through SET USERPRIORITY, query it throughLST

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 6-21

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

7 HSDPA Parameters

About This Chapter

HSDPA parameters include HSDPA power resource management parameters, HSDPA code
resource management algorithm parameters, HSDPA mobility management parameters,
HSDPA direct retry and switch of channel types parameters, and HSDPA call admission control
algorithm parameters.

7.1 HSDPA Power Resource Management Parameters

The three different UE capabilities described here are that the minimum TTI interval for UE to
receive data on HS-PDSCH includes 1/2/3 TTIs. For the default configuration, inside brackets
is physical value while outside brackets is IE value.
7.2 HSDPA Code Resource Management Algorithm Parameters
The common configurable HSDPA code resource management algorithm parameters are listed
7.3 HSDPA Mobility Management Parameters
The common configurable HSDPA mobility management parameters are listed here.
7.4 HSDPA Direct Retry and Switch of Channel Types Parameters
The common configurable HSDPA direct retry and switch of channel types parameters are listed
7.5 HSDPA Admission Control Algorithm
The common configurable HSDPA admission control algorithm parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 7-1

7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

7.1 HSDPA Power Resource Management Parameters

The three different UE capabilities described here are that the minimum TTI interval for UE to
receive data on HS-PDSCH includes 1/2/3 TTIs. For the default configuration, inside brackets
is physical value while outside brackets is IE value.

7.1.1 HS-DPCCH Power Management Parameters

The common configurable HS-DPCCH power control parameters are listed here.
7.1.2 Total Power of HSDPA and Measurement Power Offset Constant
The common configurable total power of HSDPA and measurement power offset constant is
listed here.

7.1.1 HS-DPCCH Power Management Parameters

The common configurable HS-DPCCH power control parameters are listed here.

Table 7-1 List of HS-DPCCH power control parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

1 ACKPO1 ACK power 24/15 Set: ADD Cell

ACKPO2 offset 12/15 CELLHSDPCC
ACKPO3 9/15
Query: LST
ACKPO2forSHO offset in multiple H
link set Modify: MOD
3 NACKPO1 NACK power 24/15 H
NACKPO2 offset 12/15
NACKPO3 9/15

4 NACKPO1forSH NACK power 24/15

O offset in multiple
NACKPO2forSH link set

ACKNACKReF2 repeat factor 2

orSHO repeat factor in
multiple link set

7-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Level

Meaning Value Command

7 CQIPO CQI power offset 24/15

CQIPOforSHO in single and
multiple RLS

8 CQIReF CQI Repeat 1

CQIReFforSHO Factor in Single
and Multiple

9 CQIFbCk CQI repeat D2 (2 ms)

CQIFbCkforSHO period in single
and multiple
RLS ACK Power Offset

Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the ACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in single link set. ACK Power Offset in Multiple Link Set
Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the ACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in multiple link set. NACK Power Offset
Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the NACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in single link set. NACK Power Offset in Multiple Link Set
Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the NACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in multiple link set. ACK/NACK Repeat Factor
Set the three parameters according to three different capabilities of UE. Repeat sending the ACK/
NACK message in continuous multiple HS-DPCCH subframes. ACK/NACK Repeat Factor in Multiple Link Set
During SHO, the UE sends the ACK/NAK message in ACKNACKREFFORSHO subframes
repeatedly. CQI Power Offset in Single and Multiple RLS
Set the two parameters respectively. They are the CQI power offsets for uplink DPCCH in single
and multiple RLS. CQI Repeat Factor in Single and Multiple RLS
Set the two parameters respectively. The UE repeats sending CQI in continuous CQIReF and
CQIReFforSHO HS-DPCCH subframes in single and multiple RLS. CQI Repeat Period in Single and Multiple RLS
Set the two parameters respectively. They are the duration of CQI feedback period in single and
multiple RLS, namely, the UE sends CQI every CQIFbCk or CQIFbCkforSHO HS-DPCCH

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 7-3

7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

ACK Power Offset

Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the ACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in single link set.

Parameter ID



Value Range
PO_5/15, PO_6/15, PO_8/15, PO_9/15, PO_12/15, PO_15/15, PO_19/15, PO_24/15, PO_30/15

Physical Value Range

5/15, 6/15, 8/15, 9/15, 12/15, 15/15, 19/15, 24/15, 30/15

Parameter Setting
Set ACKPO1 to 24/15. Set ACKPO2 to 12/15. Set ACKPO to 9/15.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If these parameters are too low, when the UE sends the ACK message in non-SHO state,
the receiver decodes incorrectly with a greater probability, the redundant data transmission
increases, and the effective rate declines.
l If they are too large, the UE wastes more power, and the uplink interference is stronger.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

ACK Power Offset in Multiple Link Set

Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the ACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in multiple link set.

Parameter ID



Value Range
PO_5/15, PO_6/15, PO_8/15, PO_9/15, PO_12/15, PO_15/15, PO_19/15, PO_24/15, PO_30/15

7-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Physical Value Range

5/15, 6/15, 8/15, 9/15, 12/15, 15/15, 19/15, 24/15, 30/15

Parameter Setting
Set the default values of ACKPO1forSHO, ACKPO2forSHO, and ACKPO3forSHO to 24/15.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If they are too low, when the UE sends the ACK message in non-SHO state, the receiver
decodes incorrectly with a greater probability, the redundant data transmission increases,
and the effective rate declines.
l If they are too high, the UE wastes more power, and the uplink interference is stronger.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

NACK Power Offset

Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the NACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in single link set.

Parameter ID

Value Range
PO_5/15, PO_6/15, PO_8/15, PO_9/15, PO_12/15, PO_15/15, PO_19/15, PO_24/15, PO_30/15

Physical Value Range

5/15, 6/15, 8/15, 9/15, 12/15, 15/15, 19/15, 24/15, 30/15

Parameter Setting
l The default value of NACKPO1 is 24/15.
l The default value of NACKPO2 is 12/15,
l The default value of NACKPO3 is 9/15.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If they are too low, when the UE sends the NACK message in non-SHO state, the receiver
will decode incorrectly with a greater probability, redundant data transmission will
increase, and effective rate will decline.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

l If they are too large, the UE will waste more power, and and uplink interference will be

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

NACK Power Offset in Multiple Link Set

Set the three parameters respectively. They stand for the NACK power offsets for uplink DPCCH
corresponding to three different capabilities of UE in multiple link set.

Parameter ID

Value Range
PO_5/15, PO_6/15, PO_8/15, PO_9/15, PO_12/15, PO_15/15, PO_19/15, PO_24/15, PO_30/15

Physical Value Range

5/15, 6/15, 8/15, 9/15, 12/15, 15/15, 19/15, 24/15, 30/15

Parameter Setting
The default values of NACKPO1forSHO, NACKPO2forSHO, and NACKPO3forSHO are

Impact on the Network Performance

l If they are too low, when the UE sends the NACK message in SHO state, the receiver
decodes incorrectly with a greater probability, redundant data transmission increases, and
effective rate declines.
l If they are too large, the UE wastes more power, and uplink interference is stronger.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

ACK/NACK Repeat Factor

Set the three parameters according to three different capabilities of UE. Repeat sending the ACK/
NACK message in continuous multiple HS-DPCCH subframes.

Parameter ID

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters


Value Range
1 to 4

Physical Value Range

1 to 4 times

Parameter Setting
The default value of ACKNACKReF1 is 1. The default value of ACKNACKReF2 is 2. The
default value of ACKNACKReF3 is 3.

Impact on the Network Performance

If they are too large, the throughput rate of UE declines sharply. Set them based on the capability
of receiving data by UE continuously. The UE sends the ACK/NACK message at a transmit
power as low as possible on the condition that the power meets the requirement on ACK/NACK
demodulation performance.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

ACK/NACK Repeat Factor in Multiple Link Set

During SHO, the UE sends the ACK/NAK message in ACKNACKREFFORSHO subframes

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 4

Physical Value Range

1 to 4 times

Parameter Setting
The default value of ACKNACKReFforSHO is 1.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater the parameter is, the more sharply the throughput rate of UE declines. Set it based
on the capability of receiving data by UE continously. The UE sends the ACK/NACK message

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

at a transmit power as low as possible on the condition that the power meets the requirement on
ACK/NACK demodulation performance.

Set it to 1 to keep the parameters of single radio link set (RLS) and multiple RLS consistent.
This avoids reconfiguration of HS-DPCCH parameters between single RLS and multiple RLS.
The parameter does not identity three capabilities of UE. Reconfiguration occurs for the other
two capabilities. This problem is to be solved in the next version.

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query it through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and modify

CQI Power Offset in Single and Multiple RLS

Set the two parameters respectively. They are the CQI power offsets for uplink DPCCH in single
and multiple RLS.

Parameter ID


Value Range
PO_5/15, PO_6/15, PO_8/15, PO_9/15, PO_12/15, PO_15/15, PO_19/15, PO_24/15, PO_30/15

Physical Value Range

5/15, 6/15, 8/15, 9/15, 12/15, 15/15, 19/15, 24/15, 30/15

Parameter Setting
The default values are 24/15.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If they are too low, the receiver decodes data incorrectly in a greater probability when the
UE sends CQI. This affects TFRC selection, and lowers downlink throughput rate.
l If they are too large, the UE wastes power and uplink interference increases.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

CQI Repeat Factor in Single and Multiple RLS

Set the two parameters respectively. The UE repeats sending CQI in continuous CQIReF and
CQIReFforSHO HS-DPCCH subframes in single and multiple RLS.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Parameter ID


Value Range
1 to 4

Physical Value Range

1 to 4 times

Parameter Setting
The default values are 1.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the retransmisssion times of CQI is N, the network combines the N results, and then decodes
the data. If they are too large, the CQI does not indicate the real-time variation of the channel.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

CQI Repeat Period in Single and Multiple RLS

Set the two parameters respectively. They are the duration of CQI feedback period in single and
multiple RLS, namely, the UE sends CQI every CQIFbCk or CQIFbCkforSHO HS-DPCCH

Parameter ID


Value Range
D0, D2, D4, D8, D10, D20, D40, D80, and D160

Physical Value Range

0 ms, 2 ms, 4 ms, 8 ms, 10 ms, 20 ms, 40 ms, 80 ms, and 160 ms

Parameter Setting
The default values of CQIFBCK and CQIFBCKFORSHO are D2 (2 ms).

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

If they are too large, the CQI does not indicate the real-time variation of channel.

Relevant Commands
Set them through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query them through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and
modify them through MOD CELLHSDPCCH.

7.1.2 Total Power of HSDPA and Measurement Power Offset

The common configurable total power of HSDPA and measurement power offset constant is
listed here.

Table 7-2 List of total power of HSDPA and measurement power offset constant

No. Parameter ID Parameter Defaul Relevant Command Level

Meaning t Value

1 HspaPower Total power 0 (0 dB) Set:ADD CELLHSDPA Cell

2 HsPdschMPOC Measureme 2.5 dB Modify:MOD
onstEnum nt power CELLHSDPA
constant Total HSPA Power

This describes the offset between the maximum value of the sum of HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-
AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH and the maximum transmit power of a cell. Measurement Power Offset Constant
It helps calculate measurement power offset (MPO).

Total HSPA Power

This describes the offset between the maximum value of the sum of HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-
AGCH, E-RGCH, and E-HICH and the maximum transmit power of a cell.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-500 to 0

Physical Value Range

-50 dB to 0 dB, with step length as 0.1 dB

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 0 dB.

Impact on Network Performance

The maximum value for dynamic power adjustment affects the throughput of H users on the
edge of a cell.

Relevant Commands
Use the ADD CELLHSDPA command for configuration, the LST CELLHSDPA command
for query, and the MOD CELLHSDPA command for modification.

Measurement Power Offset Constant

It helps calculate measurement power offset (MPO).

Parameter ID

Value Range
-3 to 19

Physical Value Range

-3 dB to 19 dB, step 0.5 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value of HsPdschMPOConstEnum is 2.5 (2.5 dB).

Impact on the Network Performance

It helps calculate MPO, namely, Γ Measure Power Offset = Min(13,CellMaxPower -
PcpichPower - Measure Power Offset Constant).

According to PHSPDSCH = PCPICH + Γ + Δ, calculate PHSPDSCH , and then convert it to CQI. If

the HsPdschMPOConstEnum is improperly configured, the CQI in some scenarios will be
beyond the range of 0 to 30. As a result, the NodeB MAC-hs cannot schedule the subscriber in
the corresponding time or cannot schedule multiple subscribers with the difference of channel

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD CELLHSDPCCH, query it through LST CELLHSDPCCH, and modify

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

7.2 HSDPA Code Resource Management Algorithm

The common configurable HSDPA code resource management algorithm parameters are listed

Table 7-3 List of HSDPA code resource management algorithm parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Defaul Relevant Command Leve
Meaning t Value l

1 AllocCodeMode HSDPA Automa Set: ADD CELLHSDPA Cell

Code tic Query: LST
resource CELLHSDPA
Modify: MOD
2 HsPdschCodeNu Number of 4

3 HsPdschMaxCode Number of 10
Num maximum

4 HsPdschMinCode Number of 5
Num minimum

5 HsScchCodeNum Number of 4

7.2.1 HSDPA Code Resource Distribution Mode

HSDPA code resource distribution support automatic distribution and manual distribution.
Adjust this parameter to select a distribution method.
7.2.2 Number of HS-PDSCH Codes
This parameter is the number of HS-PDSCH codes. The parameter is valid only when the
AllocCodeMode is Manual.
7.2.3 Number of Maximum HS-PDSCH Codes
The parameter is valid only when the AllocCodeMode is Automatic.
7.2.4 Number of Minimum HS-PDSCH Codes
The parameter is valid only when the AllocCodeMode is Automatic.
7.2.5 Number of HS-SCCH Codes
It is the number of codes allocated for HS-SCCH.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

7.2.1 HSDPA Code Resource Distribution Mode

HSDPA code resource distribution support automatic distribution and manual distribution.
Adjust this parameter to select a distribution method.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Automatic and Manual

Physical Value Range

Automatic means automatic distribution. Manual means manual distribution.

Parameter Setting
At the early stage of network construction, or when the traffic model of subscribers in a cell is
not fixed, the network distributes HSDPA channel codes automatically, so select Automatic. If
the traffic model of subscribers in a cell is fixed and known, select manual distribution.

Impact on the Network Performance

Manual distribution leads to restriction of HSDPA code resource or leaves HSDPA code idle.

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD CELLHSDPA, query it through LST CELLHSDPA, and modify it through

7.2.2 Number of HS-PDSCH Codes

This parameter is the number of HS-PDSCH codes. The parameter is valid only when the
AllocCodeMode is Manual.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 15

Physical Value Range

1 to 15, step 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 4.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Set HsPdschCodeNum according to actual traffic model of a cell.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the number of HS-PDSCH channel codes is over small, the HSDPA code resource is
l If the number of HS-PDSCH channel codes is over large, the HSDPA code resource is
wasted and the admission rejection rate of R99 services increases due to code resource.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLHSDPA, query it through LST CELLHSDPA, and
modify it through MOD CELLHSDPA.

7.2.3 Number of Maximum HS-PDSCH Codes

The parameter is valid only when the AllocCodeMode is Automatic.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 15

Physical Value Range

1 to 15, step 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 10.

Set it according to actual traffic model of a cell.

Impact on the Network Performance

In HSDPA auto code distribution, set the number of maximum HS-PDSCH codes a little greater.

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD CELLHSDPA, query it through LST CELLHSDPA, and modify it through

7.2.4 Number of Minimum HS-PDSCH Codes

The parameter is valid only when the AllocCodeMode is Automatic.

Parameter ID

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Value Range
1 to 15

Physical Value Range

1 to 15, step 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 5.
Set it according to actual traffic model of a cell.

Impact on the Network Performance

In HSDPA auto code distribution, set it a little lower. Anyhow, it must match the number of
maximum HS-PDSCH HsPdschMaxCodeNum. There must be HsPdschMinCodeNum <=

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD CELLHSDPA, query it through LST CELLHSDPA, and modify it through

7.2.5 Number of HS-SCCH Codes

It is the number of codes allocated for HS-SCCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 15

Physical Value Range

1 to 15, step 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 4.
Set it according to actual traffic model of cell.

Impact on the Network Performance

It decides maximum number of subscribers that the NodeB can schedule in a TTI period. Set it
properly as required. In the scenarios like outdoor macro cells, with power distributed,
scheduling multiple subscribers is less probable, so configure 2 HS-SCCHs. In the scenarios
like indoor pico, with code restricted, scheduling multiple subscribers is probable, so configure
4 HS-SCCHs. If excessive HS-SCCHs are configured, the code resource is wasted. If inadequate

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

HS-SCCHs are configured, the HS-PDSCH code resource or power resource is wasted. These
two types of waste affect cell throughput rate.

Relevant Commands
Set it through ADD CELLHSDPA, query it through LST CELLHSDPA, and modify it through

7.3 HSDPA Mobility Management Parameters

The common configurable HSDPA mobility management parameters are listed here.

Table 7-4 List of HSDPA mobility management parameters

Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Level

Meaning Value

HspaTimerLen HSPA 0 (0 s) Set or modify:SET HOCOMM RNC

handover Query: LST HOCOMM

7.3.1 HSPA Handover Protection Length

According to event 1D trigger, HSPA uses a protection timer (TimerHSPA) to: Guerantee that
HSPA does not change serving cell frequently; Affect system performance. When event 1D
triggers HSPA handover, the timer starts. Before the TimerHSPA expires, the event 1D does
not trigger HSPA handover. If the value is 0, the system does not start the timer, namely, event
1D immediately trigger HSPA handover. If the value is 1024, the HSPA handover will never be
triggered until the cell to bear HSPA service is unlisted.

7.3.1 HSPA Handover Protection Length

According to event 1D trigger, HSPA uses a protection timer (TimerHSPA) to: Guerantee that
HSPA does not change serving cell frequently; Affect system performance. When event 1D
triggers HSPA handover, the timer starts. Before the TimerHSPA expires, the event 1D does
not trigger HSPA handover. If the value is 0, the system does not start the timer, namely, event
1D immediately trigger HSPA handover. If the value is 1024, the HSPA handover will never be
triggered until the cell to bear HSPA service is unlisted.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 1024

Physical Value Range

0 s to 1024 s

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0 s.

The serving cell is updated between different NodeBs. The buffer of original MAC-hs is reset,
so the data in the buffer is missing. As a result, the interruption time of data transfer exists. The
length of interruption time of data transfer is relevant to implementation of flow control
algorithm and RLC parameter configuration. The unit is hundred mill-second.

In the scenarios with great fluctuation of signals, if the process occurs frequently, the subscriber
keeps in the state of restoring data transfer, interruption of data transfer, and then restoring data
transfer. This impacts the average throughput.

Set this parameter to control the frequency of update of serving cell. As a result, the impact of
the process on performance of HSPA data transfer is controlled. If the flow control algorithm
can control data in MAC-hs buffer accurately, set the parameter to 0.

If the parameter is too large in the scenarios with great fluctuation of signals, report event 1D
by UE before expiration is more probable. When the UE reports event 1D before expiration, due
to the parameter restriction, the serving cell keeps being weak cell. As a result, the throughput

Figure 7-1 Impact from over long HSPA protection length

Impact on the Network Performance

Set it properly to restrict the frequency to update serving cell in the scenarios with great
fluctuation of signals. This helps control the interruption of data transfer in serving cell update
between different NodeBs. It also helps control the impact on subscriber throughput.

Relevant Commands
Set it through SET HOCOMM. Query it through LST HOCOMM.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

7.4 HSDPA Direct Retry and Switch of Channel Types

The common configurable HSDPA direct retry and switch of channel types parameters are listed

Table 7-5 List of HSDPA direct retry and switch of channel types parameters
No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Relevant Command Leve
Meaning Value l

1 HRetryTimerLen D2H retry 5 (5 s) Set or modify:SET RNC

timer length COIFTIMER
Query: LST

2 D2HIntraHoTimer The timer 2 (2 s) Set or modify:SET

Len length of HOCOMM
D2H intra- Query: LST HOCOMM

3 D2HInterHoTimer The timer 5 (5 s)

Len length of
D2H inter-

4 MultiCarrierHoTi- The timer 14 (14 s)

merLen length of

5 HsdpaCMPermiss CM TRUE Set or modify:SET

ionInd permission CMCF
indicator on Query: LST CMCF

7.4.1 D2H Retry Timer Length

If the service is to mapped on HS-DSCH, but actually, it is mapped on DCH, the D2H retry timer
starts. If H2D occurs, the timer starts after expiration of D2H punishment timer.
7.4.2 Timer Length of D2H Intra-Handover
After user finishes intra-handover, if the current cell or its blind adjacent cell supports HSDPA,
and the user service is adapt to bear on HSDPA, but it bears on DCH now, then the timer of D2H
intra-handover starts up. Before the timer expires, the D2H retry in this cell or its blind handover
adjacent cell is prohibited.
7.4.3 Timer Length of D2H Inter-Handover
After user finished inter-handover, if the current cell or its blind adjacent cell supports HSDPA,
and the user service is adapt to bear on HSDPA, but it bears on DCH now, then the timer of D2H

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

intra-handover starts up. Before the timer is expired, the D2H retry in this cell or its blind
handover adjacent cell is prohibited.
7.4.4 Timer Length of Multi-Carrier Handover
To prevent ping-pong handover between multicarriers which has a bad effect on the system
performance, a protect timer MultiCarrierHoTimer is needed. After the UE is handed over from
cell A, the timer starts up. Before the timer expires, the HSDPA or HSUPA services are not
directly redirected to cell A. If the timer is zero, the timer does not start up, that is, it does not
prevent the ping-pong between multicarriers.
7.4.5 Compress Mode Permission Indication on HSDPA
If this parameter value is TRUE, CM (Compress Mode) is permitted on HSDPA, and HSDPA
can be activated with CM activated. If this parameter value is FALSE, H2D is needed before
CM activated when HSDPA exists, and HSDPA can not exist when CM is activated.

7.4.1 D2H Retry Timer Length

If the service is to mapped on HS-DSCH, but actually, it is mapped on DCH, the D2H retry timer
starts. If H2D occurs, the timer starts after expiration of D2H punishment timer.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0, 1 to 180

Physical Value Range

0 s, 1 s to 180 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 5 (5 s).

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the D2H retry timer length is too long, the D2H handover does not occur when the
subscribers data can be carried on HSDPA. This affects subscriber perception.
l If the D2H retry timer length is too short, useless direct retry occurs. As a result, extra
signaling interaction occurs and the network resource is wasted.

Relevant Commands
Set it through SET COIFTIMER. Query it through LST COIFTIMER.

7.4.2 Timer Length of D2H Intra-Handover

After user finishes intra-handover, if the current cell or its blind adjacent cell supports HSDPA,
and the user service is adapt to bear on HSDPA, but it bears on DCH now, then the timer of D2H
intra-handover starts up. Before the timer expires, the D2H retry in this cell or its blind handover
adjacent cell is prohibited.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 999

Physical Value Range

0 s to 999 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 2 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the parameter is too large, the D2H is not triggered in time after intra-handover. This
may affect end user perception.
l If it is too low, the ping-pong handover between H2D and D2H occurs in some scenarios.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET HOCOMM, and query it through LST HOCOMM.

7.4.3 Timer Length of D2H Inter-Handover

After user finished inter-handover, if the current cell or its blind adjacent cell supports HSDPA,
and the user service is adapt to bear on HSDPA, but it bears on DCH now, then the timer of D2H
intra-handover starts up. Before the timer is expired, the D2H retry in this cell or its blind
handover adjacent cell is prohibited.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 999

Physical Value Range

0 to 999 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 5 s.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the parameter is too large, the D2H will not be triggered in time after inter-handover.
This may affect end user perception.
l If it is too low, the ping-pong handover between H2D and D2H occurs in some scenarios.

Relevant Commands
Set or modify the parameter through SET HOCOMM, and query it through LST

7.4.4 Timer Length of Multi-Carrier Handover

To prevent ping-pong handover between multicarriers which has a bad effect on the system
performance, a protect timer MultiCarrierHoTimer is needed. After the UE is handed over from
cell A, the timer starts up. Before the timer expires, the HSDPA or HSUPA services are not
directly redirected to cell A. If the timer is zero, the timer does not start up, that is, it does not
prevent the ping-pong between multicarriers.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 999

Physical Value Range

0 s to 999 s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 14 s.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If the parameter is too high, handover to original cell is triggered in time after multi-carrier
handover. This may affect end user perception.
l If it is too low, the ping-pong handover between multicarriers occurs in some scenarios.

Relevant Commands
Set or modify the parameter through SET HOCOMM, and query it through LST

7.4.5 Compress Mode Permission Indication on HSDPA

If this parameter value is TRUE, CM (Compress Mode) is permitted on HSDPA, and HSDPA
can be activated with CM activated. If this parameter value is FALSE, H2D is needed before
CM activated when HSDPA exists, and HSDPA can not exist when CM is activated.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

0, 1

Parameter Setting
The default value is TRUE.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the terminal supports this function, the terminal has a better performance when the HSDPA
is actived with CM actived.

Relevant Commands
Set or modify the parameter through SET CMCF, and query it through LST CMCF.

7.5 HSDPA Admission Control Algorithm

The common configurable HSDPA admission control algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 7-6 List of HSDPA admission control algorithm parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Command Lev

ID Meaning Value el

1 NodeBHsdpa Maximum 3840 Set: ADD Nod

users of Query: LST
Modify: MOD

2 UlHsDpcchRs UL HS- 0 Set: ADD CELLCAC Cell

factor Modify: MOD CELLCAC

3 HsdpaStrmPB HSDPA 70%

RThd streaming

7-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Command Lev

ID Meaning Value el

4 HsdpaBePBR HSDPA best 30%

Thd effort PBR

5 MaxHSDSCH Max number 64

UserNum of users
supported by

7.5.1 Maximum HSDPA Users of NodeB

This parameter represents the maximum number of users supported by HSDPA channel per
7.5.2 UL HS-DPCCH Reserve Factor
If the HS-DPCCH is to carry ACK/NACK, the system does not perform CAC. If the HS-DPCCH
is to carry CQI, the system performs CAC. The corresponding threshold of this parameter equals
the product of UL limit capacity and this parameter value.
7.5.3 HSDPA Streaming PBR Threshold
This parameter is the average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA streaming traffic.
7.5.4 HSDPA Best Effort PBR Threshold
This parameter is the average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA best effort traffic.
7.5.5 Maximum HSDPA User Number
This parameter represents the maximum number of users supported by HSDPA channel per cell.

7.5.1 Maximum HSDPA Users of NodeB

This parameter represents the maximum number of users supported by HSDPA channel per

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 3840

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 3840.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

If the HSDPA user connection is rejected by NodeB, it means the quantity of the HSDPA license
is insufficient. We need apply the new license for HSDPA.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD NODEBALGOPARA, query it through LST

7.5.2 UL HS-DPCCH Reserve Factor

If the HS-DPCCH is to carry ACK/NACK, the system does not perform CAC. If the HS-DPCCH
is to carry CQI, the system performs CAC. The corresponding threshold of this parameter equals
the product of UL limit capacity and this parameter value.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 1, step 0.01

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0.

Impact on the Network Performance

If this parameter is too high, the probability of admission rejection increases; if it is too low, it
causes the insufficiency of reserved uplink resource. But because the burst of load and affection
is small, we can set it to a lower value so as to admit more connections.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

7.5.3 HSDPA Streaming PBR Threshold

This parameter is the average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA streaming traffic.

Parameter ID

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 7 HSDPA Parameters

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step %1

Parameter Setting
The default value is 70%.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

7.5.4 HSDPA Best Effort PBR Threshold

This parameter is the average throughput admission threshold of the HSDPA best effort traffic.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 30%.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

7.5.5 Maximum HSDPA User Number

This parameter represents the maximum number of users supported by HSDPA channel per cell.

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7 HSDPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 64

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 64.

Impact on the Network Performance

A too low value decreases the HSDPA capacity of cell, causes the waste of HSDPA resource.
An overly high value causes the congestion of HSDPA service.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

7-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 8 HSUPA Parameters

8 HSUPA Parameters

About This Chapter

HSUPA parameters include HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters, HSUPA power
control parameters, and HSUPA admission control parameters.

8.1 HSUPA MAC-e Scheduling Algorithm Parameters

The common HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters configurable on the RNC LMT
are listed here.
8.2 HSUPA Admission Control Algorithm
The common configurable HSUPA admission control algorithm parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 8-1

8 HSUPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

8.1 HSUPA MAC-e Scheduling Algorithm Parameters

The common HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters configurable on the RNC LMT
are listed here.

Table 8-1 List of HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters

No. Paramet Para Defau Relevant Command Lev

er ID meter lt el
Mean Value

1 MaxTarg Maxi 75% Set:ADD CELLHSUPA Cell

etUlLoad mum Query:LST CELLHSUPA
Factor target

2 NonServ Target 0%
ToTotalE non-
dchPwrR servin
atio g E-
to total

8.1.1 Maximum Target Uplink Load Factor

This parameter is the target uplink load factor of NodeB Scheduling Module. RNC calculates
the maximum RTWP value according to this factor, and then sends it to NodeB by Iub message.
8.1.2 Target Non-Serving E-DCH to Total E-DCH Power Ratio
The prerequisite that non-serving NodeB sends RG DOWN to UE is that the ratio of the power
of non-serving E-DCH to that of total E-DCH is bigger than this parameter.

8.1.1 Maximum Target Uplink Load Factor

This parameter is the target uplink load factor of NodeB Scheduling Module. RNC calculates
the maximum RTWP value according to this factor, and then sends it to NodeB by Iub message.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

8-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 8 HSUPA Parameters

Physical Value Range

0% to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 75, that is, 75%.

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is set according to radio network planning.
l If it is too low, the cell throughput is too low.
l If it is too high, the interference is too high.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLHSUPA, and query it through LST CELLHSUPA.

8.1.2 Target Non-Serving E-DCH to Total E-DCH Power Ratio

The prerequisite that non-serving NodeB sends RG DOWN to UE is that the ratio of the power
of non-serving E-DCH to that of total E-DCH is bigger than this parameter.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0% to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0.

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is used to decide whether the non-serving NodeB sends RG DOWN to UE.
l If it is too low, the power of non-serving RL is very low, and it decreases the UE data rate
when the UE is in soft handover status.
l If it is too high, the non-serving RL can not send RG DOWN to UE even if it is overload

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLHSUPA, and query it through LST CELLHSUPA.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 8-3

8 HSUPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

8.2 HSUPA Admission Control Algorithm

The common configurable HSUPA admission control algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 8-2 List of HSUPA admission control algorithm parameters

No. Parameter Paramete Default Relevant Command Lev
ID r Value el

1 MAXHSUPA Maximum 20 Set: ADD CELLCAC Cell

number Modify: MOD CELLCAC

R reserved

3 NodeBHsupa NodeB 3840 Set: ADD Nod

Modify: MOD

8.2.1 Maximum HSUPA User Number

This parameter is used for HSUPA admission control.
8.2.2 DL HSUPA Reserved Factor
This parameter is used to reserve part of resource for downlink control channels E-AGCH, E-
8.2.3 NodeB Maximum HSUPA User Number
This parameter is the maximum HSUPA user number that NodeB can support.

8.2.1 Maximum HSUPA User Number

This parameter is used for HSUPA admission control.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 100

Physical Value Range


8-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 8 HSUPA Parameters

Parameter Setting
The default value is 20.
This parameter is the maximum user number that HSUPA cell can support; it is set according
to the product specification.
For the HSUPA admission, the user number must be counted first. If the current HSUPA user
number is less than this parameter, the admission request is being analyzed, or else, the admission
is rejected directly.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too high, the product capacity cannot support all the HSUPA users after
admission, and cannot provide satisfying services.
l If it is too low, part of the users are rejected for admission, and part of the resource is idle
and wasted, thus decreases the system capacity.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

8.2.2 DL HSUPA Reserved Factor

This parameter is used to reserve part of resource for downlink control channels E-AGCH, E-

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is higher, the resource reserved for HSUPA control channel is more, and
more resource is wasted.
l If the parameter is low, when resource is limited, it has impact on the HSUPA user quality.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLCAC, query it through LST CELLCAC, and modify
it through MOD CELLCAC.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 8-5

8 HSUPA Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

8.2.3 NodeB Maximum HSUPA User Number

This parameter is the maximum HSUPA user number that NodeB can support.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 3840

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is 3840.
This parameter is set according to product specifications or the sold licenses.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the HSUPA users are rejected for the HSUPA license number is not enough, then the HSUPA
license number must be added.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD NODEBALGOPARA, query it through LST

8-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 9 MBMS Parameters

9 MBMS Parameters

About This Chapter

MBMS parameters mainly include MBMS admission and load control parameters.

9.1 MBMS Admission and Load Control Parameters

The common configurable MBMS admission and preempt algorithm parameters are listed here.
9.2 FLC/FLD Algorithm Parameters
The configurable FLC/FLD algorithm parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 9-1

9 MBMS Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

9.1 MBMS Admission and Load Control Parameters

The common configurable MBMS admission and preempt algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 9-1 List of MBMS admission and preempt algorithm parameters

No Parameter ID Parameter Meaning Default Relevant Level
. Value Command

1 MaxFachPower Maximum transmit Set Set the parameter Cell

power of the FACH various through ADD
that carries the MBMS values FACH and query it
service according through LST
to service FACH.

2 MTCHMinPerc Minimum coverage 80% Set the parameter

0 percentage of the through ADD
MBMS service that CELLMTCH,
owns the highest query it through
priority, that is, LST
priority 0 CELLMTCH and
modify it through
3 MTCHMaxPer Minimum coverage 50% MOD
c15 percentage of the CELLMTCH.
MBMS service that
owns the lowest
priority, that is,
priority 15

4 MbmsDecPow A service priority 1 Set the parameter

erRabThd threshold, indicating through ADD
that the power of the CELLLDR, query
MBMS services with it through LST
lower priorities than CELLLDR, and
this threshold can be modify it through
decreased MOD

5 MbmsPreempt MBMS preempt OFF Set the parameter

AlgoSwitch algorithm switch through SET
PT and query it
through LST

9.1.1 Maximum Transmit Power of the FACH

This describes the maximum transmit power of the FACH that carries the MBMS service.
9.1.2 Minimum Coverage Percentage of the MBMS Service with the Highest Priority
This parameter describes the minimum coverage percentage of the MBMS service that owns the
highest priority, that is, priority 0.

9-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 9 MBMS Parameters

9.1.3 Minimum Coverage Percentage of the MBMS Service with the Lowest Priority
This parameter describes the minimum coverage percentage of the MBMS service that owns the
lowest priority, that is, priority 15.
9.1.4 Service Priority Threshold for Decreasing Power
This parameter describes the service priority threshold used for decreasing the power of the
MBMS service. The power of the MBMS service with a lower priority than this threshold, that
is, the power of the MBMS service whose ARP priority value is greater than this threshold, can
be decreased.
9.1.5 MBMS Preempt Algorithm Switch
This parameter is the MBMS preempt algorithm switch. When this switch is set to ON, an MBMS
service can obtain resources through preemption in case the access of the MBMS service fails.
The preemption, however, occurs only between the MBMS services.

9.1.1 Maximum Transmit Power of the FACH

This describes the maximum transmit power of the FACH that carries the MBMS service.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to +150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to +15 dB, with step length as 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
Set various values according to service rate.

Impact on the Network Performance

Because the FACH does not have the power control function, you must consider the QoS of the
users on the edge of a cell when setting the maximum transmit power of the FACH. If the set
value is too small, the quality for receiving services on the edge of a cell decreases and the mosaic
effect and the service delay occur. If the set value is too great, the extra power of the FACH is

The RAN6.1 version supports only the MBMS broadcast function. Thus, all cells must use the
PTM transmission mode. This means that all cells use the FACH to send data. An UE can obtain
remarkable gain through soft combination or selective combination. According to the simulation
result, the gain obtained through soft combination ranges from 4.6 dB to 6.6 dB and the gain
obtained through selective combination ranges from 2 dB to 3 dB. In terms of the MBMS
terminal, you must choose selective combination for the integrated channel of the CMB and the
MBMS. Thus, by taking the generated gain into account, you can configure a lower power for
the FACH when a majority of terminals in a network support the MBMS service.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 9-3

9 MBMS Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

The CMB terminals do not support soft combination or selective combination. Therefore, if a
majority of terminals support the CMB service, you can neglect the relevant gain when
configuring the FACH.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD FACH and query it through LST FACH.

9.1.2 Minimum Coverage Percentage of the MBMS Service with the

Highest Priority
This parameter describes the minimum coverage percentage of the MBMS service that owns the
highest priority, that is, priority 0.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 80%.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the load of a cell is heavy, the RNC assigns a low power to the MBMS service. This avoids
the further deterioration of cell congestion on one side. On the other side, this increases the
success ratio of MBMS service establishment. You must ensure that the assigned low power can
cover the minimum coverage area of the MBMS service. The minimum coverage area is set on
the basis of the percentage of area covered by the MBMS service using the maximum transmit
power of the FACH.

To implement service differentiation, you must ensure that the minimum coverage area varies
according to service priorities. The value of this parameter is in positive correlation with the
coverage area of the MBMS service when a cell load is high.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLMTCH, query it through LST CELLMTCH, and
modify it through MOD CELLMTCH.

9-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 9 MBMS Parameters

9.1.3 Minimum Coverage Percentage of the MBMS Service with the

Lowest Priority
This parameter describes the minimum coverage percentage of the MBMS service that owns the
lowest priority, that is, priority 15.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 50%.

Impact on the Network Performance

When the load of a cell is heavy, the RNC assigns a low power to the MBMS service. This avoids
the further deterioration of cell congestion on one side. On the other side, this increases the
success ratio of MBMS service establishment. You must ensure that the assigned low power can
cover the minimum coverage area of the MBMS service. The minimum coverage area is set on
the basis of the percentage of area covered by the MBMS service using the maximum transmit
power of the FACH.

To implement service differentiation, you must ensure that the minimum coverage area varies
according to service priorities. The value of this parameter is in positive correlation with the
coverage area of the MBMS service when a cell load is high.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLMTCH, query it through LST CELLMTCH, and
modify it through MOD CELLMTCH.

9.1.4 Service Priority Threshold for Decreasing Power

This parameter describes the service priority threshold used for decreasing the power of the
MBMS service. The power of the MBMS service with a lower priority than this threshold, that
is, the power of the MBMS service whose ARP priority value is greater than this threshold, can
be decreased.

Parameter ID

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 9-5

9 MBMS Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Value Range
1 to 15

Physical Value Range

1 to 15

Parameter Setting
The default value is 1.

Impact on the Network Performance

The MBMS services at each rate is set on the basis of two power levels. The power set for an
MBMS service is determined according to cell load during the service access. In addition, the
FACH power of the MBMS service must be decreased as required in the duration of cell
congestion. Some services with high priority, such as disaster pre-alert, however, do not approve
of the coverage shrink caused by cell load. In such a case, you can adjust the service priority
threshold to prevent the services with high priority against the impact of the service access failure
and the load control algorithm.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLLDR, query it through LST CELLLDR, and modify it
through MOD CELLLDR.

9.1.5 MBMS Preempt Algorithm Switch

This parameter is the MBMS preempt algorithm switch. When this switch is set to ON, an MBMS
service can obtain resources through preemption in case the access of the MBMS service fails.
The preemption, however, occurs only between the MBMS services.

Parameter ID

Value Range
ON and OFF

Physical Value Range

ON and OFF

Parameter Setting
The default setting is OFF.

9-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 9 MBMS Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

The periodic reestablishment of the preempted MBMS service is not implemented in RAN6.1.
As a result, an MBMS service fails to be sent in a cell if the resource for the MBMS service is
occupied by another service through preemption.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET QUEUEPREEMPT and query it through

9.2 FLC/FLD Algorithm Parameters

The configurable FLC/FLD algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 9-2 List of FLC/FLD algorithm parameters

N Parameter ID Parameter Meaning Default Relevant Le

o Value Command vel

1 FlcAlgoSwitch FLC algorithm switch ON Set the parameter Cel

through ADD l
it through LST
modify it through

9.2.1 FLC Algorithm Switch

This parameter is the FLC algorithm switch. When the FLC algorithm switch is set to ON, the
RNC performs the FLC operation.

9.2.1 FLC Algorithm Switch

This parameter is the FLC algorithm switch. When the FLC algorithm switch is set to ON, the
RNC performs the FLC operation.

Parameter ID

Value Range
ON and OFF

Physical Value Range

ON and OFF

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 9-7

9 MBMS Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default setting is ON.

Impact on the Network Performance

The FLC algorithm is a mandatory algorithm. It ensures that users on the other frequency points
can be reselected to the current frequency point for receiving the MBMS service when the
network starts sending the MBMS service. Therefore, the FLC algorithm is enabled by default.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD CELLMCCH, query it through LST CELLMCCH, and
modify it through MOD CELLMCCH.

9-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

10 Algorithm Switches

About This Chapter

In the RNC, algorithm switches are divided into two classes: connection-oriented algorithm
switches and cell-oriented algorithm switches.

10.1 Connection-Oriented Algorithm Switches in RNC

On the RNC LMT, set each connection-oriented algorithm switch through SET
CORRMALGOSWITCH and query the status of each algorithm switch through LST
10.2 Cell Algorithm Switches
On the RNC LMT, cell-oriented algorithm switches are added uniformly through ADD
CELLALGOSWITCH, the state of each algorithm switch is queried through LST
CELLALGOSWITCH, and the algorithm switches are modified through MOD
10.3 Other Algorithm Switches
At this time, there are some other algorithm switches, such as Iub CAC algorithm switch, Iub
bandwidth-restricted BE service rate reduction algorithm switch, and intra-frequency
measurement control information indication.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-1

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

10.1 Connection-Oriented Algorithm Switches in RNC

On the RNC LMT, set each connection-oriented algorithm switch through SET
CORRMALGOSWITCH and query the status of each algorithm switch through LST

10.1.1 Channel Algorithm Switches

The algorithms of the channel algorithm switches are listed here.
10.1.2 Handover Algorithm Switches
The algorithms of the handover algorithm switches are listed here.
10.1.3 Power Control Algorithm Switches
The algorithms and the default states of the power control algorithm switches are listed here.
10.1.4 HSPA Algorithm Switches
The algorithms of the HSPA algorithm switches are listed here.
10.1.5 DRD Algorithm Switches
The algorithms of the DRD algorithm switches are listed here.

10.1.1 Channel Algorithm Switches

The algorithms of the channel algorithm switches are listed here.

Parameter ID

Parameter Meaning

DCCC algorithm is a basic function. When this algorithm is off, the channel cannot call other algorithms
to perform D2D adjustment. These algorithms include:
l Traffic-triggered BE D2D rate adjustment;
l 1A rate reduction function before soft handover;
l IUB bandwidth-restricted rate reduction function;
l TCP-restricted rate reduction function, that is, link-stability-based rate adjustment function;
l BE service bandwidth adjustment triggered by LDR preliminary congestion.

10-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

Table 10-1 List of channel algorithm switches

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description
o Meaning t
. Settin

1 AMR_TWO_C Switch for two OFF When it is checked, the AMR voice call
ODCH_SWIT DCHs with the bit rate of 7.95 kbit/s or less than
CH configuration that is allocated for two CoDCHs.
by AMR Otherwise, it is allocated for three

2 AMRC_SWIT AMRC OFF When it is checked and the AMRC (AMR

CH algorithm Control) license is enabled, AMR control
switch function is applied for AMR users.

3 BE_RATE_D Algorithm OFF When it is checked, it is allowed to

OWN_BF_HO switch for rate decrease the bandwidth of the BE
_SWITCH decrease before services before handover happens. It is
handover recommended to open DCCC_SWITCH
when using this function.

4 DCCC_SWIT DCCC ON When it is checked, dynamic channel

CH algorithm reconfiguration control algorithm is
switch applied in the RNC.

5 DL_INNER_L Downlink inner ON When it is checked, the inner loop

OOP_POWER loop power downlink power control status is set to
_CTRL_SWIT control Active. Otherwise, it is set to Inactive.
CH activation

6 DOWNLINK_ Downlink blind ON When it is checked, the downlink blind

BLIND_DETE detection transport format detection function is
CTION_SWIT switch used for single SRB and AMR + SRB
CH bearers. Note that the UE is only required
to support blind transport format
detection is the restrictions in 3GPP
25.212 section 4.3.1 are fulfilled.

7 FRC_FP_MO FP mode switch ON When it is checked, the FP mode in Iub

DE_SWITCH is set to normal mode. Otherwise, it is set
to silent mode.

8 FRC_PDCP_R PDCP IPHC OFF When it is checked and the IP header

FC2507_HC_S header compression license is enabled, the IP
WITCH compression header compression algorithm will be
switch applied in the RNC.

9 FRC_PDCP_R PDCP ROHC OFF When it is checked and the robust header
FC3095_HC_S header compression license is enabled, the
WITCH compression robust header compression algorithm
switch will be applied in the RNC.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-3

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description

o Meaning t
. Settin

1 HANDOVER_ Default ON When it is checked, the default

0 TO_UTRAN_ configuration configurations of signaling and RABs
CONFIGURA switch for inter- which are defined in 3GPP 25.331 are
TION_SWITC RAT handover used first when the UE performs
H to UTRAN handover from GSM to WCDMA.
Otherwise, those default configurations
are not applied, instead the RB, TrCH and
PhyCH included in the HANDOVER

1 IGNORE_RLC Capability ON When it is checked, the RAB Assignment

1 _CAP_SWITC algorithm request and the subsequent RB Setup
H switch ignoring should be continued when the RLC AM
RLC of UE capability of UE cannot meet the
minimum RLC buffer requirement
defined by the RLC TX/RX WINDOW
LIMITs of the RAB to be setup,
Otherwise, the RAB Assignment request
should be rejected.

1 IMS_SUPPOR IMS support ON When it is checked and the IMS license

2 T_ACTIVATI activation is enabled, the RNC supports IMS.
ON switch

1 IU_QOS_NEG Iu QoS OFF When it is checked, Iu QoS negotiation

3 _SWITCH negotiation function is applied for PS domain if
switch alternative RAB parameters are present
REQUEST message.

1 IU_QOS_REN IU QoS re- OFF When it is checked and the IU QOS

4 EG_SWITCH negotiation RENEQ license is enabled, RNC
switch supports RAB MODIFY REQUEST
procedure when the QoS of real-time
traffic can not be guaranteed according to
cell conditions.

1 IUB_OVERB Iub OFF When the wireless environment is poor,

5 OOKING_SW overbooking some TFs are banned for high speed RAB
ITCH switch to limit the speed and then reduce the
transmission power. When it is checked,
IUB overbooking function is applied in

1 IUUP_V2_SP IUUp V2 SPT OFF When it is checked and the Support IUUP
6 T_SWITCH switch Version 2 license is enabled, RNC
supports the TFO/TRFO function.

10-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description

o Meaning t
. Settin

1 LOSSLESS_R Lossless OFF When it is checked and UE supports

7 ELOCIN_SWI relocation lossless relocation, RNC configures
TCH switch PDCP to support lossless relocation.

1 MULTI_RAB_ Single domain ON When it is checked, multi-RABs

8 SWITCH supporting combination of 2CS, 2CS+1PS, 1CS
multi services +2PS and 2PS are supported in the RNC.

1 PDCP_IPV6_ IPv6 packet OFF When it is checked and the PDCP header
9 HEAD_COMP header compression function is enabled, PDCP
RESS_SWITC compression header compression algorithm for IPv6 is
H switch applied in the RNC

2 PS_BE_STAT UE state OFF When it is checked, UE RRC state

0 E_TRANS_S transition transitions (CELL_FACH/CELL_PCH/
WITCH switch for PS URA_PCH) for services are allowed in
BE service the RNC.

2 PS_NON_BE_ UE State OFF When it is checked, UE RRC state

1 STATE_TRA Transition transitions to CELL_FACH for real-time
NS_SWITCH switch for PS services are allowed in the RNC.
Non-BE service

2 RAB_DOWNS RAB ON When it is checked, RAB downsizing

2 IZING_SWIT downsizing function is applied for determining initial
CH switch bit rate according to cell resources.

2 RATE_ADJ_B Algorithm OFF When it is checked, it is allowed to

3 Y_DL_TCP_S switch for rate dynamically reconfigure the bandwidth
WITCH adjustment by of BE services according to the downlink
limited transmitted code power. It is
downlink recommended to open DCCC_SWITCH
power when using this function.

2 RLC_RETRA RLC retransfer ON When downlink TCP (transmitted code

4 NS_MEASUR measure switch power) is restricted, and the RLC re-
E_SWITCH transmitted ratio or re-transmitted
maximum number of BE service in AM
mode exceeds a specified threshold, the
bandwidth of the BE service is trigged to
decrease. When this switch is checked,
the RLC re-transmitted ratio or re-
transmitted maximum number of BE
service in AM mode is measured in TCP

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-5

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description

o Meaning t
. Settin

2 RSC_FEEDB RSC feedback OFF When it is checked, the cell left SF is

5 K_AFTER_SE after setup RAB brought back if the RAB setup fails for
TUPRAB_FAI failure switch lack of CELL SF and then the RAB setup
L_SWITCH tries again with lower speed to fit the
feedback SF.

10.1.2 Handover Algorithm Switches

The algorithms of the handover algorithm switches are listed here.

Parameter ID

Parameter Meaning

Table 10-2 List of handover algorithm switches

No. Switch Switch Def Description
ID Meaning ault

1 6F6G_S 6F6G OFF When it is checked and the UE processes macro-

WITCH measureme diversity, the RNC starts the 6F6G measurement.
nt control When the UE has more than two links in the active
switch set, the UE triggers the radio link synchronization
parameters measurement.
When the timing difference between the radio
links exceeds a certain threshold, UE reports 6F
event and trigger a timer; if the timing difference
between the radio links is below the threshold, UE
reports 6G event. Otherwise, when the timer
exceeds the specified interval, UE will release one
or more radio links.

10-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

No. Switch Switch Def Description

ID Meaning ault

2 ACT_SE Active set ON When it is checked, the active set quality

T_QUAL quality measurement is allowed. After the RB setup is
_SWITC measureme complete (RRC setup is complete if
H nt switch SIGNAL_HO_SWITCH is ON), the RNC
initiates signal quality measurement to all the cells
in Active Set. If the integrated signal quality of all
the cells in Active Set is below a certain threshold,
UE reports 2D event. Then RNC will initiate the
compressed mode and send inter-frequency
measurement or inter-RAT measurement, or both
to trigger inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover
based on the coverage and the UE's capability.

3 CMCF_D Compressed ON When it is checked, the DL higher-layer

L_HLS_S mode DL scheduling for compressed mode is allowed.
WITCH higher-layer

4 CMCF_U Compressed ON When it is checked, the UL higher-layer

L_HLS_S mode UL scheduling for compressed mode is allowed.
WITCH higher-layer

5 CMCF_U Compressed OFF When it is checked, the disaccord between

L_PREC mode UL compressed mode method and current traffic is
FG_TOL preconfigur allowed.
ERANCE ed state
_SWITC tolerance
H switch

6 CMCF_ Compressed OFF When it is checked, for those neighbor cells whose
WITHOU mode frequency band dose not include in the UE's
T_UE_C without ue measurement capability as compress mode need.
AP_REP capability
ORT_SW report
ITCH switch

7 DETSET Detect set OFF When it is checked, the cells in Detected Set can
_ADD_T add to active (ON be added to Active Set when RNC receives their
O_ACTS set switch sugg valid event reports. The cells in the detected set
ET_SWI ested allowed to be added to the active set must be the
TCH ) neighboring intra-frequency cells of a cell in the
active set.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-7

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Switch Switch Def Description

ID Meaning ault

8 DETSET Detect set OFF When it is checked, the detected cell is allowed to
_ report (ON send the intra-frequency measurement report to
RPRT_S switch sugg RNC.
WITCH ested

9 HCS_SP HCS speed OFF When it is checked, RNC evaluates the UE's
D_EST_S estimation moving speed when it is in an HCS cell, and
WITCH switch initiates inter-layer handover by fast-mobility
decision or by fast-mobility decision according to
UE's speed.

10 HO_BEY Neighbor OFF When it is checked, then the neighbor cell whose
OND_UE cell beyond frequency band is not included in the UE's
_CAP_A UE measurement capability will also send in the inter-
DD_TO_ capability frequency measurement control.
MC_SWI measureme
TCH nt switch

11 IUR_SH Iur soft- OFF When it is checked, the Iur diversity support
O_DIVC handover switch is configured according to the diversity
TRL_FIE diversity switch of this RNC. Otherwise, according to the
LD_SUP support services. It is set to MUST (for BE traffic) and
P_SWIT switch MAY (for other services).

12 INTER_F Inter- ON When it is checked, the inter-frequency

REQ_HH frequency measurement is allowed or the inter-frequency
O_SWIT hard hard handover based on cell load is allowed.
CH handover

13 INTRA_ Intra- ON When it is checked, the intra-frequency hard

FREQUE frequency handover is allowed under the following
NCY_HA hard conditions:
RD_HAN handover l The BE service is set up on DCH and the bit
DOVER_ switch rate of BE service or combined services
SWITCH exceeds the threshold for soft handover
downlink bit rate.
l The UE reports event 1D when the soft
handover switch is off.
l The UE hands over cross RNCs while there are
no Iur interfaces between them.

10-8 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

No. Switch Switch Def Description

ID Meaning ault

14 INTER_ Inter-RAT ON When it is checked and the license is enabled,

RAT_CS handover RNC initiates inter-RAT measurement to trigger
_OUT_S out switch inter-RAT handover of the CS domain from

15 INTER_ Inter-RAT ON When it is checked and the license is enabled,

RAT_PS handover RNC initiates inter-RAT measurement to trigger
_OUT_S out switch inter-RAT handover of the PS domain from
service When UE has more than one connections with the
cells in active set, it initiates the radio link
synchronization measurement.

16 SOFT_H Soft ON When it is checked, the soft or softer handover is

ANDOV handover allowed. When receiving an event 1A, 1B, 1C, or
ER_SWI switch 1D report, the RNC starts to add, remove or
TCH replace soft handover cells.

17 NCELL_ NCell OFF When it is checked, measurement object is chosen

COMBIN combining from neighbour cells of all the cell in the Active
E_SWIT Set and limited by 32. Otherwise, measurement
CH object is chosen from neighbour cells of the Best
Cell and limited by 32.

18 PS_3G2G PS 3G->2G OFF When it is checked, and inter-RAT handover of

_CELLC cell change the PS domain from UTRAN use cell change order
HG_NAC NACC method, inter-RAT handover support NACC
C_SWIT switch (Network Assisted Cell Change) function.

19 PS_3G2G PS 3G->2G OFF When it is checked, inter-RAT handover of the PS

_RELOC reallocation domain from UTRAN uses relocation method,
ATION_ switch otherwise, cell changes order method.

20 SERVIC Service OFF When it is checked, service attribute of inter-rat

E_HO_B handover handover is based on RNC.
ASED_O based on
N_RNC_ RNC setting

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-9

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Switch Switch Def Description

ID Meaning ault

21 SIGNAL Signal OFF When it is checked, the RNC initiates the quality
_HO_SW handover measurement of active set after the RRC setup is
ITCH switch complete (before RB setup). In this way RNC can
trigger inter-frequency or inter-RAT handover
when the RRC setup is complete. Thus UE can be
handed over to an inter-frequency or inter-RAT
neighboring cell more quickly when UE is located
at the edge of the cell or the signal quality of the
radio link is bad.
SIGNAL_HO_SWITCH is not used to trigger
inter-frequency or inter-RAT hand over when UE
only has signal connection. It is used to send active
set quality measurement once RRC connection is
set up and RB is not setup. If the active set quality
measurement has been sent,
SIGNAL_HO_SWITCH affcts nothing.
When the timing difference between the radio
links exceeds a certain threshold, UE reports event
6F and trigger a timer; if the timing difference
between the radio links is below the threshold, UE
reports event 6G. Otherwise, when the timer
exceeds the specified interval, UE releases one or
more radio links.

22 SIGNAL Signaling OFF When it is checked, the intra-frequency handover

_IUR_IN intra over IUR is allowed if UE only has the signal
TRA_HO handover connection.
_SWITC control over
H Iur

23 SNA_RE SNA OFF When it is checked, RNC controls the UEs that are
STRICTI restriction active in the CN configuration. Those UEs are
ON_SWI switch allowed to access and move only in the cells with
TCH permission.

24 FDD_M Multi band OFF When it is checked, the inter frequency

ULTI_B neighbor measurement control contains inter frequencies
AND_NC cell neighbor cells whose frequency is not in the
ELL_ME measureme frequency band which the UE can support.

10-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

No. Switch Switch Def Description

ID Meaning ault

25 SRNSR_ SRNS OFF When it is checked, RNC initiates SRNS

DSCR_I relocation or relocation or DSCR of certain UEs under the
UR_RES DSCR following conditions to optimize resources over
RCE_SW switch for the Iur interface:
ITCH Iur resource 1. UE only has connections with cells in the
optimizatio DRNC.
2. The Iur transmission resources are congested.
3. The service of UE is the same as the service that
is carried by the congestion link.

26 SRNSR_ SRNS ON When it is checked, RNC triggers RNS relocation

DSCR_L relocation or or DSCR when SRNC and CRNC are separated
OC_SEP DSCR and all the intra-frequency neighbouring cells of
RAT_SW switch for the best cell are not under SRNC.
ITCH separated

27 SRNSR_ SRNS OFF When it is checked, RNC initiates SRNS

DSCR_P relocation or relocation under the following conditions to
ROPG_D DSCR reduce link delay at the network side to enhance
ELAY_S switch for service quality:
WITCH delay 1. SRNC and CRNC are separated.
n 2. The link delay does not meet the Qos
requirement for the current service.

28 SRNSR_ SRNS ON When it is checked, RNC triggers RNS relocation

DSCR_S relocation or or DSCR when the separated time between SRNC
EPRAT_ DSCR and CRNC exceeds a certain threshold.
DUR_S switch for
WITCH separated

10.1.3 Power Control Algorithm Switches

The algorithms and the default states of the power control algorithm switches are listed here.

Parameter ID

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-11

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Meaning

Table 10-3 List of power control algorithm switches

No Switch ID Switch Defa Description
. Meaning ult

1 AMR_MODE_I Altering OFF When it is checked, the BLER target

NDUCE_BLER switch of target value comes from the BLER target
_TARGET_ALT BLER value value of the AMR modes specified in
ER_SWITCH induced by the AMRC parameter table. Otherwise,
AMR mode it comes from the BLER target value
specified in TYPRAB.

2 DOWNLINK_P Downlink ON When it is checked, DPB(Downlink

OWER_BALAN power balance Power Balance) algorithm is applied to
CE_SWITCH switch RNC. Downlink power drift among
different RLs, which is caused by TPC
bit error or other reasons, could reduce
the gain of soft handover. DPB is
mainly used to balance the downlink
power of different RLs for an UE in
order to achieve the best gain of soft

3 FP_MUTI_RLS Multi RLS ON when it is checked, RNC will inform

_IND_SWITCH indicator NodeB about the change of RLS's
switch number with FP inner band signaling.

4 INNER_LOOP_ Limited power OFF When it is checked, limited power

DL_LMTED_P increase in the increase algorithm is applied in the
WR_INC_SWIT inner loop inner loop power control.
CH power control

5 SIG_DCH_OLP Signaling OFF This switch is used to determine

C_SWITCH transmission whether SIG DCH joins the uplink
participating in OLPC (outside loop power control)
the outer loop procedure if there are more than one
power control DCH. When it is checked, SIG DCH
switch for joins OLPC procedure. However, if
multiple there is only one DCH, SIG DCH joins
DCHs. OLPC procedure no matter whether
this switch is checked or not.

6 OLPC_SWITCH Outer loop ON When it is checked, RNC updates the

power control uplink SIR TARGET of RLS on the
switch NodeB side by IUB DCH FP signals.

10-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

No Switch ID Switch Defa Description

. Meaning ult

7 OLPC_UL_SIR_ UE released OFF When it is checked, if the SIRERR is

ERR_REL_SWI linked to UL high and the cell is overloaded, UE is
TCH SIR error released.

8 RL_RECFG_SI SIRTarget ON This switch is used to determine

R_TARGET_C switch for RL whether current converged UL SIR
ARRY_SWITC reconfiguratio Target should be taken into
H n consideration when deciding the new
Initial UL SIR Target during the RL
reconfiguration. The switch is valid
only when OLPC_SWITCH is on.

10.1.4 HSPA Algorithm Switches

The algorithms of the HSPA algorithm switches are listed here.

Parameter ID

Parameter Meaning

Table 10-4 List of HSPA algorithm switches

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description

O Meaning t
. Settin

1 HSDPA_S HSDPA state OFF When it is checked, UE RRC state transitions

TATE_TR transfer to CELL_FACH for the DCCC algorithm of
ANS_SWI switch HSDPA services are allowed in the RNC.
TCH l When the RAB on HS-DSCH is BE service,
requiured to checked simultaneously.
l When the RAB on HS-DSCH is PS real-
time traffic, the
is requiured to checked simultaneously.

2 PS_STRE Streaming OFF When it is checked, PS streaming traffic can be

AMING_O service on mapped to HS-DSCH when the downlink max
N_HSDPA HSDPA bit rate is more than or equal to the streaming
_SWITCH switch on HSDPA threshold.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-13

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description

O Meaning t
. Settin

3 HSDPA_F HSDPA flow OFF When it is checked, the HSDPA (AM mode)
LOW_CO control flow control function is applied in SRNC.
NTROL_S switch

4 HSUPA_S HSUPA state OFF When it is checked, UE RRC state transitions

TATE_TR transition to CELL_FACH for the DCCC algorithm of
ANS_SWI switch HSUPA services are allowed in the RNC.
TCH l When the RAB on E-DCH is BE service, the
required to check simultaneously.
l When the RAB on E-DCH is PS real-time
traffic, the
is required to check simultaneously.

5 HSUPA_P HSUPA PO OFF When it is checked and the OLPC algorithm

O_UPDAT update switch is open, the RNC adjusts the E-DCH
E_SWITC switch power offset periodically.

6 PS_STRE PS streaming OFF When it is checked, PS streaming traffic can be

AMING_O on E-DCH mapped to E-DCH when the uplink max bit rate
N_E_DCH switch is more than or equal to the streaming on
_SWITCH HSUPA threshold.

7 H2D_FOR H2D before OFF When it is checked, channel switch of HS-

_LOWR5_ the low R5 DSCH to DCH is needed before adding
NRNCCEL NRNC cell neighbor RNC with version lower than R5 cell
L_ADD_S added to active set.

8 HSUPA_T 2 ms TTI OFF When it is checked, the 2ms TTI could be

TI_2MS_S switch for applied to HSUPA traffic.

9 HSUPA_D DCCC OFF When it is checked, DCCC is available for the

CCC_SWI switch for HSUPA service.

1 PS_CONV PS OFF When it is checked, PS conversation traffic can

0 ERSATIO conversation be mapped to HS-DSCH when the downlink
N_ON_HS service on max bit rate is more than or equal to the
DPA_SWI HSDPA conversation on HSDPA threshold.
TCH switch

10-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

N Switch ID Switch Defaul Description

O Meaning t
. Settin

1 PS_CONV PS OFF When it is checked, PS conversation traffic can

1 ERSATIO conversation be mapped to E-DCH when the uplink max bit
N_ON_E_ service on E- rate is more than or equal to the conversation
DCH_SWI DCH switch on HSUPA threshold.

10.1.5 DRD Algorithm Switches

The algorithms of the DRD algorithm switches are listed here.

Parameter ID

Parameter Meaning

Table 10-5 List of DRD algorithm switches

No. Switch ID Switch Default Description
Meaning Setting

1 COMB_SERV_ Combination OFF Only when this switch is on, can

DRD_SWITCH service DRD DRD be done if combination
switch service needs retry.

2 DRD_SWITCH DRD switch OFF This is the general DRD

algorithm switch, only when
this switch is on, can the other
DRD sub-switches be on.

3 HSDPA_DRD_ HSDPA DRD OFF Only when this switch is on, can
SWITCH switch DRD be done if HSDPA
service needs retry.

4 RAB_DCCC_D DCCC DRD OFF Only when this switch is on, can
RD_SWITCH switch DRD be done if RAB DCCC
flow needs retry.

5 RAB_MODIFY RAB modify OFF Only when this switch is on, can
_DRD_SWITC DRD switch DRD be done if RAB modify
H flow needs retry.

6 HSUPA_DRD_ HSUPA DRD OFF When it is checked, DRD is

SWITCH switch triggered for the HSUPA
service that needs retry.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-15

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Switch ID Switch Default Description

Meaning Setting

7 RAB_SETUP_ RAB setup ON When it is checked, DRD is

DRD_SWITCH DRD switch triggered for the RAB setup
process that needs retry.

8 INTRA_HO_D Intra- ON After the intra-handover

2H_DRD_SWI handover process is completed, when the
TCH D2H DRD UE needs D2H retry for
switch handover-triggering, the blind-
Ho DRD cell is allowed to
select for D2H retry only if the
switch is on.

9 INTER_HO_D2 Inter- ON After the inter-handover

H_DRD_SWIT handover process is completed, when the
CH D2H DRD UE needs D2H retry for
switch handover-triggering, the blind-
Ho DRD cell is allowed to
select for D2H retry only if the
switch is on.

10.2 Cell Algorithm Switches

On the RNC LMT, cell-oriented algorithm switches are added uniformly through ADD
CELLALGOSWITCH, the state of each algorithm switch is queried through LST
CELLALGOSWITCH, and the algorithm switches are modified through MOD

10.2.1 Cell Algorithm Switches

The algorithms and default states of the cell algorithm switches are listed here.
10.2.2 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm Switch
This parameter is used to control UL CAC algorithm.
10.2.3 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm Switch
This parameter is used to control DL CAC algorithm.

10.2.1 Cell Algorithm Switches

The algorithms and default states of the cell algorithm switches are listed here.

Table 10-6 List of cell algorithm switches

Switch ID Switch Defau Description
Meaning lt

Cell CAC algorithm switchNBMCACALGOSWITCH

10-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

Switch ID Switch Defau Description

Meaning lt

CRD_ADCT NodeB credit ON Only IUB_CONG_CAC_SWITCH which is

RL admission set by SET CACALGOSWITCH command
control is switched on and this switch is also on, the
algorithm NodeB credit admission control algorithm is

HSDPA_AD HSDPA OFF Control HSDPA admission control algorithm.

CTRL admission


P_MEAS DSCH required measurement.

R_MEAS DSCH Provided measurement.
bit rate

HSUPA_AD HSUPA OFF Control HSUPA admission control algorithm.

CTRL admission

MBMS_AD MBMS OFF Control MBMS admission control algorithm.

CTRL admission

DOFFC Default DPCH ON Default DPCH offset configuration algorithm.


Cell LDC algorithm switchNBMLDCALGOSWITCH

INTRA_FRE Intra-frequency OFF It is also named cell breathing algorithm.Based

QUENCY_L load balance on the cell load, this algorithm changes the pilot
DB algorithm power of the cell to control the load between
intra-frequency cells.

PUC Potential user OFF ased on the cell load, this algorithm changes the
control selection/reselection parameters of a cell to
algorithm lead the UE to a lighter loaded cell.

ULOLC Uplink overload OFF When the cell is overloaded in UL, this
control algorithm reduces the cell load in UL by quick
algorithm TF restriction or UE release.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-17

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Switch ID Switch Defau Description

Meaning lt

DLOLC Downlink OFF When the cell is overloaded in DL, this

overload control algorithm reduces the cell load in DL by quick
algorithm TF restriction or UE release.

ULLDR Uplink load OFF When the cell is heavily loaded in UL, this
rearrangement algorithm reduces the cell load in UL by using
algorithm inter-frequency load handover, BE service rate
reduction, uncontrollable real-time service
QoS renegotiation, CS inter-RAT handover,
and PS inter-RAT handover.

DLLDR Downlink load OFF When the cell is heavily loaded in DL, this
rearrangement algorithm reduces the cell load in DL by using
algorithm inter-frequency load handover, BE service rate
reduction, uncontrollable real-time service
QoS renegotiation, CS inter-RAT handover,
and PS inter-RAT handover.

OLC_EVEN OLC event OFF Specifies whether condition to trigger load

TMEAS measure control uses event measurement alone or infers
from the period measurement report.

CELL_COD Code OFF When the cell is heavily loaded in DL, this
E_LDR reshuffling algorithm reduces the cell load in DL by using
algorithm BE service rate reduction and code tree

CELL_CRE Credit OFF When the cell credit is heavily loaded, this
DIT_LDR reshuffling algorithm reduces the credit load of the cell by
algorithm using BE service rate reduction, uncontrollable
real-time service QoS renegotiation, CS inter-
RAT handover, and PS inter-RAT handover.

Mac-hs reset algorithm switch


TCH PEND the mac-hs no matter the cells in question are
_ON_ in the same NodeB or not.
Reset the mac-hs only when the cells in
question are in the different local cell group.

10.2.2 Uplink Admission Control Algorithm Switch

This parameter is used to control UL CAC algorithm.

10-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

ALGORITHM_OFF: switches off the uplink admission control algorithm;
ALGORITHM_FIRST: uses the load prediction algorithm for uplink admission;
ALGORITHM_SECOND: uses the total service normalized factor algorithm for uplink
ALGORITHM_THIRD: The loose call admission control algorithm is used in uplink CAC.

Parameter Setting
The default setting is ALGORITHM_SECOND.
When the change range of uplink back noise is wide or the RTWP reported by the NodeB is
invalid, it is necessary to use the total service normalized factor algorithm.

10.2.3 Downlink Admission Control Algorithm Switch

This parameter is used to control DL CAC algorithm.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

ALGORITHM_OFF: switches off the uplink admission control algorithm;
ALGORITHM_FIRST: uses the load prediction algorithm for downlink admission;
ALGORITHM_SECOND: uses the total service normalized factor algorithm for downlink
ALGORITHM_THIRD: The loose call admission control algorithm is used in downlink CAC.

Parameter Setting
The default setting is ALGORITHM_FIRST.
If TCP measurement is invalid, the total service normalized factor algorithm is adopted.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-19

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

10.3 Other Algorithm Switches

At this time, there are some other algorithm switches, such as Iub CAC algorithm switch, Iub
bandwidth-restricted BE service rate reduction algorithm switch, and intra-frequency
measurement control information indication.

10.3.1 Iub CAC Algorithm Switches

This parameter is used to control the Iub Call Admission Control (CAC) algorithm.
10.3.2 Iub Bandwidth Congestion Control Algorithm Switch
This parameter is used to control the Iub bandwidth congestion algorithm.
10.3.3 Intra-Frequency Measurement Control Information Indication
This parameter defines whether the intra-frequency measurement control information should be
delivered through the system information.
10.3.4 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Measurement Indication
This parameter defines whether inter-frequency/inter-RAT measurement control information is
to be delivered in the system information.
10.3.5 FACH Measurement Indicator
This parameter indicates whether the FACH measurement occasion period length coefficient
should be delivered through the system information.

10.3.1 Iub CAC Algorithm Switches

This parameter is used to control the Iub Call Admission Control (CAC) algorithm.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Table 10-7 CAC algorithm switches

Algorithm Switch ID Description Relevant Commands


NODEB_CR NodeB The system performs CAC Set it through SET

EDIT_CAC credit CAC based on the usage state of CACALGOSWITCH and
_SWITCH switch NodeB credit. When the idle query it through LST
NodeB's credit is not enough, CACALGOSWITCH.
the system refuses new access

10.3.2 Iub Bandwidth Congestion Control Algorithm Switch

This parameter is used to control the Iub bandwidth congestion algorithm.

10-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (ON, OFF)

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is OFF.
When this switch is open, the Iub bandwidth restriction algorithm works, so that when the
occupied bandwidth of Iub interface exceeds the Iub congestion trigger threshold, the algorithm
uses LDR to periodically reduce some BE service rates or AMR service rates until the occupied
bandwidth is lower than the Iub congestion release threshold.

Impact on the Network Performance

l In case that the transmission resource of Iub interface is scarce and the carrier wants to
admit more users by sacrificing some user perception, this switch shall be ON.
l When the transmission resources are abundant, this switch shall preferably be OFF.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD NODEBALGOPARA, query it through LST

10.3.3 Intra-Frequency Measurement Control Information

This parameter defines whether the intra-frequency measurement control information should be
delivered through the system information.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

REQUIRE: the intra-frequency measurement control information is delivered in SIB11;
NOT_REQUIRE: the intra-frequency measurement control information is not delivered in

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-21

10 Algorithm Switches Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default setting is REQUIRE.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLMEAS, query it through LST CELLMEAS, and modify
it through MOD CELLMEAS.

10.3.4 Inter-Frequency/Inter-RAT Measurement Indication

This parameter defines whether inter-frequency/inter-RAT measurement control information is
to be delivered in the system information.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

NOT_REQUIRE: the inter-frequency or inter-RAT measurement control information is not

INTER_FREQ: the inter-frequency measurement control information is required;

INTER_RAT: the inter-RAT measurement control information is required;

INTER_FREQ_and_INTER_RAT: the inter-frequency and inter-RAT measurement control

information is required.

Parameter Setting
The default setting is INTER_FREQ_AND_INTER_RAT. That is, Inter-frequency FDD
measurement indicator and Inter-RAT measurement indicators are set to TRUE in the
system message. This switch is oriented to cells.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLMEAS, query it through LST CELLMEAS, and modify
it through MOD CELLMEAS.

10.3.5 FACH Measurement Indicator

This parameter indicates whether the FACH measurement occasion period length coefficient
should be delivered through the system information.

Parameter ID

10-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 10 Algorithm Switches

Value Range

Physical Value Range

REQUIRE:The measurement occasion about inter-frequency or inter-RAT were broadcasted
by SIB11.
NOT_REQUIRE:The measurement occasion about inter-frequency or inter-RAT were not
broadcasted by SIB11.

Parameter Setting
If inter-freq or inter-RAT measurement control information was broadcast through the system
information, some UEs in CELL_FACH state need the FACH measurement occasion period
length coefficient for measurement.
When the parameter InterFreqInterRATMeasInd is set to NOT_REQUIRE, this parameter is

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD CELLMEAS, query it through LST CELLMEAS, and modify
it through MOD CELLMEAS.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 10-23

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

11 Transmission Resource Management


About This Chapter

The common configurable transmission parameters are listed here.

11.1 Transmission Common Parameters

The common configurable transmission parameters are listed here.
11.2 Iub Admission Control Parameters
The Iub admission control parameters are listed here.
11.3 Iub Congestion Control Parameters
The common configurable Iub congestion control parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 11-1

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

11.1 Transmission Common Parameters

The common configurable transmission parameters are listed here.

Table 11-1 List of transmission common parameters

No. Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant Command


1 AAL2PATHT AAL2PATH If there exists Set: ADD AAL2PATH

type HSDPA service, Query: LST AAL2PATH
it needs to or DSP AAL2PATH


Query: LST IPPATH or
3 PHB Per-Hop ANY

11.1.1 AAL2 Path Type

This parameter is the expected type of the service carried on an AAL2 path.
11.1.2 IP Path Type
This parameter is used to set the IP path type.
11.1.3 Per-Hop Behavior
This parameter used to set the IP per hop behavior for IPPATH.

11.1.1 AAL2 Path Type

This parameter is the expected type of the service carried on an AAL2 path.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
This parameter defines the AAL2 path type. It describes whether the service is R99 or HSPA
carrier on path. HSPA service and non-HSPA service can not carrier on the same AAL2 path.
If the system needs to support HSPA service, we must configure a HSPA type AAL2 path.

11-2 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

HSPA channel high peak vs. average value decides the same high peak Vs. average value for
HSPA service in Iub interface. The burst HSPA service affects voice and R99 data service if it
is not treated diversify on transmission.

Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD AAL2PATH, query it through LST AAL2PATH or DSP
AAL2PATH, and modify it through MOD AAL2PATH.

11.1.2 IP Path Type

This parameter is used to set the IP path type.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

RT means real time type, NRT means non real time type. HSPA RT means HSPA real time type.
HSPA NRT means HSPA non real time type.

Parameter Setting
The default value is NRT.

Impact on the Network Performance


Relevant Commands
Set this parameter through ADD IPPATH, query it through LST IPPATH or DSP IPPATH,
and modify it through MOD IPPATH.

11.1.3 Per-Hop Behavior

This parameter used to set the IP per hop behavior for IPPATH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, ANY)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 11-3

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is ANY.
PHB is used to set the user priority, the priority increase by degrees from BE to EF. If it is ANY,
the DSCP of IP is set according to PHB setting, not according to DSCP setting.

Impact on the Network Performance

Different services use different PHBs. The network provides different services according to
different PHBs, and configures IP path respectively to realize different transmission.
For example, if the IP path type is RT/HSDPA_RT, then use high level DSCP; If the IP path
type is NRT/HSDPA_NRT, then use low level DSCP. Different DSCPs is mapped to different

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD IPPATH, query it through LST IPPATH or DSP IPPATH,
and modify it through MOD IPPATH.

11.2 Iub Admission Control Parameters

The Iub admission control parameters are listed here.

Table 11-2 List of Iub admission control parameters

Parameter Parameter Default Value Relevant Command
ID Meaning

FWDHORS Forward 80 kbits/s Set the parameters through ADD

BWDHORS reserved modify them through MOD
Backward query them through LST AAL2PATH /
reserved IPPATH.

11.2.1 Reserved Bandwidth for Forward/Backward Handover

This group of parameters reflect the Iub bandwidth reserved for user switchover. They are the
threshold parameters used by new users for the access of Iub resources. When a new user gains
access to the Iub resources through a path, the access of the new user is denied if the remaining
bandwidth of the path is smaller than the bandwidth reserved for user switchover.

11.2.1 Reserved Bandwidth for Forward/Backward Handover

This group of parameters reflect the Iub bandwidth reserved for user switchover. They are the
threshold parameters used by new users for the access of Iub resources. When a new user gains

11-4 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

access to the Iub resources through a path, the access of the new user is denied if the remaining
bandwidth of the path is smaller than the bandwidth reserved for user switchover.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100000

Physical Value Range

0 to 100000 kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value of each parameter is 80.
This group of parameters reflect the Iub bandwidth reserved for user switchover. To ensure the
high success ratio of switchover, you need to set these parameters according to the actual
switchover service rate.

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater these parameters are set, the more resources are reserved for user switchover. This
can ensure the high success ratio of user switchover whereas may waste resources. The smaller
these parameters are set, the more difficult it is to ensure the success ratio of user switchover.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameters through ADD AAL2PATH / ADD IPPATH, modify them through MOD
AAL2PATH / MOD IPPATH, and query them through LST AAL2PATH / DSP

11.3 Iub Congestion Control Parameters

The common configurable Iub congestion control parameters are listed here.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 11-5

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Table 11-3 List of Iub congestion control parameters

N Parameter Paramete Default Value Relevant Command
o ID r
. Meaning

1 FWDCON Forward 160 kbit/s Set the parameters through ADD

GBW congestion AAL2PATH/ADD IPPATH, modify
BWDCON threshold them through MOD AAL2PATH/MOD
GBW Backward IPPATH, and query through LST

2 FWDCON Forward 240 kbit/s

GCLRBW congestion
BWDCON clear
GCLRBW threshold

3 IubCongCt IUB OFF Set this parameter through ADD

rlSwitch congestion NODEBALGOPARA, modify it
control through MOD NODEBALGOPARA,
switch and query it throughLST
4 IubCongCt IUB 60 s
rlTimerLen congestion

5 GeneralCo General 70%

mmChFact common
or channel

6 CMBCom CMB 100%

mChFactor common

7 MBMSCo MBMS 100%

mmChFact common
or channel

8 SRBFactor SRB factor 50%


9 Telephony Telephony 70%

Factor factor[%]

11-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

N Parameter Paramete Default Value Relevant Command

o ID r
. Meaning

1 R99ConvF R99 100%

0 actor conversati
on service

1 R99Stream R99 100%

1 Factor streaming

1 R99InterFa R99 50%

2 ctor interactive

1 R99Bkgrnd R99 50%

3 Factor backgroun
d service

1 HsdpaStrea HSDPA 100%

4 mFactor streaming

1 HsdpaInter HSDPA 100%

5 Factor interactive

1 HsdpaBkgr HSDPA 100%

6 ndFactor backgroun
d service

1 HsupaStrea HSUPA 100%

7 mFactor streaming

1 HsupaInter HSUPA 100%

8 Factor interactive

1 HsupaBkgr HSUPA 100%

9 ndFactor backgroun
d service

11.3.1 Forward/Backward Congestion Threshold

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 11-7

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to FWDCONGBW, the forward
congestion alarm is emitted. If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to
BWDCONGBW, the backward congestion alarm is emitted.
11.3.2 Forward/Backward Congestion Clear Threshold
If the available forward bandwidth is greater than FWDCONGCLRBW, the forward congestion
alarm is cleared. If the available backward bandwidth is greater than BWDCONGCLRBW, the
backward congestion alarm is cleared.
11.3.3 Iub Bandwidth Congestion Control Algorithm Switch
This parameter is used to control the Iub bandwidth congestion algorithm.
11.3.4 Timer Length for Iub Bandwidth Restriction Service Rate Reduction
After the Iub bandwidth is restricted, you can start the timer that is used for reducing service
rate. By using the timer, you can periodically select the users of the BE service and the AMR
voice service and reduce the rate of the services for solving the Iub congestion problem.
11.3.5 Iub Congestion Factors
These parameters are Iub factors used to apply the Iub bandwidth when different services set

11.3.1 Forward/Backward Congestion Threshold

If the available forward bandwidth is less than or equal to FWDCONGBW, the forward
congestion alarm is emitted. If the available backward bandwidth is less than or equal to
BWDCONGBW, the backward congestion alarm is emitted.

Parameter ID


Value Range
0 to 100,000

Physical Value Range

0 to 100,000 kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values for these parameters are both 160 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the values are, the easier to trigger congestion control threshold. The BE services
and AMR data rates decrease process begin. But if they are too high, the transport utilization
rate is low, at the same time, it has a bad effect on the end user perception.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

Relevant Commands
Set the parameters through ADD AAL2PATH / ADD IPPATH, modify them through MOD

11.3.2 Forward/Backward Congestion Clear Threshold

If the available forward bandwidth is greater than FWDCONGCLRBW, the forward congestion
alarm is cleared. If the available backward bandwidth is greater than BWDCONGCLRBW, the
backward congestion alarm is cleared.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100,000

Physical Value Range

0 to 100,000 kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default values are both 240 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the values are, the easier the congestion alarm is cleared. But an overly high value
may lead to a low transport utilization rate, and at the same time, the congestion control is not

Relevant Commands
Set the parameters through ADD AAL2PATH / ADD IPPATH, modify them through MOD

11.3.3 Iub Bandwidth Congestion Control Algorithm Switch

This parameter is used to control the Iub bandwidth congestion algorithm.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Enum (ON, OFF)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 11-9

11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is OFF.

When this switch is open, the Iub bandwidth restriction algorithm works, so that when the
occupied bandwidth of Iub interface exceeds the Iub congestion trigger threshold, the algorithm
uses LDR to periodically reduce some BE service rates or AMR service rates until the occupied
bandwidth is lower than the Iub congestion release threshold.

Impact on the Network Performance

l In case that the transmission resource of Iub interface is scarce and the carrier wants to
admit more users by sacrificing some user perception, this switch shall be ON.
l When the transmission resources are abundant, this switch shall preferably be OFF.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD NODEBALGOPARA, query it through LST

11.3.4 Timer Length for Iub Bandwidth Restriction Service Rate

After the Iub bandwidth is restricted, you can start the timer that is used for reducing service
rate. By using the timer, you can periodically select the users of the BE service and the AMR
voice service and reduce the rate of the services for solving the Iub congestion problem.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 255

Physical Value Range

1 to 255 (unit: s)

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 60 s.

You need to set this parameter based on the effect of solving the Iub resource congestion problem.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

Impact on the Network Performance

The greater this parameter is, the longer time is spent on solving the Iub congestion problem and
the lower the congestion control frequency is. If the value set for this parameter is too small, the
Iub congestion control frequency is rather high, which is easy to cause the ping-pang effect.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through ADD NODEBALGOPARA, modify it through MOD

11.3.5 Iub Congestion Factors

These parameters are Iub factors used to apply the Iub bandwidth when different services set

Parameter ID















Value Range
1 to 100

Physical Value Range

1% to 100%, step 1%

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11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
These parameters are set according to the congestion condition. The default values are as listed
in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4 Iub Congestion Factor Configuration

Parameter Name Parameter ID Default Value

General common channel GeneralCommChFactor 70%


CMB common channel CMBCommChFactor 100%


MBMS common channel MBMSCommChFactor 100%


SRB factor[%] SRBFactor 50%

Telephony factor[%] TelephonyFactor 70%

R99 conversation service R99ConvFactor 100%


R99 streaming service factor R99StreamFactor 100%


R99 interactive service factor R99InterFactor 50%


R99 background service R99BkgrndFactor 50%


HSDPA streaming service HsdpaStreamFactor 100%


HSDPA interactive service HsdpaInterFactor 100%


HSDPA background service HsdpaBkgrndFactor 100%


HSUPA streaming service HsupaStreamFactor 100%


HSUPA interactive service HsupaInterFactor 100%


HSUPA background service HsupaBkgrndFactor 100%


Impact on the Network Performance

Services feature should be considered when setting these parameters.

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 11 Transmission Resource Management Parameters

l If these parameters are greater, the applied Iub bandwidth is big, but part of Iub bandwidth
maybe wasted.
l If they are lower, the Iub bandwidth is congested and the service quality is poor.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameters through ADD NODEBALGOPARA, query them through LST

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 11-13

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

About This Chapter

The parameters configured on the NodeB LMT described here mainly consist of the HSDPA
flow control parameters, the HSDPA MAC-hs scheduling algorithm parameters, the HSUPA
MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters, the HSUPA power control parameters and the local
cell management parameters.

12.1 HSDPA Flow Control Parameters

The common configurable HSDPA flow control parameters are listed here.
12.2 HSDPA MAC-hs Scheduling Algorithm Parameters
The common configurable HSDPA MAC-hs scheduling algorithm parameters are listed here.
12.3 HSUPA MAC-e Scheduling Algorithm Parameters
The HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters configurable on the NodeB LMT are
listed here.
12.4 HSUPA Power Control Parameters
HSUPA power control parameters include power control algorithm switches for downlink
control channel, fixed and dynamic power control mode algorithm parameters.
12.5 Local Cell Management Parameters
The local cell management parameters consist of cell radius and cell handover radius.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-1

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

12.1 HSDPA Flow Control Parameters

The common configurable HSDPA flow control parameters are listed here.

Table 12-1 List of HSDPA flow control parameters

N Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant Command

o. Meaning

1 FlowControlAlgori HSDPA AUTO_ADJUST Set the parameter

thmSwitch bandwidth _ throughSET
switch h ARA (BTS3812E,
2 FrameDiscardRate Frame discard 0.1% BTS3812AE,
Threshold rate threshold BBU3806,BBU3806C),
on Iub interface and query it through LST
3 DlTrDelayJitterThl Time delay 4 (8 ms) HSDPAFLOWCTRLP
dBase threshold ARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806,

12.1.1 HSDPA Bandwidth Adjustment Switch

This parameter difines the NodeB flow control scheme. It decides whether the congestion control
is implemented on RNC or on the NodeB.
12.1.2 Frame Discard Rate Threshold on Iub Interface
This parameter defines the frame discard rate on the Iub interface, that is the packet discard rate
due to code error when the transport network is idle. If the discard rate measured at the receiver
exceeds the threshold, then it is judged that the Iub interface is congested. Otherwise, it is
regarded as packet discarded due to code error other than congestion.
12.1.3 Time Delay Threshold on Iub Interface
This parameter defines the time delay of frame transmission when the transport network is less
busy. The Iub congestion is triggered when the time delay measured at the NodeB exceeds the
threshold. Otherwise, it is considered as common time delay of the transport network other than

12.1.1 HSDPA Bandwidth Adjustment Switch

This parameter difines the NodeB flow control scheme. It decides whether the congestion control
is implemented on RNC or on the NodeB.

Parameter ID

Value Range

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Physical Value Range

SIMPLE_FLOW_CTR: Based on the configured Iub bandwidth and the bandwidth occupied by
R99 users, traffic is allocated to HSDPA users when the physical bandwidth restriction is taken
into account.
AUTO_ADJUST_FLOW_CTRLNode: Based on the flow control of SIMPLE_FLOW_CTRL,
traffic is allocated to HSDPA users when the delay and packet loss on the Iub interface are taken
into account.
NO_FLOW_CTRL: The NodeB does not allocate bandwidth according to the configuration or
delay on the Iub interface. The RNC allocates the bandwidth according to the bandwidth on the
Uu interface reported by the NodeB.

Parameter Setting
This parameter should be configured according to concrete scenarios, and is set to

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter helps implement the end to end congestion control when HSDPA data is
transmitted on Iub interface, thus the Iub bandwidth utilization rate is improved and the
transmission reliability is enhanced. The switch is set to OPEN by default.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806,BBU3806C), and query it through LST

12.1.2 Frame Discard Rate Threshold on Iub Interface

This parameter defines the frame discard rate on the Iub interface, that is the packet discard rate
due to code error when the transport network is idle. If the discard rate measured at the receiver
exceeds the threshold, then it is judged that the Iub interface is congested. Otherwise, it is
regarded as packet discarded due to code error other than congestion.

Parameter ID

Value Range
Integer [0 to 1000]

Physical Value Range

0 to 1, step is 0.001

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0.001 when the Iub interface adopts ATM networking.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-3

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

When the Iub interface adopts IP networking, it is set to the discard target of the IP transmission

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter is set too low, the dynamic adjustment algorithm may judge the frames discarded
due to the network code error as congestion, thus decreases the bandwidth utilization rate. If the
threshold is set too high, the sensitivity to clear Iub congestion decreases.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806,BBU3806C), and query it through LST

12.1.3 Time Delay Threshold on Iub Interface

This parameter defines the time delay of frame transmission when the transport network is less
busy. The Iub congestion is triggered when the time delay measured at the NodeB exceeds the
threshold. Otherwise, it is considered as common time delay of the transport network other than

Parameter ID

Value Range
Integer [0 to 100]

Physical Value Range

0 ms to 100 ms, step is 1 ms

Parameter Setting
The parameter setting consisits of two parts: the time delay of Iub transport network + 10 ms

l Part one:
The transmission delay period while data is transmitted on HS-DSCH, which consists of
the delay of data buffering in each processing unit and the delay of transmission through
the network. The time delay of ATM transmission network differs from that of the IP
transmission network. It is recommended to send data frames when the network is less
busy, and get the transmission delay differences among labeled samples at the NodeB
receiver. (The NodeB with enhanced performance can get the time delay of data frame
But there is no test result at present, and it is arranged for the time being as follows:
For Iub interface with ATM networking: 0 ms;
For Iub interface with IP networking: the time delay target of IP transport network.
l Part two, the 10 ms:

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

According to HS-DSCH INTERVAL (10 ms to 80 ms), when a data frame is transmitted

in a network not congested, the transmission delay may be up to 80 ms, but we take the
minimum value 10 ms as a benchmark.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the threshold is set too low, the regular time delay of Iub interface transmission may be
considered that Iub congestion happens, reducing the Iub bandwidth utilization rate. If the
parameter is set too high, it is not easy to clear the congestion decreases, and the Iub transmission
delay may be increased.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET HSDPAFLOWCTRLPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806,BBU3806C), and query it through LST

12.2 HSDPA MAC-hs Scheduling Algorithm Parameters

The common configurable HSDPA MAC-hs scheduling algorithm parameters are listed here.

Table 12-2 List of HSDPA MAC-hs scheduling algorithm parameters

N Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant Command

o. Meaning

1 RSCALLOCM Resource 0 Set the parameter

allocate throughSET
method, 0: MACHSPARA
code priority (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
(applied in BTS3812AE, BBU3806,
power-limited BBU3806C), and query it
macro cells); 1: through LST
power priority MACHSPARA
(applied in (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
code-limited BTS3812AE, BBU3806,
micro cells) BBU3806C).

2 SM Scheduling EPF
method (EPF,

3 MXRETRAN Maximum 4

4 PWRMGN Power margin 5 (5%)

5 SCCHPWRCM HS-SCCH 0 (adaptive power

power control control based on
method CQI)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-5

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

N Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant Command

o. Meaning

6 SCCHPWR When the HS- 28 (–3dB), step is

SCCH power is 0.25
controlled by
this parameter
is the fixed
power value of
when the HS-
SCCH adopts
the adaptive
power control
based on CQI,
this parameter
is the HS-
SCCH initial
power. The
value is an
offset in dB
relevant to the
transmit power

7 SCCHFER Target FER of 10 (1%), step is

HS-SCCH 0.25
power control.
If the measured
FER is greater
than the target
FER, raise the
transmit power
lower transmit
power of HS-

12-6 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

N Parameter ID Parameter Default Value Relevant Command

o. Meaning

8 IBLER When the 0 (the CQI

initial BLER adjustment is
exceeds the closed)
target BLER,
raise the
transmit power
lower the
transmit power


switch, 0:
Open; 1: Close

10 DYNCODESW Dynamic code OPEN


11 16QAMSW 16QAM switch OPEN

12 CQIFA CQI filter 0 (no filter)


13 SPIGBR GBR for SPI See the table Set the parameter through
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
14 SPIWEIGHT Weight of SPI See the table BTS3812AE, BBU3806,
(%) BBU3806C), and query it
15 SPIRSCRATIO Resource See the table through LST
limiting ratio MACHSSPIPARA
for SPI, (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
available only BTS3812AE, BBU3806,
when the BBU3806C).
limiting switch
is on

12.2.1 Resource Allocate Method

Resource allocate method, 0: code priority (applied in power-limited macro cells); 1: power
priority (applied in code-limited micro cells).
12.2.2 Scheduling Method
This parameter defines the scheduling method of MAC-hs.
12.2.3 Maximum Retransmission Count
This parameter defines the maximum retransmission count of the MAC-hs HARQ process.
12.2.4 Power Margin
This parameter defines the power margin for DCH when the HSDPA adopts the dynamic power

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-7

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

12.2.5 HS-SCCH Power Control Method

This parameter sets the power control method of HS-SCCH.
12.2.6 HS-SCCH Fixed Power or Initial Transmit Power
When the HS-SCCH power is controlled by fixed configuration, this parameter is the fixed power
value of HS-SCCH; when the HS-SCCH adopts the adaptive power control based on CQI, this
parameter is the HS-SCCH initial transmit power. The value is an offset in dB relevant to the
transmit power of PCPICH.
12.2.7 Target HS-SCCH FER
This parameter is the target FER of HS-SCCH power control. When the measured FER is greater
than the target FER, raise the transmit power of HS-SCCH, otherwise, lower the transmit power
12.2.8 Initial BLER of Data Transfer
When the initial BLER exceeds the target BLER, raise the transmit power of HS-PDSCH,
otherwise, lower the transmit power of HS-PDSCH.
12.2.9 Resource Limiting Switch
This is the resource limiting switch. It decides whether to restrain a single user's maximum
resource usage in a congested cell.
12.2.10 HSDPA Dynamic Code Switch
This parameter decides whether to open the HSDPA dynamic code switch controlled by NodeB.
12.2.11 16QAM Switch
This parameter decides whether to open the HSDPA 16QAM switch controlled by NodeB.
12.2.12 CQI Filter Alpha
The CQI reported from UE is taken into the filtering processing within the NodeB to get a stable
12.2.13 GBR for SPI
Services with different SPIs are configured with different GBRs.
12.2.14 Weight for SPI
This parameter is used when users are in priority compositor.
12.2.15 Resource Limiting Ratio for SPI
This parameter defines the maximum power resource ratio for different SPIs when the cell is in
congestion state.

12.2.1 Resource Allocate Method

Resource allocate method, 0: code priority (applied in power-limited macro cells); 1: power
priority (applied in code-limited micro cells).

Parameter ID

Value Range
0, 1

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Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Physical Value Range

0, 1

Parameter Setting

Impact on the Network Performance

Under the power limited circumstances, the code is firstly allocated to save power resources for
other users; while the code is limited, firstly allocate the power to save code resources for other

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.2 Scheduling Method

This parameter defines the scheduling method of MAC-hs.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

EPF (Enhanced PF, PF based on GBR), PF, RR (Round Robin), MAXCI (MAX C/I)

Parameter Setting
The default setting is EPF.

Impact on the Network Performance

RR (Round Robin): the network schedule each user in turn without considering user's CQI. The
cell thoughput is poor;
MAX C/I: Users with high CQI are considered with priority, that is, user with the highest C/I
can get the service. The Max C/I scheduling method provides the highest cell throughput and
frequency utilization rate with the sacrifice of user fairness. Users with low CQI do not have the
chance to transfer data. So from users' point, this scheduling method is of the least fairness;
PF: the current available data transmission rate and the history rate are both in consideration.
Thus, users with nice CQI and users with a long waiting history will be taken into account at the
same time. This is a compromise of cell throughput priority and user fairness priority methods.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-9

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

EPF: The SPI of user, the GBR configured, the current service rate and CQI are all taken into
account. This method is relatively prior to the above ones on the aspect of fairness for users and
system capacity.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.3 Maximum Retransmission Count

This parameter defines the maximum retransmission count of the MAC-hs HARQ process.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 10

Physical Value Range

0 to 10 times

Parameter Setting

Impact on the Network Performance

If the parameter is set too low, it is more likely for the MAC-hs to discard packets when network
quality is poor. Then the RLC retransmission is required to ensure the data transmitted correctly,
thus the data transmission delay is increased. If it is set too high, the queue may be blocked due
to some packets retransmitted frequently.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.4 Power Margin

This parameter defines the power margin for DCH when the HSDPA adopts the dynamic power

Parameter ID

12-10 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%

Parameter Setting

Impact on the Network Performance

It is a power margin allocated for DCH, and is available only when the HSDPA adopts the
dynamic power control algorithm. If it is set overly great, the power may be wasted. If it is set
too low, the power control requirements of DCH may not be met.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.5 HS-SCCH Power Control Method

This parameter sets the power control method of HS-SCCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0, 1

Physical Value Range

0 means the adaptive power control based on CQI; 1 means the HS-SCCH power is fixed.

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0, that is, the adaptive power control based on CQI.

Impact on the Network Performance

The HS-SCCH power control has a significant effect on data transmission.
l If the HS-SCCH power is overly allotted, the available power of HS-PDSCH decreases,
and the cell throughout and user throughout declines.
l If the HS-SCCH power is allotted insufficiently, the HS-SCCH decoding failure increases,
and the cell throughout and user throughout declines.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-11

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set it through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.6 HS-SCCH Fixed Power or Initial Transmit Power

When the HS-SCCH power is controlled by fixed configuration, this parameter is the fixed power
value of HS-SCCH; when the HS-SCCH adopts the adaptive power control based on CQI, this
parameter is the HS-SCCH initial transmit power. The value is an offset in dB relevant to the
transmit power of PCPICH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 80

Physical Value Range

-10 dB to 10 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 28, that is -3 dB. The step is 0.25 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l When the HS-SCCH power is configured to a fixed value, if the HS-SCCH power is overly
allotted, the available power of HS-PDSCH decreases, and the cell throughout and user
throughout declines; if the HS-SCCH power is allotted insufficiently, the HS-SCCH
decoding failure increases, and the cell throughout and user throughout declines.
l When the HS-SCCH adopts the adaptive power control based on CQI, if this parameter is
set too high, the HS-SCCH power is wasted before the power control takes effect; if the
parameter is set too low, the HS-SCCH decoding failure increases before the power control
takes effect, weakening the data transmission performance.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set it through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.7 Target HS-SCCH FER

This parameter is the target FER of HS-SCCH power control. When the measured FER is greater
than the target FER, raise the transmit power of HS-SCCH, otherwise, lower the transmit power

12-12 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 999

Physical Value Range

1% to 99.9%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 10, namely 1%.

Impact on the Network Performance

l When the HS-SCCH power is configured to a fixed value, if the HS-SCCH power is overly
allotted, the available power of HS-PDSCH decreases, and the cell throughout and user
throughout declines; if the HS-SCCH power is allotted insufficiently, the HS-SCCH
decoding failure increases, and the cell throughout and user throughout declines.
l When the HS-SCCH adopts the adaptive power control based on CQI, if this parameter is
set too high, the HS-SCCH power is wasted before the power control takes effect; if the
parameter is set too low, the HS-SCCH decoding failure increases before the power control
takes effect, weakening the data transmission performance.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set it through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.8 Initial BLER of Data Transfer

When the initial BLER exceeds the target BLER, raise the transmit power of HS-PDSCH,
otherwise, lower the transmit power of HS-PDSCH.

Parameter ID

Value Range
1 to 50

Physical Value Range

1% to 50%, step 1%

Parameter Setting
The default value is 10 (10%).

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-13

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

If the IBLER is too high, retransmission is more probable, and delay increases. Otherwise,
retransmission is less probable, and power efficiency declines. When the power is not restricted
by scenarios, lower IBLER to increase effective throughput rate.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set it through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.9 Resource Limiting Switch

This is the resource limiting switch. It decides whether to restrain a single user's maximum
resource usage in a congested cell.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
0 (OPEN)

Impact on the Network Performance

If the switch is closed, it is likely to occur that a vast majority of the cell resources are taken up
by users with high priority but poor CQI.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.10 HSDPA Dynamic Code Switch

This parameter decides whether to open the HSDPA dynamic code switch controlled by NodeB.

Parameter ID

12-14 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The HSDPA dynamic code makes the physical layer channel codes be fully utilized. It is
suggested that the switch be set to OPEN all the time.

Impact on the Network Performance

The HSDPA dynamic code makes the physical layer channel codes be fully utilized, but it will
not exceed the code number defined with the HSDPA license.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set the parameter through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST
MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.11 16QAM Switch

This parameter decides whether to open the HSDPA 16QAM switch controlled by NodeB.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
A high thoughput can be guaranteed with the HSDPA 16QAM switch open. It is suggested that
the switch be open all the time.

Impact on the Network Performance

A high throughput can be guaranteed with the HSDPA 16QAM switch open. It is suggested that
the switch be open all the time.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-15

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set the parameter through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST
MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.12 CQI Filter Alpha

The CQI reported from UE is taken into the filtering processing within the NodeB to get a stable

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 99

Physical Value Range

0% to 99%, step is 1%

Parameter Setting
The default setting is 0 (0%).

The filtering adopts the following method:

where, a is the CQIFA, if a is set to 0, the CQI filter algorithm switch is closed.

Impact on the Network Performance

The higher the CQIFA, the value after filtering is more stable. The lower the CQIFA is, the value
change after filtering is more apparent. If the CQIFA is set to 0, the CQI filter algorithm switch
is closed.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set the parameter through SET MACHSPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST
MACHSPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.13 GBR for SPI

Services with different SPIs are configured with different GBRs.

Parameter ID

12-16 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range
0 to 16777215

Physical Value Range

0 to 16777215 bit/s

Parameter Setting
Table 12-3 shows the parameter setting.

Table 12-3 GBR, weight and resource limiting ratio for SPI


0 64 80 15

1 64 80 15

2 64 80 15

3 64 80 15

4 64 80 15

5 64 80 15

6 64 90 15

7 64 100 15

8 64 100 15

9 64 100 15

10 64 100 15

11 64 80 15

12 64 80 15

13 128 90 20

14 256 100 25

15 128 100 20

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is configured to spare more service resources for high priority users.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET MACHSSPIPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSSPIPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-17

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

12.2.14 Weight for SPI

This parameter is used when users are in priority compositor.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%

Parameter Setting
See List of GBR, weight and resource limiting ratio for SPI

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is configured to make more scheduling chances for high priority users.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET MACHSSPIPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSSPIPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.2.15 Resource Limiting Ratio for SPI

This parameter defines the maximum power resource ratio for different SPIs when the cell is in
congestion state.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 100

Physical Value Range

0 to 100%

Parameter Setting
Refer to the maximum transmit power for a single link when the GBR is the same as the bearing
rate of R99 services. Huawei's current benchmark for maximum transmit power of a single link
is as follows: -8 dB (1.6%) for 8 kbit/s, -6 dB (2.5%) for 16 kbit/s, -2 dB (6.3%) for 64 kbit/s,
0 dB (10%) for 128 kbit/s, 2 dB (15.8%) for 256 kbit/s and 4 dB (25%) for 384 kbit/s.

12-18 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Impact on the Network Performance

The resource limiting ratio decides the maximum rate a user can get at the edge of a cell. This
parameter is configured to have more resources allocated to high priority users.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter through SET MACHSSPIPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACHSSPIPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.3 HSUPA MAC-e Scheduling Algorithm Parameters

The HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters configurable on the NodeB LMT are
listed here.

Table 12-4 List of HSUPA MAC-e scheduling algorithm parameters

N Parameter ID Parameter Meaning Default Relevant Command

o. Value

1 AGTHRESHOL If the SG of requested rates 3 On the NodeB LMT, set

D and that of current rates are the parameter
greater than this threshold, throughSET
then the AG can be sent to MACEPARA
the UE. (BTS3812E,
2 RAVGINITVA It is the initial value of 16 kbit/s BTS3812AE,
LUE calculated average rate. BBU3806,
3 GbrEnable If the switch is on, whether OPEN BBU3806C), and query
the user real rate is GBR it through LST
rate needs to be affirmed MACEPARA
during the GBR user (BTS3812E,
scheduling. The scheduling BTS3812A,
algorithm ensures the GBR BTS3812AE,
rate for GBR users without BBU3806,BBU3806C
considering the uplink load. ).

4 WSPI Sort SPI switch OPEN

5 WRATE Sort rate weight 0.5

6 WRSN Sort rate RSN weight 0.5

12.3.1 AG Threshold
If the SG of requested rates and that of current rates are greater than this threshold, then the AG
can be sent to the UE.
12.3.2 Average Rate Initial Value
It is the initial value of calculated average rate.
12.3.3 GBR Schedule Switch

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-19

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

If the switch is on, whether the user real rate is GBR rate needs to be affirmed during the GBR
user scheduling. The scheduling algorithm ensures the GBR rate for GBR users without
considering the uplink load.
12.3.4 Sort Rate Weight
This is the weight of rate for priority calculation.
12.3.5 Sort Rate RSN Weight
This parameter is the RSN weight for priority calculation.

12.3.1 AG Threshold
If the SG of requested rates and that of current rates are greater than this threshold, then the AG
can be sent to the UE.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 31

Physical Value Range

0 to 31

Parameter Setting
The default value is 3.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the RG is satisfied to the SI request of UE, setting the AG threshold can decrease the resource
occupation of AGCH channel.
l If the AG threshold is too low, it increases the occupation on AGCH channel, and the power
consumption is greater than that of RGCH channel.
l If the AG threshold is too high, the UE data rate increases more slowly.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.3.2 Average Rate Initial Value

It is the initial value of calculated average rate.

Parameter ID

12-20 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range
0 to 1400

Physical Value Range

0 to 1400 kbit/s

Parameter Setting
The default value is 16 kbit/s.

Impact on the Network Performance

Whether this parameter is too high or too low, the real rate has little effect on the average rate.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.3.3 GBR Schedule Switch

If the switch is on, whether the user real rate is GBR rate needs to be affirmed during the GBR
user scheduling. The scheduling algorithm ensures the GBR rate for GBR users without
considering the uplink load.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0, 1

Physical Value Range


Parameter Setting
The default value is OPEN.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the GBR switch is OPEN, the RNC overload control is needed to be configured as an action
which can be triggered by RTWP measurement value.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-21

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.3.4 Sort Rate Weight

This is the weight of rate for priority calculation.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 10

Physical Value Range

0 to 1

Parameter Setting

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is used to calculate the UE priority. If it is set too low, the influence the rate has
on priority may be weakened. If it is set too high, the RSN's influence is weakened.

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACEPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806,BBU3806C).

12.3.5 Sort Rate RSN Weight

This parameter is the RSN weight for priority calculation.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 10

Physical Value Range

0 to 1

12-22 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Parameter Setting

Impact on the Network Performance

This parameter is used to calculate the UE priority. If it is set too low, the influence from RSN
on the priority may be weakened. If it is set too high, then influence from the rate may be

Relevant Commands
Set the parameter throughSET MACEPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE,
BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806,BBU3806C).

12.4 HSUPA Power Control Parameters

HSUPA power control parameters include power control algorithm switches for downlink
control channel, fixed and dynamic power control mode algorithm parameters.

12.4.1 Power Control Algorithm Switches for Downlink Control Channel

The common configurable HSUPA power control algorithm switches for downlink control
channel are listed here.
12.4.2 Fixed Power Control Mode Algorithm Parameters
The common configurable HSUPA fixed power control mode algorithm parameters are listed
12.4.3 Dynamic Power Control Mode Algorithm Parameters
The common configurable HSUPA dynamic power control mode algorithm parameters are listed

12.4.1 Power Control Algorithm Switches for Downlink Control

The common configurable HSUPA power control algorithm switches for downlink control
channel are listed here.

Table 12-5 List of power control algorithm switches for downlink control channel

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Level

ID Meaning Value Command

1 EAGCHPC E-AGCH FIXED Set or modify:SET NodeB

MOD HPC mode BTS3812AE,
for service BBU3806,
radio links BBU3806C)

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-23

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Level

ID Meaning Value Command


for non- (BTS3812E,
service radio BTS3812A,
links BTS3812AE,
MOD mode for
service radio


CMOD mode for non-
service radio
links E-AGCH HPC Mode

This is the E-AGCH channel power control algorithm switch. If it is FIXED, the transmission
power is set according to P-CPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is DYNAMIC, the
transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE. E-RGCH HPC Mode for Service Radio Links
It is the RGCH power control algorithm switch of EDCH serving RLS. If it is FIXED, the
transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is
DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE. E-RGCH HPC Mode for Non-service Radio Links
It is the RGCH power control algorithm switch of EDCH non-serving RLS. If it is FIXED, the
transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is
DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE. E-HICH HPC Mode for Service Radio Links
It is the HICH power control algorithm switch of RLS that contains serving RL. If it is FIXED,
the transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is
DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE. E-HICH HPC Mode for Non-service Radio Links
It is the HICH power control algorithm switch of RLS that does not contain serving RL. If it is
FIXED, the transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if
it is DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE.


This is the E-AGCH channel power control algorithm switch. If it is FIXED, the transmission
power is set according to P-CPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is DYNAMIC, the
transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE.

Parameter ID

12-24 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range

Physical Value Range

Fixed, Dynamic

Parameter Setting
This parameter has not been optimized, the value FIXED is suggested.

Impact on the Network Performance

Fixed power control mode is easy to realize, but it may waste NodeB transmission power. If the
dynamic power control mode is used, the power utilization is more efficient. But if the parameter
is set unreasonably, it may lead to power waste or the demodulation requirement may not be

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-RGCH HPC Mode for Service Radio Links

It is the RGCH power control algorithm switch of EDCH serving RLS. If it is FIXED, the
transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is
DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

Fixed, Dynamic

Parameter Setting
This parameter has not been optimized, the value FIXED is suggested.

Impact on the Network Performance

Fixed power control mode is easy to realize, but it may waste NodeB transmission power. If the
dynamic power control mode is used, the power utilization is more efficient. But if the parameter
is set unreasonably, it may lead to power waste or the demodulation requirement may not be

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-25

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-RGCH HPC Mode for Non-service Radio Links

It is the RGCH power control algorithm switch of EDCH non-serving RLS. If it is FIXED, the
transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is
DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

Fixed, Dynamic

Parameter Setting
This parameter has not been optimized, the value FIXED is suggested.

Impact on the Network Performance

Fixed power control mode is easy to realize, but it may waste NodeB transmission power. If the
dynamic power control mode is used, the power utilization is more efficient. But if the parameter
is set unreasonably, it may lead to power waste or the demodulation requirement may not be

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-HICH HPC Mode for Service Radio Links

It is the HICH power control algorithm switch of RLS that contains serving RL. If it is FIXED,
the transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if it is
DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE.

Parameter ID

12-26 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range

Physical Value Range

Fixed, Dynamic

Parameter Setting
This parameter has not been optimized, the value FIXED is suggested.

Impact on the Network Performance

Fixed power control mode is easy to realize, but it may waste NodeB transmission power. If the
dynamic power control mode is used, the power utilization is more efficient. But if the parameter
is set unreasonably, it may lead to power waste or the demodulation requirement may not be

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-HICH HPC Mode for Non-service Radio Links

It is the HICH power control algorithm switch of RLS that does not contain serving RL. If it is
FIXED, the transmission power is set according to P-CHPICH power and fixed power offset; if
it is DYNAMIC, the transmission power is set according to DCH power of the UE.

Parameter ID

Value Range

Physical Value Range

Fixed, Dynamic

Parameter Setting
This parameter has not been optimized, the value FIXED is suggested.

Impact on the Network Performance

Fixed power control mode is easy to realize, but it may waste NodeB transmission power. If the
dynamic power control mode is used, the power utilization is more efficient. But if the parameter
is set unreasonably, it may lead to power waste or the demodulation requirement may not be

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-27

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.4.2 Fixed Power Control Mode Algorithm Parameters

The common configurable HSUPA fixed power control mode algorithm parameters are listed

Table 12-6 List of fixed power control mode algorithm parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Command Level
ID Meaning Value

1 EAGCHPO E-AGCH -132, that Set or modify:SET NodeB

WER power is, -13.2 MACEPARA
dB (BTS3812E,
2 SERGCHPO E-RGCH -210, that BTS3812AE,
WER power for is, -21 dB BBU3806,
service radio BBU3806C)
OWER power for non- is, -17.3 (BTS3812E,
service radio dB BTS3812A,
links BTS3812AE,
4 SEHICHPO E-HICH power -197, that BBU3806C)
WER for service is, -19.7
radio links dB

5 NSEHICHPO E-HICH power -136, that

WER for non-service is, -13.6
radio links dB E-AGCH Power

It is the AGCH power offset compared to the P-CPICH power in the fixed power control mode. E-RGCH Power for Service Radio Links
It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
fixed power control mode. E-RGCH Power for Non-service Radio Links
It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH non-serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
fixed power control mode. E-HICH Power for Service Radio Links
It is the HICH power offset of RLS that contains the serving RL compared to the P-CPICH
power in the fixed power control mode. E-HICH Power for Non-service Radio Links
It is the HICH power offset of RLS that does not contain the serving RL compared to the P-
CPICH power in the fixed power control mode.

12-28 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

E-AGCH Power
It is the AGCH power offset compared to the P-CPICH power in the fixed power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -132, that is, -13.2 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-RGCH Power for Service Radio Links

It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
fixed power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -210, that is, -21 dB.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-29

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-RGCH Power for Non-service Radio Links

It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH non-serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
fixed power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -173, that is, -17.3 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-HICH Power for Service Radio Links

It is the HICH power offset of RLS that contains the serving RL compared to the P-CPICH
power in the fixed power control mode.

Parameter ID

12-30 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -197, that is, -19.7 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-HICH Power for Non-service Radio Links

It is the HICH power offset of RLS that does not contain the serving RL compared to the P-
CPICH power in the fixed power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
-350 to 150

Physical Value Range

-35 dB to 15 dB, step 0.1 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is -136, that is, -13.6 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-31

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.4.3 Dynamic Power Control Mode Algorithm Parameters

The common configurable HSUPA dynamic power control mode algorithm parameters are listed

Table 12-7 List of dynamic power control mode algorithm parameters

No. Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Command Level

ID Meaning Value

1 EAGCHPW E-AGCH 142, that Set or modify:SET NodeB

ROFFSET power offset is, -3.5 MACEPARA
dB (BTS3812E,
2 SERGCHPW E-RGCH 100, that BTS3812AE,
ROFFSET power offset is, -7 dB BBU3806,
for service BBU3806C)
radio links
WROFFSET power offset is, -5.75 (BTS3812E,
for non- dB BTS3812A,
service radio BTS3812AE,
links BBU3806,
4 SEHICHPW E-HICH 96, that
ROFFSET power offset is, -8 dB
for service
radio links

5 NSEHICHP E-HICH 116, that

WROFFSET power offset is, -3 dB
for non-
service radio
links E-AGCH Power Offset

It is the AGCH power offset compared to the P-CPICH power in the dynamic power control
mode. E-RGCH Power Offset for Service Radio Links
It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
dynamic power control mode. E-RGCH Power Offset for Non-Service Radio Links
It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH non-serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
dynamic power control mode. E-HICH Power Offset for Service Radio Links

12-32 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

It is the HICH power offset of RLS that contains the serving RL compared to the P-CPICH
power in the dynamic power control mode. E-HICH Power Offset for Non-Service Radio Links
It is the HICH power offset of RLS that does not contain the serving RL compared to the P-
CPICH power in the dynamic power control mode.

E-AGCH Power Offset

It is the AGCH power offset compared to the P-CPICH power in the dynamic power control

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Physical Value Range

-32 dB to 31.75 dB, step 0.25 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 142, that is, 3.5 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-RGCH Power Offset for Service Radio Links

It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
dynamic power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-33

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Physical Value Range

-32 dB to 31.75 dB, step 0.25 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 100, that is, -7 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-RGCH Power Offset for Non-Service Radio Links

It is the RGCH power offset of EDCH non-serving RLS compared to the P-CPICH power in the
dynamic power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Physical Value Range

-32 dB to 31.75 dB, step 0.25 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 105, that is, -5.75 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12-34 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

E-HICH Power Offset for Service Radio Links

It is the HICH power offset of RLS that contains the serving RL compared to the P-CPICH
power in the dynamic power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Physical Value Range

-32 dB to 31.75 dB, step 0.25 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 96, that is, -8 dB.

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

E-HICH Power Offset for Non-Service Radio Links

It is the HICH power offset of RLS that does not contain the serving RL compared to the P-
CPICH power in the dynamic power control mode.

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 255

Physical Value Range

-32 dB to 31.75 dB, step 0.25 dB

Parameter Setting
The default value is 116, that is, -3 dB.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-35

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Impact on the Network Performance

l If this parameter is too low, the demodulation performance of AGCH channel cannot satisfy
the demodulation requirement.
l If this parameter is too high, the NodeB transmission power is wasted too much.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set or modify this parameter through SET MACEPARA (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C), and query it through LST MACEPARA
(BTS3812E, BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.5 Local Cell Management Parameters

The local cell management parameters consist of cell radius and cell handover radius.

Table 12-8 List of local cell management parameters

N Parameter Parameter Default Relevant Command

o ID Meaning Value

1 RADIUS Cell radius 29 km On the NodeB LMT, set the parameter

through MOD LOCELL (BTS3812E,
2 HORAD Cell handover 0m BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806,
radius BBU3806C), and qurey it through LST
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.5.1 Cell Radius

This parameter describes the radius of a NodeB cell. Cell radius affects the demodulation of the
uplink board and the configuration of the parameters related to the access part.
12.5.2 Cell Handover Radius
This parameter describes the cell handover radius, which can be configured on the NodeB

12.5.1 Cell Radius

This parameter describes the radius of a NodeB cell. Cell radius affects the demodulation of the
uplink board and the configuration of the parameters related to the access part.

Parameter ID

Value Range
150 to 180000

12-36 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

Network Optimization Parameter Reference 12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT

Physical Value Range

150 m to 180 km, with step length as 1 m

Parameter Setting
The default value is 29000, which stands for 29 km.

You can set and adjust a value for this parameter based on the network planning and network
optimization result. In case the cell radius cannot be determined precisely, the set cell radius
must be greater than the required cell radius. The set cell radius, however, should be properly
great. Otherwise, the extra network resources are wasted and the system processing delay occurs.
Based on the data provided by relevant products, the handover synchronization time increases
by a maximum of 60 ms if the cell radius changes its value in increments of 3.75 km.

l When using the RRU, you must set the sum of the cell radius and the fiber transmission
delay as the cell radius.
l If the access board of the NodeB is configured to support multiple sectors, the maximum
of the configurable cell radius is 30 km.

Impact on the Network Performance

The setting of this parameter must be the same as the result of network planning.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set the parameter through MOD LOCELL (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C) and query it through LST LOCELL (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12.5.2 Cell Handover Radius

This parameter describes the cell handover radius, which can be configured on the NodeB

Parameter ID

Value Range
0 to 180000

Physical Value Range

0 to 18 km, with step length as 1 m.

Issue 01 (2007-08-30) Huawei Technologies Proprietary 12-37

12 Parameters Configured on NodeB LMT Network Optimization Parameter Reference

Parameter Setting
The default value is 0. The inner radius of a cell handover radius must be at least 78.125 m, that
is, 1 chip, shorter than the cell radius.
You can set and adjust a value for this parameter based on network planning and network
optimization result. In case the cell handover range cannot be determined precisely, the value
set for the cell handover radius must be smaller than the minimum cell handover radius required
for network planning. The set value, however, should be properly small. Otherwise, the system
processing delay may occur.

When using the RRU, you must set the sum of the actual cell handover radius and the fiber
transmission delay as the cell handover radius.

Impact on the Network Performance

If the value set for this parameter exceeds the planned value range of a cell, the NodeB fails to
handle the users on the radius smaller than the set value. This results in that the actual handover
range is smaller than the planned one.

Relevant Commands
On the NodeB LMT, set the parameter through MOD LOCELL (BTS3812E, BTS3812A,
BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C) and query it through LST LOCELL (BTS3812E,
BTS3812A, BTS3812AE, BBU3806, BBU3806C).

12-38 Huawei Technologies Proprietary Issue 01 (2007-08-30)

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