Green Policy Vision Document
Green Policy Vision Document
Green Policy Vision Document
We’re the only party with a
plan to ensure all of us, and
our planet, are looked after.”
The Green Party has a bold new plan for an
Aotearoa where all of us have what we need to live
good lives, and where our natural environment is
protected for our kids and grandkids.
For too long, successive governments have put short- At the heart of everything the Green Party does is
term profit before our people and the planet, risking our a commitment to te Tiriti, and four key principles:
future. They have prioritised economic growth at the ecological wisdom, social responsibility, appropriate
expense of community wellbeing and the environment. decision-making, and non-violence.
COVID-19 has shone a glaring light on the inequalities Never before have these principles been more
in our society, but it has also shown that we can make relevant.
big changes, fast, when we work together.
We will continue to strive for climate, environmental
Right now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and social justice in everything we do. None of these
to reimagine our communities in a way that treats goals can be achieved in isolation from each other.
everyone with dignity, while safeguarding our
country’s precious natural heritage. We must take this We’re so proud of how much progress we’ve made
opportunity by thinking ahead, and acting now. The this term. With your help, we can go further and faster
Green Party is the only party with a transformational to create a fairer Aotearoa for all of us, and for future
plan to ensure all of us, and our planet, are looked after. generations.
Our plan.
Healthy nature.
We should all be able
to enjoy Aotearoa’s
precious nature – to
hear the dawn chorus
in our forests, and see
wildlife thrive in our
oceans and rivers.
Previous governments have failed to protect
our rivers and oceans against pollution,
or invest enough in nature. The Green
Party knows we must protect and respect
Papatūānuku. A healthy environment is the
basis of our wellbeing and an economy that
delivers for people and planet.
In Government, we’ve achieved so much for
nature. Now we want to go further and faster
to protect our forests, rivers and oceans for
future generations.
Mā te oranga o te
taiao, ka ora ai te iwi.
We will:
Ban or phase-out harmful activities including live
export of animals, use of animals in rodeo, greyhound
racing, factory farming, farrowing crates, and the
Animals are worthy of care and respect, but current rules Support farmers to ensure animals are provided with
appropriate shade, shelter, and comfortable resting
allow animal abuse and exploitation. Aotearoa could easily areas.
have a world-leading animal welfare system, but many
Create dedicated champions for animals by
animals are mistreated and subject to cruelty. establishing a Minister for Animal Welfare and a
Parliamentary Commissioner for Animal Welfare, and
The Green Party has championed animal welfare for boost funding for animal welfare programmes.
decades, as the leading voice in Parliament on issues like
Review the operation of the Animal Welfare Act and
factory farming, greyhound racing, and cage-free hens
increase funding for compliance monitoring and
and eggs. Meanwhile, other parties have backed down on enforcement, to achieve better coordination between
promises to ban rodeos and cruel production practices like the Act and other Codes of Welfare.
farrowing crates. Oppose animal testing except in very limited
The Green Party will strengthen Aotearoa’s animal welfare
standards. We will outlaw harmful activities such as factory Ensure the accuracy of “free range”, “cruelty free” and
other animal welfare product labelling.
farming and rodeo, protect companion animals from abuse
and exploitation, and ensure animals in agriculture live
happy and comfortable lives.
We will:
Create a fair system for water allocation, with
commercial users like water bottling companies paying
a resource rental fee, and allocation phased down
We will:
Protect kauri from kauri dieback by investing in a National
Pest Management Strategy.
allowing rivers to be degraded by intensive agriculture and Invest in restoring wetlands, riverbanks, and estuaries to
urban pollution. protect communities against rising seas and floods.
We will:
Protect and prioritise recreational and customary fishing
over commercial fishing.
Our oceans and marine life are still being harmed by Accelerate the roll-out of monitoring cameras on
overfishing, sediment, and nutrient and plastic pollution. commercial fishing boats.
Proposals for seabed mining threaten the marine habitats
Restore shellfish beds in areas such as the Hauraki Gulf.
and ecological health of our oceans.
Investigate the development of proposals for integrated
The political influence of the fishing industry means marine ecosystem management for all activities. This
overfishing and destructive fishing methods – such as will include commercial fishing, within a kaitiakitanga
framework, that ensures ngā taonga ō te moana are
bottom trawling, dredging, and set netting – continue,
managed responsibly for current and future generations
severely impacting fish stocks, seabirds, and dolphins. with te Tiriti o Waitangi honoured.
The Green Party is not in the pocket of big fishing
companies. We are committed to ensuring the survival and Facilitate discussions to progress and create the
Kermadec Rangitahua Ocean Sanctuary.
restoration of marine environments for future generations.
We will:
Reducing Fix kerbside plastic recycling to be more consistent
throughout Aotearoa, and develop local recycling
capability to process more recyclable materials on-
waste shore.
The Green Party supports products that reduce waste at Amend the Consumer Guarantees Act to introduce
a Right to Repair, requiring manufacturers to design
every step of the production chain. Protecting Papatūānuku, products that can be fixed, not thrown away.
and creating jobs in the process, requires effective
Improve clear labelling with common standards to
regulation, incentives, and innovation.
ensure people can have confidence in products marked
“compostable” and “recyclable”.
This term, the Green Party has done more to address waste
than any other previous government. We have banned single Continue to create more sector-wide product
stewardship schemes for problem products like
use plastic bags, phased out micro-beads in cosmetics,
electronics, and implement a container return scheme
and expanded the waste levy on landfills. We’re designing a for beverage containers.
container return scheme for beverage containers and have
Reward innovation by increasing funding available
implemented mandatory product stewardship schemes, as through the Waste Minimisation Fund, creating a
well as improving Aotearoa’s kerbside recycling system. materials recovery, re-use, and repurposing sector that
supports good jobs in Aotearoa.
We will continue to invest in waste reduction and community
initiatives, encouraging the recovery, reuse, redistribution,
recycling, and reallocation of materials. Through careful
planning and a clear vision, we will create a sustainable and
circular economy.
We will:
Welcome back international tourists when appropriate,
but with very strong health controls at the border.
In Government, the Green Party set up the International Institute stronger controls on vehicle camping and
encourage visitors to use local accommodation
Visitor Levy to provide sustainable funding for tourism
upgrades in the regions, and to invest in protecting the
natural wonders that draw people to Aotearoa. With Review the New Zealand-Aotearoa Tourism Strategy
COVID-19, the focus needs to shift to domestic tourism, in light of COVID-19, and strengthen its commitment
to sustainability and protecting areas for local
to give everyone the opportunity to connect with nature, communities to enjoy.
explore their own backyard, and support local businesses
through a challenging time.
Our plan.
Fairer communities.
We all deserve safe,
warm, and affordable
housing, well-
resourced public
services, and a strong
social safety net.
We have more than enough to go around in
Aotearoa, but for too long those in power have
made decisions that have kept incomes low,
and made it a real struggle for many families to
get by.
The Green Party knows we need to rewrite
the rules, so our country’s success is shared
among all of us.
We have a bold new vision for a fairer
Aotearoa which builds on our huge success
in government, but goes further and faster to
He taonga bring us all forward, together.
rongonui te aroha
ki te tangata.
We will:
Children Work to see that all children are safe, and provide
community support to address the root causes of child
abuse and neglect.
The wellbeing of children and young people is best secured Improve funding for early childhood education and extend
by ensuring their whānau and communities have what they childcare subsidies.
need. A prosperous and successful Aotearoa must be built Create school hubs with health and other services on-site.
around the needs of our tamariki.
Create safe walking and biking routes for every school, by
Unfortunately, too many children are still missing out, supporting local authorities to implement active transport
plans created by school communities.
especially in their crucial early years. When these years
are a time of stress for families, there are long-term Develop a Kids in Nature programme where schools get
operational funding to enable students to learn in outdoor
consequences for our kids.
classrooms, build their outdoor recreation skills, and go
kayaking, bush walking, and snorkelling.
This Government has made a big difference to whānau by
increasing Working for Families support, extending Paid Ensure every child lives in a warm, dry home through the
Warmer Kiwi Homes programme and by improving the
Parental Leave, and introducing the Best Start Payment,
Building Code.
so kids get a better start in life. The Green Party prioritises
the needs of whānau through all of our policies, ensuring Ensure government agencies actively engage children
and young people in decision making on issues that affect
everything we do helps our youngest citizens. them.
We will:
Democracy, Uphold human rights by lowering the voting age to 16 and
extending voting rights to all people in prison.
and te Tiriti o
by 2040.
donations and public funding of election campaigns in the
hands of the public.
We will:
Disability Uphold the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities in all policy areas.
We will:
Drug law Support the legalisation and regulation of personal use
of cannabis in ways that reduce harm to users, their
families, and communities, as provided by the Cannabis
Legalisation and Control Bill.
We will:
Education Empower schools as community hubs, providing health
services, internet access, cultural services, early childhood
education, and adult education.
Every child deserves a high-quality, free, accessible Encourage clustering of Early Childhood Education
public education that gives them the best possible start (ECE) centres with nearby primary schools to support the
transition to school.
in life. We want all children to reach their full potential, but
unfortunately, not all learners get equal opportunities and Ensure all public schools are resourced to provide special
education and learning support as needed.
recognition. We know it’s not only the school system that
affects a child’s education, but also housing, income, and Roll out Te Reo Māori as a core curriculum subject through
health. to Year 10.
participate in society. Together we can make the necessary Increase funding for outdoor environmental education
changes so that all children thrive. – to get kids into nature and employ displaced tourism
We will:
Equality for Recognise unpaid care work and household labour by:
creating a Universal Child Benefit for children under three;
replace Working for Families credits with an increased
Family Support Credit; and ensuring sole parents have
enough income to support themselves and their children.
We will:
Freedom Implement the recommendations of the Ko Te Wā
Whakawhiti report to improve Oranga Tamariki.
We will:
Global Ensure Aotearoa’s defence forces promote peace,
justice, and environmental protection (such as fisheries
enforcement) throughout the Pacific and the world.
The world is going through a period of instability, with the Support Aotearoa to uphold and promote human rights
internationally, and continue to support the work of the
impacts of climate change, COVID-19, war, international
International Criminal Court and International Court of
inequality, mass displacement, pollution, and biodiversity Justice.
loss among the challenges. Lack of political resolve to
combat these challenges leads to poor outcomes for Implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples, and lead by example by honouring te Tiriti o
people and planet. Waitangi.
The Green Party believes that Aotearoa must take an Promote and support the principle of self-determination
independent and principled position on global affairs, of peoples everywhere, including in West Papua, Western
by addressing current and historic global injustices, Sahara, and Palestine.
strengthening international law, and championing Increase Official Development Assistance funding and
disarmament. Aotearoa should lead the world providing ensure we use recognised best practice for poverty
international mediation and conflict resolution, and be reduction approaches.
grounded in principles of environmental protection and Work with global partners to support the forgiveness of
restoration, equity, human rights, shared responsibility, unjust Global South debt, and fair debt relief measures,
and non-violence. especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis.
We will:
Health Increase resources for wellness and preventative health
measures, to keep everyone as healthy as possible.
need. In Aotearoa, not everyone is able to get the treatment Incorporate matauranga Māori into the health system,
they need. and fund provision of primary healthcare through Māori
organisations, overseen by a new Māori health agency
Our health and wellbeing is shaped by the environment that focuses on remote areas with significant health
we live in and the personal circumstances we experience.
Good personal health relies on the health of whole Ensure all parents and caregivers have access to free,
well-staffed and resourced helplines.
communities, housing standards, and access to good food.
Uphold the independence and strength of PHARMAC.
In Government, we have made progress reducing some of
the barriers to healthcare, including providing free or low- Investigate a levy on sugary drinks to fund affordable
dental care.
cost contraception to women. With greater government
support, everyone in Aotearoa will have access to Support water-only policies in schools, hospitals, and
sports clubs.
healthcare when they need it, with no barriers.
Restrict junk food advertising aimed at children.
We will:
Housing Build more solor powered and energy efficient state
houses every year, enabling people to share clean
electricity with their neighbours.
Everyone deserves a warm, dry, affordable home that Develop public housing in ways that ensure no net loss of
supports their wellbeing and helps them to be part of a publicly owned land.
connected community. Successive governments have Expand progressive homeownership programmes like
allowed speculation to drive up prices, and failed to rent-to-own and shared equity, as well as non-profit
build enough public housing, or support our community community rental initiatives, in partnership with iwi, hapū
housing sector. and community housing providers.
Ensure our laws are fit for purpose for a thriving housing
Owning a home has become unachievable for many
sector, by introducing professional standards for
families, and many people who rent are forced to settle for property managers and student accommodation.
substandard, overpriced homes.
Ensure regulatory frameworks support the development
With the Green Party in Government there has been a of innovative co-housing initiatives.
reset to the approach to housing. We have built more Facilitate finance for development of papakāinga
public houses than any Government since the 1970s, on Māori land, and ensure relevant central and local
provided wrap around support to end homelessness, government planning documents enable papakāinga
introduced comprehensive rental reforms, and created a development.
$400 million progressive homeownership scheme. Provide high quality emergency and transitional housing
to help end homelessness, with a clear pathway into an
We need to scale up what works, so that everyone can affordable long-term home.
have a decent place to call home.
We will:
Progressively increase the refugee quota to 5,000.
We will:
Justice Oppose further arming of the Police and require regular
de-escalation training.
We will:
Kaupapa Roll out te reo Māori as a core curriculum subject through
to Year 10. We will also increase funding for kura kaupapa,
kohanga reo, and mainstream te reo immersion and
bilingual classrooms, including funding for professional
support of Māori medium teachers and teacher
The Green Party wants an Aotearoa where the status of
Require tertiary institutes to report on their responsiveness
Māori as tangata whenua is recognised and respected, and to the needs of Māori students.
the harm of colonisation is acknowledged and put right.
Review the Reserves Act to embed kaitiakitanga and co-
We understand ecological and social justice includes justice governance by iwi and hapū of reserve areas within their
for indigenous people, and that Aotearoa is immeasurably
enriched by tikanga Māori. As a Parliamentary political Ensure economic and environmental policy recognises the
needs of Māori and maximises opportunities for Māori-led
party, we take seriously our responsibility to tangata sustainable economic development, with a focus on iwi and
whenua to reset the relationship with the Crown so tino hapū-led green industries.
rangatiratanga is honoured. Our MPs are proud to stand
Facilitate finance for development of papakāinga on Māori
with tangata whenua at Ihumātao, and we will continue land, and ensure relevant central and local government
working to honour te Tiriti o Waitangi. planning documents enable papakāinga development.
We will prioritise policies that promote iwi and hapū self- Fund primary health care provision through Māori
organisations, overseen by a new Māori health agency, with
determination across all areas, with a particular focus on: particular focus on remote areas with significant health
kaitiakitanga rights, Māori economic development, water, disparities.
housing, hauora Māori, justice, and education.
Support kaupapa Māori restorative justice and
rehabilitation programmes, particularly through expanding
the availability of Rangatahi Courts nationwide.
We will:
Mental Expand free counselling to everyone under 25, and work
towards extending this to all adults.
We will:
Pāsefika Ensure New Zealand’s Pāsefika history is taught in schools,
by Pāsefika people wherever possible.
We will:
Poverty Ensure a Guaranteed Minimum Income of $325 per week
for students and people out of work, no matter what.
action plan Introduce a Universal Child Benefit for each child under
three of $100 per week.
We have more than enough to go around in Aotearoa. But Create two new top income tax brackets for a more
progressive tax system that redistributes wealth.
right now, unfair rules funnel money into the pockets of the
wealthiest few, rather than distributing it among all of us. Guarantee annual minimum wage increases, with one
Our plan rewrites the rules and makes sure those who have minimum wage rate instead of the starting out rate.
done extremely well under the current system pay their fair
We will:
Rainbow Create an Office for Rainbow Communities, tasked with
developing and implementing a plan to improve LGBTQIA*
rights, championing rainbow issues, and providing a point
of government contact for rainbow communities.
We will:
Sustainable Overhaul the Building Code so all new homes are built to
high standards of warmth, dryness, and energy and water
buildings and
efficiency, working towards net zero energy new builds
by 2030. The new Code will require all new builds to use
greywater recycling and be accessible to people with
We will:
Tertiary Support all students not in paid employment with
a Guaranteed Minimum Income of at least $325 a
education and
week. Those in part-time employment will also receive
student support
Reform the student accommodation sector to ensure
students get a fair deal.
Our plan.
Clean economy.
Our country is at
a crossroads. The
decisions we make now
will determine what kind
of planet we pass on to
our grandchildren.
Governments have known about the climate
crisis for decades but have failed to take
meaningful action, putting our future
at risk.
In the last three years in Government, we’ve
done more for climate action than in the last
three decades of governments combined. The
Green Party knows we need to act urgently and
build on this progress, and we have a bold plan
to support our communities and businesses
into a more sustainable future.
We will:
Arts and
Require public funding goes directly to artists
The Green Party believes in sustainable public funding for Support and fund more locally made content on
the creative sector. This means funding to back our artists television, radio and online.
and to support local venues that are critical for musicians Ensure funding of arts and culture organisations does not
and creatives trying to build an audience. The Crown has solely rely on gambling revenue, and work with venues
a responsibility to foster and encourage the taonga of toi to secure revenue that doesn’t rely solely on alcohol
Māori. consumption.
We will:
Broadcasting and
Establish a Public Interest Journalism Fund, making grants
available for projects and journalists, with criteria to ensure
diversity of voice in media is considered as part of the
COVID-19 has brought the issues the media faces into Protect and further support student media, Māori media,
harsher light, with sudden job losses and uncertain and Pāsefika media.
futures. Less journalism means more unchecked power
for decision-makers, which is bad for everyone. A strong
media sector is crucial to a functioning democracy, and
public interest journalism is the core of a strong media
We will:
Bring forward the Government’s target for 100% renewable
electricity from 2035 to 2030, and re-instate the ban on
building new fossil-fuel electricity generation.
energy Equip all suitable public housing with solar panels and
batteries, saving people on their power bills and enabling
them to share clean energy with their neighbours.
When all our energy comes from the sun, the wind, and the
flow of rivers, there will be no need to burn coal or import oil. Make it 50% cheaper for everyone to upgrade to solar and
batteries for their own homes, with government finance.
But for decades, Governments have passed up clean
Create a community Clean Energy Fund to support
energy opportunities and chosen to keep burning last
communities, iwi, and hapū to build and share low-cost,
century’s dirty fuels instead. clean energy.
Many of our big factories still burn coal. Aotearoa spends Train thousands of people for clean energy careers with a
$7 billion every year importing oil. These fossil fuels cause Clean Energy Industry Training Plan, developed with the
energy industry, training providers, and unions.
climate change, putting our grandkids’ futures at risk. It’s
time to make urgent changes, using clean technology Ban new fossil-fuelled industrial heating systems and boilers
alternatives. in our first 100 days in Government, end industrial coal use in
Aotearoa by 2030, and end industrial gas use by 2035.
In Government, the Green Party achieved a historic ban on
Increase financial and advisory support for businesses to
new offshore oil and gas exploration. We’ve put solar panels replace fossil fuels with clean energy alternatives.
on school roofs, and started swapping old coal boilers in
schools and hospitals for clean alternatives. Since 1999, Reform the Crown Minerals Act so it facilitates a just
transition towards ending fossil fuel extraction, and stop
partnering with Labour and National-led Governments,
issuing permits for new onshore fossil fuel extraction.
we’ve insulated almost 400,000 homes, reducing energy
bills and making sure more people have a warm, dry place Update planning rules to make it easier to build new wind
to live. farms.
We will:
Make electric cars more affordable and invest in better
cycle lanes, buses, and trains.
change Roll out rooftop solar panels and electric car chargers so
affordable clean energy is everywhere.
The changing climate means communities throughout Pull all government investments out of fossil fuel
companies and work towards ending fossil fuel subsidies.
Aotearoa and around the world are facing more extreme
weather events. Commit to a Just Transition approach, working with
affected communities, businesses, and unions to create
During the last three years in Government the Green Party has good, sustainable new jobs.
done more for the climate than all governments for the past Work with local government, iwi, hapū and communities
30 years combined. We passed the Zero Carbon Act to set a to increase resilience and plan for the changing climate,
especially in coastal areas.
legal framework to tackle the climate crisis, invested record
amounts in public transport and cycleways, created new Push for Aotearoa to play a leading role internationally to
powers in the Resource Management Act to stop big polluting reduce global emissions and uphold the Paris Agreement.
developments, and required all default Kiwisaver funds to Implement emissions budgets, following advice from the
stop investing in fossil fuels. Climate Change Commission.
We will:
Green cities
Support local councils to fund rainwater tanks, so
communities are better prepared for droughts.
and towns Restore urban waterways and create walking and cycling
paths alongside them, creating jobs and improving water
quality. This will include storm water improvements
to prevent polluted run-off entering urban streams;
Cities and towns can be places where people and nature upgrading urban culverts to ensure safe passage of native
thrive, with affordable homes, low-emissions transport, aquatic species; and working with councils to identify
clean rivers and beaches, and vibrant green spaces. opportunities for “daylighting” piped streams.
We will:
Continue to champion a new way of doing trade,
including completing the Agreement on Climate
Change, Trade, and Sustainability with world-leading
We will:
Revitalise ‘Buy Kiwi Made’ and increase country of origin
labelling so it’s easier to support local businesses.
We will:
Create thousands of jobs in green energy, including
putting solar panels on the roofs of all suitable state
homes, and working with businesses to replace fossil fuel
jobs equipment.
As we respond to the disruption caused by COVID-19 and Identify areas where Aotearoa is overly reliant on imports
continue the transition to a climate safe future, sustainable for essential products and invest in domestic production
to improve resilience and create new local jobs.
jobs are more crucial than ever before. However, Aotearoa’s
economy is still based on unsustainable extraction and Scale up MSD’s “Project in the Community” Programme,
exploitation – and it is vulnerable to economic shocks. which provides wage assistance for fixed-term
community projects that employ people not in paid work.
The Green Party believes job creation must prioritise We will also expand this to medium-term projects with
restoring our environment, caring for people, and replacing social or environmental benefits.
emissions intensive industries with clean, renewable Continue to invest in regional development with a focus
alternatives. on sustainable building and infrastructure products,
regenerative agriculture and horticulture, and iwi and
In Government, we have established Green Investment hapū-led economic activity.
Finanace Ltd to kick start climate safe job creation, and
we prioritised sustainable jobs in the COVID-19 economic
response with a $1.3 billion Jobs For Nature investment to
create thousands of environmental restoration jobs.
We will:
The high-tech
Use government procurement to support local suppliers
and open-source software, including hosting government
data onshore, to deliver broader value to Aotearoa.
We will:
Transport Connect our cities and provincial towns with fast, modern
passenger rail.
We will:
Progress Fair Pay Agreement legislation, and prioritise the
essential workers who supported our communities during
The Green Party has supported the Government to Introduce ten days of employer-funded sick leave, with
unlimited top-ups through a reformed ACC.
end National’s roll-back of workplace rights, including
restoring the right to a meal break and ending most 90-day Progressively shift to five weeks annual leave.
trial periods. We’ve guaranteed that core public sector Improve redundancy processes and provide a minimum of
employees will be paid at least the living wage. one month full pay for people made redundant.
But we need to go further and faster to ensure all workers Ensure employment laws enable flexible working
arrangements including working from home or a four-day
get a fair deal, by improving collective workplace rights and
working week.
employment protections in law, while ensuring the state
sector prioritises good employment standards. Increase the number of labour inspectors to ensure
workplaces are meeting their obligations to their staff.
This is our chance to
create an Aotearoa we’re
proud to pass on.”
Act now.