Training Workshop On Class Action Research Based Scientific Writing at Elementary School in Lamband of East Kolaka
Training Workshop On Class Action Research Based Scientific Writing at Elementary School in Lamband of East Kolaka
Training Workshop On Class Action Research Based Scientific Writing at Elementary School in Lamband of East Kolaka
A. Introduction
The Location of Lambandia District East Kolaka is within ± 95km from Kolaka.
District. Lambandia has 21 public elementary schools spread across 12 villages. Based
on information collected from the local Department of Education who explained that, of
the 21 primary schools located in the district. Lambandia there are only 56 teachers
with the status of Civil Servants with the distribution of 6 people qualified class IV/A, 3
qualified class III/D, 4 person qualified class III/C, 6 person qualified class III/B, 15
people qualified class III/A, 2 qualified class II/D, 4 person qualified class II/C and 2
qualified class II/ B.
Based on this information is clearly seen that the teachers were civil servants in
the state elementary school at Lambandia is very slow progress of their career ladder.
Based on this information it is due to the lack of knowledge of teachers in making
scientific work in this case of classroom action research as a support for the promotion.
The function of the teacher is not only as teachers and educators for students,
but the teacher should be able to deliver the change of agent to transfer the students’
educational values that are beneficial to the progress of the nation. The professionalism
of teachers is characterized by academic qualifications, competence, healthy, achieve
national education goals and has a teaching certificate as proof their own competence.
Class Action Research is one effort to improve the teaching profession.
One of the results of scientific work of a teacher is derived from a Class Action
Research is lifted from the problems encountered in doing classroom learning through
the application of learning models. Therefore, mastery learning model has a linkage that
is not biased separated with teacher professional development activities. Teacher's
ability to improve performance in his profession as a teacher and an educator. Research
measures are likely to include qualitative research that emphasizes the situation
designed to achieve improvements in the practice of real situations. The design process
will be proper if based in-depth understanding of the situation related to the research
Emzir (2013: 233) Penelitian Tindakan adalah suatu proses yang dirancang
untuk memberdayakan semua partisipan dalam proses (siswa, guru, dan peserta
lainnya) dengan maksud untuk meningkatkan praktik yang diselenggarakan di
dalam pengalaman pendidikan.
b. Methods Guidance
Guidance in this workshop is to guide teachers of Elementary schools at
Lambandia in creating a report using a classroom action research learning models and
data analysis in order to produce quality of classroom action research.
c. Methods Mentoring
Mentoring activities in this workshop that activity guidance, counseling, conducted
continuously in a report of classroom action research. Each participant will be guided
and assisted in preparing the report of classroom action research.
This activity was an early coordination with the local authorities in this case the
unit of education at Lambandia of East Kolaka. Based on the results of the survey
conducted showed that 21 elementary schools located in the district. Lambandia there
are only 56 Primary School Teachers with the status of Civil Servants with the
distribution of 6 people qualified class IV/A, 3 qualified class III/D, 4 person qualified
class III/C, 6 person qualified class III/B, 15 A qualified person class III / A, 2 qualified
class II/D, 4 person qualified class II/C and 2 qualified class II/B.
Through the survey results and interviews obtained information that it is very
evident that the teachers were civil servants in the State elementary schools at district
of Lambandia very slow progress of his career ladder. Based on this information it is
due to lack of knowledge of teachers in making scientific work in this case of clasroom
action research as a support for the promotion. Through the observation of the school
agreed that the activities carried out at Elementary School 1 Penanggo Jaya. The choice
of location due to the location of the school has enough adequate facilities to conduct
the workshop in question. This activity was followed by 21-Primary Teachers at district
of Lambandia qualification group III/D up to II/C.
The teachers are very enthusiastic in following the Training Workshop on
Scientific Writing Based Class Action Research in Elementary School in Lambandia of
East Kolaka as evidenced by the number of participants in the activities in line with
expectations that teachers PNS qualified III/D up to II/C, and is therefore expected after
this activity can assist teachers in improving career paths and improve the welfare of
teachers with promotion group.
One indication of the level of professionalism of the academic qualifications of
teachers is physically and mentally healthy, have the emotional intelligence to achieve
national education goals, and has profession certificate as proof of competence. To
prove competency, teachers must demonstrate educator certificate in accordance
Teachers and Lecturers Law No. 14 of 2005.
In improving the teaching profession, teachers have to carry out the activities
that can support the profession or level of qualification for career advancement.
Therefore, PTK deemed necessary to be implemented as a reference and a basis for
improving career qualifying group.
D. Conclusion
Emzir. 2013. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Jakarta: PT.
Raja Grafindo Persada.
Suwandi, Sarwiji, 2011. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) & Penulisan Karya Ilmiah.
Jakarta: Yuma Pustaka