TQM - TRG - F-09 - Discriminant Analysis - Rev01 - 20180602 PDF
TQM - TRG - F-09 - Discriminant Analysis - Rev01 - 20180602 PDF
TQM - TRG - F-09 - Discriminant Analysis - Rev01 - 20180602 PDF
For further clarifications, write to kothari.prartik@jsw.in © Total Quality Management, JSW Group
TQM Training Series: 6 series with 66 training modules
This is a training module on Discriminant Analysis (F-09)
Introduction to Discriminant
1 Analysis
Objective of Discriminant
2 Analysis
3 Examples
Introduction to Discriminant Analysis
Introduction to Discriminant
1 Analysis
Objective of Discriminant
2 Analysis
3 Examples
Objective of Discriminant Analysis
• To understand group differences and to predict the likelihood that a particular entity
will belong to a particular class or group based on independent variables
• To develop discriminant functions that are nothing but the linear combination of
independent variables that will discriminate between the categories of the
dependent variable in a perfect manner.
Predictor Variable?
• Variables in the experiment that affect the response and can be set or measured by the
experimenter are called predictor, explanatory, or independent variables.
• For e.g. Temperature of the oven while cooking, or the temperature of the furnace while
making hot metal
Flow of the module: Discriminant Analysis
Introduction to Discriminant
1 Analysis
Objective of Discriminant
2 Analysis
3 Examples
Example 1
Doing it in Minitab
Interpreting Results
Summary of classification
Interpreting Result
Squared distance or Mahalanobis distance is a measure of the distance Naturally, distance between
group 3 and group 2 is least
between a point P and a distribution D, introduced by P. C Mahalanobis in 1036.
among pairs, comparatively
It is a multi dimensional generalization of the idea of measuring how many among other pairs the
standard deviation away P is from mean of D, This distance is zero if P is at the groups are closer and hence
mean of D, and grows as P moves away from the mean: along each principle discrimination is least.
component axis, it measures the number of standard deviations from P to the
mean of D. If each of these axes is rescaled to have unit variance, then
Mahalanobis distance corresponds to standard Euclidean distance in the
transformed space. Mahalanobis distance is thus unit less and scale- invariant,
and take into account the correlations of the data set.
Interpreting Result
Interpreting Result
Example 2
Salmon fish from Alaska and Canada are born in freshwater and then swim to
ocean after about an year. After about 2 years in the ocean, they return to their
place of birth to spawn and die. They are harvested in the ocean when they are
about to return as mature fish. To help regulate catches, samples of fish taken
during the harvest must be identified for its origin. Fish carry information about
their origin in the growth rings in their scales. The rings associated with
freshwater are smaller for the Alaskan-born than for Canadian born. In order to
regulate catches of salmon stocks, it is desirable to identify fish as being of
Alaskan or Canadian origin. Fifty fish from each place of origin were caught and
growth ring diameters of scales were measured for the time when they lived in
freshwater and for the subsequent time when they lived in saltwater. The goal
is to be able to identify newly-caught fish as being from Alaskan or
Canadian stocks.
Doing it in Minitab
Click OK
Summary of classification
True Group For the fish data:
Put into Group Alaska Canada • Group Alaska has a placement of
Alaska 44 1 88.0% (0.880)
Canada 6 49 • Group Canada has a placement of
Total N 50 50 98.0% (0.980)
N correct 44 49 Overall, 93 out of 100 fishes or 93.9%
Proportion 0.880 0.980 (0.939), are correctly placed.
N = 100 N Correct = 93
Squared Distance Between Groups
Proportion Correct = 0.930 Alaska Canada
Alaska 0 8.29187
Canada 8.29187 0
Linear Discriminant Function for Groups
The Squared distance between two groups
Alaska Canada
is 8.29187.
Constant -100.68 -95.14
Marine 0.38 0.33 The larger the distance , the more
Freshwater 0.37 0.50 distinct the groups will be.
Observation True Group Pred Group Group Distance Probability This shows the
1** Alaska Canada Alaska 3.544 0.428 probability that a
Canada 2.960 0.572
particular new
2** Alaska Canada Alaska 8.1131 0.019
Canada 0.2729 0.981 observation falls into
12** Alaska Canada Alaska 4.7470 0.118 either of our groups
Canada 0.7270 0.882
13** Alaska Canada Alaska 4.7470 0.118
Canada 0.7270 0.882
30** Alaska Canada Alaska 3.230 0.289
Canada 1.429 0.711
32** Alaska Canada Alaska 2.271 0.464
Canada 1.985 0.536
71** Canada Alaska Alaska 2.045 0.948
Canada 7.849 0.052
diameter < 368 in having ring dia
marine and ring >368 in marine
diameter >108 100 and ring dia <
can be safely 108 can be
classified as 75 safely classified
Canadian Fish. as Alaskan Fish.
300 350 400 450 500
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