Soul Winning Test Questions: Ruth Balawag
Soul Winning Test Questions: Ruth Balawag
Soul Winning Test Questions: Ruth Balawag
a) school
c) Bus station
d) streets
e) neighborhood
b) If your holding a tract : "This is for you. Would you mind if I explain it to you in just 5 minutes?
d) Do you know Jesus Christ? Do you know that there is life after death?
4. A. Explain ‘all have sinned’ according to the tract to someone. Get that person to sign that you have
done it correctly:
We are all sinners in the eyes of GOD. We have been polluted and condemned for it. What is sin by the
way? Sin is what you do, say, think that displeases God. In the first picture it illustrates human being
running away from God. Thinking only for his own good without considering others. Sin is selfish. You are
self-centered and always going on your own way. Secondly, Sin separates us from God. Our sin offends
God and that results to a fight. Fight puts up a wall that separates us from Him. We are sinners in two
ways. First, we are sinners by nature, having inherited the sin nature from Adam. Second, we are sinners
by our own choice. The third picture shows us are below of God’s perfection. Sin is falling short of God’s
standard of perfection. Add lastly, it illustrates that sin is breaking God’s law.
5. A. Explain ‘punishment on sin is death’ to someone.Get that person to sign that you have done it.
Romans 6:23 “ For the wages of sin is DEATH…..” We have all sinned. For example, you have
committed a crime here on earth, we have laws that governs peace and order and whosoever violates it
would definitely be punish. It is the same in God’s law. Sin is breaking God’s law and we are heading to
death. We have to classification of death; the death here on earth where our body is buried and will turn
to dust and the everlasting death where our soul will be cast to the lake of fire forever. But because of
God’s love he has a free gift for us. The gift of eternal life which we can get from Jesus Christ not through
good works or any religion. ( Ephesians 2:8,9)
b) What is death?
Q2: For you, what do you think is the main idea of the verse that you just read?
B. Explain “Christ died for us” to someone, drawing the sketch. Get that person to sign that you have
done it correctly. Memorize this explanation word for word.
Q2: Do you believe that Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% man?
Q3 :Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross in our place being punished for all of our sins to
become our Savior?
Q4: Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead bodily after 3 days and is alive today?
Q1: Can you please read the middle part of the verse?
Q2: If a person has the Son by receiving Christ as Savior, what do they have?
Q3: If a person has not got the Son as Savior, what do they have then?
9. Explain the “TWO-WAYS” Diagram to someone. Get that person to sign that you have done it
Signature: ........................................................................................................
Q4: Does this prayer express what you truly want God to do?
11. Give 8 questions to ask of Romans 10:13 to give a person assurance of salvation:
Q2: Just now, did you call on Christ to save you from your sins and the lake of fire, take you to heaven
when you die and give you the gift of eternal life?
Q2: Just then, did you reGeive Jesus Christ as your Savior?
Q3: Since you now have the Son, what do you also have?
Q4: If you died tonight, where would you go?
Q6: Can you know for sure that you have eternal life?
15. Give 3 questions to ask of John 10:28 that help reinforce the security of the believer:
Test 1:When he/she believe that God raised Christ from the dead .
Test 2: When he/she share that he/she receive Jesus Christ as his/her Savior.
b) Tract
a) Name
b) Address
c) Contact Number
d) Birthdate
e) Birthplace
19.What 10 things should you tell a new Christian after he is saved?
g) ........................................................................................................................
h) ........................................................................................................................
J) ........................................................................................................................
a) by visiting
b) discipleship
21. Name 10 lessons you may teach him in follow-up Bible studies:
a) Assurance of Salvation
b) Baptism
c) Prayer
d) Bible Reading
e) Spiritual Warfare
g) Church attendance
h) Heaven
i) Hell