Importance of Effective Clinical Documentation by Medical Doctors To Patient Care Management in Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Importance of Effective Clinical Documentation by Medical Doctors To Patient Care Management in Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Importance of Effective Clinical Documentation by Medical Doctors To Patient Care Management in Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Also, clinical documentation ensures certainty in Baird (2009) [8] opined that, clinical Documentation or
patient’s care management because whatever that is recorded source document/documentation referred to by the coder
will be guiding physician in furthering patients’ care. should describe the patient's condition using terminology that
includes specific diagnosis, as well as symptoms, problems, or
Also, any entry in clinical documentation should not be reasons for the service. Clinical document tells a story about
reduced in a careless manner and using any such materials care being provided to a patient. Like any other story, the
such as correction ink, eraser, liquid paper, and the like. Any clinical Document has a particular setting in space and time
overdue entry or supplemental entry should be indicated and a cast of character that the reader should understand in
separately together with the date and corresponding notes and order to make sense of what had been recorded. Okaisu
signature. It is very important for any clinical documentation (2014) [9] observed that, it involves patients receiving
to be comprehensive in every respect and should follow all the diagnostic services only during an encounter/visit, coders are
standard rules and guidelines to avoid risks brought by reviewing the documentation for the diagnosis, condition,
noncompliance. In nutshell, a clinical documentation has problem, or other reason for encounter visit shown in the
every detail about the patient from the moment of admission medical record to be chiefly responsible for the outpatient
up to the release. There are specific rules that should be services during the encounter visit.
followed in keeping clinical documentation. The most
common is the correct recording of the patient's chief In other word, for patients receiving therapeutic services
complaint, The diagnosis and any procedures carried upon only during an encounter/visit, the coder is expected to review
indicating when, how, where, who performed it, date and time the medical record for the diagnosis, condition, problem, or
together with the authorized signature and also the official role other reason for his/her visit documented in the medical
of the professional involved. The record should also be record. Meaning that, he should be chiefly responsible for the
patient provided during the encounter/visit. Also, with
Table 8 reveals the purpose of clinical documentation by treatment and service planning clinical decision ' and 'making
medical doctors on patient care management. The mean point the result of treatments and other services provided' has equal
cut-off of 2.00 above was used to the purpose of clinical mean value of 2.05, with standard deviation of 1.02, 1.02,
documentation. The mean result shows that the greater 0.97,1.03 respectively. Also, 'for risk management purposes '
proportion of the respondents claimed that the purpose is to has (mean=2.04,SD=1.07) while the least level among the
document professional work/records of the patient. (mean rank that is below the mean cut-off point is 'to record
=2.08,SD=1.02), followed by 'It serves as a meaningful data professional activities, process and substance of
regarding the patient care management. With (mean=2.06, assessment'(mean=1.93, SD=0.98). This result reveals that
SD=1.01) third in the rank, 'It serves as recording for use by major importance of clinical documentation on patient care
other practitioners who may serve the patient in future. This is management is to document professional/records of patient
in line with [16] that good documentation among doctors and since it has the highest mean value of 2.08.
nurses commonly resulted in effective treatment of patient’s
and indication for less medical error. 'For recordkeeping What are the perceptions of medical doctors on clinical
requirements imposed by federal and state (including licensing documentation in the hospital?
boards) laws, regulations and rules' 'differential diagnosis,
Enquiring about perceptions of medical doctors on patient' 'with use of accurate clinical documentation, we can
clinical document with a mean cut-off point of 1.94 shows that reduce errors ' and 'Document the correct time of patient care
63.7% of the sample population were of the strong opinion related activities' has equal mean value (mean=2.02, with
that 'they are capable of documenting patient information different SD=0.94, 1.04 & 1.03). Also, 69.4% of the
based on the federal guidelines' while 36.3% disagreed on the respodents claimed that Clinical document contain real and
opinion (mean=2.15, SD=1.03). Only 67.0% of the study factual fact while 30.6% did not (mean=2.01, SD=1.07). This
sample believed strongly that 'demonstrate the knowledge and agrees with [18] 'Have the ability to handwrite large amount
skill necessary to document patient care as dictated by a of information about the patient during the consultation' and
physician in a legible and clear manner' while the remaining 'Demonstrate an ability to maintain confidentiality and privacy
33.0% disagreed strongly (mean=2.06, -SD=1.01). Also in accordance with regulations of the organization' has equal
69.3% of the total respondents agreed that 'use of clinical mean value of 1.98 with SD=1.02 &1.03 and the least in the
documentation provide a basis for follow-up' but the rank that is lower than the cut-off is 'when the physician
remaining 30.7% disagreed (mean=2.04, SD=0.98). 'Use of concludes the patient's encounter, the physician will review all
clinical documentation helps in continuity of evaluation of communication' with (mean=1.80, SD=0.97).