Geography 7
Geography 7
Geography 7
43/16) SD - 4
Dated 25.4.2016 has given approval to prescribe this textbook in its meeting held on 3.3.2017
Date : 28.03.2017, (Gudhi Padwa) (Dr Sunil Magar)
Indian Solar Year :
Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook
7 Chaitra, 1939 Production and Curriculum Research, Pune
English Geography - Standard Seven - Learning Outcomes
Suggested Pedagogical Processes Learning Outcomes
The learner may be provided opportunities in pairs/ The learner-
groups/individually and encouraged to :
• Observes stars, planets, satellites (Moons), eclipses 07.73G.01 Explains clearly that tilted axis, rotation and
under the guidance of guardians/teachers to revolution of the earth are responsible for
understand the astronomical events. formation of seasons.
• Critically discuss the superstitions associated with 07.73G.02 Explains the effect of various seasons on
eclipses. the living organisms.
07.73G.03 Identifies that the eclipses are astronomical
• Using diagrams, tools and models to understand the
events/phenomenon on the earth.
movements of the sun, the moon and the earth. 07.73G.04 Critically reviews the superstitions related to
• Understanding the physical factors and reasons of 07.73G.05 Shows sensitivity towards conservation of
soil formation. soil as a natural resource.
• Identifying and classifying the soil types by collecting 07.73G.06 Explains the types of soils in Maharashtra
soil samples from the surroundings /regions. on the basis of maps.
• Understanding the correlation between temperature 07.73G.07 Explains the effects of air pressure.
and pressure belts. 07.73G.08 Explains the air pressure of a region with the
• Discussing a region’s air pressure with the help of help of isobars.
maps and geographical tools.
• Understanding the change occurring in the direction 07.73G.09 Tells the reasons behind formation of winds.
of winds. 07.73G.10 Explains the types of winds.
• Classifying the winds into planetary and local winds 07.73G.11 Explains the effects of winds.
• Using technology to obtain information about 07.73G.12 Explains the effects of the sun, the moon and
the earth on the movements of the sea water.
• Using various activities, models to understand the
effects occurring on the movements of sea water.
• Understanding how human activities have changed 07.73G.13 Tells the various allied activities of agriculture.
allied activities in agriculture with time. 07.73G.14 Explains the types of agriculture with
• Explaining the importance of Agro-tourism and examples.
07.73G.15 Explains the importance of marketing
naturally ripened products.
system for agriculture.
• Collecting information regarding modern 07.73G.16 Explains the importance of agriculture in
agriculture and marketing. human’s life and country’s economy.
• Understanding the adaptation of the living 07.73G.17 Explains the effects of physical elements on
organisms according to physical set-up. the living organisms.
• Discusses natural regions with the help of references 07.73G.18 Can show the natural regions on the outline
and maps. map of the world.
• Asks questions regarding specific regions and finds
out with respect to them.
• Considering the distribution of human settlements 07.73G.19 Explains how man has used geographical
and patterns. factors in the formation of human
• Examining the favourable and non-favourable settlements.
effects of mutual relationship between physical 07.73G.20 Identifies the patterns of human settlements
setup and humans in a region. and their types.
- For Students -
The character ‘Globee’ will meet you in every chapter. Have you guessed who
he is ? He will help in the various tasks you are expected to do. Try to follow
his instructions.
S. No. Chapters Area Page No. Number of
Glossary 75 98
S.O.I. Note : The following foot notes are applicable : (1) © Government of India, Copyright : 2016. (2) The responsibility for the correctness of
internal details rests with the publisher. (3) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from
the appropriate base line. (4) The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh. (5) The interstate boundaries
amongst Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya shown on this map are as interpreted from the “North-Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act.
1971,” but have yet to be verified. (6) The external boundaries and coastlines of India agree with the Record/Master Copy certified by Survey of India.
(7) The state boundaries between Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand and Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh have not been verified
by the Governments concerned. (8) The spellings of names in this map, have been taken from various sources.
DISCLAIMER Note : All attempts have been made to contact copyright holders (©) but we have not heard from them. We will be
pleased to acknowledge the copyright holder (s) in our next edition if we learn from them.
Front Cover : Children putting up prominent features on the Globe. Back Cover :(1) Gateway of India, Mumbai (2) People of Masai
and Zulu tribes, and their house (3) Hampi, Karnataka (4 ) A sledge - a means of transport in the Tundra region (5) A Mongol hunter
(6) Transplanting rice - South Asia.
1. How Seasons Occur - Part 1
Duration Source of
Date Sunrise Sunset
Day Night Information
19th June
20th June
21st June
22nd June
23rd June
24th June
25th June
26th June
27th June
28th June
v Keeping some distance, fix the stick near
Try this. a wall that receives sunlight at the time
of sunrise or sunset throughout the year.
(Remember that the stick has to be fixed at
× this spot for a period of about one year.)
Waxing Moon
(Quarter day)
90° Waning Moon
(Quarter day)
Earth Figure 2.4 : Angle between the planes of orbits
Moon 270° Moon
Think about it.
Total solar eclipse
eclipse Figure 2.5 : Total and partial solar eclipse
Partial solar
Figure 2.6 : Annular and partial solar eclipse
Sometimes the moon is in apogee v Fix a small plastic or sponge ball on the
position. This means it is at its farthest from sharp end of the pencil.
the earth. As a result, the deep shadow of the
moon is cast in space and does not reach the v Draw a circle along the midline of the
earth. From a very small region of the earth, ball. Let this ball be your moon.
only an illuminated edge of the sun disc is
v Now place a large plastic or rubber ball at a
seen in the form of a ring. This is called
annular eclipse. (Fig. 2.6) Annular eclipse is distance of 10 to 15 cm. from this moon. Let
a rare phenomenon. this larger ball be the earth. Draw a circle
Try this.
Try this.
) When solar eclipses do not occur on a
new moon day, does it mean that the
Arrange the materials used for the solar moon does not have any shadow at all ?
eclipse demonstration earlier, as shown in
fig. 2.9 and try to understand how a lunar
eclipse occurs.
Sun Earth lunar
Moon Partial
Figure 2.8 : Total and partial lunar eclipse
suit their biological clock, their response to
Characteristics of solar eclipse the event is also unusual. Try to observe the
v A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon responses of the birds and animals at the time
day, but not on every new moon day. of such events and record your observations.
v If and only if the sun, the moon and
the earth are in the same plane and fall
in one line, the solar eclipses occur. Do you know ?
v The maximum duration of a total solar
eclipse is 7 minutes and 20 seconds Occultation and Transit:
Like eclipses, some other specific
(440 seconds).
conditions occur with reference to the sun
Characteristics of lunar eclipse
or the moon. These are called occultation
v A lunar eclipse occurs on a full moon and transit respectively. Occultation occurs
day, but not on every full moon day. with reference to the moon whereas the
v A lunar eclipse occurs if and only if transit is associated with the sun.
the sun, the moon and the earth are in Occultation: This is a typical event
the same plane and fall in one line. occurring in space. The moon revolves
v The maximum duration of a total lunar around the earth. While doing so, it
eclipse is 107 minutes. obscures a star or a planet and that
celestial body appears to hide behind
Eclipse - an astronomical event: the moon. This is called occultation. The
A solar eclipse or lunar eclipse is just total solar eclipse is actually a kind of
an astronomical event. There is nothing occultation. During this, the sun disc gets
‘auspicious' or 'inauspicious' about these hidden completely because of the moon.
events. It is just a result of the sun, the earth Transit: If an inner planet like Mercury
and the moon being in specific positions. There or Venus comes in between the line of
is a lot of curiosity about eclipses, because the earth and the sun, a transit occurs. At
that time, a small dot appears to move
an eclipse is not a regular occurrence.
across the sun disc. Transit is a type of
For scientists working in the field of solar eclipse.
astronomy, eclipses and particularly total or
annular solar eclipses present great opportunities
for study. Scientists from all over the world
make it a point to visit the locations where
such events are going to occur. They carry out
elaborate studies of eclipse conditions.
Always remember -
Figure 2.10 : The transit of mercury
While observing a solar eclipse, it is
necessary to view the sun disc through dark
glasses or special goggles made for that
purpose, otherwise the intense light of the Look for me elsewhere !
sun can be harmful to the naked eye.
F Class 7 General Science
During the period of a solar eclipse, Chapter 17
a large number of birds and animals get
confused due to the untimely darkness that F Class 6 General Science
sets in. As this is an event that does not Chapter 16
Q. 1. Correct the wrong statements. Write down Q. 3. Complete the following table.
the corrected ones.
Details Lunar Eclipse Solar
(1) The moon revolves around the sun.
(2) On a full moon day, the moon, the
Phase of the New moon
sun and the earth are positioned in
moon day
this sequence.
(3) The revolutionary orbits of the earth Sequence Moon-Earth-
and the moon are in the same plane. Sun
(4) In one revolution of the moon, its Type of
orbit intersects the earth’s orbit only eclipse
once. Maximum 107 minutes
(5) It is alright to observe a solar eclipse duration of
without protecting the eyes. total eclipse
(6) An annular solar eclipse occurs when
Q. 4. Draw and label the diagrams.
the moon is in the perigee position.
(1) Total and partial solar eclipse.
Q. 2. Select the correct option. (2) Total and partial lunar eclipse.
(1) Solar eclipse Q. 5. Answer the following.
(1) Why do the sun, the moon and the earth
(a) not lie in one and the same line on every
full moon and new moon day?
(2) When total solar eclipse occurs why is
(b) partial eclipse also seen from the earth ?
(3) Suggest measures that can be taken to
eradicate the superstitions related to the
(4) What precautions should we take while
observing a solar eclipse ?
(2) The shape of sun disc at the time of (5) What types of solar eclipses will occur in
annular solar eclipse. perigee condition ?
(1) Collect paper cuttings about eclipses
and paste them in a notebook.
(2) Write a note on an eclipse that you
(a) (b) (c) have seen.
(3) Apogee position of the moon. (3) Using the internet, ‘Panchanga’ and
calendar collect information about the
eclipses that are likely to occur this
3. Tides
Observe the following pictures. Answer the questions given below and discuss.
Geographical explanation
Both the photographs show the same place.
If you stay near the coast for some time, you
will realize that the sea water is sometimes
very close to the coast (Figure 3.1a) while
at other times, it is far away from the coast.
(Figure 3.1b) We call these movements of the
sea water ‘tides’. Barring a few exceptions,
all the coasts on the earth experience tides.
High and low tides are natural phenomena.
Let us try to understand the scientific reason
behind these natural events.
Tides are movements of sea water
occuring daily and regularly. The level of Figure 3.2 : Girl moving a notebook with force
sea water changes after a specific period of
time. After every 12 hours and 25 minutes, Take water in a small container which
a cycle of high tide and low tide gets has a handle. See what happens if the
completed. container is whirled around with force.
This regularly occurring event appears Fill the mixer jars with water and switch
to be quite simple and natural, however, it is on the mixer. Observe. (Do this under
directly related to the sun, the moon and the the supervision of parents.)
earth and the gravitational and centrifugal Observe a fan and a slingshot while they
forces that interact between them. are moving.
v Take half a glass of water. Slowly move Ø In which activities did you find that the
the glass in one direction, in circular centrifugal or gravitational force was
fashion. Observe what happens to the greater?
Geographical explanation
In all the above activities, the effect
of the centrifugal force is visible. The
centrifugal force acts in the direction opposite
to the gravitational force. Centrifugal means
going away from the centre. You must have
experienced it too. At the local fairs if you
sit in a Ferris Wheel, your seat spins and
leans outward away from the wheel. This
also is an effect of centrifugal force.
Divide the students into two equal
Figure 3.3 : Boy moving the glass with water teams. Conduct a game of tug-of-war for
five minutes. Discuss their experiences in
v Observe what happens if you whirl a keyring the class.
around a finger.
Centrifugal and gravitational force:
Due to its rotation, the earth gets a type
of power or force. This force works away
from the centre. It is called centrifugal force.
(See fig. 3.5) Due to this force any object
on the earth would be thrown into the space.
However, the gravitational force is working
towards the centre of the earth at the same
time. This force is many times greater than
the centrifugal force. Hence any object on the
surface of earth remains at the place where
it exists.
Figure 3.4 : Girl whirling the keyring
North Pole North Pole
Can you tell ?
North Pole
On the basis of the questions given M K
below, discuss the results of the activities
listed above.
South Pole South Pole
Ø In which direction did the piece of chalk
fall? G= Gravitational force, C= Centrifugal force
Ø Where did the water in the glass show a Figure 3.5 : Centrifugal force and gravitational force
bulge ?
Ø What effect did the movement have on Tides:
the things attached to the keyring ?
What happened to the water in the The following factors are responsible for
container and the mixer ? the occurrence of tides.
Ø Which forces could be operating in v The gravitational pull of the moon and the
activities listed above ? sun as well as that of the earth.
Revolution of the earth around the sun Generally the highest high tide occurs on full
and the indirect revolution of the moon moon and new moon days whereas on the
around the sun. days of the first and the third quarter, the
Centrifugal force generated due to the high tide is at its minimum. Spring tides and
rotation of the earth. neap tides are the two types of tides.
Low tide
Spring tide:
On new moon and full moon days, the
gravitational pull of the sun and the moon
High Gravitational act in the same direction. Due to this, the
North Pole force of the
moon total pull increases. Hence the tide on these
High tide
days is much higher than the average high
tide. This is known as spring tide. See fig.
3.7. As the bulge at the high tide is greater,
force the water at low tide recedes much more.
Low tide Centrifugal The water level during spring tide is higher
force than the average high tides and lower than
Figure 3.6 : Occurrence of tides
the average low.
The moon is closer to the earth than the
sun, hence its gravitational force becomes more Sun
effective than that of the sun. Tides occur due
to the relative positions of the moon, the sun
and the earth. A place on the earth located at Level of high tide
the opposite point of the place experiencing
high or low tide also experiences high or low
tide respectively at the same time. This is a
result of the centrifugal force. See fig. 3.6 Moon
and try to understand the locations of high
and low tides on the earth.
Low tide
When there is high tide at 0° meridian, the High tide
North Pole
180° meridian also experiences high tide.
The meridians that are at right angles to Low tide Earth
those having high tide will experience low
High tide
tide at the same time. If it is high tide
at 0° and 180° meridians, then at which Figure 3.7 : Spring tide
meridians will low tide occur ?
Neap tide:
While revolving around the earth, the
Think about it. moon makes a right angle with respect to
the earth and the sun, twice a month. This
position occurs on the first and the third
Large rockets are used to go into the quarter of each month. On both these days,
space away from the earth. Which force the forces of both the sun and the moon
do they act against? operate at right angles on the earth. See fig.
3.8. At the places where the sun causes high
tide, the gravitational pull of the moon which
Types of tides: is at right angles also acts on the sea water.
As the timing of the tide varies every day, Due to such conditions, the water level rise
the range of a tide also keeps on changing. is less than usual at the time of high tide.
Similarly, fall in water level is less than usual The tides clear the waste and hence the
at the time of low tide. This is because the coasts become clean.
attraction of the sun and the moon are not Ports do not get filled with sediments.
complementary but at right angles to each Ships can move up to the ports during
other. Such tides are called neap tides. Neap high tide.
tides are a little lower than the average high During high tide, sea water can be stored
tides and a little higher than the average low in salt pans from which salt can be
tides. obtained.
The tidal force can be used to generate
Sun electricity.
A lack of an understanding of the timings
of high and low tides may cause accidents
to swimmers entering the sea.
The tides help in maintaining the mangroves
and the coastal biodiversity.
Timings of the tides change daily :
The tides are continuously occurring
Low tide High phenomena. After reaching the maximum
water level during high tide, the low tide sets
North Pole Level of
high tide
in. Similarly, after reaching the lowest water
Earth level during low tide, the high tide sets in.
Remember that in the following discussion the
Low tide
High highest limit of the high tides is mentioned.
Moon tide See fig. 3.9. You will understand why the
Figure 3.8 : Neap tide timings of the high and the low tides change
Do you know ?
Intertidal Range
The difference in the water level of the
Rotational speed of the earth: 1° = 4 minutes
high tide and the low tide is called tidal Time taken for 12°30' = 50 minutes
range. In open seas, this range is about Figure 3.9 : Why do the tide timings change daily?
30 cm. However, towards the coastal
areas it goes on increasing. Along the
There will be high tide at point ‘P’ as it
coast of Peninsular India the range is is opposite to the moon.
around 100 to 150 cm for most of the
As point ‘F’ is opposite (at an antipodal
part. The highest tidal range in the world location) to the point ‘P’, it will also
is observed at Bay of Fundy along the experience high tide at the same time.
Atlantic Coast of North America. Here
It will take 24 hours for point ‘P’ to come
the tidal range is about 1600 cm. In back to its original position (360°). Point
India, the highest tidal range is in the ‘P’ will be at point ‘F’ after 12 hours
Gulf of Khambhat. It is about 1100 cm. (180°).
The same change will also occur with
reference to the point ‘F’.
Effects of tides:
Point ‘F’ will not experience the same
With the high tide, fish move into the
creeks and this helps fishing activity. high tide, because in the meanwhile the
moon also would have moved a little
ahead (approximately 6° 15' ). Hence it and regularly occurring phenomenon too. See
will take 25 minutes more for the point fig. 3.10.
‘F’ to come to the position opposite to
the moon.
After 12 hours 25 minutes, ‘F’ will arrive
opposite to the moon and it will experience
high tide. Point ‘P’ opposite to ‘F’ will
also experience high tide.
Later again, after 12 hours and 25 minutes
point ‘P1’ will experience high tide as it
comes in front of the moon. There will
be high tide at F1 too as shown in the
fig. 3.9. Figure 3.10 : Waves coming to the coast
There is high tide and low tide twice
a day (24 hours) generally. The time Structure of the waves:
difference between two high tides is of The sea water get pushed up and down
12 hours and 25 minutes. because of the wind. The raised up portion of
a wave is called crest and the depressed one
Try this. is called trough. If a strong wind is blowing
in one direction, large waves are generated.
Take a wide open large dish. The vertical distance between a crest and
Keep the dish on a table or a flat surface. the following trough is called the amplitude
Fill water in the dish up to the rim. of the wave whereas the distance between
We have to generate waves in the dish. two successive crests or troughs is called
¾ Is it possible to generate waves without wave length. The wave length, its amplitude
touching or shoving the dish ? Try doing and its velocity depend on the velocity of
so. wind. See fig. 3.11.
¾ In what different ways can you generate
waves in the dish ?
Crest Wave length Crest Wave length Crest
Geographical explanation
of the wave
If you blow air over hot milk or tea, trough Wave length trough
while drinking, ripples are generated on the
milk or the tea. In the same way, because Figure 3.11 : The structure of a wave
of the force of the wind, water appears to be
moving. The sea water gets pushed by the Velocity of waves:
wind and ripples are generated on the water If we stand at the coast, we feel the waves
surface. These are called waves. are coming towards the coast. If a floating
The sea water moves up and down or object is thrown at a distance in the sea, we
slightly forward and backward due to the find the object moving up and down at the
waves. The waves bring the energy contained same place. It does not come to the coast.
in them to the coast. They break in the It means the water forming the wave also
shallow waters near the coast. Large or small does not come to the coast. Remember that
waves are formed continuously at the surface the water in the wave does not move, what
of the sea. Generation of waves is a natural moves is the energy.
The main reason of wave generation
is wind, but at times, due to earthquakes
or volcanic eruptions occurring below the Do you know ?
floor of the sea, waves get generated. Such
waves assume a great height in the shallow While moving along the sea coast or
waters near the coast. These waves are very playing in the water we must take adequate
destructive. They cause huge loss of property
and life. These waves are called tsunamis. In care regarding the timings of the tides
2004, tsunami waves were generated because otherwise it can lead to serious accidents.
of the earthquake that took place near Sumatra For that we must know the timings of the
island of Indonesia. They devastated the east tides. For this you must know the phase of
coast of India as well as of Sri Lanka. the moon on the given day. Three-fourth
The waves cause erosion along the of the phase of the moon is the time of
headlands and create beaches in the protected
the high tide. For example, suppose you
locations in the bays.
are at the coast on the fourth phase of the
moon, then three fourth of the phase is
Always remember-
three. It means the high tide will occur at 3
If earthquake occurs in the ocean, the am and 3 pm, and approximately 6 hours
coastal areas face a risk of tsunamis. In
from it, that is, 9 am and 9 pm will be the
such cases, it is better to go away from
the coasts or towards higher altitudes. This low tide. There may be slight differences
way, loss of life can be avoided. according to local conditions. We must
collect the information from local people
and learn from them about the structure of
the coast, its slope, rocky areas as well as
Look for me elsewhere !
the streams near the coast before entering
the sea waters for enjoyment.
Class 6, General Science Energy
Tell the timings of the tides occurring
Class 9, Geography Interior Movements.
on the first and third quarter days of the
Class 6, General Science, Forms of month.
4. Air Pressure
Let’s recall. After some time, bring the lantern down with
the help of the thread and put off the candle.
Have you tried the activity that shows ‘Air (Instructions for teachers/ parents: This activity
has weight’ given on page 16 of your Science is to be performed under your supervision and
textbook? presence with utmost care.
Geographical explanation The teacher should arrange a discussion
after completing the activity given above. Use
During the activity, you saw that the balance following questions to initiate the discussion.)
tipped on the side of the full blown balloon. This
shows that the air has weight.
Anything that has weight, exerts pressure
on the thing that lies below it. Thus, the air in
the atmosphere exerts pressure on the surface
of the earth. Due to this air pressure, various
phenomena like storms, precipitation, etc. occur
in the atmosphere. There are variations in air
Air pressure is not uniform on all places on
the earth’s surface.
Air pressure keeps on changing from time to
The altitude of a region, temperature of the
air, and amount of water vapour in the air
are some factors influencing air pressure.
Altitude of the region and air pressure:
The proportion of dust in the air, water
vapour, heavy gases, etc. is higher in the
air closer to the surface of the earth. This
proportion decreases with increasing altitude.
As one moves higher and higher from the
surface of the earth, the air becomes thinner
and thinner. As a result, the air pressure
decreases with increasing altitude.
Air temperature and air pressure:
Try this.
23030' N. 35°
Mid-latitudinal high pressure belt
Temperate Zone 25°
Torrid Zone
Equator 5°
Equatorial low pressure belt
Temperate Zone 25°
Mid-latitudinal high pressure belt
23030' S. 35°
Subpolar low pressure belt 55°
Frigid Zone Polar winds
66030' S. Polar high pressure belt
900 South Pole
Figure 4.2 a : Temperature zones Figure 4.2 b : Pressure belts and planetary winds
Pressure belts on the earth’s surface: low pressure belt. This condition is observed
The heat received from the sun is uneven in the area between 55° and 65° parallels in
in different regions. Hence the distribution of both the hemispheres.
the temperature is uneven from the equator Polar high pressure belts:
to the poles. As a result, the temperature In both the polar regions, the temperature
zones are created. We have studied this in the is below 0°C throughout the year. Hence,
previous class. here the air is cold. As a result, high pressure
Equatorial low pressure belt: belts get formed. These are called polar high
The sunrays can be perpendicular pressure belts. They generally occupy the area
between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of between 80° and 90° parallels in both the
Capricorn. So the temperature is higher in this hemispheres.
region. Hence air in this region gets heated, The duration and the intensity of sunrays
expands, becomes lighter and moves towards varies during particular periods of the year
the sky. As this process operates continuously in both the hemispheres. As a result, the
a low pressure belt gets formed in the central locations of the temperature zones and the
part of this region between the parallels pressure belts dependent on the sun’s heat also
5° north and 5° south. vary. This change is of the order of 5° to 7°
Mid-latitudinal high pressure belts: towards north in Uttarayan, and 5° to 7° south
The heated air becomes lighter, starts in Dakshinayan. This is called the oscillation
ascending and after reaching higher altitudes, of pressure belts.
moves towards the polar region, i.e., towards
the North and the South Pole. Due to low Always remember -
temperatures at the higher altitudes, the air
The major difference between the
cools down and becomes heavier. This heavier
temperature zones and pressure belts is that
air descends down in both the hemispheres in the
the temperature zones are continuous and
region between 25° to 35° parallels. This leads are spread from the equator to the poles
to the formation of high pressures belts in these from Torrid to Frigid. Pressure belts are
parallels of latitudes in both the hemispheres. not continuous and areas of high and low
This air is dry, hence the region does not get pressure are found in different regions from
rainfall. Consequently, most of the hot deserts the equator to the poles.
on the earth are found in these regions. (See fig.
Effects :
Air pressure has the following effects.
Sub-polar low pressure belts:
v Origin of winds.
Due to earth’s curvature, the area between
v Generation of storms.
two parallels gets reduced as we move towards
v Convectional type of rain.
the poles. This results in lesser friction of the
air with the earth’s surface. Air in this region v Air pressure affects the breathing activity too.
is thrown out because of this reduced friction Isobars:
and also because of the earth’s rotational The line that joins the places of equal
motion. This leads to the development of a pressure on the map is called an isobar.
Make friends with maps !
Can you tell ? Figure 4.3 : Distribution of Annual Average Pressure in the World (Value of Air Pressure in
Observe the map given above and study ¾ The direction of the isobars and the
the distribution of air pressure. Consider the distance between successive isobars over
following points: oceans and continents. Do you know ?
¾ The nature of the isobars. ¾ Comparison of the isobars in the northern
and the southern hemispheres. The air pressure at sea-level is
¾ High and low pressure belts and their
latitudinal position. 1013.2 millibars.
Use your brain power ! Do you know ?
F If there is low pressure at the equator, All things in and on the earth stay
what will be the condition of air earthbound because of the earth’s gravity.
pressure in the Arctic Zone? This includes air which is in the gaseous form.
Due to the earth’s gravity, air is pulled to the
earth’s surface. That is why, air pressure
Always remember - is maximum at sea-level. Note that air
exerts pressure on everything and everyone
Air pressure is
including us. It is believed that the weight
measured in units of
of the air column on any one person’s head
millibars. For this
amounts to 1000 kg.
an instrument called
barometer is used. The
air pressure at the earth’s
surface is measured with Look for me elsewhere !
this instrument. Figure 4.3 : Barometer
High Pressure
Low Pressure
Original direction of air
(From high pressure to low pressure)
Do you know ?
(B) Read the following information
carefully and draw a diagram for the mountain
breeze accordingly.
Characteristics of the Mountain breeze:
Mountains cool down quickly at night.
The valley zone is comparatively warmer.
Air pressure is greater on the mountains.
Winds blow from the mountain towards the
The hot and light air from the valley is pushed
upwards and the cool air rushes down into
the valley.
Figure 5.4 b : Mountain breeze
Mountain winds set in after sunset.
Do you know ?
The region up to 5° north and 5° south of In the area near the Tropic of Cancer
the equator remains calm for most of the year and Tropic of Capricorn, that is, between 25°
and winds do not blow in this region. It is called and 35° north and south, there exists a high
the equatorial calm zone or Doldrums. pressure belt. This is also a calm belt. This belt
is known as Horse Latitudes.
¾ Why do the breezes blow from the sea to the The density of water is comparatively less.
land during the day? Water is transparent and unstable. Hence, water
¾ When do the winds blow from the land to does not get heated quickly. As a result, the air
the sea? pressure in land and water areas is different.
¾ Describe the winds shown in fig. 5.5 a. In the coastal areas, land gets heated during
¾ Compare fig. 5.5a and 5.5b with reference daytime. Hence, the air on the land also gets
to temperature conditions, air pressure and heated and the air pressure on land decreases.
winds. The sea water gets heated slowly hence the air
¾ Which winds are called sea breezes and is less heated and the air pressure remains high.
which are called land breezes ? Why? Winds blowing from the sea towards the land
¾ In which part of India are the land and sea are called sea breezes. At night, land cools down
breezes experienced? faster as compared to the sea and therefore has
higher air pressure. Hence, the land breeze blows
¾ Do you experience sea and land breezes in
your area? from land towards the sea.
Besides these, winds blow under particular
Geographical explanation conditions in different areas. These are also
The land is made up of dense matter. called local winds. For example, Fohn, Chinook,
Land is stable and opaque. As a result, heat is Bora, Loo, etc. See the table on the next page.
transferred at a greater speed and in a higher
proportion. Hence, land gets heated quickly.
Do you know ?
Major local winds in the world
Name of the wind Nature of the wind Characteristics and areas of influence
Loo Hot and dry Blows in the North Indian plains during the summer
season generally in the afternoons. They come from the
hot Thar Desert.
Simoom Hot, dry and These blow with tremendous velocities from the
destructive Sahara and Arabian deserts. As these winds are
quite strong they are destructive.
Chinook Warm and dry These blow down the eastern slopes of Rocky Mountains
(Snow eater) of North America. They cause the snow to melt and
increase the temperature in the valleys.
Mistral Cold and dry These blow in Spain, France and areas the around
the Mediterranean Sea. They originate from the Alps.
These cold winds reduce the temperature in the coastal
Bora Cold and dry These blow from the Alps Mountains towards the
coastal areas of Italy.
Pampero Cold and dry These blow around the Pampas grasslands in South
Fohn (foehn) Hot and dry These blow along the northern slopes of the Alps.
Seasonal winds (Monsoon): pronounced effects of these winds are felt. (See
Monsoon winds are generated due to the fig. 5.6.) The influence of monsoon winds is seen
uneven heating of land and water in the different in the summer and winter seasons in the Indian
seasons. During summers, Monsoons blow from subcontinent. Due to these winds, the Indian
the sea to the land and in winter they blow from subcontinent experiences monsoon (rainy) and
the land to the sea. Southeast Asia, East Africa, retreating monsoon seasons apart from summer
North Australia are the regions where the and winter.
Sout Nort
hw h
seaso est Retre east
na a
wind l Man ting
s soon
South-East winds
South-East winds
Q.1. Rewrite the following statements after (4) The direction of seasonal winds blowing
choosing the correct option. over the Indian subcontinent during
(1) When the air expands, it .............. . winter is from the ....... .
(a) becomes solid (a) south-east to north-west.
(b) becomes thinner (b) south-west towards north-east.
(c) gets lost (c) north-east to south-west.
(d) becomes humid (d) north-west to south-east.
(2) From high air pressure regions, winds (5) The Roaring Forties in the southern
............ . hemisphere
(a) blow to regions of still higher pressure. (a) blow towards the equator.
(b) blow towards regions of cooler air. (b) blow in the areas around 40° S
(c) blow towards regions of low air parallel.
pressure. (c) blow from the subpolar region of low
(d) remain still. pressure.
(3) In the northern hemisphere, winds (d) blow around 40° N parallel.
blowing towards the equator .......... due Q.2. Identify the type of winds from the
to the rotation of the earth. description given below.
(a) turn to the south (1) These winds from the south-west bring
(b) turn to the east rains to the Indian subcontinent. During
(c) turn to the west June to September, India gets rains.
(d) turn to the north After this period these winds retreat.
(2) These winds blowing from the north Q.6. Answer in short:
pole region towards 60° N parallel (1) Why is the air pressure high in polar
cause cold wave conditions in extensive areas in both the hemispheres?
areas covering North America, Europe
(2) What effect does the rotation of the
and Russia.
earth have on the winds?
(3) Hilltops get heated quickly during the
(3) Why do the cyclonic winds blow in a
day. The air in this part becomes hot,
light and starts ascending. Hence, a circular manner?
low pressure area forms in this region. (4) State the reasons that lead to the
At the same time the air at the foothills formation of cyclones and describe the
being cooler, and that area experiences effects of cyclones.
high pressure. Air in that area blows
Activity :
towards low pressure.
Using the internet, obtain information,
Q.3. Given below are the values of air pressure
photos and maps of the recent cyclone
in millibars. Using the same, draw
that arrived at India’s eastern coast.
diagrams to show a cyclone and an
anticyclone. Write the social and economic effects of
that cyclone.
990, 994, 996, 1000
1030, 1020, 1010, 1000 ICT Question :
Q.4. State one reason why. Use the mobile app ‘Windyty’ and try to
(1) A belt of calm exists near the equator. know the direction of winds and pressure areas
(2) The winds coming from the north-west in the world.
in the southern hemisphere have ***
greater velocities than the winds
coming from the south-west in the
northern hemisphere.
(3) The monsoon winds in the summer
come from the sea but the retreating
monsoon winds in winter come from
Q.5. Complete the flow chart:
Types of Winds
Planetary Winds
NE Monsoon Winds
6. Natural Regions
Can you tell ? Tick the boxes in the pictures using the index given on page 31.
Flora and Fauna
On the basis of the selection you have done polar bears and penguins be kept in tropical
and the questions given below, arrange a zoos?
discussion in the class. Ø Are all the plants shown in the pictures
Ø Why are all the house types shown in the found in our surroundings? If not, where do
pictures not seen in our surroundings? you think they can be found?
Ø Which are the regions where such types of There exists a large number of different
houses are found? things in the world than those we see in our
Ø Would you like to stay in a house built of surroundings. We see different educational and
ice? Why don’t we build such houses? informative TV programmes about wild life. We
Ø What brings about differences in people’s become curious to know more about this wild life.
clothing? Why is this wild life not seen in our areas? Why
Ø Where do you think khubz, insects and ants are they not similar to the wild life found in our
also form a part of the diet of the people? areas? What causes this difference? Let us try to
Ø Can the animals from polar regions like find the reasons behind all this.
Index: (1) I use/experience! 9 (1) I have seen! (1) I do not know about it! 8
Region Location and extent Climate
Tundra Region z Between 65a to 90a parallels Mean summer temperature
z Greenland, N. Canada, N. Europe 10 C z Mean winter temperature
N. Asia. approximately -20 to -30aC
z Mean annual rainfall 25 to 300
mm z Very cold climate
Taiga Region z Approximately between 55a and z Summer temperature 15a to 20aC
65a N. parallels. From Alaska to z Winter temperature below 0aC.
the Atlantic coast. parts of Eurasia. z Mean annual rainfall between
300 and 500 mm. z Rainfall in
summer, snowfall in winter
Grasslands (Steppes z Between 30a and 55a north and z Summer temperature around 27
Winter temperature below 0aC
and Prairies) south parallels in the interior parts z
of the continents.
z Mean annual rainfall 400 to
z Steppes (Eurasia), Velds (South
600 mm.
Africa), Pampas (S. America),
Prairies (N. America), Downs z Rainfall mostly during summers.
(Australia) etc.
Hot Desert Region z Between 20a and 30a north and Mean summer temperatures
south parallels. 30a to 45aC.
z In the western parts of continents. z Mean winter temperature
Sahara (N. Africa), Colorado (N. 20a to 25a C.
America), Atacama (S. America), z Tremendous heat and very low
Kalahari (S. Africa), Thar (Asia), rainfall.
etc. z Nights are very cold.
Natural vegetation Animal life Human life
z Short lived vegetal life. Caribou, Reindeer, etc.
z z Hunting and fisheries. z Hide
North and south of the equator Extends between 30० and 40० Located in the western parts
Location and Areas:
l l l
between 10० and 30० N & S parallels in both the hemispheres of continents between 45० and
parallels. l Areas: Indian on the western side of 65० N and S. parallels,
subcontinent, Philippines, West continents. l Portugal, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Ireland,
Indies, N. Australia, E. Africa, Algeria, Turkey, California, British Colombia, South Chile,
C. America, etc. Central Chile, SW and NE New Zealand, etc.
Australia etc.
l Summer temperatures between l Dry summers and rainfall in l Mean summer temperature
27० and 32०C l Winter winters l Mean summer around 20०C, l Mean winter
temperatures 15० to 24०C. Temperature from 21० C to 27० temperature around 5०C,
l Mean rainfall between 500
l Semi-evergeen and decidous l Thick, small and oily leaves. l Green grasses all the year
Natural vegetation
forests. l Vegetation depends l Thick bark Examples: olive, round. l Trees shed their
on the distribution of rainfall. leaves in winter. l Coniferous
oak, chestnut. l Grass in low
l Banyan, peepal, teak, sal, trees and short grasses - oak,
sheesham, sandalwood, rainfall regions. l Coniferous beech, maple, elm, pine,
cinchona, bamboo, acacia, forests in mountainous regions. spruce, poplar, etc.
shrubs, grasses etc.
l Wild animals such as tigers, l Due to animal husbandry l Because of animal
lions, leopards, cheetahs, domesticated animals are found husbandry, domesticated
Animal life
elephants, wolves, boars, in large numbers- goat, sheep, animals in large numbers.
monkeys, snakes, peacocks, cow, mules, horses etc. l Wild animals include
cuckoos, etc. wolves, foxes, bears etc,
l Domesticated animals: cattle,
goats, horses.
l Large number of small l Seat of Greek and Roman l Industrious and enthusiastic
Human Life
Figure 6.1 : Natural Regions of the World ¾ Which natural region occupies the
Answer the following questions after studying largest area in the world?
the above map. (Fig. 6.1) ¾ Which continent has the highest
¾ Where else do we find conditions
diversity in terms of natural regions? similar to the continent of
¾ Which natural regions are found in
India? ¾ Why are there fewer natural regions Antarctica?
¾ Which continent comprises a major in the southern hemisphere than ¾ Through which natural regions does
portion of the hot desert type region? those in the northern hemisphere? the Prime Meridian pass?
Answer the following questions:
¾ Which natural region consists of short-lived ) Why are people in the hot deserts engaged
vegetation? mostly in animal rearing?
¾ In which natural region will you find the ) Why do people in hot deserts live a
kraals? nomadic life?
¾ Which region has winter rains? ) Why are carnivorous animals found in
¾ In which natural regions are gorillas and the grasslands?
chimpanzees found?
¾ In which natural region is the land surface in
the forests devoid of vegetation? Always remember-
¾ Which regions favour dairy farming?
¾ Which region is favourable for fruit Not only human life but the entire living
production? world on the earth depends on the available
natural resources. Hence, while utilizing
Think about it. these resources, we must think of all the
living organisms. The concept ‘the earth is
) Why are animals like lions not found in one single family’ will become a reality only
equatorial forests? if we do that.
Using the Internet, check the information given in this lesson. Collect pictures of the flora and
fauna and the human life of the various natural regions. Make a collage by pasting these pictures on
the world map.
Project : Using the internet and other sources, choose
Till now, we have studied many one country each from any two natural regions.
geographical concepts. For example, latitude, Collect some information, photographs images,
longitude, graticule, climate of a region, its etc. regarding these countrics Then make a
physical setup, flora and fauna, etc. Now, let us collage using the following points.
do a project related to all of these.
Arrange an exhibition of your collage posters in the classroom and make a presentation
using them.
7. Soils
Observe the map given in fig. 7.2 and Alluvial soil of the coastal strip: Majority of
answer the following questions: the rivers flowing in the Konkan region are
¾ Which soil occupies most of the area in short and flow with great speed. Therefore,
Maharashtra? the alluvium brought by them gets deposited
¾ In which areas are laterite soils found? at the mouth of the rivers. This soil is found at
¾ Which soil is found in the river valleys the mouth of the rivers in the western coastal
of Maharashtra? strip, e.g., the areas around Panvel -Uran
¾ Which soil is found in parts of the coast, Dharamtar creek, etc.
Sahyadri ranges?
Yellow brown soil : These soils are found in
¾ In which region is alluvial soil found? areas of extreme rainfall. They are not very
Geographical explanation fertile. Therefore, they are not very useful
used for agriculture. They are mainly found
You have studied the major soil types of
in Chandrapur, eastern part of Bhandara and
Maharashtra. On the basis of the soil’s
parts of Sahyadri mountains.
colour, texture, formation process, thickness
of layers, etc. we can divide the State’s soils
into 5 major types. Try this.
Coarse soil : This soil type is a result of
weathering and low rainfall. This soil can be
Make two small heaps of soil.
found in the hilltops of the western part of
On one of them, sow or any other fast
the plateau, e.g., Ajanta, Balaghat and growing seeds.
Mahadeo hills. The proportion of humus is
Keep watering that heap for 4-9 days.
negligible in this soil.
After the saplings surface, water both the
Regur or Black soil : It is found in areas of heaps with a watering can. Observe. See
medium rainfall in the valleys and alluvial fig. 7.3.
plains of river basins. Two types of this soil (Note for Teachers : Start this activity 10 days
are found. Dark black soil is found in the before teaching this lesson so that the saplings
western part of Deccan Plateau while grow a little.)
medium black soil is found in the
eastern part (Vidarbha). Though it is
black in colour, proportion of organic
components is less in the soil.
Laterite Soil : This type of soil is
found in the coastal belt of Konkan
to the west of the Sahyadris and in
the east of Vidarbha. In areas of very
heavy rainfall, the eroded rocks get
washed away in a large quantity. As
a result, the parent rock lies bare
open. The iron in the rock reacts with
the oxygen in the air and causes
chemical reactions. This gives the
reddish - orange colour to the soil
which is thus formed. Figure 7.3 : Soil heap experiment
Soil erosion and degradation:
that area. Such crops are given the
A layer of soil (top layer of soil) gets status of Geographic Indication (GI).
removed due to wind or water. This means For example, Haapus mango of
that the soil gets eroded. Running water, Sindhudurg, custard apple from Beed
climate and diversity in physiography are district, the oranges of Nagpur, etc.
reasons of soil erosion. The soil quality may
get lowered due to certain reasons. This is
called degradation of soil. To obtain a higher
agricultural yield, chemical fertilizers,
insecticides, weedicides, etc. are used. The
excessive spraying of chemicals and use of
chemical fertilizers leads to soil degradation.
Excessive irrigation draws the salts from
the soil upwards and makes the soil saline
and then unproductive. Due to excessive use Figure 7.3 b : Soil erosion
of chemicals their residues remain in the soils
for many years. They become a threat to the
existence of microorganisms in the soils. It
leads to lowering of the humus content in the
soil and the plants do not get micronutrients.
If the pH of the soil thus gets disturbed it is a
sign of soil degradation.
8. How Seasons Occur -Part 2
Can you tell ? this movement of the sun towards the north or
south in a year is called the apparent movement
Discuss the activity you have been carrying
of the sun. The position of the rising sun keeps
out since June. (See Chapter 1.) Make use of
on moving towards the south in the period from
the observation tables for the months of June,
September and December. 21st June to 22nd December. This period is called
¾ In which month the duration of the day was Dakshinayan. From 22nd December to 21st June,
around 12 hours? the sun keeps on moving towards the north. This
¾ What could be the reason behind it? period is called Uttarayan. The revolution of
¾ Bring out the differences between the the earth around the sun and the tilted axis of
duration of daytime in the months of June, the earth are the two factors responsible for the
September and December.
apparent movement of the sun.
¾ What could be the reason for the change in
the shadow of the stick? Seasons occur only with reference to the
¾ What did you observe about the position of northern and the southern hemispheres.
the sun at the horizon at the time of sunrise
and sunset?
¾ Which of the following factors could be Think about it.
related with the change in the position of
the shadow of the stick and the difference ) In which direction will the location of
in the duration of daytime? sunrise and sunset appear to move after
z Rotation of the earth 22nd of December?
z Distance between the earth and the sun
z Revolution of the earth
z The axis of the earth. Always remember -
You must have noticed the longest day, the
This year you will study the ‘apparent
shortest day and the days with the same duration
motion of the sun’ in your science textbook
of day and night time with the help of the
as well. In that book, the sun’s east-west
obervations in the months of June, September
and December. Generally, these dates are the motion from sunrise to sunset, that is, its
same every year. With the help of the shadaw diurnal apparent motion is also considered.
experiment, you must have noted the change in In geography, we consider the apparent
the position of sunrise. Let us study the changes (north-south) movement of the sun. In both
in the position of sunrise and the difference in the motions, the sun only appears to move and
duration of day and the night time. does not actually move. The diurnal apparent
movement of the sun is related to the rotation
Geographical explanation of the earth whereas its annual apparent
Apparent movement of the sun: movement is related to the revolution of the
You must have realized through your earth and the tilt of the earth’s axis.
observations that the position of the sun, at sunrise
appears to change on the horizon every day. Its Observe fig. 8.1 carefully and answer:
position appears to move towards the north or ¾ How is the northern hemisphere in which
south in the course of a year. However, in reality, you live positioned relative to the sun on the
dates given in the figure?
the sun does not move anywhere. That is why,
¾ Which season will you experience in the
Spring Equinox
N.P 23°30' which shows the position of the earth in relation
21 March
Winter Solstice 22
to the sun, you can guess which season prevails
Summer Solstice
21 June
N.P in which hemisphere. Seasons occur due to the
S.P revolution of the earth, as well as due to the tilt
of its axis of rotation.
Do you know ?
23 September
Due to the gravitational forces of the
Figure 8.1 : Cycle of seasons, equinoxes, solstices sun and the earth, the speed of the earth gets
reduced, during the aphelion position and
northern hemisphere around 22nd December?
increases during the perihelion position. As
¾ What would be the season in the northern the difference in the distance of the earth in
hemisphere around 21st June?
both these positions is not very great, it does
¾ If it is winter in the northern hemisphere, not have any effect on the seasons.
which season will it be in the opposite
¾ At any given point of time, why are the Geographical explanation
seasons in the northern and southern
hemishpheres different? As the earth revolves around the sun, the
equator receives perpendicular rays on two days
Perihelion and aphelion positions of the earth:
in a year. This condition occurs on 21st March
The path of the revolutio of the earth around
and 23rd September. On these days, both the
the sun is elliptical. The sun is at one of the two
centres of the ellipse. The sun does not change poles are at the same distance from the sun. This
its position. As the earth moves in an ellipse, its is called equinox. (See fig 8.3)
distance from the sun does not remain the same.
It is at its minimum distance in the first week of
January. This is called the perihelion position of
the earth. In this position, the southern end of
the axis is towards the sun. As against this in
the first week of July, the earth is at the farthest
point from the sun. This is called the aphelion
position. In this position, the northern end of the
axis is towards the sun. With the help of fig. 8.1
Uttarayan (July) Dakshinayan (January)
Northern Northern
Hemisphere Hemisphere
Summer Winter
Figure 8.4 : The position of the earth with its tilted axis on 21st June and 22nd December
Sunrays are never perpendicular on any The cycle of season and the living world:
of the parallels between Tropic of Cancer and If the earth’s axis were not tilted, the
the North Pole or between Tropic of Capricorn same climatic conditions would have prevailed
and the South Pole. 21st June is the longest day throughout year. The seasons would not have
and it marks the shortest night in the northern occurred. One and the same type of climatic
hemisphere. Similarly, 22nd December marks the conditions would have prevailed on each of the
longest day and the shortest night in the southern different parallels. It is the tilt of the axis that
hemisphere. 22nd December is the shortest day in leads to occurrence of seasons, change and
the northern hemisphere. diversity on the earth. The living world on the
In the region from the Arctic Circle to the earth is affected by the cycle of seasons. For
north pole, the sun remains visible for 24 hours example, in the region between 66°30' and 90°
or longer. At the north pole, the sun is visible in both the hemispheres, even the mild sunlight
available for a part of the year gives rise to
in the sky from 22nd March to 23rd September,
certain flora and fauna. In the Antarctic region,
i.e., for six months. Similar situation prevails in
at the southernmost part of the earth, birds like
the region between the Antarctic Circle and the
penguins, fish like seal and animals like walruses
South Pole in the period from 23rd September to
are found. In the polar region of the northern
21st March. Note that on the equator, the duration hemisphere animals like reindeer, polar bears,
of day and night is same throughout the year. Arctic foxes etc. are found. People living in this
(i.e.,12 hours each). region too have adapted to the natural conditions
Seasons have been decided on the basis prevailing in that region. Our adaptation to
of the duration of sunlight, equinoxes and climatic conditions is possible only up to a certain
solstices. The equatorial region does not limit. That is why organisms prefer a certain
experience any change of season. Hence the habitat. During extreme cold climatic conditions
climate in that region does not change at all in when the food supply becomes scarce, a number
the year. In places beyond the equatorial region of birds and animals migrate temporarily. Trees
bear fruit in a particular season. Therefore,
in either hemispheres, summers or winters are
agricultural seasons also depend on to the local
experienced one after the other, within a year. climatic conditions. In polar areas, snowline
The occurrence of seasons one after the other in shifts north or south according to seasons. This
a year leads to the ‘cycle of seasons’. Generally, affects migration of birds and animals.
there are two seasons, summer and winter, on
the earth. However, in some places, seasons are
taken to be four in all. Use your brain power !
The changes in the atmosphere, vapour
in the air, the wind and the precipitation also
F While India and England are located in
the same hemisphere, why are the cricket
influence the seasons. Continuous occurrence of matches in these two countries arranged
rain in a specific period gives rise to an additional in different months?
season besides summer and winter. Due to the F On 21st March and 23rd September,
local conditions, seasons other than summer daytime and nighttime are same all
and winter are seen to occur in different parts. over the earth. But why do some parts
For example, rains occur in India in a specific experience summer and some parts winter
period. Therefore we consider four seasons : on these days?
such as summer, the rainy season the period of F Mention any two countries in the world
retreating monsoon and winter. There are four where one needs woollen clothing in
seasons in Europe and North America too. They the month of May. Also mention their
are summer, autumn, winter and spring. latitudinal positions.
year, it travels around 70,000 km. It might be
Do you know ? the only species in the world that experiences
summer twice in a year.
Arctic tern
Siberian Crane
Once the winter at the North Pole Due to severe winter and lack of food,
becomes severe, this bird travels southwards. cranes from the cold northern regions visit
When it is summer in the northern hemisphere, India travelling around 8 to 10 thousand
it flies back towards the North Pole. It has to kilometres. Once summer starts in India, they
travel in search of food. In the course of one migrate back to the north.
Q. 1. Complete the statements using correct options: Q. 3. Rewrite the following statements after
(1) The apparent movement of the sun means correcting them.
........ (1) The earth’s velocity varies according to the
(a) The sun revolves around the earth in a period of revolution.
year (2) If we observe from the northern hemisphere,
(b) It appears that the sun moves to the north we see the apparent movement of the sun.
or south in a year. (3) The dates of equinox change every year.
(c) The earth keeps on changing its (4) North Canada experiences summer from
positon. September to March.
(5) When it is summer in South Africa,
(2) If the axis of the earth were not tilted
Australia has winter.
(6) Duration of daytime is less on the vernal
(a) The earth would not have rotated
and autumnal equinoxes.
around itself.
(b) The earth would have revoved around Q. 4. Spot the error in the diagram given below.
the sun with greater velocity. N.P.
(c) Different parallels on the earth 22 March Spring Equinox
would have experienced the same
climate throughout the year. 22 December 21 June
N.P. S.P. N.P.
(3) 21st June and 22nd December are solstice
days, that is, ................. Sun
(a) The sun starts its southward journey
from Tropic of Cancer on 21st June and N.P. S.P.
northward journey from Tropic of Solstice Winter
Capricorn on 22nd December. Autumnal
(b) The Dakshinayan of the sun S.P. 23 September
takes place between 21 June and 22nd
9. Agriculture
¾ Observe the pictures given above. What agriculture. We use the products of these
differences do you observe through these occupations in our everyday life. These
pictures? traditional occupations are allied activities
in agriculture.
¾ What changes have taken place in
traditional agricultural practices? Animal husbandry:
Rearing different animals and obtaining
Geographical explanation various products from them for subsistence
In the above pictures, we see the changes is the core of animal husbandry.
in agricultural practices. In the past, Dairy farming :
primitive man had to wander in the forest to Cows, oxen, buffaloes, etc. are reared for
sustain himself on the collected forest agriculture related work. Rearing milch
produce. Later he learnt the art of cultivation animals and animals which can be employed
and started getting greater production from in farming is also an occupation. It is
the land. Through this, he could provide for considered to be an inseparable part of mixed
the whole year’s need for foodgrains. He farming. It has become quite commercial in
also started obtaining a number of products recent times. In India, it has started changing
through floriculture, horticulture, rearing recently. Commercial dairy farming is mainly
animals, pisciculture, etc. Abandoning undertaken for meat and milk.
nomadic life, he undertook different Sheep and goat rearing:
occupations related to agriculture at the This is also a traditional occupation. That
same place. is generally carried out in hilly tracts and semi-
Now let us get introduced to the different arid regions with dry climate. Sheep and goats
occupations that come under the scope of survive on short grasses, shrubs and acacia
which grow in remote hilly rural areas away Sericulture:
from urban settlements. In India, it is mainly Silk thread is obtained from the cocoon of
undertaken for meat. Sheep rearing is carried the silk moth. These threads are very fine
out to obtain wool. and strong and from these one can weave
Poultry: soft silk cloth. Getting silk thread form
Keeping hens and other fowl is a common cocoons and manufacturing silk cloth are
practice in all parts of the world. It is a independent occupations. They are not
traditional occupation. Today, it is carried included in agriculture. Different
out as a household occupation and also on a organizations supply silk moth eggs to the
commercial basis. Running a poultry on a farmers. Leaves of mulberry trees are the
commercial basis requires a lot of care. For main food for these silk worms. Once
this, scientific methods are employed. In planted, the Mulberry trees survive for a
India, this occupation is generally located in minimum period of 15 years. Hence, the
the areas close to big cities as they provide a expenditure of planting the trees every year
ready market for this occupation. is saved.
In some areas, rabbit, pig and emu
rearing is also undertaken.
In the last few years, the area under
Beekeeping: floriculture, cultivation of medicinal and
This occupation is undertaken to obtain aromatic plants and horticulture has
honey and wax. Bees, in order to collect increased. These plantations require a high
honey, hover around the plants that bear standard of seedlings, cuttings, bulbs and
flowers. This promotes the process of seeds. This has led to the development of
pollination. As a result, the trees bear large nurseries. Nurseries give good returns.
number of fruits and the crop yields increase.
Bee keeping is an important occupation with
respect to agriculture.
Pisciculture (Fish farming):
Farm ponds are dug out for this purpose.
Water is stored in such ponds. Fish seeds are
released in the ponds. For this, seeds of
freshwater species are used. In order to Figure 9.3 : Nursery
achieve the best growth of fish, scientific
methods are employed. Do you know ?
Fishing in open seas has a number of risk
factors. Different types of fish and other Greenhouse farming: Greenhouse
aquatic organisms get caught in the fishing farming facilitates getting maximum
nets. Separating them becomes a major task. product from the land. It can have a total
All organisms do not fetch the same price. All control on natural factors like climate,
these factors led to the rearing of specific type heat, atmospheric moisture as well as soil
of fish species separately. Pisciculture moisture. It assists in getting maximum
developed out of these efforts. Wam, Roha, economic benefits. Greenhouse farming is
Rawas (Indian Salman), Kolambi (Prawns),
highly specialized type of farming of the
etc. are reared in fish farms.
modern era. For erecting a green house
galvanized iron pipes and plastic sheets Intensive farming:
Getting maximum production from a
are used. Its main aim is to control the pest minimum area is the characteristic of
attack by controlling water, light and intensive farming.
temperature. Green houses are used on Due to large population or limited
larger scales for growing flowers like lily availability of land, per head holding is
and gerbera to give maximum economic small.
returns. This type of farming is mostly seen in
developing regions.
Farm production is sufficient only for the
requirement of the family.
In this type of farming, the cultivator and
his family are totally dependent on
farming. As farm production is low, the
economic condition of the cultivator is
also poor.
Types of farming :
Different types of agriculture have
evolved due to geographical and cultural
diversity, and technological differences in
different regions. The type of farming
depends upon the purpose and aims of
methods of farming, the crops being
cultivated, the techniques used, land use
etc. Broadly, the following types of
Figure 9.5 : Terrace farming
agriculture can be identified:
Types of farming
Market gardening:
Market gardening is a type of cultivation
developed in modern times. This has
developed mainly as a result of urbanization
and the ready markets available in urban
centres. Farmers cultivate vegetables and
other item in the vicinity of urban centres to
Figure 9.9 : Floriculture
cater to the demands of city dwellers. This
type of cultivation works on a principle of In recent times, use of irrigation,
economics - demand and supply. The chemical fertilizers, green houses etc. is
landholding is small. Use of irrigation, being made for getting more profit (See fig.
organic and chemical fertilizers, low
9.9). Major products of horticulture are
investment, use of manpower, demand of
flowers like lily, gerbera, tulip, dahlia,
chrysanthemum, marigold, etc. These fetch
a good price in the market.
Different native and exotic fruits like
mangoes, custard apples, grapes, bananas,
pomegranates, dragon fruits, cherries,
oranges, raspberries, strawberries, mulberries
etc. are cultivated in fruit farming (See fig.
9.10) at places like Mahabaleshwar,
Panchgani, Pune, Nagpur, Jalgaon, Nashik
etc. Countries having Mediterranean climate,
France and Italy are famous for horticulture.
Organic farming:
The nutrient requirements of the crops For controlling pests, organic
is fulfiled by soil and therefore, pesticide like neem can be used. The crop
replenishment of used up nutrients is obtained from organic farming is high in
necessary. Nutrients are also used quality. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
abundantly to increase the yield. Organic are not used in such a type of farming.
fertilizers are prepared for this purpose.
The litter should be decomposed in the
Grasses like sesbania or jute are also
buried in the soil for making manures
Cowdung and compost mannures are
Vermicompost is obtained from organic
When farming is done using all
vestal matter mixed in the soil it is called
organic farming ( See fig. 9.11). Figure 9.11 : Preparing organic fertilizers
Can you tell ? Observe the pictures in fig. 9.12 and briefly describe the type
of agriculture shown in the picture. Use the space below the picture.
Figure 9.12 :
Geographical explanation
Marketing systems:
Figure 9.15 : Farming in Israel
Marketing systems are necessary for
Israel is a major exporter of fresh
making the goods produced by the farmers
available to the consumer at a fair price and farm produce. It is the most advanced
in time. The importance of marketing system country as far as agricultural technology
in countries like India will become clear is concerned. It has adverse climate,
from the following points. severe scarcity of water and more than
v Agriculture in India is scattered over half its land is occupied by hot deserts.
vast areas. But, overcoming all these unfavorable
v All farmers are not organized. conditions and persistently following the
v Most of the farmers are economically path of modernization of agriculture it has
weak and cannot market their production taken a giant leap in the field of agriculture.
on their own. That is why, the system
of Agricultural Produce Market
Committees is established at the taluka Use your brain power !
level. At these places, farmers bring
their produce and sell to the traders. F In what different ways is ground
v As farm produce is perishable, there has water obtained for agriculture ?
Look for me elsewhere !
F Class 4 Environmental Studies (Part One) F Class 5 Environmental Studies (Part One)
'The Value of Food' chapter. 'Food for All' chapter.
Q. 1. Select the proper option for the following Q. 2. Give short answers for the following
statements. questions.
(1) In which of the following type of farming (1) Describe the importance of irrigation for
are the crops rotated? agriculture.
(a) Intensive. (c) Commercial.
(2) Give a comparative account of any two
(b) Plantation. (d) All of these.
methods of irrigation.
(2) Agriculture requires the following:
(3) Mention the major types of farming and
(a) Only ploughing
(b) Use of animals, implements, give information about intensive
machines and manpower. farming and extensive grain farming.
(c) Use of only manpower. (4) Describe the characteristics of plantation
(d) Just cultivate the crop. farming.
(3) In India, agriculture has developed (5) Which are the crops cultivated in your
because.... area? What are the geographical reasons
(a) There are two seasons of agriculture for that?
in India.
(6) Why is the agriculture in India seasonal
(b) Majority of the people depend on
in nature? What are the difficulties for
(c) Traditional agriculture is practised perennial agriculture?
in India. Activity:
(d) In India factors like climate, soils, Visit a farm where modern technology
water, etc. are conducive.
is used for agriculture. Collect
(4) It is necessary that modern methods and
information about it.
technology be used in agriculture in
India because.... Use of ICT
(a) There are factories producing (1) Collect the pictures of improved seeds
improved seeds. and means of irrigation from the internet.
(b) There are industries producing (2) Collect information regarding
fertilizers agricultural in Israel from the internet.
(c) Population is growing and there are
and present it.
agro-based industries.
(d) Modern means and machines are
10. Human Settlements
Look at the following picture. Find suitable locations for
human settlements and show them in the picture.
Try this.
(For teachers – Discuss the students’ assumptions and conclusions
as also the questions on the pictures given below.)
Figure 10.2 c : Figure 10.2 d :
Observe the pictures given in figures live in forest areas in ‘tribal hamlets’
10.2 (a, b, c, d). Think and answer the (Adivasi padas). Agriculture is practised in
following questions : fertile areas. Farmer families build their
¾ What all can you see in the pictures? houses in or near their fields. These
¾ What are the familiar features? settlements gradually grow bigger. The
¾ Which picture shows sparse settlements? settlements where the original occupations
¾ Which picture shows agriculture? of the majority of the people are based on
¾ Which picture shows dense settlements? natural resources are called rural settlements.
¾ Which picture shows high rise buildings? Agriculture, fishery, etc are some of these
¾ From the following, assign a suitable occupations.
names to each of the pictures : Rural With the passage of time, other associated
settlement, Tribal hamlet, Town, City occupations also develop gradually in these
¾ Arrange the pictures according to the rural settlement. As a result, people from
level of development in the settlements. surrounding areas migrate and settle there
Geographical explanation leading to an increase in the rural population.
Houses are built and different facilities are
Human settlements flourished at places developed for the growing population.
with favourable geographic conditions - Importance of secondary and tertiary
such as availability of water, a conducive occupations increases, the proportion of
climate, fertile land etc. people engaged in primary occupations
In the early settlements, the occupations declines. This process leads to the
of the people were dependent on the locally transformation of rural settlement into urban
available natural resources. This gave rise to settlements. Due to religious, historical,
separate settlements of people engaged in a commercial, educational, and administrative
particular occupation. For example, people reasons and also due to tourism, the original
along the sea coast are engaged in fishing. settlement may transform into an urban one.
Their settlements became fishing hamlets If the population and the necessary amenities
(Koliwada). Forest dwellers or tribal people increase on a large scale, the urban areas
use forest produce for their livelihood. They grow into metropolitan cities.
Can you tell ?
Observe fig. 10.4 and answer the following ¾ In which settlements are the houses close
questions. together? What could be the reason
¾ Name some of the settlements shown in behind this density?
the map. ¾ Can you now classify the settlements on
¾ Which of the settlements in the map are the basis of these patterns?
in a scattered form? After considering various settlements,
¾ How are the houses in the settlements we realize that people settle down in different
along the roads arranged? geographical conditions and adopt
themselevs to the conditions in the region. Scattered settlements :
Patterns of human settlements evolve in In scattered settlements, houses are few
accordance with the natural conditions. In and far from each other. Generally, such
this lesson, we are going to study the major settlements are found in the areas of high
patterns of human settlements and the relief, dense forests, grasslands, hot deserts,
reasons behind them. and extensive agricultural lands (See fig.
Geographical explanation 10.5).
(6) This settlement is good from a (B) ‘B’. has a high school, a big market and a
security point of view. small theatre.
(7) Having houses away from each other (C) ‘C’ has houses, farms, many shops and
is good for health. small industries.
(8) The houses are too close to each (D) ‘D’ is a natural harbour. Many industries
other. have been established there.
Q.3. Study the diagram and identify the types of * ‘C’ is a settlement that has developed
along the roadside. Give two reasons of
(A) Settlement ‘A’ has 5-6 houses and the
place does not have other facilities. its location here.
Main Road
ICT Activity :
With the help of the internet, find the image
of your village/city. On that basis, write about
the type and characteristics of your settlement.
11. Contour Maps and Landforms
Try this.
Cut the potato into two parts so that each
part has a flat base.
Observe how a potato appears when seen
from the front and when seen from above?
Draw an outline of the potato in your
Rest the cut half on its flat base and
note book. measure its height in millimetres.
Do not separate the slices. Insert a
toothpick or a piece of pointed stick
through the slices vertically.
This is our ‘potato hill’. The tapering side
of the potato is the hill top.
Without removing the toothpick, place
the sliced potato on a piece of paper.
Moving a pencil along the edge of the
Now the teacher will slice the potato on lowest slice draw, its outline. It will be
these circles. nearly circular in shape.
each slice that you have measured can help
After assigning values to each circle,
our sketch of the potato hill will be complete.
After drawing the outline, pull the
toothpick upwards. Remove the lowest
slice delicately and keep it aside. Repeat
the same procedure for the other
two slices.
Figure 11.1 a : A model of the earth’s surface
Figure 11.1 b : Contour line map
While finding answers to these
questions, you will become familiar
with the contour lines and you will be
Karha River Basin able to identify major landforms
shown by the contour lines.
z Find the altitude of your place
above mean sea-level (in metres).
Mula-Mutha Basin
You have to draw contour lines
Figure 11.3 a : A model of the Karha river basin, Saswad
from mean sea-level to your place.
Jejuri The interval of the contour should
not be more than 50 m. Determine
anpur how many lines you will draw for
Karha River
z Friends, consider you have gone
for mountaineering. You have to
conquer a peak on the hill ‘A’. A
map of this hill is given (figure
11.4). Studying the contour lines in
Height in metres Katraj-Diveg
hat range the map, find the side from which
you will reach the peak safely and
Figure 11.3 b : A map of the Karha river basin, Saswad easily. Mark your path on the map
with a pencil.
A 3D model is given in fig. 11.3 (a). The
northern part of the model shows the basin
of the rivers Mula-Mutha. To its south is the
Katraj-Diveghat range extending from the A
west to the east. Beyond that some portion
of Karha basin is seen.
(Observe this model and the map (fig. 11.3
(b)) given below it and answer the following
¾ In which direction does fort Purandar
¾ What is the direction of flow of the river
¾ In which parts are the hill ranges not
¾ Which part of the map is not seen in the
model? Why?
¾ In which direction does the altitude of
Height in metres
Katraj-Diveghat range decrease?
¾ In which direction are higher hill ranges Figure 11.4 : Contours (Hill)
Always remember-
Look for me elsewhere !
Contour lines join places with the
same altitude on a map. Therefore, F Class Five Environmental Studies -
generally they do not cross each other. Part One- page 39-41
Q.1. Answer the following questions. Q.2. Fill the blanks with appropriate words.
(1) How can the distribution of the height (1) If the contour lines are closer to each
and landforms in a region be shown? other, the slope is ...............
(2) To whom are the contour maps (2) The contour lines on the map represent
useful? ...............
(3) What do you understand by observing (3) The slope can be understood from the
contour lines? distance between the ...............
(4) How will a contour map be useful for (4) If the distance between two contour
a farmer? lines is more, the ............... is gentle.
Height in metres
Agent: A person acting as a link between a y
Anti-cyclone: At times, the air pressure in a
producer and a consumer. The consumers of region increases more than the surrounding
any product are not located in one region. areas. Under such conditions, winds blow
They are scattered over a vast area. In such from the central high pressure areas towards
situation it is difficult for the producer to reach the low pressure in the surrounding areas in a
the consumers. Therefore, it becomes circular manner. Such winds moving outwards
necessary to have a link between the producers from the central regions in a circular manner
and consumers. The agents are this link. are called anticyclones.
Agriculture: Agriculture is a comprehensive y
Antipodal point: A point that is located
term. It includes farming and many allied diametrically opposite to a given point. Such
occupations. Animal husbandry, dairy a point is fixed with reference to an imaginary
farming, pisciculture, sericulture, nursery, etc. line in the form of the diameter of the earth.
come under the scope of the term agriculture. For any or every point on the surface of the
Agro-tourism: In this form of tourism, the earth, there exists an antipodal point on the
most important aspect is to obtain the earth’s surface.
information about agricultural activities by y
Aphelion: A position of the earth on its
actually visiting a farm or a meadow. People elliptical orbit when it is at the maximum
are curious about knowing how the food they distance from the sun. This position occurs in
consume is produced. It is out of this curiosity the month of July.
that agro-tourism has developed. It is the first
experience for most visitors especially for y
Apogee: A specific position of the moon on
youngsters. For a few decades, agro-tourism its orbital path with respect to the earth. In
has become popular in India. Agro-tourism this position the moon is at its farthest distance
Development Corporation works for the from the earth.
spread of this form of tourism. By 2014, y
Autumnal equinox : One of the positions of
around 214 centers for agro-tourism in rural the earth on the orbital path, relative to the
settlements have been started in Maharashtra. sun. This position occurs on 23rd September.
Air pressure: Air has weight and any object In this position both the poles of the earth are
or material having weight exerts pressure on equidistant from the sun and the sunrays are
the thing / material that lies below it. Air perpendicular at the equator. The duration of
exerts pressure on the lower of layers of nighttime and daytime are equal all over the
atmosphere and the earth’s surface. Air earth.
pressure is measured in millibars. The air y
Barometer: An instrument used to measure
pressure at the sea level is 1013.2 mb. air pressure. Air pressure is measured in
millibars. There are different types of
Annular eclipse: The sun disc does not get
barometers in use. In some barometers,
totally covered by the moon if the moon is in
vaccum boxes called aneroids are used. Air
its apogee position (at the farthest distance pressure suppresses the aneroids and this
from the earth). Moon’s shadow does not pressure is expressed on a plate with markings
reach up to the earth. As a result in such a by an indicator.
situation only the rim of the sun disc remains
Bedouin People: A nomadic tribe from the
visible from a very narrow portion of the
Arabian Desert.
earth. This illuminated rim appears like a
ring. Hence this type of solar eclipse is called y
Catchment area: Area of a river basin. The
annular solar eclipse. area from where the water gets collected into
a river is called the catchment area of the
river. This term is also used with reference to sun appears to be moving towards north or
a dam or a bund indicating the area from south.
which water gets collected in the reservoirs.
Doldrums: The belt extending from 5a N to
Centrifugal force: A force that leads to the 5a S parallels. As the temperatures in this belt
movement away from the center. The particles are high, the heated air starts ascent. This
in rotating objects develop a tendency to move gives rise to a low pressure belt. Winds in this
away from the centre. Such a force which zone are not very effective and hence this
leads to outward motion in an object is called region becomes a region of calm and it is
centrifugal force. called doldrums.
Circle of illumination: Sunlight divides the y
Easterlies: Winds arriving from the east.
Globe into an illuminated and a dark part. These are the planetary winds blowing
The line separating the two parts is the circle towards the equatorial low pressure belt from
of illumination. This is not an imaginary line, the mid-latitudinal high pressure belts in both
it exists on the surface of the earth all the time. the hemispheres.
The circle of illumination is a great circle.
Eclipse: A condition of the sun disc getting
Due to the rotation of the earth, its position
covered by the moon OR the moon disc getting
seems to change all the time.
shadowed by the earth. Solar eclipse occurs
Contour line: These are isolines of height. when the moon is positioned between the
These are drawn by joining the places of earth and the sun and covers the sun disc.
equal altitude. These help in identification of Lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes
landforms, determine the amount of slope and through the shadow of the earth. This situation
help us understand the type and direction of becomes possible if the sun, the moon and the
slope. They also help in the analysis of earth come in one straight line. Such a
intervisiblity between any two points on the situation occurs only on the full moon or new
map. moon days. However as the planes of the
Contour trench: In order to reduce the orbits of the moon and the earth intersect each
erosion of soil, trenches are dug out in the other at an angle of 5a, the eclipses do not
direction perpendicular to the slope of the occur on every full moon or every new moon
land and trees are planted along such trenches. day.
While digging out such trenches care needs to y
Economics: the science of financial
be taken to maintain the level. management. It is needed at all levels - from
Cyclone: A condition of lowering of air individual to national.
pressure in a region. Under such a condition, y
Equinox: Specific situation of the earth’s
the air from the surrounding regions rushes to location on its orbital path with respect to the
the central low pressure area in a circular sun. In this situation, both the ends of the
manner. This leads to the formation of a earth’s axis face the sun and are equidistant
system of whirling winds that moves from one from the sun. This situation is observed on
place to other under the influence of prevailing two days in a year. On these two days, the
regional winds. circle of illumination coincides with the
Dakshinayan : March of the sun towards the meridonial great circles. This situation is
south. This starts from 21st June and every day observed on 22nd March and 23rd September.
the sun appears to be moving southwards On these days, sun rays are perpendicular at
slowly. The southward march of the sun the equator. The duration of daytime and
comes to an end on 22nd December when it nighttime is the same and it is of 12 hours.
starts moving towards the north. In reality, the y
Fortnight: A period of 15 days from new
sun does not move but due to the revolution of moon day to full moon day (and from full
the earth and the inclination of its axis, the moon day to new moon day).
Gravitational force: In any two objects, there at various places on the earth. As a result, the
exists an attraction towards each other. This values of temperature, air pressure, rainfall
is called gravitational force. The gravitational etc. differ from place to place near the earth’s
force depends on the mass of the two objects surface. This distribution of climate elements
and the distance that separates them. The in a horizontal direction is called horizontal
planets revolving around the sun along their distribution.
specific orbits is the combined effect of the y
Horse latitudes: A region in both the
gravitational force of the sun and the hemispheres between 25a and 35a parallels.
centrifugal force associated with the planets. This is the region of high pressure belt from
The value of gravitational force is computed which the air moves outwards. The region is
as M1 M2/ D2, where M1 and M2 represent the generally quiet. Due to historical reasons it is
mass of object 1 and 2 and D represents the called horse latitudes.
distance between them. y
Humus: Organic substances in the soil.
Residues of plants, litter, roots etc. get
Greenhouse: This is a house constructed
decomposed and mixed in the soil. Such
using sophisticated technology for the growing
decayed organic material increases the
of vegetables and flowers. The walls and roof
fertility of soils.
of this house are made up of transparent
materials-mostly glass. Conditions conducive y
Irrigation: Making water available for the
for the growth of plants are controlled under crops, besides the rains, is called irrigation.
such structures. The temperature inside the Water is essential for the crops. At times, it
greenhouse is considerably higher than the becomes difficult to depend on rains for the
temperature outside during the day. With the crops. Under such situations, the water from
help of various instruments the temperature, canals, lakes, wells, reservoirs is supplied to
relative humidity, air pressure etc. are the crops. This is called irrigation.
controlled in greenhouses. y
Isobars: Lines joining the places of equal air
Height above sea-level (ASL): Height above pressure on the map. Isobars show the
mean sea-level. This is known as altitude. distribution of air pressure in the atmosphere.
Considering the mean sea-level to have zero y
Khubz: It is a staple dietary item of Arabian
height, the heights of all other locations is people. It is in the form of thick flat bread like
measured as above or below sea-level. roti.
High tide and low tide: The rise or fall in the y
Knots: A unit used to express the wind
level of sea waters caused by the combined velocity. When the wind is blowing at a
effect of centrifugal force associated with sea velocity of 1 nautical mile (1.853 km) per
water and the gravitational pull of the moon
hour, it is said to have velocity of one knot. (
and the sun. The rise in the level is called high
1 statute mile = 1.609 km). The word knot
tide and the fall is called low tide.
also indicates 1 minute arc distance along
Horizon: A line where it appears that the sky equatorial circumference.
and the land are meeting. In reality, it is the
Land use: Land as a natural resource is used
plane of a tangent line assumed to be drawn
at a given place. ‘N’ number of such tangents for different purposes. The analysis of the
to the earth surface can be assumed. When the purposes for which the land from a region is
celestial objects like the sun become visible used is the subject matter of land use studies.
above this line, we say it is a sunrise. When it Forest, agriculture and settlements etc. are the
moves below this tangent line it is said to be purposes for which the land is used. Land use
Sunset. in a region gives rise to particular patterns.
Horizontal distribution: The values of y
Leaching: It is a type of chemical weathering.
different elements of climate are not the same This process is dominant in the areas of high
rainfall and humid climate. The salts and settlement such a settlement is called nucleated
other soluble minerals as washed out of the settlement. There can be different reasons for
rock water in a dissolved form by the such a concentration. The most important is
percolating. the source of water. Defense / protection is
Linear settlement: If the growth of settlement also one of the reasons for the settlement to
has taken place with respect to a linear get nucleated.
element, the houses in such a settlement also y
Parent rock: The major rock type in a region.
appear to have been arranged in a linear Soil forming processes start with the
manner. Settlements with such patterns are weathering of rock in the region. As a result
called linear settlements. Such settlements are of weathering, the rock is reduced to a
found along roads, canals, rivers or sea coast. powdery substance. The parent rock is the
Local winds: Winds which blow in some largest constituent of any soil by weight.
restricted areas in different parts of the earth. y
Partial eclipse: A type of solar or lunar
These are known by different names. eclipse when a part of the sun disc is covered
Marketing management: The finished by the moon or part of the moon disc is
products produced by the producers have to shadowed by the earth.
reach markets in order to be available to the y
Pattern: An arrangement of objects. The
consumers, clients, partners and the entire assembly of various factors that emerges in a
society. All the processes involved in taking space or over a time period forms a pattern.
the finished products from the production While such an arrangement is emerging, the
areas to the markets are covered under the factors individually or collectively are
term marketing management. Marketing is influenced by geographical conditions.
useful for generating clients, maintaining and Drainage pattern is an example of spatial
satisfying them. pattern whereas crop pattern is an example of
Measurement of time: A day, a month and a temporal pattern.
year are the basic units of the measurement of y
Perigee: A specific position of the moon on
time. A day and a year are the results of the its orbital path with respect to the earth. In
axial and the orbital motions of the earth this position, the moon is at its nearest distance
respectively. The month is a result of the from the earth.
revolution of the moon around the earth. y
Perihelion: A position of the earth on its
Mixed farming: A type of farming. This type elliptical orbital path at the minimum distance
of agriculture has a wide scope. It includes the from the sun. This position occurs in the
farming and allied occupations like dairy, month of January.
poultry etc. This term is also used for y
Period of waning moon: The fortnight from
inter-cropping. Allocation of land for different the full moon day to the new moon day. In this
crops in a season is also considered to be a period, the illuminated portion of the moon
form of mixed farming. appears to be getting progressively reduced as
Neap tide: The range of tides is lowest on the observed from the earth.
first and third quarter days. On these days the y
Period of waxing moon: The fortnight from
sun and the moon are positioned at right angle the new moon day to the full moon day. In this
to each other with respect to the earth and period the illuminated part of the moon keeps
hence the forces of their attraction do not on increasing every day as observed from the
complement each other. earth.
Nucleated settlement: The pattern of y
pH: The acidity or alkalinity of a substance is
settlements mostly depends on geographical determined with the help of pH value. This
factors. If the buildings / houses are scale ranges from ‘-1’ to 14. The pH value of
concentrated around a specific point in a
‘7’ indicates neutrality whereas the values Solar eclipse: If the moon gets positioned
lower than ‘7’ indicate acidity and if the value between the earth and the sun and if these
is more than ‘7’ the substance is considered to three are in a straight line, the shadow of the
be alkaline. For example, the lemon juice that moon falls on the earth. As a result the sun
contains citric acid has pH of 2. The seawater becomes totally or partially invisible in the
that tastes salty has an average pH value shadow zone. This condition is called solar
equal to 8. The water of Great Salt Lake has eclipse.
pH value of 10.
Solstices: Specific positions of the earth on its
Phases of the moon: The illuminated portion elliptical orbital path. These positions occur
of the moon disc observed from the earth that on two days- 21st June and 22nd December.
keeps on changing every day within a lunar These are the solstice days. On 21st June, the
month. north pole of the earth records maximum
Resources: The materials and energies inclination i.e., 23० 30', towards the sun. On
available in nature and the assets created by this day, the sunrays are perpendicular at the
man and used for making human life easier Tropic of Cancer. On 22nd December, the
and more comfortable are called resources. south pole of the earth records maximum
All the constituents in nature that are used by inclination, i.e., 23० 30', towards the sun. On
man are resources. this day, the sunrays are perpendicular at the
Tropic of Capricorn. 21st June and 22nd
Sea-level: The level of sea waters keeps on December are summer and winter solstices
oscillating due to the tides, waves, etc. The respectively. 21st June is the longest day in the
mean of high and low tide determines the northern hemisphere whereas 22nd December
mean sea-level at a place in coastal area. All is the longest day in the southern hemisphere.
height values in the region are measured with
reference to the mean sea-level. As the tidal Spring or vernal equinox: One of the
range of different places can vary the mean positions of the earth on the orbital path
sea-level of a selected station is taken as the relative to the sun. This position occurs on
standard mean sea-level for the region. For 23rd March. In this position both the poles of
India mean sea-level at Chennai is considered the earth are equidistant from the sun and the
as the standard mean sea-level. sunrays are perpendicular at the equator. The
duration of night time and day time are equal
Seasonal winds: Winds which blow during all over the earth.
specific periods and in limited areas. For
example, the monsoon winds. Spring tide: The high or low tide occurring
on the full moon and the new moon days. As
Soil degradation: Lowering of the soil the sun and the moon are on the same side of
quality. This occurs due to the reduction of the earth on this (new moon) day, maximum
humus content of the soils. The mixing of tidal range is observed. The tidal range on full
unnecessary chemical substances in the soil moon day is also high but it is somewhat less
particularly as a result of excessive use of than that on new moon day.
chemical fertilizers leads to degradation of
soils. Use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, Subcontinent: A part of a continent that is
pesticides, weedicide etc. causes the geographically and culturally different from
degradation of soils. the rest of the continent. The region in South
Asia that lies south of the Himalayan ranges
Soil erosion: Removal of the top layers of the is called the Indian Subcontinent. This
soils due to the work of the running water and includes countries like India, Pakistan,
the wind is called soil erosion. Top layers of Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Sri Lanka.
soil contain high proportion of humus. The
removal of top layer also causes loss of humus Total eclipse: A type of solar or lunar eclipse
that leads to lowering of fertility of soils. when the sun disc is completely covered by
the moon or the moon is completely shadowed
Reference Material:
by the earth.
Tsunami: Huge sea waves generated as a
Physical Geography- A. N. Strahler
result of earthquakes occurring below the sea Living in the Environment- G. T. Miller
bottom. Tsunami waves cause tremendous A Dictionary of Geography- Monkhouse
loss of life and property in the coastal region
where they strike. Physical Geography in Diagrams-
Tourism : A service occupation. Various R.B. Bunnett
services needed by the tourists in a region are Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol.- 5 and 21
provided as a part of this. These include
lodging facilities, hospitality, transport,
मराठी विशिकोश खंड- १,४,९,१७ ि १८
communication, etc. as also maintenance of प्ाकृविक भूगोल- प्ा. दािे ि सौ. दािे.
tourist places. इंग्रजी मराठी शबदकोश- J. T. Molesworth
Uttarayan: March of the sun towards the and T. Candy
north. This starts from 23rd December and
every day the sun appears to be moving
northwards slowly. The northward march of
the sun comes to an end on 21st June when it
starts moving towards the south. In reality, Websites for reference:
the sun does not move but due to the revolution
of the earth and the inclination of its axis, the
sun appears to be moving towards north or
Vertical distribution: Distribution in vertical
direction. Temperature and air pressure vary
in horizontal as well as vertical direction. The
variation caused due to height is called
vertical distribution.
Westerlies: Winds arriving from the west.
These are the planetary winds blowing from
the mid-latitudinal high pressure belts towards
the sub-polar low pressure belts in both the
Winter: A period of low temperature in a
year. Due to decreasing duration of sun light
and also due to the slant nature of the sun
rays, the heat received is less during this
period and hence the temperatures are low.
The northern hemisphere experiences winter
from 23rd September to 22nd March while the
southern hemisphere experiences winter from
22nd March to 23rd September.