Design and Implementation of A Fleet Management Sy PDF
Design and Implementation of A Fleet Management Sy PDF
Design and Implementation of A Fleet Management Sy PDF
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1 author:
Hamed Saghaei
University of Alberta
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hamed Saghaei on 13 October 2016.
Abstract— Knowing where the vehicles are, what the drivers Trucks in 2004, DAF Trucks in 2006 and IVECO in 2008
doing and monitoring every event in real time is the key [10]. The products are all supporting the FMS standard and
parameters for a well-managed decision-making process. In this can generally be deployed in mixed fleets even if some
paper, a novel approach for control and monitoring of a fleet functionality can be brand-specific [11]. A major trend in
management system using three elements including 2008 and 2009 has been the announcement of solutions for
GPS/GLONASS-based automatic vehicle locators (called remote downloading of digital tachograph data and more
Rad100), GPRS/SMS GSM cellular network and web-based advanced functionalities for eco-driving [12].
software (called PayaRadyab) is proposed to show exact position Our intelligent system for supervision, control, and
of the desired vehicle on different maps and take detailed reports
management of vehicle fleet, called PayaRadyab, has been
of the mission, travelled path, fuel consumption rate, speed limits,
and other necessary information according to the customers’
developed, programmed, and implemented recently. In this
requests. The most significant features of the proposed system system, we employed the latest programmable integrated
are its global covering, high accuracy of positioning, easy circuits (ICs) technology as well as the most powerful state of
operation by the user at any location, and easy energy the art software. Using this system, the managers or users can
management. In this study, I have designed and fabricated more conduct online web-based tracking of vehicle fleet on server
than 50 Rad100 trackers and also programmed a web-based based maps. Moreover, this system makes available detailed
PayaRadyab software in which their performance and accuracy reports of the mission, location, fuel consumption rates, speed
have been confirmed by the practical results in different limits, and other required information according to customers’
conditions. requests. The most significant features of this system are its
global covering, high positioning accuracy, easy operation by
Keywords— Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL), Fleet the user at any location, and easy energy management. The
Management System (FMS), Global Positioning System (GPS), proposed system comprises different hardware and software
Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS), General Packet parts which are presented in the following sections with more
Radio Service (GPRS). details. In Section II, Advantages of fleet management
systems are discussed and also Fleet management system is
I. INTRODUCTION presented as detailed information. PayaRadyab software is
Fleet management system is used for monitoring different presented in Section III and finally, the paper is closed with a
kinds of motor vehicles such as cars, vans, trucks, aircraft conclusion in Section IV.
(planes, helicopters etc.), ships as well as rail cars [1]. It has
numerous applications such as vehicle maintenance [2], II. ADVANTAGES OF FLEET MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS
vehicle tracking and diagnostics [3], improving driver Nowadays, management and planning as well as control
performance [4], speed control and fuel management [5]. Fleet and monitoring of various activities in transportation sectors
Management is a function which allows companies which rely are considered to be extremely important at a global level and
on transportation in business to remove or minimize the risks can lead to further developments in economic, social, and even
associated with vehicle investment, improving efficiency, political fields. The fleet management system was developed
productivity and reducing their overall transportation and staff based on the above approach and made available to applicants
costs, providing 100% compliance with government and various users so that they could plan the mission, service,
legislation (duty of care) [6] and much more. These functions and operational vehicle based on actual and exact objective
can be dealt with by either an in-house fleet management information for the purpose of providing better control and
department or an outsourced fleet management provider [1]. monitoring with due attention to the content of the assigned
The number of fleet management units deployed in missions. The following advantages can be enumerated for this
commercial fleets in Europe will grow from 1.5 million units system
in 2009 to 4 million in 2014 [7]. Even though the overall
penetration level is just a few percent, some segments such as Management of vehicles fuel consumption based on daily,
road transport will attain adoption rates above 31 percent [8]. monthly, and annual reports provided for a particular
All major truck manufacturers on the European market offer vehicle or a group of vehicles.
OEM telematics solutions as a part of their product portfolio. Efficient and exact management of the vehicle fleet and
Mercedes-Benz [9], Volvo and Scania launched their first increase supervision capabilities
products in the 1990s and followed by MAN in 2000, Renault
2016 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fig. 1. Fleet management system based on AVL, GPS satellites, and GSM cellular network.
Promotion of system efficiency and considerable loading into the program). By receiving the data from Rad100,
reduction of control and monitoring costs compared with our designed software, PayaRadyab, stores the vehicle
traditional operator-based supervisory systems positions in its SQL database and subsequently displays them
Receiving exact performance and operation information on various online maps. PayaRadyab is provided as a web-
from the vehicles based version, allowing the users to receive the necessary
Increase the fleet management system efficiency information directly from Rad100 everywhere they like just by
Considerable reduction of driving violations during in- an internet connection and a common web browser such as IE,
service periods Mozilla or google chrome.
Increase the customer satisfaction and staff transparency
Possibility of evaluating the performance of the affiliated B. Intelligent GPS/GLONASS tracker
organizations Rad100 shown in Fig. 2 is a terminal with GPS/GLONASS
Standardization of the implemented concepts and forms and GSM connectivity that is able to determine the vehicle’s
within the executive organizations for the purpose of coordinates and transfer them via GPRS or SMS of the GSM
correcting the existing methods and preventing subjective network toward a defined web server. It is a very reliable
trends to govern various processes. hardware to minimize the theft risk provided that external GPS
A. Fleet management system antenna is not accessible of the thief. It not only calculates the
exact position of the vehicle but also supports some digital
PayaRadyab system shown in Fig. 1 comprises a device
called tracker and a software. Our designed and fabricated inputs/outputs that can be used for another installed security
tracker, Rad100, is used for receiving satellite waves and system on the vehicle. The GPS information picked up by
transmitting the received information to the desired web server Rad100 can be dealt with in one of two ways. For active
using a GPRS connection. When Rad100 receives the satellite trackers, it is instantly relayed through the GSM network to
waves at least from 4 GPS/Glonass satellites, by exact PayaRadyab software which provides a live picture of where
calculations and necessary operations, the position of the the vehicle is located. With passive trackers, the journey
device can be achieved and stored on its memory card. It will information is recorded on the memory card of Rad100 and can
send such information to a web server as either synchronous be downloaded at a later date, usually when the vehicle returns
(online) using the GPRS or SMS platforms in the GSM to base. Rad100 can show the direction and speed of a vehicle
communication network, or asynchronous (for later offline
2016 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering
as well as its location. Some features of Rad100 are organized 4 digital and 2 analog inputs with a dedicated digital input
as follows: for Ignition and 4 open collector outputs
GPS features Any element event triggers (external sensor, input, speed,
32 channel GPS/GLONASS receiver with -161 dBm temperature, etc.)
sensitivity Highly configurable data acquisition and sending
NMEA, GGA, GGL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG protocol Real Time tracking and Smart data acquisition (based on
compatible time, distance, angle, ignition and events
GPRS features Sending acquired data via GPRS (TCP/IP and UDP/IP
GSM frequency of 850MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, and protocols)
1900MHz Smart algorithm of GPRS connections (GPRS traffic
GPRS class 10 and SMS (text, data) saving)
Special features Operating in roaming networks (preferred GSM providers
16 MB internal Flash memory (120 days data storing) Events on I/O detection and sending via GPRS or SMS.
with the SD card support 150 geofence zones (rectangular, circle or triangle)
Built-in movement sensor Different sleep modes (idle, normal sleep, deep sleep)
Power supply: from 6 to 32V Authorized number list for remote access
Protection against overcurrent, short circuiting and earth Firmware update over GPRS or USB port
faults Configuration its settings over GPRS, SMS or USB port
Integrated scenarios: TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol support,
ECO driving (ratings of acceleration, braking, cornering IP, domain and Port settings.
based on accelerometer) Panic alert, speed alert and towing alert
Over-speeding, Authorized driving (50 iButton keys), Highly configurable functionality
Immobilizer Hermetic enclose IP67
USB port, and 4 status LEDs
Fig. 3: The latest vehicle position on the map using the proposed native
software (PayaRadyab Software in the Persian language). Fig. 4: The last vehicles’ positions on the map using PayaRadyab Software.
Short-term applications: In this case, the effective outputs
Location (periodic/on-demand) from the system are available to the user(s) in a short
GSM/GPRS jamming detection period of time for quick decision making.
Driver ID (iButton, Keypad) and Emergency key Supervisory and management applications: In this
Simple and optimized text mechanism for application, long-term statistical reports are extracted for
individual operation long-term management and planning.
Li-Pol rechargeable battery 3.7V, 1800 mAh Automotive consumables control: According to the
External GSM antenna and external GPS/GLONASS received data from different sensors and mileage of the
antenna tracker installed on the car, PayaRadyab software gives
One-wire, two-wire interface protocol, SPI, RS232 and comprehensive information about the status of automotive
CAN interfaces consumables. Thus, it considerably reduces peripheral
Weight (including battery): 100 g, Storage temperature - costs and, simultaneously, prevents probable vehicle
40 to 85° C damage and depreciation.
Operating temperature -20 to 70° C, Max. Relative
humidity 90±5% A. Short-term applications
Power consumption @ 12Vdc: Short-term applications of PayaRadyab software are
Max: 70-100 mA (avg) Peak: 400 mA organized as follows:
Low power mode (GPS off): < 10 mA Display the latest position and online monitoring of the
Sleep mode (GPS off, modem off): < 3 mA vehicle(s)
In the case of no coverage for GSM and GPS systems Speed limit control and sending related warnings
(which occurs in most vehicles), the proposed system can Find the mileage and vehicle heading
store the required information for up to 4 months and Monitor the stop and start points beside their durations
automatically transmit the stored data from the hardware to the Find the nearest vehicle to our desired position
server as soon as signal coverage is restored. Figs. 3 and 4 show the latest position of a vehicle and a
group of vehicles on different kinds of online maps,
III. PAYARADYAB SOFTWARE AND ITS APPLICATIONS respectively, using PayaRadyab software. Users can access to
PayaRadyab, a native software in the Persian language, is their necessary information just by click on the icon of the
designed for online monitoring and control of Rad100, desired vehicle after they were logged in to the system.
installed on the vehicle. It is programmed to fulfill three parts
Fig. 5 illustrates the nearest vehicle(s) to the desired
of applications including:
position of the user which is applied for an emergency. In other
words, through displaying the last position of a certain vehicle,
2016 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fig. 5. The distance of every selected vehicle to our desired location. Fig. 6. The travelled path and the direction of the desired vehicle during the
time interval
the system can identify the nearest vehicle to the desired payments forwarded to the relevant organization. In this part of
location and assign the relevant mission to that vehicle, thus the software, for long-distance missions, the fuel consumption
providing targeted vehicle use towards accomplishing the for the different paths leading to the same destination can be
mission and reducing the fuel consumption at the same time. calculated and the path with the minimum consumption
Another application is crisis control and management. In the selected for the future mission. PayaRadyab software also
event of various crises such as fire, the proposed system can be presents different kinds of reports about fuel consumption
applied to display the positions of a group of vehicles and versus the velocity of the vehicle. For example, if the light
subsequently dispatch the nearest vehicles or motorcycles to vehicle travels 100 km smooth path at speeds less than 70
that area. Thus, the information provided by PayaRadyab km/hr., fuel consumption would increase and finally it
software can be used for crisis management. The traveled increases our expenses. It also reports another report about
vehicle paths and the direction of movements are important remaining prepaid SIM card charge which is a remarkable
parts of every fleet management system. As shown in Fig. 6, feature provided by the software. The average and maximum
the path and the direction of the desired vehicle can be speed of the vehicle can be given by the software too. Figs. 7, 8
displayed by PayaRadyab software in terms of different and 9 show different extracted reports of PayaRadyab software.
features such as speed limit and time interval.
In Fig. 7(a) the traveled path versus date is depicted as a bar
B. Supervisory and management applications graph. It can be observed that on the first day, the vehicle
traveled around 577 km. However, it is 414 km for 30th. The
Using PayaRadyab software, the user can extract various maximum traveled path by that vehicle is around 1071 km in
comprehensive and comparative reports for better supervisory 17th. Fig. 7(b) shows fuel consumption of the vehicle in each
and management such as mileage, mission, average and day of the 11th month too in which Rad100 extract its value
maximum speed, and fuel consumption of either a vehicle or a from the car and send it back to our server. As you see in this
group of vehicles in a defined interval of time. figure, there are relatively a direct relation between traveled
Comprehensive reports can be used for making decisions path and fuel consumption.
about budget allocation and performance evaluation based on In Figs. 8(a) and 8(b) both traveled path and fuel
the mileage and fuel consumption calculated for the vehicles consumption are depicted as bar graphs monthly from 6th
while comparative ones are used for comparison of mentioned month to 12th month. As you see in these figures, the most
reports between two vehicles daily and monthly. traveled path of the vehicle has been done in the 9th month.
One of the reported problems by the managers of different
organizations is the payment of vehicle-related expenses. To
solve it, by filling out the “mission form” provided by the
PayaRadyab system, the respective private company can
specify the vehicle use during missions. These forms can be
extracted from the system every month or according to the
required date. The mileage calculation of by each vehicle can
then be performed by PayaRadyab software and the due
2016 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering
a) a)
b) b)
Fig. 7. a) Traveled path and b) Fuel consumption of a vehicle in a month Fig. 8. a) Traveled path and b) Fuel consumption of a vehicle in half a year
based on daily report part of the PayaRadyab software. versus each month based on monthly report part of the PayaRadyab software.
The maximum fuel is proportionally consumed in that month. budgetarily and replacement reports to assist in the replacement
Figs. 9(a) and 9(b) show a comparative study of traveled process. These reports can also be exported to an excel
path and fuel consumption of that vehicle in two desired spreadsheet in order to make the procurement process easier.
months in which the blue and orang bars are related to 9th and PayaRadyab Software contains very comprehensive history
10th months. As you observe in this figure, in first day of the reporting for each piece of fleet equipment. Want to know
when the last brake job was done? It's in there! Want to know
9th month the traveled path is less than that day in the 10th
how many of these alternators have been installed and on
month. Using these reports and others necessary information which vehicles? It's in there! Whether you are looking for a
of PayaRadyab software, the organization managers can basic historical or cost report or a more complex report -
monitor and manage their vehicles in different missions. PayaRadyab gives you many reports to pull the data out.
C. Automotive consumables control Without a doubt, fleet security is the most important area of
A vehicle has many consumable items (e.g. engine oil, all. Driver and public safety are of course paramount, and
brake fluid, spark plug, belt, air and oil filters, etc.) which must anyone running a fleet of vehicles has to make this their prime
be replaced at regular intervals or vehicle performance can concern. As an additional security feature, some fleet
suffer greatly, leading to excessive fuel consumption and even management services offer customers access to vehicular
complete breakdown. To avoid such incidents, the control mechanisms. Security systems located within the
consumables must be controlled based on the mileage and vehicle can enable employers to gradually and safely reduce
replaced appropriate times. PayaRadyab software alarms the speed of, and ultimately stop, a vehicle within their fleet.
inform users about them. This security feature is particularly useful for companies
operating fleets of large vehicles which have the potential to
PayaRadyab Software facilitates your replacement and cause significant damage in the event that they are stolen or
procurement process by providing you with the needed data to become rogue (where the vehicle travels without an occupant
make informed decisions regarding the condition of your or the occupant is unable to stop the vehicle from within). To
equipment. You can set up your replacement schedules at the get the maximum benefits, it is essential that both the fleet
individual equipment level or at the class level for a group of manager and the drivers have a good working knowledge of the
equipment. Once setup, PayaRadyab software will provide tracking software.
2016 1st International Conference on New Research Achievements in Electrical and Computer Engineering
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generation by optofluidic infiltrated photonic crystal fibers,” Selected
proposed system consists of a tracker, Rad100, which is Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of, vol. 20, no. 5, pp.
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