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Future Proposal 2020 Meta Amelia

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CHAPTER I Foreign language anxiety

A. Research Background
Writing is one of the four language skills. It is the process of write a word, a
sentence or a paragraph by expressed their feeling, thinking and etcAccording to
Brown (2004: 218) “We also fully understand the difficulty of learning to write “well”
in any language, even in our own native language. Every educated child in developed
countries learns the rudiments of writing in his or her native language, but very view
learn to express themselves clearly with logical, well-developed organization that
accomplishes an intended purpose. Writing is a complex and difficult skill because in
writing there is some point that should be thinked such as: grammar, vocabulary,
organization and mechanics. In mechanics one of the point is about punctuation.
According to Heaton (1988) the use of mechanic is due to capitalization, punctuation
even spelling in writing.
Punctuation is one of the important point in writing. According to Hotben
D.Lingga punctuation is defined as ‘important medium in writing’. There are some
type of punctuation such as: full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, apostrophe,
quotation mark, eclamation mark, question mark and etc. Nevertheless, most of
student is difficut to use the punctuation in written text.
The text is a combination of several paragraphs by paying attention to the
rules of the text itself. According to Mario Klarer (1991:1) text is related to “textile”
and can be translated as a “fabric” just a single threads form a fabric so word and
sentence form a meaningful and coherent text. Text can be classified as literary and
factual text. Literary text has three main types such as: narrative, poem and drama.
The researcher want to analyze one of the loterary text type is narrative.
Narrative text is a text that tells about the past story such as legend, fabel,
fairy tale and etc. It aims to entertain the reader. M. Sudarwati state that there are
three parts of generic structure as follows:
1) Orientation : Who were involved in the story, when and where.
2) Complication : A problem arises followed by other problems.
3) Resolution : Solution to the problem.
Based on it explanation the reasercher can conclude that narrative can be occured
variously as well as the generic structure rules.
In learning process student make an error in using punctuation when wwrite
a narrative text. Sujoko (1989: 5) state that an error is a noticeable deviation from
the adult of a native speaker, reflecting in interlanguage competence of the learner.
In order to analyze of the error, in this research the researcher would to analyze the
student error in using punctuation in narrative text by asking them to make a story.
The researcher want to know what punctuation error mostly made by student. The
researcher observes a punctuation error analysis in writing narrative of the tenth
grade in SMA Al-Madina.
B. Statement of the Problem students
perceive that writing is a complex skill. When they would to write a lot of points
should be thinked. One of the importance point in writing is punctuation. Based on
that problem, the researcher would to analyze the punctuation error in student
narrative writing at tenth grade in SMA Al-Madina.
C. Limitation of the Problem
The researcher limits the research in two points as follows:
1. This research is limited to know the punctuation error at tenth grade of SMA
2. This reseach is limited to the process of giving feedback in student writing.
D. Research Objectives and Benefits
1. Objectives of the Research
1) The error analysis is to find the students’ error on their narrative
2) To find how is giving feedback affected to student writing.
2. Benefits of the Research
The benefits of the research can be categorized as:
1) The result of this research is hope to make student able to use
punctuation in writing.
2) For the teacher is hope to give feedback to improve students’ writing
E. Research Questions and Assumptions
1. Research Questions
a. What kind of error student made in using punctuation mark in
narrative text?
b. How is the process of giving feedback to student writing?
2. Research Assumptions
According to Rehman (2016:27) punctuation is a device used by a writer to
help his readers understand the meaning of his words. Based on that
definition, the researcher would to analyze the error of student in writing
narrative by using punctuation.

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