Advanced Research Methods and Seminars: By: Fikreselam Gared (PHD)
Advanced Research Methods and Seminars: By: Fikreselam Gared (PHD)
Advanced Research Methods and Seminars: By: Fikreselam Gared (PHD)
1 Objectives
2 Definition of Research
3 Types of Research
5 Scientific Research
To help students:
What is Research?
Types of Research
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Types of Research
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Types of Research
2) Case study
3) Comparative method/study
Scientific Research
1 Empirical
decisions are based on concrete data
Evidence based approach
Scientific decisions are made based on the data derived
from direct observation and experiments
2 Observation
Aware of surrounding and making careful measurements.
A keen eye to surroundings can often provide many ideas
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
3 Question
After getting a research idea (from making observations),
the next step in the research process involves:
Translating the research idea into an answerable question.
4 Hypothesis
Are the researchers attempt to explain the phenomenon be-
ing studied, and that explanation should involve a prediction
about the variables being studied.
Predictions are then tested by gathering and analyzing data,
and the hypotheses can either be supported or refused on
the basis of the data.
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
3 Question
After getting a research idea (from making observations),
the next step in the research process involves:
Translating the research idea into an answerable question.
4 Hypothesis
Are the researchers attempt to explain the phenomenon be-
ing studied, and that explanation should involve a prediction
about the variables being studied.
Predictions are then tested by gathering and analyzing data,
and the hypotheses can either be supported or refused on
the basis of the data.
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
Hypothesis is testable
5 Experiment
After articulating the hypothesis, the next step involves con-
ducting the experiment (or research study).
6 Analysis
After conducting the study and gathering the data, the next
step involves analyzing the data.
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
7 Conclusion
After analyzing the data, you are now in a position to draw
some conclusions about the results of the study.
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
8 Replication
means conducting the same research study a second time
with another group of participants to see whether the same
results are obtained.
If the results of a research is replicated reduce chance of
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research
Accurately recorded
Properly analyzed
No hidden assumption
Conclusion well-founded
Properly presented
Title: Advanced Research Methods and Seminars
Scientific Research