Best Approach: Complex Numbers
Best Approach: Complex Numbers
Best Approach: Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers
By Mathematics Wizard
Manoj Chauhan Sir (IIT Delhi)
No. 1 Faculty of Unacademy,
Exp. More than 12 Years
in Top Coaching of Kota
Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. Let z1 and z2 be two complex numbers Q. Let z1 = 10 + 6i & z2 = 4 + 6i. If z is any
complex number such that the argument of,
z1 2 z 2 z z1
such that = 1 and | z2 | 1, is , then prove that
2 z1z 2 z z2 4
find | z1 |. z 7 9i= 3 2 .
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. For complex numbers z & , prove that, |z|2 Q. Let + i ; , R, be a root of the
– ||2 z = z – if and only if, equation x3 + qx + r = 0 ; q, r R. Find a
z = or z = 1 real cubic equation, independent of & ,
[JEE '99] whose one root is 2. [JEE '99]
Q. If z1 , z2 , z3 are complex numbers such that Q. If arg (z) < 0 , then arg ( z) arg (z) =
(A) (B)
1 1 1
z1 = z2 = z3 = = (C) (D)
z1 z 2 z 3 2 2
1, thenz1 + z2 + z3 is : [ JEE 2000 (Screening)]
(A) equal to 1 (B) less than 1
(C) greater than 3 (D) equal to 3
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. The complex numbers z1, z2 and z3 satisfying Q. Let z1 and z2 be nth roots of unity which
z1 z 3 1 i 3 subtend a right angle at the origin. Then n must
are the vertices of a be of the form
z2 z3 2
(A) 4k + 1 (B) 4k + 2
triangle which is
(C) 4k + 3 (D) 4k
(A) of area zero
[ JEE 2001 (Screening)]
(B) right-angled isosceles
(C) equilateral
(D) obtuse – angled isosceles
Q. For all complex numbers z1, z2 satisfying |z1| Q. is an imaginary cube root of unity. If
= 12 and |z2 – 3 – 4i| = 5, the minimum value (1 + 2)m = (1 + 4)m , then least positive
of |z1 – z2| is integral value of m is
(A) 0 (B) 2 (A) 6 (B) 5
(C) 7 (D) 17 (C) 4 (D) 3
[JEE 2002 (Screening)] [JEE 2004 (Scr)]
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. If a, b, c are integers not all equal and w is a Q. If one of the vertices of the square
cube root of unity (w 1), then the minimum circumscribing the circle |z – 1| = 2 is
value of |a + bw + cw2| is
(A) 0 (B) 1 2 3 i . Find the other vertices of square.
[JEE 2005 (Mains)]
3 1
(C) (D)
2 2
[JEE 2005 (Scr)]
Q. If | z | = 1 and z ± 1, then all the values of Q. A particle P starts from the point z0 = 1 + 2i,
z where i = 1 . It moves first horizontally
lie on
1 z2 away from origin by 5 units and then vertically
(A) a line not passing through the origin away from origin by 3 units to reach a point
(B) | z | = 2 z1. From z1 the particle moves 2 units in
(C) the x-axis
the direction of the vector î ˆj and then it
(D) the y-axis [JEE 2007]
moves through an angle in anticlockwise
direction on a circle with centre at origin, to
reach a point z2. The point z2 is given by
(A) 6 + 7i (B) – 7 + 6i
(C) 7 + 6i (D) – 6 + 7i
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. Comprehension (3 questions together) a. The number of elements in the set
Let A, B, C be three sets of complex numbers A B C is
as defined below (A) 0 (B) 1
A = z : Im z 1 (C) 2 (D)
B = z :| z 2 i | 3
C = z : Re((1 i) z ) 2
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. Let z = x + iy be a complex number where x
and y are integers. Then the area of the
rectangle whose vertices are the roots of the
equation zz 3 zz 3 350 is
[JEE 2009]
(A) 48 (B) 32
(C) 40 (D) 80
Q. [Note : Here z takes the values in the complex plane and Im z and Rez denote, respectively, the imaginary part
and the real part of z] [JEE 2010]
Column I Column II
(A) The set of point z satisfying |z – i|z|| = |z + i |z|| (P) an ellipse with eccentricity
is contained in or equal to
(B) The set of points z satisfying |z + 4| + |z – 4| = 10 (Q) the set of points z satisfying Im z = 0
is contained in or equal to
(C) If |w| = 2, then the set of points z = w – 1/w is (R) the set of points z satisfying |Im z| 1
contained in or equal to
(D) If |w| = 1, then the set of points z = w + 1/w is (S) the set of points z satisfying |Im z| 2
contained in or equal to
(T) the set of points z satisfying |z| 3
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. Let 1 be a cube root of unity and S be Q. If z is any complex number satisfying |z – 3 –
the set of all non-singular matrices of the form 2i| 2, then the minimum value of |2z – 6 +
5i| is [JEE 2011]
1 a b
1 c , where each of a, b and c is
2 1
either or 2. Then the number of distinct
matrices in the set S is
(A) 2 (B) 6
(C) 4 (D) 8
[JEE 2011]
Q. Let z be a complex number such that the Q. If z is a complex number of unit modulus and
imaginary part of z is non-zero and a = z2 + z 1 z
+ 1 is real. Then a cannot take the value argument , then arg equals :
[JEE 2012] 1 z
(A) – (B) –
(A) –1 (B)
3 (C) – (D)
1 3
(C) (D) [IIT JEE Main 2013]
2 4
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
2k 2k
Q. Let zk = cos + i sin 10 ; k = 1, 2, ..... 9. [IIT JEE Advance 2014]
List I List II
(P) For each zk there exists a zj such that (1) True
zk . zj = 1
(Q) There exists a k {1, 2, .....9} such that (2) False
z1 . z = zk has no solution z in the set of
complex numbers
| 1 z1 ||1 z 2 | ...... |1 z 9 |
(R) equals (3) 1
(S) 1 – cos equals (4) 2
k 1 10
Codes :
(A) 1 2 4 3
(B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 1 2 3 4
(D) 2 1 4 3
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
k 2 3i sin
Q. For any integer k, let ak = cos +i Q. A value of for which is purely
7 1 2isin
imaginary, is : [JEE Mains 2016]
sin , where i = 1 . The value of the
7 (A) (B)
3 6
3 1
| a k 1 ak | (C) sin–1 (D) sin–1
expression 3
k 1
is 4 3
| a 4k 1 a 4k 2 |
k 1 [JEE Advance 2015]
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. Let be a complex number such that 2 + Q. Let a, b, x and y be real numbers such that a
1 = z where z = 3 . If – b = 1 and y 0. If the complex number z =
az b
1 1 1 x + iy satisfies Im y, which of
z 1
1 2 1 2 3k, then k is equal to the following is/are possible values of x ?
1 2 7 [JEE Adv. 2017]
[JEE Mains 2017] (A) 1 1 y 2 (B) 1 1 y 2
(A) –z (B) z
(C) –1 (D) 1 (C) 1 1 y 2 (D) 1 1 y 2
Q. For a non-zero complex number z, let arg(z) (C) For any two non-zero complex numbers
denotes the principal argument with – <
arg(z) . z1 and z2, arg 1 – arg(z1) + arg(z2) is an
Then, which of the following statement(s) is z2
(are) FALSE ? [JEE Adv. 2018] integer multiple of 2.
(D) For any three given distinct complex
(A) arg(–1 – i) = , where i = 1 numbers z1, z2 and z3, the locus of the point z
sat isfying the conditio n arg =
(B) The function f : R (–, ], defined by
f(t) = arg(–1 + it) for all t R, is continuous (z z1 )(z 2 z 3 )
, lies on a straight line.
at all points of R, where i = 1 (z z 3 )(z 2 z1 )
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Maths IIT-JEE ‘Best Approach’ (MC SIR) Complex Numbers
Q. Let s, t, r be the non-zero complex numbers
and L be the set of solutions z = x + iy (x, y
R, i = 1 ) of the equation sz + tz + r = 0,
z = x – iy. Then, which of the following
statement(s) is (are) TRUE ?
[JEE Adv. 2018]
(A) If L has exactly one element, then |s| |t|
(B) If |s| = |t|, then L has infinitely many
(C) The number of elements in L {z : |z – 1
+ i| = 5} is at most 2
(D) If L has more than one element, then L
has infinitely many elements
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