Vaabclass Schedule
Vaabclass Schedule
Vaabclass Schedule
Theoretically malnutrition is a term that refers to both
under-nutrition and over-nutrition. People are malnourished
if the calories and protein they take through their
diet are not sufficient for their growth and maintenance or
due to ill health, they are not able to make complete use of
the food they eat (under nutrition) or if they consume too
many calories (over-nutrition) [1]. In this paper, we considered
under-nutrition and malnutrition equivalently.
The physical and/or mental development of children
can be hampered by poor nutrition during childhood
which consequently may lead to a greater risk of casualty
from communicable diseases or additional critical infections
which ultimately end in a bigger economic burden
of a society [2, 3]. Evidently, malnutrition among children
and mothers adversely affect the growth of development
in both national and international economic
arena as well as health and sustainable developments [4].