Preparation of Stress Analysis Reports (8594001)
Preparation of Stress Analysis Reports (8594001)
Preparation of Stress Analysis Reports (8594001)
A 21356 8594001 -
8594001, Rev -
David McMahon
Aircraft Engineering
Approved By
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Son Nguyen
Lead, Aircraft Engineering
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8594001, Rev ‐
1.0 Introduction
This document establishes requirements for formal stress analysis reports prepared for the NASA
Johnson Space Center, Aircraft Operations Division (AOD). It places special emphasis on the importance
of writing accurate, concise, and readable reports that stand alone and can serve as formal
documentation for the strength of the structure. A well documented stress analysis is one that can be
read and understood by anyone that is knowledgeable in the field of structures but is not familiar with
the structure being analyzed.
2.0 Scope
This document is applicable to stress analysis reports prepared for the Johnson Space Center Aircraft
Operations Division. This document applies to the analysis of aircraft structures, installed equipment,
payloads, and ground support equipment.
3.0 Analysis
3.1 Coverage
All load carrying structures whose failure could result in damage to the aircraft or injury to personnel
shall be substantiated by a stress analysis. The analysis shall cover the hardware in an as‐built and as‐
installed configuration. Included in this analysis shall be all structures, fasteners, welds, or bonds in the
primary load path.
3.2 Details
Each part shall be analyzed based on the design intent and load environment of the structure. The
analyst shall ensure that all failure modes and worst case combined stresses have been examined.
The following is a list of example stress analysis categories. Note, this list is provided for reference only;
it is the responsibility of the stress analyst to determine what types of analyses should be performed for
a given structure
a) Bending, flexural shear and/or torsion analysis of a beam, frame, rib, shaft, or ring of various
open or closed sections
b) Plate and shell analysis
c) Beam on an elastic foundation
d) Pressure vessel analysis (Note: pressure vessel analysis requires review and approval by the
NASA Fracture Control Team. Contact NASA Aircraft Engineering for pressure vessel analysis
e) All types of stability analysis including general and local stability of plates, skins, webs, shells,
web shear buckling or diagonal tension, local buckling or crippling of composite shapes, column
stability, and beam‐column stability
f) Analysis of composite, honeycomb, and reinforced materials
g) Large elastic deformations, geometrical nonlinearity, and gapping analysis
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h) Nonlinear analysis beyond the elastic range of the material
i) Vibration / flutter analysis
j) Dynamic, impact, and fatigue analysis
k) Stress concentration and fracture analysis
l) Crack growth analysis
m) Machine components (spring, gear, shaft, clutch, brake, ropes, belts, chains, cables, etc.)
n) Thermal structural and other analysis
For fasteners, fittings, and connections, the stress analysis may fall into any of the following categories:
a) Bolted joint, fitting, splice plate, and bolt group analysis
b) Riveted joint and connection analysis
c) Lug, pin, and bushing analysis
d) Bolt pre‐load and installation torque analysis
e) Welded joint analysis
f) Bonding, adhesive, and friction analysis
g) Linear and nonlinear residual stress analysis
h) Tolerance, interference, mismatch, thermal and other structural analysis
4.0 Report Format
The stress analysis report shall contain the sections shown in Figure 1. All sections shall be clearly
labeled and all report pages numbered. An explanation of the content of these sections follows.
Figure 1: Stress Report Outline
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The title page of the report shall include a report number and title. It shall be specific, unique, and
concise. Acronyms shall not be used in the title without definition. The title page shall include a revision
block for report revisions. An example title page is shown in Figure 4.
A table of contents shall be included in the report listing each report section and applicable page
number. It is acceptable to omit the table of contents for reports shorter than ten (10) pages.
All symbols and acronyms used in the report must be defined and show dimensional units if applicable.
Group the symbols and acronyms separately and arrange the entries in alphabetical order in the
following priority.
a) English letters
b) Greek letters
c) Subscripts
d) Superscripts
The executive summary shall summarize the major results and conclusions in the report so that the
reader may determine the substance of the material and decide whether to read the report from
beginning to end. This section shall clearly state whether or not the structure meets the design
requirements. The executive summary shall also include any recommendations based on the analysis.
This section shall contain a pictorial overview of the system being analyzed along with figures or
diagrams showing a summary of loading and results. This is probably the “most read” section of the
This section shall include a table showing the calculated minimum margins of safety summarized in a
tabular format. This table gives the reader a quick review of the results. Example tables showing the
data that shall be provided is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. These tables may be customized to add
additional relevant data but shall, at a minimum, contain the data shown. Note that each part number
shall only be listed once even though there may have been several margins of safety calculated for each
part. Therefore, this list is a minimum margin of safety summary and signifies the design critical
The introduction shall explain the purpose or objective of the report. The introduction should contain a
list of the parts being analyzed and should also include any historical information that would help the
reader further understand the context of the analysis. If the structure is a component of a larger
assembly, this section shall indicate how the component being analyzed fits into the rest of the
assembly. Other related analysis reports shall be referenced in this section to provide the reader with an
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overall picture of the complete analysis package. The length of the introduction should be kept as short
as possible yet still convey the necessary information.
This section contains all the material allowables that are used in the analysis to calculate the structure
margins of safety. All materials used in the analysis shall be clearly identified (alloy, heat treat,
composite type, etc.) along with the applicable material properties. This is a reference section for the
reader so that he can easily determine if the correct allowable was used in the analysis to obtain the
margin of safety. The source of these allowables will be clearly referenced and readily obtainable by the
reader. Reproduced pages of material manuals and references showing the allowables will be
acceptable provided these pages also show the source.
The coordinate system(s) used for loads application and calculations shall be defined in this section. A
diagram showing the coordinate system orientation relative to structure being analyzed and how it
relates to the aircraft coordinate system shall be provided.
This section shall include a summary of the critical loads applied to the component being analyzed.
Component weights and centers of gravity shall also be listed. Depending on the complexity of the
structure being analyzed, this section may or may not include a detailed loads analysis. If the structure is
of substantial complexity as determined by the analyst, the detailed loads analysis shall be in a separate
report or in the appendix. The loads shall be listed by load case in a tabular format showing load
magnitude and direction based on the specified coordinate system. High‐level free body diagrams
showing the applied loads and reactions for the governing load conditions shall be provided in this
section. More detailed free body diagrams, if applicable, specific to in‐depth analyses shall be provided
in the calculations section.
This section contains the detailed analysis of the structural components. All assumptions used in the
analysis shall be clearly described. In addition, all calculation units shall be clearly shown. Final results
shall show maximum stresses, deflections and other pertinent data listed by load case.
Sketches, Figures, and Diagrams
The calculations section shall include sketches, figures, or diagrams to illustrate the parts being
analyzed. The analysis shall be readable without reference to drawings. The following information
shall be included:
a) What parts are being analyzed – identify all parts by part number
b) Where they are in the aircraft or payload
c) Where the external loads are
d) Where the reactions are. If practical, show a free body diagram in balance with applied loads
and reactions
e) Show the part dimensions that are referenced in the analysis
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f) Locate the sections analyzed and reference axes using a consistent coordinate system
All Analyses
The following information shall be included for all analyses:
a) Loads and boundary conditions shall be clearly defined. The load path as it travels from the
aircraft to the structure being analyzed shall be clearly identified.
b) All sketches, figures, diagrams, and plots shall be clearly drawn and labeled.
c) All calculated margins of safety shall be clearly noted (e.g. underlined, bold, boxed, etc.)All
results shall be presented using a consistent coordinate system. The coordinate system shall be
clearly shown on all model and result plots.
Hand Calculations
The following information shall be included for hand calculations:
a) Every equation shall be referenced to its source by section/page number and the source listed in
the reference section of the report. It is acceptable to omit references for very basic equations
that would be common knowledge to a wide audience knowledgeable in stress analysis. See
Figures 5 & 6 for example hand calculations.
b) Component loads may be obtained from a finite element model and then used in hand
calculations to compute stresses. Printouts of the internal forces obtained from the finite
element model shall be provided in the appendix.
Computer Analyses
The following information shall be included for computer analyses:
a) For Finite Element Analyses (FEA), this section shall include a description of the mesh strategy,
boundary conditions, load application, and convergence criteria.
b) Where FEA results are used to compute margins of safety, a stress plot shall be provided with
the maximum stress location and value noted on the figure.
c) FEA results shall be cross‐checked via handbook calculations to verify FEA results are
reasonable. Component testing to verify FEA results is also highly desirable. The cross‐check
process shall be clearly described in the report. The following provides a recommended checklist
for items to be reviewed:
a. Reactions (vs. hand calculated free body diagram values)
b. Results (vs. hand calculated stresses and deflections)
All repetitious and simple calculations should be omitted. One sample calculation shall be shown and
the remaining results summarized by tabular or graphical form (such calculations should be stated as
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A complete file of unsubmitted “back‐up” or “notebook” analyses shall be maintained by the
responsible stress analysis personnel within the originating organization. These unsubmitted supporting
analyses shall be saved until the hardware has completed its design life.
A list of all references cited in the report shall be included in order to document the source of
information used in the analysis. All documents referenced shall be readily obtainable by the reader so
that they can be studied if additional information is required. It can be assumed that the NASA has
access to all government specifications, published technical articles, and published books. However, it
should not be assumed that NASA has access to Contractors' internal letters, reports, or stress manuals
since these items are usually Contractors' proprietary information. When items of this type are
referenced in the stress analysis, the pertinent data shall be included in the stress report. If this data
cannot be inserted at the place in the report where it is needed (due to bulk) then it shall be made an
appendix to the report. A simple curve taken from a Contractors' stress manual to show where a
particular factor came from is not sufficient documentation to validate the factor unless there is
sufficient information written directly on the curve to show how it was generated; i.e., boundary
conditions, assumptions, etc.
Examples of items that may be included in the appendix:
• Drawings and technical information
• Technical correspondence
• Finite element analysis model plots & results
• Stress manual references
• Multiple calculation results
• Computer file table
5.0 Checking
The stress analysis report shall be checked by an approved representative from the originating
organization independent of the report author. Verification of the following shall be completed:
a) Numerical calculations (equations, unit conversions, etc.)
b) Method of analysis (analysis techniques, assumptions, etc.)
c) Material properties (tensile strength, yield strength, modulus of elasticity, etc.)
d) Completeness of coverage (all failure modes and load conditions investigated)
e) Finite Element Analysis (analysis strategy, geometry, mesh, mass, boundary conditions, load
selection, load application, reactions, & results)
f) Legibility and readability of analysis
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6.0 Report Signatures
The report title page or signature page shall include, at a minimum, the signatures below. Note that the
required signatures are different for reports generated internal to NASA Aircraft Operations Division and
for reports generated by organizations external to NASA Aircraft Operations Division.
Required Signatures for NASA Aircraft Operations Generated Reports
a) Author / Engineer (person who prepared report)
b) Stress (person who checked stress analysis)
c) Authorization (person authorized to approve report release into NASA configuration control
Required Signatures for Reports Generated by Organizations External to NASA Aircraft Operations
a) Author / Engineer (person who prepared report from originating organization)
b) Checker /Stress (person who checked stress analysis from originating organization)
c) Approver (person authorized by originating organization to approve report release)
d) AOD Stress (NASA Aircraft Operations Division person who reviewed stress analysis)
e) AOD Authorization (NASA Aircraft Operations Division person authorized to release report into
NASA configuration control system)
For reports generated by organizations external to NASA, the originating organization shall submit
the report with the Author, Checker, and Approver boxes signed. NASA shall then review the report
and sign the NASA Stress and NASA Authorization boxes for release into NASA’s configuration
control system.
7.0 References
The following references were used in the preparation of this document:
1. Instructions for the Preparation of Stress Analysis Reports, JSC‐19652A, NASA Johnson Space
Center, 1987
2. Criteria For Preloaded Bolts, NSTS 08307, NASA Johnson Space Center
3. E.F. Bruhn, Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures, 1973
4. Thomas P. Sarafin, Spacecraft Structures and Mechanisms, From Concept to Launch, 2003
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Figure 2: Minimum Margin of Safety Summary Table
Description Analysis Minimum Margin Reference
of Safety
F.S.: the Factor of Safety varies based on the type of aircraft, installed
location, material, and other conditions. Please contact NASA Aircraft
Engineering for the applicable factor of safety to use in your application.
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Figure 3: Fastener Minimum Margin of Safety Summary Table
Fastener Analysis Fastener Forces Minimum Margin of Safety Reference
# Fastener Fastener Part Description Material Applied Load Max Max. Tension Shear Interaction1 FEA Report
Location Number Tensile Comb. Filenames Page#(s)
(lbs) Shear
1 XXXXXXX‐001 NAS6707‐10 7/16‐20 UNF X 1.3L A286 Fx=125 lbs, 868 1830 +.36 +.79 +.16 widget.db 10‐12
Tx=6000 in‐lbs
Rear Flange widget.rst
(Load Case 1)
See NSTS 08307, Criteria For Preloaded Bolts and Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures, Chapter D1.8, by Bruhn for example interaction
8 2 Number
7 3
6 4
Example Fastener Pattern
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Figure 4: Example Title Page
Format may be different based on originating organization standards
but title page shall contain required information outlined in Section 4.0
Figure 5: Example Hand Calculation – Locker
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Figure 6: Example Hand Calculation – Flap
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