Sampel Cylinder 1 (MS-01-177) R0
Sampel Cylinder 1 (MS-01-177) R0
Sampel Cylinder 1 (MS-01-177) R0
Sample Cylinders
F e a t u re s
■ Sizes from 10 to 3785 cm3 (1 gallon)
Pressure-Temperature Ratings
B P B P – both ends
304L SS/4B 500 300 1/4 304L-05SF4-300 2.00 (50.8) 8.62 (219) 0.093 (2.4) 1.8 (0.82)
500 304L-05SF4-500 13.6 (345) 2.7 (4.1)
40 1/8 304L-HDF2-40 1.25 (31.8) 3.88 (98.6) 0.070 (1.8) 0.31 (0.14)
50 304L-HDF4-50 3.75 (95.2) 0.38 (0.17)
1.50 (38.1)
75 304L-HDF4-75 4.94 (125) 0.62 (0.28)
304L SS/1800 1800 150 304L-HDF4-150 5.25 (133) 0.94 (0.43)
(124) 1/4 0.093 (2.4)
300 304L-HDF4-300 8.94 (227) 1.6 (0.73)
2.00 (50.8)
400 304L-HDF4-400 11.44 (291) 2.1 (0.96)
1/4 304L-HDF4-1000
1000 3.50 (88.9) 10.88 (276) 0.180 (4.6) 6.5 (2.9)
1/2 304L-HDF8-1000
Ordering Information
Nominal Burst Pressure 1. Do not use this device in a location where the release
at 70°F (20°C) Ordering Number of the cylinder contents might create a hazard. The rup-
2850 psig ± 150 psig ture disc vents to the atmosphere through six radial
196 bar ± 10 bar
holes in the body. Pressure is released suddenly with a
1900 psig ± 100 psig SS-RDK-16-1900 loud noise, and gases escape at high velocity.
131 bar ± 6.9 bar
2. Know the burst pressure. (This rating is marked on the
Nonrotating-Stem end face of the rupture disc unit, as required by CGA
Pamphlet S-1.1.)
Needle Valve with
3. Be sure the maximum burst pressure does not exceed
Rupture Disc Unit
the cylinder test pressure.
4. Be sure the minimum burst pressure is at least 40 %
Ordering Information higher than the cylinder filling pressure.
Connection / Size Valve Ordering Orifice 5. Inspect the rupture discs regularly. The strength of
Inlet Outlet Number Pattern in. (mm) rupture discs deteriorates with time due to temperature,
With 2850 psig (196 bar) rupture disc corrosion, and fatigue. Pulsating pressure, vacuum/
SS-16DKM4F4-2 straight pressure cycling, heat, and corrosive fluids and atmos-
1/4 in. male pheres can reduce the disc's burst pressure.
NPT 1/4 in.
female SS-16DKM4F4-A-2 0.218
angle (5.6) 6. Do not use these rupture discs to protect vessels with
1/2 in.male NPT
NPT SS-16DKM8F4-A-2 volumes greater than 3 gallons (11 355 cm3) for
compressed gases or 1 1/2 gallons (5 677 cm3) for
With 1900 psig (131 bar) rupture disc
liquefied gases.
1/4 in. male SS-16DKM4F4-1 straight
1/4 in. 7. Provide suitable means to isolate the sample cylinder
NPT SS-16DKM4F4-A-1 0.218
female from the system in case the rupture disc bursts while
angle (5.6)
1/2 in. male NPT taking a sample.
8. In cylinders with liquefied gases, a small temperature
For more information, see Swagelok Nonrotating-Stem increase during transportation or storage will cause the
Needle Valves. Other Swagelok valves are available for liquid to expand and may cause the rupture disk to release
use with sample cylinders. Contact your independent its contents. See local regulations and other appropriate
Swagelok sales and service representative for details. guidelines for safe filling limits for your application.
5 Sample Cylinders and Accessories
■ Single-ended or double-ended designs
■ Corrosion resistant 316 stainless steel construction
■ Pressure rating of 1000 psig (69 bar)
■ Sizes include 10, 25, and 50 cm3 capacities
■ Smooth internal port transition for easy cleaning
■ Volume is closely controlled
■ Full penetration butt weld construction
3/8 (9.5)
0.065 (1.7) nominal thickness OD for tube fitting or
butt weld connection
1/4 (6.4)
A ID for tube socket
weld connection
NOTE: Existing DOT specifications do not cover miniature cylinders of this size, construction, and
pressure rating.