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Lesson 1: Understanding Oneself: "Who Am I" "What Are My Skills and Weaknesses?"

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Lesson 1: Understanding Oneself

Learning Targets:

 Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and limitations and
dealing with others better
 Share one’s unique characteristic, habits, and experiences

Lesson Proper:
“Who am I”
“What are my skills and weaknesses?”
People often ask these questions as they grow into maturity, most especially during teenage years or also
known as the adolescence stage. Adolescence stage is considered a challenging phase in one’s life as it
bridges childhood and adulthood (Caparas, 2018). Knowing oneself takes a lifetime of reflection and
analysis given the fact that human person is such a complex and dynamic being that needs better

The main question is: what does it take to know and fully understand people?

Instruction: using mentimeter, answer the question: Why do you think it is important for us to know

1. Understanding Personality

- In knowing oneself, an individual must have a clear understanding and

concept of his/her own personality which consists of his/her physical,
mental, emotional, social and spiritual makeup. Another aspect of one’s
personality is his/her pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviors which
differ from each other.

2. Appreciating Values

- Values are moral codes, norms of conduct and ethical principles a

person adheres to. It is important to know one’s values in life to
identify the reason why they are doing such actions that affect
their own lives. Moreover, an individual’s decisions are greatly
affected or caused by the things he or she values in life.

3. Knowing the Body and Physical Attributes

- B e i n g a w a r e o f a
confidence and/or self-esteem most especially during the puberty stage,
which marks the start of teenage years of the adolescence stage.

4. Recognizing Dreams and Aspirations

- Knowing one’s dreams and aspirations in life can

help in identifying specific actions that an
individual can do to achieve these goals in life.
These goals could be in a form of career,
lifestyle, or personal goals.

5. Identifying like and Dislikes

- R e c o g n i z i n g o n e
in life. This could also help in determining one’s personality and boost
individual confidence.

6. Embracing the Past

- The experiences one encounters teach lessons in life. Some experiences are worth reminiscing but
some are not, but these experiences serve as inspiration to move forward in life and put oneself in
a better situation.

7. Understanding Self-Perception and Others’ Perception

- Activities like SWOT Analysis and Johari Window

could really help in knowing one’s personal view of
themselves and how other people see them as
individual. In this way, human being could reflect
about these perceptions, its similarities and
differences to identify their real personality.


A mechanism which was introduced by Joseph Luft and Harrington

Ingham which is consist of four window panes designed to help an
individual grow through learning more about oneself and others.


SWOT is an abbreviation for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats. This tool is usually used in the business context, but it is
also considered as an effective mechanism that can be used by and
individual to know his/her strengths and improve some weaknesses
in life.

Take Home Activity:

In this chapter, you were able to identify what comprises your “self” and how you can
use this knowledge to do better in the near future. In this activity, you need to give a
summary about your perception about yourself and what are the possible changes you may do to achieve
your goals in life.
Your response should be at least a 300-word narrative, covering the following specific terms:
1. Describe yourself in terms of:
a. Physical Self
b. Emotional Self
c. Social Self
d. Spiritual Self
2. What are your strengths? (it may include the things you enjoy doing the most, things or people
who inspire you to do better in life, your talents and skills as a person)
3. What are your weaknesses? (it may include the things you do not like doing or skills you want to
4. What would be your legacy in the future? (you may include on how do you want people
remember you or what do you want to be known for?)
5. What are the things you are grateful for?

Lesson 2: Developing One’s Whole Being

Learning Targets:

 Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors;

 Show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life situations; and
 Demonstrate understanding of the different aspects of holistic development: physiological,
cognitive, psychosocial and moral

Motivation Activity

What’s the Word?

Instruction: Try to guess the words using the picture clue and its definition

- Refers to the physical transformation - concerned with the principles of right and wrong
that a child experiences behaviour and the goodness and badness of human

- Progression of one’s ability to think and - relating to the interrelation of social factors and
reason out individual thought and behaviour


Puberty comes from the Latin word

“pubertas” which means adult. During this stage, the body becomes
mature and the individual becomes capable of sexual reproduction
(Schwitzgebel 2004).


1. Prepubescent – initiated by the appearance of primary sexual characteristics.

2. Pubescent – individual’s growth becomes faster
3. Postpubescent – sudden growth stops


1. Enlargement of the testes and scrotum
2. Sudden physical growth and full strength of the body
3. Deepening of the voice
4. Appearance of facial and body hair
5. Production of sperm


1. Appearance of body hair

2. Sudden growth
3. Development of sex characteristics
4. Occurrence of menarche (first menstruation)

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