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SR Tech N Ics Switzerland LTD.: Maintenance Training and Examination

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Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

Confdration suisse
Confederazione Svizzera
Confederaziun svizra

Swiss Confederatlon

Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA

. . . . .

Maintenance Training and Examination

rganisation Approval Certificate
-Rfnce: CH.14T0009
Pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council and to Commission
Regiilatons (EU) No 1321/2014 forthe time being in farce and subjectto the condition specified below, the
Federal Office of Civil Aviation of Switzerland hereby certifies:

SR Tech n ics Switzerland Ltd.

CH-8058 Zürich, Flughafen
AE- Abu Dhabi, Incubator Building Level 3 Unit 303A, Masdar City

as a maintenance training organisation in compliance with Section A ofAnnex IV (Part-147) of Regulation (EU) No
1321/2014, approved to provide training and conduct examinations Iisted in the affached approval schedule and
issue related certificates of recognition to students using the above references.

1. This approval is Iimited to that specified in the scope of work section of the approved mafntenance training Organisation
exposition as referred to in Section A ofAnnex IV (Part-147), and
2. This approval requires compliance with the procedures specified in the approved maintenance training Organisation
3. This approval [s validwhilst the approved maintenance training Organisation remains in compliance with Annex IV (Part-147)
of Regulation fEU) No 1321I2014.—
—__..4.Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this approval shall remain valid for an unlimited duration unless the
proval has previously been surrendered, superseded, suspended or revokeä.

Date of Original issue: 01.06.2009

Date of this revision: 25.01.2018 Revision No: 14

For the o peteraUthority:

Gianmario GicomelIi, Director Arnold Gunzenhauser

Head of Safety Division Aircraft Head of Section
Technical Organisations (STOB)
Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Confdration suisse
Confederazione Svizzera
Confederaziun svizra

Swiss Confederation

Federal Office of Clvii Aviation FOCA

— Maintenance Training and Examination Organisation Approval Schedu1

Reference CH.147.0009
Reference: CH.147.0009

Organisation name: SR Technics Switzerland Ltd.

Date of issue: 25.01.2018

Licence category Limitation

Type/Tasks B1 T1 Airbus A31 8/A31 9/A320/A321 (CFM56)
T1 Airbus A319/A320/A321 (CFM LEAP-1A)
T1 Airbus A319/A320/A321 (IAE V2500)
T1 Airbus A330 (GE CF6)
T1 Airbus A330 (PW 4000)
T1 Airbus A330 (RR RB 211 Trent 700)
T1 Airbus A340 (CFM56)
T1 Airbus A340 (RR RB 211 Trent 500)
11 Boeing 737-7/8/9 (CFM LEAP-1 B)
11 Boeing 737-300/400/500 (CFM56)
11 Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56)
11 Boeing 757-200/300 (RR RB2II)
11 Boeing 767-200/300/400 (GE CF6)
11 Boeing 767-200/300 (PW 4000)
11 Boeing 777-200/300 (GE 90)
11 Boeing 777-200/300 (PW 4000)
T1 Boeing 777-200/300 (RR RB2I 1 Trent 800)
B2 T2 Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 (CFM56)
T2 Airbus A319/A320/A321 (CFM LEAP-1A)
T2 Airbus A319/A320/A321 (IAE V2500)
T2 Airbus A330 (GE CF6)
12 Airbus A330 (PW 4000)
12 Airbus A330 (RR RB 211 Trent 700)
12 Airbus A340 (CFM56)
12 Airbus A340 (RR RB 211 Trent 500)
T2 Boeing 737-7/8/9 (CFM LEAP-1 B)

CASA Form 11 asse

V Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
Confdration suisse
Confederazione Svizzera
Confederaziun svizra

Swiss Confederation

Federal Office of Civil Aviation

—-—Maintenance Training and Examination Organisation Approva

Reference CH.147.0009
Reference: CH.147.0009

Organisation name SR Technics Switzerland Ltd


Dateofissue 2501 2018

CI—_Licence category Limitation

T2 Boeing 737-300/400/500 (CFM56)
T2 Boeing 737-600/7001800/900 (CFM56)
- —
— T2 Boeing 757-200/300 (RR RB211)
T2 Boeing 767-200/300/400 (GE CF6)
T2 Boeing 767-200/300 (PW 4000)
T2 Boeing 777-200/300 (GE 90)
T2 Boeing 777-200/300 (PW 4000)
T2 Boeing 777-200/300 (RR RB21 1 Trent 800)
C T4 AirbusA3l8/A319/A320/A321 fCFM56)
T4 Airbus A319/A320/A321 (CFM LEAP-IA)
T4 Airbus A319/A320/A321 (IAE V2500)
T4 Airbus A330 (GE CF6)
T4 Airbus A330 (PW 4000)
T4 Airbus A330 (RR RB 211 Trent 700)
T4 Airbus A340 (CFM56)
T4 Airbus A340 (RR RB 211 Trent 500)
T4 Boeing 737-7/8/9 (CFM LEAP-1 B)
T4 Boeing 737-300/400/500 (CFM56)
T4 Boeing 737-600/700/800/900 (CFM56)
T4 Boeing 757-200/300 (RR RB21 1)
T4 Boeing 767-200/300/400 (GE CF6)
T4 Boeing 767-200/300 (PW 4000)
T4 Boeing 777-200/300 (GE 90)
T4 Boeing 777-200/300 (PW 4000)
T4 Boeing 777-200/300 (RR RB21 1 Trent 800)
o Schw&zerkchedge:ossenschaft

Confederaziun svizra

Swiss Confederation

Federal Office of Clvii Aviation FOCA

Maintenance Training and Examination Organisation Approv le

Reference CH.147.0009
Reference CH 147 0009

Organisation name SR Technics Switzerland Ltd

Date of issue: 25M1 201 8

This approval schedule is Fmited to those trainings and examinations specified in the scope of work section of the
approved maintenance training organisation exposition,

Training Organisation Exposition reference: MTDE SR Technics Switzeriand Ltd.

Date of originai issue: 04.04.2009

of this revision: 05.01.2018 Revision No: 05.01.2018/16

For the c tent authority:

ianmario Giacometi, Dir o Arnoid Gunzenhauser

Head of Safety Division Aircraft Head of Section
Technicai Organisations (STOB)

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