Mauritius Revenue Authority Value Added Tax Guide Leaflet No.6 Submission of Returns and Payment of VAT
Mauritius Revenue Authority Value Added Tax Guide Leaflet No.6 Submission of Returns and Payment of VAT
Mauritius Revenue Authority Value Added Tax Guide Leaflet No.6 Submission of Returns and Payment of VAT
Leaflet No.6
The purpose of this leaflet is to help VAT registered persons understand their legal
obligations regarding the submission of VAT returns and payment of tax. The
provisions of the law on interest and penalty as well as the steps that have to be
taken to avoid such charges are also explained. This leaflet is for information only.
For the legal provisions, you may consult the Value Added Tax Legislation.
The law relating to VAT is contained in the Value Added Tax Act and the value
added tax regulations 1998 as subsequently amended, and are available on the
website of the MRA.
5. Payment of VAT
In the case of non-electronic return, payments may be made by cash or by
For an electronic return, instructions have to be given to the bank at the time
the return is sent, for the electronic transfer of the appropriate amount by the
due date.