EMG en UCI - Club de Revista PDF
EMG en UCI - Club de Revista PDF
EMG en UCI - Club de Revista PDF
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients often investigate and document the training intensity.5
develop weakness. Rehabilitation is initiated early to prevent Therefore, a tool to assess muscle activity during exer-
physical deterioration, but knowledge of optimal training sched-
ules is lacking. A reliable method to assess muscle activity during cise would be helpful to identify the optimal level of
exercise is needed. In this study we explored the feasibility of exercise intensity for an individual. Such information
electrical activity measurement by surface electromyography would allow the development of a personalized train-
(sEMG) during bed cycling in ICU patients. Methods: SEMG was
performed in 9 ICU patients and 6 healthy controls. A standard- ing schedule. Surface electromyography (sEMG)
ized 1-minute incremental resistance bedside cycle ergometer monitoring of muscle activity has been described in
protocol was used. Results: The median cycle time was healthy volunteers to assess muscle activity and fatigue
5.3 minutes in patients and 12.0 minutes in controls. The maxi-
mum sEMG increased in both groups; the minimal sEMG activity during exercise.6–9 sEMG detects the electrical activity
remained the same in patients, whereas an increase in the con- of the motor units that are involved in muscle con-
trol group was found. Discussion: sEMG is feasible and can tractions and can be considered a surrogate measure
detect muscle activity during bed cycling in ICU patients. It may
be a useful monitoring tool. Repeated measurements could possi- of the effort of the muscles. sEMG has been used for
bly provide information on the effects of training. diaphragm monitoring in (mechanically ventilated)
Muscle Nerve 58:688–693, 2018 pre-term infants,10,11 but monitoring of leg muscles
during bed cycling in patients in the ICU is new and
In critically ill patients who are admitted to the could provide useful information.
intensive care unit (ICU), muscle weakness often The aim of this pilot study was to determine
develops, which is referred to as ICU-acquired weak- whether sEMG is a feasible method for muscle moni-
ness (ICU-AW).1 Limiting bed rest and inactivity in toring during bed cycling in ICU patients.
early rehabilitation has a positive effect on muscle
strength, walking ability, and functional outcome.2,3 METHODS
However, the optimal frequency, intensity, and type Between January 2015 and March 2016, we conducted a
of exercise for ICU patients is unknown.3,4 prospective pilot study in the ICU of the Academic Medical
To achieve training effects on muscle strength and Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, a 34-bed, mixed medi-
cal–surgical ICU and medium care unit. The study was
cardiorespiratory fitness, the training load should be
approved by the medical ethics review committee
sufficient, but not excessive, for the cardiac, respira- (NL50006.018.14), and informed consent from each study
tory, and musculoskeletal systems. Monitoring of subject was obtained.
these systems during exercise is required to Adult ICU patients mechanically ventilated for > 48 hours
who could cycle were eligible for the study. To enable active
bed cycling, a muscle strength score ≥ 3 on the Medical
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of Research Council (MRC) scale for the legs (hip flexion, knee
this article. extension, and dorsal flexion of the feet) was required. Exclu-
Abbreviations: APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evalua- sion criteria were contraindications to perform physical exer-
tion; DEMMI, De Morton Mobility Index; HR, heart rate; ICU, intensive care cise according to the safety criteria of the Evidence Statement
unit; ICU-AW, ICU-acquired weakness; MRC, Medical Research Council; for Physiotherapy in the ICU,4 a score of < 3 (as measured
RMS, root mean square; RPE, rating of perceived exertion; RPM, revolu-
tions per minute; sEMG, surface electromyography; S5Q, Short 5-item
using the Short 5-item Questionnaire [S5Q]) for inability to
Questionnaire; sEMGmax, maximum sEMG; sEMGmin, minimum sEMG; follow instructions,12–14 and insufficient knowledge of Dutch.
ΔsEMG, change of sEMG; MDF, median frequency; MFCV, muscle fiber The control group consisted of healthy subjects.
conduction velocity
Conflicts of Interest: None of the authors have any conflict of interest to Measurements. The patients and controls were tested
disclose. once. They were placed in the semi-recumbent position in
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and dis- bed with both legs placed in a motorized cycling exercise
tribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the device (MOTOmed letto2; RECK-Technik, Betzenweiler, Ger-
use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. many). The cycling protocol started with 1 minute of passive,
Correspondence: J. Sommers; e-mail: j.sommers@amc.nl unloaded cycling at 20 revolutions per minute (RPM). Next,
active cycling started, in which the resistance was gradually
© 2018 The Authors. Muscle & Nerve published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 30 August 2018 in Wiley Online Library increased according to the fixed levels of resistance (steps) of
(wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/mus.26330 the bed cycle. The capacity of the bed cycle consisted of
IQR, interquartile range; ICU, intensive care unit; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation score; MRC, Medical Research Council scale;
DEMMI, De Morton Mobility Index.
*Data presented as median (interquartile range), unless noted otherwise.
the exercise test, there were no changes in the The methods used to analyze the results of sEMG
hemodynamic and respiratory safety parameters recordings during cycling differ substantially in the
monitored. Therefore, cycling was never stopped literature.6,7 Martin-Valdez et al. and Macdonald et al.
due to safety reasons. All controls completed the used the median frequency (MDF), muscle fiber
12-minute program with 20 steps of increasing conduction velocity (MFCV), and amplitude (RMS)
resistance. to investigate muscle fatigue.6,7 Both studies recom-
mended the use of RMS amplitude as the most suit-
Surface Electromyography. At the start of cycling,
able and sensitive variable to observe muscle activity
during the passive period, sEMG activity was able to during incremental exercise and fatigue.6,7 In our
be recorded. Evaluation of sEMG during active pilot study, we evaluated the amplitude (in the RMS
cycling showed an increase in ΔsEMG in the ICU signal) found in 10 subsequent rotations directly
and control groups. This reflected primarily an after each increase in resistance. This straightforward
increase in sEMGmax. The trough values (sEMGmin) method was also used to assess diaphragm weakness
showed no change in the patient group but an at our hospital.11
increase in the control group (Fig. 1.). We also found sEMG activity in both groups during
The overall difference between the peaks (sEMGmax) the passive period of cycling. This indicates that
of the ICU and control groups was not significant motor units were already activated in this phase.
(0.27 μV [95% confidence interval –4.41 to 4.96]; P = These results seem to support the observations by
0.9). For trough (sEMGmin), a statistically significant dif- Kayambu et al. of the benefits of passive cycling in
ference of 1.8 μV (95% confidence interval 0.05 to ICU populations. In those studies, they found that
3.53) was found (P = 0.047). passive cycling reduced muscle wasting and prevented
muscle atrophy, improved muscle strength and physi-
cal function, and reduced length of hospital stay in
medical and surgical ICU populations.2,27–29
In this pilot study we have shown that muscle activ- In most ICU patients, termination of bed cycling
ity from the rectus femoris can be monitored during was caused by patients reporting muscle fatigue in the
bed cycling by sEMG in ICU patients. With increas- legs. None of the controls stopped for this reason. We
ing resistance, a clear increase in muscle activity was also evaluated general exertion using the Borg RPE
observed. These findings indicate that sEMG is feasi- scale immediately after the exercise.16,17,30 Both ICU
ble and may be useful to monitor muscle activity in patients and controls reported a Borg RPE score of
ICU patients during exercise. In addition, during 13 defined as “somewhat hard,” indicating that there
passive cycling, limited muscle activity was detected. was no difference in perceived exertion.16,17
Recording of sEMG for the assessment of muscle
activity during cycling in healthy persons has already
been described.6–9 In these populations, the Limitations. Our study has some limitations that
method was found to be a useful tool to investigate need to be acknowledged. Due to the strict inclusion
muscle fatigue. sEMG during cycling was also used in criteria we used, our study population was small and
patients with chronic low back pain or cerebral palsy training was done at a rather late phase of the ICU
to detect muscle activation and fatigue.25,26 Because admission. Another limitation of our study was the
all these studies were performed on normal training software of the bedside cycle ergometer used. The
bikes instead of cycles used at the bedside, we decided increased power during the test could not be set on
to explore our method in healthy subjects to compare a fixed wattage per minute. The software selected its
and validate our method of cycling in the ICU. own increase in resistance based on the RPM and
690 Surface Electromyography in ICU MUSCLE & NERVE November 2018
FIGURE 1. (A) Peak values (sEMGmax) from patients in the ICU and controls. Numbers of participants are given on boxplot (EMG
expressed in microvolts). Peak values of the left quadriceps are shown. (B) Trough values (sEMGmin) for patients in the ICU and con-
trols. Numbers of participants given on boxplot (EMG expressed in microvolts). Trough values of the left quadriceps are shown. (C) Delta
values (ΔsEMG) from patients in the ICU and controls. Numbers of participants are given on boxplot (EMG expressed in microvolts).
Delta values of the left quadriceps are shown.
steps algorithm of the bed cycle. Nevertheless, the following a strict protocol, we could increase the
bed cycle was preferred because it has been recom- steps in a similar manner.
mended and widely used in ICU patients for practi- In conclusion, our pilot study has shown that
cal and safety reasons.2 The program of the bed sEMG is feasible and may be a useful monitoring
cycle provided detailed data of the wattage and num- tool to detect muscle activity during bed cycling in
ber of RPMs after completion of the exercise. By ICU patients. This investigation is a first step toward
Surface Electromyography in ICU MUSCLE & NERVE November 2018 691
FIGURE 1C Continues
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