Scuba-Diving Instructors Must Have A First Aid Certificate.: Preguntas de Ingles
Scuba-Diving Instructors Must Have A First Aid Certificate.: Preguntas de Ingles
Scuba-Diving Instructors Must Have A First Aid Certificate.: Preguntas de Ingles
First to talk about things that we think are likely to happen in the future.
17. What are the indefinite pronouns that are use in affirmative sentences?
(negative, question)
The affirmative sentences are SOME
The negative and questions is ANY
Affirmative sentences with negative meaning are NO
20. What are the model verbs that express something is possible?
The modal verbs are HAVE TO and CAN
21. What is jet lag?
22. Tell me something about the statistics about what is most dangerous?
The statistics about dangerous online are not always 100% reliable, but
they are still very interesting to read
25. What are the things that you don’t carry on a trip?
passport, suitcase, clothing, cell phone, cell phone charger, cash, credit
card, toothbrush, bottle of water
If... Do Don’t
…you’re out in a Get insides, stand Put up your umbrella
thunderstorm under a tree
…you’re in an get under a table, swim in a pool
earthquake keep away from tall
buildings, stay calm
and don't panic
…you get lost in the signal for help, stand light a fire
mountains under a tree