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Manzardo 1
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Mitchell Manzardo
Professor Morean
English Composition II
30 July 2020
Abortion is a seriously touchy subject in The United States of America. It has remained
one of the most important debates in recent years and most likely will continue to remain that
way until there is a compromise made that each side can respect and somewhat support. For the
people that are opposed to abortion it is very important that when looking at abortion it should be
thought of from the woman’s perspective. But, for the people that are supportive of abortions it is
also important for them to look at it from another perspective than their own as well. Some
people only consider looking at it from one side of the argument and do not consider the other to
be valid. The two main angles found when looking at abortion are morals and individuals’
rights/freedoms. Most of the time people formulate their opinion on abortion based on what their
political party believes. Once they have their opinion, they hardly consider what it is like for the
other side. That goes both ways, for people against abortions and for people in favor of
It has become increasingly difficult to make political change in the United States of
America because people have forgotten how to make compromises. For instance, if a person that
is against abortion sees that some pro-abortion law is passed, they might start to believe that it’s
the end of the world and that all types of abortions are going to be legal soon. But that is not the
case most of the time. People need to consider compromising in a middle ground for these
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situations. Women should be allowed to have abortions as long as there are some minor
limitations in order to prevent misuse, because if women were not allowed to have abortions at
all that would take away her right to choose what happens to her own body.
Overtime there have been many political controversies in The United States of America.
Some of these controversial topics can be solved swiftly. But, some of the topics that create great
political distancing between our two-party system in America take decades or even centuries to
find a proper solution to. Even after all that time there are still a few very important topics that
remain at the top of the political controversy. Some of these topics include racism, drugs, and
abortion, just to name a few. These topics typically have many layers to them. For instance, in
our fight against racism one of the first steps was to abolish slavery and Jim Crow laws. But,
even after that it is clear that racism has not stopped in the USA. Even today it can be seen that
people of color are still being oppressed. Overtime people have gradually seen why racism and
discrimination should be illegal and the USA has made major and minor adjustments in order to
try to stop this injustice all together. Racism is seen as a terrible thing by almost every single
person and that is why recently there have been some extremely important events in order to stop
it all together. But other topics are not as easily dealt with nowadays.
human pregnancy. This topic does not have a straightforward, “it is bad” or ‘it is okay”, answer.
There are many degrees that must be considered when talking about the topic of abortion. Some
people think that abortions should be completely legal, and nobody should be allowed to stop a
woman from getting one. Other people believe that no matter what the circumstance abortions
should be illegal and are considered murders. But most people are somewhere in between those
two extremes and want to make a compromise or agreement on what should and should not be
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legal. The topic of abortion has remained a very heated debate for many years now and the
question of “When should, and how should the government put limitations, if any, on abortion?”
has remained relevant and will remain relevant for years to come. There are many moral
questions asked when looking at the topic of abortion as well as questions on an individual’s
The fact of morality is very important when discussing abortion and topics like abortion.
Obviously, people have different morals and morals are extremely important to most, if not
everyone. If you try to make laws that go against someone's moral code it might make them
angry or irritated and that is what makes is so difficult to come to a compromise in instances like
this. In order to help persuade people to one side or another, many people have come up with
arguments for and against abortion overtime. The arguments against abortion that my sources
presented are mostly based on the moral codes that people have. Many people believe that
abortion is murder because they believe that life begins at conception. But other people do not
think the same. Other people think that life begins when the fetus gains consciousness, and some
people even think it begins when the fetus has a heartbeat. Another way that many pro-life
activists combat these statements is by saying that even if there is a chance for life then should
we not give the child a chance? There are many ideas on the topic of when life begins and there
There are many more special and specific scenarios that must be questioned as well. For
instance, if a woman is raped, is it really morally correct to tell her that she has to go through the
emotional and physical trauma of having a baby that she never wanted in the first place? If
abortion is completely illegal, then a woman in a situation like this one would not even have a
choice whether to give birth or not. It does not seem very morally correct to force that onto her.
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Another scenario would be if the woman that is going to give birth has a condition where she
might die during pregnancy or at childbirth. Maternal death can occur during pregnancy or even
up to 42 days following the birth of the child. As described in the article “Pregnancy and
Childbirth” by Sepsis Alliance, a U.S. organization created to prevent this very scenario, sepsis is
one of these rare and special cases that must be considered. Sepsis in an illness that can develop
in some pregnant women. Once developed it can be very dangerous. It can disable the woman
giving birth as well as even kill her if the case is dangerous and deadly enough. Sepsis alone kills
and disables more people than breast cancer, lung cancer, and stroke combined. It is truly a very
serious and deadly illness. There are a great many more ways that women can die from
maternity. The organization March of Dimes, which was created in order to prevent and save
women that are at risk or maternity death, reported that nearly 700 women die from
complications during and after pregnancy each year. If it can be predicted that a woman is going
to be one of these 700 deaths, then is it really morally correct to tell her she cannot have the
option to save her own life? Instances like this make the debate on abortion so difficult and what
Another argument that many pro-abortion activists make is that if a woman is forced to
have a child she does not want and she puts it into foster care, will that child get a safe and happy
life? The question is very hard to answer. But a better question that pro-life activists ask is, even
if their life is not so great at all, is it still morally okay to terminate the pregnancy before the kid
is given a chance? Both these questions are extremely hard to answer. When some people look at
these questions, they find they disgusting and inappropriate, while others look at them and see a
justification for abortion. Maybe if the foster care system this argument and this problem would
not even be an issue at all. Nonetheless it is very important to weigh the pros and cons of putting
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a child into foster care just for argument’s sake. Firstly, Katie Dupere states in the article “6
problems with the foster care system — and what you can do to help,” that abuse and neglect are
some extremely important subjects to look at. Though a child may eventually find their way into
a foster home it may not be a completely safe house. Moving from family to family it might be
hard for a child to have to deal with the emotional trauma of being abused or neglected a few
times. It’s the harsh reality of foster care. There are a lot of families out there that just want to
take care of a kid and treat them as their own child. But there are also a few bad apples that could
negatively affect a child’s life forever. Another thing that Dupere points out is that a large
amount of the children that go into foster care are at an increased risk of having a poor education
and being unemployed, which would in the end result in homelessness or worse. On the other
side of the argument, many pro-life activists find themselves wondering if termination of a
pregnancy can really be justified with a few “what if?” questions. They have a very important
point when it comes down to it. Is it really morally okay to level give a kid a chance because
there is a chance, they will turn out having a terrible life? Maybe it is worth the risk because they
could have a great and overall “normal” life. But, is it not true that the kid should at least be
given a chance at a safe and happy life? It is the harsh reality of the situation.
Overall, it is extremely clear that morals play a key role in determining whether abortion
should be allowed or not. From adoption to maternal death to the question of when life begins,
these are all morally subjective topics that might change from person to person. Someone may
think that life begins starting at conception of the child, but then they might think that the mother
should be allowed to have an abortion if the pregnancy and birth could kill her also. It is
extremely hard for someone to morally be on one extreme of the argument or the other. It is clear
that there needs to be a compromise, a middle ground. Maybe that compromise could be that
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abortions should be allowed, but only if the mother is a rape victim or could experience maternal
death. Or maybe that middle ground is that abortions should be allowed as long as they are
before a certain stage in pregnancy. There are countless variations but it completely and utterly
Not only is there morality in question when it comes to abortion but there are also
people’s, specifically women’s, individual freedoms that are called into question. Most of the
time, it can be seen that the people whom appose abortion do not like to stray far from the law
and most of the time follow them to a T. For instance, when it comes to their 2nd Amendment
right to bear arms conservatives are typically seen wanting to look at and interpret the law word
for word in order to keep as much freedom as they can when it comes to gun rights. But when it
comes to abortion, there is a Supreme Court case called Roe v. Wade that states it is
unconstitutional to ban abortions. In order to combat this fact people typically point to our
unalienable rights. In the constitution it is clear that all people are said to have the unalienable
right to life and according to pro-life activists that fact seriously combats abortion and makes the
act of terminating a pregnancy unconstitutional. But, that argument only works if, and only if,
the fetus inside of the mother is considered alive when the abortion happens. That is why there is
so much debate on whether or when a fetus stops being just a chunk of cells and is identified as a
living being. Many people have their own ideas on the topic and it is extremely difficult to
debate. There are many layers to this part of the discussion as well. It is constitutional to have an
abortion or not? Is it infringing on a women’s freedom of choice if abortions are illegal? These
questions are very important when discussing the topic of abortion and there are many arguments
As of now abortions cannot be exactly banned because of the U.S. Supreme Court case
Roe v. Wade. This is a good thing because all the reasons I already stated, women would be in
danger if it were banned. But there are nine states that have a “trigger ban” in place on abortion.
Meaning if Roe v, Wade is overturned they will immediately ban any use of it. According to the
Guttmacher Institute these states include Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Utah. Also, Indiana and North Dakota have banned
a specific method, the standard method for surgical abortion, after the first trimester. A complete
ban on abortion would be very unsafe, but if States were to instead of ban abortion completely
just ban abortions after the first trimester, or something like that, that could be a great step
towards compromise. It is very important that instead of constantly fighting against each other
the two groups, pro-life and pro-choice, should work with each other and find a compromise in a
levelheaded way.
Some states, such as Alabama, are taking their ban on abortions to the extreme.
According to BBC News, a judge had to recently put a temporary block on a complete abortion
ban in Alabama. This ban would block any procedure at any state of pregnancy, basically
completely ignoring Roe v. Wade, which would be extremely unsafe for a lot of women going
through maternity. Also, other some states are enacting laws that make abortions illegal even
before the first trimester, even before six weeks of pregnancy. The states that have this kind of
law in place include Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Ohio, and obviously Alabama.
A specific case from Alabama caught the eye of News 5. A woman, Dina Zirlott, was a rape
victim when she was only 17. She found out that she was pregnant a few weeks after the
horrendous act, but it was already too late. According to Alabama law at the time she was
already passed the deadline to get an abortion and had no choice but to stick with the pregnancy.
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Being a 17-year-old, she was most likely still in high school. The stress of going to high school
with a pregnant belly plus the emotional trauma from being raped was a lot for her. On top of all
that the baby she was forced to give birth to have a condition called Hydranencephaly. This
meant that the baby would live an extremely short and extremely painful life. The baby ended up
dying at only one year old a normal life expectancy age for a child with Hydranencephaly. Cases
like is could emotionally scare a person for their entire life. It is extremely unfair to put someone
through something like this, especially after they were raped at the age of just 17. So where
should the line be drawn? There is no telling what each state will settle on but laws such as the
ones placed in Alabama are extremely unethical and should be declared unconstitutional for sure.
Even Trump spoke out and declared that the abortion laws in some states, Alabama included, are
It can be seen that a lot of states in America, like Alabama, have made some very radical
laws that prohibit most, if not any, use of abortion. But it does seem that in situations where
abortions is legal and there are no restrictions on it at all people are beginning to misuse it.
them in order to protect woman who may be seriously injured during maternity or other special
cases. Whether it is justifiable to terminate a pregnancy because the woman just does not want to
deal with a child or has no way to support it is up to someone’s own personal morals. But when
someone is having about one abortion a year it is clear that it has become more than just
something that woman use in order to protect a themselves against maternal death. That is
exactly what Irene Vilar stated she did in her book titled “Impossible Motherhood”. ABC News
reported on this case in their article titled “Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16
Years”. The author of this article, Susan D James, reported on this case and tells Vilar’s story.
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This type of behavior is what leads people to think that if abortion is legal then people will just
use it as a new type of birth control instead of a last resort. There are many ways to prevent
pregnancy before it happens, and people need to be educated much more thoroughly on how that
is done. It is understandable if there was an accident once, or even twice, and a woman gets
pregnant without wanting to be. But, after a certain point it is clear that there needs to be some
When debating political topics there are many ways that information can be misconstrued
and misinterpreted. This can cause a lot of problems in politics and can affect whether the
government actually decides to make changes or not. Lots of people believe that abortions can
occur whenever the mother wants to during pregnancy. That is simply not the truth though. As it
stands today, abortions are only legal in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. There are only very few
extremely rare cases where women are allowed to get abortions past that 24-week mark and
those cases, for the most part, have already been stated previously.
Abortion is an extremely important topic because it deals with both morals and
constitutional rights. Morally it cannot just be simply answered that abortion is right or wrong.
When you think about maternal death and rape victims alone it should be clear to anyone that a
complete ban on abortion is wrong and immoral. Considering there are so many advocates on
both sides of the argument it is clear that one side will not win completely and get everything
they want. So, after that is determined, the middle ground should be decided. Most of this comes
down to when life begins. One side believes that life begins at conception while the other side
believes it happens much later in pregnancy. A good middle ground for this situation would most
likely be somewhere around the first trimester of pregnancy. This allows the woman to have
enough time to realize that they are in fact pregnant. The line has to be drawn somewhere in
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order to please both sides so if a woman were to realize that she were pregnant after the deadline
then that would be a very tricky situation. There are still a few instances where abortion past the
deadline of about 13-14 weeks should be allowed. One of these instances includes if the woman
giving birth is going to be killed or seriously injured. Another main instance and example could
be if the woman wanting the abortion is a rape victim. It is simple immoral for someone to be
asked to give birth when they know they will die or if the baby they will give birth to is a
constant reminder of their traumatic experience as a rape victim. These are not the only special
cases where abortion should be allowed no matter what, but they are some of the main ones.
Obviously, it is hard to predict every single case of when a woman might want an abortion so
maybe if there is a situation that is not addressed in a law then there should be a special hearing
of some sort in order to declare whether it should be allowed or not. It does not sound very
pleasant, but in order to make compromise and positive change there has to be some lines drawn
or restrictions put in place. Legal abortion with some limitations such as these are a good middle
ground to start at for debate. But, special instances of rape victims and maternal death cases
should never be made illegal in any state in The United States of America. Overall, abortion will
continue to remain a very touchy yet important topic in politics for years to come. Hopefully
sometime in the future there can be a compromise that most citizens will be satisfied with.
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Works Cited
Dupere, Katie. “6 Problems with the Foster Care System -- and What You Can Do to Help.” 23
James, Susan. “Abortion Addict Confesses 15 Procedures in 16 Years.” ABC News, ABC News
Löwy, Ilana, and Marilena Cordeiro Dias Villela Corrêa. “The ‘Abortion Pill’ Misoprostol in
Environment.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 110, no. 5, May 2020, pp. 677–
684. EBSCOhost, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2019.305562.
Moon, David S., et al. “Lost in the Process? The Impact of Devolution on Abortion Law in the
United Kingdom.” British Journal of Politics & International Relations, vol. 21, no. 4,
Nash, Elizabeth, et al. “State Policy Trends 2019: A Wave of Abortion Bans, But Some States
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Nolan, Kevin G. Abortion Legislative and Legal Issues. Nova Science Publishers,
2010. EBSCOhost,
Qadir, Hemin Ibrahim. “What's Going on in the Fight over US Abortion Rights?” BBC, 2019,
Winter, Dana. “Local Rape Victim Speaks out against Alabama Abortion Bill.” WKRG News 5,