TEDA - Catalogue of Translated Turkish Authors PDF
TEDA - Catalogue of Translated Turkish Authors PDF
TEDA - Catalogue of Translated Turkish Authors PDF
TEDA is a translation, publication and
promotion project which strives to
support all initiatives by distinguished
foreign publishers who promote,
publish and translate classical and
contemporary works of Turkish
culture, arts and literature into
other languages. The TEDA project
seeks to raise global awareness of
Turkish art and culture by introducing
Turkish literary works worldwide
and by providing unconditional
financial support to legal bodies,
such as international organizations,
institutions, companies, foundations
and associations in other countries
which publish Turkish cultural and
literary works.
Turkey, located at the crossroads of Western
and Eastern civilizations, still sustains the vast
historical and cultural heritage of Anatolia, a region
The TEDA project was initiated in 2005 and to date,
geographically situated on the main axis of the
works considered landmarks of Turkish literature
history of humankind.
and culture have been translated into 35 languages
and published in 45 countries. This has rekindled
In 2005, the Turkish Ministry of Culture and
interest in such classical Turkish writers and poets
Tourism launched the TEDA project, which aims at
as Yunus Emre, Mevlana, Ömer Seyfettin, Mehmet
supporting the translation of Turkish literary works
Akif Ersoy and Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, in addition
into other languages. This project was undertaken
to the current demand for Turkish contemporary
with a view to making works written in Turkish,
one of the world’s most widespread, deeply-rooted
and richest languages, accessible to readers from
The number of applicants for the TEDA project has
different countries and linguistic backgrounds.
increased considerably, in terms of the diversity of
applicant countries and their interest in a variety
TEDA is a translation, publication and promotion
of Turkish authors and works. This increase has
project which strives to support all initiatives by
been precipitated by three factors; the award of the
distinguished foreign publishers who promote,
Nobel Prize for Literature to Orhan Pamuk in 2006,
publish and translate classical and contemporary
Turkey’s invitation to the Frankfurt Book Fair as
works of Turkish culture, arts and literature into
guest of honour in 2008 and the upsurge in reader
other languages. The TEDA project seeks to raise
interest in Turkish literary works.
global awareness of Turkish art and culture by
introducing Turkish literary works worldwide and
Nightingales and Pleasure Gardens, edited by
by providing unconditional financial support to
Talat S. Halman and published in the United States,
legal bodies, such as international organizations,
within the framework of the TEDA project, was
institutions, companies, foundations and
listed among the 10 best books of 2005, in the USA.
associations in other countries which publish
Moreover, The Age of Beloveds, edited by Mehmet
Turkish cultural and literary works.
Kalpaklı and Walter Andrews has been acclaimed
by eminent American literary journals as “a unique
and extraordinary book of cultural and scientific
importance.” Ferit Edgü’s A Season in Hakkari
* (PhD)
Ahmet Yorulmaz was born in 1932, in Ayvalık, where he grew up. He started his
literary life by translating Modern Greek literature. First, he translated short stories
and poems, then children’s books and later on, novels. His translations have been
published in Varlık.
His, Savaşın Çocukları - Girit’ten Sonra Ayvalık (Children of War - After Crete,
Ayvalık), which is about the compulsory population exchange between Greece and
Turkey and more precisely, about the tragedy of the Turkish people on Crete, was
recognized as the first and only novel written by a Turk about the “Exchange”, at a
conference held at Oxford University, in the United Kingdom.
ISBN: 960-8255-83-X
This is the first book of a trilogy. The book, which is based on the
compulsory population exchange between Greece and Turkey,
has achieved great success in international literary circles.
Children of War, by tracing the story of Aynakis Hasan, expresses
the painful realities, sufferings and longings experienced during
the Exchange years. The trilogy was subsequently completed by
Kuşaklar (Generations) and Girit’ten Cunda’ya (From Crete to
Ahmet Ümit was born in Gaziantep, in 1960. He graduated from the Public
Management Department at Marmara University in 1983, completing his studies
between 1985 and 1986 at the Moscow Academy of Social Sciences. His first book,
The Street’s Secret Hiding Place, was published in 1989. The book which reflects the
political atmosphere of the period, consists of the poems of a young person who is
in despair because of the death and darkness which surrounds him and his way of
coping with it by sticking to his utopia.
Ümit’s first book of short stories, Barefoot Night, was published in 1992 and won the
Ferit Oğuz Bayır Philosophy and Arts Award in the same year. Almost all of his works
are tinged with an air of suspense. Fog and Night, published in 1996, exemplifies
this feeling throughout. Ahmet Ümit is one of the most important writers of turkish
detective fiction and some of his works have been made into films and TV series.
WORKS: Sokağın Zulası (The Street’s Secret Hiding Place), Çıplak Ayaklıydı Gece
(Barefoot Night ), Bir Ses Böler Geceyi (A Noise in the Night ), Masal İçinde Masal
(Tale within a Tale), Sis ve Gece (Fog and Night ), Agatha’nın Anahtarı (Agatha’s
Key), Kar Kokusu (The Fragrance of Snow), Patasana (Patasana), Kukla (Puppet),
Beyoğlu Rapsodi (Beyoğlu Rhapsody), Aşk Köpekliktir (Love is Slavery), Başkomiser
Nevzat, (Chief Inspector Nevzat), Çiçekçinin Ölümü (Death of a Florist), Kavim
(Tribe), Ninatta’nın Bileziği, (Ninatta’s Bracelet), Insan Ruhunun Haritası (A Map of
the Human Spirit), Olmayan Ülke (The Land That Never Was).
Kedros Publishers S.A., Greece, 2006 Ahmet Ümit, with this novel, takes the Detective thriller
Translated into Greek by Sofia Ipsilandi
form into a different dimension. In addition to giving the
reader the bonus of a twist in the ending, he also makes us
ISBN 960-04-3263-5 think about the notions of eternal life, friendship, family and
www.kedros.gr ownership.
He was born in İçel. His first poem Sevgi ve Ötesi (Love and Beyond) was published
on weekly issued literary magazine named Yelpaze in 1961; his first story Göçüyoruz
(We Are Moving) is published on Milliyet’s “Culture-Art” appendix. Ali Bilir, whose
works are published on several established art magazines, is awarded many times.
WORKS: Üşüyen Sıcak Düşlerim (My Freezing Warm Dreams), Göç Türküsü
(Migration Ballad), Güz Anımsamaları (Memoirs of Autumn), Eleştiriden Günceye
(From Critique to Journal), Mersin’de Aydın Olmak (To be Intellectual in Mersin)
ISBN 978-1-891386-39-8
Aslı Erdoğan was born in 1967. She graduated from the Computer Engineering
Department and from the Physics Department and obtained her MSc. in physics at
Boğaziçi University. She worked abroad as a physicist. Her first book was published
in 1994.
Her short story , Tahta Kuşlar (Wooden Birds) won the first prize in the Deutsche
Welle competition, in 1997. Tahta Kuşlar has been translated into nine languages.
Mucizevi Mandarin (The Miraculous Mandarin) was published by Actes Sud, in
France. Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent (The City in Crimson Cloak) has been translated into
several languages. Aslı Erdoğan, who has been praised by the international media,
was listed in the top 50 most promising writers by Lire magazine.
WORKS: Kabuk Adam (The Shell Man), Mucizevi Mandarin (The Miraculous
Mandarin), Kırmızı Pelerinli Kent (The City in The Crimson Cloak), Hayatın
Sessizliğinde (In the Stillness of Life), Bir Yolculuk Ne Zaman Biter (When a Journey
Ends), Bir Delinin Güncesi - Denemeler I (Diary of a Madman - Essays I), Bir Kez
Daha - Denemeler II (Once More - Essays II)
ISBN 1933368-74-0
Aslı Tohumcu was born in 1974. She continued her studies in the English Language
and Literature Department at Istanbul University, but left during the third year. She
has worked consecutively at Varlık, Mitos (both, literary journals) and at Yapı Kredi
Publishing House. Her first short story was published in 1992, in Varlık. For a while,
she worked on poetry with poets contributing to the literary magazines, Sombahar
ve Ludingirra and had her own poems and articles published there as well. She has
made a documentary, with Kerem Eryavuz, as a supplement to Abis. She is currently
working as a freelance writer in Istanbul.
WORKS: Yok Bana Sensiz Hayat (No Life without You), Abis.
ISBN 978-954-449-324-0
She was born in Adapazarı, in 1964. She finished Erenköy Girls’ High School and then
went on to graduate from the Political Sciences Faculty at Istanbul University. In
1989, she won Cumhuriyet newspaper’s Yunus Nadi Short Story Award for her short
story Saklı (Hidden). In 2003, her script for Havada Bulut, an adaptation of Saik
Faik Abasıyanık’s short stories, was made into a TV series by TRT. Ayfer Tunç still
continues to write for journals such as Kitap-lık and Geceyarısı.
WORKS: Saklı (Hidden), Kapak Kızı (Cover Girl), İkiyüzlü Cinsellik (Hypocritical
Sexuality), Mağara Arkadaşları (Cave Friends), Aziz Bey Hadisesi (Aziz Bey
Incident), Bir Maniniz Yoksa Annemler Size Gelecek (If You’re at Home, My Parents
Will Pop in), Ömür Diyorlar Buna (If They Call This Life) Belki Varmış Belki Yokmuş
(Maybe It Exists, Maybe It Doesn’t).
ISBN 978-99943-52-37-1
Ayla Kutlu is considered to be one of the most eminent modern Turkish female
writers. Since the 1980’s, she has written several novels, short stories, children’s
novels, film scripts and radio plays. She has won several literary awards for her short
Five of her works have been made into films. Her short stories have been translated
into Arabic, English, German and Flemish.
WORKS: Kaçış (Escape), Islak Güneş (Wet Sun), Cadı Ağacı (Witch Tree), Tutsaklar
(Prisoners), Bir Göçmen Kuştu O (She Was a Migrant Bird), Hoşçakal Umut
(Farewell Hope) , Kadın Destanı (Women’s Legend), Hüsnüyusuf Güzellemesi
( Sweet Words for Hüsnüyüsüf ) , Sen de Gitme Triyandafilis (Don’t Go
Triyandafilis), Mekruh Kadınlar Mezarlığı (Sinful Women’s Graveyard).
ISBN 3935535-14-7
Aytül Akal was born in Izmir, in 1952. After finishing Izmir American Girls College
in 1971, she did a Distance Degree with Washington International University,
graduating in 1999, before obtaining her Masters degree in Education. Her first
poetry book for adults, City Feelings was published in 1981.
In the 1980’s, she started to write children’s books. Her first book of fairy tales, The
Child Who Hated the Night was published in 1991. In 1995, in collaboration with two
colleagues, Aysel Gürmen and Ayla Çınaroğlu, she set up Uçanbalık Yayınları (Flying
Fish Publications), with the aim of producing quality children’s literature and began
to publish children’s books.
WORKS: Masallar Dizisi (Fairy Tales), Sihirli Kapı Dizisi (Magical Door Series),
Mevsimler Kralı’nın Serüvenleri Dizisi (The King Of Seasons’) Adventures Series,
Masallar (Fairy Tales), Fil Masalları (Elephant Tales), Ağaç Masalları (Tree Tales),
Uzaylı Çocuk Masalları (The Space) Child Tales, Çikolata Masalları (The Chocolate
Tales), Güzel Dünyamıza Masallar (Tales To Our Lovely World), Orman Masalları
(The Forest Tales), Kitap Masalları (The Book Tales), Uyku Masalları (The Sleep
Tales), Çocuğuma Masallar (Tales To My Child), En Matrak Canavar Öyküleri (The
Funniest Monster Stories), Öyküler (Stories), Süper Gazeteciler Dizisi (Super
Journalists Series), Muhtelif Kitaplar (Miscellaneous Books), Çocuklar İçin Şiirler
(Poetry For Children), Yetişkinler İçin Öyküler, Şiirler (Stories, Poetry
For Adults).
ISBN 978-3-939619-02-4
ISBN 978-3-939619-05-5
Trees are the heroes of each one of this series of fairy tales; “The Two
Quarreling Trees”, “The Peace Tree” and “The Tree Who Loved to Travel”,
which expresses children’s passion for going places. The Wish Tree is a
tale which both, helps children to see that trees are living beings and
encourages them to love school. “The Most Beautiful Tree of The World”
tells the delightful story of seasonal change through a tree which
changes its hair style...
ISBN 978-3-939619-03-1
ISBN 978-3-939619-00-0
ISBN 978-3-939619-01-7
ISBN 978-3-939619-06-2
ISBN 978-964-8181-33-3
This is the story of two children; one, about to become a teenager, the other, still
very much a child... and a mother, who’s about to mix up what things were like in
her childhood, with how they are today. While reading these stories, be prepared
to feel like one of the heroes and that the writer is watching you through the
ISBN 978-964-8181-32-6
ISBN 978-964-8181-31-9
WORKS: Sondan Başa (From the End to the Beginning), Sevgiye On Ölüme Beş
Kala (Ten to Love and Five to Death), Kendini Yakalamak (Catching Yourself),
Hoşçakalın (Farewell), Sivas Acısı (The Pain of Sivas), Geriye Kalan (Left Behind),
İt Kuyruğu (Dog Tails), Yedek Parça (Spare Part), Fil Hamdi (Hamdi the Elephant),
Damda Deli Var (There’s a Madman on the Roof), Koltuk (Armchair), Kazan Töreni
(Boiler Ceremony), Toros Canavarı (The Monster of the Toros Mountains), Deliler
Boşandı (Divorce among the Insane), Mahallenin Kısmeti (Neighbourhood Luck),
Ölmüş Eşek (Dead Donkey), Hangi Parti Kazanacak (Which Party Will Win),
Havadan Sudan (Chit Chat), Bay Düdük (Mr Whistle), Nazik Alet (Polished Tool),
Gıdıgıdı (Tickle) Aferin (Bravo), Kördöğüşü (Confusion), Mahmut ile Nigâr (Mahmut
and Nigar).
Gözüne Gözlük (You Need a Pair of Glasses), Ah Biz Eşekler (Us Donkeys), Yüz
Liraya Bir Deli (A Madman for Hundred Liras), Bir Koltuk Nasıl Devrilir (How to
Overturn an Armchair), Biz Adam Olmayız (We Can’t Be Men), Sosyalizm Geliyor
Savulun (Socialism is Coming: Stand Aside), İhtilali Nasıl Yaptık (How We Revolted),
Rıfat Bey Neden Kaşınıyor (Why’s Rıfat Scratching?), Yeşil Renkli Namus Gazı (The
Green Honour Gas), Bülbül Yuvası Evler (Pistachio Pastry Houses), Vatan Sağolsun
(For the Good of the Country) Yaşasın Memleket, (Long Live the Homeland!).
Büyük Grev (Big Strike), Hayvan Deyip Geçme (Don’t Underestimate Animals),
70 Yaşım Merhaba (Hello 70), Kalpazanlık Bile Yapılamıyor (Even Counterfeiting
Can’t Be Done), Maçinli Kız İçin Ev (Home for a Girl from Maçinli), Nah Kalkınırsın
(Development is a Dream), Kadın Olan Erkek (The She-Man), Gol Kralı Sait Hopsait
(The Goal King Sait Hopsait).
Poliste (At the Police Station), Yokuşun Başı (The Top of the Hill), Salkım Salkım
Asılacak Adamlar (Men to be Hanged like Bunches of Grapes), Rüyalarım Ziyan
Olmasın (Don’t Waste my Dreams), Memleketin Birinde (In One Country),
Hoptirinam, Uyusana Tosunum (Go to Sleep Fatty), Aziz Dededen Masallar (Tales
from Grandpa Aziz), Azizname, Nutuk Makinesi (Discourse Machine), Az Gittik Uz
Gittik (Once Upon a Time), Merhaba (Hello), Suçlanan ve Aklanan Yazılar (Accused
and Acquitted Articles), Ah Biz Ödlek Aydınlar (Us, Intellectual Cowards), Korkudan
Korkmak (The Fear of Fear), Duyduk Duymadık Demeyin (Don’t Say I Didn’t Tell
You), Dünya Kazan Ben Kepçe (Globe Trotting), Biraz Gelir misiniz (Come Over
Here, Will You), Bir Şey Yap Met (Do it at Once), Düdükçülerle Fırçacıların Savaşı
(The Battle of the Whistle Makers and Brush Makers), Çiçu, Tut Elimden Rovni
(Hold my Hand Rovni), Hadi Öldürsene Canikom (Come on, Kill Sweetheart), Beş
Kısa Oyun (Five Short Plays), Bütün Oyunları (The Complete Plays).
ISBN 89-7184-469-8
WORKS: Plays: Fay hattı ( Fault Line), Tek Kişilik Şehir (One Person City), Bina
(Building), Ayrılık (Separation), Hastane (Hospital), İmaj Katili (The Image
Murderer), Newton Bilgisayardan Ne Anlar (What Would Newton Know about
Computers ?), Benim Küçük Global Köyüm (My Little Global Village), İki Çarpı İki
(Two Times Two), Children’s Books: Yüksek Tansiyonlu Çınar Ağacı (The Plane
Tree That Had High Blood Pressure), Gökdelene Giren Bulut (The Cloud That
Floated into the Skyscraper), Büyükannem ve Miyop Ejderha (My Grandma and
the Short-sighted Dragon), Uyurgezer Bir Fil (A Sleepwalking Elephant), Rüzgârın
Üzerindeki Şehir (The City Above the Wind), Kedi Adası (Cat Island), Bizim Tombiş
Taştan Hiç Anlamıyor (Our Fatty Doesn’t Know Anything About Stones), Ben Ne
Zaman Doğdum (When Was I Born?), Benim Bir Karışım (My Hand Span), Tombiş
Maskeli Baloya Katılmak İstemiyor (Fatty Doesn’t Want to go to the Masked Ball),
Karadenizdeki Yunus (Black Sea Dolphin), Doğum Günü Hediyesi (The Birthday
Present), Ayşe’nin Bulut Projesi ( Ayşe’s Cloud Project), Dikkat Su ( Look out Water),
Dikkat Dünya (Look out World), Bilyalar (Marbles), Kim Kime Dum Duma ( Do Your
Own Thing), Ben Yapmadım Ögretmenim (It Wasn’t Me Sir), Galiba Seni Seviyorum
(I Think I Love You), Ne Biçim Kurbağasın Sen? (What Kind of Frog are You?),
Iletişim Karikatürleri (Communication Cartoons), Zelzele (Quake), Was Kümmerts
Mich? (What do I Care?), Yıldızların Tembelliği (The Stars’ Laziness).
ISBN 978-3-86121-334-5
Ayşe and Ahmet spent all their time either sitting in their dad,
Ibo’s lap, or right at the top of their village’s only tree, a huge
plane tree. They believed that the tree had high blood pressure
just like their dad. When you looked at the plane tree that had
high blood pressure, from the mushroom topped roofs, or through
the tiny windows of the village houses, the tree looked like a giant
hovering over the sea. One day Ahmet shouted excitedly, “The
plane tree has dried up!”
Buket Uzuner was born in 1955, in Ankara. She graduated as a biologist from
Hacettepe University. She has worked as a lecturer and researcher at universities in
Turkey and abroad. Her first short story was published in Dönemeç magazine. Her
stories and articles have been published in various periodicals like Yarın, Türk Dili,
Oluşum, Varlık, Sanat Olayı, Cönk, Gergedan and Argos. She edited the women’s
and travel sections in Rapsodi Magazine (1989, 1992). She served on the executive
committee of the Turkish PEN Writers’ Association between 1993 and 1995. In 1989,
she received a commendation at the Yunus Nadi Short Story competition and was
awarded the Yunus Nadi Novel Prize in 1993, for her book, entitled, The Sound of
Fish Steps.
WORKS: Bir Fincan Türk Kahvesi (A Cup of Turkish Coffee), Şiirin Kızkardeşi
Öykü (Tale, the Sister of Verse), Şairler Şehri (City of Poets), Karayel Hüznü (The
Sorrow of the North Wind), Güneş Yiyen Çingene (The Sun Eating Gypsy), Ayın En
Çıplak Günü (The Most Naked Day of the Month), Benim Adım Mayıs (My Name is
May), İstanbullular (Istanbullites), Uzun Beyaz Bulut - Gelibolu (Long White Cloud
- Gallipoli), Kumral Ada Mavi Tuna (Mediterranean Waltz), Balık İzlerinin Sesi
(The Sound of Fish Steps), İki Yeşil Su Samuru (Two Green Otters), New York Seyir
Defteri (New York Log Book), Bir Şehir Romantiğinin Günlüğü (The Diary of a City
Romantic), Bir Siyah Saçlı Kadının Gezi Notları (Travel Notes of a Brunette).
GELİBOLU UZUN BEYAZ BULUT This book tells the story of a period that
currently, no country allows to be written in
history books; it is a challenge to humanity.
Psichogios, Greece, 2005 How can the same man be a war hero in two
enemy countries? Can history be seen as a
Translated into Greek by Thanos Zaragalis
linear process? Should history be rewritten?
ISBN 960-274-901-6
Cahit Külebi was born in 1917. He graduated from the Turkish Language and
Literature Department of a Teacher Training College in Istanbul. He worked as a
literature teacher, then as chief inspector and as cultural undersecretary at the
Ministry of Education. He retired in 1972, but continued to work for the Turkish
Language Institution until 1983. From 1976 onwards he was chairman of the
Turkish Language Institution. The poet passed away in Ankara in 1997.
ISBN 978-9989-819-65-0
He was born in 1940 in Ankara and graduated from the German Language and
Literature Department at Istanbul University.
He went twice to Germany in order to improve his German at the Goethe Institute,
which allowed him the possibility of traveling around Europe and experiencing
different cultures. In 1976 he was appointed translator/interpreter for the General
Director of TRT (Turkish Radio Television). He continued to work at TRT for different
departments and in different capacities until his death in 1987. When he died he was
working as an inspector at TRT Istanbul Radio.
Zarifoğlu became known for his distinctive style of poetry. His poems take the
form of inner dialogues, without recourse to external voices. In his short stories,
novels and diaries he reflects his poetic sensitivity. In his children’s books, fantasy,
extraordinary reality and dreams blend into one.
WORKS: İşaret Çocukları (Signpost Children), Yedi Güzel Adam (Seven Handsome
Men), İns, Menziller (Target Ranges), Yaşamak (Living), Serçekuş (Sparrow),
Ağaçkakanlar (Woodpeckers), Katıraslan (Stubborn Lion), Yürek Dede ile Padişah
(Grandpa Heart and the Sultan), Savaş Ritimleri (War Rhythms), Korku ve Yakarış
(Fear and Prayer), Bir Değirmendir Bu Dünya (The World is a Wind Mill), Motorlu
Kuş (The Engine-Powered Bird), Sütçü İmam, Gülücük (Smile), Ağaç Okul (Tree
ISBN 978-964-5745-62-0
Can Dündar was born in Ankara, in 1961. He graduated from the School of
Journalism & Broadcasting, at Ankara University, in 1982. From 1979 onwards, he
has worked consecutively for several journals and daily papers; Yankı, Hürriyet,
Nokta, Haftaya Bakış, Söz and Tempo.
He has made several documentaries, of which the most well-known are, Demirkırat
(Iron Horse), 12 Mart (March 12), Sarı Zeybek (Blond Turk), İsmet Paşa (Ismet Pasha)
and Nazım Hikmet.
WORKS: Demirkırat (Iron Horse), 12 Mart (March 12), Sarı Zeybek (Blond Turk),
Hayata ve Siyasete Dair (About Life and Politics), Yağmurdan Sonra (After the
Rain), Ergenekon (Legend of Ergenekon), Yarim Haziran (My Beloved June), Benim
Gençliğim (My Youth), Köy Enstitüleri (Village Institutes), Yaveri Atatürk’ü Anlatıyor
(Atatürk’s Aide Remembers), Nereye (Where to?), Uzaklar (Far off), Yükselen Bir
Deniz (Rising Sea), Büyülü Fener (Magic Lighthouse), Bir Yaşam İksiri (Life Potion),
Atatürk Aramızda (Ataturk is Still With Us), Kırmızı Bisiklet (The Red Bicycle),
Yıldızlar (The Stars), Duvar (The Wall), Nazım, İlk Durak - İETT (First Stop: IETT).
Atatürk’s Last 300 Days... In this book, Dündar traces the roots of Atatürk’s illness back to 1923, tells the story of
how he resisted the treatment, his loneliness during the final days and the fight for power among his potential
successors, while he was on his deathbed.
Can Dündar has compiled the story of Atatürk’s last painful days, through the memoirs of those who were with him
at that time. He relates the stories of his estranged friendships, his doctors, his adopted children and his comrades-
in-arms. Recommended to those who want to get to know the human side of Atatürk.
Celil Oker was born in Kayseri, Talas, in 1952. After studying at Talas Amerikan
Junior Shool, he graduated from Tarsus American High School. Subsequently, he
moved to Istanbul and studied at Boğaziçi University. After graduating from the
English Language and Literature department, he worked as a translator, journalist
and encyclopedia writer. Currently he is working as a lecturer in the Communication
Faculty at Bilgi University.
WORKS: Kramponlu Ceset (Corpse With Cleats), Son Ceset (The Last Corpse), Rol
Çalan Ceset (The Corpse that Stole the Role), Çıplak Ceset (The Naked Corpse), Bin
Lotluk Ceset (The Thousand Lot Corpse).
ISBN 84-96544-57-5
ISBN 90-389-1638-8
ISBN 978-3-293-20407-2
The main character of Celil Oker’s novels, Detective Ünal, tries to get to the
bottom of mysteries which are closely intertwined with politics, murder
and shady dealings… When events start to unfold after the murder of one
of his clients -a woman who asks the detective to take on an unpaid debt
case- the plot starts to thicken and the pace becomes more frenetic. Readers
find themselves swept along in a complex, but breathtaking adventure,
made even more compelling by the unexpected twist at the end. The Last
Corpse is the fifth in the Celil Oker detective series, in which he successfully
recaptures the style of the classic detective novel. The author’s fluent prose
and convincing dialogues reveal subtle aspects of contemporary life.
ISBN 978-960-03-4637-4
Cem Mumcu was born in 1966, in Akçaabat and is a medical doctor. He writes poems,
short stories, novels, essays and critical reviews and won the Doruktakiler Story
Prize in 2004. He works in the Communications Faculty at Marmara University,
where he lectures on Creative Writing and the Psychology of Art. He also writes for
the newspaper Vatan on Sundays and works as the general editor for Okuyan Us
Publishing House.
WORKS: Hassas Ruhlar Terazisi (Balance for Sensitive Souls), Hayal Kırıklığı
(Disappointment), Makber (Grave), Muallakta- Araf’ta ve Düşte (In Limbo - In
Purgatory and In a Dream), Sahici Aşklar Külliyatı (Real Love Compilation), Terapi
Şeysi (Therapy Thing), Üçüncü Sayfa Güzeli (Page Three Girl).
ISBN 978-963-9605-29-9
Cemil Kavukçu was born in 1951. He graduated from the Geophysical Engineering
Department at Istanbul University. His short stories have been published in various
journals since 1980.
He is one of the best short story writers of recent years and bases his stories on
ordinary people and ordinary lives, from which he creates a rich, colorful world. Two
recurring features of his works are his focus on minute details and the strength of
his dialogues, particularly his use of slang. Cemil Kavukçu succeeds in fashioning his
own style through his use of lucid, uncomplicated language.
WORKS: Suda Bulanık Oyunlar (Dirty Games in Water), Mimoza’da Elli Gram (Fifty
Grams in Mimosa), Başkasının Rüyaları (Somebody Else’s Dreams), Bilinen Bir
Sokakta Kaybolmak (Getting Lost in a Familiar Street), Dönüş (Return), Dört Duvar
Beş Pencere (Four Walls, Five Windows), Gamba, Gemiler de Ağlarmış (Ships Also
Cry), Nolya, Pazar Güneşi (Sunday Sun), Selo’nun Kuşları (Selo’s Birds), Temmuz
Suçlu (July is Guilty), Uzak Noktalara Doğru (To Far Away Places),Yalnız Uyuyanlar
İçin (For Those Who Sleep Alone).
ISBN 3935535-16-3
Elif Şafak, born in Strasbourg, France in 1971, graduated from the International
Relations Department at Middle East Technical University. She holds an MSc. in
Gender and Women’s Studies and has a PhD in Political Sciences from the same
university. Her first book of short stories, Kem Gözlere Anadolu (To Evil Eyes:
Anatolia), was published in 1994. She won the Mevlâna Prize with her first novel
Pinhan (The Sufi), in 1998. This first book was followed by two more, Şehrin Aynaları
(The Mirrors of the City) and Mahrem (The Gaze, 2000), for which she was awarded
the Turkish Writers’ Association Best Novel Award. Elif Şafak, whose articles have
been published in international newspapers and journals, has been translated into
more than fifteen languages. Her books are published by eminent international
publishers such as Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Viking and Penguin.
WORKS: Pinhan (The Sufi), Şehrin Aynaları (The Mirrors of the City), Mahrem (The
Gaze), Bit Palas (The Flea Palace), Araf (The Saint of Incipient Insanities), Med-
Cezir (Ebb and Tide), Baba ve Piç (The Bastard of Istanbul), Siyah Süt (Black Milk).
ISBN 978-3-8218-5799-2
ISBN 978-90-445-0973-1
De Geus
ISBN 90-445-0702-8
The book tells the stories of a number of disparate characters, all living in
the same once beautiful apartment block, Bonbon Palace, in a district built
on the top of a graveyard in the 1960’s. It questions the sterile lives of those
who always see the source of evil in others.
ISBN 071453121-9
He was born in 1952. His first article was published in 1970, to be followed by his first
novels in 1973. He led UNESCO’S ‘’Our Cultural Heritage-from Göreme to Istanbul‘’
campaign in 1984. Between 1978 and 1998 he wrote regular weekly articles for
various periodicals and newspapers and his work was also published in several
foreign journals. He has been awarded the Cemal Süreya, Golden Orange and Sibilla
Aleramo awards for his poetry and has won the TDK (Türk Dil Kurumu-Turkish
Language Institution) award for his essays. Enis Batur is a lecturer at Galatasaray
WORKS: Eros ve Hgades (Eros and Hgades), Bir Ortaçağ Yalnızlığı (A Medieval
Solitude), Nil (The Nile), Ara Kitab (Apocrypha), İblise Göre İncil (The Bible
According to Lucifer), Kandil (Oil Lamp), Meseller (The Book of Sayings), Sarnıç
(Cistern), Tuğralar (Monograms), Yazılar and Tuğralar, (Writings and Monograms),
Gri Divan (Grey Divan), Koma Provaları (Coma Rehearsals), Perişey (Fairylike)
Ondört+X = 14 (Fourteen+X = 14), Taşrada Ölüm (Preparations for Death and Life
in the Country), (Darb ve Mesel (Blow and Parable), Opera 1-4004 (Opera 1-4004),
Doğu-Batı Dıvan (Ash Divan), Sütte Ne Çok Kan (What a Lot of Blood There is in
Milk), Kanat Hareketleri (The Flapping of Wings), Papirüs (Papyrus), Mürekkep
(Ink), Tüy (Feather), Ağırlastırıcı Sebepler Divanı (Aggravating Factors Divan),
Abdal Düşü: Düzyazı Şiirler (Abdal’s Dream: Prose Poems).
ISBN 1-58498-049-4F
ISBN 978-973-124-186-9
He was born in 1958 in Istanbul. He did not complete his studies and for a long time
worked in factories as a manual worker. Between 1984 and 1992 he worked for
several newspapers and prepared art and literature programs for various television
channels. Since 1992, he has been the general editor of Varlık Dergisi, which is the
most influential literature journal in Turkey. Enver Ercan has won several important
poetry awards.
WORKS: Eksik Yaşam (An Unfulfilled Life), Sürçüyor Zaman (Time Slip), Geçtiği Her
Şeyi Öpüyor Zaman (Time Kiss).
ISBN 978-954-91717-2-3
ERGUN ÇAĞATAY: He was born in 1937 and has worked as a journalist and publicity
text writer. From 1974 onwards he has been traveling around the world as a
photographer and has prepared a book and an exhibition, both entitled Once Upon a
Time, Inner Asia within the framework of the “Turkic Speaking Peoples” project. His
documentary film, which shows the environmental disaster around the Aral Sea, won
first prize for Short Documentary Films at the Golden Orange Film Festival, in Antalya.
DOĞAN KUBAN: Doğan Kuban was born in 1926. He graduated from the Architecture
Faculty at Istanbul Technical University in 1949 and followed an academic career.
Currently, he is a member of the Aga Han Architecture Award Executive Committee.
Doğan Kuban has written numerous books and articles on Islamic and Anatolian
architecture and art.
WORKS: Türk Barok Mimarisi Hakkında Bir Deneme (An Essay about Turkish
Baroque Architecture), Bir Batı Anadolu Gezisi İzlenimleri (West Anatolia Travel
Notes and Impressions), Anadolu - Türk Mimarisinin Kaynak ve Sorunları (The
Origins and Problems of Anatolian - Turkish Architecture), Türkiye Sanatı Tarihi (A
History of Art in Turkey), Mimarlık Kavramları (Concepts of Architecture), Muslim
Religious Architecture, Turkish Culture and Arts, Batıya Göçün Sanatsal Evreleri
(Artistic States of Migration to the West), İzmir ve Ege’den Mimari İzlenimler
(Architectural Impressions about Aegean and Izmir), The Turkish Hayat House,
İstanbul An Urban History, Sinan’ın Sanatı ve Selimiye, Kalenderhane in İstanbul,
Mimarlık ve Kent Üzerine İstanbul Yazıları (Architectural and Urban Essays on
Istanbul), Divriği Mucizesi (The Miracle of Divrigi), Ortaçağ İslam Bezemesi Üzerine
Yorumlar (Reflections on Muslim Ornaments of the Middle Ages), Sinan, An
Architectural Genius, Tarihi Çevre Korumanın Mimarlık Boyutu (The Architectural
Dimension of Historical Environment Protection), Ahşap Saraylar (Wooden Palaces
of the Ottomans), Selçuklu Çağında Anadolu Sanatı (Anatolian Art in the Seljuk
Period), Osmanlı Mimarisi (Ottoman Architecture).
Esmahan Aykol was born in 1970. She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Istanbul
University before going to Berlin Humboldt University, where she obtained her
Masters Degree in Law. Kitapçı Dükkanı (The Bookstore) is Aykol’s first book. One of
the most well-known Turkish detective story writers, Esmahan Aykol has also written
a book of poetry entitled O Şehirde Düşlerim Kaldı (I Left my Dreams in That City).
ISBN 978-84-9679-14-5
Ferit Edgü was born in 1936 and studied in Paris. After moving back to Turkey, he set
up the Ada Publishing House and between 1976 and 1990 published works of many
Turkish and foreign writers and poets. He has produced books in several fields of
literature which have been translated into several languages. He won the Sait Faik
Short Story Award in 1979 for his book Gemide (On Board), to be followed by the
Turkish Language Association Essay Award for Tüm Ders Notları (All Class Notes)
and the Sedat Simavi Vakfı Literature Award for Eylülün Gölgesinde Bir Yazdı (It
Was a Summer in the Shadow of September) in 1988.
ISBN 9958-590-23-9
Feyyaz Kayacan was born in 1919 in Istanbul. He worked for a long time at the BBC
Turkish Section. He wrote short stories and poems in French, English and Turkish.
In 1992 he published Modern Turkish Poetry, in English. His first two books were in
French, the third Kaşık Havası (A Folk Dance) and fourth Benim Örümceğim Başka
(My Spider is Different) were in Turkish and his fifth poetry book was in English.
Better known as a short story writer, Feyyaz Kayacan’s short story collection was
published by Yapı Kredi Bank Publishing House, a month after his death, in 1993.
WORKS: News Road, Şişedeki Adam (Bottled Man), Kaşık Havası (A Folk Dance),
Sığınak Hikayeleri (The Shelter Stories), Benim Örümceğim Başka (My Spider is
Different), Modern Turkish Poetry.
ISBN 978-1-904851-13-4
Feyza Hepçilingirler was born in 1948. She graduated from Istanbul Teacher
Training College and from the Turkish Language and Literature Department at
Istanbul University. At present, she is a lecturer at Yıldız Technical University,
She won the Success Award in 1979, for her play Yanlışlıklar (Mistakes), in the
Turkish Ministry of Culture, Children’s Works Competition, the Sait Faik Short Story
Award for Eski Bir Balerin (An Ex-Ballerina) in 1985, the Borski Grümen Award
(Balkan Writers’ Association) for her short story Ne Güzel Ölmüştüm (What Luck! I
Was Dead) in 1991 and the Sedat Simavi Literature Award for her short story book
entitled Savrulmalar (Confusions) in 1997. Her short stories have been translated
into French, German, English, Serbian and Croatian.
WORKS: Türkçe “Off” 3 (Turkish is Off 3), Dilim Dilim Ana Dilim (My Mother
Tongue), Ya Armut Ağacı Olursam (And If I should Turn Into a Pear Tree), Dilin
Zamana Dokunduğu - Türkçe Günlükleri (When Language Touched Time - Turkish
Diaries), Yıldızların Suya Döküldüğü-Türkçe Günlükleri (When the Stars Fell into
the Water - Turkish Diaries), Sorulmadan Dedim “Ah” (I Said “Oh” Without Being
Asked), Türkçe “Off” (Turkish is Off), Sabah Yolcuları (Morning Voyagers), Türkçe
Dil Bilgisi Öğretenlere ve Öğrenenlere (For Those Learning and Teaching Turkish
Grammar), Tanrıkadın (Goddess), Öykünmece (Putting on Airs) Savrulmalar
(Confusion), Kırmızı Karanfil Ne Renk Solar (Onto What Color Does Red Carnation
Fade), Üç Nokta Bir Çizgi (Three Dots and a Dash), Kırlangıçsız Geçti Yaz (Summer
with No Swallows), Ürkek Kuşlar (Timorous Birds), Eski Bir Balerin (An Ex-
Ballerina), Uçtu Uçtu Pelin Uçtu (Pelin Flew Away), Çirkin Prenses (The Ugly
Princess), Yanlışlıklar-Altı Çocuk Oyunu (Mistakes-Six Plays for Children).
ISBN 3-935535-10-4
Füruzan was born in Istanbul, in 1935. She could only continue her school life
until the end of primary school. Her short stories were published when she was
very young and she immediately attracted the attention of the literary world. Her
stories, both long and short are remarkable for the way in which she employs an
uncomplicated form of language, viewed from an optimistic perspective, while
never overdramatizing either the characters or the events. Füruzan, whose books
have been constantly republished, won the Sait Faik Short Story Award in 1972 with
Parasız Yatılı (Free Boarding School), and in 1975, the Turkish Language Association
Novel Award for her novel 47’liler (Born in 1947). She has written a film script based
on her short story Benim Sinemalarım (My Cinemas) which was made into a film
in 1989. She has also written a play based on her short story Kış Gelmeden (Before
Winter Comes) in 1997.
WORKS: Parasız Yatılı (Free Boarding School), Kuşatma (The Siege), Benim
Sinemalarım (My Cinemas), 47’liler (Born in 1947), Yeni Konuklar (New Guests),
Ev Sahipleri (Landladies), Redife’ye Güzelleme (Sweet Words for Redife), Gecenin
Öteki Yüzü (The Other Face of the Night), Gül Mevsimidir (It’s the Season of Roses),
Berlin’in Nar Çiçeği, (The Pomegranate Blossom of Berlin) Lodoslar Kenti (The City
of the Southwest Wind), Balkan Yolcusu (Balkan Traveler).
ISBN 978-9958-590-54-2
Gülsüm Cengiz was born in 1949 in Sütçüler, Isparta. She graduated from the
Teacher Training College and worked as a teacher in Istanbul and Balıkesir for 14
years. After leaving her job, she worked in publishing as an editor and manager,
which prompted her into opening her own publishing house, Demet Yayıncılık.
Subsequently, she worked as children’s page editor for various newspapers and
journals and as a radio programmer. She has won several prizes in Turkey and
abroad. Her poems have been translated into different languages and have been
published in journals, anthologies and selected writings.
WORKS: Akdeniz’in Rengi Mavi (The Mediterranean Sea is Blue) , Arı ile Papatya
(The Bee and the Daisy), Başak’ın Çevre Günlüğü (Başak’s Environmental Diary),
Bir Dilim Ekmek İçin (For a Slice of Bread), Çiçek ile Kirlikara (Çiçek and Kirlikara),
Damlacık (Water Drop), Doğanın Öfkesi (Nature’s Anger), Doğum Günü Armağanı
(Birthday Present), Hayvanlarla Konuşan Çocuk (The Child Who could Speak with
Animals), Kente Gelen Çam Ağacı (The Pine Tree That Came to the City), Mayısta
Üzgün Gönlüm (My Heart Feels Sad in May), Taş Devrine Yolculuk (Trip to the Stone
Age), Herkesin Bir İşi Var (Everybody Has A Job), Aslı Okula Başladı (Aslı Started
School), Ayşe’nin Günleri (Ayşe’s Days), Bıcırık, Bir Kedinin Günlüğü (A Cat’s Diary),
Evdeki Altınlar (Gold at Home), Eylül Deyişleri (September Sayings), Kırda Bir Yaz
Sabahı (A Summer Morning in the Countryside), Kuşlar Kralı Kim Olacak? (Who’ll
be the King of the Birds?), Küçük Beyaz Güvercin (Little White Dove).
ISBN 978-3-86121-330-7
ISBN 978-386121346-8
ISBN 978-386121345-1
ISBN 978-386121347-5
ISBN 978-386121349-9
ISBN 978-386121348-2
Gülten Akın was born in 1933 and is Turkey’s most distinguished female poet.
She studied Law at Ankara University and worked as a barrister in various parts
of Anatolia. She is at the forefront of poets for whom poetry is synonymous with
social responsibility. Her poetry has a calm yet powerful voice. Her poems have been
translated into English, German, Flemish, Danish, Italian, Bulgarian, Arabic, Polish,
Spanish and Hebrew, and used in academic studies. Akın won the 1961 and 1971
Turkish Language Association Poetry Awards and the 1992 Sedat Simavi Literature
WORKS: Rüzgâr Saati ( Hour of the Wind), Kestim Kara Saçlarımı (Cut My Dark
Hair), Sığda (In the Shallows), Kırmızı Karanfil (Red Carnation), Maraş’ın ve
Ökkeş’in Destanı (Epic of Maraş and Ökkeş), Ağıtlar ve Türküler (Elegies and Folk
Songs), İlahiler (Hymns), Sevda Kalıcıdır (Love Endures), Sonra İşte Yaşlandım (It
Was Then That I Aged), Sessiz Arka Bahçeler (Silent Back Yards), Uzak Bir Kıyıda
(On a Distant Shore), Şiir Üzerine Notlar (Notes on Poetry), Seçme Şiirler (Selected
Poems), Toplu Oyunlar (Collected Plays).
ISBN 978--3-941025-00-4
He was born in 1930. Dilmen, who won first prize in the Sinema Tiyatro Dergisi
(Cinema and Theater Magazine) competition, in 1959, with his one-act play, entitled,
The Ears of Midas, graduated from the Classical Philology Department, Faculty of
Humanities, at Istanbul University, in 1960. Dilmen has worked with Israeli and
Greek theatres and studied theatre at Yale and Washington Universities in the USA.
Currently, he is a lecturer at Istanbul University State Conservatory.
ISBN 978-88-89036-46-4
Habib Bektaş was born in 1951. When he was twenty one he moved to Germany,
where he subsequently settled. He has written poems, essays, short stories and
novels. His first poem was published in Istanbul, in 1968, in Genç Şairler Şiir
Antolojisi (Young Poets Anthology). His first book in Turkey was Erlangen Şiirleri
(Erlangen Poems), published in 1983. From 1981 onwards, he has had numerous
books of short stories, poetry and children’s novels published in Germany. One of his
poetry books, written in German, was translated into Portuguese and published in
Brazil. He has won several important prizes.
ISBN 978-3-9810419-6-5
Haldun Taner was born in 1915 and died in 1986. He was the pioneer of epic and
cabaret theatre in Turkey. Haldun Taner’s works are marked by a keen sense of
observation, criticism and humour. He is known for his short stories reflecting upon
chaotic city life, characterized by its surfeit of contradiction, ignorance and absence
of good manners. He wrote sketches, short stories, plays, cabarets, film scripts,
satire, essays and newspaper columns. He became internationally famous with
his epic play Keşanlı Ali Destanı (The Ballad of Ali from Keşhan). He won several
national and international literature awards. His works have been translated into
many languages.
WORKS: Yaşasın Demokrasi (Long Live Democracy), Tuş (Key), Şişhane’ye Yağmur
Yağıyordu (It Was Raining in Şişhane), Ayışığında Çalışkur (Çalışkur under the
Moonlight), Onikiye Bir Var (One Minute to Twelve), Konçinalar, Sancho’nun Sabah
Yürüyüşü (Sancho’s Morning Stroll), Kızıl Saçlı Amazon (Red Headed Amazon),
Yalıda Sabah (Morning in the Mansion), Günün Adamı - Dışardakiler (Man of
the Hour - Outsiders), Ve Değirmen Dönerdi (And the Windmill Turned), Fazilet
Eczanesi (The Goodwill Pharmacy), Lütfen Dokunmayın (Please Don’t Touch),
Huzur Çıkmazı (Tranquility Impasse), Keşanlı Ali Destanı (The Ballad of Ali from
Keşhan), Gözlerimi Kaparım - Vazifemi Yaparım (I Just Close My Eyes and Do
My Duty), Zilli Zarife (Gaudy Zarife), Vatan Kurtaran Şaban (Şaban, the Nation’s
Savior), Bu Şehr-i İstanbul Ki (This City: Istanbul), Sersem Kocanın Kurnaz Karısı
(The Shrewd Wife of the Stupid Husband), Astronot Niyazi (Niyazi the Astronaut),
Ha Bu Diyar (Oh, This Country!), Dün Bugün (Yesterday, Today), Aşk-u Sevda
(Passionate Love), Dev Aynası (Giant Mirror), Yâr Bana Bir Eğlence (A Little Bit
of Fun Please), Ayışığında Şamata (Fun and Games in the Moonlight), Hayırdır
İnşallah (Good News, I Hope).
Hasan Erkek was born in 1970 in Adıyaman. He graduated from the Theatre
Department at Ankara University where he also obtained his Master’s and PhD
degrees. Currently he is a faculty member at Anadolu University Conservatoire. He is
a member of the executive committees of the Turkish Playwrights Association (vice-
president), Turkey’s ASSITEJ (International Association of Theatre for Children and
Young People-vice-president) and UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionnette-
National Center).
WORKS: Bir Gençlik Şarkısı (A Song of Youth), Eşik (The Threshold), Don Kişot’un
Ruhu (The Soul of Don Quixote), Yaşasın Barış (Long Live Peace), Ezginin Güncesi
(Ezgi’s Diary), Radyo Çocuk Oyunları (Radio Plays for Children), Oyun İçinde
Anlatı ( The Narration in the Play), Özgürlük Yarışı (Race for Freedom), Bu Dünya
Hepimizin (This World Belongs to All of Us), Barış Cumhuriyeti (Republic of
Peace), Radyo Oyunları (Radio Plays), Sahne Çocuk Oyunları-1 (Children’s Stage
Plays -1), Mızıka (Harmonica), Kağıthelvacı (Wafer Seller) Tahta Otobüs (Wooden
Bus), Müzik Kutusu (Music Box), Güzel Kemanım (My Beautiful Violin), Güzelyurt
Çocukları (Children of Beautiful a Country), Bedel (Cost), Sevda Pınarı (Love
Fountain), Hayatın Çiçekleri (Flowers of Life), Buluşan Yollar (Converging Roads),
Gençlik Irmağı (Youth River), Umut Kuşları (Birds of Hope), Heyecanlı Bir Senaryo
(An Exciting Script.
ISBN 9952-28-001-7
ISBN 978-3-8280-2423-6
Hasan Latif Sarıyüce was born in 1929. He graduated from Gazi Education Academy
and worked as a Turkish language and literature teacher in the schools. He served
one term as an MP. He has had more than a hundred books published, most of which
have been brought out by the Ministry of Culture.
His first poem appeared in Çığır, a magazine published in Ankara, in 1947 and
subsequently, his short stories were published in the magazine, Sesimiz. Since
1947, Sarıyüce has been writing poems, tales and novels more specifically aimed at
WORKS: Beyaz Kanatlı Kuş (The Bird with White Wings), Dört İsimli Prens (The
Prince with Four Names), El Evinde (In Somebody Else’s House), Güle Güle Küçük
Arkadaş (Bye Bye Little Friend), Kuş Seslerinden Korkan Çocuk (The Child Who
was Afraid of Bird Song), Tarla Kuşlarının Öyküsü (The Tale of the Skylarks),
Uğur Böceğinin Düğünü (Marriage of a Ladybird), Üç Ayaklı Oğlan (The Three-
Legged Boy), Çocuklara Şiirler (Poems for Children), Düş Yağmuru (Dream Rain),
Altın Öğütler (Golden Advice), Anadolu Efsaneleri 1-2 (Anatolian Legends 1-2),
Anadolu Masalları Dizisi (Anatolian Tales Series), Ders Veren Türk Masalları
(Turkish Parables), Keloğlan Masallar Dizisi (Keloğlan Tales Series), Manzum
Ezop Hikâyeleri (Aesop’s Fables in Verse), Manzum Nasrettin Hoca Hikâyeleri
(Nasreddin Hodja Tales in Verse), İncili Salkım (Cluster of Pearls), Mavi Kahkaha
Çiçeği (The Blue Laughter Flower), Mercan Kız (Coral Girl).
ISBN 978-964-5745-61-3
Hilmi Yavuz was born in1936. He graduated from the Philosophy Department at
London University. He has worked as a lecturer at Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul
Technical University and Boğaziçi University.
Hilmi Yavuz, who started writing poems as part of the Second New poetry movement,
has managed to fashion his unique style by producing poems that are refined,
intensive and profound. Hilmi Yavuz, who continues to write poems, won the
Yeditepe Poetry Award in 1978 and the Sedat Simavi Vakfı Literature Award in 1987.
WORKS: Bakış Kuşu (Glance Bird), Bedreddin Üzerine Şiirler (Poems on Bedreddin),
Doğu Şiirleri (Poems of the East), Yaz Şiirleri (Summer Poems), Gizemli Şiirler
(Mysterious Poems), Zaman Şiirleri (Time Poems), Söylen Şiirleri (Spoken Poems),
Ayna Şiirleri (Mirror Poems), Hüzün ki En Çok Yakışandır Bize (It’s Melancholy
That Most Becomes Us), Gülün Ustası Yoktur (The Rose Has No Master), Erguvan
Sözler (Erguvan Lyrics), Çöl Şiirleri (Desert Poems), Akşam Şiirleri (Evening
Poems), Yolculuk Şiirleri (Road Poems), Hurufi Şiirler (Hurufi Poems). Felsefe ve
Ulusal Kültür (Philosophy and National Culture), Roman Kavramı ve Türk Romanı
(The Concept of Novel and the Turkish Novel), Kültür Üzerine (On Culture),
Felsefe Üzerine (On Philosophy), Yazın Üzerine (On Literature), Denemeler Karşı
Denemeler (Essays and Counter Essays), Dilin Dili (The Language of Language),
İstanbul Yazıları (Istanbul Writings), Taormina, Fehmi K.’nın Acaip Serüvenleri
(The Strange Adventures of Fehmi K.), Kuyu (The Well), Okuma Notları (Reading
Notes ), İstanbul’u Dinliyorum (Listening to Istanbul), Ah Kadınlar (Sweet Women).
ISBN 0-8156-0879-9
İhsan Oktay Anar was born in Yozgat in 1960. He studied at the Philosophy
Department at Ege University and obtained his Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD degrees
from the same university. At present he is a faculty member at Ege University. He
is one of the most important names in recent Turkish literature. Each of his books
is notable for its use of detailed historical knowledge, resulting from meticulous
research The structure of his novels usually comprises a central narrative, around
which the threads of many interconnected stories are intricately woven... Puslu
Kıtalar Atlası (The Atlas of Hazy Continents) has been translated into more than 20
WORKS: Puslu Kıtalar Atlası (1995) (The Atlas of Hazy Continents), Kitab-ül Hiyel
(Book of Mechanics, 1996), Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri (Tales of Afrasiab, 1997), Amat
(Amat, 2005), Suskunlar (The Mute, 2007).
ISBN 978-963-9603-53-0
ISBN 978-89-546-0510-6
This was İhsan Oktay Anar’s first novel. The book, which was first
published in 1995, attracted attention for its content and form.
The book won critical acclaim and has been reprinted several
times. Anar, who has been described as a “breath of fresh air for
Turkish literature,” is able to convey to the reader, his profound
understanding of history, emanating from his philosophical
background. His limpid use of language has sparked interest in
history amongst his readers.
İlber Ortaylı was born into a Crimean Tatar family in Bregenz, Austria, in 1947. He
graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences and the Department of History at
Ankara University. Subsequently, he studied Slavic and Oriental studies at Vienna
Under the tutelage of Prof. Halil İnalcık, he obtained his Master’s degree from
Chicago University and his doctoral degree from the Faculty of Political Sciences at
Ankara University, with his thesis on “Local Administrations after Tanzimat.” His
work on “German Influence within the Ottoman Empire” earned him an Associate
Professorship. He became a Professor in 1989.
He has been visiting lecturer at Vienna, Berlin, Paris, Princeton, Moscow, Rome,
Munich, Strasburg, Ioannina, Sofia, Kiel, Cambridge, Oxford and Tunis Universities,
where he has given seminars and conferences. His articles tracing the history of
the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries and on Russian history
have been published in scientific journals at home and abroad. Currently, he is the
director of Topkapı Palace and also lectures in history at Galatasaray University.
ISBN 978-960-12-1696-6
Latife Tekin was born in Kayseri, in 1957. Her family moved to Istanbul in 1966, when
she was nine years old. She completed her studies at Beşiktaş Girls High School, then,
worked briefly at the Istanbul Telephone Company. Her first book, Dear Shameless
Death, was published in 1983. She earned her reputation with this novel, in which she
gives a surrealistic account of Anatolian village life and its people, in a style similar
to that of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. After this first
novel, which is considered as belonging to the genre of magical realism, other works
followed and have been translated into English, German, French, Italian, Persian
and Dutch. Tekin’s variety of style and approach has enabled her to become one of
the most eminent novelists of her generation.
WORKS: Sevgili Arsız Ölüm (Dear Shameless Death), Berci Kristin Çöp Masalları
(Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills), Gece Dersleri (Night Lessons) Buzdan
Kılıçlar (Swords of Ice), Aşk İşaretleri (Love Signs), Ormanda Ölüm Yokmuş (No
Death in the Forest), Unutma Bahçesi (Oblivion Garden), Muinar (Muinar), Bir
Yudum Sevgi (A Drop of Love).
ISBN 978-0-7145-3135-9
He was born in 1957, in Istanbul and grew up in Şişli, Feriköy and Kadıköy, districts
of Istanbul, generally inhabited by religious minorities. In 1980, he graduated from
the French and Roman Philology Department at Istanbul University, determined not
to continue with any kind of academic study. He wrote his first short story in 1975.
After 1984, he wrote several articles, predominantly about music, in newspapers and
periodicals such as Şalom, Cumhuriyet, Cumhuriyet Dergi, Stüdyo, İmge, Gösteri,
Milliyet Sanat and Argos. His first book, Jacques Brel: Bir Yalnız Adam (Jacques
Brel: A Lonely Man) was published in 1986, to be followed by his first book of short
stories in 1990. The story, Bir Şehre Gidememek (An Inaccessible City) won the
Haldun Taner Award in the same year. In 1993, he started writing a novel, which
would take six years to complete. This novel, entitled İstanbul Bir Masaldı (Istanbul,
a Fairy Tale) won the Yunus Nadi Novel Award in 2000. At present he is a lecturer at
Yeditepe University.
ISBN 88-8490-952-7
Mehmet Akif Ersoy, was born in Istanbul in 1873 and died in the same city in 1936. He
studied veterinary science at the university. Although his poems give the impression
of simplicity, due to their reliance on the spoken form of the language, Mehmet Akif
in fact, had an extremely meticulous approach to form. He displayed his inclination
towards a plainer form of language in all his poems. He improved the expression in
the verse, without destroying the natural structure of the language and tempered the
Divan rhythm, thereby illustrating the extensive possibilities of the Turkish language
in poetry writing. Mehmet Akif achieved a personal style in his works by emphasizing
the social identity of language.
ISBN 998958228-9
Mehmet Coral was born in Izmir, in 1947. He graduated from Izmir Maarif
High School and from the Business Administration and Economy Department
at Amsterdam University. He obtained his Master’s degree from The Hague
International Law Academy. He started writing in the early 1990s, in Istanbul, to
where he had moved after completing his academic studies. In 1999, during the
Balkan people’s literary award, Balkanika, where he represented Turkey, the award
committee decided to support the translation of all his works into Balkan languages.
His books have been translated into English, French, Italian and Greek.
ISBN 960-04-3190-6
Dr. Mehmet Kalpaklı is at present the head of the History Department at Bilkent
University, where he also lectures in the Turkish Literature Department. Dr. Kalpaklı
graduated from the Turkish Language and Literature Department at Istanbul
University. After being awarded his Bacholor’s Degree in 1994, he obtained his
Master’s Degree in 1986, at Mimar Sinan University, with his thesis on the Divan
poet Fevri. In 1992, he earned his doctoral degree for his thesis begun at Istanbul
University, Old Turkish Literature Section, and completed at Washington University,
Middle East Languages and Civilizations Department. He has written several articles
and contributed encylopedia items both, in Turkish and in English, mostly on Divan
ISBN 0-8223-3424-0
Mehmed Niyazi Özdemir was born in Akyazı, in 1942. He graduated from the
Faculty of Law at Istanbul University in 1967. He completed his doctoral thesis on
Fundamental Rights in Turkish Public Law, at Marlburg, Bonn and Köln Universities
in Germany, where he lived for many years. He has written for Zaman and Tercüman
newspapers in Turkey. He has had his articles published in periodicals such as Ufuk
Çizgisi, Bayrak, Genç Akademi, Türk Yurdu, İnsan and Kainat. He is particularly
well-known for his novel, Mehmed Niyazi. He focuses on national issues in his works
and comments on the social structure of Turkey in his essays.
WORKS: Bayram Hediyesi (Holiday Present), Var Olmak Kavgası (Fight for
Existence), Çağımızın Aşıkları (Lovers of Our Age), İki Dünya Arasında (Between
Two Worlds), Ölüm Daha Güzeldi (Death Was More Beautiful), Yazılamamış
Destanlar (Unwritten Epics), Çanakkale Mahşeri (The Last Judgment in Çanakkale),
Dahiler ve Deliler (The Genius and the Insane).
ISBN 9989-742-67-7
He was born in 1966. He is one of the most prominent writers of Turkish children’s
literature. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, at Istanbul University, in 1989.
His poems, short stories and essays have been published in many journals and
newspapers, such as İkindiyazıları, Diriliş, Dergâh, Albatros, Geniş Zamanlar and
Gerçek. He won the Gökyüzü Publishing House Children’s Literature Award for his
book of poetry, Kuş Renkli Çocukluğum (My Bird-Colored Childhood) and the Turkey
Writers’ Association Children’s Literature Award for Korku Dükkânı (Horror Shop)
in 1998.
WORKS: Kuş Renkli Çocukluğum (My Bird- Colored Childhood), İyi Geceler Bayım
(Good Night, Sir), Sufi ile Pufi (Sufi and Pufi), Çınçınlı Masal Sokağı (Fairy Tale
Street), Dondurmalı Matematik (Maths with Icecream), Hayâl Dükkânı (Fantasy
Shop), Kirpiler Şapka Giymez (Hedgehogs Don’t Wear Hats), Korku Dükkânı
(Horror Shop), Sinir Dükkânı (Nerve Shop), Tehlikeli Bir Kitap (A Dangerous Book),
Ütüsüz Ayakkabılar (Unironed Shoes), Masal Alan Adam (The Man Who Bought
Fairy Tales), Para Dağıtan Adam (The Man Who Gave Away Money), Profesör
Haşır Huşur (Professor Rustler), Saçları Dökülen Adam (Bald Man), Televizyonları
Bozulan Şehir (The City of Broken Televisions), Tersine Adam (Back-to-Front Man),
Yağmurlu Şehirdeki Adam (The Man in the Rainy City), Uçan Eşek (Flying Donkey),
Vay Canına (Oh, My God).
ISBN 978--964-5745-63-7
Mine Söğüt was born in 1968 in Istanbul. She graduated from the Latin Language
and Literature Department at Istanbul University and completed her MA in the
same department. In1990, she started working as a reporter for Güneş newspaper.
Subsequently she worked for Tempo and Yeniyüzyıl. In 1993, she received a
commendation for her journalism, from the Türkish Journalists Association. Between
1996 and 2000, she worked as a script writer for the television documentary series,
Haberci (Reporter). Since 2001, she has been working in a voluntary capacity as
editor for the local paper, Cihangir Postası (Cihangir Post).
WORKS: Beş Sevim Apartmanı (Five Sevim Apartment Block), Kırmızı Zaman
(Red Time), Sevgili Doğan Kardeş (Dear Brother Doğan), Adalet Cimcoz-Bir Yaşam
Öyküsü Denemesi (Adalet Cimcoz : A Biography), Şahbaz’ın Harikulade Yılı 1979
(1979: A Magnificent Year for Şahbaz), Aşkın Sonu Cinayettir-Pınar Kür ile Hayat
ve Edebiyat (Love Always End in Murder - Conversations with Pınar Kür on Life and
Murat Gülsoy was born in Istanbul, in 1967. He studied engineering and psychology.
At present he lectures on creative writing, in the Department of Western Languages
and Literature, at Boğaziçi University, as well as being the general editor of Boğaziçi
University Press. With a group of friends, he published a periodical called Hayalet
Gemi (Ghost Ship) between 1992 and 2002. He won the Sait Faik Short Story Award
for Steal This Book, in 2001 and the Yunus Nadi Novel Award for his novel, I’m the
Villain in This Film, in 2004.
Murat Tuncel was born in Hanak, Kars, in 1952. After completing his secondary
education, he went to Artvin Teacher Training College. In 1979, he graduated from
the Turkish Department at Atatürk Academy of Pedagogy.
He worked as a primary and secondary school teacher throughout Turkey and left
teaching in 1984. He worked for the newspaper Günaydın for some time, before
immigrating to Holland in 1989. Murat Tuncel, who lives and writes in Holland,
works as a teacher at a school and gives Turkish language and literature lessons at
Rotterdam Conservatoire.
WORKS: Dargın Değilim Yaşama (I’m not Cross with Life), Mengelez, Güneşsiz
Dünya (Sunless World), Beyoğlu Çığlıkları (Beyoğlu Screams), Hollandaca (Dutch),
Üçüncü Ölüm (Third Death), Yarımağız Anılar (Half- Hearted Memoirs), İnanna.
ISBN 978-3-9810419-4-1
Mustafa Kutlu was born in Erzincan, in 1947. He graduated from the Turkish
Language and Literature Department at Erzurum Atatürk University. After working
as a literature teacher for some time, he started working at Dergah publications. He
made his first appearance on the literary stage, with several articles published in
the periodical, Fikir ve Sanatta Hareket. From 1990 onwards, in addition to Dergâh,
where he became editor, he has had his short stories and articles published in many
other journals many other journals. He has also written scripts for movies and for
WORKS: Ortadaki Adam (Man in the Middle), Gönül İşi (Affair of the Heart), Yokuşa
Akan Sular (Upstream), Yoksulluk İçimizde (Poverty Is Within Us), Ya Tahammül
Ya Sefer (Either Be Patient or Leave), Bu Böyledir (This Is How It Is), Sır (Secret),
Arka Kapak Yazıları (Back Cover Writings), Hüzün ve Tesadüf (Melancholy and
Coincidence), Uzun Hikaye (Long Story), Beyhude Ömrüm (My Wasted Life), Mavi
Kuş (Blue Bird), Tufandan Önce (Before the Storm), Rüzgarlı Pazar (Windy Sunday),
Şehir Mektupları (Letters from the City), Akasya ve Mandolin (Acacia and the
Mandolin), Yoksulluk Kitabı (The Book of Poverty).
ISBN 978-964-2656-04-3
Nazlı Eray was born in Ankara, in 1945. After graduating from Istanbul Arnavutköy
American High School for Girls, she studied at the Faculty of Law and in the
Philosophy Department at Istanbul University. She did not complete her studies
and worked as a translator at the Ministry of Tourism, between 1965 and 1968. She
started writing stories during her high school years.
She was visiting lecturer at Iowa University, for one term in 1977. She is an honorable
member of the USA International Pen Association.
WORKS: Ah Bayım Ah (Alas, Sir, Alas), Geceyi Tanıdım (I Met the Night), Hazır
Dünya (Ready Made World), Eski Gece Parçaları (Old Night Songs), Yoldan Geçen
Öyküler (Stories Walking in the Street), Aşk Artık Burada Oturmuyor (Love Doesn’t
Live Here Anymore), Kuş Kafesindeki Tenor (Tenor in the Bird Cage), Elyazması
Rüyalar (Manuscript Dreams), Aşkı Giyinen Adam (The Man Dressed in Love),
Arzu Sapağı’nda İnecek Var (Let Me off at the Desire Detour), Kız Öpme Kuyruğu
(Girl Kissing Queue), Aşık Papağan Barı I-II (The Lovestruck Parrot Bar I -II), Farklı
Rüyalar Sokağı (Street of Disparate Dreams), İmparator Çay Bahçesi (The Emperor
Tea Garden), Kapıyı Vurmadan Gir (Come in Without Knocking), Sis Kelebekleri
(Fog Butterflies), Uyku İstasyonu (Sleep Station), Ay Falcısı (Lunar Soothsayer),
Deniz Kenarında Pazartesi (Seaside Monday), Düş İşleri Bülteni (Dream Works
Bulletin), Ekmek Arası Rüya (Sandwich Dreams), Örümceğin Kitabı (The Spider
Book), Yıldızlar Mektup Yazar (Stars Write Letters), Orpheus.
ISBN 0-292-71409-2
Necla Çandağ was born in Çankırı and completed her university education in Izmir.
She has worked as a Turkish language and literature teacher, as an English teacher
and as an assistant director in various schools. Her articles have been published in
several journals and newspapers. She published her first poetry book, Mavi Umut
Gölü (Blue Hope Lake) in 1986.
WORKS: Mavi Umut Gölü (Blue Hope Lake), Saik Faik ve Biz (Sait Faik and Us), 111.
Yıl Ansiklopedisi (The One hundred and Eleven Year Year Encyclopedia), 112. Yıl
Geçmişten Geleceğe Güldeste (The One Hundred and Twelve Year Encyclopedia
-from the Past to the Future), Bir Sokak Hikâyesi (Street Story), Bağlar Sokağı
(Vineyard Street), Bir Demet Mutluluk (A Bunch of Happiness), Kırmızı Saplı Çakı
(The Red-handled Penknife), Mermer Çeşmenin Sevgi Suyu (The Love Water of
Marble Fountain), Göklerin Kızı (Daughter of the Skies), Lemas’ın Limon Çiçeği
(Lemas’s Lime Flower), Cevizli Bahçenin Nar Tanesi (The Pomegranate in Walnut
ISBN 978-3-8280-2535-6
He was born in 1933 in Ankara. After graduating from the Istanbul School of
Economy and Trade, he became, successively, a research assistant on December 1,
1959, associate professor on December 30, 1965 and professor on March 5, 1971, in
the Faculty of Economics at Istanbul University.
Prof. Yalçıntaş speaks French, English and Arabic. He is the editor of Türkiye
newspaper and is also a member of the faculty in the Faculty of Economics, at
Istanbul University.
WORKS: Türk Birliği (Turkish Unity), Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye (The European
Union and Turkey), Amerika’nın Irak Macerası (America’s Iraqi Adventure),
Avrupa’da Yükselen Hilal (The Rising Crescent in Europe), Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye;
Avrupa Topluluğu Bir Hıristiyan Kulübü müdür? (The European Union and Turkey:
Is the European Union a Christian Club?).
ISBN 975-8364-88-X
Nur İçözü was born in 1948. She has worked as a publication director and editor for
several leading periodicals and has written articles on art in Milliyet and Radikal
newspapers. She writes a column on children’s and adolescent books for Radikal
Literature Supplement.
She entered the world of children’s and adolescent literature with her two-part
book, Kar Masalları (Snow Tales) in 1997 and won second prize in the Children’s
Humoristic Literature competition, in 2000, with her book, Bugün Ne Cadılık Yaptım
(How Witchy I was Today).
WORKS: Şiirli Hayvan Öyküleri Dizisi (6 Kitap) (Poetic Animal Stories Series - 6
Books), Sevginin Mırnavcası (Love Mewling), Güneşe Tırmanan Çocuk (The Kid
That Climbed to the Sun), Çikolata Öyküler Dizisi (10 Kitap) (Chocolate Stories
Series - 10 Books), Sevecen Öyküler Dizisi (10 Kitap) (Caring Stories Series - 10
Books), Altındoğa Öyküleri (2 Kitap) (Golden Nature Stories - 2 Books), En Güzel
Kimin İşi? (Who Did the Best Job?), Sihirli Düşler Kesesi (Magical Dreams Bag), En
Güzel Kimin İşi? -2- (Who Did the Best Job? -2), Yüreğimin Kıyısında (On the Shores
of My Heart), Bana Derler Küp Cadısı (They Call Me Jar Witch), Masal Bahçesi Dizisi
(5 Kitap) (Garden Stories Series - 5 Books), Farafarafilli (2 Kitap) (Farafarafili - 2
Books), Siz Olsaydınız Ne Yapardınız? (What Would You Do in My Shoes?), Artık
Okuyorum Dizisi (10 Kitap) (I Am Reading Series - 10 Books), Bugün Ne Cadılık
Yaptım? (How Witchy I Was Today!), Cadılık Parayla mı? (Witchcraft Is not Sold),
Dönemeç (The Bend), Reyhan (Reyhan), Bizim Aile (2 Kitap) (Our Family - 2 Books),
Badem Çocuk Dizisi (6 Kitap) (Almond Child Series - 6 Books), Öykü Yağmuru Dizisi
(5 Kitap) (Story Rain Series - 5 Books), Korku Tüneli (Ghost Train), Gökten İnen Üç
Yıldız (Three Shooting Stars), Zamanda Yolculuk Dizisi (10 Kitap) (Time Travelling
Series - 10 Books), Tospik Kaplumbağa (The Chubby Tortoise), En Güzel Çiçek
Yarışması (The Most Beautiful Flower Competition), Tatile Gidiyoruz (We’re Going
on Holiday).
ISBN 978-3-86121-317-8
Nuran Turan was born in 1938. After graduating from Kandilli Girls High School,
she finished Communications Faculty and Management Economy Institute at
Istanbul University. She worked for newspapers such as Turan and Milliyet and local
papers Yeşilköy and Yeşilyurt. Subsequently, she worked as a nursery teacher, as a
director in a private company and finally, as a member of the Advisory Board for the
Publication of Children’s Books at the Ministry of Culture.
WORKS: Serdar’ın Öyküleri (Serdar’s Stories), Sevgi Kitabı (Love Book), Nasreddin
Hoca ve Serdar (Nasreddin Hodja and Serdar), Atatürk ve Serdar Yalova’da
(Atatürk and Serdar in Yalova), Atatürk ve Serdar Pera Palas’ta (Atatürk and
Serdar at the Pera Palace Hotel), Barış Çiçeği (Peace Flower), Atatürk ve Serdar
Dolmabahçe’de (Atatürk and Serdar at Dolmabahçe Palace), Nur Ana (Mother Nur),
Atatürk Mersin’de (Doğan Akça ile) (Atatürk in Mersin - with Doğan Akça), Atatürk
ve Serdar Anıtkabir’de (Atatürk and Serdar at Atatürk’s Mausoleum), Atatürk’ün
Dönüşü (The Return of Atatürk), Babaannemin Öykü Sepeti (My Grandma’s Story
Basket), Beyaz Yalan Balonları (White Lie Balloons), Denizkızıyla Denizdelikanlısı
(The Mermaid and the Sea Boy), Işık Melekleri (Light Angels), Nasreddin Hoca
Eğlence Köyü (The Nasreddin Hodja Fun Village), Serdar’ın Rüya Kapanı (Serdar’s
Dream Trap), Serdar’ın Zaman Yolculuğu (Serdar’s Trip in Time), Serdar’a Öyküler
(Stories for Serdar), Kediler Yaz Okulu (Cats’ Summer School), Mevlâna İnternette
(Mevlana on the Internet), Kapadokya’nın Sırları (N. Abaç ile) (Secrets of Capadocia
- with N. Abaç), Kaya ile Sinan Yunuslarla (Kaya and Sinan with the Dolphins),
Trigotlar (Trigoths), Çocuk Sevgidir (Child Is Love), Gılgamış (The Epic of Gilgamis),
Ata’ya Armağan (A Present for Atatürk), Kaya ile Sinan Masal Dünyasında (Sinan
and Kaya in Fairy Tale Land), Zaman Çadırı (Time Tent).
ISBN 978-3-86121-316-1
www. anadolu-verlag.de
ISBN 3-939372-05-6
Orhan Kemal was born in Ceyhan, Adana, on the 15th of September, 1914. He was
influenced by the socialist ideas of Nazım Hikmet, whom he met in Bursa, in 1940.
He studied French, philosophy and politics with Nazım Hikmet, who, in fact, advised
him to write novels and short stories, instead of poems.
In 1958, he won the Sait Faik Award with his story entitled Kardeş Payı (A Fair
He wrote the stories of poor people, workers, students and “the man in the street.” He
analyzed the relationship between man and society and reflected it in his stories in
a realistic style. When he died in 1970, he left 51 works, of which 27 are novels and 19
are short stories.
Orhan Kemal, drawing on his own childhood and adolescent memoirs, tells
the story of ordinary people who live in poverty. My Father’s House was
published in 1949 and immediately brought a breath of fresh air to Turkish
literature, with its beautiful realistic style.
ISBN 978-88-900974-7-8
ISBN 960-03-4188-5
Orhan Pamuk was born in Istanbul in 1952. In 2006, he achieved the dual distinction
of becoming, not only the first Turk to have ever won the Nobel Prize for Literature,
but also, one of the two youngest ever winners of the Nobel prize. His books have
been translated into more than fifty languages and have been published in over
one hundred countries. In 2005, Prospect magazine included him in their list of
the world’s top one hundred intellectuals, while in 2006, he was chosen as one of
the world’s one hundred most influential people by Time magazine. He has won
numerous national and international awards.
WORKS: Cevdet Bey ve Oğulları (Cevdet Bey and His Sons), Sessiz Ev (The Silent
House), Beyaz Kale (The White Castle), Kara Kitap (The Black Book), Gizli Yüz
(Secret Face), Screenplay, Yeni Hayat (The New Life), Benim Adım Kırmızı (My
Name is Red), Öteki Renkler (Other Colors), Essays, Kar (Snow), İstanbul: Hatıralar
ve Şehir (Istanbul: Memories and the City), Memoirs, Babamın Bavulu (My Father’s
ISBN 978-85-359-1126-8
ISBN 978-3-446-20826-1
This is a book about an Istanbul that has been a port of call, a home,
a dream and a passion for so many writers, from Ahmet Hamdi
Tanpınar to Yahya Kemal and from Nerval to Gautier. Istanbul is the
fascinating backdrop to Orhan Pamuk’s memoirs. Orhan Pamuk, world
famous novelist, tells the story of his childhood, youth and family, in a
narrative reflecting the spirit of Istanbul and describes the traces that
Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, has left on his
own, personal world.
ISBN 85-359-0922-2
ISBN 978-83-08-03948-9
ISBN 978-9949-425-37-2
Kar, a poet who has been exiled in Germany for twelve years, finds
himself in Kars for an interview, four days after his return from
exile. He sets out to explore this beautiful city, street by street, shop
by shop, to the accompaniment of heavy, unrelenting snow. In Kars
he finds teashops, jam-packed with jobless people, a snowbound,
travelling theatre company, several political groups, rife with gossip
and rumor, the Kar Palas Hotel and its owner Turgut Bey, not to
mention his daughters, İpek and Kadife and the promise of love and
happiness, for Ka himself.
ISBN 973-669-208-6
ISBN 978-80-7145-927-9
Translated into Ukrainian by Oles Kulchinsky Argo spol s.r.o, Czech Republic, 2008
My Name is Red, which Orhan Pamuk describes as his “most colorful and optimistic novel” is set in Istanbul
in winter, 1591 and covers a period of just nine, snowy days. When beautiful Şeküre, whose two young sons are
constantly squabbling with each other, decides to look for a new husband to replace the previous one, who was
sent to war, but is yet to return after four years, she starts spying on the Sultan’s miniaturists, who are invited,
in turn, to their home by her father. The invited master miniaturists, under her father’s guidance, are secretly
preparing a book of miniatures reflecting the European influence, for the Ottoman Sultan. The story unfolds
when one of the miniaturists is murdered.
This book, where both characters and objects have their own voice, where the dead and the furniture speak, is
about death, art, love and happiness and is also an elegy to the long forgotten beauty of old paintings.
ISBN 978-84-397-2061-4
ISBN 978-9958-30-000-4
ISBN 978-85-359-117-6
ISBN 977-419-429-2
ISBN 978-5-367-00526-4
ISBN 99928-61-09-6
Secret Face, written by Orhan Pamuk and directed by Ömer Kavur has already
become one of the classics of Turkish cinema.
“When I write, just as I’m writing my novels, many secondary subjects, persons,
furniture appear uninvited in the story. Long forgotten towns, irons, tables, clock
towers, butchers, cleaners, poems from Seyh Galip, teashops, trees and so on…
If writing, as the cliché says, is like going on a journey; then the joy of writing
should be, the happiness experienced by assimilating these travel companions
into your own world.”
ISBN 978-89-374-8116-1
He graduated from Mersin High School in 1956 and from the French Department of
Gazi Teacher Training Academy in 1960. While he was working as a teacher, he won
a scholarship from the French government and went to Paris Sorbonne University
to study contemporary French literature and phonetics. Between 1989 and 2000,
he worked as an editor for Can Publications and as editor and director for Telos
Publications. Since 2000, he has been writing his column in Hürriyet.
His poems and articles have been translated into German, Bulgarian, French, Hindu,
Hebrew, English, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Rumanian,
Russian, Serbian and Greek.
WORKS: Kargı (Spear), Tutanaklar (Minutes), Kiraz Zamanı (Cherry Time), Karşı
Yazgı (Against Fate), Rüzgara Yazılıdır (Written in the Wind), Elmanın Tarihi
(History of the Apple), Kentler (Cities), Yedi Deryalar Geçsen (If You Crossed Seven
Seas), Siyasetname (Political Writings), Eski Şiirler (Old Poems), Hayatbilgisi
(Life Knowledge), Zorba ve Ozan (Tyrant and the Poet), Başak ile Terazi (Virgo and
Libra), Burçlar Kuşağı (The Horoscope Generation), Can Yelekleri Tavandadır (Life
Jackets Are on the Roof), Gürlevik, Gündönümü Gündönümü (Twilight), Yazın Sesi
The Sound of Summer), Uykusuzluk (Insomnia), Mani-Hayy, Evren Ağacı (Universe
Tree), Ot Hızı (Grass Speed), Keskindoreke Fındınfalava, Magma ve Kör Saat
(Magma and the Blind Clock), Annemin Karnında Son Bir Ay (Last Month in My
Mum’s Womb), Bir Ana Heykeli (A Mother’s Statue), Güneş Saati (Sundial), Seçme
Şiirler (Selected Poems), Tekvin, Toplu Şiirler 1 (Poetry Anthology -1),Delta, (Poetry
Anthology-2), Tohum Ölürse (If the Grain Dies), Toplu Şiirler 3 (Poetry Anthology -
3).., Yağmur Taşı (Rain Stone), (Poetry Anthology -4).., Bütün Şiirlerim 1, 2, 3 (All My
Poems 1, 2, 3) Yazmasam Olmazdı (I Couldn’t Live without Writing), Mahşerin Üç
Kitabı (Three Books of the Last Judgment), Şiir ve Gerçeklik (Poetry and Reality),
Söz ve Yazı (Words and Writings), Tabula Rasa, Dinozorca (Dinosaur Language),
Tarih Bağışlamaz (History Does Not Forgive), Çile Törenleri (Ordeal Ceremonies),
Bu Ne Biçim Memleket (What Kİnd of Country Is This?), Yaşasın Cumhuriyet
(Long Live the Republic), Şiirde Devrim (Revolution in Poetry), Mevsimsiz Yazılar
(Seasonless Writings), Gördüğünü Kitaba Yaz (Write What You See in the Book),
Pazar Yazıları (Sunday Writings), Tersi Yüzü (Vice Versa), Isırganın Faydaları (The
Blessings of Nettles), Yedi Canlı Cumhuriyet (Seven Life Republic), Denek Taşı
(Touchstone), Fesatlar Sarmalında Türkiye (Turkey in the Corruption Spiral), Ne
Altın Ne Gümüş (Neither Gold nor Silver).
ISBN 978-954-91717-3-0
Perihan Mağden was born in Istanbul, in 1960. She graduated from Robert College
and from the Psychology Department at Boğaziçi University. She traveled extensively
through Asia for 3 years and lived in different countries like India, Japan and USA
before starting to write newspaper columns. Between 1997 and 2005, she wrote in
Radikal and in the autumn of 2005, started writing in Yeni Aktüel. Since February
2007, she has been writing for Radikal. Her novel, Two Girls has been made into a
film called Two Young Girls.
ISBN 963-208-951-0
ISBN 978-3-518-46005-4
ISBN 1-85242-899-6
ISBN 88-7625-009-3
ISBN 978-90-253-6337-6
Peyami Safa is one of the most important writers in Turkish literature. He was born
in Istanbul in 1899 and died in 1961. His father Ismail Safa, was one of the most
well-known poets of his generation. Peyami Safa, because of the deterioration in
his family’s economic situation and the war years, had to give up school at 13 and
started working in a printer’s. At 14 years old, he published his first short story Bir
Mektepli’nin Hatıratı - Karanlıklar Kralı (Memoirs of a School Boy - King of the
Darkness). In 1918, he and his brother started publishing an evening paper called
20. Asır (20th Century) for which Peyami Safa wrote short stories entitled, The Short
Stories of the Century. He wrote for various newspapers during his life and in fact,
wrote in every literary genre, apart from poetry. Many of his works bear the pen
name, Server Bedii. Many of his published works are considered to be classics of
Turkish literature.
WORKS: Bir Genç (A Young Man), Gençliğimiz (Our Youth), Siyah Beyaz
Hikâyeler (Black and White Stories), İstanbul Hikâyeleri (Istanbul Stories), Aşk
Oyunları (Love Games), Süngülerin Gölgesinde (In the Shadow of the Bayonet),
Ateşböcekleri (Fireflies), İki Öküz Arkadaş (Two Vulgar Friends), Havaya Uçan At
(Flying Horse), Mahşer (The Last Judgment), Bir Akşamdı (One Evening), Bir Genç
Kız Kalbinin Cürmü (The Crime of a Young Girl’s Heart), Sözde Kızlar (So-called
Girls), Canan (Canan), Şimşek, (Lightning) Dokuzuncu Hariciye Koğuşu (Ward
Nine), Atilla, Fatih - Harbiye (Fatih - Harbiye), Bir Tereddüdün Romanı (The Story
of a Hesitation), Biz İnsanlar (Us Human Beings), Matmazel Noraliya’nın Koltuğu
(Miss Noraliya’s Chair), Yalnızız (Alone).
ISBN 964818428-3
ISBN 978-964-8184-37-2
Pınar Kür was born on the 15th of April, 1945 in Bursa. She graduated from a high
school in New York and completed her university studies in New York and in
Istanbul. She completed her PhD at Sorbonne University, in France, with her thesis
on Realism and Illusion in Twentieth Century Theatre. She worked as a literary
advisor at Ankara State Theatre. At present, she is a lecturer at Bilgi University.
WORKS: Yarın Yarın (Tomorrow Tomorrow), Küçük Oyuncu (Young Actor), Asılacak
Kadın (Woman to Be Hanged), Bitmeyen Aşk (Eternal Love), Bir Cinayet Romanı (A
Murder Novel), Sonuncu Sonbahar (Last Autumn), Bir Deli Ağaç (An Insane Tree),
Akışı Olmayan Sular (Stagnant Waters).
ISBN 3-935535-13-9
Reha Çamuroğlu was born in Istanbul on August 20, 1958. He completed his primary
and secondary education in Ankara and Istanbul, where he graduated from the
History Department at Boğaziçi University. He worked as publication director for
the periodicals Kara, Efendisiz, Cem and Nefes and was a contributor to the history
section in several encyclopedias. His first article was published in Kara in 1986,
but he made his name with his articles in the journals Cem, Efendisiz and Defter.
When he was a student he was interested in “center-periphery relations,” within the
Ottoman Empire and more precisely, in the economic, social and political aspects of
this center - namely, periphery tension and its intellectual basis and proliferation.
This interest led him to focus on the history of thought, in particular, Islamic
WORKS: İkiilebir (One and Two), Son Yeniçeri (The Last Janissary), Sabah Rüzgârı
(Morning Breeze), “Enelhak” Demişti Nesimî (And Nesimi Said, “I Am God”),
Dönüyordu, (It Was Turning), Bektaşîlikte Zaman Kavrayışı (The Concept of Time in
Bektashism), İsmail (Ismail), Tarih (History), Heterodoksi ve Babaîler (Heterodoxy
and Babaism), Değişen Koşullarda Alevîlik (Alevism Under Changing Conditions).
ISBN 978-954-449-309-7
Rıfat Ilgaz was born in Cide, Kastamonu, in 1911. He graduated from the Literature
Department of Ankara Gazi Teacher Training College, in 1938.
WORKS: Yarenlik (A Chat), Sınıf (Class), Yaşadıkça (As We Live Along), Devam
(Continuation), Üsküdar’da Sabah Oldu (It is Morning In Üsküdar), Soluk Soluğa
(Breathless), Karakılçık (Black Fish Bone), Uzak Değil (It’s Not Far), Güvercinim
Uyur mu (Is My Dove Asleep?), Kulağımız Kirişte (Wide Awake), Ocak Katırı
Alagöz , Çocuk Bahçesi (Playground), Bütün Şiirleri (All Poems), Bütün Şiirleri:
1927-1991 (All Poems: 1927-1991), Hababam Sınıfı (Nightmare Class), Pijamalılar
(Those Wearing Pyjamas), Karadenizin Kıyıcığında (On the Shores of the Black
Sea), Halime Kaptan (Captain Halime), Meşrutiyet Kırathanesi (Meşrutiyet Coffee
House), Karartma Geceleri (Blackout Nights), Sarı Yazma (Yellow Scarf), Yıldız
Karayel(North by North-West Wind), Apartıman Çocukları (Apartment Block Kids),
Hoca Nasrettin ve Çömezleri (Nasreddin Hodja and the Disciples), Hababam Sınıfı
İcraatın İçinde (Nightmare Class at Work), Yokuş Yukarı (Up the Hill), Kırk Yıl
Önce Kırk Yıl Sonra (Forty Years Ago, Forty Years Later), Dördüncü Bölük (Fourth
Squadron), Radarın Anahtarı (The Radar Key), Don Kişot İstanbul’da (Don Quixote
in Istanbul), Kesmeli Bunları (Cut Them Out), Nerde O Eski Usturalar (Good Old
Razors), Saksağanın Kuyruğu (Magpie’s Tail), Şevket Ustanın Kedisi (Master
Şevket’s Cat), Garibin Horozu (Cock of the Poor), Altın Ekicisi (Gold Dealer-in-rag),
Palavra (Bullshit), Tuh Sana (Shame on You), Çatal Matal Kaç Çatal (How Many
Forks), Bunadı Bu Adam (He’s Lost His Marbles), Keş (Junky), Al Atını (Take the
Horse), Hababam Sınıfı Uyanıyor (Nightmare Class Wakes Up), Hababam Sınıfı
Baskında (Nightmare Class Raided), Hababam Sınıfı Sınıfta Kaldı (Nightmare Class
Fails), Rüşvetin Alamancası (Bribe in German), Sosyal Kadınlar Partisi (Sociable
Women’s Party), Çalış Osman Çiftlik Senin (If You Work, You’ll Get the Farm,
Osman), Şeker Kutusu (Candy Box), Bacaksız Kamyon Sürücüsü (Little Devil
Truck Driver), Bacaksız Okulda (Little Devil at School), Bacaksız Paralı Atlet (Little
Devil- Professional Athlete), Bacaksız Tatil Köyünde (Little Devil at Holiday Camp),
Bacaksız Sigara Kaçakcısı (Little Devil- Cigarette Dealer), Öksüz Civciv (Orphan
Chick), Küçük Cekmece Okyanusu (Küçük Çekmece Ocean), Cankurtaran Yılmaz
(Lifeguard Yilmaz), Kumdan Betona (From Sand to Cement), Çocuk Bahçesi (Şiir)
(Play Ground - Poetry).
ISBN 978-964-2656-04-3
Saba Altınsay was born in 1961 in Çanakkale. He completed his secondary education
in Ankara and Izmir, graduating from the Journalist and Broadcasting School in the
Political Sciences Faculty at Ankara University. After leaving university, he started
work and published his short stories and travel articles in several newspapers and
journals. His first book Kritumu was published in 2004.
ISBN 978-86-7900-004-0
Sabahattin Ali was born in 1907, in a village near Comotini in Grece and died in 1948.
He graduated from Istanbul Teacher Training College in 1927 and worked for a year
as a teacher in Yozgat. Subsequently, he won a Ministry of Education scholarship
and went to Germany to do a two years of further study in Potsdam, after which, he
returned to Turkey.
His first poems were published in the periodical Çağlayan, printed in Balıkesir, in
1925. In later years, his short stories and poems were published in the most eminent
periodicals of the period, such as Yedi Meşale, Resimli Ay and Varlık. Although he is
well known for his poems of social realism, he also wrote in other styles.
His approach to Turkish people in his novels and short stories brought a new
dimension to Turkish literature.
In his later years, he worked for different departments at the Ministry of Education,
taught German, worked as a translator and was literary advisor to the State
ISBN 978-2-268-06131-3
Sadık Yalsızuçanlar was born in Malatya in South East Turkey in 1962 and attended
Hacettepe University, where he majored in Turkology. He has since worked in
publishing and teaching, and currently acts as a producer for TRT Ankara Television.
He has received several awards for his stories and essays, as well as for a number of
television documentaries.
WORKS: Gezgin (The Wanderer), Yakaza, Garip (The Stranger), 40 Gözaltı Öyküsü
(40 Surveillance Stories), Kuş Öyküsü Güzeran (Guzeran the Story of the Bird),
Şey (The Thing), Hiç (Nothing), Cam ve Elmas (Glass and Diamond), Ayan Beyan
(Obvious), Halvet der Encümen, Varlığın Evi (The Home of Existence), Bir Yolcunun
Halleri (Conditions of a Traveller), Öyküler Kitabı (The Book of Tales), Sırlı Tuğlalar
(Vitrified Bricks), Yolcu (The The Traveller), Kerem ile Aslı (Kerem and Aslı) .
ISBN 3935535-11-2
Sait Faik Abasıyanık was born in Adapazarı in 1906. From 1934 onwards, he
committed himself, almost exclusively, to writing short stories. He brought a new
style of short story writing into Turkish literature, with the limpid, spare and lyrical
language that he used in his stories about the sea, seamen, workers, children, poor,
unemployed and fishermen. He was given honorary membership of the International
Mark Twain Association in 1953, for his contributions to contemporary literature. He
died in Istanbul in 1954.
Serdar Özkan, who was born in Izmir in August 1975, graduated from Robert College
and studied Management and Psychology at Lehigh University in the USA.
After graduating, he returned to Turkey and worked in the field of public relations.
He lives in Istanbul and has been writing novels since 2002. His first book, Kayıp Gül
(Lost Rose), became a bestseller abroad. It has been translated into 17 languages
and published in more than 20 countries.
ISBN 978-953-259-012-8
Serpil Ural was born in 1945 and after graduating from Üsküdar American High
School, Bradford Junior College and from the Graphics Department of the Fine Arts
Academy, worked for publicity companies as a graphic artist and script writer. In
1978 she started writing and illustrating books for pre-school children. Some of
her books have been adapted for TV and broadcast, notably, children’s television
programs for TRT in Turkey and Swedish Television. In 1986, at the 5th Noma
International Children’s Book Illustrations Competition she received an Incentive
Award. In 1987, at the Rıfat Ilgaz Humoristic Story Competition she was awarded
first prize and in 1997, Serpil Ural won the Turkiye İş Bankası Children’s Literature
Award. Her book illustrations have been presented in several exhibitions and
competitions at home and abroad.
WORKS: Şafakta Yanan Mumlar (Candles Lit at Dawn), Ağrı’dan Zelve’ye Anadolu
Anlatıyor (From Agri to Zelve - Anatolia Speaks), Ali Baba’nın Çiftliği (Ali Baba’s
Farm), Bahar Nevruz’la Başlar (Spring Starts with Newroz), Cabula Mabula,
Armağan (Present), Güle Güle Nereye? (See You, Where Are You Going by the
Way?), Gürültücü Ali (Noisy Ali), Mikrobun Ettikleri (Microbe’s Misbehaviour),
Tako Egitsel Oykuler Dizisi 4 Kitap (Tako Educational Stories Series- 4 Books),
Tek Gözlü Kedi (The One Eyed Cat), Onbaşı Nezahat (Sergeant Nezahat), Eşek ve
Berk (The Donkey and Berk), Yasaklı Pansiyon (Forbidden Guesthouse), Sabiha,
Köprü Olan Deniz (The Sea That Turned into a Bridge), Armağan 4-7 Yaş Çocukları
İçin Eğitsel Öyküler Dizisi (32 Kitap) (Present - Educational Stories for 4-7 Age
Group Children - 32 Books), Kedi-Fare (Cat and Mouse) Müzik 5-6 Yaş Çocukları
İçin Eğitsel Öyküler Dizisi (36 Kitap) (Music-Educational Stories for 5-6 Age Group
Children - 36 Books) Pazarda Neler Var Neler..., (What do they Sell at the Market?)
Aksak Ali (Crippled Ali).
ISBN 978-3-86121-353-6
Sevim Ak, who has been writing children’s stories since 1985, won the Akademi
Kitapevi Story Award with her first book, Uçurtmam Bulut Şimdi (My Kite’s Turned
into a Cloud), published in 1997.
Her books and short stories have been published in many children’s magazines,
such as Kırmızı Fare, Doğan Kardeş, Bando, Milliyet Kardeş, Başak Çocuk, Vakıf
Çocuk and Kırmızı Bilye. Sevim Ak has also written stories and scripts for children’s
programs on television. Her play Düşlere Sobe (Hide and Seek/Home Free) has been
staged at Istanbul City Theatre.
WORKS: Uçurtmam Bulut Şimdi (My Kite’s Turned Into a Cloud), Karşı Pencere
(Opposite Window), Pembe Kuşa Ne Oldu (What Happened to Pink Bird),
Penguenler Flüt Çalamaz (Penguins Don’t Play Flute), Toto ve Şemsiyesi (Toto and
His Umbrella), Puf Pufpuf, Cuf Cufcuf ve Cino (Puf Pufpuf, Cuf Cufcuf and Cino) ,
Babamın Gözleri Kedi Gözleri (My Dad’s Eyes Are Like Cat’s), Kuşlar Kralı Nikola
(Nikola, The King of Birds), Vanilya Kokulu Mektuplar (Vanilla Scented Letters),
Domates Saçlı Kız (Tomato Haired Girl), Dalgalar Dedikoduyu Sever (Gossip
Waves), Sakız ve Aytaşı (Sakız and the Moonstone), Sakız ve Haftanın Öyküsü
(Sakız and the Story of the Week), Sakız ve Rüzgar Adam (Sakız and the Wind
Man), Gemici Dedem (Grandpa the Sailor), Dörtgöz (Four Eyes), Çilekli Dondurma
(Strawberry Icecream).
ISBN 978-3-86121-355-0
ISBN 978-3-86121-359-8
ISBN 978-3-86121-357-4
ISBN 978-3-86121-355-0
Sevim Burak was born in Istanbul in 1931 and died in 1983. After finishing the Junior
High Division at the German High School, she started work. She became a model
and subsequently, the director of her own fashion house. She died of heart disease
at Haseki Hospital in Istanbul. Her first short story was published in the daily paper,
Yeni İstanbul (New Istanbul). Her other stories have been published in literary
journals and daily papers such as Yenilik, Türk Dili, Ulus and Milliyet.
WORKS: Afrika Dansı (African Dance), Everest My Lord - İşte Baş İşte Gövde
İşte Kanatlar (Everest My Lord - Here is the Head, the Body and the Wings),
Ford Mach I, Sahibinin Sesi (His Master’s Voice), Yanık Saraylar (Burned Palaces).
ISBN 2-915037-27-2
In her most important works, His Master’s Voice and Here is the Head,
the Body and the Wings, the individual defines himself according to
the “Social Other.” The other, who is devious and unreliable, is the one
from the other religion, other sex, other culture and other language.
In these texts, every individual has a second identity. While reading
these texts, which are in a perpetual state of deconstruction , we are
confronted several times, on an inter-societal and inter-cultural level,
with the fundamental questions that a child asks, in the process of
becoming an individual, namely, “ who am I ?’’ and “ where do I come
from ?”.
In Here is the Head, the Body and the Wings, after the first act,
repeated sentences and photos saturate the pages, making the reader
focus more on their own process of getting lost in the schizophrenic
disorder, rather than what is actually related in the story.
Solmaz Kamuran was born in Istanbul in 1954. After completing her secondary
education, she graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Istanbul University. She
has written scripts for television and many of her travel articles have been published.
WORKS: Kiraze, Minta, Bir Kadın- Bir Erkek (A Woman - A Man), Bir Levrek İskeleti
(Skeleton of a Fish), Çanakkale Rüzgârı (Çanakkale Wind), Gecenin Yakamozu
(Shimmering of the Night), İpek Böceği Cinayeti (Silkworm Murder), Devlet Çete
Olmasın Dediğinizde (When You Said Mafia-free State…).
ISBN 978-972-46-1706-0
Şefik Can was born in Tebricik, a small village near Erzurum, in 1910. He learned
Arabic and Persian from his father when he was a child. He graduated from Kuleli
Military High School in 1929 and the Military Academy in 1931. He did a teacher
training certificate course at Istanbul University and started working as a teacher in
military schools. He taught Turkish language and literature in various military and
civil schools, until his retirement in 1965. He died in 2005.
ISBN 9965-855-05-6
ISBN 978-1-59784-027-9
ISBN 978-5-98359-015-1
Talat Sait Halman was born in Istanbul in 1931. He has lectured on Turkish
Language and Literature, Turkish History and Culture, Islamic History, Middle
Eastern History and Islamic Literature at the universities of Columbia, Princeton,
and Pennsylvania. Most recently he was a professor at New York University, where he
was the Head of the Middle Eastern Languages and Literature Department. He was
the first ‘Honorary Professor’ at Bilkent University, where he is currently Head of the
Turkish Literature Department and Research Centre. He was Turkey’s first Cultural
Ambassador. He served for four years on the Executive Committee at UNESCO, as
vice-president of the Turkish delegation at the United Nations. Moreover, he was
Turkey’s first Minister of Culture. In addition to the more than three thousand
published articles, research papers and essays, he has also published more than fifty
books, some of which are translations.
WORKS: Among his most well-known books, there are ten volumes of poetry,
Poetry of the Ancient Civilisations, The Complete Shakespeare Sonnets, The Truth,
(Published in Milliyet) Four books about Yunus Emre (3 in English, 1 in Turkish), four
English books about Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca, Orhan Veli Kanık, Melih Cevdet Anday,
and Sait Faik. He has written books about Modern Turkish Drama, Contemporary
Turkish Literature, Suleyman the Magnificent Poet, Ancient, Egyptian poems,
Ancient Anatolian and Middle Eastern poems, From Heart to Heart: Selected
Quatrains of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi. Some of his works have been translated into
French, Hindi, Urdu, German, Japanese, Hebrew and Persian. Talat Halman has been
writing books about Mevlâna and the Mevlevi Dervish Order (Whirling Dervishes) for
a considerable period.
ISBN 0-8156-0835-7
ISBN 0-8156-0840-3
ISBN 978-0-8156-3146-0
ISBN 0-8156-0897-7
ISBN 0-8156-3068-9
His plays have been translated into Russian, English, German, French, Bulgarian,
Greek, Macedonian, Swedish, Georgian, Urdu, Japanese, Rumanian, Azerbaijani,
Polish, Chuvas, Serbian, Spanish, Arabic and Persian and have been staged in those
WORKS: Aşk ya da Elmas ile Servet’in Hikayesi - Anlatı (Love or The Story of Elmas
and Servet - Short Story), Arthur Miller’ın Ölümü - Tiyatro (The Death of Arthur
Miller - Theatre), Atatürk ve Sanat - Tiyatro (Atatürk and Art - Theatre), Matruşka
Romanya’da -Tiyatro) (Matrushka in Rumania - Theatre), Bu Dünyadan... - Tiyatro
(From This World... - Theatre), Gergedan’laşan Dünya -Tiyatro (World Turning into
a Rhinoceros - Theatre), Polonya İzlenimleri- Tiyatro (Impressions from Poland
-Theatre), Devlet Tiyatroları’na Öneriler - Tiyatro (Suggestions to State Theatres
- Theatre), Repertuar Politikaları Değişmelidir - Tiyatro (Repertory Politics Must
Change- Theatre), Yurtdışında Yaşayan Türklere Düşen Görevler (2) - Deneme
(The Task of Turks Living Abroad 2- Essay), Yurtdışında Yaşayan Türklere Düşen
Görevler - Deneme (The Task of Turks Living Abroad 2- Essay), Uğur Uludağ’ın
Önlenemeyen Tırmanışı - Tiyatro (The Rise and Rise of Uğur Uludağ - Theatre),
Kiralık Gelinlik- Öykü (Rented Wedding Gown - Short Story), Cumhuriyetimizin
80. Yılında Oyun Yazarlığımız - Tiyatro (Play Writing on the 80th Anniversary of the
Republic - Theatre), Sabahattin Ali Dosyası Açılmalıdır - Deneme (The Sabahattin
Ali File Should Be Reopened - Essay), Yazın ve Tiyatro - Tiyatro (Literature and
Theatre - Theatre), Boyacı (Painter), Kadıncıklar (Little Women), Öğretmen
(Teacher), Helikopter (Helicopter), Neyzen, Çığ-Çıkmaz Sokak (Lawina- Cul de Sac),
Yeşil Gece (Green Night).
ISBN 978-2-915037-28-9
He was born in Konya, in 1946. He is a Turkish folk singer, politician, writer and film
director. Zülfü Livaneli, has won several national and international awards for his
music, which has been interpreted by such artists as Joan Baez, Maria Farandouri
and Maria del Mar Bonet. One of the most famous names in Turkish culture, art and
politics, Zülfü Livanelli has composed approximately 300 songs and 30 pieces of film
To date, he has directed three feature-length films; Yer Demir Gök Bakır (Iron Earth,
Copper Sky), Sis (Fog) and Şahmaran (Hammer). He won the “Golden Palm Award”
at the Valencia Film Festival and the “Golden Antigone” Award at the Montpelier
Film Festival, in 1989. His film Sis was nominated for “Best European Film Award.”
Zülfü Livanelli has undertaken joint efforts with Elia Kazan, Jack Lang, Vanessa
Redgrave, Arthur Miller, and Mikhail Gorbachov, aimed at developing and improving
global culture and the arts.
Livanelli, who was appointed UNESCO ambassador in 1996, has also served one term
as Member of Parliament.
WORKS: Arafat’ta Bir Çocuk (A Child in Purgatory), Orta Zekalılar Cenneti (The
Heaven of the Mediocre), Diktatör ve Palyaço (The Dictator and the Clown),
Sosyalizm Öldü mü? (Is Socialism Dead?), Engereğin Gözündeki Kamaşma (The
Eunuch of Constantinople), Bir Kedi- Bir Adam-Bir Ölüm (Memory of Snow),
Mutluluk (Bliss), Gorbaçov’la Devrim Üstüne Konuşmalar (Conversations with
Gorbachov on Revolution), Leyla’nın Evi (Leyla’s House).
ISBN 978-954-9446-22-7
Turkish poetry in the Republican period was influenced by oral tradition, divan,
French and Russian poetry and enriched by multi-layer artistic and cultural
movements such as surrealism, Dadaism and cubism which started in the 1900’s and
developed in the first half of the century.
ISBN 88-8176-740-6
The story telling tradition has deep roots in Turkish literature. Starting from the first
quarter of the 20th century, Turkish short stories have improved markedly, acquiring
greater variety and substance in form, content, theory and aesthetics.
These short story writers, each reflecting different perspectives, philosophical and
artistic tendencies, intersecting at certain points, but diverging at others, have
enriched the Turkish short story tradition and extended it to encompass other
geographical regions.
ISBN 90-450-1023-2
This book consists of the poems and short biographies of Cevat Çapan, Hilmi Yavuz,
Özdemir İnce, Ülkü Tamer, Ataol Behramoğlu and Güven Turan, who represent both
an artistic current which has been reshaped since the war throughout the second
half of the 20th century and the expression of greater understanding, more receptive
to universal problems and pain and concerned with life and human values.
ISBN 978-954-491-377-9
From the Republican period until the end of the 1970’s, Turkish theatre continued
along its progressive path, subsequently adopting a more middle-of-the road
attitude, from which it is trying to free itself. As a result of this process, many
brilliant and creative works have been produced.
ISBN 978-954-9446-50-0
Osman N. Karaca
Hatice Gök
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