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6 ff*ssse,* H*eg** i #*esscgggd* F*vsffi

Causative Forrn
to do something for
we use have + obiect + past participle to say that we arrange. for someone
repaired. (He didn't do it himself - the
us. He asked the mechanii to repair his car. He had his car
mechanic did it.)

presentsimple chitdren. She has her children looked after' after'

she looks after her
Present cont. her chitdren. she rs having her children looked
she is looking after
She looked ifter her children. She had her children
looked after'
easi Simple
Past Continuous i;; ;;to" king after her chitdren'
t;:r:* having her chitdren tooked

She will have her children looked after'

Future Simple She witl look after her children'
She will be having her children looked
Future Cont. She will be looking after her
children. after.
She has had her children looked after'
Present Perfect She has tooked alter her children'
Cont. She fras been looking after herShe has been having her children
Present Perf.
chitdren. looked after.
She had had her children looked after'
Past Perfect She had looked after her children'
She had been having her children
Past Perfect Cont. lookins atter her
iii,!#been Iooked after.
She can look after her children. She can have her children looked after'
-ing form She /lkes looking after her children' She /lkes having her children looked after.

negations and.-questions with do/does

The verb to have, when used in the causative, forms its
have the ctothes
ip;;;;;; il ";J'dil iputi s.l. she doesnt have the ftowers arransed' Did vou
havelget your hair cut?
a Get can be used instead of have in the causalive. Did .
passive to express accidents or misfortunes' He had his
o The causative can be used instead of the
cheek bruised in a fight' (= His cheek was bruised in a fight')

t€l &ead *fre sffataff*ns, f$rce: r,*,ri*e s*nfeff*es elsFng f$:e ca$s*ffv*

1 The optician is testing her eyes. What is she doing?

..Sho'a havinq her eYao tasted,".
2 lf he doesn't diive mo-re carefully, the police will take away his
licence. What will haPPen to him?
3 This time tomorrow an artist will be painting her son's
What will she be doing?
4 Someone is cutting down ihe tree in our garden at the
moment. What are we doing?
5 Theycanvaccinateyourchildrenagainstsmallpox.Whatcan
you do?
6 She will hire someone to build a shed for her. What will she do?

7 The dentist is polishing Tom's teeth. What is Tom doing?

I i;;;;il;;;;; io*il ;"v ni' ""' w;;i ;; hffi;"i"g; hilz

9 Someone dry-cleans his suits every month' What does

he do?

10 H" r,l". 0""" p"vi"J ir,;;ili;i i;;;ttase r'is back' what has
he been doing?
she do?
11 Sally gets a hlirdresser to dye her hair every month. What does

6 F*sssve V*ge* I C*€ss*#sv* F*rsF;
.W writesenfences in the causative form as in the exampre:
1 Do you ask someone to type your essays? ....0o you have your
eeaaya typed?....
2 Her photographs haven't been developed yet. ...1..............._..........
3 She doesn't like asking people to do her shopping.
4 Have you asked them to install a burglar atarm toiyou? ..............
5 I didn't use to employ someone to do the housework for me.
6 The doctor examined her wound.
7 He isn't soins to take his srasses to oe ao;usl; i;;;.
I Did the detective order the constable to follow the suspect? ...............
9 You should ask someone to collect your mail while you are away.
10 Did the doctor set Gary's broken leg? ..............................
11 Will she get someone to check her washing machine for her?
12 We're going to ask them to send us a copy of the contract. ............
13 Has the chauffeur been driving Mary,s kids to school for years?
14 Was his arm broken in a car crash? ...................
15 How many times has the plumber fixed John's tap this yea1?

Makelhave + obiect + bare infinitive are used to express that someone causes
someone else to
do something, but their meaning is slighily different
He made Liz send a fat<. (He lnsrsfed that Liz shoutd send a fax.)
He had Liz send a fax. (He asked Liz to send a fax.)
Get + ohiect + ta -lnf is used to show that someone persuade$ someone
else to do something.
She got her hushand to cat the grass. Bhe persua ded-her husband
to cut thegrass.)

@ Rephrase the fotlowing using have, make or getas in the exampret

1 teft immediatety. .'He made pebar teave tmmadiatety,...
T:^':rl.]:l l11l:1?r
2 Janet persuaded Diane to drive her to the airport. ................... . ...
!V car radio is being fitted by Gary today.
5 lfinallypersuadedthelandlordtochangethelocks.
6 My mother insisted that I should wear a dress to the wedding
7 fll ask John to pick me up at the station.
8 Sue persuaded her colleagues to change their minds.
9 She is going to ask them to rewrite thelssignment. ...........
10 I can't believe he asked me to return the cheque
11 He insisted that they should stay at home.
12 I'll try to persuade him to give you the money he owes you.
13 The receptionist asked her to wait outside his office. .............
14 The doctor insisted that she should go to hospital. ,.............!..........i.....
15 He asked the porter to carry his luggage.

+ Complete ffie senfences using the wards in bald, Llse two to five words,
1 They arranged for medlcar suppries to be frown into the region.
had They ..had medloal auppllea flown... into the iegion.
2 A shark bit Tony's leg off.

- A99t
3 'TonY
lawyer will have to sign this document for you.
by a shark
have You ........... ......... this document signed by a lawyer-
4 Why did you insist that I buy this horrible cheese?
make why .......... this horrible

6 ffsss$v* E/spge* I tscgsefcvs F*reee
every month'
5 She pays someone to clean the windows """ every month'
cleaned She ..'........
6 ih" tuoort"rs were forced to work seven days a week'
seven days a week'
made They .......... you if you walk through that part of town'
7 Someone will probabiy t'g
8 They will take away your ltcence if
they catch you driving that way'
that way'
have You .......'... to walk her dog while she was away' ' away it tf'ey catch you driving
9 Sh"-urrung"d for her neighbour away'
had She ..........' """""""'-"""""""' "' by her neighbour while she was
Please don't insist that I cook dinner
10 dinner tonight.
make Please
11 Sot"on" stole their car while they were asleep' while theY were asleeP.
had TheY .....'....
12 Her nose was broken in the accident' in the accident.
got She '...'..'.'..
13 6iJ insist they should rewrite the compositron?
Vou the comPosition?
for her house'
14 She hired someone to make new curtains for her house.
15 He got someone at the garage to
adjust the brakes'
at the garage.
adjusted He ........'.'..

*saE #*v*€*Fffi*ffi€ G #

fiofer for $arifhsan rnfernati'onaL ln pairs

Architects are rookingetprans for a rexrriars
gu*, are desrq will se dcne, *r will
#;;;; *r- ;rU that havealready be*n
"bef,ng useycur own fde*s"
have been done,fSen make senfenses *noter"

10 June

Things done : decorate VIP suites, build.

stafi iccommodation block, paint reception

Things being done: build swimming pool'

decoiate dini-ng room, furnish lounge, paint

Things to be done: landscape gardens,

build car Park

Things that will have been done by the

enA 6t next month: install phones, fii
bathrooms, equiP sPorts centre

: shark.

awyer. eg. They have had the VIP suites decorated'


6 ffesscv* V*s** I Csc€ssfcar* F*rse=
1Wt Comnlete the sentences usng words in bold. use two to frve

of the house'
; -'r" n* completely destroyed the teft wing I
; ffid""j[in:hd","*tli"J*:i:,:"*:fm',f:1il*;'rovedbv
removed Under no circumstances
from the ,
libran I

of tn"i' uroum at selected music

3 lt's stirr possinL"i" tilJtheir
album """"""""""""""""" at selected music stores'
found I
ffii,"""Sixiii:3"""i,:.*t:f::ilT::"_::li:li':l .,_
Copies of
- a''he,me? I
behind at the end of the class I
5 The teacner'i-nsiri"O tnui all latecomet"'t"*uln the end of the class.
made The teacher not paying me on time'
6 I don,t uppr""iut" people ... on time. t
being I don't appreciate ". """"""""
at all times'
7 you have to wear safety helmets at alltimes I
worn SafetY helmets
I llj::'"'.nii'?"::::::"::::::::."'.|.t-".lii.:,!l-oll
backtotheBronzeAse I
me? I
I Why did ,rt"V t"f" lhe'Jecision without consulting
,-. .. .. .. ..'..... without their consulting

11 ior'n r'u''T:::: *:::::::-::1 :11n ,rr r^;^;^:;;::^; John's birthdav

to rook over in" before we set ^iii^,.s""i-

off for spain'
12 nli;;;;;anic
i131.t"o",. ""r ---.. before we set off for
looked I'd better
13 W;;;" not yet finalised details for the wedding' for the wedding
ueln oetaits ""':"""""':
to repair the roof before winter sets
14 Aren't you going to ask someone """ the roof before winter sets
have Aren't you '..."""" computer'
on vvrrrvvrvr
iil" otti"" now handles
The office rrarlsautr(rrrD urr
hahdles all compt
on computer'
handled All transactions """""'

1 He has been being offered an interesting job'

2 Were You be shown how to fix it?
3 He likes to having his photograph taken'
4 The criminal is believed to have been left the country'
5 This painting it is believed to be his dawn'
6 He was seen to leaving the farm at without trace'
7 Allthe silverware was disappeared press conference this afternoon'
8 The film star is expected that to give ayesterday'
I She was had a new cooker delivered yet?
10 Have you been had the report typed
11 We should to have a new garage built'
twice weekly'
12 He insists on having his office is cleaned by an agency?
13 Did you have had the reception organised
14 We had the locksmith to open the door'
to you?
15 Did you get an application form be mailed
1O They had been had a burglar alarm

Conso lidation S
# Pftr*saf Her&* @ Fiff in the correctparffcle{s.}.

go about with: keeP comPanY with 1 Go ...ovar... the rules of the game once more'
go ahead: go in front 2 You go ................and we'll follow close behind'
library. go back on: break a promise, agreement, etc 3 l've decided to go ......'....',..'..'.the teaching job'
go down with: become ill 4 The bomb will go ....tn two minutes'
stores. go for: 1) attack, 2) aPPIY for 5 She is so beautiful she is going a beauty
go in for: enter a comPetition contest.
go off: 1) explode, 2) (of food) go bad 6 He stayed in bed after going the flu'
7 My father disapproves of the people I go
go out: 1) be extinguished, 2) mix socially
go over: 1) examine details, 2) repeat I Bring some wood; the fire is going
go round: be enough for everyone to have a I Youlhould never go '.'...a promise'
share 10 There weren't enough sandwiches to go ."""' '
atalalllaallt 11 She went him with a knife'
hold back: 1) hesitate, 2) control, 3) keep a 12 The bank has been held ....."...'.twice this year'
secret 13 Hold .......... .........a minute while I get my jacket'
hold on: wait 14 Willthe car hold .........untilwe get to a garage?
hold out: 1) endure, 2) last 15 The road works held ...'..............'..... ".the traffic'
hold up: 1) delaY, 2) rob (sb or sth) 16 Don't hold tell me everYthing'
17 I was upset and unable to hold ...........my tears'

party. t@ Look af Appendixt, then Sff in ffre correct preposition.

1 He has absolutely no taste ...in... clothes' 12 There is no solution .........'.....' your problem'
2 He succeeded ......... upsetting all his friends' 13 Don't you have any pity ...."... the poor man?
3 I think I was a bit mean .'...'. Paula yesterday' 14 Don't interfere .............' their papers'
15 l've been longing ...... some peace and quiet'
4 Are you having trouble Your car?
5 Not many people have such a talent '......"""' 16 The detective wentthe stolen Painting.
6 Cathy is very sensitive the needs of 17 The flat smells ' Paint'
others. 18 This ice-cream tastes ... almonds.

7 This ticket is valid ........'.......... two days only' 19 lt's important to make good use
I I took pity .......... the beggar and gave him t1'
your dictionary.
9 She is completely unaware the trouble 20 She's not used ....... being spoken to like that'
she has caused. 2'l This voucher is valid all Smiths stores'
'10 Children should be warned ...'.................. the 22 Don't worry GarJield. He'll be OK'
dangers of drugs. 23 l'm not worthY '.. such an honour'
11 The government feels uneasy '.'............... the 24 The children were throwing stones
current Political situation' the window.

complefe fhe senfepces ffsifls ffie werds f;l sefd. use fwtr f* five rryarrfs.

He had no right to treat me so rudely.

have He ..shouldn'f have treated ma"' so rudely'
The conference took place in a large hotel'
held The conference
He has a good relationship with his parents'
his parents.
gets He ....'........
He missed the end of the film because he fell asleep'
...... asleeP.
due He missed the end of the film
I'm sure the suspect is telling lies.
be The .......'..'....'
People believe she lives in New York.
. in New York.
believed She ....'...........

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