PRAY 1 Hour
PRAY 1 Hour
PRAY 1 Hour
1 hour or more!
First we need to make it clear that just saying a lot of words to
fill a block of time is not our objective. Our goal is to get past
that normal lifeless, repetitive prayer that we all seem to do…
you know, help me with this, thank you for my family and my
house, forgive me my sins, keep me safe.. These are all
necessary but they are only a small part of what God wants. Just
think about it… how would you like it if your best friend (your
wife or husband) always said the same thing to you every time
you talked.. only wanted you to do things for them and spent very
little time talking to you… maybe going all day or even two days
without talking to you at all.. stop and think a moment.. how
would you feel about that person… first you would not feel close
to them, your relationship would be distant at best.
Sadly that’s the we all treat God far to often… and we wonder
why we don’t have a close relationship with Him..
Now lets look at it another way. This friend (our wife or husband)
says good morning every day, talks to us during the day, asks our
advice on things, they tell us that they Love us, (when is the last
time you told God you love Him?) they spend time with us when
we get home, and truly desires to spend time with us… Now how
are you going to feel.. Great, loved, respected, comforted, cared
Get my drift… How do we think God feels (we are created in His
image, so are our feelings possibly like His?).
He wants to Love you. He wants you to know, and feel His Love
for you!
He wants to pick you up when you are down
He wants to help keep you from getting down
He wants to tell you things
He wants to give you good gifts (not just income) there are tons
of gifts he gives that are worth more than money… but that’s a
subject that will have to wait for another day….
One last thing. Please don’t fall into the trap that God will answer
every prayer the way you ask and when you want. He simply
does not work that way.. He is our father.. Parents are asked by
their children many things and sometimes the parent says yes
sometimes they say wait…. Not right now… sometimes, because
they know what is best for the child they will say no… God knows
the whole picture and He wants what is best for us and for His
will…if you will watch, God will answer your prayers and if He
answers with a wait or no… don’t be discouraged… He Loves
You.. and wants what is best… remember to always pray for His
will… even though it sometimes is hard to accept.
standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by
men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6 "But you, when you pray, go into
your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret
place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. 7 "And when you pray,
do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for
their many words. 8 "Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you
have need of before you ask Him. 9 "In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
"But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your
Hollowed be thy name…
Thy kingdom come thy will be done
Father I want your kingdom to come and thy will to be done here
on earth as it is in Heaven… Lord have your way… have your way
in my life, my Sunday school, my church, all churches, in all
Christians, Lord please let your word spread like a brush fire.
Fast and furious. Reaching millions for you glory, I want your will
in this country, Help our leaders to follow your desire, Lord let
this country be run by leaders you put in power, so that we will
follow you and make you happy, I am sorry that things are so
messed up here on earth but Lord know that we want your will,
your leadership, your guidance, and your direction.. for you are
perfect in every way.. you are great and mighty. If thy will is
being done then I know you will be pleased ……. This can go on
and on and on…
Father, thank you for all you do.. all you did yesterday, all you
did all days prior to today, thank you for all you have done that I
have not noticed or said thank you for.. l don’t want to be one of
the nine that did not come back to say thanks I want to be the
one who did… I thank you for all you are going to do….I am so
grateful to you.. I love you.. Lord please give me my daily bread
of you today, I need you more than air itself, I want to be filled
with you today, please give me my daily bread of the Holy Spirit, I
want to be filled You said be not drunk with wine but be filled
with the spirit… please fill me.. give me my daily bread of
wisdom.. you told us that we could ask for wisdom and if we
believe we would receive… give me today my daily bread of
wisdom of being the best I can for you today, the best father (or
mother) the best husband (wife) give me my daily bread of
income, bless me above and beyond what my needs so I can be a
blessing to others when you want me to… give me my daily bread
of protection from evil, give me my daily bread of angles like you
tell us about in Psalms 91 to help me and protect me.. please
also give me my daily bread of things that I need that I am not
thinking of for you tell us that you know our needs even before
we ask… I love you Lord thank you for blessing me with my daily
I want to interject something here… I always pray that God will
not answer my prayers if I am praying anything that is not his
will.. I only want His will.. not mine… remember the story of
Hesicia this is respect for his will and helps to keep me in line.
One other thing that begins to happen when I am praying in and
genuinely seeking His will.. my will changes… the day to day
things that used to be so important seem to fade into the
background.. I become happier and less stressed.
I want to say again that this is an outline… please ask the Holy
Spirit to guide you in your prayer… He will if you let Him… you
will also see that your prayers will take different directions.. one
day you may pray this type of prayer, other days you may be led
to spend most of your time Praising the Lord.. don’t be surprised
if you are led to just thank God for all the things He has done…
and is doing… if you think about it you can thank
God for hundreds of things.. (especially when you are being led
by the Holy Spirit)
What can you expect from talking with God, drawing near to
If you will do this you will experience for your self things you
could never imagine.. true peace, joy, and Love.
Remember to pray in His will not yours.. ask Him what he wants
you to pray about… and just talk to Him!