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Refrigerant PPT

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What is a Refrigerant?
• Refrigerant is the working fluid in refrigeration, air- conditioning, and
heat-pumping systems.
• These phase changes occur both in absorption and mechanical vapor
compression systems, but not in systems operating on a gas cycle
using a fluid such as air

Absorb heat
Air-conditioned space Condensation Outdoors
Reject heat
Refrigerants properties
The design of the refrigeration equipment depends strongly on the
selected refrigerant’s properties.
A refrigerant must satisfy many requirements as;
 Chemical stability under condition of use
 A nonflammable refrigerant of low toxicity
 Environmental consequences of refrigerant leaks be considered
 Cost, availability, efficiency, and compatibility with compressor
lubricants and equipment materials
 Latent heat of vaporization
As compressor displacement is defined on a volumetric basis,
refrigerants with similar boiling points produce similar refrigeration
effect with a given compressor.

Efficiency of a theoretical vapor compression cycle is maximized by

fluids with low vapor heat capacity

Transport properties (e.g., thermal conductivity and viscosity) affect

performance of heat exchangers and piping
Global Environmental Properties
Environmental impacts of the refrigerants needs to be checked.
• Stratospheric Ozone Depletion
 The stratospheric ozone layer filters out the UV-B portion of the sun’s ultraviolet
(UV) radiation.
 It has been linked to the presence of chlorine and bromine in the stratosphere
 Chemicals such as CFCs and HCFCs release chlorine, which reacts with
stratospheric ozone, contributes to depletion of the ozone layer
• Global climate change
 Global warming is a concern because of an increase in the greenhouse effect
from increasing concentrations of GHGs (Greenhouse gases).
 GHGs: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), CFCs, HCFCs,
HFCs, perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
Global Environmental Characteristics
• The measure of a material’s ability to deplete stratospheric ozone is its ozone depletion
potential (ODP), a value relative to that of R-11 which is 1.0.
• The global warming potential (GWP) of a GHG is an index describing its relative ability to
trap radiant energy compared to CO2 (R-744), which has a very long atmospheric
• GWP may be calculated for any particular integration time horizon (ITH). Typically, a 100
year ITH is used for regulatory purposes, and may be designated as GWP100
• The total equivalent warming impact (TEWI) of an HVAC&R system is the sum of direct
refrigerant emissions expressed in terms of CO2 equivalents, and indirect emissions of
CO2 from the system’s energy use over its service life.
TEWI = GWP (direct) + GWP (indirect)
• Life-cycle climate performance (LCCP)is a measure which includes TEWI and adds direct
and indirect emissions effects associated with manufacturing the refrigerant.
LCCP = TEWI + GWP (direct) + GWP (indirect)
• Environmentally preferred refrigerants have;
 Low or zero ODP

 Relatively short atmospheric lifetimes

 Low GWP100
 Provide good system efficiency

 Appropriate safety properties

 Yield a low TEWI or LCCP in system applications (i.e., leaks are minimized or
prevented, and performance is optimized)
Physical Properties
• Table 5 includes the boiling point, freezing
point, critical properties, and refractive index.
• Electrical characteristics of the refrigerants are
important in hermetic systems.
• Sound velocity can be estimated from tables of
thermodynamic properties.
• The practical velocity of a gas in piping or
through openings is limited by the velocity of
sound in the gas.
• The velocity increases when temperature is
increased and decreases when pressure is
• According to ASHRAE(Americal Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-conditioning Engineers ) Standard 34, refrigerant safety are
classified based on

1. Hazard

2. Toxicity

3. Flammability
1. Hazard:

• In ASHRAE standard 34, refrigerants are classified according to the

hazard involved in their use

• The toxicity and flammability classifications yield six safety groups

(A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B3) for refrigerants

Note: Group A1 refrigerants are the least hazardous and Group B3 the
most hazardous
2. Toxicity:

Divided into two groups according to refrigerant toxicity:

Class A: Toxicity has not been identified at concentrations less than or

equal to 400 parts per million by volume. Some example refrigerants
that are rated as non toxic are R-22, R-34a, R-410A

Class B: There is evidence of toxicity at concentractions below 400

ppm by volume. Some example refrigerants are Ammonia(R-717), and
Opteon XP30(R-514A)
3. Flammability:
Class 1- No Flame Propagation
• This class indicates refrigerants that do not show flame propagation
when tested in air at 210 c and 101 kpa
• In other words there is no risk here for flammability
• Examples: R-134a, R-410A and R-22
Class 2- Lower Flammability
• This class indicates refrigerants having a lower flammability limit of more than
0.10kg/m3 at 210 c and 101kpa and heat of combustion less than 19kJ/kg
• Examples: R-717(Ammonia), R-141b, R-143a
Class 3- Higher Flammability
• Refrigerants in this classification indicate that they are highly flammable as
defined by a lower flammability limit of less or equal to 0.10kg/m3 at 210c and
101 kpa or heat of combustion greater than or equal to 19kJ/kg
• Examples: Rated as a class three flammability are hydrocarbons i.e R-
170(Ethane), R-290(Propane) and R-600a(Isobutane)
Leak detection in refrigeration equipment is of major importance for manufacturers and service

Bubble Method

• The object to be tested is pressurized with air or nitrogen. If possible, the object is immersed in
water, and any leaks are detected by observing bubbles in the liquid.

• Adding a detergent to the water decreases surface tension, prevents escaping gas from clinging to
the side of the object, and promotes formation of a regular stream of small bubbles. Kerosene or
other organic liquids are sometimes used for the same reason.

• A solution of soap or detergent can be brushed or poured onto joints or other spots where leakage
is suspected. Leaking gas forms soap bubbles that can be readily detected.

• Leaks can also be determined by pressurizing or evacuating and observing the change in
pressure or vacuum over a period of time. This is effective in checking system tightness but does
not locate the point of leakage
Electronic Detection
• Electronic detectors are widely used in manufacture
and assembly of refrigeration equipment.
• Instrument operation depends on the variation in
current flow caused by ionization of decomposed
refrigerant between two oppositely charged
platinum electrodes
• This instrument can detect any of the halogenated
refrigerants except R-14 however, it is not
recommended for use in atmospheres that contain
explosive or flammable vapors. Other vapors, such
as alcohol and carbon monoxide, may interfere with
the test.
• The electronic detector is the most sensitive of the
various leak detection methods, reportedly capable
of sensing a leak of 0.3 g of R-12 per year.
UV Dye Method
• A stable UV-fluorescent dye is introduced into the
system to be tested.
• Operating the system mixes the UV dye uniformly in
the oil/refrigerant system. The dye, which usually
prefers oil, shows up at the leak’s location, and can be
detected using an appropriate UV lamp.
• Ensure that the dye is compatible with system
components and that no one is exposed to UV
radiation from the lamp. This method is often more
effective for liquid leaks than for vapor.
• Another, more expensive method is to use dispersive
and nondispersive infrared analyzers. Although these
analyzers are expensive, they can not only find the
refrigerant leak but also identify the refrigerant.
Ammonia leak
• Ammonia can be detected by any of the previously
described methods, or by bringing a solution of
hydrochloric acid near the object. If ammonia vapor is
present, a white cloud or smoke of ammonium
chloride forms. Ammonia can also be detected with
indicator paper that changes color in the presence of
a base.

Detecting Carbon Dioxide Testo 316-4set 2-Refrigeration

leak detector for ammonia
• In system that uses carbon dioxide as its refrigerant,
detection can be done easily by using a soap solution
added with bromothymol blue. The solution will turn to
yellow when this gas is detected.
• Halogenated refrigerants can be used satisfactorily under normal
conditions with most common metals, such as steel, cast iron, brass,
copper, tin, lead, and aluminum.
• Under more severe conditions, various metals affect properties such as
hydrolysis and thermal decomposition in varying degrees.
• The tendency of metals to promote thermal decomposition of halogenated
compounds is in the following order:
(least decomposition) Inconel < 18-8 stainless steel < nickel < copper <
1040 steel < aluminum < bronze < brass < zinc < silver (most
This order is only approximate, and there may be exceptions for individual
compounds or for special use conditions. The effect of metals on hydrolysis
is probably similar.
• Magnesium alloys and aluminum containing more than 2% magnesium are not
recommended for use with halogenated compounds where even trace amounts of
water may be present.
• Zinc is not recommended for use with CFC-113. Experience with zinc and other
fluorinated compounds has been limited, but no unusual reactivity has been
observed under normal conditions of use in dry systems.
• Ammonia should never be used with copper, brass, or other alloys containing
Linear swelling of some elastomers in the liquid phase of HCFC and HFC refrigerants.
Swelling data can be used to a limited extent in comparing the effect of refrigerants on
elastomers. However, other factors, such as the amount of extraction, tensile strength,
and degree of hardness of the exposed elastomer, must be considered. When other
fluids (e.g., lubricants) are present in addition to the refrigerant, the combined effect on
elastomers should be determined.
• The effect of a refrigerant on a plastic material should be thoroughly
examined under conditions of intended use, including the presence of
• Plastics are often mixtures of two or more basic types, and it is difficult to
predict the refrigerant’s effect. Swelling data can be used as a general
guide of effect, but, as with elastomers, the effect on properties of the
plastic should also be examined.
• Extensive test data for compatibility of plastics with refrigerants and
lubricants are reported by Cavestri (1993), including 23 plastics, 10
refrigerants, 7 lubricants, and 17 refrigerant/lubricant combinations.
Refrigerants and lubricants had little effect on most of the plastics.

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