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Safety Culture

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Element 3: Managing Risk

Understanding People and Processes

Learning Objectives

• Describe the concept of health and safety culture and how it influences performance.

• Summarise how health and safety culture at work can be improved.

• Summarise the human factors which positively or negatively influence behaviour at work in a
way that can affect health and safety.

• Explain the principles of the risk assessment process.

• Discuss typical workplace changes that have significant health and safety impacts and ways to
minimise those impacts.

• Describe what to consider when developing and implementing a safe system of work for
general activities.

• Explain the role, function and operation of a permit-to-work system.

• Discuss typical emergency procedures (including training and testing) and how to decide what
level of first aid is needed in the workplace.

Element 3.1

Health and Safety Culture


The safety culture of an organisation is the shared attitudes, values, beliefs and behaviours relating to
health and safety.

It will be positive or negative.

The Relationship between Culture and Performance

Positive Culture:

• People think that safety is important.

• Safety is considered in all management decision-making.

• People work safely because they want to, not because they are told to.

• All workers are positively influenced by this peer-thinking and behaviour.

Negative Culture:

• Lots of people think safety is of low priority.

• Safety is not considered in decision-making at any level.

• People will only work safely if they are told to and think that they will be caught and punished
if they don’t.

• All workers are negatively influenced by this peer-thinking and behaviour.

Indicators Used to Assess Culture

‒ Accidents.-and the standard of investigation.

• Sickness rates.

• Absenteeism.

• Staff turnover.

• Compliance with safety rules.

• Worker complaints about conditions.

Influence of Peers

Put people together in groups

1. Interaction occurs.

2. Influence is exerted.

3. A hierarchy forms:

‒ known as ‘pecking order’.

4. ‘Norms’ of behaviour are established.

5. Peer group pressure is exerted.

• Good indicator of H&S culture.

• Peer group pressure can be harnessed to encourage good safety-related behaviour.

Element 3.2

Improving Health and Safety Culture

Management Commitment and Leadership

• Senior management set policy.

• They also set priorities and targets.

• They must inspire and motivate.

• Their leadership cascades through the organisation.

• Visible leadership:

‒ Behaving safely.

‒ Involvement in, e.g. safety meetings.

‒ Doing safety tours and audits.

‒ Promoting changes to improve safety.

‒ Enforcing rules through use of discipline.

Competent Workers

A competent person is someone who has sufficient:

• training,

• skills,

• experience, and

• knowledge,

and perhaps other attributes such as attitude or physical ability to be able to carry out their job safely.

Group Exercise

Identify a few examples of workplace communication from the following categories:

• Verbal communication.

• Written communication.

• Graphic communication.
What are the merits and limitations of each method?

Verbal Communication


• Personal.

• Quick.

• Direct.

• Check understanding.

• Feedback.

• Share views.

• Additional information (body language).


• Language barrier.

• Jargon.

• Strong accent/dialect.

• Background noise.

• Poor hearing.

• Ambiguity.

• Missing information.

• Forgetting information.

• No record.

• Poor quality (telephone or PA).

Written Communication


• Permanent record.

• Reference.

• Can be written carefully for clarity.

• Wide distribution relatively cheaply.


• Indirect.

• Time.

• Jargon/abbreviations.

• Impersonal.

• Ambiguous.

• May not be read.

• Language barriers.

• Recipient may not be able to read.

• No immediate feedback.

• Cannot question.

• Impaired vision.
Graphic Communication


• Eye-catching.

• Visual.

• Quick to interpret.

• No language barrier.

• Jargon-free.

• Conveys a message to a wide audience.


• Simple messages.

• Expensive.

• May not be looked at.

• Symbols or pictograms may be unknown.

• Feedback.

• No questions.

• Impaired vision.
Broadcasting Methods

• Noticeboards.

• Posters and videos.

• Digital media.

• Toolbox talks.

• Memos and e-mails.

• Worker handbooks.

Group Exercise

What are the merits and limitations of using safety posters as a form of propaganda?

Co-operation and Consultation

• legal requirement for consultation,

• providing a demonstration of management commitment to health and safety;

• developing ownership of safety measures amongst workers;

• improving perception about the value and importance of health and safety;

• obtaining the input of workers’ knowledge to ensure more workable improvements and

What is the difference between consulting and informing workers?

Consulting Vs Informing

• Consultation is a two-way process where views of workers are accounted before taking

• Consultation Motivates the staff, Improve safety culture, Reduce accidents and ill-health.

• Consultation leads to better compliance by workers and improved ownership by workers.

• Informing is a one sided process in which management takes decisions and ask the
workers to follow

• Informing is dictatorial approach- Leads to worker resistance, poor ownership and poor
compliance and hence promotes negative culture.
Typical Issues to Consult on

• Introduction of new measures affecting health and safety.

• Appointment of new advisers.

• Health and safety training plans.

• Introduction of new technology.

Methods of Consultation

Direct consultation:

• Employer talks to each worker and resolves issues.

Through worker representatives:

• Committee is formed to represent workers.

• Regular meetings to discuss and resolve issues.

• Members may have rights in law.

Group Exercise

What makes an effective committee?

Health and Safety Committee/Forum

Effective committees will depend on:

• Who is on the committee.

• How often the committee meets.

• Who will act as chairperson.

• What authority the committee will have.

• What will be discussed.

• How the discussions will be recorded.

• How issues will be followed up.


H&S training is the planned, formal process of acquiring and practising knowledge and skills in a
relatively safe environment.

Training has a dramatic effect on safety-related behaviour.

Without training, workers try to do their jobs by:

• Copying others.

• Doing the job the way they think is best.

Training helps workers to understand:

• Hazards and risks.

• Rules and precautions.

• Emergency procedures.

• Who to contact with concerns.

• Limitations and restrictions.

• Personal safety responsibilities.

• Consequences of breaking rules including disciplinary procedures.

Training Opportunities:
When Do You Need to Train?

Induction training − For new employees.

Job change − New hazards following a change in job.

Process change − New hazards associated with new ways of working.

New technology − New hazards associated with plant and machinery.

New legislation − Implications of the new legislation.

After long absence − Refresher training
After accidents - − Refresher training

What are the topics to be included in an induction training programme ?

• Health and safety policy.

• Emergency procedures.

• First aid.

• Specific site hazards and controls.

• Welfare facilities.

• Safe movement.

• Accident and incident reporting.

Element 3.3

Human Factors Which Influence Safety-Related Behaviour

Three significant factors influence worker behaviour:

1. The organisation factor - Characteristics of the business.

2. The job factor [Task Factor] - Nature of the job.
3. The individual factor- Personal characteristics.
Organisational Factors

• Safety culture of the organisation.

• Policies and procedures.

• Commitment and leadership from management.

• Levels of supervision.

• Peer-group pressure.

• Consultation and worker involvement.

• Communication.

• Training.

• Work patterns.

How to improve safety behaviour [Organisational Factors]

Management Commitment and Leadership

• Senior managers provide leadership and motivation

• Needs clear policy, priorities and targets

• Commitment flows down through the organisation

• Requires visible leadership- Promotion by example [e.g. attending safety meetings]

Job Factors

• Task.

• Workload.

• Environment.

• Displays and controls.

• Procedures.

How to improve safety behaviour [Job Factors]

Selection of better designs of machines

Maintenance and Supervision

Emergency planning and training

Improving workers competence levels.

Usage of discipline to enforce the rules

Individual Factors




Risk perception.

Individual Factors

• Competence:

‒ Knowledge.

‒ Ability.

‒ Training.

‒ Experience.

‒ Skills

• Personality


A person’s point of view or way of looking at something; how they think and feel about it.

Can be changed by:

• Education and training.

• High-impact interventions.
• Enforcement.

• Consultation.

• Involvement.


– A person’s drive towards a goal; what makes them do what they do.

– Particular care needed with the use of financial incentives!

Improving Motivation

Improve understanding on the consequences of unsafe working

Providing induction, refresher and continuous training

Improving health and safety culture and communication system

Managers setting examples as good role models themselves

Providing good work environment and welfare facilities

Consult workers and give value to their opinion.

Carefully selected incentive schemes

Appreciate safe work

Provide appropriate PPE’s and Tools

Disciplinary action on unsafe behaviour

What is “Competence”?

A combination of:





Competence is the ability to undertake responsibilities and perform activities to a recognised standard
on a regular basis.

It combines practical and thinking skills, knowledge and experience.

Competence can be improved by providing the required Training.

Perception of Risk

Perception – the way a person interprets information detected by their senses:






Factors that can affect perception of hazards and risk include:

Illness./ Stress. / Fatigue.

Drugs and alcohol.

Previous experiences.

Training and education.

Age, attitude, Peer group influences

Nature of Hazard [ hidden / delayed ]

Environmental conditions-Poor light, Excess Noise

How can workers’ hazard perception be improved?

• Conduct surveys / Talk to workers to understand why hazards are not noticed by them.

• Awareness campaigns/training /Posters.

• Highlight hazards, e.g. signs.

• Ensure adequate lighting is available.

• Reduce distractions, e.g. noise.

• Avoid excessive fatigue.

• Involve people in risk assessment

Element 3.4

Risk Assessment:

The formal process of identifying preventive and protective measures by evaluating the risks arising
from a hazards, taking into account the adequacy of any existing controls, and deciding whether or
not the risk is acceptable.

Purpose of Risk Assessment

To prevent:

• Death and personal injury.

• Other types of loss incident.

• Breaches of statute law.

• The costs of loss.

A ‘Suitable and Sufficient’ Assessment

• Identify significant risks.

• Enable employer to identify and prioritise control measures.

• Appropriate to the nature of the work:

‒ Proportionate to the risks.

• Valid for a reasonable time.

Group Exercise

Sources can be:

• internal, or

• external

to the organisation.

List all the internal and external sources you can think of and discuss them.
Internal and External Information Sources


• Accident records.

• Ill-health data/absence reports.

• Medical records.

• Risk assessments.

• Maintenance reports.

• Safety inspections.

• Audit and investigation reports.

• Safety committee minutes.


• National legislation.

• Approved Codes of Practice.

• Standards e.g. BSI, ISO.

• Manufacturers’ information.

• Trade associations.

• Safety publications.

• International bodies.

• Trade unions, charities, etc.

The Five Steps to Risk Assessment As defined by the HSE:

1.Identify the Hazards

2.Identify the people who may be affected, and how

3. Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions, considering existing controls.

4. Record the significant findings, and implement them

5.Review and update, as necessary.

Hazard Identification Methods

• Task analysis:

‒ Analyses job components before the job starts.

• Legislation:

‒ Standards, guidance documents.

• Manufacturers’ information:

‒ Operating handbooks, chemical safety data sheets.

• Incident data:

‒ Accidents, near misses, ill health.

Hazard Identification Methods

Step 2: Identify the People at Risk

• Workers/operators:

‒ Maintenance staff.

‒ Cleaners.

• Contractors.

• Visitors.

• Members of the public - even trespassers.

Step 2: Identify the People at Risk

Vulnerable groups or individuals:

• Young people.

• New or expectant mothers.

• Disabled workers.

• Lone workers.
Step 3: Evaluating the Risk and Deciding on Precautions

Is the level of risk acceptable or does it need to be reduced?

• Elimination.

• Substitution.

• Engineering controls.

• Administrative controls.

• PPE.

• Elimination.

• Substitution.

• Engineering controls:

‒ Isolation, total enclosure.

‒ Separation, segregation.

‒ Partial enclosure.

‒ Safety devices.

• Administrative controls:

‒ Safe systems of work.

‒ Reduced exposure.

‒ Reduced time of exposure, dose.

‒ Information, instruction, training and supervision.

• PPE.
Safety Signs


1.PROHIBITION SIGNS - Round, red border and diagonal bar, white background, black pictogram

Gives a message that something MUST NOT BE DONEEg No Entry, No smoking

2.WARNING- Triangular, black border, Yellow background, black pictogram.

Gives a message of a specific danger ahead Eg. Caution- High Voltage Electric Lines, Caution- Sharp bend

3 MANDATORY – These are round signs with blue background and white pictogram, and provides
information on the type of protection that must be worn / used. Eg. Mandatory Hearing Protection Zone

4.SAFE CONDITION- These are rectangular signs with green background and white pictograms. These
provide information on welfare facilities and escape routes. Eg First Aid, Toilets, Drinking Water, Escape

5. FIRE EQUIPMENT- These are rectangular signs with red background and white pictogram and provide
information on fire related equipment Eg Fire Extinguishers, Hose Reel

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992 (as amended)

• Supply suitable PPE:

‒ Appropriate for risk.

‒ Ergonomic.

‒ Fits.

‒ Doesn’t increase overall risk.

‒ Complies with standards.

• Ensure compatibility of items.

• Suitable storage.

• Information, instruction and training.

• Enforce use of PPE.

• Replace or repair damaged or lost items.

Group Exercise

Discuss the benefits and limitations of PPE as a risk control method.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Benefits of PPE Limitations of PPE

• Interim control. • Doesn’t remove hazard.

• Some situations – only control option. • Only protects the wearer.
• Emergency back-up. • Requires good fit.
• Cheap (short-term). • Relies on wearer.
• Immediate protection. • Requires training.
• Uncomfortable.
• May increase overall risk.
• Incompatibility.
• Unpopular, so often unworn.
• No good if wrongly selected.
• Contamination.
• Expensive long-term.
Use of Guidance and Legal Standards

• Use of a risk matrix can help provide clarity:

‒ Can set internal risk levels that require action within set timescales.

• Legal requirements override the findings of a risk assessment:

‒ Even if the risk is low, if the law requires it then it must be done.

‒ Applies also to semi-legal codes of practice.

‒ Guidance can also assist.

Residual, Acceptable and Tolerable Risk

• Residual Risk

‒ The risk level we are left with after controls have been implemented.

• Acceptable Risk

‒ Risk has been reduced to an adequate level.

• Tolerable Risk

‒ Not acceptable but can live with it for a short period of time with interim

• Unacceptable Risk

‒ Risk is too high.

Step 4: Record Significant Findings and Implementing

Typical content:

• Activity/area assessed and hazards.

• Groups at risk.

• Risks and adequacy of existing control measures.

• Further precautions needed.

• Date and name of competent


• Review date.
Step 5: Review

• Significant change in:

• If it is no longer valid:

• Periodically.

Vulnerable Sections

Young Persons
Under 18 (national law).

Risk Factors

• Lack of experience.

• Physical and mental maturity.

• Poor risk perception.

• Influenced by peer group.

• Eager.

Control measures:

• Conduct a special Risk Assessment

• Prohibit high-risk activities, e.g. high-risk machinery

• Restrict work patterns and hours, e.g. no overtime. No night shift

• Provide adequate Training

• Always keep under active supervision.

• Provide a mentor

Expectant Women and Nursing Mothers


• Certain chemicals, e.g. lead.

• Certain biological agents, e.g. rubella virus.

• Manual handling.

• Temperature extremes.
• Whole-body vibration.

• Ionising radiation.

• Night shifts.

• Stress.

• Violence.

Expectant Women and Nursing Mothers- Controls

• Special Risk Assessment

• Provision of less risky tasks

• Changing work schedules suitably

• Changing work exposure suitably

• Sufficient rest areas and breaks

• Avoiding exposure to lead, Ionising radiation

• Avoiding extreme temperature, stress and violence

• Do not expose to passive smoking

Disabled Workers

Risk Factors

• Health and fitness criteria for some jobs: E.g. eyesight requirements to drive forklift trucks.

• Inability to identify alarms

• Inability to evacuate in emergency


• Special risk assessment

• Special alarms- vibrating, flashing

• Provision of ramps over stairs

• Mapping of areas where disabled people work

• Warnings / Memos in Braille

• Wheel chairs, evac chairs, crutches

• Buddy system

Lone Workers

Risk Factors

• violence: E.g. prison officer, mental-health nurse.

• No support if they are injured or ill: E.g. confined-space entry.


Special risk assessment

Special training on behaviour, diffusion and defensive

Induction/ familiarisation of workplace

Adequate financial support

Modern communication equipment

Lone worker alarms

Lone worker emergency procedure

Information on local helplines and contacts

Remote supervision


Risk Factors

Not aware of hazards, welfare facilities, reporting requirements

No training, No PPE


 Visitor Induction and visitor ID

 Escort to high risk areas

 No entry to high risk areas

 Provision of appropriate PPE, Site Maps

 Signing in signing out procedure

Element 3.6

The Management of Change

Management of change

It is a documented process to effectively manage changes in the system so that the impacts
are clearly understood before changes are implemented.

It involves hazard analysis and participation of senior management.

Management Of Change

Used to ensure safety ,health and environmental risks and hazards are properly controlled
when an organization makes changes to their facilities operations or personal

Effective MOC involves review of all significant changes to ensure that an acceptable level of
safety will be maintained after the change has been implemented

Management of change

Any one in the organisation can initiate a change

It is necessary to have consultation with workers before effecting changes

Proper communication is another key factor

The Process of Management of change

To determine the appropriate level of response the following need to be considered:

Identification of the need for a change and the type of change (permanent, temporary, or emergency).

Evaluation of the change to include the potential consequences, risk assessments, and mitigation

Approval of changes by the proper level

Implementation and documentation of changes includes communication to employees, any additional

training and procedures
Close Out is used to verify that the change has been implemented properly and that lesson learned
have been communicated.

Changes may be categorized into the following five classifications:

Permanent- Changes at this level will require revision in our practices and procedures and need
management review and approval

Temporary-this is a change that is expected to be in place for a specified period only.

Urgent-This is a change that must be made quickly to take advantage of a limited opportunity or
reduce the impact of adverse events

Emergency-this is a change that must be undertaken urgently to avoid, mitigate, or control an


Minor-this is a change that has an inherent low risk and not expected to have a significant impact on
operations or personnel.

The impact of change

It can disrupt usual controls that exist in the workplace an be hazardous to the following.

the Contractor Workers

the in house staff

the Visitors

the members of public

The Impact of Change

Change includes changes to work processes, equipment, practices and construction work (temporary

Temporary works include:

• Short-term building projects.

• Building maintenance.

• Renovation work.

• Demolition.
• Excavations.

Mitigating the Impact of Change

Key management principles:

• Risk assessment – of the work itself and its impact on the workplace.

• Communication and co-operation – between all affected parties.

• Competence – of workers and managers.

• Segregation – of the work area.

• Emergency procedures – and the impact of the works on existing emergency arrangements.

• Welfare provision – for all workers involved.

Managing the impact of Change

Key Management principles:

• Risk assessment – of the work itself and its impact on the workplace

• Communication and Cooperation – between all affected parties

• Competence – of workers and managers

• Segregation – of the work area

• Emergency procedures – and the impact of the works on existing emergency arrangements

• Welfare provision – for all workers involved

Element 3.7

Safe Systems of Work

Introduction to Safe Systems of Work



Introduction to Safe Systems of Work

Introduction to Safe Systems of Work

• Linked to risk assessments:

‒ Hazards identified and controls recorded.

• Documented so the standard is clear.

• Developed by a competent person:

‒ With assistance from workers.

• Legally required in many circumstances:

‒ Employers responsibility to prepare them.

‒ Workers responsibility to follow them.

Developing a Safe System of Work

Worked Example

The Steps In Changing a car wheel:

Step 1 - park the car in a safe location.

Step 2 - remove equipment from boot.

Step 3 - loosen wheel nuts.

Step 4 - jack up car.

Step 5 - remove wheel nuts.

Step 6 - replace wheel and wheel nuts.

Step 7 - lower car, remove jack.

Step 8 - tighten wheel nuts.

Step 9 - replace equipment in boot.

Identifying Controls

For each step:

• First identify the hazards.

• Then identify the controls.

So, Step 1 (changing wheel) might have:

• Hazards - traffic, risk of violence.

• Controls - select location off-road if possible, use hazard lights, if you feel area is
unsafe/at night or if vulnerable group, call recovery service and stay in car.

Introducing Controls and Formulating Procedures

• Often most difficult stage!

• Consultation and engagement helps gain

buy-in from workers.

• Allow concerns to be raised and addressed during development.

Instruction and Training

Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision (IITS).

May need detailed training in the SSW.

Monitoring the System

Must monitor to ensure:

• SSW is being applied correctly.

• SSW is as safe as was intended!

Element 3.8

Permit-to-Work Systems

Permit-to-Work Systems

A formal, documented safety procedure, forming part of a safe system of work.

Typical applications:

Hot work (involving naked flames,

or creation of ignition sources).

Done outside designated areas

High-voltage electrical systems.

[1000Volts +}

Confined-space entry.
Operational pipelines.

Excavation near buried services.

Complex machinery.

Working at height.

Operation and Application

1. Issue: details of the work; location; date; time/duration; hazards;

isolations/controls; PPE.
Name and signature of authorised person issuing permit

2. Receipt: name and signature of person receiving permit.

------- Work can start -------

3. Clearance/return to service: permit signed back to confirm workers are finished.

4. Cancellation: permit signed to accept area back under normal operation.
5. Extension: if necessary.

Permit-to-Work System

• Issue – Pre-Job Checks

– Description of work to be carried out.

– Description of plant and location.

– Identify hazards and assess risks.

– Identification of controls.

– Additional permits, e.g. hot work.

– Isolation of services.

– PPE.

– Emergency procedures.

Receipt – handover of permit:

– Competent and authorised person issues permit to workers.

– Workers sign to say they accept controls.

Work can now start:

Plant is now under the control of the workers.

Permit-to-Work System

Clearance – return to service:

– Workers sign to say they have left the workplace in safe condition, work is complete
and operations can resume.


– Authorised person accepts plant back and can remove isolations, etc. Cancels permit.

Plant is now returned to the control of the “site”.

Importance of Permit Control

● Poorly-implemented permits are useless.

● People must be trained in use.

● Permits must not be treated as ‘pointless paperwork’.

● System must be monitored.

Hot-Work Controls [Example of PTW System]

Remove flammable materials.

Fire-retardant blankets/screens.

Floor swept of debris.

Floors damped down, if necessary.

Fire extinguishers at hand.

“Fire-watcher” present.

Post-work checks to ensure

no smouldering embers.

Element 3.9

Emergency Procedures and First Aid

What emergencies could occur other than fire?

The Need for Emergency Procedures

• Why do we need them?

Because despite all the precautions you take, things can still go wrong.

• What incidents?

‒ Fires.

‒ Bomb threats.

‒ Spillage of a hazardous chemicals.

‒ Release of a toxic gas.

Emergency Procedure Arrangements

• The foreseeable emergencies.

• Procedures for raising the alarm.

• Procedures to be followed.

• Suitable emergency equipment.

• Responsible staff.

• Dealing with the media.

• Contacting emergency services.

Emergency Procedure Arrangements

The organisation needs to arrange:

• Communication equipment:

‒ Landline/mobiles, etc.

• Contact details:

‒ National and local numbers.

• Responsible individuals:

‒ With necessary information.

Training and Testing

Additional training for nominated individuals on:

• Their roles in the emergency.

• Safe handling of any equipment.

Emergency procedures should be practised through drills and exercises.

First-Aid Requirements

Requires appropriate first-aid provision:

• Facilities:

‒ An appropriate location where

first-aid treatment can be given.

• Equipment:

‒ Suitably stocked first-aid kits

and other equipment.

• Personnel:

‒ Trained staff.

First-Aid Facilities and Equipment


• First-aid kits.

• Eye-wash stations.

• Emergency showers.

• Blankets.

• Splints.

• Resuscitation equipment.

• Stretchers.

• Wheelchairs.

• Other equipment as required.

First-Aid Facilities:
• Centrally located; accessible by emergency services.

• Clean and adequately heated, ventilated and lit.

• Hand-wash facilities, chair, clinical waste bin, etc.

First-Aid Personnel

The basic principle of first aid is to keep the injured person alive until professional medical assistance

The ‘3 Ps’:

Preserve life.

Prevent deterioration.

Promote recovery.

And to treat minor ailments that require no further medical help.

Group Exercise

Discuss the issues that you would need to consider to decide the level of first-aid cover in your

First-Aid Personnel

Trained personnel:

• Appointed person - no or basic training only.

• Emergency first aiders and first aiders - full EFW or FW training.

Group Exercise

What factors would you consider when selecting individuals to be first aiders?

Selecting Staff to be First Aiders

• Reliable, calm, good communication skills.

• Aware of own limitations and of the training.

• Ability to absorb new knowledge and learn.

• Ability to cope with stressful situations.

• Able to accept responsibility.

• Physically fit enough.

• Consideration of the need for first aiders considering gender, ethnicity and religious convictions.

• Must be able to be released from normal duties to attend an incident.

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