DLL - Fourth Grading
DLL - Fourth Grading
DLL - Fourth Grading
Component: Health Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of cigarette and
alcohol use prevention for a healthy family life.
Unit 4: Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse
Lesson 1: Cigarettes/Tobacco (Smoking) Performance Standard: The learners prepare advocacy materials that promote healthy
family life.
1. Do you smoke?
2. Is there someone who lives with you, who smoke?
3. Do you have friends who smoke?
4. Are you often exposed to cigarette smoke?
5. Do you stay around people who smoke?
6. When people around you smoke, do you let them know that you do
not want to inhale or smell their smoke?
7. Have you tried giving disapproving look at people who smoke to let
them know that you indirectly dislike smoking? Powepoint
8. Have you ever commented about someone smoking but not directly presentation and
to the smoker?
9. Have you ever asked smokers to get rid of their smoke? laptop
10. Have you ever asked smokers to transfer to another place so that
you would not inhale their smoke?
11. Have you ever tried moving away from a smoker who does not
listen to
your appeal?
12. If you are in a vehicle and someone is smoking, do you roll down
the window or turn towards the window to avoid inhaling smoke?
13. Have you ever tried moving away from a smoker without asking him
/ her to move away instead?
14. Will you just let smokers smoke near you, choosing to be passive,
saying nothing, and doing nothing?
15. Are you afraid that if you speak out and ask a smoker to stop
smoking or move away from you, that he / she will laugh or get mad
at you?
* According to the News last December 2019, 16M Pinoys still
smoke despite of tobacco crackdown.
D. Pulling the Cigarette Thread (Discussion)
*Cigarette smoking primarily affects our RESPIRATORY SYSTEM.
NICOTINE is the addictive chemical in smokeless tobacco and
leaves can be rolled in a cigar or pipe and can be smoked.
A kind of smoke emitted by cigarettes which smokers directly inhale is Visual aids
*Applying knowledge across called MAINSTREAM SMOKE. pp. 356-359
* The Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 is also known as REPUBLIC
curriculum teaching area ACT 9211 or R.A. 9211.
*LUNG CANCER is a malignant growth of cells in the lungs due to
cigarette smoking.
E. TRUE OR FALSE (Class Activity #1)
1. Secondhand smoke is dangerous to one’s health. Visual aids
2. Smoking inside the school premises is a violation of R.A. 9211
3. Cigarette smoking and use of smokeless tobacco kills
thousands of Filipinos every year.
4. The longer cigarette smoke stays in the body, the more it
causes damage to body parts.
5. Cancer, heart diseases, and chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) are just some of the diseases caused by
cigarette smoking.
I. Evaluation
Answer the following questions:
1. Cigarette smoking affects our ____________.
2. Cigarette is one example of ______________.
3. Secondhand smoke is not dangerous to one’s health. Is it true
or false?
4. Give one chemical you can inhale or get in smoking.
5. We need to learn to say ___ on the things that will badly affect our